CGHS Bhawan,
RK Puram Secfo r'73,New Delhi
Dated the 27th December, 2023'
beneficiaries. etc..
with reference to the above subject the undersigned is directed to draw attention
powers had been
the OM No Z15025119/2/DIR/CGHS dated Sth October 2016 vide which
facto approvals in
delegated for setflement of reimbursement claims/ Permissions/ex-post
by the competent
respect of Pensioner CGHS beneficiaries. lt has now been decided
Authority to further delegate financial powers to the Addl. secretary
& DG, CGHS and
Director, CGHS in respect of approvals related to unlisted treatment procedures/
implants, in partial modification of para (v) of the above referred
oM as per
the details given under:
a) Revised Delegation of Financial Powers for Permission
/ ex-post facto Approval /
settlement of Medical Reimbursement claims of Individual Beneficiaries
/ Hospital
per the details given below:
than Rs. 1,50,000/- the cases shall continue to be placed before Standard Technical
2 The revised financial delegations mentioned above will be subject to the conditions that
they will not include any case involving relaxation of rules, irrespective of the amount
involved. Further, cases where the amounts exceed the monetary limits prescribed above will
be considered by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare with the concurrence of lntegrated
Finance Division.
3. The above mentioned delegations of financial powers are in supersession of all the earlier
OM in this regard.
4. The other terms and conditions mentioned in the Office Memorandum No.
Z15O25l79l2lDlRICGHS dated 5'n October 2016 shall remain unchanged.
5. This issues with the concurrence of Integrated Finance Division, Ministry of Health and
Family Welfare.
1. Addl. DDG(HO), CGHS/ AD(HQ), CGHS/ All Addl. Directors of CGHS
2. Addl. cEo, NHA
3. PPS to Secretary, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
4. PPS to AS&DG (CGHS), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
5. PPS to JS, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, looking after CGHS
6. N.O., CGHS(MCTC) with the requestto upoad this OM on the CGHS website.
7. Guard file