Fairy Trails

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A Short List of Special Thanks:

To Ena Haer for putting up with my crazy dreams of finishing this book.
To Ryder McCown for just being awesome.
To Leon Haer for reviewing all my art.
To Ben Nielson for giving me the tools I needed to get this thing going.

Written By:
Luke Haer

All this amazing book art by:

Mimi and Kylenan

Cover art by:

Zefanya Maega

For the Online Resources:


Wag your jaw at us on Discord:


The Basics - learn the basic rules of the game 10
A Historical Introduction............................................................................................8
What do we do?............................................................................................................ 11
Principles and Agendas................................................................................................12
The Words You Gotta Know......................................................................................13
What do the numbers mean?!..................................................................................... 16
The Easiness Ladder.................................................................................................... 17
The How's......................................................................................................................18
Puck's Lottery................................................................................................................ 20
Experience..................................................................................................................... 23
Outings........................................................................................................................... 24
The Driver's Manual - learn the in-depth rules 27
Consequence Moves.....................................................................................................30
Basic Moves................................................................................................................... 31
The Tipear Scale........................................................................................................... 37
Useful Items.................................................................................................................. 43
Cart Buddies.................................................................................................................. 48
Downtime...................................................................................................................... 49
Wear-and-Tear............................................................................................................... 51
Pay Day Bonuses!......................................................................................................... 52
The Cart Sheet.............................................................................................................. 52
General Advice............................................................................................................. 54
The Flow of a Session................................................................................................. 58

Making a Fairy - learn how to make a Fairy 61

What do Fairies get to do?.......................................................................................... 62
Building a Fairy............................................................................................................. 63
Kith (Geargiks to Will-O-Wisps)............................................................................... 64
The Courts (Spring to Wyld)...................................................................................... 74

Geasa.............................................................................................................................. 86
Caith Geasa................................................................................................................... 98
Signature Geasa............................................................................................................ 98
Talents............................................................................................................................ 99
Mystic Techniques........................................................................................................ 102
Mysteries........................................................................................................................ 104
Retirement..................................................................................................................... 105
Let's Make a Fairy Together!...................................................................................... 106
Advice on Playing a Fairy............................................................................................ 107
The Cart and the World...............................................................................................108

Unlocking Stuff - upgrade your home 111

Quick Unlocking Rules................................................................................................ 111
Treasures of the Patrons Geasa................................................................................. 113
Unlockable Caith Geasa...............................................................................................119
New Friends (The Diamond Court to the Whisper Court).................................. 119

The World - maps and NPCs 127

A General Overview.....................................................................................................127
Stones and Swamps...................................................................................................... 128
Oasis and Sands............................................................................................................ 132
The Magical Forest....................................................................................................... 136
The Really big Lake...................................................................................................... 140
On the Road.................................................................................................................. 144
The People Out There................................................................................................. 145
Rivals - the bad guys and some bad stuff 147
Odiums........................................................................................................................... 147
Starting a Ruckus...........................................................................................................148
Making a Rival............................................................................................................... 148
People That May Be In The Cart............................................................................... 151
Other Fae....................................................................................................................... 152
Magical Creatures..........................................................................................................159
Mortals........................................................................................................................... 162

An Exemplary Outing - rules written into a story 167
Cart Buddies.................................................................................................................. 168
Outing and Side-Quest................................................................................................ 169
Scene Setter................................................................................................................... 169
Useful Items.................................................................................................................. 169
A Scene Setter Goes Off........................................................................................... 170
A Physical Ruckus........................................................................................................ 170
Alteration...................................................................................................................... 172
Clearing a Malady........................................................................................................ 176
A Social Ruckus............................................................................................................ 176
Puck's Lottery............................................................................................................... 177
Pranking......................................................................................................................... 181
Mystery.......................................................................................................................... 183
Downtime...................................................................................................................... 187
Unlocking....................................................................................................................... 188
Pay Day Bonus.............................................................................................................. 189

Index 190

Credits 192

Quick References 194

Consequence Moves.....................................................................................................194
The Basic Moves...........................................................................................................194
Fast Ruckus Rules for Ruckussing..............................................................................197
Session Flow.................................................................................................................. 198

A Bit of History
’m sure you’ve all heard stories from your parents or grandparents or great

I grandparents. Maybe you were there yourself and have your own stories about
the time before. The time when we all lived in a magical forest. Everyone talks
about how great and grand and happy everyone was living in the forest. Old folks love
nothing more than droning on about how majestic the trees were, how clean the rivers
and lakes were, and how when you woke up in the morning you could drink all the dew
you wanted from leaves and grass. Well, they're right. This Cart sucks and your entire life
is drab and joyless compared to what we used to have. In my class, you’re going to learn
how we ended up here.

It all started a long time ago. No one’s sure how long ago because our people didn’t really
keep track of time, because we didn’t need to. We didn’t even think to start using the big
people’s calendar until six years ago. Some of you might remember that there was the
huge debate about using it during Year Zero. But, since we adopted the human calendar,
we can backtrack a little bit and a very important chronologist, me, has discovered that
we were forced out of our forest somewhere between eight and two hundred years ago.

It started with a Redcap infestation. Most of you have only heard of Redcaps. They’re
wicked Fairies that like to bite and eat things, especially young Fairy boys and girls who
go out of the Cart at night. The infestation started small, but their numbers quickly grew
to the point you couldn’t prank a bear into giving you its honey without a troop of them
showing up and trying to eat the bear’s feet. Of course, the Redcaps ended up being the
least of our problems. Other wicked Fae began to arrive. They pushed the Fae out and
when the good Fae abandoned the forest there was no one left to stop Old Mr. Foggyhat.

Now, you might be asking yourself, “Who is Old Mr. Foggyhat and why does he have such
a silly name?” Well, I’ll answer your second question first. Obviously, Old Mr. Foggyhat
is not his or her real name. If you say his or her real name three times while gazing into
a reflective surface or into a bowl of cold soup, she or he can stare right back at you and
tell you things that make you go crazy. We didn’t know this at first and several young
Fairies made the mistake before we all agreed to refer to him or her as Old Mr. Foggyhat,
and then everyone just kind of forgot his or her real name. In response to your first
question, she or he is the monster that brought darkness to our once bright lands and
forced us into exile. Many a brave Fairy have died trying to fight against him or her and
his or hers hordes and every battle was in complete and utter vain. Just a huge waste
of life and effort. I mean, she or he is unstoppable evil and will probably conquer all the
lands sending us into perpetual darkness. But, that’s more a lesson for your theology
class. Some of you might be wondering why Old Mr. Foggyhat came and took our forest
when there are other forests out there. No one knows for sure. We don’t even have any
theories. Some of the older Fae might have an idea, but none of them are talking so…

So, how did we end up living in this Cart? Why didn’t we go to another forest? Well,
you see, when all us Fairies were thrown from that wonderful pristine land we were
thrown into dark lands that had already been taken by Old Mr. Foggyhat. We found a
Cart that had an old wizard's curse on it, and we reworked the magic so that just over
two thousand of us could live in the Cart. We found a driver. The first one was named

Jacob Jacobson, and he helped our entire civilization escape utter destruction. When
he passed away, his son, Jacob Jacobson, took up the mantle. We are forever indebted
to Jacob Jacobson and Jacob Jacobson’s son. We have been living in exile ever since. We
have had to trade with the big peoples to survive. Our culture adapted to their’s so that
when we found another forest that could adequately house us, we were rejected by
our holier-than-thou cousins because we were too "practical". Then, the self-righteous
all-knowing bureaucrats in the upper Courts of the Fae wouldn’t even hear our pleas
because without a forest we were landless Fairies, and without land you’re not much use
to the higher ups. Fuzzknuckled jackbingers, the whole softtoothed lot of them. In short,
we’re stuck in this Cart and have to make a better life for ourselves because the Courts
and our ken seem to want to forget we even exist.

But, it’s not all wilted flowers and sour milk for us, children. Fortunately our Patrons
took some pity on us and we still get some perks from the Courts. With hard work
and determination, any one of us can be accepted into the High Courts of the Fae. The
mortal realms do not attack us outright or actively hunt us anymore, which is incredibly
important. You see, we have valuable skills the mortals seem to want. Due to the fact
that they are large, clumsy and not all that bright,
they are greatly appreciative of whatever tasks
we can perform for them, such as spying,
pranking or fine-point needlework.
I know a lot of the old folks
might complain about
you youngsters going
out there getting jobs
and learning skills and
participating in societies,
but let me tell you, there’s
value in mortal favor and
we are just beginning to
learn how great it is.

Anyway, you should all

be taking notes because
we don’t have books yet.
At the end of this class, I’ll
collect all your notes and
choose the ones I like the
best. Then I’m going to
make all of you copy the
best notes and give them to
the next class and then we’ll
have books. That, students, is
how progress happens.

- An excerpt from the beginning of

Ms. Velvet Hoppersmight's history class.

A Brief Introduction
Hello mortal, my name is Velvet
Hoppersmith. My job, nay, my entire
reason for existence is to help you
navigate your way through the rules
of Fairy Trails and get you set up for
running your very own game, or at
least playing it. There are some basics
we should cover in the beginning. The
first one is the Driver. The Driver is the
person driving the game. They aren’t
playing a Fairy. They are playing the
entire world and telling the Troop what
is happening around them. There are
Fairies. Fairies are the people in charge
of a single in-depth character with all
kinds of hopes and dreams and goals.
You are a Fairy, your character is a Fairy. The
collective of Fairies trying to accomplish things
together is the Troop. Aside from the Driver,
everyone playing Fairy Trails is in the Troop. Now,
let’s go over some less basic basics.

A game you say?

Fairy Trails is a tabletop role playing game (ttrpg). If you don’t know what that is, you
should probably use your computer machine to flash some knowledge into your brain.
This game is perfect for beginners to the genre or for people who want a really simple
system to support a fun and creative narrative. If you’re all into crunching numbers
and min maxing your warbeast, this probably isn’t the game for you. If you want to
just hang out with friends and make a story while rolling dice, you’re going to love this

The backdrop for this game is that you play little Fairies that have been exiled from
their peaceful forest by the evil Old Mr. Foggyhat. You travel around the world in an
old Cart with a small city inside and go on quests to become more powerful and bring
prosperity to your Cart. Maybe someday you’ll even try to take on Old Mr. Foggyhat!

The world you're playing in is one of your own design and you create it as you play!
That's right! You don't have to adhere to the rules and laws of how the world is and
how it works. You get to make your very own world for you and your friends to play
in. Of course, there's plenty of content in this book that you can add to your world, but
we'll talk about that later.

What do we do?
If you're a Fairy then all you have to do is sit back, relax and respond to what's going
on. You have to make a character first, but that's really easy and we talk about it later
on. Your main job is to play your wonderfully crafted individual character, answer the
Driver's questions and help make sure everyone is having a good time. Remember
that this is a social story telling game, so be sociable and tell the best story you can.

What does the Driver do?

You should probably know, at this point, that the Driver never rolls dice. That’s not
their job, it isn’t what they do. Fairies roll dice to do Moves and other stuff. The Driver
works with the Fairies to determine what the results of those dice mean. Sometimes
Rivals or other characters might take actions against the Fairies. In these cases, the
Fairies have some options for how to deal with it. The Driver is there to lay out the
world for the Fairies to play in and help them craft their own amazing stories.

Hi! I’m the Driver! What exactly do I do?

Hello Driver! Follow the rules and make the game fun. This is a very rules light game
and most of it is going to require everyone's creativity. If you’re not sure what to do
or there isn’t a specific rule for what the players are trying to do, just use your best
judgment. Try to keep the game going as smoothly as possible.

You will notice that a lot of the descriptions of powers and abilities are really vague
and things like durations and ranges aren’t normally listed. It’s all your call! But, don’t
worry, there’s plenty of advice in this book to help make you the bestest Driver in the
whole world! Your Principles and Agendas on the next page!

Principles and Agendas (Guides / Dux)
I could go on and on all day about how to make a fun game and how to keep everyone
having a rootin' tootin' good time, but how about I just give you the guiding principles
of the game. You can decide what these mean to you and everyone else in the game.
Principles are the overriding themes you'll want to stick to. Agendas are the guidelines
for playing.

Make the Mundane an Adventure!

Lean Into the Fantasy!

Nothing is Easy, but Everything is Fun!

The Fairies are the best!

Danger is in most places!

Size Matters!

Feel Free to Challenge, but Never Punish!

Let the Fairies generate the story!

If it matters to the Fairies, it matters to you!

Build a world you want to play in while you're playing in it!

What do I need to know?

You need to know everything, but let’s start you off with the very very basic premise
of this game. This is a story-based game, not a simulation one. There’s no grids and
very little in the way of rules to look at outside of the character sheet that you should
most definitely print. So when something says “this goes on for a short time,” it means
that whatever is happening goes on as long as it needs to to be considered “for a short
time.” Fighting rules are detailed out, but other than that it’s up to the Troop and the
Driver to use your imaginations to make the story run smoothly. If there isn’t a rule for
something, just go with whatever makes the story the most interesting. The number
one rule in this game is have fun. The number two rule is don’t sweat the rules and
keep the story going.

The Words You Gotta Know (Lexicon / Vocabulary)
d How: is how you do something. There are five types of Hows: Cunning, Mighty,
Jukey, Pizzazz, and Magic. Hows are ranked from 1 to 2.
d Cunning: represents how perceptive and/or smart you are.
d Mighty: represents how powerful and/or tough you are.
d Jukey: represents how sneaky and/or lithe you are.
d Pizzazz: represents how charming and/or how strong your personality is.
d Magic: lets you use simple magic tricks, Mystic Techniques, Magic Trinkets, and
is used in the more "magicy" Geasa (keep reading to find out what Geasa are).
d Kith: the type of Fairy you are.
d Court: is the Court you are in. Courts are like houses or colleges or Playbooks.
d Moves: are things you can do and the rules for doing them.
d Patron: is a powerful being that teaches Fairies how to do magic and represents
you to the hoity-toity Fae Courts.
d Talent: is a skill set that gives you +1 to dice rolls.
d Mystic Technique: a Talent-like attribute that lets you do magic stuff.
d Maladies: are persistent negative effects that can impact your dice rolls.
d Geasa: are magical abilities, like spells. These are Moves that are specific to your
d Dram: is magical essence that you can use to power Geasa, permanently upgrade
the Cart or Resist having bad things happen to you.
d Downtime: is a period of time where you aren’t doing anything that requires an
in-detail story.
d Downtime Actions: are the things you do during Downtime.
d Outings: are a series of events that you do in order to move the story forward.
d Ruckus: is what happens when you get into a fight of some kind, be it verbal or
d Tipear: is a unit of measurement Fairies use to measure big things. It is the
height of a squirrel, to the tips of its ears, henceforth “Tip ear”. One Tipear is
about 8 inches or about 20 centimeters. Most Fairies are about 3 inches (or 8
centimeters) tall. This book is 9 inches tall, so it's just a little taller than 1 Tipear.
d Useful Items: are stuff you take with you when you go on Outings.
d Pick-Me-Ups: are things that give you a bonus on rolls.
d Wear-and-Tear: is when your Cart has troubles or is broken. It keeps you from
doing some Downtime Actions.

Moves You're Gonna Learn and When to Use Them
d Attack: when you want to do damage to something.
d Avoid: when you want to get out of or sneak around any kind of trouble.
d Be Helpful: when you want to help a buddy.
d Cast a Spell: when you do magic using a Mystic Technique.
d Find Stuff: when you want to find something.
d Know Stuff: when you need to know about what's going on.
d Pranking: when you set up pranks or traps to hurt or inconvenience someone.
d Resist: when you don't want to take damage or negative effects.

So, what do we need to play?

Very astute question, my fair lady. To play

this game on a computer machine,
you should follow the links that
are listed at the beginning of
the book. They should get
you to where you need to
go. To play this game on
a table face-to-face, you
need this here book, some
pencils and character sheets
(printed is best, but you can
also scribble everything down
on any ol' parchment). It's
also recommended that you
bring some kind of tiny chips
or baubles to keep track of
Dram, as it comes and goes
really fast (we talk about Dram
soon). Diamonds, sapphires
and rubies are usually the
best, but if you're not willing to
splurge, anything from toothpicks
to poker chips works just fine.

Yay! Wait. How do I do stuff?

That is an excellent question and I applaud
your acumen, good sir. A lot of the time you
just need to say what you want to do to make stuff
happen. You don’t need to roll dice to perform the most
basic things like eating, drinking, blinking or going to the
bathroom. You just get to do them! But, sometimes you’re
going to want to do hard things with consequences. When you want to
do that kind of flibberjabber, you have to roll dice. To figure out how good you do stuff,
you need to roll two six-sided dice. You'll want to use a Move, state your intentions and
roll the two six-sided dice. After you roll them, add the numbers on the dice, plus the
How, plus a Talent or Mystic Technique that might apply to the situation and then tell
everyone the number that you got. So simple, right?

So let’s imagine you want to bust down a door to rescue someone and you’ve got a
Mighty +1 and you have the Warrior Talent. Well, it’s pretty arguable that warriors
do a lot of busting down doors so you can take a +1 for Warrior. Now, declare the Do
Something Move and throw the dice on the table. Look at that! You rolled a 3 and 4. So
you’re going to add 3 (from the dice) + 4 (from the dice) + 1 (from Mighty) + 1 (from the
Warrior Talent) to get a total of 9!

But what do the numbers mean?!
d 1-6 is a Failure and you have to take some
kind of consequence. Sometimes the Driver
chooses, sometimes the Fairy chooses!
Failures are bad. Think of a Failure as a flat
out "NO, and..."
d 7-9 is a Partial Success. You more or less
accomplish what you’re going for, but you
should throw in some complications for
yourself or anyone else around you. Think
of a Partial Success as a “Yes, but...”
d 10+ is a Success. You do exactly what you
set out to do and even a little extra. Feel free
to pat yourself on the back and give yourself
a treat. Think of a Success as a “Nailed It!”

Let’s say in the previous example of busting down a door you rolled a Failure. When
you roll a Failure, something bad happens. Here’s some things that might happen:

F You don't bust down the door and alert all kinds of Rivals to your
F You break your shoulder trying to bust down the door and suffer some
negative consequences down the road from that broken shoulder!
F The door opens, but it slams into the person you were trying to rescue
and ends up severely hurting them and then
the door swings closed again!

Let’s say in the previous example you instead

rolled a Partial Success. Here’s some stuff that
might go down:

F You manage to bust the door down,

but it's trapped and it blows up
and everyone gets a little banged
F You bust the door down, but your
loudness gets the attention of
some dangerous Rivals.
F You break the door down, but also
bust up some of your gear when
you do it.

Let’s say you got a Success:

F You bust the door down and find

who you’re looking for on the
other side.

Taking a High or Low Road
Sometimes circumstances might call for you to Take a Road.

To Take the High Road, you roll three dice and use the highest two.

To Take the Low Road, you roll three dice and use the lowest two.

High Roads, Low Roads or Just Flat Out Impossible?

It's the Driver's call on when Fairies can Take the High Road or Low Road. There is a
general guide when trying to decide when it happens and when it doesn't.

Fairies Take the High Road if they're doing something that is easy and they should
succeed at. Also, they should probably get it if they're being incredibly creative or
crafty. That kind of behavior should be encouraged.

Fairies have to Take the Low Road if it's something that is really difficult and they
shouldn't have a very good chance of succeeding at. Jumping too far, lifting too heavy
of a thing, convincing a guard to abandon their post without a bribe. Those kinds of

The Easiness Ladder

What Should I do when something is....
#1: Really Easy?
The Fairy gets to Take the High Road.

#2: Nothing Special?

Just roll it like normal.

#3: Really Hard?

The Fairy has to Take the Low Road.

*Incredibly Easy?
This isn't a step on the Easiness Ladder, but Fairies don't have to roll for everything. If
something is Incredibly Easy, they just do it.

*Impossibly Hard?
This isn't a step on the Easiness Ladder, but sometimes Fairies just can't do stuff.
When something is impossible, the Driver says "Sorry, you can't do that, but..."

The Hows (Methods / Methodo)
A How is the method you use to take actions. There are 5 Hows in Fairy Trails and you
can do anything with them as long as it makes sense. When you roll a How, you take
two d6 dice, throw them on the table and add your How’s rating to the result of the dice.
Whatever number you come up with determines whether you have a Failure, a Partial
Success or a Success. You can increase your How rating with XP and you start with
pluses and minuses to your Hows based on your Court's Strengths and Weaknesses.

d What is Jukey? (Dexterity, Stealth, Grace, Litheness, Bendiness, Flexibility,

Slippery) Jukey is what you use when you’re being sneaky, bendy, graceful or fast.
You use Jukey to sneak around and get into places you shouldn’t be or get out of
places you don't want to be. You can roll Jukey in a Ruckus to inflict damage if
you are doing it in a fast or smooth way. In general, just roll it to be fast, accurate
and stealthy.
d What is Mighty? (Strength, Brawn, Toughness, Muscley Musclers, Big Honkin
Muscles, Stamina, Power) Mighty is what you use when you’re being strong and
powerful. You use it when you’re doing something like bashing doors down or
flipping over tables. Mighty is for powerful and, usually, reckless actions. You can
roll Mighty in a Physical Ruckus (a fight) when you’re trying to bash something’s
head in. Outside of Ruckuses feel free to roll it to lift up heavy things, impress
people with how strong you are or throw things really really far.
d What is Cunning? (Intelligence, Intellect, Brain Power, Knowledge, Mind Craft,
Nerdiness) Cunning is your wits and acumen. It’s also your knowledge of the
world around you. Use Cunning when you’re trying to notice something, find
something out, remember something or just doing general brain work. You
also use it to remember things and to come up with complex plans. You can use
it to decipher or remember stuff. In a Social Ruckus (a word fight), you can roll
Cunning to make your Rival look like an idiot. Usually, you want to roll Cunning
to know, notice or remember stuff... did I mention remembering stuff?
d What is Pizzazz? (Charisma, Charm, Pinache, Beauty, Manipulation, Silver
Tonguedness, Twinkly Eyes) Pizzazz is how well you interact with other people.
It is the raw force of your personality at play and how well you can use it. You
use your Pizzazz when you want people to like you, fear you, respect you or just
believe you. In a Social Ruckus you can use Pizzazz to attack your Rival with your
sheer force of personality. Generally speaking, just roll your Pizzazz to wow
people with how great you are or trick them into believing what you want them

d What is Magic? (Mystical Power, Voodoo, Sorcery, Spell Craft, Wizardy Nonsense,
Mumbo Jumbo) Magic is how well you can twist the natural world to your whim.
It lets you use Magic Trinkets to the fullest of their ability. Magic is a special How,
in that you also need to purchase Mystic Techniques or use Magical Trinkets to
gain full access to its potential. All Fairies have a little bit of magic and can do
simple things with it.
Here’s a short list of some of the things you can with Magic.

F Summon a handful of a certain element or a tiny insect; like a mosquito

or a handful of dirt
F Create a simple easy to see through illusion
F Change a willing target’s mood
F Get the most out of your Magic Trinket
F Use a Mystic Technique

Puck's Lottery (Luck / Fortuna)
What if your roll is just snakespit? Well don’t worry because in Fairy Trails you can
reroll by spending a Dram. You only get one shot at the reroll. You can’t keep spending
Dram and rerolling. You have to roll exactly the same way you did the first time. You
can’t modify the second roll with other powers or abilities. You can’t change what you
wanted to do or the How you used. You have to take the results of the second roll even
if they are worse. If you Fail the roll, you or the Driver (Driver's call) gets to roll a dice on
Puck’s Lottery and dish out some magical mayhem on top of your Failure.

Tell me more of this Puck's Lottery

Puck’s Lottery is what happens when a Fairy tries to twist fate and Fails. When a
Fairy decides they want to reroll their dice, they have to spend 1 Dram and then
make a reroll. If they get a Partial Success or Succeed, the game simply continues as
normal using the results of their reroll. If they Fail, it means the Driver gets the rare
opportunity to roll on Puck’s Lottery! There are the 6 Ws of Puck’s Lottery and 5 of
them are bad. To determine the outcome for a Puck’s Lottery, roll the Driver or Fairy
rolls a d6 to determine which W is happening. Then everyone uses their imaginations
to come up with something fun, but bad for the Troop. The following is a list of the 6
Ws and some examples of stuff that can happen to Fairies when they roll it.

1. Something Wicked
F Crawly gross things start crawling all around and follow you.
F Ghosts and apparitions can be seen by everyone in the area.
F The entire Troop looks like really scary bad guys to everyone else.

2. Something Wild
F You lose the ability to speak and can
only communicate through grunts and
gestures for an annoying amount of
F All animals howl and cry as loud as
they can.
F One random person that isn't in the
Troop is turned into a dangerous
animal for a while.

3. Something Weird
F You and another Troop member body
swap for a while.
F Everything in the area changes color and gets really weird looking.

F All of the Troop's Useful Items can talk and have a lot to say.

4. Something Wounding
F Everyone in the area gets really sick.
F Small fires keep starting in your vicinity or on you.
F Anytime one person touches another they shock them with static
electricity and it really hurts!

5. Something Whispering
F An overwhelming sense of paranoia grips the Troop and they start
seeing things that may or may not be there.
F Everything gets really dark and there are most definitely creepy things
in the darkness and you're all very scared!
F Invisible things start whispering secrets and lies into everyone’s ears.

6. Something Wonderful
F A bad person trying to hurt the group turns into a cookie for a while.
F A very important person suddenly begins agreeing with everything the
group does or says.
F All weapons and armor become magical and super useful for a while.

Dram (Magic Energy / Magicae Punctorum)
Dram is a big deal. One of the biggest deals in the whole game. Dram lets you use
Puck's Lottery! Dram lets you level up the Cart! Dram also powers your Geasa and
Mystic Techniques and Magical Items! Every time you want to use one of them you
have to spend 1 Dram, sometimes more. We'll talk about all of this later in the book,
just know that Dram is your mystical fuel.

There are a few things that can keep you from spending Dram or make Dram
expenditure more expensive. If you are touching iron, you can't use Dram. At all. This
means if you're hit by an iron weapon, you can't Resist. If you're in a cage made out
of iron, you can't use Geasa. This is very bad. As you read on you'll understand why.

You gain Dram when you roll a 6 on a die, win a Ruckus or when the Driver Bribes you
to do something they think would be fun.

I rolled a 6, but decided to reroll with Puck's Lottery, so....?

You rolled a 6, so you get 1 Dram.

When I rerolled with Puck's Lottery, I got a 6, so....?

Yeah. You still rolled a 6, so you still get 1 Dram.

I Took the High Road and rolled three 6s, but I can only use two, so….?
Did you roll three 6’s on three dice? Congratulations, you get 3 Dram.

I Took the Low Road and rolled three 6s, but I can only use two, so….?
Alright… it’s really not that hard. How many 6s did you get? Was it three? It had better
have been three. When do you get Dram? When you roll a 6 on a die. So how much
Dram do you think you get? Three! Yes! By George, I think you’re starting to get it now.

Here’s a list of things you spend Dram on to do. Everything costs just 1 Dram!*
d Use the Resist Move
d Use Puck's Lottery
d Use a Geasa or Caith Geasa
d Use a Mystic Technique
d Use a Magical Item's Special Property
d Change the How you use with a Geasa to the How you want. (*this costs +3 Dram)
d You don't have to Spend Dram for Magical Trinkets!

Experience (XP / Progressus)
The more you do stuff the better you get at doing stuff. It's just a fact of life. At the
end of every Outing you're going to go through the Pay Day Bonus phase. The Driver is
going to ask you a bunch of questions. You get a chance to get XP for answering them.
XP is points that you earn and then you spend to make yourself stronger.

Here's How You Spend XP!

d 5 XP: You can get +1 to Any How (maximum +2)
d 5 XP: An Unlocked Geasa
d 5 XP: Upgrade a Geasa to a Signature Geasa (you may only have 1 Signature
d 5 XP: A Talent
d 5 XP: A Mystic Technique (you can only have 1 Mystic Technique)
d 1 XP: A Caith Geasa (cannot be purchased during an Outing!)

You can't have more than 5 XP. Once you hit 5 XP you have to spend it on something
and then you can keep on getting XP. You don't get to horde it because that's boring
and this game isn't about being boring.

Outings (Missions / Excursiuncula)
eaving the Cart ain’t no small thing. I did it once when I was young and full of

L lavablood and siren song. I thought to myself "sure Gruff, all these other Fairies,
they’re weak and you’re tough and you’ve got this under control. What’s the
worst that can happen? Snakes. That’s pretty bad, but ain’t nothing a Humblebrag can’t
handle." So I signed myself on with a patrol and we went to have a look at a farmhouse.
You know what it turned out to be? Some old toothless dwarf probably kicked out of his
cave. Nothing but moonshine and cats for days. Hungry cats too. The old dustbeard
kept dozens of them and only fed them once a month. They’d eaten all the mice and
birds years ago. We had to sneak and cat fight our way through hordes of the monsters
and for what? A single bottle of moonshine that we all used to start this bar we’re
drinking in. Well let me tell you, it was barely worth it and I’d most likely never do it

- A regular rambling from Gruff Humblebrag, a local tavern owner.

Outings are what happens when the Troop leaves the Cart and ventures out into the
great big world to do things on your own. Outings can happen for a multitude of
reasons. Some of these might be: acquiring goods, exploring an area, rescuing a lost
Fairy, a diplomatic mission to another forest or the mortal kingdoms, or just plain
pranking some big thing to have a good time. If the Driver can't think of an Outing,
there's some maps and ideas later on in the book to help get those creative gears

During Outings, the Troop will more than likely get into a Ruckus or two. Ruckuses are
fights. During these Ruckuses, you all might take damage and gain Maladies, but you'll
also gain Dram for every Ruckus where you come out the victor. Ruckus rules are
written in the Driver’s Manual. You'll also find the rules for how to get rid of Maladies.
Really, all the nitty-gritty details are listed up in the Driver's Manual.

Anyway, if you want to check out all the fun little details that make the game work keep
on reading through the Driver's Manual. You should keep on reading, but if you think
you're ready, go ahead and skip a few pages and get started on making your Fairy.

What's Going On Here?
This part of the book right here is for the Driver. I'm going to be addressing the Driver
directly, so when I say "you" I mean "you, the Driver". There are rules for Ruckuses,
Maladies and a bunch of information on how to run the game. If you are not the Driver,
you don’t need to look in this part. However, even if you’re not the Driver, it’s not a bad
idea to get a firm grip on the rules. So, feel free to go ahead and give this a quick read.

Just a friendly reminder, I’m Velvet Hoppersmith and I’m still here to help guide
you through the adventure of learning Fairy Trails! You might notice I’m a little less
flavorful than I was before. That’s because this part is full of rules. Rules, rules, rules!
And, when you’re explaining rules, it helps to be concise, accurate, to the point and
easy-to-understand. So that’s why I shall suppress my flair for drama and endeavor to
inform you, good ma’am or sir.

Maladies (Ailment / Malum)

et me tell you what, you Cart Fairies don't have a single lick of sense when it

L comes to mental health. Riding around all day, dealing with tall folks, constantly
fearing for your lives and maintaining that ol' rickety contraption you live in has
made your brains all wound tighter than a rattlesnake eye-lickin' a hamster. Here in the
forest, when you get yourself some stress you let it out the right way right away. You go
and tug on a sleeping fox's whiskers and fly away, or trick some country bumpkin into
kissing a toad. When you get those urges, it ain't right to let 'em fester.
- Jeremiah Peppermint, the first Fairy therapist who still lives in an enchanted forest

It's a bit of a negative place to start, but these are important. Maladies are persistent
negative effects that Fairies suffer from. They can get Maladies from Consequence
Moves, failing rolls and/or just generally having a bad go of things. Maladies last until
the Fairy finds a way to clear them. Each Malady has a special requirement to get rid
of it through game-play. When Fairies are told to take a Malady, it means that they can
choose which Malady they want.

7 Deadly Maladies?
When Fairies are told to take Maladies, they can take one of the 7 Deadly Maladies.
When Drivers use the Maladize Consequence Move, they can give one of the 7 or let the
Fairy choose. After a Fairy has 3 Maladies, they start taking -1 to all of their rolls. They
don't get rid of it until they have less than 3 Maladies. So if they're Thievish, Frustrated
and Scared, they have a -1 to all of their rolls. If they steal a sword from their Troop
member, they aren't Thievish anymore, but they're still Frustrated and Scared. They
only have 2 Maladies now, so their -1 goes away. Now, after they break the sword out of
frustration they clear the Frustrated Malady and then they're just Scared. When their

Troop-mate confronts them about the broken sword, they get scared and run away
and then, Bob's your uncle, all the Maladies have been cleared. If a roll is involved
in getting rid of a Malady, they keep the -1 until the roll is resolved and their Malady
condition has been cleared.

These are the 7 Deadly Maladies and how to get rid of them:

n Craving: continues until you overindulge on food, drink or another substance.

n Curiosity: continues until you put yourself or someone else in danger trying
to find something out. Your curiosity can be trivial or important.
n Frustrated: continues until you break something that does not belong to you.
n Mischievous: continues until you prank someone or just manage to trick them
in some way.
n Needy: continues until you get the attention of everyone in the vicinity in a
really good way or a really bad way.
n Scared: continues until you run away from something you think is dangerous.
n Thievish: continues until you steal something that someone will miss.

Other Malady-like conditions do exist, but in a less rulesy way. If a Fairy throws some
firepowder in a fire and gazes directly into the bright flash, they might be blinded
for a short amount of time. Maybe a Berberoka works her charms on a young Pixie
Knight so he becomes smitten and in love with her for a while and does whatever
she says. These are more story-esque effects and should be worked out between the
Driver and the Fairies through the power of imagination or Consequence Moves (we'll
be discussing Consequence Moves very shortly). If you're the Driver, you can use the
Bribe Move to make it more rewarding for Fairies to play into these storied effects.

Fairies can remove Maladies during Downtime between Outings. During their
Downtime, they can use Catharsissing to remove Maladies. They, or the Fairy
attempting to remove the Malady, must roll to do so. Most of the time they will do
something during the Outing to get rid of the Malady. If they're trying to be flea-eaters
and waiting until the end of the Outing, go ahead and let them. They're playing the
game they want to play! Maladies do not automatically clear at the end of an Outing.
The same Malady can persist throughout multiple Outings.

More often than not these Maladies are going to disrupt the Fairy's plans or one of
their Troop-mate's plans. Everyone should be cool with this because their buddy has
a Malady, and they're working it out in a fun and interesting way. Fairies should be
forgiving about Maladies because some day they might have one and they'll need their
friends to let them off the hook for some silliness.

How do Fairies die?
You are so morbid. Fairies never have to die if they don’t want to, although sometimes
they should die for the sake of the story. If they’re eaten by a dragon, maybe it’s time
to consider bringing in a different Fairy. There are advantages to dying as well. If they
decide that it's their time, they can sacrifice themselves for the good of the Troop.
When a Fairy dies, they may pass on all of their unspent XP and Dram to the remaining
members of their Troop. They may give out this XP and Dram in any way they want.

Pick-Me-Ups (Buffs / Levo)

ometimes you just feel so good that you can hardly contain it. You're just

S vibrating with good energy. Not vibrating in a bad way. They aren't bad
vibrations. They're good vibrations, and you've got them. It's quite the sweet
sensation. I guess you just gotta feel it, feel it?
- Mark Marky giving his birthday speech.

Pick-Me-Ups are the opposite of Maladies. These are the feel-goods, the happies, the
shin-diggerie-dos! When Fairies are told to take a Pick-Me-Up, they can choose any
one they want. Fairies can't have the same Pick-Me-Up twice. It's a use it or lose it
type situation. Actually, more like "use it or keep it, but maybe keeping it blocks you
from getting the good Pick-Me-Up later" type situation. Fairies also have to say they're
using a Pick-Me-Up before they roll, unless they're using Feeling Lucky. Fairies cannot
use their Pick-Me-Ups to modify Puck's Lottery. They can, however, use all their Pick-
Me-Ups on a single roll.

3 Lively Pick-Me-Ups?
Fairies can get Pick-Me-Ups from the Merry Making Downtime, Sugar Water or some
Geasa. Also, the Driver can give them one if they think the Fairies did a good job, but
there's no rules for that. In situations where Fairies do favors for powerful Fae, candy-
makers or baristas they might give them something that would give a Pick-Me-Up.

These are the three Lively Pick-Me-Ups:

n Elated: Take the High Road on the roll. After you use this, you are less elated.
n Happy: +1 on your next roll. After you use this, you are less happy.
n Feeling Lucky: Use this to reroll a roll without spending Dram. Also, you don't
have to worry about Puck's Lottery going off. You can use this before or after
Puck's Lottery and vice versa. You can't use it if you've already rolled the W for
Puck's Lottery.

Consequence Moves (Aftermaths / Consecutio)
But, what about you? What does ol' Driver McRunningTheGame get to do? Well, we've
made a list of Consequence Moves (or just Consequences) for you to use when you need
to move the story forward, or need some quick ideas for when Fairies fail. Sometimes
a Geasa or Move will have a description of what happens when it Fails. Sometimes it
will reference one of these Moves. When it makes a reference to these Moves, it will
either say Driver chooses a Consequence or Fairy chooses a Consequence. I think it's
pretty obvious who gets to make the Move in those circumstances.

If a Geasa or Move says "The Driver can use a Consequence," the Driver can do it
if it makes sense in the situation, and the Fairy can spend a Dram to Resist that
Consequence and void it.

You shouldn't be a thorn about using Consequences, remember "Nothing is Easy, but
Everything is Fun". Anyway, here's the Consequences:
I Act Out: The Fairy has to immediately act on one of their Maladies. Once
they've Acted Out, however, they can clear their Malady.
I Backfire: Whatever the Fairy is trying to do backfires on them in some kind of
bad, but fun, way.
I Bribery: This is a very special move that only the Driver gets. You're going to
want to use it when the Fairies are being peer pressured, manipulated, lied to
or twitterpated. Basically, use this to give a Fairy incentive to do something
you want them to do. If they do the thing, they get 1 Dram. If they don't, they
don't get the Dram. You can also Bribe them to accept different outcomes
when they Fail a roll, or even when they get a Partial Success.
I Diverging Paths: The Troop gets split up or one Fairy is separated.
I Endangered: Put something or someone the Fairy cares about in danger.
I Forebode: Something is coming! It's probably very bad. What are the Fairies
going to do?
I It's Broke: One of their Useful Items or something else that they don't want to
break breaks.
I Maladize: Someone takes a Malady. It doesn't necessarily have to be the Fairy
that made the roll, but it should make
I Something Blows Up: Everyone takes
1 Malady as long as it's reasonable that
they're in the explosion.
I Trade Off: If this Move is used with a
Failure or Partial Success, the Fairy can
treat the roll like it was a Success. However,
something really awful has to happen. It
doesn't even have to be related to the thing
they were rolling for or right away!
I Unlucky: Introduce an Odium or make something
complicated. A door swings closed, there's some St.
John's Wort growing over there, an old foe suddenly
reappears or it turns out the big baddie has an iron
weapon. This is not as bad as a Trade Off's badness.
I Unwanted Attention: Someone sees the Fairy! This
could very well be the start of a Ruckus!

The Basic Moves (Fundamentals / Essentialis)
These are Moves that Fairies make when they want to do something. These Moves are
available to everyone and can be used at pretty much any time. If you want special
Moves, you have to get Geasa for those. Fairies don't have to spend Dram for these
moves. Sometimes a Geasa will tell Fairies to "use this Geasa as a ~~~ Move." This
means that the Geasa is functionally replacing the Basic Move.

Attack: they want to hurt something! They can use Any How, but be sure to read the
Ruckus rules to see which How does what and what damage means.

R 1-6: The Fairy does no damage. They take a Malady.

R 7-9: They do 1 damage. They take a Malady.
R 10+: They do 1 damage. They take no Malady.

When a Fairy takes a Malady, they can choose what Malady they want to take.

Avoid: use this to get out of a sticky situation. They can use Any How that makes
sense. They cannot use this to negate Maladies or the Maladize Consequence Move,
but they can use it to negate other Consequences. They can also use it to run away
from Ruckuses and sneak around big bad things.
I 1-6: The bad thing is happening and it's getting worse! Whatever they are
Avoiding, they're going to have to deal with. The Fairy takes a Malady.
I 7-9: The Fairy avoids that particular situation, but they have to choose a new
Consequence or problem to deal with.
I 10+: Masterfully avoided! The bad thing is completely negated and they feel
so good about it they can take the Happy Pick-Me-Up!

Fairies can make this roll for their friends, but when they do they move one step down
the Easiness Ladder.

Be Helpful: Helping someone can be a little complicated. Fairies that try to Be Helpful
will get the Consequences and/or Maladies of the roll their buddy is making. When
Fairies roll to help each other, they use Any How that is appropriate to the situation
along with Useful Items. How well they help their buddy is up to the dice.
I 1-6: The person the Fairy is helping takes a -2 to the roll.
I 7-9: Their buddy gets a +1. One of them has to take a Malady. The Fairies can
choose which one takes it.
I 10+: Their buddy can take the High Road or get a +1.

Cast a Spell: To use this Move, they need to have a Mystic Technique or be trying to
stretch one of the magical things all Fairies can do pretty far (check out the Magic
How's description). They tell everyone what their goal is when they cast the spell,
spend a Dram, and then roll using Magic.
I 1-6: The Driver chooses a Consequence.
I 7-9: The Fairy's spell goes off pretty much as intended, but... The Fairy chooses
a Consequence.
I 10+: They are a tiny Merlin! The spell goes off just as they like!

Do Something!: This isn't so much a move as it is the general permission to do
anything. They can use Any How to do anything they want. The Fairy just states their
intent and then throws some dice! This is the only Basic Move that could become
Incredibly Easy or Impossibly Hard depending on the situation.

I 1-6: The Fairy didn't do the thing! The Driver chooses a Consequence.
I 7-9: They did the thing, but something else happens! The Fairy chooses a
I 10+: They did the thing perfectly! The Fairy takes center stage and tells
everyone how awesome the thing they did is!

Find Stuff: This Move requires that the Fairy say what they're looking for and some
permission from the Driver for that thing to be around. When a Fairy wants to find,
hunt for, look for, or notice something, they can ask to make a roll for it. They have to
tell you what they want to find. They don't have to be specific, but they do have to let
you know what they are hoping to get a gander of. They should use Cunning for this
roll, but Jukey is OK if they're crawling through tight spaces or searching quickly.

I 1-6: They find nothing. The Driver chooses a Consequence.

I 7-9: They don't find exactly what they're looking for, but it might work. The
Fairy chooses a Consequence.
I 10+: They find exactly what they're looking for.

