Major Requirements Code Title Credits Description This course gives an integrated approach to the synthesis, structure, and function of macromolecular biomolecules, including proteins, Modern Topics in carbohydrates, DNA, and RNA. Energetics of catalysis, protein CHEM490 2 Chemistry structure and folding, enzyme kinetics and mechanism, protein engineering, and DNA structure and synthesis are also covered. Prerequisite: Senior Standing. This course deals with chemical pollutions of the environment. The chemistry or Air, soil and water pollutions will be covered. Topics Environmental CHEM465 3 include: the carbon cycle, VOC`s, inorganic wastes, the effect of Chemistry pollution on drinking water and air quality and some special topics such acid rain. Prerequisite: CHEM 250. After a brief review of the statistical treatment of data, sample preparation techniques, and basic electronics. We then consider the design and operating principles of a wide variety of analytical Instrumental CHEM430 3 instruments. The spectroscopic techniques that will be examined Chemistry include optical, UV-Visible, infra-red, NMR and mass spectrometry. Electrochemical analysis, electrophoresis and chromatography will also be covered. Prerequisite: CHEM 260. This course will cover a few major topics of the chemical industry: a review of Petrochemicals synthesis and usage, polymer chemistry and Industrial technology of large volume polymers: such as polyethylene, CHEM420 3 Chemistry polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride and polyethers. Chemistry and technology of some large volume catalytic processes. Prerequisite: CHEM 250 and CHEM 310. This course will cover the theory and practice of separation and Structure purification of organic compounds. Identification of organic CHEM410 Determination of 3 compounds and reaction intermediates, structure elucidation and Compounds mechanistic study by spectroscopic methods. Prerequisite: CHEM 300 Organic Chemistry CHEM350L 1 Organic Chemistry Lab III Lab Lab III Lab This course deals with modern inorganic chemistry from both the descriptive and theoretical points of view. Topics discussed include: molecular geometry and symmetry, crystal- and ligand-field and MO theories, mechanisms and reactions of coordination and Inorganic CHEM400 3 organometallic chemistry and the chemistry of a selection of Chemistry II representative elements and transition metals. The importance of inorganic (and particularly transition metals) species in many organic reactions, in biochemical processes, catalytic homogeneous reactions, and high technology materials. Prerequisite: CHEM 370 Free radical chemistry and applications, strategic approaches for organic chemistry synthesis, theory and practice of separation and Organic Chemistry CHEM350 3 purification of organic compounds, identification of organic III compounds and reaction intermediates, structure elucidation and mechanistic study by spectroscopic methods. Prerequisite: CHEM 300 Senior Project in CHEM480 3 Senior Project in Chemistry Chemistry Core Requirements Code Title Credits Description This is the second course in the Calculus sequence. The course material includes logarithmic, exponential, and trigonometric MATH210 Calculus II 3 functions, their inverses and their derivatives, integration techniques, improper integrals, sequences, infinite series, tests of convergence, alternating series, power series, polar coordinates and its application. Temperature, heat, laws of thermodynamics, heat engines, waves, Thermodynamic PHYS250 3 sound waves, geometrical optics, interference and diffraction. and Waves Prerequisite(s): PHYS 200 Electricity, electric field and electric potential, Electric current, Gauss Electricity and law, capacitors, resistance, Ohms law, Kirchoffs laws, magnetism, PHYS280 3 Magnetism Amperes law, Biot-Savarat law, Faradays law, and RLC circuits. Prerequisite(s): ENGL 150 First-order equations, linear and non-linear differential, linearization, Ordinary numerical and qualitative analysis, second-order equations, existence- MATH270 Differential 3 uniqueness theorem, series solutions, Bessel s and Legendre s Equations functions, Laplace transforms, systems of differential equations, applications and modeling of real phenomena. Prerequisite: MATH 220. General introduction to statistical methods used in the health, biological, biomedical sciences, pharmacy and medical sciences. Topics Statistics for include research methods and design, descriptive statistics, MATH245 3 Health Sciences performance characteristics of diagnostic tests, graphical methods, probability, estimation, hypothesis testing, p-values, regression and correlation, and clinical trials. Prerequisite: ENGL 150 The laboratory part of this course includes: Preparation of inorganic and organometallic compounds illustrating special and advanced Inorganic CHEM370L 1 techniques, including characterization by vibrational spectroscopy, Chemistry I Lab electronic absorption spectroscopy and other modern spectroscopic techniques. This course dwells into the structure and bonding energetics and kinetics of inorganic compounds. Topics include a survey of the chemistry of both non-metal and metal elements, group theory, coordination compounds and organometallic compounds. Definitions of Inorganic CHEM370 3 diamagnetism, paramagnetism, magnetization and magnetic Chemistry I susceptibility; survey of the properties of the transition metals with emphasis on common oxidation levels, valency, metal-ligand multiple bonding, metal-metal bonds and coordination clusters. Prerequisite: CHEM 200 Topics include: The relationship between cohesion, structure and properties of fluids.Thermodynamics laws, free energy and chemical Physical Chemistry CHEM360 3 potentials, gases and dilute solutions, phase transitions, colligative II properties, chemical equilibria, ionic solutions, chemical kinetics and transport processes. Prerequisite: CHEM 310. The laboratory experiments illustrate physical chemistry principles and their application in the laboratory. Data acquisition, analysis, and Physical Chemistry CHEM310L 1 report preparation is emphasized. Experiments in molecular weight I