Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules MCQ

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Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules

1. CCS Conduct Rules come into force on

A. 1965
B. 1964
C. 1956

D. 1942
2. CCS Conduct Rules apply to

A. Every person appointed to a civil service

B. Every civilian in defense service

C. Both A & B

D. None of these
3. CCS conduct Rules not apply to

A. a railway servant as defined in Section 3 of the Indian Railways

Act, 1890

B. a person holding a post in the Railway Board and is subject to the

Railway Services (Conduct) Rules

C. holding any post under the administrative control of the Railway

Board or of the Financial Commissioner of Railways

D. a holder of any post in respect of which the President has, by a

general or special order, directed that these rules shall not apply
E. a member of an All India Service

F. All the above

4. Short title, commencement and application defined in _____ of CCS
conduct rules.

A. Sec 2.
B. Sec 3.
C. Sec 1.

D. Sec 4.
5. Definitions are defined in ______of CCS Conduct rules
A. Sec 2.
B. Sec 3.

C. Sec 1.
D. Sec 4.
6. Members of family in relation to a Government servant is defined in

A. Rule 2(a)
B. Rule 2(b)
C. Rule 2(c)

D. Rule 2(d)
7. Government means in CCS Conduct Rules
A. State government
MCQ-Adda B. Central government

C. Both A & B
D. None of these
8. Every government servant shall at all times
A. Maintain absolute integrity

B. Maintain devotion to duty

C. Do nothing which is unbecoming of a government servant
D. All the above
9. In sec 3-A of CCS Conduct rules explained

A. Observance of Government’s policies

B. Prohibition of sexual harassment of working women

C. Promptness and Courtesy

D. All the above

10. No Government servant shall

A. In the performance of his official duties, act in a discourteous


B. In his official dealings with the public or otherwise adopt

dilatory tactics or willfully cause delays in disposal of the work

assigned to him

C. Both the A & B

D. None of these

11. Observance of Government’s policies defined in ____of CCS

Conduct rules
A. Sec 3-A

B. Sec 3-B

C. Sec 3-C
D. Sec 3-D

12. Prohibition of sexual harassment of working women defined in

____of CCS Conduct rules.

A. Sec 3-A

B. Sec 3-B
C. Sec 3-C

D. Sec 3-D

13. For the purpose of Sec 3-C of these rule “sexual harassment” includes
such unwelcome sexually determined behavior whether directly or

otherwise as:-

A. Physical contact as advances

B. Demand or request for sexual favors

C. Sexually colored remarks

D. Showing any pornography; or any other unwelcome physical,

verbal or nonverbal conduct of a sexual nature

E. All the above

14. Mark the correct option

A. Govt servant who may be convicted in a criminal court to inform

his official superiors of the fact of his conviction and the


B. Failure ton the part of any Govt servant so to inform his official

superiors will render him liable to disciplinary action on this

ground alone

C. Govt servant who may arrested for any reason to intimate the

fact of his arrest and the circumstances connected therewith to

MCQ-Adda his official superior promptly even though he might have
subsequently been released on bail.

