Global Trends Chapter 1 Note
Global Trends Chapter 1 Note
Global Trends Chapter 1 Note
state of society to be continual fear, and danger of violent death; and
the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short
optimistic view
suggested that sociability was the strongest bond between men –
men were equal, sociable and free
that nature did not arm man against man, and that some degree of
society was possible even in the state preceding government
Hobbes and Locke are still able to divide approaches to the study of the
nature of international relations
2. bipolar system
there are two dominant states (super powers)
less powerful states join either sides through alliance and counter
alliance formations
problem with bipolar system is that it is vulnerable for zero-sum
game politics because when one superpower gains the other would
inevitably lose
Example: the world was under bipolar system is the cold war period
3. multipolar system
the most common throughout history
reflects various equally powerful states competing for power
In such system, it is possible to bring change without gaining or
losing power
Example: During the period around World War I
It is the currency of international politics. As money is for economics
It determines the relative influence of actors and it shapes the structure
of the international system
international relations is essentially about actors‘ power relations in the
supra-national domain
Hans Morgenthau, a famous thinker of realism theory in IR, argues
that International politics, like all other politics, is a struggle for power
power is the blood line of international relations
Power can be defined in terms of both relations and material (capability)
relational definition of power:
formulated by Robert Dahl
understands power as “A‘s” ability to get “B” to do something it
would not otherwise do
wherever capabilities are equal, power tends to vanish totally
However, a small rise in the capabilities of one of the two nations
could translate into a major advantage in terms of power balance
historical example: The United States and Soviet Union
United States emerged as more powerful than Russia and in
consequence managed to exercise power over Russia-
meaning the USA owned the ability to get Russia to do what
Russia would not otherwise do
a situation where there is absence of authority (government) be it in
national or international/global level systems
Within a country “anarchy” refers to a breakdown of law and order
In relations between states “anarchy” refers to a system where power
is decentralized and there are no shared institutions with the right to
enforce common rules
anarchical world is a world where everyone looks after themselves and
no one looks after the system as a whole
states had to rely on their own resources or to form alliances through
which the power of one alliance of states could be balanced against
the power of another alliance
such power balances were precarious, easily subverted, and given
the value attached to territorial acquisitions, states had an incentive
to engage in aggressive wars
As a result, the new international system was characterized by
constant tensions and threats of war
it can be defined as
internal sovereignty – a state‘s ultimate authority within its territorial
external sovereignty – state‘s involvement in the international
sovereignty denotes double claim of states from the international
autonomy in foreign policy And
independence/freedom in its domestic affairs
1.7. Theories of International Relations
politics of global interactions is more accessible now in the present age
than it ever has been in the past
Relationships which take place across state boundaries seem,
therefore, to include interactions involving not only the diplomatic core
or representatives of our individual states, but the business community,
the media, charitable organizations and so on
Theories of international relations allow us to understand and try to
make sense of the world around us through various lenses, each of
which represents a different theoretical perspective
1.7.1. Idealism/Liberalism
was referred to as a “utopian” theory
view human beings as innately good and believe peace and harmony
between nations is not only achievable, but desirable
Immanuel Kant developed the idea:
states that shared liberal values should have no reason for going to
war against one another
the more liberal states there were in the world, the more peaceful it
would become
since liberal states are ruled by their citizens and citizens are
rarely disposed to desire war
His ideas have resonated and continue to be developed by modern
liberals, most notably in the democratic peace theory, which posits
that democracies do not go to war with each other, for the very
reasons Kant outlined
liberals have faith in the idea that the permanent cessation of war is an
attainable goal
US President Woodrow Wilson addressed his famous “Fourteen Points”
to the US Congress; the last of his points was to create a general
association of nations, which became the League of Nations
It was created largely for the purpose of overseeing affairs between
states and implementing, as well as maintaining, international peace
liberal internationalism
from 1919 to the 1930s, the discipline was dominated by what is
conventionally referred to as liberal internationalism
primary concern of this approach was that:
conditions which had led to the outbreak of the First World War and
the devastation which followed should not be allowed to occur in the
It suggested that the prospects for the elimination of war lay with
a preference for:
democracy over aristocracy
free trade over autarky
collective security over the balance of power system
The two interrelated ideas that emerge from Kant‘s reflections on a
perpetual peace centered on
democratic governance and
institutionalized law-governed relations of cooperation between
two formative pillars of liberal internationalism
free trade
A system of “collective security” was advocated to replace antagonistic
alliance systems with an international order based on the rule of law and
collective responsibility
the League of nations collapse
When the League collapse due to the outbreak of the Second World
War in 1939, its failure became difficult for liberals to comprehend, as
events seemed to contradict their theories
liberalism failed to retain a strong hold and a new theory emerged to
explain the continuing presence of war
international law
It refers to the body of customary and conventional rules which are
binding on civilized states in their intercourse with each other
Liberals argue that international law offers a mechanism by which
cooperation among states is made possible
It provides the normative framework for political discourse among
members of the international system
the purpose of international law is thus to regulate the conducts of
