1.1 Introduction To Thermodynamic Cycles
1.1 Introduction To Thermodynamic Cycles
1.1 Introduction To Thermodynamic Cycles
Thermodynamic Cycles
Thermodynamic cycles
P–V–T Surfaces
Liquid and
Liquid and
solid Critical state
Constant temperature line state
Liquid Cr
Pressure (P)
Solid em
Pressure (P)
+ Liq tur
Ga e
vapour s + uid Vapour
Vapour va
Tri ur
Triple state Solid ple
So sta
lid te
Solid + vapour +v
T) ap
e( Vo ou (T)
tur lu r
era me ure
mp rat
Te ( V) m pe
Figure 1.2 P–V–T diagrams. (a) A material heat contract on freezing. (b) A material that
expands on freezing – water being the most well-known example.
4 1 Thermodynamic Cycles
‘equilibrium’ and a vapour can condense back to a liquid with a small change
of pressure or temperature. Whereas a gas cannot condense to a liquid without
changes in both pressure and temperature, and above the critical temperature line
the liquid state does not exist at all! But what do we mean by being ‘in equilibrium’?
Well, evaporation from the surface of a liquid or fluid takes place when the liquid
molecules have enough momentum to overcome the cohesive forces within the fluid
and escape into the space above it. To all intents and purposes, it becomes a gas, but
because both the liquid and gas are present together it is more accurately known
(in this state) as a vapour. If we now add heat to the liquid the momentum of the
molecules increases, and more liquid evaporates. Similarly, a reduction in pressure
above the liquid also reduces the momentum necessary for molecules to escape and
so again evaporation is increased. But if the container which holds the liquid is sealed
so that the evaporated vapour cannot escape, then the amount of liquid that can
evaporate is finite. That is at any fixed value of temperature and pressure the amount
of vapour will rise to a steady fixed amount and then no more can be added and the
vapour is said to be ‘fully saturated’. If any more molecules reach sufficient momen-
tum to escape the surface then their number is exactly matched by those condensing
back into the liquid, so an equilibrium or balance occurs between the two processes
to limit the amount of vapour – or more correctly – the vapour pressure. Raise the
temperature and the amount of vapour that can be maintained increases, and the
‘fully saturated’ line – the dome or bell-shaped line (in the earlier diagrams) illus-
trates the limit of this. So, to the right-hand side of the curve is where all the liquid
will have evaporated and the liquid state cannot exist, whilst the left-hand side shows
where all the solid has melted to liquid and the solid state can now longer exist. But
under the curve is the region where both liquid and vapour exist together. Until that
is, we reach the peak or ‘critical point’ or critical state where the distinction between
the liquid and the gas no longer exists. Here the molecules are evaporating so rapidly
that the density of the liquid and the vapour are equal and produce a ‘supercritical
fluid’; the point being that condensation of the gas will never occur above the critical
point no matter how much pressure we apply.
But what else does the P–V–T diagram show us? For example, if we look at the
liquid and solid regions, we will notice just how steep these surfaces are, and that’s
because, compared to gases, liquids and certainly solids are much harder to com-
press. So, at a particular temperature, if we increase the pressure it does not really
change the volume or, conversely, the pressure will rise dramatically for a small
change in volume. We can also note the transition phase between a solid and a
vapour where ‘sublimation’ can occur. Dry ice is an example of such a material and
is used where it is necessary to keep items cold but where any packaging will not
get wet with liquid as the ‘dry’ ice warms up. We can also notice the triple state line
where all three phases can coexist.
However, as useful as the P–V–T surface plot is to indicate the various states and
transition phases of a substance they are a bit difficult to read-off from on to value
scales. So, it is more usual to present thermodynamic information by means of
two-axis diagrams that we briefly noted earlier. For example, the P–V diagram is the
1.2 Rankine Cycle 5
c Gas
e ra
Solid and vapour p
Solid and liquid
Liquid and
liquid region
T2 =
st .>T
T1 =
c Gas
and ur
e po
vapour ur Va e
at ur
p e r
m p e
Solid and vapour Te m
T, °C
25 pa
= M
Critical point p 06
Saturated Saturated
liquid vapour
0.003106 v (m3/kg)
The vapour dome can also be seen on the T–V diagram in Figure 1.6, however,
it is not directly visible on the P–T diagram in Figure 1.7 – which is also known
as a phase diagram – in that for a given pressure and temperature the state of the
substance is fully defined. As phase transitions occur under constant pressure and
temperature for pure substances, alteration of the pressure or temperature will result
in a phase change for the substance, the outcome being either a pure liquid or a pure
vapour. For that reason, the liquid–vapour region is just a line on the P–T diagram
and the vapour dome is not visible because, as we have already seen, a third dimen-
sion (the P–V–T diagram) is required to fully visualise the state of the fluid.
Two other thermodynamic variables are also very useful in describing a thermo-
dynamic system from energetic and exergetic viewpoints, and these are the specific
enthalpy h (kJ/kg) and the specific entropy s (kJ/kg K). Enthalpy (h) measures the
total heat content of a system and is equal to the internal energy (i.e. the energy
related to the molecular structure or state of the material and the degree of molecular
activity) which is then added to the product of pressure and volume. In the analy-
sis of systems that involve fluid flow, we often meet the combination of these two
properties, defined from h = u + PV, where u represents the macroscopic energy of
the non-flowing fluid and PV represents the energy needed to push and maintain the
fluid flow around the system. But the second term, entropy, is defined as a measure of
randomness of molecules, so what, we may ask, is its relevance to thermodynamics?
8 1 Thermodynamic Cycles
Triple point
R245fa 600
800 400
160 1000 200
1200 100
ρ = 1400 kg/m3 50
Temperature (°C)
0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0
Figure 1.8 Example T–s diagram. Source: Based on Janie et al. [3].
10 000 10 000
Pressure (kPa)
Pressure (kPa)
Te = 40 °C
1000 1000
Te = –7 °C
100 100
100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Enthalpy (kJ/kg1)
T–s diagram is the most suitable. It will therefore be used extensively in the sections
that follow.
w = Q1 + Q2
Q2 = –T2(SB – SA)
1.2 Rankine Cycle 11
Power cycles are classified according to the type of heat engine they model, e.g. we
have the Otto cycle and the Diesel cycle for modelling internal combustion engines,
the Brayton cycle for modelling gas turbines, and the Rankine cycle for modelling
steam turbines.
