Parish Profile ST Mary Orton Waterville
Parish Profile ST Mary Orton Waterville
Parish Profile ST Mary Orton Waterville
November 2011
GENERAL INTRODUCTION The parish is at the centre of an area that numbers young families, retirees and some professional households. It is centred around the historic village of Orton Waterville now sited within an expanding Peterborough, so becoming an urban village. Owing to historical factors the Parish is in the Diocese of Ely despite one of the neighbouring churches being Peterborough Cathedral and the presence of the Bishop of Peterborough and his palace. St Mary's is staffed by a priest nearing retirement, a Parish Administrator (an ALM working voluntarily) and one Authorised Lay Minister, authorised as Pastoral Assistant and as Worship Leader - and many volunteers. The worship on Sunday mornings is presently centred on CW Eucharist, though there is opportunity for BCP on occasion. The parish hosts one Church school, St Botolph's, served by St Mary's and Holy Trinity. There is also a county primary school. A Church secondary school is also available in the City.
The parish is fundamentally middle-class in its outlook despite being surrounded by working people struggling to make ends meet, especially in the area of the parish known as Orton Brimbles, and beyond, where many people choose to use St Mary's for weddings and Baptisms, amongst whom there are a sizeable number who have a folk experience of church but as yet no real faith. This gives a great opportunity for outreach. The church has recently been re-ordered and the building is fundamentally sound. A small kitchenette, servery and toilet are within the church. There is a village hall which can be used by the church on a few occasions during the year. The Deanery has a good Chapter which meets 10 times a year, and is supportive of the Clergy. Although thirty miles away Diocesan House has a resources library and two priests' conferences or lectures are held each year. An all-clergy conference, in France or in Swanwick or High Leigh is held every 2/3 years. HISTORY As is not unusual for the area there is little recorded history. The first priest appointed to St Marys was apparently in 1248. The present building was completed by the end of the 13th century, though the tower was increased in height to accommodate 4 bells, the elder of which dates back to the 1240s. The chancel collapsed in Tudor times and was re-built in that style rather than simple Gothic. The first patrons were the Waterville family, followed by a small selection of others until in 1495 it came into the hands of Pembroke College, Cambridge, who were landlords of much of the land and the surrounding farms as of that date till 1952. The College still considers itself to be Patrons of the living. The only well-known figure to be come Rector was Roger Long, Master of Pembroke, Professor of Astronomy in the University of Cambridge, inventor of a water-bicycle and more significantly of the Planetarium. The parish is presently within Cambridgeshire, or specifically the Unitary Authority of Peterborough. In past years it has belonged to Huntingdonshire and Northamptonshire. 1. What would you say are your hopes for your church in the next few years? Substantial reordering and refurbishment of the Church has included the provision of kitchen and toilet facilities, both to a very high standard, which have met with the approbation of the DAC. We have also installed a new and more efficient heating system. These changes have made the building warm and welcoming with the hope that people are encouraged to join us and become regular worshippers. The seating, chairs and not pews, have been renewed. 2. Please set out your parish Mission Statement if you have one. To follow the example of Jesus Christ and His Saints and present His life and teachings to all in a relevant and positive way. This may be summarised in the 5 Ts of the Marks of Mission outlined by the present Bishop of Ely:
Parish Deanery
Parish Population
What are some of the distinguishing features of the parish population in terms of household composition and employment? Are any of the following groups noticeably large (L) or small (S) in your community: L/S Young families L/S Unemploy ed S Manual S Couples no Children L/S S `White collar' L/S L L/S Profession L al L/S S Middle aged L/S L Retired L/S L
Are there any social issues or needs to which you would like to draw attention? The needs of the elderly as well as the young have equal importance. There is also a crying need for the ministry of the parish to include the areas of deprivation (admittedly few) and the more poorly-paid (some in Waterville, many in Brimbles).
EDUCATION: Is there a church school in the parish? It is Voluntary Controlled Name of School St Botolph's C of E Primary School (shared with Orton Longueville) Roll No. 400 Yes Yes Parish / Clergy links Foundation places on Governing Body of Voluntary Controlled School in the neighbouring parish of Orton Longueville 4
Are there any Local Authority schools in the parish? Name of School Matley Primary School Roll No. 250 Parish / Clergy links None though the present Rector has served on the Governing Body in past years, as have various parishioners.
