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Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC)

A Scientific Society of Ministry of Electronics & IT, Government of India

Vellayambalam, Thiruvananthapuram
Kerala - 695033
Tel: 0471 2311704, 2723333

Tender document for


Location: All over India

TENDER NO: TPC/Pub/BCG/TR11/2018-19

09th October 2018

Rev 00
2 Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) ............................................................................................... 4
3 INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB) ................................................................................................ 6
3.1 Schedule for Bid Invitation .......................................................................................... 6
3.2 Important Dates .......................................................................................................... 6
3.3 Procedure for Submission of Online Bids on CPP Portal ............................................. 7
3.3.1 Registration .......................................................................................................... 7
3.3.2 Searching for tender documents ......................................................................... 7
3.3.3 Preparation of bids .............................................................................................. 8
3.3.4 Submission of bids ............................................................................................... 8
3.3.5 Assistance to bidders ......................................................................................... 10
3.4 Pre-Qualification Eligibility and Bid Rejection Criteria .............................................. 10
3.4.1 Bidder/OEM Eligibility Criteria: .......................................................................... 10
3.4.2 General Bid Rejection Criteria: .......................................................................... 11
4 Instruction to Bidders ...................................................................................................... 13
4.1 Bidding Format .......................................................................................................... 13
4.2 Check List of Eligibility and Pre-qualification documents ......................................... 13
4.3 Check List of documents to be uploaded in Technical Bid........................................ 15
4.4 Check List of documents to be uploaded in the Commercial Bid ............................. 16
5 Bid Evaluation .................................................................................................................. 17
5.1 Technical Bid evaluation ........................................................................................... 17
5.2 Commercial Bid Evaluation ....................................................................................... 18
5.2.1 Parallel Rate Contracts ....................................................................................... 18
6 Schedule of Requirements ............................................................................................... 19
6.1 About C-DAC .............................................................................................................. 19
6.2 Purpose...................................................................................................................... 19
6.3 Responsibilities of the Bidder ................................................................................... 19
6.4 Time Schedule ........................................................................................................... 20
6.5 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ......................................................................... 20
6.5.1 Period of Validity of Bids .................................................................................... 20
6.5.2 Clarification and Amendment of tender document .......................................... 20
6.5.3 Language of Bid .................................................................................................. 20
6.5.4 Bid Prices ............................................................................................................ 20
TENDER NO: TPC/Pub/BCG/TR11/2018-19 ( Rev 00 ) 1
6.5.5 Withdrawal of Bids............................................................................................. 21
6.5.6 Cost of Bidding ................................................................................................... 21
6.5.7 C-DAC’s Right to Terminate Process .................................................................. 21
6.5.8 Supplementary Information to tender .............................................................. 21
6.5.9 Clarification / Confirmation of Compliance of Bids ........................................... 21
6.5.10 Correction of Errors ........................................................................................ 22
6.5.11 Price Negotiations .......................................................................................... 22
6.5.12 Award and signing of contract ....................................................................... 22
6.5.13 Rate Contract Terms ...................................................................................... 22
6.6 Other terms ............................................................................................................... 23
6.6.1 Payment Terms .................................................................................................. 23
6.6.2 Taxes, Duties, Levies and other charges ............................................................ 23
6.6.3 Liquidated Damages........................................................................................... 23
6.6.4 Liability / Accident ............................................................................................. 23
6.6.5 Limitation of liability .......................................................................................... 23
6.6.6 Warranty and Maintenance support ................................................................. 24
6.6.7 Fall clause ........................................................................................................... 24
6.6.8 Jurisdiction: ........................................................................................................ 24
6.6.9 Force Majeure: ................................................................................................... 24
6.6.10 Arbitration: ..................................................................................................... 25
6.6.11 Insurance: ....................................................................................................... 25
7 Technical Specifications ................................................................................................... 26
Annexures ................................................................................................................................ 31
Annexure 1: General Information of the BIDDER ................................................................ 31
Annexure 2: Financial Information ...................................................................................... 32
Annexure 3: Non-Compliance statement ............................................................................ 33
Annexure 4: TENDER ACCEPTANCE LETTER ......................................................................... 33
Annexure 5: PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTEE ................................................................ 34
Annexure 6: MANUFACTURER’S AUTHORIZATION FORM ................................................... 36
Annexure 7: FORMAT FOR TENDER FEE .............................................................................. 36
Annexure 8: FORMAT FOR EMD .......................................................................................... 37
Annexure 9: Commercial Bid Covering Letter Template .................................................... 37

TENDER NO: TPC/Pub/BCG/TR11/2018-19 ( Rev 00 ) 2

Annexure 10 – Commercial bid format with price masked ................................................. 38
Tables :
Table 1 : Schedule for Bid invitation .......................................................................................... 6
Table 2: Important Dates of Bid process ................................................................................... 6
Table 3: Bidder Eligibility & Pre-Qualification Criteria ............................................................. 13
Table 4: Technical bid documents ........................................................................................... 15
Table 5: Commercial bid documents ....................................................................................... 16

TENDER NO: TPC/Pub/BCG/TR11/2018-19 ( Rev 00 ) 3


C-DAC Thiruvananthapuram, a Scientific Society under the Ministry of Electronics and

Information Technology, Govt. of India, invites electronic tender in Two-Bid form towards
capitals, as part of the Nationwide Emergency Response System (NERS) project, funded by
Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), Govt. of India.
MHA has allocated funds to all States/UTs for implementing State-wide NERS and C-DAC(T)
has been recommended as the total solution provider by MHA. States are expected to issue
individual work orders to C-DAC(T) for implementing NERS which involves setting up of
infrastructure at control rooms of State Capitals. Upon receiving individual work orders, C-
DAC will set up appropriate infrastructure at State/UT capitals and districts.

Brief description on OS, App Sever, RDBMS and Webserver as needed for NERS.
C-DAC invites bids for Enterprise Linux OS, Application Server, Database and Web Server as
indicated in table below. –

Sl No Item
1 Enterprise Linux OS with HA for Unlimited VMs
2 Enterprise Linux OS with HA for One Physical Server
3 Enterprise Application Server Software– 4 Core
4 Enterprise Application Server Software – 16 Core
5 Enterprise RDBMS – 2 Core
6 Enterprise RDBMS – 4 Core
7 Enterprise RDBMS – 8 Core
8 Enterprise Webserver Software– 4 Core
9 Enterprise Webserver Software– 16 Core

The lowest bid will be computed separately for all the above categories. The successful
bidder has to supply, install, test and commission the items at the designated location which
will be State/UT capitals. Once the PSAP infrastructure at the State/UT capital is setup,
support for the items setup in State/UT capitals shall be the responsibility of the OEM.
The price given in the bid should be valid for one year from the date of acceptance of the
contract awarded.

The details of tender are as below:

1. Issue of Tender Document : 10th October 2018
2. Last Date for Receipt of Bids : By 03:00 PM on 30th October 2018
3. Technical Bid Opening : At 03:00 PM on 31st October 2018

TENDER NO: TPC/Pub/BCG/TR11/2018-19 ( Rev 00 ) 4

4. Commercial Bid Opening : Will be informed later
5. Tender Fee (Non Refundable):The Bidder is required to pay Rs.2240/- (Rupees Two
Thousand Two Hundred and Forty only) which is inclusive of GST towards Bid
Document Fee, at the time of submission of Bids, in the form of a Bank Demand
Draft. The Bank Demand Draft should be on Nationalised Bank or Scheduled Bank
registered with Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in favour of “Centre for Development of
Advanced Computing” and payable at Thiruvananthapuram. The Bid Document Fee
is non-refundable.
6. EMD (Refundable): All Bids must be accompanied by an EMD (Earnest Money
Deposit) of Rs. 5 Lakhs (Rupees Five Lakhs only) in the form of Bank Guarantee from
a nationalized bank or in the form of a Demand Draft from a nationalized Bank or
Scheduled bank registered with RBI, except for those bidders who possess valid
registration for EMD Exemption with the Central Purchase Organization, National
Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) or with the concerned Ministry or Department.
Eligible bidders shall submit relevant documents for EMD Exemption along with the
Bid documents. EMD shall be valid for two months beyond the bid validity period.
The tender fee and EMD should reach C-DAC(T) on or before technical bid opening date.
Otherwise the uploaded bid will not be considered.
The tender document may be downloaded from the websites, www.cdac.in or
Section Head
Technology Promotion Centre
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing,
P B No 6520, Vellayambalam, Thiruvananthapuram - 695033, Kerala
Phone: +91 471 2311704, 2723333 Extn 249,
Fax: +91 471 2311703, +91-471-2723456
email: tpc@cdac.in/ tpc-purchase@cdac.in

TENDER NO: TPC/Pub/BCG/TR11/2018-19 ( Rev 00 ) 5

Subject: Tender towards Rate Contract for one year, for SUPPLY, INSTALLATION AND
Scope of Work: Supply, installation and support of Enterprise Database, Enterprise Linux,
Web Server and Application Server as per technical specifications in Section 7.

