GOST 12.1.002-84 - Eng
GOST 12.1.002-84 - Eng
GOST 12.1.002-84 - Eng
OKSTU 0012
By Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated December 5, 1984 No. 4103, the effective
date was established from 01.01.86
Limitation of the validity period was released by Protocol No. 5–94 of the Interstate Council for
Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IUS 11-12–94)
The standard establishes maximum permissible levels of electric field (EF) strength with the frequency of
50 Hz for the personnel carrying out maintenance of electrical plants and staying in the affected area of the EF
created thereby, depending on the time of stay in the EF, as well as the requirements for control of EF strength levels
at workplaces.
The terms and their definitions used in the standard are given in Annex 1.
1.1. The maximum permissible level of the affecting EF strength is set equal to 25 kV/m.
It is not allowed to stay in the EF with the strength exceeding 25 kV/m without use of protective equipment.
1.2. The stay in the EF with the strength of up to 5 kV/m inclusive is allowed during the working day.
1.3. If the EF strength exceeds 20-25 kV/m, the time of personnel stay in the EF shall not exceed 10 min.
1.4. The permissible time of stay in the EF with the strength exceeding 5-20 kV/m inclusive is calculated based
on the formula
where T is the permissible time of stay in the EF with the corresponding level of strength, h;
Е is the strength of the affecting EF in the controlled area, kV/m.
The calculation of the permissible strength, depending on the time of stay in the EF, is given in Annex 2.
1.5. The permissible time of stay in the EF can be applied either fully or partially during the working day.
During the rest of the working time, the EF strength shall not exceed 5 kV/m.
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1.6. During the personnel stay on the working day in areas with different EF strength, the time of stay is
calculated based on the formula
where Tr is the reduced time, equivalent in biological effect to stay in the EF of the lower limit of the
standardized strength, h;
tE1, tE2, … , tEn is the time of stay in controlled areas with the strength Е1, Е2 , … , En, h;
TE1, TE2, … , TEn is the permissible time of stay in the EF for corresponding controlled areas according to cl. 1.3 and
The reduced time shall not exceed 8 h.
Note. The number of controlled areas is determined by the difference in the levels of EF strength at the workplace. The difference
in the levels of the EF strength of controlled areas is set equal to 1 kV/m.
The example of determination of the reduced time of stay in the electric field is given in Annex 3.
1.7. The requirements of cl. 1.1; 1.3 and 1.4 are valid subject to the exclusion of the possible effect of electric
charges on personnel, as well as provision of protective earthing in accordance with GOST 12.1.019-79 of all
unearthed objects, structures, parts of equipment, machinery and devices, which are accessible to personnel working
in the EF affected area.
2.1. The procedure for measurement of the EF strength shall comply with the Safety Rules for Operation of
Customers' Electrical Plants approved by the State Energy Supervision Inspectorate of the USSR, and the maximum
permissible distances from the operator taking measurements and the measuring device to pressurized live parts are
to be observed.
2.2. The EF strength shall be measured in the area of stay of personnel during work performance.
In all cases, the strength of the undistorted EF shall be measured.
2.3. During work performance without lifting on the structure or equipment, the EF strength shall be
in the absence of protective equipment – at the height of 1.8 m from the ground;
in the presence of collective protective equipment – at the height of 0.5; 1.0 and 1.8 m from the ground.
2.4. During work performance with lifting on the structure or equipment (regardless of presence of protective
equipment) – at the height of 0.5; 1.0 and 1.8 m from the workplace and at the distance of 0.5 m from earthed live
parts of equipment.
2.5. The time of stay in the controlled area is established based on the maximum measured strength.
2.6. The EF strength at personnel workplaces shall be measured:
during commissioning of new electrical plants;
during organization of new workplaces;
in case of changes in design of electrical plants and stationary devices of protection against the EF;
when applying new switching circuits;
in the course of current sanitary supervision – once every 2 years.
2.7. The measurement results shall be recorded in a special journal or executed in the form of a report.
The form of the measurement report is given in Annex 4.
2.8. Devices measuring effective values and providing the necessary measurement limits with the permissible
error of not more than ± 20% shall be used for measurements of the EF strength.
The device of NFM-1 type can be recommended for measurements of the EF strength.
2.9. At the design stage, it is allowed to determine the EF strength near overhead transmission lines and in
electric switchgears by calculation.
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1. Electric field strength Effective value of the sinusoid with an amplitude equal to the
semi-major axis of the ellipse created by the strength vector at a
given point
2. Electrical plant According to GOST 19431–84
3. Electric field affected area Space where EF strength with the frequency of 50 Hz exceeds
5 kV/m
4. Time of stay in the electric field Time of personnel stay in the EF affected area
5. Controlled area The part of the workplace for which the corresponding
admissible time of stay in the EF is established
6. Workplace According to GOST 12.1.005–88
7. Power transmission line According to GOST 19431–84
8. Electrical switchgear According to GOST 24291–90
If it is necessary to establish the maximum permissible EF strength at a given time of stay therein, the EF
strength level in kV/m is calculated based on the formula
Tr = 7.84 h
It is recommended to include the following data in the measurement report:
name of electrical plant;
date of measurement;
measuring instruments (type, number and data on verification);
place of measurements;
operating voltage of electrical plants as of measurements;
temperature and relative air humidity;
measurement point;
measurement results;
name and position of the person who carried out measurements;