Repute 2.5 Quick-Start Guide
Repute 2.5 Quick-Start Guide
Repute 2.5 Quick-Start Guide
Repute 2.5
Quick-Start Guide
Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not
represent a commitment on the part of Geocentrix Ltd. The software described in
this document is furnished under a licence agreement or non-disclosure agreement
and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of that agreement.
It is against the law to copy the software except as specifically allowed in the
licence or non-disclosure agreement. No part of this manual may be reproduced
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying and recording, for any purpose, without the express written
permission of Geocentrix Ltd.
Repute 2.0 was developed with the generous support of Corus, Atkins, and Stent
Foundations. Repute 2.x was designed and written by Dr Andrew Bond of
Geocentrix, with the assistance of Ian Spencer of Honor Oak Systems.
The following people assisted with the production of the program and its
documentation: Jenny Bond, Francesco Basile, Romain Arnould, Joe Bond, Tom
Bond, Halcrow Group, Jack Offord, and Claire Bond. The following generously
gave their time during initial beta testing: Francesco Basile and Dave Rowbottom.
Revision history
Last revised 18 August 2017 (for version 2.5.1).
Table of contents 3
TABLE OF CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
H-PILE IN CLAY AND SAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Overview 8
Step 1 – create the project 9
Step 2 – create the borehole 11
Step 3 – create the pile 12
Step 4 – create the force 14
Step 5 – create the calculations 15
Step 6 – perform and review the calculations 16
Step 7 – produce a report 18
Step 8 – close the project 19
What next? 19
FLEMING ’S HYPERBOLIC ANALYSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Overview 20
Step 1 – create the project information 21
Step 2 – create the ground conditions 22
Step 3 – create the pile 23
Step 4 – create the force 24
Step 5 – sleeve the pile 24
Step 6 – create the scenario and calculation 24
Step 7 – perform and review the calculation 25
Step 8 – close the project 26
What’s next? 27
SINGLE PILE DESIGN TO EUROCODE 7.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Overview 28
Step 1 – create the project 29
Step 2 – create the borehole 31
Step 3 – add a water table 32
Step 4 – create the pile 33
4 Geocentrix Repute 2.5 Quick-Start Guide
PILE GROUP IN CLAY AND SAND . .................................... 41
Overview 41
Step 2 – create the pile group 43
Step 3 – create the borehole 44
Step 4 – enter the soils’ stiffness properties 46
Step 5 – create forces and moments 47
Step 6 – create the calculation 49
Step 7 – perform and review the calculation 50
Step 8 – produce a report 51
Step 9 – close the project 52
What’s next? 52
Overview 54
Step 1 – create the project 54
Step 2 – create the pile group 55
Step 3 – create the soil 58
Step 4 – create a layer, borehole, and water table 59
Step 5 – create forces and moments 60
Step 6 – create the calculation 61
Step 7 – perform and review the calculation 62
Step 8 – export the results 63
Step 9 – close the project 63
What’s next? 63
ASYMMETRIC PILE GROUP UNDER 3D LOADING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Overview 65
Step 1 – open and modify an existing project 65
Step 2 – specify a new pile group 66
Step 3 – move the piles to their final positions 69
Step 4 – modify the loads 70
Step 6 – close the project 73
What’s next? 73
Introducing Repute 2.5 5
! various types of single pile, using current and historical design standards
(such as Eurocode 7 and BS 8004:2015)
! pile groups under generalized 3-dimensional loading, using linear of non-
linear soil models
Repute considers single pile response using a variety of calculation methods for
ultimate and serviceability limit states. Both traditional lumped factors-of-safety and
modern partial factors can be applied in these calculations.
Repute analyses pile group behaviour using the boundary element method,
employing the leading analytical program PGroupN (developed by and included
under exclusive licence from Geomarc). PGroupN provides a complete 3D
non-linear boundary element solution of the soil continuum, which overcomes
limitations of traditional interaction-factor methods and gives more realistic
predictions of deformations and the load distribution between piles.
New features
! Multi-threaded boundary element engine, up to 100x faster than before
! Support for spun piles and micropiles
! Action Import Wizard
! Pile Group Import Wizard
! Ability to chose which sections and materials appear in the Stockyard
! Support for BS 8004:2015
! Direct support for rock within the boundary element analysis
Improved features
! Pile Group Wizard now supports a wider range of pile types
! Greater distinction between different calculations in Stockyard
! Updated Quick-Start Tutorial
! Support for using the program across wide area networks
6 Geocentrix Repute 2.5 Quick-Start Guide
Repute is supplied with a detailed Quick-start Guide, comprehensive User Manual,
and authoritative Reference Manual. The latest versions of these manuals (including
any corrections and/or additions since the program’s first release) are available in
electronic (Adobe® Acrobat®) format from the Geocentrix website.
( and follow links to Repute’s documentation).
User manual
The Repute 2.5 User Manual explains how to use Repute. It provides a detailed
description of the program’s user interface and explains how to employ it to
maximum effect.
