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A. Background of Study

Human beings as a part of the culture cannot be disassociated with others,

because they are closely related to society. What they do or work is named as the

culture; its result can be cultivated or accepted by the others. In globalization era,

according to Sapir, the developing of culture has been effected by the language

development. 1

That happens to the terms of Indonesian language especially as result of

knowledge and technology development, and using register marks. It can be

defined either narrowly or broadly, but it is narrowly and commonly perceived as

jargon such as the tourism fields.

Definition of language itself is a system of arbitrary vocal symbol used by

human being for cooperation, communication and identification of himself. 2

Moreover, language is a basic tool of communication. People can communicate

with others by the language. So, the language becomes an important thing in

human life; it represents a basic need of people. Without communication, they can

do nothing.

Based on the definition above, the language functions for communicating

each other and it also as the part of culture. Thus, in social context there are two

kinds of relation between language and culture; they are Filogenetic and

Ronald Wardhaugh, An Introduction Sociolinguistics, (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986), p.212
Djoko Kentjono, Dasar-dasar Linguistik Umum,(Jakarta: Fakultas FIB UI, 1984), p.2

Ontogenetic. Bahasa bagian dari kebudayaan disebut dengan Filogenetik. 3

(Language as the part of culture is called as Filogenetic), and seseorang belajar

kebudayaan melalui bahasa disebut dengan Ontogenetic. 4 (A person that learns

the culture through the language is called as Ontogenetic). Both of them are the

elements of language study. Every one can study them in all languages.

Moreover, a person uses a language to express his idea and feeling. It is

the basic function of language as a mean for communication and interaction with

the others. The language plays important role of each aspect in the life, whereas,

that the people have many activities in their life, so the meaning of

communication of the language has many varieties like health, economics,

political languages, etc. This is named as register; it is the part of language

variety. Haliday (1970, 1990) drew a primary distinction between two types of

language variety: the first is dialect defining as variety according to the user and

the second is register defining as variety according to the use. 5

The other variety is named as register, such as agriculture, forestry, police,

and airport fields, which have different terms. A narrow and common definition of

register is called as jargon. So, register is a specific vocabulary associated with

different occupational groups. Each register has its term. That may be taken from

the foreign words.

Using a new term from foreign language, which the people often do, that

can be seen in many scientific fields such as economics, politics, medicine, etc.

Abdul Chaer,Loenie Agustina, Sosiolinguistik; Pengenalan Awal, (Jakarta: PT. Rineka
Cipta, 2004), p.52
R.A.Hudson, Sociolinguistics, (London: Cambridge University Press, 1980), p.48

The new terms borrowed by Indonesian words are almost taken from English

terms. There are also many borrowing terms from other languages like Dutch,

French, Latin, Arab, etc. In this case, it occurs because borrowing is easier than

creating a new language, for example the word pabrik. That word has been

popular in Indonesian; it is taken from Dutch fabriek and in English named as

factory. 6 So, it indicates a possibility that in the next time there will be many

register terms in Indonesia that is created by Indonesian people whether it is from

Dutch, French, Latin, Arab, or English, because language is elastic one.

Sometimes it will change.

As the writer concerns, this paper discusses tourism register Indonesia

words borrowed from English words. English is the international language used

commonly in modern era. Immediately, Indonesian accepts the English words,

both their forms and spelling, while there are words forms of borrowing term that

a spelling is same as the Indonesian language.

The writer takes one example of tourism fields such as tourist in English.

The word tourist now becomes popular called turis in Indonesia. This word is

actually borrowed term, which a pronunciation is same as the Indonesian language

for instance tourist – turis. And this word is originally taken from the word tour,

from earlier French tor and Latin tornus, thus tour is making a tour of tourist. 7

The word tourist is taken from tour and adding ist. Tour is a journey for pleasure

during several different towns or countries. By adding –ist as derivation of suffix,

Winferd P.Lehmen, Historical Linguistics; An Introduction, (New York: The University of
Texas, 1972), p.216
W.W. Skeat, Etymological Dictionary of The English Language, (Oxford: Clarendon Press),

it refers to a person who is traveling. Tourist means the person who is traveling

from a place to other places for finding pleasure.

There are many reasons why Indonesian people borrow English terms

besides Dutch, Arabic or other language. One of them is caused that English is the

world language; so many Indonesian terms are taken from English. Moreover,

many scientific terms of Indonesia also use register that is taken from English. It

is considered that in international relation the people usually use English. Amran

Halim has opinions about English as follows;

1. Bahasa Inggris merupakan mata pelajaran wajib di lembaga pendidikan,

sehingga lebih dikenal. (English is the primary lesson in educational

context, so it is more popular than other languages)

2. Bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa asing yang diutamakan sebagai sarana

komunikasi resmi antara Indonesia dengan Negara lainnya. (English is

the foreign language used by Indonesian people for communication with

the others)

3. Sebagaian besar kepustakaan dalam bidang ilmu pengetahuan dan

teknologi ditulis dalam bahasa inggris. (Most the library of science and

technology are written in English)

4. Bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu bahasa resmi dilingkungan PBB.

(English is one of formal language in the United Nation)


5. Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa kerja di kalangan bangsa-bangsa di Asia

Tenggara. 8 (English is daily language of societies in Southeast Asian


From many reasons above, it is understood that English can have strong

position in the world, so that English has also influence Indonesian language in

many aspects whether it is in education, politics, economics, arts, and also


In this case, especially in the application of the meaning in English or

other languages, every meaning of word affects a borrowed term, and it happens

to semantics change or changes of meaning. So then, semantics change can result

the borrowings. Perubahahan makna adalah perubahan makna kata dalam

sejarah suatu bahasa dan dalam kontak dengan bahasa-bahasa lain. 9 (Semantics

change is the changes of words meaning within a history and contact of language

with other languages).

The meaning change is a necessary to say something about the way in

which words are gradually taken from that meaning. Then, causes of semantics

change are language and culture development, as previously it has been explained.

Language development includes the meaning and form; both of them can be

disassociated to each other. Meaning of words and the way of meanings

development is known as semantics; whereas etymology of semantics is a study of

changes of word form seen from history of language, such changes of word forms

from original lexicon in the language. This is because language has developed and
Amran Halim, Sikap Bahasa dan Pelaksanaan Kebijaksanaan Bahasa Indonesia, Makalah
dalam Kongres Bahasa Indonesia III, 1978, p.9
Harimurti Kridalaksana, Kamus Linguistik, (Jakarta: PT.Gramedia, 1993), Edisi 3, p.172

changed the word form from borrowing. It has been observed that in their word

sense development often pursue certain well-marked tendencies. More common of

these are named as extension of meaning, narrowing of meaning, degeneration

and regeneration, which those will be discussed in Chapter II.

Therefore, the writer as student of Humanities Faculty would like to do

research on the analysis of tourism register in English lexical borrowings into

Indonesia language. The meaning of Humanities itself is the same as the culture,

thus this topic has related to the cultural aspect. So that she wants to analyze the

English lexical borrowings of tourism field, which is popular in the social

environment by using those terms in tourism field.

B. Focus of Study

In writing this paper, the writer would like to limit the discussion on

English lexical borrowing of tourism field accepted as Indonesian words. She

collects various articles from magazines that have a connection with tourism term,

and then she takes and analyzes some words borrowed by Indonesian and to get

their meaning difference and use.

C. Research Question

The research questions the writer wants to analyze are as follows:

1. How is the borrowed English tourism register different from their original


2. What kind of semantic changes do happen to the borrowed English

tourism register?

D. Objective of Study

Based on the research questions above, the writer wishes to describe the

English register borrowed by Indonesian language in tourism fields and happened

changes of meaning to these lexical borrowings.

E. Significance of Study

The writer hopes the result of the research will be advantageous to her

especially and the reader generally, in order to know what kind of words in

English terms called register. Based on cultural development that happens in

language development, thus she wants to know what does kind of English tourism

registers and borrowings happen in changes of meaning.

She hopes that this research can be contribution for others especially for

cultural and language studies in State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta. In study

of semantics and sociolinguistics she realizes that many interesting things to

research. One of them is in tourism field. Indonesian people can know English

tourism registers and borrowings trough this research result. Finally, the result of

this research can motivate other researcher to do the same study but different


F. Research Methodology

1. Method of Research

In this research, the writer uses descriptive qualitative method where she

describes the corpus of English lexical tourism register borrowed by Indonesian

language and changes of meaning that happened, such as extension, narrowing,

degeneration, and regeneration.

2. Unit of Analysis

The unit of analysis of this research is the corpus of tourism fields

collected from various articles of Indonesia magazines such as Intisari, Tamasya

and Jalan-Jalan magazine.

3. Instrument of Research

The researcher uses herself as a main instrument by reading and marking

the English register used in Indonesia magazines or newspapers. Then, the data

are tabulated to make it easier to analyze.

4. The Approach to Analyze the Data

The writer uses sociolinguistics and semantics theory for data analysis

through the following steps:

a. Collecting the English tourism register borrowed by Indonesian

b. Analyzing the lexical meaning in Indonesia and English languages (the

meaning is based on dictionaries)

c. Deciding changes of meaning that happened then classify into varieties

changes of meaning such as degeneration, regeneration, extension and




In this research, the writer uses two aspects of sociolinguistics theory,

namely register and borrowing, and semantics theory that has close relation to the

changes of meaning. Rene Appel, Gerad Hobert and Greus Meijer have stated that

sociolinguistics is a study of language relating to the social and cultural contexts.

It is as the writer told in chapter one that language and culture has a strong

relation and cannot be disassociated each other, so language is for communication

and also a part of definite culture. 10 Sosiolinguitik adalah kajian mengenai bahasa

dan pemakaiannya dalam konteks sosial dan kebudayaan. 11 (Sociolinguistics is a

study of language and its use within social and cultural contexts).

As the part of culture, language has enough concepts and signs to clarify

many activities weather it is spiritually or materially, and then the people consider

them as a human language. 12 So, language is the part of their group culture. Every

group or society has enough concept and sign or symbol to clarify their activities.

