WC10 URM en
WC10 URM en
WC10 URM en
Introduction 4
Pre-requisites 5
SecurityOn/Off.exe 5
Import Users 6
Create a Role 8
Selecting Permissions 12
Default Permissions 13
Wall Permissions 13
Editing Roles 17
Wall Permissions 18
Deleting Roles 18
Glossary Of Terms 19
Providers 19
Roles 19
Walls 19
Wall Permissions 19
Security Server 19
URM Database 20
Users 20
FAQ's 21
Q: I have created a new template but I can't see it on the template tab in the
WallControl 10 application? 21
Q: I have set permissions for a specific role to view sources but the sources don't
appear in the Sources tab on the WallControl 10 application? 21
Q: I cannot open the WallControl 10 Security Client application, I just get a blank
window and an error message? 21
Q: I have edited Wall Permissions but none of the changes have registered within
the Role? 22
Q: I have installed the WallControl 10 Security Client application but the application
won't open? 22
Glossary 23
Index 24
The application allows you to carry out the following User Rights Management (URM)
l Import users from the Windows® Active Directory into the database.
l Create and edit roles.
l Assign permissions to providers, layouts and sources giving specific roles access to
l Assign Roles to walls.
The Server must be added to a Windows® domain. This is because the User Rights Man-
agement needs to obtain the login credentials of all users. Also, the Client systems must
be added to the same Windows domain as the Server.
A WallControl 10-Pro serial dongle must be inserted into a vacant USB port. When a data-
base of users is created it is tied to your specific serial number contained within the
dongle itself. If the dongle is removed or swapped, the URM security client will not open
and an error message is displayed, therefore it is important the dongle is not removed.
The SecurityOnOff.exe program must be run to enable the security for the URM. To run
the SecurityOnOff.exe, ensure you are logged into Windows® with Administrator Rights.
Locate and double click on the SecurityOnOff.exe file:
The User Rights Management has a dedicated server that must be loaded prior to using
the Application Client. Starting the WallControl 10 server will load both the WallControl 10
server and the WallControl 10 Security Server.
The Security Administration Client (the URM application itself) should be installed on the
Users are imported into the database from the Windows® Active directory. The Active Dir-
ectory is where information on all active users on a domain are stored. The WallControl 10
User Import panel displays a list of all domain users. This enables an administrator to cre-
ate roles based on individuals who have access to the domain on which the WallControl
10 server and client resides.
To import users for selection click, on the Open Import Users icon located on the User
The list of potential users will be displayed alphabetically (by first name) in the User panel.
The panel now displays a list of users that can be imported into the User Rights Man-
agement (URM) database. You can use the alphabetical drop down menu (1) to access spe-
cific users quickly.
When using WallControl 10 Security Administration Client for the first time the first role
created should be that of an Administrator. Once the Administrator role is established, the
Administrator can then go on to create the required operator roles using the same
method. It should be noted that an Administrator Role will need to be created for each
wall on the server.
To create the Administrator Role, firstly select the user from the list by clicking the relevant
check box. This should be the Administrator user you are currently logged into the Win-
dows® domain as. This will enable you to test the validity of the role prior to assigning
more users.
Once the user has been selected click on the Import Selected User icon (2).
Create a Role
Create a Role
A Role is a set of user permissions that can be assigned to a user or group of users. Each
role can be created with specific tasks in mind, for example you may require certain users
to have visibility of inputs and sources or restricted access to certain layout files. Roles
offer great flexibility enabling you to fully manage your display wall.
On initial installation, the first role to create should be an overall Administrator Role. The
Administrator will have access to all user rights therefore the Administrator will create all
subsequent roles. All subsequent roles are created in exactly the same way as detailed
To create the role, ensure you are logged on to the Windows® domain as an admin-
Open the Roles tab (1) in the WallControl 10 Security Administration Client and click on
Create Role.
In this instance a controlling administrator role is being created, therefore "Head Admin-
istrator" has been entered as a Display name (2). Entering a display name is mandatory.
Beneath the Display name is a line for creating a short description of the Role (3). As this
Role will be the head Administrator Role "Access to All" has been added. Adding a descrip-
tion is also mandatory.
The "Base on" function (4), allows new roles to be based on Roles previously created. This
saves time if the permissions within the Roles are similar. Select the Role you wish to base
your new Role on from the drop down list then apply it by clicking on the apply icon (5).
You can then edit the Wall Permissions for your new Role.
Each newly created Role has to be assigned to a wall, to do this simply use the drop down
arrow (6) and select the wall you wish to associate the Role with. The wall the Role is
assigned to can be changed at any time using the drop down list.
