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sam Approval Date Processed Date Sold Name Address CITY Sta Zip Card# Exp Date CV Price

Name Address CITY Sta Zip Card# Exp Date CV Price Opene Closer Phone Number 2nd Number Amount N Interest Ra DOB SSN Available Customer Service Notes FA Notes FA Bank Conta Applicati Call Bac If NO Service Co Received In Zilch Tracking Number Zilch Notes
1/4/2012 17:31:09 1538878359 1/4/2012 1/4/2012 Nancy A. Franze 1308 W. South St. Bluffton IN 46714 6011005030205747 - 212 $995 Toni Steven 260-827-0602 5907 7 18-25.4 7/12/1938 305-38-326 Anytime Carly is her daughter who hand 1/4/12 Barclay Rew Approved $1800, Chase Slate Ap Lori n Y y n y 0311 2550 0002 3122 784
11/19/2011 1510747778/CB 12-6-11 11/19/2011 11/19/2011 Emily S McKenna 6743 Long Lake Rd Belding MI 48809 4352377611057074 . 466 $1,99 Larry/Larry 6167943690 17451 10 14.5,10.99 6/21/1956 376649553 evenings 11/29 rec'd BBB complaint, res 11/19- Cap 1-pending; Citi Simp- Approved 8,300 0% wendy
12/28/2011 13:54:42 12/28/2011 Ruth A. Derrow Albion IN 46701 5260364291515934 0/00 000 $995 Amy Steven 260-636-7828 24177 2 13.24-20.2 3/19/1950 307-56-151 Mid After She is stern and aggressive/rud Ready to charge, waiting on exp date / CVC..- dead;
12/22/2011 10:28:19 1531654749 12/22/2011 12/22/2011 Rita M Hagerman 4115 Soundview Southold N. 11971 5490998596248576 0/14 751 $995 Chris Norm 6317653346 995 44 11 6/14/1951 05744 1222 citi pndn wi id need more processing disc apprv nick n y 1227
11/2/2011 13:03:50 11/2/2011 Sonny Willis PO Box 892 Lewiston ID 83501 5491130099449134 00/00/0000 000 $1,99 Zack/Steven 208-435-4756 17000 1 14 7/19/1964 6789 Day or Ev Cool guy 11/2 spoke with customer citi sending out new card be Will
12/7/2011 18:50:00 1522326836 12/7/2011 12/2/2011 thomas l akuris 1742 woodbine ave charelston wv 25302 5424180768915651 01-13 [1] $995 quadesha /OB/ nick 304-345-9414 14k 3 12.9-0-0 6/10/1950 0235 1/9/2012 client called has ? thin 2 of 3 accts are at 0 till oct 2012 his balwi chase subj t nick y n y y
11/1/2011 18:00:00 1500375122 11/1/2011 11/1/2011 Dawn Lacoursiere 18913 Strong ford Macomb MI 48044 4266841127173126 01/12 027 $495 Donall/Oliver/NICK 586-263-1229 12/1/11- called for Nick. gave m 1101 citi gm apprvdbt during app barc pndn nick nick
11/16/2011 17:20:51 1508854571 11/16/2011 11/16/2011 Scott J. Wenck Box //314 Robb St Lipperdale LA 51452 4037840017983238 01/12 739 $595 Titus // Norm 712-822-5209- 712-830-3955 7633 1 18 3/28/1949 484589564 12/08 client clld wanting to spe 11/16 Pending citi (ref# 201111289008729 ) and Gm, Brian
12/8/2011 14:47:11 1522901446 12/8/2011 12/8/2011 Trinity Urman 612 N. 4th St unit 15 Hudson WI 54016 4800113228019639 01/12 380 $1,99 Patrick/Steven/Brian 715-808-0450 715-497-8744 16000 2 25 12/3/1975 477028490 12/12/2011 client left msg for a 12/08 Pending cap1 and Citi and barclays. 12/13 Cu Brian y
10/20/2011 14:49:41 1493744297/CB 11-1-11 10/20/2011 10/20/2011 Vincenza Morrone 42 pearl Str. New Hyde Par NY 11040 4888930393993321 01/13 695 $1,99 Marlinday/Steven 516-437-5148 5165024187 10500 1 6.24 H 06/08/5
1512965073 11/22/2011 11/22/2011 Paul Fredericks 635 N McDonel St Lima OH 45801 4118162000108711 01/13 832 $395 Cris R/Larry/Will 419-227-3992 3439 1 22.44 2/26/1961 11/22 Citi plat sel appvd $7300 did bt for entire amount Will
12/1/2011 13:36:25 1518308325 12/1/2011 12/1/2011 Ty C Makela 371 e.1000 north Harrisville UT 84404 4301542006190788 01/13 056 $1,99 Luis/Norm/Daniel 801-668-0780 11189 1 22 4/14/1970 476867409 Daniel// 12/1/2011 Cap One pend,Citi Plat pend Gm d Daniel
Same 1527294263 12/15/2011 12/15/2011 Same Same Same Sa Same 6011009489292776 01/13 010 $100 David/Steven Same Same S Same Same Same
12/21/2011 14:05:00 1531152659 12/21/2011 12/21/2011 dup dup 5520300002933038 01/13 148 $95 dup dup dup dup Dup
1/11/2012 1/11/2012 1/11/2012 molly swami 7117 mayfield Binbinnati oh 45243 4313070665668619 01/13 144 $995 amber steve 5138910204 9241.83 2 backed out at verification
11/14/2011 14:51:58 1507372105 11/14/2011 11/14/2011 Dathine C. Brooks 717 James Rd. Glenburnie MD 21061 5178057320331031 01/14 114 $495 Raphaelly/ Norm 410 553 6277 4000 3 15 12/14/195 46947495 1114 applying for 0bt offer wi citi chse gs gm results m nick
11/21/2011 16:04:25 1512027262 11/21/2011 11/21/2011 Tyla Ann Law 1027 Swisher Rd Pocatello ID 83204 4465420178449351 01/14 394 $995 Larry/Larry/Will 208-232-6880 4400 2 19.99 2/18/1940 11/21 citi plat sel appvd $7300 Will
12/8/2011 17:28:00 1523006042 12/8/2011 12/8/2011 tom g rosak 327 11th st alta vista va 24517 6011361059944389 01/14 163 $700 jessica norm nick 4343697852 35k 4 16.24-12-2. 2/17/1953 300528036 she hastwo accts husb hastwo concentrate on barclay nick y y y n y1229
12/9/2011 14:27:00/ 1523551634/RETRIEVAL 12-22-11 12/9/2011 12/9/2011 Francis M McNulty 34 Dana St Malden MA 02148 6011001320387691 01/14 201 $1,99 Jessica/Larry/Jason 617-605-6759 50000 3 9.9-15.9% 9/18/1973 Jason// 12/9/2011 Capital One Denied// citi plat ped Jason
12/30/2011 10:48:53 1535694212 12/30/2011 12/30/2011 Jacqueline Scott 474 Troy Lane Sonoma CA 95476 5424180774182114 01/14 277 $1,99 Holly Orlando 7079391326 50000 3 16.99 1/11/1941 499449726 3:00:00 in real estate for 38 years 12/30 Pending Citi and Barcalys Brian
1/3/2012 17:48:12 1538225864 1/2/2012 1/3/2012 Elaine Beachem 47520 Pembrooke Dri Canton MI 48188 5178057739255375 01/14 883 $1,99 Durrell Oliver 734-544-1656 4760 3 17.9-25.49 9/5/1948 Bankruptcy--hard to get approv 1/3- Citibank Visa-pending; GM family-denied credit sc Wend n y y-see not n 0311 2550 0002 3122 694
1/11/2012 1542890731 1/11/2012 1/11/2012 Chester Junker dup dup du dup 4266841033970094 01/14 600 $1,00 Desiree Oliver dup dup du dup dup 1/11- GM-denied credit score 604; Citi MC-pending id# ZILCH DONE 01/11/12 LV
1/6/2012 1540058890 1/6/2012 1/6/2012 Billy D Hall 9616 Manor Rd. Leanwood kS 66206 4408041022164812 01/15 568 $295 Fred orlando 9134493004 31000 2 24.4 3/6/1943 434-60-759 1/7/2012 GM approved $4000 bal transfer of $3200 fro Jason n y 1/10/201 n 0311 2550 0002 3122 807 Zilch received 1-13-12 ~CD ZILCH DONE LV 01/16/12
10/24/2011 12:43:33 1495774479 10242011 10/24/2011 ERNEST E. GIRIJALVA 700 MC LAUGHLIN SAN JOSE CA 95116 4800134020404118 01/2013 829 $499 ANGELEA /OLIVER/Brian 4082790749 approved 10k Cap10%15mo brian
11/2/2011 18:02:12 11022011 Ryszard Smith 21112 12 Place South Settle WA 98198 4313071792665833 01/2013 227 $1,99 ?/OliverDaniel 2064599845 19425.6 1 16 4271957 6713 BOA Block customer is willing t Daniel// 11/2/2011 Cust wanted a call back tomorrow. Daniel
12/7/2011 18:46:00 1522323227 12/7/2011 12/2/2011 Diana K Broyles 820 Radford Square E Builings MT 59105 5466301876718881 01/2013 289 $495 Daniel/Larry 406-534-3653 10000 3 0.1565 11/6/1945 12/7 Citibank Visa- Approved, dont know credit line?? wendy n y y y
12/13/2011 14:16:00 1525806948 12/13/2011 12/12/2011 Diane L Pipchford 12099 W Clark Park R Eagle MI 48822 5178057264532313 01/2014 067 $295 Jill/Oliver/Jason 517-626-6903 517-712-6280 6413 2 14.90-22.9 1/22/1942 374-42-519 Anytime o 12/27/2011client called for Jaso 12/13/2011 jason// citi plat sel pend, citi simp pend, G jason waiting for b done done yes 1 yes 0311 2550 0002 3122 584 Zilch done 12-27-11 ~PB
12/8/2011 17:25:00 1523001835 12/8/2011 12/8/2011 Joyce M Carlson W 4978 Morner Rd Prenitice WI 54556 4264296114170506 01/2015 649 $395 Casey/Oliver 715-767-5900 4200 4 0.12 7/14/1934 12/9/2011 client called to cxl ha 12/8-Citibank Visa- Approved (dont know credit line) id wendy
12/12/2011 17:02:06 1525237511 12/12/2011 12/12/2011 Racheal L Boshears 14059 White Oak Lan Bentonville AR 72712 5155920007660328 012012 121 $100 Jill/Oliver/ 4797877063 9784 4 26 1241957 393647455 customer very satisfied 2 forms Same as above Brian Waiting y y 1/3/2012 1//9 updated zilch created LE
11/9/2011 12:10:26 1504631207 11/9/2011 11092011 Doreen Horton 7131 hamlet Avenue Glencoe MN 55336 6011007537525114 012013 359 $1,99 Zach/Oliver/Wendy 320-864-4878 20000 8 20 11261947 474521941 Widow and Retired 3M Employ 11/9/2011-cus and i called discover, took her 19.49% t
11/30/2011 18:21:19 1517531163/RETRIEVAL 12-12-11 11/30/2011 11/30/2011 Dale Kern RT 1 Box A 11 Valley Bend WV 26293 4313077103520310 012013 149 $1,99 Amy/Oliver/Dan 3043382642 13889.0 1 14.15 5231941 232641397 USA Army Vet----was put in wa Daniel// 11/30/2011 Cap One App $4800 Daniel Calle Daniel
11/9/2011 16:30:33 1504757511 11092011 11092011 Lorene B Sulier 1109 9th South East Will Mar MN 56201 4037840041291095 012014 576 $1,99 Donall/Oliver/Wendy 3202351873 15000 4 13 6141926 9194 12/5- parts of this line was deleted, dont know earlier n wendy
1514897992 11/26/2011 11262011 Michael D Blair 4940 Shallow Creek T kennasaw GA 30144 4264285837784917 012014 684 $298 Donall/Oliver/Brandon 7705750314 14500 2 20.99 3151962 254314224 customer very satisfied 2 forms 11/26 denied thru cap1, pending w/ citi and barclays1 Brain Y
12/12/2011 15:44:37 1525177052 12/12/2011 12/12/2011 Nancy F Putman 1050 North Latson Ro Howell MI 48843 6011005300025981 012014 335 $1,99 Rapheal/Oliver/Nick 5175523805 13500 3 14 11041942 384524590 Customer satisfied citi apprvd 4800 4300 paid to disc her bal wi disc after nick y disc 11..99 y y 0311 2550 0002 3122 556 Zilch done 12/23/11 ~PB
1/4/2012 15:59:20 1538853152 1/4/2012 1/4/2012 Jana L Cochran 714 Louis Avenue Billings MT 59101 5213310000189378 012014 046 $1,99 ZOE Oliver Tyrone 425-747-2227 14523 8 28.99 4061934 516843744 Customer is very optamistic ab 1/4/12 GM Pending 10-14 days, Barc Rew Approved 4 Lori N Y y n 0311 2550 0002 3122 785 1/7 zilch created LE ZILCH DONE 1-12-12 EW
11/29/2011 19:01:06 1516839659 11/29/2011 11/29/2011 Manuela Jenkins 2926 Sumpter Avenue Montgomery AL 36109 6011499467079982 012016 856 $995 Cindy/Oliver/Brandon 3342795815 14511 4 15.99 3041972 253555203 Customer is Self employed with Pending w/ Cap1 citi and Gm card//12/07 Cap1 And G Brian 2309 3620 0000 1452 987 Zilch done 12-05-11 ~CD
11/9/2011 13:04:19 1504666812 11/9/2011 11/8/2011 Michael Houghton 21918 County Road 2 Nevis MN 56467 5491139312475362 01312015 401 $1,99 Zack/Oliver/Daniel 218-652-4686 19000 1 17 4271947 555705429
11/8/2011 16:40:33 1504197780 11/8/2011 11/8/2011 Roxanne T. McManus 25862 Milano Lane Valencia Ca 91355 5490355246474088 02//14 917 $995 Shane / Norm/Daniel 661-253-1660 661-433-6963 47000 4 23 6/21/1945 6206 Daniel// 11/8/2011 Very Intelleg Daniel// 11/8/2011 Citi Plat pend Daniel Daniel// 11/9/2 Daniel
1/4/2012 19:13:40 1542730223 1/11/2012 1/4/2012 anthony hardee 323 heritage rd conway SC 29527 5490330674888562 02/12 117 $395 chris chris f. 8433972433 15000 3 7.9-25 2/14/1962 247333729 1/7/12 Client called in to get status on his account. Ex Lori n y 1/17/201 0311 2550 0002 3122 797 Zilch Received 1/16/12 // Zilch done 01-16-12 ~CD
11/16/2011 17:50:00 1508856968/RETRIEVAL 12-7-11 11/16/2011 11/16/2011 Cheryl A Goodings 100 Wayland Avenue Cranston RI 02920 6011001627510540 02/13 802 $1,99 Quadesha/Larry/Daniel 401-944-4591 401-465-4229 50k 4 9-19% 8/31/1960 Daniel// 11/16/2011 Cap One pend Daniel Daniel// 11 Daniel