A useful language is a language that can always change in the next time,

even though its change does not look as soon as possible. In developing, it will

seem that the language adds the concept and sign for doing something without

stagnant. For example the word komputer in fifty years ago in Indonesia, it has not

10 Abdul Chaer, Loenie Agustina, Op.Cit., p.4-5

Samsuri, Analisa Bahasa, (Jakarta: Erlangga, 1981), p.50
M.A.K.Haliday, Mclntosh Augus, Strevens Peter, The User and Use of language, in Joshua
A.Fishman (ed.), Reading in the Sociology of Language, (The Hague: Mouton & Company, 1968),

been known in Indonesia, but now it has been popular. It means that many

Indonesian people have the concept komputer. The word computer is calculating

machine only, 13 but in English-Indonesia dictionaries, computer is defined as

“alat penyimpanan keterangan pada rekaman-rekaman, menganalisanya dan

memberikan keterangan yang diminta.” 14 This meaning, of course, looks more

suitable with computer concepts as many people use. In addition, the calculating

machine is one of computer forms only.

So, English into Indonesian language obviously has added concepts and

signs within Indonesian. It is named as language contacts between Indonesian and

English. Many terms of English or Indonesia get language contacts.

Kontak bahasa adalah hubungan kebahasan yang terjadi antara satu

masyarakat bahasa dengan masyarakat bahasa yang lain. 15 (A language
contact is a relation of language that happened between a human language
and other human languages)

This language contacts will happen in mutual affected both direct and

indirectly among the languages that are mutual related. The causes of the language

contact are language changes, and then it becomes a part of human language

obviously which will be noted of a history language development itself. 16

The language is divided into two parts; they are verbal and non-verbal. 17

The verbal language includes words, phrases and sentences, whereas non-verbal

language includes gesturers or sign. The function of the language is the human
Hornoby AS, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, (New York: Oxford University Press),
Sixth Edition, p.249
A.S. Hornby, E.C. Parnwell, Siswojo, Kamus Inggris – Indonesia, (Kuala Lumpur: Oxford
University Press, 1979), p.77
Samsuri, Op. Cit., p.661
William F. Mackey, The Description of Bilingualism, in Joshua A. Fishman (ed.), Reading in
the Sociology of Language, (The Hague: Mouton & company, 1968), p.554
Jean Berko Gleason, Nan Bernstein Ratner, Psycholinguistics, Second Edition, (Orlando:
Harcourt Brace & Company, 1993), p. 7

communication both written and oral languages. 18 The written languages include

words, phases and sentences, whereas oral languages include sounds and


To know the language is by understanding certain sound sequences that

signify certain concepts or meanings. 19 Speaker of English knows what those

mean and those mean something different from toy or girl or pterodactyl. When

you know a language you know words in that language. So, the meaning of the

word is the smallest segment of speech that can be used alone. 20

It has been estimated that the English contains more than a million words,

of which fewer than half are included in unabridged dictionaries; English has been

a prodigious borrowed of words that is in our languages. This has come through

invasions, immigrations, explorations, trade, and other avenues of contact between

English and some foreign language. Here there are many processes of word

formation, as Baugh has pointed out:

a. Sources of the new words, borrowings or adoptions

This process is to be expected in the light of the English disposition to

borrow words from other languages in the past. The new words have been taken

over ready from the people whom the idea or thing designated has been obtained.

For example, from the French come garage, chiffon, consommé; From Italian

come confetti and vendetta; and from Spanish, by way of the united state bonanza,

while the East is represented by Afghan from India and chop suey from China.

Ronald Wardhaugh, Op.Cit., p.3
Victoria Fromkin & Robert Rodman, An Introduction to Language, (Orlando, Florida:
Harcourt Brace & Company, 1974), Sixth Edition, p.5
Normance &Stageberg, An Introductory English Grammar, (New York: Holt, Rinchart and
Winston, 1950), p. 121

The cosmopolitan character of the English vocabulary already pointed out is thus

being maintained, and a person shall see in the next chapter that America has

added may other foreign words, particularly from Spanish and the languages of

the American Indian.

b. Self-explaining compound

It is simply the joining of two or more words into a single word such as the

word fire-extinguisher, the word fire means api, extinguisher is taken from

extinguish by ending –er (extinguish+er). Extinguish means

memadamkan/mematikan and –er is one of a bound morpheme, its function in

English is noun forming. So, the meaning of fire extinguisher is alat pemadam


c. Coinages

A considerable number of new words must be attributed to deliberate

invention or coinage. There has probably never been a time when the creative

impulse has not spent itself occasionally in inventing new words, but their

chances of general adoption now are often creased by a campaign of advertising

as deliberate as the effort which created them such as Kodak seems to be pure

invention; nowadays Kodak has all but displaced the word camera in popular use,

irrespective of the make of the instrument.

d. Blending

The blending is fusion of two words into one, usually the first part of one

word with the last part of another, as in brunch, from breakfast and lunch, that

means is used facetiously in speaking of those who get up too late for breakfast or

nearly lunch.

e. Common words from proper names

The common words from proper names have been derived in the past; they

are the names of persons, places and brands such as sandwich. This word is from

a noble on one occasion, putting slice of meat between pieces of bread.

f. Employing an old word

Employing an old word in a new sense sometimes extends from old words

with new meaning, the resource of the vocabulary within. For example, ‘skyline’

the truth meaning is the line a long that the sky seems to touch the earth, but

nowadays has a new meaning is the outline, as of a city, seen against the sky. 21

Based on the title in these writings, the writer tries to explain the English

lexical borrowings in definite fields. It is tourism field called as register, or

usually perceived as jargon.

A. Register

Register is simply defined as an occupational variety of language,

especially marked by a special set of vocabulary (technical terminology)

associated with a profession or occupation or other defined social group and

Albert C, Baugh, History of the English Language, (USA: D. Appleton Century Company,
Inc, 1935), p.373-379

forming part of in group variety or this is most commonly perceived as jargon,

and most people that associate it will be particular word choices.22

Ronald Wardhaugh defines register narrowly and broadly as follow:

Register is another complicating in any study of language varieties

And registers are sets of vocabulary items associated with discrete
occupational or social group (narrowly), such as in jargon of airline
pilots, bank managers, surgeons, etc. 23

People who work at the particular trade or occupation develop new terms

for a new concept such as the terms like a sticky wicket and bit for a six. Both are

understood best by people with some experience of cricket namely jargon. 24

Whereas in everyday language term, jargon is applied to a wide range of different

phenomena, including the specialist register of professionals such as lawyers or

sailors, sociolinguistics employ terms like sub-language, register to most

phenomena called everyday jargon. 25 Jargon boundary is a set of terms and

expressions used by a social or occupational group, but not used and often not

understood by the speech community. 26

So, narrowly register is called as jargon. The most phenomena commonly

have a relation with a field or used by profession group, and a special or technical

vocabulary evolves to meet the special needs of the profession. For example,

physicians and health professionals use medical jargon, so linguist uses a

Peter Stockwell, Sociolinguistics, –in A Resource Book For Students, (London & New York:
Routledge, 2002), p.6
Ronald Wardhaugh, Op.Cit., p.48
Bernard Spolksky, Sociolinguistics, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998), p.33
Rajend Mestrhrie, Concise Encyclopedia of Sociolinguistics, -in P. Muhlhausler, Jargons,
(Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Shannon-Singapore-Tokyo: Elsevier/Pergaman, 2001), p.483
Hartmann & Stork, Sosiologi Bahasa, -translated by A. Chaedar Alwasilah, (Bandung:
Angkasa, 1985), p.61

technical linguistics jargon with vocabulary items such as phoneme, morpheme,

transformation, and so on, and in addition in tourism field has vocabulary or term

itself. The specialist jargon serves not just to label new and needed concepts, but

to establish bonds between members of the group and enforce boundaries for

outsider. If somebody cannot understand jargon of others, he does not belong to

their group.

Register, as previously it has been explained above according to Halliday,

is the part of language varieties. That is a primary distinction between two types

of language varieties: “dialect” which is defined as variety according to user, it is

what a person speaks, determined by whom he is, and “register” which is defined

as variety according to the user, it is what the person is speaking, determined by

what he is doing at the time. 27

The language variety cannot be included into dialect, but register. By

discussing register, usually it is connected by the dialect. Perhaps people have a

dialect in their life, such as a resident who lived in Seashore, but they are

impossible to be lived by one register only, because in their life as a group of

society and daily activities has more than one what they have done. It is also

probably in modern life, there are people know one dialect only, but in generally

modern society people who lived by more than one dialects (regional or social)

and wrestle with many register, caused in modern societies of course the people

can be concerned with different activities.

Adam Makkai, Valerie Makkai and Luigi Helmann, Language As Social Semiotic: Towards
A General Sociolinguistics Theory in M.A.K. Haliday, (Columbia: Hornbeam Press, 1977), p. 22-

A wider definition of register is seen as a sort of social genre of linguistic

usage (sometime specified as a sociolect to differentiate it from ‘dialect’). 28

Example of register under this definition would include the language of a

newspaper article, academic prose, a recipe in a cookery book, and so on. It is

important that register is defined primarily by the circumstance and purpose of the

communicative situation, rather than by the individual user or social group using

the variety. One way of pinpointing a register is to identify a communicative event

along three dimensions:

A variety in language used for a specific purpose, as opposed to a social

or regional dialect (which varies by speakers). Register may be more
narrowly defined by reference to subject matter (FIELD OF DISCOURSE,
e.g. the jargon of fishing, gambling, etc.), to medium, (MODE OF
DISCOURSE, e.g. printed material, written letter, message on tape, etc.),
or to level of formality (MANNER OF DISCOURSE, e.g. formal, casual,
intimate, etc.) 29

The field is the social setting and purpose of the interaction; its example is

like above. Another case of an academic article in a professional journal, for

example, is the field that would be the subject matter of the article, and the

purpose in publishing it would be to spread the argument and ideas among

academic colleagues. The mode refers to the medium of communication, for

example, spoken, written, or e-mailed. For instance, an academic article is in the

written mode.