3.1 Schedule for Bid Invitation

Table 1 : Schedule for Bid invitation

1 Name and Address of Section Head
the Purchaser Technology Promotion Centre (TPC)
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing,
P B No 6520, Vellayambalam, Thiruvananthapuram - 695033, Kerala
Phone: +91 471 2311704, 2723333 Extn 249,
Fax : +91 471 2311703, +91-471-2723456
email: tpc@cdac.in / tpc-purchase@cdac.in
2 Closing Time and Date
for receipt of online 15:00 hours on 30.10.2018.
3 Name of the Contact Section Head
Person for any Technology Promotion Centre (TPC)
clarification Centre for Development of Advanced Computing,
P B No 6520, Vellayambalam, Thiruvananthapuram - 695033, Kerala
Phone: +91 471 2311704, 2723333 Extn 249,
Fax : +91 471 2311703, +91-471-2723456
email: tpc@cdac.in / tpc-purchase@cdac.in
4 Date till which the bid 75 days from the date of opening of Technical Bid
should be valid

3.2 Important Dates

The following table provides information regarding the important dates of the Bid process
for this Bid:
Table 2: Important Dates of Bid process
Activity (Date & time) Date
Release / Issue of Bid Document 10.10.2018 (17:00Hrs)
Last date for submission of written queries for clarifications on Bid 17.10.2018 (17:00Hrs)
Last date for reply to written queries of prospective bidders 23.10.2018 (17:00 Hrs)
Tender submission start date 24.10.2018 (9:00 Hrs)
Last date & time of submission of Bids 30.10.2018 (15:00 Hrs)
Opening of Technical Bids
31.10.2018 (15:00 Hrs)
Opening of Financial Bids Will be informed later

TENDER NO: TPC/Pub/BCG/TR11/2018-19 ( Rev 00 ) 6

 The Purchaser shall not be responsible for non-receipt / non-delivery or late receipt of
the Bid documents due to any reason whatsoever.
 In the event of the specified day of bid opening being declared holiday for C-DAC, the
bids shall be opened at the appointed time and location on the next working day.

3.3 Procedure for Submission of Online Bids on CPP Portal

The bidders are required to submit soft copies of their bids electronically on the CPP Portal,
using valid Digital Signature Certificates. All the pages of bid being submitted must be signed
and sequentially numbered by the Bidder, irrespective of nature of content of the
documents before uploading. All the files mentioned should be in PDF format except for the
BoQ which should be in .xls format. The instructions given below are meant to assist the
bidders in registering on the CPP Portal, prepare their bids in accordance with the
requirements and submitting their bids online on the CPP Portal.
More information useful for submitting online bids on the CPP Portal may be obtained at:

3.3.1 Registration
a. Bidders are required to enrol on the e-Procurement module of the Central Public
Procurement Portal (URL: https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app) by clicking on the link
“Online bidder Enrolment” on the CPP Portal which is free of charge.
b. As part of the enrolment process, the bidders will be required to choose a unique
username and assign a password for their accounts.
c. Bidders are advised to register their valid email address and mobile numbers as part of
the registration process. These would be used for any communication from the CPP
d. Upon enrolment, the bidders will be required to register their valid Digital Signature
Certificate (Class II or Class III Certificates with signing key usage) issued by any Certifying
Authority recognized by CCA India (e.g. Sify / TCS / nCode / eMudhra etc.), with their
e. Only one valid DSC should be registered by a bidder. Please note that the bidders are
responsible to ensure that they do not lend their DSC’s to others which may lead to
f. Bidder then logs in to the site through the secured log-in by entering their user ID
/password and the password of the DSC / e-Token.

3.3.2 Searching for tender documents

a. There are various search options built in the CPP Portal, to facilitate bidders to search
active tenders by several parameters. These parameters could include Tender ID,
Organization Name, Location, Date, Value, etc. There is also an option of advanced
search for tenders, wherein the bidders may combine a number of search parameters

TENDER NO: TPC/Pub/BCG/TR11/2018-19 ( Rev 00 ) 7

such as Organization Name, Form of Contract, Location, Date, Other keywords etc. to
search for a tender published on the CPP Portal.
b. Once the bidders have selected the tenders they are interested in, they may download
the required documents / tender schedules. These tenders can be moved to the
respective ‘My Tenders’ folder. This would enable the CPP Portal to intimate the bidders
through SMS / e-mail in case there is any corrigendum issued to the tender document.
c. The bidder should make a note of the unique Tender ID assigned to each tender, in case
they want to obtain any clarification / help from the Helpdesk.

3.3.3 Preparation of bids

Bids must be precise, concise and complete in every manner. C-DAC will evaluate bidder’s
proposal based upon its clarity and directness of its response to the requirements as
outlined in this tender document. All the documents as set forth in the tender should be
The Bidder shall submit only one bid in accordance with the tender requirements.

a. All the documents should have the identification marks of the Bidder.
b. Bidder should take into account any corrigendum published on the tender document
before submitting their bids.
c. To avoid the time and effort required in uploading the same set of standard documents
which are required to be submitted as a part of every bid, a provision of uploading such
standard documents (e.g. PAN card copy, annual reports, auditor certificates etc.) has
been provided to the bidders. Bidders can use “My Space” or ‘’Other Important
Documents’’ area available to them to upload such documents. These documents may
be directly submitted from the “My Space” area while submitting a bid, and need not be
uploaded again and again. This will lead to a reduction in the time required for bid
submission process.
d. All pages submitted as part of the Bid document should be sequentially numbered.
e. All documents, submitted as part of the tender, to be signed by the bidder and
submitted in original.
f. Bidder should avoid, as far as possible, corrections, overwriting, erasures or postscripts
in the bid documents. In case however, any corrections, overwriting, erasures or
postscripts have to be made in the bids, they should be supported by dated signatures of
the same authorized person signing the bid documents. The bidder shall not be entitled
to amend/add/delete/correct the clauses mentioned in the entire tender document.

3.3.4 Submission of bids

a. Intending Bidders should submit their tender through e-procurement completely on or
before the due date and time.
b. The bid should be addressed to the following address:
The Section Head, TPC
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing,

TENDER NO: TPC/Pub/BCG/TR11/2018-19 ( Rev 00 ) 8

P B No 6520, Vellayambalam, Thiruvananthapuram - 695033, Kerala
c. Bids submitted through any form other than e-procurement shall not be acceptable.
d. C-DAC may, in exceptional circumstances, on its discretion, extend the deadline for
submission of bids by issuing an addendum on the NIC e-procurement web site.
e. Along with the bid, the brochures/manuals, technical documentation etc. should be
f. Bidder should log into the site well in advance for bid submission so that they can
upload the bid in time i.e. on or before the bid submission time. Bidder will be
responsible for any delay due to other issues.
g. The bidder has to digitally sign and upload the required bid documents one by one as
indicated in the tender document.
h. Bidder has to select the payment option as “offline” to pay the tender fee and EMD and
enter details of the instrument. Bidder should prepare the EMD as per the instructions
specified in the tender document. The original should be posted/couriered/given in
person to the concerned official as specified in Section 3.1, latest by the last date and
time of bid submission or as specified in the tender documents. The bidder shall seal the
original Demand Draft /Bank Guarantee in an envelope. The Bidder shall mark its name
and tender reference number on the back of the Demand Draft before sealing the same.
Name and address of the bidder and the Tender Reference Number shall be marked on
the envelope. The envelope shall also be marked with a Sentence “NOT TO BE OPENED
BEFORE the Date and Time of Bid Opening”. If the envelope is not marked as specified
above, C-DAC will not assume any responsibility for its misplacement, pre-mature
opening etc.
i. The details of the DD/any other accepted instrument, physically sent, should tally with
the details available in the scanned copy and the data entered during bid submission
time. Otherwise the uploaded bid will be rejected.
j. All brochures, data sheets and other supporting documents mentioned as per checklist
given in Table 4: Technical bid documents, shall be uploaded online in .pdf format along
with the technical bid, failing which the bids are liable to be rejected at the discretion of
C-DAC (T). But for the brochures and data sheets which are difficult to be uploaded due
to its large size, softcopy in CD /DVD shall be submitted in separate cover labelled as
“Technical support documents” and super scribed with Bidder’s name and address and
tender reference number. The envelope shall also be marked with a Sentence “NOT TO
BE OPENED BEFORE the Date and Time of Bid Opening”. The Documents should be
posted/couriered/given in person to the designated official as specified in Section 3.1,
latest by the last date and time of bid submission or as specified in the tender, failing
which the bids are liable to be rejected at the discretion of C-DAC(T). These documents
are essential for technical bid evaluation.
k. Bidders are required to download the BoQ file, open it and complete unprotected cells
with their respective financial quotes and other details (such as name of the bidder). No
other cells should be changed. Once the details have been completed, the bidder should