governments and the behaviors of individuals within states
states are the subjects of international law in the sense that they are in
principle obliged to implement the decisions of international tribunals or
international law provides the normative framework for political
discourse among members of the international system
The framework does not guarantee consensus, but it does foster the
discourse and participation needed to provide conceptual clarity in
developing legal obligations and gaining their acceptance
international law performs two different functions:
provide mechanisms for cross-border interactions
It is “operating system” of international law
to shape the values and goals these interactions are pursuing
It is “normative system” of international law
the legal standing of international law is a contentious issue among
scholars. There are three competing views on this matter
international law is not a law at all but a branch of international
it is a law in all senses of the term
it is a matter of definition
As a result, the operating system of international law functions in some
ways as a constitution does in a domestic legal system and not as law
proper – i.e
it does nothing beyond setting out the consensus of its constituent
actors on distribution of authority, rights and responsibilities for
governance within the international system
1.7.2. Realism
international law and diplomatic history, was transformed to an
intellectual agenda which placed power and self-interest at the forefront
of concern
E.H. Carr
Carr‘s “Twenty Years‘ Crisis”, published in 1939
Carr called for a “science” of international relations, one which would
move away from what he saw as the wishful thinking of liberal
Carr‘s text called for a move away from utopian doctrine which, he
suggested, was based on an unrealistic negation of power and its
impact on international politics
Realists argue that values are context bound, that morality is
determined by interest, and that the conditions of the present are
determined by historical processes
The formative assumptions of realism as a school of thought centre on
the view that the international system is “anarchic” in the sense that it is
devoid of an all-encompassing authority
inter-national law are non-binding and ultimately ineffectual in the
regulation of relations between states
realism locates its roots further back, citing Thucydides, Machiavelli and
Hobbes as its founding voices
Hans Morgenthau
asserts that “realism” assumes that its key concept of interest defined
power is an objective category which is universally valid, but it does
not endow that concept with a meaning that is fixed once and for all
international politics, like all politics, is a struggle for power
the realism expressed by Morgenthau purports to be scientific and
Theories of international relations must be consistent with the facts and
it is these which must be the ultimate test of the validity of theoretical
like other realists, hence assumes a clear separation of fact and
value, of theory and practice
Hedley Bull
criticized Morganthau‘s approaches. His concern was that relations
between states could not be reduced to measurable attributes of power
or models of decision making
Bull‘s, “The Anarchical Society” first published in 1977, came to
represent what subsequently has been referred to as the “English
School”, demarcated from the United States-dominated realist and
scientific perspective mainly through its normative approach to the
By the late 1950s and into the 1960s we see a discipline dominated by
realist conceptions of international relations
Realism gained momentum during the Second World War when it
appeared to offer a convincing account for how and why the worst
conflict in known history originated after a period of supposed peace
and optimism
As its name suggests, advocates of realism purport it reflects the
“reality” of the world and more effectively accounts for change in
international politics
Thomas Hobbes
He described human beings as living in an order-less state of nature
that he perceived as a war of all against all
To remedy this, he proposed that a “social contract” was required
between a ruler and the people of a state to maintain relative
Kenneth Waltz
define a neo-realist agenda and absolutely dominated the discipline
and some would argue do so to the present day
Waltz focuses on the international system itself and seeks to provide
a structuralist account of its dynamics and the constraints it imposes
on state behavior
international system is, for Waltz, anarchical and hence perpetually
threatening and conflictual
What is of interest to Waltz is the imperatives of the international
system and the distribution of capabilities within it
This is hence a structural account, but it is an account that
markedly differs in approach and substantive content from the
neo-Marxist structuralism
It has much akin to realism and must therefore be placed within
that perspective
war seems more common than peace to realists indeed they see war as
One central area that sets realism and liberalism apart is how they view
human nature
do not typically believe that human beings are inherently good, or
have the potential for good, as liberals do. Instead, they claim
individuals act in their own self-interest
people are selfish and behave according to their own needs
without necessarily taking into account the needs of others
believe conflict is unavoidable and perpetual and so war is
common and inherent to humankind
For realists
politics is primarily about domination as opposed to cooperation
between states
realist lens magnifies instances of war and conflict and then uses
those to paint a certain picture of the world
they arrive at a more pessimistic view
due to their focus on the centrality of the state and its need for
security and survival in an anarchical system where it can only
truly rely on itself
describe IR as a system where war and conflict is common and
periods of peace are merely times when states are preparing for
future conflict
For Liberals
Liberals lens blur out areas of domination and instead bring areas of
cooperation into focus
share an optimistic view of IR
believing that world order can be improved, with peace and progress
gradually replacing war
It is important to understand that there is no single liberal or realist
Scholars in the two groups rarely fully agree with each other, even
those who share the same approach
both realism and liberalism have been updated to more modern
versions (neoliberalism and neorealism) that represent a shift in
emphasis from their traditional roots
Both liberalism and realism consider the state to be the dominant actor
in IR and typically regarded as possessing ultimate power, although
liberalism does add a role for nonstate actors such as international
