7, JULY 2022
Abstract—Change impact analysis (CIA) is a specialized process of program comprehension that investigates the ripple effects of a
code change in a software system. In this paper, we present a boosting way for change impact analysis via mapping the historical
change-patterns to current CIA task in a cross-project scenario. The change-patterns reflect the coupling dependencies between
changed entities in a change set. A traditional CIA tool (such as ImpactMiner) outputs an initial impact set for a starting entity. To boost
the traditional CIA tool, our approach retrieves an equivalent entity from various historical change sets for the starting entity. Then, the
change-patterns between the equivalent entity and the rest of entities in the change set are mapped to the CIA task at hand. For current
CIA task, if an entity in the initial impact set involves the similar change-pattern with the starting entity when comparing with the mapped
change-pattern, we will reward the impacted confidence of the entity. Accuracy improvements are observed in the experiments when
applying our boosting method to three famous CIA tools, i.e., ImpactMiner, JRipples and ROSE.
its impacted class c~n , and class cn has similar change-pat- We introduce a set of criteria for evaluating the use-
tern with cinit when comparing with one of c~init and c~n . fulness of our CIA boosting method. Accuracy
Then, cn is likely to be an impacted class by cinit when cinit improvements are observed when applying our
is the change starting point. boosting method to ImpactMiner, JRipples and
Based on such an idea, we propose the change-patterns ROSE.
to boost the performance of the traditional CIA tools in this We have uploaded the source code of the boosting
paper. Specifically, we first download a number of change method to the Github, and the URL is: https://github.
sets from the evolutionary history of more than one hun- com/CIABoosting/Change-Patterns-Mapping. We describe
dred projects, and identify the starting changed class (i.e., the basic requirements and steps for running the proposed
starting class) in each change set. For a starting class cinit in method. Besides, we upload the key dataset to the Github,
the CIA task at hand, we retrieve an equivalent starting such as, the starting classes of the commits, the change-pat-
class c~init with similar functionality from the historical terns, and the original impacted sets generated by the tools
change sets to cinit , and the change-patterns of c~init are Impactminer, Jripples and Rose, etc. The more detailed
mapped to the CIA task of cinit . Meanwhile, we employ a information about the key dataset can be found at the
traditional CIA tool to get an initial impact set for cinit . After URL:
that, we boost the classes in the initial impact set when they for-ChangePatternsMapping.
involve similar change-patterns as comparing with the ones The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2
between c~init and its impacted classes. We chose 7 open- shows a motivating scenario and the overview of main
source projects for CIA tasks, which are considered to be steps. Section 3 introduces the traditional change impact
high-quality, well evolved and widely used in related stud- analysis. Section 4 describes the process of seeking similar
ies [13], [14], [15]. We found that the combination of tradi- change-patterns from the cross-project scenario. Section 5
tional CIA methods and our boosting method is superior to introduces the setups of the case study. The result of the
the standalone CIA methods, i.e., the maximum relative case study is presented in Section 6. Section 7 shows a quali-
improvements of precision for ImpactMiner, JRipples and tative analysis. Section 8 is the discussion and threats to
ROSE are 21.98, 6.52 and 11.81 percent, respectively. validity. Section 9 summarizes the related works. Section 10
The contributions of our work are shown as follows: summarizes our approach and outlines directions of future
We propose the concept of change-pattern to mea-
sure the coupling dependencies between changed
software entities, and using vectorized representa-
tion make the change-pattern measurable. OF MAIN STEPS
Due to the metrizability, the change-patterns from 2.1 Motivating Scenario
different projects can be used to assist the CIA task This section overviews a motivating scenario with an exam-
at hand, and then the MSR based CIA method is gen- ple that uses the similar change-patterns to determine the
eralized to a cross-project scenario by us. impacted entities in CIA task. As shown in Fig. 1, the start-
We demonstrate that there are a lot of similar ing points JEditTextArea (Fig. 1a) and TextArea-
change-patterns (i.e., 213,554) across projects, which Painter (Fig. 1b) in the two change sets have similar
provides a solid foundation for us using the similar functionality. The source code of these classes is adapted
change-patterns to boost CIA methods. and simplified for presentation purposes. Due to the
method renaming (i.e., code lines with underlines are the class, and generate a ranking list for the impacted classes
changed lines, and “-” denotes code removing, and “+” according to their change confidence. In the boosting phase,
denotes code adding) in JEditTextArea and TextArea- we retrieve a similar starting class from the historical
Painter, JEditTextArea transfers the change ripple change sets for the given starting class, and map the
effect to ChunkCache and DisplayManager, and Tex- change-patterns in the historical change sets to the CIA task
tAreaPainter transfers the change ripple effect to at hand, and use the change-patterns to boost the rankings
Buffer and OffsetManager. of impacted classes obtained by the traditional CIA tools.
We found that classes JEditTextArea and TextArea- To identify a starting class of each change set, we employ
Painter have similar ripple effects on the systems, and they the ISC tool proposed in our previous study [12], [16], which
have similar change-patterns with their impacted entities. As can identify the root change that causes the change of the rest
Fig. 1 shows, JEditTextArea builds change-pattern of entities in a change set. Meanwhile, we employ the tradi-
< SAI,1 MMAIM2 > with DisplayManager, which is the tional CIA tools, ImpactMiner [17], JRipples [18] and ROSE
same with the change-pattern between TextAreaPainter [9], to obtain an initial impact set for a given starting class. To
and OffsetManager. Another change-pattern < CMAIM,3 retrieve a similar starting class from the historical change sets
SAI > between JEditTextArea and ChunkCache is also for the given starting class, we apply code semantic and syn-
similar with the one (i.e., < CMAIM, SAI > ) between Tex- tactic information to measure the similarity between classes.
tAreaPainter and Buffer.
The change-patterns can be used to facilitate the change 3 CHANGE IMPACT ANALYSIS
impact analysis. For example, if JEditTextArea is a start-
3.1 Basic Conceptions
ing point that developer try to change, and he (or she) finds
Given a starting entity (such as a class: cinit ), a traditional
a similar class TextAreaPainter to JEditTextArea
from the historical change set, and the change-patterns change impact analysis approach can infer the software
between TextAreaPainter and its impacted classes (i.e., entities (such as a class: ci ) that need to be further changed
Buffer and OffsetManager) are given. Then, the devel- in the software system [17], [18]. In general, the change
oper can regard the classes that have similar change-pat- impact analysis approach gives a confidence [2], [19] for
terns (comparing with the change-patterns between each entity, that is, the likelihood that further changes be
TextAreaPainter and its impacted classes) to JEdit- applied to the software entity
TextArea as the potentially impacted entities, i.e.,
ChunkCache and DisplayManager. confðcinit ; ci Þ ¼ P ðcinit ; ci Þ: (1)
Also, we can get a ranking list for the impacted entities 4 SEEKING SIMILAR CHANGE-PATTERNS
according to their change confidence in descending order.
To determine whether a starting entity cinit and its impacted
Then, several evaluation metrics (e.g., precision and recall)
entity ci have similar change-patterns in historical change
can be introduced to evaluate the performance of a CIA
sets, we need to first identify the starting entity c~init in
method with considering a fixed size of the impacted enti-
each historical change set, and then generate the change-
ties in the ranking list, known as cut-off points in [2], [20]. cd
pattern < c~init ! c~j >; then we can compare the similarity
cd cd
3.2 Ranking Boosting of change-patterns via < cinit ! ci > and < c~init ! c~j >
In order to optimize the performance of the CIA methods, : At last, the similar change-pattern < c~init ! c~j > can be
researchers always want to boost the rankings of truly mapped to the CIA task for cinit .
impacted entities in the list as much as possible. For exam-
ple, Gethers et al., [20] introduce an adaptive approach to
improve the rankings of truly impacted entities via combin- 4.1 Identifying Starting Entity
ing various boosting mechanisms such as information The algorithm of identifying starting entity c~init from a histor-
retrieval, dynamic analysis, etc. Kagdi et al., [2] introduce ical change set has been proposed in our previous study [12],
conceptual couplings to improve the rankings of truly [16], known as ISC, and we employ ISC to identify the start-
impacted entities. ing entity in a historical change set in this paper. The starting
Intuitively, the co-changed entities in the evolution his- entity is also called salient entity in [12], [16], and the salient
tory of a project can be used as a vital reference for the CIA entity is the root change that causes the modification of the
task. Based on this idea, Zimmermann et al. propose to use rest of entities in a change set, while the rest of entities are the
historical co-changed entities for CIA task [9]. Different dependency modification along with the salient one. There-
from the previous works, we introduce the historical fore, the salient entity is the starting entity in this study.
change-patterns to optimize the rankings of truly impacted We added a real world example from jEdit (i.e., commit
entities. We call the coupling dependencies from a starting 22,828) project to illustrate how ISC identifies the starting
entity to impacted entities as change-pattern. For example, entity in a historical change set in this paper, as shown in
in a historical change set, the change-pattern between Figs. 3a, 3b, and 3c. The commit is adapted and simplified
a starting entity c~init and an impacted entity c~j is denoted for presentation purposes. As Fig. 3a shows, developer
by < c~init !~ cj > when c~init builds coupling dependency updates the method abbreviate() to abbreviateView() (the
(i.e., !) with c~j . minus “” represents the deleted code and the plus “+”
A CIA method can recommend an impact set for a start- represents the added code) in class MiscUtilities, and the
ing entity cinit , and the starting entity cinit may have cou- code change has ripple effect cross another 2 classes, i.e.,
pling dependencies with an entity ci in the impact set. Then, Buffer, BufferPrinter1_3 as Figs. 3b and 3c show. Obviously,
if cinit and ci have a similar change-pattern when comparing MiscUtilities is the starting entity.