Know Stuff: This Move requires that the Fairy say what they're wanting to know and
some permission from the Driver. When a Fairy wants to know something, they can
ask to make a roll for it. They have to say what it is they want to know. They can use
this roll to interject information about the world into the game. For example, they can
say "I want to know that this noble is from a proud and famous kingdom." or "I would
like to know a dark secret about the princess." or even "I would like to know a serious
crime that this toad his committed." Feel free to let the Know Stuff Move shape the
world and let the Fairies put their own spin on the information they are conjuring up.
They use Cunning for this roll.
I 1-6: They are dangerously misinformed about what they want to know and
should definitely act on it. The Driver chooses a Consequence.
I 7-9: They know just enough to be dangerous.
I 10+: They could write a novel about the thing they want to know.

Mend Ouchies: To use this Move, the Fairy needs some kind of Useful Items that might
be used up by doing this roll. They can also use the Life Weaver Mystic Talent, but have
to spend Dram when they do it. If they use Life Weaver, they don't need a Useful Item.
Fairies can use this Move on themselves.
I 1-6: They unmend their patient! They must give their patient a Malady.
I 7-9: They remove 1 Malady from their patient, but it's hard and long work.
The Driver can choose a Consequence. This Consequence can be Something
Breaks to signify the Fairy is using up their Useful Item.
I 10+: They remove 1 Malady from their patient and do not use their Useful
Items even if they are Trinkets.

Pranking: The Fairy sets up something nasty for their Rival to fall into or bamboozles
them into making some kind of mistake. They can use Any How that makes sense.
They can't use this during a Ruckus, but they can lay out several tricks and traps for a
person to get all tangled up in during a Ruckus. If they're using traps, they should be
using Useful Items or stuff in the area. When they set up a Prank, they should say how
they're doing it and what their intent with the Prank is.

R 1-6: The Prank goes off on an unintended victim. When it does, the Driver
chooses a Consequence.
R 7-9: The Prank kind of works. The Fairy can do 1 damage or give a
Consequence to the person being pranked. The Driver can choose a
Consequence for the Fairy.
R 10+: The Prank is truly masterful! The Fairy can do 1 damage or give a
Consequence to the prankee. In addition, the Fairy can also choose to remove
a Malady or gain 1 Dram.

Resist: When Fairies don't want to take a Malady or want to negate certain
Consequences, they can spend 1 Dram to get rid of the badness.

R No Roll: Spend 1 Dram and don't take 1 Malady.

R No Roll: Spend 1 Dram to negate a Consequence when the Driver can Choose a
Consequence. The key word here being "can".

If another Fairy wants to take the ol' gut punch for their buddy, they can spend the
Dram if it makes sense. If the Fairies have been split up or one is knocked out, they
can't do much to help out their buddies.

The only time a Fairy cannot Resist taking a Malady is when they choose to Maladize
themselves. If a Fairy chooses to Maladize another Troop member, they can still spend
Dram to Resist that Malady.

Ruckuses (Fights / Pugna)
f you haven’t heard what happened by now, you’re either deaf or friendless.

I I somehow managed to best an owl in one on one combat. I was able to

outmaneuver and out-muscle the beast. Well, let me tell you belchmunchers
one thing, that’s not how a Fairy fights. I got lucky. We don’t have the strength of a
fox, or the speed of a squirrel, or the stamina of a young turtle. We’ve got wits and
shine and tricks. That’s how a real Fairy wins. If I hear of any of you doing anything as
fuzzknuckling stupid as what I did, I’ll shove my fist so far up your rocks you won’t know
your head from a swallow’s egg.
- Beacon “Steak Knife” Oakfoot addressing a group of guards.

A Ruckus happens anytime things get physical or really intense. Basically, any time a
bunch of Fairies need someone else to submit to them or vice versa. The basic Ruckus
rules are simple. The goal of a Ruckus is for the Fairies to remove all the Drops from
their Rival's Ruckus Bucket. If the Fairies get their Rival to 0 Drops in the Ruckus
Bucket, they reap the sweet rewards of victory (Dram and Alterations)!

Fairies fight Rivals in Ruckuses. Rivals are not necessarily enemies or foes, and half
the time they're not even bad people. A Rival is just someone the Fairies have to
"overcome" in order to move forward with the story.

What’s all this Tipear business again?

A Tipear is how Fairies measure things. It’s more than just a unit of height, it’s also
useful in knowing how dangerous something is. You see, when you’re very small
everything is dangerous. Counting Tipears lets Fairies know just how dangerous a
thing is. A squirrel is almost exactly 1 Tipear tall or roughly 20 cm. (8 inches) in human
counting. Fairies use Tipears to gauge height and height is how dangerous something
is. If the Troop is going up against something that is crazy powerful, like a mouse
possessed by a lich-king's evil spirit, it can have a bigger Ruckus Bucket than it has
Tipears. This general system of measuring danger is not a one-size-fits-all.

A Buckus Rucket?
Rivals keep all of their damage in a Ruckus Bucket which is measured in Drops. You
can determine how many Drops are in a Ruckus Bucket with this simple formula: The
number of Tipears of the biggest Rival +2 for every THREATENING Rival in the Ruckus.
So, using this formula, we find that when a human and a dog attack the Troop, the
Rivals’ Ruckus Bucket has 11 Drops in it. That’s 9 for the human (average height of 180
cm.) and 2 for the dog (+2 because its a threatening Rival). When the Rivals’ Ruckus
Bucket is reduced to 0, the Troop wins and gains the benefits of a sweet victory of 11
total Dram (1 for every Drop in the Ruckus Bucket). In another example, the Troop
faces off against 7 Redcap warriors. One Redcap warrior is 1 Tipear tall, so the Ruckus
Bucket starts at 1 and then you add 12 for all the additional warriors. The total of the
Redcaps’ Drops in their Ruckus Bucket is 13. When they are defeated, the Troop will
gain 13 Dram to split among themselves.

Social Ruckuses
These are Ruckuses where you use words instead of your fists. Passive aggressive
insults and thinly veiled threats are some great ways to Attack. During these Ruckuses,
combatants are all trying to wear down opponents with either their charm or their
intellect. Fairies can only roll their Cunning or their Pizzazz to Attack unless a Geasa
says otherwise. If a Social Ruckus progresses into a Physical Ruckus, they will need to
use their Jukey or Mighty to fight. If someone decides to use their Jukey or Mighty
in a Social Ruckus, then the Social Ruckus will become a Physical Ruckus.

Losing a Social Ruckus almost never results in dire consequences. Usually it will end
with the Rival being able to boss the Fairies around for a while and sending them back
to the Cart all sad and sniffling. Winning a Social Ruckus will result in the Rival being
completely kowtowed by the Fairies and the Fairies get 1 Dram per drop in the Ruckus
Bucket and can spend Dram to Alter the Rival in ways that they want.

Physical Ruckuses
These are Ruckuses where the Fairies are fighting to inflict actual physical damage.
Using Pizzazz or Cunning in a Physical Ruckus to Attack means Fairies move
one step down the Easiness Ladder.

Losing a Physical Ruckus results in all kinds of nastiness for the Fairies. They might
die (if they feel like it) or have broken bones or be kidnapped by evil creatures. They
are completely in your hands. Winning a Physical Ruckus means the Fairies beat their
Rival, get the Ruckus Bucket's worth of Dram and get to do what they want with them.
They can Alter them with Dram, outright kill them, or tie them up and leave them.

Alterations and Dram? These are the Ruckus Prizes?

The Troop gains 1 Dram per Drop removed from the Rivals’ Ruckus Bucket. A normal-
sized human is 9 Tipears tall, so the Troop would gain 9 Dram from defeating one.
This Dram is divided up between the Fairies in the Troop however they see fit.

After a Ruckus, if the Troop wins, they may spend Dram to Alter the losing Rivals. For
example, if the group defeats a human and they want to turn them into a house cat,
the Driver could allow them to use around 8 gained Dram to completely
transform the human. (3 Dram for body changes like size, fur, claws;
2 Dram for a cat personality, lazy and selfish; 3 Dram to make
them remember their whole life as a cat. This is a rough estimate,
use your own judgment when your Troop wants to make major
changes.) In the case of a group of 3 Redcaps, the Ruckus
bucket would have 5 drops, so the Troop would earn a total of
5 Dram for beating them. The Troop can only alter one Rival
at a time though. Dram spent on Alterations does not affect
every Rival that was in the Ruckus.

Here are the ways they can spend Dram right after a Ruckus
to transform their Rivals:

G Physical: Change one major physical aspect

of one of the losing Rivals, such as their size,
limbs, or general appearance.
G Mental: Change one major mental aspect of
one of the losing Rivals, such as giving them
a personalty flaw, making them unable to
experience love, or making them not be able to
say certain words.
G Memorial: Alter one of the Rival’s sets of
memories in some major way. The Fairies can
make them forget their family, or their village, or
everything about their job and replace any of those
sets of memories with different ones.
G Compulsorial: Force the Rival to obey one set of
commands. These are usually a set of instructions
that forces the Rival to complete one task for the
Fairies. If these instructions become impossible to
follow or will result directly in the death of the
Rival, they will be ignored.

Why reducing Rivals to 0 is good
Actions have consequences and people hate being duped by Fairies. Fairies can use
Geasa or Mystic Techniques to trick people, but these people can find out what the
Fairies did and there will sometimes be repercussions. Adventurers and guards
might come to set things right and that kind of attention is very bad for the Cart. By
reducing a Ruckus Bucket to 0 Drops it gives the Troop more options when it comes
to dealing with Rivals. They can Alter the Rival to be completely unbelievable, give
them a command to stay away forever, or just erase their memory of the entire
encounter. Remember, if the Rivals all surrender before the Ruckus Bucket hits 0
that's mechanically the same as reducing them to 0. The Fairies can still Alter them.
Although, they only get Dram for the Drops removed from the Ruckus Bucket.

Reducing a Ruckus Bucket to 0 Drops is also a good way to get Dram. They can’t be
cringers for a whole Outing and expect to receive buckets of Dram. At the end of the
Ruckus the Troop gets Dram equal to Drops removed from the Ruckus bucket to split
among themselves however they see fit.

Things got Physical. What do I do?

If a Ruckus moves from a Social Ruckus to a Physical Ruckus, or vice versa, very little
changes. Drops remaining in the Ruckus Bucket remain the same. Fairies now have
different Hows and Geasa they can use, and Rivals might be able to change strategies
as well. The Ruckus Bucket doesn't gain or lose any Drops.

How do Fairies give and take damage?

That’s a good question right there. There are multiple ways they can give damage
from bashing a rat’s head with a sword to insulting a noble lady’s dress. They can
increase the amount of damage they do with Magical Weapons or Geasa, but when a
Fairy wants to do damage they will use the Attack Move. When the Fairy gets a Failure
or a Partial Success, they will take Maladies (which function as damage).

Who goes when? What's the turn order?

There is no turn order in a Ruckus. Fairies go when they want to and Rivals respond
to their Moves when the Fairies make said Moves. The Driver should do their best to
make sure that every Fairy gets a chance to go and that no Fairy takes the spotlight for
the whole Ruckus. If a Fairy has taken all 7 of the Maladies, they are out of the Ruckus
and out of the story until you, the Driver, say they can come back. They might be
knocked out, fleeing, or just stunned into submission. Don't make them wait too long
though, that is super unfun. If a Malady is cleared, they may resume making Moves.

Can Rivals Fight Back?

Rivals get chances to do damage when Fairies mess up or if all the Fairies panic and do
nothing and stall the game for too long. If a Fairy rolls a Failure or a Partial Success, a
Rival can usually do something. It's everyone's job to make their actions make sense
through Consequences and Maladies. Sometimes Fairies get to decide how the Rival's
react. Feel free to Bribe them if you want them to go a certain way with the story.

Drivers also get to make sudden Consequence Moves out of nowhere if they want! If
a hidden cat does an ambush or a cruel little girl suddenly starts singing some anti-
Fairy limerick, you can make one of their many Moves to keep the story exciting and
moving forward.

Can Fairies run away or Rivals surrender?

Ruckuses do not have to go all the way to 0. Everything is not a drag 'em out, tooth
swallowing, rough and tumble Ruckus. Sometimes you just have to slap a dog on the
nose and they learn their lesson. As the Driver, you get to decide if a Rival surrenders.
If a Rival surrenders, the Fairies can still Alter them as if they won the Ruckus. The
Troop only gains Dram for damage done to the Ruckus Bucket, they don't get Dram
for Drops remaining. So, if a Ruckus Bucket started with 8, and the Troop had reduced
it to 3 when the Rival surrendered, the Troop would get 5 Dram (because they did 5
damage to the Bucket).

If a Rival runs, the Troop has to hunt them down. Only one Fairy can use the Find Stuff
Move to hunt their Rival, but other Fairies can use the Be Helpful Move.

Sometimes Fairies can just run away. Pixies are good at flying away and Nixies are
good at swimming away. If a Fairy needs to roll to run away, they use the Avoid Move.

Ending the Ruckus Early

Sometimes the Ruckus might end before the Ruckus Bucket reaches 0 Drops without
the Rivals surrendering. Fairies might use illusions or scare their Rivals or reach
some kind of truce during the Ruckus. When this happens, they gain 1 Dram per Drop
removed from the Ruckus Bucket and can do what they want with the fallen Rivals,
but the ones that were not reduced to 0 cannot be Altered unless they surrendered
to the Fairies. It's possible that some Rivals ran away or even that some Rivals
backstabbed their allies to avoid being Altered. Ruckusses are very fluid this way. You
can determine which Rivals were fallen during the Ruckus. You should work with the
Troop to decide which ones were fallen. Let them tell you how the Ruckus turned out.

How can Fairies be Tricksy in a Ruckus?

Here's the deal, it's pretty easy for Fairies to get themselves out of a Ruckus using all
kinds of illusions or Geasa. But, if they want to prank their way to victory, it's going
to take a little more preparation and probably some Useful Items. When a Fairy is
setting up for some mischief, it is generally referred to as Pranking. Pranking covers
everything from tying shoelaces together, to poisoning someone, to slipping a forged
love letter into a knight's pocket. Fairies can set up traps and pranks and poisons
that trip-up their Rivals without running any chance of hurting themselves, but they
have to be smart and set them up right. During a Ruckus a Fairy can simply tell the
Driver that they'd like a prepared Prank to go off on a Rival and then it just happens.
Fairies will almost always have to use a Useful Item to set up a Prank unless there is
something lying around they can use. Pranks do not have to damage someone. If a
Fairy just wants to trip someone and have them fall face first into a cake, that is also a
perfectly fine Prank. Drivers should play fast and loose with the Prank Move.

Calling Shots
Fairies can pick their targets during a Ruckus, but it won’t have much effect on the
Ruckus Bucket or the Consequences that happen unless you, the Driver, says so. If
there is a leader that adds a special effect to the Ruckus, their minions can protect
them, making called shots harder. You have the power to make the Ruckus more fun
and more dangerous by making called shots mean something and cost something.

A little help from their friends?

Fairies can get people to help them in a Ruckus. When their blade buddies join them
in a Ruckus, they work as a shield. The Troop gets their own Ruckus Bucket! When
making a Ruckus Bucket for the Troop, use the same rules as making a Rival's Ruckus
Bucket. Instead of spending Dram to Resist taking Maladies, Fairies can spend Drops
from their comrade's Ruckus Bucket to Resist. When their buddy's Ruckus Bucket
reaches 0, something nasty happens to their friendly fighters. It’s totally your call as
to what happens. Remember, no one really trusts Fairies and it's going to be tough for
the Fairies to convince people to fight on their side.

When to Ruckus and when to roll?

Knowing when to start a Ruckus and when to just let the Fairies roll is an important
little trick to get the knack of. When it comes to Social Ruckuses, you should ask
yourself "Are the Fairies trying to get the character to do something they are totally
against, or do they just need a little convincing?" If it's just a little convincing, one
roll should be enough. If a person really wants to be a nail-in-the-jam, then the
Troop should Social Ruckus them. When it comes to Physical Ruckuses, the Troop
might want to just knock someone out or quickly hog tie them. If that sort of thing is
possible, the Fairy can just make one roll. Usually you can count on the Troop to let
you know if they're up for a Ruckus or want a quick resolution. Remember, they don't
get Dram unless they win a Ruckus, even if they knock a Rival out.

Troop Member on Troop Member Violence?

While not encouraged, Troop members might find themselves at odds and feel the
need to fight each other. When Troop members fight, you randomly decide which one
goes first. Instead of doing damage to a Ruckus Bucket they inflict Maladies on the
other Fairy as if it were damage. The first Fairy to get 7 Maladies loses. The loser can't
be Altered and the winner gains no Dram for winning.

Useful Items (Equipment / Instrumenta)
otta greenseeds head outta this Cart thinking they need a sword and armor.

L Like they're gonna fight off a pride of kittens or cut down a flock of chickens.
Nah, what you need is a good rope, some flint, and a little bit of burning oil.
That'll get you out of almost any trouble you'll find yourself in. If you can't trip it with
rope, light it on fire.
- Buttercup Malfeasance, crafter of really cool things.

Every Fairy can take three Useful Items with them on their Outings. Different types
of Useful Items allow Fairies to do different types of things. Because Fairies only get
three Useful Item slots they should put a little thought into them before going out.
Don’t overthink it though. Who knows what’s going to happen out there? Besides, a
fast-thinking Fairy can make just about any Useful Item work to their advantage.

When the game starts, the Cart is pretty bare-bones. There aren't any Fairy-sized
swords or armor just lying around. The sky-eyed big world doesn't exactly cater to
Fairies and Fairies have never been much for arts and crafts that are "useful". So, if
a Fairy wants a sword they're going to have to be pretty creative about getting their
hands on one. At the beginning of the game they're going to have to equip something
like a sharp twig or a needle. By hook or by crook, everything in the Cart has to
come from the Troop.

Here's a quick run down of what the types of Useful Items do:

h Fighting Gear: gives Fairies a +1 to rolls in Ruckuses if they have the right
h Trinkets: are one-use items that let Fairies do something special or move
them one step up the Easiness Ladder when they use them.
h Magical Trinkets: are one-use items that let them roll Magic and get a magical
h Tools: are things that usually let them do something or move them one step up
the Easiness Ladder when they use them.
h Magical Items: are usually Fighting Gear or Tools that have a magical property
that they have to spend Dram to use.
h Magical Foci: aren't exactly "useful" Useful Items. They're a doodad or thing-
a-ma-jig that lets Fairies use their Mystical Technique better. Magical Foci
usually work as Fighting Gear or Tools and give bonuses when Fairies use
their Mystic Technique like a Talent.

Fighting Gear
Fighting Gear are items that make Fairies better at Ruckuses. Weapons and armor
take up one slot and let them add their Talent bonus to rolls when they do stuff in
Physical Ruckuses. They can also have weapons and armor that add to their Social
Ruckuses. These would be pieces of clothing or things that look menacing, like a fancy
dress or a scary looking cane. They allow Fairies to add Talent Bonuses to rolls in
Social Ruckuses when they make Moves.

Weapons are anything Fairies can use to attack someone with. When they use a
weapon, they get +1 to the dice roll (if they have the appropriate Talent like Warrior or
Thief). Weapons do not add to the amount of damage they do. They're going to need
Geasa or a Magic Item to do that.

In a Physical Ruckus Fairies can use all kinds of sharp pointy things, or bludgeoning
things or whatever. In a Social Ruckus symbols of their power or prestige can be
wielded. Things like expensive rings, tiara's or scary war paint.

Armor is anything they use to protect themselves with. Armor gives them +1 to the
Avoid roll if they have the appropriate Talent, such as Warrior for physical avoiding
or Merchant for social avoiding. It also lets them spend one less Dram when using
the Resist Move, but they must always spend at least 1 Dram. This basically negates a
Rival's Penetrating Attack ability.

In Physical Ruckuses, armor is going to be your standard issue armor. Metal and
leather are king. In a Social Ruckus, Fairies need stuff that can protect them from the
jeers and logical arguments of their enemies. Paintings of loved ones, inspirational
poems, a good smelling flower, that kind of stuff is always good.

If they're using Mystic Techniques in either type of Ruckus, they're going to need a foci.
Wands, staves, orbs, really anything shiny and mysticky looking will do. The nice thing
about foci is that they function as both weapons and armor in Ruckuses. Although,
foci are usually quite useless if Fairies aren't channeling magic through them.

Traps, medicines, salves and pinatas are all considered trinkets. After they use them,
they are finished. They move the Fairy one step up the Easiness Ladder on any roll that
they use them with. Trinkets are often used for Pranking. After they use a Trinket,
they can refill the empty Useful Items slot with something they find during the Outing.
Here are some examples of Trinkets:

h Caltrops that are just shards of broken glass.

h Tripwires for all kinds of traps that are just yarn or piano wires.
h Some bandages or soothing tea leaves to remove a Malady.
h A small bottle of grease or oil.
h The prong of a fork to be used as a door jam.
h A small bottle of glue, stolen from a small child's craft box.

Magical Trinkets
There are magical trinkets too. These are things like healing potions, speed potions,
grow potions, shrink potions or any other type of one use magical item you can think
of. When using Magical Trinkets, Fairies roll their Magic to determine how well they
work. After they use the Magical Trinket, it is all used up and can’t be used again.
When the Fairies start the game, there are no Magical Trinkets in their Cart. They have
to get them through Crafting or Outings. Here’s some examples of some super helpful
magical stuff and what happens when they use it.

Healing Potion:
h 1-6: They heal nothing. The Fairy chooses a Consequence.
h 7-9: They clear 1 Malady.
h 10+: They clear 2 Maladies.

Invisibility Salve:
h 1-6: They think they're invisible. The Fairy chooses a Consequence.
h 7-9: They are invisible for a very short amount of time.
h 10+: They are invisible for a fair amount of time.

Potion of Strength:
h 1-6: They do +0 damage. The Fairy chooses a Consequence.
h 7-9: They do +1 damage on their next Ruckus Roll.
h 10+: They do +1 damage for the whole darn tootin’ Ruckus!

Pixie Love Dust:

h 1-6: The target sneezes a lot. The Fairy chooses a Consequence.
h 7-9: The target likes you for a fair amount of time.
h 10+: The target loves you, and is totally willing to hear any of your crazy ideas
out for a fair amount of time.

Grow Powder:
h 1-6: They might have gotten smaller. The Fairy chooses a Consequence.
h 7-9: They grow to the size of a small
dog with the appropriate strength for
a very short time.
h 10+: They grow to the height of a
normal human for a very short time.

Sugar Water:
h 1-6: Someone's poisoned the
sugar water! The Fairy chooses a
h 7-9: Refreshing. Take a Pick-Me-Up.
h 10+: Fan-freaking-tastic. Take 2 Pick-

Tools are items that allow Fairies to do something and/or move them one step up the
Easiness Ladder when using it. For example; let’s say they decide to have a sip of wine,
but that cork is hard to get out of the bottle. They might be able roll Mighty to uncork
the bottle, but they’re definitely going to Take the Low Road because, boy howdie, that
thing is in there. But, what’s this? They brought a crowbar! Well, now they can just
roll like normal because they move up the Easiness Ladder! Now, let’s say they want
some bread to go with their wine, but the bread box is closed with big ol' heavy lid.
Now, normally this is off limits to their grubby little hands. The lid is just too big and
unwieldy to get open. But, they've got that crowbar! So let them Take the Low Road
and roll to open it up!

Be careful though! If they roll a Failure while using a Tool, they break the tool AND
suffer whatever else comes with Failure.

Magical Items
Magical Items are any Tools or Fighting Gear that they've crafted or managed to
fandaggle on some Outings. Magical Items all have one, and only one, magical
property. Fairies can spend Dram to awaken this property and use its special ability!
They have to spend Dram every time they use a Magical Item's magical ability. You
should encourage them to come up with their own types of Magic Items. Imaginating
is fun! Here's a list of some magical enhancements they can put on their stuff. (The
Magical Items can be anything like "Needle of Flame" or "Hat of Flame" or even "Match
of Flame.")

h ~ of Flame: this thing lights stuff on fire

h ~ of Ice: this doohickey freezes things
h ~ of Giddiness: this makes people silly happy
h ~ of Flying: when you're using this, and spend Dram, you can fly for a
short amount of time!
h ~ of Sneakiness: put this on, spend Dram, and you are a little see-
through for a short amount of time
h ~ of Ouch: this does +1 damage on an Attack
h ~ of Sleepiness: touch someone with this thing to make them sleepy
h ~ of Winds: make it windy for a fair amount of time

There are no hard and fast rules for Magic Items as far as Moves go. They are entirely
narrative based, so when a Fairy wants to do something that seems like it should
require a roll have them use the Do Something or Cast a Spell Move.

Useful Items and Geasa

Useful Items can totally work with Geasa as long as it makes sense. For example;
if they want to use the Falling Apples Geasa and they brought a sledge hammer,
go ahead and move them one step up the Easiness Ladder. If they've got the Magic

Sewing Needle of Ouch and they want to use Strong Blade with it and they've got the
Warrior Talent they have to spend 2 Dram (to activiate ~of Ouch and Strong Blade) and
roll with a +1 (for the Warrior Talent) and then do what the Geasa says. Yay for synergy!

Mount Up? They want to ride guinea pigs into battle...

Well of course this was going to come up. They're tiny little guys who can saddle up
and ride just about any adorable little creature into battle. They might even wrangle a
mean ol' badger in a Ruckus and Alter them into a mount for a little while. Here's what
having a mount gets them:

d An extra Useful Items slot while the mount is around.

d They can add their mount to the Troop's Ruckus Bucket. But, if those Drops run
out, the mount runs away (and probably never returns).

Now, keep in mind that mounts are bigger than Fairies and can blow the Troop's cover
pretty easily. Also, the Fairies can talk to the mounts. They're not just extra Drops in a
Ruckus Bucket, they're friends, probably. Finally, the few animals that would agree to
being a Fairy mount probably don't want to get into dangerous Ruckuses.

Cart Buddies (Relationships / Affinitas)
o Cart Fairy is a cloud. We don't just get to float around and occasionally bump

N into other clouds and become one giant collective of clouds and then go raining
on people's parades. Maybe send a lightning bolt down on a goat or two. Nope,
Cart Fairies are people with complex emotions and we experience all of them a whole lot.
Unlike clouds we don't have the luxury of being wool brained and air hearted. Nope, we
feel things about ourselves and each other and those feelings are valid. I guess what I'm
trying to say is that you should all hug your friends and neighbors more often.

- Alijandro Longarms giving a speech at a wedding he was not invited to.

The thing about living in a small city in a small Cart is that you're going to run into
your Troop-mates even if you're a cool and aloof dude that likes to brood in dark alleys.
You don't need the Fairies to roll for every little slice of life, but to keep the game
interesting and the narrative rich you can have them make a Cart Buddies roll and
explain how and why it happened. If they Fail a Puck's Lottery roll on Cart Buddies,
they have to add a horrible magical mishap to their
failure. Then the Driver rolls on the Wear-and-
Tear chart and marks a new Wear-and-Tear
down on the Cart Sheet.

Cart Buddies: make this roll for Troop

interaction. When a Fairy makes
this roll, they choose a buddy that
they want to spend some quality
time with. Then they use their
Pizzazz or Cunning to determine
how well the quality time goes.
I 1-6: Couldn't have gone
worse. You have to give your
buddy a Malady and you have
to explain how you gave
them that Malady.
I 7-9: You open up a little
to your buddy. Share an
interesting fact about
yourself with them. If you
want it to be a secret, you
can pass them a note.
I 10+: You two have a great
time. Your buddy gets
2 Dram and you get to
describe your perfect day
with them.

Downtime (Leisure Time / Otium)
Downtime is the Fairy's little vacation between Outings. It’s what every Fairy needs to
get their body mended and their head on straight. During the Fairies' Downtime, there
are a few things they can do. They can only take one game-affecting action during
their Downtime. For their Downtime Action they can roll any How and add any Talent
that makes sense. So, if they are wheeling and dealing with some Businessing during
their Downtime they roll 2d6 + Cunning or Pizzazz + 1 (if they have Noble or Merchant).
Fairies can't use Useful Items to affect Downtime Actions. They can choose from the
following lists:

Businessing: gain a little extra Dram for the Cart to Unlock Stuff!
m 1-6: Nothing happens. Better luck next time!
m 7-9: +5 Dram for the Cart!
m 10+: Well done, sir. +10 Dram for the Cart.

Catharsissing: get rid of some Maladies. They can roll this to remove Maladies from
other Fairies as well.
m 1-6: Looks like they're still stuck with Maladies.
m 7-9: Get rid of a Malady.
m 10+: Total catharsis. Get rid of a Malady and gain an extra Downtime Action.

Crafting: make some stuff to use on your Outings!

m 1-6: They make something, but it is pretty much useless. It is a Useless Item.
m 7-9: They make one Trinket, Tool or Weapon.
m 10+: They can make a single Useful Item of any type.

Hand-Shaking: add or take away points from a Court's Standing.

m 1-6: Nothing happens.
m 7-9: They can add or take away 1 point from one Court's Standing.
m 10+: They can add or take away 2 points from one Court's Standing.

Merry Making: take some Pick-Me-Ups along on your next Outing!

m 1-6: They made very little, if any, merry.
m 7-9: They can take a Pick-Me-Up!
m 10+: What a party dog! They can take 2 Pick-Me-Ups!

Solo Adventuring: you go adventuring all by your lonesome to get some extra Dram.
m 1-6: Their adventure is nothing but a series of mishaps.
m 7-9: +2 Dram, pretty well done!
m 10+: Good adventuring, ma’am. +4 Dram.

Some of these Downtime Actions might not be available if the Cart has some Wear-
and-Tear. To fix Wear-and-Tear and get Downtime Actions back, remember to add
Side Quests to Outings.

If they Fail a Puck's Lottery roll on a Downtime Action, they have to add a horrible
magical mishap to their failure and the Driver rolls on the Wear-and-Tear chart and
marks a new Wear-and-Tear down on the Cart Sheet.

Downtime is also a good time to just relax and ease into Fairy life. The Troop can have
some meetings with the Mayor about their Outings. They can see how old Mrs. Tindle
is doing with that peppermint oil they brought her. Maybe they start up a little cicada
farm so they can have some bug steak when they get back from their Outings. Feel free
to just take some time and breathe in the air of the Cart.

At the end of their Downtime they can also donate Dram to the Cart.

Why would they want to spend Dram on the Cart?

Fair question. Selfish, but fair. When they spend Dram on the Cart, the Cart gets closer
to Unlocking fun stuff. The Driver marks this on the Cart Sheet. With every 50 Dram
they can do things like add buildings and facilities to the Cart that have long-term
game effects by granting bonuses to Downtime Actions, gain access to new Gaesa,
and allow Fairies constant access to Magical Trinkets. Not to mention, access to totally
new Courts. There's a whole other chapter that's about Unlocking Stuff. It's right after
the Fairy Creation Chapter. It's best to keep that stuff together because Unlocking
Stuff unlocks a lot of Fairy Creation options.

The thing about traveling the world in search of adventure and the secrets to reclaim
your homeland is that sometimes bad things happen to your Cart. At the beginning of
every session roll 1d6 to find out what Wear-and-Tear is affecting the Cart. The result
of this roll tells you what kind of Wear-and-Tear the Cart is dealing with and what kind
of Side Quests Fairies will have to take to fix the Cart. If the Fairies do not complete the
Side Quest, they will not have access to certain Downtime Actions.

Here's a list of the types of Wear-and-Tear and some ideas for generating Side Quests
to go along with them.

1. Embargo: They can't do Businessing.

Why won't anyone do business with the Cart? Did some swindling happen?
Is the Cart being framed? What can the Troop do to fix this on their
2. Nuisance: They can't do Catharsissing.
What is making it impossible to relax? Is it bugs? A leaky roof ? A
genetically engineered super predator that constantly stalks in the
shadows? What can the Troop do to fix the problem?
3. Broken: They can't do Crafting.
Something important is broken and all the resources are being used on it.
What is broken? Can the Troop find another one or someone to fix it?
4. Lethargy: They can't do Hand-Shaking.
Something is keeping people from gathering. Is there a snake in the
cart? Has someone poisoned the watering hole? Is everyone mad about
5. Famine: They can't do Merry Making.
There just isn't enough food and drink to go around. Where can the Troop
find some food? What can they do to get the party started again?
6. Quarantine: They can't do Solo Adventuring.
No one is allowed to go out by themselves. What is out there? How can
they put an end to this thing?

Can a Side Quest be a whole Outing?

Why you bet your bottom briches it can! In fact, if the dribblenoses let their Wear-
and-Tear stack up, you should probably just do one Outing to fix all of the Wear-and-

Pay Day Bonuses! (XP Time!)
At the end of every Outing it's nice to reward the Troop for a job well done. When it's
all over, ask them the following questions. If they can answer the question, they get 1
XP. Personal Pay Day Bonuses are just for one Fairy at a time. Troop Pay Day Bonuses
are for the Troop. So if one Fairy gets a Troop Payday Bonus, they all do.

Personal Pay Day Bonuses:

1. What was your favorite part of this Outing?

2. How did you lean into your Kith?
3. How did you lean into your Court?

Troop Pay Day Bonuses:

1. Did you cause mischief or mayhem?

2. Did you do something that was good for the Cart?

To lean into their Kith, they have to do one of their Kith's Tendencies during the Outing.
To lean into their Court, they have to do one of their Court's Favorite Activities during
the Outing. It is completely up to the Fairy whether or not they feel like they earned
this XP. Don't be a cold-purse. Let them decide for themselves.

The complete rules for spending XP are on page 23 because it made more sense to put
them there. Here's a quick rundown of what you can buy with XP:
5 XP: +1 to a How, or a Geasa, or a Talent, or a Mystic Technique, or a Signature Geasa
1 XP: A Caith Geasa

Life in the Cart

Life in the Cart is... fine... it's fine. What you've got to remember is that the Cart is
populated by around 2,000 immortal beings with short attention spans, a penchant
for light hearted trickery, and a general uninterest in doing anything that is unfun. To
put it more straight, Fairies are bad at making societies. No one knows how to make
stuff, or grow stuff, or run things. Getting them to form a functioning society is going
to be an uphill battle.

The Troop, however, gets to decide just how good they are at making a society. Unlike
most of the Fairies in the Cart, the Fairies in the Troop can learn and grow and pass
on that knowledge to the Cart. Remember, their actions drastically affect the world.
When your story begins, the Cart is always in a state of blissful nonviolent chaos and
anarchy with no means of sustaining itself, outside of what the Troop can do for it.
It's up to the Troop to either forge something out of that blissful chaos or add more
blissful chaos to the Cart. The Troop might also want to manipulate the chaos and
simply point it in the right direction. It's their call.

It's the Driver's job to keep track of all this chaos. You're going to have something
called the Cart Sheet. The games really fun if you think of this as your own character
sheet. On this sheet, you're going to keep track of the game's progress.

The Driver's Notes, a.k.a. The Cart Sheet
Every time the Troop has a "successful" Outing add one point to each Fairies' Court.
The other Fairies in the Cart hear about the amazing Outing and it makes them like
the Court that much more. Keep track of these points on the Cart Sheet.

At the beginning of every, Outing the Fairies that are in the Courts with the highest
standing get the Feeling Lucky Pick-Me-Up.

Aside from the small Feeling Lucky bonus, these points don't mean anything unless
you want them to mean something! You, the Driver, should absolutely make them
mean something if there's turmoil or anything interesting happening inside of
the Cart. If there's a battle of the bands, or an election, or some kind of criminal
investigation you can use these points to hand out bonuses and help set the scene.
Also, feel free to take them if Fairies do bad things that hurt the Cart. Courts can
absolutely have a negative Court Standing rating. Maybe even let the Fairies spend
these points to gain bonuses on rolls while inside the Cart. House rule away!

Be sure to keep track of things they've pilfered or crafted that they might want to use
again. Remember, they have to make or steal everything they use so someone needs
to keep track of the inventory.

Important People
Use this section to write
down names of people that
generated a lot of story
and that they enjoyed
interacting with. You don't
have to write down everyone,
just the people you want to use
again or that the Troop wants to
see again.

Unlocked Stuff
Mark down everything they've
unlocked so you can quickly reference

Durations (Term / Tempus)
ll time is meaningless and relevant. We have absolutely no way to keep track

A of time unless we count all the time. And if you stop counting then time still
passes by, but you've stopped measuring so it doesn't count. The worst part is
you can't count backwards. Even if you have a watch, which counts for you while you're
not counting, you can turn back the little ticky bits. But, guess what?! Stuff doesn't start
happening in reverse, even though the time measuring machine is going backward.
There are literally no rules to how it works. Time is stupid.
- Tichi, author of the "The Theory of Time and Trying to Keep Track of It."

There are no hard and fast rules for durations in this game. You’re just going to have
to go with whatever sounds the most fun. For you slick-eared Drivers out there who
need a little guidance, here’s some help for what some durations mean as far as Geasa
and powers go:

A Short Time: They should be able to use this power long enough to accomplish their
immediate goal. Feel free to let them use it for longer and then have it suddenly end
at an amusing time.

A Fair Amount of Time: The Fairy should be able to use the power throughout a short
situation, like a dinner or something, but not a whole Outing. If they lean on the ability
or Geasa a lot, feel free to say that it drains the power quickly and the magic fizzles.

A Long Time: The power, or ability, or Geasa, or whatever should keep going for long
while, possibly even the whole Outing. It could still putter out at some point. Anything
that lasts longer than an entire Outing has a more concrete duration listed.

What Happens When They Change Size?

There are a few magical abilities that let the Troop or other people change size. You
don’t have to do a whole mathematical equation to figure out how it all works.

Firstly, just make sure the results of dice rolling are appropriate to their new size.
That’s right, none of their attributes change. The only thing that changes is how you
determine what their rolls mean.

If a grown Fairy joins a Ruckus, that’s relatively easy as well. Add the grown Fairy’s new
Tipears to the Troop’s Ruckus Bucket as if it were an ally. When this Ruckus Bucket is
drained, the Fairy shrinks back to normal size.

How should the dice rolling go?

The dice are there to keep the game moving forward in fun and unexpected ways.
The first thing you should do when determining the result of the dice is ask the Fairy
what they think should happen, even if the result of the roll says the Driver chooses a
Consequence. If they can’t think of anything, then toss out some ideas of your own.
If you can’t think of anything, let another player offer up some ideas. Remember, it’s
always more fun when everyone is involved.

Failures are bad. Don’t fluttertoe around them, make them bad. Ask the failing Fairy
“what’s one of the worst things that could happen because of this?” and then usually
you want to go with that. There's a huge list of Consequence Moves to pull from,
but don't feel like you have to follow that list. You should remember that a Failure
shouldn’t bring the whole game crashing down around it. Bad things happen, but
there should always be a way to get back on track.

Partial Successes are usually a Success and a complication. Ask the partially
succeeding Fairy “great, you did the thing, but…?” and then raise your eyebrows and
gesture quizzically at them until they come up with something for you. These can
be major or minor complications and can even get in other Fairy's ways. Remember
that you’re going to have a lot of Partial Successes, sometimes it’s OK to just toss small
things in to keep the main plot moving forward.

Successes are fantastic and you should make them feel fantastic. Let the Fairy tell
you how amazingly they do something and make sure that any other people watching
them react accordingly. If you’re feeling generous, toss in some bonus stuff for the
Fairy because we’re all here to have fun!

Puck’s Lottery, how bad should that be?

Puck’s Lottery is there for everyone to have fun with. It is Fairy Magic going crazy
and getting in everyone’s way. When that kind of magic goes off, let everyone at the
table have a quick brainstorm and then you choose whichever idea you think makes
the good times roll. Oftentimes Puck’s Lottery results in more rolls, resulting in more
Failures, resulting in more Puck’s Lottery. Feel free to make this avalanche of mystical
mishaps sweep up the story.

How do I keep this all on the rails?

That’s the beauty, you don’t. Let the Scene Setters, Puck’s Lottery, and other players
throw all their craziness at you and then you throw it back at them. Remember
that the system and the other players aren’t your enemies or things to manipulate.
Everyone, including Fairy Trails the game, is here to let you have a good time. Things
don’t have to stay on track, or be challenging, or balanced to be fun, just go where the
road takes you and enjoy the ride!

OK, how do I keep it fun?

That is a much better question. Firstly, remember that every Driver and every Troop
and every Fairy is different. People play games for different reasons and think
different types of characters are cool. It's not your job to make everyone happy, but it
is your job to give them a game that you think will make them happy. Also, remember
that you are playing the game too. Introduce plots that you think are interesting and
characters that you want to play. If you're having fun, there's a good chance the Troop
is having fun.

Secondly, be a fan of the Fairies more than you're a fan of the world you're building.
Keep them the center of things. There's no reason for the world to spin if it's not
spinning around the Fairies. That's not to say that you shouldn't challenge them or
that the possibility of failure shouldn't be there, but your goal should be that they're
always in the spotlight.

Thirdly, remember that you're their eyes and ears in the world. Do your best to make
sure everyone is on the same page and knows what's happening. This is a little
difficult to do, so feel free to use pictures or anything else to help paint the scenes
the Troop will find themselves in. If there is a misunderstanding, don't feel bad about
backtracking to the point of the misunderstanding.

Is there an ending point?

No game is going to last forever, but the nice thing is that this game has a very easy
out. If it's time to pack up the Cart and start a new game or find a new Troop, then
why not give everyone the satisfaction of defeating Old Mr. Foggyhat and reclaiming
your forest? After you've invested so much time into the game, it's nice to have a finale

Even if the game isn't ending you can still defeat Old Mr. Foggyhat and reclaim your
forest! That's right! The game can continue without the arch nemesis! And there can
still be gobs of adventure in clearing out the forest, establishing yourself in Oberon's
courts, making a name for yourself as the first Fairy Nation and eventually going on
to conquer the entire world! You'll have to make some adjustments, but just a few.
Downtime will have to take place in safe havens for the Troop (like magical glens or
abandoned mouse tunnels). Wear-and-Tear will have to be changed a bit to reflect
the unmovable style of the Fairies' new forest. If there's still stuff to Unlock, the Troop
will invest in the forest or base of operations instead of the Cart. As long as you've got
a Troop and a will to play, the game can keep going on and on forever!

What about the World?

What the world is and how it works is going to be decided by your Troop and you.
There are, however, a wealth of resources in the All About the World and Rivalpedia
chapters of this book. They have maps and characters and Rivals for you to use. Feel
free to take as much as you need from the chapters to make running the game just as
splendiforous as possible. We'll talk more about world creation in the Fairy Creation
part of the book, because you're all going to all be making everything together.

Just be sure to remember that everything that happens in the game is canon. If the
Fairies make up a fun new magical ritual, then its part of the world. If the Fairies want
to create a magical ring of trees around a house to encase a crotchety ol' geezer until
he becomes nice, find a way to let them do it. Of course, you have plans and surprises
too, but do your best to keep the world open and malleable. Don't forget to use the Cart
Sheet to keep track of all the stuff you and the Fairies are bringing into the world!

