There has been a sharp increase in the incidence of emails threatening to expose the recipient to everybody in their contacts list, for viewing pornographic online content unless a fee is paid. The emails claim that the sender has populated the recipient’s computer with spyware which has detected the content being viewed and also – via webcam –
footage of the recipient partaking in intimate acts. These emails – which often contain poor grammar and spelling – are sent randomly and en masse, without the knowledge of whether adult material has been viewed or not, but either way, they can result in fear and panic, especially if the recipient has indeed been indulging in what has been claimed.
Some of the emails, however, include mention of one of the recipient’s passwords, making the threat seem more real. The password will almost certainly have been gleaned through criminal circulation of customer login details that have been stolen in large-scale data breaches. These username and password combinations end up in lists which are
traded through criminal networks. Therefore, it is extremely unlikely that your password has been taken as a result of any kind of malware on your computer or mobile device. 23149585888.pdf It does, however add a degree of credibility to the threat, making some people believe that they really have been spied on. Additionally, some blackmail
emails have your email address spoofed as the sender address to mislead you into thinking that everybody in your contacts list will be contacted by the blackmailer.
Again, this will not be the case, but is done to panic you into paying the ransom. Whilst any fraudulent email is both legally and morally unacceptable, those based on blackmail seem particularly sinister as, in this case, the victim’s reputation and potentially, moral standing, could be put at risk. simsimi premium apk oyun indir club The full text of an
actual email received is reproduced underneath the tips on this page. If you receive a blackmail video threatening exposure for viewing pornographic material Never pay the sum demanded Do not respond Do not click on links in the email Don’t panic: remember that this is a mass email and your system will almost certainly not have been
compromised with spyware. If one of your passwords has been correctly quoted in the email: Change your password on the account or accounts on which it applies. Please note our advice on choosing and using strong passwords, and remember that it is unadvisable to use the same password on more than one account. Consider using a password
manager if, like most people, you will not be able to remember all of your different passwords. Contact the company or website which it refers to and let them know that your password has been used in this way so that they can investigate. If you have lost money to this type of fraud, you can report it to Action Fraud at www.actionfraud.police.co.uk or
by calling 0300 123 2040. If you are in Scotland, call Police Scotland on 101. If you have not suffered a financial loss, forward to the email to [email protected] Actual email text “(Actual recipient password) is one of your personal password now Lets get straight to the point. You don’t know anything about me however I know you very well and you
must be wondering why are you receiving this e mail, right? I installed malware on sex videos (sex sites) and do you know what, you accessed same porn website to have fun (if you know what I mean). While you were busy watching videos, your browser started functioning as a RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) with a keylogger which gave me
accessibility to your display as well as your web cam controls. Right after that, my software obtained your complete contacts from your messenger, facebook, and e-mail. What I want? It is simply your bad luck that I found your misdemeanor. I then gave in more time than I should have investigating into your personal life and prepared a split view
videotape. First half displays the recording you were watching and next half shows the recording of your web camera (it is someone doing nasty things). Frankly, I want to destroy exactly about you and allow you to move on with your regular life. cheek to cheek piano sheet music pdf And my goal is to provide you a way out that may make it happen.
These two choices are to either turn a blind eye to this e mail (not recommended), or pay me $ 1000. What can you do?