with c~init and c~j (which come from historical change set), we Because a code change tends to propagate from the initial
can improve the confidence of the impacted entity ci by node of change occurrence to the node that has coupling
rewarding a value of Pscp . Then, the final confidence (i.e., relationship with the initial node, ISC uses structural cou-
conf) of entity ci is pling information between entities as one of the features to
identify the starting entity. For example, the coupling rela-
confðcinit ; ci Þ ¼ P ðcinit ; ci Þ þ Pscp ðcinit ; ci Þ: (3) tionship of method invocation (i.e., abbreviateView())
between classes MiscUtilities and Buffer. Meanwhile, since
After applying Pscp to the confidence of ci , the ranking of the starting entity in a change set is initially modified, start-
ci in the list will be improved. ing and non-starting entities differ in the amount of code
involved in the modification. Therefore, ISC employs the code line of a software entity into syntactic tokens via ana-
update degree (e.g., the number of changed code state- lyzing the abstract syntax tree, then the software entities
ments) of an entity in a change set to identify the starting cinit and c~init corresponds to token sequences TokenList1 and
entity. For example, the number of changed code statements TokenList2, respectively. To measure the syntactic similarity
in MiscUtilities and Buffer are different. In addition, ISC of two entities, the syntax matching method looks for the
also uses the types of commit to distinguish the starting and longest matching subsequence from the two token sequen-
non-starting entities in a change set. For example, the com- ces, as shown in Algorithm 1.
mit 22,828 is a “Re-Engineering” [12], [16] change set as it
Algorithm 1. Syntactic Similarity Computing
involves method renaming. ISC will identify the class Mis-
cUtilities as the starting entity via analyzing these features Input: TokenList1: the token sequence of class 1;
extracted from the commit. ISC achieves an accuracy of TokenList2: the token sequence of class 2;
87 percent in identifying the starting entity. More introduc- Output: SyntaxSimilarity
tion of ISC can be found in [12], [16]. Begin
1: For i = 0 to TokenList1.size do:
4.2 Seeking Equivalent Starting Entity 2: For j = 0 to TokenList2.size do:
3: If (TokenList1.get(i) == TokenList2.get(j)) do:
For a current CIA task, we have a starting entity cinit , and try
4: M[i,j] = 1;
to seek a starting entity c~init with similar functionality to cinit
5: End If
from the historical change sets, and c~init is an equivalent 6: End For
starting entity for cinit , and the change-patterns caused by 7: End For
c~init are used as a reference for the CIA task of cinit . Then, we 8: Foreach M[n,m]do:
need to compare the similarity of cinit and c~init . In general, we 9: While (true) do:
can determine the similarity from the code semantic and syn- 10: If(M[n,m] == 1) do:
tactic information. Code syntax can catch the program func- 11: subseqt .add(M[n,m])
tional information from a perspective of program logic, 12: n = n + 1;
while code semantics can intuitively catch the program func- 13: m = m + 1;
tional information from the word-choices of the source code. 14: remove(M[n,m]);
Not all the words in the source code play a positive role 15: Else:
for the semantic similarity analysis, some noisy words have 16: break;
no actual semantics and may weaken the original code 17: End If
semantics. To eliminate these noisy words, three prepro- 18: End While
cessing rules are applied on the original source code: 1) filter 19: End Foreach
out the function words in the source code, such as: ’and’, 20: Foreach subseqt do:
’the’, ’an’, etc. 2) filter out the keywords of Java, such as: 21: While (true) do:
’public’, ’void’, ’if’, ’import’, ’static’, etc. 3) filter out the letter 22: If gap(subseqt , subseqtþ1 ) < do:
sequence which does not denote a word, such as: ’tttt’, 23: subseqt = link(subseqt , subseqtþ1 );
24: t = t + 1;
’hhhk’, ’kkkk’, etc. In addition, we split the camel-case words
25: remove(subseqtþ1 );
into single words. Then, each entity corresponds to a text,
26: Else:
e.g., cinit and c~init corresponds to T ðcinit Þ and T ð~ cinit Þ.
27: break;
Inspired by Ye et al. [21], we use the asymmetric similar-
28: End If
ity to measure the sematic similarity of T ðcinit Þ and T ð~ cinit Þ. 29: End While
In study [21], the similarity between a word w in T ðcinit Þ 30: End Foreach
and the text T ð~ cinit Þ is defined as 31: SyntaxSimilarity = max lengthfsubseq1 ;subseq2 ;...;subseqt g
max sizefTokenList1;TokenList2g
32: Return SyntaxSimilarity;
cinit ÞÞ ¼
Simðw; T ð~ max simðw; w0 Þ; (4) End
w2T ðcinit Þ
where w0 2 T ð~ cinit Þ and we use WordNet4 to measure the In Algorithm 1, we first compare every token in Token-
normalized similarity simðw; w0 Þ between two words. Then, List1 (corresponding to token sequence 1) with every token
the similarity between two text T ðcinit Þ and T ð~ cinit Þ is in TokenList2 (corresponding to token sequence 2). We use a
matrix to store the result, and every matrix cell M½i; j stores
w2T ðcinit Þ Simðw; T ð~ cinit ÞÞ idfðwÞ the result of the comparison between the relevant token i and
SimðT ðcinit Þ; T ð~
cinit ÞÞ ¼ P : the relevant token j. M½i; j ¼ 1 means the relevant tokens are
w2T ðcinit Þ idfðwÞ
matched (i.e., identical). Second, we look for the matched
(5) cells from upper left corner of the matrix. From the first
Namely, an asymmetric similarity SimðT ðcinit Þ; T ð~cinit ÞÞ matched cell, we will further extend up to the first unmatched
is then computed as a normalized, idf-weighted sum of sim- cell on the main diagonal direction. The continuously
ilarities between words in T ðcinit Þ. matched cells form a subsequence. We continue to find out
To measure the syntactic similarity of cinit and c~init , we all the subsequences in the matrix. Third, we check the gap
use the syntax matching method proposed in our previous between any two subsequences in the matrix. If the gap is
study [22]. The syntax matching method first parses each less than a specific number, we link these two subsequences
to form a longer one. In the same manner the gap checking is
4. repeated until we traverse all subsequences, then we can find
Method Member Variable mi invokes variable ai MMAUA CRfg ¼ fCi ei ) Cj ej j ei 2 ðAi [ Mi Þ ^ ej 2 ðAj [ Mj Þg;
mi invokes variable aj of Cj MMAIA
mi invokes method mj of Cj MMAIM
Class Member Variable mi invokes variable ai CMAUA
where ei and ej are the variables or methods contained in Ci
mi invokes variable aj of Cj CMAIA and Cj , respectively. ei ) ej denotes that ei and ej couple
mi invokes method mj of Cj CMAIM together at the variable or method levels. According to the
Function Parameter mi invokes parameter ai FPUA definition, there are 4 possible instances of the finer granu-
mi invokes variable aj of Cj FPIA larity CRfg , namely, Ci ai ) Cj aj , Ci ai ) Cj mj ,
mi invokes method mj of Cj FPIM Ci mi ) Cj aj , Ci mi ) Cj mj .
In our investigation, the instances of Ci ai ) Cj aj
and Ci ai ) Cj mj barely occur in real encoding, while
a longest subsequences at last. Fourth, dividing the length of
Ci mi ) Cj aj and Ci mi ) Cj mj occur in most
the longest subsequences by the max length of token
cases. Thus, we only consider the latter two in the next.
sequence 1 and token sequence 2 is the syntactic similarity.
Coupling Dependency 3. This dependency builds a cou-
Since semantic (i.e., semanSimi) and syntactic similarities
pling relation between mi of Ci and aj of Cj , namely, a
(i.e., syntdeSimi) are equally important in determining whether
Method-to-Variable dependency
two entities are similar, we combine the semantic and syntac-
tic similarities by given them equal weights when calculating CR3 ¼ fCi mi ) Cj aj j mi 2 Mi ^ aj 2 Aj g: (9)
the overall similarity (i.e., weightedSimi), i.e., weightedSimi ¼
2 ðsemanSimi þ syntdeSimiÞ. Then, we can retrieve a number The most representative instance for CR3 is Static Variable
of functionality-similar starting entities from the change sets Invoking (SAI).
for cinit , which is used to assist the CIA task of cinit . Coupling Dependency 4. This dependency builds a cou-
pling relation between mi of Ci and mj of Cj , namely, a
4.3 Change-Patterns Identification Method-to-Method dependency
The change-patterns refer to the coupling dependencies
from the change starting entity to the impacted entities in a CR4 ¼ fCi mi ) Cj mj j mi 2 Mi ^ mj 2 Mj g: (10)
change set. Since there can be various coupling dependen-
cies between the starting entity and impacted entities [23], CR4 builds coupling relation at the method level. E.g., Static
there are many types of change-patterns. According to the Method Invoking (SMI); Construction Method Invoking (CMI).
study [23] as well as our observation from the object-ori- In addition to the above mentioned instances for each
ented programming paradigm in previous study [13], we coupling dependencies, there is a most common instance in
get 21 common instances of coupling dependencies from real encoding [25]. This kind of instance uses Cj to define an
the source code, and these coupling dependencies may exist variable ai contained in Ci , where ai may be a Method
at the class level, method level, and variable level. Member Variable or Class Member Variable or Function Parame-
Coupling Dependency 1. For a change set S, a starting class ter. Generally, the defined variable ai is usually used in a
Ci 2 S, and an impacted class Cj 2 S. If Ci and Cj establish method mi of Ci , and there are three usages: 1 using ai
coupling relationship at the class level, they satisfy the directly in a certain method mi of Ci . Because ai is a vari-
Class-to-Class coupling dependency, denoted by able declared by Cj and ai is used in a certain method mi
of Ci , thus we can regard the coupling relation between Ci
CR1 ¼ fCi ) Cj j Ci 2 S; Cj 2 Sg; (6) and Cj as Method-to-Class. E.g., the instances MMAUA,
CMAUA and FPUA satisfy this case, and detailed descrip-
where ’)’ denotes the coupling relationship. In Java pro- tion is shown in Table 1; 2 invoking the variable aj of Cj
gram syntax, Inheritance(IH) and Implementing Interface(II) via ai (because ai is declared by Cj ), and Ci and Cj builds
[24] are the most common cases that satisfy CR1 . a Method-to-Variable coupling relation. As Table 1 shows,
A class Ci includes a sets of variables Ai and methods Mi . the instances MMAIA, CMAIA and FPIA satisfy this case; 3
Namely, Ci = fAi ; Mi g, and Ai = fai1 ; ai2 ; . . . ; ait g, Mi = invoking the method mj of Cj via ai , and Ci and Cj builds
fmi1 ; mi2 ; . . . ; mih g. Ai and Mi are the set of variables and a Method-to-Method coupling relation. As Table 1 shows,
methods of Ci , respectively. Similarly, Cj = fAj ; Mj g, and the instances MMAIM, CMAIM and FPIM satisfy this case.
