1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 6
2. Project Description ..................................................................................................................................... 6
3. Purposeandscope ........................................................................................................................................ 7
4. Waste Management System..................................................................................................................... 7
4.1. Waste Management Approach ....................................................................................................... 8
5. Legal Standards ......................................................................................................................................... 11
5.1. NEOM Standards and Reference ................................................................................................. 11
5.2. License Requirements .................................................................................................................... 11
6. RolesandResponsibilities ...................................................................................................................... 11
6.1. Project Manager ................................................................................................................................ 12
6.2. Construction Manager .................................................................................................................... 12
6.3. Environmental Manager(AlsoActasWasteManagement Manager)............................... 12
6.4. Environmental Coordinator ......................................................................................................... 13
6.5. Environmental Engineer(Sindalah Island) ............................................................................. 13
6.6. Environmental Inspector............................................................................................................... 13
6.7. Environmental Engineer(UAH Area) ........................................................................................ 14
6.8. Environmental Officer(Marine) .................................................................................................. 14
6.9. ProtectedSpeciesobserver ............................................................................................................ 14
6.10. Waste Management Foreman.................................................................................................. 15
6.11. Waste Management Operatives .............................................................................................. 15
6.12. AllPersonson site .......................................................................................................................... 15
6.13. Organization Chart....................................................................................................................... 16
7. Waste Management Program .............................................................................................................. 16
7.1. Waste Management Resources ................................................................................................... 16
7.2. Program Monitoring ........................................................................................................................ 16
7.3. Waste Management Awareness & Training ........................................................................... 16
7.1.1. Site Induction ...................................................................................................................................... 17
7.1.2. Environmental and Social Training for MHC Leadership Team...................................... 18
7.1.3. Environmental Training for Construction Supervisors ...................................................... 18
7.1.4. Toolbox Talks ...................................................................................................................................... 18
7.2. Trainingprogramme ........................................................................................................................ 19
8. Environmental Impacts .......................................................................................................................... 20
9. Waste Types /Classification and Projected Quantities........................................................ 20
9.1. Non-hazardous Waste .................................................................................................................... 20
9.2. Hazardous Waste .............................................................................................................................. 21
10. Waste Management Measures ......................................................................................................... 25
10.1. General Refuse and Other Wastes ......................................................................................... 26
10.2. Recycling .......................................................................................................................................... 27
10.3. On-site Sorting, Storage and Disposal of CONSTRUCTION Materials ...................... 27
10.3.1. Excavated Materials ....................................................................................................................... 27
10.3.2. Construction and Demolition Materials ................................................................................. 27
10.3.3. Chemical Waste ............................................................................................................................... 28
10.3.4. General Refuse ................................................................................................................................. 29
10.3.5. Waste Containers ............................................................................................................................ 30
10.3.6. Sewage storage, collection and disposal ................................................................................ 30
10.3.7. Medical Waste .................................................................................................................................. 31
10.4. Central Waste Storage Location ............................................................................................. 31
10.5. Hazardous Waste Storage Location ...................................................................................... 32
10.6. Waste Management Resources ............................................................................................... 33
10.7. Waste Management Service Provider .................................................................................. 33
10.8. Waste Spill Prevention and Response .................................................................................. 43
10.8.1. Spill Prevention .......................................................................................................................... 43
10.8.2. Spill Response ............................................................................................................................. 45
11. Records Management .......................................................................................................................... 46
12. Monitoring ............................................................................................................................................... 46
13. Reporting ................................................................................................................................................. 47
14. Performance Monitoring .................................................................................................................... 48
Appendix ........................................................................................................................................................... 50
15.1. Site Mobilization Plan –Showing Waste Management Facility ................................... 50
15.2. Waste Manifest .............................................................................................................................. 51
15.3. Waste Management Logbook .................................................................................................. 52
15.4. Waste Management Inspection Checklist ........................................................................... 53
15.5. Environmental Incident Notification .................................................................................... 54
15.6. Hazardous Material Compatibility Storage Matrix.......................................................... 56
15.7. Hazardous Material Incompatibility Matrix ...................................................................... 57
15.8. Proposed Waste Storage Bins, Skips, Containers ............................................................ 58
15.9. Sample Slogans for Environmental Awareness ................................................................ 59
1. Introduction
Sindalah Island represents one of the icons of NEOM with exceptional marine characteristics and
beauty. At an overall distance of 2.0 km in east-west direction and an overall distance of 0.7 km
in the north-south direction, the island amounts to a total land area of approximately 840,000.00
m2. The island is located approximately 5.0 km fromthe mainland of Saudi-Arabia and can be
accessed with ease via water transportation, refer to Figure 1.