10/27/2011 1497516827/refund 11-23-11 1513507854 10/27/2011 10/27/2011 jean e goodroe 25 eagle valley dr oakland tn 38060 4266841238832487 02/13 070 $995 jason/norm/nick 901-466-7795 901-553-9181 43k 6 18 1/5/1945 5540 anytime 11/09 customer called in to spe on phn wi her chase has no bt offer avail she has 25k Nick
1516129399 11/28/2011 11/28/2011 roger d buis 204 caboose ln woodstock GA 30189 5121079742873539 02/13 882 $995 Patrick/Larry/Nick 770-516-4886 6198 1 17 6/4/1952 11/29/2011 client left msg for Ni citi 7300 check in mail for 6700 to pay off sears he still nick n y y n y
1/11/2012 no avail credit 1/11/2012 Betty Goodman 1234 Hedg Row road Felicity OH 45120 02/13 247 $995 Paul M oliver 5138762913 9978 1 20.9 11/3/1945 283-40-185 anytime no approvals; filed Bankruptcy 1/11- acct only had 131.00 available, simple mistake b
11/3/2011 17:11:41 1501634794/CB 1/17/2012 11/3/2011 11/3/2011 [2] Diane Pavlak 890 Lakewood Hills R St. Paul MN 55123 4266841186280135 02/13 983 $1,99 Terrance/Steven/Daniel 651-454-4055 14577.7 1 29.99 6/23/1935 6610 Evenings great lady Daniel// 11/3/2011 T Daniel// 11/3/2011 Cap One App $7500, Citi Pend, GM Daniel
1524029231 12/10/2011 12/10/2011 Linda Lane 101 s Walnut st Victoria IL 61485 4266841255354340 02/14 805 $695 DURREL larry nick 309-879-2246 3800 1 19.24 10/8/1963 342-62-776 morning citi pndng gm apprvd 7500 4600 trans rom chase to g nick n chase y 1222/12 0311 2550 0002 3122 621 Zilch done 12-29-11 ~CD
1/12/2012 15:48:12 1543513850 1/12/2012 1/12/2012 Wayne Newton 1290 vine road fallon nv 89406 6011300030154270 02/14 764 $1,99 amber steve 754237980 7754270061 6319.54 2 22.6 12/26/195 449-94-466 anytime 112 its his wifes disc acct so we cant call bank till she nick n y 115 Zilch Filled Out 1/17/12 JS ~ ZILCH DONE 1-18-12 EW
12/29/2011 17/20/32 1535286148 12/29/2011 12/29/2011 tami r naccarato 602 bryant ave walla walla wa 99362 6011499488637875 02/15 483 $995 charlie orlando 509 525 5233 509 301 3891 1229 disc lowered to 18.24 on future purch running ap nick y 19.99-18.2 y 1230 n
10/24/2011 17:33:39 1495884400 10242011 10/24/2011 DELORIS M. HAMMER 3323 EAST 78TH ST INVER GROV MN 55076 4353400000131265 02/2013 197 $500 6514511626 5/10/1934 1024matching wi 0 %bt offers she wants me to call her nick n y y y
10/27/2011 17:05:14 1497616594 10/27/2011 10272011 Faye Ertzberger 5921 Stonebridge Ro Carnesville GA 30521 4185506001527279 02/2013 490 $1,99 DESSARR/OLIVER/ 7063845263 7000 3 4/16/2011 12/31/194 9086 11/8/2011- Citibank Visa- Pending; Capital 1-denied; B wendy
1488116062/CB 1/10/2012 10/11/2011 10/11/2011 Margret Dixon 373 W Underwood St Cleveland GA 30528 5424181181978045 02/28/13 453 $995 Angela/Steven/Brian 7068653517 6k 1 12 2/26/1926 6872 Pending Citi, Chase approved BT req for 7k. Brian
12/30/2011 14:01:13 1535823549 12/30/2011 12302011 Scott Scholl 5023 6th NE Columbia Heig MN 55421 4352376734466493 0213 222 $995 Brandy Oliver 7635728391 8000 1 20.24 6261964 475922608 customer agrees to 995.00 plea 1230 citi pndng wrong state his zip is for minnesota no nick n y same da y
11/1/2011 18:42:16 1500843231 11/2/2011 11/2/2011 Sheila Coliar P.O box 505 Paris AR 72855 4428610000485971 022012 668 $995 Steven Davis/ Oliver /Wendy 4799636517 9500 8 24 3251959 429231385 5260313600024583 /072014/2 // 11/2/2011-wh Capitol 1- Approved 3,000;barclays gs wendy n y y y
11/3/2011 16:39:16 1501620163 11/3/2011 11/3/2011 Veronica Leroy 2234 Tower CT Woodberry MN 55125 5499440913731753 022012 358 $995 Zack/Oliver/Will 6517389565 4000 3 23 2031930 4047 12/20 rec'd Zilch SI. LA// Great 11/3 barclays c to c appvd $15700 citi plat selc pendin Will 12/20/2011 2309 3620 0000 1452 587 Zilch done 12-09-11 ~CD
11/14/2011 12:27:39 1507298329 11/14/2011 11/14/2011 Geraldine Ornek Post Office Box 120 Gallatin Gatew MT 59730 4266841173865666 022012 276 $1,99 Louis/Oliver/Will 4067634678 406-580-5599 20000 3 t 24.99 2161949 042381945 workers comp broken nec need 11/14 citi simp pending ref# 201111149006905 cap1 p Will 2309 3620 0000 1452 594
12/16/2011 13:00:15 1528289551 12/16/2011 12/16/2011 Larry Carol-Ann Lowe 1836 camino Del Rio Whittier CA 90601 4388575241028096 022012 947 $1,50 Q Paige/Oliver/ 6269619723 8183668815 10700 1 24.99 4221952 602102974 Customer discount 495 12/16/11 Gm Approved $2000, Barc Pending//12/19/1 Lori y y
11/8/2011 16:18:39 1504190314 11/8/2011 11082011 Anthony Gamba 19324 140 Place Sout Renton WA 98058 4217930001019644 022013 807 $395 Rapheal/Oliver/wendy 206-850-1697 2536315948 9794 1 1400 10061944 537420061 Customer was at work and call 11/8/2011- Capitol 1-denied; Citbank Visa-pending; Ba wendy n y y y
11/28/2011 17:25:33 1516123814 11/28/2011 11/28/2011 Wanda Tumlin 2217 Hamilton Road Gainsville GA 30507 5401683093512918 022013 530 $1,99 Desiree/Oliver/Wendy 7705327475 22566.9 4 22.99 3241949 253844902 Close to retire works 177 days 11/28- Cap 1-denied; Citibank MC-pending;Barclays g wendy 7011 0110 0001 1541 835 Zilch done 11-30-11 ~CD
12/17/2011 13:12:30 1528833563 12/17/2011 12/17/2011 Rebecca Potts 6166 Anthony Drive Theodore AL 36582 5121075137436510 022013 375 $1,50 Durell/Oliver/ 2516533663 2000 5. 25.99 10211952 417767288 Customer fee discounted 1217 matching offers citi kicked me off gm dec running nick n y 0311 2550 0002 3122 570 Zilch Done 12/27/11 LV
12/20/2011 14:57:33 1530582721 12/20/2011 12/20/2011 Renee Burke 298 Mariont Brooklyn NY 11233 6011002604989145 022013 912 $1,99 Tonya Oliver 9174882443 21718 2 13 to 18 11241975 0646074 Customer needs to pick up chil 12/20- Cap 1-denied; Citibank Visa-Pending ID#20111 wendy n y y n 0311 2550 0002 3122 581 Zilch Done 12/27/11 LV
11/8/2011 16:01:40 1504184120 11/8/2011 11082011 Susan B Swartz 17644 Swartz Road Broadview MT 59015 5582508628445113 022014 757 $1,99 Zack/Oliver/Will 406-667-2215 21000 3 24 9091952 516669306 Disability fix income payment re 11/8 cap1 appvd $7500 citi plat sel visa pending ref# 2 Will
11/15/2011 15:19:28 1508077108 11/15/2011 11/15/2011 Deborah Lee Freeland 203 Roper Mountain Greenville SC 29615 6011002040274821 022014 166 $995 Desiree/Oliver/Will 8642868117 9500 3 16.99 5161959 199503899 Self employed hair tech 11/15 got discover to lower personal acct from 9.24% t Will 0311 2550 0002 3122 800 Zilch received 1-13-12 ~CD ZILCH DONE 1-16-12 EW
11/23/2011 16:01:30 1513647891 11232011 11232011 Virginia Hammer 119 West street O'neill NE 68763 4352371712469718 022014 656 $1,99 Jean/Oliver/Will 4023363949 8000 2 20.99 8221941 484507742 19 grand children free up some 11/23 barclays ctoc appvd $3500 citi plat sel appvd $1 Will
12/2/2011 12:02:39 1519063451 12/2/2011 12022011 Milton L Holmes 76 Willow road Tinton Falls NJ 07724 4482750178410295 022014 253 $995 Donall/Oliver/Wendy 7323890318 7500 3 17.99 2151926 217224282 Retireed airman Tuskeegee spl 12/2- Cap1-Approved-7,500 0%till cus w/ wendy n y y N
12/2/2011 12:28:23 1519553832 12/3/2011 12/2/2011 Milton L Holmes 76 Willow road Tinton Falls NJ 07724 4482750178410295 022014 253 $1,00 Donall/Oliver/Wendy 7323890318 7500 3 17.99 2151926 217224282 split payment same as above wendy
12/6/2011 16:54:15 1521596643 12/6/2011 12062011 Calvin L Taylor 574 HWY 31 LonKor AR 72086 5491237303637683 022014 756 $995 Donell/Oliver/Brian 5016763559 12092 1 11.9 8301954 429113558 USA Army Vet Pending w/ cap1 and Citi, gm declined 711 CS Seri Brian
12/31/2011 13:18:31 1536348294 12/31/2011 12312011 Wilhelmina Washington 2776 Davis Mill RD GA 30815 4352371717838958 022014 335 $995 Durell Oliver Tyrone 7068146238 5442 6 26.99 12281958 256981779 Customer agrees to fee but we 12/31/11 GM Denied-Score 645, Barc Pending, Citi Pl Lori n Target y Trying 0311 2550 0002 3122 701 Zilch done 01-05-12 ~CD
12/1/2011 16:21:19 1518487796 12/1/2011 12012011 Mary P Johnston West 248 North 8875 Sussex WI 53089 4359960001492648 022015 040 $995 Duell Monroe/Oliver/ Daniel 2622464060 10000 2 15.99 3231953 389603002 Retired Power co. Do the work Daniel// 12/1/2011 Cap One pend, Citi Plat pend, GM Daniel 0311 2550 0002 3122 510 Zilch done 12-21-11 ~PB
1477973858/cb 11-22-11 9/23/2011 9/23/2011 Carol Kampmann 21388 Lakeview Estat Warrenton MO 63383 4266902033615558 03/12 298 $495 Angela/Norm/Brian 6364569945 8k 1 0.13 12/31/195 3082 10/28 client would like an up-da approved 3k(Citi) 7500(Cap1)10/21 BT still hasn't bee Bian
11/14/2011 12:24:19 1507289312/refund 11/21/11 1511918828 11/14/2011 11/14/2011 Thomas Rouse 1416 Lexington Clovis NM 88101 6011361139128128 03/12 425 $995 Jessica/ Norm 5757620443 995 2 12 11/18/194 505622359 11/21/2011 client left msg for a 11/14/2011- Capital 1-pending; Citi MC-Approved 4,80 wendy
11/21/2011 14:49:00 1511978729 Wayne 11/21/2011 11/21/2011 Martha V. Marston 896 Readus Rd Edinburg Va. 22824 4266841271098152 03/12 518 $60 Chris // Norm/Daniel 5409843338 540-335-3302 19000 5 24 11/14/193 231548597 11/29/2011 client left msg that Daniel//11/21/2011 Cap One pend, Citi Plat App $ 150 Daniel
11/29/2011 19:06:15 1516842224 11/29/2011 11/29/2011 Joyce E Lamp-Deneui 1012 S Lowell Ave Souix Falls SD 57103 5490354721622907 03/12 096 $1,99 Zach/Larry/Jason 605-988-0311 28000 2 20.99-29.9 10/22/195 11/30/11- trans call to Jason. ~ 11/29/2011 capital One- Denied 11/30/2011 customer Jason waiting done done 0311 2550 0002 3122 505 Zilch done 12-15-11 ~CD
12/12/2011 1525284536 12/12/2011 12/12/2011 Ronald E Gilbert 24 Vernon St New Bedford MA 02745 5178007045769791 03/12 736 $145 JIll/larry/Brian 7742636018 11k 7 19-25 5/8/1973 018566115 Same as above Brian
12/15/2011 16:52:00 1527498282 12/15/2011 12/15/2011 Linda K Kijek 5043 Forrestland Cou Brunswick OH 44212 6011005380300858 03/12 223 $995 Durell/Norm/Brian 330-273-5454 19335.0 5 12.99-25.2 1/14/1952 1/2/2012 client called with man Brian//12/15/2011 Pending Citi, and Barclays Cap1 de Brian y y 1/9/2012 0311 2550 0002 3122 592 Zilch done 12-27-11 ~CD//2n zilch 1/6/12 CQM
11/15/2011 18:35:00 1508141574/CB 1/9/12 11/15/2011 11/152011 Gary Ruark 2605 Old House Point Fishing Creek MD 21634 5424180810136587 03/12 399 $245 Durell/Larry/Will 443-477-7325 6k 6 24.5 12/7/1946 214520641 has more cards only have som 11/15 citi plat sel pending ref# 201111159014413 cap Will
1/10/2012 1542338738 1/10/2012 1/10/2012 Kevin Waters 38 Blue Jay Dr. Clementon NJ 08021 4705000243789724 03/12 411 $995 david orlando 856-784-0853 856-266-5967 10810.2 3 12-20% 1/26/1963 1420 antytime 1/10- GM-Approved 11,500 (requested 8,217 pay to w Wend n y 1/12/201 0311 2550 0002 3122 813 Zilch is filled out 1/11/12 CQM
11/12/2011 11:26:17 1506307675 11/12/2011 11/12/2011 Barbara Taylor 816 Marina Rd Russellville Ar 72802 4246315142845906 03/13 262 $995 Steve / Norm 479-968-4321 23000 1 13 3/7/1936 042262762 real nice english lady has danc deisc no bt offer its a bus card matching wi citi nickgm wendy
11/15/2011 1508112644 11/15/2011 11/15/2011 Dana Cuthbert 1130 Dutchass Road Bothell WA 98012 4266841276024732 03/13 804 $995 Shane N./Norm/Daniel 425-482-6991 13k 2 29.99 12/16/196 535607461 Daniel// 11/15/2011 Very nice l Daniel// 11/15/2011 Cap One pend, Citi Sim App $300 Daniel
11/30/2011 18:05:00 1517528845 11/30/2011 11/30/2011 Sharon Hart 2143 89th Place Kenosha WI 53143 6011007234395589 03/13 599 $450 Charlie/Larry/Will 262-694-3374 15328 6 14-29 8/29/1941 11/30 cap1 appvd $10000 citi plat sel appvd $4800 Will 0311 2550 0002 3122 541 Zilch done 12-12-11 ~CD