Aj = faj1 ; aj2 ; . . . ; aju g, Mj = fmj1 ; mj2 ; . . . ; mjv g. Aj and Mj We have classified the coupling dependencies into 4
are the set of variables and methods of Cj , respectively. types at class, variable and method levels. Table 2 shows
Coupling Dependency 2. A method mi of Ci uses the class the 4 coupling dependencies and their corresponding for-
Cj , but it is not intended to define a variable by Cj or call malization expressions and 18 instances. To identify the
the static variables and methods of Cj , the situation satisfies coupling dependencies that two classes satisfy, we get the
the Method-to-Class coupling dependency variable and method definitions and the variable and
method invocations in the two classes via analyzing their
CR2 ¼ fCi mi ) Cj j mi 2 Mi g: (7)
abstract syntax trees by applying the JavaParser5 APIs.
The instances of CR2 are: Type-Casting (TC), Instanceof (IO),
Return Type (RT), and Exception Throws (ET), etc. 5.
Coupling Dependencies
Vcp ðCi ; Cj Þ ¼ < IH; II; TC; IO; . . . ; CMAIM > : (11) (14)
We will determine the values of t and h via the compari-
The value of each dimension in Vcp ðCi ; Cj Þ is the number son experiments, and the optimal values of t and h are 20
of a certain coupling dependency that the two classes satisfy. and 0.8. More discussion regarding the t and h can be found
in Sections 8.1 and 8.2.
4.4 Change-Patterns Mapping
For a starting entity cinit in the current CIA task, we can 5 CASE STUDY DESIGN
retrieve t equivalent starting entities c~init from t historical
To have a meaningful evaluation, we outline 3 change
change sets. Then, the change-patterns between c~init and the
impact analysis methods (namely, ImpactMiner, JRipples
rest of the entities (i.e., c~j ) in a change set can be mapped to
and ROSE) after applying our boosting mechanism. Besides,
the current CIA task to boost the rankings of the entities
we empirically investigate how our approach performs by
that are truly impacted by cinit .
comparing it with a random approach.
We employ Jaccard similarity [26] to measure the similar-
ity of change-patterns. Jaccard similarity is suitable to deal
5.1 Datasets
with the case in this study, because the positive matching of
To collect the historical change sets, we downloaded 182
the coupling dependency on a certain dimension (a certain
projects from Github6 and SourceForge,7 the historical
dimension in two vectors have the same value) is more
change set is also known as commit in most studies [9], [27].
meaningful than negative matching (a certain dimension in
The projects are selected based on the following rules: First,
two vectors have different values). In the similarity mea-
we require that all the selected projects are open source and
surement, the number of negative matching is considered to
implemented in Java. Second, we selected projects that have
be insignificant, and Jaccard similarity can ignore the influ-
active updates in its evolution history. Third, we selected
ence of negative matching.
projects belonging to different domains including graphics
We first find t equivalent starting entities from t historical
editor, text editor, game, programming frame, middleware
change sets for a starting entity cinit according to the code
system, etc. Combining all the above factors, we selected the
semantic and syntactic similarities. Then, for a change-pattern
cd 182 projects from different domains. Not all the commits are
< cinit ! ci >; we try to find its similar change-patterns
cd useful due to the number of classes contained in the commits.
< c~init !~ cj > from the t change sets via the Jaccard Since our approach tries to find the similar change-patterns
similarity from the historical commits, we filter out the commits with
less than 2 classes files (including the commits containing
cinit ; c~j Þ
Vcp ðcinit ; ci Þ \ Vcp ð~ non-source code files). After applying the filter rule, there
cinit ; c~j ÞÞ ¼
JSimiðVcp ðcinit ; ci Þ; Vcp ð~ ;
cinit ; c~j Þ
Vcp ðcinit ; ci Þ [ Vcp ð~ are 94,778 commits in total. A local repository is built to save
(12) these commits, and we use the method described in previous
sections to identify the starting class in each commit, and
generate the change-patterns for each commit.
where, i 2 1; . . . ; n; j 2 1; . . . ; m. When the value of JSimi
We conduct change impact analysis for 7 Java open-
cinit ; c~j ÞÞ is greater than h, we use the
ðVcp ðcinit ; ci Þ; Vcp ð~ source projects in our evaluation. The selected projects are
change-pattern < c~init !~ cj > to boost the final confidence commonly evaluated projects in most of the software engi-
of entity ci . Then, the Pscp ðcinit ; ci Þ in the formula (3) is neering related research [13], [14], [15], i.e., FreeCol [28],
HSQLDB [29], JAMWiki [30], jEdit [31], JHotDraw [32],
k Makagiga [33], OmegaT [34]. Since these 7 projects have
Pscp ðcinit ; ci Þ ¼ cinit ; c~j ÞÞ;
JSimiðVcp ðcinit ; ci Þ; Vcp ð~ (13) more than ten years evolution history, they have a relatively
1 high number of commits. The detailed information of the
projects is shown in Table 3.
where, k is the number of change-patterns that their
cinit ; c~j ÞÞ values are greater than h.
JSimiðVcp ðcinit ; ci Þ; Vcp ð~ 6.
The final confidence for ci is 7.
Note that the 7 datasets are included in the 182 projects, jEimp \ Rimp j
recall ¼ 100% (15)
because the change-patterns in previous commits of the jRimp j
7 projects can be used to guide the current CIA tasks, just
jEimp \ Rimp j
like the traditional MSR based CIA methods, i.e., within- precision ¼ 100%: (16)
project scenario. jEimp j
Accuracy Boosting for ImpactMiner on all Datasets Using Various Cut-Off Points
Recall(%) Precision(%)
Datasets Approach
5 10 20 30 40 5 10 20 30 40
FreeCol ImpactMiner 9.51 16.81 27.20 36.79 45.73 7.33 6.75 5.67 5.27 4.95
Boosting 15.27 22.76 33.32 41.15 48.27 12.38 9.55 7.07 5.91 5.23
Delta Improv +5.76 +5.95 +6.12 +4.36 +2.54 +5.05 +2.80 +1.40 +0.64 +0.28
HSQLDB ImpactMiner 9.49 16.13 24.66 29.82 34.60 10.90 9.45 7.41 6.15 5.48
Boosting 15.09 21.68 29.89 34.92 38.21 16.85 12.64 9.35 7.45 6.24
Delta Improv +5.60 +5.55 +5.23 +5.10 +3.61 +5.95 +3.19 +1.94 +1.3 +0.76
JAMWiki ImpactMiner 14.76 20.18 27.24 30.07 31.11 11.69 8.62 6.13 4.67 3.67
Boosting 16.26 22.65 28.55 30.54 31.50 13.81 9.88 6.59 4.85 3.75
Delta Improv +1.5 +2.47 +1.31 +0.47 +0.39 +2.21 +1.26 +0.46 +0.18 +0.08
jEdit ImpactMiner 14.71 23.26 30.82 34.70 37.71 11.44 10.22 7.13 5.56 4.58
Boosting 19.79 26.12 33.21 36.02 38.50 16.46 11.30 7.74 5.79 4.72
Delta Improv +5.08 +2.86 +2.39 +1.32 +0.79 +5.02 +1.08 +0.61 +0.23 +0.14
JHotDraw ImpactMiner 7.32 12.20 19.08 23.86 27.38 9.26 8.16 6.62 5.49 4.52
Boosting 9.53 14.26 20.80 24.27 27.67 11.47 9.41 7.24 5.59 4.61
Delta Improv +2.21 +2.06 +1.72 +0.41 +0.29 +2.21 +1.25 +0.62 +0.10 +0.09
Makagiga ImpactMiner 19.38 28.11 38.94 46.16 51.89 12.52 9.34 6.67 5.46 4.66
Boosting 26.66 34.57 44.19 50.28 54.69 17.59 11.89 7.78 6.02 4.99
Delta Improv +7.28 +6.46 +5.25 +4.12 +2.80 +5.07 +2.55 +1.11 +0.56 +0.33
OmegaT ImpactMiner 26.24 38.09 48.77 53.23 56.39 16.53 12.26 8.05 6.11 4.91
Boosting 35.36 43.71 51.00 54.91 57.93 21.98 14.21 8.48 6.30 5.06
Delta Improv +9.12 +5.62 +2.23 +1.68 +1.54 +5.45 +1.95 +0.43 +0.19 +0.15
Avg Improv (%) 5.22 4.42 3.46 1.07 1.71 4.41 2.01 0.94 0.46 0.26
Rlt Improv (%) 36.03 19.99 11.18 2.94 4.20 21.98 14.21 8.48 6.30 5.06
off point. We found that applying our boosting method on remain unchanged (e.g., in FreeCol, JAMWiki, JHotDraw,
ImpactMiner improves the performance over any dataset Makagiga, OmegaT), this is because the number of
comparing with the standalone ImpactMiner. The maxi- impacted entities estimated by JRipples is less than or
mum improvement for recall is 9.12 percent when the equal to 40, and our boosting method works on an initial
cut-off point is 5 on the dataset OmegaT, while the mini- impact set estimated by JRipples, then our method cannot
mum improvement for recall is 0.29 percent when the be superior to JRipples when the total impacted entities
cut-off point is 40 on the dataset JHotDraw. Meanwhile, estimated by JRipples is less than the cut-off points, i.e., 40.