Let’s examine these 2 options in more detail. First Alternative is to disregard this message. scribus manuale italiano pdf
You should know what will happen if you take this path. yevgeny zamyatin we best translation I will certainly send out your video to all of your contacts including members of your family, co-workers, and many others. It doesn’t shield you from the humiliation your household will have to face when family and friends find out your unpleasant sextape
from me in their inbox. Wise option is to send me $ 1000. We’ll name this my “privacy tip”. let me tell you what will happen when you select this option. 46650073219.pdf Your little secret remains your secret. I will erase the sextape. After you send the payment, You move on with your life and family that none of this ever happened. You’ll make the
payment through Bitcoin (if you do not know how all you need to do is search “how to buy bitcoin” on google search) Amount to be paid: $ 1000 BTC ADDRESS: (long complex alphanumeric phrase quoted) (It is cASe sensitive, copy and paste it carefully) Important: You now have one day to make the payment. (I’ve a specific pixel in this e mail, and
right now I know that you’ve read through this email message). DO NOT TELL anybody what you will be utilizing the bitcoin for or they might not offer it to you. The procedure to acquire bitcoin can take a day or two so do not procrastinate. If I do not receive the BitCoins, I will definately send out your sextape to all of your contacts including family
members, co-workers, and so on. however, if I do get paid, I’ll erase the videotape immediately. If you want evidence, reply with “yes!” and I definitely will send out your sextape to your 11 friends. hoy_senor_te_damos_gracias_acordes.pdf It’s a non-negotiable offer, thus don’t ruin my time & yours by replying to this email.” Dealing with internet
blackmail can be stressful, embarrassing, and scary. If you are wondering how to deal with blackmail you have multiple legal options on your side. Blackmail is against the law – no matter where you live. While you may be hesitant to reach out for help, it is important to contact the authorities and seek the advice of a legal professional.Here are
actionable steps you should take if you are dealing with blackmail:Resist the urge to engage with the blackmailer;Do not try to negotiate or pay the ransom;Preserve all communications and evidence;Enlist support from a trusted person to document the evidence;Adjust your online privacy settings;Set up online alerts;Report the crime to law
enforcement;Talk to an experienced internet attorney.At Minc Law, we help victims of blackmail, extortion, and revenge porn prevent and respond to online threats. From investigating anonymous perpetrators to removing unwanted and negative online content, we are here to help.In this comprehensive guide to online extortion, we will answer the
most common questions about blackmail. 8680375061.pdf We will provide a state-by-state breakdown of relevant blackmail statutes and provide actionable tips for preventing and dealing with blackmail.Contact our law firm for support & guidance towards reclaiming privacy and peace of mind. Take back control now.Contact Minc LawWhat is the
Definition of Blackmail?Most people understand blackmail as someone threatening to do or reveal something negative unless you give them money. While that definition is fairly accurate, the legal definition of blackmail is slightly more complex.What is the Legal Definition of Blackmail?As a criminal offense, blackmail is the crime of threatening to
reveal damaging information about a person unless payment or some other benefit is received. In some cases, the perpetrator seeks favors other than money, such as sexual favors or other benefits to gain power over their victim.Blackmail occurs when someone threatens to reveal humiliating or harmful information unless they are compensated in
some way. arthritis research uk shoulder exercises pdf It is important to note that the crime occurs when the threat is made – no money or property has to change hands. If someone blackmails you, they are breaking the law whether or not you comply with their demands.While state laws vary, 18 U.S.C. § 873 makes blackmail a federal offense
punishable by fine or up to one year of imprisonment.
The federal statute defines the crime of blackmail as: “Whoever, under a threat of informing, or as a consideration for not informing, against any violation of any law of the United States, demands or receives any money or other valuable thing, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.”If you think the wording of the
federal statute is a little dense and unclear, you are not alone. 98825506399.pdf In the next section, I will break down each element into simpler terms.Is Blackmail a Crime?
Elements That Need to Be Established to Prove BlackmailBlackmail is a crime, although states refer to the crime under differing names.New York’s Larceny By Extortion StatuteFor example, New York refers to blackmail as larceny (theft) by Extortion.