TENDER NO: TPC/Pub/BCG/TR11/2018-19 ( Rev 00 ) 9

save it and submit it online, without changing the filename. If the BoQ file is found to be
modified by the bidder, the bid will be rejected.
l. The server time (which is displayed on the bidders’ dashboard) will be considered as the
standard time for referencing the deadlines for submission of the bids by the bidders,
opening of bids etc. The bidders should follow this time during bid submission.
m. All the documents being submitted online by the bidders would be encrypted using PKI
encryption techniques to ensure the secrecy of the data. The data entered cannot be
viewed by unauthorized persons until the time of bid opening. The confidentiality of the
bids is maintained using the secured Socket Layer 128 bit encryption technology. Data
storage encryption of sensitive fields is done. Any bid document that is uploaded to the
server is subjected to symmetric encryption using a system generated symmetric key.
Further this key is subjected to asymmetric encryption using buyers/bid opener’s public
keys. Overall, the uploaded tender documents become readable only after the tender
opening by the authorized bid openers.
n. Upon the successful and timely submission of bids (ie. after Clicking “Freeze Bid
Submission” in the portal), the portal will give a successful bid submission message & a
bid summary will be displayed with the bid no. and the date & time of submission of the
bid with all other relevant details.
o. The bid summary has to be printed and kept as an acknowledgement of the submission
of the bid. This acknowledgement may be used as an entry pass for any bid opening

3.3.5 Assistance to bidders

Any queries relating to the tender document and the terms and conditions contained
therein should be done through e-mail to the contact person indicated in the tender. Any
queries relating to the process of online bid submission or queries relating to CPP Portal in
general may be directed to the 24x7 CPP Portal Helpdesk. The contact number for the
helpdesk is 0120-4200462 / 4001002 / 4001005.

3.4 Pre-Qualification Eligibility and Bid Rejection Criteria

3.4.1 Bidder/OEM Eligibility Criteria:
a. All firms participating in the bid must possess Company Registration Certificate and valid
GST Registration Certificate. Bidder should be a firm registered in India under the
Companies Act 1956/ Companies Act 2013 at least for the last 5 years.
b. The bidder and OEM separately should submit an undertaking, clearly stating that they
would facilitate on regular basis with technology / product updates, upgrades, patches &
extend support during the entire subscription/warranty support period as mentioned in
the tender document.
c. The bidder should have a cumulative turnover of at least Rs. 18.00 Crores (Rupees
Eighteen Crores Only) during the last three years. Enclose the copy of audited Balance
Sheet for Financial Year 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18.
Note: In case, Audited financials are not available for FY 2017-18, bidder has to upload
scanned copy of an undertaking with available financial information for FY 2017-18.

TENDER NO: TPC/Pub/BCG/TR11/2018-19 ( Rev 00 ) 10

d. The OEM should have Branch Offices/ support through mail or telephone across India
from where after-sales support is to be provided at site.
e. The bidders should enclose documentary proof in support of satisfactory completion of
a minimum of INR 20 Lakhs (Rupees Twenty Lakhs only) worth of orders of Enterprise
Database/ Enterprise Linux/ Web Server/ Application Server, preferably in Government
sectors, executed during the last three years. The bidder should attach completion
certificate issued by the competent authority on completion of work. In case the
completion certificate cannot be furnished, the bidder should provide a self-certified
undertaking to this effect.
f. In case the bidder is sourcing items from OEM, an authorization letter for supply and
servicing the same assuring full guarantee and warranty obligations shall be obtained
from the respective OEM. The bidder should submit a MAF (as per Annexure 6:
MANUFACTURER’S AUTHORIZATION FORM) of all the OEMs, whose products are being
quoted. MAF must be submitted along with the Tender Fee and EMD. Technical bids of
only those bidders will be evaluated who submit all the three documents before the
technical bid opening date.
The bidder should submit OEM certification confirming the following:
i. Confirm that the products/services quoted are not end-of-life and shall be
supported for the next 5 years.
ii. Certificate of Support as per terms mentioned in Section 6.6.6.from OEM.
g. The bidder must be ISO 9001:2008 certified at the time of bidding. The said certification
must be at least one year prior to the date of publication of this tender. Copy of
certification to be enclosed.
h. Documentary proof for technical compliance should be submitted as per the details
given in Section 7. C-DAC reserves the right to verify, if it so desires, the correctness of
documentary evidence furnished by the bidder.
Before submission of the bid, the bidders must verify the eligibility criteria and ensure
fulfilment of all the terms and conditions. In the absence of documents / certificates under
eligibility criteria above, the bid is liable to be rejected.
3.4.2 General Bid Rejection Criteria:
Any bid may be construed as a non-conforming and ineligible for consideration, if it does
not comply with the requirements of this tender. If any information provided by the Bidder
is found to be inaccurate at any stage of the selection process, C-DAC(T) may, at its
discretion disqualify the bidder and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
Besides other terms and conditions highlighted in the tender document, bids that fail to
comply with the following conditions shall be summarily rejected:
a. Bids submitted without proper Tender Fee or EMD or MAF
b. Bids that do not conform to the validity of the bid as prescribed in the tender
c. Any effort on the part of the bidder to influence the bid evaluation, bid comparison and
decisions on contract award

TENDER NO: TPC/Pub/BCG/TR11/2018-19 ( Rev 00 ) 11

d. If the information provided by the bidder is found to be incorrect/misleading at any
stage/time during the tendering process
e. The bidders are/were under a declaration of Ineligibility for corrupt or fraudulent
practices or blacklisted with the Central/State Government Departments/DGS & D.
(Undertaking by an authorized signatory of the company to this effect should be
submitted along with the technical bid).
f. Bidders who have not fulfilled the above eligibility criteria.
g. Bids without documentary evidence in support of the eligibility criteria shall be deemed
as non-responsive and will be rejected. The original documents should be submitted for
verification on short listing, if required.
h. Bids received after the last date and time prescribed for receipt.
i. Technical bid containing commercial details and revelation of prices in any form before
opening the commercial bid.
j. Bids not confirming acceptance of full responsibility of supply, installation and support
as stated in the tender document.
k. Bids that do not confirm to the timelines indicated in the bid.
l. Bids without general particulars of bidder as per Annexure 1: General Information of the

TENDER NO: TPC/Pub/BCG/TR11/2018-19 ( Rev 00 ) 12


4.1 Bidding Format

The two part bid system will be followed for this tender. In this system, bidder must submit
their offer – online in separate covers as explained below:
a. Cover 1: Prequalification & Technical Bid
The prequalification and technical bid documents are to be submitted in the following
1. Prequalification documents as per Table 3 shall be submitted in the pdf
document (prequal.pdf)
2. Technical Documents as per Table 4 shall be submitted in the pdf document
b. Cover2: Commercial bid cover should contain the price information in

Bidder should ensure that all the documents in cover1 are duly filled and signed.

