Its In: To or Is
Its In: To or Is
Its In: To or Is
NCCS / Hg / 4 -e / 2022-23 / rr
Government of Indla
Ministry of Communications
Department of Telecommtrnications
National Centre for communlcation Security
Sub: Calling of applications from Interns willing to join in Q3, 2024 (Jul-24 to Sep-24) in
NCCS, Bengaluru as per'NCCS Internship Scheme'- reg.
4. Interested and eligible candidates (both Category I and II) must submit ttreir applicauons
along with their CVs, areas of work interest in the prescribed application form (Attached as
at Annexure-Il) vla emall to ID: with cc to directorhq.nccs- Incomplete applications will be rejected summarily.
5. While submitting the application, the information should be filled correctly in respective
fields and scanned copy of duly filled application form (Annex-II) along with supporting
documents'dhould be sent as single file in PDF format udth file name s-ame as apptica.rt
name (maximum flle size I0 MB). Category I applicants while sending applicatibns are
requested to intimate period of availability durlng Jul-2O24 to Sep-2OZa to attend
lnternship as allowed by their institutes.
6. List/panel of shortlisted candidates will be hosted on NCCS Website and offer letters. as
per actual requirements, will be sent to selected candidates through e-mail.
7. Last date of receipt of applications for Joining during 83-2024 (Jul-2O24 to Sep-2024) is
NCCS/HQ/ 4-9 / ?O22-23 /ll l/117968s/zoz4
National Centre for Communication Security (NCCS) is technical centre of DoT that is
vested with the responsibility of developing Security standards/ requirements called Indian
Telecom Security Assurance Requirements (ITSAR) and activities associated with the security
testing and certification of Telecom equipment.
Framing of ITSAR involves Study of chosen Telecom network element and security testing
for sample telecom network elements in areas like Security functional requirements,
Software code assurance, Cryptographic related tests by people with specific domain
expertise. It also involves certain amount of research work in areas like Hardware level
Security, Source Code analysis (Static and dynamic analysis at HLL, Binary Code Analysis)
Crypto algorithm implementation validation and Crypto Module validation, Supply chain
vulnerabilities, Run time vulnerabilities in a live network (Advanced Persistent Threats), Back
door entry vulnerabilities, Identification of Intentional/ Hidden Malware in Software/
Firmware of equipment. Since nature of work is highly technical, the manpower deployed
should possess hands-on experience and have requisite domain knowledge.
In order to study/ formulate/ operationalize/ assessment of various works/ projects/
policies etc. Though domain experts are being engaged for majority works with 10 to 15
years of experience for advisory role and to impart the knowledge of new technologies being
introduced in the networks to expedite creation of ITSARs, NCCS proposes to create an
opportunity to young personnel to acquire this knowledge along with regular staff of NCCS
as part of Capacity Building for security testing meeting the National objective. To attract
young talent from the fields of ICT, internship programme is proposed by NCCS.
This Internship Programme will allow young talent to be associated with the NCCS work
for mutual benefit. It will enable NCCS to interact with young scholars and to get fresh ideas
and study/ research support from the field of academics. At the same time, it will provide an
opportunity to young scholars to contribute in the NCCS work and have an insight into the
related technical work. The eligibility condition applicable and other details are proposed in
the Internship Scheme enclosed herewith.
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• The qualifications may be relaxed in deserving cases based on the needs of the NCCS,
on the recommendations of Selection Committee and approval of Head of NCCS.
• Possessing minimum qualifications as above shall not guarantee Internship in NCCS.
Candidates having exposure in the area of intended internship with good academic
background and having higher qualification, based on need shall be given preference.
3.1 For Category 1: The minimum duration of internship shall be of sixty days.
3.2 For Category 2: The minimum duration of internship shall be of six months, extendable
up to maximum of twelve months.
3.2.1 Extension beyond six months shall be permitted, on the application of intern
duly recommended by the concerned Head of Division and with the approval
of the Head of NCCS.
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4.1 Interested and eligible candidates must submit their applications along with their CVs,
areas of work interest in the prescribed application form (Attached as at Annexure-II) to
designated office of NCCS, in response to advertisement/ notification from NCCS.
Student Applicants need to be recommended by the Institution in which the applicant is
currently studying.
5.1 After the preliminary scrutiny regarding eligibility, the applications of shortlisted
candidates will be placed before the selection committee. Selection Committee will be
constituted with the approval of Head of NCCS.
5.2 The selection committee may conduct personal or telephonic interview, if required. No
TA / DA shall be paid to candidates for attending the personal interview.
5.3 NCCS can also identify interns for specific work domain/ area after interaction with
academic institutions.
5.4 Depending upon the number of applications received, NCCS may shortlist the
applications, limit the number of applicants to be called for a particular period and to
decide about the mode of screening thereof.
