Unit 4 Project
Unit 4 Project
Unit 4 Project
ea Siti
Choose a global issue - needs to be one with a large global impact (poverty, climate change, child
labour, child soldiers, pandemics, water shortages, etc.)
2) Create a presentation (PowerPoint, Google Slides, Prezi, etc.) in which you:
a. Describe the issue — Define it, where, when, stats about it, etc.
b. Discuss how political, social, and/or economic globalization is part of the problem (how it led to
it and/or made it worse, etc.). Must include at least one specific example from an affected
c. Discuss how political, social, and/or economic globalization can be part of the solution. Must
include at least one specific example of an action someone could take (or has been taken) in
each of the following areas:
i. Acting through organizations
ii. Acting through governments
iil. Acting through businesses
3) A paragraph answering the following question: What method of action do you feel would be the most
effective in dealing with this issue? Explain your choice.
4) For communication - be sure to keep the text focused and clear (not too much), and be sure to
include appropriate images for each portion.
Content (RI4 Foundational) Communication
Excellent 9-10 Contains a significant amount of RI4 9-10 Expertly designed and organized, slides contain
content information, clearly and expertly appropriate mixture of text/ images/space, strong
explained. use of animation, text is readable size.
Proficient 7-8 May be missing some elements of RI4 7-8 Strongly designed and organized, slides may
information, but generally clear and explained | occasionally contain to much text or too many
well. images, or text may be too large/small
Satisfactory | 5-6 May be missing some significant elements | 5-6 Adequately designed and organized, there may
of RI4 information, or may be occasionally be more than one instance of slides containing to
lacking explanation. much text or too many images, or text may be too
Limited 1-4 May be missing multiple significant 1-4 Poor design or organizational choices regarding
elements of RI4 information or regularly text, images, etc. make the presentation very difficult
lacking explanation. to follow