CSEC Biology June 2024 P1
CSEC Biology June 2024 P1
CSEC Biology June 2024 P1
1 lioiir 15 inil.utes
This test consists of 60 itenis. You will have I hour aiid 15 mlnutes to alis\ver them.
Iii addition to this test booklet, .vou should have €ui answer sheet.
Each item in this test lias four suggeslcd aiiswei-s lettered (A). (8). (C). (D). Read each item
you i`re about to answ.er and decide which choice is best.
4. Oil your aiiswer shcct, find the niimber which cori.esponds to your item aiid shade llie siJacc
having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the ``.imple item below.
Sapplc I,em
The best answer to tliis item is .`Anacmiti"` so (D) has been sliaclcd.
If you waiit to chai`ge your answer, erase it complctcly before you fill in your new choice.
Wlien you arc` told to begin. tiirn tlie page and work as quickly aiid as cai.cl`ully as you call. If
}'ou cannot aliswcr an item` go on to the next one. You ma}J return to that iteni later.
I. Which itf the rollo\tiing features is used 2. I,iving orgaiiisms. such as plants. arc
to classify a group of organisms as class aff`cctcd by ABI0TIC factors whicli
lnseeta? determine where they become established.
Which oftlie following lists colitaiiis some
(A) Size of these clctermiiiing l`actors?
(8) Shape
(C) Colol,,. (A) Sediment sir.e. shape and colour
(D) Niimbcr or segments (8) Sunlight availability, soil p+I.
(C`) Parasitisni. commensalism. mutu-
(D) I)cforestation, slaLsh and bui`n,
shit`tirig cultivation
Niche Habitat
l`he rc}le that an orgaiiism plays in The place where an orgfliiism lives
the hal)itat in whicli it lives
1 hc place wliere an oi.ganism lives The role th!it an organisi]i plays ill the
habitat in wliich it live.i
A commuilit}' ot. liviilg organisms The abiotic and biotic factors of tlie
that share tlic env iroiiment ecosystem ill whicli an organism lives
Tlie biotic t`actors of.the ecosystem The abiotic factors or the ecosystem
where all oi.ganisiii lives where an orgatiisiii lives
01207010/MJ/CSEC 2024
Items 4 alid 5 I.ef`er to the roll owing rood Approximately 10% of the eiici.gy stored
chain wh ich shows tlie t`eeding rel:itionship ill food is flv{iilable to the next orgaiiism ill
in a f[`esh```ater l{ike. a food cht`iii bc.cause
Algae + larviic + ccl - pike (A) most ol`tlic energy is lost c]ui.ing
tlie pi.occSS ol` cxcretioti
4. Which oi.ganism in tlie foc)d chain is the (8) tlicrc arc fewer consumers tliali
secondary cons`Imcr?
produccJ`rs ill a food cliain
(C) most ofthc cncrgy is lost a`` heat
(A) Eel dur.Hig the process of I.esr>iration
(8) Pike (D) maiiy consumers compete for the
lc) Algae saiiic t`octd source
(D) Lirvac
A fal`iiier notices pink mealy bugs ill his The GREATEST lhrcat to the silfvivtll of`
garden. Ile is advised to i`itroduce the coral I-ccl`s is
ladybird bcctle to coiitrol the mealy bugs.
Tlie type of relationsh ip betuJeeii tlie meal,v
(A) ilicrc.ased levels of djssolvcd
bug ancl the ladybird beetle is desct`ibed as OX}`8ell
12. Which ol`tlie following structui.es is found ONLY ill plant cells?
(^) Nucleus
(8) cThlorortlast
(C) Mitochoiidrifl
(D) Ccllliicmbrane
13. Which of tlie following coiiiparisons between the cell wan and cell membrane is INCORRECT?
Iti`m 14 refers to tlic roll()wilig diagraiii Item 16 ret`crs tc> tlie f`ollowin g (liag,.alll
which shows a xylem vessel. which represents a mctabolic process
carrjcd out in plants.
Cell wall containing
]ignin :i,=':,
in Oxygen
14. Tlie major rcatiire tliat is responsible for
the rigid structiire ofthc xylcm vessel is tlic
(A) Iignin
cell wall
sp€ice in the cells
(D) gap wl`cre two cells mcc( 16. The roocl produced is
I. Food absoxptioil
11. Urilie formiitioii
Ill. Gasi`ous exclialigL-
(A) Iron
Rate of
(8) Zinc
photosynthesis(I 0.03% Col (C) Potassium
(D) Magiiesium
(A) As photosynthesis rates increase, (8) decreases the rate ofa chefliical
tlierc is a decrease ill carbcni reaction
dioxide levels. (C) increases the rate of a chemical
As light il`tensity incrcascs. the reaction but remaii`s unchanged
rate of photosynthesis also {it the cnd of the reaction
iiicrcases, until a statio"ar}' (D) decreases the rate ofa chemical
reaction but reiiiaii`s iinchai`ged
phase exists` when denaluratioii
of` the ciizymes occurs. nt the end of the reaction
20. Whicli of the followiiig graphs sliows 21. A 50-}Jeal.-old male is advised by his doctoi.
tlii` crrect of temperature on i`ii eli7ymc- to reduce the aiiioimt of`salt he coiisunics ill
controlled reaction? his dic[. If` Ilo igliores his doctor's advice.
lie lias a higli chance of dcvelopiiig
(A) obesity
(13) diabetes
(C) hypcilciision
(D) sickle-cell aiiaemiii
20 40 60 80
Temperature (°C) Ileni 22 ret`ers to 1]ie followiiig diagraiii ol`
tlic respiratory system.
