Guidance Big 3 Standards Technology 1
Guidance Big 3 Standards Technology 1
Guidance Big 3 Standards Technology 1
Technology Sector
October 2019
Indonesia is committed to supporting International Financial Reporting Standards
(IFRS) as the globally-accepted accounting standards, and to continuing with the IFRS
convergence process, while further minimising the gap between Standar Akuntansi
Keuangan (SAK) and IFRS. The decision to elect the convergence approach instead
of a full adoption was based on the consideration of potential interpretation and
implementation issues.
Since making the public commitment to support IFRS on 8 December 2008, the Dewan
Standar Akuntansi Keuangan – Institut Akuntansi Indonesia (DSAK-IAI) has been
converging the SAK towards IFRS. The DSAK-IAI is currently working to reduce the gap
between SAK and IFRS implementation to one year.
As part of IFRS convergence, DSAK-IAI has adapted IFRS 9 Financial Instruments, IFRS
15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers, and IFRS 16 Leases to IFAS by issuing
PSAK 71, PSAK 72, and PSAK 73, respectively, in 2017.
Introduction 2
PSAK 71 – Financial Instruments 4
Overview 5
Classification and measurement – Business model assessment 6
Impairment of financial assets measured at amortised cost 9
Impairment – Scope exception for trade and lease receivables:
The simplified approach 10
Provision matrix 12
Intra-group loans 15
Cash advanced might not be fair value 16
Hedging 17
Financial liabilities 18
PSAK 72 - Revenue from contracts with customers 20
Overview 21
1. Identify the contract 22
2. Identify performance obligations 26
3. Determine transaction price 31
4. Allocate transaction price 35
5. Recognise revenue 37
Other consideration 44
PSAK 73 - Leases 52
Overview 53
Components, contract consideration, and allocation 59
Lessee accounting model 61
Lease modification and reassessment (lessee) 64
Sale and leaseback arrangements 65
Financial instruments
Is the objective of the entity’s business No Is the financial asset held to achieve
model to hold the financial assets to an objective by both collecting No
collect contractual cash flows? contractual cash flows and selling
financial assets?
Yes Yes
Do contractual cash flows represent solely payments of principal and interest?
Yes Yes
Does the company apply the fair value option to eliminate an accounting mismatch? Yes
No No
• Trade receivables in a technology entity will normally meet the hold to collect
Trade criterion. The payments would normally comprise solely the principal and
receivables interest.
• They would thus be measured at amortised cost.
• For long-term investments, such as bonds, the entity will need to assess the
business model.
Investments • They might be classified at amortised cost, fair value through other
in bonds comprehensive income or fair value through the profit or loss.
The impairment rules of PSAK 71 introduce a new, forward-looking, ECL impairment model, which will
generally result in earlier recognition of losses compared to PSAK 55.
Recognition of ECL
Interest revenue
Effective interest on
Effective interest on gross amortised cost carrying
Effective interest on gross carrying amount
carrying amount amount (that is, net of
credit allowance)
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
Performing Underperforming Non-performing
(Initial recognition) (Assets with significant increase in credit risk (Credit-impaired assets)
since initial recognition)
• Stage 1 includes financial instruments that have not had a significant increase in credit risk since
initial recognition or that have low credit risk at the reporting date. For these assets, 12-month ECL
is recognised and interest revenue is calculated on the gross carrying amount of the asset.
• Stage 2 includes financial instruments that have had a significant increase in credit risk since
initial recognition (unless they have low credit risk at the reporting date) but are not credit-impaired.
For these assets, lifetime ECL is recognised, and interest revenue is still calculated on the gross
carrying amount of the asset.
• Stage 3 consists of financial assets that are credit-impaired (that is, where one or more events
that have a detrimental impact on the estimated future cash flows of the financial asset have
occurred). For these assets, lifetime ECL is also recognised, but interest revenue is calculated on
the net carrying amount (that is, net of the ECL allowance).
Total receivables or
contract assets that
contain a significant Policy
financing component choice
+ lease receivables
increases in
credit risk
• A trade receivable with a maturity of less than one year will most likely
qualify for the simplified model, since it will generally not contain a
Short-term significant financing component. Under the simplified approach, the entity
trade will recognise lifetime ECL throughout the life of the receivable. Materially
receivables higher provisions might not arise for short term trade receivables with
customers with a good collection history.
• For long term investments, such as bonds, the entity will need to apply the
Financial full three-stage model.
in bonds
Provision matrix
PSAK 71 allows an operational simplification whereby companies can use a provisions matrix to
determine their ECL under the impairment model.
Step 1: Step 2:
Step 3: Step 4:
Define a period Calculate Step 5:
Calculate the Update for
of credit sales the payment Compute the
historical default forward-looking
and related bad profile for these ECL
rate information
debts receivables
Step 1
The first step, when using a provision matrix, is to define an appropriate period of time to analyse the
proportion of trade receivables written off as bad debts. This period should be sufficient to provide
useful information. Too short a period might result in information that is not meaningful. Too long
might mean that changes in market conditions or the customer base make the analysis no longer
valid. In the example, we have selected one year. The overall lease receivables were CU10,000 and the
receivables ultimately written off were CU300 in that period.
Step 2
In step 2, we determine the amount of receivables outstanding at the end of each time bucket, up until
the point at which the bad debt is written off. The ageing profile calculated in this step is critical for the
next step, when calculating default rate percentages.
Total sales (CU) 10,000 Total paid Ageing profile of sales (step 3)
Paid in 30 days (2,000) (2,000) 8,000
Paid between 30 and 60 days (3,500) (5,500) 4,500
Paid between 60 and 90 days (3,000) (8,500) 1,500
Paid after 90 days (1,200) (9,700) 300 (written off)
Step 3
In this step, the entity calculates the historical default rate percentage. The default rate for each bucket
is the quotient of the default receivables in each bucket over the outstanding credit sales for that
period. For example, in the above information, CU300 out of the CU10,000 lease income for the period,
was written off.
