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Smart Agricultural Technology 7 (2024) 100431

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Smart Agricultural Technology

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Adaption of smart applications in agriculture to enhance production

Subhrajit Mandal a , Anamika Yadav a,∗ , Florence A. Panme a , Kshetrimayum Monika Devi a ,
Shravan Kumar S.M. b
a Department of Agricultural Engineering, Triguna Sen School of Technology, Assam University, Silchar- 788011, Assam, India
b Department of Civil Engineering, Shreenidhi institute of Technology, Hyedrabad-500029, Telengana, India


Editor: Stephen Symons Food security has grown into a serious concern in all countries around the globe due to the growing population,
the depletion of renewable resources, the loss of agricultural farmlands, as well as the rise in uncertain weather
conditions. Due to these issues, the agricultural sector is moving towards “smart agriculture,” which utilises the
Internet of Things Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) to optimise operations and increase production. Several
Artificial intelligence innovative technologies and approaches are integrated into the IoT and AI, including large amounts of data,
Smart agriculture sensing technology, networking, cloud computing, and apps for end-users. The objective of this study is to
Sustainable production examine current developments in smart applications utilizing the IoT and AI technology for smart agriculture.
It also highlights the open problems and difficulties associated with smart applications in smart agriculture, as
well as the trends and prospects in this field. Furthermore, this study will help to determine how IoT and AI
applications may be incorporated into the smart agricultural industry. The results of this study will serve as
valuable information for future research and development of IoT and AI solutions to raise the quality standards
and profitability of the agriculture industry. Smart application techniques would provide quick and safe large-
scale classification with the benefits of immediate availability of data, adaptability, ease of operations, and
precise spatial resolution to increase production and require the least amount of energy and time.

1. Introduction yield. Although the use of agrochemicals can efficiently boost crop yield
and quality, it has also increased environmental challenges in recent
Agricultural crop production and its management is a challenging years. Overdose of pesticides/fertilizers or poor spraying equipment
task due to variations in environmental factors, soil factors, and water during chemical plant protection operations can have major conse-
quality-related parameters worldwide. Due to the increasing popula- quences for human health and the environment. The implementation
tion and changing environmental scenario day by day, high agricul- of technological communication to manage agricultural operations us-
tural production per unit hectare is required globally ([8]; [22]). The
ing mechanization and automation was defined as smart cultivation or
phenomenon of climate change is a result of the environmental stress
farming by ([58]). In the case of developing countries with densely
caused by an expanding population and numerous industries, especially
crowded areas, when enlarging land space for agriculture and crop pro-
agriculture. Several human acts lead to land deterioration, affecting
tection practices is difficult, the only option is to become smarter in the
crop quality, chemical pollution causes dead zone conditions and en-
technology used in agriculture through the use of cutting-edge technolo-
dangers marine life. Thus, the use of the smart application in agriculture
may be crucial in offering viable solutions to significant problems like gies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
disease and pest infestations, insufficient biological application, incor- They have already started capitalizing across all industries including
rect water application and elimination, weed management, and yield agriculture. Artificial intelligence (AI) is “the science and engineering
forecasting ([7]; [29]; [70]). of making intelligent machines, brilliant computer programs,” accord-
Crop protection activities against climate change, soil nutrients, land ing to Professor McCarthy. For many years, basic artificial intelligence
suitability, cultivation practices, method of cultivation, artificial nutri- has been provided by governed programs that exhibit a fundamental
ents applications, water management, etc. can enhance the production kind of “intelligence” under particular conditions ([56]; [19]).

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: anamika.iit26@gmail.com (A. Yadav).

Received 4 January 2024; Received in revised form 11 February 2024; Accepted 1 March 2024
Available online 13 March 2024
2772-3755/© 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
S. Mandal, A. Yadav, F.A. Panme et al. Smart Agricultural Technology 7 (2024) 100431

Fig. 1. IoT applications in the field of agriculture for smart farming.