Finally, the manner is the same with tenor reference to the relationship

between the participants in the event such as the writer of the article, readers

including academic colleagues and students constitute the tenor here. Tenor is the

Peter Stockwell, Op.Cit., p.7
Hartmann & Stork, Op.Cit., p.63

same with style reference to variations within register that can represent individual

choices along social dimension; one stylistic dimension within the register would

be the scale of formality or casualness.

So, in order to know about that immediately, there is a slogan that can

help: field refers to ‘why’ and ‘about what’ a communication takes place; mode is

about ‘how’; and tenor is about ‘to whom’. 30 For example, how the speaker

defines how he sees the person with whom he is communicating.

Therefore, register can be concluded as a variety of language most likely

to be used in a specific situation and with particular roles and statuses involved,

and also register is marked by choices of vocabulary and of other aspects of style,

such as known by jargon.

B. Borrowings

When speaker of one language borrows words from another language, the

foreign word come to be used as regular vocabulary item, it is called by

borrowing. For example, when a speaker of English says, “they have a great deal

of savoir-faire,” this word savoir-faire was originally a borrowed word (or

loanword) from French, but it has come to be used as a vocabulary item in

English. 31

From that example, it is considered that borrowing is different from code

switching, which assumes mastery, or two or more languages and the use of a

R. A. Hudson, Op.Cit., p.49
Andrian Akmajian, Richard A.Demers, Ann K. Farmer & Robert M. Harnish, Linguistics, An
Introduction Language and Communication, (London, England, Cambridge: Masachusetts, 1995),

wide range of rules of the languages is to be switched. By contrast, borrowing

usually involves the adaptation of a word into phonetic and grammatical system of

the other language. Further more, the borrowing of a word does not presuppose

knowledge of the language from which it is taken; the term ‘borrowing’ does not

have the sense of impermanence and single ownership evident in its everyday

meaning. 32

According to Wardhaugh, Borrowings are the part of language changes in

study of sociolinguistics. He has stated; there are two kinds of language change

such as internal and external, internally changes include in phonology,

morphology and syntax, while externally change is brought through borrowings.

Changes that occur through borrowing from other dialects or languages are often

quite clearly distinguishable, for while at least, from changes that come

internally. 33

As stated by Hockett, whenever two idiolect or languages come into

contact, one of them may be modified. Face-to-face communication is the contact

directly; either speaker may imitate some feature of the other’s speech, as in

reading, the contact is indirect. So, the influence can only pass in one way;

whereas the communication of speaker may follow some feature. This is called by

model (or the target) of the other’s speech called by substitution, then the

languages which becomes the model is called by donor (or the source language),

this donor is called a replica and it can be importation, and the language which

acquires something new in the process in the borrowing idiolect or language. The
Rajend Mesturie, Joan Swann, Andrea Deumert and William L. leap, Introducing
Sociolinguistics, (Edinburgh: University Press, 2000), p.249
Ronald Wardaugh, Op.Cit., p.188

process itself is called borrowing. 34 The borrowing is a form that has spread from

one linguistic variety (the source) into another variety (the target), it is nearly

synonymous with ‘loanword,’ 35 but the borrowing is often really a stem (smaller

than a word), and maybe phrase (large than a word).

The study of borrowing is interesting to general linguistics, because the

borrowing language may have several possible ways incorporating the foreign

form into its own phonological, morphological, and semantics system, 36 so that

the borrowing language will be result of semantics change or changes of meaning,

because it does not have a sense of impermanence meaning. It will explain in the

next discussion.

Borrowing words from other languages are also important thing in

analyzing a new word. The borrowing occurs when one language adds to its own

lexicon, a word or morpheme from another language. The borrowed words, of

course, remain in the source language or donor, so there is no need to be returned.

Most languages are borrower.

So, the lexicon can be divided into native and non-native words. The

native one is the word that is seen based on history or etymology. While, non-

native word is loanwords, or borrowed that are imported from another language. 37

The language may borrow the word directly or indirectly. The direct

borrowing means that the borrowed item is the native word in the language from

Charles F, A Course Modern Linguistics, (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1958),
Rajend Mestrhrie, Concise Encyclopedia of Sociolinguistics, -in J. Heath, Borrowing,
(Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Shannon-Singapore-Tokyo: Elsevier/Pergaman, 2001), p.432
Ibid, p.433
Victoria Fromkin, Robert Rodman, Op.Cit., p.459

which it is borrowed. For instance, feast is borrowed directly from French and can

be traced back to Latin festurn. On the other hand, the word algebra is borrowed

from Spanish, which in turn has borrowed it from Arabic. Thus, algebra is

indirect borrowed from Arabic with Spanish as an intermediary. 38

The language can grow up in globalization era. This indicates that the

languages are living, and the language can change by time. Its change is very

protruding in lexical or words. So, day by day as many as the words can be added.

For instance, the word terminal, nowadays that word has given in an Indonesian

lexical, and also there are many lexical borrowings from other languages such as

tiket, bagasi, etc. Expropriation of English lexical into Indonesian languages is the

process of language contacts between English and Indonesia languages. For this

reason, borrowings played an important role in sociolinguistics;

Peminjaman kata asing kedalam masyarakat peminjaman bahasa sering

disebabkan karena asosiasi simbolik bahasa yang dipinjam dalam kontak
pertemuan tertentu. 39 (The foreign language borrowings in the society
borrow the language, which language symbol association that is borrowed
in a contact situation causes it.)

Besides borrowings in sociolinguistics there is also bilingual. It is caused

by language contacts. It will be caused by borrowings, as Thomason has stated;

“…Bilingual mixed language genesis is akin to, and in effect actually is,

borrowing.” 40

Ibid, p.460
M. Marcellino, Penyerapan Unsur Bahasa Asing dalam pers Bahasa Indonesia; Suatu
TinjauanLinguistik, sosiolinguistik dan Psikolinguistik, (Jakarta: Universitas Atmajaya, 1996),
Fedric W.Field, Foreward by Bernard Comrie, Linguistic Borrowing in Bilingual Contexts,
(Amsterdam: John Benjamin Publishing Company, 1984), p.12

Indonesia has many languages; it is more than one kind. It is caused that

there are language contacts between Indonesian and other languages or foreign

languages, so then Indonesian people can use the languages more than one such as

English, Dutch, Arabic, etc. So that it is caused by borrowings of language.

Indonesian people borrow foreign languages, because they have got domination of

foreign language and the presence of language contacts; it is called as bilingual.

Usually, in language borrowings are mostly borrowed from Dutch, Arabic and

English, especially in Indonesia languages of definite fields, such as in tourism


Many Indonesian people use Dutch as their foreign languages. It seems

from the history of war by long time ago. Dutch colonized and lived in Indonesia

for several hundred years ago. Dutch is learned by Indonesia as language

authority, and then this is difference from the other people that has learned Arabic

and English languages. Indonesian people have learned Arabic because of

religious contact. In long time ago, Arabian people came to Indonesia to bring

Islam. They guided Indonesian about Islam. Because of that, Arabic was known

and used by Indonesian people.

This is same as Old English. When Christian had introduced to English on

597, Christian has come to English, and also Latin. Even though, it did not mean

as the first contact for Old English and Latin at the time, because before it had

happened in twice contacts with Latin languages. 41

Albert Baugh, Op.Cit., p.86-96

Baugh has also pointed out that Old English and Latin languages at first

has happened before the Anglo-Saxon people that has come to England and then

continues for Old English period (450-1150). The second contact has happened

indirectly, but through the Celts people that have got relation with Latin languages

for Roma’s cohabitation since 43 to 410 years. Then there is a little similarity with

Dutch and Indonesia in language. 42

Generally, Indonesian people organize English after Dutch’s cohabitation

in Indonesia, and after revolution this contact happened because the cultural

contact between the people that have used English and Indonesian languages.

Besides that, through knowledge English also has got relation with Indonesia

language. English influences much Indonesia knowledge. Finally, as a

consequence, many Indonesian people can dominate this English language. The

position of English will be shift of position of Dutch. Before independence

revolution, Dutch as foreign language became popular in groups of Indonesian

people. English is occupied this place. So, English is cohabitation in Indonesia

which English as the second language, even now English as the first foreign

language in Indonesia, because as known English has been popular in educational


There are three types of loans or borrowed elements into a number of

classes depending on phonological and semantics characteristics, as follows:


1. Loanword

The loanword is an importation of form and meaning with degrees of

phonological integration (all, none, or partial), and the importation of the model

(the target), for example in using of the word hamburger. Indonesian people have

known that hamburger is a meal or food. There is no other word beside that word

used by Indonesian people, because it has not found the equivalent word yet in

Indonesia language, so the whole Indonesian words adopted spelling and

pronunciation which used by original forms.

2. Loanblend

Loanblend is combination of foreign and native forms. It has a similarity

in pronunciation whether it is in foreign or native language. For instance, in

English the word club becomes klub in Indonesia. The pronunciation is the same,

but spelling is different.

3. Loanshift

The loanshift is the foreign concept (meaning) of represented by a native

form, this includes loan translation (calques), example, English superman from

German ubermensch, and semantic loans which the range meanings expressed by

a native form that is extended to include a new and usually related concept,

example, U.S. Spanish grados “degrees” extended to include the meaning of

English “grades” (Spanish notas). 43

Fedric W.Field, Foreward by Bernard Comrie, Op.Cit., p.8-9

Whereas, according to Bloomfield, there are two kinds of borrowings, they

are; dialect and cultural borrowings. 44 Dialect borrowings are the borrowed

features come from within the same speech-area, as in English father, rather with

[a] in [Ε] dialect. Besides that, other example in Indonesia language such as at first

the people will be doubtful to use forms of territories languages (dialect

borrowings) thus, of course, bilingual will use lexical borrowings from territories

languages. For instance, many terms of Javanese is used by Indonesia language

such as sembrono, sarana, memboyong, luwes etc. These words has been still used

to enrich Indonesian languages, provided those words has not made interference

of Indonesia languages.

