Defining A Roadmap For Harmonizing Quali
Defining A Roadmap For Harmonizing Quali
Defining A Roadmap For Harmonizing Quali
Opinion Paper
Laura Sciacovelli*, Mauro Panteghini, Giuseppe Lippi, Zorica Sumarac, Janne Cadamuro,
César Alex De Olivera Galoro, Isabel Garcia Del Pino Castro, Wilson Shcolnik
and Mario Plebani
Medicine (IFCC) is to stimulate studies on the topic of consensus on terms, rationale, criteria and purpose of
errors in Laboratory Medicine, collect available data on each QI and its procedures for data collection [11].
this issue, and recommend strategies and procedures for A preliminary set of MQI, reviewed, approved and
improving patient safety in laboratory testing. A recent finally issued after the Consensus Conference, were used
substantial body of evidence has demonstrated that most since 2014, when a second Consensus Conference was
errors in Laboratory Medicine occur in the pre- and post- organized in Padova, on 26th October, 2016, entitled “Har-
analytical phases of laboratory testing [1–5]. Therefore, monization of quality indicators in Laboratory Medicine:
improving the quality of laboratory testing requires a deep 2 years later”. The aim of the meeting was to bring together
understanding of the many vulnerable steps involved in all experts and interested parties for:
the total examination process (TEP), along with the iden- – discussing experience previously accumulated in the
tification of a hierarchy of risks and challenges that need past few years;
to be addressed. From this perspective, the WG-LEPS is – establishing whether or not the list of QIs should be
focusing its activity on implementation of an efficient tool revised, modified or improved;
for obtaining meaningful information on the risk of errors – better understanding the feasibility of data collection
developing throughout the TEP, and for establishing reli- by clinical laboratories worldwide and identifying
able information about error frequencies and their distri- additional tools (e.g. based on information techno-
bution. The final purpose is to: logy) which may be effective to further improve the
– improve the awareness of laboratory professionals ongoing program;
regarding errors and patient safety; – streamlining all other potential improvements and
– define performance specifications for the extra-ana- the best way to achieve a broad consensus for effec-
lytical phases of the TEP, so providing laboratories tive QIs harmonization.
with a benchmark for performance evaluation and
increasing knowledge about the critical aspects need-
ing improvement actions. Conference
More recently, the European Federation of Clinical Chem- The 2016 Conference was very successful, hosting par-
istry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM) has created the Task ticipants from 14 different Countries: Australia, Austria,
and Finish Group “Performance specifications for the extra- Brazil, China, Croatia, Estonia, France, Hungary, India,
analytical phases” (TFG-PSEP) for defining performance Italy, Serbia, Spain, the UK and the USA. The meeting was
specifications for extra-analytical phases [6]. Both the IFCC also attended by representatives of the Executive Board
and EFLM groups are working to provide laboratories with and Education and Management Division Executive Com-
a system to evaluate their performances and recognize the mittee of the IFCC; the EFLM Executive Board; the EFLM
critical aspects where improvement actions are needed. Working Groups on “Pre-analytical phase” (WG-PRE)
The WG-LEPS project, which commenced in 2008, and “Post-analytical phase” (WG-POST); Italian scientific
aims to define a model of quality indicators (MQI), com- societies of laboratory medicine; the Italian accreditation
plying with harmonization criteria and requirements of body (Accredia); in vitro diagnostic (IVD) manufacturers.
the International Standard ISO 15189:2012 [7]. Specifically, In summarizing what was reported, the purpose of
the quality indicators (QIs) included in the MQI should be the 2016 Conference was to achieve wide consensus on
representative of all the critical activities comprised within which QIs and performance specifications should be used
the TEP and should also be measurable by most labora- in clinical laboratories worldwide, so complying with the
tories worldwide, and be designed to be independent of ISO 15189:2012 requirements, monitoring the main critical
the health care context, laboratory testing’s purpose and activities and promoting minimization of error risk. The
goals, number and types of patients tested, type of activi- data collected and published in the past years were dis-
ties, sensitivity and training of staff, etc. [8–10]. cussed by all participants [12–15].
A preliminary MQI has been initially developed and All QIs included in the last MQI were revisited and
tested under actual conditions, by involving laboratories discussed, in an effort to investigate to what extent each
over a 5-year period (2008–2013). All the main findings indicator may still be valid or should be modified, or whether
that emerged during the experimentation phase were more accurate explanations should be provided (as a note)
discussed in a Consensus Conference held in Padova in for better understanding by the users (i.e. laboratory pro-
2013 (“Harmonization of quality indicators: why, how fessionals). The discussion was continued after the confer-
and when?”). The 2013 Conference reached a preliminary ence with electronic correspondence exchange.