Sindalah Island is located approximately 3 km from the land and sits at an average of 4m above
sea level, with a maximum elevation of 23m. Travel time between the mainland and Sindalah
Island is approximately 15 minutes by boat.
Scope of work
The Contractor shall provide the following, but is not limited to:
a. The Contractor shall immediately commence Procurement of all components required for the Works and
adhere to the interim milestones in Part 6 of this Scope of Works for placing Purchase Orders and Long
Lead Item Purchase Orders.
b. The Contractor shall prepare a grass nursery to receive the stripped Bermuda golf course grass off Hole
#4 of the Sindalah Golf Course where the Back of House Logistics Hub is located.
c. The Contractor shall strip, collect, transport, place at nursery and maintain all Bermuda fairway grass
required to be removed for the Construction of the Back of House Hub.
d. The stripped Bermuda grass will be reused in the future to recover the stripped area at Hole #4 of the
Sindalah Island Golf Course.
e. The Contractor shall remove, transport, store and return all capping sands required to be removed during
the Works.
f. The Contractor shall return all existing dun escapes and landscaping to its original condition if during the
Works such dun escapes or landscaping it altered for enabling of the Works such as access and crane age.
g. The Contractor shall execute all required utility diversions, inclusive of but not limited to irrigation lines,
main water lines, manholes, utility corridor utility network and all other existing services required to be
diverted to enable the Construction of the Back of House Logistics Hub.
h. The Contractor shall ensure that the Golf Course irrigation and drainage systems are fully functional and
uninterrupted 24/7 during the Works.
i. The Contractor shall set out the Back of House Logistics Hub, pins or similar are to be used with flags
indicating cut levels and existing ground levels.
j. The Contractor shall execute all Earthworks required for the construction of the Back of House Logistics Hub.
k. The Contractor will be responsible for and shall execute all required Geotechnical, Topographical and
Bathymetrical site studies.
Construction waste impacts the environment in many different ways, including soil
contamination, water pollution, and damage to the landscape. Moreover, Construction waste
contributes to increased Construction costs due to the need to replace waste materials.
2. Purpose and scope
MHC is legally and socially responsible for the reduction and management of waste
generated during Construction of Logistic Hub Project. The WMP plan has been
developed to meet these obligations and complement the overarching NEOM
Environmental Standards.
The WMP provides an overview of strategy, method sand control supplemented by MHC to
manage the waste generated from Sindalah Construction site, this WMP shall
The NEOM Waste Management Procedure adapted by MHC outlines the following waste
management objective sand guiding principles which has been considered throughout
this WMP
Waste Minimization:
Waste Management:
1. Plan: Prepare how to implement program – Clarify the objectives and decide on the
control items – set measurable target and decide on the methods to be used to achieve
2. Do: Study and train in the methods to be used, utilize the method and collect the
measurable data for decision making
3. Check: Review the results of activities and achievements – check whether the results
of the implementation have been performed according to the plan, if the results are
promising standardize the plan and continue implementation, if results are poor re-
plan and develop the action plan and repeat the cycle
4. Act: Take counter measures based on the review and check-If the result so
implementation deviate from the plan or standard, take action to correct this - If an
abnormal result has been obtained, investigate the reason for it and take action to
prevent it recurring - Improve working system and methods. The below diagram
explains the PDCA cycle.