Cultural borrowings in Indonesian languages happened because of

borrowing elements of foreign languages. Indonesia has organized language

contacts with another nations, thus probably Indonesian languages has borrowed

so many elements of foreign languages, for example the word khusus from Arabic

language, lemari from Portuguese, and kamar from Dutch. Cultural borrowings

have pointed what it is learned by other state. By the end, English lexical

borrowings almost from French, such as woman’s dress, and also English are

borrowed by German, such as kinds of food (frankfurter, wiener, hamburger,

pretzel, lager beer), and sport terms, such as match, golf, baseball, football, and


Leonard Bloomfield, Language, (New York: Holt Rinehart and Winston, 1933), p.429

As Sapir has stated, “The simplest kind of influence the one language may

exert on another is the ‘borrowing’ of words. When there is cultural borrowing

there is always the likelihood that the associated words may be borrowed too”. 45

That cultural borrowing is caused by language changes. There are many

language contacts; therefore it always presupposes some degree of cultural

contact, however limited. And since, of all sector of language, it is the lexicon that

reflects the culture of its speaker most closely you will in your consideration of

the result of cultural contact on language turn first of all to the lexicon.

There are many motives of the acceptance of foreign languages or words,

as follows:

a. Lexical borrowings have the clear concept about tourism terms.

b. Mother tongue does not have the terms that correspond with development

of tourism field.

c. Among people refuse to use their mother tongue, because they commonly

use the lexical borrowings. 46

There are two conditions of motivation for borrowing why one language

borrows other language; those told as follows:

a. Prestige motive

There is a wish for prestige looks. The people whom they admire are in

speech-pattern as well as in other respect. Perhaps, it is constantly in dialect

borrowing, it becomes important in language borrowings only under special

Edwar, Sapir, ‘Language’An Introduction to the Study of Speech, (New York: Harcourt,
Brace and Company, 1939), p.206
Louis, Guilbert, La CreativiteLexicale, (Paris: Larausse,1975), p.93-95

condition, and the prestige factor leads to extensive borrowings from the dominant

languages into non-dominant one.

b. Need-filling motive

There is a need for human necessity to identify something. The other

motive for borrowing is to fill a gap among borrowing idiolects, as immigrants to

the United States in the last seventy-five years that have drawn heavily on English

for new words, partly on the prestige basis and partly for need-filling purpose.

Two motives must often be mingled. We cannot always say which is more

important in giving the instance. In exchange, however, American English has

acquired only a sparse scattering of need-filling loans from the various languages

of the immigrants; hamburger, wiener from immigrant German, tortilla from

Mexican Spanish, spaghetti, pizza, grinder (sandwich) from Italian. Those

examples of borrowing under the need-filling motive have been of borrowing

from one language, but the same many variety borrowings take place constantly

among dialect of a single language. 47

From those examples, long time ago Indonesian people has not known

those words yet, because there are not language contacts or culture changes

between Indonesian and England. So, it is become popular nowadays and also

used by Indonesian, despite it borrows from other languages, but almost the word

borrows from English.

Sometime one of those motives from a question why it has the language

used another words in speech is because the word, express of idea or concept in

Charles F,Op.Cit., p.404-405

the language and the culture, has not been a suitable equivalent yet in the language

of another culture. Therefore, when a person wants to speak the concept from

another culture, often uses that concept, the word has been translated, and often

the meaning what he wants to speak is so far.

When the person says about tourism, so then he will use many English

lexical borrowed by Indonesia languages, whereas when he says about a history

Islamic development, so that he will use many Arabic of words or lexical.

C. Semantics Changes

The semantics change is a part of the change that takes place in the history

of all languages that consist of change in the meanings or semantic function of

some of the words in their vocabularies, considered as the continuing lexical

content of successive stages of the language. The study of semantics change

though of less immediate concern in comparative linguistics is very relevant to the

historical study of languages.

Semantics is the branch of linguistics dealing with the meanings of words

and sentences. 48 Then, the study of meaning in language is called Semasiology or

semantics. 49 According to Slametmuljana: Semantik adalah penelitian makna kata

dalam bahasa tertentu menurut system Penggolongan. 50 (Semantics is a meaning

analysis in certain languages using classifying system)

So, semantics is the study of meaning that contains how a first of meaning

is, how it develops and also the answer of question why the meaning can happen
Abdul Hamid, Semantics, (Teaching Materials), (Jakarta: UIN, 2006), p.1
Albert Baugh, Op.Cit., p.232
Mansoer Pateda, Semantik Leksikal, (Ende:Nusa Indah, 1980), p.19

in changing of meaning in a history of language. Definition of semantics is a

study of meaning, so then the meaning that is referent to one meaning is words,

previously about words that have explained in language discussion.

In semantics there are two kinds of meaning: lexical and grammatical

meanings. 51 The lexical meaning (or dictionary-meaning) is a meaning that is

composed of smaller meaningful parts, or it is the meaning from dictionary

directly. Lexeme itself is a unit of language forms that has meaning, while lexicon

is the same as vocabulary, and the lexeme is the same as words. So that, lexical

meaning can be defined; makna yang sesuai dengan referennya, makna yang

sesuai dengan observasi, atau makna yang sungguh-sungguh nyata dalam

kehidupan kita. 52 (The meaning is that suitable with reference, observation, and it

is real in our life)

For example, the word table has a definite meaning, besides table has

reference in a noun, so it is clear that reference has relation with meaning, and

reference as one of feature of lexical meaning. The lexical meaning based on

advanced dictionary in English language, table is a piece of furniture that consists

of a flat top supported by legs. Thus, lexical meaning or semantics meaning is the

real description about a concept like referred it. The lexical is connected to the

words of language or lexicon.

Grammatical meaning in every language has a grammatical system.

Different languages have somewhat different grammatical system. 53 So, there is a

Charles W. Kreidler, Introducing English Semantics, (London & New York: Routledge,
1998), p.49
Abdul Chaer, Loenie Agustina, Op.Cit., p.62-64
Charles W. Kreidler, Op. Cit., p.50

meaning as caused by grammatical process such as affixes process, reduplication

and composition. For example, go - going - gone, have gone etc.

According to Ferdinand de Sausure, the meaning relates to signifier

(significant) that is called as the word in the language and signified (signifie) that

is called as the object in the world; it means “stands for”, “refers to”, “denotes”.

However, both signified and signifier is strictly a sound image and concept.

It is different from a theory of meaning introduced by Ogden and Richard

illustrating a triangle of semantics (the relation between that a triangle of

semantics which has a meaning) that there are three components of meaning; they

are Sign or symbol, reference and referent. Symbol is the linguistic elements such

as words, sentences, phrase etc. The referent is the object while, thought or

reference is the concept. Based on that theory there is no direct link between

symbol and referent or between language and object in the world without trough

‘thought’ or ‘reference’, the first in the concept of our mind. 54

But, another fact that is also faced by the user or speaker is the word

meaning that is not always static. So, the word choice is always precisely. Each

the user must pay attention of the language changes that happen in words of

meaning. The group of human languages firstly knows the word and meaning. At

the time it will happen the semantics shift in a certain area, while the other areas

are still defended by original meaning, therefore the changes of meaning has not

been included in time only, but also in the place.

F.R. Palmer, Semantic A new outline, (Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 1976), p.25-

The influence of foreign languages in fact has an important role on

semantic change in Indonesian language. In choosing the words, the basic of

deciding whether the meaning have already changed or not is using the word with

rational definite meaning (places must be national, and time must be direct).

Semantics changes may also affect sets of words, or word-field. For

example, it may be found in kinship term in Old English, such as a distinction has

made between uncles on the father’s side, Old English fǽdera, and uncle on the

mother’s side, Old English ёam, so that English kinship system now has only one

term uncle. The changes of meaning do not result from importation of the word

uncle from Old French oncle, but rather from the change of culture. 55

In short time the meaning of word can be changed and extended. It can

happen because the uses of languages are continuously in adding some new words

in connection with the globalization era. According to Baugh, there are four kinds

of changes of meaning as follows:

a. Extension of meaning

This kind of change means the widening of a word’s signification until it

covers more than the idea originally conveyed. The tendency is called

generalization. For instance, the word lovely means primarily worth to be loved,

and great means large in size, the opposite of small or little, or its can called

polysemy (the word that has more than one meaning in semantics). In the word

Winferd P.Lehmen, Op.Cit., p.13-14

development, lovely has no a meaning like above only, but it can be used to

explain the meaning of lovely view or a lovely holiday, etc. 56

The word great now is also used to explain that the weather is great, or the

book is great. Probably it means that a student full enjoyed and if he said that a

book and the student evaluated that a book as a work of art. So, the word lovely

and great happen in extension of meaning or generalization.

b. Narrowing of meaning

The narrowing is a process of the word meaning that gradually becomes

more specific than its previous meaning, or it is also used for a special field, for

example the word doctor. Beside it is used in medical field, people also use it in

law field, theology and others. But now, when we say ‘we send him for the

doctor’, we point out to a member of the profession of those fields; it is a medical


Sometimes, we have found the word that has a special meaning for a

special group, for instance the word gas. This word is an inclusive term for the

chemist, but it has a special meaning for a housewife and a driver. The narrowing

of meaning can also happen in the specific area because of the influence of the

culture, for example nickel. In America nickel with this symbol ‘Ni’ means not

only logam (a metallic element), but also a coin or a piece of metal that is created

from nickel.

Hornby, The Advanced Learner’s Dictionary Current English, (Oxford:University
Press,1963), second edition, p.506

c. Degeneration of meaning

It may take several forms. It may take the form of the gradual extension to

many particular meaning senses, that a word may have had is completely lost.