4.2 Check List of Eligibility and Pre-qualification documents

Table 3: Bidder Eligibility & Pre-Qualification Criteria

Sl. Bidder Eligibility & Pre-qualification Supporting Documents to be Whether
No. criteria uploaded uploaded
1 Clause 3.4.1 (a) - Bidder should be a firm  Signed and Scanned
registered in India under the Companies Copy of Certificate of
Act 1956/ Companies Act 2013 at least Incorporation
for the last 5 years.
 Signed and Scanned
Copy of GST
2 Clause 3.4.1 (b) - Undertaking from OEM  Undertaking from
and bidder clearly stating that they would OEM
facilitate on regular basis with technology  Undertaking from
/ product updates, upgrades, patches &
extend support during the entire
subscription/warranty support period
3 Clause 3.4.1 (c) - The bidder should have Signed and Scanned copies of
a cumulative turnover of at least Rs.  Financial
18.00 Crores (Rupees Eighteen Crores performance for last
Only) during the last three years. Enclose three years as per
the copy of audited Balance Sheet for Annexure 2
Financial Year 2015-16, 2016-17 and
 Enclose the copy of
audited Balance
Sheet for Financial
TENDER NO: TPC/Pub/BCG/TR11/2018-19 ( Rev 00 ) 13
Year 2015-16, 2016-
17 & 2017-18.
4 Clause 3.4.1 (d) - OEM should have  Signed and Scanned
Branch Offices distributed across India Copy of valid
evidence of address.
5 Clause 3.4.1 (e) - Bidder should enclose  Signed and Scanned
documentary proof in support of Copy of Purchase
satisfactory completion of a minimum of Orders
INR 20 Lakhs (Rupees Twenty Lakhs only)
 Completion
worth of orders of Enterprise Database/
certificate issued by
Enterprise Linux/ Web Server/
Application Server, preferably in the competent
Government sectors, executed during the authority on
last three years. completion of work.
6 Clause 3.4.1 (f) - Manufacturer’s  Signed and Scanned
Authorization Form and undertaking Copy of
issued by OEM Manufacturer’s
Authorization Form
as per Annexure 6
 Undertaking from
OEM that the
quoted are not end-
of-life and shall be
supported for the
next 5 years
 Certificate of
Warranty and
Maintenance Support
as per terms
mentioned in Section
6.6.6. from OEM
7 Clause 3.4.1 (g) – ISO 9001:2008  Signed and Scanned
Certification for Bidder Copy of ISO
Certification of
8 Clause 3.4.1 (h) - Documentary proof for  Signed and Scanned
technical compliance copy of Technical
Compliance as per
Specifications in
Section 7
9 Remittance of Tender Fee Signed and Scanned Copy of
Tender Fee document –
Format for Tender fee
mentioned in Annexure 7

TENDER NO: TPC/Pub/BCG/TR11/2018-19 ( Rev 00 ) 14

10 Submission of EMD 1. Signed and Scanned
Copy of details of EMD
– Format for EMD
mentioned in Annexure
2. Scanned Copy of
Demand Draft/ Bank
Guarantee of the
prescribed amount
3. Signed and Scanned
copy of valid Exemption
Certificate for waiver of
11 General Information of the Bidder Signed and Scanned Copy of
the format as per Annexure 1
12 Bidder should not be blacklisted/banned/ Signed and Scanned copies of
declared having delivered dissatisfactory an undertaking by an
performance by any authorized signatory of the
government/semi‐government authority bidder
in India for supply of materials/carrying
out operations and maintenance work/
application development.
13 Performance against earlier/current rate Signed and scanned copy of
contracts rate contracts and document
showing the successful
completion/ current status
Note: Bidders who have not yet
entered a rate contract need
not submit
14 Bidder to sign & submit the copy of All pages of tender document
tender document issued by C-DAC. must be signed

4.3 Check List of documents to be uploaded in Technical Bid

Table 4: Technical bid documents

Sl. No. Technical bid documents Whether uploaded
1. Non-compliance statement (As per Annexure 3)
2. Delivery Plan
3. Service/Support Plan

4. Undertaking from OEM as per sub-clause 3 of 6.6.6 b

5. Commercial Bid with value/price information masked as in

TENDER NO: TPC/Pub/BCG/TR11/2018-19 ( Rev 00 ) 15

Annexure 10 – Commercial bid format with price masked
6. Tender acceptance letter (As per Annexure 4)
7. Data Sheets/ Brochures
8. Signed & Scanned copy of Commercial Bid Covering Letter (As
per Annexure 9)

4.4 Check List of documents to be uploaded in the Commercial Bid

Table 5: Commercial bid documents

Sl. No. Commercial Bid documents Whether
1. Commercial bid as per BoQ(MS Excel format) from

TENDER NO: TPC/Pub/BCG/TR11/2018-19 ( Rev 00 ) 16


C-DAC would constitute a Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC) and a Financial Evaluation
Committee (FEC), which will carry out the entire evaluation process.

5.1 Technical Bid evaluation

Technical evaluation will be carried out by a Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC), duly
constituted by the Competent Authority of C-DAC (T). Evaluation will be carried out as
detailed below
a. TEC will examine all the bid(s) to determine whether the Bidder qualifies the essential
eligibility and pre-qualification criteria i.e. submission of EMD & Tender fee (submission
of original instruments prior to bid due date & time) and bidder eligibility criteria.
b. All the supporting documents submitted online will be examined to determine whether
they are complying with the eligibility criteria of Technical Bid.
c. During the evaluation of the technical bids, compliance of the bidder solution with
necessary documentary evidence will be checked upon. Evaluation criteria will include
fulfilment of all specifications mentioned in the bid. A compliance sheet submitted as
per Technical bid shall be verified. Corresponding to each technical specification in the
compliance statement, relevant serial numbers/ page numbers / line numbers etc. in the
data sheet/ published documentation shall be provided for verification. Non-compliance
of any of the technical specifications/requirements may lead to rejection of the bid.
However, the final decision will be based on the recommendation of the TEC.
d. The bidder shall submit the documentation in detail for the technical evaluation of the
bid. The technical bid shall contain all items mentioned in the checklist; refer section
4.3Check List of documents to be uploaded in Technical Bid.
e. TEC will examine un-priced BoQ in PDF format (with mention of make, model, part
no./sub part nos., item description, unit and quantity quoted) vis-à-vis proposed
Solution submitted in the Technical bid, to ensure that bidder has included all the
requisite items for the proposed solution. When deemed necessary, C-DAC (T) may seek
clarifications on any aspect from the Bidder. However, that would not entitle the Bidder
to change or cause any change in the proposed solution including BoQ or price quoted.
f. Any falsification, suppression of facts would lead to rejection of the bid along with the
forfeiture of the EMD.
g. After evaluation of the technical bid(s), a list of the bidders who qualify the technical
evaluation shall be informed for witnessing the opening of the financial bid(s) along with
date, time and venue through e-mail/eProcurement website notification. The financial
bid(s) of technically qualified bidders shall only be opened. The qualified bidders can
authorise their representative for witnessing the opening of financial bid.

TENDER NO: TPC/Pub/BCG/TR11/2018-19 ( Rev 00 ) 17

5.2 Commercial Bid Evaluation

Commercial bid evaluation will be carried out by a Financial Evaluation Committee (FEC),
duly constituted by the Competent Authority of C-DAC(T). The Financial Bids of only those
Bidders short listed from the Technical Bids by TEC will be opened in the presence of their
representatives on a specified date and time to be intimated to the respective qualified
Bidders by C-DAC(T). It is further clarified that even in case bidder or their authorized
representative is not present on the schedule date, time and venue, the Financial Bids shall
be opened by the purchaser or his authorized representatives. Purchaser shall not entertain
any representation or request of the Bidder in this regard. The Commercial bid shall be
complete in all aspects as mentioned in Table 5: Commercial bid documents.
FEC will examine all the bid(s) to determine whether the Bidder has submitted the price bid
as per BoQ.

Bidders are required to specify the GST, levies, freight & insurances charges etc. in
unambiguous terms. In the absence of any such stipulation, it will be presumed that the
prices quoted are firm and final with all taxes, duties, levies, freight & insurances etc. and no
claim on account of such charges will be entertained after the opening of commercial bids.
As the tender pertains to rate contract, the taxes applied will be as per the rates prevailing
at the time of invoicing. The commercial bids will be separately evaluated and L1 bidder
will be separately identified for nine items as specified in Annexure-10. C-DAC is not bound
to place orders for all categories of the item.

5.2.1 Parallel Rate Contracts

C-DAC may award parallel rate contracts for one or more categories of items if there are
competitive qualified bidders, so that order can be placed on next higher responsive bidder
in case L1 is not in a position to supply the items within the specified time. For parallel rate
contract, the following procedure will be followed.
• The rate contract will be awarded to L1 bidder.
• The price of L1 will be counter offered to the next higher responsive bidder.
• The bidder who accepts the counter offered rate will be awarded parallel rate

No enquiry shall be made by the bidder(s) during the course of evaluation of the tender,
after opening of financial bid, till final decision is conveyed to the successful bidder.

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6.1 About C-DAC

Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) is a Scientific Society under the
Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Ministry of Communications and
Information Technology, Government of India. C-DAC, Thiruvananthapuram (C-DAC (T)) is an
ISO 9001:2008 certified R&D Centre for the Design, Development, Supply, Installation,
Commissioning, Turnkey Implementation, Maintenance, Customer Support, Consultancy
and Transfer of Technology of Products and Systems in the area of Electronics and
Information Technology.