Advancements in these digital technologies have made revolution- the maximum benefit from an economic and management perspective.
ary changes in agriculture by providing smart systems that can monitor, The present study identifies and extracts meaningful information about
control, and visualize various farm operations in real-time and with smart technologies and other mobile applications, i.e., chatbot systems
comparable intelligence to human experts ([71]). Better insights may utilized for smart farming.
be produced from data obtained in the field by using digital technolo- Keeping in mind the above-mentioned facts, the major objectives of
gies such as AI and IoT-based applications, allowing farming techniques this paper are:
to be planned efficiently with minimum manual work. These technolo- ∙ To examine current developments in smart applications using IoT
gies reduce the risk of managing the field during bad weather conditions and AI technology for agriculture.
and also provide profit to farmers during a shortage of labor. An electri- ∙ To highlight issues and challenges particularly related to network-
cally controlled delivery system was developed by Giles and Wunderlich ing and open-source programs for smart agriculture
for spraying beneficial insect eggs. It can release large droplets with the ∙ To evaluate the agricultural development from the ancient age to
help of a pulse-width modulated valve that can monitor the applica- the present era.
tion rate and the spacing between the discharged eggs ([25]). IoT has ∙ To draw attention to the trends and prospects in smart agriculture.
been used in several areas recently, including institutional management
practices ([74]), medical ([84]), home automation ([67]; [46]), smart
cities ([3]; [15]), energy optimization ([48]), self-driving automobiles 1.1. Paper representation
([61]), intelligent farming ([76]; [43]), and transportation ([69]). Fig. 1
presents an extensive and diversified example of IoT applications in the
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents smart farm-
field of agriculture for smart farming.
ing towards Agriculture 4.0 and 5.0 and the smart applications utilized
According to [77], smart farming is a method of improving produc-
in farming practices, including many subtopics such as automatic irri-
tivity while lowering production costs. It accomplishes this by gathering
gation practices, automated vehicles, drone applications in agriculture,
a variety of data, integrating many technologies, and performing thor-
ough analysis. With the increasing youth movement to urban areas harvesting, sowing, weeding, and crop maintenance.
and the utilization of land for quick expansion instead of agricultural Section 3 encompasses various methods of smart farming, including
production, there are fewer human resources available for agricultural the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and blockchain
development. To satisfy the demand for food, the majority of agricul- technology used in smart agriculture. Also, this section discusses sensor
tural tasks must be mechanized. The aforementioned problems with technology, its types, and mobile applications, including chatbot sys-
agriculture and food supply may be resolved by IoT and similar tech- tems used in smart agriculture.
niques ([41]; [43]; [73]). A detailed summary of the advantages of IoT technology in the agri-
Many research studies focus on various smart applications in the culture sector is discussed in Section 4.
agriculture sector, whereas at present, farmers are unaware of these re- Section 5 highlights future research directions and examines some
cent technologies and practices. The basic knowledge of adopting an of the challenges that emerging innovations in the agriculture sector are
appropriate smart technology and its applications with working con- facing.
ditions for sustainable production is still not very clear. However, it is Section 6 discusses the conclusion of this paper, including the au-
necessary to provide systematic information on the advantages and uses thors’ perspectives on the subject of the study and potential directions
of various methods in smart farming with proper understanding to get for further research.

S. Mandal, A. Yadav, F.A. Panme et al. Smart Agricultural Technology 7 (2024) 100431

Fig. 2. The Agriculture 4.0 application sector distributions.