What do I do with the Cart?

The Cart is a fluid environment and you can change it all willy-nilly if you feel like it
would make the game more fun. If the Troop is tired of the Mayor or doesn't like them,
have a sudden election. If the rabble rouser isn't getting much play, have them settle
down and introduce a new one. If the Fairies bamboozled someone and they're out
for revenge, that could be a whole new Outing down the road, or at least a Wear-and-
Tear option. Use the Cart Sheet sheet to organize your notes. Keep track of what's
been Unlocked, what Outings have been done, and which Courts have had the most
successful Outings. You should use the Cart Sheet to generate ideas for Outings, but
it's also a great resource if other people want to try being Driver, or if multiple Troops
want to play in the same Cart.

Preparing For An Outing And Finishing One
Outings are a tricky thing so there are plenty of examples to choose from in the All
About the World chapter. You can whittle them down to just a few choices, though,
three is a good number. Use the maps for inspiration and throw some Outing ideas at
the Troop. Be sure to tailor the Outings to your Fairies and feel free to ask them what
would make Outings more appealing to them.

After the Outing has been decided, follow these simple steps:

1. Roll for Wear-and-Tear on the Cart.

2. Have the Fairies make their Cart Buddies roll.
3. Assemble the Troop and introduce the Outing and Side Quest in character.
4. Have each Fairy tell you what their Scene Setter is.
5. Have each Fairy choose their Useful Items.
6. Give them a chance to purchase Caith Geasa.
7. Run the Outing.
8. When the Troop returns to the Cart, do Downtime Actions.
9. If the Troop Unlocked anything, do all the Unlocking.
10. Give them their Pay Day Bonuses and Spend XP!
11. Update the Cart Sheet with all the necessary information.

There you go! That's all you need to do! Don't get yourself in a tizzy if you mess up the
order. Because of the way the game and system run you'll realize any mistakes you
make fairly quickly and can fix them on the fly.

Outings are a good chance to introduce Fairy lore into the game that this system
cannot provide for without becoming bloated and bothersome. When the Troop
goes on Outings, feel free to give them special tasks (outside of Side Quests). Stuff
like “make a princess eat this apple to gain 2 Dram,” or “strike a Fairy Pact with this
young man who will someday be a great knight to gain 2 Dram." These tasks can be
introduced by anyone from other Fairies in the Cart to Patrons to Oberon himself.

Every great adventure begins with a bit of planning. Before the game even starts,
everyone should get together and talk about the Fairy they want to be. The Troop
should build their Fairies together and then decide things about the Cart and then
things about the world. This is called Session 0. You're also going to notice that in this
part of the book I'm talking to the Fairies again, not the Driver.

Your Session 0 schedule should go like this:

1. Build your Fairies together. There's nothing wrong with having

an idea for what you want to play, but do not come to the table with
your Fairy already made.
2. Now that you know the Fairies you're going to be playing, build the
Cart by fleshing out the important people in the Cart. Toss in any
other details you want to.
3. Now that your Cart is finished, set out the general guidelines for
the World. There's a few questions for the Fairies to answer and
the Driver to take notes on. This will make sure everyone has a
pretty good idea of how the world works.
All these steps are detailed throughout this chapter. The game is Fairies First. So
everyone makes the Fairies and the Troop they want to play together, and then crafts
the world they want to see the Troop play in.

Great. So, what do Fairies get to do?
All Fairies have certain things that make them special. They’re all gifted with magical
abilities no matter how they were born, or what they’ve done, or how old they are.
Here’s a short list of everything every Fairy gets to do.

G All Fairies can talk to animals that can talk. Drivers get to decide what
animals can and can’t talk. Animals still can’t talk to other creatures.
G All Fairies can sense magic. Each Fairy senses it differently. Some
smell it, some see it, some even hear it.
G Fairies can speak any language so long as the speaker is trying to
communicate with the Fairy and not disguise their words.
G Fairies can sneak through any area where people aren’t being
particularly aware of their surroundings. Basically, if a mouse has
a good chance of slipping by unnoticed, a Fairy can definitely do it.
Fairies who push this ability, however, will be noticed.
G Fairies may shrink any item that has been given to them down to a
size small enough to be easily carried. The item may have been given
through means of magical enchantment, trickery, intimidation or any
other means of skulduggery. Stolen items, found items, or items plucked
from a dead body do not shrink to accommodate Fairies.
G Fairies are usually forgettable and easily dismissed. As long as Fairies
escape the clutches of their Rivals they will be quickly dismissed as
nothing more than a nuisance. Fairies have a reputation for avoiding
difficult situations and that works to their advantage.

Building a Fairy
This is the easy part. While you’re all crafting your Fairies, be sure to work together to
come up with a Troop that seems fun to play.

1. Figure out the type of Fairy you want to play.

2. Choose your Kith and write down your abilities.
3. Choose your Court.
4. Add +1 to 2 Hows, or +2 to 1 How from your Court Strengths.
5. Subtract -1 from 2 Hows, or -2 from 1 How of your Court
6. Choose one Talent from your Court Talents or your Mystic
7. Choose three Geasa from your Patron's Gifts or Unlocked Patron's
8. Choose your Mystery.
9. Get your Bonuses from the Gifts other Fairies have left behind.
10.Answer some of these questions:
Where do you live in the Cart?
What is your signature piece of clothing?
What is your favorite food/drink?

Kith (Species / Speciebus De Fatum)
ow, no one knows where anyone else came from, and quite frankly that’s no

N one’s business. Some of you were hatched, some of you just appeared, some
of you were jettisoned from another Fairy's body like some kind muck-rat.
Your Kith is as important or unimportant as you make it. I’ve seen Gnashers cry and
Geargiks go into berserk rages. The important thing is that you have a body... unless
you’re a Will-o-Wisp, then we’re not entirely sure, you might be ghosts, and that’s... that’s
your thing. And you’ve got to take care of that body and you’ve got to own that body
and you’ve got to make it yours. So be proud, or don’t be proud of your Kith, just don’t be
weird about it... unless being weird is your thing, and then weird it up. Heck, I don’t know,
just don’t be flogtrots and we should all be good right?

- Mayor Tats MacFat addressing a very serious social issue.

Your Kith is how you were born. Choose your Kith and gain the abilities that come
with it.

This is how you read the descriptions of the various Kith:

Kith's Name
H What choosing this Kith gives you in terms of rulesy game play.

Tendencies: These are some of the aspects the Kith are known for having. If you play
into at least one of these tendencies, you can say that you leaned into your Kith during
the Pay Day Bonus part of the session.

What the Kith looks like.

Some fun facts about the Kith.

A lyric or song about that Kith

that most the Fairies know.
They're not very good.
They also don't rhyme,
most of the time.

Can we all be the same Kith?

Not a great idea. Each Kith's power is unique and makes them fun to play, but if
everyone has the same power it's not as much fun as it gives the Troop some easy
wins. Unless your Driver says it's OK (which, ya know, would be a bad call on their
part), every Fairy should be a different Kith.

H Geargiks get an extra Useful Items slot.
H Geargiks can always take an extra Downtime Action to Craft something.
They can do this even if Wear-and-Tear has made Crafting impossible for
everyone else. They cannot help themselves.
H Tendencies: Hyper, Easily Excited, Technical Minded, Problem Solvers,
Dangerously Curious, Has Trouble Understanding Emotions

magine a gnome. They’ve got the big noses and the big ears and big eyes.

I Geargiks are quite a bit like that. They are the shortest of the Fairies and
usually have long beautiful silky hair. Geargiks like to keep everything clean
and tidy and are known for their fastidiousness. They tend to be
a bit rounder and less cut than
most of the other Fairies.

Geargiks like to tinker with

and fix things. Sometimes
they actually manage to do
something useful, but most of
the time they just end up blowing
stuff up. They're always bringing
weird stuff back into the Cart like
gears or extra shiny nails, then
disappearing into their workshops
for weeks. If there's ever an explosion
in the Cart, dollars to Betsies, a Geargik is
somewhere nearby.

"A thimble, a spoon, a spindle, a string,

a pinch of moss, a worn out sock.
A Pixie's trash is Geargik treasure,
tinkering and thinkering is Geargik pleasure.
A Geargik with plans is a dangerous thing,
be weary of their lab when hammers ring.
You see, a Geargik in inventor mode,
is a Geargik that will soon explode."

-A children's poorly constructed poem about


H Gnashers have claws and fangs. They are always considered to have a
H Gnashers can climb like a squirrel.
H Tendencies: Violent, Courageous, Headstrong, Refuses to Back Down From
Any Challenge, Loyal to Friends, Rebellious, Rude

nashers are tough gals and guys. They are big and

G bulky and while they may not be as tall as

Pixies they are usually quite a bit broader.
They are dark-colored like various shades of bark
or dead leaves. They have large spikes on their
back that they like to coat with poison. Their
teeth are sharp. So are their fingertips.
So are the tips of their toes. Really they’re
just sharp and pointy all over.

Gnashers are really the closest thing we have

to wicked Fairies. These razorbacks idea of
a good prank is laying on the ground with
their quills poking up until some poor
barefoot Barry steps on them. Then
they go running away laughing their
heads off. Not the most inspired
prank of all time, but they love it.
Still, they are fiercely loyal to their
Troop and their Cart and great to
have with you on an Outing.

"Oh, where will you run?

When the Gnashers come, the Gnashers
Oh, where will you hide?
From the Gnasher's bite, the Gnasher's bite.
Oh where will you... blah?
If the Gnasher's claw, the Gnasher's claw.
Oh, how can you hike?
If there's Gnasher spikes, there's Gnasher spikes."

- An old Gnasher war song that they never quite finished.

H Nixies can breathe underwater and swim like a fish.
H They can change their body's size and shape and are able to squeeze through
very tiny cracks. Basically, if water can seep through it, a Nixie can get
through it. They can't seep through iron.
H Tendencies: Emotional, Empathetic, Very Appreciative of Beauty, Short
Attention Span, Vain, Quick to Adapt to most Situations

ixies are the aquatic version of Pixies. They’re

N pretty tall and are super flexible. These

lucky lads and ladies can reshape their
body with ease. I mean, how fair is that? They
can just wake up and decide they want six-pack
abs and legs that go on for days. Unbelievable.
Their skin is black to light blue to purple. They
usually like to keep an aquatic look about
themselves. They often have webbing on
their hands and feet. Some of them have
fins on their forearms and legs.

A lot of people have argued, with good

reason, that Nixies share a kinship with
Siryns because they like water and
singing. They tend to be drawn to art
and music and things like that. They're
very easy going and have a kind of go-
with-the-flow attitude. They don't throw the
fanciest parties in the Cart (that's the Pixies),
but they do liven them up a lot!

"If'n I were a Nixie the things I would do,

I'd chop down a rose and haul it to you,
I'd swim the ocean to bring you some sand,
But, it wouldn't be that hard, it's worse traveling by land.
I'd whisper sweet nothings conjured just for your ear,
And then shout them louder to make sure you could
If I were a Nixie, my poems would rhyme,
but I'm not.

- One of the many drinking songs about Nixies.

H Pixies can fly. Remember, the higher you fly, the farther you fall.
H When a Pixie sprinkles their Pixie dust on another person and spends 1
Dram, that person can fly for a short while. They must hold the Pixie's
hand while flying. Both are very clumsy fliers when they do this.
H Tendencies: Haughty, Easily Flustered, Self-Centered, Caring, Love to be in
Charge, Slightly Oblivious

hen most people think of Fairies, they

W think of Pixies. These are the little

guys with the beautiful butterfly
wings that go flitting from flower to
flower. Not all of them have butterfly
wings. Some of them have dragonfly
wings and I've heard rumor there's
a forest where the Pixies have tiny
little bee wings. They are usually
skinny and lithe. Most of them have
large eyes and pointed ears and are
usually considered the most beautiful of all
of the Fairies, but that's by human standards
so it doesn't really count.

Pixies are the glue that holds the Cart

together. They're usually the ones
making business deals, finding out about
Outings, throwing parties, and generally
being nobles. When they put their mind to
something, they'll get it done as quickly as
possible so they can then move on to the
next thing before they get bored.

"Oberon save the Pixies!

The rightful lords and ladies,
Who fly so high above us,
and make us wish we were them!
Oberon save the Pixies!
Without them we'd be lost.
Their charm and wit have saved us all,
and they will save us all again!"

-Hymn of the Pixies, from the play "King Monarch, and Rightfully So"

H Pookas can spend a Dram to turn into the small animal that they look for a
short while. They can do everything the animal can do in their Fairy and
Animal Form. Birds can fly, moles can dig, etc. Remember, every animal is
special in their own way.
H Tendencies: Slightly Feral, Skittish, Territorial, Usually kind of Aloof,
(Insert your own animal-appropriate Tendencies here)

hey look like tiny anthropomorphic animals. Kind of like rat people, or cat

T people, or bird people. How much they look like an elf, dwarf or human and
how they look like an animal varies drastically. I’ve seen Fairies that have an
entire snake body with just an elven head. I’ve seen other
ones that have an entirely human body with nothing
but a fox tail. The weirdest one had the upper
torso of a goldfish and the legs of a dwarf.
Who knows with these guys.

Pookas might just be the hardest to pin

down, personalty-wise. Each one of them
acts like you think their animal would act,
sometimes. What I'm saying is, you can usually
count on a fox Pooka to be cunning and maybe
tricky. You know a peacock Pooka is going to strut.
However, Pookas will surprise you more often than
never. I once saw a sparrow Pooka win a staring
contest with a hungry cat.

"The great trial of Nitlit the traitorous mole came,

No other Kith were allowed, Pooka matters are
solved with Pooka ways,
Nitlit the mole was a mole for old Mr. Foggyhat,
selling our secrets to Redcaps and Boggarts.
Jiu Lan the Dog says "guilty"
Yitsi the Cat says "guilty"
Bellamy the Bird says "guilty"
Casma the Mouse says "guilty"
What does the fox say?

-From the records of the trials of Nitlit the mole

the mole

H Armadillo: You can turn into a ball and roll around and you always have
Tendencies: Shy and Avoids Conflict
H Badger: You have claws that work as Weapons and you can dig tunnels
fairly quickly.
Tendencies: Brave and Vicious
H Cat: You can climb on things like a cat and can jump very far. You might
have trouble getting down though.
Tendencies: Haughty and Moody
H Frog: You can swim very fast and jump very far. You can also use your
tongue like a grappling hook, but it's pretty gross.
Tendencies: Loud and Easily Confused
H Lizard: You can climb on things like a lizard. You can also regenerate! At
the end of a Ruckus you can spend 1 Dram to remove 1 Malady.
Tendencies: Jumpy and Likes Catching Bugs
H Mole: You can burrow. If you spend some time fortifying your tunnels, you
can make tunnels your friends can pass through.
Tendencies: Has trouble spotting small details and Worm Eater
H Mouse: You can squeeze through small spaces and move one step up the
Easiness Ladder while you are being sneaky.
Tendencies: Super Scaredy Pants and Soft Spoken
H Skunk: You can emit a stink that forces everyone (even your Troop) out of
the room. They will be back and looking for you though.
Tendencies: Eager to be Accepted and Trusting
H Snake: You can squeeze under rocks and into very small holes. If you are
distracting a single person, go one step up the Easiness Ladder because of
your hypnotic gaze.
Tendencies: Untrustworthy and Always Scheming
H Sugar Glider: You can glide for short distances, but you can't fly. You can
also climb like a sugar glider.
Tendencies: Always Hungry and Likes to Sleep During the Day
H Swallow: You can fly very fast and gracefully.
Tendencies: Acts Without Thinking and Likes Catching Bugs
H Weasel: Move one step up the Easiness Ladder when trying to steal
something. You can also bite stuff very hard and always have a Weapon
(it's your mouth).
Tendencies: Wily and Fool-hardy

H Sproutlings can turn into small flowers. While they are a flower, they can
still see and hear as normal, but they cannot move.
H Sproutlings have thick bark that works as Armor.
H Tendencies: Slow, Thoughtful, Caring, Generous to a Fault, Fairly
Unemotional, Delights in Simple Pleasures

proutlings are by far the most attractive of all the Fairies. “Their”, bodies are

S lean and carved from oak. Most of them sprout flowers in various places.
Some of them grow thorns. They come in all shapes and sizes, all of them
quite amazing. Most of them are brightly colored, but some of them prefer the darker
mossy tones and bark. For my money, I think the birch bark
Sproutlings who wear their leaves in spring shades are
nailing it.

Sproutlings tend to be... slow. "They" like to take their time

and just look at things. They enjoy the feel of a nice breeze
through their leaves and a good long conversation over
some hot tea. If you're planning on visiting a Sproutling,
it's usually a good idea to bring a snack. They are usually
full of wisdom and very good at explaining things.
*Note to the Driver: Don’t tell anyone! I, Velvet Hoppersmith, am
a Sproutling!

"A wind through the leaves is nice.

The gentle rain on dry earth quenches.
A heavy rain on dry earth cleanses.
when it gets cold, water turns to ice.

what was I saying, I think I forgot,

you were asking about something,
I think it was birchblood poison?
I apologize, I lost my train of thought.

the mind is a maze in your head,

but my head is wood and leaf,
but that poison is rather beastly,
oh, I'm sorry, it seems that your dead."

- An accidental poem by Dr. Tree McLeaf

H Will-O-Wisps can slip through anything that is less than one Tipear thick.
They become intangible and ghostlike.
H Tendencies: Creepy, Soft-Spoken, Well-Intentioned, A Little Too Helpful,
Slightly Detatched from Reality, A Little Air-Headed

ill-O-Wisps are weird ones. Their skin is almost translucent and sometimes it

W glows. They have big eyes and stringy hair and they always seem to be floating
like they’re lighter than air. They look like really beautiful ghosts and always
seem to be smiling even when they’re mad. It's creepy. To be honest, we're not even
sure they're Fairies. We might be haunted.

Will-O-Wisps are quiet and demure, but incredibly

helpful. They tend to float around just doing good
deeds just for the heck of it. On more than one
occasion a Fairy has woken up in their house
to find that a Will-O-Wisp has floated in and is
just doing the dishes or tidying up the place.
It's creepy. They're helpful to Fairies, but
less so with mortals. With mortals they
like to hover around and distract them
from tasks and sometimes make
them lose their way on the road.
It's far-and-away their most
favorite prank.

"Boo hoo, Boo who?

It's me. It's me.
So bright. So dark.
Come here, to me.
Where me? Where you?
You're here. I'm here.
So cool, so cold
I know. I know
Boo who. What you?
I'm sorry, I'm me."

-The song Will-O-Wisps

are always singing when
you wake up and find them
washing your dishes. It's

The Courts (Factions / Atrium)
hether you are the highest and mightiest of the Fae or a lowly, pathetic, tiny,

W inconsequential Fairy, nothing is more important than your Court. More than
your own flesh and blood your Court is your family. More than your own king
or queen your Court is your ruler. It is the air you breathe, and the bed you sleep on, and
some other third important thing. Your Court defines who you are and what makes you
you. Why, a Fae without a Court is really just an elf, right? And no one wants to be that.
So remember brothers and sisters, when the day comes for you to choose your Court
choose wisely and follow your heart. Whether you are the summer sun or the winter
snow is all decided by your Court.

- A speech some high and mighty Fae once made.

Courts are massively important to the Fairies. There are a total of seven Courts plus
the Wylds. Wylds are courtless Fairies. They don’t have to deal with all the headaches
of Fairy politics. Your Court will grant you a bonus Talent or Mystic Technique that you
get when you choose your Court. You can also choose three Geasa from your Patrons
Gifts or Patrons Treasures (if you have Unlocked those Treasures). Each Court also has
a Scene Setter. Scene Setters are a bit of "magical" control that you have over how
Outings go.

What is a Court?
A Court is a group of Fae that all band together for common causes and goals. Think
of Courts like states without actual borders, and the citizens of those states all live
together with citizens of other states. Together these states make up the country that
is all of Faedom. Fairies all work together, but generally put the needs of their Court
above the needs of the other ones. In the end, we’re all still on the same team.

There are the four "first" Courts. The Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter Courts make
up almost all of Faedom and are the only ones most people are in the know about.
There are other Courts too. In our Cart there are also the Sun, Moon, and Star Courts,
although most of the Fae will turn their nose at them. I’ve heard rumors that Fairies
and other Fae have formed other Courts as well, things like the Diamond Court and the
Jester's Court, but that’s probably brittletongue.

There is another Court, kind of. We collectively refer to it as the Wyld Court, but it’s
really nothing like a Court. It’s just a group that we put all the nonjoiner Fairies into.
Wyld Courters... courtisans... courtizens... Wyld Fairies stick to the Wyld Court for quite
a few reasons, but most of those reasons are that they don't want to be beholden to
Patrons or other powerful Fae.

Who are these Patrons?

That there is a question that requires a little explanation. You know how I said that
there were Courts and they made up all of Faedom? The thing is, we're technically the
lowest ranking citizens in all of Faedom. It's heightism, I know, but that's the world we
live in. If landless Fairies want any kind of voice in King Oberon's kingdom, or any of

the massive power he bestows upon the Fae, we need Patrons. Our Patrons speak for
us in the Court of the Fae, they grant us the ability to call on Puck's Lottery and keep us
connected to Fae magic. Most Fairies with forests and homes and magical dwellings
don't worry about this kind of thing too much, but we're Cart Fairies and we need all
the help we can get.

So these Patrons, Oberon bless their souls, are Fae that have taken it upon themselves
to represent our factions in Oberon's court. They aren't Fairies, they don't live in the
Cart, most of them are as tall as a normal human. They do visit occasionally and it's
usually a treat when they do. They also teach us our first three Geasa and serve as a
conduit to Oberon so that he continues to let us siphon his power. All in all, they're
just some super nice people who are helping us out.

Great, but what does my Court do for me?

Excellent question, you self-serving silvermaid. The Court does a lot for you. When
you join a Court, here’s a list of the things you get:

Strengths and Weaknesses

These are things you're good at and things your bad at. Your Court will train you in
some stuff, and neglect to train you in other things. Every Court lists three Strengths
and three Weaknesses that you can choose from.

d Strengths: You get +2 to 1 of the listed Hows or +1 to 2 of the listed Hows.

d Weaknesses: You get -2 to 1 of the listed Hows or -1 to 2 of the listed Hows.

Can my Strength and Weakness be the same How?

Ummmm… sure… I suppose. If you took your +1 Strength in the same How as your -1
Weakness, that would be a net gain of 0. There’s nothing in the rules that says you
can’t be more normal.

Can I put both my +1s or both my -1s into the Same How?
Absolutely. You are your own Fairy, if you wanna be really good at one particular thing
instead of good at two things, or vice versa, you can do it. Now, get out there and do
some simple maths!

Court Training
Choose one of your Court Talents or its Mystic Technique and get it for free. That’s
right! Court’s offer higher education so you’re not just another dewskull. Your Court's
Mystic Technique is the only Mystic Technique you can ever learn. You can learn all
the other Talents though. So you can be a Spring Court who's a Doctor, Noble, Scholar,
Explorer but the only Mystic Technique you can ever take is Life Weaver.

Scene Setters:
How would you like to give the Driver your own little challenge? Scene Setters let you
throw a little something at the Driver before the Troop goes on an Outing. Every Court
has its own special Scene Setter that lets you dictate and prepare for how an Outing
might go. Keep in mind that these are designed to add to the story. If you’re being too
much of a pain with your Scene Setter, the Driver can easily ignore it and give you no

Can I change Courts during the game?

Traitor! We've got a Geasa poacher over here! Nah, it's all good. If you want to change
Courts, you have to pay 10 Dram to your new Court. You'll change your Scene Setter.
You keep the Geasa and Mystic Technique you've already bought and can now only
take Geasa from the new Court. If you don't have a Mystic Technique, you can now
only take your new Court's Mystic Technique. If you already have Mystic Technique,
you can't take another. You can't have two Mystic Techniques. You don't get anything
for your 10 Dram other than the ability to buy different Geasa and your new Scene
Setter. If you're a Wyldling, read that Court's description to see what happens.

Can we all be in the same Court?

No, nuh uh, absolutely not. The thing is that having more than one of the same Scene
Setter during an Outing is hard and boring and unfun. So unless your Driver says it's
OK (which they absolutely should not), every Fairy has to be in a different Court.

How do I read Courts?
You read courts like this:

Name of the Court

Z Strengths: This is where your Strengths are listed. Choose two Hows for a +1 in
each or get a +2 in one How.

Z Weaknesses: This is where your Weaknesses are listed, Choose two Hows for a -1
in each or get a -2 in one How.

Z Court Training: A list of Talents you can choose, one is your Mystic Technique.
You can only have your Court's Mystic Technique and you can buy it with XP at
any time. Mystic Techniques are written in blue so you can see them easier. As
for Talents, you can purchase them with XP after you build your Fairy and get
some XP.

Z Patron's Gifts: Choose three of the six that are listed. You can choose Unlocked
Patron's Treasures as well, but you'll start with three Geasa from your Court.

Z Patron's Treasures: You can only choose these if you've Unlocked them. You'll
find out how to Unlock stuff later in the book. You can underline these after you
Unlock them. It's your book, after all... isn't it? If you don't like writing in your
nice pristine book, the Driver will mark them on the Cart Sheet.

Z Favorite Activities: These are things people in your Court usually like to do. If you
want to be able to say that you leaned into your Court during the Pay Day Bonus
phase of the session, you need to at least try and do one of these things.

Scene Setter – The rules for your Scene Setter.

All about the Court:

A description of the court.

Somebody's Name - The Patron of the Court

A word about the person that is representing the Court to the Fae Courts and letting
everyone know how good a job you're doing. They're also the one who teaches you
your first three Geasa.

z Strengths: Jukey, Magic, Pizzazz

z Weaknesses: Cunning, Magic, Mighty

z Court Training: Doctor, Explorer, Farmer, Life Weaver

z Eire's Gifts: Flourish, Healing Touch, Life Eyes, Lost in the Woods, Mother's
Protection, Twitterpate

z Eire's Treasures: Full Tank, Man Plant!, Raging Allergies

z Favorite Activities: Helping those less fortunate. Falling in love. Helping things

Bees are a Buzzing – Choose some kind of event or even an occurrence. Your event
could be something like "a young couple on a date in a field of flowers," or "a bear
stealing a picnic basket," or even "a very important meeting with very important
people." One way or another, this event will get in your way. Do not fret! You shall
receive 3 Dram and everyone in your Troop gets the Feeling Happy Pick-Me-Up when
it happens.

All about the Spring Court:

The Spring Court is all about life and
loving life and respecting life. They live
for love, to be surrounded by nature,
and to bring joy wherever they can.
They are the flower children. Everyone
loves the Spring Court. People just dig
their vibe.

Lady Eire - Benefactress of

the Spring Court
Lady Eire is simply wonderful. She's
graceful and soft spoken and always has
a nice thing to say. You can tell whenever
she's around because everything smells
like lilac and spearmint. She rides a
unicorn and often disguises herself as a
mortal doctor just to go around healing
the sick. She is just super. Everyone always
puts on their best clothes and gathers around
to say hello when she visits the Cart.

x Strengths: Jukey, Mighty, Pizzazz

x Weaknesses: Cunning, Magic, Mighty

x Court Training: Entertainer, Noble, Warrior,


x Banba's Gifts: Alluring Voice, Fire Control, Fire Dancer, Hot Like Fire, Life of the
Party, Strong Blade

x Banba's Treasures: Artful Dodger, Cannonball, Dance Magic Dance

x Favorite Activities: Singing and dancing. Playing with fire. Getting into fights.

Choreographed – At the beginning of an Outing, declare a Rival you want to engage.

This may be a general Rival such as “a big dog” or a named Rival such as “Henry
McNastyKnives.” When a Ruckus or confrontation starts with that Rival, you gain 3
Dram. During the encounter, whenever that Rival hinders a Troop member you can
assign the Consequence or Malady to any other Troop member you want. If you do not
engage that Rival, you gain 6 Dram at
the end of the Outing.

All about the Summer Court:

The Summer Court are a bunch
of hot heads and drama queens.
They also put on the best plays and
are always entertaining. The only thing
longer and more brutal than their fights are
their soliloquies about all the crazy stuff they
get up to and the beauty of an open flame.

Liege Banba - Champion

of the Summer Court
Liege Banba is just a hoot. I mean,
she is insane in all kinds of good
ways. She never shows up to the
Cart empty-handed. This one
time, she brought a whole bottle of
whiskey. I tell you, nothing got done
for days! She usually travels with a
troop of minstrels and when they drop by
things can get a heap of crazy.

s Strengths: Cunning, Jukey, Mighty

s Weaknesses: Jukey, Magic, Pizzazz

s Court Training: Craftsman, Farmer, Thief, Transporter

s Fodla's Gifts: Falling Apples, Falling Leaves, Lock Whisperer, Precise Placement,
Told You So, Winter is Coming

s Fodla's Treasures: Found It, Pressure Points, Hidey Hole

s Favorite Activities: Doom prepping. Stealing anything that might be useful.

Preventing friends or loved ones from getting hurt.

Hidden Treasure – You can choose some kind of beneficial good or item for the Troop
to stumble across during the Outing. If you find it on your Outing, you instantly gain 3
Dram and have a +1 to rolls when using this item if it is a Tool or Trinket of some sort. If
you chose Fighting Gear, you get +1 to rolls with it for just one Ruckus of your choice. If
you do not find this item, you gain 6 Dram at the end of the Outing.

All about the Fall Court:

Fall Court is the greatest! Sure some people say
they’re super paranoid and worriers, but
someone’s got to keep their head on their
shoulders. While everyone else is out
playing and causing a ruckus, we’re all
getting ready for the next big disaster the
other idiots are going to bring down on the
*Note to the Driver: I’m in the Fall Court!!!

Hermit Fodla - Advocate of the

Fall Court
Listen, we all love Lady Fodla and think she's
great. It's just that, well, she kind of pales in
comparison to all the other patrons. She's quiet,
calm and cautious. Even when she bestows some
of her gifts, it's always in a subdued manner. And
she's got hordes of gifts. The stuff tucked away in
her bags is like ten kings' ransoms that she's just
saving for a rainy day! Still, she's great and we're
always happy for a visit from her.

u Strengths: Cunning, Jukey, Mighty

u Weaknesses: Magic, Mighty, Pizzazz

u Court Training: Hunter, Thief, Warrior, Shaper

u The Morrigan's Gifts: Avalanche Strength, Cold Blooded, Freeze, Let it Snow,
Maddening Touch, Tactical Touch

u The Morrigan's Treasures: Ice Breaker, Invisibility, Fairy Trap

u Favorite Activities: Pulling off slightly cruel pranks. Needlessly lying or

embellishing the truth. Getting into fights they know they can win.

Cold Calculations – At the beginning of the Outing, you may describe a dire situation
the Troop might find themselves in. Something like “we're lost in a maze of mole
tunnels” or “we’re attacked by evil Fairies”. If this situation arises, each Troop member
gains the Happy Pick-Me-Up and you gain 3 Dram. If the situation does not arise, you
gain 6 Dram at the end of the Outing.

All about the Winter Court:

These guys are a little extreme. They like their shape-
altering magic just a little too much. They are always
sneak-lurking. They wear all black or all white and
they tend to get all up in your face and try to be
scary and foreboding. No one invites these guys
to parties. They are unnecessarily intense.

The Morrigan - Angel of the Winter

The Morigan is exactly what we don't need right
now. Don't get me wrong, we'll take whatever
patronage we can get, but she is scary and
there's a good chance she's also working
with some of the more wicked Fae out
there. The only people that get excited
to see her are the Winter Court and
no one can figure out why. She
usually just shows up, puts a chill in
the air and then demands her people
go out and commit some dark mystical

w Strengths: Cunning, Mighty, Pizzazz

w Weaknesses: Jukey, Magic, Pizzazz

w Court Training: Craftsman, Investigator, Scientist, Far


w Nuada's Gifts: Blinding Light, Just Plain Smart, Offensive, Recklessly Inquisitive,
Scrupulous, Speak the Truth

w Nuada's Treasures: Bursting with Energy, Luminous Facts, Throw Senses

w Favorite Activities: Solving mysteries that don't need to be solved. Discovering

things. Inventing things.

Eureka! - Name three things you want to discover on your next Outing. These can be
things like "One of Old Mr. Foggyhat's weaknesses," or "the formula for an amazing
bomb" or even "who is the Princess' secret lover that I've been hearing so much
about?". The Driver gets to choose which of these discoveries you make. When you
make the discovery, you get 3 Dram and the Elated Pick-Me-Up! If you don't discover
anything, you get 6 Dram at the end of the Outing.

All about the Sun Court:

Here come the nerds! But, in a cool way. They’re all about
discovering new things and inventing stuff and a
lot of times that involves disassembling some
stuff. They can be a pain on Outings. They like
to collect things to take apart when they get
back to the Cart. They'll also get distracted with
the slightest bit of mystery.

Lord Nuada - Sponsor of the

Sun Court
He's something of a mystery generating
machine. He rolls into the Cart with a bag of
junk, dumps it out and gives the Fairies a few
leads on mysteries to follow. The leads almost
always pan out so we're always super happy
when he gives us something to chase down. As
for the junk he drops off, half of it is really just junk
and the rest of it his Court has to pick through for
weeks on end to find some use for.

{ Strengths: Cunning, Pizzazz, Jukey

{ Weaknesses: Pizzazz, Magic, Mighty

{ Court Training: Merchant, Noble, Scholar, Mind


{ Dagda's Gifts: Born Leader, Prison, Run the Play, Sacrificial Dive, Silver Tongued,
Words Hurt

{ Dagda's Treasures: Confounding Riddle, Fairies in a Jacket, Group Invisibility

{ Favorite Activities: Organizing large fancy events. Getting the better end of a
deal. Networking with people way out of their league.

Friends In All Places - Choose a kind of character. This can be as vague as “some
farmer” or as specific as a named character like “Rock Androll the Toll Troll”. If this
character shows up to help you, you get 3 Dram. If this character does not aid you in a
meaningful way during the Outing, you gain 6 Dram at the end of the Outing.

All about the Moon Court:

The Moon Court are the nobility of the Cart. They’re usually rich,
entitled and throw fancy parties. They’re often cold. Not like
the Winter Court, but kind of "too cool for school" cold. The
Moon Court likes to speak for the Cart. That's just as well,
since it's probably a hard job and someone's supposed
to be doing it.

High Lord Dagda - Guarantor of

the Moon Court
They say that Dagda was once the king of the
Fae, before Oberon came into town. It seems
likely. The High Lord's name is known far
and wide. So much so that all a member
of the Moon Court has to do is drop his
name and someone will pick it up.
He's far and away the best Patron a
ruckle-klunked Cart like ours could
ask for. He doesn't ask for much, just
news and rumors about what's going
on in the world, plus he is always ready
to dispense some very wizened advice.

y Strengths: Cunning, Pizzazz, Magic

y Weaknesses: Jukey, Mighty, Pizzazz

y Court Training: Scholar, Scientist, Investigator,


y Lugh's Gifts: Animate, Banish, Fairy Circle, Fairy Feast, Ignore Odiums, My Size

y Lugh's Treasures: Body Swap, Fairy Contract, Up Puck

y Favorite Activities: Experimenting with magic. Pestering mythical beasts,

normal beasts or wizards for magical secrets. Finding new books to read over
and over again.

Augury - Choose two nouns and one verb. Something like “fish, catapult, and sew”.
Write these words down on your sheet and check them off if they come up in a
somewhat significant way during the Outing. When they do, you instantly gain 1 Dram
and can remove 1 Malady. You gain 2 Dram for every one that does not come up during
the Outing.

All about the Star Court:

These guys are the wizards. I mean, the straight-up pointy-
hatted, long-robe-wearing wizards that go out into the
forest to gather magic mushrooms and
chant spells. They’re pretty cool once you
get past all the rigamoral ritualizing, but it
seems like a lot of work being in this Court.

Lugh - Guide of the Star

He has not always been a wizard. A man does
not get neck veins like that by committing spells
and rituals to memory in musty old libraries.
Maybe he's just a really good illusionist and
decided he wanted his abs to look like a net full
of perfectly placed water balloons. He's really
good with magic too, especially the subtle
stuff you never see happening. His Court
has a lot to learn from him and he's willing
to teach, but he usually asks for all kinds of
weird stuff in return, eye of newt and all that.

Z Strengths: Any two Hows

Z Weaknesses: Any two Hows

Z Court Training: Any One Talent or Mystic Technique

*You can still only learn 1 Mystic Technique

Z Sponsoreless: You only get two Geasa when you start and you can have a
maximum of six Geasa. But, you can have any Unlocked Geasa you want.

Z Favorite Activities: Choose two Favorite Activities from other Courts. These are
your Favorite Activities. You can change these at the beginning of every Outing.

Wyld Fairies may join a Court during the game, but to do so the must tithe 10 Dram
to their new Court. After they pay they can have up to 10 Geasa, but from here on
out they can only purchase that Court's Geasa. They keep the Geasa they've already
purchased. If they've bought a Mystic Technique, they get to keep it, but they can't
learn their Court's Mystic Technique. Still only one Mystic Technique for these guys.

Whatever I Want - At the beginning of the Outing you can use any Scene Setter that is
not being used by another Fairy. If you join another Court, your Scene Setter changes
to that of the Court you joined.

All about the Wyld Court:

These huggletofs. Pick a lane, am I right? The Wyld
Court isn't even a Court in its own right. It's just
what we call a group of individuals who didn't join
up with a Court and receive a proper education.
Most of the Wylders joined our Cart after we'd
built it, or just have something against the high
and mighty Fae and don't want to listen to them
or even have them around. Wyldlings are an
incredibly versatile group of Fairies though,
and you have to admire their chutzpah.

No One - There is no Patron

If there was a Patron, it would defeat the
entire purpose of the Wyld Court, wouldn't
it? Without a Patron it's left them stuck
without someone to teach them Geasa,
so it's a little tougher for these rebels to
get their hands on them.

Geasa (Magic Spells / Magicae)
ell look at you! Aren't ya'll just the most delightful gang of tricksters, pranksters,

W ne'er-do-wells and befuddlers these baby brown eyes have ever gandered
across. Now, I wanna talk to you fine lads and ladies about Geasa. That's
right, the magical gifts that Lord Oberon gives to the Patrons, who are just wonderfully
generous for sharing them with us. I know that for the longest time we all just frolicked
through the woods and haphazarded our way into magics. But, since we lost our
magical forest to that ol' scratch, Old Mr. Foggyhat, Geasa don't come to us quite like
they used to. We have to practice now. But, don't ya'll worry! I can tell by the twinkle in
your eyes that you're all a bunch of kindlesparks and you'll light to these learnings like
lightning to an oak.
- Saucy Saunters, head Enchantress of the Cart.

What is Fairy magic? Well, lots of things, but let’s start with Geasa. Geasa are abilities
that give you more power. You have to remember that while mere mortals aren't
magic, Fairies are. Our bodies are basically just a patchwork of magics that solidified
into us. So while mortals can only use their great big muscles to bend stuff and crack
open chestnuts, we can use our muscles for things like bending emotions or dodging
the smell of something. It's all very unscientifical.

Each Geasa has listed effects for Failures, Partial Successes and Successes. The Listed
Results are only Suggestions! You should absolutely change the result if it doesn't
match the story. Also, many Geasa will list the Consequence Moves as either Fairy's
Choice or Driver's Choice. When it's Fairy's Choice, they can choose the Consequence
to inflict on themselves. When it's Driver's Choice, the Driver makes the call. Everyone
should always make this these calls based on two things: 1.) Is it fun?, and 2.) Does this
choice match the story? If you're the Driver, remember you can always use Bribe to
try and get Fairies to change their choice, but you can't force them to take the Bribe.
When a Geasa says "the Driver can make ~~~~ Move" or "The Driver can choose a
Consequence," Fairies can spend a Dram to Resist and stop the Driver from making
that Move. Kind of like the Fairies are Bribing the Driver. The Driver can, as a counter,
offer a Bribe to the Fairie to try to get that Move happen.

Almost all Geasa cost 1 Dram to use, but don’t worry, you get lots and lots of Dram.
Geasa that cost more or less than 1 Dram will say so in their description, so you're
going to have to read that.

I'm Confused by this 10th Geasa?

Fairies can have up to 10 Geasa (except Wyld Court Fairies). You can only purchase
Geasa that are Unlocked and within your Court. Except for one. The 10th Geasa can
be any Unlocked Geasa. You can only start with it if you gain it from the Gift of Magic
bonus (which we talk about later). The 10th Geasa doesn't have to be the tenth Geasa
you purchase. It's just a name we've given to the one Geasa that isn't determined by
your Court. We thought of calling it the Wild Geasa, but that gets confusing with the
Wyld Court. So to reiterate, you can purchase the 10th Geasa with XP at any point and
it can be any Unlocked Geasa.

Can I Do Geasa Combos?
If you come up with a clever way to use your Geasa with Basic Moves like Attack, Resist,
Avoid, Prank or any other of the listed Moves, you can spend a Dram and move one step
up the Easiness Ladder when you use them. So, if you're using Fire Dancer and head
butting a long haired poodle you can spend a Dram and Take the High Road on the
Attack. This doesn't happen with Geasa that are meant to substitute Basic Moves. You
don't Take the High Road with Strong Blade when you roll using it to Attack because
you're rolling Strong Blade as an Attack.

You can stack Geasa. If you want to use something like Falling Apples with Strong
Blade, you can spend 2 Dram and make one roll while moving up the Easiness Ladder,
but using the lowest of the two Geasa's Hows. Apply the results of that roll to both
Geasa. So, if you're using Falling Apples with Strong Blade to hit someone with a
hammer and Fail, you suffer Consequences from both Geasa. If you get a Partial
Success, the Driver can choose a Consequence and you take a Malady. If you get a Full
Success, you knock anything you want off of your Rival and do 2 damage.

As cool as it would be, you and other Fairies cannot stack Geasa with other Troop
members. It just doesn't work. No one knows why. Probably because it'd be really

Have fun mixing and matching the Geasa for unexpected results! The Driver can say
no to any mixtures he thinks are not fun or make the game just too darn broken.

But I don't want to use this How with that

So, you want to use Pizzazz with Strong
Blade? Or Mighty with Twitterpate?
Sure, why not. That actually sounds
like a fun and cool idea. It will cost
you some extra Dram though. When
you want to use a different How
from the one listed with the Geasa,
or the How your supposed to use
in a combo, spend an additional 3
Dram and you can choose whatever
How you want! If you want to use
Cunning with Banish you'll spend
4 Dram (1 for Banish, 3 to switch to
Cunning) and roll Banish with your
Cunning instead of Magic. If you
want to combine Cannonball with
Strongblade and roll with Jukey,
spend 5 Dram (1 for Cannonball, 1 for
Strongblade, 3 to switch to Jukey) and
roll the combo with Jukey!