D. All the above

15. Mark the incorrect option

A. To joining educational institution by Govt servants outside

normal office hours should be take prior permission before

joining educational institutions or courses of studies for

universities degree

B. Participation in Shramadan organized by govt department or the

Bharath sevak samaj can be permitted

C. Participation in shramadan or bharat sevak samaj such activity

does not interfere with the performance of this official duties

D. None of these

16. The following activities are requiring permission/sanction

A. To enroll as member of St. John Ambulance brigade

B. To join territorial Army

C. To join foreign language classes conducted by indo-foreign

cultural organization
D. All the above

17. The following act, conduct and commissions of a Government servant

amount to misconduct:-

A. If the act or conduct is prejudicial or likely to be prejudicial to the

interests of the master or to the reputation of the master

B. If the act or conduct is inconsistent or incompatible with the due

or peaceful discharge of his duty to his master

C. If the act or conduct of a servant makes it unsafe for the
employer to retain him in service
D. All the above

18. The following omissions of a Government servant amount to

misconduct :-
A. Willful insubordination or disobedience, whether alone or in

combination with others, to any lawful and reasonable order of a

B. Habitual late attendance

C. Habitual absence without permission and overstaying leave

D. Conviction by a criminal court
E. All the above

19. Employment of near relatives of Government servants in companies

or firms defined in ____of CCS Conduct rules.
A. Sec 3

B. Sec 4
C. Sec 5
D. Sec 6

20. Mark the correct option

A. No Govt. servant shall use his position or influence directly or
indirectly to secure employment for any member of his family in

any company.
B. A Govt. servant shall, as soon as he becomes aware of the
acceptance by a member of his family o an employment in any

company or firm, intimate such acceptance to the prescribed

C. Both A & B
MCQ-Adda D. None of these
21. Elections defined in _____of CCS Conduct rules
A. Sec 3

B. Sec 4
C. Sec 5
D. Sec 6

22. Rule___ of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 provides that a Government

servant shall not be a member of any political pary
A. Rule 5(1)

B. Rule 5(2)
C. Rule 5(3)
D. Rule 5(4)

23. Mark the incorrect option

A. A Govt. servant qualified to vote at such election may exercise his
right to vote.

B. A Govt servant shall canvass or otherwise interfere with or use

his influence in connection with or take part in an election in
legislature election only

C. Govt servant endeavour to prevent any member of his family

form taking part in elections.
D. None of these

24. The following action by a Govt servant does not amount of

contravention of rule 5(4)
A. Making normal arrangement during election tours o ministers to

enable them to carry out their responsibilities as ministers.

B. Arrangements by district officer for affording normal courtesies
and security to Ministers on their visits connected with election

C. A only
D. All the above
25. Mark the correct option

A. Prior permission is required to join Bharat sevak samaj

B. Participation of Govt servants in the Indo-Foreign cultural
organizations to be avoided

C. Mere intimation sufficient to join samyukta sadachar samiti

D. Prior permission necessary to join foreign language classes
conducted by Indoforeign cultural organizations.

E. All the above

26. Joining of Associations by Government servants defined in _____of
CCS Conducts rules

A. Sec 3
B. Sec 4
C. Sec 5

D. Sec 6
27. Demonstration and Strikes defined in _____of CCS Conducts rules
A. Sec 7

B. Sec 4
C. Sec 5
D. Sec 6

28. Strikes includes

A. Mass abstention from work without permission
MCQ-Adda B. Refusal to work overtime where such overtime work is necessary
in the public interest

C. Resort to practices or conduct which is likely to result in or

results in the cessation or substantial retardation o work in any
organization. What are called go-slow, sit-down, pen-down,
stay-in etc

D. All the above

29. Connection with press or other media defined in _____of CCS
Conducts rules

A. Sec 8
B. Sec 7
C. Sec 9

D. Sec 10
30. A government servant, in the bona fide discharge of his official
duties, can publish a book as per rule___

A. Rule 8(1)
B. Rule 8(2)
C. Rule 8(3)

D. Rule 8(4)
31. Criticism of Government defined in _____of CCS Conducts rules
A. Sec 8

B. Sec 7
C. Sec 9
D. Sec 10

32. Criticism of Govt means and includes

A. Which has the effect of an adverse criticism of any current or
recent policy or action of the Central Government or a State

B. Which is capable of embarrassing the relations between the
Central Govt. and the Government of any State
C. Which is capable of embarrassing the relations between the

central government and the Government o any foreign state

D. All the above
33. Evidence before committee defined in _____of CCS Conducts rules

A. Sec 8
B. Sec 7
C. Sec 9

D. Sec 10
34. Rule 10 of CCS Conduct rules not apply to:-
A. Evidence given at an enquiry before an quthority appinted by the