2. Smart farming towards: agriculture 4.0 and 5.0 ery ([23]). The advancement in accurate weather forecasting and other
environmental factors may be achieved with positioning technologies
To meet the worldwide challenge during the twenty-first century, a like global positioning systems (GPS), remote drones, and unmanned
major agricultural revolution is required, one that will allow technology aerial vehicle (UAV) operations. The equipment for UAV applications
to increase productivity while ensuring sustainability in the environ- plays a vital role in IoT and precision agriculture. It also examines
ment. The term “Agriculture 4.0” refers to the fourth agricultural revo- the potential of UAV deployment situations in precision farming. These
lution, which makes use of digital technology and aims to transform the technological tools can support the “decision tree” both on the farm
industry into one that is more environmentally conscious, intelligent, and outside of it. The farmers might decide more wisely, resulting in
and productive ([37]; [36]). With the application of Agriculture 4.0 more output and lower waste. The primary concern with Agriculture
technology, farmers may cultivate their land more methodically and ac- 4.0 is the need for methods of communication and data exchange to
curately predict the results. The practice of effective precision farming link the many systems into a coherent system that addresses every as-
requires the use of Agriculture 4.0 technology to achieve its maximum pect of agricultural exploitation. The ability of farmers to invest in and
potential. The infrastructure for connected farming must be based on enhance farming practices is another crucial component in implement-
real-time data and cover a large area, based on the requirements of the ing Agriculture 5.0 ([23]; [68]). Also, farming is becoming immensely
agricultural operation and the goal of IoT implementation ([36]; [37]). better because of the advancements in smart agriculture.
The goal of Agriculture 4.0 is not only to transform agri-food systems
but also to enhance the methods of cultivation. The agriculture food 2.1. Smart applications in farming practices
supply chain (AFSC) refers to the chain of events that starts with the
creation of farming goods and ends with their delivery to the customer The agriculture industry has seen substantial technological advances
who purchases them ([22]). Generally, the AFSC is made up of many or- over the past few decades. Modern technology is converting conven-
ganizations that handle manufacturing, processing, and promotional ac- tional agricultural concepts into smart agriculture. With the help of this
tivities, including advertisement, marketing, and transportation ([37]; technology, traditional agriculture has changed and is now more like a
[56]; [4]). The necessity for agricultural systems to balance the envi- smart agricultural system ([44]). Indian farmers have currently started
ronments that support our way of life with the production of sufficient employing a method of farming known as “smart agriculture,” which is
quantities of wholesome, reasonably priced food is a significant chal- a combination of several smart technologies. The integration of wireless
lenge faced by civilization today. The Agriculture 4.0 application sector sensor networks for remote surveillance by technologies such as IoT en-
distributions are presented in Fig. 2. ables a wide range of applications to provide their output more rapidly
Agriculture 4.0 has four pillars, i.e., advancement, modern equip- and precisely. India and other developing nations are in a position to
ment used, scale-up data for supervision, and environmental sustain- quickly produce food supplies by implementing innovative technology.
ability for fruitful farming. The success of the Agriculture 4.0 system Numerous initiatives are based on smart sensor networks that collect
is contingent upon the quality of the data acquired, which is a fun- information from various sensors linked to multiple hubs and relay it
damental component that spans all architectural levels ([31]). Agri- again via wireless communication networks. These technologies help
culture 4.0 and its evolution as Agriculture 5.0 are resource-effective in measuring, monitoring, and analyzing different processes of farm-
approaches to developing more advanced technologies in the agricul- ing operations ([70]). The following is a list of some smart agricultural
tural environment. According to the theory of “Agriculture 5.0,” fields techniques: It is anticipated that these developments will become the
employ machinery that enables self-governing choices and unmanned cornerstones of the astute ranch.
operations using precision farming techniques. Therefore, the usage of
robotics alongside a certain type of AI is implied by Agriculture 5.0. 2.1.1. Automatic irrigation practises
The evolution of agriculture from the ancient age to the modern era is Farmers may regulate the timing and amount of water that they
shown in Fig. 3. produce by using smart irrigation application technology. The intricate
The growth of Agriculture 5.0 demands the establishment of techno- IoT sensors have the potential to enable the cultivation framework to
logical standards to ensure equipment compatibility. Since agricultural function autonomously, utilizing data from field-based sensors to adjust
machinery lasts a long time, precautions are taken to guarantee that any the water system ([64]). Among the many benefits of automated or con-
technological advancement is supported by manufacturers and other trolled irrigation are increased accuracy, more economical utilization of
sectors of the economy and remains compatible with updated machin- water, and a decrease in human error ([10]). Artificial intelligence and

S. Mandal, A. Yadav, F.A. Panme et al. Smart Agricultural Technology 7 (2024) 100431

Fig. 3. Evolution of Agriculture from the Ancient Age to Modern era.

S. Mandal, A. Yadav, F.A. Panme et al. Smart Agricultural Technology 7 (2024) 100431

fuzzy models hold promise for modeling complex systems in agriculture harvests as needed at the right time. The process of capturing energy
and forecasting unforeseen events like precipitation or water require- from different external sources and turning it into electrical power is
ments for crop production ([29]). Farmers may gather and examine data known as energy harvesting. The lifespan of sensors can be achieved
in a smart agriculture system to fertilize and care for their crops. The through the application of energy harvest technology, which also oc-
smart agricultural system offers more precise and cost-effective meth- casionally eliminates the need for batteries. Furthermore, harvesting
ods for forecasting and safeguarding crop growth. By raising earnings, energy provides practical and financial benefits by optimizing energy
decreasing waste, enhancing efficiency, and becoming environmentally consumption and lowering network maintenance expenses ([65]). In
friendly, the agricultural business is becoming more digitalized by inte- certain situations, like rural areas or remote locations, the deployment
grating various technologies. By assessing water quality and minimiz- of wireless sensor networks is advantageous. The cost of renewable
ing water waste, information technology-based smart farming practices energy is falling, which has resulted in a dramatic increase in solar
may assist farmers in managing their water resources. Ingenious agricul- photovoltaic adoption. ([60]). By maintaining surveillance on healthy
tural methods have the potential to assist in resolving the world’s most vegetation, farmers may acquire and evaluate the data to avoid partic-
pressing issues and realize sustainable development targets ([72]). ular falls rather than simply huddle and exhaust themselves.