This is one form of generalization, such as in the words lovely and great. In other

form, it is a word that has retained very specific meaning but a less favorable one

than it originally had. For instance, the word smug was originally a good word. It

means neat or trim; it presents suggestion of objectionable self-satisfaction that

seems to have grown up during the nineteenth century.

d. Regeneration of meaning

This kind is the opposite of degeneration of meaning; it is a process of

language shifts, which a new word meaning felt better, or attained respectability

from the last meaning that considered disparagement. For example, the word

smock, which was mentioned as losing case in the eighteenth century, has now

been rehabilitated as applied to an outer garment. We used it for a certain type of

woman’s dress and we speak of an Artist’s smock. Another word in the eighteenth

century is snob and sham were slang, but in the nineteenth they attained

respectability. So, the change of meaning that words undergo is another evidence

of the constant state of flux that characterizes language as it lives on the lips of


Those fourth kinds of changes of meaning above are changes of meaning

in general and particular field, such as in tourism fields; somebody can see one

example of tourism term.


“…Saya jadi ikut cruise ke Alaska”. The word cruise in English is as a

loanblend type, because its pronunciation is the same as Indonesian word; kruise.

This word has lexical meanings (based in dictionaries) as follow:

a. Pelayaran, menjelajahi 57

b. Sebuah pelayaran pesiar di laut dengan tujuan bersenang-senang

(pleasure), tidak semata-mata sebagai pelayaran angkutan dari satu tempat

ke tempat tertentu; pelayaran ini dapat merupakan pelayaran keliling

(kembali ke asal) atau pelayaran satu tujuan (single voyage.) 58

c. A journey by sea, visiting different places, especially as a holiday or

vocation 59 .

This word cruise is “sail to and from over the sea”. This word is from Dutch;

kruisen, it means to make cross. 60 This is based on loanshift which view of

etymology or native word. Thus, based on its lexical meanings a,b,c there is no

semantics change or changes of meaning occurred, because those meaning are the


John M. Echols, Hassan Shadly, Kamus Inggris Indonesia,(Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka
Utama, 1992), p. 157
Surjanto. Dkk, Kamus Istilah Pariwisata, (Jakarta: Pusat Bahasa Depdiknas, 2003), p.74-75
Hornoby A.S. Op.Cit., p.303
C.T. Onions, The Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology, (New York: Oxford at the
Clarendon Press, 1966), p.231




In this description of data, the writer discuses tourism register in English

lexical borrowings taken from three magazines of tourism; they are Intisari (April,

No. 501), Tamasya (June-July and October-November, 2005) and Jalan-jalan

(October-November 2005, Vol.1, No. 4). Intisari is a life style magazine that also

contains many tourism and traveling articles. Tamasya is a tour and life style

special media. And then, Jalan-jalan itself is the magazine that consists of

traveling, hotel and restaurant rubric.

From those magazines, the writer collects the register tourism data up to

25 words or terms and then analyzes them. She actually would like to collect the

data up to 70 words, but she just analyzes 25 words as a sample of the research.

Each word has the lexical meaning or the meaning of a lexical form, both English

and Indonesian based on the dictionaries, as follows:

1. The meaning is collected from English-Indonesian dictionary (Echols and

Hassan Shadly, 1992 and Peter Salim, 1996)

2. The meaning is collected from dictionary of tourism term (Kodyat

Romaini, 1992 and Surjano dkk, 2003)

3. The meaning is collected from the current English dictionary (Hornby AS,

Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary Current English, Sixth Edition)


The analyses of those 25 words are divided into two groups; first,

Indonesian tourism register from other languages such as Dutch, French, etc;

second, the classification of English lexical borrowings. Therefore, the writer tries

to make tabulation of collected data through the following:



From the tabulated data or corpus that are put on the table above, the

writer tries to classify and analyze them by categorizing into types of borrowings,

lexical meanings, etymology, and varieties of meaning changes. To get more

illustrations, the writer analyzes them into two groups as told above.

A. Indonesian tourism registers from other languages

1. Adventur

This word is loanblend type, because its pronunciation is the same as

Indonesian word; adventur, but the spelling is different. This word is taken from

English; adventure, but Indonesian people commonly uses it by the word

adventur. Here are its lexical meanings (based on dictionaries) of this word as


a. Petualangan, pekerjaan yang mengandung resiko. 61

b. Petualangan. 62

c. Adventure: excitement associated with danger, taking risks 63

Historically, it can be called as loanshift type. This word is from French;

aventure and Latin adventurus. The meaning is about to arrive and part. It is a
bold and dangerous undertaking of uncertain issue. So, it can be concluded that

based on those meanings there is no meaning change of this word.

John M.Echlos, Hassan Shadly, Kamus Inggris Indonesia,(Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka
Utama,1992), p. 14, and Peter Salim, The Contemporary English-Indonesia
Dictionary,(Jakarta:Modern English Press,1996), Seventh Edition, p.35
Romaini, Kodyat, Kamus pariwisata dan Perhotelan, (Jakarta: PT. Grasindo, 1992), p. 3
Hornby, The Advanced Learner’s Dictionary Current English, (Oxford: University Press,
2000), Sixth Edition, p.18
John Daugoll Patterson Virtues English Dictionary Encyclopedia, (London: Coulsden,
Virtue & Company Limited), p.15

Etymologically, both English and Indonesia word have the same meaning;

adventure is traveling that is taken to risk or hazard.

2. Bal

This word is included into loanblend type; the reason why this word is one of

the loanblend terms is the same as the word adventure. The word bale in English

becomes bal in Indonesian. In Indonesian tourism term, bal is more common than

bale. The lexical meanings of this word are as follows:

a. Bal: bandela, Bungkus, atau sejumlah besar barang yang diikat bersama. 65

b. Bandelan/kemasan barang yang akan dimuat atau dibongkar dari kapal. 66

c. Bale: A large a mount of a light material pressed tightly together and tied

up. 67

Originally, this is one whose history or etymology is taken from Middle

Dutch baal. The meaning is bell, bundle, and package. 68 Thus, according to the

writer, there is meaning change of this word namely narrowing, because the

meaning of tourism field is more specific than other meanings, bale is package

that puts on the ship.

3. Bufet

Based on types of borrowing, this word is loanblend type. The reason to

explain this word is same as the word adventure and bale. Nowadays, this word

Peter Salim, The Contemporary English-Indonesia Dictionary, (Jakarta : modern English
Press, 1996), Seventh Edition,p. 163
Romaini, Kodyat, Op. Cit., p. 11
Hornby, Op. Cit., p. 81
C.T. Onions, Op.Cit., p.70

has been familiar in Indonesian as bupet/bufet, while, especially in tourism field it

is as buffet. Both of them have different meaning. Here are its lexical meanings:

a. Bupet/bufet: kedai tempat menjual makanan dan minuman ringan, dan

prasmanan 69

b. Suatu sistem penghidangan makanan, dimana semua jenis makanan

dihidangkan di atas meja panjang dan tamu dipersilahkan memilih dan

mengambil sendiri yang disukai. 70

c. Buffet: a counter where food and drink may be bought and eaten or drunk,

especially in a railway station or on train, or a meal at which guest serves

themselves. 71

Etymologically, this word is taken from French buffet. Its meaning is a

sideboard, a cupboard, or closet, to hold China, crystal, plate and other like

articles; the space set apart for refreshments in public places. 72 So, based on those

meaning, there is a meaning change of this word namely an extension, because it

depends on the context of that word. In tourism field, the word buffet aims to

meals or drinks to guest, which they are taken or served by themselves. Therefore,

the writer takes a conclusion that it becomes familiar in Indonesia by the name


4. Diskotik

This word is loanblend type. Its pronunciation is the same as the

Indonesian word, because this word has been integrated. The word Discotheque in

John M. Echols, Hassan Shadly&Peter Salim, Op.Cit., p. 86&256
Romaini, Kodyat,Op.Cit., p. 14
Hornoby, Op.Cit., p. 153
C.T. Onions, Op.Cit., p.114

English becomes diskotik in Indonesia. It is taken from original word;

discotheque. And then, the Indonesian people adapt the word as diskotik, because

it is arbitrary and more popular. Because this word is not strange anymore,

diskotik can mean as a place for young people to pleasure. Here are its lexical


a. Kelab malam atau tempat lain untuk berdansa. 73

b. Kelab malam 74

c. Discotheque: a club, party etc. usually with flashing light, where people

dance to pop music. 75

Etymologically, this word is taken from French discotheque. The meaning

is a place to dance or the person looks for pleasure; thus, there is no meaning

change of this word. So, the writer concludes based on this meaning that diskotik

is a place to dance or party. In tourism term, it is more specified as a club for night

activity, or it is more popular to call Nightclub.

5. Ekspedisi

This word is loanblend type, because the pronunciation is the same as the

Indonesian word. Indonesian people translate the word expedition in English into

ekspedisi. Expedition it self is taken from the verb expedite that means to make

something happen more quickly.

So that, the word ekspedisi is considered as the new word has more

prestigious. So, this word is more popular by ekspedisi in Indonesia, especially in

Indonesian tourism field. They would rather use the word ekspedisi than to
Peter Salim, Op.Cit., p. 523
Romaini, Kodyat, Op.Cit., p. 33
Hornoby, Op..Cit., p. 357

translate it into the word petualangan. Here are its lexical meanings of this word

as follows:

a. Kecepatan, perjalanan yang terorganisir dengan tujuan tertentu, or

kelompok yang mengadakan perjalanan. 76

b. Perjalanan penyelidikan ilmiah disuatu daerah yang belum dikenal. 77

c. Expedition: an organized journey or voyage with a particular aim. 78

Etymologically, this term is from Latin. It consists of two words;

exped+tion, but this term as based bound that cannot stand alone, and it is always

annexed to one or more morphemes to form a word. The meaning of this word is

promptness; dispatch: journey made for a purpose. 79 Based on its lexical

meanings, there is the meaning change in the word expedition namely narrowing,

because in tourism that term is used for scientific research, so that this journey has

a scientific purpose. While, based on its original meaning, it is speed voyage

whether it is formal or informal.