List of Geasa:

d All or Nothing - Use your Magic to make someone suddenly act out on an inner
desire and lay it all out on the line to make some bold decisions.
f 1-6: Maybe too much is on the line? The Fairy chooses a Consequence.
f 7-9: They are going to make a bold and stupid decision. The Fairy gives
the target a Malady they will act on very soon and the Driver can make the
Forebode Move.
f 10+: They're laying it all out there, consequences be darned! The Fairy can
give a Consequence and a Malady to the person they're affecting. Both of
which will be coming into play very very soon.

d Alluring Voice - With Pizzazz you can lead a small group of people and creatures
a short distance to wherever you are singing. You can technically keep leading
them forever, but you have to spend Dram and roll to keep them going.
f 1-6: You are singing, but... The Fairy chooses a Consequence.
f 7-9: A few of the people are going to follow you. The others don't see you, but
wonder what's up. The Driver can choose a Consequence.
f 10+: All the people love your voice and will follow you for a fair amount of

d Animate - Use Pizzazz to convince an object to move around and do stuff for
you. It can be no bigger than a dining table!
f 1-6: Perhaps this is too animated? The Fairy chooses a Consequence.
f 7-9: It moves, but is slow and doesn't obey your commands very well. The
Driver can choose a Consequence.
f 10+: The object is actually quite limber and listens. If you're using it in a
Physical Ruckus, you can add +3 to your Troop's Ruckus Bucket.

d Avalanche Strength - Use Mighty to gain the proportional strength of an

avalanche! Maybe! We haven't done the math! Use this when you need to roll
f 1-6: You hurt yourself. Take a Malady!
f 7-9: You're as strong as a normal human for a short while! +1 to all Mighty
rolls! But, you're exhausted when it's over. The Driver can give you a Malady,
but you can still Resist.
f 10+: Ms. Muscley over here! You are as strong as the strongest avalanche for a
short while. Take the High Road on Mighty rolls for a short while.

d Banish - You can use Magic to force a creature away from you. You could use a
breeze to blow them away or just magically teleport them up to kilometers away.
The person you're banishing has to be unwilling.
f 1-6: Someone or something ends up where they shouldn't be. The Driver
chooses a Consequence.
f 7-9: The person gets banished pretty far, but at what cost? The Fairy chooses
a Consequence.
f 10+: Good riddance to bad rubbish. They are out of here!

d Born Leader - Use Cunning to direct the actions of others to their benefit. You
can use this in place of the Be Helpful Move. Whether you lead well or poorly,
you will not share the negative consequences of your buddy's action with them.
f 1-6: You're not great at this. Your buddy takes a -1 to their roll.
f 7-9: You are pretty good at leading. Your buddy gets a +1 to their roll or steps
up the Easiness Ladder.
f 10+: You are the greatest leader ever! Your buddy can move up the Easiness
Ladder and gets a +1!

d Blinding Light - Use Mighty to unleash your inner light and hide under the
cover of lightness!
f 1-6: It's either too much light or not enough light. The Fairy chooses a
f 7-9: You manage to temporarily blind everyone that was looking at you, but
only for a few seconds. The Driver can choose a Consequence.
f 10+: Everyone in your vicinity, except your Troop, is blinded for a short while.

d Cold Blooded - the cold doesn't bother you for a long time.
f No Roll: Your touch can freeze water and make other things really really cold.
Also, the coldness doesn't bother you anymore.

d Fairy Circle - You use Any How to create a ring of colorful mushrooms with no
one in it. If someone goes inside the circle, you may Alter them as if you had
beaten them in a Ruckus using Dram from yourself and members of the Troop.
f 1-6: This magic is not right. The Driver chooses a nasty Consequence.
f 7-9: Everyone can see the Fairy Circle and really doesn't want to get in it. The
Fairy chooses a Consequence.
f 10+: The Fairy Circle is only a tiny bit noticeable and very effective. You get 2
Alterations per Dram spent on anyone in the Fairy Circle.

d Fairy Feast - You use Magic with this Geasa. You can create anything from a
tiny cherry to a one-story gingerbread house. You can only have one creation at
a time though. Anyone that eats a piece of your creation is affected in ways you
get to choose. Any Maladies or Consequences you inflict will happen after it is
eaten and last for a short amount of time.
f 1-6: You have to eat your own creation because it is delicious! The Fairy
chooses a Consequence.
f 7-9: You can inflict a single Malady or Consequence on one person that eats
from your creation.
f 10+: Your creation looks scrumptious! You can inflict one Malady or
Consequence on every person that eats from your creation.

d Falling Apples - You use your Mighty to shake the apples out of something or
someone. Things will fall out from pockets, off surface or tables or out of shelves.
Be sure to let everyone know what you want to find with this shake down. This
will probably cause a commotion. Use this in place of the Find Stuff Move.
f 1-6: All the wrong things are shaken! The Fairy chooses a Consequence.
f 7-9: Your shakedown is too powerful! Everything you want falls, but some of it
falls on you! The Driver can make the Maladize or Something Blows Up Move.
f 10+: You were born for apple shaking! Everything falls just where you want it.

d Falling Leaves - You or a buddy can float gracefully to the ground.

f No Roll: You can spend a Dram for yourself and one per other Troop member
you want to enchant. When the enchanted Fairy falls, they do so very slowly
and gracefully, like a leaf on the wind. This enchantment lasts for a long while.

d Fire Control - You can use Any How to manipulate fires around you. Nothing
bigger than your average camp fire. You can use this to put out fires or make
them bigger as well.
f 1-6: The fire is getting wildly out of hand! The Fairy chooses a Consequence.
f 7-9: That fire is growing or shrinking and you're pretty much in control of it,
but it is a wily one. The Driver can choose a Consequence.
f 10+: The fire is going right where you want it to and doing just what you want.

d Fire Dancer - Using Jukey you start dancing and throwing yourself around,
lighting a fire to anything you touch. The fire also dances with you.
f 1-6: Are you making the fires worse or better? The Fairy chooses a
f 7-9: You set mostly the right stuff on fire, but gumdrops to gallstones if you're
not tired and maybe burning a little too much. The Driver can choose a
f 10+: Your fire is beautiful and perfect and dances where you want it to go.

d Flourish - Make plants grow like crazy!

f No Roll: Touch a plant to make it grow. You can make it grow as high and as
fast as you want!

d Freeze - Use your Jukey to blast someone with coldness.

f 1-6: You've blown yourself down and frozen yourself to the ground for a short
amount of time. The Driver chooses a Consequence.
f 7-9: Your target is frozen, but only for a very short while. The Fairy chooses a
f 10+: You freeze them good and solid for a fair amount of time. If you use this
in a Ruckus, they can be out of the Ruckus.

d Healing Touch - Use Magic to get rid of some damage. You can remove
f 1-6: That is the ouchie touch, you fool! The Driver chooses a Consequence.
f 7-9: Not half bad. Heal 1 Malady and give the patient the Feeling Lucky Pick-
f 10+: You're a tendertwig to the core! Heal 2 Maladies and give the patient the
Feeling Lucky Pick-Me-Up!

d Hot Like Fire - you are one with the flame!

f No Roll: Your touch can heat up water to a boiling temperature or make steel
red hot. Fire can't hurt you either! This lasts for a fair amount of time.

d Ignore Odiums - Odiums have no effect on you!

f No Roll: Odiums do not give you negatives or get in your way when you come
into contact with them. This lasts for a short amount of time. You can also
spend one Dram per Troop member so that they aren't affected by Odiums.

d Insane Laughter - Use Pizzazz to cause one person to burst into laughter on cue.
You can have multiple cues, but not too many.
f 1-6: You burst into fits of laughing and crying for a fair amount of time. The
Fairy chooses a Consequence.
f 7-9: The target will giggle and snort disruptively when they get a cue.
f 10+: When the target hears a cue, they will burst into insane laughter so loud
that almost nothing else can be heard.

d Just Plain Smart - You have no trouble understanding or finding stuff.

f No Roll: When you use the Know Something or Find Something Moves, you
move one step up the Easiness Ladder.

d Let it Snow - You can use Any How to create a small blizzard. Nothing bigger
than the size of your average kitchen, whatever that means.
f 1-6: This thing is out of control and doing exactly not what you want. The Fairy
chooses a Consequence.
f 7-9: The blizzard is happening, but something's not quite right. The Driver can
choose a Consequence.
f 10+: The blizzard is going just how you anticipated it to.

d Life Eyes - gain magical sight for a long while.

f No Roll: You can see through anything but iron. You can only see living things.
You can also see things that are ailing friends and Rivals. You can move
one step up the Easiness Ladder when trying to heal or hurt if medicines or
poisons are involved.

d Life of the Party - You don't need to spend Dram for this one! In fact, this one
gives you Dram!
f No Roll: When you remove the Needy or Craving Malady through gameplay
(not Geasas or Healing or Downtime or other magical means), you gain 1

d Lock Whisperer - Use Cunning and you're so good you can just look at locks and
they spring open for you! You have to be in their near vicinity.
f 1-6: Maybe some things should stay closed. The Fairy chooses a Consequence.
f 7-9: All the doors and windows and cupboards open. You don't get to choose
which ones. EVERYTHING opens! The Driver can choose a Consequence.
f 10+: You can choose what things open and what things stay closed.

d Lost in the Woods - You can use Any How to twist the woods around, making
it easier to Prank or easier to Avoid. The forest warps and twists around to suit
your needs for a short while. You can also use this to get people lost.
f 1-6: The forest twists around you. The Fairy chooses a Consequence.
f 7-9: The forest is twisting, but not always in ways you expect. Your Troop gets
a +1 to Prank and Avoid Moves, but the Driver can choose a Consequence.
f 10+: The forest is moving just how you like. Your Troop moves one step up the
Easiness Ladder for Avoid and Prank Moves and the mortals are well and truly
lost in your treacherous woods!

d Maddening Touch - give your Maladies to someone else!

f No Roll: You can touch someone and transfer one of your Maladies to them. If
you do this to a Troop member, you don't have to spend Dram, but you do need
their permission. If you do it to someone else, you have to spend Dram and
they will act on the Malady within a very short amount of time.

d Mother's Protection - Use this to get you or a friend out of a sticky situation. You
can use Jukey. You cannot use this to negate Maladies. Use this as an Avoid
Move. If you're using this to Avoid for another Fairy, you do not move one step
down the Easiness Ladder.
f 1-6: You can replace the bad thing that was happening with another
Consequence of your choice.
f 7-9: The situation is properly avoided and/or negated.
f 10+: Masterfully avoided! The bad thing is completely negated and you and
the other Fairy both gain a Pick-Me-Up!

d My Size - You can shrink stuff.

f No Roll: You have to be touching an unattended object. You can shrink that
object down to Fairy size for a long while. If you want to permanently shrink
the object, you have to spend 5 Dram.

d Offensive - Use your Pizzazz to wound someone by saying something you know
will just devastate them. You can use this as an Attack in a Social or Physical
Ruckus, but if you use it in a Physical Ruckus you still move down the Easiness
f 1-6: The Driver can choose a Consequence.
f 7-9: You do 2 damage, but still take a Malady. Nice burn!
f 10+: Scorched earth! You do 2 damage!

d Precise Placement - With Jukey you can quickly and quietly get things where
they need to be. Use this Geasa to spice up a cook's stew just right or filch a
queen's diamond right off her crown. You can move things up to 5 Tipears big.
It's kind of like a thievy telekinesis power.
f 1-6: The Fairy chooses a Consequence.
f 7-9: You manage to get something from anywhere or put anything
somewhere, but you end up in a bad position. The Driver can choose a
f 10+: You perfectly place the package.

d Prison - You can use Any How to create a small prison that no one can get out of.
A very small prison. It's slightly larger than a broom closet. No one can enter or
leave the area.
f 1-6: You and your buddies are stuck in a prison of your own creation for a
short while and you have to choose another Consequence on top of it!
f 7-9: Your prison is pretty darn good, but it's not impenetrable. How can
people get out of it?
f 10+: Your prison is inescapable and only you can choose who comes and goes.

d Recklessly Inquisitive - You don't need to spend Dram for this one! In fact, this
one gives you Dram.
f No Roll: When you remove the Curiosity or Frustrated Malady through
gameplay (not Geasas or Healing or Downtime or other magical means), you
gain 1 Dram. You're not frustrated when you break something, you're probably
taking it apart to see what it's made of. You might be curious about what cards
your opponent has in a game of poker. Flavor this Geasa to suit yourself.

d Run the Play - You are the boss!

f No Roll: Spend a Dram to give another Troop member +1 on a roll. They cannot
gain Dram from this roll unless they roll a 6. They can only get this bonus once
per roll. You can't use this on yourself.

d Sacrificial Dive - Use Jukey to Resist a Malady for someone else in a Ruckus. Use
this roll as the Resist Move.
f 1-6: The Fairy you're Resisting for chooses one Consequence for each of you.
f 7-9: The Driver can choose a Consequence for both of you. Only one of you
has to spend a Dram to Resist the Consequence. Both of you get the Feeling
Lucky Pick-Me-Up.
f 10+: No one takes any Maladies and both of you gain a Pick-Me-Up!

d Scrupulous - You can discern things about a situation using your Cunning. You
get to ask the Driver three questions about anything that's going on.
f 1-6: The Driver gets to lie to you, but they might not be lying. You're pretty sure
they're telling the truth at least once.
f 7-9: The Driver answers two questions truthfully, you can choose one question
that they must answer truthfully.
f 10+: The Driver has to answer two questions truthfully, you can choose which
two. They might still lie about the third.

d Silver Tongued - You are really good at speaking.

f No Roll: Move up the Easiness Ladder when you roll using Pizzazz to convince
or deceive someone. You cannot gain Dram from this roll.

d Sleep - Using Magic you can lull someone to sleep. If you're using this in a
Physical Ruckus, you should probably move one step down the Easiness Ladder,
because Ruckuses are loud.
f 1-6: You're sleepy and cranky and this whole thing is stupid! The Fairy
chooses a Consequence.
f 7-9: Your target falls asleep, but they're a very light sleeper. Any noise could
wake them up. The Driver can make the Forebode Move.
f 10+: They are sound asleep and won't be waking up for a long while.

d So Shiny - Using your Pizzazz, everything in your vicinity becomes beautiful and
full of wonder for everyone. You can use this as an Avoid Move.
f 1-6: The people are not distracted by the right things! The Fairy chooses a new
f 7-9: Everyone in your vicinity is good and distracted, but they are looking
a little too closely at all the wonder around them. The old Consequence is
Avoided! The Driver can choose a new Consequence.
f 10+: Everything is amazing to everyone and they are too wrapped up in
enjoying it to notice anything else for a short while.

d Speak the Truth - You can use Any How to make anything talk. Anything at all.
Doors, windows, beds, dogs, cats, judges or anything else. The target will tell you
everything it thinks you might want to know.
f 1-6: The only thing the target knows is a lot of false information and you most
definitely believe it. You should act on this information. The Fairy chooses a
f 7-9: The target is talking, but they are having a really hard time getting you the
information you want. The Driver can choose a Consequence.
f 10+: The target is blabbing all kinds of juicy secrets.

d Strong Blade - Use Mighty to do some extra damage in a Physical Ruckus! Roll
this as an Attack Move.
f 1-6: Not great. You take a Malady and the Driver can choose a Consequence.
f 7-9: You do 2 damage, but you still take a Malady.
f 10+: You do 2 damage and take no Malady!

d Tactical Touch - You can use your Cunning in a Physical Ruckus. Make this roll
for your Attack and you don't move down the Easiness Ladder.
f 1-6: The Driver can choose a Consequence.
f 7-9: You do 1 damage. The Fairy chooses a Consequence.
f 10+: You do 2 Damage.

d Thought Thief - Use your Jukey to steal some thoughts or memories from a
person's mind. That memory takes the form of a tiny edible thing that you can
give to someone else. You can only have one tiny edible memory at a time.
f 1-6: Was that the right memory? Maybe it was your super embarrassing
memory. The Fairy chooses a Consequence.
f 7-9: You manage to pluck a bit of information and parts of a memory from
their mind and store it in a small snack.
f 10+: You completely steal a whole idea or an entire memory and store it in
something delicious.

d Told You So - You don't need to spend Dram for this one! In fact, this one gives
you Dram.
f No Roll: When the Foreboding or the Unwanted Attention Consequences
happen, you get a Dram! Even if you choose it yourself!

d Trap Door - Use your Magic to alter some kind of entrance (a door, a hole in
the floor, a cave). The first person to walk through will be teleported to a tiny
container on your body and trapped there until you let them out. You can only
have one trapped person at a time. You don't have to use a Useful Item slot for
your tiny hostage.
f 1-6: You trap yourself in a small container for a fair amount of time or until
someone lets you out. The Driver can also choose a Consequence.
f 7-9: The door is all magicked up, but it's glowing and highly suspicious looking.
The Fairy chooses a Consequence.
f 10+: The door is all magicked up and no one will suspect a thing.

d Twitterpate - You use Pizzazz to make someone really like you for a fair amount
of time!
f 1-6: Maybe they like you too much or maybe they just plain hate you. The Fairy
chooses a Consequence.
f 7-9: They really like you, but are very bad at showing their affection. They're
not good at listening to you. The Driver can choose a Consequence.
f 10+: They are totally in love with you and will do anything you ask, as long as
it's within reason.

d Winter is Coming - You can use Any How to manipulate some poor sap in your
vicinity to think that the end is nigh. They will suddenly start behaving as if the
world will end soon.
f 1-6: Maybe the end really is coming and it is all your fault! The Fairy chooses a
f 7-9: They are definitely paranoid about the future, but doing some very
unexpected things. You can inflict the person or thing with a Malady that they
will instantly act on. The Driver can choose a Consequence.
f 10+: Their world is ending and you are right there to reap the benefits. Inflict
the target with a Malady that they will immediately and drastically act on.

d Words Hurt - Your Pizzazz cuts people to the bone. Use this as an Attack in a
Social or Physical Ruckus. Do not move down the Easiness Ladder in a Physical
f 1-6: You do 1 damage. The Driver chooses a Consequence.
f 7-9: You do 1 damage. The Fairy chooses a Consequence.
f 10+: You do 2 Damage.

Caith Geasa (Throw Away Spells / Abiciendi Magica)
Geasa are great and all, but did you know there's another type of Geasa? These are
called Caith Geasa. It's a little vulgar, but it translates to "throw away" Geasa. When
you use a Caith Geasa you spend 1 Dram, do the Geasa and then you completely lose it.
It's gone, finished, totally erased from your memory until you spend the XP to relearn
it. Caith Geasa aren't tied to Courts, anyone can get any of them. You can only have
one at a time. You also don't roll for them, they just happen. You can only get Caith
Geasa before or after an Outing, Never During an Outing.

I know what you're thinking, "why would I ever get one of these?" It's because they're
crazy powerful and, let's face it, you've got XP for days. Anyway, here's some of the
Caith Geasa you can get:

d Aerial's Breeze - Everyone in your Troop removes all of their Maladies and gains
a Pick-Me-Up of their choice.
d Curse of the Fae - You have to choose one person in your vicinity. Give that
person three Maladies that they will act on in a short amount of time. Also,
choose one Consequence to immediately happen to that person.
d Listen Here! - You give a Rival a set of commands they have to obey. They'll
follow your commands for quite a long while, but not forever.
d Oberon's Wrath - Choose one Rival. They lose ¾ of their Ruckus Buckus right
away. (This does not work on all Rivals, consult your Driver before engaging.)
d Portal - Your Troop and anyone else in your vicinity that you want to bring along
are instantly teleported back to the Cart.
d Summon a Big Thing - You summon something up to 9 Tipears big that will help
you for a short time.
d To the Victor! - After you defeat a Rival in a Ruckus, you can Alter them as much
as you want without spending any Dram, except for the one to use this Geasa.

Signature Geasa (Custom Spell / Abiciendi Magica)

How do you feel about making one of these fabulous Geasa all your own? Well it's
quite simple! All you have to do is spend 5 XP and then choose one of the Geasa you
already know. Then proclaim to the world "THIS IS MINE!". After you make a Geasa
your Signature Geasa, these things happen:
I You can still use this Geasa even when exposed to the Iron Odium.
I You can spend 1 Dram to let another Fairy use it, but they use their How and
Talent when rolling. They can combine this Geasa with other Geasa of theirs.
I You get 2 Dram when you roll a 6 while using it.
I When you use Puck's Lottery with your Signature Geasa, you do not have to
spend Dram. You can still only reroll one time though.

No two Fairies can have the same Signature Geasa at the same time. You can only
have one Signature Geasa. It's yours. You have to treat it with respect and remember
that it is special and just for you.

Talents (Skills / Sollertia)
ow, a lot of these fancy folk are up on their laurels talking about all this magical

N farfinoogin and Fae falooting. Hobsnibbles and piglet-toes says I. You wanna
make it back to the magical forest? You wanna survive in the big man's world?
You gotta learn yourself some trade. All the magic in the world ain't gonna unlock a lock
or get you out of a mouse trap. Less'n of course ya got a spell that unlocks locks or lets
you turn into gas, but that there costs you the precious Dram, and ya can't go throwing
that stuff away. No, learn yourself some talents if you wanna get ahead in this world.
- Dandelion Fry, scout, thief, gambler and all around rabble rouser of the highest degree.

Talents are skill sets that Fairies learn. In the past Fairies didn’t really do jobs, but
since the Fairies in the Cart have had to form a "functioning" society, rolls have been
assigned to some of them. Fairies start with one free Talent to choose from. This is
provided by their Court. Talents grant Fairies +1 to their rolls, but cannot stack. There
are twelve mundane Talents and seven Mystic Techniques. Fairies can only learn their
Court's Mystic Technique.

When it comes to the mundane Talents, just imagine what a person who has that
occupation would do in a fairly normal week for their job. If you’re doing something
like that, you get +1 to your roll. Talents don’t stack. You can only get +1 from a Talent
for one roll.

If you're using a Talent in a Ruckus to Attack or Avoid, you're going to need a Weapon
or Armor to get your +1. Weapons add to Attack rolls. Armor adds to Avoid rolls. As
long as a Talent makes sense in that particular Ruckus and you have the appropriate
Fighting Gear you can get your +1 from your Talent.

d Craftsman d Farmer d Noble
d Doctor d Hunter d Scientist
d Entertainer d Magician d Thief
d Explorer d Merchant d Warrior
d Craftsman: Get a +1 when you:
G Set a trap
G Use the Crafting Downtime Action
G Want to break something using Tools

d Doctor: Get a +1 when you:

G Diagnose a patient
G Mend some wounds or get rid of some Maladies
G Use the Catharsissing Downtime Action

d Entertainer: Get a +1 when you:

G Are doing some kind of awesome performance
G Recite a poem
G Try to create some art

d Explorer: Get a +1 when you:

G Are looking for something in a new place
G Are scouting out a new location
G Are trying to survive in a harsh environment

d Farmer: Get a +1 when you:

G Are interacting with beasts of burden
G Are trying to predict the weather
G Grow plants or raise animals

d Hunter: Get a +1 when you:

G Are attacking some kind of wild beast
G Are tracking someone or something in the wild
G Set a trap (yes, Craftsmen get this bonus too)

d Magician: Get a +1 when you:

G Are doing witchy little magic tricks
G Conduct magical experiments
G Use the Know Something Move for wizardly things

d Merchant: Get a +1 when you:

G Try to convince someone to give you a little extra something
G Try to guess the value of something
G Use the Businessing Downtime Action

d Noble: Get a +1 when you:
G Are making daft political maneuvers
G Boss someone around
G Get into Social Ruckusses and have the right Fighting Gear

d Scientist: Get a +1 when you:

G Figure out how something works
G Try to break or fix a complicated machine
G Use the Crafting Downtime Action

d Thief: Get a +1 when you:

G Pick a lock
G Sneak around and jab people all sneakily
G Try to steal something

d Warrior: Get a +1 when you:

G Do something quickly or powerfully
G Gauge how tough an enemy is just by stories or looks
G Make an Attack in a Physical Ruckus and have Fighting Gear

Mystic Techniques (Magic Skills / Sollertia Magica)
Fairies can also learn Mystic Techniques. These are abilities granted to us by our
Patrons. They still give you a +1 to your roll like normal Talent, but can be used to do
things outside the realm of the mundane. You’ve usually got to spend 1 Dram when
you roll a Mystic Technique and you use the Cast a Spell Move to do it. You'll always
use Magic with your Mystic Technique. Also, note that the effects of most magic are
fickle and they only last for a short time. You can only learn the Mystic Technique
associated with your Court. You can never ever have more than one Mystic Technique.

Here is an in-depth look at the Mystic Techniques:

d Elementalist: You can now use your Magic in Physical Ruckuses for Attacks
and do not need to spend a Dram when you do so. To get a +1 for this Talent in a
Ruckus, you will need a Magical Focus.
Use this technique when controlling the elements. You can control kilograms of
elements. You can make candle fires grow to as large as your average campfire
and cause sandcastles to tumble at your whim.
d Far Seer: You can use your Magic when you use the Find Stuff and Know Stuff
Moves and it lets you Take the High Road if you have a Magical Foci. You don't
even have to spend Dram! You can use it to learn secrets and weaknesses about
your Rivals that might come in handy.
Use when trying to see beyond normal sight. You can scry. Some locations
might be magically protected or just super hard to see. Your Driver gets to
decide just how much you can see. There's usually some mystery to your visions.
d Illusionist: You can use the Avoid Move with your Magic and Magical Foci can
count as Armor when you use the Avoid Move! Your Illusions protect you.
You can create illusions as big as a cow! They can move and make noises and
if you roll really well, they can even respond to their surroundings. If anyone
touches your illusion, they’ll pass right through it.
d Life Weaver: You can use your Magic to make Attacks during a Physical Ruckus
without spending Dram. To get a +1 to attacks using Talent, you need a Magical
Focus. You can also use your Magic with the Mend Ouchies Move.
Use when manipulating creature’s health either for help or for harm. You can't
physically alter people with this, that's a Shaper's job. But, you can do things like
make them immune to a certain kind of poison, let them see in the dark, or make
them hyper allergic to something. You can even give them a burst of energy or
make them tired. You can't alter their mood too much, that's for Mind Twisters.
d Mind Twister: You can now use your Magic in Social Ruckuses to make Attacks
and do not need to spend a Dram when doing so, but you do need a Magical Foci
to get +1 to attacks.
Use when influencing others’ minds. You can now affect another person’s
mood even if they aren’t willing, send mental messages to unwilling targets, and
slightly alter people’s recent memories.
d Shaper: You can change the forms of things, but not their size. You can change
someone's physical appearance and even the type of creature they are. You can

turn cats into very small dogs and dogs into very large cats. You can change a
brick into a tiny carriage or a tiny carriage into a tiny brick wall. The effects only
last for a short time. You have to spend 1 Dram for everyone and everything
affected. When you shape someone, they have to take a Malady when the
shaping ends, because it's a little stressful. While they're shaped, they can do
everything the thing they are can do. Birds can fly, cheetahs can run fast, etc.
d Transporter: You can now use Magic for the Avoid Move and you don't have to
spend a Dram. Your Magical Foci can now let you Take the High Road on the roll.
Use when you manipulate space and teleport. You can teleport yourself or
others a short distance. You can only teleport willing people, or people you've
beat in a Ruckus, or people that are asleep.

Mystic Technique Magic Moves You Can Make Spend Dram? Foci Bonus
Elementalist Physical Ruckus Attacks NO +1
Far Seer Find Stuff NO High Road
Know Stuff NO High Road
Illusionist Avoid NO Foci are Armor
Life Weaver Physical Ruckus Attacks NO +1
Mend Ouchies YES High Road
Mind Twister Social Ruckus Attacks NO +1
Shaper - - -
Transporter Avoid NO High Road

Mystic Technique Vs. Geasa and Alterations

Geasa are very specific and usually larger effect types of Magic. Alterations are very
powerful changes that you get to do for winning a Ruckus. Mystic Techniques are
skills that are practiced and learned. They are usually learned under the tutelage of
other Fairies or Patrons. The biggest difference is the scale that these three can affect.
Mystic Techniques scale with Fairy's size. Their bodies are just too tiny to channel all
that power. So, if a Fairy wants to shoot a massive fireball, it's going to be a Fairy-sized
massive fireball. If they want to use Mind Twister to affect a memory, it can only be
a short one or a small one. There aren't any hard and fast rules, but Mystic
Techniques are little, and Geasa and Alterations are Big.

Mystic Techniques also grant you a wider range of possibilities. Geasa do one very
specific thing, but when you get a Mystic Technique it opens up more options for you
to play with. For example, the Fairies in a Jacket Geasa is basically an illusion spell
that makes you all look like a big person (and gives a few other bonuses). But, with
the Illusion Mystic Technique you could make any type of illusion you want (although
you wouldn't gain the strength of a big person that Fairies in a Jacket grants). In other
words, a Mystic Technique lets you be the type of magician associated with the skill,
but a Geasa is more like a single very specific spell or ability.

Mysteries (Enigma / Sacramentum)
e all have our secrets. Or secrets about us. Or secrets we just don't ken to yet. It

W wasn't until I launched an investigation into myself that I discovered my wife of

ten years was actually just a mouse with very good posture. I'd always assumed
she was a Pooka. Didn't even think to ask. We're still quite happily married. A lot of
things just make a lot more sense now. A whole lot of things. We're very happy.
- Pontius Nibs's retirement speech. He was the Cart detective.

So here’s the thing, everyone’s going to need a little something extra for your Driver to
use. Every Fairy gets to start the game with one Mystery. You can choose from the list
or make up your own. Unless your Driver says otherwise, two Fairies cannot have the
same Mystery, because that’s boring. Be sure to give your Driver some details, but leave
plenty of room for them to sprinkle some surprise and panache into your Mystery. If
you solve your Mystery, you may instantly Retire your character. If you don't want to
Retire your character, go ahead and come up with a brand new mystery for yourself to
solve! Here are some example Mysteries to get your brain gears grinding:

F Strange cryptic letters keep coming to your house. Who is sending

them, and why?
F Sometimes you see someone that no one else can see and that person
tries to get you to do weird things. Who are they? Where did they come
F When you wake up, some aspect of your physical appearance has
changed. This happens fairly often. What is happening to you? Who is
doing this to you?
F You left something of great value somewhere and can't remember where
it is. What was it? Why would you forget something like that?
F People outside the Cart always think you're someone you're not. Who is
this mysterious person people keep mistaking you for?
F Some close relatives or friends suddenly disappeared and no one has
any memory of them. Where did they go? What happened to them?
F You have a small item or trinket that anyone with half a brain would
say is useless. For some reason there are a lot of mean people who are
interested in getting this item from you. Does it hold secret powers?
Who is behind these coordinated attacks?
F You randomly forget things or remember them very differently.
Sometimes you remember the Mayor being a Nixie when they are
actually a Geargik. Sometimes you completely forget whose house
you're in. Where are these new memories coming from and where are
your memories going?
F You're certain the Mayor, the Rabble-Rouser or the Socialite are not
what they seem. What secrets are they hiding? Why doesn't anyone
else believe you? Surely, you're not just a paranoid mess.

here comes a time in every Fairy's life where they just gotta sit down and ask

T themselves "What the flurk-blurt am I doing?" Now, for most of us, that's right
after we've been puked out of a dog or baked into a cake. You can't keep going
out there and having whimsical adventures all the time. Eventually, you gotta take your
winnings and buy yourself a nice new boot to call home and settle down with anyone
that will have ya.

- Desmond Fiver, owner of the New Boot Hotel and Casino, former Cart scout

Every time a Fairy goes on an Outing they experience all kinds of crazy things. It
doesn't matter if it was wonderful or terrible, every Outing is an experience and every
experience gets you closer to Retirement! For every Outing you go on, you can check
one "Outings Finished" box. If you've checked ten boxes, you can Retire! You can also
Retire if you've solved your own personal Mystery!

What happens when I Retire?

When Fairies retire, all sorts of things can happen to them! You can become a full
fledged Fae and go hang out in Oberon's Court. You can stay in the Cart and live a
nice quiet life among the people. You can move to a nice new forest. You can do some
other fourth thing that's more appealing to you! It's your Retirement! Live that retired
life to the fullest!

Also, when you retire tell the Driver what amazing Retirement Gift you would like to
pass on to the Cart. The Driver will mark it down on the Cart Sheet so everyone can
remember. Here are your three choices:

d The Gift of Magic: When a new Fairy enters the Troop (when you bring in a new
character), they get +2 Dram from the start. This gift stacks. So, if 5 Fairies have
given the Gift of Magic, the next new Fairy will start with +10 Dram!
d The Gift of Knowledge: If you have a Signature Geasa, you can gift it to the Cart.
New Fairies can have that Geasa for free from the start, but it takes up their 10th
Geasa slot if its not in their Court. There can be multiple Gifts of Knowledge,
but when you're making a new Fairy you can only choose one. It's also NOT a
Signature Geasa from the start, but you can make it one if you so choose. This
would allow a Fairy to start with four Geasa instead of the usual three.
d The Gift for Myself: Your next Fairy starts with 4 XP. The Driver won't bother
marking this one down.

What if I don’t want to be Retired?

Of course, you can wait to retire if you’ve got other stuff going on and you’d like to play
it all out. When you do retire, you get to decide where you go. If you want to just hang
out in the Cart and regale the masses with tales of your adventures, that’s cool. If you
want to marry the prince and ride off into the sunset, more power to you. You could
even ascend into the world of the Fae and help govern all ungovernable Faedom. You
can even come back later if you want and rejoin the Troop!

Let's Make a Fairy Together!
Alright! You've read through everything and you could probably make a Fairy with
your eyes closed right? Well, just to be sure you're all shiny and ken to the rules let's
make one Fairy together, alright?

Tell you what, do you know Jaw Breaker? She's the rambunctious Gnasher from An
Exemplary Outing at the end of this book. Let's make her!

Step 1, Concept: You want to play a rough-and-tumble take-no-guff type of lady who
can dish it out. (Maybe you don't, this is a tutorial so just roll with it, OK?) Someone
whose rough around the edges and is all edges.

Step 2, Kith: Look at that! Gnashers are rough around all the edges! Write Gnasher
on your character sheet and be sure to write down their abilities!

Step 3, Court: This is a tough choice between Summer and Winter. They're both really
heavy hitters, but you want her to run hot as the summer sun, so you decide to go with
the Summer Court.

Step 4, Strengths: Obviously you're investing all your Strengths in Mighty. She needs
to be strong and tough. You end up with a +2 in Mighty.

Step 5, Weaknesses: You'd probably put all her Weakness into Pizzazz if you had a say,
but, darn the rules, the best you can do is Cunning. You'll end up with +2 Mighty and a
-2 Cunning and 0s in everything else. You're all brawn and no brains!

Step 6, Talent: Warrior. Of course you're going to take the Warrior Talent. Next step!

Step 7, Geasa: Alluring Voice is definitely not her style, and Fire Dancer is cool, but not
quite on point. Strong Blade is the best. When she hits, she hits hard. Also, Hot like
Fire as a reflection of how angry she can get and Life of the Party because she's all
about the violently good times.

Step 8, Mystery: Now, what kind of Mystery do you want the Driver to be throwing at
you? You like fighting so something in that area. Maybe you want to spend a lot of
time beating up evil pretty boys? Perfect! You're being hunted by Berberoka and have
no idea why.

Step 9, Retirement Gifts: This is your first Fairy so you don't have any bonuses from
"The Gift of Magic" or "The Gift of Knowledge" or "The Gift for Myself".

Step 10, Details: Jaw Breaker lives in an old rusted skull-cap style helmet. She always
wears hard leather braces from a poisonous snake she once killed. Her favorite food is
jerky and her favorite drink is whiskey.

And now, Jaw Breaker is ready for her first game!

How to Play Your Fairy
Lean into the fiction. You're playing a tiny mischievous creature that's oozing with
magical energy. Be tiny and mischievous and magical. Make stupid decisions. Get
captured by a little girl and pretend to be a butler in her doll house until your friends
can rescue you! Let your Fairy generate tons of fun situations and be willing to be
made fun of. Don't stay mad at other players when they do stuff. Remember, the game
mechanics make people do crazy things, and you might have to steal something from
one of them at some point to get rid of a Malady. Everybody be excellent to each other.

Remember, this is a two-fold game. Your Fairies progress in power and so does the
Cart. This is a game with dozens of little stories about dozens of Fairies as their Cart
rattles through the world. It's OK to retire your character, bring in a new one and
maybe even bring your old one back at some point. In fact, it's even built into the game
that you get bonuses for completing one Fairy's story and then starting with a new
one. Think of one Fairy as a single chapter in the book that is the story of the Cart. Do
your best to make every chapter as fantastic and rememberal as possible. It's also OK
not to retire. Do whatever you think is the most fun.

The Morality of a Fairy

No one gets to tell you how to be you, let's be clear on that. As you might have guessed
though, this is a rather light-hearted game. Murder, killing, general goriness and/or
darkness aren't built into the system, but they can happen. The morality of a Fairy is
a tricky thing and can change dramatically. Fairies are known for being flippant and
uncaring and go rapidly from one mood to the next. They also live just as long as they
want to and aren't overly concerned with worldly possessions. Again, these are
broad generalizations and you might be different.
For the most part, Fairies avoid hurting people
when it can be helped. They delight in
harmless pranks, but also don't feel overly
responsible or guilty if something goes
horribly wrong. After all, they're just out to
have a good time.

If you're the type of Driver or the type

of Troop that enjoys a more edge-lord
brutally wicked type game, then go for
it! There's nothing in the rules that says
you can't be wicked tooth janking Fairies
or murderous assassins or baby thieves!
This whole book is written in a light-
hearted whimsical tone, BUT Fairy Trails is
YOUR game and YOU get to play it how YOU
like. If everyone wants to go dark, then lean
into that fiction and have yourselves the evilest
little game you can play!

The Cart and the World
Your Cart is where you’re going to be spending most of your downtime and where
the most important people in your life live. You can weave friends and family into
the fabric of the Cart or go the lone wolf route and not have anyone connected to you.
The Cart has a social structure. Therefore, your Troop will need to decide on the other
Fairies that are in the Cart. You'll need to flesh out at least the following three people
with names, the type of Kith they are and what Court they're in.

Here are the people you need for your Cart:

G Mayor
G Most Influential Socialite
G Rabble-Rouser

At the end of every Outing these characters can alter Court Standings on the Cart
Sheet. The Mayor can give one point to any Court he wants. The Rabble-Rouser can
take one point from any Court he wants. The Socialite can transfer one point from any
Court to another. They do these things for the Fairies they like the most. They don't
have to mess with Court Standing, they can if they feel like it.

Feel free to add more characters to your Cart. Go crazy! Anyone you can think of that
would fun to play with, go ahead and throw them on in there. Other Fairies, talking
plants, wizened tiny wizards, crotchety old lady bugs; these are all fun to add! The
sky's the limit!

Your Cart is magical and the inside is the size of a small village. The "buildings" (boxes,
old shoes, thrown away dressers) in the Cart raise up high allowing for more Fairies
to live there. When you begin the game, it is recommended that there be about 2,000
Fairies living in the Cart, give or take.

There was something about a world outside the Cart?

You want your world to be consistent. This might be a game all about Fairies running
around and doing stuff, but everyone should have firm grasp of the world and what's
in it and how they should act in it. Answer these questions about the world:

G What is the tech level and general feel of mortal societies? (We
recommend something akin to Victorian England or a steam-punk
G How much do people know about Fairies? How do people respond to
seeing Fairies?
G Are the other Fae and the Patrons a big part of the game or are they
aloof and indifferent? How much do you, as a Troop, want to interact
with Patrons and the Courts?
G Is Old Mr. Foggyhat a constant thistle in your britches or are you all
under his radar? How much do you, as a Troop, want to interact with
Old Mr. Foggyhat?

Fairies and the Great Big World?
Fairies leaving the Cart are always in a lot of danger. Bigger animals want to eat them
and all of the giant people want to catch them. Some people think Fairies can grant
wishes. Other people think their dust will make them fly. There is no shortage of evil
wizards who want to catch them and grind their bodies into spell juice or use them
as familiars. Fairies Have to Stay Out of Sight when they Leave the Cart. Most
normal people either want to keep them as pets or kill them for fear of being cursed
with evil Fairy mumbo jumbo.

Money? (Economy / Pecunia)

Here’s the deal. We could spend hours and hours going over a complex economy and
break down just how much stuff costs, but what would that really accomplish? Here’s
the best way to handle money and buying things: 1 Gold Coin is the equivalent of
$10.00 (USD). Alternatively, just use whatever currency you already use all the time.

One Gold Coin is also about half the size of a Fairy and takes one Useful Item Slot to
carry. At most, Fairies can carry three Gold Coins. However, they hate doing it because
minted coins are an Odium. If they carry coins around, they get the Frustrated Malady.
Gems and shiny beads are the way to go!

It’s also very hard for Fairies to go shopping, what with the Great Big World being all
kinds of dangerous. No shopkeeper will deal directly with Fairies, because
they are notorious for using illusory gold and gems. The driver of the Cart,
Jacob Jacobson, can go into town and shop for you, but he’s not very good at shopping
and is constantly getting ripped off. This means that when Fairies want something
they're going to need to be tricky or have just the right Geasa to pull a shopping Outing

This part of the book is where you’re going to keep track of the world and learn what
investing all that Dram into the Cart gets you! If you haven’t read the Character
Creation part, you should probably read that first. This part right here is just for
making and keeping track of your super fun game and all the things the Fairies have
done to enhance their Cart.

We’ll start with some rules about how to get more stuff for your Cart. This is going to
unlock some nifty character creation options everyone is going to love. You'll get to
get your hands on Patron's Treasures! The number of Courts you can choose from will
expand! There's some more amazing Caith Geasa! You can even add new buildings to
the Cart and give yourself some allies that give you benefits!

Unlocking the Stuff!

oly goodness gravies! Patrons are coming! A whole new Court is coming! I

H think we're getting a swimming pool and word on the street is that we're finally
going to throw out the moldy old doll house and put a bakery in there! Holy
goodness gravies! I didn't think I'd live to see the day when all these changes would
come to our humble little Cart. I was sure we'd have knocked over a candle and burned
the whole glorious thing down by now!

- Gretchen Pumpkins, just some really excited lady at an Unlocking Ceremony.