2.1.2. Automated vehicle 2.1.5. Sowing, weeding, and crop maintenance

Farmers employ farm tractors for a variety of agricultural tasks. With Reducing manual work and increasing quality production are the
time and advances (such as cameras and machine vision frameworks, major goals of integrating autonomous mechanical devices into agri-
GPS, IoT, and LiDAR), self-operated vehicles get more skilled and au- culture. They oversee the farmers in carrying out various tasks, such
tonomous. These advancements ultimately reduce the need for human as maintaining and fixing the miniature types of machinery, analyz-
intervention to operate these devices efficiently ([28]). The probability ing data, and planning farm events. Drone Seed and Bio Carbon are
of disaster is increased by the change in the environmental condition two examples of miniature robotic machines that are being tested to
and its undefined nature. Therefore, intrinsic safety and dependability replace labor-intensive tasks like sowing and cultivation. They can use
are crucial criteria for operating machines for field operations. Au- compressed air to burn seedpod packs directly into the soil, compost,
tomation of machinery operated in farms, smart irrigation activities, and fertilizer. Additionally, robotic machines are making it possible to
protected cultivation, monitoring of the farmsteads, management of mechanize the completion of significant tasks. These machines can run
dairy farms, harvesting and threshing operations, storage structures, agricultural spraying tasks with greater efficiency, noticeable accuracy,
and transportation are all included in agricultural automation systems and less waste ([82]; [47]).
([20]). Autonomous agricultural vehicles (AAVs) have become more For farmers and agriculture experts, identifying plant diseases
and more significant in recent years, mostly because of advancements in is of utmost importance. With the help of advanced applications,
the field of self-driving automobiles in the transportation sector ([45]). it is possible to determine how ordinary and affected plant leaves sep-
Throughout fieldwork, AAVs may encounter a range of climatic factors, arate based on variations in temperature, moisture content, and shade.
including air temperature, air humidity, and field conditions. Further- The author ([45]) suggested a framework to use the IoT application
more, a lot of the non-linear behaviors displayed by these machines to identify plant diseases. Most crops experience the onset of dis-
make it challenging to use traditional control techniques to manage ease and illness in their leaves. For autonomous robots or machines,
them. Information and communication technologies (ICT) have been essential crop services like weed eradication and inflammation man-
progressively integrated into AAVs because of their increasing level of
agement. Such machines can autonomously navigate a field by using
sophistication. AAVs can be controlled remotely via wireless connec-
developments in satellite communication, the Global Positioning Sys-
tions or through controlled network systems found in vehicles, such as
tem (GPS), Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), and cameras ([30]).
CANbus-based networks ([24]).
These can also be used to apply insect sprays and identify annoyances.
It makes use of AI and IoT to identify weeds before pulling them.
2.1.3. Drone applications in agriculture
Drones may assist farmers with a variety of duties, from organizing
Drones have been utilized commercially for agricultural purposes
and analyzing data to actually sowing produce and then monitoring
since the beginning of the eighteenth century, but their use has grown
the crops to determine progress and a healthy lifestyle. According to
significantly as a result of the expansion of the Internet of Things
the authors, smart agriculture depends on using novel technologies for
and advancements in communication technologies. It may carry out
harvesting management to increase farm productivity without sacrific-
a variety of tasks that enhance farming methods ([49]). Drone activ-
ing the quality of the product. Commercially available drones are big
ities include, but are not limited to, water supply, soil testing, graft-
enough to transmit innovations in distant discovery that need to be sent
ing, sprayers, crop assessment and its assessment, crop illness, overall
over a network of satellites or by using an aircraft surveillance system
plant wellness measurements, insecticide, fertilizer, canopy cover, fore-
casting and counting of plants, crop height measuring, etc., which can
all be monitored by drones outfitted with multiple sensors, cameras,
thermal, multi-spectral, and optical imaging cameras ([34]; [28]). Ethe- 3. Methods of smart farming
real photographs may be produced quickly by using robots that have
cameras installed. Farmers may utilize these images to cultivate their 3.1. Internet of Things for agriculture
land and improve every aspect of their holding. Due to their great ca-
pabilities, agricultural unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are now being The Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging technology that makes
used in numerous aspects of agriculture, including seed dropping, plant- it possible to create a system that supports agricultural processes ([29];
ing, growth evaluation, mapping, fertilizer, and pesticide applications. [59]; [5]; [18]). An IoT system is made up of a variety of components
As a result, it is anticipated that the market for agricultural UAVs and that allow the system to perform various functions such as sensing, iden-
associated innovations will continue to expand ([42]; [55]). tification, actuation, communication, and management ([80]). Fig. 4
represents the IoT structure.
2.1.4. Harvesting The IoT system applies to various applications of agriculture, such as
The farmer can concentrate on additional duties owing to the so- crop protection and management, farm monitoring, remote monitoring
phisticated techniques, IoT devices, and mechanized machinery. With systems, decision support tools, automated irrigation systems, frost pro-
the help of an IoT framework, these machines can continuously mon- tection systems, fertilization systems, temperature and humidity mon-
itor fields, monitor crops using their sensors, and collect appropriate itoring, rainfall observation, fertilizer effectiveness, animal tracking,