1518151115 12/1/2011 11/30/2011 Cynthia Peterson 3010 West Sholes Dri Fenguon WI 53092 4147180301387201 03/13 588 $1,99 Shane/Oliver/Brandon 2622422022 2623029043 20356 1 12.9 5121944 375446121 Cancer Patient Retired needs r 11/30/11 Cap1 approved 10k,barclay pending.GM deni Brian
1487726703/CB 12-9-11 10/10/2011 10/10/2011 jim little 6520 sperry rd calipatria ca 92233 4115071564360340 03/13 276 $1,29 bobbynorm nick 7603482767 100k 5 25 11/12/195 1094 10/11citi pndng wi app id# calling it in wed 1012 stat c nick
12/27/2011 12:41:21 1533955715 12/27/2011 12/27/2011 Joseph L Cross 615 W. Taylor Kokomo IN 46901 5480290001095293 03/13 150 $995 Chriss Norm 765-457-3578 6516 1 15.99 3/22/1953 313609520 Lost During transfer, tried to cb 12/27 Pending Cap1 and Barclays. called customer for Brian not yet. Y 0311 2550 0002 3122 729 ZILCH DONE 01/09/12 LV
11/3/2011 15:30:00 1501612190 11/3/2011 11/3/2011 Thomas L. Wing 345 Lincoln Longmont Co. 80501 4388575200605165 03/14 296 $495 Charlie // Norm /Will 303-776-9104 21000 3 13.49 10/25/194 6012 11/3 citi plat select appvd $7300 citi simp pending 11/1 Will 2309 3620 0000 1452 986 Zilch done 12-06-11 ~CD
1504217051 11/8/2011 11/3/2011 Lynn Alberson 1834 Twin Point Rd Hot Springs AR 71913 4037840016068379 03/14 391 $595 Rapael/mike/Will 501-276-2026 26000 6 11/16/195 11/4 left customer message to l 11/3 citi simp appvd $2600 11/4 citi plat sel appvd $20 Will 7011 0110 0001 1541 858 Zilch done 11-21-11 ~CD
1519687491 12/3/2011 12/3/2011 Anne Smith 107 Kingston Place Prattville Al 36067 5291492367883895 03/14 540 $695 Casey/Brandon/Brian 3343619253 7100 2 18-23% 1/13/1969 262970510 12/03 Pending cap1 and Chase.12/07 Cap1 Denied, Brian
dup 1536387003 12/31/2011 12/31/2011 Linda A McBride-DUP 6011298616603654 03/14 900 $300 Jean-D Orlando-DUP
1/4/2012 1538769272 1/4/2012 1/4/2012 Caroline Lacy 4300 W 9th St Lot 43 Marcus Hook PA 19061 4037660018332007 03/14 173 $995 Desiree Orlando 215-275-2548 484-480-4982 10000 5 11/24/2012 2/23/1937 1/17/2012 client called very earl 1/4/12 GM Approved $4000-Did BT from Household M Lori n y y 0311 2550 0002 3122 772 ZILCH DONE 01/12/12 LV
12/20/2011 15:24:58 1530600840/ RETRIEVAL 1/13/2012 12/20/2011 12/20/2011 Pamela S Frech 4770 E Allen Rd Webberville MI 48892 5523210002571331 03/16 753 $995 Amber Norm 5175213813 13k 3 21-7 9/11/1955 1/2/2012 client called for Nick h 1220 citi pndng we called immediately and still need m nick y y 12/23/20
10/26/2011 14:53:22 1497021222 10/26/2011 10/26/2011 Michael Todd 178 Diamond Dr. McKenzie TN 38201 4305722497783293 03/2012 467 $495 Lori/Norm 7316760889 10000 2 16.9 1/25/1970 4407 10/26/2011 Best guy in the worl 10/26/2011 Citi Sim App $7300 0% 21mo Bal Trans $ Daniel
10/28/2011 13:46:07 1498125390 10/28/2011 10282011 Raymond H. Blewitt Sr. Rural Route 1 Box 22 Jet OK 73749 4147202048428195 03/2012 664 $1,99 Charlie/Oliver/Dan 5806264668 23000 2 13.24 6/27/1937 4002 Air Force Vet/ customer needs t Daniel//10/28/2011 Cap One pend. Citi Sim pend. Dani Daniel
11/21/2011 1511894046 11/21/2011 11/21/2011 Thomas Rouse 1416 Lexington Clovis NM 88101 5480420068051570 03/2012 410 $995 Jessica/Norm same same sa same same same type on line above 11/14/2011- Capital 1-pending; Citi MC-Approved 4,80
10/20/2011 18:33:43 1493792533 10202011 10/20/2011 ROGER COLLINS 65 OAKLY AVENUE ELMMONT NY 11003 5523130300616952 03/2013 975 $1,99 JASON/OLIVER/DAN 5164378377 10/25/194 10/20/11 Citi Sim Den; Daniel 10/25/2011 Citi Sim Den, Cap One Den, GM Fam Den Daniel
10/25/2011 13:28:22 1496386622/cb 11-17-11 10/25/2011 10252011 ROBERT WALSH 3044 61ST AVENUE SOUTH WEST WA 98116 4250200001241947 03/2013 630 $995 DON/ OLIVER 2068509801 30000 4 14.99 9/20/1940 1312 10/26 cus called mad, orlando t 10/25/2011 Capitol 1- Approved 7500.00 0% till Jan 20
1535888687 12/30/2011 12/30/2011 Carol Barnes-DUP Dup Dup 5408010031494863 0312 921 $550 Chavez Oliver-DUP Dup Dup
12/30/2011 1535887905 12/30/2011 12/30/2011 Carol Barnes 7018 36 Ave N Crystal MN 55427 5178052186093213 0313 997 $550 Chavez Oliver 763-537-3323 612-309-8109 13300 2 26-27 7/3/1948 1/9/2012 client left msg for a c/ 12/30/11 GM Approved $4000 (0% for 12 mo), Citi Plat Lori Client in a hu y y n 0311 2550 0002 3122 670 DONE 1/6/12
11/14/2011 19:28:21 1507477598 11/14/2011 11/14/2011 Janet Williams 9100 E florida Avenue Denver CO 80247 4086205000605265 032012 063 $995 Terance/Oliver/Will 3037555065 14000 3 16.99 7051959 464665190 Travel soon please expedite 11/14 citi simp pending citi plat sel pending tried to call Will 7011 0110 0001 1541 855 Zilch done 11-21-11 ~CD
12/12/2011 16:01:31 1525202299 12/12/2011 12/12/2011 Priscilla Kirkpatrick 5366 Richmoutain Ro Paris AR 72855 5438800001102965 032012 951 $1,99 Chris F./Oliver 4799631222 15000 3 t 19.24 11261929 324266603 customer very satisfied matching offers she had to go to appt caling her wi res nick y y y 0311 2550 0002 3122 544 Zilch done 12-20-11 ~CD
1/3/2012 12:49:22 1538032358 1/3/2012 1/3/2012 Elise Muse 81 Castor Plunge Roa Woodworth LA 71485 5157350014435258 032012 182 $1,99 Casey Oliver 3184494875 10000 4 19 1211940 436586391 Customer agrees to 1995.00 a l 1/3- GM card-pending; Cap 1- Approved 10,000.00 0% Wend n y y n 0311 2550 0002 3122 710 ZILCH DONE 01/05/12 LV
12/5/2011 15:48:37 decline $ or block 12052001 Gary Schaefer 7909 State road #26 Lowville NY 13367 5480290004756354 032013 896 $1,99 Jean/Oliver/Wendy 3153767761 15192 1 18 7261956 065502016 sold him twice be firm with him 12/5- Cap 1-Approved 7,500 0%till feb2013 (after 10.9 wendy
12/10/2011 10:34:59 1523988883 12/10/2011 12102011 Brian W Longdo 118 Park Drive Lot 25 Colfax WI 54730 5178059471223546 032013 526 $195 Donall/Oliver/Brian 715505655 9000 5 21.99 5311963 393804676 at limit discount service 695//** Cap1 and Gm Denied, Gm Cs 631 Derog Collection Brian
12/31/2011 14:41:41 1536367202 12/31/2011 12312011 Carla B. Marconi 602 Asten Street Couleedam WA 99116 5121071944171499 032014 144 $295 Desiree Oliver Tyrone 5096332847 5096310395 24000 3 20 10191954 533625360 Customer agrees to a program 118 not sure what happened to my notes but she is to nick Y y 103 0311 2550 0002 3122 783 Zilch is filled out 1/11/12 CQM ZILCH DONE 1-12-12 EW
1/5/2012 16:39:29 1539484412 1/5/2012 1/5/2012 Paul Burke 41 Folsom Road Ossipef NH 03871 5466320237007768 032014 184 $495 Donnie Oliver Tyrone 6033879686 3900 4 25.26 1101951 027408100 Customer cant save the min. a 105 on phn wi boa checking for bt no dice wi boa or citi nick y y 10 Zilch Received 1/13/12 ZILCH DONE 1-17-12 EW
12/14/2011 14:22:41 1526618436/CB 1/9/12 12/14/2011 12/14/2011 Dorothy Wright 965 Nome Avenue Akron OH 44320 4352376734053325 032014 437 $1,99 Nancy /Oliver 3308362125 9000 5 29 7311946 274461022 customer is satisfied and intere Cap1 approved 500, Citi is pending, Gm card denied c Brian x 0311 2550 0002 3122 558 Zilch done 12-23-11 ~CD
12/22/2011 15:44:46 1531808296 12/22/2011 12/22/2011 Vanessa Best 7208 Giddings Capitol Height MD 20743 5121-0701-5008-15 04-13 619 $995 quades LRP 301-336-0512 995 4 23.99----29. 1/8/1958 credit score 735 last june 1222trying sears she at default 29.99 cause of late pay nick y y 1227
14255 1490197043/cb 11-14-11 10/14/2011 10/14/2011 Cecil Lands 16564 State Hwy 613 Balding OH 45879 4037660005051057 04/12 960 $1,89 Amirah/Norm/Brian 4193992719 27 2 15.49-17.9 5/25/1953 3399 Brian
1483911463/CB 12-12-11 10/3/2011 10/3/2011 Sandra Mora 1444 Rim Rock Dr Escondido CA 92027 5466160074545979 04/12 481 $1,99 Oliver/Steven/Brian 7607375062 45k 3 15+ 5/6/1959 5257 12-16-11 rec'd attorney letter--- pending cap1 and GM~bw 10/21 Cust and I spoke w/ brian
11/16/2011 12:38:02 1508667205/CB 12-19-11 11/16/2011 11/16/2011 Barbara R Parkerson 10681 Oakthrush Ct. Burke VA 22015 5491045050324235 04/12 515 $1,70 Amelia // Norm 703-764-2199 77000 4 20 7/27/2199 247741473 11/17 called in for FA Nick UA t citi did not lower applying for citi simp gm barc callin nick
12/31/2011 11:29:19 1536312841 12/31/2011 12/31/2011 Virginia Gathers PO Box 2514 Summerville SC 29484 5121075017282521 04/12 224 $1,99 Desiree Orlando 8438710328 40000 10 29 6/17/1934 092300316 anytime nice lady; really wants our help Jason// 12/31/2011 GM approved $3000 did bal trans Jason n y done n 0311 2550 0002 3122 666 Zilch received 1/2 Zilch done 01-03-12 ~CD
1/4/2012 12:08:00 1538670706 1/4/2012 1/4/2012 Dorothy W Goldston 503 Bain Dr SE Huntsville AL 35803 4229971444592801 04/12 925 $995 Titus Mike 256-881-3920 5597.06 1 0.14 8/28/1926 418-28-218 anytime a retired is a widow and has parki Jason// 1/4/2012 GM approved for $11500 could not d Jason n y same da 0311 2550 0002 3122 714 Zilch done 01-04-12 ~CD
12/8/2011 17:20:57 1523421061 12/9/2011 12/8/2011 Robins V.Rudacil 1632 James River Rd. Scottsville Va. 24590 4086910255735747 04/13 028 $295 Jill/Norm/Jason 434-286-4093 7264 1 18 12/27/195 225022496 after 4pm 12/9/2011 client called for JC -- Jason//12/8/2011 Cap One approved $500// did 3 way Jason waiting for b done done n
1525940160 12/13/2011 12/13/2011 Dan Surfus Wi 04/13 427 12/19/195 399443329 12/19/2011 client left msg to cxl Gm approved 4300 4k paid to citi ... new citi is pndng nick y y
12/15/2011 14:11:34 1527445063 12/15/2011 12/15/2011 dup dup dup du dup 5489550050759813 04/13 583 $400 donnie larry nick nick
12/30/2011 15:45:00 1535876325 12/30/2011 12/30/2011 Gladys S Skaggs 4244 Highway 1715 Martha KY 41159 5121075005147041 04/13 521 $995 Holly Mike 606-652-3462 3686.32 5 21.99-29.9 4/14/1946 405-74-033 Jason// 12/30/2011 GM Pend 1231 on phnwi chase en Jason y y 12/31/20 n
1/5/2012 14:55:08 1539440234 1/5/2012 1/5/2012 Nancy Hilgert 555 Freeman rd. unit Central Point OR 97502 5121072734538681 04/13 395 $1,99 Kim J. Orlando 5416653883 12000 2 21 1/16/1934 338285066 great lady; ready for our help1/ 1/5- GM -Approved 11,500 0%12mnths; Cap 1- Appro Wend n y 1/9-left n 0311 2550 0002 3122 689 ZILCH DONE 01/09/12 LV
10/27/2011 16:19:13 1497597371 10/27/2011 10/27/2011 George R Tompkins 5030 Brooksdale Rd. Mantor Oh. 44060 4006148921014125 04/14 091 $495 Zach / Norm 440-257-0423 8200 1 14 1/7/1954 9812 10/27 nice old man. recently div 10/27 Capitol 1-pending; Citivisa- approved 2,000 0%f wendy
1472581816/CB 10/17/11 09/14/2011 09/14/2011 Pat James 115 Mc Bride Dr Ruidoso NM 88345 542418******6135 04/14 $1,49 terrance/steven/FA?darla
11/16/2011 17:41:18 1508854014 11/16/2011 11/16/2011 Janelle M. Kenkel 1623 Farnam St. Harlan IA 51537 4264287648577480 04/14 722 $795 Elijah / Norm 7127552028 12500 2 18 10/3/1969 479060681 boa int 6.24 citi pndng wi app id if citi apprv bt first nat nick n y y n
11/18/2011 13:30:40 1510053558 11/18/2011 11/18/2011 Melba G Walrod 112 Pinecrest Circle Jackson Ms. 39204 5121079753059242 04/14 387 $995 Marlinda // Norm/Daniel 6013733119 5606 1 12.83 2/7/2011 427643308 Daniel// 11/18/2011 The sweet Daniel// 11/18/2011 Citi Plat pend, Barc C to C App $1 Daniel
1512895925 11/22/2011 11/22/2011 David Raabe 1007 Deleware ave Montpelier OH 43543 5424180797441059 04/14 653 $995 Lori/steven/nick 419-485-3047 5k 1 12.99 7/30/1959 291-66-921 morn really pressed for time filing out filling out apps results asap 1122 citi 2600 apprvd 239 nick