Boy howdie, those Fairies are sure making this drab old Cart into quite the kingsbell!
The rules for Unlocking stuff are fairly light, but there are rules. Why are there rules?
Because rules are fun and if you use them, you’ve got a game and everyone loves
games. For every 50 Dram the Troop invests into the Cart they get all this stuff:

\ Grand Opening - The Troop can choose one Downtime Move and always step up
the Easiness Ladder when they roll it. The Troop should discuss and decide what
is added to the Cart to give them this amazing bonus.
\ Supplier - The Troop gets to make up a friend that keeps them in supply of one
Magic Trinket. They don’t have to make it themselves or beg the Driver for it
\ Treasures of the Patrons - Choose 5 new Geasa and 1 new Caith Geasa! Fairies
can now get them when they make new characters or buy them with XP!
\ New Friends - Choose a new Court! The Troop can now play that Court when
they bring in new Fairies! One Fairy can even switch to that Court for free right
\ Security - Choose a Wear-and-Tear. When the Driver rolls that Wear-and-Tear,
instead of losing access to the Downtime Action, everyone now steps down the
Easiness Ladder. They will still need to complete a Side Quest to fix up the Cart.
\ It's a Party! - If all the Geasa and Courts have been Unlocked, everyone gets 5
Dram, 1 XP and the Elated Pick-Me-Up!

What with all the festivities and the learning and whatnots going on, you could have
an entire game session that is just the Fairies interacting with the Cart upgrades. Feel
free to kick back, relax and just have an Outing-free game where Fairies can get into
mischief in their ever-expanding Cart.

Remember, if you don't want to write in your book, you should check everything on
the Cart Sheet. It's super hard to remember everything that's been Unlocked. Plus,
the Cart Sheet is totally free except for however much you have to pay to print it.

Grand Opening Downtime Moves:

Check the ones Fairies can always Take the High Road on.

F Businessing F Hand-Shaking
F Catharsissing F Merry Making
F Crafting F Solo Adventuring

Secured Wear-and-Tear:
Check the ones that The Troop will never lose access to. They'll just move down the
Easiness Ladder when they have Wear-and-Tear.

F Embargo F Lethargy
F Nuisance F Famine
F Broken F Quarantine

Supplier of Magical Trinkets:

Check the ones Fairies can always have access to (feel free to make up your own).

F Grow Powder F ___________________

F Healing Potion F ___________________
F Invisibility Salve F ___________________
F Potion of Strength F ___________________
F Pixie Love Dust F ___________________
F Sugar Water F ___________________

Treasures of the Patrons:
Check the ones you can buy with XP or start with with a new Fairy.


F Artful Dodger - Using Jukey you move and swivel out of the way. You can use
this as the Avoid or Resist Moves. If you are in a Ruckus, your Rival might even
take damage!
f 1-6: Wrong way! The Driver's choice of Consequence.
f 7-9: Nice juking! You don't take a Malady and the Driver doesn't choose a
Consequence. The Fairy chooses a Consequence and the Rival takes 1 damage.
f 10+: Strafe slap! Nothing happens to you and you do 1 damage to the Rival.

F Body Swap - You must do this with a willing target or a Rival you have defeated
in a Ruckus. Using Magic you gain control of their body and they gain control
of yours. This lasts for a short time, but you can spend Dram when it runs out to
continue the Geasa.
f 1-6: You gain control of their body, but have a -2 to all rolls and are stuck in it
for a fair amount of time. It's just awkward being in there. The Driver can also
choose a Consequence.
f 7-9: You swap bodies for a short while, but take a Malady when you do.
f 10+: You are wearing that other person's body like a finely tailored suit.

F Bursting with Energy - Use Mighty to charge your inner light, your body just
decides to recharge itself.
f 1-6: Too much energy or not enough. The Fairy chooses a Consequence.
f 7-9: For a fair amount of time, or until the end of a Ruckus, you remove 1
Malady every time you roll a 6. If you have no Maladies, take a Pick-Me-Up.
f 10+: For a fair amount of time, or until the end of a Ruckus, you remove 1
Malady and gain a Pick-Me-Up every time you roll a 6. If you have no Maladies,
take an extra Dram.

F Cannonball - Use Mighty to hurl yourself at incredible speeds and become nae
invulnerable while doing it!
f 1-6: Incredibly fast and not nearly invulnerable. The Fairy chooses the
f 7-9: You can hurl yourself up to around 15 Tipears! But, you'll probably hit
something so the Driver can choose a Consequence if they feel like it.
f 10+: You can hurl yourself up to 30 Tipears at the speed of a very slow bullet
and nothing can hurt you while your whizzing through the air.

F Confounding Riddle - Using your Cunning you can ask a riddle that will
befuddle even the most shiny of thinkers. There has to be a prize for solving your
f 1-6: Your riddle is easy and lame. You have to give something of value to the
person who solved it. If you can't or don't, the Driver chooses a Consequence
and you take a Malady.
f 7-9: Your riddle is tough. The thinker is very distracted for a fair amount of
time. They will solve it eventually and you will have to give them a present for
solving it if you are in the vicinity. If you don't give them a present, you take a
f 10+: Your riddle is one for the ages. The thinker is distracted for a long
amount of time and will die wondering what the answer could possibly be.

F Dance Magic Dance - Use Pizzazz on a single person. They begin to hear music
in their head and can’t hear much else. They start to dance and will continue to
do so. If you do this during a Ruckus, they will dance fight you.
f 1-6: Oh dear! The song is out there, but not in the right place. The Fairy
chooses a Consequence.
f 7-9: They are dancing, but always dangerously in your direction for a short
amount of time. The Driver can choose a Consequence.
f 10+: They will dance wherever and however you direct them for a short
amount of time.

F Fairies in a Jacket - You need to use Magic, get the whole Troop to work together
and some big people clothes to create a functioning illusion of a big person. The
illusion will last for a fair amount of time. You can lift heavy things and walk
around and open doors. If one Fairy refuses to go with the Troop or a Ruckus
begins, the illusion falls apart and the Geasa ends.
f 1-6: You all think this is the greatest illusion ever, but it is insanely easy to
see through. All Fairies in the Jacket choose a Consequence and the Driver
chooses the best one and goes with that.
f 7-9: You pull it off, but aren't overly coordinated. All Fairies in the Jacket take a
-1 to all rolls.
f 10+: My, what a normally tall mor-tal you are. Yes, you indeed would like to
buy some pastries and that is not suspicious at all.

F Fairy Trap - You use Cunning to lay down all kinds of traps to get people all
kinds of hurt. You can use this instead of the Prank Move. You don't need to use
a Useful Item when you use it.
f 1-6: Oh dear, you pranked yourself! The Driver can choose a Consequence.
f 7-9: Your trap is quite good. When someone walks into it, they'll take 1
damage and you can give them a Consequence.
f 10+: Your trap is well hidden and will do 2 damage and you can give them a
Consequence or you can give them two Consequences and 1 damage instead.

F Fairy Contract - Using Pizzazz you place a set of magical stipulations on a willing
participant. It could be anything from an agreement to not do something to an
agreement to do a specific something. Anyone that breaks your contract must
make amends or be carried off to a jail cell in Oberon's castle by Fae soldiers and
put in a dungeon. That happens within a week of breaking the contract.
f 1-6: That contract has some very shaky legal standing. The Fairy chooses a
Consequence and the contract definitely won't hold.
f 7-9: The contract takes, but there are several loopholes. The Driver can choose
a Consequence.
f 10+: Your contract is ironclad.

F Found It - Use Cunning to remember that you packed an extra something.

You'll have to use a Useful Items slot for it, so be prepared to throw something
else away.
f 1-6: Not only did you not find it, but something else... bad! The Fairy chooses
a Consequence.
f 7-9: It's not exactly what you were looking for, but it might do. The Driver can
choose a Consequence, but you can take the Feeling Lucky Pick-Me-Up.
f 10+: That is exactly the thing! And right where you left it! You get a +1 to the
next roll you make using the thing!

F Full Tank - Use Pizzazz to make you or your friend's day a little better.
f 1-6: You make them feel worse, you club-tongue! The Fairy (that's you) has to
choose a Consequence that affects both you and your friend.
f 7-9: Whoever you're Full Tanking can take the Feeling Lucky or Happy Pick-
f 10+: Whoever you're Full Tanking can take any Pick-Me-Up and remove one

F Group Invisibility - Use Jukey to make you and everyone in your Troop invisible.
This Geasa lasts for a much shorter amount of time than Invisibility.
f 1-6: All kinds of things are going wrong. The Fairy chooses a Consequence
that affects everyone that should be invisible.
f 7-9: You are all invisible to each other, but everyone else too, for a short
amount of time. The Driver can choose a Consequence.
f 10+: You're all invisible, and can see each other, for a short amount of time.

F Hidey Hole - With Mighty you can burrow through earth and loose stone.
f 1-6: Your tunnel is not good. The Fairy chooses a Consequence.
f 7-9: You manage to make a fairly long tunnel, but it isn't sturdy and won't last
for long.
f 10+: Your tunnel is a good long architectural wonder!

F Ice Breaker - Use Mighty to shatter something.

f 1-6: Something is going to shatter, just not what you want. The Driver
chooses a Consequence.
f 7-9: You shatter up to 9 Tipear's worth of stuff, but it's pretty loud when it
breaks. People might hear that. The Fairy chooses the Forebode, Something
Blows Up or Unwanted Attention Consequence.
f 10+: You swiftly and silently shatter up to 9 Tipear's worth of stuff.

F Invisibility - Use Jukey to become invisible for a while.

f 1-6: You are invisible to all the wrong people. The Fairy chooses a
f 7-9: You're kind of see through for a short amount of time. The Driver can
choose a Consequence.
f 10+: You are completely invisible for a fair amount of time.

F Luminous Facts - You use Pizzazz to make a person believe something. This can
be true or patently ridiculous, but they will believe it.
f 1-6: Something isn't quite right about the way they're believing or not
believing. The Fairy chooses a Consequence.
f 7-9: They're going to trust you for now, but their new belief is leading them
down a dangerous path. The Fairy chooses a Consequence.
f 10+: You have blown their mind! They completely believe whatever you tell

F Man Plant! - With your Magic, you can turn someone else into a plant for a fair
amount of time.
f 1-6: Nope. You turn into a plant for a fair amount of time, or something like
that. The Driver chooses a Consequence.
f 7-9: They turn into a plant, but are still able to move just a little and can signal
other people. The Fairy chooses a Consequence.
f 10+: They turn into a plant. They can still see and hear, but they are just a plant
for a fair amount of time.

F Master of Cunning - You can only take this as your 10th Geasa. If you are Wyld
Court, go ahead and take it as any of your Geasa. If this is your Signature Geasa,
you apply the benefits of a Signature Geasa to the roll you make with this Geasa.
f No Roll: You gain +1 to rolls that use Cunning.

F Master of Jukey - You can only take this as your 10th Geasa. If you are Wyld Court,
go ahead and take it as any of your Geasa. If this is your Signature Geasa, you
apply the benefits of a Signature Geasa to the roll you make with this Geasa.
f No Roll: You gain +1 to rolls that use Jukey.

F Master of Magic - You can only take this as your 10th Geasa. If you are Wyld
Court, go ahead and take it as any of your Geasa. If this is your Signature Geasa,
you apply the benefits of a Signature Geasa to the roll you make with this Geasa.
f No Roll: You gain +1 to rolls that use Magic.

F Master of Mighty - You can only take this as your 10th Geasa. If you are Wyld
Court, go ahead and take it as any of your Geasa. If this is your Signature Geasa,
you apply the benefits of a Signature Geasa to the roll you make with this Geasa.
f No Roll: You gain +1 to rolls that use Mighty.

F Master of Pizzazz - You can only take this as your 10th Geasa. If you are Wyld
Court, go ahead and take it as any of your Geasa. If this is your Signature Geasa,
you apply the benefits of a Signature Geasa to the roll you make with this Geasa.
f No Roll: You gain +1 to rolls that use Pizzazz.

F Pressure Points - Because of Jukey, you are accurate and precise with strikes,
setting you or your buddies up for follow up attacks. This Geasa can be used as
both an Attack and a Be Helpful Move. You do not share the Consequences of
your buddy's roll.
f 1-6: Really flubbed that one. Take a Malady. Your buddy gets no bonus.
f 7-9: You're pushing some of the right buttons. You do 1 damage and the next
Fairy from your Troop to Attack the Rival gets a +1 to their roll!
f 10+: You're all over those P.Points! You do 1 damage and the next Fairy from
your Troop to Attack the Rival gets +1 to their roll and does +1 damage!

F Raging Allergies - Using your Jukey you dance around and whip up a cloud of
pollen and other allergens that will affect your vicinity for a short while.
f 1-6: It's all the stuff your Troop is allergic to! The Fairy chooses a
f 7-9: Everyone in the vicinity, even your Troop, is affected by the allergens.
Everyone is sneezing and stumbling and has terrible headaches. The Driver
chooses a Consequence for the Troop and the Fairy chooses a Consequence
for the other people in the vicinity.
f 10+: Everyone in your vicinity, except your Troop, has raging allergies in full
swing. The Fairy chooses a Consequence for everyone not in the Troop.

F Throw Senses - Use your Cunning. Choose an element or creature. If your

chosen element or creature is in your vicinity, you can see, speak and hear
through it. These images are always clearer than the Far Seer Talent.
f 1-6: You see nothing but lies through the element or creature. The Driver
chooses a Consequence.
f 7-9: You can only see and hear through the medium.
f 10+: You can see, speak and hear just fine through the medium.

F Up Puck - Use Magic. You may attempt to twist the twist of fate and change
Puck's Lottery's roll. Only for Puck's Lotteries triggered by your rolls though! You
can use this before or after the result of a Failed Puck's Lottery has been rolled.
f 1-6: Roll 2d6 for Puck's Lottery, Driver chooses the result.
f 7-9: Roll 3d6 for Puck's Lottery, you choose the result.
f 10+: Roll 5d6 for Puck's Lottery, you choose the result.

Caith Geasa:
F Bear Strong: You are as strong as a bear for a very short amount of time. All
of your Mighty rolls automatically Succeed. This probably won't last an entire

F Princes and Paupers: You force two people, creatures or Fae to body swap for a
long while. They've got to be in the same vicinity for this to work.

F Time Portal: You create a mystical portal that will transport you to any time
during the current Outing. You can go back or forward. If you go back, you set
the Outing to where you want to restart with all of the knowledge you have now.
There won't be two copies of the Troop running around, no temporal paradoxes
for you. If you jump ahead into the future, the Driver gets to decide what
happens and where you end up.

F Tornado: You unleash some nasty weather on a small area of land, destroying
houses and wreaking havoc. Fortunately, no one will be killed (unless you're
playing a wicked game, and then murder away!).

F Wish: You can grant a mortal a wish. There are Rules! You cannot benefit
directly from this wish. If someone wishes for a pot of gold, you can't take half of
it. If they wish for an army of zombies, you can't control them. If you try and use
this wish for yourself or the Troop, it will come back on you a thousandfold! But,
the mortal does know, for a fact, that you can grant a wish and will probably be
willing to go a long way to get that wish.

New Friends!
Choose a new Court that Fairies can be in! Also, when they choose a new Court
one Troop member can change to that new Court for free. All the other rules about
changing Courts still apply. They're way up at the top of the book so I'll tell you what
they are again.

If you want to change Courts, you can do it for free during an Unlocking! You'll change
your Scene Setter. You keep the Geasa and Mystic Technique you've already taken and
can now only take Geasa from the new Court. If you already have a Mystic Technique,
you can't take another. You can't have two Mystic Techniques. If you're a Wyldling, be
sure to read your Court's description to see if you've got any special rules.

F The Diamond Court F The Jester's Court

F The Dream Court F The Whisper Court
F The Gambler's Court


Z Strengths: Cunning, Mighty, Pizzazz

Z Weaknesses: Jukey, Magic, Pizzazz

Z Court Training: Merchant, Noble, Warrior, Transporter

Z Tomalin's Gifts: Blinding Light, Ignore Odiums, Prison, Silver Tongued, So Shiny,
Tactical Touch

Z Tomalin's Treasures: Ice Breaker, Fairy Contract, Found It

Z Favorite Activities: Rescuing people in danger. Having people fall in love with
them. Standing up to great big bad things.

In the Rough - Choose three Useful Items that your Troop is taking with them. You will
run across people in desperate need of those items. Every time you do gain 1 Dram
and a Pick-Me-Up. If you don’t, gain 2 Dram per Useful Item that didn’t come up.

Shine on you crazy Diamond:

Now, these guys are bringing some class to the Cart. Always dressed
to the Ritz. And they're so chivalrous and knightly too. It's like
someone took the helpfulness of the Will-O-Wisps (without the
creepy) and the organizational skills of the Pixies (without the
pompous) and went "hey, let's make a Court out of
this." They might be giving the Moon Court a
run for their money when it comes to class
and properness. So useful on Outings too.
They always manage to bring a little extra
buck for their bang, or bang for their buck.

Sir Tomalin - Knight of the

Diamond Court
Hello Sir McDreamy. This guy can whisk me off on a
white stallion any ol' day of the week. He's charming and
affable and always has just the thing you need. In another
world he would have been a great politician. He really is just the
greatest knight that ever lived. In all honesty though, this guy
does not live it up as much as other Patrons. It's always swell
when he swings by, but his charm only gets him so far when
he's always so prim and proper.


Z Strengths: Cunning, Jukey, Magic

Z Weaknesses: Jukey, Mighty, Pizzazz

Z Court Training: Doctor, Explorer, Thief, Mind Twister

Z Maab's Gifts: Healing Touch, Lost in the Woods, Maddening Touch, Sleep,
Thought Thief, Told You So

Z Maab's Treasures: Body Swap, Group Invisibility, Up Puck

Z Favorite Activities: Telling people they just met about their dreams. Sipping hot
tea or milk. Encouraging creativity in others.

Dream a Little Dream Write down three things that you think will happen on the next
Outing. These have to be slightly specific. Something like "we will have a Ruckus" is no
good, but "we will have a Ruckus with a dog" is OK. You can even make predictions
about your fellow Fairies. "I bet Cobweb takes the Curiosity Malady" or "I think Yitsi will
steal a spoon" is great. When this, or something near it happens, show the Driver your
notes and get 2 Dram. If it doesn't happen, you
get 1 Dram per prediction that didn't come
true at the end of the Outing.

Out of my dreams, and into my Cart:

These guys are cool and a little quiet.
They’re always going on about their
dreams, which can get pretty boring. They
tend to drift off for hours at a time and say
they’re exploring the dream realms. Weird
people, but harmless and sometimes they
wake up with valuable information.

Queen Maab - Lady of the

Dream Court
Queen Maab is wonderful. Charming and graceful
and well spoken. It's no wonder Queen Titania
hates her so much. Maab never makes a big show
when she comes to the Cart. She just drifts in, gets
her business done and goes on without causing
much of a fuss.


Z Strengths: Jukey, Magic, Pizzazz

Z Weaknesses: Cunning, Magic, Mighty

Z Court Training: Entertainer, Hunter, Thief, Illusionist

Z Prosperine's Gifts: All or Nothing, Life of the Party, Offensive, Precise Placement,
Recklessly Inquisitive, Speak the Truth

Z Prosperine's Treasures: Artful Dodger, Bursting with Energy, Fairy Contract

Z Favorite Activities: Taking unnecessary risks. Encouraging others to make poor

decisions. Gambling.

Loaded Dice - Before you roll dice, say two numbers. If you roll either of those
numbers, you get 2 Dram. Then pick up one dice that rolled the number, flip it to
a 6 and put it back down. That old number is now a 6 so you get 1 more Dram. You
can only flip 1 die, even if both were the numbers you called. You can do this 3 times
during the Outing. If you don't do it 3 times you can do it
during your Downtime Action at the end of the Outing.

Every hand's a winner and every hand's a loser:

I am loving this Court. They put it all on the
line and just leave stuff up to the roll of the
dice. Great to have at any party or at any
poker table. They’re also useful to have on
Outings because they’re all sneaky and like
taking big risks. Make sure your debts are
always paid with these guys. They will find
you if you don't pay up.

Prosperine - Bookie of the

Gambler's Court
This is a woman you do not want to go
against. She could walk through a den
of Redcaps and not get bit once. I've
heard she flew through a thunderstorm
and not a drop of rain fell on her. The
Gamblers are pretty lucky to have this one
on their side. Also, never squelch on a bet
with her, that's bad juju.


Z Strengths: Jukey, Magic, Pizzazz

Z Weaknesses: Cunning, Magic, Mighty

Z Court Training: Craftsman, Entertainer, Thief, Shaper

Z Pigwigen's Gifts: Fire Dancer, Insane Laughter, My Size, Silver Tongued, Trap
Door, Winter is Coming

Z Pigwigen's Treasures: Fairies in a Jacket, Full Tank, Invisibility

Z Favorite Activities: Doing anything they can to get a laugh. Performing in front of
large crowds. Upstaging everyone else around them.

So Punny - You are a very punny person and it will never get old, until it does. You
gain one Dram for every pun during an Outing, up to 6 Dram. After that, you take one
Malady or lose 1 Dram for every pun.

I'm a joker, I'm a smoker:

We should have never expanded the Cart.
I honestly don’t know what the top hats
were thinking letting these guys be part of
the Courts. If there’s a Clown Court, I quit.
At least the Jester Court is admirable for
their ability to laugh in the face of death.
I heard from a friend that one of them
made a hilarious joke while they were
being carried off by a swarm of black ants.
Something like "black ants? more like black
cans, right?"... I guess you had to be there.

Pigwiggen - Headliner of the

Jester Court
So word is this guy used to be a knight, but then
he crossed Oberon somehow. Oberon made
him the court fool for a little while and then he
got used to it. Now, he seems to actually like
it. The best part is that he's actually good at
it. His stand up act is great. I literally peed my
pants I was laughing so hard.


Z Strengths: Cunning, Jukey, Magic

Z Weaknesses: Magic, Mighty, Pizzazz

Z Court Training: Investigator, Scholar, Thief, Far Seer

Z Tinker Bell's Gifts: Just Plain Smart, Lock Whisperer, My Size, Sleep, Speak the
Truth, Thought Thief

Z Tinker Bell's Treasures: Man Plant!, Pressure Points, Throw Senses

Z Favorite Activities: Finding secrets even where there aren't any. Eavesdropping.
Gossiping about things they shouldn't.

Special Secrets - Write a secret that you know about someone. This can be something
as minor as "this person wets the bed" to something as major as "this person is
actually a wanted a criminal." When you meet a person (or animal, or Fae, or Fairy)
during your Outing, you may pass this note to the Driver. The Driver can choose to use
this secret or not use it. If they choose to use it, you gain 3 Dram. If they choose not to,
you gain 6 Dram. If they choose to use it, you know what the person's secret is.

Time can never mend, the careless whisper of a good friend:

I mean... I don't know about these guys. They're so
secretive and quiet, but sometimes they actually
get stuff done. It's just that they don't really share
it with everyone. They like to be in control of the
information and are hugely into micro-managing.
Maybe we could use a bit of that in the Cart?

TinkerBell - Voice of the

Whisper Court
While the Whisper Court doesn't like to
draw a lot of attention to themselves, Tinker
Bell (or TB as her friends call her) sure
does. She never talks, but you can read
her like an open book. She's maybe
the most famous Pixie in all the world.
When she got promoted to Oberon's
Court, she decided to stay a Pixie instead of
becoming a big Fae. She's a lot of people's idol here in
the Cart. TB's not forgetting where she came from!

The World (Universe / Orbis)
he world is great big and everything in it wants to eat you. I mean everything.

T Squirrels, spiders, trolls, cats, even these weird little plants. They look like bear
traps and they snap shut on you the second you walk on them. Aphrodite
Mosquito Traps or something like that, that's what the big people called them. And big
people! If they don't want to eat us, they want to dress us in fancy clothes and put us
in fancy doll houses and watch us have fancy dinners all day! It's all kinds of crazy out
there. But, there are donuts, and those might be worth all the terror and danger.
- Mousey Ladybird, longest surviving donut pilferer

Places You'll Go, People You'll Meet

How, pray tell, do we use these maps?
The maps are there to help run the game and generate ideas. You totally don’t need to
use them if you don’t want to. You can make your own maps and your own characters
and your own Outings. Everything in this part of the book is here to help the Driver
run the game quickly and with as little preparation as possible.

Each map has several labeled places. Some labeled places have people associated
with it. Each person has an Outing that they’re associated with and there’s a bonus
Outing for the area. There are also other places of interest on the map that are labeled
because you or the Troop might want to use them in a more free form game. Use
these places to make up your own interesting story!

A good way to choose an Outing is let the Troop choose a map, then choose a place
on the map, and then the Driver can give them a list of the Outings and talk about the
characters associated with the Outings. The Driver can ask the Troop if they have any
ideas for modifying an Outing to make it more fun or better-fitted to the Troop. After
they choose an Outing, get going with the game! Be sure to make notes about which
Outings have been used so you don't end up doing a rerun.

Rewards for these Outings are not listed. The reason for that is that every Troop is
motivated by different things. Maybe your Troop wants to be paid in sugar, maybe
another Troop demands gold. Common things Fairies ask for are to have food left out
for them at night, shiny buttons, a lock of hair and other such things.

Character names are written in purple to make them stand out more.

n this map you can explore the majestic mountains and the deep dank

O swamps. The White Head mountains reach way way way up into the sky.
They're full of caves and ruins and old abandoned mining towns. Some of the
mining towns aren't abandoned. The Bandobagoon Swamp is full of danger, mystery
and friendship. Alligators and sunken cottages full of witches are everywhere. It's hot
and muggy, but most of the swamp creatures are pretty friendly.

This is a dwarven city just off the Road that Goes Between the Mountains. Axforge is
teeming with well-to-do dwarfs living in giant mansions carved out of the side of the
mountain. It's also teeming with a lot more worker dwarfs making an honest living
in their mines. There's lots of gold and gems here. A cunning little Fairy could make
themselves quite the fortune if they put their tiny little mind to it.
F Crown Jewels – Hipolyta is the queen of the caves and a very lovely bat.
Unfortunately, she dropped her Crown of Night and it is now being used as a ring
by the Mayor of Axforge. She wants it back. To make matters worse, there are
other interested parties.
F Digging Too Deep - Joan Quigley is a nasty business-woman who has found a way
to exploit Fairies. She has been kidnapping them from a nearby magical forest
and forcing the prisoners to dig tiny tunnels to look for gems. It's all very cost-
effective, but someone should really rescue those Fairies!
F Gems for Hammers – Helena Blackhand is the most talented dwarven blacksmith
in all the land. She’s been a heavy drinker ever since her wife left her for a younger
elf lady. Helena Blackhand needs some rare and valuable gems from a greedy
banker to forge a powerful hammer to impress her ex-wife.
F Brew Down - Tankard MacTaggart is a boisterous old dwarf who's won the
last ten Brewer's Guild Sponsored Brew-Offs with his amazing Orc Blood Ale.
Unfortunately, there's a new brewer in town and Tankard will do anything to make
sure he wins the Brew-Off... anything!
F Rule of Three – There are rumors that a group of underground Fae have hidden
three magical gems in various hard to reach places throughout the city for other
Fae to find. No one knows what power these gems hold, but it must be pretty cool.

Tower of Ages
Somewhat deep in the White Head Mountains is a massive crumbling tower that
stretches up pretty darn high. All manner of mythical beasts live around and in it.
There's a single magician, Egeus Panfiasco, who has made this tower his home. Other
magicians from all over the world come to the Tower of Ages to explore it's endless

hallways and study the beasts that live there. There's all manner of high magical
adventure and discovery to be had in this crumbling old tower.
F It's a Race! – Jittersnicks is a thieving squirrel that lives in one of the tower's upper
floors. He's stolen something from the Cart! Now, the Troop has to chase him
down in one long action-packed chase scene that will take them through all kinds
of strange places within the Tower of Ages.
F Page Turner – Egeus Pansfiasco is a man burned by love. He locked himself away
in the tower years ago to study magic. Egeus has lost some valuable pages from
his spell book and has no idea where they’ve gone. He suspects they have become
alive and sentient due to a mishap of a spell.
F Window to the Soul - The Cart's rabble rouser has gone and got themselves into
trouble. They wondered into a mirror in the Tower of Ages and can't come back.
The Troop needs to rescue them. No Fairy left behind and all that. When they
move through the mirror, they have to confront and out maneuver evil versions of
themselves in a big labyrinth. There's a lot of the evil copies.
F A Familiar Problem - A group of freed familiars has set up a small base in the
tower. They tolerate Egeus because he's not very good at magic, but hate mortal
wizards. One of their own has gone missing in the tunnels beneath the tower and
they ask the Troop to help them find their missing comrade.
F Stuff in the Attic – There is a very important and big secret hidden inside a false
stone in the attic at the very top of the tower. But, the top of the tower is full of all
sorts of strange creatures.

Sinking Kingdom
Deep in the swamps there lies plenty of mystery, mold and heaps of good times. The
roads into the swamp are tough and treacherous and filled with things that would
love to make a meal out of Fairies, but if you go far enough in you'll find the Sinking
Kingdom. It's a rough and tumble area of the swamp where the animals do their best
to get along and just enjoy life in the bayou.
F Alligator Teeth – President Tom Snout is lord of the Sinking Kingdom. He is fair
and just and, by alligator standards, quite the sexy beast for his age. President
Snout is getting old and needs a new set of teeth. He needs the help of the exiled
squirrel dentist to put in his replacement teeth, but Dr. Mustardseed, the squirrel
dentist, won’t hear of it.
F Eat It! - Flutterflute is a Pixie Fairy godmother to the Princess Henna. The
Princess was turned into a toad by an evil witch and now lives in the Sinking
Kingdom, and she loves it.She needs the princess to eat a magical food that will
turn her back into a human so she can go back to Uberton and inspire knights to
do great deeds! Princess Henna likes being a toad and is not interested in going
back to being a princess at all.
F Shrinking Puddles – Sir Francis Flute is a brave and valiant knight of the kingdom.
Also, he’s a frog. Sir Flute needs help rescuing a school of tadpoles from a drying
puddle on the outskirts of the swamp. But wait! A group of Fachan have also heard
of the tadpoles and are planning on eating them!
F Swamp Ladies - Flora, Fauna and Merriweather are three young witches just
living their best lives in the middle of the swamp. Unfortunately, a large group of
raucous goblins is trying to settle on a patch of dry land near their cabin. They're
asking the Troop to run them out of the swamp.

F Ghost Dwarf – The ghost of a drowned dwarf is badgering the wagon as it travels
around. She wants the Troop to find her body and bury her with a bottle of
whiskey outside of the Sinking Kingdom. Preferably under a giant rock.

Uberton is a great big old city that is all kinds of rich because there are trees around,
and gold from the dwarf mines, and wheat from the fields. It sprawls out for miles and
miles and there's just about everything a mortal could want in the city. It's run by a
senile old Mayor and a senile old council, but the city basically runs itself, so no one
really cares how senile anyone is.
F Dumpster Fairies - The Cart's Socialite has received word that there are Fairies
living in a nearby trash pile and has resolved to help bring them some fine culture
and entertainment. But, they are afraid to go out by themselves and ask the Troop
for some protection.
F Match Makers – Lysander Colorado is the Mayor’s son and is a fine young man
with a lot of promise. He has been wooing a girl for some time and asks the Troop
to help him with the perfect date to propose to her.
F Malicious Truths – Robin Starveling is an excellent storyteller, but in all of her
stories Fairies are quite nasty. This is causing quite a bit of trouble for the Cart and
the other Fairies in the area. The Troop needs to prove to Robin that Fairies are
good people and get her to start telling the right kind of Fairy Tales.
F Toy Soldiers - A group of wicked Fairies have set up shop in a toy shop and are
doing all kinds of dastardly magic. One of them is a wicked Fairy that the Cart has
heard of and is a known associate of Old Mr. Foggyhat. Whatever those wicked
Fairies are up to, it is most definitely not good.
F Thieves in the Cart – A group of evil Fairies attacks the Cart and runs off with
some of its treasure while the Troop is out. The Mayor of the Cart asks the Troop to
retrieve the goods.

s there anything more majestic than an endless ocean of sprawling sands?

I Probably there is. When you see it for the first time it's pretty cool, but after
you travel through it for a really long time it gets kind of boring. Anyway, in
Oasis and Sand you've got... well, you've got oases and sands. You'll travel through the
Sweet Desert, a vast sandbox with tiny patches of paradise here and there and a single
river that trickles it's way through a wasteland.

Farifra is the golden city of the Sweet Desert. Its oasis is large and lush and the waters
are sparkling clean. Elves live here. Lots and lots and lots of elves with their high
culture, their impeccable fashion sense and their extremely long lives. There's art
everywhere. They're just constantly decorating everything because they live forever
and have nothing to do because the oasis provides them with everything they need.
F Dirty Little Secrets – Sheik Nuha, a woman constantly refusing her suitors and
who refuses to wear traditional women’s clothing, leads with cool and calm not
seen in most leaders. One of her suitors is especially bothersome and Sheik Nuha
asks the Troop to destroy their reputation just to get him off of her back.
F Get Off My Lawn! – Haukim the Green is a palm tree. Fae and nature lovers come
from all around to hear its sage advice. A group of talentless bards has set up
camp near Haukim the Green and it would like them nonviolently removed.
F All's Fair - Datin is a well to do noble who loves their daughter very much. Their
daughter, Anya, has entered a series of contests in the local festival. Things like
jousting and sword fighting and high-endurance chess (whatever that is). Datin
asks the Troop to make sure their daughter wins or, at least, isn't hurt.
F Spy in the Cart - Arif Eyesand is an elf with connections to the Fae Courts. He
has received word that there is a spy in the Cart and asks the Troop to help him
stake out a small Fairy tavern under the docks of the city. He'll need the names of
everyone from the Cart that went into the tavern and what time they came out.
F Cursed Fish – A school of strange fish has been spotted swimming in the water.
After seeing the fish most viewers are met with some sort of calamity.

This is the busiest little nook in all of the Sweet Desert. In fact, it's why the place is
called the Sweet Desert. They found a way to grow cacao trees around the oasis and
now Agadez is basically the chocolate capital of the world. Merchants, traders and
chocolatiers from all over the world come to this place. They do business and compete
against each other for the most delicious chocolate recipes.
F The Chocolate Sabotage – Qayne is secretly an undead. He runs a chocolate
sculpting business despite his impairment. He wants the Troop to break into and
bust up a rival’s chocolate shop. He’d do it himself, but for some reason the rival
has anti-undead magic protecting his shop. Probably a few Odiums too.

F Cart Wars – Manat Patel lives in her own cart and sells things she "finds" when
on the road. She’s a vagabond and a scoundrel, but she's got a heart of gold. Her
cart has been overrun by Redcaps and she wants the Troop to clear them out. The
Redcaps are trying to build their own version of the Troop’s Cart with all of Patel's
acquired loot.
F Delivery - The Mayor of the Cart was out on business, procuring delicious
chocolates for the Cart. They accidentally fell into a box of chocolates and were
delivered to a young man as a romantic gesture from his sweetheart. The Mayor
was able to get a message out through a hummingbird. They need someone to
rescue them from the young man's home.
F Disco Distraction – Strange lights have been appearing in the trees at night and
drawing people toward them. This is making everyone tired and suspicious.
They're starting to blame the Cart for all this silliness.

This place stinks. It's the southernmost oasis and all the trash from the rest of the
desert floats down here. It started as a camp where a bunch of ne'er-do-wells and
unfortunates picked through the garbage. Shortly after, the trash-picker camps were
established enough for very untalented robber gangs to start stealing from them.
Eventually, there got to be enough beggars and robbers that they decided to turn the
whole thing into a city and things have gotten a little more civilized since then.
F Garden of Evil - Tara Kilzon is an evil paladin with a passion for gardening. She
feeds her huge garden the blood of her enemies. That blood has attracted all kinds
of tiny nasty creatures and she will not have it! She asks that the Troop march
through her garden exterminating all manner of pests.
F Jail Break – Hilal is a skinny weak looking half-elf that also happens to run most of
the gangs in the city. He wants the Troop to bust his best group of pickpockets out
of jail, but one of them is a wicked Fae. But, the wicked Fae is a known associate of
Old Mr. Foggyhat's. But, there's no way they'd ever talk to the Fairies from the Cart.
But, they'd have no way of knowing the Troop is from the Cart, now would they?
F Birthday Thievery – Yathrib Mobat is a rotund rat that is worshipped as a god-
queen among the vermin of the city. She wants the group to rob the local food
merchants blind so she can have a feast to celebrate her birthday. She has a list
of difficult items for the Troop to get and will send her best soldiers to assist the
F Spring Cleaning - Juma is a young man who lives far away and is worried about his
aging mother. He has sent her lots of gifts and money, but she keeps losing them
in her very old house. He asks the Troop to search through the house and find
anything they can that might help her out. Adventures in the clutter abound!
F Sewer Secrets – There is a black mold in the sewers of the city that very much
resembles the black mold that came to the forest when Old Mr. Foggyhat showed
up. What is that about? Lots of rats and wicked Fairies live down there.

Confederacy of the Underground Kingdom

There's one more small oasis tucked away in the foothills of the Sweet Hills east of
the Sweet Desert. Other than water and a few trees there's almost nothing here that
interests mortals. But, water and a few trees is more than enough for the creatures
of the hills and deserts. A sprawling kingdom of creatures lives around the oasis with
their own politics and religions in play.

F Clear 'em Out - Sheriff Otrok Potter is a gecko who needs help. A gang of
tarantulas has been getting a little too rowdy. He's going to need the help of the
Troop to clear out these varmints. Unfortunately, the gang is quite big with a lot
different hideouts. This could take some time.
F Huge Mistake – Johnny Wizard is not a hawk. He looks like a hawk, but he is
actually a wizard that used a wand to turn into a hawk and fly to the Underground
Kingdom to have a good time with his animal friends. Unfortunately, he dropped
his wand somewhere and now he's asking the Troop to help him find it because he
doesn't want to be a hawk forever. For some strange reason, he can't be Altered.
F Who will do the entertaining? - The Socialite of the Cart had a hot date with some
hot Fairy from the Kingdom (or if they're married they took their spouse out on a
hot date around the town). The Socialite didn't come back in the morning, or the
next morning after that. Now, no one is there to entertain everyone. The Troop
had best find them before all that work lands at someone else's feet.
F Make it Rain – Lady Violet Mass is fiery and passionate. She is a fennec fox
priestess that worships the hot sand. She needs a magical orb to summon the
rains or they won’t come. It was stolen from the Temple of Twigs.
F Secret Tunnels – There is a rumor that if the Meerkat Tunnels were properly
mapped it would spell a devastating secret about Old Mr. Foggyhat. It's gonna take
a lot of work and some cartography skills!

he Magical Forest is the homeland. On the north end you've got Oberon and

T the Fae city with no name. On the south end you have what used to be a
perfectly nice forest, but then a being of endless malevolent energy moved in
and ran all the decent folk out. This is a fantastic place to explore both good and evil
magical forests and hang out with the good Fae or stick it to the wicked Fae.

The Woodland Keep

This is a nice little city full of fanciful Fae. Most of the Fae go about their normal
magical lives and don't think more than once or twice about the Fae Courts. The Court
Fae are always throwing balls or having serious council meetings in Oberon's Castle.
Most of the Patrons live here, or if they don't, they swing by fairly often.
F King’s Moods – Oberon is king of the Fae and rules with an iron and fickle fist.
Recently, he's been feeling a little down in the dumps and it has been making him
short with the other noble Fae. The leaders of the Courts ask the Troop if they can
do anything to cheer up the King of the Fae.
F Queen’s Secrets – Titania is Oberon’s queen and every bit as scary as her husband.
She does not take kindly to fools and has a wealth of secrets. Someone has stolen
her diary and there are lots of very important secrets in that thing. She asks the
Troop to help her find it and makes it very clear that neither Oberon nor Puck can
know anything about this. The Troop shouldn't read it either.
F For the Love of Puck - Penelope Pea is just a normal Fae. She's living her life in the
Magical Forest and she is very much in love with Puck. She asks the Troop to help
sneak her into Oberon's Keep so she can profess her love to the trickster.
F The Talent Show - Alberich of the Summer Court is having a talent show for all
creatures to participate in. There will be animals, Fae, Wickedish Fae, mortals and,
of course, Fairies. The prize of the contest is something really cool that everyone
wants. Even if the Troop doesn't like it they can trade it.
F Enemies in our Midst – There is supposedly a handful of evil Fae and Fairies in
disguise in the capital that need to be routed out. They might have secrets about
Old Mr. Foggyhat!

The Black Copse*

Don't let the name fool you, this is our rightful home. The only problem is that right
now it's Old Mr. Foggyhat's home. Also, a bunch of wicked Fae live there. Also, a bunch
of monsters. The whole area is pretty much a villain's paradise. No one goes there if
they don't have to. We will reclaim it and restore it to glory someday!
(This is where Old Mr. Foggyhat lives (maybe). Probably don’t let the Troop go here until the game has
been going on for a while and they’re ready to face off against Old Mr. Foggyhat.)

F Save the Queen – Old Mr. Foggyhat is a monster. Stay away from him. He will
curse you with black magics. He is insanely powerful and devious. He has
imprisoned a Pixie queen in his private study and she needs rescuing. He is
planning on marrying her so that her tiny kingdom will become his by Fae law.

F Battle of the Bands – Mifkins, Queen of the Berberoka, is quite charming and
constantly looking to gain power over everyone. She and her co-queen, Hildipop,
are putting on a concert for the wicked Fae. If the queens do poorly, they might be
exiled by their own people. This would certainly leave the Berberoka in chaos.
F The Hideous Prince - Truglip is the king of the Fachan because he is the ugliest.
His son might be even uglier though. Truglip is worried about his son being able to
overthrow him and is willing to trade a favor to the Cart to have his son kidnapped
and taken away.
F Poison Taster - Old Mr. Foggyhat employs a wicked Fae named Charlot to taste all
his food for him. She's very weak and fragile so if there's any poison in his food, it
will affect her almost instantly. If she could somehow become immune to poison,
it would be much easier to slip a little something into Old Mr. Foggyhat's food or
F Sleeping Giants – There is a sleeping stone giant under Old Mr. Foggyhat’s
clearing. If the Troop can find a way to reach her, they might be able to wake her
up and she will be none-to-happy about being woken up.

