Hi-R 700 Manual
Hi-R 700 Manual
Hi-R 700 Manual
02 03
Most natural movability and light
The microscope must follow the surgeon’s hands, not the other way around.
540° 150°
04 05
Better vision –
the key to higher precision
Natural viewing with apochromatic optics made in Germany.
06 07
Freedom and stability
in perfect balance
The new MÖLLER floor stands promise more and do more.
FS 3-32 / FS 3-33: Light router LR 700T Lateral observer scope Lateral observer scope with
With rotating receptacle for the 3-axis observer scope with image inclinable eyepiece
compact and pleasant to use best possible compensation of rotation for the assistant. With 3 axes and image rotation for
lateral microscope inclination; optimal comfort for the assistant.
camera adapter is included.
The space-saving footprint and the long arm range make
the FS 3-32 and FS 3-33 the ideal carrying systems for
the MÖLLER Hi-R 700. The concept of operation is simple
and efficient. Balancing is power-assisted and requires
only pushing a button on the touch screen. Users‘ precon-
figurations can be stored.
08 09
Technical data
MÖLLER Hi-R 700 and floor stands
1900 mm
Rotation 540° 540°
1100–1830 mm
Inclination –30° to +120° –30° to +120°
Tilt –40° to +40° –40° to +40°
Integrated protection filter UV blocking below 400 nm UV blocking below 400 nm
Integrated IR filter IR reduction from 800 nm to 1150 nm >85 % IR reduction from 800 nm to 1150 nm >85 %
max. 2400 mm
min. 400 – max. 1300 mm
1985 mm
800-2000 mm
1080 mm
730 mm
10 11
Precision by Tradition –
HAAG-STREIT, founded 1858 in
Switzerland, with its headquarters in
Bern, has a top position internationally
in the industry of medical products,
particularly for ophthalmology. The
group of companies, characterized
by the motto “Precision by Tradition”,
consists of economically and techno-
logically strong partners.
MÖLLER-WEDEL is proud to be part
of this group, which gives a strong
foundation for the future development
of operating microscopes.
AAG-STREIT Companies
MÖLLER-WEDEL Distributors
Rosengarten 10
D - 22880 Wedel, Germany
Phone ++49 - 41 03 - 709 01
Fax ++49 - 41 03 - 709 355
E-mail sales@moeller-wedel.com
Internet www.moeller-wedel.com