11/22/2011 16:38:14 1513045292 11/22/2011 11/22/2011 Barbara J. Moser 2125 N. Clarkson St Fremont NE 68025 5417112695141217 04/14 590 $995 Tonya / Norm 4027277484 11000 2 14 5/22/1945 508560669 on phn wi chase checking for bt offer 2.9 int no fee til nick
12/12/2011 17:42:59 1525251690 12/12/2011 12/12/2011 Karen B.Griffin 503 N. Maple St. Hartford Ar. 72138 4266841030945339 04/14 173 $995 Casey/ Norm 479-639-0084 6100 2 12 12/31/194 430925169 citi 7300 paid 4175 to chase ending 5339 also 2400 p nick n chase y y 0311 2550 0002 3122 553 Zilch done 12-23-11 ~CD
12/16/2011 12:51:21 1528271733 12/16.2011 12/16.2011 Scott A. Higginbotham 808 M. St. Oakland Md 21550 5490352299275686 04/14 857 $595 Becky / Norm/Jason 301-334-2837 20800 2 20 8/14/1960 213724836 12/17/11 GM Approved $600, Barclays Pending, Citi P Jason n yes y 0311 2550 0002 3122 651 Zilch Done 1/2/12 ~PB
12/16/2011 13:40:35 1528317882 12/16/2011 12/16/2011 Bradley Bushman 121 E. 109 th PL Northglenn CO 80233 4120614048328392 04/14 197 $495 nancy larry nick 303-450-1707 15k 4 19-22 1/29/1957 1/5/2012 client needs ? answer 1216citi pndng wi id he also wants to talk to dmp but w nick too close to li citi pndn lvm 0311 2550 0002 3122 577 Zilch done 12/27/11 ~PB
12/31/2011 12:16:42 1536326917 12/31/2011 12/31/2011 Sandra Quick 506 Clark St. Moxee WA 98936 5466320757811219 04/14 868 $995 Matthe Orlando 5097282131 17000 2 21 9/1/1952 nurse for 38 years 1231 citi paid 4400 to boa ne next gmpaid 4150 to boa nick n boa y ame y 104
1/3/2012 19:51:27 1538262989 1/3/2012 1/3/2012 Marjorie Shagalski 36 Malean Street Ballston Spa NY 12020 6011002410664221 04/14 324 $495 Brye Oliver 578-885-2743 5550 2 0.24 11/23/195 070-50-221 103 citi 2k paid 1800 to disc chase has no bt offers wi nick y y 106 n Zilch Received 1/13/12
1/4/2012 13:23:43 1538752676 1/4/2012 1/4/2012 kerri Hartnett 3617 almond st. philadelphia pa 19134 4479951621179140 04/14 732 $295 chris fo forrest,chris 2156346338 5000 3 23.99----29. 8/3/2012 7754 104 citi apprvd 3k 2750 to old navy still has 160 bal sh nick y 13.9 y 3k 107 YES zilch is filled CQM 1/17/12 ZILCH DONE 1-18-12 EW
1/9/2012 1541623621 1/9/2012 1/9/2012 laurie kick #8 pebble rd Newtown CT 06470 6011499443179807 04/14 514 $295 Forrest chris 2032709316 5455 1 0.24 1/3/1972 041800065 Jason// 1/9/2012 GM denied credit score 672// 1/11/20 Jason n had cable y zilch completed 1/11/2012 jc
11/2/2011 1500925114 11/2/2011 11/2/2011 Rebecca A, Laymon 212 Carothers Ln Russellville AR 72802 4266841257330744 04/2013 124 $995 Steve D/// . Norm 4792642033 18000 3 22 6/12/1969 6904 1102 bt from chase to disc 3k chase bal 7 k avail2712 nick
11/17/2011 18:48:30 1509516058 11/17/2011 11/17/2011 Glen Brown 160 S Gumsprings Rd Paducah KY 42001 5121079758003682 04/2013 808 $295 Terrance/Larry/WIll 270-534-0512 6387 1 19.99 9/12/1940 2067 11/17 cap1 appvd $5000 citi plat sel appvd $2000 Will 2309 3620 0000 1452 584 Zilch done 12-09-11 ~CD
12/19/2011 16:49:17 1530004173 12/19/2011 12/19/2011 Adrian C. Shurtleff 11600 Clariton Bowie MD 20721 5401683095618358 04/2013 581 $395 Lora Norm 3014641650 15000 3 13 7/11/1931 116249060 initially did not have the correct 12/19- Citibank MC-Pending ID#201112198010913; b wendy n y 0311 2550 0002 3122 685 Zilch Received 1/3/12 //
11/3/2011 12:46:55 1501525980 11/3/2011 11/3/2011 Gary V.Ide 4420 S.W. 308TH ST Federal Way WA 98023 4301542005729974 04/2014 715 $995 Larry / Norm 253-661-6198 32000 3 18 10/11/196 5457 11/3/2011 citi simp appvd $3000 citi plat select appvd Will
11/4/2011 15:24:23 1502179825 11/4/2011 11042011 Derek Gallichotte 7749 Hanson Road N Bainbarage IS WA 98110 5491130320446941 042012 140 $1,00 Zach/Oliver/Brandon 2069194037 40000 7 29.99 341955 041527609 customer very satisfied 2 forms Daniel// 11/4/2011 Cap One pend, Citi Sim pend, GM Daniel
12/30/2011 15:00:05 1535853810 12/30/2011 12302011 Elmer & Toni Burkhart 1168 Echo Valley Lilly KY 40740 5178052629554516 042013 557 $995 CoCo Oliver Tyrone 6062588551 4674 3 19 1211951 404589271 Customer agrees to 995.00 Hu 1230 on phn wi cap 1 not lowering cause they sent out nick y y 105
10/31/2011 16:01:04 1499528542 10/31/2011 10/31/2011 Tammi L. Herd 9709W. 57THAve Arvada Co 80002 5121079601463117 05/12 047 $695 Jason / Norm 303-940-3924 19000 4 24.9 6/8/1960 Daniel//10/31/2011 very sceptic Daniel// 10/31/2011 Cap One App $10,000 0% 15mo, Daniel
1516730142 11/29/2011 11/22/2011 Myretta L. Romero 24 B Acequia De Los I Pena Blanca NM 87041 5491130341550887 05/12 997 $1,99 Larry/Larry/Will 505-465-8802 505-697-0737 26500 5 14.9/-26.9 10/25/197 11/22 got cust appvd needs to 11/22 cap1 appvd $10000 barclays ctoc appvd $7900 Will 7011 0110 0001 1541 836 Zilch done 11-30-11 ~CD
12/13/2011 18:55:35 1525708650 12/13/2011 12/12/2011 Dorothy L Bowler 694 Donovan st Elmont NY 11003 5178052626595231 05/12 179 $295 raphael larry nick 516-825-2387 6400 2 15 3/9/1931 disc bt offer has a 5 perc fee we are not charging her nick y y y
12/19/2011 16:50:20 Bankruptcy/dead deal 12/19/2011 Teresa L. Arneson 1502 Nicholas Rd Waldorf MD 20601 4185864700448770 05/12 767 $795 Chris F/LRP/Will 2406072348 7600 5 10.2-25.24 1/4/1959 217688754 12/19 cust has bankruptcy gonna be unable to apprv g Will
1/3/2012 18:46:19 1538244802 1/3/2012 1/3/2012 Nathaniel Rodgerson 603 W. Shepard Kirksville MO 63501 4147092556681248 05/12 929 $995 Titus Orlando 573 619 9758 33511 6 19 3/25/1975 103 gm 4k paid 1950 to disc citi apprvd 3k 2750 to ca nick y y 106 Zilch Received 1/13/12
1/18- GM-Approved 7,500 (requested 5,026 pay to her
1/18/2012 1546900035 1/18/2012 1/18/2012 Cleo Evans 209 Kidd Drive Homer LA 71040 5291499473205467 05/12 642 $1,99 durell Steven 318-927-9047 7031.41 2 14-18% 10/16/192 customer is on muscle relaxers, cap 1); covers all debt--she has a loan, not sure if we Wend n y 1/18-zilched sent--wh
can do anything with customer on fri 1/20
11/9/2011 12:03:12 1504622135 11/9/2011 11/9/2011 Vivian L. Richardson 18974 Pinerhurst St Detroit MI 48221 4186210003416214 05/13 235 $995 Jessica / Norm/Daniel 313-864-8589 995 5 18 11/13//193 362-32-603 EVENING Daniel// 11/9/2011 Wonderful ol Daniel// 11/9/2011 Cap One App $10,000, GM Fam Ap Daniel
1513618393 11/23/2011 11/23/2011 barbara j heusman 385 e broadway st sterling ne 68443 4352378353496264 05/13 500 $495 Commedia/Larry 402 866 2062 7 4 citi apprvd 1500 1380 check inmail for her samll bal st nick
1519713301 12/3/2011 12/3/2011 georgia l lipp 5138 cunnningham dr. columbus ga 31909 4072210000325605 05/13 601 $295 duell monro larry nick 7065618092 7066623844 3785 2 21-12 11/21/194 257801844 matching offers citi dipref apprvd 7300 was going to p nick n y y
12/5/2011 15:30:00 1520884780 12/5/2011 12/5/2011 Terrell B. Goble p.o. box 655 Montenso WA 98563 4185864456635638 05/13 817 $995 Titus/Larry/Will 3602493120 4100 3 23 1/30/1943 12/5 citi apprvd $4800 did bt of $4309 from chase over Will no chase yes yes 12/28/2011 2309 3620 0000 1452 585 Zilch done 12-09-11 ~CD
1531151251 12/21/2011 12/21/2011 Loyd E Reeves 23680 Pebble Creek Warrenton MO 63383 6011006942004020 05/13 537 $500 Nancy Mike 636-488-0500 636-299-2357 45437 3 12.9-19.93 11/28/194 Jason//12/21/2011 Barclay Pend1222 lvm ne 1p ne//1 Jason yes y y
DUP 1532276877 12/23/2011 12/23/2011 Grace D Harding PO BOX 116 Simms Mn 59477 4121741334847386 05/13 817 $345 Zoe Norm 4062645483 16000 5 17 10/5/1923 516242761 Same as Above Brian cust did not Y
Dup 1532339411 12/23/2011 12/23/2011 Grace D Harding PO BOX 116 Simms Mn 59477 4121741334847386 05/13 817 $155 Zoe Norm 4062645483 16000 5 17 10/5/1923 516242761 Same as Above Brian cust did not Y
1/4/2012 1538919584 1/4/2012 1/4/2012 Gerri A Backes 720 White Basin Rd Kalispell MT 59901 4313070120442600 05/13 257 $1,99 Lora m orlando 406-756-0720 406-253-1032 14800 4 12.99-14.9 3/19/1943 502-46-314 on phn wi other client fixing prob as soon as i get off p Jason n y done 1/5 n 0311 2550 0002 3122 686 Zilch done 01-05-12 ~CD
1485791371/CB 1/6/12 10/6/2011 10/6/2011 chris runells 34 JP Rutland In Collins MS 39428 6011006093638485 05/13 140 $995 tonya/mike/nick 6017973024 8600 1 24.24 3/27/1973 2851 nick-called 12-28 left voicemail- 10/10 lowered disc from 29-24.24 apps pndnciti chase nick
12/12/2011 18:49:01 1542979230 1/11/2012 1/11/2011 Pam Barr 1804 South Blvd. Idaho Falls ID 83402 4862367179055241 05/13 433 $500 Kim J Oliver/Brian 208-524-6379 14200 4 25 2241946 519520080 customer very satisfied 2 forms Citi Plat Sel apprvd $4800.00.JillS ~ nick y y ZILCH DONE 1-17-12 EW
1480969361/REFUND 10/27/11 149750497 9/28/2011 9/28/2011 john temple 5123 n post spokane wa 99205 5474639000722232 05/14 583 $1,99 raphael mike nick 5097475027 12 2 19 8/17/1945 713 applying now10/03 JA client wa citi chase pndng contact will be done mostly via email nick
11/9/2011 18:12:02 1504788997 11/9/2011 11092011 Jennifer A Sanchez 28 Paseo Del Ray Santa Fe NM 87507 5411167078020590 05/14 211 $1,99 Donnie /Oliver/Wendy 505-424-3190 16000 4 17 5091966 585335509 very satisfied 11/9/2011- Capital 1- Approved 10,000 0%till feb2013; wendy
1485751851/cb 11-14-11 10/6/2011 10/6/2011 Donna Heinzerling 168 Poulton St Baltomor MO 21227 4071100016038840 05/14 719 $495 Raphael/Steven/Wendy 4102422017 18k 4 22-25% 12/29/194 2039 10/6 nice lady,fixed income, chi 10/19/2011- Capitol 1-denied; Citivisa- pending; chase wendy 7011 0110 0001 1541 859 Zilch done 11-21-11 ~CD
12/1/2011 18:05:51 1518547856 12/1/2011 12/1/2011 Esther N Avila 326 Dover PL Delano CA 93215 5121072734689740 05/14 935 $1,99 Quadesha/Norm 661-721-7908 7890 2 25 3/7/1942 554540449 12/27/2011 client left msg for W 12/1- Cap 1-Pending; Citi MC-Approved 4,800 0% 21 wendy n y y y
12/15/2011 14:11:34 1527445808 12/15/2011 12/15/2011 dup dup dup du dup 4311966169053087 05/14 898 $95 donnie larry nick nick
12/21/2011 13:20:57 1531129415 12/21/2011 12/21/2011 Angel Roman Jr. 190 Genova Ct Farmingdale Ny 11735 540683094696926 05/14 880 $1,49 Elijah Norm 6317533899 34000 3 18 4/3/1955 124481819 12/21/2011 GM Approved $3000, Barc Approved $350 Lori n y y-left me 0311 2550 0002 3122 566 Zilch done 12-23-11 ~CD
12/21/2011 17:15:29 1531240245 12/21/2011 12/21/2011 Susan S Hald 2420 Commonwealth Charlottesville VA 22901 6011003786222636 05/14 535 $995 matthe norm 434-293-6097 20k 2 16-18 1/18/1964 1221 disc bal is at 0 int her future purch is0 till july citi nick y y set 1227 n Zilch is filled 1/18/12 CQM
12/27/2011 17:23:50 12/27/2011 Marcia J. Easy 99 Saratoga Brooklyn NY 11233 6011005131850925 05/14 363 $1,99 Chriss Norm 7184550644 36000 4 21 3/29/1956 121484257 cancelled at verification
1/5/2012 16:31:40 1539480099 1/5/2012 1/5/2012 Leone King 4200 Summerslane # Klamath Falls OR 97603 5466042008156315 05/14 982 $595 Amy Orlando 5418834234 9500 2 18 6/9/1934 539308749 widow; very nice//**1/16/2012 c Jason// 1/5/2012 applying GM approved $7500 did bal Jason no chase y same da 0311 2550 0002 3122 707 Zilch Done
1/6/2012 1540027443 1/6/2012 1/6/2012 Sylvia A. Osborne P.O. Box 287 Pounding Mill VA 24637 5291494449970799 05/14 098 $295 Kolton Mike 2769646029 9300.32 2 9.4-15 7/17/1932 233-48-818 anytime 1/6- GM-denied credit score 610--serious delinquency; Wend n y y n 0311 2550 0002 3122 739 ZILCH DONE 01/09/12 LV