6. Cek in

This word is loanblend type; the reason is the same as the word above

expedition. In English check in is the same as the Indonesian word cek in. It is

compound from check+in that cannot be disassociated from each other, especially

in hotel term for the guest coming into the hotel room, and it is generally known

in tourism term. Usually, this word is written in English word check in at the

hotel, because all people know this word as international term. But, Indonesian

John M. Echols, Hassan Shadly&Peter Salim, Op.Cit., p. 224&649
Romaini, Kodyat, Op.Cit., p. 39
Hornby,Op.Cit., p. 438
C.T. Onions, Op.Cit., p.337

people say it cek in. So, the writer just says that the pronunciation between check

in and cek in are the same, but the spelling is different. Here are its lexical

meanings of this word:

a. Cek in :mendaftarkan diri 80

b. Lapor masuk/ berangkat ke hotel, pesawat 81

c. Check in: register as a guest at hotel or as a passenger at an airport. 82

Etymologically, this word is from Persia shah; it is a king, then it is

borrowed by Arabic shag, and then it is borrowed by French echec. The meaning

is a sudden stop repulse, defeat and check. This word is due to the game, which it

is the game of classic chess. So that it becomes the word check, which the Middle

English people borrow and adapt it as the word chek. The meaning is a stop; also

check. 83 While the word –in is from English, the meaning is available. 84 Based on

those meanings, thus there is a meaning change of this word namely extension,

especially in tourism term it is for guest coming into the hotel.

7. Cek out

The explanation of this word is the same as check in. This word is derived

from two words as check+out and it is similar to the Indonesian word cek out.

Then, its lexical meanings as follows:

Peter Salim, The ContemporaryEnglish-Indonesia Dictionary,(Jakarta: Modern English
Press,1996), p. 319
Surjanto,Op.Cit., p. 48
Hornby, The Advanced Learner’s Dictionary Current English, (Oxford:University
Press,2000), Sixth Edition, p.200
W.W. Skeat, A concise Etymological Dictionary of The English Language, (Oxford: At The
Clarendon press, 1953), p.86
Ibid, p.258

a. Cek out: pengecekan, memeriksa. 85

b. Lapor keluar, tamu diharuskan melaporkan jika akan meninggalkan hotel

dan menyelesaikan pembayaran rekening. 86

c. Check out: the places where you pay for the things that you are buying in a

Supermarket, or at the time when you leave at the end of your stay. 87

Etymologically, this word is from Persia shah, it is a king, then it is

borrowed by Arabic shag, and then it is borrowed by French echec. The meaning

is a sudden stop repulse, defeat and check. This word is due to the game, which it

is the game of classic chess. So that it becomes the term check, which in the

Middle English people borrow it by the word chek. The meaning is a stop; also

check. 88 The word out is from Middle English oute or ute. According to WW.

Skaet, the word out is compound one that cannot be disassociated from each other,

because two words have one meaning. So then the writer concludes that there is

meaning change of this word namely extension, especially in tourism term which

is used to say a guest coming out the hotel.

8. Klub

This word is loanblend type, because the pronunciation is similar to the

Indonesian word. In English the word club becomes klub in Indonesia. Whereas,

its lexical meanings of this word as follows:

Peter Salim, Loc.Cit., p. 319
Romaini, Kodyat, Op. Cit., p. 20
Hornby, Loc.Cit., p. 200
W.W. Skeat, A concise Etymological Dictionary of The English Language, Loc, Cit., p.86

a. Tempat perkumpulan, tongkat. 89

b. Tempat orang-orang berkumpul disuatu tempat untuk bersenang-senang,

seperti, klubbing. 90

c. There are two meaning of club. It is depend on contextual

Club: a group of people, who meet together regularly, for a particular

activity, sport, etc, or a place where people, especially young people, go

and listen to music, dance, etc. 91

This word is from Spanish baston. The meaning is a stick used in ball

games. In Old Norse, it is taken from the word klubba. That meaning is a

combination or association of person. 92 Thus, there is a meaning change of this

word that is recognized namely degeneration, because at first it means a good

thing. The meaning is for a group of people in a certain place for a particular

activity. So, when the people hear that word, they will have a good positive

thinking. But nowadays, klub is a place where the young people go to listen the

music and dance, such as going to nightclubs. In this activity, the people usually

drink alcohol. So, when the people hear it, they will have a negative thinking,

especially in tourism field. Someone who goes to usually would like to get a fun.

John M. Echols, Hassan Shadly, Kamus Inggris Indonesia, (Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka
Utama, 1992) & Peter Salim, The Contemporary English-Indonesia Dictionary, (Jakarta : modern
English Press, 1996), Seventh Edition,p. 120&346
Romaini, Kodyat, Op.Cit., p. 22
Hornby, Op.Cit., p. 224
C.T. Onions, The Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology, (New York: Oxford at the
Clarendon Press, 1966), p.167

9. Resor

Based on the types of borrowing, this word includes into loanblend,

because the pronunciation is the same as the Indonesian word. In English the word

resort becomes resor in Indonesia. The word resort is used especially for a person

who stays at the place for vocation or recreation such as hotel. While, resor is a

small place such as an office, so it is not still broad or uncertain place. The lexical

meanings of this word as follows:

a. Tempat yang sering dikunjungi orang, atau tempat beristirahat. 93

b. Suatu tempat untuk rekreasi. 94

c. Resort: a place where a lot of people go on holiday or vocation. 95

Etymologically, this word is from French ressortir, prefix –re and sortir.

The meaning is to go out. In Latin it is from sortiri, the meaning is to obtain, to

acquire by lot, from sors, sotis, lot. sort. Thus, resort is a place frequented. 96 So,

from those meanings above, there is a meaning change of this word namely

narrowing, because basically the meaning of this word is to go out only. Perhaps,

the meaning is still general, and not specific, but in tourism register field, the

meaning especially is a place for holiday or vocation.

10. Lobi

Based on types of borrowing, this word is loanblend type, because the

pronunciation is similar to the Indonesian word, but the spelling is different. In

English the word lobby becomes lobi in Indonesia. Usually, the spelling of this

John M. Echols, Hassan Shadly&Peter Salim, Op.Cit., p. 481&1641
Surjanto, Op.Cit., P. 213
Hornby, Op.Cit., p. 1087
John Daugoll Patterson, Op.Cit., p.735

word is lobby as the people see or write in a basement, hotel, etc. Here are its

lexical meanings of this word:

a. Lobi: ruang tunggu di gedung untuk umum atau ruang masuk. 97

b. Ruang tunggu untuk tamu atau orang lain yang berurusan dengan hotel. 98

c. Lobby: a large area inside the entrance of a public building where people

can meet and wait, (in British as parliament) 99

As loanshift type or etymologically, this word is taken from Latin lobia,

lobium. The meaning is a portico. This word is also from Old German laubja that

means an arbour. Besides, in German it is from word laube, it is an enclosed

space in one or more apartments. It is also a small hall or waiting room. 100 Based

on those meaning above, it can be concluded that there is no meaning change of

this word, but in tourism meaning it is more specific. Lobby is a waiting room for

guest in a hotel or apartment.

11. Suvenir

Based on types of borrowing, this word is loanblend type, because the

pronunciation is the same as the Indonesian word. In English, it is spelled

souvenir, and Indonesian as suvenir. Here are its lexical meanings as follows:

a. Suvenir : tanda mata, kenang-kenangan. 101

b. Sesuatu yang diperoleh dalam perjalanan wisata sebagai kenang-

kenangan. 102

John M. Echols, Hassan Shadly&Peter Salim, Op.Cit., p. 363&1092
Romaini, Kodyat, Op.Cit., p. 70
Hornby, Op.Cit., p. 754
John Daugoll Patterson, Op.Cit., p.501
John M. Echols, Hassan Shadly&Peter Salim, Op.Cit., p. 542

c. Souvenir: thing that you buy and keep to remind yourself of a place, on

occasion or vocation: something that you bring back for the other people

when you have been on vocation. 103

Based on loanshift or etymology, this word is from French desservir, the

meaning of the word is taken from French and Latin subvernire. The meaning is

to occur to mind, which reminds or revives the memory of anything, a

keepsake. 104 So, there is a meaning change of this word namely narrowing.

Nowadays, the meaning of this word is more specific than its previous meaning; it

is for a thing that a person gets after going to picnic, and previously it is for

memory. The word souvenir is still used by the people until now.

12. Kafé

This word is loanblend type. The pronunciation of this word in English is

the same as the Indonesian word. In English it is said as cafe, but in Indonesian it

is popular as kafe. In order to be more prestigious, Indonesian people usually use

the word cafe in English spelling. Here are its lexical meanings:

a. Kafe: kedai kopi, restorant. 105

b. Tempat makan untuk umum (public dining place). 106

c. Café: a place where you can buy drinks and simple meals. 107

Etymologically, it can be called as loanshift type. This word is from

French coffe. The meaning is a coffee house such as restaurant. 108 Thus, based on

Romaini, Kodyat, Op. Cit., p. 103
Hornby, Op.Cit., p.1236
John Daugoll Patterson, Op.Cit., p.839
John M. Echols, Hassan Shadly&Peter Salim, Op.Cit., p. 93&273
Romaini, Kodyat, Op. Cit., p. 16
Hornby, Op.Cit., p.165

those meaning above, it is considered that there is no meaning change of this

word. Until now, it is still used in Indonesia especially in tourism field of

restaurant term.