This includes the capacity to enforce decisions, such as declaring
war on another nation, or conversely treaties that may bind states to
certain agreements
argue that organizations are valuable in assisting states in
formulating decisions and helping to formalize cooperation that leads
to peaceful outcomes
believe states partake in international organizations only when it is in
their self-interest to do so
Many scholars have begun to reject these traditional theories over the
past several decades because of their obsession with the state and the
status quo
1.7.3. Structuralism/Marxism
Marxism is an ideology that argues that a capitalist society is divided
into two contradictory classes:
the business class (the bourgeoisie) and
the working class (the proletariat)
proletariats are at the mercy of the bourgeoisie who control their
wages and therefore their standard of living
Marx hoped for an eventual end to the class society and overthrow of
the bourgeoisie by the proletariat
It concentrated on the inequalities that exist within the international
system, inequalities of wealth between the rich “North” or the “First
World” and the poor “South” or the “Third World”
the structuralist paradigm focused on dependency, exploitation and the
international division of labor which relegated the vast majority of the
global population to the extremes of poverty, often with the complicities
of elitemgroups within these societies
As many in this tradition argued, most states were not free they were
subjugated by the political, ideological and social consequences of
economic forces
The basis of such manifest inequality was the capitalist structure of the
international system which accrued benefits to some while causing,
through unequal exchange relations, the impoverishment of the vast
majority of others
pluralism and its liberal associations had viewed networks of economic
interdependence as a basis of increasing international cooperation
founded on trade and financial interactions
neo-Marxist structuralism viewed these processes as the basis of
inequality, the debt burden, violence and instability
Major writers in the structuralist perspective emerged from Latin
America, Africa and the Middle East, primary among which were Andre
Gunter Frank and Samir Amin, both of whom concentrated on
dependency theory
1.7.4. Constructivism
commonly viewed as a middle ground between mainstream theories
and the critical theories
constructivists highlight the importance of values and shared interests
between individuals who interact on the global stage
Alexander Wendt
described the relationship between agents (individuals) and
structures (such as the state)
His famous phrase “anarchy is what states make of it”
the core of constructivism, is that the essence of international relations
exists in the interactions between people
After all, states do not interact; it is agents of those states, such as
politicians and diplomats, who interact
International anarchy could even be replaced with a different system if a
critical mass of other individuals (and by proxy the states they
represent) accepted the idea
IR is, then, a never-ending journey of change chronicling the
accumulation of the accepted norms of the past and the emerging
norms of the future. As such, constructivists seek to study this process
1.7.5. Critical Theories
refer to a wide spectrum of theories that have been established in
response to mainstream approaches in the field, mainly liberalism and
critical theorists share one particular trait – they oppose commonly held
assumptions in the field of IR
Critical theories are valuable because they identify positions that have
typically been ignored or overlooked within IR
also provide a voice to individuals who have frequently
been marginalized, particularly women and those from the Global
Critical theorists who take a Marxist angle often argue that the
internationalization of the state as the standard operating principle of
international relations has led ordinary people around the globe
becoming divided and alienated, instead of recognizing what they all
have in common as a global proletariat
It differs from Marxism by focusing on the inequality between nations or
regions, as opposed to classes
effects of colonialism are still felt in many regions of the world
This approach acknowledges that politics is not limited to one area or
region and that it is vital to include the voices of individuals from other
parts of the world
Edward who developed the prominent “Orientalist” critique, said
describing how the Middle East and Asia were inaccurately depicted in
the West
more focus within the discipline was placed on including the viewpoints
of those from the Global South to ensure that Western scholars no
longer spoke on their behalf
Postcolonial scholars are, therefore, important contributors to the field
as they widen the focus of enquiry beyond IR‘s traditionally “Western”
Generally, realists believe that international organizations appear to be
successful when they are working in the interests of powerful states.
But, if that condition is reversed and an organization becomes an
obstacle to national interests, then the equation may change
A contemporary example would be the United States invading Iraq in
2003 despite the Security Council declining to authorize it
On the other hand, liberals would argue that without the United
Nations, international relations would likely be even more chaotic
A constructivist would look at the very same example and say that
while it is true that the United States ignored the United Nations and
invaded Iraq, by doing so it violated the standard practices of
international relations
Examining the difficulties the United States faced in its
international relations following 2003 gives considerable weight to
the constructivist and liberal viewpoints
Marxists would argue that any international body, including the United
Nations, works to promote the interests of the business class
After all, the United Nations is composed of (and was built by) states
who are the chief protagonists in global capitalism – the very thing that
Marxism is opposed to
United Nations can be said to be dominated by imperial (or neo-
imperial) powers
Imperialism, according to Marxist doctrine, is the highest stage of
he United Nations, then, is not an organization that offers any hope of
real emancipation for citizens
post-colonialists would argue that the discourse perpetuated by the
United Nations is one based on cultural, national or religious privilege
it has no African or Latin American permanent members, the Security
Council fails to represent the current state of the world
also point to the presence of former colonial powers on the Security
Council and how their ability to veto proposals put forward by other
countries perpetuates a form of continued indirect colonial
exploitation of the Global South