73-Final-Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana Final
73-Final-Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana Final
73-Final-Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana Final
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In ayurvedic pharmacopoeia all the preparations are explained after classifying them under
two broad headings
1) fundamental/basic/primary preparations
2) Secondary preparations
fundamental preparations are pancha vidha kashaya kalpas and secondary preparations are
vati,avaleha,taila,ghritha etc
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1. Kasaya is one among the sad rasa
2. The root term of kasaya is kasa, or kasati means to scrape,to rub to injure or to kill
that which irritates the throat is kasaya and kasaya kalpana here irritate the disease
conditionand drove them away from the body
4. Ka means kaya
All the medicinal preparations may be named as kashaya since they causes dryness to throat
and destroy disease.in medicine not much importance is given to taste .so they cause
discomfort to throat.as they also have the capacity to cure disease,the name kashaya suits to
these primary preparations best.
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Swarasa,kalka,kwatha,hima and phanta are the five kasaya kalpanas
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Ksira,swarasa,kalka,srta,sita and phanta(churna) are six kashaya kalpanas mentioned in
susruta samhitha
Pancha kashaya yonis of kashaya kalpana-yoni means place of origin.the five types
of kashaya preparations have five different types of origin.they are the five out of shad rasas.
Madhura,amla,katu,tikta and kashaya rasa are having plenty of kastha yoni(plant source) and
are readily available.these five can be in any form of pancavidha kasaya kalpana.these five
kasayas will yield five kasaya kalpana.
Only lavana doesnot have kasthayoni and it is not possible to bring it any of the panchavidha
kasaya forms.
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to prepare different secondary kalpanas like Avaleha, Asava and Sneha. It is most potent and
guru among all. It is an Ap mahaboota predominant kalpana. Ardra and mrudu guna dravyas
are preferred here. Use of this kalpana is in practice since Vedic period.
xuÉUxÉ: CÌiÉxɱÉåUxÉ: (श दक प मु )
Swarasa is the freshly extracted juice of a plant or a specific plant part.
Yantranispiditaath dravyaath rasa swarasa uchyate
mechanically expressed juice of a plant is also called the swarasa
Almost every Acharyas have given description about Swarasa Kalpana in their classics which
is described below
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Acc to Susrutha Samhita (Dalhana commentary)
Immediately after collection of drug, it is washed, crushed and by applying pressure the
swarasa (niryasa) can be obtained.
Shortly, after collection of fresh drug it is crushed and by squeezing through cloth, swarasa is
According to Hemadri, swarasa should be prepared on the same day when it is collected.
The juice which is obtained by compressing Draksha, Ikshu, Amlaki etc fruits is called as
swarasa. This swarasa with the combination of other samshmana yoga can be used in many
The drug which is not infected by any organism or not affected by any of the environmental
factors is taken and immediately the same drug brought should be crushed properly and
squeezed through a cloth to get the rasa. This is called as swarasa.
He explained swarasa as third kalpana, according to him it is sheeghrakari i.e which acts
• So it can be concluded that for the swarasa preparation a green drug is first made into
paste from then with the help of cloth, pottali is made and by applying pressure to
this pottali swarasa can be obtained.
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Swarasa kalpana
1.Fresh Juice
In case of freshly collected drug this method is followed. The juice is extracted by pounding
the drug and straining it through a cloth.
2. Soaking method:
Kudavam churnitam dravyam ksiptam cha dvigune jale |
In case of dry and soft drugs this method is followed.1 kudava of powdered drug (coarse) is
immersed in 2 parts of water in a vessel. Then it is closed and to be kept undisturbed for one
day and night. After sufficient maceration and filtration the liquid is collected.
While explaining Nagabala rasayana Acharya Charaka has mentioned this method, but the
quantity of water is same as that of drug.
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3. similar to kwatha:
Aadhaya suskam dravyam va swarasanaam sambhave |
In case of very hard drugs this method is followed. 1 part of coarse drug is taken and 8 times
of water is added boiled and reduced to 1/4th.
4. Putapaka method:
In case of fibrous and slimy drugs this method is followed .The kalka of drug is prepared and
paste formmade into bolus form. Then it is wrapped by leaves of Kashmari or Vata and tied
with thread and it is covered with mud the thickness should be two angula. After drying it is
subjected to fire in such a way that bolus should get heat from all sides, till it becomes red.
Then the bolus is taken out and after cooling the outer layers are removed. The kalka
obtained is squeezed through a cloth to swarasa.
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Text Dose
Sadyo sevana-fresh use of medicament is indicated
Uses of swarasa-
1) Therapeutically Swarasa - it is used to cure different diseases (as a medicine & anupana)
as well as a Rasayana.