the maximum improvement for precision is 5.59 percent Table 5 also presents the precision for JRipples as well as
when the cut-off point is 5 on the dataset HSQLDB, while the precision after applying the boosting method. The
the minimum improvement for precision is 0.08 percent results show a positive improvement for the precision at
when the cut-off point is 40 on the dataset JAMWiki. The the cut-off points of 5, 10, 20. Table 5 also shows the rela-
average improvements (i.e., Avg Improv, also called abso- tive improvements (i.e., Rlt Improv). The maximum rela-
lute improvement) for recall and precision are 5.22 per- tive improvements of recall and precision for JRipples are
cent and 4.41 percent at the cut-off point of 5, which 6.48 and 6.52 percent at the cut-off point of 5.
means that our method can improve the rankings of the At the same time, we can observe that the average boosting
actual impacted classes. Table 4 also shows the relative improvements on ImpactMiner are more significant than
improvements of the recall or precision achieved by our those on JRipples. This is because the initial impact set esti-
boosting method when comparing with those of Impact- mated by ImpactMiner contains more truly impacted classes,
Miner, i.e., Rlt Improv. The maximum relative improve- and then our method has more chance to boost the sorting
ments of recall and precision for ImpactMiner are 36.03 positions of the actual impact class forward in the ranking list.
and 21.98 percent at the cut-off point of 5. Table 6 presents the recall and precision for ROSE before
Table 5 presents the recall and precision after applying and after applying the boosting method, and the maximum
the boosting method on JRipples. The results indicate a relative improvements of recall and precision for ROSE are
positive improvement for the recall in most of datasets 12.39 and 11.81 percent at the cut-off point of 5. We can
with the cut-off point of 5 when applying the boosting observe that most of the recall and precision are improved
method. When setting the cut-off points as 10 and 20, the when we apply the boosting method to ROSE, while there
recall also shows a positive improvement in most of the are some exceptions, such as the recall and precision after
datasets except for the datasets JHotDraw and OmegaT, applying the boosting method at the cut-off points of 5 and
where the recall shows a slight descent (e.g., 0.44 percent 10 on project FreeCol. In this case, the boosting method
of decline on JHotDraw). When setting the cut-off point as shows a negative effect on the identification of the actual
30, the recall shows a positive improvement. When setting impacted classes of ROSE. However, with the improvement
the cut-off point as 40, we can also observe some recalls of the cut-off point, the boosting method shows a positive
Accuracy Boosting for JRipples on all Datasets Using Various Cut-Off Points
Recall(%) Precision(%)
Datasets Approach
5 10 20 30 40 5 10 20 30 40
FreeCol JRipples 16.40 25.50 31.13 35.01 35.49 15.06 11.57 7.06 5.26 4.01
Boosting 17.38 26.18 31.77 35.08 35.49 14.98 11.66 7.19 5.28 4.01
Delta Improv +0.98 +0.68 +0.64 +0.07 +0.00 –0.07 +0.09 +0.13 +0.02 +0.00
HSQLDB JRipples 15.63 22.49 31.41 37.92 40.79 18.23 13.96 10.12 8.21 6.81
Boosting 16.84 24.96 32.99 38.18 40.89 19.71 15.46 10.60 8.28 6.77
Delta Improv +1.21 +2.47 +1.58 +0.26 +0.10 +1.48 +1.50 +0.48 +0.07 –0.04
JAMWiki JRipples 24.62 32.48 36.10 37.12 37.18 15.79 11.11 6.46 4.48 3.38
Boosting 29.63 33.65 36.24 37.12 37.18 20.58 12.05 6.52 4.48 3.38
Delta Improv +5.01 +1.17 +0.14 0.00 0.00 +4.79 +0.94 +0.06 0.00 0.00
jEdit JRipples 26.10 35.64 44.83 51.26 54.32 23.31 16.43 11.02 8.83 7.22
Boosting 28.26 37.60 46.09 51.85 54.56 24.48 17.40 11.37 8.93 7.23
Delta Improv +2.16 +1.96 +1.26 +0.59 +0.24 +1.17 +0.97 +0.35 +0.10 +0.01
JHotDraw JRipples 11.63 12.72 12.72 13.17 13.17 13.10 8.28 4.14 2.99 2.24
Boosting 11.63 12.28 12.72 12.72 13.17 13.10 7.59 4.14 2.76 2.24
Delta Improv 0.00 –0.44 0.00 –0.35 0.00 0.00 –0.69 0.00 –0.23 0.00
Makagiga JRipples 24.33 27.57 29.47 30.28 30.57 14.77 8.67 4.74 3.27 2.48
Boosting 25.05 27.90 29.49 30.39 30.57 15.40 8.87 4.75 3.29 2.48
Delta Improv +0.72 +0.33 + 0.02 +0.11 0.00 +0.63 +0.30 +0.01 +0.02 0.00
OmegaT JRipples 33.55 35.91 36.10 36.10 36.10 20.99 11.41 5.73 3.82 2.86
Boosting 33.35 35.91 36.10 36.10 36.10 20.92 11.41 5.73 3.82 2.86
Delta Improv –0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 –0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Avg Improv (%) 1.41 0.88 0.52 0.08 0.05 1.13 0.43 0.15 0.00 0.00
Rlt Improv (%) 6.48 3.20 1.64 0.23 0.14 6.52 3.70 2.13 0.00 0.00
Accuracy Boosting for ROSE on all Datasets Using Various Cut-Off Points
Recall(%) Precision(%)
Datasets Approach
5 10 20 30 40 5 10 20 30 40
FreeCol ROSE 22.09 33.04 44.19 50.26 54.00 17.39 13.33 9.11 7.02 5.75
Boosting 19.53 31.60 46.33 52.50 56.13 15.45 12.76 9.58 7.37 6.01
Delta Improv –2.56 –1.44 +2.14 +2.24 +2.13 –1.94 –0.57 +0.47 +0.35 +0.26
HSQLDB ROSE 16.12 23.14 30.69 36.15 40.07 16.23 12.56 8.93 7.22 6.15
Boosting 16.77 25.23 34.12 39.09 42.72 16.90 14.03 10.17 7.99 6.65
Delta Improv +0.65 +2.09 +3.43 +2.94 +2.65 +0.67 +1.47 +1.24 +0.77 +0.50
JAMWiki ROSE 34.29 45.19 55.01 61.57 65.26 28.73 19.46 12.06 9.19 7.35
Boosting 37.96 49.33 60.32 64.13 66.91 31.81 21.54 13.42 9.63 7.59
Delta Improv +3.67 +4.14 +5.31 +2.56 +1.65 +3.08 +2.08 +1.36 +0.44 +0.24
jEdit ROSE 26.62 39.52 50.98 57.95 61.74 22.11 16.76 11.22 8.69 7.03
Boosting 31.72 42.76 53.31 59.38 63.46 25.76 18.31 11.62 8.85 7.25
Delta Improv +5.1 +3.24 +2.33 +1.43 +1.72 +3.65 +1.55 +0.40 +0.16 +0.22
JHotDraw ROSE 27.64 37.52 45.48 50.87 53.67 23.56 16.53 10.30 7.83 6.22
Boosting 31.38 41.09 49.78 53.02 55.32 27.12 18.49 11.42 8.22 6.48
Delta Improv +3.74 +3.57 +4.30 +2.15 +1.65 +3.56 +1.96 +1.12 +0.39 +0.24
Makagiga ROSE 22.10 29.20 37.24 42.07 45.94 14.15 9.78 6.51 5.00 4.13
Boosting 27.51 34.07 40.83 44.56 48.00 18.03 11.61 7.23 5.35 4.34
Delta Improv +5.41 +4.87 +3.59 +2.49 +2.06 +3.88 +1.83 +0.72 +0.35 +0.21
OmegaT ROSE 31.91 40.74 48.76 51.75 54.26 21.90 14.44 9.02 6.49 5.08
Boosting 38.30 44.45 51.03 53.30 55.11 26.03 15.71 9.37 6.63 5.16
Delta Improv +6.39 +3.71 +2.27 +1.55 +0.85 +4.13 +1.27 +0.35 +0.14 +0.08
Avg Improv (%) 3.2 2.88 3.33 2.19 1.82 2.43 1.37 0.81 0.37 0.25
Rlt Improv (%) 12.39 8.13 7.48 4.38 3.39 11.81 9.32 8.44 5.03 4.2
effect on the CIA task of ROSE. Meanwhile, the average commit (#12780) from jEdit and the red dotted circle is the
recall and precision on all the datasets are improved. commit (#1776) from Flyway (Flyway is included in the 182
Based on these results, we conclude that the combination projects). Class JEditTextArea is the change starting point,
of traditional CIA methods and our boosting method is and classes ChunkCache, DisplayManager and TextAr-
shown to be superior to the standalone CIA methods in eaPainter are the actual impacted classes by JEditTex-
most cases, and our boosting method does improve the tArea. In Fig. 6b (left side), Impactminer gives an initial list
average accuracy of the traditional CIA methods in the task of the classes impacted by JEditTextArea. We can observe
of change impact analysis on multiple datasets. that the ranks of the three actual impacted classes are 1, 4,
and 12. Then, we apply our boosting method to the initial
7 QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS result given by Impactminer, and the boosting method rec-
ommends the change-pattern (i.e., < FPIM, CMAIM, CMI > )
In this section, we try to systematically analyze where do between HdfsBlobContainer and HdfsBlobContainer
our boosting method benefits come from. First, we illustrate to the CIA task. Since this change-pattern is similar with the
several examples regarding how the change-patterns affect ones between JEditTextArea and its actual impacted clas-
the positions of the impacted classes in the ranking list. Sec- ses, our boosting method improves the ranks of the three clas-
ond, we empirically analyze the frequency of similar ses in the list, as shows in In Fig. 6b (right side).
change-patterns in historical change sets and further pro- Fig. 7 shows an example (coming from jEdit, commit
vide an empirical evidence to support our boosting method. #2684 (blue dotted circle) and OKhttp, commit #2132 (red
Third, we empirically analyze how many similar change-
patterns coming from across-project and within-project
cases can be utilized by our boosting method.