MHC’s Environmental Policy
5. Legal Standards
The following legislation, policies and guidelines are applicable to the appropriate
function in gand management of waste generated at Sindalah development site.
These documents have been referred in preparation of WMP.
Code of Construction Safety Practice, KSA local Municipality.
ISO14001:2015 Environmental Management System
Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs(MOMRA)
IFC General EHS guidelines–1.6waste management
National Legislation - General Environmental Regulations (GER) and the
Rules for Implementation (Presidency of Meteorology and Environment,
2001) as per Article13
Environmental standards in support of the aims of the GER(published2012-2014)
Saudi Arabia International and Regional Commitments
International Good Practice standards and guidelines
MHC will carry out Construction activities, under the supervision of NEOM & consultant
AECOM. The MHC have obligations under KSA’s environmental laws and under its contract
with NEOM. The responsibility for implementation of this WMP rests with the MHC and its
MHC will:
• Assign responsibilities to individuals within their project teams to facilitate the
implementation of the WMP and allow for effective communication between
NEOM/AECOM project management and the environmental management roles
within their project teams;
• Develop a site specific WMP compliant with NEOM Waste Management Guidelines;
• Have their WMP as well as their quality assurance processes approved by NEOM prior
to commencement of Construction; and
• Provide project personnel and workers with appropriate training to implement and
monitor implementation of the site-specific WMP
6.2. Project Manager
• Reviews and approves the present procedure and provides support and leadership
in promoting its implementation;
• Ensures sufficient resources (human, financial, equipment) are made available for
the proper implementation of and abidance to the measures contained therein.
• Has the primary responsibility for ensuring the requirements of this plan are properly
implemented in all project areas;
• Ensures the Construction staff is adequately aware of the measures of the waste
management procedure, all work force passed induction and everyone work
according to statutory requirements;
• Participates directly in the review of Risk Assessment and Method Statement, and of
the documentation submitted by Subcontractors.
• Drafts and reviews the present document before its submittal for approval, and
ensures its proper distribution to all concerned parties after PM approval;
• Holds a briefing (directly or through personnel on his behalf) with all interested
management and staff, to ensure they are properly aware of the measures therein,
and ensures that measures of this document are included in relevant training and
awareness programs;
• Verifies compliance with this plan through regular inspections and audits carried out
by Environment Manager, AECOM / NEOM, and refers to PM any deviation to take
appropriate corrective/disciplinary measures; Facilitates the arrangement of third-
party qualification training and required inspections;
• Provides his assistance in the implementation of the plan, acting as an advisor as
needed and required, to ensure workplaces meet the requirements set forth in the
• Promotes campaigns and/or similar activities to promote and spread awareness
concerning waste management requirements in the Project.
• Prepare Environmental risk assessment and review the Safe Work Method
Statements prepared by the Construction.
• Ensure that waste management service providers have appropriate licenses.
• Ensure all people working for waste management at site have appropriate training as
per WMP.
• Maintain waste register with type of waste and quantity generated and disposed,
treated and reused at a site.
• Understand fully and apply correctly this plan in the course of their work.
• Strictly abiding to the instructions described in this document and those provided by
their direct site managers/supervisors;
• Every worker will report to his supervisor any possible anomaly regarding working
• All employees are expected to study, understand and comply with these rules and
regulations regarding waste management/handling. No one can plead ignorance of
the same.
• Everyone is required to read all notices appearing on the bulletin boards and to attend
toolbox talks and safety awareness course, and will be responsible for any matter
appearing in such notices, which may concern them.
6.8. Organization Chart
7. Waste Management Program
7.1. Waste Management Resources
MHC have allotted different types of waste collection bins in sizes and quantity,
transport within site and manpower required for environmental activities at site.
The main objective of the environmental awareness and training program is to ensure that
all personnel involved in Construction site at Sindalah Island development works are aware
of their individual responsibilities. Additional to MHC specific HSE training and induction
programs for all staff will be provided as needed. Specific training components will focus on
receptor awareness and sensitivities. The need for follow-up training will be based on the
incidences of NCRs documented in the environmental monitoring reports.