Consider for a moment, the above T–s diagram as representing the Carnot cycle
for an ideal or perfect gas turbine, i.e. one with no friction and the necessary heat
transfers occurring without loss. What do the four stages of our cycle represent?
Essentially, we start with two ‘heat reservoirs’ with temperatures T 1 and T 2 ,
respectively, and these have such a large thermal capacity that their temperatures
are stable and unaffected by the cycle, which takes place as follows:
As such, the work (kJ) provided by the thermodynamic cycle is given by:
the cycle will represent the difference between these two. However, since the inter-
nal energy of the system must return to its initial value, this difference must also
represent the total amount of work performed by the system over one cycle. So, in
definitive terms on the diagram, the absolute value of all this work (|W|) corresponds
to the area of the rectangle. Or:
If QH represents the total amount of thermal energy transferred from the hot reser-
voir to the system (kJ), and QC represents the total amount of thermal energy trans-
ferred from the system to the cold reservoir (kJ), both as given by Eqs. (1.3)–(1.5):
● 1–2: Isentropic compression (pump). The fluid (in liquid state) is compressed
while the specific entropy remains constant.
1.2 Rankine Cycle 13
Temperature (°C)
Liquid + Vapour
Entropy (kJ/kg K)
3 4
qin Condenser
2 1
● 2–3: Isobaric heat addition inducing vapourisation of the fluid (boiler), i.e. the
fluid is heated under constant pressure and this results in a phase transition – the
fluid changing from liquid to a mixture of liquid and vapour.
● 3–4: Isentropic expansion (turbine). The fluid is expanded through a turbine while
the specific entropy again remains constant.
● 4–1: Isobaric heat rejection inducing liquefaction of the fluid (condenser), i.e. the
fluid is cooled down under constant pressure and the vapour condenses.
So, as the net work (𝜔net ) (kJ/kg) provided by the cycle is governed by:
𝜔net = 𝜔turb + 𝜔pump (1.11)
Then the thermal efficiency (𝜂 th ) of the ideal Rankine cycle can be defined by:
|𝜔turb |
𝜂th = (1.12)
And hence the overall efficiency (𝜂) of the ideal Rankine cycle can be defined by:
|𝜔net | |𝜔turb | − 𝜔pump
𝜂= = (1.13)
qin qin
Substituting Eqs. (1.4)–(1.6) then leads to:
|h4 − h3 | − (h2 − h1 ) h3 − h4 − (h2 − h1 )
𝜂= = (1.14)
h3 − h2 h3 − h2
In practice however, compared to the output of the turbine, the work input to the
pump is very small. In which case, if 𝜔pump can be neglected compared to the other
coefficients, we arrive at the useful approximation of:
h3 − h4
𝜂≈ (1.15)
h3 − h2
So to estimate the efficiency of the system, we can also use the first law of thermo-
dynamics which states that the net energy of a system is equal to 0, i.e.
𝜔turb + 𝜔pump + qin + qout = 0 (1.16)
And further assuming 𝜔pump is neglectable compared to the other coefficients
|𝜔turb | ≈ qin − |qout | (1.17)
From which the efficiency of the ideal Rankine cycle can now be estimated from
the following formula:
|𝜔turb | qin − |qout | |q |
𝜂≈ ≈ = 1 − out (1.18)
qin qin qin
Practically the efficiency of the ideal Rankine cycle is necessarily lower than the
efficiency of the theoretical Carnot cycle even using the same hot and cold sources.
In addition, the cycle presented in this section is still an ideal cycle, and the actual
cycle used, for instance, for power plant analysis is slightly different.
Temperature (°C)
Entropy (kJ/kg K)
HP LP ωturb
Turbine 4
Superheater 3
qin Boiler
2 1
amount of transferable energy contained within the steam. For example, saturated
steam (100% dry) contains 100% of the latent heat available at that pressure.
The result of this can be seen in the shape variation for the T–s diagram of the
cycle as shown in Figure 1.13. In this case, the cycle is still a Rankine cycle and is
sometimes called Hirn (or Rankine with superheating) cycle, so one extra compo-
nent is required: the superheater as shown in Figure 1.14. However, in most cases,
the boiler and the superheater are the same component.
Overheating is also interesting because it increases the amount of work given to
the turbine. As we can see on the T–s diagram, the area of the superheated cycle
is bigger than the area of the classical Rankine cycle. And in this way, for a same
power output, the water flow rate can be lower for the Rankine–Hirn cycle than for
a classical Rankine cycle, so improving the energetic efficiency of the system. Unfor-
tunately, superheating also increases the irreversibility of the cycle and therefore,
correspondingly, the exergetic efficiency of the system is regrettably reduced.
The main difference between the two cycles is that the heat given to the fluid by
the boiler/superheater enhances the superheated cycle. On the T–s diagram, this
1.2 Rankine Cycle 17
extra heat addition corresponds to the transformation 3–3′ . This way, the expansion
of the fluid then occurs within a superheated steam domain and corresponds to the
transformation 3′ –4 on the diagram. Furthermore, this transformation is assumed
to display a greater degree of isentropic change and so is shown as a vertical line on
the diagram, contrary to the transformation we now see between 1 and 2.
The efficiency of the superheated cycle is given by the same equation as the
classical Rankine cycle (Eqs. (1.13) and (1.14)) – the difference being in the position
of point 3′ (instead of 3), i.e.
h′3 − h4 − (h2 − h1 )
𝜂= (1.19)
h′3 − h2
Temperature (°C)
1 4
Entropy (kJ/kg K)
Figure 1.15 Ideal Rankine cycle vs. actual Rankine cycle on a T–s diagram.
18 1 Thermodynamic Cycles
p2 2a
Adiabatic turbine
In this equation, V is the specific volume of water (m3 /kg). It is constant along the
transformation if the fluid is supposed incompressible. The pressure difference,ΔP,
is expressed in Pascal (Pa). Again, knowing the actual inlet and outlet tempera-
tures/pressures of the pump, it is possible to calculate the actual pump work, and
this corresponds to the variation of enthalpy. All from which the isentropic efficiency
of the pump can be deduced.