S. Mandal, A. Yadav, F.A. Panme et al. Smart Agricultural Technology 7 (2024) 100431

Fig. 4. Structure of IoT.

storehouse monitoring, water tank dimensions monitoring, theft detec- 3.3. Blockchain technology for smart agriculture
tion, equipment tracking, and monitoring remotely ([29]). A decrease
in the number of electronic incidents involving agricultural producers Blockchain technology plays a crucial role in facilitating smart farm-
and IoT technology has made it simpler to obtain data related to agri- ing in the field of smart agriculture. The conventional agricultural sup-
culture. With better input and process optimization, fewer resources, ply chain has numerous intermediaries, each responsible for distinct
and more environmentally friendly agricultural practices made possible stages of the supply chain, including production, processing, packaging,
by these future technologies, productivity may be increased. The agri- and distribution ([13]). This may lead to an absence of accountabil-
cultural sector’s utility would be improved by the combined use of IoT ity and transparency, which can impede efforts to trace the origin of
technology with data analytics and wireless sensor networks (WSN), products or authenticate their safety and quality. Blockchain technol-
resulting in improved crop output and operational scheduling ([59]). ogy offers a reliable, distributed, and immutable platform for storing
The WSN gathers data from distinct kinds of smart sensors and uses and exchanging data throughout the supply chain ([81]). Through the
various communication methods to send it to a centralized server. At- utilization of blockchain technology, farmers and other stakeholders in
tacks by insects, excessive pesticide use, attacks by wild animals and the supply chain may securely store and track essential information,
birds, unpredictability in the monsoon, shortage of water, inappropri- including planting dates, locations, types of fertilizers and pesticides
ate water use, and ignorance of agricultural practices are some factors employed, and harvest dates and locations. This enables them to guar-
that reduce crop output. Depending on the area of agriculture being antee the superior quality and safety of the products for consumers
considered, several criteria in the agricultural industry must be ex- ([27]).
amined, such as crop monitoring, forestry monitoring, livestock farm
monitoring, weather monitoring, micro-climatic modification, aquacul- 3.4. Sensor technology for smart agriculture
ture management, and logistics management ([80]; [39]; [60]; [64]).
Smart farming depends significantly on the use of sensors. Farmers
3.2. Artificial intelligence for agriculture may maximize crop productivity by adjusting their surroundings with
the help of sensors. In essence, weather stations, robots, and drones may
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the term used to describe the develop- all have sensors mounted to them. Farmers may learn a lot about vege-
ment of human intellect in computers that are made capable of acting tation and the environment from the information the sensors tell them.
and thinking like people, including acquiring knowledge and resolving Food 4.0 emphasizes the extensive use of sensor technologies as part of
issues ([7]; [71]). It is an instance of machine learning. The AI technol- the precision agriculture concept ([54]). Using scarce resources like wa-
ogy applies to various applications in agriculture, as shown in Fig. 5. ter, fertilizer, and seedlings, farmers may boost agricultural productivity
The primary fields, including systems with experts, fuzzy structures, with the use of sensors. Mobile applications can be used to operate the
and artificial neural networks, are the three key approaches. Agriculture sensors and camera. Since optical sensors are capable of scanning an en-
is a dynamic sector for which it is impossible to draw conclusions that tire area and acquiring the required images, they are typically mounted
may be used to offer an overall solution. The agricultural sector and on drones or robotic machines ([70]). Additionally, these smart sensors
cropping systems throughout India will need to adapt creatively and help to improve crop yield, livestock tracking, soil moisture monitoring,
technologically to boost productivity and optimize resource use with remote water tank level monitoring, temperature and humidity sens-
sophisticated computer tools. Artificial intelligence approaches have en- ing, the security of farmland, monitoring environmental conditions, and
abled us to grasp the intricate details of each situation and provide the equipment tracking ([59]). These sensors include, for example, temper-
best solution possible for that particular issue ([21]; [66]). ature sensors that sense temperature, soil moisture sensors that measure

S. Mandal, A. Yadav, F.A. Panme et al. Smart Agricultural Technology 7 (2024) 100431

Fig. 5. Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture.