This is where the elves and gnomes and other woodland mortals live. Yes, the elves
are mortal and don't let them tell you different. They live a very long time, but they
measure time the same way as all the other mortal races and they die when their time
is up. Anyway, it's a fantastic mystical city built into trees with lots amazing people
frolicking around.
F A Good Night's Sleep - Nifear is an elf who can't get any sleep. Strange creatures
keep waking him up. He asks the Troop to protect him throughout the night. The
truth is that Nifear has had plenty of underhanded dealings with wicked elves
and less than reputable wizards. His problems could be coming from all kinds of
F Slow Delivery – Galindadres the Beautiful is a soft-spoken young gnome that
loves fashion and meeting outsiders. Galindadres asks the Troop to find some
very specific materials. Silver thread sewn under a moonless sky by a weeping
virgin is something she might ask for. She desperately needs the materials to
finish making a dress before the cotillion and is very distraught.
F Level Appropriate – Tulilees the Bold is a brash young elf knight who wants to
win the heart of a prince, or princess, or anyone whose heart can be won by great
deeds. He asks the Troop to scout for a beast for him to slay, and won’t be satisfied
until he gets one. He must prove his worth via combat!
F For Science! - Magistrate Beatrice Costello is a wizard who loves experimenting.
She's cooked up a new batch of potions and magic items and has found a
quiet place in the forest to test them out. She'd like the Troop to help with her
experiments. Doubtlessly, these experiments will draw some attention.
F Who Dunnit! – A Troop of Alp-luachra have started taking control of nobles and
causing all sorts of mischief. It's up to the Troop to track down all the nobles being
controlled by the Alp-luachra and free them!

This place is basically the opposite of Treedale. It's full of orcs and goblins and
hobgoblins and pretty much any other creature that's been accused of eating man

flesh. It used to be a nice place with a bunch of fishers. Then the monsters moved in
and the whole place is slowly falling apart. No one's killing anyone on sight, but you
still have to watch your step.
F Murder Weapon – Gibbles is a goblin and a ghost. He’s the guard captain of the
town guard and is looking for the man that murdered him. He offers to haunt a
target of the Troop’s choice if they retrieve his old spear from the adventurer that
killed him.
F Trolling a Baby – Junpuper is an enraged troll. Her baby has gone missing and she
is tearing apart the forest and the roads looking for him. The Troop better help her
find the baby or all the roads will be blocked for a long time!
F Rats in the Basement - Gerdog is a bartender with a scheme. He has rats in his
basement. He wants the Troop to train them to survive and then help move them
to his business rival's basement.
F We Totally Forgot about Him! - Jacob Jacobson (your Cart's driver) has gone
missing. Ugolug is no place for a nice man like him to go wandering around
unsupervised. This is very unlike him, he usually just stays with the Cart
(probably). The Troop has got to find him and bring him back to safety before
something terrible happens and they'll have to hire one of these Ugolugians to
drive the Cart. Their rates are monstrous!
F Bring Them Back – The Cart received word that in the Ugolug there is a spell that
can resurrect an old and powerful Fae, but the spell is being guarded by an old and
powerful creature.

he Really Big Lake is just that. A giant lake that a lot of people use to catch fish,

T ship goods or just enjoy a nice weekend from the hustle and bustle of the city.
Some of the beach houses at this place are insane. You have to get around on
ferries. It's a great place to go for a swim and the Nixies in the Cart love this place.

City on the Lake

The City on the Lake is a majestic little slice of heaven. It's got a huge castle that rises
off the island and everything is nice and clean. It's this huge port town where people
from all over stop off while they're traveling across the water. You get to see all kinds
of stuff. The whole place is run by magic guilds so it can get a little quirky on the island.
F King's Ransom - The ArchMage has been kidnapped! But, Vice ArchMage
Magnifica Torres doesn't want anyone to know because she doesn't like him, at all.
She's hiring the Cart to intercept and destroy all ransom notes that come to the
F Night At the Museum – The Cart's Socialite has heard rumors of a secret tribe
of Fairies that have lived in a very fancy museum in the center of the city for
centuries. Which is odd, considering the museum was built about fifty years ago.
Anyway, the Troop should probably look into that.
F The Summoner – Petite Jessie is a child that has the ability to summon Fairies and
has been summoning Fairies to do menial tasks. The Troop is being asked to find
a way to take away her mystical powers, or at least convince her not to use them.
F Tide Crossed Lovers – Eric Boatman is the son of a powerful noble and has fallen
in love with a merman. He wants the Troop to help him turn into a merman so he
can be with him forever under the sea. There are plenty of witches, demons and
other creatures offering deals and he wants the Troop's help to choose the best
F Dock Market – Apparently, there is a floating city of Fairies and tiny creatures
underneath the expansive docks of the city. It has a marketplace that has all
manner of goods as well as other tiny creatures, from Fairies, to Familiars, to Imps.

Turtle Island
Turtle Island is shaped like a turtle. And there's a lot of turtles on it. It's a pretty
swampy place without a good place to dock a ship so most people just leave the
island alone. It's an entire kingdom of animals and swamp Fairies that live relatively
peaceful backwater lives.
F Didn’t Eat Them – Trubell Roundback is an old turtle. She is the most respected
and powerful member of the council. Her husband, Antonio, is extremely
supportive and a bit of a worrier. Trubell has been accused of eating one of the fish
delegates and asks the group to help clear her name. To make matters worse, this
has all happened before a very important vote.
F Let’s Go Shopping – The School of Wizardy is a giant school of fish with a singular
mind that enjoys studying human magic. It is quite powerful and quite odd. The

School of Wizardy would like the Troop to acquire some rare magical components
for it from a merchant vessel. It will let the group borrow a small magic bag to
transport the items in.
F The Ol' Haunted Crashed Boat - Red Heron used to run an animal casino in a
big ferry that had crashed on the island years ago. Recently, spooky things have
been happening in the ferry and she asks the Fairies to find out what's going on.
Jinkies! Can the gang get to the bottom of this mystery?
F Unwanted Guests - A group of colonists has begun to try and settle on the island.
They're forcing a local population of raccoons from their homes. One-Eyed
Fikkits, the leader of the raccoons, asks the Troop to help him and his comrades
come up with and execute plan to rid themselves of the colonists. He will follow
the Troop's orders and commit a handful of fluffy warriors to the cause.
F Item Quest – There is a suit of magical armor and a sword buried somewhere
on Turtle Island. They are rumored to have been worn by a warrior that once
defeated Old Mr. Foggyhat.

The Warring Archipelago

This whole area is a throw back to a simpler and more violent era. Every island in this
place has its own little group of swashbucklers, or cannibals, or barbarians that are all
fighting to control the islands. No one's really sure what's got everyone in a tizzy, and
if you ask, every person has a completely different story.
F Doomsday Device - Chieftan Ikyrust is building a giant war machine of a ship
to conquer the islands. He needs help with the plans and tiny hands to make
modifications inside the gears of his war beast. Also, there's gremlins and
boggarts living in the gears.
F Puppy Nappers – Chieftan Jaklot leads a nomadic tribe of swindlers and land
pirates. They're hard to find and harder to catch. Chieftain Jaklot lost a puppy
when his camp changed locations. For some reason, he doesn’t trust his own
people to bring the puppy back.
F Romancing the Intel – Chieftan Io uses her sexy wiles to make allies wherever she
goes. She intends to rule the archipelago by whatever means necessary. Chieftain
Io asks the group to spy on an emissary that is on his way to her island so she
can better seduce him or her. This particular emissary has a few problematic
predatory pets.
F Extraction - Professor Umber Hulk was exploring the caves on one of the islands
with a group of college students when they were separated by strange cave
creatures. The Cart is the first group of people he's come across and he's begging
the Troop to rescue his wayward students and lead them out of the cave.
F Star Stuff – There is a legend that the island in the center of the archipelago is
actually a fallen star and that there is a powerful magical gem somewhere around
the center of that island.

The Sideways Forest

Alright, this might be hard to envision, but go with me on it. Imagine a forest. Now,
flip it sideways so all the trees are growing left to right instead of down to up. Now,
attach it to a huge cliff that goes all the way down into the Really Big Lake. That's
the Sideways Forest. It is full of all kinds of magical creatures and birds. Fairies and

Fae have built bridges connecting some of the larger trees so that people can move
around. The bridges connect lots of places that function as island cities in this weird
forest. You don't want to be at the bottom of the sideways forest. Stuff falls down and
it might hit you on the head.
F The Missing Piece – Jitters Gaboom is an eccentric young Geargik inventor who
is destined to change the world or blow it up. Jitters Gaboom asks the group to
help her retrieve a nail made of a rare metal from a murder of crows so she can
complete her invention. The murder of crows consider the nail a gift from their
F The Golden Acorn - Chief Chip is the leader of a tribe of chipmunks. Their prize
possession, the Golden Acorn of Opulence, has gone missing and he blames a
rebel faction led by Duke Dale. He asks the group to retrieve the Golden Acorn of
Opulence lest a civil war between the chipmunks breaks out.
F Bee Raiders – Queen Bizzbuzz has ruled over the bees of her hive for many
glorious years. Recently, another colony has been encroaching on her territory.
She asks that the Troop put an end to these invaders. This is an excellent chance
for the Troop to have a honey heist!
F The Wicked Tree House - Hexmaster Bliksem Quaf is a wicked Fae who built a
home in the sideways forest. Everyone hates him and rumor is that he is one
of Old Mr. Foggyhat's henchman. His house might have secrets about Old Mr.
Foggyhat. At the very least, it would be fun to trash the place.
F Magic Mushrooms – Legend has it that at the base of the waterfall that falls from
the Sideways Forest is a giant cave with magical mushrooms. No one knows
exactly what these mushrooms can or can't do. It is simply a widely accepted fact
that they are magical.

On the Road
These are Outings that you can run anywhere. They’re more free-form and can pop
up in any area the Fairies decide they want to explore or go to. Let the Scene Setters
and Fairies do the work for you!
F Banba's Beau - The Patron of the Summer Court suspects her lady-friend is
going to break up with her and wants the Troop to confirm it without actually
confronting her.
F Dagda's Stew - The Patron of the Moon Court is going to make a magic stew and
needs the Troop to hunt some rabbits and then clean his cauldron.
F Eire's Seeds - The Patron of the Spring Court needs her flowers planted around a
well in the middle of a busy town square.
F Extermination Event - A group of mice, spiders and other common household
pests seek the help of the Troop. The lord of their keep has recently hired the best
exterminator in all of the lands to rid his home of them. They ask the Troop to
protect them from the exterminator.
F Fodla's Bag - Someone has stolen the Patron of the Fall Court's bag of supplies and
she wants it back!
F Lugh's Delivery - The Patron of the Star Court made a deal with a witch in the
forest and now he needs the Troop to deliver a dangerously magic crystal to her.
F Maab's Night Out - The Patron of the Dream Court has a date with a charming
young man. She wants the Troop to shadow her and make sure the date is not
interrupted by wicked Fae.
F Morrigan's Revenge - The Patron of the Winter Court wants the Troop to bring ruin
upon a bard who has been using her name without paying her royalties.
F Nail in the Jam - An evil witch has been supplying Old Mr. Foggyhat with magical
potions and also using them to cause chaos in her area. It's up the Troop to stop
her nefarious plots by countering them with nefarious plots of their own!
F Nuada has a Stalker – The Patron of the Sun Court has been receiving mysterious
love letters and he wants to find out who's sending them.
F Pigwiggen's Punchline - The Patron of the Jester Court is working on his comedy
act and needs some fresh material. He wants the Troop to steal a journal from the
nearby king's jester.
F Prosperine's Game - The Patron of the Gambler's Court is running a high stakes
game with some local Fae. She wants the Troop to stop all unapproved cheating.
F Sick Day - A Tooth Fairy for a nearby village has gotten sick and can't perform their
duties. They task the Troop with collecting all the teeth under the pillows in the
village and replacing them with some kind of prize.
F Tomalin's Quest - Tomalin lost his magic sword in some caves that collapsed. He
needs the Troop to crawl through the tiny tunnels in the rubble and find it for him.
F Up and Away - While passing through a festival on the road, the rabble rouser
grabbed hold of a balloon and is now slowly floating away. If they can fly, they're
tangled in the string or something like that. The Troop has to track the balloon
and bring the rabble rouser back somehow.
F Ziggy's Stardust - A bunch of Redcaps have stolen a Pixie's magical fly-dust and
are pestering a small Fairy kingdom. They need help!

The People Out There
e sometimes forget that there's other Fae out there. They're not around all that

W much and not really all that big of a deal. But, they've got their own things going
on. There's also monsters out there. Oppi Leafweaver saw a unicorn once. It
sounded awesome. There's also other Fairies. I mean, they're evil and some of them
drink blood. Come to think of it, maybe we should just forget about all the other stuff out
there. Who wants to hear a story about a librarian that never goes outside?

- Storyteller and chronicler Chrysanthemum Seven

Let's talk a bit about the world. You’ve seen the maps and the Rivalpedia is a little
down the way, but what else might be out there? Well, buckaroo, just about anything
you want can be out there. To keep the game good and Fairy themed though, here’s a
list of things that should be scary to Fairies:

Predatory Animals: Fairies are delicious. Remember, they can talk to these animals
though. Sometimes an encounter might be a Social Ruckus.

Witches / Warlocks / Sorcerers / Mages: Mortals use magic they can’t possibly
understand and they all want a piece of the Fae. Some of them want Fairies for
familiars. Others want to grind their bones for potions and potables. Then there’s a
group that thinks the Fae hold ancient secrets. All of them are a pain in the twig.

Adventurers: The world is full of idiots looking to get rich quick by risking their lives
and robbing from immortal beasts. Adventurers aren’t above looting Fairies either.
They know full well Fairies like collecting shiny bobbles and sometimes those bobbles
are worth real coin.

Monsters: Minotaurs, trolls, orcs, goblins and the whole lot of monsters aren’t overly
aggressive to Fairies. They’ll smash Fairies if they get too close, but don’t see much
point in messing with them. Most Fairies also generally respect the uncivilized nature
of monsters. While they find them annoying, monsters usually don't start trouble
with Fairies.

Other Fantasy Races: The world is full of things like elves, dwarves, humans, bobbits
(the little guys that like farming and have hairy palms), dragonlings, demonspawn
(oooohhh, how edge-lord), orcs, goblins, etc. All of the races don’t like or trust Fairies.

The Good, the Bad, the Other Fae

The Fae: The Fae are the creatures of Faedom. Most of them are humanish looking
but they are all immortal whimsical creatures. They have a wide range of power but
any Fae outranks any Fairy. Some of them are unique beings, like the Essence of a
Child’s DreamWish. Others are more common, like Satyrs. Normally Fae and Fairies
get along and can work together, but their goals do not always align.

The wicked Fae: Wicked, Tainted or UnSeelie Fae are creatures of pure evil and malign.
They are like the normal Fae except all the want to do is spread bad feelings all over the
world. They are the rulers of the wicked Fairies and are not to be trifled with.

And now we shall delve into the fantastic and deadly world of Rivals and Odiums!
These are the guys and things that are going to make a Ruckus more interesting.
Now, there’s nothing wrong with having a nice simple Ruckus Bucket that just takes
straight damage and inflicts normal Maladies, but if you want to make it a little more
complicated and tactical, this is what you’re going to need.

What is an Odium? An Odium is something that annoys you, gets under your skin,
pickles your grapes. Fairies have a lot of Odiums that affect them in different ways.
Here's a list of some of them:

R Free Food: This is not so much an Odium as it is a bribe to keep Fairies happy.
If someone leaves out free food for Fairies and they do not stop and take the
time to gobble it up, they gain the Craving Malady. If they do stop to gobble it
up, it's an excellent opportunity for the Driver to throw a Consequence at them.
R Minted Coins: Fairies love shiny things, but hate most worked metals,
especially minted coins. If a Fairy carries a minted coin for more than a short
while, they gain the Frustrated Malady.
R St. John's Wort: Fairies can't go near St. John's Wort. They always have to stay
about a meter away. They can still launch fire bombs at it though!
R Four-Leaf Clovers: Anyone carrying a four-leaf clover can see through Fairy
illusions. Fairies also have great difficulty Pranking or bamboozling anyone
carrying a four-leaf clover.
R Iron: This is every Fairy's least favorite Odium. While touching iron, Fairies
cannot spend Dram. That means no Geasa in an iron cage, and no Resisting
when you're hit by an iron weapon.
R Inside Out Clothes: This just drives Fairies crazy. They have to take the Low
Road on all Ruckus Attack Moves if a Rival is wearing their clothes inside out.
R Golden Bells: The chiming of Golden Bells prevents Fairies from physical
violence. They cannot enter a Physical Ruckus while they can hear golden
R Silver Bells: Silver bells tinking scrambles Fairy brains and also mellows them
out. It's like catnip for Fairies. While they can hear the silver bells, Fairies
cannot enter a Social Ruckus.
R Wood of the Rowan Tree: Touching this wood immediately gives the Fairy the
Scared Malady. It's super scary and no one knows why.

Starting a Ruckus
Before you even get into a Ruckus, the Driver should probably ask themselves if the
person or thing that the Fairy is Ruckusing is really willing to go through all the trouble
of a Ruckus. Guards, dragons and business owners are going to try very hard to keep
the Fairies from messing with their stuff. However, a lazy house cat or minimum wage
janitor might just need a little convincing to leave the Fairies alone.

Making a Rival
If a Ruckus is going to happen, ask these questions about each unique person or thing
in the Ruckus:

1. Why is it getting in the Fairy's way and when will it stop?

2. How many Tipears big is it?
3. What are their mannerisms? Ssssnakesss talk like thissss, birds have
trouble holding their head still and most goblins have a permanently
running nose that they're always wiping.
4. What are their Tendencies? Are they brave, cowardly, tricky, flighty, slow,
energetic, boring or anything else? This will help you understand how they
might Ruckus and let you play them to their full extent.
5. What will the Fairies gain by overcoming this Rival? Most of the time it's
just Dram and being able to continue the story, but Drivers shouldn't be too
stingy either. Think about what they might have in their lair or pocket to
keep things interesting.
6. What Special Properties does it have? (Choose all that make sense. Many
can be applied more than once.)
R Area Attack: When a Fairy rolls a Failure (or maybe even a Partial Success,
depending on how hard the fight is), the Driver makes the Something Blows
Up Move. Examples include: Elementals, living bombs, dragons.
R Bite Back: For every "X" amount of damage done to the Ruckus Bucket, the
Driver can make the Something Blows Up or Maladize Move. For example; if
an expert Elf Fencer has a Bite Back equal to 3, then every 3 damage the Troop
does to them the Driver can make one of the two Moves. If the Elf Fencer has
a Ruckus Bucket of 8, that means the Driver will use Something Blows Up or
Maladize when the Ruckus Bucket hits 5 and 2. Examples include: Really good
sword fighters, things with acid blood, electric squirrels.
R Heavy Hitter: When Fairies take a Malady, they take +1 Malady. Examples
Include: Trolls, mantis shrimp, cats with really sharp claws.
R Keen Senses: When Fairies use the Avoid Move or try to be sneaky around
this person or thing, they move one step down the Easiness Ladder. Examples
include: Dogs, eagles, tax attorneys.
R Mindless: It can only be damaged in a Physical Ruckus. Examples include:
Zombies, skeletons, golems, mushrooms.

R Mover and Shaker: When the Fairies get a Failure (or maybe even a Partial
Success, depending on how tough the bad guy is), the Driver chooses a
Consequence. Examples include: Old Mr. Foggyhat, Patrons, Oberon, very
important people.
R Penetrating Attack: The Fairies have to spend +1 Dram to Resist. Examples
include: Rattlesnakes, cold elementals, insults from their personal hero.
R Sneaky: The Fairies move one step down the Easiness Ladder when using the
Find Stuff Move to find this person or thing. Examples include: Thieves, mice,
stuff with camouflage.
R Thick Skinned: Fairies move one step down the Easiness Ladder with certain
Attacks. Examples include: Turtles vs. Swords and Bows; Lightning Elementals
vs. Energy attacks; Kings vs. Intimidation attacks.
R Tougher than You’d Think: +1 to the Rival's Ruckus Bucket. Examples include:
any Rival that has experience fighting.
R Untouchable: It can only be damaged in a Social Ruckus. Examples include:
Ghosts, air elementals, gas monsters.

When it comes to Special Properties, don't limit yourself to the ones on the list. Those
are very basic ones that you can use to quickly customize a Rival off the top of your
head. If you feel like making a truly special Rival, take some time and come up with
your own rules for them. Be sure to let the Fairies know what they'll be up against
though. It feels super unfair when a Rival they couldn't prepare for gets sprung on

Also, if you would like to make some kind of epic creature feel free to throw a lot of
special properties onto mundane things. If you want a rattlesnake to be the big bad
guy at the end of an adventure, give him a lot of Tougher than You’d Think to be sure
the fight is tough, fun, interesting and rewarding.

Different Rivals in the same Ruckus Bucket?

If a Fairy wants to hit a specific Rival, let them. Keep track of how many times that
Rival has been hit and after they’ve taken enough hits (usually a number of Drops
equal to the amount they add to the Ruckus Bucket) you can declare that that Rival has
fallen and can no longer attack the Fairies. When that Rival falls, another one will take
up the mantle and the Ruckus Bucket will get the new leader's special properties. So,
if the Troop is fighting a Redcap, a spider and a fire elemental in some kind of uncanny
team-up, the Fairies can first take out the Redcap, then the special properties of the
Ruckus can divert to the spider, then the fire elemental, or really in any order you

In the rare case of a three or four-way fight, you’re going to have to make multiple
Ruckus Buckets. Fairies declare which Bucket they’re attacking and roll their dice. If
they take Maladies, they take it from the Ruckus Bucket they attacked. After a Fairy
makes an Attack Move, regardless of the result, they can remove one Drop from any
Ruckus Bucket. This represents the different groups that are fighting each other.

Playing Wicked Fairies in Wicked Courts in a Wicked Cart
So there are a few playable Rivals back here. Just some wicked Fairies that might be
fun to play. The idea is that you would want to play them as a wicked Fairy gone good,
and they're maybe struggling with all that wicked nature and what not. But, maybe
the whole Troop wants to go evil? Well, there's nothing in the rules that says you have
to be good, so here's some quick alterations you can make to make a totally wicked
Fairy game.

G When it comes to the Tendencies of Fairies (the good ones), do the

opposite of anything that sounds positive and that's your new Tendency.
G When it comes to the Court's Favorite Activities, do the opposite of
anything that sounds good, and that's your new Favorite Activity.

As far as the world is concerned you can make some alterations on your own, but
here's a simple plan to make it match with the evil setting: Oberon ran you out of a
cursed forest and Old Mr. Foggyhat is your king. Your Patrons are all the same, but
they are twisted evil versions of the ones listed in the book.

That's it, that's all you really need to make a wicked Fairy game.

How do I read Rivals?

Every Rival is different and has their own little tweaks about them. Don't go looking
for some kind of formulaic system here or try to over ruleify what Rivals can and can't
do. Like everything else in Fairy Trails, use the rules as a guide to make the story make

This is how you read Rivals:

Example, The Explaining Kind

A short description of what they are and what they're about. Sometimes there's useful
information here.

Tipears: The Number of Tipears They Have.

Tendencies: What they tend to be like.

Special Properties: A list of special abilities or properties the Rival has.

People That May Be In The Cart
The Mayor, The Political Kind
Whether you've got a friendly old Mayor, the crazy crackpot kind or a schemy
Machiavellian type your mayor deserves a place in the Rivalpedia!

Tipears: 1+ (Maybe more depending on how good they are at debating)

Tendencies: Court Dependent

Master Debater: Move down the Easiness Ladder on Attacks made in a Social Ruckus
because they are very good at using the words.

Party Support: On a Failure for an Attack during a Ruckus add +1 to the Ruckus Bucket
as concerned citizens of all types will jump in to help their Mayor.

The Socialite, The Hoity Toity Kind

Your socialite is a very important part of your cart. They keep the all the social wheels
turning and make sure everything fun happens when it should. I don't know why
you'd fight them, but just in case here you are:

Tipears: 1+ (Maybe more depending on how good they are at partying)

Tendencies: Court Dependent

Mover and Shaker: The Driver can make a Consequence Move on a Failure or Partial
Success on any Attack.

The Rabble Rouser, The Trouble-Making Kind

Your rabble rouser is there to make things go sideways and give you a hard time. It
stands to reason you might get into an altercation with them once or twice.

Tipears: 1+ (Maybe more depending on how good they are at fighting)

Tendencies: Court Dependent

Scrapper: All Attacks on the rabble rouser move down the Easiness Ladder.

Wonderful Toys: The rabble rouser almost always has some kind of Odium on hand.

Other Fae
A Patron, The Friendly Kind
Seriously, why do you even need to know this? Oh my! Did one of the Patrons turn
evil? Well, that would be very very bad. I can't think of a reason why a Troop would
attack such a generous friend of the Cart, but here's some info just in case.

Tipears: 10+ (Maybe more depending on how good they are at fighting.)

Tendencies: Court Dependent

Almost No Geasa: Troop members can only use their Signature Geasa.

Super Strong: On a Failure or Partial Success, the Attacking Fairy takes an additional
Malady plus the Driver can choose another Consequence (it will probably be Maladize).

Getting Serious: When the Patron is reduced to 5 Drops in their Ruckus Bucket, the
Driver makes the Something Explodes Consequence Move twice.

Seelie Fae, The Usually Friendly Kind

Normally these guys are always great to have around. They love music and art and just
having crazy parties. They can get a little too rambunctious though, always good to be
careful around them.

Tipears: 4 - 12 (They come in all sizes.)

Tendencies: Light-Hearted, Fickle, Short-Tempered, Quick-Witted

Of Magic: Attacks using Mystic Techniques move down the Easiness Ladder because
these guys are made of Magic and know how to deal with it.

Immune to Allies: Fairies in the same Court as a Seelie Fae cannot use their Geasa
against them in Ruckusses.

Unseelie Fae, The Dangerous Kind

These guys range from pretty dangerous to right down deadly. They're a little like our
Patrons, but, you know, evil. Best not to tussle with them unless you've got a solid plan
of action and know what you're tussling into.

Tipears: 4 - 12 (They come in all sizes.)

Tendencies: Wicked, Changes for every Fae

Physical and Social Ruckus Attacks: If you use a Geasa or Mystic Technique to Attack,
take a Malady. This is because they have anti-Fairy Magic.

Puck's Lottery: You can't use it. In actuality, Unseelie Fae can use Puck's Lottery too, so
the Lotteries just cancel each other out.

Alp-luachra, The Vampirey Kind
Vampire furballs! They’re tiny and fuzzy and toothy. They usually attach themselves
to a mortal on the small of their back. They suck their blood and if anyone tries to
remove them they possess their host and make them fight like a demon. They hate
the Fae and all good Fairies and love taking over good people and making them do bad
things. They can also make themselves invisible!

Tipears: 1 (+ Host's Ruckus Bucket)

Tendencies: Sneaky, Cowardly, Manipulative, Greedy

Physical Ruckus Attacks: You have to step down the Easiness Ladder to target the Alp-
luachra or reduce the Alp-luachra's host's Ruckus Bucket to 0 before targeting them.

Invisibility: These back-toothed thieves can turn invisible! The Fairies move one step
down the Easiness Ladder when using the Find Stuff Move to find them.

If you want to play a Alp-luachra (but why would you?):

H Alp-luachra can take control of a person's
body by getting a Success on a Physical
Ruckus Attack roll against said person.
Then they spend a Dram. While they
are controlling the person's body, they
take a -2 to all rolls. Add the person's
Ruckus Bucket Drops to the Troop's
Ruckus Bucket. They can control
their victim for a fair amount of time.
H An Alp-luachra can spend 1 Dram to
move up the Easiness Ladder when using
the Avoid Move to go unseen. This is
their invisibility.
H Tendencies: Sneaky, Cowardly,
Manipulative, Greedy

here has never ever been a good

T Alp-luchra, as far as I know. But,

that might also be because they
are a rare type of bad Fairy. Then again,
considering how good they are at
hiding and controlling big people's
bodies, they might not be rare at
all. I imagine they'd be pretty nifty
to have on an Outing though. They
could just leech onto some muscle-
head and go busting down all the
walls for us. It's just a shame these
back-biter's can't be trusted.

Berberoka, The Sexy Kind
Tricky kestersnicks! Beautiful, but rotten to the core. The Berberoka live in dangerous
places and lure mortals and Fae into their nests and swamps to kill them and drain
their life. They like collecting knick-knacks from the bodies. Berberoka rarely leave
their area, but they will sometimes gather for a dark rendezvous to show off their
treasures or trade their captured prisoners.

Tipears: 1

Tendencies: Sexy, Manipulative, Bold, Artsy

Social Ruckus: Move down the Easiness Ladder if you're Attacking with Cunning
because they are mind-boggling beautiful.

Physical Ruckus: Move down the Easiness Ladder if you're Attacking with Mighty
because they are smash-defyingly beautiful.

If you want to play a Berberoka (but why would

H Berberoka are so hot even Puck
doesn't charge them for rerolls.
When they use Puck's Lottery for
Pizzazz or Cunning rolls, they don't
have to spend Dram.
H They get 2 Dram from 6s on Pizzaz
H Tendencies: Sexy, Manipulative,
Bold, Artsy

erberoka are super hot

B ladies and gents that

like to hang out around
water and drown anyone silly
enough to get drawn in by
their amazing voices. They
are rotten to the core and
delight in gathering trinkets
from their drown victims and
showing them off to other
Fairies. If good Berberoka exist,
its probably because they're
experimenting with being good
for the sake of their art. It's
hard to trust a Berberoka that
says they have good intentions.

Boggart, The Annoying Kind
In all honesty, these folks aren’t the worst. They’re rude and malicious and their
pranks are uninspired, but within the wicked Fairies they’re as close to decent as you
get. Boggarts hate a happy house more than anything in the world and often set up
shop in one to wreak havoc. It's rare, but they have helped out good Fairies if the good
Fairies are in their territory to prank a person they hate.

Tipears: 1

Tendencies: Annoying, Cowardly, Self-Serving, Fully Aware of How Weak They Are

Physical and Social Ruckus Attacks: move up the Easiness Ladder when attacking
these sponge-boned trouble makers.

If you want to play a Boggart (but why would you?):

H Boggarts are unlucky and generally inept. They don't
have to spend Dram to roll on Puck's Lottery, but
they always Take the Low Road when they
reroll using it.
H If a Boggart triggers Puck's Lottery,
they get to roll an extra die and choose
whichever one they want for the
outcome, so they do have that going
for them.
H Tendencies: Annoying, Cowardly,
Self-Serving, Fully Aware of How
Weak They Are

oggarts really aren't all that

B bad when you get right down

to it. The fact of the matter is
that some of the nicer ones are actually
better than some of the meanest
Fairies. Boggarts loathe mortals and
will do almost anything they can to
make them miserable. Fortunately,
most Boggarts aren't overly creative
or capable so most of the time they
just end up stealing things or breaking
things while people sleep. The worst
thing that a Boggart has ever done, to
the best of my knowledge, is convincing
the family dog to run away and join the
circus. The family never found the dog,
but I heard the dog became quite famous.

Fachan, The Ugly Kind
These are hideous little monster Fairies. To the Troop they’re just ugly, but to most
other people they are so hideous and disgusting they can actually scare the feint-of-
heart to a literal death. The Fachan like to hide wherever they can gain energy from
the fear of mortals. Most of them have one leg and one arm and can store all kinds of
stuff in their gut.

Tipears: 1

Tendencies: Gross, Disgusting, Narcissistic, Slimy

Social Ruckus: Move down the Easiness Ladder if you're Attacking with Pizzazz
because they're just disgusting and immune to social graces.

Slime Spit-Net: If the Fairy rolls a Failure on any Attack roll, the Fachan spits out a net
of slime. The Fairy can't move for a short while or until someone helps pull them out
of the net.

If you want to play a Fachan (but why would you?):

H Fachan have one very strong leg. They can
jump as far as a cat.
H Fachan may only have one arm, but they
can carry a lot of stuff in their stomach. A
Fachan can take an extra Useful Item on
Outings, but all of their Useful Items are
stored in their stomach. Therefore, they're
always covered in gross spit and stomach
H Tendencies: Gross, Disgusting,
Narcissistic, Slimy

achan are all very

F different monsters,
but most of them
get around by hopping on a
single very strong foot. Most
of them also have just one very
long and very gross looking arm. They have a
thin layer of patchy hair that covers their bodies.
They're also usually covered in some kind of filmy
slime. They take great pride in how disgusting they
are and will often challenge other Fachan to a Gross
Out. A Gross Out is when they choose one poor
victim and try to gross them out until they faint or

Kluddle, The Murdery Kind
It’s like a harpie if harpies had zero talent. These oilslugs come in all sizes, but they all
have big black wings, gross dog-like faces and a nasty penchant for murder. Kluddles
usually travel in murders. One scout finds a victim that they can easily kill by dropping
things on them and then the whole murder moves in for the kill. If you ever see a
single Kluddle, deal with it fast, more are probably on the way.

Tipears: 2

Tendencies: Murdery, Cowardly, Sneaky, Stalkery

Physical Ruckus Attacks: Anything that doesn't have some kind of ability to hit
something from far away moves one step down the Easiness Ladder.

Other Stuff: They can fly!

If you want to play a Kluddle (but why would you?):

H Kluddles can fly.
H Kluddles have nasty claws
and fangs. They are always
considered to have a
H Tendencies: Murdery,
Cowardly, Sneaky,

uddles are definitely

K vying with Redcaps

for the most
violent of the Fairies. To
be honest, it's hard to tell
if they are Fairies or if a
murder of ravens turned
into werewolves. It's hard
to imagine one of these
guys quelling their desire
for murder to be of any
good to the Cart. In fact,
they'd most definitely have
to be magically Altered or
no one would be able to get
any sleep. Could you imagine
having one of these split-
tooths creeping around at night
while you're trying to get some

Redcap, The Nasty Kind
Blegh! They suck up blood and then spit it back into their cap. They smell bad and
they’re super oily and just unpleasant as all get-out. Watch out for these earbiters!
They are little more than vicious bloodthirsty marauders.

Tipears: 1

Tendencies: Hyper-Aggressive, Mean, Insulting, Cruel

Just Plain Mean: When Fairies roll a Failure or a Partial Success on an Attack Move, they
take +1 Malady.

Life's Blood: On a Failure with an Attack Move these blood guzzlers add +1 Drop to their
Ruckus Bucket.

If you want to play a Redcap (but

why would you?):
H Redcaps can spend 1
Dram per Malady
at the end of a
Ruckus to remove
Maladies. This
is them grossly
sucking blood from
their cap.
H When a Redcap
removes a Malady
through game play and it
hinders or just plain annoys
another Troop member, the
Redcap gains the Happy Pick-Me-
H Tendencies: Hyper-Aggresive, Mean,
Insulting, Needlessly Cruel

hese nasty little things delight in

T nothing more than hurting people

and causing havoc. If there are any
good ones, it's because they've been "cursed"
or "blessed" to go against their nature. Even
when they are being good guys they still
suck on their blood caps all the time and
get a little happiness from getting in their
Troopmate's way.

Magical Creatures
Dragon, The Princess-Stealing Kind
Look, if you've got to flutter yourself on poison flowers, maybe just do it gently. Sneak
into a lair and make off with a shiny, don't go swinging your needle at these things.
Dragons don't even want to eat us. We're so small they burn more calories in biting us
than they get from eating us. Just leave these things alone.

Tipears: 14-50 (I mean, they’re all over the place.)

Tendencies: Greedy, Cunning, Brutal, Self-Important

Large and Reckless: When Fairies Fail or get a Partial Success on Attack Moves, the
Driver can choose an additional Consequence.

Hard Scales: Dragons take -1 damage in a Physical Ruckus because they have thick
scaly armor.

Social Ruckus: Always Take the Low Road with Attacks because these things have huge
egos and are really not interested in whatever you're on about.

Fire Breath: For every 5 Drops the Troop removes from the Dragon's Ruckus Bucket
the Driver makes the Something Blows Up Move.

Alterations: If you somehow manage to beat a Dragon in a Ruckus, you can only
Physically Alter them.

Rewards: Dragons are filthy rich. If you beat one, the Cart gets 10 Dram.

Fire Elemental, The Hot Kind

Even if they're small they can still burn you. Don't go playing around with them.

Tipears: 2-20 (I mean, they’re all over the place)

Tendencies: Passionate, Alien, Hungry, Destructive

Physical Ruckus Attacks: Physical attacks like swords and bows move down the
Easiness Ladder because they're kind of not solid-bodied. Any Attack that uses
coldness or wetness moves up the Easiness Ladder.

Explosive: If you roll a Failure on an Attack Move, the Driver makes the Something
Blows Up Move.

Penetrating Attack: Spend +1 Dram to Resist because it's so hot right now.

Ghost, The Spooky Kind
Ghosts are scary and super hard to deal with because you can't touch them and they're
usually very self-centered. They're all about "oh my spirit lingers because blah blah

Tipears: Equal to the number of the dead Rival

Tendencies: Spooky, Haunted, Strange, Stalkery

Physical Ruckus: Physical attacks like swords and bows can't hurt ghosts. You have to
use Geasa or Mystic Techniques. If you're a Will-O-Wisp, you can hit them with your
fists or weapons you hold in our hands because you can get on their "frequency" of

Physical and Social Ruckusses: Failures and Partial Successes on Attacks against
ghosts inflict the Scared Malady.

Keen Senses: If you're running away, move down the Easiness Ladder because they
have this weird "life sense" and can float through things.

Gremlin, The Breaky Kind

People often mistake Gremlins for Fairies because they are tiny and like to wreak
havoc. Sure stereotyping is bad, but can you really blame people for getting us
confused? Anyway, these guys love breaking machines and getting things to explode.

Tipears: 1

Tendencies: Cantankerous, Easily Frustrated, Slightly Malevolent, Explosive

Physical Ruckus Attacks: On a Failure or Partial Success the Driver can make the It's
Broken Move.

Rock Elemental, the Hard Kind

These things are super dangerous and hard to do anything about. Best not to start
anything with them. Seriously, use your words with these rock-heads because you
will break your nails on their skin.

Tipears: 2-20 (I mean, they’re all over the place)

Tendencies: Slow, Tough, Not Overly Smart, Stubborn

Diamond Hard Skin: Physical Ruckus Attacks move down the Easiness Ladder because
of diamond hard skin.

Avalanche: When a Rock Elemental is reduced to 0 Drops in their Ruckus Bucket, the
Driver can make the Something Blows Up and Diverging Paths Moves on the Troop.

Soilportation: Move down the Easiness Ladder when you use the Find Stuff Move to
look for them because they can slip into the ground and move through it.

Unicorn, the Majestic Kind
I don't know why you'd even fight one of these!

Tipears: 8

Tendencies: Awesome, Nice, Helpful, Graceful

Other: If a Unicorn is your Ally remove, 1 Malady every time you roll a 6. If a Unicorn
is your Rival, the Rival Ruckus Bucket heals 1 Drop of damage every time you roll a 1.

Wind Elemental, The Airy Kind

They're usually pretty harmless unless you go and stir up some trouble with them.
Fighting them in the air is tough and dangerous... danger zone.

Tipears: 2-20 (I mean, they’re all over the place)

Tendencies: Airy, Quick-Witted, Adaptable, Noncommittal

Physical Ruckus Attacks: Physical attacks like clubs and crossbows move down the
Easiness Ladder because they're made of air.

Blown Away: For every 5 Drops removed from the Wind Elemental's Ruckus Bucket
the Driver can use the Diverging Paths Move on one Fairy as they are blown away.

Other: If you're flying and try to attack these guys with a Physical or Social Attack,
move down the Easiness Ladder because they will just blow you away.

Water Elemental, The Wet Kind

These gals come in all shapes and sizes, from icy ones to steamy ones. My advice is
don't go chasing Water Elementals. Just stick to the rivals and Fae you're used to.

Tipears: 2-20 (I mean, they’re all over the place)

Tendencies: Slippery, Smart, Alien, Goes with the Flow

Physical Ruckus Attacks: Physical attacks like clubs and crossbows move down the
Easiness Ladder because they're slushy. Any attack using fire or lightning moves up
the Easiness Ladder.

Flood: When a Water Elemental is reduced to 0 Drops in their Ruckus Bucket, the
Driver can make the Something Blows Up and Diverging Paths Moves on the Troop.

Other: Nixies can swim through big Water Elementals. Water Elementals can squeeze
through all kinds of stuff.

Assassin, The Bobbit Kind
Little man loves knives. If they're trying to kill you, it's because someone wants you
dead. Maybe try and outbid whoever is paying them if you get a chance to talk.

Tipears: 4

Tendencies: Sneaky, Cunning, Quick-Witted, Charming

Heavy Hitter: For Physical Ruckus Attacks, on a Failure or Partial Success take +1
Malady because of sharp knives.

Dodgy: Add +1 to the Assassin's Ruckus Bucket for every Failed Attack.

Penetrating Attack: If they have a contract out on you, spend +1 Dram on the Resist
Move per Malady inflicted.

Enchanter/Enchantress, the Human Kind

Tricksy magic users! Make sure everyone doesn't get under their spell or things can
go south mighty fast.

Tipears: 9

Tendencies: Beautiful, Manipulative, Handsome, Tricky

Physical Ruckus: If a Ruckus gets Physical, the Enchantress will run away and try to get
in the Fairies' way from afar. Possibly by sending enthralled minions after them.

Resisting Social Damage: You cannot Resist Damage during a Social Ruckus.

Losing the Ruckus: If the Troop loses the Ruckus, the Enchantress can Alter the
Fairies the same way they can Alter Rivals after winning a Ruckus (Physical, Mental,
Memorial, Compulsorial). They get three Alterations per Fairy.

Goblin, the Minion Kind

They're huge, but they're also squishy and stupid. These drip-noses are maybe the
least dangerous thing you can run across.

Tipears: 4

Tendencies: Nasty, Gross, Stupid, Incompetent

Physical and Social Ruckus Attacks: Move up the Easiness Ladder because these guys
are just not well trained.

Guard, the Armored Orc Kind
Tough and strong. Be ready to run from these guys or spend a lot of Dram taking them

Tipears: 10

Tendencies: Observant, Loyal, Gullible, Prone to Violence

Physical Ruckus Attacks: Fairies do -1 damage unless they are using a Geasa or a
Magical Talent because the guard is wearing armor. All Rivals in the Ruckus Gain
this Property Because the Guard is Guarding!

Social Ruckus Attacks: Take the High Road if the Fairy is using Cunning because
they're not all that bright.

King or Queen, The Royal Kind

Not only are these high-and-mighties pretty formidable on their own, they also
usually have oodles of people willing to take hits for them.

Tipears: 9

Tendencies: Powerful, Majestic, Charming, Ruthless

Mover and Shaker: When a Fairy rolls a Failure or a Partial Success on an Attack roll,
the Driver chooses an extra Consequence.

Other Stuff: Most Kings or Queens have divine protection and can't be Altered at the
end of a Ruckus.

Priest, The Finger-Waggy Kind

Seems like wearing robes and hating fun gives you mystical powers these days.