6.2 Purpose

Nationwide Emergency Response System (NERS) is the vision of Ministry of Home Affairs
(MHA), Govt. of India, to launch a nationwide, unified emergency response system with a
single emergency number ‘112’, for all kinds of emergencies and distress calls from across
the country. NERS is designed to address distress signals from citizens in the form of voice
call, SMS, e-mail, panic SOS request, web request etc. through a unified platform.

The automated facility envisaged being setup for this purpose in the capital cities of all
States and UTs, will handle all distress signals to 112 and provide assistance available to the
people in distress within the best possible time. Henceforth, all the existing emergency
numbers like 100 (police), 101 (Fire and Rescue) and 108 (ambulance), 181 (Woman and
Child Care) etc. will be integrated to unified number ‘112’.

The implementation of Nationwide Emergency Response System involves setting up three

major components: Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) implementation at the State/UT
capital, District Coordination Centre (DCC) extensions with associated Emergency Response
(ER) units (vehicles fitted with mobile data terminals) and the National Support Services
(NSS) implementation at national capital.

C-DAC(T) invites interested bidders to participate in the two stage (technical and
commercial) competitive bidding, through e-Procurement portal for supply, installation and
support of Enterprise Database, Enterprise Linux, Web Server and Application Server as
per technical specifications given in this document.

6.3 Responsibilities of the Bidder

The bidder should undertake the following responsibilities
a. Supply, installation and support of Enterprise Database, Enterprise Linux, Web
Server and Application Server at specific State/UT capitals as per the specification
given in Section 7.

TENDER NO: TPC/Pub/BCG/TR11/2018-19 ( Rev 00 ) 19

b. Provide warranty support as per the terms and conditions in Section 6.6.6.

c. For Enterprise Linux Operating System, the Bidder’s responsibility is limited to Supply
and Support of the same only.

All expenses incurred for logistics, including insurance shall be borne by the bidder.

6.4 Time Schedule

Since time schedules are very critical for this project, the items are to be delivered within
15 days from the date of release of purchase order.


6.5.1 Period of Validity of Bids
The bid shall remain valid for 75 days from the date of submission of the bid. Bidder should
ensure that in all circumstances, its bid fulfills the validity condition. Any bid valid for a
shorter period shall be rejected as non-responsive. In exceptional circumstances, C-DAC(T)
may, at its own discretion, solicit bidder’s consent to an extension of the period of validity.
The bidder shall not be held liable in any manner if such consent is not provided.
6.5.2 Clarification and Amendment of tender document
The bidders may request for clarification of any aspect of the tender documents up to the
number of days as indicated in Section 3.2. Any request for clarification must be sent in
writing or by standard electronic means to C-DAC in the address as indicated in Section
3.1.C-DAC(T) will respond in writing or by standard electronic means commonly to all
bidders without specifying the source of the inquiry.
At any time prior to the deadline (or as extended by C-DAC) for submission of bids, C-DAC
may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to the clarifications
requested by bidders, modify the bid document. The amendment shall be notified in the
web site of NIC e-procurement and such amendment shall be binding on the bidders.
6.5.3 Language of Bid
The Bid prepared by the Bidder, supporting documents and printed literature furnished by
the bidders as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the Bid exchanged
between the Bidder and C-DAC(T)shall be in English only.
6.5.4 Bid Prices
a. All items described in the technical bid must be priced separately.
b. The bidder can quote for one or more of the nine items listed in this tender document as
per the Terms & conditions, so as to meet the requirements and specification.
c. All taxes &duties, packing, forwarding, freight and insurance etc. should be shown
separately. Customs duty exemption certificate cannot be issued by C-DAC.
d. A bid submitted with an adjustable price quotation or conditional bid shall be rejected as

TENDER NO: TPC/Pub/BCG/TR11/2018-19 ( Rev 00 ) 20

e. The rates should be in whole numbers and shall be written in both figures as well as in
words. Over writing is not permitted. In case of disparity in figures & words, the rate in
words will be considered.
f. The bidders should quote only in Indian Rupees (INR) and the bids in currencies other
than Indian rupees shall not be accepted.
g. The prices, once offered by the Bidder must remain fixed and must not be subject to
escalation for any reason whatsoever within the period of the Rate contract.
h. Tenders, not stipulating period of firmness and tenders with price variation clause
and/or ‘subject to prior sale’ condition are liable to be rejected.
i. The bidder should provide part numbers make, model, brochures/catalogues/data
sheets/manuals of items quoted along with the bid.
j. Self-attested copies of documents related to PAN/GSTIN No. of the Bidder should be
submitted along with the tender document.

6.5.5 Withdrawal of Bids

The Bidders cannot withdraw the bid in the interval between the last date for receipt of bids
and the expiry of the bid validity period specified in the Bid. Such withdrawal will result in
forfeiture of EMD from the Bidder.
6.5.6 Cost of Bidding
The bidder shall bear all cost associated with the preparation and submission of bid.
C-DAC(T)will in no case, be responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or
outcome of the bidding process.
6.5.7 C-DAC’s Right to Terminate Process
a. C-DAC(T) may terminate the tender process at any time without assigning any reason,
and C-DAC(T) makes no commitments, expressed or implied that this process will result
in a business transaction with anyone.
b. This tender does not constitute an offer by C-DAC(T). The bidder's participation in this
process may result in C-DAC(T) selecting the bidder to engage in further discussions and
negotiations toward execution of a contract. The commencement of such negotiations
does not however signify a commitment by C-DAC(T) to execute a contract or to
continue negotiations.

6.5.8 Supplementary Information to tender

If C-DAC(T) deems it appropriate to revise any part of this tender or to issue additional data
to clarify an interpretation of provisions, it may issue supplements to this tender. Any such
supplement shall be deemed to be incorporated into this tender.
6.5.9 Clarification / Confirmation of Compliance of Bids
a. To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of bids, C-DAC(T) at its
discretion may ask the bidder for the clarification /confirmation of compliance of its bid.
The request for such clarification / confirmation of compliance and the response shall be
through email.

TENDER NO: TPC/Pub/BCG/TR11/2018-19 ( Rev 00 ) 21

b. In case bidders fail to submit the clarification as sought by C-DAC(T) in time, their bid
shall be evaluated based on the information furnished along with the bid proposal.

6.5.10 Correction of Errors

In case of discrepancies in bids, the following measures shall be adopted to correct the
arithmetical errors for the purpose of evaluation.

a. If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price, the unit price shall
prevail, and the total price shall be corrected accordingly.
b. If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words will prevail.
c. If there is a discrepancy between the total bid amount and the sum of various costs, the
sum of the various costs shall prevail.
d. If a Bidder does not accept the correction of errors, their bid will be rejected and Bid
security may be forfeited.

6.5.11 Price Negotiations

a. In case the price quoted by the lowest responsive bidder (L1) is not reasonable and un-
acceptable, the price may be negotiated with L1 only and, if it reduces the price to the
desired level, rate contract may be concluded with L1.
b. In case of parallel rate contracts, C-DAC(T) shall resort to negotiation and counter
offering as indicated in Section 5.2.1.

6.5.12 Award and signing of contract

a. The rate contract will be awarded to the lowest bidder (L1). In order to ensure reliable
supply and maintenance of the items tendered, C-DAC(T) may decide to award parallel
rate contracts.
b. To accept the rate contract awarded, the successful bidders should sign a rate contract
agreement in non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.200/- with C-DAC(T) within fifteen days.
Failure of the successful bidder to sign the rate contract within the stipulated period,
shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award, in which event C-
DAC(T) may make the award to the next lowest responsive bidder.
c. After signing of rate contract(s), C-DAC(T) shall notify all the unsuccessful bidders and
will discharge their EMD.
d. Individual Purchase orders will be issued to the successful bidders based on C-DAC(T)’s
requirements. A Security Deposit @ 10 % of the total value of each order should be
submitted by the bidder as per terms of the agreement.

6.5.13 Rate Contract Terms

a. This tender does not guarantee a minimum order quantity.
b. Once a supply order is placed on the supplier for supply of a definite quantity in terms of
the rate contract during the validity period of the rate contract, that supply order
becomes a valid and binding contract.

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c. C-DAC(T) reserves the right to conclude one or more than one rate contract for the
same item.
d. C-DAC(T) reserves the right to renegotiate the price with the rate contract holders.
e. In case of emergency, C-DAC(T) may purchase the same item from a new supplier

6.6 Other terms

6.6.1 Payment Terms
a. Payment of 90% of the order value shall be made by C-DAC within 30 days of material
delivery at the designated sites in good condition and verification by C-DAC(T).
b. Remaining 10% will be paid against bank guarantee of 10% of total order value, valid for
a period of 60 days beyond completion of all warranty obligations.
c. All payments are subject to statutory deductions, wherever applicable.