Current sales – historical rate of default
Since all of the receivables relating to the sales made and those written off were current at some stage,
it can be derived that for all current amounts, the entity might incur an eventual loss of CU300. The
default rate would therefore be 3% (CU300/CU10,000) = For all current amounts.
Sales payments outstanding after 30 days
An amount of CU8,000 was not paid within 30 days. An eventual loss of CU300 was a result of these
outstanding receivables. Therefore, the default rate for amounts outstanding after 30 days would be
Remaining buckets
The same calculation is then performed for 60 days and after 90 days. Although the amount
outstanding reduces for each subsequent period, the eventual loss of CU300 was, at some stage, part
of the population within each of the time buckets, and so it is applied consistently in the calculation of
each of the time bucket default rates.
The historical default rates are determined as follows:
Step 4
PSAK 71 is an ECL model, so consideration should also be given to forward-looking information.
Such forward-looking information would include:
• Changes in economic, regulatory, technological and environmental factors (such as industry
outlook, GDP, employments and politics);
• External market indicators; and
• Customer base.
For example, the entity concludes that the defaulted receivables should be adjusted by CU100 to
CU400 as a result of economic changes affecting the industry. The entity also concludes that the
payment profile and amount of sales are the same. Each entity should make its own assumption of
forward-looking information. The provision matrix should be updated accordingly.
The default rates are then recalculated for the various time buckets, based on the expected future
Step 5
Finally, take the default rates from step 4 and apply them to the actual receivables, at the period end,
for each of the time buckets. There is a credit loss of CU12 in the example illustrated.
Total 30-60 days 60-90 days After 90 days
(0-30 days)
Trade receivable balances
140 50 40 30 20
at year end: (1)
Default rate: (2) (%) 4 5 8.9 27
Expected credit loss:
CU 12 CU 2 CU 2 CU 3 CU 5
Intra-group loans
The scope for the accounting of intra-group loans and loans to joint ventures and associates (‘funding’) is
not expected to change from the introduction of PSAK 71. Funding, previously within the scope of PSAK
55, ‘Financial instruments: Recognition and measurement’ will also be within the scope of PSAK 71.
The impact of PSAK 71 on intra-group funding might often be dismissed, because it is eliminated on
consolidation. However, the impact in separate financial statements could be significant.
Intra-group loans within the scope of PSAK 71 and loans to joint ventures and associates are required
to be measured at fair value on initial recognition. These loans may sometimes be either interest-free
or provided at below-market interest rates. In those cases, the amount lent is, therefore, not fair value.
Hedging is a risk management activity. More specifically, it is the process of using a financial
instrument (usually a derivative) to mitigate all or some of the risk of a hedged item. Hedge accounting
changes the timing of recognition of gains and losses on either the hedged item or the hedging
instrument so that both are recognised in the profit or loss in the same accounting period in order to
record the economic substance of the combination of the hedged item and hedging instrument.
Main changes Cost of hedging can be removed from hedging relationships and
to hedging deferred in OCI (accounting policy choice for some)
For a transaction to qualify for hedge accounting PSAK 71 includes the following requirements:
• An entity should formally designate and document the hedging relationship at the inception of the
hedge. PSAK 71 requires additional documentation to show sources of ineffectiveness and how
the hedge ratio is determined.
• There must be an economic relationship between the hedging instrument and the hedged item.
• Credit risk should not dominate value changes.
• The hedge ratio should be aligned with the economic hedging strategy (risk management strategy)
of the entity.
Financial liabilities
Debt modifications
Technology entities might restructure borrowings with banks to adjust interest rates and maturity
profiles and hence modify their debt.
When a financial liability measured at amortised cost is modified without this resulting in
derecognition, a difference arises between the original contractual cash flows and the modified cash
flows discounted at the original effective interest rate (the ‘gain/loss’).
Under PSAK 55, entities were permitted, although not required, to recognise the gain/loss in the
income statement at the date of modification of a financial liability. Many entities deferred the gain/
loss, under PSAK 55, over the remaining term of the modified liability by recalculating the effective
interest rate.
This will change on transition to PSAK 71 because the accounting will change. When a PSAK 71
financial liability measured at amortised cost is modified without this resulting in derecognition, the
gain/loss should be recognised in the profit or loss. Entities are no longer able to defer the gain/loss.
The changes in accounting for modifications of financial liabilities will impact all preparers, particularly
entities which were applying different policies for recognising gains and losses under PSAK 55.
Whilst entities were not required to change their PSAK 55 accounting policy, the impact on transition
to PSAK 71 should be considered. PSAK 71 is required to be applied retrospectively, so modification
gains and losses arising from financial liabilities that are still recognised at the date of initial application
(for example, 1 January 2020 for calendar year end companies) would need to be recalculated and
adjusted through opening retained earnings on transition. This will affect the effective interest rate and,
therefore, the finance cost for the remaining life of the liability.
The technology industry comprises numerous subsectors, including, but not limited to, computers
and networking, semiconductors, financial technology, software and internet, the internet of things,
health technology, and clean technology. Each subsector has diverse product and service offerings
and various revenue recognition issues. Determining how to allocate consideration among elements of
an arrangement and when to recognise revenue can be extremely complex and, as a result, industry-
specific revenue recognition models were previously developed. The new revenue standard replaces
these multiple sets of guidance with a single revenue recognition model, regardless of the industry.
Whilst PSAK 72 includes a number of specific factors to consider, it is a principles-based standard.