Training and competence are essential to the effective implementation of WMP. Training and
competencies must be split to reflect competency requirements for designers, managers,
engineers and workers. Training materials will be submitted to NEOM for review and
approval to ensure its adequacy.
The Environmental Manager will establish the Environmental/Social training schedule, and must be
responsible for:
• The development of training materials or the oversight of the preparation of such
material by a competent person in order to effectively conduct environmental and
social training;
• Development of an environmental and social training program;
• Thepreparationandupdatingofthescheduleforenvironmentalandsocialtraining;
• Carrying out environmental and social training for site personnel in
accordance with this procedure;
• Training the sub-contractor’s nominated trainers; and
• The collation and retention of training records.
All site personnel must attend and participate in the scheduled training sessions, as
applicable. Arrangements will be made which allows the MHC to identify each individual who
has successfully completed the required training. Those who cannot be identified must not
be allowed to work on site.
Arrangements will also be made to ensure that, at the start of each week’s work, all workers
participate in a toolbox talk with their supervisor. Records will be kept for auditing purposes.
Guidance on how to present the talks will be prepared by the Environmental Manager and
issued to those giving the talk.
TBTs will be conducted with the employees carrying out the work during the project on
various aspects of the Waste Management Program and control measures that may be
required for particular Construction activities. They will be carried out on a daily basis,
before the commencement of site activities.
Additional TBTs will be given where a particular environmental issue has been identified as
a problem during site inspections or audits. The following topics will be covered for TBTs.
• Hazardous substances handling;
• Waste management;
• Spill control and emergency response;
• Refueling;
• Waste water handling;
• Incident reporting;
• Effect of Waste Spills on Island and Marine Fauna
7.2. Training program
A total of five impacts were identified in the ESIA study at medium significance, and if the
appropriate waste management measures were applied, these impacts would below-level.
The Organic waste is generated from the kitchen and mess hall located in UAH camp, this
waste from kitchen and mess hall collected in skip and transferred to central waste storage
area for disposal by registered contractor.
Camp management operatives collect general waste along with food waste from the cabins
in UAH camp, as well as from transport ships, the dredger and Sindalah Island, which is
temporarily stored in CWS area.
Mixed waste from Construction site:
There may be rocks during excavation due to the rocky earth profile of the island, which will
be pile data designated location and reused within the site or exported to camp.
During the Construction phase there may be a surplus of materials, such as timber off-cuts,
broken concrete blocks, plastics, HDPE pipe off cuts, metals generated. There may also be
excess concrete during Construction which will need to be disposed of. Plastic and cardboard
waste from packaging and over supply of materials will also be generated. Waste will also be
generated from Construction workers e.g. organic/food waste, dry mixed recyclables
(wastepaper, newspaper, plastic bottles, packaging, aluminum cans, tins and cartons), mixed
non-recyclables and potentially sewage sludge from temporary welfare facilities (UAH
Camp) provided on site during the Construction phase. Waste printer/toner cartridges,
waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and waste batteries may also be
generated in frequently from site offices.
Construction operations or oil spills will result in a negligible amount of contaminated soil
Fuel/oil storage, storage tanks and oil draw-offs will be bunded (or stored in
double-skinned tanks) and in a dedicated, secure area on site. If the protocols are
adhered to and crew members are trained in proper refueling techniques, there
should be no fuel or oil waste at the site.
Paints, glues, adhesives will generally be present in small volumes only and
associated waste volumes generated will be kept to a minimum.
WEEE (containing hazardous components), printer toner/cartridges, batteries
(Lead, Ni-Cd or Mercury) and/or fluorescent tubes and other mercury containing
waste may be generated during Construction activities.
Following Table give details of waste types expected from Sindalah Logistic
Hub Construction Activities
Note: Construction waste generation from proposed work is difficult to predict until the
exact materials and quantity of Construction waste is known, since the exact materials and
quantities are subject to some degree of change or variation during the Construction process.