So, when using equations for the ideal cycle, it is important to be aware of the real
efficiencies for all the components. For example, the turbine and the pump both also
have a mechanical efficiency. All these imperfections will be described in depth in
the power plant section so that we can better express the real link between the heat
input and the electricity output produced by a plant.
Temperature (°C)
Entropy (kJ/kg K)
Decreasing the LP As we have noted, on our diagrams the lines drawn between the
different points of the cycle represent thermodynamic processes and furthermore,
the area enclosed by these lines corresponds to work provided by the system. This
means that trying to increase the amount of work given by the system is the graphical
equivalent to expanding this area, and one way to achieve this is to decrease the pres-
sure of the system. As we can see, the lower the pressure, the lower the bottom line
(condensation phase) of the cycle, i.e. the area of the cycle is increased (Figure 1.17).
In addition, if the pressure decreases, it leads to an increase in net work compared
to the increase in heat input (𝛥𝜔net > 𝛥qin ), then the efficiency of the system will also
increase. However, as we see in Figure 1.17, decreasing the pressure of the system
can result in introducing lower quality steam into the turbine, i.e. we run the risk or
moving back into the wet steam domain – the further the point is from the saturated
vapour curve, the lower the steam quality. Low steam quality can result in turbine
deterioration due to corrosion and a subsequent decrease in mechanical efficiency.
Hence, the pressure of the Rankine cycle must be set as low as possible in order to
improve the energetic efficiency of the system – but not too low to still ensure a high
steam quality.
Increasing the HP We might therefore conclude that increasing the pressure will also
have a beneficial effect, but increasing the pressure actually keeps the work of the
cycle roughly steady. Figure 1.18 shows the effect of this increase on a T–s diagram.
Helpfully, the area of the cycle increases on the top part of the cycle (area shaded
on the diagram) but unfortunately, it then also decreases on the right part of it (area
shaded on the diagram) so the net gain is very small. Nonetheless, as the average
temperature of the hot source increases, so increasing the pressure of the cycle has a
positive effect on the cycle’s efficiency. However, this increase then leads to a lower
steam quality at the end of the expansion phase (point 4) which, as we have seen,
can affect turbine operation.
1.2 Rankine Cycle 21
Temperature (°C)
Entropy (kJ/kg K)
To sum up, both the HP and the LP values must be carefully chosen so as to ensure
that we achieve the highest possible energetic efficiency whilst still ensuring that we
maintain high steam quality at the end of the expansion phase. Of course, it does not
help that with modern plants, the LP and HP can vary as functions of time. But by
using controllers which adjust these values (LP; HP) by taking into account exter-
nal condition – such as outside temperature and pressure – we can ensure optimal
Rankine Cycles with Reheat As we have seen, steam quality is a very important factor
in the Rankine cycle. So, in order to avoid low steam quality at the end of the expan-
sion phase, reheat cycles were introduced in the first part of the twentieth century.
This category of cycle also involves having two turbines positioned on the same shaft
as shown in Figure 1.19. The first turbine allows the expansion of the steam com-
ing from the superheater from HP to a medium pressure (MP) (Figure 1.20), and
this steam is then reheated and expanded in the second turbine from MP to LP. The
main advantage of the reheat is to increase the steam quality to ensure a steadier
thermodynamic efficiency.
Rankine cycles with reheat also ensure a higher overall mechanical efficiency by
using two turbines for the cycle compared to only using one. In this configuration,
the overall efficiency of the cycle is given by:
|𝜔turb1 | + |𝜔turb2 | − 𝜔pump |h4 − h′3 | + |h6 − h5 | − (h2 − h1 )
𝜂= =
qinB + qinR h′3 − h2 + h5 − h4
h′3 − h4 + h5 − h6 − (h2 − h1 )
= (1.24)
h′3 − h2 + h5 − h4
where, qinB corresponds to the heat (kJ/kg) provided by the boiler to the fluid and
qinR corresponds to the heat (kJ/kg) provided by the reheater to the fluid (In real-life
power plant, the boiler and the superheater use the same heat source.)
22 1 Thermodynamic Cycles
Turbine 1 Turbine 2
ωturb1 ωturb2
3′ 4 6
qinR 3 Condenser
qinB Boiler
2 1
3ʹ 5
Temperature (°C)
Entropy (kJ/kg K)
1 2 3
Qin Boiler
y Qout
7 5 4
Wpump2 Wpump1
Figure 1.21 Schematic of a Rankine cycle with reheat and one open FWH.
4 3
Entropy (kJ/kg K)
As the mixing takes place at MP, pump 1 is only required to compress the fluid
from LP to MP. Hence, after this mixing phase, a second pump is then required
to increase the pressure to HP. This second compression phase corresponds to the
transformation 6–7 on the T–s diagram (Figure 1.21).
Now if y represents the mass proportion of steam extracted from the compressor,
̇ → 6)
y= (1.25)
̇ → 2)
where ṁ (2 → 6) corresponds to the mass flow rate (kg/s) between points 2 and 6,
̇ → 2) corresponds to the mass flow rate between points 1 and 2.
and m(1
Then the overall efficiency of the open FWH cycle is given by:
This efficiency is always greater than the efficiency of the ideal Rankine cycle given
in Eq. (1.14). Indeed, the greater the number of regenerators, the higher the cycle
So, writing the energy balance of the open FWH leads to:
y ⋅ h2 + (1 − y) ⋅ h5 = h6 (1.27)
Now the open FWH requires two pumps: one at its inlet and one at its outlet, but
to avoid this multiplication of pumps in a power plant, it is possible to use a closed
FWH. Moreover, closed FWHs are more reversible than open ones.
A closed FWH has the same role as the open, but there is no mixing of the extracted
steam with the feed water. This way the extracted steam and the feed water can have
different pressures, the FWH then operating as a shell and tube heat exchanger. It is
more expensive and complex than an open FWH, but requires less area and mainte-
nance is reduced because of the lower number of pumps.
In the closed FWH system the extracted steam is cooled and turned into conden-
sate and two options are available to reinject this condensate in to the cycle as shown
Figures 1.23 and 1.24.