6.6.2 Taxes, Duties, Levies and other charges

a. TDS as applicable will be deducted. All applicable taxes as prevailing shall be shown
separately. Bidder should include full GST amount in GST column of BOQ. Bidders should
submit GST invoice and remit the GST amount to Tax Authorities through CDAC GST No.
b. The base rates quoted by the bidder shall be firm for a period of 1 Year. Any revision in
the rate of Taxes, Duties, levies etc. or introduction of new taxes/duties/levies by
government shall be honoured, provided bidder has clearly shown the taxes, duties,
levies etc. in the commercial bid.
c. Loading and unloading of materials is the responsibility of the bidder and any charges in
this regard to be borne by the bidder.

6.6.3 Liquidated Damages

a. C-DAC(T) reserves the right to recover liquidated damages @ 0.5% of order value per
week of delay beyond the scheduled execution of the order, which includes successful
delivery, subject to maximum of 10% of the order value.
b. C-DAC(T) reserves the right to cancel the order in case the delay is more than 10 weeks.
c. The delay in delivery and/or installation not attributed to supplier viz. site preparation,
submission of required documents etc. with due justification and the conditions arising
out of Force Majeure will not be considered for the purpose of calculating penalties.

6.6.4 Liability / Accident

The bidder shall indemnify and keep indemnified C-DAC(T) against all losses and claims for
injuries and damages to any person and/or property and/or project activities whatsoever
which may arise out of or in consequence of the project execution against all claims,
demands, proceedings, damages, costs, changes, expenses whatsoever in respect there-of
in relation thereto.
6.6.5 Limitation of liability
Neither Party shall be liable for loss of profits, loss of anticipated savings or loss of
unforeseeable damages. Subject to the above and to the extent allowed by local laws, the

TENDER NO: TPC/Pub/BCG/TR11/2018-19 ( Rev 00 ) 23

maximum aggregate liability of each party under this proposal for any claim or series of
claims under any relevant purchase order regardless of the form of claim and damage, shall
not exceed the value of the relevant purchase order.
6.6.6 Warranty and Maintenance support
The OEM should provide support services of the Enterprise Database, Enterprise Linux, Web
Server and Application Server, for the specified period at the respective installed locations,
which are State/UT capitals.
i Bidder shall ensure that direct OEM 24x7 support is available with unlimited incident
support (Telephonic through Toll free number and Web).
ii All Software offered should be covered under OEM support enabling program so as
to get back end support / benefits from Principals / OEM in terms of Free Support /
Maintenance, access to 24 x 7 x 365 online support from Technical Assistance Centre
of OEM for resolution of problems with the help of their technical team.

Undertaking from the OEM for the same should be enclosed with the technical bid. If any of
the above terms is not agreeable to the bidder, it should be specifically mentioned in the bid
along with the alternative suggested. C-DAC(T) reserves the rights to accept or reject the
suggestion without assigning any reason whatsoever thereof.

6.6.7 Fall clause

If the rate contract holder reduces its price or sells or even offers to sell the rate contracted
goods or services, following terms and conditions of sale similar to those of this tender, at a
price lower than the rate contract price, to any person or organization during the currency
of the rate contract, the rate contract price will be automatically reduced with effect from
that date for all the subsequent supplies under the rate contract and the rate contract
amended accordingly. Other parallel rate contract holders, if any, shall also be given
opportunity to reduce their price as well, by notifying the reduced price to them and giving
them seven days’ time to intimate their revised prices.
6.6.8 Jurisdiction:
The disputes, legal matters, court matters, if any shall be subject to Thiruvananthapuram,
Kerala, India jurisdiction only.
6.6.9 Force Majeure:
C-DAC(T) may consider relaxing the penalty and delivery requirements, as specified in this
document, if and to the extent that, the delay in performance or other failure to perform its
obligations under the contract is the result of an Force Majeure. Force Majeure is defined as
an event of effect that cannot reasonably be anticipated such as acts of God (like
earthquakes, floods, storms etc.), acts of states / state agencies, the direct and indirect
consequences of wars (declared or undeclared), hostilities, national emergencies, civil
commotion and strikes at successful Bidder’s premises or any other act beyond control of
the bidder.

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6.6.10 Arbitration:
All disputes/clams of any kind arising out of supply, installation and support, acceptance,
warranty maintenance etc under this Contract, shall be referred by either party (C-DAC(T) or
the bidder) after issuance of 30 days’ notice in writing to the other party clearly mentioning
the nature of dispute to the mutually agreed Arbitrator appointed by C-DAC(T). The
arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in English and as per the provisions of Indian
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. The decision of the Arbitrator shall be final and
binding on both the parties.
6.6.11 Insurance:
The bidder shall take comprehensive insurance for all equipment supplied and installed
against any damages due to accidents, theft, sabotage or any other natural calamities like
flood, lightning, etc. The insurance coverage shall be valid till the installation of the item at
site. C-DAC(T) shall not pay the contractor any additional cost in this regard.
6.6.12 Preference to Make in India
Indian suppliers, falling under the purview of Public Procurement (Preference to Make in
India), Order 2017 by Govt. of India, vide order no. P-45021/2/2017-B.E.-II dated 15th June
2017, and all subsequent clarifications can avail the intended benefits, as per provisions of
the order subject to the following conditions
1. Minimum local content shall be 50%
2. Margin of Purchase preference shall be 20%

Modality of preference to Make in India shall be as per aforesaid order. Any Indian Bidder
intending to avail the benefits as shall submit the requisite documents as per the aforesaid

TENDER NO: TPC/Pub/BCG/TR11/2018-19 ( Rev 00 ) 25


7.1 Server Operating System

1. The proposed Enterprise Linux Operating System should be enterprise class open
source software product.
2. The Proposed Enterprise Linux Operating System of the server shall be of 64 Bit
architecture and shall be of the latest version released by the OS vendor.
3. The Proposed Enterprise Linux Operating System shall have standard features and
networking support i.e. TCP/IP, NFS, NIS, Linux tools etc.
4. The Proposed Enterprise Linux Operating System should provide 10+ years Support
for Kernel.
5. Proposed Enterprise Linux Operating System shall be provided with the latest
patches as applicable and OS should have minimum features like
◦ Online OS upgrades and Online kernel patching/upgrades
◦ Standard GUI utilities for basic system administration
◦ Online error detection and prevention of critical hardware components
◦ Provision to analyse system performance bottleneck in real-time
◦ Security features like built-in firewall, ip tables, Access control list, Process based
privileges, TCP wrappers, IPSec, Smart card support, Pluggable Authentication
modules and more.
◦ Vendor should provide clear reference to these features.

6. The proposed Enterprise Linux Operating System should be Common Criteria EAL4+
compliant and should follow industry Security Standards for Enterprise Operating

7. The proposed Enterprise Linux Operating system should support multiple

architectures, including x86_64, IBM power 8 and 9, IBM z Systems, and 64-bit ARM

8. The proposed Enterprise Linux operating system shall be supported on various

leading cloud platforms including AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform and
can be deployed across Physical, Virtual, Cloud and Container environment.

9. The proposed Enterprise Linux operating system shall support security standards i.e.
Common Criteria and FIPS 140-2 certifications—including the Linux Containers
Framework Support to be Common Criteria-certified, NIST-certified scanner

10. The bidder shall provide Proper OEM Support for the proposed Enterprise Linux
Operating system and must not provide freeware OS, either stand-alone or bundled
as part of any solution.

TENDER NO: TPC/Pub/BCG/TR11/2018-19 ( Rev 00 ) 26

11. The Proposed Enterprise Linux Operating System shall provide hotfix availability in
cases required.

7.2 Enterprise Application Server:

1. Proposed Enterprise application server should be enterprise class open source
software product.
2. Proposed Enterprise application server must support Java/JDK version 1.8 and

3. Proposed Enterprise application server must support minimum 3 JDK options to

ensure future portability and no vendor lock-in.

4. Proposed Enterprise application server must support deployment across multiple

operating system such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Microsoft Windows, Oracle
Solaris, HP UX etc

5. Proposed Enterprise application server should be available in container format

deployment supported by respective OEM. It should be optimized for container and
cloud based deployments.

6. Proposed Enterprise application server must support following databases : Oracle

12c, Oracle 11g, IBM DB2, My SQL, Maria DB, MS SQL 2016, PostgreSQL, Enterprise
DB Postgres Plus Advanced Server.