Despite the importance of using QIs as a quality information that should be provided within the report to
assurance tool, it was also recognized that the number the clinical laboratories participating in the QIs project.
of participating laboratories applying QIs is not as large
as it could and should be. The underlying reasons may
be mainly attributable to time constraints and shortage Model of quality indicators
of human resources for data collection, which may make
it difficult to implement most QIs and to assure continu- The reviewed MQI are reported in Tables 1–3. A general
ous participation over time. Moreover, some national agreement was achieved for all QIs included in the
surveys organized by national scientific societies or MQI. Several measurements (53) have been identified to
external quality assessment (EQA)/proficiency testing monitor 27 QIs (Table 4) and some explanatory notes have
(PT) providers, using a limited number of QIs proposed been exploited for facilitating interpretation of measur-
by WG-LEPS, have potentially distracted the focus on the able events.
MQI project. The agreed MQI are now (2017) available from the ded-
According to the consensus of the 2014 EFLM Stra- icated WG-LEPS website (, as an Exter-
tegic Conference “Defining analytical performance goals nal Quality Assurance Program (EQAP). The participating
15 years after the Stockholm Conference on Quality Spec- laboratories are not required to use all the QIs proposed
ifications in Laboratory Medicine”, for the definition in the MQI. They can, at least in the initial phase, select
of performance specifications the models based on the the most appropriate QIs for their specific setting (particu-
impact on clinical outcome and on the state-of-the-art larly from among those rated as “priority 1”) and collect
have been discussed, as the biological variation model is and report the corresponding data. Afterwards, they may
not applicable to extra-analytical QIs [16]. In particular, eventually implement and use additional QIs.
it has been widely recognized that performance specifi- Data of participating laboratories will be collected
cations based on a reliable state-of-the-art, defined on through the dedicated website and each participant will
QIs’ data, is the most feasible and attainable criterion to have a confidential username and password for assuring
be immediately applicable because no data can be col- confidentiality.
lected from clinicians’ opinion. Participants’ views have
been exchanged regarding the opportunity to define one,
two or even three limits for defining laboratory perfor- Performance specifications
mance. In particular: one limit set at the 25th percentile
to define the acceptable or unacceptable performance; The limits for evaluation of laboratory performance are
two limits set at 10th–80th percentiles for high, medium fixed at the 25th and 75th percentile according to the QIs
and low performance; three limits set at 25th–50th– data collected during the previous year. The performance
75th for high, medium, low, unacceptable performance, is then classified as follows:
respectively [17]. – individual results <25th percentile of value distribu-
Finally, considerations about the information in the tion = performance of high quality;
reports currently generated for the single laboratories par- – individual results between 25th and 75th percen-
ticipating in the WG-LEPS project have been exchanged, tile of value distribution = performance of medium
in order to evaluate their completeness, adequacy and quality;
effectiveness. Importantly, all participants approved the – individual results >75th percentile of value distribu-
reports without modifications, so judging them to be tion = performance of low quality.
adequate and useful for identifying local laboratory per-
formance and allowing benchmarking with other labora- At the end of each year of data collection, QIs data from
tories both in the same country and around the world. participating laboratories will be processed and analyzed,
so allowing the calculating of the 25th and 75th percentiles
to be used as performance limits for the following year (for
Consensus statement 2017, 2016). The new performance specifications will be
introduced only if the state-of-the art is improving, other-
A general agreement was achieved. The main outcomes wise previous quality specifications should be active. This
of the conference have been the release of a new version criterion, based on the state-of-the-art, allows aligning
of MQI, the approval of a criterion for establishing per- performance specifications to the path of general labora-
formance specifications and the definition of the type of tory improvement and, at the same time, laboratories will
Key processes
Pre-analytical phase
Misidentification errors Pre-MisR Percentage of: Number of misidentified requests/Total number of 1
Pre-MisS Percentage of: Number of misidentified samples/Total number of 1
Inappropriate test Pre-OffQue Percentage of: Number of requests without clinical question 2 Offside patients = not hospitalized patients
requests (offside patients)/Total number of requests (offside patients)
Pre-OffReq Percentage of: Number of inappropriate requests, with respect to 4 Offside patients = not hospitalized patients
clinical question (offside patients)/Number of requests reporting
clinical question (offside patients)
Pre-InsReq Percentage of: Number of inappropriate requests, with respect to 4 Inside patients = hospitalized patients
Pre-InsUn Percentage of: Number of unintelligible inside patients requests/ 3 Inside patients = hospitalized patients
Total number of inside patients requests
Incorrect sample type Pre-WroTy Percentage of: Number of samples of wrong or inappropriate 1
sample matrix (e.g. whole blood instead of plasma)/Total number
of samples
Pre-WroCo Percentage of: Number of samples collected in wrong container/ 1
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Table 1 (continued)
Key processes
>0.5 g/L detected by visual inspection/Total number of checked hemolysis have to be included (clinical chemistry,
samples for hemolysis immunochemistry, coagulation, etc.)