New York’s Larceny by Extortion statute makes it a crime to “compel or induce another person to deliver property” to the extortionist or a third party, by instilling fear in the victim that they will:Cause physical injury,Cause property damage,Engage in criminal conduct,Accuse a person of a crime,Expose a secret or publicize a fact that exposes a
person to hatred, contempt, or ridicule,Cause a strike, boycott, or other action that harms a person’s business,Testify or withhold testimony with respect to another’s legal claim,Use or abuse his position as a public servant, orPerform any other act that is calculated to harm another person with respect to his health, safety, business, calling, career,
financial condition, reputation, or personal relationships.As you can see, the New York statute goes to great lengths to outline the various threats commonly made by blackmailers.Ohio’s Definition of BlackmailIn Ohio, blackmail is criminalized as extortion under Section 2905.11 of the Ohio Revised Code. The Ohio statute is a little simpler than New
York’s, stating that “no person, with the purpose to obtain any valuable thing…benefit…or to induce another to do an unlawful act, shall:Threaten to commit any felony,Threaten to commit any offense of violence,Violate section 2903.21 (aggravated menacing – threatening to cause harm to the victim or their loved ones) or 2903.22 (menacing) of the
Revised Code,Utter or threaten any calumny against any person, orExpose or threaten to expose any matter tending to subject any person to hatred, contempt, or ridicule, or to damage any person’s personal or business repute, or to impair any person’s credit.Wyoming’s Blackmail & Aggravated Blackmail StatuteWyoming recognizes the crimes of
blackmail, but also recognizes aggravated blackmail as a greater offense, punishable by a minimum of 5 years in prison, although the maximum sentence can be as much as 25 years in prison. In Wyoming, aggravated blackmail occurs if a perpetrator causes bodily injury to another person in the course of committing blackmail. Wyoming’s underlying
blackmail statute is relatively short and simple:“A person commits blackmail if, with the intent to obtain property of another or to compel action or inaction by any person against his will if the person: (1) Threatens bodily injury or property damage; or (2) Accuses or threatens to accuse a person of a crime or immoral conduct which would disgrace the
person.”Federal Law Definition of Blackmail Under the Hobbs ActOn the federal level, the Hobbs Act regulates extortion and robbery. To trigger the Hobbs Act, the extortion must affect interstate or foreign commerce. This might include threats issued by email or another form of communication across state lines. To prove a violation of the Hobbs
Act:The defendant must have induced or attempted to induce the victim to give up property,The defendant must use or attempt to use the victim’s reasonable fear of physical injury or economic harm to convince them to give up property,The defendant’s conduct must actually or potentially obstruct, delay, or affect interstate or foreign commerce. This
can involve using stolen money to purchase products in other states, interrupting the interstate movement of goods, or hurting an interstate business.The defendant’s actual or threatened use of force, violence, or fear was wrongful (meaning the defendant had no lawful claim to the property they are attempting to obtain through extortion).For more
information on each states’ blackmail and extortion statutes, here is a list of relevant statutes.What is the Difference Between Extortion & Blackmail?More often than not, the terms, “blackmail” and “extortion” are used interchangeably. In some states, blackmail is a subcategory of extortion. Extortion comes from the Latin word, “extortionem” which
means “twisting out.”In most states, extortion is the crime of coercing someone to pay or perform a specific act through threats of physical harm or injury. An extortioner might also threaten to accuse or reveal information about the victim that is morally reprehensible or would hurt the victim’s reputation. As a subcategory of extortion, blackmail
occurs when the threat involves revealing damaging private information.Both extortion and blackmail involve threatening a victim to get something of value. Often, both crimes are classified as theft (also referred to as “larceny”). Some states have combined all of the terms under a single, consolidated crime of theft. As you can see by the list of
relevant state statutes above, the crime of blackmail goes by a variety of different names – but it is almost always considered a form of theft.What Actions Constitute Blackmail?Blackmail always involves threatening to expose something harmful with the goal of getting something in return. If someone threatens to expose something negative or
humiliating about you in exchange for money or another form of favor – they are blackmailing you.Here are a few common examples of blackmail:Hobbs Act blackmail,Revenge porn,Sextortion,Celebrity blackmail.Hobbs Act BlackmailA prominent case that involved the federal Hobbs Act was Sekhar v. United States, 133 S. Ct. 2720 (2013).
The defendant, Giridhar Sekhar, was a managing partner at FA Technology. The New York Comptroller, who was responsible for New York’s state and local government pension fund, was considering investing in FA Technology. If the Comptroller invested in the company, FA Technology stood to gain around $7.6 million in fees.While researching the
fund, the Comptroller’s General Counsel was advised by the New York Attorney General that an FA Technology agent was under investigation, so it was not wise to invest in the company. As a result, the Comptroller decided not to invest in the fund.A few days later, the Comptroller’s General Counsel received an email threatening to reveal his
extramarital affair if he did not reverse his decision and invest in FA Technology. After several more threatening emails, the FBI was able to trace the source of the emails to FA Technology’s managing partner, Sekhar. Sekhar was charged with extortion under the Hobbs Act and six counts of interstate transmission of extortionate threats.Revenge
Porn BlackmailRevenge porn is a form of blackmail where a perpetrator threatens to publish sexually explicit content (often on revenge porn websites) unless you provide them with money or other favors. The perpetrators may be former romantic partners who were provided the explicit materials with your consent at a time when you were
dating.Video: Help! My Nudes Are on the Internet – How Do I Remove Them?According to a 2013 survey by the Cyber Rights Initiative, 90% of the victims of revenge porn are women and 57% of those women were threatened by an ex-boyfriend. Sometimes, explicit materials are obtained through hacking and victims have a more difficult time
determining the true identity of their perpetrator.Occasionally, perpetrators are strangers who lure their victims into providing explicit content online. This type of revenge porn is also referred to as sextortion.Sextortion (Sexual Blackmail)Sextortion is the most common form of blackmail we see in our practice.