7. Proposed Enterprise application server should be lightweight, open source, open

standards & must support following standards (minimum supported versions) :
◦ Java Servlet 3.1
◦ JavaServer Faces (JSF) 2.2
◦ JavaServer Pages & Expression Language (JSP) 2.3
◦ Java Transaction API (JTA) 1.2
◦ Enterprise Web Services 1.3
◦ JavaMail 1.5
◦ Java Message Service (JMS) 2.0
◦ Java Persistence (JPA) 2.1
◦ Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) 2.2
◦ Standard Tag Library for JavaServer Pages (JSTL) 1.2
◦ Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) 2.2
◦ Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS) 2.0
◦ Java API for XML Registries (JAXR) 1.0
◦ Contexts and Dependency Injection for Java (CDI) 1.1
◦ Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.2

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◦ Web Services Description Language (WSDL) 1.1
◦ WS-Security 1.1
◦ WS-Trust 1.3
8. Proposed Enterprise application server must include web server and support
dynamic load balancing between web server and application server instances.

9. Proposed Enterprise application server must support customizable profile-based

configuration and run time deployment. Application server profile shall allow
addition and removal of services as per requirement.

10. Proposed Enterprise application server must support HTTP/2 & Non Blocking IO
(NIO) out of the box for maximum throughput and scalability.

11. Proposed Enterprise application server must support high availability, horizontal
clustering, vertical clustering, mixed (mix of horizontal and vertical both) clustering,
session replication and fail over features out of the box.

12. Proposed Enterprise application server shall auto-configure number of threads and
dynamically adapt as per hardware configurations (such as number of cores) for
maximum throughput.

13. Proposed Enterprise application server must enable single sign on for hosted
applications through integrated single sign on server/identity provider such as SAML,
Oauth/OpenID Connect etc.

14. Proposed Enterprise application server must be supported by respective OEM’s for
minimum 5 years and shall include updates, upgrades, patches, bug fixes, 24 x 7
unlimited support incidents.

15. Proposed Enterprise application server OEM must have support centre presence in

7.3 Enterprise Web Server

Enterprise Web Server should combine market-leading open source technologies with
enterprise capabilities to provide a single solution for large-scale websites and light weight
web applications.
The proposed Enterprise web server should be enterprise class open source software

TENDER NO: TPC/Pub/BCG/TR11/2018-19 ( Rev 00 ) 28

The Web Server should have at least below supported components:

1. It should combine web server (Apache) with servlet engine (Tomcat)

2. The Apache Tomcat Native Library
3. The tomcat-vault
4. The mod_cluster library

7.4 Database Management System:

1. Database should be enterprise class open source database with Oracle compatibility.

2. Database OEM should have a support center in India and should have presence in

3. Database should have built-in backup and recovery tool

4. Database should be compatible for mission critical applications.

5. Database shall provide standard access Tool for administering the database. The tool
should be able to monitor, maintain and manage the database instance, objects, and

6. Database shall be able to provide database level storage management mechanism,

which should enable the availability by means of creating redundancy, automatically
balance the data files across the available disks, I/O balancing across the available
disks for the database for performance, availability and management.

7. Database shall provide functionality to replicate / propagate the data across

different Databases.

7.5 Additional / Other Requirements

 While finalizing the solution architecture for the requirement, policy of Government
of India on adoption of open source software issued by DeitY vide F. No. 1(3)/2014-
EG II must be adhered.
 As Security shall be an important aspect, Server Operating System for all servers shall
be Common Criteria EAL4+ certified
 The bidder shall be responsible for arranging annual technology support for the OEM
products provided by respective OEMs during the entire O&M phase. The bidder
shall provide the OEM MAF for the enterprise system software as listed below and It
is mandatory for the bidder to take enterprise level annual support over the entire
contract duration at minimum for the software(s) mentioned below:
1. Operating System

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3. Application server
4. Web Server

 The bidder shall provide full-use versions of the various OEM System Software,
which shall not be restricted for specific application use only. The client shall be able
to use the proposed OEM software components for various other applications also.

 Bidder shall provide ATS / AMC for the Software / Solutions provided by the
respective OEMs for the period specified in the RFP. The ATS / AMC should include
upgrades, updates and patches to the respective Software solution for the above
stated period.

 All the licenses/subscription and support (updates, patches, bug fixes, etc.), if
applicable, should be in the name of the client department.

 The bidder shall note that free software or software which is not supported by the
respective OEM shall not be accepted.

 The system software proposed should be from an OEM with presence in India and
the OEM shall have India Support Centre to provide 365x24x7 support.

 The OEM Software support shall not restrict the number of support cases/incidents.

 The Software OEM shall have defined product life cycle and update policies

 The OEM Software license/subscription shall allow the software to be deployed on

physical, virtual or cloud based servers.

 The bidder shall propose full use license/subscription of various industry leading
middleware software i.e. Application Server, RDBMS etc instead of using any
restrictive bundle as part of any Platform. The proposed Platform shall support
multiple choices for the middleware software instead of any vendor lock-in. The
Authority shall be able to use these OEM Middleware software i.e. RDBMS,
Application server even if it decides to change or discard the platform/bundle also at
a later date.

TENDER NO: TPC/Pub/BCG/TR11/2018-19 ( Rev 00 ) 30

 Enterprise Linux Operating System, Enterprise Application Server and Enterprise
Web Server should be from the same OEM to avoid compatibility conflicts (if any).


Annexure 1: General Information of the BIDDER

Sl. Particulars To be filled in by the Bidder

1 Name of the Bidding Agency
2 Legal status
a Government/ Public Sector Undertaking
a propriety firm
a partnership firm (if yes, give partnership
a limited company or limited corporation
a member of a group of companies (if yes, give
name and address, and description of other
a subsidiary of a large corporation (if yes give
the name and address of the parent
Organization) If the company is subsidiary,
state what involvement if any, will the parent
company have in the project.
3 Date of establishment of the Agency (Attach a
copy of Registration certificate)
4 Address of the Agency with office telephone
number, web site, e-mail ID, Mobile number
and the name of the contact person
5 PAN/ TAN Number (Copy to be enclosed)
6 Details of GST (Copy to be enclosed)
7 Whether a copy of audited Annual Turnover
Certificate for the past three years enclosed?
8 Whether Authorization Certificate from OEM
has been included in the Technical Bid?
9 Whether letter from OEM stating the
Warranty provided by OEM on the Enterprise
Database, Enterprise Linux, Web Server and
Application Server is included in the Technical
10 Whether an undertaking clearly stating that
the OEM is facilitating them on regular basis
with technology / product updates and fully
supports them during the warranty period has
been included in the Technical Bid?
11 Whether all Certificates & documentary proof

TENDER NO: TPC/Pub/BCG/TR11/2018-19 ( Rev 00 ) 31

for technical specifications given in Section 7
has been provided.
12 Whether Plan / arrangement in escalation
matrix, for warranty services to be provided at
C-DAC, Thiruvananthapuram has been
13 Whether Detailed write-up / technical
documents / data sheets /brochures of the
product have been included in the Technical
14 Whether Technical Compliance Statement has
been included in the Technical Bid?
15 Attach the organizational chart showing the
structure of the organization including the
names of the directors and the position of the
Total number of employees:
16 Do you have pan-India presence? Give the list
of offices in India.
17 Does your organization have SEI –CMM / ISO
9000 certificates? If so, attach copies of the
certificates. State details, if certified by bodies,
other than that stated.
18 Whether a list of clients with contact details,
to whom the bidder has supplied the item
earlier, has been included in the Technical
19 Have you been blacklisted / banned / declared
having delivered dissatisfactory performance
by any government / semi‐government
authority in India for supply of materials /
carrying out operations and maintenance
work / application development. An
undertaking by an authorized signatory of the
company needs to be submitted in this regard.

Annexure 2: Financial Information

Particulars Financial Year

2015-16 2016-2017 2017-2018

Annual Turnover
(Rs. Crores)


TENDER NO: TPC/Pub/BCG/TR11/2018-19 ( Rev 00 ) 32

1. Submit the Audited balance sheet along with Profit & Loss Account for the financial
year 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18.

Annexure 3: Non-Compliance statement

Any proposed deliverable/ functional aspects/ technical aspects/ terms/ conditions or any
other item NOT IN compliance to RFP Requirement

Sl No Section/ Page Sl.No. as in Requirement as Deviation Remarks/

No. in RFP RFP specified in RFP Reasons


(To be given in Company Letter Head)

The Section Head,
Technology Promotion Centre (TPC)
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing
Thiruvananthapuram – 695033

Subject: Acceptance of Terms & Conditions

Tender Reference No

Name of the Tender: Rate Contract for the Supply, Installation and support of Enterprise
Database, Enterprise Linux, Web Server and Application Server

Dear Sir,

1. I / We have downloaded / obtained the tender document(s) for the above mentioned
‘Tender/Work’ from the web site(s) namely: www.cdac.in / www.eprocure.gov.in as per
your NIT / advertisement, given in the above-mentioned website(s).
2. I / We hereby certify that I / We have read the entire terms and conditions of the
tender documents (including all documents like annexure(s), schedules (s), etc.), which
form part of the contract agreement and I / We shall abide hereby by the terms /
conditions/ clauses contained therein.