Reference manual
The Repute 2.5 Reference Manual gives detailed information about the engineering
theory that underpins Repute’s calculations. The manual assumes you have a
working knowledge of the geotechnical design of single piles and pile groups, but
provides appropriate references for further study if you do not.
Help system
Repute’s help system contains detailed information about the program, including
most of the content of the Quick-Start Guide, User Manual, and Reference Manual
– plus additional information that is not found in any of these documents.
Help appears in a separate window to Repute, allowing you to view the help
topics while you continue to work with Repute itself. To open the help system:
! Press F1
! Click the Help button in any dialog box
! Click on the Help button on the right hand side of Repute’s Ribbon
Introducing Repute 2.5 7
Software Re-Assurance™
Software Re-Assurance for Repute (including updates, upgrades, and technical
support) is available direct from Geocentrix or through your local distributor. To
obtain Re-Assurance, contact Geocentrix as follows:
Screenshots in this guide were produced on Windows 10 (your screen may differ).
Not all options are available in every edition of Repute.
In this guide, ‘[Docs]’ refers to the folder where the documents that ship with
Repute were installed, typically here:
This tutorial demonstrates the basic features of Repute, through a worked example
involving the analysis of a single H-pile installed in clay and sand:
! In Step 1, you will use the Project Wizard to enter project information,
select a design standard, and create scenarios to represent short- and
long-term conditions.
! In Step 2, you will use the Borehole Wizard to create a borehole
containing clay and sand layers.
! In Step 3, you will create an H-pile and specify its cross-section and steel
! In Step 4, you will create the force applied to the pile.
! In Step 5, you will use the Calculation Wizard to create the calculations
you want Repute to perform.
! In Step 6, you will perform the calculations and review the results.
! In Step 7, you will produce a report summarising the results of the
! In Step 8, you will close (and optionally save) the project.
If you have an existing project open, click Close on the program’s File menu. (You
will be prompted to save your work if you have not already done so.)
4. Click Next to display the next page (the standards that appear depend on
which edition of Repute you are running). Select BS 8004: 2015 by clicking on
the relevant checkbox (a tick mark appears when a standard is selected).
10 Geocentrix Repute 2.5 Quick-Start Guide
5. Click Next to display the next page. Increase the Number of scenarios to 2
and then change the Design Situation of Scenario 1 to “Transient” but leave
Stage 2 as “Persistent”.
6. Click Next to display the final page. If you wish to review any of the settings
you have made, click Back to return to the relevant page.
7. When you are ready, click Finish to generate the
project. The Project Wizard then:
! Creates Soils 1-2, Layers 1-2, and Borehole 1
! Creates Site 1, Ground 1, Design Standard 1,
and Stages 1-2
! Adds Ground 1 to Stages 1-2
! Creates a new project named Tutorial
1.rpx with all these items
3. Click Next to display the next page. Change Layer 1's thickness to 5m and its
soil type to “Clay”. Change the thickness of Layer 2 to 20m but leave its soil
type as “Sand”.
4. Click Next to display the next page. Change the Weight density (unit weight)
of Soil 1 to 20.5 kN/m and its Angle of shearing to 23E. Change the weight
density of Soil 2 to 18 kN/m and its angle of shearing to 35E. Leave the
Cohesion of both soils unchanged.
12 Geocentrix Repute 2.5 Quick-Start Guide
5. Click Next to display the next page. Change the Strength of Soil 1 to 60 kPa.
Leave all other properties unchanged. (Note that Soil 2 does not appear on
this page, since it is a sand and so does not have undrained properties.)
6. Click Next to display the next page. Click All to select both stages.
7. Click Next to display the next page. If you wish to review
any of the settings you have made, click Back to return to
the relevant page.
8. When you are ready, click Finish to generate the borehole.
The Borehole Wizard then:
! Creates Soils 1-2, Layers 1-2, and Borehole 1
! Links Soil 1 to Layer 1
! Links Soil 2 to Layer 2
! Adds Layers 1-2 to Borehole 1
1. Open the
Stockyard by
selecting the View
tab on Repute’s
ribbon and then
clicking on the
Construct button.
2. When the program has switched to its Construction Desktop (in which the
Drawing Board, Project Manager, and Stockyard are displayed), right-click
anywhere inside the Stockyard to display its context menu and select the
Bearing Piles command. The Bearing Piles group will open.
Tutorial 1: H-pile in clay and sand 13
6. In the Property Inspector, place a tick next to Force 1 (under Actions) to add
the action to this scenario. The Drawing Board will refresh and now look like
3. Click Next to display the next page. Select “Design Standard 1” (this is the
BS 8004:2015 design standard created in Step 1 of this tutorial).
16 Geocentrix Repute 2.5 Quick-Start Guide
4. Click Next to display the next page. Click All to select both stages.
5. Click Next to display the final page. If you wish to review any of the settings
you have made, click Back to return to the relevant page.