Accordingly, entities should ensure that revenue recognition is ultimately consistent with the
substance of the arrangement.
This publication summarises some of the areas within the technology industry, broken down by step
of the model that may be significantly affected by the new revenue standard. The content in this
publication should be considered together with our “PSAK 72 – A Comprehensive Look at The New
Revenue Model”.
Entities that report under PSAK are required to apply PSAK 72 for annual reporting periods beginning
on or after January 1, 2020, and early adoption is permitted.
A contract can be written, orally discussed, or implied by an entity’s customary business practices.
Generally, any agreement with a customer that creates legally-enforceable rights and obligations
meets the definition of a contract. Legal enforceability depends on the interpretation of the law and
could vary across legal jurisdictions where the rights of the parties are not enforced in the same way.
Technology companies should consider any history of entering into amendments or side agreements
to a contract that either changes the terms of, or adds to, the rights and obligations of a contract.
These can be verbal or written, and could include cancellation, termination, or other provisions. They
could also provide customers with options or discounts, or change the substance of the arrangement.
All of these have implications for revenue recognition. Therefore, understanding the entire contract,
including any amendments, is important to the accounting conclusion.
As part of identifying the contract, entities are required to assess whether collection of the
consideration is probable, which is generally interpreted as a greater than 50% likelihood in PSAK.
This assessment is made after considering any price concessions expected to be provided to the
customer. In other words, price concessions are variable consideration (which affects the transaction
price), rather than a factor to consider in assessing collectability.
Potential impact:
The assessment of whether a contract with a customer exists under the new revenue standard is
less driven by the form of the arrangement, and more based on whether an agreement between two
parties (either written, oral, or implied) creates legally enforceable rights and obligations between the
The purpose of the collectability assessment under the new guidance is to determine whether there
is a substantive contract between the entity and the customer, which differs from current guidance in
which collectability is a constraint on revenue recognition.
The new guidance also eliminates the cash-basis method of revenue recognition that is often applied
today if collection is not probable.
Entities that conclude collection is not probable under the new guidance cannot recognise revenue
for cash received if (1) they have not collected substantially all of the consideration and (2) continue to
transfer goods or services to the customer.
Contract modifications
It is common for companies in the technology industry to modify contracts to provide additional
goods or services, which may be priced at a discount. For example, a company may sell equipment
and maintenance to a customer in an initial transaction and then modify the arrangement to extend the
maintenance period. In general, any change to an existing contract is a modification per the guidance
when the parties to the contract approve the modification either in writing, orally, or based on the
parties’ customary business practices. Also, a new contract entered into with an existing customer
could be viewed as the modification of an existing contract depending on the facts and circumstances.
This determination may require judgment.
The new standard provides specific guidance on the accounting for contract modifications. A
modification is accounted for as either a separate contract or as part of the existing contract. This
assessment is driven by (1) whether the modification adds distinct goods and services and (2) whether
the distinct goods and services are priced at their standalone selling prices. PwC’s Revenue guide
includes more guidance on assessing whether contract modifications need to be accounted for as
such under the new guidance.
When service contracts are modified to renew or extend the services being provided, the added
services will often be distinct. The modification is accounted for as a separate contract if the services
are distinct and the price of the added services reflects the standalone selling price, including
appropriate adjustments to reflect the circumstances of the particular contract (e.g., a discount given
because the company does not incur the selling-related costs it incurs for new customers).
The modification is accounted for prospectively if the services are distinct, but the price of the added
services does not reflect standalone selling price; that is, any unrecognised revenue from the original
contract and the additional consideration from the modification is combined and allocated to the
remaining unsatisfied performance obligations under both the existing contract and modification.
2. Identify performance
Many technology companies provide multiple products or services to their customers as part of a
single arrangement. Hardware vendors sometimes sell extended maintenance contracts or other
service elements with the hardware, and vendors of intellectual property (IP) licenses may provide
professional services in addition to the license. Management must identify the separate performance
obligations in an arrangement based on the terms of the contract and the entity’s customary business
practices. A bundle of goods and services might be accounted for as a single performance obligation
in certain fact patterns.
2. Identify performance
obligations (cont’d)
Potential impact:
Assessing whether goods and services are capable of being distinct is similar to determining if
deliverables are separate components under existing PSAKs, although the definition is not identical.
Under the new guidance, management will assess if the customer can benefit from the good or
service with “resources that are readily available to the customer,” which could be a good or service
sold separately by the company or another entity, or a good or service the customer has already
Entities will need to determine whether the nature of the promise, within the context of the contract,
is to transfer each of those goods or services individually or, instead, to transfer a combined item(s)
to which the promised goods or services are inputs. This will be a new assessment for companies as
compared to today.
2. Identify performance
obligations (cont’d)
Example 2(b) - Sale of hardware and installation services - single performance obligation
Facts: A Vendor enters into a contract to provide hardware and installation services to the
Customer. The Vendor also provides the customer with a license to software that is embedded
on the hardware that is integral to the functionality of the hardware. The installation services
significantly customise and integrate the hardware into the Customer’s information technology
environment. Only the Vendor can provide this customisation and integration service.
Question: Does the transaction consist of one or more performance obligations?
Analysis: The Vendor should account for the hardware with embedded software and installation
services together as a single performance obligation.
The new guidance states that a license that (1) forms a component of a tangible good and (2) is
integral to the functionality of the good is not distinct from the other promised goods or services in
the contract. Therefore, the license to embedded software is not distinct from the hardware. The
Vendor also provides a significant service of integrating the hardware and the installation services
into the combined item in the contract (a customised hardware system). Therefore, the hardware
with embedded software and the installation services are inputs into the combined item and are
not separately identifiable.
