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E3S Web of Conferences 23 6 , 03032 (2021) https://doi.org/10.


Urban planning and design strategy based on ArcGIS and

application method
Jing Hua Zhang1
1Academy of Fine Arts Hunan Normal University China

Abstract. GIS is a spatial information system combining geography, cartography, remote sensing and
computer science, which is widely used in different fields. As a computer system, GIS can input, store, query,
analyze and display geographic data. In the 1980s, GIS gradually began to be applied in the field of urban
planning. This kind of digital technology meets people's requirement for regional geographic environment
visualization. At the same time, the development of the network has also provided help for the popularization
and development of this technology, making the dissemination and sharing of data possible. Nowadays, as an
important technology, GIS has been widely used in all fields of urban planning and has gradually become an
indispensable part. Arcgis as GIS platform building and applications will be treated as big data analysis and
data visualization as an important part of planning, implementation of the software data correlation of
traditional urban planning, break traditional design and drawing mode, through the spatial analysis function
to generate new information, make decisions and solve problems efficiently, and make a prediction to the
development of future city. Through the introduction of Arcgis data organization structure, CAD data loading,
mapping and modeling under Arcgis platform and Arcgis spatial analysis function, this paper discusses how
to use Arcgis platform to realize the application of urban planning and design.

ArcGIS is composed of a variety of tools and software

programs that provide USERS with GIS functions.
1 Planning strategy based on ArcGIS  Any GIS task, from simple to complex, can be
accomplished through coordinated invocation of the
1.1 Background application interface, including mapping, geographic
analysis, data editing, data management, visualization,
With the continuous development of cities, various kinds and spatial processing.
of information in cities are complex and changeable, and
the traditional methods of collecting and processing
information manually are no longer suitable for all kinds 1.3 Urban planning strategies based on ArcGIS
of research on urban development today. There is no analysis platform for urban spatial planning.
The sheer volume and complexity of the data is also The rise of cloud computing and big data makes the
one of the obstacles to these studies. The analysis and information space model of design and planning
processing of big data and data visualization also affect all quantified.
aspects of urban planning. It no longer regards beautiful drawing as an important
Traditional project planning focuses on drawing, element of design and planning, but regards information
which is not conducive to the analysis and presentation of data analysis as an important link, which reflects that
information data, and is not suitable for the current project design and planning pay more attention to the
information explosion. research on reality.
ArcGIS integrates space and information, and can also
1.2 Introduction of ArcGIS be associated with the data and mapping methods of
traditional mapping, which provides a better way for
The data visualization, management database and design planning.
powerful data analysis function of GIS ( Geographic To form the technical support system under database
Information System) provide a powerful way for urban management, the traditional cartographic data should be
planning information management and planning problem transformed into GIS data and become a database with
solving. information.
ArcGIS is a platform for GIS construction and ArcGIS can support multidisciplinary participation in
application, which can release geographic information for planning and design, understand the basic knowledge of
use by people in different fields all over the world. non-majors, search for the most basic data, and form basic

* Corresponding author: 306509981@qq.com

© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
E3S Web of Conferences 23 6 , 03032 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202123603032