Tipears: 9

Tendencies: Judgey, Preachy, Well-Intentioned, Confident

Penetrating Social Ruckus Attacks: They get Penetrating Attack in Social Ruckuses
because they are good at talking. You have to spend +1 Dram to use the Resist Move.

Puck's Lottery: Priests have some kind of holy mythic protection. All rerolls with
Puck's Lottery Take the Low Road.

Warlock, The Witchy Kind

These guys can do all kinds of weird magic. You're never quite sure what's going to
happen around them.

Tipears: 9

Tendencies: Edgy, Sparkly, Brooding, Magicy

Area Attack: If a Fairy rolls a Failure or a Partial Success on an Attack, the Driver makes
the Something Blows Up Move.

Puck's Lottery: These spell slingers twist fate too! All rerolls with Puck's Lottery Take
the Low Road. If Puck's Lottery does go off, roll 2 times for the results and use both

Bear, The What-Are-You-Thinking Kind
They're big and dangerous. They usually don't attack on sight, but mind your step!

Tipears: 12

Tendencies: Slow, Curious, Clumsy, Unstoppable when Enraged

Easily Fooled: Move on step up the Easiness Ladder when Pranking a bear because
they're big and stumble into traps pretty easily.

Cat, The Evil Kind

Apparently we taste like milk-fish to cats. They'll chat with you, but they're always
going to want to eat you.

Tipears: 1

Tendencies: Self-Centered, Malicious, Playful, Elegant

Heavy Hitter: Cats always make you take +1 Malady on Failures and Partial Successes
from Physical Ruckus Attacks because of their sharp claws.

Dog, The Drooly Kind

Dogs can be pretty dangerous. Even if they just want to play they can still trample you.

Tipears: 4

Tendencies: Loyal, Super Happy to See You!, Slobbery, Likes to Guard Stuff

Keen Senses: Dogs have very good noses. Fairies move one step down the Easiness
Ladder when using the Avoid Move or just trying to be sneaky around them.

Eagle!, The Swooping Kind

Death from above! Keep an eye in the sky, especially when you're in the open.

Tipears: 3

Tendencies: Regal, Observant, Likes to Lord Over People, Intimidating

Death From Above: The Driver can give two Maladies to any Fairy at the start of the
Ruckus. This is the eagle swooping down and being deadly. These Maladies can't be
Resisted. Every eagle in the Ruckus can do this!

Thick Skinned: Fairies that aren't flying and attacking with close combat stuff move
one step down the Easiness Ladder.

Keen Senses: Because of it's hawkeyes! Fairies move one step down the Easiness
Ladder when trying to be sneaky around them.

Mouse, The Bitey Kind
Don't let their timid nature fool you. If they gang up on you, it can be real trouble.

Tipears: 1

Tendencies: Timid, Jumpy, Quiet, Thievy

Dying Bite: For every 2 Drops removed from a Ruckus Bucket with a mouse in it, the
Driver makes the Maladize move on anyone in the Troop.

Social Ruckus Attacks: Move one step up the Easiness Ladder because these guys are

Sneaky: Move one step down the Easiness Ladder when you use Find Stuff for a mouse.

Snake, The Bitey Poison Kind

Very dangerous! And don't try to sparkle-speak your way around a snake because
they will not be swayed by your wonderful wordplay.

Tipears: 1 - 8

Tendencies: Always Plotting, Patient, Observant, Poisonous, Big Huggers

Heavy Hitter: When you take a Malady during a Physical Ruckus, take +1 Malady
because of their fangs.

Social Ruckus Attacks: If you use Pizzazz, move one step down the Easiness Ladder
because they are cold blooded!

Squeeze: For every Physical Ruckus Attack that is a Failure, the Driver makes the
Something Breaks Move.

Penetrating Attack: Spend +1 Dram to use the Resist Move because of poison.

Spider, The Not-Friendly-Neighborhood Kind

Squishy but deadly. One's not a problem, but fighting your way through a tunnel full of
these green-fangs is no easy task.

Tipears: 1

Tendencies: Skittery, Sneaky, Liars, Blood Suckers

Penetrating Attack: Spend +1 Dram to use the Resist Move because of poison.

Sticky Situation: Move one step down the Easiness Ladder when you try to run away
because of spider webs.

Stuck: If a Fairy Fails a Physical Ruckus Attack, the Driver can make the Diverging
Paths move. This is the spider sticking the Fairy in a web or pulling them away from
the rest of the Troop.

The Cast:
Prince Jarik Windspear of the Moon Court. A Pixie.
Cunning: 1, Jukey: 1, Magic: -2, Pizzazz: 0, Mighty: 0
Talent: Noble
Geasa: Sacrificial Dive, Born Leader, Silver Tongued
Mystery: Why doesn't anyone remember his twin brother?
Flit of the Spring Court. A Will-O-Wisp.
Magic: 1, Pizzazz: 1, Mighty: -1, Cunning: -1, Jukey: 0
Talent: Life Weaver
Geasa: Flourish, Healing Touch, Mother's Protection
Mystery: Who stole their favorite hat? What did it even look like?
Jaw Breaker of the Summer Court. A Gnasher.
Mighty: 2, Cunning: -2, Magic: 0, Jukey: 0, Pizzazz: 0
Talent: Warrior
Geasa: Strong Blade, Hot like Fire, Life of the Party
Mystery: Why are Berboka hunting her?

Once upon a time, in a Cart much like your own, there were three Fairies. Prince Jarik
Windspear was a noble man whose title meant nothing at all, but he bore it with the
pride and responsibility of a real prince. He was a Pixie from a long line of Pixies that
claimed to be nobles, and the veracity of that claim seemed to be based entirely on
their insistence. Flit was a member of the Spring Court who, despite being a Will-O-
Wisp, had a great love of living things. Now, we're still unsure whether Will-O-Wisps
are ghosts or Fairies, but that didn't stop Flit from living life to the fullest, no sirree.
The last member of this grand little Troop was Jaw Breaker. She was a Gnasher and a
fine one at that. She loved her honey-wine and all the scuffles that came with it.

The Cart had been a-rambling for quite a while. In the Fairy's estimation of time,
it was a lot longer than a day and a little shorter than a whole lot of days. Jarik had
realized that all the rest and relaxation weren't fit for a knight, and decided that some
sparring with Jaw Breaker was in order. The noble knight drug his friend out of bed
every morning and the two trained as rigorously as their tiny bodies could handle
for minutes out of every hour. During their training Jarik regaled her with tales of
his brother and how he once managed to best a badger in nearly mortal combat. Jaw
Breaker, who had never seen nor heard of this twin brother, listened with the attention
of a cat in science class. That is to say, she was certainly present, but apathetic in the
most obnoxious way one can possibly be.

(Jarik chose Jaw Breaker to use his Cart Buddies roll on. He rolled a 3, 3 and added his
Noble because it's arguable that Nobles would help train knights. He gets nothing from
his Pizzazz so his total is 7. He has to reveal something about himself to Jaw Breaker.
He reveals that he has a deep admiration for his brother because of his combat prowess.
Jaw Breaker is still pretty sure his brother is imaginary, but leaves it at that.)

Jaw Breaker, who was exhausted from minutes of training every morning and
sometimes in the evenings, decided to unwind with her best friend Flit. Now, the
fact that they were best friends was something that had been decided solely by Jaw
Breaker. Flit certainly had a fondness for the lady, but would have preferred their
relationship remained on more professional terms. After her training, Jaw Breaker
would drag Flit out of their tiny room in a hollowed out croquet ball to go have a night
out on the Cart. There were multiple evenings where, were it not for the grace of Puck,
Flit would have found themselves pulled into a good old-fashioned brawl. One of the
near-brawls started over a game of cards when Jaw Breaker was caught cheating. She
later revealed that despite the fact she was terrible at cheating she did it as often as
possible, even if she was winning.

(Jaw Breaker chose Flit to use her Cart Buddies roll on. She rolled a 2, 1 and has nothing to
add to the roll. That would have given Flit a Malady, but instead she decided to use Puck's
Lottery. She spends a Dram and rolls a 6, 2. She gets her Dram back and now rolls a
Partial Success. She has to reveal something about herself. She is addicted to cheating.)

Were it not for their afternoon tea times with Jarik Windspear, Flit would have gone
quite mad from Jaw Breaker's nightly adventures. Every day at some point in the
late afternoon, just after the early afternoon nap, Flit would go to Jarik's mansion of
a bird cage and the two would share honey tea. Flit would reminisce of the hat that
disappeared, and Jarik would talk of knightly deeds. The two quite enjoyed their time
together and Jarik found it most refreshing.

(Flit chose Jarik Windspear for her Cart Buddies roll. They rolled a 5, 4 and added their
Pizzazz to the roll to get a 10. That's a Success! Jarik gets 2 Dram and is probably better
friends with Flit thanks to the boost they gave him.)

One day Mayor Splish Splash called the Troop into his office. His office was a large
porcelain gravy bowl that had seen better days and could only comfortably seat three
Fairies. Splish Splash found that he was uncomfortably close to Jaw Breaker and
rather than bring up the subject of personal space, decided to shrink his Nixie body to
a more accommodating size.

"I suppose you're wondering why I've called you here today?" Splish Splash spoke in
his sploshy voice. Everyone shook their heads "no" and stayed silent waiting for him
to answer his own question.

"Bee Elz Bub, that rascally rabble-rouser, has left the Cart and got herself captured by
a young hu-man child. We think it's a female child. This information is coming to us
from a helpful cricket, and, as you all know, they are notoriously bad at telling genders
apart." The Troop nodded in agreement, this was a well-known fact about crickets.

"Never fear, Mayor Splish Splash, no harm shall come to any Fairy while Prince
Windspear is watching over the Cart!" boasted Jarik, loud enough to rattle the cracked
gravy boat.

"I do hope no harm has come to our dear friend, Bee Elz Bub. I can't imagine how
humdrum dull the Cart would be without her." whispered Flit in their willowy
whispery voice.

"I'm gonna rattle that dewskulled Geargik good when I get my claws on her. It takes a
real fly-squat to get nabbed by a hu-man," grumbled Jaw Breaker. Her foul language
was quite upsetting to Mayor Splish Splash.

"Yes, quite. Also, there's a leak in the roof and it's keeping us all awake at night. I
haven't had a good sleep in nights. If you could find something to patch it up,"
squeaked the Mayor, in fear of incurring more foul mouthery.

The Troop quickly said their good-byes to the Mayor before Jaw Breaker could launch
into a tirade of poison tongue so long and slimy it would make a Redcap blush.

(The Outing and Side Quest have been set.)

"I say fellow knights, isn't this the area where Hunnee the Friendly Bear lives? It would
be quite spectacular to run across her on this little Outing, wouldn't it?" said Jarik.

(Jarik's Scene Setter has been set. He has chosen Hunnee as the ally.)

"Why, yes it is. And it's also the season of the annual fox hunt. Dreadful tradition. I do
hope we don't run across it," said Flit.

(Flit's Scene Setter has been set. They have chosen a Fox Hunt as their Event.)

"Bah, a fox would just as soon grind your bones as look at you. They better hope the
hunters get to them before I do. I'm not gonna be no scruffle's lunch, " Jaw Breaker

(Jaw Breaker's Scene Setter has been set. She wants to fight a fox.)

Before the Troop went out, they made the usual stop at the supply house to get their
gear. They got their food, water and all the stuff they needed to survive and then chose
the things they would need the most.

Jarik chose a suit of tiny sized armor he'd found in a tiny abandoned castle along
the road. It barely had any of the witch's curse still hanging on it. He also took a
shield carved out of bark with his family crest on it and a rusty needle that had been
sharpened just enough to be convinced it was a tiny sword.

(Jarik's Useful Items have been chosen.)

Jaw Breaker laughed at the rusty needle and went about grabbing her things. She
always brought a large bent nail that worked perfectly as a crowbar when it needed
to. A half spool of fishing wire because you never knew when you'd need it. Lastly, a
single Healing Potion in case things went really badly.

(Jaw Breaker's Useful Items have been chosen.)

Flit was far more excited about going out and making new friends than the other two
so they wanted to dress to impress. They chose the finest silk robe that they'd stolen
from a Princess' doll's wardrobe. Also, a short poem scribbled on a torn piece of paper
that they'd written before. Finally, Flit grabbed a small poorly made flask of paints just
on a whim.

(Flit's Useful Items have been chosen.)

Now, the Troop was ready to be on their way. They walked through the main street of
the Cart with their stuff to the tiny door at the bottom of a bigger door that the Fairies
used to get in and out of their tiny city in a normal sized Cart. Of course, it's never a
secret when Fairies go on an Outing. The other Fairies all came out to wish them well
and see them off and ask them to maybe pick up a few things at the store if they're
going to be out anyway. This particular time Jiji Flambeau gave them a musical send
off and made them all quite happy, but Jarik was by far the happiest.

(Jarik has the highest Court Standing so he gets the Feeling Lucky Pick-Me-Up at the
beginning of this Outing.)

When the Troop left the Cart, they climbed down the tiny stairs that were on the left
side of the normal sized stairs that led into the Cart. They waved good-bye to Jacob
Jacobson. He didn't see them, of course. Jacob Jacobson always keeps his eyes on the
road, even when he isn't driving the Cart. The Troop started making their way in the
direction of the small village where they assumed the girl lived. It was a bit of a hike
and there was tall grass all around them. Suddenly, from out of the grass a pair of
foxes lunged forward in a panic and quickly turned predatory.

"Well fates be praised if my luck hasn't turned. From hunter to hunted." said the one

"We have no quarrel with you, good sir. Be on your way and let us be on ours," Jarik
said, gripping his needle with determination.

"Oh, I never quarrel with a meal, I just eat it," snapped the other fox.

(A Physical Ruckus has begun. A fox is 3 Tipears tall so the base Ruckus Bucket is 3. Add
another 2 for the other fox and you now have a Ruckus Bucket of 5.)

(Jaw Breaker's Scene Setter has been set off. She gains 3 Dram and when one Fairy would
take a Malady she can choose another Fairy to take a Malady instead)

Jaw Breaker plunged into action with her claws and teeth all spinning and gnashing
willy nilly at the bigger of the two foxes. She dug deep and pulled a little extra fire as
she lashed out, but the fox still got a little snap in. Fortunately, Jarik and his trusty
armor were right by her side to wedge his little metal encased arm into the fox's bite.

(Jaw Breaker spent a Dram and used her Strong Blade Geasa. She rolled a 5 and 1 for a
total of 6 from the dice. Then she added 1 from Warrior because she used her claws as
Weapons and 2 from Mighty. That gives her a total of 9. That's a Partial Success. She
does 2 damage and takes a Malady. She could Puck's Lottery and go for a full Success,
but she decides to take the Malady and give it to Jarik instead. Jarik decides to take the
Curiousity Malady.)

Now, Flit was no fan of violence and could see that these foxes are all riled up from
being hunted by humans. They tried to reason with these poor creatures.

"Friends, please, there is no need to eat us. There's plenty of eggs to suck, isn't there?"
Flit pleaded. Jarik, always the diplomat, full heartedly encouraged opening up a

Despite Jarik's encouragement, the fox without a chunk of metal armor in its mouth
responded with a string of insults nearly as painful as its bite.

(Jarik decided to us his Born Leader Geasa to help out Flit. He spent 1 Dram, and rolled a
3, 2. He added his Cunning and +1 from Noble for a total of 7. Flit decided to take a +1 to
their next roll.)

(Flit attempted to roll using Pizzazz in a Physical Ruckus. This means they move down
the Easiness Ladder giving them the Low Road. They rolled a 6, 2, 1. They get a Dram for
the 6, but they don't get to add it to the result. In the end, they only get a 3 from the dice.
They add their Pizzazz which is 1 and their +1 bonus from Jarik's Born Leader for a total of
5. They fail the roll meaning they take a Malady. Please note; Flit's silk dress does not give
them a +1 because Flit does not have a Talent that would apply to this roll. If they had
the Noble Talent, they would have gotten a +1, but that wouldn't have made much of a
difference anyway. Flit could reroll using Puck's Lottery, but it's only a Malady and they're
already taking the Low Road. They could also Resist the damage, but they decide to save
the Dram to use Healing Touch later. They take the Scared Malady.)

Between the biting and the string of insults Flit was reduced to tears and sniffled
as their very nice silk dress got just a little dirtier than they'd like. Now, this was
something the noble Jarik could not stand for. No one makes the healing Fairy cry and
gets away with it.

Jarik leveled his mighty needle at the offensive fox, pulled his armored arm free of the
bitey fox, pumped his little dragonfly wings as hard as he could and surged forward
right into the offensive fox's waiting jaw of certain doom. But...

(Jarik attacked the foxes and rolled 1, 1. Even with Jukey he only got a result of 3 on the
roll. He did no damage and would take 1 Malady. But, Jarik decided to use Puck's Lottery
because he's got some Dram and he couldn't possibly roll worse. He spent a Dram and
rerolled. On the reroll, Jarik got a 6, 5 and gained 1 Dram for the 6. This gave him a total
result of 12. A full Success! He took no Malady and did 1 damage to the fox's Ruckus
Bucket. At this point the foxes had taken 2 damage from Jaw Breaker, 0 from Flit, and 1
from Jarik. Their Ruckus Bucket was down to 2.)

Jarik felt magical energies flowing around him, just bursting with all kinds of chances.
He sucked those energies into his lungs, let out a massive, but still tiny war cry, and
heroically chipped the fox's right canine. Puck be praised! It was a glorious hit!

At this point Jaw Breaker's laughter was on the border of insane. She was thoroughly
enjoying the fight with the foxes, despite the fact they were outmatched. A sane Fairy
might fight a pair of foxes if pushed into a corner, but no sane Fairy would enjoy
it. She let out a howl and bit the fox's ear so hard that yelped and rolled over on its
belly in a universal sign of surrender. Unfortunately, the beast rolled over on Jaw
Breaker, breaking some of her favorite spikes. The other fox quickly followed suit in

(Jaw Breaker decided to go with the Strong Blade Geasa yet again. Hopefully she can get
at least a Partial Success and deal the final 2 damage. She rolled a 3, 3 then added her
Mighty and Warrior for a total of 9. Almost a Success, but not quite. She decided to take

the Needy Malady and ended the Ruckus by doing 2 damage. At that moment, the Troop
had to decide what to do with the foxes and gained 5 Dram to split amongst themselves.)

The Troop gathered around the fallen foxes and discussed what was to be done with
them. Jaw Breaker said she wanted to skin them for their beautiful hides. Of course,
she was probably just saying that. She knew Flit and Jarik would never let her do
anything quite so gross. Jarik wanted to command one to be his mount, and that gave
Flit a very tricksy idea.

(At this point Flit gave the fox a Compulsorial Alteration, costing 1 Dram and just to be
sure gave it a Physical Alteration as well. The remaining 3 Dram went to Jaw Breaker, Flit
and Jarik evenly.)

Now, dear reader, we must turn our attention to a noble and her young son. The two
of them were out on a fox hunt. They were riding atop horses and scaring tiny animals
out of hiding to blast into tiny bits with their guns. It wasn't at all sporting, but it was
entirely noble. The two of them were trotting down the road on horse back when a fox
suddenly jumped out of the tall grass and sat down in front of them.

Normally this would have resulted in the fox being blasted to smithereens, but the
young man looked to the fox and realized that it's eyes were glowing bright green,
oddly illuminating the hastily scribbled words on the ground in front of it.

"I am full of bad magic," the words read. "Gaze into my eyes and know that I'm not
lying. If you shoot me, you will be cursed! Please, take your time to discuss this, or you
will be cursed!" the scratchings on the ground ominously warned.

"Mother," said the young noble as he slowly took out his rifle, "this fox and this warning
seem fairly ominous."

"Yes, my young, attractive and very intelligent boy, you're assessment is fair. There
can be only reason for this strange magic."

"Mommy... is it... dragon magic?"

"What? No, that's not even a thing. Why would you even think that? There hasn't been
a dragon in this area since... come to think of it, there has never been a dragon in this
area. This is obviously witch magic and our village is obviously overrun with witches."

"It's always witch magic though, mother. And no matter how many young women we
run out of town there always seems to be more witches. Maybe it's boy witch magic?"
ventured the young man.

"Boy witches are called warlocks, love, and they don't exist. Only pretty women
younger than me can be witches. I didn't make up the rules. I only know them and
enforce them." The woman spoke with such assuredness that she almost certainly
believed what she was saying.

"So, should we shoot the fox? It still hasn't moved and I'm bored with this hunt. I want
to go home and if this is a witch's trick then we probably shouldn't trust what they've
written on the ground."

"No, my foolish young son. This fox is obviously infected with some kind of magic. Look
at it's glowing eyes. That's a powerful witch right there, maybe even a necromancer.
No magic that makes something's eyes glow is good magic, so that fox must be full of
bad magic, which leads me to believe that the witch that put this creature in our path
is being deviously honest." The woman smiled with her assessment, sometimes her
logic dizzied even her.

"Then we should run away?" asked the young boy.

"Yes, my son. With great haste and straight to the church, where Father McWarlock
can purge us of any evil magics we might have been touched with by coming into
contact with a necromancer's fox."

And so the mother and son made haste toward the village, but with three more little
souls than they'd set out with earlier that morning. You see, dear reader, while the
two riders were having their debate over the fate of one very anxious fox, Flit and
Jaw Breaker climbed up the horses and stowed away various places on the living land
barges. Jarik had selflessly volunteered to fly above and make sure everything went
according to plan, from the safety of the sky.

(When the fox hunter's arrived, Flit's Scene Setter went off. They gained 3 Dram and
everyone gained the Happy Pick-Me-Up. This is when Flit's plan goes into action. After
the Ruckus with the foxes, Flit spent 2 Dram to Physically Alter the fox's eyes to glow and
to command the fox to come out and sit in front of the hunters. Flit also used their paints
to draw on the road, letting them move up the Easiness Ladder and Take the High Road.
They rolled a 5, 4, 1. They threw away the 1 because it was the lowest, then added their
Pizzazz for a total of 10. Flit's message was perfectly convincing and distracting. While
the mother and son were discussing what to do with the fox, this happened:

Jarik flew from the grass and stayed out of sight to keep an eye on things. He rolled a 5, 4
and added Jukey, giving him a total of 10 to go unnoticed and get in position.

Flit climbed into one of the bags on the horse's saddle. They used their Happy Pick-Me-
Up to get a +1 to the roll. They rolled a 3, 3 and with their +2 got a total of 7. A Partial
Success although they'll have to deal with it just a bit down the road. The Driver chooses
the Foreboding Consequence.

Jaw Breaker climbed up on the horse as well. She didn't need to roll to climb the horse
because she can already do that. However, she did need to roll to stay out of sight as well
as not disturb the horse with her climbing. She used the Do Something Move because
there is no Sneak Up A Horse Move. She decided to use her Happy Pick-Me-Up to get a +1.
She rolled a 3, 3 and added nothing from Jukey, but got a 7 thanks to Happy. She chose
the Unlucky Consequence and gets tangled in the horse's tail to be whipped and jostled
around for the whole ride.)

So, with Jaw Breaker in a tangled mess of a horse's tail, Flit snuggled comfortably in a
satchel, and Jarik flying above making sure everything was going as well as it possibly
could the Troop smuggled themselves into town. As they approached the houses
Jarik saw the one that the Mayor had described from the cricket's description. Jarik
whistled quite loudly and flew down into a mess of bushes along the side of the road.
Unfortunately for Jaw Breaker and Flit, the horses were at their full trot and were
showing no interest in slowing down.

(The fact that the horses aren't slowing down and the Fairies don't have a safe way
to get off of them is the result of Flit's previous Partial Success and the Foreboding
Consequence. Now, they'll have to jump from speeding horses.)

Flit readied themselves for the jump. They read their little poem on their little scrap of
paper to give themselves a little more courage. Once they had read their poem, they
tossed it to the side and grabbed a bag of gun powder for the guns. Flit dumped out all
the gun powder and hoped that perhaps they could fashion the small leather bag into
some kind of parachute. Flit took a deep breath, gripped the strings of the bag tightly
and then flung themselves off of the horse. Unfortunately, leather is quite heavy, and
the weight of Flit's makeshift parachute sent them plummeting to the ground where
they landed with a thud and a crack.

(Flit used Find Stuff in the saddle bag hoping for something that could be useful and
rolled a 3, 4 then subtracted their Cunning for a total of 6. The Driver decided to use the
It's Broke Consequence. Flit decided that meant they found something that looks like it

could be useful, but actually will be a hindrance and throws a potentially Useful Item
away for it. The Driver suggested a leather bag and they go on from there. When Flit
jumped from the satchel, they were trying to use something heavy as a parachute and
therefore moved down the Easiness Ladder so they Took the Low Road and end up getting
a 6, 4, 2. They got Dram for the roll, but ignored the 6 all the same. With Jukey at 0 there's
no How to add to the roll so they were stuck with another Failure. Maladize seemed the
most appropriate reaction so the Driver used it. Flit already had Needy. They decided to
take the Scared Malady next. They could have spent a Dram to Resist, but didn't.)

Jaw Breaker watched Flit's fiasco from the discomfort of a horse's tail that was
whipping in the wind. The whole thing looked quite dreadful and she was determined
not to have a similar experience. She held on tightly to the tail with one hand and used
her other to tangle up her fishing string in the horse's tail hair. Once it was thoroughly
tangled, she gave a tiny squeal of terror and joy and began to be half repelled and half
flung down the horse, all while half in some control of her decent. She landed a bit
down the road. The landing was hard and fast, but she managed to jump up from it
feeling quite relieved to be done with the horse ride.

(Jaw Breaker used her string to swing off of the horse. Using her string moved her up
the Easiness Ladder. However, the Driver decided to move her down the Easiness Ladder
because she was in a tangled mess of horse hair. Therefore, Jaw Breaker rolled Normal.
She used the Do Something Move because there is no Repel Down a Horse Move. She
rolled a 4, 4 and added her Mighty for a total of 10. A Success!)

The Troop hurried to greet each other after their harrowing ordeal and had a tiny
celebration under the cover of a shrub. They drank some tea and ate some sugar
bread crumbs and all the while looked to the giant house that loomed like a mountain
over them. The whole thing was two stories tall, and if the grotesque width of the place
was any hint then the house also had a separate dining and kitchen area. The family
inside obviously had no sense of propriety and whatever shenanigans were about to
befall them were well earned, the Troop reasoned. Flit's eyes glowed as they gazed
toward the house and spoke in a soft spooky speaking way.

"I can see into the house. It looks like the girl is prancing about her room upstairs
and Bee Elz Bub is with her. Her mother is laying down in a room upstairs, poor
thing probably has a headache. There's a dog downstairs, or a small cow, I'm not sure
which. If we're dealing with a stereotypical nuclear family situation, I'd bet coins to
cut purses the father is out working hard to bring home the butchered swine meat."
Flit said while gazing with their sight beyond sight into the house, giving the Troop a
wonderful assessment of what awaited them.

(Flit spent a Dram and used their Life Eyes Geasa to gaze through the walls and into the
house. As no roll was required, the Driver just told Flit what was going on inside.)

However, new dangers now awaited the Troop. The first obstacle in their path was the
long lawn that stretched between the shrubbery and the house. It was at least five long
strides for a human and quite a bit more for the Fairies. Running in all that openness
would leave them exposed to whatever might be watching from the windows or from
the road or from the sky. Flit, once again, had a solution. They leaned down and

whispered ever so politely to a cluster of plants. They slowly began to grow, in a nice
straight line, right up to the wall of the house giving the Troop an easy path to sneak

(Flit used their Flourish Geasa. Again, this requires no roll so they simply spent their
Dram and let the plants grow!)

Now came the problem of getting into that massive house. There were windows all
over it, but none of them were open. The front door was shut and so well built that no
one could fit under the crack. It seemed the group was at an impasse, but then Jaw
Breaker brandished her handy bent nail and began to scurry up the wall. Her little
claws dug into the wooden boards of the house. She climbed until she arrived at the
first window she could get to. She jammed the makeshift crowbar into the window
seal and pulled with all her might, creating an opening just big enough for Jarik to fly
through and for her to squeeze through. Little Flit on the ground watched Jaw Breaker
jiggle the crow bar and did their best to offer advice. Jaw Breaker promptly ignored
their advice leaving Flit with no alternative but to throw up their hands and let out a
string of mild, but loud curses while they walked through the wall. These curses were,
no doubt, what drew the attention of the dog.

(Jaw Breaker used her Gnasher ability to climb the wall. Then she used her Useful Item to
open the window, Taking the High Road and rolling a 5, 4, 1 and then adding Mighty she
got a total of 9. She managed to open the window, but she was going to have to choose
a Consequence, she chose Foreboding, the dog was going to be a problem. Flit decided
to roll to Avoid the Consequence, but rolled a 2, 1 and added their Pizzazz for a total of 4.
This was a Failure. The Driver decided that the dog was now going to be a big problem
and Flit had to Act Out their Needy Malady. Flit used their Will-O-Wisp ability to walk
through the wall because they can't fly or climb to the open window yelling and drawing
the attention of the dog. At least they cleared their Needy Malady!)

Flit passed through the wall and found themselves in the dining room under the
window that her friends were currently slipping through. They also found themselves
staring right into the big beautiful brown eyes of huge dog. Thick drops of thick drool
glistened on its kind of sharp teeth and its huge brown eyes looked with confusion and
apprehension at the tiny creature that just slipped through what it had assumed was
an otherwise quite solid wall.

"Who are you and what are you doing trespassing in this noble house? I'll have you
know this home is protected by none other than I, Sir Lee, and I will not have you
trespass a step farther," while quite congenial Sir Lee made sure to lay down his ears
and give a rumbling growl to get his point across.

(This was the beginning of a Social Ruckus with the dog. It was a very large dog, so this
was a 4 Ruckus Bucket Ruckus.)

"Well, Sir Lee, my name is Flit and as you can see from my fancy clothes I am here on a
diplomatic mission to help rescue one of my comrades. Perhaps you've heard of her?
Bee Elz Bub? Perhaps you could take me to see her, perhaps?" Flit courtesied quite

(Flit didn't want to Ruckus so they try to end the Ruckus with a single roll using their
Useful Item and Pizzazz to Avoid. The Driver decides that this dog was large and
extremely loyal so Flit would normally Take the Low Road to end the Ruckus, but since
they're using their dress, they get to step up the Easiness Ladder. They rolled 2 dice and
get a 2, 1. Even adding their 1 Pizzazz, this was an utter Failure. Flit took 1 Malady and
decided to take Craving this time. The Driver introduces the Unlucky Consequence and
the window slams shut behind them, cutting off the Troops only means of escape!)

"You're friends with that cur? Young mistress Liza hasn't played with me all day
because of that nasty little toy that can move. I hate it and anything to do with it,"
growled Sir Lee so deeply it shook their escape window closed.

"Listen here, you giant flea blanket. She's no friend of ours and we're gonna drag her
out of here and then all your problems will be solved so you'd best be letting us get on
with our heroics!" Jaw Breaker crawled down the wall and landed with a thud near Flit.

(Jaw Breaker wanted to roll Pizzazz to Attack, but the Driver decided that she was trying
to be logical, if a bit rude. Not the Driver's best call, but we all make mistakes. Jaw
Breaker rolled a 5, 2, but subtracted 2 for her terrible Cunning. This gave her a 5, another
Failure and she decided to take the Frustrated Malady. The Driver chose the Forebode
Consequence and the mother upstairs started to wake up from her nap to the sounds of
a dog barking.)

"I'm quite free of fleas and more than willing to add to your problems, you rude little
pin cushion," now the dog was almost barking.

Jaw Breaker called on the powers that be to give her strength, but when she called
some other less nice power that be answered. She shook a bit with fear and decided to
take a step back rather than escalate things.

(Jaw Breaker decided to Avoid the Consequence. She used Pizzazz to try and quiet the
dog, but only rolls a 2, 1. She spent a Dram to use Puck's Lottery and rerolled 2, 1! Failure!
Jaw Breaker introduces a Consequence and the Driver gets to roll on Puck's Lottery!)

The dog's eyes suddenly turned red and started to glow. His breath grew much hotter
and now when he barked tiny balls of flame shot out of his mouth. Sir Lee didn't seem
to notice or care, but the Troop was certainly aware of the heightened danger.

(The Driver rolled a 4 on Puck's Lottery and got Something Wounding. Now, when the
dog is angry there's also fire that comes out of its mouth, making it Penetrating so that
Resisting its damage would cost an additional 1 Dram. In addition, the Driver also chose
the Something Blows Up Consequence, but all the Troop spent 2 Dram to Resist.)

Jarik, seeing how quickly this situation was getting out of hand deftly stepped in.

"Noble Sir Lee, heir of Saint Bernard no doubt, forgive my friends for they have no
manners and no knowledge of the courts. They especially do not know how to address
a knight of standing such as yourself. I am Sir Jarik Windspear, and I would suggest
that our goals have aligned. You wish to rid yourself of Bee Elz Bub and we wish to
burden ourselves with her. Perhaps, my noble hound, this would be the time for a
knightly team up?" Jarik smiled, tapping his shield to reveal his family crest.

(The Driver isn't sure about letting Jarik's shield pass for a Weapon in a Social Ruckus,
but a family crest would certainly work so they let it slide. Jarik rolls a 4, 4. He adds 1
from Cunning and 1 from Noble because his family crest works as a Weapon in Social
Ruckusses. That gives him a 10! He does 1 damage. The Ruckus Bucket is at 3!)

"You speak many truths, Sir Windspear. Your friends are insatiably rude and our goals
do align." Sir Lee seemed to calm a bit, the fire in his belly glowing less brightly.

"So you will help us then!" Flit said, perhaps jumping the gun.

"Silence you creepy ghost thing! How do I know you won't turn on me? You are, after
all, Fairies," Sir Lee growled, making a fairly salient point.

(Flit rolled a 6, 1 and added their Pizzazz for a total of 8. They got 1 Dram, did 1 damage,
but had to take a Malady. Flit decided to spend the 2 Dram to Resist the damage.
Unfortunately they lost their poem so that won't help them to reduce the Dram spent,
because it could have worked as Armor in a Social Ruckus. The Ruckus Bucket has 2
Drops left.)

"How do we know you won't betray us? Everyone I know knows that Fairies are more
trustworthy than dogs!" Jaw Breaker, unhelpfully and illogically, jumped in. This
statement drew looks of confusion from everyone around.

(This time Jaw Breaker got to roll Pizzazz. She rolled a 3, 3 and got a 6. She took the
Mischievous Malady, and can't Resist because she doesn't have enough Dram. Jaw
Breaker had the Needy, Frustrated and Mischievous Maladies, giving her a -1 to all rolls
because she had 3 Maladies.)

Sir Lee, so flustered and confused by Jaw Breaker's attack, just gave a loud bark of fire
that was scarier than it was hot. Still the sheer force of it was enough to emotionally
burn Jaw Breaker.

"Good sir, I swear on the honor of House Windspear that we will bring no harm to you
or those under your care!" Jarik shouted out, trying to drown out the inane chatter of
his fellow Troop-mates.

(Jarik spends his Elated and Happy Pick-Me-Ups to get a +1 and Take the High Road. He
rolls a 5, 3, 1 and drops the 1, then adds Noble and nothing from his Pizzazz, but still gets
a total of 10. The Ruckus Bucket is down to 1. At this point, Sir Lee decides to give up and
let the Troop win the fight. The Ruckus is over and the Troop gains 3 Dram. Flit takes 1
because they plan on doing some healing and Jarik and Jaw Breaker both take 1. The dog
is now docile and ready to listen and maybe even help. The Troop could Alter Sir Lee, but
decides they would rather save their Dram for something else.)

"I will trust you sir, but not your creepy companion or the rude spiky one," said Sir Lee.

"Very good, now make haste throughout this home and cause a commotion. Buy
some time for me and my allies to find our ward," said Jarik.

With that Sir Lee leapt into action. His eyes still glowing just a bit and his breath
leaving quite a few burn marks on the kitchen floor. He barked loudly and ran quickly
and knocked all manner of things off of all manner of tables, giving the Fairies some
cover to sneak past the sleepy mother. They gathered under a small coffee table at the
base of the stairs to regroup.

(The whole Troop had to make Avoid rolls to get away from the barking dog and sleepy
mother. Jaw Breaker rolled a 5, 4 then added her Mighty then -1 for having three Maladies
for a total of 10 and slipped by without a problem. Jarik rolled the treasured 6, 6, giving
him 2 Dram and a total of 13 to go unnoticed. Poor, unlucky Flit rolled a 2, 2. They decided
to spend 1 Dram to reroll and got a 6, 5. Even subtracting their Jukey of -1, Flit got a 10.
The whole Troop managed to Avoid the situation with no real problems.)

"That beasts breath was certainly worse than it's bite," said Jaw Breaker with a laugh
before handing her Healing Potion to Flit. They seemed to need it more. Flit nodded a
thanks and felt much refreshed after taking a long swig.

(Flit rolled a 6, 6! They subtracted one for their Maladies and added 1 for their Magic and
gets a total of 12 and 2 Dram. They removed their Scared and Craving Maladies.)

"The both of you are far too reckless. Do you have any idea how stressful it is trying
to keep you patched up? Now, let my healing paints cover up all of your unsightly
wounds," Flit smiled and brandished the last of their healing paints. They began to
paint over all the wounds and draw magic symbols on everyone to patch them up and
invigorate them. Unfortunately, it's much harder to draw on yourself and Flit ended
up casting a hurting spell rather than a healing one. Magic can be quite fickle.

(Flit used the last of their paints on the following rolls, but got to move up the Easiness
Ladder for using a Magical Focus. First they spent a Dram to heal Jaw Breaker with the
Mend Ouchies Move. They rolled a 6, 1 and added 2 for Magic and Life Weaver. With a 9

Jaw Breaker got to remove the Needy Malady and their -1 to rolls because now she had
only two Maladies. Then Flit healed Jarik, rolling a 5, 2 for another 9. Jarik removed their
Craving Malady. Next Flit heals themselves and rolls a 1, 1 for a total of 4. Flit decides not
to reroll for fear of Puck's Lottery and takes the Craving Malady.)

After everyone was good to go the Troop took off as quickly and quietly as they could.
Sir Lee was still running and barking and generally being a bad dog to give them the
distraction they needed. Jarik scouted ahead, as he could fly and had eyes that were
nearly as sharp as an eagle's. He took off and buzzed silently around the house until
he found little Liza's room. Unfortunately, he found little Liza in her room playing with
her dolls. There in the middle of them, looking only slightly unhappy to be there, Bee
Elz Bub sat amidst an arrangement of wooden princes and sports players. She was
begrudgingly sipping some imaginary tea from an imaginary teacup and dismissing
any suitor the girl offered up to her. Unfortunately, Jarik also spied some St. John's
Wort in the window of the girl's room and one of the toys was made of iron. Quite a
little minefield of odiums for a Fairy to navigate. Still, Jarik took great joy in watching
the toy suitors with their scowling princess before returning to his Troop.

(Jarik rolled a 4, 4 and used the Find Stuff Move, then added his Cunning to get a 9. He
found Bee Elz Bub, but because it was a Partial Success the Driver used the Unlucky
Consequence to introduce some Odiums into little Liza's room.)

Jarik flew down to alert his friends to the hilarity of the situation. Very much wanting
to see what was going on Flit and Jaw Breaker began dashing for the girl's room.
Unluckily for Flit, there were stairs in the way, and they took quite a few tumbles
before they could get to the top.

(Jaw Breaker and Jarik simply flew or climbed up the stairs. Flit rolled a 6, 3 to climb up,
but with -1 from Mighty they got an 8 for the Do Something Move. The Driver decided to
Maladize to keep things simple and Flit took the Needy Malady because why not?)

Now, Flit was feeling all kinds of out of sorts and didn't want to be there anymore. They
were hungry and feeling thievy and just wanted to go home and needed everyone to
know it. Flit walked through a wall and came out behind a dresser and just sat down
and thought about how sorry they should be for themselves. Jarik flew up and found
himself a hiding place on a shelf. Unfortunately, he got himself tangled in a spider's
web and had to cut through a bit of sticky nastiness. Jaw Breaker squeezed herself
behind the dresser ending up next to Flit. Sadly, her spikes got stuck in the wall and
she too found herself in quite the quagmire.

(Flit used their Will-O-Wisp ability to slip right into a hiding spot. Jarik rolled a 5, 2
and with Jukey got a total of 8. He was hidden, but he decided to use the Trade Off
Consequence, he treated the roll like a Success, but something truly awful is going to
happen. The spiderweb is there to set up a probable cause for awfulness. Jaw Breaker
got an 8 as well and ended up hidden, but chose the Unlucky Consequence and got stuck.
The Troop won't be able to do anything without drawing attention until night.)

While little Liza dashed in and out of her room, Flit decided to take the opportunity to
hastily assemble a little trap to assist the Troop in their get away. You see, this wasn't

Flit's first Outing and they knew very well how quickly things could turn sour. Flit
scrounged around under and around the dresser and managed to find a few strands
of yarn and thread. They tied them together to make a decently long piece of string.
They threw the string up and managed to lasso one of the framed photos on little Liza's
dresser. Flit left the rope dangling there, ready to be a trap or maybe even a distraction
should it be necessary.

(Flit used the Find Stuff Move and wanted to find some string. Given that they're in a little
girl's room and hiding around the dresser and that the girl has made a mess of her room
the Driver decides Flit can move up the Easiness Ladder on this roll. Flit rolls a 6, 6, 2.
They drop the 2 and take 2 Dram. After they subtract their Cunning and -1 for having 3
Maladies they have a total of 10. A Success. They find just as much string as they need.
Next they roll Pranking to set up their trap. The Driver decides that Flit needs to use
Mighty because they're throwing the lasso really far, but moves up the Easiness Ladder
because of the string. Flit rolls a 3, 2, 1 and subtracts their Mighty and a -1 for their 3
Maladies for a total of 3. The Driver makes a quick note that at some point down the road
an unintended victim will take a Consequence due to a poorly made Prank.)

Eventually, little Liza left the room to get ready for bed. She went and came back a
dizzying amount of times. Sometimes she was halfway through brushing her teeth.
Sometimes she brought snacks for Bee Elz Bub and all the toy suitors. Sometimes she
was in the middle of combing her hair. All the while she was going and coming Jaw
Breaker was slowly untangling themselves from her predicament. The three gathered
at the edge of the back side of the dresser to discuss their plans.

(Jaw Breaker had to roll to unstick herself from the wall. She rolled the dreaded 1, 1. After
adding her Mighty and Warrior she had a total of 5. The Driver chose to Maladize and
Jaw Breaker chose Needy.)

"We're in the first bit of luck during this whole cursed Outing, my friends. The girl is
about to go to sleep. It should be simple for us to go in, get the trouble maker and get
out. Jaw Breaker, you and I will free Bee Elz Bub from whatever containment she's
in. Flit, you're not looking so good, so you just keep an eye out and whistle if anything
happens." Jarik spoke with the confidence of a noble with a plan. Jaw Breaker and Flit
both wearily nodded, this Outing had been far more hazardous for the two of them.