6. When you are ready, click Finish to generate the calculations. The Calculation
Wizard then:
! Creates Calculations 1-2
! Links Stage 1 to Calculation 1
! Links Stage 2 to Calculation 2
! Links Design Standard 1 to Calculations 1-2
7. You can edit the report’s layout using the Modify command
(this is only available in the Enterprise Edition of the program).
8. You must close this window in order to return to Repute. You
can do this by going to File and then selecting Exit.
9. Finally, you can output the report onto paper using the Print command and
choosing from the options provided in the dialog box that appears on your
screen. (Note: this is not available in the Trial Edition.)
What next?
Tutorial 2 shows you how to set up Fleming’s hyperbolic analysis.
20 Geocentrix Repute 2.5 Quick-Start Guide
Tutorial 2 shows you how to construct a load vs displacement curve for a single
pile, using Fleming’s hyperbolic analysis, described in his 1992 Géotechnique
paper “A new method for single pile settlement prediction and analysis” (see vol.
42, no. 3, pp 411-425). This tutorial demonstrates how to setup a calculation in
Repute without using the program’s built-in wizards, thereby showing you how
versatile the program’s user interface is.
The worked example is taken from Figure 6 in Fleming’s paper, which is based
upon from tests carried out at Wembley by Whitaker & Cooke. We are interested
in replicating the load vs displacement curve given by Fleming’s analysis.
! Ground conditions at the site are not given in the paper, so we will
assume 25m of London Clay with an undrained strength of 100 kPa and
an angle of shearing resistance of 23E.
! The pile studied is a 12.2 m long, 775 mm diameter bored pile made of
concrete with Young’s modulus equal to 19.5 GPa.
! A vertical load of 200 tonnes (approximately 2000 kN) is applied at the
centre of the pile.
! The ultimate load that the pile can carry has been calculated (separately)
as 1994 kN on the shaft and 1002 kN from the base. The soil modulus
below the pile base is 33.125 MPa. Other parameters used by Fleming
are the shaft flexibility factor (0.0017 or 0.17%) and effective column
length factor (0.45).
This tutorial is written for users of the Standard, Enterprise, and Trial Editions of
Repute only. Users of the Professional Edition should look at Tutorials 4-6.
! In Step 1, you will enter project information about the site and the
! In Step 2, you will define the site’s ground conditions.
! In Step 3, you will create a bored pile and specify its cross-section and
concrete grade.
! In Step 4, you will create the force applied to the pile.
! In Step 5, you will sleeve the pile through the made ground.
! In Step 6, you will create the scenario and calculation and link various
Tutorial 2: Fleming’s hyperbolic analysis 21
items together.
! In Step 7, you will perform the calculation and produce a report showing
the relationship between load and displacement.
! In Step 8, you will close (and optionally save) the project.
If you have an existing project open, click Close on the program’s Application
menu. You will be prompted to save your work if you have not already done so.
1. Returning to the Stockyard, click on the button labelled Common to open the
Common group, where you will find (amongst other items) Plane Ground.
2. Hold the Ctrl key down and click on the item
labelled “Plane Ground” to create it.
3. In the Property Inspector, change the Name of
the Plane Ground to “Horizontal Ground” but
leave its other (default) properties unchanged.
4. Back in the Stockyard, open the Materials group
so that you can create a Clay. You may need to
click one of the small buttons at the bottom of
the Stockyard to display this group. You can
move the mouse over each button in turn to
display a tooltip indicating which panels they
control. Create the Clay by Ctrl-clicking on it.
5. In the Property Inspector, change the Name of
the new Clay to “London Clay”, and enter the
following properties: under the heading Drained
Strength, Angle of shearing resistance = 23E;
under Undrained strength, Minimum undrained
strength = 100 kPa.
6. In the Stockyard, open the Geotechnical Constituents group and create both a
Soil Layer and a Borehole.
7. Select the layer in the Project Manager and then (in the Property Inspector)
change its Name to “Clay Layer”, its Thickness to 25 m, and select “London
Clay” in its Soil box, under the heading Material.
8. Now select the borehole in the Project Manager and the, in the Property
Inspector, rename it “Wembley Borehole”. Next, press the Select... button.
9. In the dialog box that appears, click on the >> button to move “Clay Layer”
from the Available layers box to the Selected layers box. Click OK to confirm
the changes.
Tutorial 2: Fleming’s hyperbolic analysis 23
3. Back in the Concretes panel, create a Custom Concrete. Then set its Young’s
modulus (E) to 19.5 GPa (this should succeed) and change its Name to
“Fleming’s concrete”.
4. Because we no longer need the Grade Concrete, we can delete it from the
project by right-clicking on ‘Concrete 1’ in the Project Manager and selecting
Edit > Delete. When prompted, confirm that you want to delete ‘Concrete 1
(Grade Concrete)’.
24 Geocentrix Repute 2.5 Quick-Start Guide
5. Open the Structural Elements group in the Stockyard and create a Bored Pile.
6. In the Property Inspector, change the Length of the new pile to 12.2 m and its
Shaft diameter to 775 mm (its base diameter will automatically increase to
775 mm). Finally, select “Fleming’s concrete” in the box Material name.