concepts and knowledge structures. 2.3 TIN

TIN is a digital representation of surface morphology in
2 ArcGIS data organization structure irregular triangulation and is mainly used for terrain
creation. Vector data and raster data have their advantages
Most urban planning spatial data management is realized and disadvantages.
through CAD and Excel. However, the data of the two are
not compatible, which results in the inefficiency of
information retrieval and analysis in practical application 3 CAD data loading
and can not be updated timely.
The urban planning database established by ArcGIS The traditional tools for urban planning drawing and
adopts a unified standard format to establish the presentation are AutoCAD, SketchUp, PS, AI and other
association between various attribute data. software. AutoCAD is a drawing software commonly used
The application of GIS need not reflect all aspects of in urban planning.
the real world, but should actively extract elements that The traditional design and mapping process highlights
are useful for research and analysis. the process of drawing, ignoring the analysis and thinking
Therefore, element extraction of GIS should be of all elements of the project, and is no longer suitable for
accurate and efficient, and redundant and miscellaneous the complex and diverse information within the city and
elements should be filtered out, so as to form a clear the development of urban uncertainty.
understanding of the whole planning project. The application of cloud computing and big data
The data types supported by ArcGIS are vector, raster carries out quantitative research on various urban
and TIN. problems, and replaces the traditional design and mapping
mode through the visual expression of urban problems
2.1 Vector data Therefore, in the use of software, the transformation
from AutoCAD to ArcGIS can be realized.
Vector data is accurate, but difficult to quantify. Shapefile
CAD format is the common format of AutoCAD
is a format for storing geometric location and attribute
output. To achieve transformation, THE CAD data should
information of geographical elements.
be exported to Shapefile data and transformed into GIS
It is a common format and can be represented by points,
data that can be analyzed directly.
lines or surfaces.
The traditional AutoCAD method of manually
measuring the quantity, area and other data has some
2.1.1 The point is the coordinate point of the space, and problems, such as low accuracy and low efficiency, but the
generally corresponds to the layout planning of each land application of GIS has improved these problems. The
use. transformed layers can merge and intersect.
 It with database technology as support, hierarchical
processing while under construction in library, which is
2.1.2 A line is a line segment composed of multiple
based on the nature of the data classification and
coordinate points, generally corresponding to each traffic
properties of the same or similar merge together, to form
artery and pipeline.
a data layer, so that we can analyze the graphic data and
attribute data and index measurement, to a large extent
2.1.3 Surface is a polygon composed of line segments, reduce the physical labor of the planning and design
which generally corresponds to the land layout and personnel.
attribute planning of a larger area. The application of GIS provides a reasonable basis for
the analysis of urban planning status and improvement of
These points, lines, and surfaces constitute the spatial planning results.
properties of the data. The data of the database is managed Geographic database is the core of GIS. Geographic
hierarchically according to the points, lines and planes of databases are typically used to store and manage key base layer
the urban planning. data used in GIS.
These centrally managed data can be symbolized, presented,
processed and released in various ways in ArcGIS maps.
2.2 Raster data
Raster data is composed of pixel units organized by a grid, 4 Mapping and modeling under ArcGIS
and each pixel contains information. Grids can be overlaid
with data for analysis.
A point is a pixel, the smallest unit of a grid. Lines and GIS is not a professional mapping software for urban
faces are made up of pixels. Raster data represent plot planning. However, with the development of GIS, the
planning with a large number of pixels. mapping function of ArcGIS is becoming more and more
After the establishment of spatial data, each attribute perfect and more people use it.
information can be attached to it to represent the data such
as floor area ratio, building area and green land rate.

E3S Web of Conferences 23 6 , 03032 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202123603032

4.1 ArcMap data information quickly and efficiently, and solve

problems timely.
In ArcGIS, ArcMap is the main module for map data Compared with traditional analysis tools, ArcGIS can
processing. conduct scientific quantitative analysis on data, form an
 Perform input and edit of all task map data, including intuitive analysis model, and enhance the accuracy of
geospatial data, tabular attribute data space elements and future urban spatial development prediction.
attribute factor query space analysis and map making. At the same time, the results of inspection and analysis
Urban planning involves a lot of natural environment can be published on the network in a timely manner and
and artificial environment information. ArcGIS is rich in provided to a variety of users.
compatible data types, which can integrate data from
different sources and in different formats, making data and
attribute analysis more convenient and efficient. 5.1 ArcGIS network analysis tool
ArcMap has a powerful spatial analysis function,
ArcGIS network analysis tool is one of ArcGIS analysis
which provides a strong guarantee for the formulation of
functions and plays an important role in facing the
urban planning schemes.
problem of urban planning path selection.
The integrated and modular setting environment for
 Network analysis theory is the basis of the
ArcMap display, editing, and mapping greatly improves
operational research and graph theory, it from the
planning efficiency and allows visual data and information
perspective of operational research to study, plan as a
to be widely presented.
whole, planning a project, with characteristics of network
topology to arrange all the elements of running make its
4.2 3D modeling can give full play to the role so as to achieve the expected
goals, such as the shortest path's location, the reasonable
3D modeling can use 3D Max software to build the basic distribution of the resources, address matching the query,
building model, and then use ArcGIS combined with etc.
vector data to build the ground model, and match the two ArcGIS network analysis tool can calculate and
to complete THE 3D modeling. determine the distance between two locations. This
 In the high-version ArcGIS, by embedding many 3D distance is not the distance between two points on the
shapes and related tools, 3D perspective and cross- plane, but the distance on the real road network in the
analysis of ground objects in 3D space can be easily process of site selection.
achieved. Therefore, the network analysis tool is suitable for the
3D model and 3D analysis can help to create and analysis of traffic network, pipeline layout and their
display more intuitive browsing effect of urban planning, planning and movement in the network in urban planning.
meet multi-dimensional spatial analysis, and facilitate the ArcGIS network analysis tool can realize the shortest
formulation and implementation of decision-making. path comparison measurement, which plays a great role in
ArcGIS also has many auxiliary mapping and path selection.
modeling tools, and with the continuous maturity of GIS,
ArcGIS is making more and more contributions to urban
planning. 5.2 3D analysis function of ArcGIS
3D analysis of ArcGIS is also a commonly used function
5 ArcGIS analysis function in ArcGIS analysis function, which can present better
results than planar graph for the needs of terrain and
Spatial analysis is one of the most important functions in geomorphology simulation and road linear optimization.
GIS. Spatial analysis processes input data, and generates The 3D analysis extension module of ArcGIS can
new information through statistics, calculation and sorting. simulate and analyze topographic DEM modeling, so as to
Through spatial analysis, unknown patterns and simulate engineering problems such as earthwork
relationships can be discovered. calculation, as well as predict and evaluate unknown
ArcGIS contains spatial analysis module, network natural disasters.
analysis module, 3D analysis module, etc., and a variety Compared with the traditional planar two-dimensional
of tools and operation methods meet the requirements of static display, the three-dimensional display is more
various data analysis. intuitive.
 These modules of ArcGIS can be used to carry out The 3D analysis function of ArcGIS can be used for
spatial analysis operation in the environment of raster data dynamic simulation, which is more conducive to a
and vector data integration. Through analysis, the comprehensive understanding and control of the operation
correlation information and general rules between spatial mechanism of the scheme, so as to promote the
data are explored, so as to solve various spatial problems. formulation and implementation of decisions.
The development of urban space is not carried out in a The 3D analysis function of ArcGIS enables planning
single linear way, but with the passage of time, the features decisions to be adjusted more quickly and effectively with
in the space are miscellaneous and changeable under the the actual situation of application, so as to solve new
action of various elements. problems in time.
Faced with complex and constantly updated spatial In addition to network analysis and 3D analysis,
data and attributes, ArcGIS is able to acquire and process ArcGIS also has other practical analysis tools.