2. Identify performance
obligations (cont’d)
Series of distinct goods or services
The new standard includes “series” guidance that does not exist in today’s revenue guidance. A
contract is accounted for as a series of distinct goods or services if, at contract inception, the contract
promises to transfer a series of distinct goods or services that (1) are substantially the same and (2)
have the same pattern of a transfer to the customer. A series has the same pattern of transfer if:
• Each distinct good or service in the series would be a performance obligation satisfied over time,
• The same method would be used to measure the entity’s progress toward complete satisfaction of
the performance obligation.
Judgment will be required to assess if the underlying goods or services meet these criteria. If
the criteria are met, the goods or services are combined into a single performance obligation.
However, management should consider each distinct good or service in the series, rather than the
single performance obligation, when accounting for contract modifications and allocating variable
2. Identify performance
obligations (cont’d)
Customer options that provide a material rights
An option that provides a customer with free or discounted goods or services in the future might be a
material right. A material right is a promise embedded in a current contract that should be accounted
for as a separate performance obligation. If the option provides a material right to the customer, the
customer, in effect, pays the entity in advance for future goods or services, and the entity recognises
revenue when those future goods or services are transferred or when the option expires.
An option to purchase additional goods or services at their standalone selling prices is a marketing
offer and therefore not a material right. This is true regardless of whether the customer obtained
the option only as a result of entering into the current transaction. An option to purchase additional
goods or services in the future at a current standalone selling price could be a material right if prices
are expected to increase. This is because the customer is being offered a discount on future goods
compared to what others would have to pay as a result of entering into the current transaction.
The transaction price is the consideration a vendor expects to be entitled to in exchange for satisfying
its performance obligations in an arrangement. Determining the transaction price is straightforward
when the contract price is fixed, but is more complex when the arrangement includes a variable
amount of consideration. Consideration that is variable includes, but is not limited to, discounts,
rebates, price concessions, refunds, credits, incentives, performance bonuses, and royalties.
Additionally, as discussed in Step 1 (Identify the contract), management will need to use judgment to
determine when amounts it will not collect from its customers are due to collectability issues (i.e., Step
1 of the model) or due to price concessions through variable consideration (i.e., Step 3 of the model).
This will depend on the facts and circumstances of the arrangement.
To determine the transaction price, management will estimate the consideration to which it expects
to be entitled. Variable consideration is only included in the estimate of the transaction price to the
extent it is highly probable of not resulting in a significant reversal of cumulative revenue in the future.
PSAK defines probable as ‘more likely than not’, which is greater than 50%. Consideration payable to
a customer, rights of return, noncash consideration, and significant financing components are other
important concepts to consider in determining the transaction price.
Rights of return
Rights of return are considered a form of variable consideration, as they affect the total amount of
fees that a customer will ultimately pay. Revenue recognition when there is a right of return is based
on the variable consideration guidance, with revenue recognised to the extent it is highly probable
that a significant reversal of cumulative revenue will not occur. Therefore, revenue is not recognised
for products expected to be returned. A liability is recognised for the expected amount of refunds to
customers, which is updated for changes in expected refunds.
An asset and corresponding adjustment to cost of sales is recognised for the rights to recover goods
from customers on settling the refund liability, with the asset initially measured at the original cost
of the goods (that is, the carrying amount in inventory), less any expected costs to recover those
products. The asset is assessed for impairment if indicators of impairment exist.
Non-cash consideration
Any non-cash consideration received from a customer needs to be included in the transaction price
and measured at fair value. PSAK 72 does not include specific guidance on the measurement date
of non-cash consideration and, therefore, different approaches may be acceptable. Management
should also consider the accounting guidance for derivative instruments to determine whether an
arrangement with a right to non-cash consideration contains an embedded derivative.
Technology companies often provide multiple products or services to their customers as part of a
single arrangement. Under the new standard, they will need to allocate the transaction price to the
separate performance obligations in one contract based on the relative standalone selling price of
each separate performance obligation. There are certain exceptions when discounts or variable
consideration relate specifically to one or more, but not all, of the performance obligations.
Potential impact:
The basic allocation principle has not changed under the new guidance; however, there are three
specific differences that could affect allocation:
• An entity will allocate discounts and variable consideration amounts to specific performance
obligations if certain criteria are met.
• Under the new standard, the residual approach should only be used when the selling price of a good
or service is highly variable or uncertain. Before utilising this approach, management should first
consider whether another method provides a reasonable basis for estimating the standalone selling
5. Recognise revenue
Technology companies often have contracts that include a service (installation or customisation)
with the sale of goods (software or hardware products). The software, hardware, and services may
be delivered over multiple periods ranging from several months to several years. A performance
obligation is satisfied and revenue is recognised when “control” of the promised good or service is
transferred to the customer. A customer obtains control of a good or service if it has the ability to (1)
direct its use and (2) obtain substantially all of the remaining benefits from it. Directing the use of an
asset refers to a customer’s rights to deploy the asset, allow another entity to deploy it, or restrict
another entity from using it. Management should evaluate transfer of control primarily from the
customer’s perspective, which reduces the risk that revenue is recognised for activities that do not
transfer control of a good or service to the customer.
Potential impact:
Entities that manufacture customised products and recognise revenue at a point in time under current
guidance will need to assess the new criteria, including whether the product has no alternative use
and whether they have a right to payment for performance completed to date. These entities could
potentially change from point-in-time recognition under current guidance to over time recognition if
the criteria are met.
The timing of revenue recognition for point-in-time arrangements could change (and be accelerated) for
some entities compared to current guidance, which is more focused on the transfer of risks and rewards
than the transfer of control. The transfer of risks and rewards is an indicator of whether control has
transferred under the new guidance, but entities will also need to consider the other indicators.