The ‘drain cascaded backward’ technology is the cheapest way to reinject the con-
densate, and with this configuration a steam trap is first used to reduce the pressure
from MP to LP, which then reintroduces the condensate to the condenser as shown
in Figures 1.25 and 1.26. However, the overall adiabatic efficiency of a steam trap is
lower than the average efficiency of a pump, so the drain pump forward technology
offers better performance. In fact, in the steam trap, because the pressure drops sud-
denly, exergy is destroyed and so is not reversible. On the other hand, in the pump
(of the pump forward technology), the pressure of the fluid is increased more slowly
resulting in a process more closely resembling a reversible process and resulting in
less exergy reduction.
Reiterating, the drain pumped forward technology is more expensive and requires
more maintenance. In the configuration, a pump is used to increase the condensate
To lower
Steam trap
To higher
1.2 Rankine Cycle 25
1 2 3
Qin Boiler
y Qout
6 5 4
FWH Wpump1
Figure 1.25 Schematic of a Rankine cycle using closed FWH and drain cascaded backward
6 7
Entropy (kJ/kg K)
pressure from MP to HP, and then the condensate is mixed with the feed water in a
mixing chamber, as shown in Figure 1.27. However, this process does produce higher
energetic and exergetic efficiencies because the pump creates less irreversibility than
a steam trap.
In a closed FWH (using the same notations as Figure 1.27), the energy balance
leads to:
This expression for the efficiency of the closed FWH cycle is the same as the expres-
sion for the efficiency of an open FWH. However (in Figure 1.27 for example), the
benefit of the closed FWH is that the specific energy given by the boiler (qin ) is equal
26 1 Thermodynamic Cycles
Qin Boiler
Y Qout
9 Mixing
6 5 4
8 HP MP FWH Wpump1
to h1 − h9 . Without it, the specific energy would have been h1 − h5 , and since h5 < h9 ,
qin is reduced with a closed FWH.
Regenerative Rankine cycles are widely used in electrical power plants – the num-
ber of FWH systems varying from 6 to 10 and, in most of the cases, both open and
closed FWH configurations can be used in the same plant. Cogeneration
Cogeneration is the generation of two types of energy using only one source of pri-
mary energy. In most cases, cogeneration processes produce both electrical and ther-
mal energies and so cogeneration is also known as combined heat and power (CHP).
The aim of a Rankine cycle-based power plant is to create electrical energy
through the rotation of a steam turbine. However, in the process we also waste a lot
of heat. Cogeneration offers a solution to utilise the thermal energy of this waste
heat, thereby increasing the overall efficiency of the whole process. In Europe in
2011, 11% of heat and electricity requirements were produced with cogeneration
plants [9].
Here is an example to better understand the benefits of cogeneration. To produce
350 kW electrical (kWe ) and 530 kW thermal (kWth ), a cogeneration power plant
with an electrical efficiency (Eq. (1.29)) of 35% and a thermal efficiency (Eq. (1.30))
of 53% would use 1000 kW of primary energy. By comparison, a high efficiency
power plant, such as a combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power plant, with
an efficiency of 55% combined with a high efficiency boiler at an efficiency of
90% would require 1225 kW of primary energy [10]. Hence, in this example, the
CHP cogeneration power plant saves 18% of the primary energy in comparison to
the separate production of heat and electricity. The benefits of cogeneration are
therefore: energetic, economic, and environmental.
𝜂e = (1.29)
1.2 Rankine Cycle 27
≈50% ≈80%
Fuel supply
Efficiency Efficiency
Cogeneration system
Power plant
Fuel supply
Conventional system Efficiency
𝜂th = (1.30)
where, Pelec is the electrical power output, Pthermal is the thermal power output, and
Pin is the total power input (kW). In this example, the overall efficiency of the cogen-
eration plant is 88% whereas the overall efficiency of the conventional system is 72%.
Furthermore, the overall system efficiency is further reduced during the delivery of
this conventional electrical power owing to approximately 10% (or more) power loss
in transmission.
In its general application therefore, Figure 1.28 illustrates why cogeneration is a
better solution than conventional systems for producing both heat and electricity.
Notwithstanding other advantages, the average overall efficiency of a cogeneration
plant is higher than the average overall efficiency of a conventional system.
The efficiency of a cogeneration power plant is given by:
Pelec + Pthermal
𝜂cogen = (1.31)
Although cogeneration power plants can use fossil fuel or uranium as their com-
bustible, it is also possible to use renewable forms of energy such as solar, biomass,
or geothermal.
The main disadvantages of a cogeneration power plant are that: (i) the pro-
duction of electrical energy involves the production of a large quantity of thermal
energy – which is sometimes difficult to use – and (ii) electrical energy is much more
versatile in comparison with thermal energy. Common ways to harness the thermal
energy produced by cogeneration plant is to use it for industrial applications or
for district heating, e.g. through a heat network [11], but other applications are
also practical such as using the heat to warm the water of a swimming pool. It is
28 1 Thermodynamic Cycles
also possible to use a portion of the thermal heat output to produce cooling energy
through a sorption chiller, this process being called trigeneration [12].
A cogeneration Rankine cycle requires a heat exchanger to recover heat from the
fluid and in one of several possible cogeneration configurations, heat is recovered
directly from the condenser – in which case, the cogeneration plant is operating as
a back pressure plant. The temperature of the heating stream is directly linked to
the pressure of the fluid within the condenser, this pressure being controlled by a
valve. The higher the pressure of the condenser, the higher the temperature of the
heating stream. However, we must be careful because the higher the pressure within
the condenser, the lower the efficiency of the thermodynamic cycle.
So, to avoid influencing the LP of the cycle, it is also possible to extract a fraction (y)
of the steam coming from the turbine to add heat to the heating stream. In this case,
the heat recovery does not influence the LP of the system. Unfortunately, as the mass
flow rate in the turbine is reduced, the work delivered by the fluid to the turbine is
also reduced. As the fraction extracted is controlled with a valve, different heating
needs can be met by varying this. Figure 1.29 is a schematic of this kind of cycle.
Point 6 in the figure is the mixing chamber.
Figure 1.30 represents the T–s diagram of this cogeneration cycle, which is very
similar to the T–s diagram for the regenerative Rankine cycle with an open FWH.