Click on "SAVE" at the bottom right of the application window and the Role will be created,
saved and displayed on the Roles panel.
The Role now needs to be assigned Wall Permissions. (See Assign Wall Permissions).
Assign Users to a Role
Now the Head Administrator role has been created, (3) you need to assign a user to that
role. As it's the first role created you will need to assign yourself to that role, this in turn
will allow you to grant Wall Permissions to the role.
The role of Head Administrator has now been created and is displayed in the application
window (3). Now we will allocate a user to this role:
Assign users from the user database that was imported from the Windows® Active Dir-
ectory. (See Import Users). Users are listed in alphabetical order, use the alphabetical drop
down list to locate the required user quickly.
To select a user for the role click in the check box next to the users name (1), once selected
the user will appear in the "Selected for Assignment" panel (2).
When assigning users to subsequent roles, multiple users can be selected however, for the
role of Head Administrator in this example, only one user will be selected.
The selected user now needs to be assigned to a specific role, in the example above, only
one role has been created (3). All roles that are created will be displayed in this panel
along with the wall the role is associated with.
To assign the user to the role, simply click on the role representation and a tick will appear
in the top left corner indicating the role has been selected. On the left of the role is an
information button (4) which when clicked, populates the "Role Properties" panel with
information regarding the role.
Once the user has been assigned click on Save (5) and the user will appear in the
"Assigned Users" panel. Assignment to that role is now complete.
To remove a User from a Role, uncheck the User in the Assigned Users Panel and click on
Save (5)
Now the user is assigned the Role, permissions need to be allocated to the Role. (See
Assign Wall Permissions)
Assign Wall Permissions
Wall Permissions enable the Administrator to manage what tasks can be carried out by cer-
tain Roles/Users. Restrictions can be put in place to enable Roles to only open certain lay-
out files or have access to specific providers or inputs.
The first role that is created, the "Head Administrator" role, should be given access to all
Wall Permissions, this way the "Head Administrator" can create subsequent Roles for
other users.
Assigning Wall Permissions can be implemented when the role is being created i.e. when
using the Create Role panel or after the role has been created using the Edit Role panel.
Selecting Permissions
It is recommended that the Wall Permissions for each role are considered carefully as
many permutations exist. It's best to plan beforehand what permissions are required for
each Role. In the example we have been following the "Head Administrator" Role is
required to have all Wall Permissions assigned.
To select all permissions for the "Head Administrator" role simply check all the boxes in
the Wall Permissions panel, including the Default permissions.
Default Permissions
Default permissions (1) are designed to save time editing roles if new items are added to
the wall. For example, in the illustration above all Default settings have been selected for
the Providers. By selecting these Default settings, should a new type of Provider be
installed on the server, the wall permissions will automatically be selected with the default
Wall Permissions
Wall Permissions (2) dictate what the working limitations are for each Role. A Role may be
required to load specific layout files or open particular templates.
By selecting "All" every permission within the group will be selected, specific permissions
can be de-selected at any time but any changes will need to be saved to take effect.
Roles with Limited Wall Permissions
As an Administrator you may be required to create Roles for users with limited per-
missions. For instance, an operator may be required to display certain templates on spe-
cific walls using the Templates tab in the WallControl 10 application. The following
example shows how permissions could be assigned:
In this example, the Role of "Control Room Operator 1" (3) has permission to connect to
the "Blueprint" Wall (4).
The task of this particular Role requires the user to drag the Control Room 1 and Control
Room 3 templates on to the "Blueprint" wall, therefore permission has been assigned to
"Display" these two templates.
However, to enable the user to carry out this task, they must be able to view the templates
on the Template tab in the WallControl 10 application, therefore permission has been
assigned for this role to View the two templates (5).
Although another template for this Wall exist, it remains invisible to this particular Role.
Providers and Sources
In the example above, a Role has been created for an Input Coordinator (6) who's respons-
ibility it is to control the display of Vision inputs on the "Blueprint" Wall.
Permissions have been assigned allowing this role to Apply Vision inputs to the wall using
the Vision Provider installed in the system (7). However, users assigned to this role must
be able to view the sources on the Sources tab in the WallControl 10 application, therefore
View permissions on all Vision sources have also been assigned.
As the Vision inputs are furnished by the Vision Provider, the View permission of the
Vision provider is also required (8). Failure to assign the Vision Provider View permission,
will result in the sources not being visible on the Sources tab on the WallControl 10 applic-
Permission Description
Default Per-
Automatically add default permissions to new additions to the group.