It is also referred to as webcam blackmail, internet blackmail, cyber harassment, and online extortion. passions of the soul pdf Many states have enacted revenge porn and sextortion-specific statutes, recognizing that this type of crime is occurring more and more often.While sextortion statutes differ, it is typically defined as a perpetrator threatening
to publish explicit content (texts, pictures, videos) unless you comply with their demands. Sadly, there are some sophisticated sextortionists and sextortion rings that defraud multiple victims.Perpetrators might create a fake persona (catfishing) and persuade their victim to share nude photos or perform sexual acts on a webcam. meeting jesus in the
sacraments Once they obtain the explicit material, they start threatening to expose the content unless they are paid, or more sexual acts are performed. They may even start sending explicit content to friends and family over social media to heighten the victim’s fear.Perpetrators often target individuals who they perceive as having the ability to pay as
well as those who have a reputation to uphold. In 2019 alone, there were 43,101 known victims of extortion who lost a combined $107.5 million to sextortionists.Celebrity BlackmailBecause perpetrators often target those with a reputation to uphold and an ability to pay, celebrities are frequent victims of extortion. Here are just a few examples of the
rich and famous facing blackmail:Cameron DiazIn 2003, a photographer threatened to sell topless photos and videos of actress Cameron Diaz. The photos were taken when Diaz was 21, years before she came to fame as an actress. Diaz argued that the photographer tried to coerce her into paying him, by threatening to publish the secret explicit
content. The photographer was ultimately convicted of attempted grand theft, forgery, and perjury.David LettermanIn 2009, a former CBS News producer threatened to reveal late-night television host David Letterman’s sexual affairs unless he was paid $2 million in “hush money.” While Letterman gave in to the extortionist’s demands, paying the $2
million, he contacted the District New York Attorney who filed charges. The perpetrator pleaded guilty to attempted second-degree grand larceny and served six months in jail.Jeff BezosA recent example involved Amazon founder and CEO, Jeff Bezos. In 2019, Bezos accused the National Enquirer and its parent company of extortion in a post on the
publishing platform, Medium.Specifically, Bezos alleged that the Enquirer obtained text messages revealing Bezos’ relationship with TV anchor Lauren Sanchez. He claimed that when he started looking into how the tabloid obtained those messages, the Enquirer threatened to publish intimate photos of him unless he stopped his investigation.How
You Can Stop BlackmailIf you are confronted by a blackmailer, you have legal rights and options. Fortunately, there are a variety of things you can do to stop blackmail, although your strategy might differ based on your exact circumstances.Below, we explain several tactics you can use to deal with a blackmailer or extortionist.What Can You Do if a
Blackmailer Threatens to Expose You?Whether you are dealing with blackmail, sextortion, or revenge porn it is important to remain as calm as possible. Extortion is inherently stressful by design because the perpetrator is purposely trying to “rattle” you. The more you panic, the greater control the extortionist will have over the situation.At all times,
remember that you are the victim of a crime, and you have legal options on your side. machine learning with python ibm coursera quiz answers week 4 In the next few sections, we will explain actionable tips for combatting blackmail.Resist the Urge to Engage With the BlackmailerThe more you engage with a blackmailer, the more influence and
control they will gain over the situation.