HEALTH: Please give details of any hospitals, surgeries/health centres, elderly persons' homes, day centres etc in the parish. Name Matley Dental Surgery Rangefield sheltered complex Griffiths Court sheltered complex Beverstone sheltered complex COMMUNITY: Please give details of any organisations or groups that meet within the parish, for children, young people or adults Organisation Nos. Parish / Clergy involvement None at present. Brownies Women's Institute Many parishioners are involved. Parish / Clergy links None apart from patient involvement None Some links None
Senior Citizens
There are activities at the Village Hall aimed mainly at the senior citizen. Many parishioners are involved. Well supported by all ages who exhibit garden produce, 5
Annual Show
photographs, hobby and craft. Annual Ride & Stride Cambs Historic Churches Trust 10 or so persons
Bell Ringers
Have any recent repairs been carried out? If yes, describe briefly Repairs to the roof downpipes then replacement thereof. Replacing stolen lead. An alarm system has been set up on the roofs linked in with the interior alarms. If the PCC still has to raise funds to cover the cost, please indicate the amount None
Are any imminent repairs necessary? If yes, describe briefly Repairs to the Chancel Beam Supports. If the PCC still has to raise funds to cover the cost, No . Sufficient Funds exist.
Summary of recommendations, with approximate costs (if available). Please tick if work completed. If funds need to be raised, please indicate approximate amount (if known) Recommendations Costs Amount to be raised Replace some interior plaster and re-decorate Repairs to stone flooring Pulpit repairs
Please give a brief description of the CHURCHYARD, including state of repair, responsibilities for day to day upkeep, and whether burials still take place. Some fallen stone in the walls needs replacing Upkeep has been tendered out and is paid for by the Parish Council Burials no longer take place nor interring of cremated remains A new (civic) parish cemetery has been provided not far from the church. Please describe other church-owned buildings (e.g., church hall), including name, approximate size, general state of repair, any imminent requirements and level of fund raising needed (where known). There are none.
Please indicate size age, condition, garden, and the position in relation to the church This 4 bedroom house has 1 study, 3 toilets, 1 dining room and 1 reception room. It has an adequate garden and is 75yards from the Church.
Number of Church Electoral Roll
10 %
weekly state which Sundays of the month they usually occur. If not weekly, which Sundays) What Service (eg eucharist, etc) Form of Service (eg CW BCP Nos. 16 & over Nos. under 16
1st Sunday 8.15 1st, 2nd,4th 9.15 Sundays 3rd Sunday 10.00
3+ 40-45 45 10 10
Please give details of any regular mid-week services 10.15am Wednesday Communion CW 4+
Please give attendance/communicant figures for last Christmas and Easter Christmas 95/75 Easter 92/76
Describe briefly the musical life and tradition of your church, with any groups involved and numbers Organist, Choir Leader (Rectors wife so will eventually leave also),small group of ad-hoc singers, 2 clarinettists What is the number and frequency of Home Communions? In the last calendar year what were the numbers of the following? Few take up
Baptis m
Weddin g
Churc h Funer al
Crematoriu m Funeral
Confirmati on candidates
Is Baptism administered with the context of the main Sunday service? parishioners/normally 8
For regular
Please describe the tradition of churchmanship Middle/Broad Church in the eyes of most. The present Rector tends to High but not Catholic; his predecessor was Evangelical and his predecessor was traditional and Catholic. The Parish is accustomed to a variety of Eucharistic prayers within the limits of Canon B.5.3.
For Communion Services does the presiding priest wear: tick as appropriate Alb & chasubl e
Very rarely
What are the features of a parish policy regarding the nurture of children? Children of all ages are welcome at Services and a Sunday School is provided. Children are encouraged to read and pray at Family Services on the 3rd Sunday, and children are admitted to communion before Confirmation. On the third Sunday in the month, the children perform either a reading or perform a biblical story in an attractive and meaningful way. It is not unusual to have about a dozen participants in this. Are there designated persons responsible for children's work? If yes, give number Does the PCC implement Child Protection requirements? Does the PCC have a budget for education (of all ages) in the parish? No If, yes, give amount Yes 6
Describe any parish work for the nurture and development of children and young people: The youth club disappeared when the leaders felt no longer able to continue many years ago and the nature of the youth attending, few of whom were church-linked. It did attract young teenagers who at that had nowhere much to go of an evening. Children: See above. Also preparation for First Communion Yes by a parent 9
Young People: None, other than preparation for Confirmation where applicable.