Fig. 6. Types of smart sensors used in agriculture for water quality parameters ([79]).

soil moisture content, PIR sensors that detect animals, people, and other 3.4.1. Sensors used in agriculture farming
objects in agricultural fields, and GPS-based remote control robots that The use of many sensors in smart farming is becoming increasingly
carry out tasks like weeding, spraying, and moisture sensing ([54]) (re- common, as these sensors may be useful for measuring crop yields, mon-
fer to Fig. 6). itoring environmental conditions, and automatically harvesting crops
Sensors have become more intelligent, more affordable, eco-friendly, ([62]; [1]; [32]). In agricultural setups, smart sensors can more accu-
dependable, and have a greater integrated capability for use in food rately and automatically collect a variety of environmental data as well
applications. Food applications in 4IR will use sensors to enable far- as other relevant information, which may then be stored on drives. A
away sensing and location. From a management point of view, both smart sensor is made up of wireless communication technologies, mi-
regional and remote sensing technologies must be combined with effec- croprocessors, and a sensor device that allows for remote surveillance
tive big data analytics to provide high-resolution decision-making tools of many agricultural elements ([83]; [2]. To improve their functional-
([2]; [40]). Remote sensors can provide immediate maps of field pa- ity, smart sensors can be connected to other parts, including transduc-
rameters, while optical sensors may display modifications to field color ers, amplifiers, analog-to-digital converters, and analog filters. A range
characteristics according to variations in crop growth, soil composition, of critical parameters, including temperature, humidity, and nutrient
field limits, and other factors. The indices provided by satellite and contents, are sensed by IoT-based sensors used in agricultural settings
aerial images can show how healthy the plants are ([9]; [57]). ([54]). The data is then sent to communication gateways, which in-

S. Mandal, A. Yadav, F.A. Panme et al. Smart Agricultural Technology 7 (2024) 100431

Table 1
Different types of sensors used in various fields of agriculture.

Sl. No. Types of sensors Working principle Usage Reference

1 Electromagnetic Sensor Uses electrical circuits to monitor Measure the concentrations of organic matter and residual ([14])
electrical impulse conduction or nitrate in the soil, record electromagnetic reactions, and
buildup in soil track the rate of transpiration in real time.

2 Acoustic-based sensors monitor changes in the noise intensity Identifying and keeping an eye on the population of pests; ([16])
in fields of agriculture collecting fruit; and following the growth of aquatic plants

3 Optical sensors Variations in light reflectance are Utilized for identifying many properties of soil, such as ([78])
evaluated moisture content, mineral content, soil texture, and soil
color. Fruit maturity is detected by optical sensors mediated
by fluorescence. Orchard canopies are monitored using
microwave scattering in conjunction with integral optical

4 Ultrasonic ranging sensors Uses an ultrasonic sensor to identify an Aids in weed identification, agricultural canopy monitoring, ([1])
object’s proximity by sending and and insect detection.
receiving ultrasonic pulses.

5 Mass flow sensors Sensors track the mass movement of Measure the grain flow via a combined harvester to aid in ([6])
grains using several modules, including yield production assessment.
an internal system, data storage, and a
moisture content sensor.

6 Electrochemical sensors Separate sensors capturing soil Assists in measuring the pH and nutritional content of the ([2])
electrochemical gradients in agriculture soil and also for precision agriculture

7 Light detection and ranging Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) Services related to agricultural land, including 3D ([38])
(LIDAR) optical sensors work by varying the modeling, tracking soil erosion, mapping agricultural land,
characteristics of optical signals in and identifying different types of soil.
response to variations in a

8 FPGA (Field programmable Uses digital circuits to wrap logic Measures the rate of plant transpiration, moisture content, ([51])
gate array) based sensors blocks and silicon-based processors. humidity, and irrigation

9 Eddy covariance-based Constant measurements throughout Track variations in the concentrations of different gases in ([40])
sensors huge agricultural fields. agricultural areas, such as methane, CO2, and water vapor,
among other greenhouse gases

10 Battery-free and self-powered Solar cells are used to power sensors. Assist in detecting environmental elements like humidity ([64])
sensors and temperature, among others. Also used to keep an eye
on food products’ quality.