The Top 10 Change-Patterns Across Projects
# of Projects
No. Change-patterns (18 dimens) Amount Crossed
1 <0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0> 18,555 173
2 <0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0> 15,049 159
3 <0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0> 7,061 156
Fig. 7. A boosting case for ROSE. 4 <0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0> 5,531 154
5 <0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0> 3,494 145
6 <0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0> 3,415 143
7 <0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0> 3,385 143
8 <0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0> 1,930 129
9 <0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0> 1,915 113
10 <0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1> 1,879 130
The Percentage of Valid Change-Patterns Coming From
Fig. 8. A bad case for JRipples. Cross-Project and Within-Project Cases
dotted circle)) of applying our boosting method on ROSE. As Datasets ImpactMiner JRipples ROSE
Fig. 7a shows, Buffer is the change starting point, and it within cross within cross within cross
builds a change-pattern of < MMAUA, FPIM > with Tex- FreeCol 14,579 7,115 1,853 924 13,762 6,375
tAreaPainter, and a change-pattern of < FPIM, MMAIM, HSQLDB 7,997 858 7,557 666 5,936 707
CMAIM > with OffsetManager, and a change-pattern of JAMWiki 972 478 1,052 423 1,399 704
< FPIM, MMAIM > with JeditTextArea. Our boosting jEdit 6,402 4,663 6,416 4,599 4,819 3,874
method recommends the change-patterns of commit #2132 JHotDraw 416 998 55 175 326 513
Makagiga 10,086 4,836 7,283 3,195 6,839 3,377
from project OKhttp to the CIA task, and both the change- OmegaT 1,200 2,124 871 1,378 766 1,349
patterns between Request and HttpResponseCache, Percentage 66.2% 33.8% 68.8% 31.2% 66.7% 33.3%
Request and HttpEngine, are similar with the change-
pattern between Buffer and TextAreaPainter. As a
result, TextAreaPainter is promoted to the first ranking We count the frequency of the change-patterns across
in the list, as Fig. 7b shows. Meanwhile, benefitting from the different projects. Specifically, for the commits coming from
change-pattern between Request and CacheStrategy, the 182 projects (i.e., the dataset), we extract the change-pat-
the rank of OffsetManager is also improved. terns between the starting class and the rest of classes in a
Fig. 8 shows a bad example (coming from jEdit, commit commit, and then we cluster the same change-pattern in the
#2160 (blue dotted circle) and HSQLDB, commit #4931 (red commits of the 182 projects. In total, we find 233,348
dotted circle)) of applying our boosting method on JRipples, change-patterns in these projects, in which 213,554 change-
where the rank of the actual impacted class goes down patterns can find at least one identical change-pattern, up to
when applying the boosting method. As Fig. 8a shows, 91.5 percent. Table 7 shows the top 10 most frequent
TextAreaPainter is the actual impacted class by the change-patterns, and the number of change-patterns and
change starting point JeditTextArea, while View is not. the number of projects involving in the change-patterns can
Due to the code similarity between JeditTextArea and also be found in the table.
Expression, our boosting method recommends the We can observe that many frequent change-patterns are
change-patterns of commit #4931 from project HSQLDB to across many different projects. E.g., the change-pattern 1
the CIA task. Then, the change-pattern between Expres- (i.e., Implementing Interface, II) is across 173 projects. This sta-
sion and FunctionSQLInvoked is similar with the one tistical result provides a solid foundation for us using the
between JeditTextArea and View, and View is pro- similar change-patterns coming from other projects to boost
moted to the 3rd ranking, and TextAreaPainter is change impact analysis methods.
demoted to the 4th ranking in the list. Then, the actual
impacted class is pulled down in the list. This would
explain why our boosting method has side effects on some 7.3 The Percentage of Valid Change-Patterns
datasets such as JHotDraw in Table 5. We allow the boosting method to find the similar change-
patterns from 20 commits in the experiment. If the change-
patterns in the 20 commits can directly affect the rankings of
7.2 Similar Change-Patterns the classes in the original impact set, we regard it as a valid
We state that the proposed boosting method can use the his- one. Then, the valid change-patterns may come from the his-
torical change-patterns in a cross-project scenario to boost torical commits of the current project, i.e., within-project
CIA tools. The premise of this claim is that there are a lot of case, or coming from other projects, i.e., cross-project case.
similar (or same) change-patterns across projects, and then We count the number of the valid change-patterns com-
the proposed boosting method can utilize the similar ing from the two cases, respectively. We can observe from
change-patterns coming from other projects. Table 8 that about one third of the valid change-patterns are
Accuracy Boosting for ImpactMiner When Applying Cross- and Within-Project Change-Patterns
Recall Precision
Datasets Approach
5 10 20 30 40 5 10 20 30 40
FreeCol ImpactMiner 9.51 16.81 27.2 36.79 45.73 7.33 6.75 5.67 5.27 4.95
cross 12.88 20.04 30.8 39.44 47.13 10.17 8.26 6.46 5.64 5.10
within 14.15 21.91 32.26 40.96 47.92 11.59 9.22 6.79 5.86 5.17
HSQLDB ImpactMiner 9.49 16.13 24.66 29.82 34.60 10.90 9.45 7.41 6.15 5.48
cross 11.51 18.22 26.85 31.63 35.75 13.35 10.64 8.12 6.58 5.75
within 14.44 21.25 28.88 34.09 37.97 15.61 12.23 8.97 7.19 6.15
JAMWiki ImpactMiner 14.76 20.18 27.24 30.07 31.11 11.69 8.62 6.13 4.67 3.67
cross 15.26 22.15 27.88 30.22 31.33 12.78 9.48 6.33 4.74 3.74
within 16.41 22.15 28.31 30.28 31.34 13.70 9.57 6.45 4.76 3.75
Jedit ImpactMiner 14.71 23.26 30.82 34.7 37.71 11.44 10.22 7.13 5.56 4.58
cross 16.73 24.83 32.35 35.54 38.1 13.58 10.81 7.51 5.69 4.66
within 19.32 25.93 32.84 35.99 38.72 15.78 11.24 7.65 5.79 4.73
JhotDraw ImpactMiner 7.32 12.2 19.08 23.86 27.38 9.26 8.16 6.62 5.49 4.52
cross 8.27 14.02 20.62 24.61 27.33 10.00 8.75 7.06 5.51 4.56
within 9.60 14.69 21.93 24.45 27.10 10.59 8.75 7.13 5.61 4.52
Makagiga ImpactMiner 19.38 28.11 38.94 46.16 51.89 12.52 9.34 6.67 5.46 4.66
cross 24.90 32.38 41.68 48.71 53.89 16.22 10.84 7.23 5.77 4.86
within 25.66 33.95 43.57 49.78 54.74 16.71 11.42 7.57 5.92 4.95
OmegaT ImpactMiner 26.24 38.09 48.77 53.23 56.39 16.53 12.26 8.05 6.11 4.91
cross 33.24 42.58 50.94 54.54 57.55 20.74 13.78 8.42 6.22 5.02
within 34.90 43.96 50.52 54.31 57.50 21.55 14.12 8.36 6.22 5.02
Avg Improv (cross) 3.05 2.78 2.06 1.44 0.90 2.45 1.11 0.49 0.21 0.13
Rlt Improv (cross) 20.28 12.94 7.00 3.90 1.98 21.75 12.34 7.39 3.67 2.72
Avg Improv (within) 4.72 4.15 3.09 2.18 1.50 3.69 1.68 0.75 0.38 0.22
Rlt Improv (within) 34.29 19.99 10.94 6.06 3.48 33.52 18.81 11.20 6.65 4.37
from cross-project case, i.e., 33.8, 31.2 and 33.3 percent for performance of the traditional CIA method even if only the
ImpactMiner, JRipples and ROSE, respectively. Therefore, cross-projects (or within-project) information is available. It
this result confirms that the proposed method can utilize is worth noting that a slight drop in recall is observed on
the change-patterns coming from other projects to boosting some projects when cut-off point is 5 in Table 10 when only
the CIA tasks. In addition, it demonstrates that the historical using the cross-projects information. For example, the recall
change-patterns applying to CIA tasks can be generalized to of JRipples on project HSQLDB is 15.63, while the recall is
a cross-project scenario by our boosting method. 15.59. Meanwhile, the precision of JRipples on project
HSQLDB is improved from 18.23 to 18.73 when cut-off point
is 5. In general, the F-measure (i.e., a weighted harmonic
7.4 Within- and Cross-Project mean of precision and recall) of JRipples has no significant
Change-Patterns Effect difference when cut-off point is 5. When the cut-off points
Section 7.3 shows that about 1/3 of the valid change-pat- go up, we can see the average improvements in term of Avg
terns come from cross-projects, and we want to evaluate the Improv(cross) and Rlt Improv(cross) in Table 10.
performance of the proposed boosting method when only In summary, the recall and precision improvements can
the cross-projects information is available. If our boosting be observed on most of the projects when we only utilize
method works with only the cross-projects information, our the cross-project information, and the proposed boosting
method can be generalized to many more application sce- method is applicable to new project without within-project
narios, such as starting a new project without within-project information.
information. Meanwhile, we also want to evaluate the per-
formance of the proposed boosting method when only the
within-projects information is available. If our boosting 7.5 Practical Significance of the Improvements
method works well, it demonstrates that within-project Tables 4, 5, and 6 show the average improvements in both
change-patterns are also useful to improve the performance precision and recall. Since the average improvements of pre-
of the traditional CIA tools. cision and recall may not directly illustrate the effectiveness
Tables 9, 10 and 11 show the accuracy boosting for of our approach for CIA tasks in practice, we demonstrate
ImpactMiner, JRipples and ROSE when only using cross- the effectiveness of our approach from another perspective.