Sales to distributors
Under current guidance, the “sell-through approach” is common in arrangements that include
dealers or distributors in which revenue is recognised once the risks and rewards of ownership
have transferred to the end consumer. The effect of the new standard on the sell-through approach
will depend on the terms of the arrangement and why sell-through accounting was applied
historically. Technology companies that apply the sell-through approach today should re-evaluate the
appropriateness of this approach under the new revenue recognition criteria.
Revenue is recognised under the new standard when a customer obtains control of the product,
even if the terms include a right of return or other price protection features. The transfer of risks and
rewards is an indicator of whether control has transferred, but entities need to consider additional
indicators. Therefore, revenue could be recognised earlier under the new standard. For example, if a
distributor has physical possession of the product, can direct the use of the product, and is obligated
to pay the seller for the product, control of the product may have transferred to the distributor even
when the seller retains some risks and rewards or the final price is uncertain. If the entity is able to
require the distributor to return the product (that is, it has a call right), control likely has not been
transferred to the distributor.
Since many distributors are thinly capitalised, an entity will also need to consider the impact of the
requirement to assess whether collection is probable (in step 1).
Example 5(e) – Consulting services – the performance obligation satisfied over time
Facts: The Computer Consultant enters into a three-month, fixed-price contract to track the
Customer’s software usage to help the Customer decide which software packages best meet
its needs. The Computer Consultant will share findings on a monthly basis, or more frequently if
requested, and provide a summary report of the findings at the end of three months. The Customer
will pay the Computer Consultant CU2,000 per month, and the Customer can direct the Computer
Consultant to focus on the usage of any systems it wishes to throughout the contract.
Question: How should the Computer Consultant recognise revenue in the transaction?
Analysis: The Computer Consultant should recognise revenue over time as it performs the services.
The Customer simultaneously receives a benefit from the consulting services as they are performed
during the three-month contract because the customer is able to receive findings at any time when
requested. Another vendor would not have to substantially reperform the work completed to date to
satisfy the remaining obligations.
Example 5(f) – Sale of specialised equipment - performance obligation satisfied over time
Facts: A Contract Manufacturer enters into a six-month, fixed-price contract with the Customer
for the production of highly customised equipment. The title to the equipment is transferred to the
Customer at the end of the six-month contract term. If the Customer terminates the contract for
reasons other than the Contract Manufacturer’s non-performance, the Contract Manufacturer is
entitled to payment for costs plus a margin for any work in process to date.
Question: How should the Contract Manufacturer recognise revenue in the transaction?
Analysis: The Contract Manufacturer should recognise revenue over time as it manufactures the
equipment. Given the highly customised nature of the equipment, the Contract Manufacturer’s
performance does not create an asset with an alternative use to the Contract Manufacturer.
Also, the Contract Manufacturer has an enforceable right to payment from the Customer for the
performance completed to date. The performance obligation, therefore, meets the criteria for
recognition over time.
Potential impact:
The new standard provides specific guidance for determining whether to recognise revenue from a
license at a point in time or over time. Whether the license is a perpetual license or a term license
does not impact the conclusion. Thus, the analysis under the new standard could result in a different
timing of revenue recognition as compared to today, depending on the entity’s current accounting
For licenses of IP with fees in the form of sales- or usage-based royalties, the exception provided in
the new guidance may result in a similar accounting outcome to today since entities typically do not
recognise revenue until royalties are received. However, the new guidance specifies that the period of
recognition should be the period the sales or usage occurs. As a result, if information from customers
is received on a lag basis, entities may need to estimate sales or usage prior to receiving this data
from the customer.
Other considerations
Potential impact:
Although the indicators in the new standard are similar to those in the current guidance, the purpose
of the indicators is different. The new standard requires an entity to assess whether it controls the
specified good or service, and the indicators are intended to support the control assessment. In
contrast, the current guidance is focused on assessing whether the entity has the risks and rewards of
a principal. Entities will therefore need to reassess their arrangements through the lens of the control
The new standard also provides more guidance on the unit of account that should be used in the gross
versus net assessment, which could result in changes to the assessment as compared to the current
Product warranties
It is common for technology companies to provide a product warranty in connection with the sale
of a product. The nature of a product warranty can vary from contract to contract. Some warranties
provide a customer with assurance that the related product complies with agreed-upon specifications
(assurance-type or standard warranties). Other warranties provide the customer with a service in
addition to the assurance that the product complies with agreed-upon specifications.
The new standard draws a distinction between product warranties that the customer has the option
to purchase separately (for example, warranties that are negotiated or priced separately) and product
warranties that the customer cannot purchase separately. Management will need to exercise judgment
to determine if a warranty includes a service component that is not sold separately and should be
accounted for as a separate performance obligation.
Potential impact:
Similar to existing guidance, warranties sold separately give rise to a separate performance obligation
under the new standard and, therefore, revenue is recognised over the warranty period. Warranties
that are separately priced may be affected, as the arrangement consideration will be allocated based
on the relative standalone selling price under the new standard.
Product warranties that are not sold separately and provide for defects that exist when a product is
shipped will result in a cost accrual similar to today’s guidance. Entities will have to assess whether
warranties that are not sold separately also provide the customer with a service. This assessment will
require judgment and is based on factors such as the nature of the tasks the entity will perform and
the length of the warranty coverage period.
Contract costs
Technology companies often pay commissions to internal sales agents, other employees, and third-
party dealers. Commission plans can often be complex and involve a number of different employees.
Some entities capitalise customer acquisition costs as an asset today, while other entities expense
these costs as incurred. The new standard requires entities to capitalise incremental costs of obtaining
a contract if the costs are expected to be recovered.
