Atomic Theory
Atomic Theory
Atomic Theory
Dalton's atomic theory was a scicntific theory on the nature of matter put
forward by the English physicist and chemnist
John Dalton in thc ycar 1808. It stated that all matter was made up of
small, indivisible particles known as 'atoms'.
All substances, according to Dalton's atomic theory, arc made up of
atoms, which are indivisible and indestructible
building units. While an clcment's atoms wcrc all thec same size and mass, various
clements possesscd atoms of varying
sizes and masses.
The concept of atoms and their structure was first introduced by John Dolton in 1808. He explained the laws of the
chemical combination by considering atoms as invisible particles without a structure. Then in 1911, the New Zealand
physicist Ernest Rutherford proposed that atoms consist of two componcnts: a positively charged nucleus in the center of
the atom and negatively charged electrons in the extranuclear part of the atom. Certain theories such as clectromagnetic
theory presented by Maxwell could not be explainced with Rutherford's model. Because of such limitations in
Rutherford's model, the Danish physicist Nicls Bohr proposed a new model in 1913 bascd on the quantum theory of
radiations. Bohr's model was largely accepted and he was awarded the Nobcl Prize for his work. Even though it was
largely accepted, it still carries certain drawbacks and limitations. The main difference between Bohr model and
Rutherford model is that tn Rutlherud model, eleerons (Rn revolve in any nrbit wround the nueleus, whereas in
Bohr model, electronsCAM FOTelve nn detnltealell.
What is RutherfordModel}
ln 1911, mest Ruthertiud u d uiletnl atntea tat the atom (the volume) consists mainly of space and
the mass ofthe atom ix tend n the mulem, whieh i e coe of the atom The nucleus is positively charged and the
cletonoit anmnt tle muleux lhe ote ve no defite pathy, Morcover, since atoms are neutral, they have cqual
ositive (n the wtu) and ative chao (electhonn), Rutherfod's model failed to explain the clectroma gnetic
they, the stabiiytatom anl the exidewe of deinite lines in the hydrogen spectrum.
What is Rohr Model
Bohr's Nt was pyoot by Niclk tlolr n19P2 to explain the structurc of the atom. In this model, Bohr mentionca
that the Nt of the atonic mass iexin the central nucleus that contains protons and clectrons are arranged in detinite
NY cs and tvohe aound the nucleus, The model also proposed clcctronic configuration, which explains the
ataNNI ovtons in cimmlar obits desiputed as K. L. M. N. etc. Atoms with complcte elcctron configurations are
explain the spectrum of
NY aI\ B t 0niuration determines the reactivity of the atom. Bohr's model is able to
not explain
ttVRR ato, hut it cannot fully explain the rcactivity of multielectron atoms. Moreover, it does
ficld. In this
tNaN t, whee ach spectral line split up into more lines in the presence of an external magnetic
Broglie discovered that electrons have
NEaN elhn is c0usidered only as a particle. However. a French physicist,de
called Heisenberg's uncertainty
waVT nd particle properties, Later on, a physicist put forth another principle
determination of exact position and momentum of small
l, which explains the impossibility of the simultaneous
serious setback.
oing particles such as electrons. With this invention, Bohr's model faced a
Most of the atomic mass lies in Most of the atom consists of empty
the central nucleus, which space. The center of the atom
Contains protons, and the Contains positively charged
electrons are arranged in definite nucleus and its negatively charged
energy levels or shells. electrons are present in the space
surrounding the nucleus.
on what
many hypotheses before John Dalton's exceptional thecory, and all these hypotheses concentrated
Ihere were
of atoms. It was
understood the subatomic particles forming different types
mass was made of. The scientists eventually proportions,
the law of conservation of mass, the law of multiple
the first time a theory properly explained and supported scientists. The
the law of constant composition. It is then that three subatomic particles were discovered by the
important discoveries.
discovery of clectron proton and neutron propelled various other discovered
of atoms. An atom is made of many subatomic particles. In this section, we will learn who
Matter is made
particle. These
experiments led to the discovery of each subatomic
electron protons and neutrons and how. Every set of branches.
discoveries in the 19 and 20 centuries led to the foundation ofNuclear Physics and its various
How the Electron was Discovered?
electromagnetic force of
the subatomic particle that remains outside the nucleus. It is bound by the
Electrons are
orbit. Sir William
electron and a nucleus, the strong force keeps it in its
attraction. Despite the huge distance between an
year 1885.
Crookes was the one who discovered electrons in the
metallic electrodes in a vacuum. He was conducting experiments to check the
He conducted many experiments by heating the electrodes was
vacuum. The glass tube in which he was heating
behavioral features of metals when heated in a
connected to the electrodes, a stream of highly-energized
partially evacuated. When a source of high-voltage was
positive electrode of the anode. Crooks also saw that
was observed emerging from the negative electrode or cathode to the
magnetic field. A set of
there is no influence of an external electric or
these particles traveled in a straight line when Thompson,
of these particles was then concluded by the further experiments done by the other scientists. Sir J. J.
added to the physical features of electrons.
who invented electrons, was an eminent physicist who
that these are very small particles that possess very tiny
Crooks, whodiscovered electrons, and other scientists concluded
charge to
kinetic energy, travel very fast in a straight line, and are negatively charged. They also measured the
mass and
mass ratio (e/m) and found that they are always the
How Protons were Discovered?
experimenting with a perforated cathode (negative electrode). The
Eugen Goldstein, the one who discoveredprotons, was
pressure is extremely low. He experimented in 1886. During
electrodes were fit into a glass tube containing air, but the
He passed high voltage across the clectrodes. He observed
this time, the electron was not discovered and identified.
in the opposite direction of the electrons flowing
glow behind the cathode in that tube. This ray was formed
cathode rays. Hence, the proton was discovered by Goldstein a
The same experiment was then conducted on anodes
resulting in the flow of another ray. This time, the particles had
electrical or magnetic field around. The formation of these
Sign1ticant mass but traveled straight when there was no
subatomic particles in the ray has been properly explained. If you read it carefully, you will find who discovered protons
and how the features of this subatomic particle have been concluded.
These particles are much heavier than electrons. The charge to mass ratio (e/m) was always the same even if different
metals were used to conduct the same experiment. On procceding further, Rutherford was capable of proving that the
hydrogen ion (H), the resultant of ahydrogen atom losing an clectron, had the same propertics as that of the positive
particles flowing forming rays in 1919.
Discovery of Neutron
James Chadwick, after the end ofWorld WarI, returnedto England to his mentor Enest Rutherford. He completed his
Ph.D. under Rutherford's supervision and concentrated his experiments on radioactive decay. Even though Rutherford
found protons in an atom, Chadwick found that it was not the only subatomic particle residing inside the nucleus of an
He then conducted his experiments on atomic disintegrations and found that the atomic number of Helium is 2but its
mass number is4. After carrying on many other experiments, he coneluded that only protons can hold two electrons in a
Hclium atom. Hence, the other subatomic particles, that have the same mass as a proton, did not carry a charge. These
particles were neutral but had mass. In 1935, he discovered the presence of neutrons and received the Nobel Prize.