08su The Solaire New York NY

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c a se Stu dy The Solaire

The following article was published in High Performing Buildings, Summer 2008. ©Copyright 2008 American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and
Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. It is presented for educational purposes only. This article may not be copied and/or distributed electronically or in
paper form without permission of ASHRAE.

NYC’s Living Lesson By Kyra epstein

For the 700 residents of the Solaire, New York high-rise living is providing a green
culture that has set new standards with New York building agencies. It also shows
the importance of recommissioning to fine-tune efficiency — information that
already has been incorporated into two new, similar buildings near the Solaire.

56 High Performing B u i l d i n g s  S u m m e r 2 0 0 8
Refining Guidelines reduction program for buildings that
The Battery Park City Authority install water treatment systems simi- B u i l d i n g At a G l a n c e
created Residential Environmental lar to the Solaire’s.
Guidelines in 2000 for requirements Building Name The Solaire
for water conservation, energy effi- Energy Performance Location 20 River Terrace in Battery Park,
ciency and other green measures for The 357,000 ft2 Solaire also was New York City

future residential buildings. designed to meet USGBC LEED® Size 357,000 ft2
The Albanese Organization and Gold requirements using strategies Started June 2002
the rest of the Solaire project team such as a black water/wastewater Completed August 2003
were the first to use the guidelines. treatment plant; photovoltaics; effi- Use Multiunit residential tower
The building also received one cient heating, ventilation and cool- Distinctions LEED-NC Gold; AIA Committee
of the first New York State Green ing systems; efficient windows and on the Environment (COTE) Top Ten Green
Building Tax Credit allocations, walls; efficient lighting and controls; Project for 2004; Environmental Design
& Construction Magazine Excellence in
which allow building owners and and U.S. Environmental Protection Design Award in 2004; Green Roofs for
developers to earn tax credits Agency (EPA) ENERGY STAR® Healthy Cities Award in 2004
associated with the design and appliances in all units.
construction of green buildings. Sustainability encompasses more
The Solaire’s design, construc- than energy efficiency. The Solaire
tion, financing and operations team walked a fine line, balancing Building Team
helped refine Battery Park City energy efficiency with other aspects
Authority’s guidelines. It also pro- of sustainability. Owners Albanese Organization, Inc.
vided input for New York City’s For example, making the windows and Northwestern Mutual Life
building code revisions. at the Solaire smaller and inoper- Architect Cesar Pelli & Associates
For example, New York City imple- able would have reduced energy Architect of Record Schuman,
mented a rebate program for water use, but also would have negatively Lichtenstein, Claman, Efron Architects

conservation after the Solaire team impacted residents’ living space. MEP Engineer Cosentini Associates
demonstrated that the building has Additonally, reducing the amount Landowner/Governing Authority
been using 43% less water than a of fresh air changes and leaving the Battery Park City Authority

typical building of its size. Based on water treatment/reclamation systems Structural Engineer
The Cantor Seinuk Group, Inc.
demonstrated results, the New York out of the design would have lowered
Energy Consultant
City Water Board instituted a rate overall energy consumption, but at
Steven Winter Associates
Viridian Energy & Environmental, LLC
(Current Energy Consultant)
Environmental Building Consultant
Green October
Lighting Designer Ann Kale Associates
Photovoltaic Designer altPower
Landscape Architect Balmori Associates
Interior Designer Stedila Design, Inc.
Water Reuse Consultant
Alliance Environmental
Recommissioning Agent WM Group
Commissioning Agent
Horizon Engineering
Construction Manager
Turner Construction Company

S u m m e r 2 0 0 8 High Performing Buildings 57

Solaire Resident Electrical Use Solaire Energy Performance
Standard 2005–2007 Standard 2005–2007
90.1* Average 90.1* Average Actual
Total Gas MMBtu
Predicted kWh Actual kWh Predicted kWh kWh

January 159,712 118,331 July 137,221 109,934 2004* 42,179

February 149,336 116,989 August 138,283 101,832 2005 41,941

March 167,516 110,128 September 129,274 112,438 2006 41,267

April 152,494 102,863 October 152,637 114,529 2007 37,157

May 132,852 104,974 November 166,048 122,583 Predicted 35,736

June 130,349 107,979 December 151,399 123,970

In 2007, gas use was 3–4% higher
Total 1,764,120 1,346,551 than predicted, compared to 8% higher
in 2004.
90.1-1999, Energy Standard
for Buildings Except Low-Rise 23.7% Less than Predicted
*Full occupancy reached in 2004.
Residential Buildings
Note: Data does not represent whole building electrical consumption.