After a few more ins and outs little Liza put Bee Elz Bub into a jar that smelled of
strawberry jam and placed the clear prison cell on the second floor of a two story doll
house. She then promptly put herself into bed. Her mother and father tucked her in
and kissed her good night and then blew out all the candles. A nice gentle darkness
mixed with some moonlight filled the room. The Troop set out to accomplish their
task. Flit found themselves at the side of the dollhouse, surrounded by crackers and
other dry bready snacks. The hunger had finally gotten to them and they dived into all
the snacks, eating quite ravenously.

(Flit can clear the Craving Malady now, they're gorging on crackers and sweets.)

Jarik and Jaw Breaker made their way into the doll house and up the tiny stairs that
were just the right size for them and into the tiny room where the jar was. Even with

the jar the room was quite spacious despite its tininess. Jarik silently made some hand
gestures to Jaw Breaker that made almost no sense. Bee Elz Bub made several other
hand gestures that made quite a bit of sense and were quite rude, but still hilarious.
Jaw Breaker nodded at both of them and withdrew her bent nail. She tapped the glass
jar lightly and it made an extremely loud tink tinking sound that had the distinct
chance of waking slumbering giants. Still, the satisfaction of metal on glass, the sound
of the tinking and the rage that had been building all day rose up in Jaw Breaker's well
toned abs and she began to violently slam her tiny crowbar against the glass prison.

TINK TINK TINK! Had the sound not been so high pitched it would have rattled the
walls of the tiny house. Still, it wasn't loud enough, not for Jaw Breaker. She began
letting loose a string of curses and profanities so foul it would have curled a crow's
tail feathers. Eventually, the glass shattered all around Bee Elz Bub, but the lid fell
on the Geargik's head, knocking her unconscious. Jaw Breaker howled triumphantly
and turned to see the giant eye of a little girl filling one of the windows, watching her.
Jarik gave a small yelp and looked out the opposite window, where Flit was trying
desperately to whistle a warning with a mouth full of crackers.

(Jaw Breaker decided to get rid of Needy. While she was breaking the glass, she rolled a 6,
6, 3 for a total of 15 (Mighty and Warrior). Jaw Breaker howled loudly to get the attention
of the girl and removed Needy. At this point, the Driver brought Jarik's Trade Off into play
and knocked Bee Elz Bub out. She's going to be a lot of dead weight. Flit attempted to
warn their friends, but automatically failed because their mouth was too stuffed full of
delicious crackers from clearing their Craving Malady.)

"Ummmm... listen, Liza is it? You're still very much asleep and dreaming. You should
go back to bed," Jarik gulped and smiled at the same time, saying a silent prayer spell
to Oberon for some luck. But, apparently Oberon was asleep and not pleased by being
woken up by wishes.

(Jarik rolled a 3, 2 for a total of 5 using Pizzazz. He tried to use the Do Something Move
to convince the girl she was still dreaming. He spends a Dram and rolls 2, 1. Another
Failure. The Driver rolls a 5 on Puck's Lottery and gets Something Whispering. For the
Consequence the Driver chose Something Blows Up. Jarik took the Frustrated Malady,
Flit took the Scared Malady and Jaw Breaker spent 1 Dram to use the Resist Move.)

"I don't think this is a dream," said little Liza. When she spoke, her voice echoed
through the whole house and came out of every wall and the floor and even the
ceiling. It woke up her parents and startled the dog.

"What is happening?!" she screamed so loud that a window downstairs shattered and
rattled all the little bones in all the Fairies.

At this point Jaw Breaker had had quite enough. She threw her crowbar at the little
girl and picked up Bee Elz Bub. She tossed the Geargik over her shoulder and gave
the poor unconscious rabble rouser quite a few scratches from her back spikes. She
jumped from the doll house and began running as fast as she could. As little Liza
began to yell louder and louder from the pain of bouncing a tiny crowbar off of her eye,
all other sounds were drowned out. Jaw Breaker couldn't hear the girl's father running

to the door and was caught completely off guard when a large foot came from the side
of door and nearly trampled down into her. Fortunately, Jarik was close behind and
pushed her out of harm's way just in time.

(Rather than get into another Ruckus Jaw Breaker used the Avoid Move. She rolled a 3,
3 giving her a 9 (Mighty and Warrior) and was about to get away when she's kicked by
the father due to the Maladize Consequence. She was about to be in a heap of hurt, but
Windspear spent a Dram and used his Sacrificial Dive Geasa. He rolled a 3, 3 giving him
a 7 (with Jukey) and a Partial Success. Jaw Breaker spent an additional Dram to Resist all
Consequences for both of them. They both got the Feeling Lucky Pick-Me-Up.)

This all left Flit in quite the predicament. They were left in the room with the
screaming girl and a confused giant father. Flit summoned all their courage, let out
a scream of terror and ran as fast as their little legs could possibly carry them. Their
little legs carried them right into the other foot of the father, who kicked the poor
little Fairy square in the stomach and unleashed another barrage of magic. Flit flew
through the air and thought that rather than crash into the girl's wall it might be better
just to float through it. So Flit did, and for the moment, that was all they could do.

(Flit also used the Avoid Move and rolled a 1, 1 giving them a 3 from Jukey. They decided
to spend a Dram for Puck's Lottery because what's the worst that could happen? They
rolled a 4, 1 and got a 5. The Driver decided to give a Malady. Flit took the Scared Malady
and decided to act on it right away. The Driver asked Flit what they wanted to happen to
let them decide how they're going out. Flit thought that they should get kicked out of the
story, literally. The Driver rolled for Puck's Lottery and got Something Weird.)

It would seem that when Flit flew through the walls some of their magic eeked into the
house and flowed through it, giving some life to things that were not meant to have
any life. Dressers began dancing. Beds were bouncing. Spoons started spooning, but
perhaps the most eerie of all the moving unliving things were little Liza's dolls. They
began to march out in search of the Princess Bee Elz Bub. The toys stumbled over each
other making their way toward the knocked-out Geargik. They all assumed that she
was a princess and their reason for coming to life. As Flit flew, dazed and confused,
over the mob of toys they saw a particularly fancy hat on a well dressed toy king.

"Now, why does that hat seem familiar?" Flit asked themselves before slipping through
the bedroom wall and out of the story for the time being.

(The Driver has dropped a hint about Flit's Mystery.)

If the reader would kindly indulge the author for a moment, I feel there is a point
we need to extrapolate on as to avoid thinking that little Liza's dolls are malicious or
uncouth. You see, every living thing carries two misconceptions about the world they
are born into. The first is that they are the epitome of life and that all other things
aspire to be what they are. The second is that they are good kissers. So good that their
kisses are magical. These recently lifed dolls knew only these two fallacies and one
third thing. The third thing being that Bee Elz Bub was a princess and therefore she
deserved, nay, needed to become a toy by means of kissery. For what greater gift is
there than the chance to become a toy?

This all might have all been well and fun on any other day, but it was now more
obstacles for Jarik and Jaw Breaker. There were already two angry parents trying to
chase them down while screaming nonsense about removing the curses they'd put on
their daughter. As if Fairies could actually control their magic to such a fine degree.

Jarik drew his noble needle and took a stance between the angry father and the
horde of kissy love-struck dolls that marched disjointedly forward. The father began
stomping and Jarik was able to duck and weave and direct the father's stomps into the
horde of play things. Throughout all the stomping the father's foot became tangled in
the string that Flit had previously lassoed to the framed photo on little Liza's dresser.
You didn't think we'd forgotten about that, did you?

While Jarik fought his way through the platoon of toys, the iron soldier caught his eye.
It was like looking in a mirror for the noble Fairy, and it took him a moment before he
realized what he was seeing.

"Sir Bartholomoo Windspear, my twin brother! How is it you are here." Jarik asked,
being sure to properly address his long lost twin brother.

"Sir Jarik Windspear, my twin brother! I'm not here. I'm being held by an evil wizard
in the City on the Lake!" Bartholomoo said, also upholding propriety.

"Sir Jarik Windspear, my twin brother and the younger of the two of us, you can find
me by-" at this point the angry father's foot tugged on the string and sent the framed
photo flying from the dresser, cutting Bartholomoo short.

It flew over Jarik's head like a maelstrom of wood and glass and crashed full force
into the doll that Bartholomoo was somehow speaking through. The toy and frame
met each other head on and seemed to both be in agreement that rather suffer the
humiliation of an existence of cracks and scratches it would be better to end it all then
and there. Therefore, they amicably exploded into thousands of tiny pieces. Jarik took
that as his signal to make haste out of little Liza's room.

(The Driver decided to use the chaos as a good point to introduce Jarik's Mystery. Also,
rather than allowing Bartholomoo to give too much information away the Driver decided
to use Flit's failed Trap in a narrative way and give Jarik damage. Jarik now had a reason
to go to the City on the Lake and search for his long forgotten brother. He also had to take
a Malady. Because the toy was made of iron, which is an Odium, Jarik couldn't spend
Dram, therefore he couldn't use the Resist Move. Jarik took the Curiousity Malady.)

In the meanwhile, Jaw Breaker made her way to the stairs through a mess of ambling
furniture and home appliances that all screamed like a terrified girl and lunged at her
like sleepy clowns. She got to the stairs and began make her way down, but just as she
began to climb along the wall Bee Elz Bub woke up in a fit that got the two of them into
a tangled mess. This caused them both to crash down the stairs. Fortunately, Jarik was
having quite a bit more luck with his noble escape and managed to catch Jaw Breaker
in his arms at the bottom of the stairs, just taking a few cuts and scratches from her
ever cumbersome back spines. Bee Elz Bub landed on her hard little head just hard
enough to knock her out again.

(The Driver decided that since Jaw Breaker needed her claws to climb, she has to move
down the Easiness Ladder and Take the Low Road to both carry Bee Elz Bub and Avoid
her way down the stairs. Jaw Breaker rolls a 5, 2, 1 for a total of 6. The Driver didn't want
to introduce more stuff to the already busy story so just used the Maladize Consequence.
Jarik asked if he could use Sacrificial Dive to negate the effect and the Driver liked the
idea so said "sure". Jarik spent a Dram and rolled a 4 , 4 giving him a 9. Jaw Breaker
decided to spend Dram again to Resist all the Consequences. They still haven't gotten
away! Neither get Feeling Lucky because they haven't used the previous one yet.)

Unfortunately, all those accidental gymnastics gave the girl's parents time to get
halfway down the stairs! The two ginormous parents were backed up by all the
furniture and trappings in their giant sized house. A tsunami of colossal humans full
of primal parental rage riding a wave of screaming furniture was crashing down the
stairs after the two Fairies while little Liza's terrified shrieks drowned out almost any
other sound in the house.

Jaw Breaker fell from Jarik's arms and hit the ground running, dragging Bee Elz Bub
behind her while she bolted for the front door with an irrational hope that it would
be open. Jarik watched her bolt and took to the air, buzzing and flying in front of the
parents faces to distract them from their quarry. Jaw Breaker ran to the door at full
speed, running past Sir Lee who was barking quite loudly and trying his best to prove
that he had nothing to do with what was happening. Jarik buzzed around the enraged
parents until one massive and meaty hand swung wildly and unluckily through the
air. It hit Jarik and slammed him hard against the wall. It knocked the wind out of the

little noble knight and as it did so he called upon the souls of his ancient ancestors for
help. Then came a very loud and very ominous thud at the door.

(Jaw Breaker rolled a 6, 4 for Avoid and got a total of 13 and a Dram! She was going to
make it. Jarik, in his attempts to distract the humans rolled a 2, 2 and for a total of 5 with
Jukey. He decided to push his luck, spend a Dram and reroll with Puck's Lottery. This time
he rolled a 3, 2 for a total of 6. Another Failure and a roll on Puck's Lottery. The Driver
rolls for Puck's Lottery and gets a 6! Something Wonderful is about to happen!)

Jaw Breaker gazed up at the shuddering monolith of oak and nails that was thudding
and shuddering while Sir Lee with his drooly mouth agape unwillingly rode an
enraged rocking chair at full tilt toward the tiny Gnasher. This was it. She was sure
she was going to die, but was still preparing to hurl Bee Elz Bub into the maw of the
dog bearing down on her to buy her a few more seconds. She was just a quarter of a
second away from chucking the comatose rabble rouser at the beast when she noticed
the cracks in the door seemed a bit furry. It was enough to distract her from making
one more terrible decision.

"Oh, bother," for some reason Jaw Breaker could not think of a more appropriate curse.

The door burst open and Hunnee the Friendly Bear exploded into the room shooting
a storm of oaken boards forward. Hunnee gave a friendly roar loud enough to drown
out the confusing cacophony of questions and panic coming from all the furniture
that carried Liza's voice. It was so loud that even the rocking chair thought better of it's
current course and rocked itself into another room with Sir Lee whimpering atop it.

Liza's parents, who had been a volatile mixture of enraged, terrified and confused, now
found that they only had the capacity for terror. They grabbed the moving furniture
and hurled it down the stairs in the hopes of making a barricade to stop the friendly
bear before retreating back up the stairs. Jarik, free of his meaty hand prison, flew
quickly through where the door used to be and was quite surprised and relieved to see
Flit riding on top of Hunnee the Friendly Bear's head. They looked worse for wear, but
still had quite a large smile on their bruised lips as they whispered instructions to the

(Seeing as Something Wonderful was about to happen the Driver asked Jarik what he
thought would be best. He decided he wanted his Scene Setter to go off right then and
there, which was great because the Driver was having trouble thinking of how to work the
bear in anyway. For a moment it seemed like Jaw Breaker's Success was meaningless,
but then the door was busted down and the bear came in. The Driver also decided this
was a good time for Flit to rejoin the Troop.)

While Jarik buzzed above the bear, Jaw Breaker leaped from flying hunk of wood to
another and the two of them made an exit that was incredibly dramatic. Jaw Breaker
landed outside the house which was now filled with the sounds of little Liza. The girl
was quite enjoying the new mystical powers and had found a way to harmonize her
voice through all the furniture in the house. She was now singing a beautiful, yet
haunting, rendition of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

Flit slid down the back of Hunnee the Friendly Bear using their pilfered leather bag as
a sled. The bear looked back to confirm whether or not they could ransack the house
and Flit tiredly nodded their approval. The bear happily started destroying the house
in search of delicious human food.

"I'm glad to see you're alright, Flit, you gave us quite a scare," Jarik said as Hunnee
entered the house and began looking for candy.

"Not quite alright, but not quite all wrong. Nothing a week of sleep won't make right
as rain," said Flit.

"Well, I think we all learned a valuable lesson on this Outing," said Jarik. Flit and Jaw
Breaker both answered with quizzical looks.

"We learned that... well, I suppose the lesson was... I mean, the furniture and toys
coming to life was all quite shocking so I suppose you could say that..." Jarik continued
to fail to make a point when Jaw Breaker interrupted him.

"It's alright not to learn anything, you dewskull. We got the job done, made it out in
one piece and terrified the family that went and kidnapped one of ours. If anything
those sky-wigs learned a lesson. We already know more than enough." Jaw Breaker
said and Flit nodded in agreement.

The Troop gave that statement some thought while they carried Bee Elz Bub back to
the cart, using the leather bag as a stretcher. When they got back to the Cart, they
promptly stuck the leather bag over the leaky hole in the roof and sealed it with some
honey. The Troop handed Bee Elz Bub off to Mayor Splish Splash and bid each other a
good night.

(The Outing is finished. Everyone's Scene Setters went off so no Dram to be given there.
Fortunately, they did manage to complete the Side Quest so that means that every
Downtime Action is available to the Troop. It's time for the Troop to use their Downtime

Flit spent the next little while just relaxing as hard as they could. When they were
finished, they felt almost as good as new. They decided to go to the local drinkery
called Tavern in a Boot for a night of poetry and dancing.

(Flit used their Downtime Action for Catharsissing. They used their Downtime Action
and rolled a Successes, giving them an extra Downtime Action, then they rolled a Partial
Success allowing them to remove two Maladies in total.)

Jaw Breaker decided to try and make some awesome armor like Jarik's, but despite
her amazing strength she failed to make anything even resembling armor. She told
everyone she was making a frying pan and solidly throttled anyone that laughed at
her fry pan.

(Jaw Breaker starts the Downtime by spending 5 XP from a previous Outing to up her
Pizzazz to 1. She decides to try and craft Magical Armor. She asks if she can use Pizzazz
and the Driver decides that she can because she's trying to make something impressive.
She rolls 3, 1 and adds Pizzazz for a total of 5 and Crafts nothing useful.)

Jarik decided to go and pay ol' Hunnee the Friendly Bear a visit to thank her for her
help and maybe get some of her delicious honey. He then managed to sweet talk
Hunnee into giving the Cart a whole bear's claw worth of honey combs!

(Jarik went to schmooze Hunnee and rolled a 6, 6 on a Businessing Downtime Action,

getting 2 Dram, a result of 13 and 10 Dram for the Cart. This pushes the Cart's Dram up to
55 and now the Troop can Unlock stuff!)

All this honey was undoubtedly what drew the attention of the Diamond Court. While
the Cart was indulging on their honey pastries, honey wines and sometimes just
guzzling honey during their honey party Sir Tomalin of the Diamond Court showed up
with a handful of other Fairies. These other Fairies had met similar problems to those
in the Cart. Their forest had burned down months ago and Sir Tomalin was doing his
best to see them to safety and thought maybe this Cart could be their new home. Jarik
was so impressed with Sir Tomalin that he joined the new Court right then and there.

(The Troop decides that since Jarik put in the final Dram to start an Unlocking, he can
choose which Court gets Unlocked. He decides he likes the look and feel of the Diamond
Court, and that it would be a good match for him. He Unlocks the Diamond Court and
switches to the new Court without spending any Dram!)

But, what to do with all that honey? The Cart has a little meeting and decides that they
should open a honey bar. Now, everyone has a nice place where they can go and relax
and get some good honey any ol' time. Also, since Hunnee the Friendly Bear is where
they usually get honey, it's going to be mighty hard to mess with their supply!

(The Troop decides that they want Catharsissing to be their Grand Opening and open a
honey bar! From now on, they always Take the High Road when they're Catharsissing
unless there's the Nuisance Wear-and-Tear. But wait! When they chose their Security
option, they chose Nuisance. Now, when the Nuisance Wear-and-Tear comes up it only
gives the Low Road to Catharsissing. But wait! Since Catharsissing has been Grand
Opened the Low Road from Nuisance is canceled out by the High Road meaning they roll
at Normal even if there's a Nuisance! Well played Fairies, well played.)

Amidst all the hustle and bustle of the new friends one Fairy in particular stood
out. His name was Hickles O'Boy. He had spent a considerably long time learning
the mending magics and also how to brew delicious drinks. In return for the Cart's
kindness, he vowed that no one would ever go without a delicious revitalizing drink so
long as he could help it.

(The Troop chooses Healing Potions for the Magical Trinket the Supplier can provide.
Now, the Troop can always take some O'Boy's Healing Honeys with them on their

Finally, Sir Tomalin has to say good bye, but he is not back off into the big old world
without a few treasures to bestow upon the Cart. He opens his pristine travel pack
and pulls out some neatly folded parcels and a few tightly bound packages. These are
all wrinkled, mangled and torn asunder as the higher-ups of the Cart lurch forward
and dig through the presents to find the real treasures. Sir Tomalin has gifted the Cart
with knowledge of the Fae Courts and some of Oberon's favorite spells!

(The Troop gets to choose 5 Geasa and a Caith Geasa! They choose Fairy Contract,
Cannonball, Body Swap, Master of Jukey and Ice Breaker. They also choose Summon a
Big Thing, which is a Caith Geasa, because they had a lot of fun when the bear broke into
the house and want to do it again. They can now purchase these Treasures with XP and
the Driver marks them down as Unlocked on the Cart Sheet.)

(For Pay Day Bonuses Jarik leaned into being a Pixie by loving to be in charge, so got 1 XP.
He didn't really lean into the Moon Court so no XP for that. His favorite part of the session
was when they pulled the trick with the fox, so 1 XP for that.

Jaw Breaker very much leaned into being a Gnasher by being violent and rude, so 1 XP
there. She got into a fight so leaned into the Summer Court and got 1 XP. Her favorite
part of the session was when the dog started breathing fire so she gets 1 more XP

Flit was always well-intentioned so gets an XP from that. They did help some things grow
using Flourish so everyone agrees that's enough to get an XP. Their favorite part of the
Outing was when the nobles were talking, so 1 more XP.

The group did most definitely cause some mayhem, so +1 XP for everyone! They brought
a leather bag back to the Cart that was useful, so +1 XP again!

At this point Jaw Breaker adds another +1 to her Pizzazz and Flit takes the Twitterpate

Jarik decides to buy the Summon a Big Thing Caith Geasa for 1 XP, this leaves him with 3
XP. Flit and Jaw Breaker both bought something with their XP so they're both back to 0.)

And so this little story of our tiny adventurers comes to an end. Everything was
ventured and a little was gained. A grand story to be told to anyone willing to listen
and a fun time was had by all. Thank you, dear reader, for passing your time on this
little Fairy Trail.

The End

Act Out, 30 Eagle, 100 Illusionist, 102
Agendas, 12 Easiness Ladder, 17 Index, 190-191
Alp-luachra, 153 Elated, 29 Inside Out Clothes, 147
Alterations, 38-39 Elementalist, 102 Invisibility Salve, 45
Animal Rivals, 164-165 Embargo, 51 Iron, 147
Area Attack, 148 Enchantress, 162 It's a Party!, 111
Armor, 44 Endangered, 30 It's Broke, 30
Assassin, 162 Entertainer, 100
Attack, 31 Experience (XP), 23, 52 J
Avoid, 31 Explorer, 100
Jester's Court, 123
B F Jukey, 18

Backfire, 30 Fachan, 156 K

Basic Moves, 31-33 Fairy, 11
Bear, 164 Fairy Abilities, 62 Keen Senses, 148
Be Helpful, 31 Fairy Creation, 61, 63 King / Queen, 163
Berberoka, 154 Fall Court, 80 Kith, 64
Boggart, 155 Famine, 51 Kluddle, 157
Bribery, 30 Farmer, 100 Know Stuff, 32
Broken, 51 Far Seer, 102
Businessing, 49 Favorite Activities, 77 L
Feeling Lucky, 29
C Fighting Gear, 44 Lethargy, 51
Life Weaver, 102
Find Stuff, 32
Caith Geasa, 98, 119 Forebode, 30 Low Road, 17
Called Shots, 42 Four-Leaf Clovers, 147
Cart Buddies, 48 Free Food, 147 M
Cart Crafting, 108 Frustrated, 28
Cast a Spell, 31 Magic, 19
Cat, 164
Catharsissing, 49
G Magical Creatures, 159-161
Magical Items, 46
Compulsorial Alteration, 39 Gambler's Court, 122 Magical Trinkets, 45
Consequence Moves, 30 Geargik, 66 Make a Rival, 148
Courts, 74 Geasa, 86-97, 113-118 Maladies, 27, 28
Court Standing, 52 Gift for Myself, 105 Maladize, 30
Crafting, 49 Gift of Knowledge, 105 Memorial Alteration, 39
Craftsman, 100 Gift of Magic, 105 Mend Ouchies, 32
Craving, 28 Gnasher, 67 Mental Alteration, 39
Credits, 192-193 Goblin, 162 Merchant, 100
Cunning, 18 Golden Bells, 147 Merry Making, 49
Curiousity, 28 Grand Opening, 111 Mighty, 18
Grow Powder, 45 Mindless, 148
D Guard, 154 Mind Twister, 102
Minted Coins, 147
Death, 29
Diamond Court, 120
H Mischievous, 28
Money, 109
Diverging Paths, 30 Hand-Shaking, 49 Moon Court, 83
Doctor, 100 Happy, 29 Mortal Rivals 162-163
Dog, 164 Healing Potion, 45 Mounts, 47
Do Something!, 32 Heavy Hitter, 148 Mouse, 165
Downtime, 49 High Road, 17 Mover and Shaker, 148
Dram, 22 Hows, 18 Mysteries, 104
Dream court, 121 Hunter, 100 Mystic Techniques, 102
Driver, 11
Durations, 54

N Scholar, 101
Scientist, 101
Weapons, 44
Wear-and-Tear, 51
Needy, 28 Security, 121 Whisper Court, 124
New Friends, 120 Seelie Fae, 152 Will-O-Wisp, 73
Nixie, 68 Shaper, 102, 103 Winter Court, 81
Noble, 100 Signature Geasa, 98 World Crafting, 108
Nuisance, 51 Silver Bells, 147 Wyld Court, 85
Snake, 165
O Sneaky, 149
Social Ruckus, 38
Oasis and Sand, 132-135 Solo Adventuring, 49
Odiums, 147 Spending XP, 23
On the Road Outings, 144 Spider, 165
Other Fae Rivals, 152 Spring Court, 78
Outings, 58 Sproutling, 72
St. John's Wort, 147
P Star Court, 84
Stones and Swamps, 128-131
Patron's Gifts, 77 Strengths, 75
Patron's Treasures, 77 Sugar Water, 45
Patron (Rival), 152 Summer Court, 79
Patron, 74 Sun Court, 82
Pay Day Bonus, 52 Supplier, 111
Penetrating Attack, 148
People Out There, 145
Physical Alteration, 39
Physical Ruckus, 38 Talents, 99-101
Pick-Me-Ups, 29 The Magical forest, 136-139
Pixie, 69 The Really big Lake, 140-143
Pixie Love Dust, 45 Thick Skinned, 149
Pizzazz, 18 Thief, 101
Pooka, 70-71 Thievish, 28
Potion of Strength, 45 Tipear, 35
Pranking, 33 Tipear Scale, 36-37
Priest, 163 Tools, 46
Principles, 12 Tougher Than You'd Think, 149
Pucks Lottery, 20, 21, 55 Trade Off, 30
Transporter, 103
Q Treasures of the Patrons, 113
Trinkets, 44
Quarantine, 51 Troop, 11
Quick References 194-198 Troop Ruckus Bucket, 42
Turn Order, 40
Redcap, 158
Resist, 33 Unlocking Stuff, 111
Retirement, 105 Unlucky, 30
Rivalpedia, 147 Unseelie Fae, 152
Rolling a 6, 22 Untouchable, 149
Rolling Dice, 16 Unwanted Attention, 30
Rowan Wood, 147 Useful Items 43-47
Ruckus Bucket, 38 Using Dram, 22
Ruckusses, 35-42

Warlock, 163
Scared, 28 Warrior, 101
Scene Setters, 76 Weaknesses, 75

Much thanks to everyone who helped this whole thing happen! You're all fantastic
and deserve way more than one page in the book! I'm just listing all your names
haphazardly, there is no rhyme or order to any of these credits!
Patron of the Spring Court: Mason C.
Patron of the Summer Court: James Armstrong
Patron of the Fall Court: Anya Marie Slaven
Patron of the Winter Court: Alex Feby
Patron of the Star Court: Sina Svestad
Patron of the Moon Court: Chronx6
Patron of the Sun Court: Andrew Duryea
Playtesters: Ben Nielson, Bonnie Collins, Alex Feby, Eric Tsuchiya, Damien Escalier,
Sina Svestad, Mason C., Nick Nguyen, Ken "Scuzz" Stine

Video Master: Ken "Scuzz" Stine

Patrons: Christopher Wilkinson, anonymemisterx, Lee Strenge, EntropicInertia, Frits Kuijlman,
Joseph Warner, Robert Kennedy, Lukas Feinweber, Pizzabello87, Zach Yokell, Cesar Cordova, David,
Karl B. Fischer, Kitsume, Crawlspaces & Critters, Ethan Trovillion, Molly Cady, Arnold Triplett,
Jerald Wegehenkel, Wesley Cleary, Grant Huelskamp, Roberto, Erica Schmitt, Aaron Bauer,
Escalier Damien, Robert Spencer, C. Cooper, Steven Ness, Rick LaRue, Mark Green, TurboGuy16,
Matt "Chaser" Niccum, aufrank, Joseph Maiville, Paige Kuplinski, Peter Lakatos, Richard Greene,
Katsuko, Trevor W. Johnson, James Patrick Patyrsun, Matt Schwarz, Jamal L Wilkins, Mary
Thompson, Leah Ruchlin, Daniel Beckstrom, Daniel Hebert, Sebastian Weichelt

Fairies: Jonathan Ly Davis, Ty Kendall, Oliver Korpilla, The Weight, Thomas Ladegard, Cornell Daly,
m, Ehrich Blackhound, SpessMehreen, Robert Bisch, Kimber, Ivan Rael, Nunez Harper, Michael
Feldhusen, konwentolak, Michele Gelli, John Doyle, Kari Eskridge, Oliver Peltier, Sean Jack, Richard
Rivera, Edvard Blumentanz, Oscar Iglesias, Marie P. Neault, Trip Space-Parasite, Briar Chappell,
Hollie Maree Thorne, John Feaster, Maxime Girard, Sara McAbee, SmallRedRobin13, Michael
Esperum, Emily Primrose Harrod, DBL, Erik Ruch, Amanda Atkins, Michael Low, Sam, Ols Jonas
Petter Olsson, pk_steyn, M. Trout, Peter Engebos, Corey Liss, Donald Gaither, David Stephenson,
Sommer, Scott McDonald

Reditters: I_Arman, Woodcat5, Sarlith, Kristopher Corey Garrett, Andrew Craig, JoshDM,
WarWeasle, Spike, Sean Oeder, KP McGrath, Keith Watson, Megazver, Jürgen Königstätter, Lydia,
Daniel Beckstrom, /u/Aerrron, lovelyzoo, Winter W, The Game Manager (@RPGame Manager),
Daniel Hebert, Konwentolak, Big Pig, Colm Ryan, P.A. Durand, Charlie Capp, Yochai Gal, Chris L.,
RogueIXian, Nico Huber, Jerald Wegehenkel

Cover Art: Zefanya Maega - check out his amazing stuff at mecarious.deviantart.com.
He never disappoints!
Book Art: Mimi
"I've made lots of commissions before, but this was my biggest project so far. With so
many different themes and interesting little stories behind each character and scene.
A big thank you for letting me be part of this journey!"

Book Art: Kylenan

Quick References
Consequence Moves (Aftermaths / Consecutio)
But, what about you? What does ol' Driver McRunningTheGame get to do? Well, we've
made a list of Consequence Moves (or just Consequences) for you to use when you need
to move the story forward, or need some quick ideas for when Fairies fail. Sometimes
a Geasa or Move will have a description of what happens when it Fails. Sometimes it
will reference one of these Moves. When it makes a reference to these Moves, it will
either say Driver chooses a Consequence or Fairy chooses a Consequence. I think it's
pretty obvious who gets to make the Move in those circumstances.
If a Geasa or Move says "The Driver can use a Consequence," the Driver can do it
if it makes sense in the situation, and the Fairy can spend a Dram to Resist that
Consequence and void it.
You shouldn't be a thorn about using Consequences, remember "Nothing is Easy, but
Everything is Fun". Anyway, here's the Consequences:

I Act Out: The Fairy has to immediately act on one of their Maladies. Once
they've Acted Out, however, they can clear their Malady.
I Backfire: Whatever the Fairy is trying to do backfires on them in some kind of
bad, but fun, way.
I Bribery: This is a very special move that only the Driver gets. You're going to
want to use it when the Fairies are being peer pressured, manipulated, lied to
or twitterpated. Basically, use this to give a Fairy incentive to do something
you want them to do. If they do the thing, they get 1 Dram. If they don't, they
don't get the Dram. You can also Bribe them to accept different outcomes
when they Fail a roll, or even when they get a Partial Success.
I Diverging Paths: The Troop gets split up or one Fairy is separated.
I Endangered: Put something or someone the Fairy cares about in danger.
I Forebode: Something is coming! It's probably very bad. What are the Fairies
going to do?
I It's Broke: One of their Useful Items or something else that they don't want to
break breaks.
I Maladize: Someone takes a Malady. It doesn't necessarily have to be the Fairy
that made the roll, but it should make sense.
I Something Blows Up: Everyone takes 1 Malady as long as it's reasonable that
they're in the explosion.
I Trade Off: If this Move is used with a Failure or Partial Success, the Fairy can
treat the roll like it was a Success. However, something really awful has to
happen. It doesn't even have to be related to the thing they were rolling for!
I Unlucky: Introduce an Odium or make something complicated. A door
swings closed, there's some St. John's Wort growing over there, an old foe
suddenly reappears or it turns out the big baddie has an iron weapon. This is
not as bad as a Trade Off's badness.
I Unwanted Attention: Someone sees the Fairy! This could very well be the
start of a Ruckus!

The Basic Moves (Fundamentals / Essentialis)
These are Moves that Fairies make when they want to do something. These Moves are
available to everyone and can be used at pretty much any time. If you want special
Moves, you have to get Geasa for those. Fairies don't have to spend Dram for these
moves. Sometimes a Geasa will tell Fairies to "use this Geasa as a ~~~ Move." This
means that the Geasa is functionally replacing the Basic Move.

Attack: they want to hurt something! They can use Any How, but be sure to read the
Ruckus rules to see which How does what and what damage means.

R 1-6: The Fairy does no damage. They take a Malady.

R 7-9: They do 1 damage. They take a Malady.
R 10+: They do 1 damage. They take no Malady.

When a Fairy takes a Malady, they can choose what Malady they want to take.

Avoid: use this to get out of a sticky situation. They can use Any How that makes
sense. They cannot use this to negate Maladies or the Maladize Consequence Move,
but they can use it to negate other Consequences. They can also use it to run away
from Ruckuses and sneak around big bad things.
I 1-6: The bad thing is happening and it's getting worse! Whatever they are
Avoiding they're going to have to deal with. The Fairy takes a Malady.
I 7-9: The Fairy avoids that particular situation, but they have to choose a new
Consequence or problem to deal with.
I 10+: Masterfully avoided! The bad thing is completely negated and they feel
so good about it they can take the Happy Pick-Me-Up!

Fairies can make this roll for their friends, but when they do they move one step down
the Easiness Ladder.

Be Helpful: Helping someone can be a little complicated. Fairies that try to Be Helpful
will get the Consequences and/or Maladies of the roll their buddy is making. When
Fairies roll to help each other, they use Any How that is appropriate to the situation
along with Useful Items. How well they help their buddy is up to the dice.
I 1-6: The person the Fairy is helping takes a -2 to the roll.
I 7-9: Their buddy gets a +1. One of them has to take a Malady. The Fairies can
choose which one takes it.
I 10+: Their buddy can take the High Road or get a +1.

Cast a Spell: To use this Move, they need to have a Mystic Technique or be trying to
stretch one of the magical things all Fairies can do pretty far (check out the Magic
How's description). They tell everyone what their goal is when they cast the spell,
spend a Dram, and then roll using Magic.
I 1-6: The Driver chooses a Consequence.
I 7-9: The Fairy's spell goes off pretty much as intended, but... The Fairy chooses
a Consequence.
I 10+: They are a tiny Merlin! The spell goes off just as they like!

Do Something!: This isn't so much a move as it is the general permission to do
anything. They can use Any How to do anything they want. The Fairy just states their
intent and then throws some dice! This is the only Basic Move that could become
Incredibly Easy or Impossibly Hard depending on the situation.

I 1-6: The Fairy didn't do the thing! The Driver chooses a Consequence.
I 7-9: They did the thing, but something else happens! The Fairy chooses a
I 10+: They did the thing perfectly! The Fairy takes center stage and tells
everyone how awesome the thing they did is!

Find Stuff: This Move requires that the Fairy say what they're looking for and some
permission from the Driver for that thing to be around. When a Fairy wants to find,
hunt for, look for, or notice something, they can ask to make a roll for it. They have to
tell you what they want to find. They don't have to be specific, but they do have to let
you know what they are hoping to get a gander of. They should use Cunning for this
roll, but Jukey is OK if they're crawling through tight spaces or searching quickly.

I 1-6: They find nothing. The Driver chooses a Consequence.

I 7-9: They don't find exactly what they're looking for, but it might work. The
Fairy chooses a Consequence.
I 10+: They find exactly what they're looking for.

Know Stuff: This Move requires that the Fairy say what they're wanting to know and
some permission from the Driver. When a Fairy wants to know something, they can
ask to make a roll for it. They have to say what it is they want to know. They can use
this roll to interject information about the world into the game. For example, they can
say "I want to know that this noble is from a proud and famous kingdom." or "I would
like to know a dark secret about the princess." or even "I would like to know a serious
crime that this toad his committed." Feel free to let the Know Stuff Move shape the
world and let the Fairies put their own spin on the information they are conjuring up.
They use Cunning for this roll.
I 1-6: They are dangerously misinformed about what they want to know and
should definitely act on it. The Driver chooses a Consequence.
I 7-9: They know just enough to be dangerous.
I 10+: They could write a novel about the thing they want to know.

Mend Ouchies: To use this Move, the Fairy needs some kind of Useful Items that might
be used up by doing this roll. They can also use the Life Weaver Mystic Talent, but have
to spend Dram when they do it. If they use Life Weaver, they don't need a Useful Item.
Fairies can use this Move on themselves.
I 1-6: They unmend their patient! They must give their patient a Malady.
I 7-9: They remove 1 Malady from their patient, but it's hard and long work. The
Driver can choose a Consequence. This Consequence can use Something
Breaks to signify the Fairy is using up their Useful Item.
I 10+: They remove 1 Malady from their patient and do not use their Useful
Items even if they are Trinkets.

Pranking: The Fairy sets up something nasty for their Rival to fall into or bamboozles
them into making some kind of mistake. They can use Any How that makes sense.
They can't use this during a Ruckus, but they can lay out several tricks and traps for a
person to get all tangled up in during a Ruckus. If they're using traps, they should be
using Useful Items. When they set up a Prank, they should say how they're doing it
and what their intent with the Prank is.
R 1-6: The Prank goes off on an unintended victim. When it does, the Driver
chooses a Consequence.
R 7-9: The Prank kind of works. The Fairy can do 1 damage or give a
Consequence to the person being pranked. The Driver can choose a
Consequence for the Fairy.
R 10+: The Prank is truly masterful! The Fairy can do 1 damage or give a
Consequence to the prankee. In addition, the Fairy can also choose to remove
a Malady or gain 1 Dram.

Resist: When Fairies don't want to take a Malady or want to negate certain
Consequences, they can spend 1 Dram to get rid of the badness.
R No Roll: Spend 1 Dram and don't take 1 Malady.
R No Roll: Spend 1 Dram to negate a Consequence when the Driver can Choose a
Consequence. The key word here being "can".
If another Fairy wants to take the ol' gut punch for their buddy, they can spend the
Dram if it makes sense. If the Fairies have been split up or one is knocked out, they
can't do much to help out their buddies.
The only time a Fairy cannot Resist taking a Malady is when they choose to Maladize
themselves. If a Fairy chooses to Maladize another Troop member, they can still spend
Dram to Resist that Malady.

Fast Ruckus Rules for Ruckussing

Hello Fairies! So we’ve gone over the whole combat thing in some pretty great detail
and even though I’m sure you’ve got it here’s a very quick way to understand what
happens with Ruckuses.

The Ruckus Bucket:

d Drops in the Bucket: This is equal to the biggest most dangerous Rival’s Tipears
and +2 for every THREATENING Rival in the Ruckus.
d Damage given by the Ruckus: Rivals do damage based on their Special
Properties and the results of the Fairy's Attack Move.

The Troop's Ruckus Bucket:

d Drops in the Bucket: This is equal to the biggest and most helpful Ally and then
+2 for every other useful Ally.
d When Troop Fairies would take a Malady, they can remove 1 Drop from the
Troop's Ruckus Bucket instead.

Types of Ruckusses:
d Social Ruckus: This is a trading of insults or threats as the Troop and Rivals try to
bend each other to their wills. Fairies may only attack with Cunning or Pizzazz.
d Physical Ruckus: This is a trading of blows, although it doesn’t have to be lethal.
Fairies attack with Mighty or Jukey as normal. They step down the Easiness
Ladder if they attack with Cunning or Pizzazz because they are talking to the

Attacks, be them Social or Physical Ruckuses:

R 1-6: The Fairy does no damage. The Fairy takes a Malady. They can use Resist
to not take a Malady.
R 7-9: The Fairy does 1 damage. The Fairy takes a Malady. They can use Resist to
not take a Malady.
R 10+: Fairies do 1 damage. Nothing bad happens to them.

Resisting damage:
d Use the Resist Move.
d Fairies can spend Dram to Resist for other Troop members if it makes sense that
they could block the damage.

Avoiding Consequences:
d Use the Avoid Move.
d If Avoiding for a fellow Troop member, you move one step down the Easiness

Ending a Ruckus:
d Get Dram: The Troop gets 1 Dram for every Drop removed from the Ruckus
Bucket to split amongst themselves.
d Alterations: If the Ruckus Bucket was reduced to 0, or if the Rivals surrendered,
the Troop can Alter them.

Preparing for an Outing and Finishing One

1. Roll for Wear-and-Tear on the Cart.
2. Have the Fairies make their Cart Buddies roll.
3. Assemble the Troop and introduce the Outing and Side Quest.
4. Have each Fairy tell you what their Scene Setter is.
5. Have each Fairy choose their Useful Items.
6. Give them a chance to purchase Caith Geasa.
7. Run the Outing.
8. When the Troop returns to the Cart, do Downtime Actions.
9. Give them their Pay Day XP.
10. If the Troop Unlocked anything, make sure it all gets jotted down on the
Cart Sheet.
11. Update the Cart Sheet with Court Standing, new items and any other
useful information.

Pay Day Bonuses! (XP Time!)
At the end of every Outing it's nice to reward the Troop for a job well done. When it's
all over, ask them the following questions and if they can answer the question they get
1 XP. Personal Pay Day Bonuses are just for one Fairy at a time. Troop payday bonuses
are for the Troop, so if one Fairy gets a Troop Payday Bonus they all do.

Personal Pay Day Bonuses:

1. What was your favorite part of this Outing?

2. How did you lean into your Kith?
3. How did you lean into your Court?

Troop Pay Day Bonuses:

1. Did you cause mischief or mayhem?

2. Did you bring something back that was useful for the Cart?

It is completely up to the Fairy whether or not they feel like they earned this XP. Don't
be a coldpurse. Let them decide for themselves.

Here's How You Spend XP!

d 5 XP: You can get +1 to Any How (maximum +2)
d 5 XP: A Geasa
d 5 XP: Upgrade a Geasa to a Signature Geasa (you may only have 1 Signature
d 5 XP: A Talent
d 5 XP: A Mystic Technique
d 1 XP: A Caith Geasa (cannot be purchased during an Outing!)


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