13. Katering

The word katering is included into loanblend, because this word has a

similarity in pronunciation. In English it is known as catering, and in Indonesian

it is popular as katering. This word actually consists of two words cater+ing, but

as compound one it is simply the joining of two or more words into a one word, so

it cannot be disassociated to each other. Catering is as noun if two words becomes

one; cater as verb and –ing as form of verb. When two words are united, it will be

as gerund or noun form. The meaning of that word in English and Indonesian

language is the same; it is to provide foods and drinks for a social event. Here are

its lexical meanings of this word as follows:

a. Melayani pesanan untuk pesta-pesta dan sebagainya, jasa boga. 109

b. Usaha yang bergerak di bidang pelayanan makanan untuk lembaga atau

badan yang memesannya untuk berbagai macam. 110

c. Catering: the work of providing food and drinks for meetings or social

event. 111

Etymologically, this word is a foreign language. This word consists of

cater+ing. Cater is from French and Latin that are formed as a verb. The meaning

is to buy provision. From Middle English, this term is taken from original word

John Daugoll Patterson, Op.Cit., p.96
John M. Echols, Hassan Shadly&Peter Salim,Op.Cit., p. 103&302
Romaini, Kodyat, Op.Cit., p. 18
Hornby, Op.Cit., p. 184

catour. The meaning is a buyer of provision (whom we should now call a cater-

er) or it is short for a catour, formed from a cat, it is a buying. 112 While, adding -

ing is bound morpheme that one of the functions is as gerund. 113 So, after seeing

those meanings there are meaning change of this word namely extension, because

both etymologically and lexical meanings whether in original or tourism meaning

are different. In the etymological meaning it is to buy equipments, but the purpose

in lexical meaning is for providing food and drinks in certain events. This word is

still used by people especially in tourism field in restaurant term.

14. Landskip

This word is loanblend type, because its pronunciation in English or

Indonesian language is the same but they are different in spelling; landskip in

Indonesia, and; landscape in English. People still use it, especially in tourism

term. Landscape is self-explaining compound, because it cannot be disassociated

to each other. Here are its lexical meanings of this word:

a. Pemandangan alam, bentang alam, lukisan pemandangan. 114

b. Bentang alam, unsur-unsur alam yang terbentang membentuk suatu

pemandangan. 115

c. Landscape: a person whose job is planning designing the environment,

especially so that roads, buildings, etc. 116

This word is adopted from Dutch landskip. The meaning is a painter’s

term, picture representing natural inland scenery. 117 Based on those meaning in

W. W. Skeat, Op.Cit, p.571
Ibid, p.64
John M. Echols, Hassan Shadly&Peter Salim,Op.Cit., p. 347&1045
Romaini, Kodyat,Op.Cit., p. 68
Hornby, Op.Cit., p. 721

(a), (b), (c), there is a meaning change of this word namely narrowing. Basically

the meaning of landscape is a person whose job is planning designing such as

painter, but meaning in tourism jargon is scene only. So, its use depends on the

context of the word.

15. Turis

The word tourist now becomes popular called turis in Indonesia. This

word is actually borrowed term, whose pronunciation is same as the Indonesian

language, or it is named as loanblend. Here are its lexical meanings as follows:

a. Pariwisatawan, turis, pelancong. 118

b. Sebagai pelancong atau pariwisatawan di suatu tempat baik sementara

maupun untk selama-lamanya, dan tujuannya untuk bersenang-senang atau

ada keperluan. 119

c. Tourist is a person who is traveling or visiting a place for pleasure. 120

Etymologically, this word is from French tor and Latin tornus. The

meaning is tour makes a tour of tourist. 121 This word consists of tour+ist. Tour is

a journey for pleasure during which several different town is visited, and -ist as

derivation is suffix that refers to a person who is traveling. So, based on its lexical

meanings, there is no meaning change of this word. Everyone knows this word,

because it has not been strange anymore. It becomes popular as turis in

Indonesian, and tourist in English.

C.T. Onions,Op.Cit., p.514
John M. Echols, Hassan Shadly&Peter Salim, Loc.Cit, p. 598&2087
Damardjati, Istilah-istilah Dunia Pariwisata, (Jakarta: Pradnya Paramita, 1981), p. 76
Hornby, Loc.Cit.
W. W. Skeat, Loc.Cit.

16. Kargo

This word is loanblend type, because its pronunciation is similar to the

Indonesian word. It is still used by Indonesian people especially in tourism filed

or travel term. The Indonesian word is kargo, and in English is cargo. This word

is usually more popular in Indonesia as cargo in spelling, and kargo in

pronunciation. The lexical meanings of this word as follows:

a. Muatan, beban, kargo 122

b. Suatu muatan atau isian atau beban. Barang muatan yang diangkut oleh

suatu kapal, bukan persedian untuk para penumpang atau awak kapal. 123

c. Cargo: goods carried in a ship, aircraft, or other vehicles. 124

Actually, the meaning of cargo is to load, and etymologically this word is

from Latin carricare. The meaning is to load a car. 125 So, there is no meaning

change of this word, because the meaning is same whether according to the

meaning in (a), (b), (c), or etymology.

17. Dessert

This word is included to loanword type, because the spelling and

pronunciation in English are same as in Indonesian language; dessert. Indonesian

people usually use this word in tourism field. Here are its lexical meanings:

a. Makanan pencuci mulut, kue-kue 126

b. Makanan penutup berupa buah-buahan, pudding, atau eskrim 127

John M. Echols, Hassan Shadly&Peter Salim,Op.Cit., p.99&292
Romaini, Kodyat,Op.Cit., p. 17
Hornby,Op.Cit., p. 177
W. W. Skeat,Op.Cit., p.77
John M. Echols, Hassan Shadly&Peter Salim, Op.Cit., p. 178&506
Surjanto,Kamus Istilah Pariwisata, (Jakarta: Depdiknas, 2003), p.84

c. Dessert: any sweet food eaten at the end of a meal 128

Etymologically, this word is taken from French desservir that means to

clear the table –des form Latin dis, and servir that means to serve. So, it is a

service of fruits or sweetmeats. 129 From those etymological and lexical meanings,

according to the writer, there is no meaning change in this word. So, Indonesian

people translate this word as the English word. And then, it becomes commonly

popular in restaurant term such as a food, pudding, or fruit that are eaten after


18. Menu

This word is loanword type, because the spelling and pronunciation in

English and Indonesian language are the same. In Indonesia, there is no other

word beside that word used by the people. There is no equivalent word yet, so

Indonesian people adapt it entirely, including its spelling or pronunciation, and

that word is still used by Indonesian people, especially in tourism field. Thus, the

use of this word in English is menu, as well as in Indonesia. Here are its lexical

meanings as follows:

a. Menu: daftar makanan dan minuman di Restoran. 130

b. Daftar makanan. 131

c. Menu: a list of the food that is available at a restaurant or to be served at a

meal. 132

Hornby, The Advanced Learner’s Dictionary Current English, (Oxford:University
Press,2000), Sixth Edition, p.341
C.T. Onions, Op. Cit., p.127
John M. Echols, Hassan Shadly&Peter Salim, Op.Cit., p. 378&1160
Surjanto, Op.Cit., p. 166
Hornby, Op.Cit., p. 800

Etymologically, this word is from French menu. The meaning is a list of

the dishes and to be served at a dinner, supper.133 Based on those meanings above,

the writer takes a conclusion that actually there is no meaning change of this

word. Until now, the word and meaning does not change. People still use the word

menu. Usually, this word is used in restaurant term.

19. Station waiter

This word is loanword, because the spelling and pronunciation are the

same as in Indonesian language; station waiter. This entirely borrowed word is

still used by Indonesian people in tourism field or hotel term. Thus, the use of this

word does not change from its origins such as, station waiter-station waiter. So,

the writer concludes that in Indonesia it is sometimes means pramusaji, but it not

more popular than station waiter in tourism field. Here are its lexical meanings as


a. It is concise of two words; station adalah stasiun, pemancar, pangkalan, 134

and waiter adalah pelayan. 135

b. Orang yang bertugas melayani tamu di ruang makan serta memenuhi atau

mempersiapkan segala yang dipesan oleh tamu, serta menjaga kebersihan

ruangan, meneliti bahwa ruangan telah dipersiapkan sebaik-baiknya, atau

pramusaji. 136

c. Station: a place where trains stop so that passengers can get on and off: the

buildings where a service is organized and provides or a special type of

C.T.Onions, Op.Cit, p.509
John M. Echols, Hassan Shadly&Peter Salim, Op.Cit., p. 553&1918
Ibid, p. 634&2254
Surjanto, Op.Cit., p. 239

work is done. Often it use of compounds word, it as a radio or television

company. 137 While, waiter is a person whose job is to serve customers at

their tables in a restaurant. 138

There are two words of this term. They are station+waiter; it is included to

self-explaining compound, especially in a hotel term. Two words cannot be

disassociated from each other. The word station is a place where trains stop. As

loanshift or etymologically, it is taken from French station and Latin station. The

meaning is the spot or place where anything stands, a building on railway for the

reception of passengers and goods intended to be conveyed and where trains stop,

and waiter is servant especial for male. 139 Based on its lexical meanings,

according to the writer, this word is the same as the word servant. But in tourism

term, people use commonly the word station waiter. So, based on its lexical

meanings, in Indonesian tourism and English, there is no meaning change of this


20. Hotel

Based on types of borrowing, this word is included into loanword type. It

is borrowed from an entirely borrowing term whether in pronunciation or spelling.

Indonesian people still uses it until now, especially in tourism field or hotel term.

It is not strange anymore to hear, or it becomes popular as international term. The

lexical meanings of this word are as follows:

Hornby, Op.Cit., p.1267
Ibid, p.1452
John Daugoll Patterson, Op.Cit., p.822

a. Tempat penginapan. 140

b. Perusahan yang menyediakan jasa-jasa dalam bentuk akomodasi

(penginapan) serta menyajikan hidangan dan fasilitas dalam hotel untuk

umum yang memenuhi syarat-syarat comfort dan bertujuan komersial. 141

c. Hotel: a building where people stay, usually for a short time, paying for

their rooms and meals. 142

Etymologically, this word is taken from French hostel. The meaning is an

inn, and it is same as hospital that also means an inn. So that, the meaning of that

word is a house for entertaining strangers or travelers: an inn: especially one of

some style and pretension. 143 Based on its lexical meanings, the writer concludes

that there is meaning change of this word namely narrowing, because generally

hotel is only an inn that is usually used for a short time, while the meaning of

tourism jargon is more specific. Hotel is for an inn and a place to look for

pleasure, refreshing and comfort.