All Select all permissions in the group. (Not Default permissions).
Add Source Add new sources to the Sources tab
Display Display an item to the wall i.e. Template/Layout/Source.
Connect The ability to connect to a Wall.
Create The ability to create new Templates/Layouts/Walls
Permission to delete Providers/Wall/Templates/Layouts from the
WallControl 10 application
Desktop Display the desktop capture for a selected Wall.
Discover selected walls when the application is started. Without Dis-
Discover cover permission assigned, a wall will not be available in the applic-
ation for that particular role.
Edit The ability to edit Templates and Layouts.
Edit Security Edit the security features of a Wall.
Edit Properties Edit the properties of a source in the application Sources Tab.
Assign this permission to enable a user to move and resize a source
displayed on the Wall.
Rename Assign permission to rename the Providers and Sources.
Search Enables a role to use the search function. Creating search tags etc.
View Enables the role to view specific items in the application.
Editing Roles
When a new Role has been created, an Administrator has the ability to edit it should the
need arise. For instance, new providers/inputs have been installed or there is a require-
ment to upgrade permissions to a Role.
Assigning a new user to the role does not require any editing of the role. The same pro-
cedure is used as detailed in Assign User to a Role.
When the Role is selected a panel is displayed (5) which gives details of who created the
Role and when it was created. Also displayed is a list of users assigned to the role.
Wall Permissions
Wall Permissions (4) can be edited to reflect changes in Role responsibilities. A role must
be selected to enable any changes to be made. Information on how to allocate Wall Per-
missions can be found here.
Any changes made to the Wall Permissions panel must be saved for the changes to take
Deleting Roles
To delete the Role from the list click on the delete icon (3). The delete icon is only active in
Edit mode.
Glossary Of Terms
Hardware or software designed to provide inputs for the video wall, for example: Video
capture cards, IP Streaming device, Remote connection or Internet browser.
Roles is the name given to a specific set of tasks that can be created and assigned to a user
or group of users.
The application created to enable the management of assigning permissions and Users to
A multi-monitor Video wall on which to display a variety of input types like video and IP
Wall Permissions
A selection of settings used to create a Role. Wall Permissions allow a user, assigned to a
Role access to various functions like creating new Layouts or Templates, having the ability
add inputs to the Wall and manipulated them.
A domain controller that authorises and authenticates all users and computers on a Win-
dows® domain network. It manages and stores information regarding users on a net-
Security Server
A dedicated Server for the Security Application Client. The Security Server must be loaded
prior to using the Security Application Client
Security Application Client
URM Database
A repository storing information on users imported from the Windows® Active Directory
and Roles that have been created.
Persons tasked with operating a display wall using the WallControl 10 application.
A: Ensure your Role has permission to connect to the Wall. Also check that the WallCon-
trol 10 server is running and the appropriate WallControl 10-Pro dongle is inserted into a
vacant USB port.
Q: I have created a new template but I can't see it on the template tab in the
WallControl 10 application?
A: Check with the Administrator that your role has been given permission to view the tem-
plates you create.
Q: I have set permissions for a specific role to view sources but the sources
don't appear in the Sources tab on the WallControl 10 application?
A: All sources are furnished by Providers therefore permission to view the Provider is also
A: Ensure the correct WallControl 10-Pro dongle is inserted into a vacant USB port and
that the program is running under an account that is on the network domain. If required,
also check that the WallControl 10 server is running and that no errors are reported in the
toolbar ‘Status Window’
Q: I have edited Wall Permissions but none of the changes have registered
within the Role?
A: Ensure that when you have finished editing a role that any changes are saved by click-
ing on Save or Save and Finish.
Q: I have installed the WallControl 10 Security Client application but the applic-
ation won't open?
A: The SecurityOnOff.exe program must be run to enable the security for the URM. To run
the SecurityOnOff.exe, ensure you are logged into Windows® with Administrator Rights.
Locate and double click on the SecurityOnOff.exe file:
My Term
My definition
Add Source 16
All 16
assign a user 10
assigned to a wall 9
Base on 9
Connect 16
Create 16
Create a Role 8
database 6
Delete 16
Deleting Roles 18
Desktop 16
Discover 16
Display 16
domain users 6
Edit 16
Edit Properties 16
Edit Security 16
Editing Roles 17
Import users 4
login credentials 5
Manipulate 16
Pre-requisites 5
Restrictions 12
Search 16
SecurityOn 5
Selecting Permissions 12
serial dongle 5
User panel 6
Users icon 6
View 16