[Docs]\Tutorials\Tutorial 2\Step 3.rpx captures everything so far.
3. Open the Calculations group in the Stockyard and create Fleming’s Analysis.
4. In the Property Inspector, set the Construction Stage to “Stage 1” and the
Shrinkage to “Length in made ground”.
5. Enter the following values for the calculation’s
other properties: Ultimate shaft load (Us) 1994
kN; Ultimate base load (Ub) 1002 kN; Base
stiffness (Eb) 33.125 MPa; Shaft flexibility (Ms)
0.17%; and Effective column length (Ke) 0.45.
These values are taken directly from Fleming’s
6. Finally, set the Maximum settlement ratio to
1%. This controls how much of the load vs
displacement curve is generated. You want to
go up to about 8 mm displacement, which is 1% of the pile diameter.
[Docs]\Tutorials\Tutorial 2\Step 6.rpx captures everything so far.
5. You can view the data on which this graph is based in the Workbook (left).
[Docs]\Tutorials\Tutorial 2\Step 7.rpx captures everything so far.
3. Repute will then (if requested) save and close the project.
Tutorial 2: Fleming’s hyperbolic analysis 27
A Repute project which reproduces all nine hyperbolic analyses from of Fleming’s
paper can be found in [Docs]\Examples\Fleming (1992).rpx.
What’s next?
Tutorial 3 shows you how to design a single pile in accordance with the
requirements of Eurocode 7.
28 Geocentrix Repute 2.5 Quick-Start Guide
Tutorial 3 shows you how to design a single pile according to the requirements of
Eurocode 7. The worked example is taken from Chapter 13 of the book
“Decoding Eurocode 7” by Bond and Harris (2008), London: Taylor and Francis.
This tutorial is written for users of the Standard, Enterprise, and Trial Editions of
Repute only. Users of the Professional Edition should look at Tutorials 4-6.
! In Step 1, you will use the Project Wizard to enter project information,
select design standards, and create a scenario to represent short-term
! In Step 2, you will use the Borehole Wizard to create a borehole
containing the clay and sand layers.
! In Step 3, you will add a water table to the scenario.
! In Step 4, you will create a pile and specify its cross-section and
concrete grade.
! In Step 5, you will use the Action Wizard to create the forces applied to
Tutorial 3: Single pile design to Eurocode 7 29
the pile.
! In Step 6, you will use the Calculation Wizard to create a calculation and
specify the design standard to use in that calculation.
! In Step 7, you will specify precise details of how you want the
calculation to be performed.
! In Step 8, you will perform the calculations and review the results.
! In Step 9, you will create a second calculation, identical to the first but
based on the UK National Annex to Eurocode 7.
! In Step 10, you will close (and optionally save) the project.
If you have an existing project open, click Close on the program’s File menu. (You
will be prompted to save your work if you have not already done so.)
4. Click Next to display the next page. The design standards that appear here
depend on which edition of Repute you are running (the Enterprise Edition
supports more design standards than the Standard and Professional editions).
5. Select BS EN 1997-1: 2004+A1:2013 and IS EN 1997-1:2005 by clicking on
the relevant check-boxes (a tick mark appears next to a standard when it is
6. Click Next to display the next page. Keep the Number of scenarios as 1, but
change the Design Situation of Scenario 1 to “Transient”.
7. Click Next to display the final page. If you wish to review any of the settings
you have made, click Back to return to the relevant page.
Tutorial 3: Single pile design to Eurocode 7 31
9. Finally, rename the design standards to make it easier to identify them later, as
follows. Locate Design Standard 1 (under “Design Standards”) in the Project
Manager, right-click on it, and select Properties. The Property Inspector will
appear. Change the Name of this standard to “EC7 with UK NA”.
10. Repeat the previous step for Design Standard 2, renaming it “EC7 with Irish
[Docs]\Tutorials\Tutorial 3\Step 1.rpx captures everything so far.
3. Click Next to display the next page. Change Layer 1’s Thickness to 8 m and its
Soil type to “Clay”. Change the thickness of Layer 2 to 5 m but leave its soil
type as “Sand”.
4. Click Next to display the next page. Change the Weight density of Soil 1 to
18.5 kN/m but leave its other properties unchanged. Change the Angle of
shearing of Soil 2 to 36E but leave its other properties unchanged.
32 Geocentrix Repute 2.5 Quick-Start Guide
5. Click Next to display the next page. Change the Strength of Soil 1 to 45 kPa.
Leave all other properties unchanged. (Note that Soil 2 does not appear on
this page, since sand is a fine soil and so does not have undrained properties.)
6. Click Next to display the next page. Place a tick in the checkbox for Stage 1.
7. Click Next to display the final page. If you wish to review any of the settings
you have made, click Back to return to the relevant page.
8. Click Finish to generate the borehole. The Borehole Wizard then:
! Creates Soils 1 and 2, Layers 1 and 2, and Borehole 1
! Links Soil 1 to Layer 1
! Links Soil 2 to Layer 2
! Adds Layers 1and 2 to Borehole 1
5. Click Next to display the next page. Since no moments are applied to the pile,
leave the number of moments as 0.
