6 - Streamflow Measurement V

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Streamflow Measurements
A stream is a flow channel which collects the surface runoff drained
from the contributing basin, and subsequently carried towards the
Department of Civil Engineering sea.
University of Malaya Streamflow represents the runoff phase of the hydrologic cycle and
is the most important basic data for hydrologic studies.
Streamflow is measured in unit of velocity (m/s), and sometimes
Course Code :KAEA 2155/ KIA 2005 discharge (m3/s) occurring at a special time at a section.
Course Name :Water Resources Streaflow measuring station is called a STREAM GAUGING STATION.
Chapter 6 :Streamflow Measurement Flow data can be used for various purposes:
problem assessment,
watershed project planning,
assessment of treatment needs,
design of management measures, and
Prepared By :AP. Dr. Lai Sai Hin project evaluation

Streamflow Measurements
Streamflow Measurements
- Laboratory Data -
Streamflow measurements normally involve:
1. Obtaining continuous record of water level or stage
above a datum at a stream section.
2. Periodically establishing RATING CURVE over the
observed range of flow conditions. (a rating curve is
a relationship between the river stage (water level)
and the streamflow discharge).
3. Transforming the recorded river stage data into
streamflow record.

Stage-Discharge for Slope 1:750


Streamflow Measurements Streamflow Measurements

- River Senggai - - River Senggai -
H Qt
0.805 0.3845 2.5
0.855 0.4573 1.5
0.885 0.536
0.968 0.6855 0
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
1.01 0.76
1.048 0.8534
1.068 0.9034
1.128 0.8547 4
Discharge, Q (m 3/s)

1.155 0.8975
1.174 1.0278
Velocity distribution for overbank flow of River Senggai, H = 1.658m
1.195 1.0852
1.228 1.2409
1.265 1.4649 1
1.288 1.6008
1.3 1.7751
1.365 2.2069
0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6
1.48 2.8008 Depth, H (m)
1.55 3.1797

Discharge Measurement Methods

Selection of Stream Gauging Station
The most commonly used methods are:
The following point should be considered while selecting the site for water level 1. The Area-Velocity method
recording station: it involves measurement of the velocity of flow through a measured river
1. The downstream hydraulic controls* (which control the water level at the cross-section. Current meters or floats are commonly employed for measuring
station) should be stable and sensitive to changes in discharge. velocity. The cross-section area is surveyed and estimated.
2. Flow should be confined in a single channel for all flows. 2. The Slope-Area Method
3. Water velocities should be within the range of accurate measurement with it involves the estimation of the mean velocity of flow using the slope of the
available current meters (0.03 to 6 m/s). water surface and representative roughness factor for the bed and the banks.
4. Reach should be relatively straight. 3. The Dilution Method
5. For slope area method, reach should be sufficiently long so that drop in it involves the comparison of the concentration of dye, soluble salt or
water surface can be measured accurately. radioisotope in a known volume of injected solution with its concentration in
the stream after mixing.
L/R  75, Drop in water surface  0.15 m
4. Calibrated structures
6. Free from backwater, tidal effects, etc.
weirs, flumes etc.


Area-Velocity Method
This method is most frequently used for discharge measurements in natural
Measurements made for estimating the streamflow area and mean velocity of
flow through at selected gauging site.

Streamflow Area Estimation

- Measurement of water surface elevation
- Division of the river cross-section into a number of smaller subsections and
measuring representative width and depth of each section.
 the choice of number of subsections will depend on the profile of the river
cross-section and the velocity variation.
 the width of each subsection is measured by tape, tagged line stretched
from one bank to the other.
 the depth of water for each subsection is obtained by soundings which are
measurements taken downward from water surface to the bed.