20 40 60 80
Temperature (°C)
20 40 60 80
Temperature (°C) 22. Which of ll]c ldbclled rtarts rcpi.cseiits the
20 40 60 80
Temperature (°C)
0 I 207010/MJ/CSEC 2024
Iteni 23 refers to the f`ollowing equation 26. ln heart bypass siirgcry, using an arter}J to
which shows the oxidation of glucose in b}ipass the blockage is advan+agcous over
usiiig a vein because
29. Under which conclitions will the rate of 32. V+'hich of the following is NOT a form of
traiispiration in plants be HIGI IF,ST? excrclion in r)lants?
(A) wateris loaded iiitothc pliloeiii 33. Wliich ot`thc l`ol low ing correctly describes
(8) water is taken out ot.the phloem moveiTient in plants?
(C) sucrosc` is lo{ided into the phloem
(I)) sucrose istaki`noutofthephloem (A) Irrcvcrsible, whole or pal.t movL`-
(8) Re`/el.sible, wliole or piirt niovc-
|}£Ej| ret`ers to the f()Hc)wing diagi.aiT` of l'lclll
a potato I)lant.
(C) Ii.rl`\'crsible` grow`th oi. part niove-
(D) RL`vL`rs"c, growth or part move-
35. Artcr a few days. the TALLF,ST shoot would MOST likely be
(A) dctectastimulus
(8) I.cspolidtoastimulus
(C) Telayai`ervcimpulse
(D) crcateanerveimpulse
[]J .'
• Spinal
37. Which of the following options gives tlie correct names roi-tlie iiumbcred structures?
I [[ Ill
sei`sor.y iicurolie ITiotor neurolie i`ctiiy neurone
sensory neui.otic relay neuronc motorni`uroiie
iTiotor iieui`one sensory neui`one relay ticuronc`
38. Which ot.the t`ollowing ai.e t.`mclions oftlie Item 40 refers to the t`ol lowiilg graph w h ich
cciiitributc to in the bi`aiii? illiislr{ites a mcasuri`meiit ot` growtli in
liviiig organisms.
I. Maiiitains postiire
11. Maintains balaiice
Ill. Regulates tempcratiii.c
39. Whicli of the followiiig factors does 40. Whicli of the following labels would bc
NOT contribute [o the devi`lopment ot` INCORRF,CT on the .}'-axis?
lteiii 41 rel`ers to the t`ollow illg activities 42. The prodiiction of new organisms frctm
iTi\'ol\'ed ill the liiciistrual cycle. one pari`nt oii]y is knc)wn as
(A) I-ll-Ill-lv
(8) Il-I-Ill-TV
(C) IV-I-„-]'I
(D) lv-Ill-]I-I
44. Which row ill the rol lowiiig table CORRECTI.Y slates the cause, treatment` control and prev eiition
of the disease AIDS?
Ileiii 45 refers to the followingdiagrams 46. Which of the f.ollowing shows the
of flowers froni two different types ot` col.rect seqLience for sccd foi`maliiin iil`ter
plar,ts. fertilization?
(A) Ovulc+embryo-seed+zygotc
(8) Ovule-zygote~L`mbryo+seed
(C) Embryo + ovulc +zygote + seed
(D) Lmbiyo+z}Jgote+ovulc+sccd
(D) Botharewindpollinaled.
(C ) Tubauig.ition
(D) Birth coiitrol pill
49. A60-,vear-oldmanhasbceii diagnosed with 52. On a certain Caribbean islar`d where sugar
hypci.tension as well €is iliabi`lcs. Whicli of cane is growt`. a fuiigus is accidelitally
tlie followillg treatments woiild bl` MOST introduced into the islalid dud destroys
cfl`cctive for the diseases? the i`ntire sugar cane crop. Which c>r lhc
following BEST explains wliy the entire
(8) StructuremadeupofDNAwrar)ped
aroilncl h istonc`s
(C) Nuclcic aciil that coiitains all 53. Which of` the following statements about
genetic inl`ot.nation mciosis is NOT true?
(D) Pal.t of.the DN^ which carries
geiietic int`omiation to produce (A) Itallows `.orgeneticvariatioii.
a protei,1 (8) Il results in the productioiH}f
(C) lldoublesthe niimbcrot`chromo-
51. Which ol` the follov,'ing ai.e examples of somes ill gametes.
asexual reproduction? (D) ltcauseshaploidcellstoformfrom
diploid cells.
I. Rudding
11. Biiiary fissioii
Ill. Vegetative pi.opagatic)Il 54. lf` a diploid organism has two differelit
illeles t`or the bamc gene, it is dcscribcd as
(A) I and ll o,,Iy being
59. Which of the t`ollowiiig descriptions is true ofilatural and artificial selection?
!±£!n±g rel`ers to tlic follouiillg diagram which shows Stages 1` 11.111 and IV ill the pi.odiictioii of-
insiilin by gcrictic ciiginecriiig.
Human cell
±\_ p©`J
60. In w'hich of the stages above can insulin I)e produce.d by the bacteriiuii?
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