6. Click Next to display the next page. Increase the No. of combinations to 1;
“Combination 1” will be created. Under the column Forces to include..., tick
Force 1 and Force 2.
Tutorial 3: Single pile design to Eurocode 7 35
7. Click Next to display the last page. If you wish to review any of the settings
you have made, click Back to return to the relevant page.
8. Click Finish to generate the actions and their combination. The Actions
Wizard will then:
! Create Forces 1 and 2
! Create Combination 1
! Add Forces 1 and 2 to Combination 1
3. Click Next to display the next page. Select “EC7 with Irish NA”.
4. Click Next to display the next page. Place a tick in the checkbox next to Stage
5. Click Next to display the final page. If you wish to review any of the settings
you have made, click Back to return to the relevant page.
6. When you are ready, click Finish to generate the first calculation. The
Calculation Wizard then:
! Creates Calculation 1
! Links Stage 1 to Calculation 1
! Links “EC7 with Irish NA” to Calculation 1
2. Hold the CTRL key down and click on “Shrinkage” in the Stockyard. Then, in
the Property Inspector, change the Name of the new algorithm to “No skin
friction” and enter “Ignore skin friction above water table” in its Notes field.
Tutorial 3: Single pile design to Eurocode 7 37
Enter a value of 1.0 m into the Custom depth box, whereupon the Algorithm
Option will automatically change to “Custom shrinkage”.
3. Hold the CTRL key down and click on “Alpha”
in the Stockyard. Change the Name of the new
algorithm to “Alpha in clay” and enter “From US
Army Corps of Engineers” in its Notes field.
Enter a value of 0.8 into the Custom alpha box,
whereupon the Option will automatically
change to “Custom alpha”.
4. Hold the CTRL key down and click on “Lateral earth pressure coefficient” in
the Stockyard. Change the Name of the new algorithm to “Ks in sand” and
enter “= Nq/50” in its Notes field. Enter a value of 1.59 into the Custom
compression coefficient box, whereupon the Option will automatically
change to “Custom earth pressure coefficient”.
5. Hold the CTRL key down and click on “Wall friction” in the Stockyard.
Change the Name of the new algorithm to “Delta in sand” and enter “=
constant volume angle of shearing resistance” in its Notes field. Enter a value
of 33E into the Custom friction box, whereupon the Option will automatically
change to “Custom friction”.
6. Hold the CTRL key down and click on “Bearing capacity algorithm” in the
Stockyard. Change the Name of the new algorithm to “Nq in sand”. Change
the Option to Berezantzev. In the Example Calculation group. change the
Angle of shearing resistance to 35° and the Slenderness ratio to 25. The
value of Nq will update (to 47.23), while Nc is not specified (since
Berezantzev’s algorithms is only applicable to sands).
7. Select “Calculation 1” in the Project Manager.
8. In the Property Inspector, set a link to the
bearing capacity algorithm you have just
created by clicking on the down arrow to the
right of the heading Bearing Capacity Factor
and selecting ‘Nq in sand’.
9. Repeat the previous instruction for the other
algorithms you have created (i.e. Wall friction,
Lateral earth pressure coefficient, Alpha, and
10. Also tick the Undrained resistance option to
ensure that the calculation is based on total
stresses in the clay.
[Docs]\Tutorials\Tutorial 3\Step 7.rpx captures everything so far.
38 Geocentrix Repute 2.5 Quick-Start Guide
4. The Workbook (top left panel) shows the same information in tabular format.
The Workbook contains a lot more information than is initially shown. To
display this additional information, click on the button in the top-left-hand
corner (labelled *) and select the data you want to see. The picture here show
results for the depth 10 m.
Tutorial 3: Single pile design to Eurocode 7 39
1. Display the program’s File Menu and close the project by clicking on Close.
2. If you have made changes to the project since it was last saved, Repute will
ask you if you want to save before proceeding. Answer Yes or No by clicking
the appropriate button.
3. Repute will then (if requested) save and close the project.
[Docs]\Tutorials\Tutorial 3\Tutorial 3.rpx captures everything in
this tutorial.
What’s next?
Tutorial 4 shows how the boundary element method can analyse a pile group.
Tutorial 4: pile group in clay and sand 41
! In Step 1, you will use the Project Wizard to enter project information
and create a scenario to represent a persistent design situation.
! In Step 2, you will use the Pile Group Wizard to create a 2 x 2 pile
group and specify the piles’ properties.
! In Step 3, you will use the Borehole Wizard to create a borehole
containing stiff clay and dense sand layers.
! In Step 4, you will enter the stiffness parameters for Soils 1 and 2.
! In Step 5, you will use the Action Wizard to create the actions applied to
the pile group.
! In Step 6, you will use the Calculation Wizard to create the calculation
you want Repute to perform.
42 Geocentrix Repute 2.5 Quick-Start Guide
! In Step 7, you will perform the calculation and review the results.