In the diseases:
As Anupana
As a rasayana:
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Pharmaceutical uses of swarasa
As Bhavana dravya :
E.g. Bhavana of Amalaki churna with Amalaki swarasa for 100 times which is an ingredient
in Indroktha Rasayana
As Shodhana media :
E.g. Shodhana of Hingula in Ardraka swarasa
Preparation guidelines-
• Drug should be collected in early morning.
• It should be devoid of water after washing.
• Until the kalka is devoid of juice, it should be squeezed.
• Swarupa nasha of the drug should happen
• Guruta and viryata is comparatively maximum
• Easy to prepare
• Takes less time to prepare
• Sophisticated instruments are not needed
• It is for sadhyo sevana, cannot be preserved
• Difficulty in transportation
• Not always palatable
• Since it is guru it will be difficult to digest
• Drugs which are nauseating to patients, cannot be given in swarasa form
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1)Ardraka swarasa
Ardraka swarasa ksuadra yukta vrsanavatanuth |
Swasa kasa aruchi hanti pratisyaya vyapohati ||
Dosage half pala of the medicine is administered along with one kola of honey
It is found beneficial in case of vrsnavata,swasa,kasa,aruci and pratisyaya
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Almost every Acharyas have given description about kalka kalpana in their classics
which is described below.
Acc To Charaka Samhitha :-
The paste prepared by grinding the drug with the help of stone
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• Praksepa
• Avapa
• Pinda
It is ground well into soft paste form devoid of any fibrous part.this fine fiber free paste is
used for therapeutic purposes.
drava 4 times
Uses of kalka:-
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Pharmaceutical uses of kalka
1) For the purpose of sneha murcchana kalka is needed
2) To prepare different secondary kalpanas like sneha kalpana, pramathya kalpana etc kalka
is needed
• kalka is less heavy for digestion in comparison with swarasa
• Easy to prepare
• It is for sadhyo sevana ,cannot be preserved
Nimba kalka
Lepa nimba dale kalko vrana shodana ropana I
Bhakshana chardi kustani pitta sleshma krimin jayeth II
Dosage-1 karsha
Anupana-guda,sharkara or madhu
Indication-internal administration is beneficial in case of chardi ,kusta,pittaja and slesmaja
External application helps in vrana sodhana and vrana ropana
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Rasona kalka
Suddha kalko rasonasya tilatailena misrita I
Vataroganjayeth teevraan visama jwara nashana II
Dosage-1 karsha
Indication-severe vataja roga,visama jwara
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The term kwatha is basically derived from the root word ‘ kwathana’ which literally means
process of boiling. word kwatha is derived from the root word ‘kwath nishpake’ . Sritha
,sheetha,kashaya niruha are the synonyms of kwatha
Importance-The kwatha is utilized both internally & externally for therapeutic purposes.
Kwatha can be divided into
• Other purpose:- Secondary preparations & for bhavana, marana, shodhana etc.
• Externally it is used for Vrana prakshalana, gandusha, kavala, etc. For Internal
administration, it is mentioned in many ways depending upon types of kwatha for
treatment of various diseases. Different types of kashayas are mentioned in classics
for both purposes.
• Moreover, kwatha is essential basic preparation of other kalpanas as like ghrita, taila,
avaleha, rasakriya, asava& arishta etc & used as bhavana dravya for vatis and vartis.
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Kwatha is the liquid preparation obtained by boiling one part of selected dravya in coarse
powder form along with 16 parts of water .the mixture is reduced to 1/8 th part and filtered.the
filtrate is called kwatha.
( Cha.su.4/7)
( sha.ma.kha.9/3-4)
Drug Water
Soft 4 times
Medium 8 times
Hard 8 times
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Karshaditah palam yaavath kshipeth shodashikam jalam II
1 karsha-1 pala 16
1 pala- 1 kudava 8
1 prastha- 1 khari 4
( by placing lid over the vessel while boiling kwatha the slesmamsa from the mixture are not
let out,as a result of which the end product turns heavy for digestion and may not exert the
desired action)
• According to Bhavaprakasha;
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Adhama matra -2karsha(24ml)
Preparation of kwatha-
The whole procedure can be divided into three stages.
• Purva karma
• Pradhana karma
• Paschat karma
Purva karma
Collection and arrangement of essential equipments for preparation of kwatha
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– Clean cloth
If kwatha dravyas are green and fresh, they are washed with water. If drugs, are dry and
clean, they are cut into small pieces to prepare coarse powder
Pradhana karma
The kwatha dravyas are kept in water and mixed well. Then the drugs are transferred to a
wide vessel in which kwatha is to be prepared. In case of too hard substances, it should be
immersed in appropriate amount of water for whole night for easy extraction of therapeutic or
active principles. Then it should be boiled on mild fire. While preparing the kwatha, the
vessel should not be closed with the lid. Mridwagni should be given so that the complete
potency of the drugs will be obtained in the water and only the desired amount of water
should remain.