11 Airflow sensors It uses distinctive identifying traits to Examine the soil’s permeability, air content, moisture ([57])
sense many soil properties. content, and if it is in a mobile or stationary state.

12 Flexible and wearable sensors Flexible materials are used to create Facilitates the sensation of temperature as well as the form, ([13])
sensors that can be attached to various size, and growth of various plant components and plant
plant components. protection.

13 Mechanical sensors Sensors take measurements of the force Computes the compaction of soil particles and the soil’s ([32])
determined by strain gauges or load mechanical resistance.

clude satellites, computing systems, and cloud servers. Human networks smart agriculture. But there are a lot of significant limitations with them
subsequently utilize these IoT-enabled devices for analysis, decision- ([53]). One of the primary disadvantages of using sensors is the constant
making, and other necessary farm tasks ([57]; [40]). The details of need for internet access. Power and connectivity to the internet might
different smart sensors utilized by numerous researchers in the field not always be accessible in remote locations. This constrains the use of
of agriculture are presented in Table 1. intelligent agriculture. Furthermore, smart farming necessitates the ex-
istence of necessary facilities such as power lines and mobile towers,
3.5. Mobile applications which might not be feasible in underdeveloped states’ rural areas. The
majority of agricultural workers lack the technical knowledge necessary
In addition to sensors, several mobile applications support intelli- to embrace IoT technology, which is another disadvantage ([35]; [58]).
gent farming. Among these are a phone camera for taking images of These issues may all be mitigated by using chatbots that employ natural
plants and illnesses to diagnose a possible illness, a GPS device for lo- language processing ([50]; [75]).
cating noxious weeds, information on sun radiation, the requirement for
fertilizer, and information on where to apply the paste. In addition, the 3.5.1. Chatbot system
agriculture equipment may require the use of microphones for repairing The chatbot system is a promising technology for monitoring and
and operating the system. For instance, the gyroscope and accelerome- controlling agricultural activities ([75]). A robot that can speak is
ter are additional smartphone tools. In addition, numerous mobile apps, called a “chatbot” or “chatterbot,” and it is a program designed to
such as those for disease detection, calculating fertilizer requirements, make easier communication between machines and human beings. Two
applying soil studies, and predicting water requirements, can assist in categories are available for chatbots: (i) governed by rules, using pre-
smart farming ([4]. Sensor technology offers a lot of advantages for determined instructions to generate intended discussions that typically