Entities should amortise any asset recognised from capitalising costs to obtain or fulfil a contract
(including capitalised sales commissions) on a systematic basis that is consistent with the transfer
to the customer of the goods or services to which the asset relates. Determining the amortisation
period requires judgment and is similar to estimating the amortisation or depreciation period for other
assets (such as a customer relationship acquired in a business combination). Amortising an asset
over a longer period than the initial contract may be necessary if an entity expects a customer to
renew the contract and does not pay commissions on contract renewals that are commensurate with
the commission paid on the initial contract. The level of effort to obtain a contract or renewal should
not be a factor in determining whether the commission paid on a contract renewal is commensurate
with the initial commission. Rather, entities should assess whether the initial commission and renewal
commission are reasonably proportional to the respective contract values.
Potential impact:
Under the new standard, entities no longer have the option to capitalise costs to obtain a contract.
All incremental costs must be capitalised if the entity expects to recover the costs. Incremental costs
could include amounts paid not just to a single salesperson, but amounts paid to multiple employees
(e.g., a salesperson, manager, and regional manager) if the payment would not have been incurred if
the contract had not been obtained. Entities will have to apply judgment to identify all costs that are
incremental and to determine the amortisation period of the resulting asset.
Entities may reverse impairments when costs become recoverable; however, the reversal is limited to
an amount that does not result in the carrying amount of the capitalised acquisition cost exceeding the
depreciated historical cost.
Overview (cont’d)
PSAK 73 will apply to all categories of contracts in the technology sector, except for licences of
intellectual property granted by a lessor that are within the scope of PSAK 72, Revenue from Contracts
with Customers. Other scope exceptions include rights held by a lessee under licensing agreements
(such as motion picture films, video recordings, plays, manuscripts, patents and copyrights), leases of
biological assets, service concession agreements and leases to explore for or use mineral and other
non-regenerative resources. There is an optional scope exemption for lessees of intangible assets
other than the licences mentioned above.
The new standard will have a significant impact on technology companies, in particular how they
identify embedded leases, allocate contract consideration to components, and the impact of reflecting
leases on a lessee’s balance sheet. However, the accounting changes are just the tip of the iceberg
in terms of the impact the new standard will have on technology companies. Companies will need to
analyse how the new model will affect current business activities, contract negotiations, budgeting,
key metrics, systems and data requirements, and business processes and controls.
Embedded leases
Technology companies often enter into arrangements that include a variety of products or services
and that may include a lease. For example, hardware vendors sometimes offer commercial equipment
leases together with service add-ons or vendors of IP licenses may sell subscriptions to a cloud based
storage solution in addition to the license. They may also use a data storage centre owned or managed
by a third-party hosting company. Regardless of how an arrangement is structured, lease accounting
guidance applies to any arrangement that conveys control over an identified asset to another party.
An arrangement is a lease or contains a lease if an underlying asset is explicitly or implicitly identified
and use of the asset is controlled by the customer.
If an arrangement explicitly identifies the asset to be used, but the supplier has a substantive
contractual right to substitute such asset, then the arrangement does not contain an identified asset.
A substitution right is substantive if the supplier can (a) practically use another asset to fulfil the
arrangement throughout the term of the arrangement, and (b) it is economically beneficial for the
supplier to do so. The supplier’s right or obligation to substitute an asset for repairs, maintenance,
malfunction, or technical upgrade does not preclude the customer from having the right to use an
identified asset.
An identified asset must be physically distinct. A physically-distinct asset may be an entire asset or a
portion of an asset. For example, a building is generally considered physically distinct, but one floor
within the building may also be considered physically distinct if it can be used independent of the
other floors (e.g., point of entry or exit, access to lavatories, etc.). A capacity or a portion of an asset
is not an identified asset if (1) the asset is not physically distinct (e.g., the arrangement permits use
of a portion of the capacity of a data storage centre) and (2) a customer does not have the rights to
substantially all of the economic benefits from the use of the asset (e.g., several customers share a
storage centre and no single customer has substantially all of the capacity).
A customer controls the use of the identified asset by possessing the rights to (1) obtain substantially
all of the economic benefits from the use of such asset (“benefits” element); and (2) direct the use of
the identified asset throughout the period of use (“power” element). A customer meets the “power”
element if it holds the rights to make decisions that have the most significant impact on the economic
benefits derived from the use of the asset. If these decisions are pre¬determined in the contract, for
the arrangement to be a lease, the customer must have the rights to direct the operations of the asset
without the supplier having the rights to change those operating instructions throughout the period of
use or has designed the asset (or specific aspects of the asset) in a way that predetermines how and
for what purpose the asset will be used.
Sometimes there may be terms in the contract that are included to protect the supplier’s asset and
supplier’s personnel. For example, a contract may require the asset to be used in a manner that
complies with regulations or may restrict usage of the asset up to a maximum capacity based on the
asset’s design constraints. The existence of such protective rights in and of itself does not prevent a
customer from having the right to direct the use of an asset.
The new model differs in certain respects from today’s risks and rewards model. Under current lessee
guidance, embedded leases are often off-balance-sheet operating leases and, as such, application of
lease accounting may not have had a material impact. Determining whether to apply lease accounting
to an arrangement under the new guidance is likely to be more important since virtually all leases will
result in recognition of a right-of use-asset and lease liability by the lessee.
PwC observation
Some contracts that may contain a lease are the result of specific negotiations covering a variety
of goods and services, and they often involve extensive collaboration between the parties before
and during the term of the arrangement. In some cases, the factors that indicate that control
has passed to the customer may not be obvious and may require significant judgment. Careful
assessment of the facts and circumstances, considering all relevant rights will be required.