! In Step 8, you will produce a report summarising the calculation.
! In Step 9, you will close and (optionally) save the project.
If Repute is not already running, double-click on the Repute icon on Windows’
Desktop to start the program. Once the splash screen has disappeared, Repute
displays its Welcome page.
If you have an existing project open, click Close on the program’s Application
menu. You will be prompted to save your work if you have not already done so.
4. Click Next to display the next page. Change the Concrete class to C20/25
and the Diameter/Breadth to 1050 mm. (By default, this concrete has Young’s
modulus of 30 GPa but this is not shown.)
5. Click Next to display the next page. Change the Embedded length (L) to 20 m
44 Geocentrix Repute 2.5 Quick-Start Guide
6. Click Next to display the next page. Leave all the values on this page as zero –
this will position the pile group centrally in the co-ordinate system (and not
7. Click Next to display the next page. Tick “Stage 1” to add the pile group to
the scenario.
8. Click Next to display the last page. If you wish to review any of the settings
you have made, click Back to return to the relevant page.
9. When you are ready, click Finish to
generate the pile group. The Pile Group
Wizard then:
! Creates Piles 1-4
! Creates Pile Group 1
! Creates Concrete 1
! Links Piles 1-4 to Concrete 1
! Adds Piles 1-4 to Pile Group 1
! Adds Pile Group 1 to Stage 1
[Docs]\Tutorials\Tutorial 4\Step
2.rpx captures everything so far.
4. Click Next to display the next page. Change the weight density of Soil 1 to
18 kN/m but leave its angle of shearing as 25E. Change the weight density of
Soil 2 to 21.5 kN/m and set its angle of shearing to 36E. Leave the cohesion
of both soils unchanged at 0 kPa. Click Next to display the next page.
5. Change the undrained strength of Soil 1 to 100 kPa, its increase in strength to
500 kPa, and the distance over which the increase occurs to 8m.
6. Click Next to display the next page. Tick “Stage 1” to add the borehole to the
7. Click Next to display the last page. If you wish to review any of the settings
you have made, click Back to return to the relevant page.
46 Geocentrix Repute 2.5 Quick-Start Guide
[Docs]\Tutorials\Tutorial 4\Step
3.rpx captures everything so far.
40 MPa x 0.5). The Gh (shear modulus) editor will also change to show
6.67 MPa (i.e. 13.33 MPa x 0.5).
6. Next, select Soil 2 in the Project Manager. The Property Inspector will change
to display its properties.
7. In the Property Inspector, click on the
heading Large-strain stiffness (or the +
button located to the left of it), located
under the Drained stiffness category. The
inspector will expand to show various
controls for setting the soil’s drained
8. Type 0.3 into the v (Poisson’s ratio) editor
and press ENTER. The other editors will
show their default values.
9. Type 50 into the E (Young’s modulus)
editor and press ENTER. The G (shear
modulus) editor will automatically change
to show 19.23 MPa, corresponding to G = E
/ 2(1 + v).
10. Type 8 into the z0 (reference depth) editor and press ENTER (this is the top of
the soil layer).
11. Type 20 into the dz (depth increase) editor and press ENTER (this is the
thickness of the soil layer).
12. Type 200 into the dE (Young’s modulus increase) editor and press ENTER.
The value of dE/dz (change in Young’s modulus with depth) will change to
show 10 MN/m , corresponding to dE/dz = 200 MPa / 20 m. The shear
modulus values will also change automatically.
[Docs]\Tutorials\Tutorial 4\Step 4.rpx captures everything so far.
3. Click Next to display the next page. Increase the number of moments to 1;
“Moment 1” will be created. Set its My value to 2000 kNm, but leave its
Variability as “Variable”.
4. Click Next to display the next page. Increase the number of combinations to
1; “Combination 1” will be created. Under the column Forces to include...,
tick Force 1 and Force 2. Under the column Moments to include..., tick
Moment 1.
5. Click Next to display the last page. If you wish to review any of the settings
you have made, click Back to return to the relevant page.
6. When you are ready, click Finish to
generate the actions and their combination.
The Actions Wizard then:
! Creates Forces 1 and 2
! Creates Moment 1
! Creates Combination 1
Tutorial 4: pile group in clay and sand 49
3. Click Next to display the next page. Since there are no standards to select
from, there is nothing to do on this page.
4. Click Next to display the next page. Select “Stage 1” to link the boundary
element analysis to that scenario.
5. Click Next to display the last page. If you wish to review any of the settings
you have made, click Back to return to the relevant page.
6. When you are ready, click Finish to generate the calculation. The Calculation
Wizard then:
50 Geocentrix Repute 2.5 Quick-Start Guide
! Creates Calculation 1
! Links Calculation 1 to Stage 1
1. Switch to
Repute’s Review
Desktop (which
displays the
Reporter and
Project Manager)
by selecting the
View tab of Repute’s ribbon and then clicking on the Review button.