Paschath karma
Once the kwatha is prepared, it is filtered through cloth to the other vessel and
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Rasnadi kwatha
Rasnaamrutha bala yastigokanterandaja srta I
Dose-2 pala administered daily along with 1 karsha of eranda taila to prevent antra
Kwatham pibennaagara churna misram janga uru prishta trika paarshva shuli II
(cakradatta ,amavatacikitsa 8)
Indication-janga,uru,trika,parshva shula
Punarnavastaka kwatha-
Punarnava nimba patola shunti tikta amrita darvi abhaya kashaya I
Sarvanga sotha udara kaasa shulaa swasaanvitham paandugadam nihanti II
(B.R.udararoga cikitsa 40/30)
Dosage-2 pala
Indication-udara roga,sarvanga sotha,kasa,swasa,sula and panduroga
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It is a cold preparation with toya sannikarsha. Drugs in coarse powder form are kept
soaked in water for a stipulated time period, Facilitate the transfer of water soluble active
principles from drug to the liquid media. Drugs with volatile principles, sheetha veerya
and mrudu guna are preferred. Usually these preparations are pitta shamaka, hrdya and
sadyo tarpaka.
• Synonyms - sheetha, sheetha kashaya, hima.
• Panchabhoutikata of kalpana –Ap, akasha pradhanya.
• Dravya – shushka, mrudu, sheetha veerya dravya.
• Condition – pittaja, pittavataja, pittakaphaja.
ु ं वयपलं स ड् िभन रे पलै ः ुतंl
One part drug in coarse powder form is kept soaked overnight in 6 parts of water. Next day
macerated and filtered.
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Acc to Kashyapa Samhita
The drug is soaked in antarikshambu is called as hima. It is indicated in pitta rogas, Jwara,
Daha, Murcha, Mada.
Dosage-2 pala
• Easy to prepare.
• It is laghu for digestion.
• Suitable kalpana for pitta pradhana vyadhis.
• Can be used as a drink.
• Only for sadyosevana.
• Cannot be prepared immediately.
• Difficulty in transportation.
• Only mrudu, laghu guna dravays with volatile principle are preferred.
Preparation guidelines-
Drug should be in coarse form.
Soft water should be used.
Chemically inactive vessel should be used.
Sufficient maceration should be done.
Prepared only in night time.
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Dhanyaka hima-
Pratah sasharkara peyo himo dhanyaka sambhava I
Antardaaha tatah trshnaam jayeth srotovisodhanam II
1 part of roughly pounded dhanyaka is taken in a clean stainless steel vessel.
The vessel is added with 6 parts of soft and clean water and kept undisturbed overnight in a
safe place with a lid covering the vessel .
Next day the drug mixture in the vessel is macerated well with clean hands and filtered
through a clean cloth.this
liquid filtrate is called as dhanyaka hima.
It is administered in the dosage of 2 pala along with sugar or any other suitable adjuvant to
cure antar daha and trsna.
This preparation is also a good sroto visodhaka .
Dhanyakadi hima-
Dhatridhanyaka vaasanam drakshaparpatayorhima I
Dosage -2 pala
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Phanta kalpana is a liquid preparation ,it is called as hot infusion. Here the selected drugs in
coarse powder form are soaked in hot water for a stipulated period to facilitate the transfer of
water soluble active principles from drug to the liquid media
(Sha .ma.kha.3/1)
1 pala of a powdered drug and one kudava of hot water are kept in a mud pot, and filtered
through cloth after sometime this liquid known as churna drava or phanta
the drug decocted with rain water till only half water is left or the molasses boiled once till
appearance of froth, this decoction is called as phanta (hot infusion)this s praised in less
strength of dosas ,for children and minor diseases
Preparation Guidelines-
Drugs should be in coarse form
• Soft water should be used
• Pour hot water into the drug
• Carry out sufficient maceration of the soaked drug
• Use chemically inert vessel for soaking the drugs
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Easy to prepare, takes less time to prepare
• It is laghu for digestion
• Suitable kalpana for kapha pradhana vydhis
Only for sadhyo sevana
• Difficulty in transportation
• Secondary preparation are not possible
Dosage-2 pala
Anupana- sugar or any other suitable powder of medicinal drug
Sudarshana phanta (anubhoota yoga)
sudarshana(crinum latifolium )-1 part
Uses-tridoshagna,beneficial in all kinds of jwara
Pancakola phanta(B.R.jwaraadhikara 5/188)
Pippali, pippalimula,chavya,chitraka and shunti-each 1 kola pramana
Water 120ml(4 parts)
Dosage-2 pala
Useful in kaphavataja diseases
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