In fact, blackmailers may take your responses as an indication that you are an easy victim who will cave to their demands. Once they know this, they may make increasingly aggressive demands.Do Not Try to Negotiate or Pay the RansomYou do not want to negotiate or pay the extortionist for the same reasons you do not want to engage with
them.Negotiating or giving in to their demands only gives them more power – and they are likely to use this power to make even more threats.Watch this informative video to learn how to protect yourself from sextortion. Discover valuable tips and strategies to safeguard your personal information and respond to online blackmail.Preserve All
Communications and EvidenceBefore you block a blackmailer, make sure you screenshot all communications and any relevant evidence. This might include taking a screenshot of their social media profile picture, as well as any offensive material they sent you.Using your phone’s screenshot feature or your computer’s snipping tool (Ctrl + PrtScr) you
can preserve relevant evidence for free. If you are looking for a more advanced tool for preserving evidence, Visualping and Page Vault are effective alternatives.While some of the evidence might seem embarrassing, it could be tangible evidence that will help your cause. By deleting valuable evidence, it will be much harder (if not impossible) for law
enforcement or an attorney to help you.Enlist Support From a Trusted Person to Document the EvidenceSome extortionists will try to claim that you have tampered with evidence once law enforcement is involved.The best way to overcome this claim is by having another trusted source (like a friend or family member) preserve evidence as well.
This is a useful “back-up” measure that will further strengthen your case and possibly refute an extortionist’s defenses.Adjust Your Online Privacy SettingsPrivacy is always important online, but it becomes especially significant when you are battling blackmail. Most social media sites enable you to set your profile to “private” and block other
profiles.Not only should you maximize privacy settings on all of your social media accounts, but you may also want to block the perpetrator as well. Make sure you preserve all relevant evidence before you block a perpetrator – because you might lose access to their profile data after you block them.Set Up Online AlertsThere is a simple and
straightforward process for setting up Google Alerts for any posts that mention your name.After creating a Google Alert, you will receive an email anytime someone posts new material that mentions your name (or whatever keywords you wish to follow). This could help you promptly identify any compromising material posted by the blackmailer.Report
the Crime to Law EnforcementVirtually all forms of blackmail and extortion violate the law. rubirepaluta.pdf Depending on your specific circumstances, the perpetrator may even be breaking several laws.Law enforcement agencies can investigate your case and press criminal charges against the blackmailer.Talk to an Experienced Internet AttorneyIn
addition to contacting law enforcement, it is wise to consult with an experienced internet attorney. Internet law is highly nuanced and can be complicated to understand.One of the primary reasons for working with an internet attorney is to prevent sensitive, private content from being released in the first place. They are also able to put an immediate
end to blackmail and threats so that you can move forward with your life.An experienced internet attorney can also help you uncover the identity of an anonymous blackmailer, remove damaging online content, and work with law enforcement agencies to strengthen your case. Finally, internet lawyers can sue extortionists and online harassers for
monetary damages for the pain and suffering they cause.With a team of experienced attorneys, we will fight for the closure you deserve.
Take back control today.Contact Minc LawDo Blackmailers Follow Through on Their Threats?One of the most common questions victims of extortion ask is whether blackmailers actually follow through with their threats. fisiologia humana de guyton pdf descargar gratis It may be empowering to know that many extortionists never follow through with
their threats because they lose leverage once they do.Some sophisticated perpetrators also know that following through with their threats may alert law enforcement to their activities – ending their illegal money-making scheme.However, some blackmailers do follow through – so threats should always be taken seriously. This means you will want to
seek professional advice and contact appropriate authorities if you are being blackmailed with nude photos or other content, but do not give in to their demands.One thing is for sure: blackmailers will never stop demanding money from you if you give in to their threats.For more information on blackmailers and sextortionists following through on their
threats, and what the follow-through would look like, make sure to read our article by attorney Andrew Stebbins tackling ‘Do Sextortionists Follow Through?’, or watch the comprehensive video below by Intake & Paralegal Manager, Darcy Buxton.Video: What Are the Chances a Sextortionist Releases My Intimate Images & Videos?What Are Your
Legal Options if You Have Been Blackmailed?When you are blackmailed, you have both legal options for dealing with the threat and other non-legal resources.Who Can You Contact to Help You Deal With Blackmail?Many victims of blackmail feel embarrassed about their situation and fear talking to anyone else about the threats. Remember: you do
not have to suffer alone. You should confide in someone you trust and seek the help of professionals who can put a stop to the threats.Blackmailers rely on your fear to pressure you into doing things.