Pre-HemI Percentage of: Number of samples with free hemoglobin (Hb) 1 Checked samples = all samples verified for
>0.5 g/L detected by automated hemolytic index/Total number of hemolysis have to be included (clinical chemistry,
checked samples for hemolysis immunochemistry, coagulation, etc.)
Pre-HemR Percentage of: Number of samples rejected due to hemolysis/Total 1 Checked samples = all samples verified for
Download Date | 2/21/18 10:51 PM
number of checked samples for hemolysis hemolysis have to be included (clinical chemistry,
immunochemistry, coagulation, etc.).
Clotted samples Pre-Clot Percentage of: Number of samples clotted/Total number of 1 Checked samples = all samples verified for clots have
samples with an anticoagulant checked for clots to be included (hematology, coagulation clinical
chemistry, etc.)
Inappropriate time in Pre-InTime Percentage of: Number of samples collected at inappropriate time 2 This QI has to be collected if time of sample collection
sample collection of sample collection/Total number of samples requiring a specified is required (e.g. cortisol)
time for data collection
Intra-analytical phase
Test uncovered by an IQC Intra-IQC Percentage of: Number of tests without IQC/Total number of tests 1 IQC: internal quality control
in the menu
Unacceptable Intra-UnIQC Percentage of: Number of IQC results outside defined limits/Total 1 IQC: internal quality control
performances in IQC number of IQC results
Table 1 (continued)
Key processes
Test uncovered by an Intra-EQA Percentage of: Number of tests without EQA-PT control/Total 1 EQA: external quality assessment; PT: proficiency
EQA-PT control number of tests in the menu testing
Unacceptable Intra-Unac Percentage of: Number of unacceptable performances in EQAS-PT 1 EQA: external quality assessment; PT: proficiency
performances in EQA-PT Schemes, per year/Total number of performances in EQA Schemes, testing
schemes per year
Data transcription errors Intra-ErrTran Percentage of: Number of incorrect results for erroneous 1
manual transcription/Total number of results that need manual
Intra-FailLIS Percentage of: Number of incorrect results for information system 1
problems/Total number of results
Post-analytical phase
Table 1 (continued)
Key processes
Support processes
Outcome measures
Sample Out-RecLab Percentage of: Number of patients with recollected 1 Examples of error:
recollection samples for errors due to laboratory staff/Total erroneous data collection;
number of patients wrong result, etc.
Out-RecOff Percentage of: Number of patients with recollected 1 Examples of error:
samples for errors not due to the laboratory staff/Total erroneous data collection;
number of patients wrong result, etc.
Amended results Out-InacR Percentage of: Number of amended results/Total 1
number of released results
not be discouraged from reaching unattainable limits, but Table 5 reports, as an example, quality specifications
will still acknowledge that achieving better performance concerning some QIs based on results collected in the
is possible. 2016 year.
Notably, when the QIs data were used to measure the
desirable events (Post-Comm, Supp-Train, Supp-Cred,
Supp-Phys, Supp-Pat), the high and low levels of per- Data reporting for laboratories
formance corresponded to the 75th and 25th percentiles,
respectively. When the percentile values were equal, the The participants’ reports to the EQAP should include the
use of a single value was feasible. following information.
Table 5: Example of performances specifications for some QIs of the key processes.
Pre-anaytical phase
Misidentification errors Pre-MisR <0.002 0.002–0.13 >0.13
Pre-MisS 0 0–0.056 >0.056
Pre-Iden 0 0–0.23 >0.23
Incorrect sample type Pre-WroTy 0 0–0.03 >0.03
Pre-WroCo <0.003 0.003–0.03 >0.03
Incorrect fill level Pre-InsV <0.014 0.014–0.092 >0.092
Pre-SaAnt <0.07 0.07–0.57 >0.57
Unsuitable samples for transportation and Pre-NotSt 0 0–0.01 >0.01
storage problems Pre-ExcTim 0 0–0.13 >0.13
Clotted samples Pre-Clot <0.11 0.11–0.43 >0.43
Intra-anaytical phase
Unacceptable performances in EQA-PT schemes Intra-Unac <2.4 2.4–3.8 >3.8
Post-anaytical phase
Inappropriate turnaround times Post-PotTAT <55 55–70 >70
Incorrect laboratory reports Post-IncRep 0 0–0.03 >0.03
Consensus statement from the 1st strategic conference of the extra-analytical phases of laboratory testing: Why and how. Clin
European federation of clinical chemistry and laboratory medi- Biochem 2017;50:550–4.
cine. Clin Chem Lab Med 2015;53:833–5. 18. Lippi G, Sciacovelli L, Simundic AM, Plebani M. Innovative soft-
17. Plebani M. EFLM Task Force on Performance Specifications for ware for recording preanalytical errors in accord with the IFCC
the extra-analytical phases. Performance specifications for the quality indicators. Clin Chem Lab Med 2017;55:e51–3.