2. Create the report by clicking on the Refresh button located at the top of the
Reporter. Repute will generate the requested report and then show it. You
can navigate around the report using the First Page, Previous Page, Next
Page, and Last Page controls, also at the top of the Reporter.
52 Geocentrix Repute 2.5 Quick-Start Guide
3. You can choose which elements appear in the report by turning items on or
off via the buttons in the Report Elements group on the Reporter tab.
4. Finally, you can print the report by clicking on Print button on the Reporter
What’s next?
Tutorial 5 shows you how to set up a non-linear boundary element analysis of a
pile group in stiff clay overlying rock.
You cannot print the project in the Trial Edition of Repute
You cannot save the project in the Trial Edition of Repute
Tutorial 5: Non-linear analysis of pile group in stiff clay overlying rock 53
This tutorial is written for users of the Professional, Enterprise, and Trial Editions
of Repute only. Users of the Standard Edition should look at Tutorials 1-3.
54 Geocentrix Repute 2.5 Quick-Start Guide
! In Step 1, you will use the Project Wizard to enter project information
and create a scenario to represent the design situation to be analysed.
! In Step 2, you will create four piles and connect them together in a pile
! In Step 3, you will create a stiff clay and specify its properties.
! In Step 4, you will create a layer, borehole, and water table.
! In Step 5, you will create a force, moment, and combination of actions
(to combine the force and moment).
! In Step 6, you will create the calculation that you want Repute to
! In Step 7, you will perform the calculation.
! In Step 8, you will export results to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
! In Step 9, you will close and (optionally) save the project.
If Repute is not already running, double-click on the Repute icon on Windows’
Desktop to start the program. Once the splash screen has disappeared, Repute
displays its Welcome page.
If you have an existing project open, click Close on the program’s File menu. You
will be prompted to save your work if you have not already done so.
5. Click Next to display the next page. Since we are not going to use a design
standard, there is nothing to set on this page.
6. Click Next to display the next page. Since the Design Situation of Scenario 1
is already set to “Persistent”, there is nothing to change on this page.
7. Click Next to display the final page. If you wish to review any of the settings
you have made, click Back to return to the relevant page.
8. Click Finish to generate the project. The Project Wizard then creates a new
project named Tutorial 5.rpx containing the following items:
! Project Information: Site 1
! Geometrical Objects: Ground 1
! Scenarios: Stage 1
1. Switch to Repute’s
Desktop by
selecting the View
tab on Repute’s
ribbon and clicking
on the Construct
button. (The Construction Desktop displays the Drawing Board, Project
Manager, and Stockyard.)
2. Right-click anywhere in the Stockyard and select “Concretes” from the pop-up
menu in order to open the Concretes group.
3. Then click on the item labelled “C20/25” and keep the left mouse button
4. Drag the cursor away from the Stockyard
towards the Project Manager. The cursor
will change to signal the dragging
5. Finally, release the left mouse button when
the cursor is located over the Project
Manager to drop the concrete there, where
it will appear as Concrete 1 (under the
heading “Materials”).
6. Back in the Stockyard, click on the heading
56 Geocentrix Repute 2.5 Quick-Start Guide
The Drawing Board will now look something like this. Note that the pile cap
appears in yellow, since we have not specified a material to link to this element.
58 Geocentrix Repute 2.5 Quick-Start Guide
2000 kN, and its Fz value to 20 000 kN. The Depth will change to –0.5 m and
the Resultant to 20 099.75 kN as you do this. (The change in level is
necessary to place the force on top of the upstand pile group.)
4. Select Moment 1 in the Project Manager.
5. In the Property Inspector, change the moment’s Level to 0.5 m and its My
value to 3000 kNm.
6. Select Combination 1 in the Project Manager.
7. In the Property Inspector, tick both Force 1 and Moment 1. Make a note of
the Fx, Fz, and My values (these are resolved about the combination’s current
location). Then change the Level of Combination 1 to 0.5 m. The My value
will change automatically as the lever arm of the forces has changed.
8. Select Stage 1 in the Project Manager.
9. Finally, in the Property Inspector, tick “Combination 1” to add it to the
scenario. Arrows will appear on the Drawing Board above the pile group.
10. In this Step you have manually:
! Created Force 1, Moment 1, and Combination 1
! Added Force 1 and Moment 1 to Combination 1
! Added Combination 1 to Stage 1
[Docs]\Tutorials\Tutorial 5\Step
6.rpx captures everything so far.
1. Right-click in the Workbook panel to reveal its context menu and select
Export. Only the data that is currently displayed in the Workbook will be
exported. To include other results, click on the Asterisk (*) in the top left
corner of the Workbook’s table and select the results you want to include.
2. Select the desired path for the file, enter its name, and then click on the Save
button. This will save the data in an Excel spreadsheet (*.xls file).
3. You can then view the results by navigating to this folder using Windows’ File
Manager and opening the file in Excel. The results should look like the image
below (if opened in Excel 2016).
What’s next?
Tutorial 6 looks at the more complicated case of an asymmetric pile group under
3-dimensional loading.