the expense of air quality and water

conservation goals.
The design team sought to use
energy effectively, while provid-
ing healthier indoor air quality,
enhanced daylighting, and drasti-
cally lower potable water consump-
tion. These goals have been supple-
mented with resident education on
the benefits and daily components
of sustainability, and behavior rein-
forcing communications and opera-
tions protocols.
As a result, informed tenants use
less energy in their residences.
Energy consumption by residents,
as measured by actual submeter
readings, is 24% less than New York
State code as predicted in the model
for a building of similar size and
residential square feet.
Building energy use, after
almost four years of operation and
annual recommissioning, also has
decreased. Natural gas consump-
tion has been reduced steadily
each year by an average of 10%
TheH Solaire 2
58 i g h Pfeatures
e r f o r3,400
m i n gft Bofucustom-laminated
i l d i n g s  S u mand
m e r standard
photovoltaic modules.
Advertisement formerly in this space.
in each of the last two years. kitchen and bathroom exhaust. Two
Consumption is almost 20% lower direct-fired gas absorption chillers
in the first four months of 2008 provide hot and chilled water to
compared to the same period in each unit.
the previous year. All of the apartments include
programmable thermostats that
System Balance efficiently control four-pipe fan coil
The Solaire’s heating and cooling units providing heating and cooling
system was designed to be energy all year. The fan coil units in the
efficient, provide high indoor air apartments also have MERV-12 air
quality, and conserve water. filters, which enhance the indoor
Heating, cooling and ventilation environmental quality.
air is supplied to apartments and High-efficiency, variable-speed
public corridors mechanically pumps, fans, and motors circulate
from HVAC units that humidify ventilation air and water throughout
and dehumidify as necessary. This the building, and the high-efficiency
air also provides makeup air for absorption chillers run on natural

6 0 rooftop
H i ggarden
h Per incorporates
f o r m i n ga storm
B u i l water
d i n gretention
s  S u msystem.
mer 2008
S o l a i r e W at e r U s e f o r 2 0 0 7

Gallons Gallons
Gallons Per Capita Per Day Percent
Per Day Per Day Per Ft2 of Total

NYC Potable Supply 33,063 47 0.09 63% Of All Water Use

Reuse Water Supply 19,555 28 0.05 37% Of All Water Use

Total Water Use 52,618 75 0.15 100%

Cooling Tower Potable 4,363 6 0.01 13% Of NYC Supply

Cooling Tower Reuse 4,323 6 0.01 22% Of Reuse Supply

Total Cooling Supply 8,686 12 0.02 17% Of Total Water Use

Other Uses

Humidification Supply 583 1 1% Of Total Water Use

 Irrigation 219 0.3 0% Of Total Water Use

gas instead of electricity. The cooling 2,000 ft2 of building façade mounted Unlike many solar photovoltaic
tower uses a combination of process to the bulkhead west and south walls, systems, this building-integrated
water from the wastewater treatment which use an ornamental aluminum photovoltaic project required a con-
plant as well as city water as its mounting system. The total rating of figuration of modules on the façade
makeup water. the bulkhead is 21 kW. and canopy with custom sizes and

Solar Cells
The Solaire’s photovoltaic panels
create a striking visual effect from
the street, serving as reinforcement
of sustainable principals. The west-
facing façade features 1,300 ft2 of
photovoltaics with 76 custom panels.
The total façade rating is 11 kW. The
canopy above the main entrance is
made of 151 ft2 of building-integrated
photovoltaic panels sandwiched
between two panels of glass, gener-
ating electricity and also providing
shade and shelter from rain. The
total canopy rating is 662 W. At the
top of the building are the bulkhead
solar systems: 286 standard 75 W
photovoltaic modules covering almost