E3S Web of Conferences 23 6 , 03032 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202123603032

As the core function of GIS, the extraction and analysis final paper determination and paper writing.
of spatial information provides support for the formulation I would also like to thank my parents who have been
and development of various planning work, making encouraging and supporting me behind, making me full of
information analysis more rational and objective. confidence and courage for my study and life.
With the development of GIS technology, the analysis Finally, in order to live up to their own and everyone's
function of ArcGIS will become more and more powerful expectations, for the time we study and live together, I
and gradually penetrate into the whole process of urban offer this immature paper.
6 Conclusion
1. Huang Chuankun and Su Qichao. (2011). Urban
The increase of the number of cities and the continuous planning and Management based on ArcGIS and VR.
improvement of the urbanization level lead to the ever- Shanxi Architecture (13),255-256. Doi :10.13719/
changing urban landscape. J.CN14-1279 / Tu.2011.13.155.
Under the influence of many unpredictable factors, 2. Die li lu. (2019). Arcgis software application in the
urban planning and the implementation of the work are urban planning and analysis of the situation. Wireless
faced with complex difficulties and pressures. Internet Technology (12),33-35. Doi :.
Many urban planning work does not play a perfect
3. gentleman. (2011). The urban planning drawing
prediction role, and then the planning work is inconsistent
specification and drawing methods research (a
with the actual development situation, resulting in the final
master's degree thesis, east China normal university).
planning has not been effectively implemented.
In addition, urban planning is an overall planning
science, with the participation of people from different
fields such as government, planners and ordinary citizens. 4. Li Shunli, Lei Lei & Wang Bing.(2013). Discussion
It is a space art in order to maintain the order of urban life. on THE 3D Modeling process of Arc GIS in planning
Urban planning needs more appropriate technical and Design. Western China Science and Technology
support. In accordance with the requirements of (07),16-17. Doi :.
engineering and environment, a sound spatial 5. Xu Weiyi, Yang Changxin and Xiao Shantao.(2007).
development strategy should be formulated to ensure the Application of GIS spatial analysis function in urban
orderly construction and development of the city. planning and Design. Technology Square (11),142-
ArcGIS platform is used to realize the planning and 145. Doi:
design method, which satisfies the characteristics of 6. Shi Pengfei.(2019). Application of Arcgis Based
systematic and strong regional urban planning, traffic network analysis in the shortest path of urban
scientifically foresees the future development direction of planning site selection. Guide to Science and
urban space, and reasonably achieves the detection and Technology economy (25),15-16. Doi:
evaluation of environment.
The appearance and use of ArcGIS also indirectly
changed people's thinking on mapping and planning
strategies. Instead of being limited to the measurement
standard of making exquisite mapping, ArcGIS proposed
different thinking modes and ideas for planning.
At the same time, mapping under ArcGIS platform can
be published on the Internet, and can be freely enlarged
and shrunk in mobile devices for dynamic presentation
and sharing.
With the continuous development of GIS technology,
ArcGIS will be more and more widely applicable and
gradually become an indispensable part of urban planning.

Through study and paper writing, I have overcome many
difficulties and gained a wealth of knowledge. More
importantly, I have a better understanding of myself.
Urban planning and ArcGIS are both extensive fields.
Due to my lack of knowledge, the depth of this paper is
obviously insufficient.
Thanks to my teachers and classmates who helped me
during my study. In particular, I would like to think of my
advisor, who has given me valuable advice on topic
selection, recommendation of relevant materials, framing,

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