The difference between those two cycles being that, with the open FWH configura-
tion, the latent heat from the extracted steam is entirely given to the feed water for
the regenerative cycle, whereas with the cogeneration cycle, a fraction of this latent
heat is given to the heating stream. The value of this fraction is a function of the
temperatures and flows within the heat exchanger – which can vary with the time.
Hence, the position of point 2′ on the T–s diagram is variable. For example, if the
process heater recovers 100% of the latent heat from the extracted steam, then this
point will be on the left side of the vapour dome. However, if it is less than 100%,
the point will be under the vapour dome, in which case, the rest of the latent heat is
given to the feed water and the mixing chamber acts as an open FWH.
Qin Boiler
7 5 4
Wpump2 Wpump1
1.2 Rankine Cycle 29
Temperature (°C)
6 1-y
Entropy (kJ/kg K)
1 2 3
Qin Boiler
7 5 4
Wpump2 Wpump1
Figure 1.31 Schematic of a cogeneration Rankine cycle for hot temperature applications.
(SRC) bypasses this issue, because the working fluid is brought to such a condi-
tion that its pressure is above its critical pressure – a condition where the fluid is
in a supercritical state and where there is now no longer a link between its vapour
pressure and its temperature.
Advances in metallurgy and manufacturing techniques have made this possible,
to the point where we can realistically increase the HP to a pressure greater than the
critical pressure (for water) of 22.064 MPa (220.64 bar).
Hence, in an SRC, as the name implies, the fluid is in a supercritical state, i.e. it
is behaving as a liquid and a gas at the same time. Working as a SRC increases the
area of the cycle on the T–s diagram (see Figure 1.32), with a resultant increase in
the work given by the fluid to the turbine.
As their working fluid, SRCs can use steam or organic fluids, but steam is still the
most common fluid for both nuclear and fossil fuel power plants.
Temperature (°C)
Critical point
647 K, 22.06 MPa
Figure 1.32 T–s diagram of a supercritical Rankine cycle using water as a working fluid.
Liquid–vapour mixture
Sub–cooled liquid Superheated vapour
Pressure (Abs)
d li
Enthalpy (BTU/Lb)
such plant is based on complex Rankine cycles involving several turbines, pumps,
reheaters, and regenerators, and sometimes, multiple thermodynamic cycles are
used to improve the overall efficiency of the power plant. For example, the CCGT is
a type of power plant using natural gas as fuel, which uses both the Rankine cycle
and a gas turbine (Brayton) cycle to rotate two different electric generators.
In most cases, the cycle working fluid is still water because the temperature of the
hot source is high enough to vapourise the fluid under HP conditions.
Wturb Wshaft
Generator mechanical losses
Combustible Heat input
Combustion losses
● The efficiency of the Rankine cycle (Eq. (1.14)) always induces energy losses.
Indeed, even if the cycle was ideal and without irreversibilities, some losses
would still be introduced by the cycle because the efficiency of this cycle cannot
be higher than the Carnot’s efficiency (Eq. (1.5)).
● Some of the work given by the fluid to the turbine is dissipated because of the
turbine mechanical efficiency:
𝜂turb = (1.35)
● Finally, the generator does not convert 100% of the mechanical energy to electrical
𝜂generator = (1.36)
So, in the end and assuming the pumps of the system are powered by the plant
itself, this leads to an overall efficiency equation for the power plant of [17]:
𝜂overall = 𝜂boiler ⋅ 𝜂actual cycle ⋅ 𝜂turb ⋅ 𝜂generator (1.37)
Of course, this ‘overall’ efficiency only takes into consideration the losses occur-
ring during the production of the electrical power. It should also be noted that there
are many other sources of loss that occur after this production phase, e.g. during the
transport (transmission and distribution) phase and the consumption phase.
For instance, a combination of turbines are used as well as FWHs – all of them
working under different pressure conditions. Among these only one is an open
FWH, the others are closed FWHs using the drain cascaded backward technology.
Pumps are not included on this diagram but, for this configuration, at least four
pumps are necessary to increase the pressure of the fluid from one pressure stage to
the next. Of course, to control this system, a lot of valves, sensors, and controllers
are also required. So, when compared to the classical ideal Rankine cycle, this
power plant cycle is very much more complex.
The overall efficiency of a steam power plant thermodynamic cycle is given by:
𝛴|Wturb | + 𝛴|Ethermal | − 𝛴Wpump
𝜂= (1.38)
So, the net mechanical work is described using the following equations:
where Ẇ out (kW) is the net mechanical power output from the ORC system, Ẇ gross
(kW) is the gross mechanical power output from the ORC, Ẇ in (kW) is the gross
mechanical power input into the ORC and Δhexp (kJ/kg) is the enthalpy change
across the expansion device.
Since the only input considered in the configurations is the pump, Ẇ in can be
calculated using Eq. (1.43).
Ẇ in = ⋅P (1.43)
where ṁ (kg/s) is the mass flow rate, 𝜌 (kg/m) is the density of the working fluid
under the working conditions, and P (N/m)] is the pressure.
1 2
Temperature (K)
2 4
Entropy (J/K)
where 𝜂 exp is the efficiency of the expander in the recovery of energy from the evapo-
rator (%) and 𝜂 basic is the thermal efficiency of the entire basic ORC configuration (%).
1 2 3
6 5
Temperature (K)
2 5
Entropy (J/K)
exchanger between the pump and the expansion device which then recovers heat
energy from the engine coolant fluid and transfers it to the working fluid.
This is shown in Figure 1.37 – the preheater in this case increasing the energy
content of the working fluid, so reducing the energy required for its evaporation in
the evaporator. This process is represented in Figure 1.38 by the additional heating
shown between 2 and 3, the preheating increasing the efficiency of the process by
reducing the energy required in the evaporation for boiling to occur.
The equations governing the ORC with preheating are given subsequently.