Lab determination, chemical equilibrium, and physical properties of gases, liquids and solids will be conducted. This course will lay the foundations for a sequence of physical chemistry taken by all B.S. chemistry majors and others interested in obtaining a background in elementary theoretical chemistry. It will be Physical Chemistry taken with thermodynamic and waves (PHYS 250).The sequence is CHEM310 3 I essential for students who plan to do graduate work in chemistry, topics include, an in depth analysis of atomic and molecular structure, the states of matter, phase equilibria, chemical equilibrium and kinetics. Prerequisite: CHEM 200 Basic experimental techniques in organic chemistry such as melting Organic Chemistry points, boiling points, distillation, extraction, chromatography; CHEM300L 2 Lab synthesis, separation and purification of some organic compounds. Co- requisites: CHEM 300 This course is the bulk of under graduate organic chemistry. Mechanism in organic chemistry such as SN1, SN2, E1 and E2 and free radical chemistry will be the key focus of this course combined with comprehensive study of structure and reactivity of functional groups: Organic Chemistry CHEM300 3 the chemistry of alcohols, phenols, aromatics, ethers, aldehydes, II ketones, amines, carboxylic acids, and their derivatives such as esters and amides. The strategic approach for organic chemistry synthesis, structure elucidation, and mechanistic study by spectroscopic methods will also be investigated. Prerequisite: CHEM 250. Analytical This laboratory course stresses the use of methods and instrumental CHEM260L 1 Chemistry Lab techniques for quantitative chemical analysis. This course provides theory and methods associated with gravimetric and volumetric analysis and simple instrumentation. It includes an introduction to statistical evaluations of analytical data. It emphasizes Analytical CHEM260 3 the quantitative determination of substances using spectroscopic Chemistry analysis, analytical separations, chromatography, and electrochemical methods: potentiometry, voltammetry, and coulometry. Prerequisite: CHEM 200 Organic Chemistry will be classified into families, and the physical and chemical properties of each family will be discussed. Organic reactions will be viewed for their synthetic value, and Mechanistic Theory of Reactions and Structural Theory will be applied. A review of basic Organic Chemistry concepts of molecular structure, chemical bonding, molecular CHEM250 3 I geometry, electronic and atomic structure, and acid-base chemistry, in addition to basic chemistry of alkanes, alkenes and alkyne families will be a main focus in this course. The value of stereochemical isomers will be stressed including conformational, geometrical and optical isomers. Prerequisite: CHEM 200. The laboratory work involves hands-on experience with chemical General Chemistry systems. Experiments include basic calorimetry, a limited qualitative CHEM200L 1 Lab and quantitative analysis scheme, properties of gases, acid-base and redox titrations. Co-requisites: CHEM 200 Basic principles of chemistry, electronic structure of the atom, chemical periodicity, molecular structure and bonding, acids and bases and the states of matter, rates of chemical reactions, and chemical CHEM200 General Chemistry 3 equilibrium are covered in this course. Prerequisites: ENGL 150; CHEM, or S grade on the Chemistry Placement Test Prerequisites: CHEM160, ENGL101. Co-requisites: CHEM200L. The course introduces the concepts and principles of marketing, including the marketing of service and nonprofit organizations. Topics cover the marketing concepts, including relationship marketing, Marketing Theory BMKT300 3 product development, pricing, promotion, marketing research, and Principles consumer behavior, international marketing, distribution, and internal marketing to employees. Practical case studies and research work constitute an integral part of the learning methodology. General Education Requirements Code Title Credits Description The objectives of this course are to improve students writing skills for academic purposes by developing effective use of grammatical Communication structures; analytical and critical reading skills; a sensitivity to ENGL251 3 Skills rhetorical situation, style, and level of diction in academic reading and writing; and competence in using various methods of organization used in formal writing. This course focuses on the development of writing skills appropriate to specific academic and professional purposes; the analysis and practice of various methods of organization and rhetorical patterns used in Composition and ENGL201 3 formal expository and persuasive writing; the refinement of critical Research Skills reading strategies and library research techniques; and the completion of an academically acceptable library research paper. Prerequisites: ENGL150, ENGL151. The purpose of this course is to acquaint students with the history and Introduction to Arab achievements of the Islamic civilization. Themes will include patterns of CULT200 3 - Islamic Civilization the political and spiritual leadership; cultural, artistic, and intellectual accomplishments Prerequisites: ENGL051, ENGL101, ENGL151. The course aims at making students competent in computer-related skills. It is supposed to develop basic computer knowledge by providing an overview of the computer hardware and basic components as well as hands-on practice on common software applications such as Word, Excel, Power Point, Internet and Email. The student will learn how to Introduction to CSCI200 3 use the new features of Microsoft Office 2010 mainly Word documents, Computers Excel spreadsheets and PowerPoint presentations. On the surface, MS Office 2010 looks a lot different than previous versions (no more menus__toolbars!), but by learning to understand the dramatically changed, Ribbon-based interface, you'll quickly get back on the road to productivity. Arabic Language This course is a comprehensive review of Arabic Grammar, Syntax, ARAB200 3 and Literature major literature and poetry styles, formal and business letters.
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