During Logistic Hub Development activities, MHC shall identify the processes and activities
that are likely to produce CONSTRUCTION materials and identify ways to reduce or minimize
their generation in particular, metallic waste, timber, paper and chemical waste. Additionally,
MHC will ensure
Proper planning for works,
Good management such as minimizing over-ordering
Avoiding cross contamination to reusable and/or recyclable materials collected,
Optimizing the use of metal form work or other work process to reduce or minimize
the use of timber in temporary works Construction and
Maximizing the reuse of excavated inert CONSTRUCTION materials within the site etc.
To demonstrate MHC’s commitment on good waste management, the following
performance targets should be adopted:
All excavated materials should be sorted to recover the inert portions (e.g. soil and
broken rock) for reuse on site or disposal to designated places as directed by
NEOM or Landfill.
All metal should be recovered onsite or collection by recycling contractors;
All cardboard and paper packaging (for plant, equipment and materials) should
be recovered on site, properly stockpiled in dry condition and covered to prevent
cross contamination by other CONSTRUCTION materials;
All demolition debris from demolition works should be sorted to recover on site
broken concrete, reinforcement bars, mechanical and electrical fittings as well as
other building services fittings/materials that have established recycling outlets.
Staff at the site shall be encouraged to use reusable rather than disposable dishware.
Food waste should be disposed of in the provided garbage bin around the site for proper
collection by appointed collectors. The Environmental Supervisor is responsible for
making sure all garbage bins are covered. In order to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes
or other diseases, garbage bins must be covered properly, and this can be verified through
routine environmental inspections.
10.3. Recycling
MHC will encourage segregation of steel reinforcing bars or off-cuts will be collected as
appropriate and sold to scrap steel mills for recycling by sub-contractors of MHC.
Construction waste including brick, concrete, reinforcing bars arising from site
clearancewillbesortedforreuseandrecyclingifpossibleandpracticableon-site. Useful
materials such as steel pipes, reinforcement, will be collected for recycling as scrap metal
by MHC’s sub-contractor. The scrap metal generated will be delivered to local metal mills
for recycling. All hoardings and formworks will be reused in our other sites prior to be
sold to recyclers for beneficial reuse.
Designated areas are located to carry out the on-site sorting, storage and disposal
processes. The sorting and storage areas will be arranged where near the front entrance
of Construction site, thus the appointed collectors are enabling to transport these wastes
easily and without any interruption to the works. The sorting and temporarily storage
areas (reusable and recyclable scrap material) for the scrap steel and CONSTRUCTION
materials are shown in the separate layout plan of temporary storage area for
CONSTRUCTION materials. (Refer to site layout plan at the end of this WMP) MHC shall
make arrangements with licensed recycling contractors to facilitate that recyclable
materials sorted from the Construction site are collected with reasonable care. In
addition, MHC shall record the quantities of all the recyclable materials before removal
off sites by the recycling contractors and include the details in the Manifest.
10.3.3. Chemical Waste
Any chemical wastes to be generated will be sorted and handled in accordance with
the NEOM Environmental Social Code of Practice on the Packaging, Handling and
Storage of Chemical Wastes.
A storage area located close to the source of waste generation will be designated
for temporary storage of chemical waste;
The main storage area will be covered and rigidly enclosed.
Adequate ventilation will be allowed and adequate space will be allowed within
the storage area for chemical waste container handling;
The chemical waste storage will be bunded to retain potential leakage of the
capacity to110% of the largest container.
Disposal of chemical waste will be regular and via licensed waste collector;
A hazardous waste manifest will be maintained for the removal of chemical
wastes from site. Manifests will be issued by the storekeeper for the disposal of
material. This will record vehicle licenses; loads and types of chemical waste
carried and time on and off site for each trip leaving the work site. The records
will be kept properly by MHC.
Emergency response:
A Spill Response Plan has been established and will be implemented to deal with
any accidental spillage of chemical on site. The spill response plan contains the
following procedures.