Ẇ pump = Ẇ in (1.52)
Ẇ exp
𝜂exp = (1.53)
Q̇ eva + Q̇ pre
Ẇ exp − Ẇ pump
𝜂pre = (1.54)
Q̇ eva + Q̇ pre
Ẇ pump = Ẇ in (1.58)
Ẇ exp
𝜂expansion = (1.59)
Q̇ eva + Q̇ rec
1.3 Organic Rankine Cycle 39
Temperature (K)
Entropy (J/K)
Ẇ exp − Ẇ pump
𝜂net = (1.60)
Q̇ eva + Q̇ rec
Ẇ pump = Ẇ in (1.65)
Ẇ exp
𝜂exp = (1.66)
Q̇ eva + Q̇ rec + Q̇ pre
Ẇ exp − Ẇ pump
𝜂pre = (1.67)
Q̇ eva + Q̇ rec + Q̇ pre
40 1 Thermodynamic Cycles
7 6
3 5
1 4
Figure 1.41 Schematic of an organic Rankine cycle with preheater and recuperator.
Temperature (K)
1 7
Entropy (J/K)
Figure 1.42 T–S graph of ORC system with recuperator and preheater.
Temperature (K)
Entropy (J/K)
Entropy (J/K)
There are four major benefits of using organic working fluids over water in Rank-
ine cycles:
1. Less heat is required for evaporation: This can be seen as the width of the T–S curve
is narrower for dry and isentropic working fluids than for wet working fluids.
2. Evaporation occurs at lower temperatures and pressures than water: The reduced
temperature of evaporation means that organic working fluids can be used to
recover energy from lower temperature heat sources than conventional Rankine
3. Outlet from expansion devices is a vapour at lower temperatures: This reduces the
likelihood of damage to the expansion device, because condensation should only
42 1 Thermodynamic Cycles
Temperature (K)
Entropy (J/K)
occur after expansion. However, when the expansion inlet temperature is low and
the inlet pressure is high, because wet organic working fluids have lower efficien-
cies than other working fluids they may start to condense within the expansion
device potentially causing damage. This is one reason why dry and isentropic
working fluids are more popular in ORC systems, where after isentropic expan-
sion, they exist in the superheated state, reducing the risk of condensation and
thus minimising potential damage to the expansion device [19].
4. Smaller temperature difference between evaporation and condensation: This results
in reduced pressure drop across the condenser.
250 Toluene
T (°C)
200 R123
150 R134a
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
S (J/K)
reach the superheated phase then also requires longer exposure within the evapora-
tor, and this would result in a lower mass flow rate than selecting a different working
fluid that requires less entropy to reach the superheated phase.
Different temperature–pressure charts are shown in Figure 1.47 for various com-
mon working fluids. This figure shows that different working fluids exist at different
pressures under the same temperature; these pressure differences also increase with
temperature. Choosing an incorrect working fluid could therefore present a safety
issue – where pressures increase with temperature, then they exceed the safe limits
of the system, resulting in its failure. Under such circumstances, a higher flow rate
would be required in order to reduce the risk of this safety issues and such a pump
44 1 Thermodynamic Cycles
40.0 R-125 R-12
Pressure (bar)
R-143a R-1234yf
10.0 R-1234ze
–40.0 –20.0 0.000 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100. 120.
Temperature (°C)
Figure 1.47 Temperature–pressure charts for different working fluids. Source: Abas
et al. [21].
would require a higher energy input – potentially resulting in decreased system effi-
ciency. The selection of the correct working fluid therefore is essential to ensure the
safety and high efficiency of an ORC system.
These examples – extreme as they may seem – indicate in terms of both efficiency
and safety the importance of selecting the correct organic working fluid for an ORC
waste heat recovery system.
Although not always the case historically, in addition to system safety issues, work-
ing fluids are now also selected on their sustainability. In the past, organic working
fluids included chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which due to their high ozone deple-
tion potentials (ODPs) were subsequently banned, and working fluids were devel-
oped that had significantly smaller ozone reduction potentials. Nonetheless, despite
the benefits of reduced ozone depletion capacity, these improved fluids still pos-
sessed very high GWPs and so, in turn, this then has led to the development of
working fluids with reduced GWPs such as R123 and R600. The ozone depletion
and GWPs of some common working fluids are shown in Table 1.2.
Note: ODP is defined as the relative amount of degradation to the ozone layer
a substance can cause, with trichlorofluoromethane (R-11 or CFC-11) being fixed
at 1.0.
Description/ Temperature of
working fluid Focus Industry source (∘ C) Sources
Renewable Energy
Biomass: Biomass energy generation is becoming more popular as it is now quite
possible to produce energy from food waste and other organic materials that his-
torically would be seen as waste materials. Furthermore, biomass fuels can be
reproduced more quickly than fossil fuels – the length of the carbon cycle being
much shorter for biomass than for fossil fuels. Unfortunately for this application,
biomass fuels typically burn at lower temperatures than fossil fuels. Which means
that conventional Rankine cycles are exposed to a higher risk of condensation
within the expanders when used for power generation and biomass boilers. Con-
sequently, conventional Rankine cycles may require superheating to allow their
use in biomass energy recovery, and for this reason, ORCs are a popular energy
recovery solution for use with biomass fuels [29].
Solar: ORCs make possible the recovery of thermal energy from solar radiation
particularly in warmer countries. The low boiling temperatures of the organic
46 1 Thermodynamic Cycles
working fluids used allows for the capture of energy from the Sun in such devices
as flat panel collectors. Phase change materials can also be incorporated into
such systems to store heat when energy is not required or when excess energy is
being produced, this stored energy then being released later [30].
Geothermal: Ground source heat pumps allow for the cooling or heating of a property
making use of the soil and rock as an energy store. This is practical because the
year-round temperature of soil and rock at depths of only a few metres is assumed
to be constant. Therefore, in summer, heat pumps can be used in reverse to take
thermal energy from the air within a building and store it in the ground; whilst
in winter, the process can be reversed, and energy taken from the ground can be
used to heat the air inside the building. These systems can be improved by the use
of ORC systems that help solve the ‘cold accumulation problem’ of such systems,
by storing energy in seasons that require less heating [31].
Pressure = 50 bar
Temperature (°C)
Liquid +
200 vapour
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Ammonia percentage by mass (%)
used in ORCs have a proven effect on the global warming. So, in case of leakage from
an ORC power plant, large quantities of fluid, harmful to the environment, could
be released into the atmosphere. This is not the case for Kalina cycle-based power
plants and furthermore, as with the modern organic fluids used in ORCs, the ODP
of ammonia is also equal to 0. Advantages
Generally, Kalina cycles have better energetic and exergetic performances than
Rankine cycles or ORCs.