Area-Velocity Method
Measurement of Velocity
It may be made using:
1 Pitot-static tube
2 Float
3 Current meter

1. Pitot-static tube used for very small stream

v  K p 2 gh
where v = point velocity
Kp = Pitot-static tube coefficient
h = head measured above the free water surface


Area-Velocity Method Area-Velocity Method

Measurement of Velocity Measurement of Velocity
2. Floats are used in emergency only when current meters are either not 3. Current meter are frequently used for measuring velocity. The method of
available or, for some reason, cannot be used. current meter measurement involves positioning of the current meter in the
vmean = KfVf vertical at which velocity measurements are required and then determining
the mean velocity from the individual measurement.
where Vmean = mean velocity of flow
Kf = float coefficient current meter is positioned at the designated point using:
vf = velocity of the float  wading
for surface floats,  suspended by cable along cableways
Kf = 0.80-0.95 for shallow stream  suspended from a bridge
Kf = 0.90-0.95 for regular and deep stream with velocities > 2 m/s
 moving in a boat
Accuracy for float measurement is reasonable if the streamflow section is free
from cross-currents and horizontal eddies. wading in the stream with current meter is limited to shallow streams where
velocities of flow are not very high (e.g. <1 m/s)

Streamflow Measurements
- Current Meter-

Acoustic Profiler/
Current Meter – Electromagnectic Aquadopp/ADCP/River Surveyor
Propeller type Current Meter For Continuous Discharge Measurement


Area-Velocity Method Area-Velocity Method

Measurement of Velocity The methods used for estimating mean velocity along a vertical are:
3. Bridge at the gauging site reduces the stream gauging cost considerably.  The 0.6 of the depth method: experience has shown that mean velocity along a
(rarely, bridge locations provide ideal gauging sites, but are often selected to vertical exists at a point quite close to 0.6 x depth. Good for depth up to 0.5 m
save cost).  Two point method: uses velocities observation at 0.2 and 0.8 of the depth
For wide rivers, not suited for cableways, boats are used for river gauging, below the water surface. Mean velocity is the average of the two values.
position of the boat in the river is determined by survey methods, either from  The multiple point method: multiple point velocity observations are used to
the boat or from the shore. At each boat position, the sounding for stream obtain vertical velocity curve, and mean obtained therefrom. Mean velocity
depth is taken and velocity measurements made at a number of point along computed from the two points method is often in close agreement with the
each vertical. velocity profile

0.6 depth

Example 1: Problem Example 1: Solution

A current meter with the following rating has been used for the purpose of Average width for the first section = 1 + 2/2 = 2 m
stream gauging This equation is normally comes together with Average width for the intermediate section = 2/2 + 2/2 = 2 m
V = 0.51Ns + 0.03 the instrument Average width for the last section = 2/2 +2 = 3 m
Where Ns is the rotational speed of the current meter in revolutions per Velocities measured at 0.6 x depth represent average velocities for each of
second. Current meter reading was consistently taken at 0.6 depth at all the section
section. Estimate the streamflow in m3/s.
Distance from Average Water Vertical Average Sectional Q
Distance from Water Duration of current Current meter left water edge width depth Area Velocity
left water edge depth meter observation reading (m) (m) (m) (m2) (m/s) (m3/s)
(m) (m) (secs) (revolutions) 0 0 0 0 0 0
1.0 2 1.1 2.2 0.229 0.504
0 0 0 0
3.0 2 2.0 4.0 0.325 1.304
1.0 1.1 100 39 5.0 2 2.5 5.0 0.411 2.055
3.0 2.0 100 58 7.0 2 2.0 4.0 0.336 1.344
5.0 2.5 150 112 9.0 2 1.7 3.4 0.259 0.844
7.0 2.0 150 90 11.0 3 1.0 3.0 0.183 0.549
9.0 1.7 100 45 13.0 0 0 0 0 0
11.0 1.0 100 30
13.0 0 0 0 Flow Area = 21.6 m2 Q = 6.6m3/s Vmean = 6.6/21.6 = 0.305m/s