Food waste will be collected and stored in enclosed bins and plastic bags in the
refuse storage yards. A waste operative will be employed to remove the refuse
from the site on daily basis.
Office waste paper will be reduced through recycling of paper if volumes are large
enough to warrant collection. MHC will consider participating in a local waste
recycling collection scheme if one is available.
Labelled recyclable waste collection bins will be provided on site for other
recyclable wastes with insignificant amount including aluminum cans, glass and
plastic bottles to facilitate subsequent waste recycling;
General refuse generated on-site will be stored in movable skips at work places.
Licensed waste collector will be employed to remove general refuse from the site
every day or as appropriate to the quantities of waste produced.
Sindalah Island
MHC will designate one Dyna to collect waste from various worksites locations
in island.
There will be dedicated staff to collect waste on daily basis, will be available on site
during site working hours.
The collected waste will be stored in a temporary waste to rage area, and it will be
hauled to CWSL within 24 hours of accumulation. It is necessary to maintain proper
On-site Maintenance shall be provided at Sindalah Island for any emergency repairs
and hazardous waste generated will be stored in leak proof container located in the
maintenance vehicle and transported to Hazardous Waste Storage area at UAH camp.
An empty drum with lid will be provided to store any collected used oil.
The area will have spill kits and protected with secondary containment.
Sufficient waste skips/bins/containers will be in place at all time, and all waste
stored in designated places at all times
All food waste containers will have fitted lids
All time waste bins/containers and skips will be maintained in good condition
All Waste Shall Be Containerized all times
Light weight waste will be covered with net to prevent the waste from becoming
airborne and escaping the skip.
All bins shall be clearly labelled, identifying their intended contents.
Inspections should be conducted regularly by an environmental Manger, who
will ensure the condition of the skips.
Skip 5 Plastic
Small Builder skip Metals
(10 x 4 x 4 feet)
Mixed Construction (2 Skips)
Large Builders' Skip
(12 x 6 x 4 feet) 2 Organic Waste
Hazardous Waste 1 Contaminated Soil, Hazardous
Skips Waste
Soiled dressings: These include soil crepe or cotton, bandages, cotton swabs,
plasters, etc. They shall be handled carefully to avoid the spread of pathogens. These
wastes shall be disposed of by incineration.
Used needles and syringes: These are the materials used for injections and sample
collection. The needles and syringes shall be put into a plastic, rigid and dedicated box
labelled by Biohazard International Symbol, and then sent for incineration.
Expired drugs: These are the drugs that are beyond the manufacturer’s prescribed
life span. They included syrup, tablets, capsules, etc. These drugs shall be packed in
carton sand incinerated by designated medical waste disposal sub-contractor
approved by government authorities / MOH. The possibility of having this waste
onsite is very low as drugs will be inspected regularly and only those well within their
prescribed life span shall be taken onsite.
MHC will sign contract with SEPCO Company dealing with medical waste
management to remove the waste generated from clinic.
SEPCO Environment will collect the accumulated medical waste in clinic every week
and treat with Auto clave facility and dispose the treated waste in designated area of
the landfill.
The following are the resources required in the waste collection operations in Sindalah
Construction Site;
Vehicle to pick-up the collected waste bags and waste from bins around the site.
Suitable Waste bins distributed at designated areas in residential, offices and
Construction areas
Waste management and cleaning tools and equipment’s
Black Plastic waste bags for general waste and yellow plastic waste bags for
clinical waste.
Personal Protective Equipment of the waste collect or operatives such as gloves,
clear eye glass protection, Cover all and face mask, and steel to ecapped boots.
Contract agreement with a qualified waste management contractor to haul the
stored waste to appropriate landfill or facility following KSA rules and
This Spill Response Plan identifies the potential risks associated with the storage of
hazardous substances at site and briefly describes the control measures. Detailed mitigation
planning and actions that will be taken in response to spill incidents are discussed in this
section below.