As a reference, the Carnot’s efficiency is given by:
𝜂 =1− C (1.68)
In this formula, T H (K) is the average hot source temperature and T C (K) is the
average cold source temperature. So if we can increase the average hot temperature
and at the same time lower the average cold temperature, then the efficiency of the
thermodynamic cycle will be improved. Kalina cycles achieve this, compared to not
only the theoretical Carnot cycle, but also the very practical Rankine cycles. So for
that reason alone, Kalina cycles have a better energetic efficiency.
Moreover, during the boiling and condensing phases, because the temperature
profile of the mixture has a better match to the temperature profile of the heat-
ing/cooling fluid, heat exchanges are enhanced for Kalina cycles compared to Rank-
ine cycles. Less exergy is destroyed during the heat exchange phases for Kalina cycles
so the irreversibilities of the process are reduced. Simulations have showed that the
best work output given by a Kalina cycle is 20% to 24% higher than the equivalent
from a dual pressure Rankine cycle [33].
Also, when using a geothermal spring, Kalina cycles can generate from 10% to 50%
more power than classical steam systems (ORCs), particularly when the temperature
of the source is below 200 ∘ C [36]. When the hot source is at medium temperature,
e.g. with waste heat recovery, the efficiency increase provided by the Kalina cycle
against steam cycles is between 10% and 40% [37].
The gains are not just in simulations. During the Global CempPower conference in
2012 [38], M.D. Mirolli (formerly from Wasabi Energy) and Kevin Happ (FLSmidth)
reported that the use of Kalina cycles for waste heat recovery in the cement industry
can lead to a 15–25% improvement of the recovery compared to current technologies
As we have already noted, because the properties of the working fluid can be
changed during the operation of the plant, Kalina cycle-based plant can adapt
easily to hot and cold days by varying the proportion of ammonia – this flexi-
bility then allows Kalina cycles to harness energy from a wider range of low to
medium–high-temperature heat sources.
50 1 Thermodynamic Cycles
The fact also that standard components can be used to operate a Kalina cycle is an
advantage as it increases the reliability of the potential new power plants, because
even if they are using a relatively new technology, their operation is based on tried
and tested efficiency-proven components. Drawbacks
Ammonia is a toxic fluid, so even if it is easy to vent off under atmospheric pressure
and self-alarming due to its smell, it is relatively dangerous to use on a large scale.
However, some safety procedures exist, and for the moment no health issue linked
to Kalina cycle-based power plants have been recorded. Compared to the hydrocar-
bons used in ORCs, ammonia is non-flammable and does not represent an explosion
General corrosion can also occur with this type of power plant due to the presence
of water. However, as ammonia raises the pH level of the solution, the phenomenon
is less important than in classical steam cycles. Indeed, a high pH and a low oxy-
gen proportion can result in the growth of protective magnetite layers (Fe3 O4 ) on
tube surfaces, but generally, a good control of the water chemistry is needed to avoid
issues linked to corrosion.
The CO2 level must also be controlled to avoid the formation of ammonium car-
bamate. This can occur if ammonia and carbon dioxide react under conditions of
HP and high temperature. Furthermore, if the temperature of the mixture exceeds
400 ∘ C, then ammonia becomes unstable and leading to nitride corrosion [39].
Currently, the physical properties of an ammonia–water solution are not yet fully
known, particularly in the supercritical region where very little data is currently
available. Some correlations exist and these are leading to smaller and smaller dif-
ferences between experimental tests and simulations.
Kalina cycles are sometimes said to be more complex than steam cycles. This
assumption is questionable, but it is undeniable that steam cycles have proved their
efficiency and reliability across time. So even though pilot projects exist for the
Kalina cycle it is relatively understandable why some industries are quite hostile to
any additional investment in this technology at the present time.
40 geothermal
Kalina benefit (%)
HFR geothermal
20 Industrial waste
heat Process heat
waste cement
kiln Gas turbine
10 exhaust
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550
Temperature (°C)
KCS-11 KCS-34 KSG-1
Figure 1.50
Geothermal Geothermal
Turbine Geothermal
Brine inlet Turbine Brine inlet Turbine
Brine inlet
1 Thermodynamic Cycles
HT Evaporator
Recuperator Condenser
Feed Feed
Cooling Feed
pump pump
water/air in pump
Cooling Cooling
(a) (b) water/air in (c) water/air in
(a–c) Schematic of different Kalina cycle systems [44]. Source: Wang and Yu
1.5 Brayton Cycle 53
Table 1.4 Kalina cycle case studies from around the world [39].
Name Country Commissioned (MW) Heat sources
Air enters the engine and is compressed by the compressor (resulting in HP air).
Energy is then added by spraying fuel into the air and igniting it within the com-
bustion chamber, and now this high-temperature pressurised gas is used to drive a
turbine (mounted on the same shaft as the compressor) to produce work output.
Finally, the combusted gases and any unused energy leaves through the exhaust and
in doing so some of this unused energy can be recovered.
First though, the Brayton cycle itself. This consists of a compression stage (process
1–2) which takes place adiabatically followed by a second stage (process 2–3) – the
heat addition process – which occurs isobarically. The third stage (process 3–4) is an
expansion process which occurs adiabatically and the final stage (process 4–1), heat
rejection, occurs isobarically, all as shown in Figure 1.51.
The Brayton cycle is different from the Otto and Diesel cycles in that the processes
occur within an open system. Therefore, in order to determine the heat transfer and
work for the process an open system and steady flow analysis are used.
The schematic of the open Brayton process is shown in Figure 1.52, however, to
further define the process as a cycle we need to include the heat output as shown in
Figure 1.53.
The thermal efficiency of the Brayton 𝜂 th cycle is given by the following equation:
Wnet Q
𝜂th = = 1 − out (1.69)
Qin Qin
where W net (kJ) is the net work output of the system, Qin (kJ) is the heat input, and
Qout (kJ) is the heat output.
The conservation of mass then gives:
ṁ in = ṁ out (1.70)
ṁ 2 = ṁ 3 = ṁ (1.71)
where m2 and m3 are the mass flow rate of fluid leaving the compressor and the mass
flow rate entering the turbine (kg/s), respectively.