Confiding in others can be an empowering process – especially when law enforcement and authorities can charge the perpetrator with a crime.Reach Out to an Experienced Blackmail AttorneyContact an experienced internet attorney to determine the best strategy for confronting your blackmailer. Since blackmail can be both a criminal and civil
offense, you have several legal options at your disposal. presidential traverse trail map printable pdf download full An attorney can help you figure out which options are in your best interest, given your situation.They can also serve as a confidant and trusted source of advice as you deal with the stress of blackmail. An attorney can also help you
remove any explicit content that has been published without your consent.For instance, Google has a streamlined process for reporting and removing intimate images. If the blackmailer posts explicit content to a revenge porn website, you can usually get that removed as well.For more information about removing content from revenge porn websites,
check out our detailed blog post ‘How to Permanently Remove Content From Revenge Porn Websites’.Contact Your Local Law EnforcementOnce you preserve and gather as much relevant evidence as possible, you should report the crime to your local police. Law enforcement officers are trained and able to investigate crimes and may even be able to
find more information than you were able to obtain on your own.For instance, if you are dealing with an anonymous blackmailer, police may be able to help you uncover their identity. Local police, in conjunction with your district attorney’s office, are the only authorities that can charge the perpetrator with a crime, so you should involve them as soon
as possible.If for whatever reason, your local police are unwilling or unable to help with your situation, you should contact an experienced internet attorney. An internet attorney might help you gather the information needed to get the local police involved or they can file a civil claim on your behalf.While a civil case, alone, will not result in jail time
for a perpetrator, it could lead to the removal of negative online content. di always on top You may also be able to recover monetary damages for the harm caused by the blackmailer.File a Complaint With the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint CenterThe FBI has an Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) that tracks suspected criminal activity that
occurs online. The IC3 is a great option for victims to report any form of online fraud, not just blackmail and extortion.Once the IC3 receives a complaint, they review the information and forward it to appropriate local, state, and federal authorities. In some circumstances, they will also forward information to international law enforcement
bodies.Further Resources For Help & Support When Dealing With BlackmailSince extortion can be a federal crime under the Hobbs Act, you may want to report sextortion or blackmail to your local FBI field office. diablo_3_reaper_of_souls_ps3_save_data_download.pdf If you have any reason to believe your blackmailer is in or from a foreign country,
you can reach out to the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL).If the victim is a minor (or was a minor at the time explicit content was created), a blackmailer faces significant criminal repercussions. Any form of child pornography should be reported at CyberTipline.org and the National Center for Missing and Exploited
Children.Most social media websites also provide ways to report blackmail through their platform. Blackmail threats received over email can also be reported to the appropriate service provider through these links:GmailProtonMailOutlookYahoo! MailAOL MailWhat is the Maximum Penalty For Blackmail or Extortion?Each state and the federal
government punish blackmail differently.
In most cases, blackmail and extortion are felonies and carry a penalty including imprisonment. Some states differentiate between degrees of extortion – with blackmail involving bodily harm punished severely.Here are some examples of how different states punish blackmailers:Ohio – Extortion is a third-degree felony punishable by 1 to 5 years in
prison and/or a fine up to $10,000.New York – Larceny by extortion sentences depend on the value of the property involved and whether violence has occurred.