12/2/2011 13:46:25 1519139312 12/2/2011 12/2/2011 Ruth M. LaMont 7249 Chase Lake RD. Glenfield NY 13343 5424180529988864 05/15 307 $950 Chriss/ Norm 3153767439 13900 1 20 12/31/193 114288954 12/2 barclays ctoc appvd $18800 cap 1 denied 12/6 ca Will 2309 3620 0000 1452 581 Zilch done 12-09-11 ~CD
12/14/2011 13:42:47 1526599883 12/14/2011 12/14/2011 Carol L Fountain 110 SE 12th St Bentonville Ar. 72712 5178057240454830 05/17 065 Daniel //Norm 4792739704 4500 2 221 5/3/1931 429526579 she owes irs 2k wants her cap one still usable matchi nick y y y n 1228 0311 2550 0002 3122 572 Zilch Done 12/27/11 LV
10/20/2011 14:43:25 1493730353 10202011 10/20/2011 LARRY SMITH 888 WOLFPEN CLINTWOOD VI 24228 4856713001262711 05/2012 98 $495 DESSARR/OLIVER 2769266140 3/29/1948 10/20/11 CitiSim pending. Dani Daniel// 11/3/2011 Client cb and was told to make her Daniel
11/21/2011 1512077260 11/21/2011 11/21/2011 William H Bertrand 5109 Reymont Waterford MI 48327 4388641716872390 05/2013 930 $495 Commedia/Larry 248 682 8920 6000 5 0.29 6/12/1932 11/21-Citi simp- Pending no id#; barclays cc-pending; wendy 7011 0110 0001 1541 841 11/22.did zilch on this cus..send out //Zilch done11/23/11 ~CD
12/16/2011 12:54:59 1528286061 12/16/2011 12/16/2011 Louise J Barish 6920 W 33rd Ave Wheat Ridge CO 80033 4352370001923609 05/2013 817 $995 Amelia/Larry 3032331491 3034898586 12000 2 19-16% 12/13/192 522-24-401 Afternoon very nice elderly lady//**12/21/2 12/16- Cap 1-Approved 10,000 0%till mar2013 (after t Wend n yes y 0311 2550 0002 3122 610 Zilch Done- Denial 12/28/11 -Zilch Approval Done 01/06/12 LV
11/30/2011 1517530162/CB 12-23-11 11/30/2011 11/30/2011 Gary F Bohlman 195 Sillery Bay Rd Pasadena MD 21122 4313077214079180 05/2013 705 $995 Jill/Larry 4102556844 10k 3 15.99 5/17/1952 214623666 11/30- Citibank Visa- Approved 7,300 0%for 21mnths wendy
1481018283/CB 12-12-11----refund 11-30-1 9/28/2011 9/28/2011 Waudine quick 2920 Mcdowell Rd ext Jackson MS 39204 5396800015730504 05/31/2012 143 $1,99 raphael/Steve/Darla 6013712245 15k 1 14 3/4/1935 7716 apply/9/29/2011--citi approv $4 10/28 SD asked me about the situation with this refund darla
1/5/2012 1539540333 1/5/2012 1/5/2012 Michael/Holly Blevins 2215 40th Ave Court Hickory NE NC 28601 4072210000321406 0513 e $995 Amy Orlando 828-310-5502 16900 5 15-18 11/17/197 1/17/2012 client called for Lori t 1/5/12 GM Declined-Score 669, Barc Rew Declined-Al Lori n y y n 0311 2550 0002 3122 755 ZILCH DONE 01/11/2012 LV
11/8/2011 17:13:25 1504210345 11/8/2011 11082011 James Rossi RR 4 POB 206A Elkins WV 26241 4313070641294738 052012 755 $495 Christ/Oliver/Wendy 3046425326 3500 1 20 2141968 1864 BOA 12/02/2011 client left msg 11/8/2011- Citi Diamond-Pending id#20111108801091 wendy n y y n
timecode? 1537355577 1/2/2012 1/2/2012 Edith Lintzen 1151 S Tamela Drive Lake Charles LA 70605 6011361072773948 052012 161 $995 David Oliver 337474654 4834 1 22.99 11221936 433523741 Customer agrees to fee discou Jason// 1/2/2012 GM approved $7500 did bal transfer Jason n y same da 0311 2550 0002 3122 661 ZILCH DONE 01/03/12 LV
11/1/2011 12:54:13 1500226070 11/1/2011 11/1/2011 Erica J. Parent 14065 SE 34 Terrranc Summerfield FL 34491 4888931124542726 052013 660 $1,99 Jill/Oliver/Dan 6036827371 13000 2 20 5251979 6106 card may need activation Danie Daniel 11/1/2011 Cap One App $10,000 0% 15mo, Citi Lori y y y
11/19/2011 12:46:41 1510768010 11/19/2011 11192011 Teresa Funkhausr 3550 Espranage Way Tallahase FL 32311 5401260765005719 052013 883 $1,99 Jessica/Oliver/Wendy 3017073764 3047881443 43000 3 12.99 7151961 236021357 both present bill Keith BOA 11/19- Citivisa- pending id#201111198006268; Cap 1- wendy 1/17-sent zilch-wh
12/12/2011 18:46:59 1525281116 12/12/2011 12/12/2011 Pam Barr 1804 South Blvd. Idaho Falls ID 83402 4862367179055241 052013 433 $500 Kim J/Oliver/Brian 2085246379 14200 4 25 2241946 519520082 Pending Barclays and Citi12/13 Gm denied,CS671 Ba brian y Zilch is done by CQM 1/17/12
1/5/2012 15:54:05 1539467281 1/5/2012 1/5/2012 James J Sitzpatrick 4 S 550 Summit Drive Maperville IL 60563 5466307903463441 052013 056 $1,99 Mike Jo Oliver Tyrone 6309531617 72000 7 18 11091948 327420644 Customer has a large account 1/5/12 GM Declined, Chase Slate Pending, Barc Rew Lori Not Yet y y n 0311 2550 0002 3122 760 ZILCH DONE 01/10/12 LV
11/15/2011 19:32:47 declined 11/15/2011 Sheila R Schwickerath 2340 Exter Avenue Ionia IA 50645 4037698875458259 052014 181 $1,99 jessica/Oliver/Wendy 6413943528 26000 5 17.99 9121963 481944430 Please sSS481944430 11/15 Pendig cap1 and citi bank~bw..//11/17/2011-cus
12/13/2011 17:39:23 1525914254 12/13/2011 12/13/2011 Cindy A St Thomas 618 Island Grass Lake MI 49240 5149226690021235 06-12 161 $995 holly larry nick 517-522-4250 26k 2 15.9 4/22/1956 saved for $995 OB- //**1/9/201 cap 1 went from 15.9 to 6.9 on her 17k bal fixed share nick y y 0311 2550 0002 3122 576 Zilch done 12-27-11 ~CD
12/15/2011 14:11:34 1527460108 12/15/2011 12/15/2011 John H. William Jr. 19201 Russell St. Detroit MI 48203 5489550052922997 06-13 204 $500 donnie larry nick 313/893/5178 11k 6 28-30 6/21/1932 Client called to say hes sending 12/15citi pndn wi id we called right away and still need nick n 2 close to li y 0311 2550 0002 3122 559 Zilch Done 12-27-11 LV
Decline 12/8/2011 bernard e marshall 1972 shady brook trl Charlottesville va 22911 5178057266279962 06-14 974 $1,99 raph norm nick 4349753499 434-996-9960 95k 8 18-29 11/4/1962 488-06-879 fri aft 123 12-9-11 nick wanted us to emai disc app fri at 1230 must do wi him on phn, citi appr 3k nick
11/21/2011 15:03:40 1511992517/retrieval 12-30-11 11/21/2011 11/21/2011 Charles D.Whitmire PO BOX 733 908 Per Dawsonville GA 30534 5490353213442808 06/12 741 $495 Lora //Norm 706-265-7906 12000 3 20 7/24/1944 252748272 was put in wayne's lee saves s applying for citi gm barc run card first nick not looking nick
do not run Dianne M Root 79585 mandarina la quinta ca 92253 4037840003998984 06/12 400 $295 holly larry nick 760-777-1629 matching offers citi pndng no id not running more ap nick
12/14/2011 15:55:28 1526690765 12/14/2011 12/14/2011 Paul R Bergstrom 5124 w lake samm. p Issaquah WA 98027 4266880080500867 06/12 177 $995 kim norm nick 2063138796 4253928279 16575 3 18 12/3/1947 563681011 1214on phn wi chase checking for bt offers citi pndng nick y y 0311 2550 0002 3122 564 Zilch Done 12-27-11 LV
12/20/2011 17:37:38 1530657285 12/20/2011 12/20/2011 Ellen M. Boyer 1921 Missouri AvE Cristol City Mo 63019 4266841215651009 06/12 389 $995 Zoe Norm 6369376472 11500 2 15 1/21/1961 486600734 Jason// 12/20/2011 GM approved $4300 bal trans of $ Jason n gm $430 done on 0311 2550 0002 3122 634 Zilch done 12-29-11 ~CD
same as above 1534121895 12/27/2011 12/27/2011 Hope A. Hastings-DUP dup dup du dup 5424180571191938 06/12 715 $195 Paul-D Norm-DUP dup dup dup dup dup
11/21/2011 1511990940/CB 1/16/2012 11/21/2011 11/21/2011 Leonard McKenzie 30041 Hazelwood St. Inkster MI 48141 5291151923664872 06/12 440 $395 Charmarie/ Steven 2 20 8/5/1934 379-32-565 Afternoon husband have wife to talk beca 11/21 called cap1 with customer they were unable to l Will
1491636564/CB 11-9-11 10/17/2011 10/17/2011 sondra m hart 16116 Barbara Ln Madill OK 73446 4266841272950856 06/13 984 $995 casey norm nick 5807952625 9500 5 13 4/14/1959 3842 shes got glaucoma had eye im 1024CAP1 GM dec citi pndng matching wi barclay nick nick
12/1/2011 14:43:16 1518421884 12/1/2011 12/1/2011 Amee Wright 936 39st Ogden UT 84403 4128004030658109 06/13 516 $995 Raphael/Larry 8016953379 3768 3 18-24% 6/23/1975 529675661 Cap1 Pendin, Gm Pendin, has avail credit on her Citi c Brian
1/2/2012 18:15:15 1537486572 1/2/2012 1/2/2012 Janice Henry 208 Commitment Lan Ring Gold GA 30736 4185873820139136 06/13 969 $995 Durell Steven 706-861-3365 8120 4 17-29.99% 10/4/1950 1/2- apply under husbands info, 1/2- GM card- Approved 4,000 ( BT 1,705.02 pay off h Wend n y y n 0311 2550 0002 3122 699
1/3/2012 15:22:32 1538159601 1/3/2012 1/3/2012 Judith McNeil 547 Grove Ave Holland MI 49423 6011361029194560 06/13 485 $595 Holly Oliver 616-335-6268 8700 1 0.2215 2/5/1940 1/3- GM card- Approved 4,000 (BT 3,800 pay to disc); Wend n y y n 0311 2550 0002 3122 697 ZILCH DONE 01/05/12 LV
1509404213 11/17/2011 11/17/2011 constance l beattie 10 hillside ave boylston ma 01505 5178057608529439 06/14 372 $200 larry/larry 1117 gmapprvd 4k bt cap1endin 9439 during app amo Nick n y y
11/22/2011 14:28:45 1512979813 11/22/2011 11/22/2011 Maria E. Berry 8382 Blakely St Fort Campbell Ky 42223 5121071982408084 06/14 470 $995 Zach / Norm 2706407999 9000 2 20 3/15/1983 406594154 lady wanted to talk to her husb 11/22- Cap 1- Approved 3,000 0% till feb2013;Citi Sim wendy
1/11/2012 1542889005 1/11/2012 1/11/2012 Chester Junker 8682 Seven Mile Rd. Evart MI 49631 6011005389530513 06/14 524 $500 Desiree oliver 2317342173 28690.5 3 11/18/2012 6/9/1935 371-32-169 1/11- GM-denied credit score 604; Citi MC-pending id# Wend n y y 0311 2550 0002 3122 776 ZILCH DONE 01/11/12 LV
1477926352/Partial REFUND $895.00 12-6- 9/23/2011 9/23/2011 Andrew E. Lawrence 350 Creekwood Blvd Troy MO 63379 6011009473481807 06/15 899 $100 Sarah/Norm/Brian 6364625335 6363581292 9500 4 11/29/2011 9/26/1934 1522 //9/30 customer call to talk with cant get approved, Gm last resort,10/13 Gm denied, u Brian
12/19/2011 16:07:52 1529964499 12/19/2011 12/19/2011 Mary A. Dominguez 2507 Ember dr Colorado Sprin Col 80910 4266841099804427 06/15 543 $995 Ruben Norm 7195977180 6600 3 14 8/3/1943 585098973 12/28/2011 client called for info 1219 on phn wi disc checking for bt 0 18 mo 5%fee t nick y disc bt 0 18 y citi 730 12/22/20 y 0311 2550 0002 3122 629 Zilch done 12/28/11 ~PB
10/26/2011 12:29:11 1496982080 10/26/2011 10/26/2011 Joyce L. Loprinzi 1109 Ann St. Ravenswood WV 26164 6011003910329299 06/2012 113 $995 Larry/ Norm 304-273-9527 103
sam Approval Date Processed Date Sold Name Address CITY Sta Zip Card# Exp Date CV Price Opene Closer Phone Number 2nd Number Amount N Interest Ra DOB SSN Available Customer Service Notes FA Notes FA Bank Conta Applicati Call Bac If NO Service Co Received In Zilch Tracking Number Zilch Notes
10/26/2011 13:12:52 1496992728 10/26/2011 10/26/1932 Lillie B Haley/notes say customer s 942 Highway 101 S. Temple Ga. 30179 4264298083045594 1/13 559 $495 Donal/Norm 7704592231 5300 1 29 4/9/1932 2266 10/26- calling for nick. said her citi 2k check sent to her need toi sweep credit clean nick
10/28/2011 12:46:06 1498102570 10/28/2011 10/28/2011 Holly Yoho 2 David St Marshallville OH 44645 4147202029984356 1/13 972 $495 Donnie/Mike 330 855 1268 9600 1 12 9/30/1973 2804 11/15/11 called for brian w. gav 10/28 Approve Cap1 7300 0% 15mo owes 10k to chas Brian
11/2/2011 13:51:12 1500936395 11/2/2011 11/2/2011 Becky Compton 1055 Evertt St Pocatello ID 83201 5291071638723542 1/13 825 $395 Bobbyb/Mike 208 238 1871 3000 2 24 8/21/1954 9985 // 11/2/2011 wh Citibank MC- pending id#2011110290 wendy
11/11/2011 11:58:45 1505817194/RETRIEVAL 12-28-11 11/11/2011 11/11/2011 Sandra Gibson 5225 Herold Rd Sutton WV 26601 4081601020125711 1/13 883 $395 Jill/Mike/Daniel 304 765 2441 4000 6 22 12/13/2011 client called questio instead of refund i put her to dmp wi louis 1213 10a tol Daniel