TENDER NO: TPC/Pub/BCG/TR11/2018-19 ( Rev 00 ) 33

3. The corrigendum(s) issued from time to time by your department / organization too has
also been taken into consideration, while submitting this acceptance letter.
4. I / We hereby unconditionally accept the tender conditions of above mentioned tender
document(s) / corrigendum(s) in its totality / entirety.
5. I /We do hereby declare that our firm has not been blacklisted / debarred by any Govt.
Department / Public sector undertaking.
6. I /We certify that all information furnished by the our firm is true & correct and in the
event that the information is found to be incorrect / untrue or found violated, then your
department/ organization shall without giving any notice or reason thereof or
summarily reject the bid or terminate the contract, without prejudice to any other
rights or remedy including the forfeiture of the fully said earnest money deposit

Yours faithfully,

Authorized Signatory
(Signature of the Bidder, with official
Email Id for correspondence.


(To be stamped in accordance with Stamp Act)

Bank Guarantee No.


The Section Head,
Technology Promotion Centre (TPC)
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing
Thiruvananthapuram – 695033

Whereas M/s. ………………………, having its registered Office at

………………………………………………………………………………………….. (hereinafter called ‘The
Contractor’) entered into an Agreement No. ………………………………….. dated ../../…. for the
supply, installation and support of …………………… (hereinafter called ‘The Contract’) with
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, Vellayambalam, Thiruvananthapuram,
India (hereinafter called ‘The Purchaser’).

TENDER NO: TPC/Pub/BCG/TR11/2018-19 ( Rev 00 ) 34

And whereas under the terms and conditions of the contract balance 10% payment
amounting to …………….. under the contract is to be made against a performance bond in the
form of a bank guarantee furnished by the contractor for a sum of ………… equivalent to 10%
(ten per cent) of the value of the contract towards the supply, installation and support of
Enterprise Database (PPAS), Enterprise Linux, Web Server and Application Server, its
satisfactory performance and its warranty service, valid for a period of one year from the
date of installation.
Now we Bank of …………………………………… hereby agree and undertake to pay on demand
and without any demur to Centre for Development of Advanced Computing,
Vellayambalam, Thiruvananthapuram, India on behalf of the contractor a sum not exceeding
……….. against any loss or damage that may be suffered by the Purchaser by the reasons of
unsatisfactory performance of the said ……….. or non-adherence to the contractual
And we, Bank …………………………………………………………………….. hereby also agree that the
decision of the said Head, Technology Promotion Centre (TPC) as to whether the said …………
is giving satisfactory performance or not and as to the amount of loss or damages suffered
by the Purchaser on account of unsatisfactory performance of the said ………….. or non-
adherence to the contractual obligations shall be final and binding on us.
And we Bank ………………………………………………………………… hereby further agree that our
liability hereunder shall not be discharged by virtue of any agreement between the
purchaser & the contractor whether with or without knowledge and/or consent or by
reason of the Purchaser showing any indulgence or forbearance to the contractor whether
as to payment, time performance or any other matter whatsoever relating to the contract
which but for this provision would amount to discharge of the surety under the law.
Our guarantee shall remain in force until ………………. and unless a claim under the guarantee
is lodged with us all rights of the purchaser under the Guarantee shall be forfeited and we
shall be relieved and discharged from all our liabilities hereunder.
Our liability under this guarantee shall not be affected by any change in our constitution or
the constitution of the contractor.
This Guarantee shall be governed by the laws of India and only the courts of
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala shall have exclusive jurisdiction in the adjudication of any
dispute which may arise hereunder.

Dated the ________________ day of _______ 20__

Bank Rubber Stamp
Designation with bank Stamp
Plus Attorney as per Power of
Attorney No:

TENDER NO: TPC/Pub/BCG/TR11/2018-19 ( Rev 00 ) 35


Ref Tender no:

Dated: ____/____/______

Whereas____________________ (Name and Address of the Manufacturer) who are

established and manufacturers of (Name/description of the products), having production
facilities at _______________________(Address of factory) do hereby authorize
M/s________________________________.(Name and Address of the Bidder) to submit a
bid, and subsequently negotiate and sign the Contract with you for resale of the following
Products produced by us, against tender No _______________________

Sl No Item Description (Detailed Specification with part No# as per Tender)

Name: (In the capacity of)

(Duly authorized to sign the authorization on and behalf

of the manufacturer)


Dated this__________________ day of_______________20__

Note: This letter of authority must be on the letterhead of the concerned manufacturer and
must be signed by a competent person and having the power of attorney to bind the
Manufacturer and, must be included by the Bidder in its bid.


Tender Fee Details

Amount Name of the Bank &
Sl. No. Demand Draft no. & date
(in Rs.) Branch

TENDER NO: TPC/Pub/BCG/TR11/2018-19 ( Rev 00 ) 36

Note :
The original instrument towards Tender fee and the template containing the Tender fee
details are to be submitted offline at C-DAC(T) in a separate cover super scribed with
“Tender Fee” as part of packet 1

Annexure 8: FORMAT FOR EMD

EMD Details
Demand Draft /BG Amount
Sl. No. no. & date (in Rs.) Name of the Bank & Branch

Note :
The original instrument towards EMD and the template containing the EMD details are to be
submitted offline at C-DAC(T) in a separate cover super scribed with “Earnest Money
Deposit” as part of Packet 1

Annexure 9: Commercial Bid Covering Letter Template

< In Bidders letter head >

Date: [Insert: date of bid]
(Registered name and address of the bidder)

Dear Sir,
Having examined the Tender number ------------------- ------------- ----------------------- dated -------
----------------------- the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, we, the undersigned, offer
Rate Contract for one year, for supply, installation and support of Enterprise Database,
Enterprise Linux, Web Server and Application Server at State/UT capitals, as part of the
TENDER NO: TPC/Pub/BCG/TR11/2018-19 ( Rev 00 ) 37
Nationwide Emergency Response System (NERS) project. The rate offered in the BoQ is firm
and valid throughout the rate contract period. The rate is in accordance with the Price
Schedules herewith made part of this bid as per the Commercial bid template.
We undertake that we shall timely deliver, successfully setup and commission the specified
system at the quoted rates, at required locations, if rate contract is awarded to us based on
which and specific orders are issued by C-DAC.
We declare that we have studied the tender document and are bidding with an expectation
that you shall award us Contracts, either in part or whole.
We have read the terms & conditions of the tender and confirm that these are acceptable to
us. All necessary clarifications, if any, have been sought for by us and duly clarified in
writing, by C-DAC, Thiruvananthapuram. We understand that any other ambiguous clauses
in the tender, if any, are subject to interpretation of C-DAC (T).
If our bid is accepted, we undertake to execute all contractual documents and provide all
securities & guarantees as required in the tender document (and as amended from time to
We undertake that, in competing for (and, if the award is made to us, in executing) the
above contract, we will strictly observe the laws against fraud and corruption in force in
India namely “Prevention of Corruption Act”.
We agree to abide by this bid, consisting of this letter, the tender fee, EMD, Technical bid
and Commercial bid, for a period of bid validity from the date fixed for submission of bids as
stipulated in the tender, and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted by you at
any time before the expiration of that period.
Dated this [insert : number] day of [ insert : month] , [insert: year] Signed : ………….
In the Capacity of [insert: title of position]
Duly authorized to sign this bid for and on behalf of [insert: name of the Bidder]

Annexure 10 – Commercial bid format with price masked

Sl. No Item as in BOQ Rate of GST Price Masked

1 Categories of items to be supplied
under Rate Contract
1.01 Linux OS with HA for Unlimited
VMs OEM warranty

1.02 Linux OS with HA for One Physical

Server OEM warranty

TENDER NO: TPC/Pub/BCG/TR11/2018-19 ( Rev 00 ) 38

1.03 Application Server – 4 Core OEM

1.04 Application Server – 16 Core OEM

1.05 Database Server – 2 Core OEM
1.06 Database Server – 4 Core OEM

1.07 Database Server – 8 Core OEM

1.08 Webserver – 4 Core OEM warranty

1.09 Webserver – 16 Core OEM


TENDER NO: TPC/Pub/BCG/TR11/2018-19 ( Rev 00 ) 39

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