A thorough understanding of the facts and circumstances is important to the assessment of
a potential embedded lease, particularly as it relates to evaluating control when an identified
asset is present. The financial reporting function may need to engage engineers and the broader
commercial team to fully understand the relevant facts and circumstances associated with
arrangements that may be unique to the technology industry.
Components, contract
consideration, and allocation
A contract may contain lease and non-lease components. Only lease components are subject to the
balance sheet recognition guidance in the new lease standard. Components within an arrangement
are those items or activities that transfer a good or service to the customer.
A right to use an asset is a separate lease component if the lessee can benefit from the asset on its
own (or together with readily available resources) and the asset is neither interdependent nor highly
correlated with any other underlying asset in the contract. For example, if a lessee pays for the right to
use an asset and also for administrative tasks, which do not transfer a good or service to the lessee,
the administrative tasks are not a separate non-lease component. The amount due for administrative
tasks will be considered as part of the total consideration that is allocated to the separately identified
lease and non-lease components of the contract.
Once the lease and non-lease components are identified, both lessees and lessors must allocate
contract consideration to each component. A lessee will do so based on their relative standalone
prices. If observable stand-alone prices are not readily available, the lessee shall estimate the
prices, and should maximise the use of observable information. As a practical expedient, a lessee
may, as an accounting policy election by class of underlying asset, choose not to separate lease
components from the associated non-lease components and instead account for them as a single
lease component. A lessor should allocate contract consideration to the separate lease and non-lease
components in accordance with the transaction price allocation guidance in PSAK 72 (that is, on the
basis of relative stand-alone selling prices). The practical expedient available to a lessee for lease and
non-lease components is not available to a lessor.
PwC observation
In addition to typical real estate leases and equipment leases, technology companies often enter
into a variety of arrangements, such as outsourcing and supply agreements that may contain
leases. Technology companies will need to put processes in place to identify embedded leases
and then identify the lease and non-lease components. A process will also be needed to allocate
contract consideration to each component (absent the lessee making a policy election to not
separate a non-lease component from the associated lease component).
Components, contract
consideration, and allocation
PwC observation
A lessee might elect to apply the practical expedient of accounting for a lease and the associated non-lease
component as a single lease component. If the practical expedient is applied, the cash flows associated
with the non-lease component will increase the liability and right-of-use asset recognised on the balance
sheet. This is an election by asset class. Technology companies are likely to consider the significance of the
increase in the right-of-use asset and liability relative to the effort and complexity required to obtain reliable
information to separately account for the lease and non-lease components. Technology sector lessees
with material leases will need additional processes, controls and documentation to ensure appropriate and
consistent application of the guidance. For example, the guidance requires an appropriate allocation based
on relative stand-alone prices that maximises the use of observable prices.
Lessees will be required to recognise a right-of-use asset and liability for virtually all leases (other than
short-term leases or leases of low-valued assets for which they elect to apply an exemption). There
will be no distinction between finance and operating leases for lessee accounting, as is the case under
PSAK 30.
Lessees should initially recognise a right-of-use asset and lease liability based on the discounted
payments required under the lease, taking into account the lease term as determined under the new
standard. Determining the lease term will require judgment. Initial direct costs and restoration costs
are also included.
The key elements of the new standards and the effect on financial statements are as follows:
• A ‘right-of-use’ model replaces the ‘risks and rewards’ model. Lessees are required to recognise an
asset and liability at the inception of a lease.
• All lease liabilities are to be measured with reference to an estimate of the lease term, which
includes optional lease periods when an entity is reasonably certain to exercise an option to extend
(or not to terminate) a lease.
• The lessee subsequently measures the lease liability using the effective interest rate method. It
remeasures the carrying amount to reflect any re-assessment, lease modification, or revised in-
substance fixed lease payments.
• Contingent rentals or variable lease payments will need to be included in the measurement of
lease assets and liabilities when these depend on an index or a rate or where in substance they
are fixed payments. A lessee should reassess variable lease payments that depend on an index
or a rate when the lessee remeasures the lease liability for other reasons (for example, because
of a reassessment of the lease term) and when there is a change in the cash flows resulting from
a change in the reference index or rate (that is, when an adjustment to the lease payments takes
• Lessees should reassess the lease term only upon the occurrence of a significant event or a
significant change in circumstances that are within the control of the lessee.
• The right-of-use asset is depreciated over the shorter of the lease term and the useful life of the
right-of-use asset, unless there is a transfer of ownership or purchase option which is reasonably
certain to be exercised at the end of the lease term. If there is a transfer of ownership or purchase
option which is reasonably certain to be exercised at the end of the lease term, the lessee
depreciates the right-of-use asset over the useful life of the underlying asset.
• The lessee applies the impairment requirements in PSAK 48, ‘Impairment of assets’, to the right-of-
use asset.
PwC observation
The ability to gather the required information for existing leases and capture data for new leases
(e.g., renewal terms, discount rates, and embedded lease terms) will be critical to an effective
transition to the new standard. This may result in the need for new systems, controls and
processes, which will take time to identify, design, implement and test.
Technology companies often sublease excess space. When a lessee subleases an asset, the lessee
(now a sub-lessor) should account for a head lease and sublease as two separate contracts unless the
sub-lessor is relieved of its primary obligation under the head lease. The sub-lessor should determine
the classification of the sublease based on the underlying asset in the head lease, rather than on the
sub-lessor’s rights-of-use.
PwC observation
Classification guidance requires treating a lease as a finance lease if it transfers all risks and
rewards incidental to ownership of the underlying the asset. Where the underlying asset is so
specialised that only the lessee can use it without major modifications, the sublease contract
would normally be classified as a finance lease. We do not expect that this indicator will have
a significant impact on lease classification for most technology companies. This is because, in
such cases, the lessor would likely have either (a) priced the lease such that the present value
of lease payments is substantially all of the fair value of the asset or (b) set the lease term to be
equal to a major part of the asset’s remaining economic life, causing the lease to be classified as
financing (capital) already.