Assignment 1: Problem Assignment 1: Solution

The following data were collected during stream gauging of a river. Estimate
Distance from water Average Vertical Average Sectional Q
the discharge.
left water edge depth width Area Velocity
(m) (m) (m) (m2) (m/s) (m3/s)
Distance from Water Velocity at Velocity at
left water edge depth 0.2 depth 0.8 depth 0 0 0 0 0 0
(m) (m) (m/s) (m/s) 1.5 1.3 2.25 2.925 0.5 1.46
0 0 0 0 3.0 2.5 1.50 3.75 0.75 2.81
4.5 1.7 1.50 2.55 0.60 1.53
1.5 1.3 0.6 0.4
6.0 1.0 1.50 1.50 0.50 0.75
3.0 2.5 0.9 0.6 7.5 0.4 2.25 0.90 0.35 0.32
4.5 1.7 0.7 0.5
9.0 0 0 0 0 0
6.0 1.0 0.6 0.4
7.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 Flow Area = ? m2
9.0 0 0 0 Q = ? m3/s
Vmean =? m/s

Assignment 2: Problem
Assignment 3: Problem
Determine the cross-sectional area perpendicular to flow in a 5 m channel. The
Current meter readings were taken at a section of a river as
depth measurements taken are as follow:
shown in the table below. Calculate the discharge at this point.
Distance from bank (m) 1 2 3 4
Depth of flow 0.72 1.14 1.22 0.68
The float method was used to measure the surface velocity of flow in each segment
of the channel. The test section was 20 m long. The travel time measured for each
segment was:
Channel segment (m) Travel time (s)
0-1 19.8
1-2 17.7
2-3 16.3
3-4 16.9
4-5 18.9
Determine the average velocity of flow and the discharge in the channel.
Rating for coefficient is as follow:
Depth (m) 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.5 2
Coefficient of float 0.7 0.72 0.76 0.80 0.85


Slope-Area Method
It involves:
1. The slope of water surface or slope of the energy gradient.
2. The area and shape of the average cross-sections at the upstream and
downstream ends of the reach or river channel. Length of which has been used
for determining water surface slope.
3. The character of the stream bed and banks so that a representative roughness
factor may be chosen.

Main advantage of this method is that measurements need not be made during
the flood
The slope should be measured for a length of 300 m, or at least the drop of water
surface should be greater than 0.3 m, without marked changes in bed slope or
cross section
L/R  75, Drop in water surface  0.15 m

Reach should be long enough to enable the drop in

water surface can be measured correctly

Example 2: Problem
Use the slope-area method to estimate the peak streamflow discharge for the
following data:

Reach length = 500 m

Manning’s n = 0.04
Drop in water surface elevation = 0.5 m
Upstream streamflow area = 1050 m2
Downstream streamflow area = 1000 m2
Upstream wetted perimeter = 400 m
Dwnstream wetted perimeter = 375 m
Upstream velocity head coefficient = 1.10
Downstream velocity head coefficient = 1.12
Loss Coefficient,  = 1.0


Example 2: Solution Assignment 4: Problem

1.11549.7 / 1050 During a flood flow, the depth of flow in a 10 m wide rectangular channel at 2
2/3 2
1  1050 
1. Ku  1050   49953 5. hvu   0.1221
0.04  400  2 x9.81 sections 200 m apart was found to be 3.0 m and 2.9 m. respectively. The drop in the
1.121549.7 / 1000 water surface elevation was found to be 0.12 m. Estimate the flood discharge
2/3 2
1  1000  hvd   0.1371
Kd  1000   48077
0.04  375  2 x9.81 through the channel. Assume n = 0.025.

K  49953x48077  49006 0.5  10.1221  0.1371

2. 6. S2   0.00097 Solution: Q = 42.32 m3/s
S1   0.001 Q2  49006 0.00097  1526.3 m3 /s
3. 500 7.

