High-Voltage Amplifier
High-Voltage Amplifier
High-Voltage Amplifier
High-voltage amplifier uses simplified circuit
Jui-I Tsai, Jun-Ming Shieh, Tai-Shan Liao, and
Ching-Cheng Teng, National Chiao Tung Unversity, Taiwan
any scientific instruments and
sensors need ac high-voltage drive.
High-voltage drive is useful for
driving electrodes in many applications.
The challenge is to boost the output of a
conventional op amp to high voltages.
Available ac high-voltage amplifier mod-
ules are limited to approximately 1200V
p-p. This Design Idea presents a simpli-
fied ac high-voltage amplifier that uses
complementary, cascaded NMOS and
PMOS transistors (Figure 1). The OP07
op amp has low input-offset voltage, low
input-bias current, and high open-loop
gain. These attributes make this op amp Figure 2 The sinusoidal
Figure 3 The input is 750
useful for high-gain instrumentation ap- input is 8V p-p (top trace), and output mV (top trace), and the output is 200V
plications. In addition, the OP07 features is 1800V p-p (bottom trace). p-p (bottom trace).