11/22/2011 16:58:06 1513069235 11/22/2011 11/22/2011 Mary Burke 907 Poplar St Truth or Conse NM 87901 6011009470650586 1/13 817 $1,99 Lora/Mike 575 894 2876 11000 3 18 2/10/1940 2403 12/2/2011 client called for her F 11/22- cap 1- approved 10,000 0% till feb2013;Citi MC wendy
12/7/2011 12:29:22 1522110037 12/7/2011 12/7/2011 Melissa Nelson PO box 216 Durban WV 26264 5140218026271419 1/13 012 $495 Coco/Mike 304 456 5219 4300 3 8.9 9/2/1984 Jason// 12/7/2011 Capital one pend, citi plat sel pen Jason waiting done done 0311 2550 0002 3122 524 Zilch done 12-14-11 ~CD
12/7/2011 18:21:03 1522772430 12/8/2011 12/7/2011 Vickie Vriens 6312 Foxcroft Ave. Las Vegas NV 89108 4266841229258155 1/13 416 $1,99 Louis/Larry 702 655 3599 25000 2 12 5/10/1944 12/7 customer was good wanted to talk to husband bef Will waiting done done
1471204950/PARTIAL REFUND $1600 12- 9/12/2011 9/12/2011 Betty Jones 103 Dixieland Dr Bylron GA 31008 6011004470545308 1/13 082 $1,60 Whitney/Mike/Mack 478 956 4634 10000 8 15.24 8/2/1932 4274 Mack
1527403064 12/15/2011 12/15/2011 Elaine Benson 6845 Sanderling Ct New Market MD 21774 6011003024628248 1/13 283 $1,99 Titus/Mike 301 865 8602 27000 3 13 11/6/1966 4515 12/15 barclays ctoc appvd $4000 citi pending ref# 201 Will not yet yes yes 0311 2550 0002 3122 512 Zilch done 12-21-11 ~CD
1/3/2012 17:35:47 1538222748 1/3/2012 1/3/2012 James Walden 1125 Utah Ave Haxie KS 67740 5474152054879106 1/13 648 $495 Mike Jo Mike 785 675 2121 7900 2 24 10/21/195 nice guy jason// 1/3/2012 did 3 way call with chase his account i Jason y reviews in f y done 1/4 0311 2550 0002 3122 716 ZILCH DONE 01/04/12 LV
1/11/2012 1542845267 1/11/2012 1/11/2012 Michael osgood 6656 air port Rd Bastrop LA 71220 5401683037407423 1/13 887 $995 Donnie steve 318-2817548 13549 7 17 5/8/1963 1/11/2012 zilching customer now calling tomorrow to Jason n y 1/13/ n 0311 2550 0002 3122 778 Zilch done 01-11-12 ~CD
1/12/2012 1543464090 1/12/2012 1/12/2012 Carlene Hall 153 hwy 54 Dup du dup 4313072155042198 1/13 026 $400 Charmi steve dup dup dup du dup dup dup dup Dup Dup Lori n y 1/17/201 Dup
1/12/2012 1543472213 1/12/2012 1/12/2012 Carlene Hall 153 Hwy 54 Toronto KS 66777 5466150221549461 1/13/exp 475 $1,10 Charmi steve 620-634-2384 21087 4 5/2//45 539-509006 1/12/12 Client called asking about charges to 2 differe Lori y 1/17/12 zilch created LE
11/16/2011 15:23:52 1508774146 11/16/2011 11/16/2011 Deborah Devoogd 50 Charlevoix St. Clawson MI 48017 4366163020401838 1/14 245 $495 Quadesha/Mike/Daniel 248 435 3406 6400 1 12.24 3/26/1953 6657 Daniel// 1116/2011 very quiet l Daniel// 11/16/2011 Cap One pend Daniel//11/16/2011 Daniel
11/28/2011 17:24:42 1516562535 11/29/2011 11/28/2011 Pamela Montini 65 Columbous Ave Ap Pittsfield MA 01201 4294701930026604 1/14 596 $995 Amy/Mike 413 442 0836 4500 1 13 11/15/195 8801 11/28 bank blocked charge call 11/28 cap1 appvd $3000 citi plat sel $1000 11/29 barcl Will 2309 3620 0000 1452 980 Zilch done 12-02-11 ~CD
11/12/2011 14:22:41 1506403452/CB 12-12-11 11/12/2011 11/12/2011 Larry D. Hudson 4916 Elaine Dr Charleston WV 25306 5178057777889085 1/14 778 $495 lynnette/ Norm 304-925-0204 9000 3 15 10/29/195 232907124 11/12 citi plat sel appvd $1500 did bt of $1350 from his Will
12/30/2011 15:54:56 1535878343 12/30/2011 12/30/2011 Peggy Burkdoll 29675 S Adams Rd Melvern KS 66510 6011008957892844 1/14 312 $995 Amber LRP 7855493650 13500 3 14%----23.6 8/1/1958 511701343 12/30/11 GM Approved $7500-Did BT from Disc (261 Lori Client in a hu y y n 0311 2550 0002 3122 678 Zilch Done 01/03/2012 LV
1/4/2012 13:16:34 1538760585 1/4/2012 1/4/2012 Noreen Miller 70469 County Rd 143 Ligonier IN 46767 6011005460618047 1/14 104 $995 Chris Mike 260 894 3448 7600 1 16 3/17/1969 1/4- GM card- Approved 1,450 (requested BT 1,350 to Wend n y y n 0311 2550 0002 3122 741 ZILCH DONE 01/09/12 LV
1//7/2012 1540568356 1/7/2012 1/7/2012 Anita Myhre n50334 county RD (B) Osseo WI 54758 4037660007276991 1/14 088 $995 Vaness orlando 7155973971 6188.05 1 17.99 394-58-107 3pm 1/7/12 Did 3-way call w/ Alliance Bank. Only offer avai Lori y y y y 0311 2550 0002 3122 756 ZILCH DONE 01/11/12 LV ----1/10 zilch created LE
1/11/2012 1543005405 1/11/2012 1/11/2012 diane Devish 166 crossbow LN Grants pass OR 97526 4266841251754477 1/14 984 $995 durell oliver 541-474-9815 3316 2 17-20 10/24/194 1/11/2012 citi plat sel approved $7300 bal trans $4263 Jason n y 1/13/201 0311 2550 0002 3122 781 zilch created 1/11/2012 jc
1/13/2012 10:46:16 1543981459 1/13/2012 1/13/2012 Gary R Gerlach 980 Clayton Street Commerce GA 30529 4305873930190420 1/14 887 $695 zoe steve 7063350522 11561.9 10 24 2/6/1953 334-46-717 1/13/2012 on phone with discover now diicover would Jason y y
1/13/2012 14:57:16 1544136697 1/13/2012 1/13/2012 Phyllis Richardson 1716 Northbourne Rd Baltimore MD 21239 4313072316586125 1/14 555 $595 Durell Orlando 4102548605 4383.07 3 17-20 2/9/1941 220-36-543 Anytime 1/13- GM- Approved 7,500 (requested BT 2,096 pay to Wend n y 0311 2550 0002 3122 791
1/16/2012 14:53:09 1545680157 1/16/2012 1/16/2012 Franklin green 110 Graden st Poughkeepsie NY 12601 5291497839620536 1/14 996 $1,99 Chavez orlando 845-473-1631 845-249-9849 23003.1 3 17-23 5/25/1936 1/16/2012 citi sim pend no id barclay rewards pend// 1/ Jason n y ZILCH DONE EW 1-18-12
12/19/2011 18:09:17 1530013425 12/19/2011 12/19/2011 Janet C Gallagher 411 Grandview Av. Homer Mi 49245 5401683098162909 1/14/ 120 $500 Cristol Norm 5175683671 6124 2 25 6/26/1949 143424525 1/3/2012 client called for an up- 12/19 gmcard appvd $3000 citi plat sel pending 12/20 Will/Ja no chase y 0311 2550 0002 3122 578 Zilch Done 12/27/11 LV
10/19/2011 1493019560 10/19/2011 10/19/2011 Karen Jackson 15590 Delaware Dr King George VA 22485 4313072319938240 1/14/2011 579 $495 Kim/Mike/Brian 540 663 5378 11/11/194 7321 Approv 7800 thru Citi 0% 21mo, client will call when sh Brian
10/27/2011 16:13:32 1497595629 10/27/2011 10/27/2011 Doris Jackson 33687 Lake Rd Apt# 1 Avon Lake OH 44012 6011005473516394 1/15 200 $495 Tonya/Mike 440 930 0384 8000 1 24 1/18/1930 9913 11/10 called in to speak with he 10/27 Citivisa- Approved 4,800 (bt 4450 from discover) wendy
11/15/2011 15:53:33 1508095773 11/15/2011 11/15/2011 Ruth Yost 161 Senery Walsberg WV 26070 4408041013697440 1/15 198 $495 Marlinday/Norm 3047372784 10000 1 13 8/14/1946 235685313 tough lady citi 8300 21mo chase bal 10760 gm dec bar nick
1/19/2012 9:19:28 TEST 1/19/2012 TEST 209 E. Baseline Rd St Tempe AZ 85283 12345678910 1/19/12 800 $1,50 na na 4804220306 0 0 0 12/14/201 5555
11/9/2011 17:14:01 1504770838 11/9/2011 11/9/2011 Gregory Sweet 35901 77th st. E. Little Rock Ca 93543 4636550074109362 1/2012 972 $1,99 Casey/Steven 661-944-4922 17705 1 15.65 12/7/1946 1427 afternoon Ok guy, a lil tough but i got him Daniel// 11/9/2011 GM Fam App $ 12,500 Bal Trans 1 Daneil
11/28/2011 19:21:41 11/28/2011 Deana M. Gasperini 48 Birch Bluff Rd. Montgomery MA 01085 5491139361765606 1/2012 960 $1,99 Casey/Steven 413-862-3354 25000 1 29 11/4/1972 0743 Varies dont want to give social Did not want to give Social Daniel
11/28/2011 13:10:04 1515988042 11/28/2011 11/28/2011 Darlene L. Hutchinson 711 Mrytle St. Truth Or Conse Ne 87901 6011361064879513 1/2012 672 $1,99 ShawnA/Steven/Daniel 575-894-3739 13000 4 9.99-22.9 12/14/193 559-40-029 Anytime old widow//**12/29/2011 client Daniel// 11/28/2011 Citi Sim App ? Daniel Daniel// 11/2 Jason n y y n
12/12/2011 14:44:28 1525136582 12/12/2011 12/12/2011 Wanda M. Szopjak 4362 Honeysuckle Dr. Sterling Height MI 48314 5437000488136633 1/2012 442 $1,99 Titus/Steven 586-803-0209 21579 2 15-24 4/13/1925 369-20-019 Anytime/ very old lady but she is on top o Jason// 12/12/2011 Citi Plat pending/Citi Sim pendi Jason waiting done done 0311 2550 0002 3122 522 Zilch done 12-14-11 ~CD
11/11/2011 12:26:49 decline $ blocked 11/11/2011 Doris S. Mulberry 406 Oak St. George Town KY 40324 4705000245894464 1/2013 238 $1,99 Jason/Steven 502-863-2123 502-370-2471 4926 4 20-24.99 12/9/1934 5420 Anytime i Great old lady, she hates high i Daniel// 11/11/2011 Cap One App $3600 Daniel Dani Daniel
11/8/2011 16:45:02 1504191484 11/8/2011 11/8/2011 Sandra L. Grogan 709 Tatro St. Mile City MT 59301 5178058904435420 1/2013 134 $995 Charlie/Steven 4062345130 4000 8 12.49-26.9 5/15/1950 6793 Morning Sketchie//**11/29/2011 client c Approved thru Gm for an unknown amount, Pending w Brian
12/7/2011 18:08:25 1522297911 12/7/2011 12/7/2011 Thomas J. Petty 875 Ruple Cleveland OH 44110 6011005459050533 1/2013 252 $300 Desiree/Steven 216-451-9101 216-408-7416 10305 3 29 7/31/1943 269-42-115 Evenings great guy//**12/19/2011 client c 12/7- Cap 1-denied;Citi Simp- Pending id#2011120780 wendy n y y n
12/14/2011 16:40:20 1526727053 12/14/2011 12/14/2011 Charmagne M. Koeppen 1268 Pilchuck Dr. Fox Island WA 98333 5121071768382867 1/2013 651 $1,99 Chris R./Steven/Jason 253-549-2368 11671 1 25 4/19/1945 535-42-605 Anytime d great lady Jason// 12/14/2011 GM Denied credit score 640/Barc Jason waiting done done 0311 2550 0002 3122 557 Zilch done 12-23-11 ~CD
1/3/2012 16:42:15 1538200484 1/3/2012 1/3/2012 Pamela A. Sullivan P.O. Box 318 Urania LA 71480 4327477902740313 1/2013 822 $495 Amy Steven 318-495-5893 318-447-3924 7369 3 18-23 6/11/1967 436-39-330 Anytime o Great lady 103 on phn wi cap1 did not lower she had bank rupcy nick y y 106 Zilch Received 1/13/12
11/29/2011 15:55:13 1516773104 11/29/2011 11/29/2011 Kathleen M. Brunelle P.O. Box 245 Belchertown MA 01007 6011009822721556 1/2015 304 $1,99 Shawn/Steven 413-283-3963 6288.16 1 14.99 11/19/195 020-42-133 in mornin dont want husband to know... 11/29 Pending w/ Cap1, Citi, and Gm12/07 Citi Approv Brian 2309 3620 0000 1452 990 Zilch done 12-05-11 ~CD
12/29/2011 19:15:31 1535315430 12/29/2011 12/29/2011 John & Lavonne Schafer 26990 370th St. Goodhue MN 55027 5491139324618827 1/31/2015 905 $795 Amber Steven 651-923-4540 24145 1 13.9 11/24/193 471-40-346 Evenings great older guy, very smart//**1/ 12/29/11 GM Declined-Already has acct w/ them, Barc Lori not yet y y N 0311 2550 0002 3122 645 Zilch Done 1/2/12 ~PB----NEW Zilch Done 1-10-12 KG
1536317609 12/31/2011 12/31/2011 Jack E. Connell 4201 S.W. Emland Dr. Topeka KS 66606 5291492306544566 10-2013 699 $995 Zoe Steven 785-271-5213 5941 1 14.9 10/29/192 515-12-039 Anytime husband n wife both retired, mil Jason//12/31/2011 GM approved $11500 did balance t Jason n y y 1/17/20 0311 2550 0002 3122 646 Zilch Done 1/2/12 ~PB
10/26/2011 18:35:40 declined 10/26/2011 Rebecca Kelly 2006 Dublin Dr Augusta GA 30906 4313027366200522 10/12 983 $495 Amirah/Mike/Wendy 706 798 7629 5400 3 27 4/17/1949 0608 10/26 cus did not want to give first 4 of ss#, spoke to h wendy
1475680740/CB 11-3-11-------RETRIEVAL 9/19/2011 9/19/2011 mary gaul 211 hymer sedgwick ka 67135 6011008494508333 10/12 845 $995 keyvonne/mike/darla 316-772-5291 6k 1 0.29 11/24/193 9410 bal transfer 0% darla
1504726467 11/9/2011 11/9/2011 Patricia C. Smith P.O. 634 Monticello KY 42633 4428287230000241 10/12 488 $995 Booby // Norm 6063485662 13500 1 12.24 9/5/1943 11/30/2011 client needs Wendy 11/9/2011- Capital 1- pending; GM hsbc-approved? no wendy
11/9/2011 18:03:45 1504787120 11/9/2011 11/9/2011 Tammy M Park 39456 County Rd 4 Bird Island MN 55310 5179400003894678 10/12 520 $995 Robert/ Norm 320-365-4136 20000 5 17 10/16/197 504905197 11/9 gm card appvd $4300 Will