project or within-project change-patterns. We can observe More precisely, we count the average improved positions of
the average improvements in term of Avg Improv and Rlt the truly impacted classes in the CIA tasks when applying
Improv in Tables 9 and 11. Such improvements indicate our boosting method in each project. For example, when we
that the proposed boosting method can improve the apply our boosting method to ImpactMiner on the project of
Accuracy Boosting for JRipples When Applying Cross- and Within-Project Change-Patterns
Recall Precision
Datasets Approach
5 10 20 30 40 5 10 20 30 40
FreeCol Jripples 16.4 25.5 31.13 35.01 35.49 15.06 11.57 7.06 5.26 4.01
cross 17.31 26.13 31.36 35.08 35.49 14.81 11.62 7.13 5.28 4.01
within 17.50 25.76 31.80 34.80 35.49 14.98 11.53 7.19 5.25 4.01
HSQLDB Jripples 15.63 22.49 31.41 37.92 40.79 18.23 13.96 10.12 8.21 6.81
cross 15.59 24.1 32.49 38.4 40.74 18.73 14.76 10.48 8.34 6.78
within 16.22 24.68 32.91 38.42 40.88 18.85 14.95 10.49 8.30 6.78
JAMWiki Jripples 24.62 32.48 36.1 37.12 37.18 15.79 11.11 6.46 4.48 3.38
cross 26.11 32.27 36.15 37.12 37.18 18.01 11.35 6.49 4.48 3.38
within 28.92 32.73 36.14 37.12 37.18 19.65 11.58 6.49 4.48 3.38
Jedit Jripples 26.10 35.64 44.83 51.26 54.32 23.31 16.43 11.02 8.83 7.22
cross 24.23 35.79 45.76 51.55 54.38 21.55 16.38 11.31 8.91 7.21
within 27.12 37.14 45.54 51.41 54.38 23.86 17.13 11.20 8.83 7.20
JhotDraw Jripples 11.63 12.72 12.72 13.17 13.17 13.10 8.28 4.14 2.99 2.24
cross 10.69 12.28 12.72 12.72 13.17 13.10 7.59 4.14 2.76 2.24
within 11.43 12.28 12.72 12.72 13.17 12.41 7.59 4.14 2.76 2.24
Makagiga Jripples 24.33 27.57 29.47 30.28 30.57 14.77 8.67 4.74 3.27 2.48
cross 23.96 27.62 29.61 30.34 30.56 14.54 8.74 4.76 3.28 2.48
within 23.34 26.52 28.15 28.71 28.91 13.67 8.02 4.34 2.96 2.23
OmegaT Jripples 33.55 35.91 36.10 36.10 36.10 20.99 11.41 5.73 3.82 2.86
cross 32.38 35.78 36.10 36.10 36.10 20.46 11.37 5.73 3.82 2.86
within 33.72 36.02 36.10 36.10 36.10 21.22 11.41 5.73 3.82 2.86
Avg Improv (cross) –0.19 0.39 0.55 0.30 0.24 0.13 0.15 0.17 0.05 0.03
Rlt Improv (cross) –0.87 1.38 1.69 0.66 0.81 1.47 1.25 2.55 0.86 1.45
Avg Improv (within) 0.95 0.55 0.43 0.01 0.02 0.62 0.21 0.10 –0.02 –0.01
Rlt Improv (within) 4.18 1.79 1.27 –0.30 0.05 3.49 1.04 1.15 –0.97 –0.17
Accuracy Boosting for ROSE When Applying Cross- and Within-Project Change-Patterns
Recall Precision
Datasets Approach
5 10 20 30 40 5 10 20 30 40
FreeCol ROSE 22.09 33.04 44.19 50.26 54.00 17.39 13.33 9.11 7.02 5.75
cross 19.74 32.00 44.69 51.52 55.48 15.7 12.79 9.23 7.19 5.90
within 18.78 30.68 45.24 51.84 56.09 14.98 12.33 9.32 7.26 5.98
HSQLDB ROSE 16.12 23.14 30.69 36.15 40.07 16.23 12.56 8.93 7.22 6.15
cross 16.65 25.18 32.22 37.54 40.8 16.8 13.72 9.46 7.57 6.28
within 16.44 24.51 33.64 38.55 42.07 16.74 13.39 9.97 7.78 6.47
JAMWiki ROSE 34.29 45.19 55.01 61.57 65.26 28.73 19.46 12.05 9.19 7.35
cross 35.88 47.57 59.43 63.36 66.53 29.96 20.81 13.19 9.47 7.53
within 37.93 48.67 59.83 63.73 67.13 31.27 21.16 13.26 9.56 7.60
Jedit ROSE 23.93 37.87 49.41 56.56 60.54 19.93 16.15 11.1 8.67 7.06
cross 26.30 37.79 50.00 57.24 61.51 21.68 16.37 11.15 8.71 7.16
within 28.25 38.93 50.21 57.25 61.75 22.84 16.78 11.00 8.67 7.17
JhotDraw ROSE 5.57 12.07 13.85 15.20 15.20 6.41 6.79 4.49 3.33 2.50
cross 8.34 13.14 14.49 15.2 15.33 10.51 7.56 4.55 3.33 2.53
within 8.32 13.32 14.98 15.88 16.72 11.03 8.08 4.68 3.46 2.76
Makagiga ROSE 22.10 29.20 37.24 42.07 45.94 14.15 9.78 6.51 5.00 4.13
cross 24.93 32.06 39.51 44.01 47.33 15.84 10.72 6.99 5.23 4.26
within 26.21 32.80 40.00 44.21 47.60 16.88 11.16 7.07 5.29 4.30
OmegaT ROSE 31.91 40.74 48.76 51.75 54.26 21.90 14.55 9.02 6.49 5.08
cross 37.19 44.29 50.81 52.9 55.05 25.19 15.66 9.31 6.60 5.15
within 38.24 44.56 50.45 53.22 55.05 25.82 15.77 9.29 6.60 5.15
Avg Improv (cross) 1.86 1.54 1.71 1.17 0.97 1.56 0.72 0.38 0.17 0.11
Rlt Improv (cross) 12.32 5.44 4.32 2.47 1.92 13.97 6.01 4.16 2.44 2.04
Avg Improv (within) 2.59 1.75 2.17 1.59 1.59 2.12 0.86 0.48 0.24 0.20
Rlt Improv (within) 14.78 5.91 5.92 3.84 4.11 17.43 7.61 5.56 3.80 4.29
The Average Improved Positions of the Truly Impacted Classes Recall Comparison for ROSE
Boosting Recall
Projects Datasets h AVG
ImpactMiner JRipples ROSE 5 10 20 30 40
FreeCol 5.60 0.15 3.31 FreeCol 0.5 17.6 29.06 44.31 52.09 56.38 39.89
HSQLDB 6.13 0.71 3.87 0.6 18.65 29.12 45.16 52.49 56.43 40.37
JAMWiki 1.73 1.02 2.71 0.7 19.08 30.01 46.16 52.60 56.41 40.85
JEdit 2.85 0.79 1.62 0.8 19.53 31.60 46.33 52.50 56.13 41.22
JhotDraw 2.68 0.00 3.34 0.9 21.41 33.61 46.16 52.17 55.66 41.80
Makagiga 3.94 0.21 4.07
OmegaT 2.55 0.00 1.89 HSQLDB 0.5 16.71 25.36 34.82 38.97 42.52 31.68
0.6 17.30 25.45 34.5 39.28 42.96 31.89
0.7 16.98 25.28 34.34 39.17 42.49 31.65
0.8 16.77 25.23 34.12 39.09 42.72 31.59
FreeCol, the average improved positions of the truly 0.9 17.31 24.75 32.96 37.71 41.56 30.86
impacted classes is 5.6, which is practical significance for the JEdit 0.5 27.93 39.51 50.27 57.15 62.03 47.38
developers when they do CIA tasks in practice. Imagine that 0.6 28.54 40.04 50.39 57.39 62.21 47.71
ImpactMiner recommends a list of classes to a developer, 0.7 28.37 39.94 50.48 57.51 62.31 47.72
and the truly impacted classes rank at 7 and 8. If a developer 0.8 29.09 39.69 50.34 57.58 62.22 47.78
needs 1 minute (on average) to determine whether a recom- 0.9 28.37 39.94 50.48 57.51 62.31 47.72
mended class is a truly impacted one. Then, before applying
our boosting method, the developer needs at least 8 minutes
to determine the two truly impacted classes. After applying project jEdit, as shown in Figs. 5c, 5f and 5i. Since the three
our boosting method, the truly impacted classes rank at 2 projects are randomly selected and the three CIA tools
and 3, and thus the developer only needs 2 minutes to deter- show best performance when t equals 20 on the projects in
mine the two truly impacted classes. That is, our boosting most of the cases, we set the value of t as 20 when we
method can improve the efficiency of developers doing CIA employ ImpactMiner, JRipples and Rose to conduct the CIA
tasks. Table 12 shows the average improved positions of the tasks in the experiment.
truly impacted classes for each project when we apply the
boosting method to traditional CIA methods. 8.2 h Choice Effect
To evaluate the h choice effect on the performance of our
8 DISCUSSION AND THREATS TO VALIDITY boosting method, we compare the performance of Impact-
In this section, we analyze the parameters that may affect Miner, JRipples and ROSE on the three randomly selected
the experimental results. It is worth noting that the parame- datasets (i.e., HSQLDB, FreeCol, jEdit) across the values of h
ters calibration is performed before we conduct the experi- with 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8 and 0.9. Tables 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18
ments in Section 6. Meanwhile, the historical change- show the recall and precision when applying different val-
patterns coming from a cross- and within-project scenarios ues of h to ImpactMiner, JRipples and ROSE on the projects
are also discussed in this section. of HSQLDB, FreeCol and jEdit across the cut-off points of 5,
10, 20, 30 and 40.
8.1 t Choice Effect We can observe that ROSE achieves the best average (i.e.,
AVG in Tables 13 and 14) recall and precision when h is 0.9
t is the number of commits that allows our boosting method
on dataset FreeCol, and h is 0.6 on dataset HSQLDB, and h
to find the similar change-patterns from them. To evaluate
is 0.8 on dataset JEdit. It seems that there is no fixed value
the t choice effect on the performance of our boosting
for h that can make ROSE always achieve the best results.
method, we compare the performance of ImpactMiner,
However, there is a pattern on the h choice effect to the per-
JRipples and ROSE on three randomly selected datasets
formance of JRipples, i.e., when h is 0.8, JRipples achieves
(i.e., HSQLDB, FreeCol, jEdit) across the values of t with 5,
the best average recall and precision on the three datasets
10, 15, 20, 25 and 30.