Temperature, T (°C)
Qin con
st. Qout
Entropy, s (kJ/kg K)
2 3
Comp Turb Wnet
1 4
2 3
Comp Turb Wnet
1 4
qout Cp (T4 − T1 )
𝜂th = 1 − =1− (1.72)
qin Cp (T3 − T2 )
where qout (kJ∕kg) = mout , Cp (kJ/kg K) is the specific heat capacity of the working
fluid (depending on the temperature), and T x (K) is the temperature of the fluid
given point.
Assuming the specific heat is constant (cold air standard analysis) gives:
( )
T4 − T1 T1 T4 − 1
𝜂th = 1 − ( )
=1− (1.73)
T3 − T2 T3
T2 T − 1
( ) k−1
T3 P3 k
= (1.75)
T4 P4
In these last two equations, k is the heat capacity ratio, also known as the adiabatic
Moreover, as processes 2–3 and 4–1 are isobaric:
P2 = P3 (1.76)
P4 = P1 (1.77)
T2 T
= 3 (1.78)
T1 T4
Which can also be written this way:
T4 T
= 3 (1.79)
T1 T2
So that finally, the efficiency of the ideal Brayton cycle is given by:
𝜂th = 1 − (1.80)
Now as the pressure ratio is defined as:
rp = (1.81)
Figure 1.54 shows a typical pressure ratio curve for gas turbine engine.
Then the efficiency of the cycle can also be written using this coefficient as:
𝜂th = 1 − k−1
rp k
ηth Brayton
Typical pressure ratios
for gas turbine engine
5 10 15 20 25
Pressure ratio, rp
However, this is not the whole of the story because some of work produced by the
turbine is also used by the compressor, the amount given back being defined by the
back-work ratio (BWR) from:
Win Wcomp
BWR = = (1.83)
Wout Wturb
qregen,act = h5 − h2 (1.86)
h5 − h2
𝜀regen = (1.87)
h4 − h2
For ideal gases using the cold air standard analysis with constant specific heat, the
regenerator effectiveness becomes:
T − T2
𝜀regen = 5 (1.88)
T4 − T2
So, for the efficiency of the cycle (using the closed cycle analysis) this leads to:
qout h − h1
𝜂th,regen = 1 − =1− 6 (1.89)
qin h3 − h5
2 5 4
Comp Turb Wnet
Temperature, T (°C)
Qregen 5 5′
2 Qsaved = Qregen
1 Qout
Entropy, s (kJ/kg K)
And assuming the efficiency of the regenerator is equal to 1, this then gives:
T1 k−1
𝜂th,regen = 1 − r k (1.90)
T3 p
Figure 1.56 shows the temperature entropy profile for a regenerative Brayton cycle.
Ẇ act,comp = m(h
̇ 2a − h1 ) (1.91)
where ṁ is the mass flow rate of working fluid (in kg/s) and hx is the enthalpy at the
given point (kJ/kg).
Hence the adiabatic efficiency of the compressor is given by:
Ẇ isen,comp h − h1 T − T1
𝜂comp = = 2s ≅ 2s (1.92)
Ẇ act,comp h2a − h1 T2a − T1
And the isentropic temperature at the outlet of the compressor is given by:
( ) k−1
P2 k
T2s = T1 (1.93)
Ẇ act,turb = m(h
̇ 3 − h4a ) (1.94)
T1/T3 = 0.2
ηth Brayton
T1/T3 = 0.33
5 10 15 20 25
Pressure ratio, rp
Figure 1.57 Regenerative Brayton cycle efficiency as a function of the pressure ratio and
minimum and maximum temperature ratio.
And so, the isentropic temperature at the outlet of the turbine is given by:
( ) k−1
P4 k
T4s = T3 (1.96)
The plot in Figure 1.57 shows the regenerative Brayton cycle efficiency as a func-
tion of the pressure ratio and minimum and maximum temperature ratio, T1∕T3 .
Thus, when the efficiency of the regenerative cycle is equal to the standard Brayton
cycle then:
( ) k
T3 2(k−1)
rp = (1.98)
4 5
1 Combustion
chamber 7 8 9
Comp I Comp II Turb I Turb II Wnet
2 3
Figure 1.58 Schematic of the regenerative Brayton cycle with intercooler and reheat.
Qregen 7
Qsaved = Qregen
4 2
3 1 Qout
Entropy, s (kJ/kg K) Intercooling
To minimise the work used by the compressors, P2 (Pa) should be set as:
P2 = P1 P4 (1.99) Reheating
To maximise the turbine work, P7 should be set as:
P7 = P6 P9 (1.101)
1.6 Chapter Summary 61
employing binary cycles. Indeed, this fluid offers interesting thermal performance;
is compatible with standard materials and components; is ecological-friendly, abun-
dant, and relatively inexpensive.
The reverse Kalina cycle is also a widely known thermodynamic cycle in that it
is the absorption refrigeration cycle. This cycle uses an absorber and a generator
instead of a compressor to carry out the suction and compression processes, meaning
that almost no electricity is required to run the cycle. The future of Kalina cycles
seems promising. An ever-increasing number of scientific studies are addressing the
integration of this cycle in various systems: geothermal power plants, cement plants,
concentrated solar power plants, and biomass power plants.
Now the Brayton cycle, although different to the Rankine cycle and its derivatives
in that it is an open thermodynamic cycle, still has the same role to play as the closed
power cycle – converting heat into mechanical energy – and the cycle efficiency can
also be improved by using different technologies such as regeneration, reheating,
and intercooling. The Brayton cycle can also use organic fluids as their working fluid
(CO2 in most cases) and sometimes these fluids too can operate under supercritical
conditions with a further increase in efficiency.
But we are not just thinking about systems in isolation. Even if Rankine cycles
and Brayton cycles are quite different, they can still be used together in combined
cycles. In the CCGT plant, those two cycles are used together to reach a relatively
high overall thermal efficiency (from 50% to 63%). So high, that the association of the
Rankine cycle with the Brayton cycle is currently the most efficient way of producing
electricity on a large scale. For example, the Chubu Electric Nishi-Nagoya power
plant Block-1 in Japan is achieving a gross efficiency of 63.08%, and so is currently
recognised as the world’s most efficient combined cycle power plant.
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