Fire Magazine Malayalam PDF
Fire Magazine Malayalam PDF
Fire Magazine Malayalam PDF
least 3 inches high, "Explosives - Keep Fire Away." Class II magazines when located in warehouses,
and in wholesale and retail establishments shall be provided with substantial wheels or casters to
facilitate easy removal in the case of fire. Where necessary due to climatic conditions, Class II
magazines shall be ventilated.
The wall on the exposed side of a storage building within 50 feet of a combustible building, forest,
piles of combustible materials and similar exposure hazards shall be of fire-resistive construction. In
lieu of the fire-resistive wall, other suitable means of exposure protection such as a free standing
wall may be used. The roof coverings shall be Class C or better, as defined in the Manual on Roof
Coverings, NFPA 203M-1970, which is incorporated by reference as specified in § 1910.6.