At a minimum, blackmail is a class “E” felony with a potential sentence of up to 4 years.Texas – Extortion falls under theft and penalties vary based on the value of the property stolen among several other factors. At a minimum, a conviction can lead to prison time, fines, or both.What Are Possible Legal Defenses Against Extortion or Blackmail?There
are several ways that someone accused of blackmail may try to defend themselves. The most common defenses raised in extortion or blackmail cases are:Insufficient EvidenceIt is imperative to preserve all communications with the blackmailer so they will not succeed on an insufficient evidence claim.Also, extortionists may try to argue that evidence
was obtained illegally, like an illegal seizure, interrogation, or coercion.Lack of IntentBoth blackmail and extortion must be intentional, meaning the perpetrator must knowingly threaten and induce fear in exchange for something of value.Proof of Incapacity, Insanity, or IntoxicationThis defense is similar to a lack of intent, where a defendant claims
that they did not fully know what they were doing because of a developmental or mental disability, or intoxication.Statute of LimitationsEvery jurisdiction has a different statute of limitations for blackmail, which is a limit on how long you can wait to file a lawsuit or press charges.Ownership Over the PropertyIf a defendant proves that they were
merely asking for the return of property that was lawfully theirs in the first place, they will likely overcome an allegation of blackmail.Absence of Threat, Force, or Fear A defendant may try to claim that they never threatened the victim, coerced them, or intended to induce fear to defend against blackmail charges.Steps You Can Take to Protect
Yourself From BlackmailAn ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! If you are concerned about the growing problem of internet blackmail and extortion, there are steps you can take to protect yourself.Here are some tips everyone can use to protect themselves from blackmail:Avoid Random Friend Requests on Social MediaBe skeptical of friend
requests and direct messages from people you do not know.Many strangers are actually catfishing or pretending to be someone they are not to get something out of you.Video: 6 Signs You Are Being Catfished on Social Media & Dating SitesMaximize Your Social Media Security SettingsSocial media websites allow you to adjust your profile’s security.
On Facebook, for instance, you can adjust your profile so that only friends of friends can see your profile, or it can even be more restrictive.We recommend setting all social media accounts at the highest level of privacy and using strong passwords for each site.Look Out For Red Flags That Someone is Not Who They Claim to BeRed flags that indicate
you might be dealing with a fake persona include:A reluctance to show their face,Few friends or interactions on their profile,Outlandish stories (often too good to be true),Requests for money, and aRush into highly sexualized language and overtures.Do Not Disclose Personal Information Too QuicklyBlackmailers try to get personal “dirt” on their
victims as quickly as possible.
This is the main part of their whole scheme!Protect your privacy by adjusting settings on your social media profiles and be careful not to reveal personal information to those you do not know very well.Block Your WebcamWebcam hacking is a real (and scary) thing. One of the simplest ways to protect yourself against this invasion of privacy is to place
a sticker over your webcam on your computer.
This way, even a sophisticated hacker will not be able to spy on your activities.Do Not Share Explicit ContentAssume that any sexually explicit video, images, or “sexts” you send to someone can and will be used against you. Sadly, even romantic partners who you trust enough to share intimate images with might later use the content to hurt you.In
today’s digital age, the dangers of sexting carry severe consequences, so the best way to prevent explicit content from getting shared without your consent is to refrain from sharing this content in the first place.For further reading protecting yourself against blackmail and sextortion, check out the following blog posts: ‘How to Avoid Webcam
Sextortion Scams During COVID-19’ and ‘What to Do If You Are the Victim of Facebook Sextortion’, ‘Someone is Threatening to Post a Video About Me On Facebook‘.How Seriously Should You Take Blackmail & Cyber Extortion?We mentioned above that many blackmailers do not follow through (because they lose their leverage in doing so). But this
does not mean you should ignore an extortionist’s threats.You should always take blackmail very seriously because it is a crime. And chances are, if the perpetrator is willing to break the law to blackmail you, they will repeat their behavior with you and others.Beyond that, the damage caused by blackmailers is very real. Leaked content can damage
your reputation, career, and personal life. It can also lead to bodily injury in some of the most severe cases. In a word, blackmail is always serious – and you should involve people who can help.Find Out How Minc Law Can Help Stop Blackmail & Hold Blackmailers LiableThe experienced internet attorneys at Minc Law know how to hold blackmailers
accountable for their criminal actions. Our firm also puts an immediate end to blackmail and threats so victims can move forward from the trauma of extortion.We utilize an extensive arsenal of online investigative services and tools to prevent the release of sensitive information and media, help victims identify anonymous blackmailers, and
subsequently monitor the internet for future attacks.★★★★★“If you find yourself in an unfortunate sexploitation situation, I highly recommend Minc Laws services.
Andrew worked my case and did an excellent job. As soon as he took my case he made me feel at ease and laid out the plan of action. There is no better feeling than knowing someone has your back when something like this occurs.”CJ, Jan 19, 2021To schedule a free consultation to determine the best strategy to respond to online blackmail,
sextortion. extortion, or revenge porn, call us at (216) 373-7706, speak with a Chat representative, or fill out our online contact form.