Describe any parish work for the nurture and development of adults (such as sermon series in Lent, housegroups, other groups, special events or activities)
There is a series of Lent groups, a house group, bereavement support and pastoral support.
Describe any social activities, events or groups (for any age group) that take place within the church community There are a range of social activities, including concerts, quiz nights, and beetle drives, organised by the Church's Social Committee.
Are the Incumbent's Expenses of Office paid in full (including travel, office and communication expenses)? No. The present incumbent judges from the state of finance some rare occasions when it is feasible. Of course, the Parish would meet travel expenses between the parishes> It is only 1 mile at the most from door to door. Does the PCC offer any other financial assistance (for instance, secretarial, gardening, courses, books, hospitality)? If 'yes', please specify SOME BOOKS yes
To what extent does the PCC meet the stipend and/or working expenses of any assistant ministers or layworkers ? Please specify None to minimal
Does the parish have a policy of encouraging individual planned giving through the promotion of stewardship? If yes, when did the last renewal take place? Yes - the last renewal was in 2007
In addition to giving by individuals are there other sources of income for the parish? If appropriate give details of source and / or amount No
Does the PCC hold any regular fund-raising events? Give details of number and type of events and total raised in last calendar year Yes. All social activities are designed to raise money, though no more than 750 is raised per annum. There is a 50/50 Club with monthly draw and prizes
What amount of PCC income was given in the last calendar year to missions and charities? What percentage of PCC income did this represent? Amount: 1,000 0r thereabouts 5
Amount of Parish Share paid by PCC in each of last three years Percentage of amount requested (indirect request) % Total PCC income in last financial year 27,016 2008 but income is stable % Total expenditure in last financial year 25,905 Expenses are stable around these figures Last year (20 ) Year before last Year before that
Has the parish used, or are there plans to use, the diocesan 'Guidelines for the identification of mission communities for Local Ministry Teams'? If yes, describe briefly what is planned, including links with other Church of England parishes and ecumenical links.
We are good friends with the local Methodist community but we do not share ministry. The Conventional District of Christ Church, Orton Goldhay, a Local Ecumenical Partnership of Anglican, Methodist and URC ministry forms part of our Parish and has its own full time Minister.
Is there, or are there plans to form, a Local Ministry Team as recommended by the report 'All Good Gifts Around Us?' If yes, give brief details of those involved and the work they do. ALMs and some PCC members who look after the Family Service
Have there been any particular recent developments in co-operation in mission and ministry in the parish, involving ministers and lay people working together? If yes, please describe briefly
The development of the Mission Action Plan, the use of ALMs and the valued contribution of the Sunday School Teacher
What are your parish's links with other parts of the World Church?
Tanzanian school but not church link and this through a committed parishioner
Are there any key features of parish life which should be noted, that have not already been mentioned - in areas such as mission, involvement in local social issues, parish participation in community projects, ministry to those at work in the parish, social events, participation in deanery and diocesan events, support of the church nationally?
We are part of 'Churches together in the Ortons' and support the organised events such as Barn dances, Choral Evensong, Open Air Carol Singing. The Church also supports St Teresa's Centre for the Homeless by taking them 12
Harvest gifts and gifts at Christmas. We sing carols to the campers at the caravan site in our parish at Christmas.
Describe the way the parish welcomes new people to the parish / church:
Refreshments are offered after the main Sunday Service and a programme of Coffee Mornings is organised on one Saturday in the month. These are open to all. Individual members approach newcomers to introduce themselves and make them feel welcome. A pew sheet with details of parish events is handed to all.
Has the PCC passed resolutions A + B under section 3(1) or (2) of the Priests (Ordination of Women) Measure 1993? N0
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