11/14/2011 11:56:53 1507274092 11/14/2011 11/14/2011 Laura Baxley 1234 N, Sable Bvld Aurora CO 80011 4053744022330253 10/12 362 $495 Jason/MIke 303 366 1284 9500 2 12.24 11/7/1933 9905 11/17/2011 client called for Bria 11/14 Pending w/ Citi, cap1 denied, has avail credit on Brian 7011 0110 0001 1541 856 Zilch done 11-21-11 ~CD
11/15/2011 15:26:59 1508071361 11/15/2011 11/15/2011 Betty Koegler 615 N. Carpenter Dr Snohomish WA 98290 5222770009004119 10/12 574 $995 Jill/Mike 425 334 6084 12000 1 19 2/22/1934 6278 (12/5/11-Bank called with custo 11/15- Capital 1-pending; Citi Simp- Pending; Barclays wendy 7011 0110 0001 1541 828 Zilch done 11-28-11 ~CD
1489302563/cb 11-25-11 10/13/2011 10/13/2011 Moses Jones R.R.5 Box 137 Idabel Ok 74745 4185867729569203 10/12 925 $380 Larry/Steven/Wendy 5802863398 10297 4 24.99 4/11/1937 0486 10/17/11- citibank visa favorite hobby(horses) approve wendy
12/1/2011 14:57:00 1518415569 12/1/2011 12/1/2011 Same as Above 5291492020310005 10/12 539 $345 Same as above Daniel
1522311328 12/7/2011 12/7/2011 kristine a brown 252 terrace dr friday harbor wa 98250 4266841150175758 10/12 187 $595 coco/ norm nick 360-378-3432 10600 2 29 3/24/1961 matching her wi offers she busy right now she willl be nick n y y
12/14/2011 17:51:45 1526761345/partial refund $300 12-19-11 1 12/14/2011 12/14/2011 Janice Kisling 427 Meceak St Ukiak CA 95482 4037660021090279 10/12 688 $695 Amelia/Mike 707 462 2104 7700 3 16 10/2/1952 12/15/2011 client called for Jas Jason// 12/14/2011 GM approved $8500 did bal transf Jason no done done
12/17/2011 13:22:56 1528845746 12/17/2011 12/17/2011 CD Malvin 811 Doddem Ave Mile City MT 59301 6011007555035798 10/12 208 $995 Desiree/Oliver 4062349746 5700 1 17 11/9/1947 471580997 12/17 Cap1 Denied, Citi and Barclays Pending 12/19 Brian N Y
12/20/2011 17:32:31 12/20/2011 Russell Borden 210 Liberty St Batavia NY 14020 4453263007163726 10/12 343 $995 Jessica/Mike 716 570 4347 8800 1 27 12/19/198 1220 citi apprvd 2k 1800 paid to first financial cap1 1 nick
12/20/2011 14:09:46 1530570481 Wayne 12/20/2011 12/20/2011 Delores J. Dorney 24438 W. Highway W Bethany MO 64424 4313072338084646 10/12 658 $995 Paul Norm 6604253446 7500 2 13 8/10/1945 490504377 //**1/6/2012 client called for BW 12/20 Pending Citi and barclays Cap1 Appvd 10k clien Brian n y
12/2/2011 15:52:35 1519191338/cb 1-2-12 12/2/2011 12/2/2011 Roxanne P. Mann 75 Montvale Drive Dawsonville GA 30534 5424180823585523 10/12 313 $995 Titus Steven 706-265-1478 404-392-5689 21099 7 9.99-25 3/19/1973 252-51-091 Afternoon skeptical a lil still but shes good Daniel// 12/2/2011 Citi Plat App $3500, GM den, Barc Daniel
12/8/2011 15:42:24 1522988776/CB 1-4-12 12/8/2011 12/8/2011 Evanjuli Blanco dup dup du dup 4185865080962678 10/12 861 $95 Coco-D Mike-Dup dup dup du 12 dup dup Dup
1/2/2012 13:38:10 bad deal from qualifier 1/2/2012 Melanee G Johnson 308 Tickering Place Somerset NJ 08873 5466160029342514 10/12 749 $395 Amber Orlando 2157605351 14200 2 21-29.9% 3/19/1982 192-68-786 Noon 1/2- doesnt have available amount- acct was -60.00..1/
1/3/2012 16:35:18 1538189729 1/3/2012 1/3/2012 David-Gerrie Fuss 13955 68th St. S.E. Alto MI 49302 6011308010265743 10/12 339 $995 Paul M. Orlando 6168686918 13000 6 29 9/12/1951 363823012 after 6 very open and ready for our hel 1/3/2011 on call with discover now did a hardship auto Jason y y y 0311 2550 0002 3122 736 ZILCH DONE 01/09/12 LV
1/4/2012 15:49:21 1538835714 1/4/2012 1/4/2012 Michael Dalton 3211 Derek Rd Helena MT 59602 4888936124523741 10/12 264 $495 Vannes Mike 406 443 2185 4100 1 14 10/5/1964 nice guy very thankful for the s N BofA @ 14 y n n 0311 2550 0002 3122 762 1/9 zilch created LE// Zilch done 01-10-12 ~CD
1/7/2012 1540572673 1/7/2012 1/7/2012 Kathryn/Fred Trane 117 Laurel springs Dr Anthens GA 30606 4264296750454669 10/12 495 $395 Mike jo orlando 70635439010 7062552093 5223.35 3 10-13% 5/2/1951 246-88-515 any time 1/9/2012 client left msg for Orla 107 disc lowered to 11.99 she did not want to do the b nick y n 109 Zilch filled out 1/7/2012
11/30/2011 19:08:16 1517549333/CB 1/10/12 11/30/2011 11/30/2011 Betty Miller 695 N. Brookfield Rd Brookfield WI 53045 4037660012890232 10/12 000 $995 Donnie/Mike/Daniel 262 786 0286 9500 2 19 2/28/1942 3862 01/05 JA client called wanting t Daniel// 11/30/2011 Cap One pend Daniel . ( 1/5/12) Daniel
1439943136/refund 1/12/12 1543463475 7/19/2011 7/19/2011 Justin and DaLinda Waldron 10278 s. spotted owl highland CO 80129 4264296759326058 10/12 $695 nick/larry 303 919 6015 303 919 6012 20000 4 18 2248 live transf 12/6/11- mother (DaLinda) calle discover offer 5.9% for 12 mo Daniel// 12/6/2011 Ret Daniel
1/9/2012 declined 1/9/2012 Timthy Vanraalte 152nd Ave West Olive MI 49460 5466470304921530 10/12 620 $200 Nancy Steven 616-399-0766 4600 1 0.1924 10/13/195 1/9-customer was a lil sketchy; 1/9- Cap 1-Approved 7,500 0% mar2013 (after 10.9%) Wend n y Zilch is filled out 1/10/12
1/9/2012 1541620537 1/9/2012 1/9/2012 timthory Vanraalte 6971 152nd Ave west olive MI 49460 5466470304921530 10/12 620 $295 Nancy steve 616-399-0766 4653.61 1 0.1924 10/13/193 363-52-473 anytime 1/11/12 we will NOT charge the 1/9- Cap 1-Approved 7,500 0% mar2013 (after 10.9%) Wend n y 0311 2550 0002 3122 764 ZILCH DONE 1/11/12 LV INVOICE SENT FOR 295.00
1/10/2012 1542297531 1/10/2012 1/10/2012 Braiann persico 4 Grove lane old bridge NJ 08857 5424180664891527 10/12 766 $995 Irma steven 908-917-9119 5506 1 0.23 7/28/1986 134-72-163 5pm 110 she at work and has been on phn for an hr runnin nick n y 113 zilch is filled 1/18/12 CQM
1/10/2012 1542348181 1/10/2012 1/10/2012 Kathleen Brock 14301 S. Western Av Edmond OK 73025 4305870189238603 10/12 812 $1,99 Nancy orlando 4053415796 65981.7 5 9-12.24 4/6/1947 1/18/2012 client called for Wen 1/10- GM-denied credit score 673; Citi Simp- Approve Wend n y y 0311 2550 0002 3122 811 Zilch is filled out 1/11/12 CQM ZILCH DONE LV 12/16/12
1/12/2012 18:09:36 1543565793 1/12/2012 1/12/2012 Cheryl Harris 6620 Randall Dr Wichita KS 67219 5121075041888616 10/12 823 $995 Donnie Mike 3167442139 3165162937 13415 2 12/25/2012 12/24/195 514-70-463 evening 1/12- GM-Approved 7,500 (requested BT 6,300 pay to Wend n y y 1/17 zilch sent to carlos--wendy
1510114093/CB 1/16/12 11/18/2011 11/18/2011 Jeanne Perrin 1327 Poplar St. Lebanon PA 17042 5291498453747829 10/12 396 $1,99 Dionna/Mike 717 270 1185 26000 2 11/18 customer currently disputing charges on cap1 ac Will 0311 2550 0002 3122 789 Zilch is filled out 1/11/12 CQM ZILCH DONE 1-13-12 EW
1/16/2012 14:29:22 1545668914 1/16/2012 1/16/2012 Sharon Noel po box 683/2172 Sho Pocahontas VA 24635 5424180636012285 10/12 649 $1,99 Toni steven 276-945-9508 276-945-9508 8187 1 17 12/9/1946 1/16- GM-Approved 11,500 (requested BT 10,182 pay Wend n y y Zilch is filled out 1/17/12 CQM
1/16/2012 15:07:49 1545686488 1/16/2012 1/16/2012 Frederick Coutant P.O. Box 291 Wawarsing NY 12489 5458004668920125 10/12 017 $995 Zoe oliver 845-647-2573 5509 2 12-24.9 8/15/1954 116 no bt wi chase diswc not lowerin running appp ne nick y y zilched117 ne // ZILCH DONE LV 1/18/2012
/18/2012 1546933566 1/18/2012 1/18/2012 royel Colbert 603 potier rd CARENCRO LA 70520 5480420053616924 10/12 145 $595 Matt steven 337-896-7217 30895.6 2 13-15 7/10/1945 433-62-512 afternoon 1/18/2012 barclay rewards pend citi plat sel pend ID#2 Jason n too close t y 1/20/201 zilch filled out 1/18 jc
10/28/2011 14:02:11 10/28/2011 James Hannedrefs 61207 Fredrick Dr. Madison Lake MN 56063 5424181066535977 10/13 077 $995 Zack/Mike 507 243 4141 22000 2 20 4/28/1949 5536
1453395069/CB 10/17/11 8/10/11 8/10/11 Peggy Allen 800 Pots Ave Durham NC 27701 426428******2571 10/13 $700 donall/norm/nick
11/1/2011 18:48:26 11/1/2011 Wanda Mcwhorter 118 A Fox Run Place Lowell AR 72745 4313077078678432 10/13 689 $695 Donall/Mike 479 790 8841 5300 2 20 9/16/1935 2683
11/8/2011 11:49:28 11/8/2011 Judith Doherty 332 Maple St. West Boyalsto MA 01583 5178057218481707 10/13 838 $595 RAFAEL // NORM 508-853-3871 4000 1 17 4/14/1949 2792 11/8/2011- call customer tomorrow at 9am..she wants
11/12/2011 12:50:49 1506326617 11/12/2011 11/12/2011 Kathy Jackson 1914 14th Av. Monroe WI 53566 5466410006485863 10/13 340 $995 Terrance // Norm 608-325-1784 21000 2 14 1/12/1956 Cust has 6k and 9 k avail to try to get a lower IR rate, wendy
11/17/2011 18:58:48 11/17/2011 Kimberly Collins 500 Park Place Edmond OK 73034 4013988565695874 10/13 375 $995 Desiree/Mike 405 844 2593 12000 4 22 9/17/1969 0377 customer hung up on me
1488783952/cb 11-21-11 10/12/2011 10/12/2011 robert g groves 608 market rd P O Bo altus ok 73522 4266841247225699 10/13 679 $495 titus/norm/daniel 580-482-8808 4500 1 22.49-29.9 3/24/1936 7022 10/18 called in with bank on the 10/19/11 Still waiting for Citi card which is pending. Da Daniel
11/22/2011 17:25:00 1513072196 11/22/2011 11/22/2011 Jason Reeder 11025 W Park Hill RD Wauwatosa WI 53226 4121747045942812 10/13 712 $395 Lora/Larry/Will 4143050193 4100 2 23.99-27.9 6/6/1980 394867546 11/22 barclays good sam appvd $4000 citi plat sel pen Will 0311 2550 0002 3122 537 Zilch done 12-12-11 ~CD
11/26/2011 12:01:18 1514936245 11/26/2011 11/26/2011 Hildegard B. Hise 120 Brittany Ln. Senoia GA 30276 4388540016253527 10/13 586 $995 Lori/Norm 7705994205 19000 3 15 3/26/1949 259294197 11/26 Cap1 and citi are pending ( ref # for citi 2011112 Brian
11/28/2011 1516078051 Wayne 11/28/2011 11/28/2011 Arlene McIntyre 156 Jean SW Wyoming MI 49548 5490350177392128 10/13 280 $495 Quadisha/Larry 6165312079 6k 1 16 8/5/1940 373834678 11/29/2011 client left msg for B 11/28 Approved Cap1 10k @0% 4 15mo, waiting for c Brian 2309 3620 0000 1452 975 Zilch done 12-01-11 ~CD
11/29/2011 14:15:02 1516727499 11/29/2011 11/29/2011 Elaine Watson 555 N. Liberty St Belchertown MA 01007 6011001809522081 10/13 059 $995 Desiree/Mike 413 289 1445 5000 3 16 8/4/1946 on phn wi disc checkin bt offers 0 int 4 fee taking adv t nick
12/2/2011 13:40:00 1519114992 12/2/2011 12/2/2011 Josephine B Thomas 1803 Springhill Court Opelika AL 36801 5466410024184506 10/13 832 $795 Amelia/Larry/Daniel 334-742-9188 8000 1 18 5/27/1936 Daniel// 12/2/2011 Cap One App $10,000 Daniel Dan Brian
1488635287/refund 12-6-11 1521359208 10/12/2011 10/12/2011 Duane Pell 6955 W 2nd Ave Lakewood CO 80226 6011009861287725 10/13 608 $295 Desiree/Oliver/Brian 3032382328 30k 5 11.24-25.2 1/10/1957 6116 10/14 called in for FA Brian Whi 11/01 Applied Mr Pell to Cap1, Citi, Gm, and barclays, brian
12/5/2011 1520839578 12/5/2011 12/5/2011 sandra a beck 52 longwood dr. hamilton nj 08620 6011007294497820 10/13 539 $995 donall larry nick 609/585/4635 609*558*5389 10k 2 10.24**21.9 10/19/196 bt from khols to disc 625 amount 0 int 12 mo need to Nick y y y
125/2011 16:29:32 1520933673 12/5/2011 12/5/2011 Elizabeth A. Meyers 24 OLD GLORY WAY Fort Mitchell AL. 36856 4264294254117700 10/13 995 $395 Dessere/ Norm 3348550444 12000 2 dup dup dup dup dup Will same as above
12/5/2011 17:19:03 1520950468 12/5/2011 12/5/2011 James Banister 50 Moreland St. Buffalo NY 14206 4185558724107970 10/13 422 $1,99 Quadesha/Mike/Daniel 716 892 1735 11000 5 24 6/27/1948 12/15/2011 client called for Jas Daniel// 12/5/2011 Cap One pend, GM App $11500 C