Discussion: the Lessee should measure the lease liability by calculating the present value of the
unpaid annual fixed lease payments of C25,000 discounted at the Lessee’s incremental borrowing
rate of 6% (C155,245).
The rights-of use asset is the sum of the lease liability and the initial direct costs paid by the
Lessee, which is C165,245 (C155,245 + C10,000). Although not mentioned in this example, the
rights-of-use asset would be adjusted for any lease payments made to the Lessor on or before
the commencement date, and lease incentives received from the Lessor prior to the lease
commencement date.
Question: How would the Lessee subsequently measure the rights-of-use asset and lease liability
over the lease term?
Discussion: the Lessee would calculate the total lease cost equal to C25,000 rent payments per
year for eight years plus C10,000 initial direct costs (C210,000). The straight-line lease expense
recorded each period would be the total lease cost divided by the total number of periods which is
Interest expense on the lease liability would be calculated using a rate of 6%, the same discount
rate used to initially measure the lease liability. The lease liability would be amortised based on
the effective interest method and thus reduced by the principal component each year. The Lessee
would calculate the amortisation of the right-of-use asset in accordance with PSAK 16 over the
shorter of the lease term and the useful life of the right-of-use asset. In this example, the lease
term is shorter than the useful life of the right-of-use asset, therefore, it is amortised for eight years
using the straight-line method.
A lease modification is any change to the terms and conditions of a contract that results in a change
in the scope of the lease, or the consideration for the lease that was not part of the original terms and
conditions of the lease. Any change that is triggered by a clause that is already part of the original
lease contract (including changes due to a market rent review clause or the exercise of an extension
option) is not regarded as a modification.
A modification is accounted for as a contract separate from the original lease if the modification grants
the lessee an additional right of use not included in the original lease and the additional right of use is
priced consistent with its standalone value. When a modification is a separate lease, the accounting
for the original lease is unchanged and the new lease component(s) should be accounted for at
commencement like any other new lease.
In contrast, when a lease is modified and the modification is not recognised as a separate lease, the
lessee must remeasure and reallocate all of the remaining contract consideration from both lease and
non-lease components based on the modified contract and remeasure the lease liability and adjust the
rights-of-use asset using assumptions as of the effective date of the modification (e.g., discount rate
and remaining economic life).
PwC observation
For a reassessment of either the lease term or the likelihood of exercise of a purchase option,
the triggering event must be within the control of the lessee (if not, the event will not require a
reassessment). A change in market-based factors will not, in isolation, trigger a reassessment of the
lease term or the likelihood of the exercise of a purchase option. For example, a reassessment would
not be triggered if a lessee is leasing a server and hardware equipment and current market conditions
change such that lease payments that the lessee will be required to make in the extension period are
now considered below market. On the other hand, a lessee making significant investments in the data
centre with significant value beyond the initial lease term would require a reassessment to determine
whether this improvement results in renewal being considered reasonably certain.
It will be important for companies to have processes and controls in place to identify and monitor
triggering events that would require the reassessment of a lease.
Even when a lease is not modified, there are circumstances when a lessee will also be required to
remeasure the right-of-use asset and lease liability. The table below lists these circumstances and the
related impact on the lessee’s accounting.
Existing sale-leaseback guidance in PSAK 30 is replaced with a new model applicable to both lessees
and lessors. The accounting for sale and leaseback transactions under PSAK 30 mainly depended
on whether the leaseback was classified as a finance or an operating lease. Under PSAK 73, the
determining factor is whether the transfer of the asset qualifies as a sale in accordance with PSAK 72.
Technology companies should apply the requirements for determining when a performance obligation
is satisfied in PSAK 72, to make this assessment.
When the criteria are met, control has passed to the buyer-lessor and the buyer-lessor should
recognise a purchase of the asset applying the applicable PSAK and the lease applying the lessor
accounting. The seller-lessee should measure the right-of-use asset arising from the leaseback at the
proportion of the previous carrying amount of the asset that relates to the right of use retained by the
seller-lessee. Accordingly, the seller-lessee shall recognise only the amount of any gain or loss that
relates to the rights transferred to the buyer-lessor (adjusted for off-market terms).
If the transaction does not qualify as a sale, the seller-lessee would not derecognise the transferred
asset and would reflect the proceeds from the sale-leaseback transaction as a financial liability. The
buyer-lessor would reflect its cash payment as a financial asset accounted for in accordance with
PSAK 71.
The five indicators (not all-inclusive) included in the new revenue recognition standard to determine
whether a customer has obtained control of an asset are:
• The seller-lessee has a present right to payment
• The buyer-lessor has legal title
• The buyer-lessor has physical possession
• The buyer-lessor has the significant risks and rewards of ownership
• The buyer-lessor has accepted the asset.
PwC observation
Judgment will be required to determine whether the sale criteria in PSAK 72 have been met and
the conclusion will depend on the specific facts and circumstances of the transaction. Not all
of the indicators need to be met to conclude that control has transferred from the seller-lessee
to the buyer-lessor. In the revenue standard, sale recognition is precluded when the party that
would be the seller-lessee has a substantive repurchase right (a call option) or obligation (a
forward) with respect to the underlying asset.
IP Intellectual Property
Interpretasi Standar Akuntansi Keuangan or “Interpretation of Financial Accounting
OCI Other comprehensive income
Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan or “Statement of Financial Accounting
SAK Standar Akuntansi Keuangan or “Financial Accounting Standards”
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