5.5 If the applicant is pursuing study at any institution (Category 1) then Applicant shall be
required to produce a letter from their Supervisor/Head of Department/Institution,
indicating his/her status in the Institution and "No Objection" for allowing the student to
undergo Internship programme for the period for which he or she is selected before
5.6 The internship is neither a job nor an assurance of a job with the NCCS.
6.1 The interns would be attached with one of the officers in the Divisions of the NCCS.
6.2 An orientation workshop will be held for interns at the beginning of the internship. The
work of interns will be monitored through periodic interaction with the interns.
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6.3 The attendance record and the details of work supervision shall be maintained by the
Divisions/Units in NCCS.
7.1 Interns will be required to have their own laptops. NCCS shall provide them working
space, workplace Internet facility and other necessities as deemed fit by the concerned
Head of Division
8.1 The Intern engaged by the NCCS shall observe the following Code of Conduct, which
shall include but will not be limited to, the following:
8.1.1 The Intern shall follow the rules and regulations of the NCCS.
8.1.2 The Intern shall not reveal to any person or organization confidential information
pertaining to NCCS/DoT, its work and its policies.
8.1.3 Interns may, with the prior permission of the NCCS, present their work to
academic bodies and at seminars and conferences. However, even for this
purpose information that is confidential to the NCCS cannot be revealed under
any circumstances.
8.1.4 Any papers and documents written and/or published by the Intern should carry
the caveat that the views are the personal views of the Intern and do not
represent or reflect the views of the NCCS.
8.1.5 Interns will follow the advice given to them by the NCCS regarding
representations to third parties.
8.1.6 In general, an Intern may not interact with or represent the NCCS vis-à-vis third
parties. However, some Interns may specifically be authorized to interact with
third parties on behalf of the NCCS depending on the nature of their work areas.
8.1.7 No Intern shall interact with or represent the NCCS to the media (print and/or
electronic) including social media including Facebook / twitter handles etc.
8.1.8 Interns will conduct themselves professionally in their relationship with the NCCS
and the public in general.
8.1.9 It may be strictly observed that the conduct of the interns and their access to the
data shall be the sole responsibility of the concerned Division.
8.1.10 Any work done for NCCS by the intern during the period of Internship will be the
sole property of the NCCS and NCCS reserves the right to use any such work for
its own purpose
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8.1.11 The intern is barred from claiming intellectual property rights on the work done
in NCCS during the period of internship.
9.1 Work plans and work schedules shall be developed by the supervisor and the Interns
shall invariably adhere to the same.
9.2 The interns will be required to submit a Report/Paper on the work undertaken at the
end of the internship to the respective Division. The Report shall be signed by the
concerned Officer with whom intern is attached, as an acceptance of successful
completion of Internship.
10.1 Intern selected under Category 1 will be paid a token remuneration @ Rs. 7,500/- per
month on prorate basis.
10.2 Intern selected under Category 2 will be paid a token remuneration @ Rs. 15,000/- per
month on prorate basis.
10.3 The remuneration shall be paid after completion of the month subject to satisfactory
progress of work duly accepted by concerned division from “Salaries” head of Accounts.
11.1 On successful completion of Internship and submission of Report duly signed and
accepted by the competent authority as stated above in Para 9.2, a Certificate shall be
issued by the concerned Division in the format as available at Annexure-III.
12.1 The NCCS reserves the right to disengage any intern at any point of time from the
Internship without assigning any reason.
12.2 If the Intern decides to disengage from the NCCS, he should provide prior notice (2
weeks in case of Category 1 or 4 weeks in case of Category 2). Notice period may be
waived from time to time by the supervisor depending on the role of the Intern.
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12.3 Upon disengagement, the Intern must hand over to the NCCS, any papers, equipment or
other assets which might have been given to the Intern by the NCCS in course of his
work with the NCCS. This will include any badges or ID Cards which may have been
issued to the Intern.
12.4 If it comes to the notice of the NCCS that the Intern who has been disengaged by the
NCCS continues to act in a manner which gives an impression that he is still engaged for
the NCCS, the NCCS shall be free to take appropriate legal action against such intern.
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4. E-mail Id:
5. Mobile No.:
6. Area of interest:
7. Educational Qualification:
Examination Year of Passing Percentage/ CGPA Subjects
Institute/ Board
1st Year
4th Year
Graduate 1st Year
Degree in
Engineering/ 2nd Year
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9. Applying for which category of Internship (tick ✓ the applicable): Category I/Category II
(Refer Section 2 of Scheme for eligibility criteria)
I certify that the above information furnished by me is true to the best of my knowledge and
belief. I also agree that in the event of any misrepresentation and/or falsification of information,
my internship shall be liable for termination without notice and without prejudice to any other
administrative/legal proceedings that NCCS may deem fit to initiate.
I/We recommend for consideration of application for internship in NCCS, Bengaluru, DoT.
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2. He/ She has shown special flair for ……………………………………... and his/her performance in
preparation of the report has been rated as …………………………
Head of Division
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