General Precautions:
Storage Precautions:
ltheemergencyserviceifthespills are highly toxic and volatile
Provide forced ventilation in the spillage area
Allow only trained persons who have equipped with protective clothing and
equipment to enter the spillage area for clean up
Transfer the spills back into containers using suitable equipment whenever
Use suitable absorbing materials to clean up the spills and dispose of the
absorbing materials as chemical waste
Use suitable solvent to clean the spillage after removing the spills
Prepare necessary protective devices, safety equipment, containers and cleanup
materials for emergency use
Train staff to handle the spillage of chemical
Evaluate the potential hazard of the chemical waste
Notify the NEOM immediately about the spillage through the form
Environmental Incident Notification Form.
Any spill shall be documented and reported using the Environmental Incident
The Incident Report Matrix shall follow
Type UrgencyofNotice Notification Remarks
ofincide (byorderofsequence)
Major 1. Verbal notice within 1- hour of 1. Project Manager The report shall be
Environm discovery/incident 2. Safety Personnel initiated by person who
ental 2. Preliminary written report 3. MHC Environmental witnesses or discovers
Incident within 24 hours to be submitted Incident Control Team the incident with the
to Client and MHC Management 4. NEOM Representative assistance of a
3. Final investigation competent officer
report within 72hrs
4. To be recorded in incident log.
Minor Oil 1. To be recorded in incident log 1. Safety Personnel The verbal report shall be
spills, 2. Investigation report as per 2. Project Manager initiated by person who
Oil/Gas nature of high potential or injury 3. NEOM Representative witnesses or discovers
Leaks frequency the incident. Report by or
With the assistance of
a competent officer
12. Monitoring
Waste inspection will be incorporated in the general environmental inspection. The general
environmental inspection will be undertaken weekly to check all Construction activities for
compliance, following will be
Inert Construction materials suitable for recycling into aggregates are recovered
and delivered to designated areas.
A disposal recording system that is operating satisfactory for recording
construction material removed from the Project;
Paper/cardboard packaging, and metals including aluminum cans are recovered
and collected by Waste collection team;
designated container.
Environmental Manager is responsible for the formulation of the environmental inspection,
deficiency and action reporting system, and a comprehensive inspection checklist for
carrying out the waste monitoring site inspection works. The areas of inspection will not
only cover the current environmental situation, pollution control and mitigation measures
within the site, but also include the environmental situation outside the site area that is likely
to be affected, directly or indirectly, by site activities
After the weekly inspection, Environmental Manager shall prepare the summary table of
follow-up actions that should be agreed and signed by the responsible staff. Thus, PM shall
take prompt action to rectify the deficiencies identified and shall report the status of action
taken before the forth coming weekly inspection.
13. Reporting
As part of the WMP, corrective and preventive measures need to be taken if there are any
non-conformities (e.g. nonconformity on the part of environmental inspectors, etc). NP's
ET and CEM will also need to monitor the follow-up action on these defects and
If any violations of the waste control measures are detected during an environmental
inspection by the ET/Project Environmental Supervisor, NP will formulate and
implement corrective measures promptly to resolve the problem. Alternate methods of
compliance and additional control measures may be recommended If non-compliance
Event Actionby
Construction Manager Environmental Foreman
/Project Engineer Supervisor
Non- Discuss with Construction Log Non- Undertake mitigation
Compliance Manager to formulate Compliance into measures.
Mitigation measure. NCR and NCR
Report to Environmental
Delegate foreman to Engineer on completion of
Undertake mitigation Conduct follow- Mitigation measures.
measures. Up inspection.
Undertake further
Propose further mitigation Close out NC and Mitigation measures if
Measures if necessary. Report to necessary.
Assistant Project
Keep record of
Conduct follow-
up inspection.
Close out
complaint and
report to
Assistant Project
with complainant
if necessary.
Keep record of
1. Just think before you bin it, there could be some use in it!
2. Make Our Sindalah Island cleaner place work and live Recycle
5. Recycling takes little effort to your part, for a big difference to our world