4. Q1  49006 0.001  1549.7 m3 / s

Trial Qi hvu hvd SxL S Qi+1

1 1549.7 0.1221 0.371 0.485 0.000970 1526.3
2 1526.3 0.1185 0.1330 0.4855 0.000971 1527.1
3 1527.1 0.1186 0.1331 0.4855 0.000971 1527.1

 Peak streamflow discharge = 1527.1 m3/s

Dilution Method Dilution Method

This method does not require direct measurement of stream cross-section and the Commonly used chemical are:
flow velocity. For this reason, it has found great value in measuring streamflows of 1. Common salt or Sodium Cloride (Nacl) is easy to handle and is suitable for small
mountain stream at sites which do not provide easy accessibility. flows. It can be detected in concentration as low as 2 ppm and its solubility is
350 g/l at normal temperature.
2. Sodium Dichromate (Na2Cr2O7.2H2O) is readily available. its solubility is 650 g/l
The principle of this method is that if a solution containing a known concentration
and It can be detected in concentration as low as 0.2 ppm. Its ions are not
of tracer element is injected into a stream in which it gets thoroughly mixed, then
usually found in natural water.
the streamflow discharge is determined from the rate of injection and the
concentration of tracer element in a downstream section of the stream. 3. Sodium Nitrite (NaNo2) and Manganese Sulphate (MnSO4.4H2O) have also
been used for measuring streamflow.
Characteristics of the chemical used should be:
1. Non-reactive to water or matter in suspension or in the bed; Two type of dilution method:
2. Can mixed with water easily; 1. Constant rate injection method
3. Non-toxic to fish or other aquatic life; 2. Sudden (gulp) injection or pulse dilution method
4. Capable of accurate measurements in diluted concentrations; Before finally selecting the measuring reach, fluorescent is injected for a short
5. Not found in significant proportion in the natural water. period of time and its diffusion observed as it travels downstream in order to
identify points of turbulent mixing, undesirable dead water and location where
mixing appears to be complete.


Dilution Method Example 3: Problem

Solution of fluorescent tracer was discharged into a stream at a constant rate of 10 cm3/s
1. Constant Rate Injection Method with concentration of 25 g/l. Background concentration of this tracer in stream discharge is
zero. At the downstream section, the tracer-streamwater mixture reach equilibrium
Streamflow discharge is estimated using the mass balance equation concentration of 5 ppb. Estimate the stream discharge.
Amount of chemical Amount of chemical Amount of chemical
Originally in water added in water at expected in water at Solution
+ =
at upstream, e.g. g/s upstream down stream
C1  C2
Q q
QC0 + q C1 = (Q+q)C2 Amount of chemical remain the same, C2  C0
only change in concentration q = 10 cm3/s = 10 x 10-6 m3/s
C1  C2
Q q C0 = 0
C2C0 C1 = 25 g/l = 25 ppt = 25 x 106 ppb
C2= 5 ppb
Collect Collect
water water
sample, C0 sample, C2
25x10  5 10x10 
C0 = initial concentration of the chemical in the stream water (ppm, ppb, mg/l)
= 50 m3/s
C1 = concentration of the chemical to be injected
C2 = concentration of the chemical at downstream section
Q = stream flow discharge
q = constant rate of injection

Dilution Method Example 4: Problem

The dilution method with the sudden injection procedure was used to measure the
2. Sudden (gulp or pulse) Injection Method discharge of a stream. A fluorescent dye weighting 300N was used as a tracer for
In this method, the entire volume of the concentrated solution V1 with concentration of C1 is sudden injection at station A at 7.00 am. The data of concentration measurement at
injected all at a time at an upstream section. At a downstream section, the arrival of the station B is given. Estimate the streamflow.
injected chemical is monitored continuously till the concentration return to the original
value C0. the time t1 and t2 corresponding to the appearance and disappearance of the Time (hr) 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Cocnc at
chemical are noted.
Stn. B (ppb) 0 0 3 10.5 18 18 12 9 6 4.5 1.5 0
The streamflow discharge Q is The original concentration of this dye in the streamflow is zero.

V1C1  Q  C2  C0 dt


t1 Solution
When C0 = 0, Q 18
Q  C dt
 C  C0 dt
t2 2
2 07
Volume of dye used = 300/9810 = 0.030581 m3
In case C0 = 0, then 18

V1C1  C dt 2
= 82.5 x 10-9 hour
Q t2

 C dt2 0.030581 3 0.030581

t1 Q m /hr   3600  102.97 m 3 /s
82.5 x10 9 82.5 x10 9


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