SThe Solaire’s wateru mtreatment

mer 2008plant
H iuses
g h aP process
e r f o rofmdigestion,
i n g B umembrane
ildings 61
filtration and ultraviolet disinfection.
shapes. As manufactured, the panels
become the structure of the façade, W at e r C o n s e r vat i o n a n d T r e at m e n t
replacing the use of brick or glass.
Also, the solar cells that make
up the panels on the Solaire were Solaire’s wastewater treatment facility In addition, the rooftop garden design
manufactured from recycled silicon, processes 30,000 gallons per day of black incorporates a storm water retention
water from building occupants and reuses system that retains water, once soil is
helping the building team reach its
it in cooling towers and to flush toilets in saturated, in a mat just below the soil’s
goal of using 50% recycled-content both the Solaire and its sister building, surface. Excess rainwater spills over into
building materials, and the panels the Verdesian. drains on the roof’s surface. The rainwater
were manufactured less than 150 is collected in a 10,000 gallon tank in the
Avoiding the energy and other costs of
building’s basement and saved for reuse by
miles from the building site. transporting water to treat it at the munici-
the high-efficiency drip irrigation system just
pal plant, the Solaire’s water treatment
To meet a requirement of the Battery below the top of the soil throughout the roof
plant uses an efficient process of diges-
Park City Authority, the solar electric tion, membrane filtration and ultraviolet garden. The gardens also provide added
thermal insulation for the building and help
systems are sized to meet 5% of the disinfection. Water is treated to a nonpo-
reduce the heat island effect in the city.
base building’s nonresidential electric table standard and is used for toilet flush-
The building is also equipped with water-
ing and cooling tower resupply. After water
load (common areas such as hallway is extracted, sludge is sent back to the city conserving devices such as low flow toilets
lights and the mechanical systems). through the sanitary system to aid in the and ENERGY STAR dish and clothes washers.
These water-saving features have allowed
Since 2004, the photovoltaic system municipal treatment process.
the Solaire to reduce indoor potable water
has been meeting or exceeding its use by 43%.
production estimates. During 2005
and 2006, the façade system of 11
kW produced about 6,000 kWh of
electricity per year. Ongoing perfor-
mance data, including live data from
the façade system, is available on the
Solaire’s Web site (www.thesolaire.
com) and on the altPOWER Web site
The various photovoltaic systems
were commissioned in January 2003,
approved by the local utility in
March 2003, and have been operat-
ing since mid-February 2004.

Resource Efficiency
The Solaire’s design specified source
control of indoor air pollutants.
Only building materials with low
emission levels of VOCs were used.
Prior to occupancy, 10% of the
units were tested for air quality in
accordance with EPA protocols, and
IAQ testing has continued each year
Distributed Water Reuse System
since opening.
The Solaire also is equipped with
HVAC units that filter the fresh

62 High Performing B u i l d i n g s  S u m m e r 2 0 0 8
Advertisement formerly in this space.

Lessons Learned

For a green high-rise residential building The humidification system, as well as the sure sensor, using variable frequency drives
project, the team found and researched design goal of 100% fresh air ventilation, that allowed the pumps to slow down to
many areas where little precedent had a larger energy impact than expected. match chiller load — reducing peak load kW.
or benchmark data were available. In fact, the team found that indoor air
The lessons learned from the Solaire quality and energy efficiency became com- Education and Training
project have informed the design peting goals. In the subsequent designs Consideration of local labor practices and
and construction of two of Albanese of the Verdesian and Visionaire, steam construction methodology is critical to sus-
Organization’s other residential buildings generators are used for the humidification tainable design implementation — perhaps
nearby: the Verdesian, LEED-NC Platinum process. A heat recovery system (from just as important as design and technol-
(occupied in 2006) and the Visionaire, exhaust systems) was also implemented ogy. The Solaire project team put a strong
anticipated LEED-NC Platinum (estimated for increased efficiency. In the Verdesian, emphasis on staff education and training.
completion in fall 2008). the city allowed the project team to Building operators had and continue to
In fact, lessons learned have translated improve energy efficiency by lowering venti- have input in the design, construction and
directly into dollar savings: it cost an lation and exhaust air levels in accordance commissioning process. This has been
estimated 17% more to build the Solaire with ASHRAE standards in a pilot case that a contributor to identifying issues and
than a similar typical building, only 12% will help inform the city’s building code revi- improving energy performance and build-
more to build the Verdesian, and an esti- sions for green buildings. ing operations.
mated 5% more to build the Visionaire. Resident education also is important.
Higher rental income, higher tenant The Importance of Commissioning Staff members provide a tour for each per-
retention and occupancy, as well as lower The Solaire had been commissioned before son that moves into the Solaire, answer-
operation and energy costs made the occupancy, helping to address issues with ing questions about green features and
investment in green features profitable. the design, function and operation of all the explaining the benefits and consequences
major systems. Since the building opened, that come with systems they may be unfa-
Energy Costs for New Systems the building has been recommissioned each miliar with. Hundreds of additional tours
One outcome of the Solaire project was year, helping to identify modifications that given by the staff each year educate the
the understanding that some of the build- continue to improve efficiency in the build- community and provide feedback about the
ing’s features had energy ramifications that ing — an additional 8% energy efficiency project to the green building industry.
were not predicted. between 2005 and 2007.
The black water treatment/reuse system These improvements have ranged from Water Advancements
added a considerable electric load (the maximizing the use of the available plate- Water use can be reduced even more. At
need for fans and pumps not in any other and-frame heat exchangers that provide free the Solaire, the cooling tower uses 50%
building in New York City). The Solaire sys- cooling, calibrating faulty sensors and modi- reuse water, but the project team is look-
tem was designed to treat water for both fying equipment sequences of operation ing at designs that can use 100% reuse
the Solaire and the Verdesian, but in future to reduce cost. For example, the primary water for cooling demand. Other significant
projects, a larger plant, serving multiple chilled water pumps initially were designed advancements would include using nonpo-
buildings, would reduce water demand and and installed to operate at 100%. But table reuse water for laundry, estimated to
make the plant more cost effective. through recommissioning efforts, they were be 15% of all indoor consumption.
modified to operate with a differential pres-