64 Geocentrix Repute 2.5 Quick-Start Guide
Tutorial 6 considers a more complicated project: that of an asymmetric pile group
under general 3-dimensional loading. This tutorial shows you how to:
! In Step 1, you will open and modify an existing project.
! In Step 2, you will delete the old pile group and then specify a new
! In Step 3, you will move the piles to their final (asymmetric) positions.
! In Step 4, you will modify the actions on the pile group.
! In Step 5, you will perform the calculation and review the results.
! In Step 6, you will close and (optionally) save the project.
If you have an existing project open, click Close on the program’s Application
menu. You will be prompted to save your work if you have not already done so.
1. Click on the File > Open command and, in the dialog box that appears,
navigate to the folder [Docs]\Tutorials\Tutorial 6 and select the file
Tutorial 4.rpx (this is a copy of the file that was saved at the end of
Tutorial 4). Click on the Open button to open this project.
3. Save the project under a different name, by clicking the File > Save As
command and then clicking on Repute 2 file.
4. In the dialog box that appears, change the File name to “Tutorial 6” and click
on the Save button to save the modified project with a new name. It will
automatically be saved in the folder [Docs]\Tutorials\Tutorial 6
unless you choose another location for it.
[Docs]\Tutorials\Tutorial 6\Step 1.rpx captures everything so far.
1. The pile group specified in Tutorial 4 was a 2 x 2 group. You can see this most
easily by changing the orientation of the Drawing Board to plan view. To do
this, right-click anywhere on the Drawing Board and select Plan. Alternatively,
select the Drawing Board tab on Repute’s ribbon and then click on the Plan
2. You may also find it easier to see the piles if you increase the Drawing Board’s
scale. To do this, right-click anywhere on the one of the rulers at the edge of
the Drawing Board and select 1:100. Alternatively, there are buttons on the
Drawing Board tab (on Repute’s ribbon) which allow you to manipulate the
scale however you choose.
3. If you move the mouse over the drawing of the pile group in
the Drawing Board, a balloon will appear showing its name
(which is “Pile Group 1”). You can select this group by
clicking on it, whereupon a blue selection rectangle will
appear with square “handles” at each corner. “Pile Group 1”
will automatically be highlighted in the Project Manager and
Tutorial 6: Asymmetric pile group under 3D loading 67
7. In the Project Manager, select Piles 1-3 by holding the CTRL key down and
clicking on each pile in turn. Also select Pile Group 1 with the CTRL key held
down. Then right-click and choose Edit > Delete. You will be prompted to
delete each item in turn. Answer Yes in each case (four times in total).
8. Open the Pile Group Wizard by
selecting the Wizards tab on
Repute’s ribbon and clicking on the
Pile Group Wizard button.
9. When the Wizard appears, choose
the Custom plan arrangement and
change the number of pile rows to
m = 5 by n = 3. The picture on the left-hand side of the
Wizard will change to show you a (generic)
rectangular pile arrangement.
10. Change the Spacing between the piles to 3 m, but
leave the Cover at its default value (200 mm).
11. Click Next to display the next page. Choose ‘(Cast-in-place) Bored Pile’ as the
pile type.
68 Geocentrix Repute 2.5 Quick-Start Guide
12. Click Next to display the next page. Change the Concrete class to C20/25
and the Diameter/Breadth to 1050 mm. By default, the concrete will be
assigned a Young’s modulus of 30 GPa.
13. Click Next to display the next page. Change the Embedded length (L) to 20 m
but leave the Upstand (U) as 0 m.
14. Click Next to display the next page. Change the X position (dX) of the pile
group‘s centroid to 6m, its Y position (dY) to 3 m but leave its Rotation (d2)
as 0E. This will move the piles in the group close to their desired positions.
15. Click Next to display the next page. Tick “Stage 1” to add the pile group to
Tutorial 6: Asymmetric pile group under 3D loading 69
the scenario.
16. Click Next to display the last page. If you wish to review any of the settings
you have made, click Back to return to the relevant page.
17. When you are ready, click Finish to generate the pile group. The Pile Group
Wizard then:
! Creates Piles 1-15
! Creates Pile Group 1
! Creates Concrete 2
! Links Piles 1-15 to Concrete 2
! Adds Piles 1-15 to Pile Group 1
! Adds Pile Group 1 to Stage 1
4. You can change the graph that appears on the screen by selecting the Graph
Paper tab on Repute’s ribbon and clicking on the any of the available graphs
that are listed there.
5. For example, if you click on the Moment My button, the graph will change to
look something like this:
6. You can change the appearance of the graph by experimenting with the
Tutorial 6: Asymmetric pile group under 3D loading 73
extensive set of controls provided via its Options box. To display the Graph
Options box, click on the Options button on the graph paper tab. Click on the
help button to find instructions for using this box to customize your graph.
What’s next?
Further information about the program’s capabilities can be found in the Repute
2.5 User Manual and the program’s built-in help system. Details of the theory that
underpins the program’s calculations can be found in the Repute 2.5 Reference