21. Visa

This word is loanword type. It has the same pronunciation and spelling as

in Indonesia terms. It is entirely English borrowed words. This word is still used

by Indonesian people, especially in tourism field for a person who will go to a

foreign country, or it is usually named as a passport. Here are its lexical meanings

of this word as follows:

Peter Salim, Op.Cit., p.900
Romaini, Kodyat, Op.Cit., p. 54
Hornby, Op.Cit., p.629
John Daugoll Patterson, Op.Cit., p.302

a. Izin keluar masuk dari dan ke suatu Negara, visa 144

b. Izin masuk/tinggal sementara dari suatu Negara untuk seseorang yang

bukan warga negaranya yang akan memasuki wilayah Negara itu. 145

c. Visa: a stamp or mark put in your passport by officials of a foreign country

that gives your permission to enter, pass through or leave their country.146

Etymologically, this word is taken from a foreign language. This word is

from French visa; the meaning is certificate of examination on as passport.147

Thus, based on its lexical meanings (a), (b), (c), and an etymological meaning,

there is no meaning change from this word, because until now foreigner uses it as

a stamp, or mark, or passport for permission enter to the foreign country.

22. Spa

At first, the word spa looks as abbreviation. But, it is actually not

abbreviation; because this word is especially for a tool of beauty keep. Based on

types of borrowing, this word as loanword type is borrowed from the origins of

English word or it can be included into importation. People take this entirely

English borrowing term whether in pronunciation or spelling. So, Indonesian

people still use it in tourism field. According to them, it is more prestigious or

suitable. The lexical meanings of this word itself are as follows:

John M. Echols, Hassan Shadly&Peter Salim, Op.Cit., p. 631&2236
Surjanto,Op.Cit.,p. 269
Hornby, Op.Cit., p. 1445
C.T. Onions, Op.Cit., p. 753

a. Sumber air mineral, tempat pemandian air panas, mata air yang

mengandung mineral, dan tempat terutama pusat pelayanan kesehatan

yang dilengkapi dengan mata air yang mengandung mineral.148

b. Daerah sehat. 149

c. Spa: a place where people can relax and improve their health. 150

Etymologically, this word is from the name of French; it is called common

words from proper names, Spa of a watering place in the province of liege,

Belgium, noted for its curative mineral springs. 151 So, there is no meaning change

from this word. In the term of tourism, it is not more specific than other meanings,

it is only for health places, but the meaning and function are the same.

23. Bar

This word is loanword, because there is a similarity in spelling and

pronunciation. It is borrowed entirely from English words. This word is still used

by Indonesian people, especially in tourism field until now. Thus, this word is

constant; the word bar is used in Indonesia and English, and it has been familiar

in Indonesia, especially in tourism field as bar. Here are its lexical meanings of

this word:

a. Tongkat, tiang, tempat. 152

b. Tempat menjual berbagai jenis minuman yang mengandung alcohol. 153

John M. Echols, Hassan Shadly&Peter Salim, Op.Cit., p. 542&1870
Surjanto, Op.Cit., p.235
Hornby, Op.Cit., p. 1236
C.T. Onions, Op.Cit, p.668
John M. Echols, Hassan Shadly&Peter Salim,Op.Cit., p.53&168
Romaini, Kodyat,Op.Cit., p. 11

c. Bar: a room or a counter in a hotel, pub etc. in which both alcoholic and

other drinks are served. 154

Etymologically, or based on the loanshift, it is taken from foreign

language. In the Earliest English, the meaning of this word is rod of metal or

wood for fastening a gate or the like, and the application to the barrier of courts of

justice, and then the meaning of bar changes. In the beginning of French, bar is

from the word barre, the meaning is rod; barrier, or the top branch of a tree, a rail,
and a bar. Nowadays, bar is a place to pleasure. Thus, there is a meaning

change of this word namely extension, because originally that word means a stick;

barrier, and as inn, but now bar can be meant as pub where people drinks an

alcoholic or other drinks, the people’s purpose is to pleasure.

24. Shelter

Based on types of borrowing, this word is known as loanword borrowed

from English entirely. It is included into importation type of loanword, because

there is no other word beside that word, and it is still used by people both

Indonesian and English especially in tourism field. Moreover, it is more

prestigious or suitable. Their spelling and pronunciation are similar. So,

Indonesian people still use it as shelter. Here are its lexical meanings of this word

as follows:

a. Tempat perlindungan. 156

b. Perumahan, tempat perlindungan dari segala bahaya. 157

Hornby,Op.Cit., p. 84
John Daugoll Patterson, Op.Cit., p.70
John M. Echols, Hassan Shadly&Peter Salim,Op.Cit., p.520&1787
Romaini, Kodyat, Op.Cit., p.101

c. Shelter: protection from rain, danger, or attack. 158

Based on loanshift of meaning or etymologically, this word is taken from a

foreign language. In the Middle English this word is sheldtrume. The meaning is a

bodyguard or troops, a squadron: frequently spelt sheltron. It comes to mean a

guard or protection of any kind, and in English to be shelter. It is a curious

development. 159 Based on its lexical meanings (a), (b), (c), and etymology, there

is a meaning change of this word namely extension especially in tourism term. It

is means the inn for protection from any danger.

25. Speedboat

The word speedboat is as loanword type. The reason actually is the same

as the word shelter. But, people seldom use it. Here are its lexical meanings as


a. Perahu motor cepat. 160

b. Kapal bermotor yang sangat cepat jalannya. 161

c. Speedboat: a motorboat that can travel fast. 162

This word consists of two word; speed+boat. In English the meaning of

this word is success and velocity. Then, in Anglo Saxon it is sped that means a

hostel, success for spodiz, to succed with suffix –diz, and in Dutch spoed that

meaning is to succeed. While, the word boat is taken from the Middle English

Hornby,Op.Cit., p.1180
John Daugoll Patterson,Op.Cit., p.480
John M. Echols, Hassan Shadly&Peter Salim, Op.Cit., p. 545&1878
Romaini, Kodyat, Op.Cit., p.103
Hornby,Op.Cit., p.1242

boot, thus that word is borrowed from Anglo Saxon that means a motor. So,

there is no meaning change of this word, because all meanings are the same, as a

boat can run faster than other boat. It is popular by called as speedboat or

motorboat in Indonesia or other countries.

B. The Classification of English Lexical Borrowings

From analysis above, it can be explained that 25 words borrowed from

English known as loanword type. Indonesian people still use them especially in

tourism field; they are bar, dessert, station waiter, hotel, shelter, spa, menu,

speedboat, and visa; and loanblend type such as the word of adventure, bale,

buffet, kargo, diskotik, ekspedisi, check in, check out, klub, resort, lobby, souvenir,

tourist, café, catering, and landscape. And then, the writer has found that all 25

words are included into loanshift types, because they are taken from foreign


After knowing the meaning of 25 words in register tourism, the writer can

classifies those terms as follows:

a. Traveling: adventur, bal, ekspedisi, suvenir, visa, landskip, turis, kargo,

resor, and speedboat

b. Hotel: bar, cek in, cek out, resor, lobi, station waiter, hotel, and shelter

c. Restaurant: bar, bufet, dessert, menu, kafé, and katering

d. Lifestyle: diskotik, klub, and spa

Seen from their meanings, change of meanings such as narrowing,

degeneration and regeneration have already happened to those borrowed words.

John Daugoll Patterson,Op.Cit., p.504&54

Extension happens to seven words; they are bar, buffet, check in, check out,

catering, and shelter. Narrowing is found in the word bale, resort, souvenir, hotel,

landscape, and expedition. From 25 words above the writer does not find

degeneration. Then, she just finds one term for degeneration; it is the word club.

Besides that, there are not meaning changes of other words, such as adventure,

diskotik, dessert, menu, lobby, café, visa, spa, tourist, kargo, station waiter and




A. Conclusion

After analyzing research findings, the writer would like to describe a

conclusion about the register tourism in English and Indonesian languages, and

changes of meaning of the word in the tourism register field based on Indonesian

and English dictionaries.

In this case, the writer has found many kinds of meaning changes of the

tourism register in English adopted into Indonesian languages; they are extension,

narrowing, degeneration, and regeneration.

Seen the 25 words meanings, it is found that no meaning changes do

happen to 12 words and it is as loanword do happen to 9 words. The reason why

no meaning changes and loanword occur are as follows:

1. English lexical borrowings into Indonesian languages are really needed by

Indonesian people, because there are not enough Indonesian word

equivalents to say those terms in tourism field. So, to say it in tourism

field, Indonesian people use English register or jargon.

2. 25 terms from three magazines are borrowed from English and other

language such as Dutch, French, Latin, Arabic, etc. Indonesian people use

the English lexical borrowings because of the prestige motive. Borrowing

English words are more prestigious than using Indonesian words.


3. Those words are international and universal word. So, it can be easy to

understand; therefore there are no changes of meaning more in those


In this field, the word changes include extension, narrowing, and

degeneration. It means that Indonesian people borrows foreign words, whose

concept is adopted to the Indonesian. So, it also means that it is also adopted to

the social condition in some place.

The writer has found that there are 16 loanblend words. Those words are

still popular and arbiter in the Indonesian environment. She has also found that all

25 words are included into loanshift type, because they are taken from foreign


B. Suggestion

Through this paper based on the analysis above, the writer would like to

suggest to whom are interested in study of English lexical borrowings, especially

register or jargon in tourism field. When she gets a word in tourism field, she can

look for the change of meaning from one language to other language. Of course, it

is intended to improve his knowledge of linguistics study.

The study of English lexical borrowing is still very rare, especially in

tourism field. As student, the writer just suggest the students of English

Department, the Faculty of Adab and Humanities, State Islamic University

Jakarta, to research lexical borrowings in various cultural studies, not only

tourism field, for instance in culture, education, sport, technology, etc.



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