air supply to a higher level than Requirements for recycling and recycling to 80% for future buildings
usual, removing 96% of the par- using recycled materials were speci- in Battery Park.
ticles normally found in the outside fied in the design. In addition to low
air. Individual apartments have VOC emissions, during construction, Lighting
MERV-12 filters that are changed more than 80% of the building’s Fenestration design provides each
by management every three months. construction waste was recycled unit with more natural light than
Other features aid in maintain- (60% was required by the Battery a building built to New York state
ing the highest quality indoor Park City Authority Guidelines at code. Daylighting designs feature
air. Entryways are outfitted with the time). As a result, the Battery 100% more natural light in bed-
recessed floor mats to help trap dust Park City Authority increased its rooms and 200% more in living
and dirt particles. standards for construction waste rooms than required by code. Light

64 High Performing B u i l d i n g s  S u m m e r 2 0 0 8
The 27-story, 293-unit residential tower borders New York City’s financial district and the site of the former World Trade Center.

fixtures in each unit are ENERGY are controlled with a master switch contain extra insulation in a system
STAR rated, reducing electricity in each unit that turns them off and researched and designed specifically
use by up to 75%. All permanently on with one movement. Lighting in for the Solaire. Exterior walls contain
mounted lighting fixtures use effi- corridors and other public spaces is more insulation than prescribed by
cient fluorescent lamps, and they controlled by timers and occupancy local building code: an added sepa-
sensors, and lobby lighting is con- rate layer of 2 in. thick insulation.•
trolled with a photocell to reduce
Envelope Features or increase electric light as natural
light changes.
Ab o u t t h e A u t h o r
Airtight Insulation
 Shading Coefficient 0.43
An airtight, insulated, exterior brick- Kyra Epstein is a technical writer who
Visible Transmittance 0.68 and-concrete block wall reduces has worked with the National Renewable
heating and cooling requirements. Energy Laboratory (NREL), Architectural
 Solar Heat Gain Coefficient 0.35 Energy Corporation, and LOHAS
The windows are double glazed with
(Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability).
 U-Value (Fixed) 0.41 thermal breaks and insulated spac- Contributors to the article include
ers to reduce heat loss in the winter. Russell Albanese, president of Albanese
 U-Value (Operable) 0.47
The glass has a low-e coating (shad- Organization, Michael Gubbins, vice
president, director of residential man-
Exterior Walls R-Value 8.43 ing coefficient of 0.43) to reduce
agement for Albanese Organization, and
heat gain in the summer. All points Adam Hinge, P.E., managing director of
Roof R-Value 22.7
of contact between window and wall Sustainable Energy Partnerships.

S u m m e r 2 0 0 8 High Performing Buildings 65

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