S. Mandal, A. Yadav, F.A. Panme et al. Smart Agricultural Technology 7 (2024) 100431

follow well-defined navigation flows; (ii) AI-based, utilizing advanced phone apps provide information about goods, services, prices, and
algorithms like machine learning (ML) and natural language processing market analysis. Additionally, a variety of regulations, laws, and gov-
(NLP) to improve conversations and interactive capabilities. In addi- ernment initiatives on different agricultural farm produce.
tion to using sensors that detect movement and other means, these 7. Resource Management: IoT technology will enable immediate
interactions can also take place by expressing themselves in natural monitoring and sensing of agricultural capital, safeguarding various
language ([50]). The discussions between people and chatbots can be equipment against theft, updating components, and enabling the timely
easily translated into each other’s language, however, the topics of completion of jobs.
discussion and caliber of these exchanges may vary significantly. The
authors’ [33] findings demonstrate that, in comparison to human in- 5. Future scope and challenges
teraction, users interact with chatbots for longer durations but with
fewer messages. The use of a chatbot system that makes use of an in- The IoT and AI-based smarter applications have been integrated into
stant messaging platform in a conversational context offers an effective, current approaches to address several issues in the farming and agricul-
safe, and user-friendly foundation for communication with IoT devices tural sectors ([63]). Several issues include a lack of organization, safety,
used in agricultural sectors ([75]. It is an example of how technologi- confidentiality, power, data merging, variety in IoT devices, and incon-
cal advances have facilitated the development of smart and autonomous sistent business ideas. The use of IoT in agriculture comes with many
machines. The chatbot system is an agriculture question-answering plat- expenses, including managerial and organizational expenditures ([12]).
form where farmers can make calls and inquiries about the system. In particular, coupling problems will arise when massive IoT devices—
Also, farmers can ask queries that the system understands and responds such as those that use unlicensed spectrum like WiFi, SigFox, LoRa,
to ([52]). A very well-known systematic information-sharing platform and ZigBee—are used in the agricultural industry for many different
called Kisan Call Center is one example of a chatbot system ([17]). The reasons. Data corruption and reduced dependability occur as a result of
Kisan Call Center employee will make an effort to address your concerns coupling. Using unlicensed spectrum results in higher equipment prices.
or questions right away. Furthermore, the conversation will be routed The key reason for the gradual introduction of IoT technology in numer-
to designated subject-matter experts if the call center technician fails ous agriculture applications is farmers’ less important understanding of
to address the farmer’s question right away ([52]). The major objec- the device and its varied uses. This is a key factor since most farmers are
tives of the Kisan Call Centre are to gather and distribute information, ignorant and from rural regions, especially in third-world nations. When
address day-to-day issues, offer opportunities to contribute knowledge, it comes to employing new technology, they lack flexibility ([70]).
create networks between scientists and specialists, preserve the tradi- In addition, inadequate safety precautions may result in data loss,
tional knowledge system, and improve agricultural production for the invasions of privacy, and attacks on sensitive data, including field pa-
sustainable transformation of Indian agriculture. rameters and other intellectual property. IoT devices are vulnerable
to physical harm from things like animal attacks, theft, and address
4. Advantages of IoT technology in the agriculture sector changes. Traffic, denial of service (DoS), and forward assaults are com-
mon on gateways. To maximize profits, farmers must comprehend the
IoT technology has several benefits for the agricultural industry finest resource mechanisms for analyzing the number of IoT devices re-
([59]). A few advantages are listed in the section that follows: quired, the number of gateways, the memory size for cloud storage,
1. Collective Information: IoT technology, particularly in rural and and the volume of data to be communicated. IoT devices are deployed
isolated locations, can support the growth of cooperative farming. The outdoors in environments that might impact the sensors, degrade their
development of applications that allow sharing, shared farm data man- effectiveness over time, and cause a transmission system failure. Instal-
agement, and enhanced interaction between farmers and agriculture lation of IoT sensors and structures needs to be protected to ensure that
professionals can be facilitated by IoT. costly equipment is not harmed by different weather conditions, such
2. Safety and Security: The challenges of ranchers extend beyond as floods, intense rain, cyclones, etc. ([11]). Although some IoT tech-
the need to produce more food; they also include ensuring reliability, nologies are still being researched, many are currently evolving. Since
protection, and availability of high-quality food. There have been sev- emerging technologies require extensive study before they can be imple-
eral reports of problems with the standard of food being supplied to mented, choosing the right approach is a major concern. Several factors,
the market, including food adulteration, counterfeiting, artificial plant including the farm size and shape, the location, the types of soil, and
augmentation, and large fruit sizes. These problems are mostly affect- the circumstances surrounding it, are taken into account before choos-
ing medical conditions and may have detrimental effects on economic ing a new technology. ([76]); [5]; [26])
3. Competitive and Challenging Nature: Agriculture is becoming a 6. Conclusion
more competitive industry due to the growing demand for increased
agricultural output and the application of innovative technology. It With increasing population growth worldwide, global warming, and
strengthens a structure where information exchange in farming sectors a lack of resources at present, agriculture is severely challenged to ful-
using IoT technology will offer additional potential for management, fill the demand for high-quality and quantity food. The present study
marketing, and monitoring. demonstrated how crucial smart farming is to raising and enhancing
4. Growth and Development: Development and Spread of Prosper- agricultural productivity to help reduce the gap between supply and
ity: The usage of IoT technology may provide fresh perspectives on job demand for food. The adaptation of smart technologies like IoT and AI
creation. Farmers stand to gain from this approach as it eliminates the demonstrates enormous promises for many different aspects of farm-
need for “intermediate men,” who are often misused and may engage ing. IoT is regarded as the foundation of smart agricultural technology
directly with clients, yielding greater returns. since it links every part of smart systems, including those used in other
5. Minimal expenses and damages: The only advantage of IoT tech- applications than agriculture. The insights acquired from profitable
nology is that it’s able to identify instruments and devices that are companies might assist researchers in devising novel approaches and
located remotely. Farmers have more decision-making power because remedies for modern farming practices. This paper offers a summary
of IoT technology, which informs them of the best times to apply insec- of how smart technology will transform the agriculture industry, assist-
ticides and herbicides. They might be able to lower their agricultural ing farmers in better managing their properties while also generating
expenses and crop devastation thanks to this. more income. Furthermore, this study facilitates the identification and
6. Awareness: The network of IoT devices can regulate access to investigation of the evolutionary trends in Agriculture 4.0 and Agricul-
WSNs in farming industries and operate economical services. Smart- ture 5.0. In addition, this study will provide systematic information on

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