(i.e., AVG in Tables 15 and 16). Similarly, ImpactMiner per-
Fig. 5 shows the average improvement of the f-measure
forms better when h is 0.8 (i.e., AVG in Tables 17 and 18)
when applying different values of t to ImpactMiner, JRip-
half of the time (e.g., average recall on jEdit, average preci-
ples and ROSE on the projects of HSQLDB, FreeCol and
sion on HSQLDB and jEdit). Therefore, we use 0.8 as the
jEdit across the cut-off points of 5, 10, 20, 30 and 40. In gen-
default value of h in the experiment.
eral, we can observe that the average improvements of the
f-measure achieved by ImpactMiner keep growing when
the value of t is less than 20, and ImpactMiner achieves best 8.3 Equivalent Class Choice Effect
improvement when t equals 20 on the projects of HSQLDB In the process of seeking an equivalent class c~init for the
and FreeCol, as shows in Figs. 5a and 5b. Similarly, JRipples starting class cinit , we regard the starting class identified by
and Rose also achieve the best improvement of the f-mea- ISC in each historical commit as the equivalent class, known
sure when t equals 20 on the projects of HSQLDB and Free- as the boosting strategy. To have a meaningful comparison,
Col (Figs. 5d and 5e, 5g and 5h). Meanwhile, we can we also randomly select a class from each historical commit
observe that the performance of the three CIA tools show as the equivalent class, and mapping the change-pattern
little difference when the value of t is greater than 15 on the between the randomly selected class and the rest of classes
Precision Comparison for ROSE Precision Comparison for JRipples
Precision Precision
Datasets h AVG Datasets h AVG
5 10 20 30 40 5 10 20 30 40
FreeCol 0.5 14.26 11.69 9.09 7.31 6.04 9.68 FreeCol 0.5 14.13 11.57 7.15 5.28 4.01 8.43
0.6 14.80 11.79 9.31 7.37 6.05 9.86 0.6 14.72 11.62 7.17 5.28 4.01 8.56
0.7 15.07 12.09 9.52 7.39 6.06 10.03 0.7 14.55 11.87 7.17 5.28 4.01 8.58
0.8 15.45 12.76 9.58 7.37 6.01 10.23 0.8 14.98 11.66 7.19 5.28 4.01 8.62
0.9 16.87 13.51 9.55 7.34 5.97 10.65 0.9 14.89 11.53 7.19 5.28 4.01 8.58
HSQLDB 0.5 16.85 13.51 10.26 7.92 6.58 11.02 HSQLDB 0.5 18.11 14.87 10.69 8.25 6.82 11.75
0.6 17.26 13.67 10.26 8.02 6.65 11.17 0.6 18.32 15.03 10.74 8.28 6.80 11.83
0.7 17.11 13.62 10.13 7.93 6.57 11.07 0.7 18.89 14.97 10.66 8.27 6.78 11.91
0.8 16.9 14.03 10.17 7.99 6.65 11.15 0.8 19.71 15.46 10.60 8.28 6.77 12.16
0.9 17.47 13.8 9.72 7.61 6.41 11.00 0.9 19.75 15.01 10.67 8.27 6.75 12.09
jEdit 0.5 22.77 16.88 10.96 8.60 7.17 13.28 jEdit 0.5 21.61 16.49 11.38 8.89 7.16 13.10
0.6 23.08 17.2 10.98 8.62 7.2 13.42 0.6 22.91 16.65 11.38 8.87 7.16 13.39
0.7 23.18 17.26 11.09 8.68 7.23 13.49 0.7 23.71 17.03 11.38 8.89 7.21 13.64
0.8 23.66 17.21 11.07 8.71 7.26 13.58 0.8 24.48 17.40 11.37 8.93 7.23 13.88
0.9 23.18 17.26 11.09 8.68 7.23 13.49 0.9 23.80 17.08 11.24 8.92 7.20 13.65
Recall Comparison for JRipples Recall Comparison for ImpactMiner
Recall Recall
Datasets h AVG Datasets h AVG
5 10 20 30 40 5 10 20 30 40
FreeCol 0.5 16.59 25.97 31.58 35.08 35.49 28.94 FreeCol 0.5 13.62 22.18 33.88 43.08 49.36 32.42
0.6 17.04 25.90 31.66 35.08 35.49 29.03 0.6 14.54 23.11 34.61 43.22 49.82 33.06
0.7 16.60 26.63 31.56 35.08 35.49 29.07 0.7 15.28 22.78 33.99 42.51 49.25 32.76
0.8 17.38 26.18 31.77 35.08 35.49 29.18 0.8 15.31 22.80 33.34 41.18 48.28 32.18
0.9 17.12 25.43 31.71 35.08 35.49 28.97 0.9 14.26 21.08 31.76 39.91 47.36 30.87
HSQLDB 0.5 15.74 24.38 33.81 38.11 40.86 30.58 HSQLDB 0.5 16.15 24.13 31.94 35.95 39.17 29.47
0.6 15.71 24.7 33.73 38.14 40.79 30.61 0.6 17.18 24.42 32.12 36.15 38.87 29.75
0.7 16.33 24.46 33.53 38.16 40.80 30.65 0.7 17.27 24.49 31.73 35.90 38.65 29.61
0.8 16.84 24.96 32.99 38.18 40.89 30.77 0.8 17.92 24.35 31.88 35.58 38.38 29.62
0.9 17.15 24.63 33.00 38.13 40.77 30.74 0.9 17.15 23.06 30.65 34.79 37.83 28.69
jEdit 0.5 25.19 36.07 46.13 51.74 54.00 42.63 jEdit 0.5 17.53 25.59 33.51 36.25 39.16 30.41
0.6 26.61 36.29 46.32 51.58 54.18 42.99 0.6 18.64 26.00 33.41 36.46 38.81 30.66
0.7 27.22 36.72 46.16 51.74 54.28 43.22 0.7 18.96 26.42 33.13 36.30 38.71 30.70
0.8 28.26 37.60 46.09 51.85 54.56 43.67 0.8 19.79 26.12 33.21 36.02 38.50 30.73
0.9 26.59 37.00 45.56 51.62 54.34 43.02 0.9 19.18 24.84 32.30 36.63 38.23 30.24
in the commit to the current CIA task (known as the random We can observe from Fig. 9 that the CIA tools with the
strategy). We apply the original CIA tools (i.e., Impact- random strategy outperform the original ones in most
Miner, JRipples and ROSE), the CIA tools with boosting cases, especially for those whose cut-off point is less than
strategy, and the CIA tools with random strategy to the ran- 30. The benefit of the CIA tools with the random strategy
domly selected dataset of jEdit for CIA tasks, and we evalu- comes from the following two cases. First, if the randomly
ate the average precision and recall of these methods across selected class from a commit is exactly the starting class,
5, 10, 20, 30 and 40 cut-off points, with h equal to 0.8. then CIA tools with the random strategy is equivalent to
Fig. 9 shows the accuracy comparison between the the boosting strategy proposed in this paper. Second, if
boosting method and random method for ImpactMiner, the randomly selected class from a commit is not a start-
JRipples and ROSE, respectively. Figs. 9a and 9b show ing class, then the change-pattern between the randomly
ImpactMiner with the boosting strategy achieves the best selected class and the rest of classes in the commit is
precision and recall, and the ImpactMiner with the ran- mapped to the current CIA task. Noting that we require
dom strategy achieves the second best precision and the similarity between change-patterns (i.e., h) should be
recall. Similar results can be observed in Figs. 9c, 9d, 9e, greater than 0.8 in any case. We would use the recom-
and 9f, i.e., JRipples and ROSE with the boosting strat- mended change-patterns to boost the final confidence of
egy achieve the best results, while original JRipples and an impacted class. Therefore, even though we randomly
ROSE achieve worst results. select the equivalent class, the recommended change-
Precision Comparison for ImpactMiner The Average Runtime of the Boosting Method
IoC Commits Detected by the Boosting Method
TABLE 21 Fig. 10. The number of code smells containing in each project
The Code Smells Covered by Jdeodorant and PMD
code smells at the same time, so that they can detect as
Code Smells Jdeodorant PMD
many code smells in the code as possible.
God Method @ @ To detect the code smell from the code of each projects,
Duplicated Code @ @
we need to collect the complete source code of the projects,
God Class @ @
Future Envy @ X because the dataset used in the previous experiments only
Type Checking @ X contain the commits of each project. Since a project may
Data Class X @ have multiple versions of source code, we download the
Long Parameter List X @ version of source code that can cover the latest commit in
our dataset.