Govt, Parliament or a State Legislature

B. Evidence given in any judicial enquiry
C. Evidence given at any departmental enquiry ordered by

authorities subordinate to the government

D. All the above

35. Any Government servant may give evidence in any judicial enquiry as
per rule ______of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964,

A. Rule 10(3)(a)

B. Rule 10(3)(b)
C. Rule 10(3)(c)

D. Rule 10(3)(d)

36. Rule 11 of CCS Conduct rules explained

MCQ-Adda A. Evidence before committee

B. Unauthorized communication of information

C. Election
D. Gift

37. Unauthorized communication of information means and include:-

A. To which he is not authorized to have access.

B. Which he is not authorized to keep in his personal custody

C. Both A & B

D. None of these
38. The conduct of a government servant regarding raising of Subscrition

is discussed in rule___ of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964:

A. Rule 10
B. Rule 11

C. Rule 12

D. Rule 13
39. Subscription includes

A. Contributions

B. Funds
C. Collection in cash

D. All the above

40. Gift defined defined in _____of CCS Conducts rules

A. Sec 11

B. Sec 12

C. Sec 10
D. Sec 13

41. As per CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 a government servant holding Group

C post can accept gift worth Rs ___ on occassions such as weddings

anniversaries funerals or other religious functions:

A. Rs 1000/-

B. Rs 2000/-
C. Rs 5000/-

D. Rs 10000/-

42. Rule 13-A of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 deals with ___

A. Subscription

B. Dowry

C. indebtedness
D. Gifts

43. Rule___of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 speaks about a Government

servant subletting of Government accommodation

A. Rule15(A)

B. Rule15(B)

C. Rule15(C)
D. Rule15(D)

44. Rule____ of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 regulates the lending and

borrowing of money by Government servants;

A. Rule 15

B. Rule 16
C. Rule 17

D. Rule 18

45. According to rule___ of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 no governmet

servat shall speculate in any stock of shares, securities or other

MCQ-Adda A. Rule 15

B. Rule 16
C. Rule 17

D. Rule 18

46. Rule ___of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 speaks about insolvency and
habitual indebtedness:

A. Rule 15

B. Rule 16
C. Rule 17

D. Rule 18

47. Rule____ of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 speaks about a Government

servant possessing movable, immovable and valuable property

A. Rule 15

B. Rule 16
C. Rule 17

D. Rule 18

48. No government servatn shall employ to work any child below the age
of 14 years as per rule____ of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964

A. Rules 22(a)

B. Rules 22(b)
C. Rules 22(c)

D. Rules 22(d)
49. A government servant shall not use any intoxiacating drink or drug to

excess as per rule ___ of CCS (Counduct) Rules 1964:

A. Rules 22(a)
B. Rules 22(b)

C. Rules 22(c)

D. Rules 22(d)
50. This Rule of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 speaks about interpretation of

CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964

A. Rule 21
B. Rule 22

C. Rule 23

D. Rule 24
51. This Rule of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 speaks about delegation of


A. Rule 21
B. Rule 22

C. Rule 23

D. Rule 24
52. Rule___ of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 speaks about Repeal and


A. Rule 22
B. Rule 23

C. Rule 24

D. Rule 25
53. In this part of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 the prevention of corruption

Act 1988 is reproduced:

A. Appendix-I
B. Appendix-II

C. Appendix-III

D. Appendix-IV

BETHANASAMY B 10 March 2019 at 16:08

Very nice

rakesh 29 April 2019 at 22:43

FRSR in a nut shell


Mann verma 8 May 2019 at 07:56

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Mann verma 8 May 2019 at 07:57
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Author 9 September 2020 at 21:52

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Author 9 September 2020 at 22:02

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MCQ-Adda Praveen 17 September 2020 at 12:43
Options given in Question 41 are not correct. Correct answer is
Rs. 7500/-
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Praveen 17 September 2020 at 12:44
Options given in Question 41 are not correct. Correct answer is
Rs. 7500/-

YadavAK 8 October 2020 at 07:32

Yes, 7500 is correct answer


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