After collecting the source code of each project, we use
JDeodorant and PMD to detect the code smells. In particular,
re-detect the IoC dependency for each commit, and the we move the source code of each project to the workspace of
original 18 dimensions of the vector can be reused and Eclipse because JDeodorant and PMD are both Eclipse
keep unchanged. plugin. Since a code smell may be detected by two tools, if
Applying the IoC detection method to dataset of the that happens, we only count once. The two tools found that
182 projects, we find IoC dependency from the commits of 118 projects have code smells, and the number of the code
5 projects, and they are Spring-Security, Springframework, smells ranges from 1 to 832, while the two tools found no
Kablink, Hazelcast and CAS, as shown in Table 20. Spring- code smell in the rest of the projects. Fig. 2 shows the number
Security and Springframework provide the IoC feature, and of code smells containing in each project. Fig. 10 shows the
the rest of the 3 projects is built based on the Spring number of code smells containing in each project.
framework. To determine whether the code quality can affect the per-
formance of our boosting method, we need two datasets:
one containing code smells, i.e., we call it dataset 1, and
8.6 Dataset Quality Effect another one containing no code smell, i.e., we call it dataset
The dataset used in the experiment includes 182 projects. 2. Since it is difficult to judge whether the quality of a proj-
Inevitably, some projects have good-quality code, while ect is poor if it contains 1 or 2 code smells, we select the proj-
some have bad-quality code. We want to study whether ects containing most code smells for analysis. We found 16
there is any relation between using projects datasets with projects that contain more than 100 code smells and thus we
good-quality code and bad-quality code. To achieve this chose these projects for analysis. These 16 projects contain
goal, we conduct a new experiment. We employ two 8,283 commits in total. For a fair comparison, we randomly
famous code smell detection tools (i.e., JDeodorant [36] and select several projects from dataset 2 that they have the simi-
PMD [37]) to detect the code smell in the source code of the lar number of commits as the 16 projects. Specifically, we
182 subject projects, and then we evaluate the quality of the randomly select 22 projects which contain 8,251 commits
projects according to the number of the code smell detected from dataset 2.
from the source code of these projects. Code smells are code Because it is easy to determine which projects the valid
fragments that suggest the possibility of refactoring, which change-patterns come from, a simple and effective evalua-
can degrade quality aspects of the software system [38]. tion way is to analyze the existing experimental results to
Therefore, the number of code smells in a project can reflect find out how many valid change-patterns come from the 16
the quality of the code. projects containing most code smells, and how many valid
JDeodorant is an open-source Eclipse plugin for Java that change-patterns come from the 22 projects containing no
detects five code smells: God Method, Duplicated Code, code smell. Since the valid change-patterns is an equitable
God Class, Feature Envy, and Type Checking. PMD is an mechanism that can be used to indicate the contribution of
open-source tool for Java and an Eclipse plugin that detects the commits of a project to the boosting method, the valid
many problems in Java code, including: God Method, change-patterns can be used to evaluate whether there is
Duplicated Code, God Class, Data Class and Long Parame- any relation between using projects datasets with good-
ter List. We can see from Table 21 that some code smells can quality code and bad-quality code.
be detected by both tools, while some code smells can be For any commit, the boosting method first finds 20
detected by one of them. Then, we chose both tools to detect most similar commits for it, and then we count the valid
Accuracy Improvements for JRipples When Applying Simpler Boosting and Our Boosting Methods
Recall Precision
5 10 20 30 40 5 10 20 30 40
Avg Improv (simpler boosting) 0.95 0.55 0.43 0.01 0.02 0.62 0.21 0.10 –0.02 –0.01
Rlt Improv (simpler boosting) 4.18 1.79 1.27 –0.30 0.05 3.49 1.04 1.15 –0.97 –0.17
Avg Improv (our boosting) 1.41 0.88 0.52 0.08 0.05 1.13 0.43 0.15 0.00 0.00
Rlt Improv (our boosting) 6.48 3.20 1.64 0.23 0.14 6.52 3.70 2.13 0.00 0.00
change sets can be used to boosting the rankings of the truly code and the software documentation [40]. However, map-
impacted entities in the initial impacted set. In the whole ping the concepts (or features) defined in a change request
process, our boosting method only needs to analyze the cou- specification to the source code components is not an easy
pling dependencies between the starting entities and the thing. Existing studies rely on different types of analysis
ones in the initial impacted set, which is a completely auto- (such as: textual, historical, static and dynamic) for the iden-
matic process. On the other hand, the change-patterns from tification of concepts in the source code [41], [42].
other projects have been pre-extracted and stored by our Textual analysis tries to reveal the mappings between the
method. Therefore, any users can use the boosting method concepts and the domain knowledge already encoded in
and the collected change-patterns for their CIA tasks. the form of comments and identifier-names in the source
The four threat to external validity relates to language- code. To achieve this goal, many analysis techniques such
dependency and project-size dependency. The boosting as Natural Language Processing (NLP), Information
method mainly aims at Java language, while it can be gener- Retrieval (IR) are the employed in textual analysis [43], [44],
alized to other object-oriented programming languages. In [45]. With historical analysis, researchers found the software
the paper, we used four types of coupling dependencies entities related to a concept by mining the evolutionary his-
which are observed from the object-oriented programming tory from the version control system such as SVN and Git
paradigm. Although the same instance implemented by dif- [46]. The philosophy behind the historical analysis is that if
ferent object-oriented languages (e.g., C++ and Java) may a software entity is known to be in a concept, entities that
have difference, it can be covered by our defined coupling tend to change in the same commits as that entity might
dependencies, because these four coupling dependencies also be likely candidate locations for that concept [47], [48],
are defined at a high level, including Class-to-Class, [49], [50].
Method-to-Class, Method-to-Variable and Method-to- Static analysis allows developers to identify the relevant
Method. These four coupling dependencies can cover most software entities by the data or control flow dependencies
coupling relationships in the object-oriented programming between them [46]. For example, if one software entity is
paradigm. In addition, the proposed boosting method has known to be part of the concept and it is the only caller of
no dependency with the project size, which can be used another entity, then it is considered likely that this latter
both for small- and large-scale projects. entity is also part of the concept [51], [52]. Dynamic analysis
Threats to Internal Validity. One of the threats to internal refers to the invocation and observation of concept at execu-
validity relates to a commit containing more than one start- tion time: execution traces are analyzed to identify code that
ing entities. By applying ISC method, we employ random is always executed when the concept is exercised in the sys-
forest to predict the probability of a class being a starting tem, and code that is not executed when the concept is not,
one. By default, the class with the highest probability in a thus identifying code that is (exclusively) associated with
commit is the starting one. In the meantime, if the probabili- the concept [53], [54].
ties of more than one classes are greater than 0.5 in a com-
mit, ISC regards all these classes as salient ones [12], [16].
Then, our method will extract the change-patterns between 9.2 Identifying the Candidate Impact Set
each salient class and the rest of the classes in the commit, In the second step of the impact analysis process concerns
and apply the change-patterns to the rank boosting step. the identification of the candidate impact set based on the
We found in previous study [39] that if a commit contains 2 starting impact set identified in the first step. In general,
starting entities, it contains unrelated changes. Then, one dynamic analysis [3], [4], [55], [56], [57] and static analysis
starting entity builds change-patterns between parts of the [5], [10], [58], [59], [60] can be used to identify the candidate
classes in the commit, while another starting entity builds impact set. Dynamic impact analysis obtains the interaction
change-patterns between the other parts of the classes in the and dependency between software entities via the informa-
commit. As a result, the change-patterns in this commit can tion collected from the running time of a program, and then
be equivalent to the change-patterns coming from two com- estimates the impact set for a changed entity. Static analysis
mits. Because we only care the change-patterns rather than gets the dependencies between software entities by analyz-
where they come from, if a change-pattern comes from a ing the static information of the source code. The accuracy
commit containing two starting entities, it can be also used of dynamic change impact analysis is relatively higher.
by our boosting method. Thus, we believe there is little However, dynamic change impact analysis needs to collect
threat to a commit containing more than one starting the dynamic information of the running time of a program,
entities. then its running cost is high, while the running cost of static
change impact analysis is low.
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impact analysis estimates the impact set through the depen-
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of traditional CIA tasks. To improve the rankings of actual [14] B. Dit, A. Holtzhauer, D. Poshyvanyk, and H. H. Kagdi, “A data-
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS for program comprehension during incremental change,” in Proc.
13th Int. Workshop Program Comprehension, 2005, pp. 149–152.
This work was supported by the Key Area Research and [19] H. Kagdi, M. Gethers, D. Poshyvanyk, and M. L. Collard,
Development Program of Guang dong Province under Grant “Blending conceptual and evolutionary couplings to support
2020B010164002, the National Natural Science Foundation of change impact analysis in source code,” in Proc. 17th Work. Conf.
China under Grants 61902441 and 61722214, Guangdong Reverse Eng., 2010, pp. 119–128.
[20] M. Gethers, B. Dit, H. Kagdi, and D. Poshyvanyk, “Integrated
Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation under Grant impact analysis for managing software changes,” in Proc. 34th Int.
2020A1515010973, China Postdoctoral Sc ience Foundation Conf. Softw. Eng., 2012, pp. 430–440.
(2018M640855), Hong Kong RGC Project No. 152239/18E, [21] X. Ye, H. Shen, X. Ma, R. Bunescu, and C. Liu, “From word
embeddings to document similarities for improved information
the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities retrieval in software engineering,” in Proc. 38th Int. Conf. Softw.
under Grant 20wkpy06, 20lgpy129, the National Natural Eng., 2016, pp. 404–415.
Science Foundation of China under Grant 61725201, and the [22] Y. Huang, Q. Zheng, X. Chen, Y. Xiong, Z. Liu, and X. Luo,
Beijing Outstanding Young Scientist Program under Grant “Mining version control system for automatically generating com-
mit comment,” in Proc. ACM/IEEE Int. Symp. Empir. Softw. Eng.
BJJWZYJH01201910001004. Meas., 2017, pp. 414–423.
[23] A. T. Ying, G. C. Murphy, R. Ng, and M. C. Chu-Carroll,
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Xiapu Luo received the PhD degree in computer Nan Jia received the PhD degree in computer
science from The Hong Kong Polytechnic Univer- science from Sun Yat-sen University, China, in
sity, China, and was a postdoctoral research fel- 2017. She is currently an associate professor
low with the Georgia Institute of Technology, with the School of Information Engineering, Hebei
Atlanta, Georgia. He is currently an associate GEO University, China. She is particularly inter-
professor with the Department of Computing, ested in data mining and software engineering.
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China.
His current research focuses on mobile/IoT secu-
rity and privacy, blockchain/smart contracts, soft-
ware engineering, network security and privacy,
and Internet measurement. His work appeared in
top security, software engineering and networking conferences and jour-
nals, and he received several best paper awards (e.g., INFOCOM’18, Gang Huang (Senior Member, IEEE) is currently
ISPEC’17, ATIS’17, ISSRE’16, etc.). a full professor with the Institute of Software,
Peking University, China. His research interests
include in the area of middleware of cloud com-
Xiangping Chen (Member, IEEE) received the puting and mobile computing.
PhD degree from Peking University, China, in
2010. She is currently an associate professor
with the Sun Yat-sen University, China. Her
research interest includes software engineering
and mining software repositories.