12/5/2011 18:50:40 1520977177 12/5/2011 12/5/2011 Dennie S. Langford P.O. Box 338 304 old Chatsworth GA 30705 5369933079071045 10/13 735 $995 Chris/ Norm 706-6958129 995 3 15 5/20/1952 256920244 12/06 Client called in to speak 12/5/2011 Capital One Pend//12/6/2011 Citi Plat Pen Jason called both h done done yes 2309 3620 0000 1452 983 Zilch done 12-06-11 ~CD
12/15/2011 15:30:21 1527450879 12/15/2011 12/15/2011 Alva Stewart 3590 Roundbottom R Cincinnati OH 45244 6011003401502180 10/13 535 $995 Daniel/Mike 719 337 3197 5700 1 30 9/26/1936 1/18/2012 client left msg wantin 12/15 on phn wi disc she is at penalty 28 int to 23.99 nick y y y 0311 2550 0002 3122 565 ZILCH DONE 12-27-11 ~kim
1/7/2012 declined CVV bad John Emelie Ritchey 182 E North Broadwa Columbus OH 43214 4856200600458429 10/13 135 $495 Turbo Orlando 6142614434 5242.95 6 16-28% 5/30/4192 1/9- keep calling customer, no 107 115p lvm ne nick
1/6/2012 1540138142 1/6/2012 1/6/2012 Mary woody p.o. box111 Rock Gap VA 24366 5121079754216304 10/13 556 $995 Paul s mike 276-928-1212 304-887-8867 9893 1 0.24 8/12/1943 233-66-118 any time 1/6/12 Called client to get street address to put on app Lori n Sears y y n Zilch Created by Lori 01/13/12
1/7/2012 1540607909 1/7/2012 1/7/2012 Kaye G Christisn po box480/2356 Gain gainesville Ga 30503 4147202048786162 10/13 568 $995 desiree oliver 7705344928 7705315372 19428.1 1 13 02-/18/195 258-92-095 anytime 1/7/2012 applying //1/9/2012 client called in to make s Jason n y 1/11/201 n 1/11/2012 zilch created jc
1490165943/CB 1/9/12 10/14/2011 10/14/2011 vicky younger 319 n 10 st king fisher ok 73750 5424180583105082 10/13 834 $200 nick
1490165202/CB 12-12-11 10/14/2011 10/14/2011 vicky younger 319 n 10th st king fisher ok 73750 5424181062058206 10/13 145 $695 charlie/mike/nick 405-375-4327 10k 10 15-24% 7/14/1955 nick
1/9/2012 1541525468 1/9/2012 1/9/2012 Debbie/Timothy Totaro 1064 Stephanie way Minden NV 89423 4465420306768680 10/13 701 $595 Fred Orlando 7512673682 25560 4 10/15% 1/17/1959 521045851 109 citi apprvd 3k barc 4400 no bt during app jill ran a nick n y 112 0311 2550 0002 3122 808 Zilch is filled out 1/10/12 CQM// Zilch done 01-16-12 ~CD
1/9/2012 1541594887 1/9/2012 1/9/2012 Doris Marttila 6943 counrty lane belleville MI 48111 6011004185515398 10/13 137 $1,99 Turbo Orlando 7344833983 12826.0 3 13-23% 3/2/1938 384440991 109 on phn wi disc lowering from 16.9 to 12.9 disc ha nick y 17-13 y 112 0311 2550 0002 3122 752 Zilch is filled out 1/10/12 CQM// Zilch done 01-11-12 ~CD
1/10/2012 1542312476 1/10/2012 1/10/2012 Betty/ Gerald Brandemihl 49556 Linden Street Plymouth MI 48170 5401683057134857 10/13 513 $395 Jessica Mike 7344169452 7347885601 5597.31 3 24 12/24/193 369-32-431 anytime 1/10/12 GM Approved $7500 (0% for 12 mo). Lori Lori N Chase Y y n Zilch Received 1/13/12
1/10/2012 1542363281 1/10/2012 1/10/2012 Linda farrand 502 pool Ln shawnee OK 74801 5466160100319761 10/13 940 $395 Holly orlando 4052753024 4054102232 9817.22 1 13.9 8/28/1948 110 on phn wi citi not lowering applied her for citi 24 nick y y 111 zilch is filled out 1/18/12 CQM
1/11/2012 1542977445 1/11/2012 1/11/2012 Walter Johnson 612 Highway 505 Jonesboro LA 71251 4266841245240872 10/13 505 $1,99 Zoe Steve 3182596674 5129 4 15-25 9/1/1965 436-43-790 Anytime 1/11/2012 citi diamond pref approved $7300 bal transf Jason n y 0311 2550 0002 3122 803 Zilch received 1-13-12 ~CD ZILCH DONE LV 1/16/12
1/13/2012 13:52:34 1544101982 1/13/2012 1/13/2012 David J.Roadway 603 NorthOak Street Lake City MN 55041 4388641836560636 10/13 716 $595 Paul M orlando 6513452456 7178.06 1 19 9/25/1962 477-86-145 1/13/2012 applying//1/14/2012 GM approved $4000 ba Jason y y 1/16/201 Zilch Received 1/16/12-----zilch fill out 1/16/2012 jc
10/21/2011 10:35:08 1494207869 10/21/2011 10/21/2011 Mary Beye 832 Crescent N.E. Grand Rapids MI 49503 4017683001010434 10/13/2011 254 $1,99 Shane/Steven 616-454-7289 Pending w/ Citi & cap1, waiting 10/21 Pending w/ Citi & cap1, waiting to b approv for n Brian
10/24/2011 14:05:00 1495852550 10/24/2011 10/24/2011 Kathleen Yager 8522 Spencer Court North Ridgevill OH 44039 5452380011883384 10/13/2011 69 $995 Ms. Amirah/Norm 4403208013 7/20/1959 10/24/2011 Cap One App $10,000 0% 15mo Daniel D Daniel
10/26/2011 16:54:26 1497057330 10/26/2011 10/26/2011 Beverly Rentz 5601 Old Highway 13 Oxford GA 30054 4888936013490630 10/14 930 $995 Shane/Mike 770 784 8256 27800 1 30 3/27/1939 10/26/2011 Sweetest old lady. 10/26/2011 Cap One Den, Citi Sim App $3000 0% 21 Daniel 0311 2550 0002 3122 796 ZILCH DONE 1-16-12 EW
11/1/2011 12:40:45 1500247322 11/1/2011 11/1/2011 Bernadine M.Hoffschneider 13165 W. Auburn Pl Lakewood Co 80228 4264291140460906 10/14 539 $1,99 Chriss/ Norm 303-987-5391 40000 3 18 12/24/196 2870 11/8/11 client called for will gav 11/1 Discover appvd no amount given citi simp pendin Will
11/12/2011 15:12:57 1506411921 11/12/2011 11/12/2012 Walter L. Hunt 9550 E. Houghton Lak Merritt Mi 49667 5121071821494501 10/14 462 $995 Bobbi /Norm 231-328-4548 13000 3 20 10/9/1938 369347471 bt from sears mc to chase and from chase to his accco nick
11/16/2011 15:04:17 11/16/2011 Jill Hajdu 1270 S. 33 Rd Caddillac MI 49601 5121071991151600 10/14 379 $495 Titus/Mike 231 775 0569 4300 2 18 7/18/1984 7089 very nice lady 11/16 customer not interseted because said she was g Will
11/14/2011 11:46:33 1507248832 11/14/2011 11/14/2011 Helen Phillips 5873 Ewing Rd. Ewing KY 41039 5121075049144343 10/14 410 $595 Charlie / Norm 6062674305 5277 1 24.99 7/11/1926 405325196 11/23/2011client called for a c/ 11/14/2011- Capital1- approved 7,500 0%feb2013 // 1 wendy 7011 0110 0001 1541 838 Zilch done 11-28-11 ~CD
1507454327 11/14/2011 11/14/2011 Michael R Catinella 3101 W 10th Ave Plac Broomfield CO 80020 4266841232010411 10/14 247 $495 Desiree/Larry 3036652344 9342 3 25.9 29.99 9/19/1981 415474536 12/21/2011 client called for We 11/14/2011-capitol 1 denied; Citi mc- Pending no id#; wendy 7011 0110 0001 1541 826 11/22-sent zilch to carlos..wendy // Zilch done 11-28-11 ~CD
11/18/2011 14:44:31 1510128319 11/18/2011 11/18/2011 Palmer Starks 23 Reeds Ave Pottscamp MI 38659 6011310105772161 10/14 629 $995 Zack/Mike 662 333 6307 9000 3 19 12/11/194 9220 12/29 Client called in with quest
11/23/2011 13:47:04 11/23/2011 Mable Smith 2369 Caney Fork Rd Quality KY 42256 4037840041285501 10/14 248 $995 Desiree/Mike 270 755 2256 8400 2 18 11/16/194 7403 11/23 after i explained what i would be able to do she Will
12/5/2011 19:47:54 1521001012 12/5/2011 12/5/2011 John P.Reynaud 809 Gaines Apt 17 Port Town Wa 98368 5121071873422525 10/14 027 $995 Donal/Norm/Daniel 3603792734 16500 4 22 2/2/1962 570133149 Daniel// 12/5/2011 Cap One pend, GM App $9200, B Daniel
12/6/2011 13:50:14 1521507892 12/6/2011 12/6/2011 Martha M. Glass 309 30th St. Hoquiam Wa 98550 5121071939293936 10/14 627 $995 Holly/ Norm 3605324282 7600 2 23 2/22/1956 12/6- Cap 1-Pending; CitiBank MC-Approved 2,000 (B Wend n y y y
12/16/2011 11:42:31 $ or block 12/16/2011 Pamela S Davis 11578 Big Pool Rd Big Pool Md 21711 4418029001543989 10/14 148 $1,99 Jill / Norm/Jason 3018422055 14300 2 30 4/20/1950 220583543 12/16/2011 GM approved $4300 called client did 3 wa Jason
12/12/2011 16:44:40 1525232297 12/12/2011 12/12/2011 Debra L. Lewis 3940 Gilford Laning Mi 48911 4412970127547097 10/14 858 $995 Donnie //Norm/Jason 517-646-0600 5000 2 18 6/18/1957 385700981 12/28/2011 client left msg ? ch citi plat visa approved for 7300 pai chase 5000 and firs nick n chase y y y 0311 2550 0002 3122 560 Zilch done 12-27-11 ~CD
12/13/2011 17:24:38 1525907776 12/13/2011 12/13/2011 Karen Janecek-Bocanegra N. 1711 Dawn Dr. Waupaca WI 54981 4862362548285017 10/14 433 $95 Donnie/Mike/Jason 715 258 7321 Dup dup 12/28/2011 0311 2550 0002 3122 515 Zilch done 12-20-11 ~CD
12/14/2011 19:05:31 1526781570 12/14/2011 12/14/2011 Jorjette Peterson 8320 loraine Dr Strongville OH 44149 5121079665811177 10/14 908 $1,99 Charlie/Mike/Jason 440 221 3060 23000 4 25 9/10/1956 Jason//12/14/2011 GM Approved $7500/Barc Approve Jason n y y 0311 2550 0002 3122 551 Zilch done 12-21-11 ~CD
12/16/2011 13:33:09 1528329133 12/16/2011 12/16/2011 Edward/Kristine Port 1348 Tompkins Rd Dorset OH 44032 6011361115638397 10/14 $1,99 Titus/Mike 440 294 2527 55000 13 22 9/19/1936 husband and wife team (12/19/ 12/16 gmcard appvd $4300 barclays ctoc appvd $188 Will yes 20.99 to yes yes 0311 2550 0002 3122 660 Zilch done 01-02-12 ~CD
1531170703 12/21/2011 12/21/2011 Sheila Hall 244 scouten hill rd Oxford NY 13830 6011310097189499 10/14 290 $1,95 Charlie Larry 607-843-6103 29k 5 13-16 5/3/1945 110360611 1221 cap1 end in 7778 put 7k on her wal disc w 2500 nick y bt gm 115 b
12/21/2011 16:58:43 1531237411 12/21/2011 12/21/2011 Garry W. Lawyer 246 Haney Rd Otego N. 12825 5480430001003653 10/14 591 $995 Cindy Norm 607-988-7745 6074352096 39000 4 21 5/26/1959 059540986 12/21/2011 Barclays and Citi approved 6500 total, Cap Brian 0311 2550 0002 3122 600 Zilch done 12-28-11 ~CD
12/30/2011 13:35:07 1535807408 12/30/2011 12/30/2011 Keith Fergurson 208 2nd AVE NE Dayton IA 50530 5424180683727983 10/14 037 $1,99 Zoe Orlando 515 547 2727 515 547 2706 12000 5 23 5/1/1932 484209042 lawyer 55yrs. 12/30- Gm Card-pending..need physical address from Wend n 7- waiting y n
1/7/2012 1540566021 1/7/2012 1/7/2012 emilie ritchey 182 E North Broadwa Columbus OH 43214 5466320782945263 10/14 584 $400 turbo Orlando 6142614434 same 8211942 301361011 0311 2550 0002 3122 724 Zilch Done
1/9/2012 1541710177 1/9/2012 1/9/2012 Earl Woodruff P.O. Box 621 /1264 D Alta Vista VA 24517 4071100091153241 10/14 952 $595 Lora m oliver 434-369-6276 5330 1 0.17 3/19/1932 225-38-373 6-7pm 1/9/12 GM Approved $7500 (0% for 12 mo), req BT fro Lori n y 1/13/201 0311 2550 0002 3122 794 1/12/12 zilch created LE ZILCH DONE LV 1/17/12
10/19/2011 1493046490 10/19/2011 10/19/2011 Jane Soriano 4484 Clemensford Dri Virginia Beach VA 23456 4888936178975755 10/14/2011 734 $1,99 Kyvonne/Steven/Daniel 7574673065 7573488554 8/24/1941 10/19/11 Approved Cap One $ Daniel// 10/27/2011 Called client and lm for cb Daniel Daniel
10/17/2011 1491640 10/17/2011 Sharon Richardson 4521 General Ewell D Bosier LA 71112 4313070020333172 10/14/2011 749 $995 steven/mike/brian 3187467872 8/1/1959 5979 brian
11/16/2011 12:49:00 1508652272 11/16/2011 11/16/2011 Winnie B Schilling 5334 Rocks Road Pylesville MD 21132 5401683093403514 10/15 805 $495 Titus/Larry/Daniel 410-452-5249 3500 1 14.25 11/17/193 232-52-305 no Sunda Daniel.// 11/16/2011 Sweet chu Daniel// 11/16/2011 Citi Sim pend Daniel// 11/17/2011 Daniel
1/13/2012 10:54:16 1543984201 1/13/2012 1/13/2012 James Strate 227 s payne st newlum MN 56073 4479481400480618 10/15 450 $495 Brandy Oliver 5073543662 5077661764 16080.9 3 22 6/14/1957 469-70-109 Afternoon 1/18/2012 client called for Wad 1/13/12 Called Chase Freedom to see if there were an Lori y y y Zilch Filled Out 1/17/12 JS ~ ZILCH DONE 1-18-12 EW
11/18/2011 13:52:49 1510076004 11/18/2011 11/18/2011 Merrilynn G. Roycraft 1749 E. Lake Mitchell Cadillac MI 49601 5467005400389726 10/2012 943 $1,99 Zach/Steven/Daniel 231-779-0599 231-846-6176 9000 2 24 1/3/1959 266-43-236 Early Afte Sweetest lady // 11/29/11- trans Daniel// 11/18/2011 Cap One pend, Barc CtoC pend, Daniel
11/22/2011 14:20:22 11/22/2011 Mary A. Polk W. 5293 Pebble Beac Elkhorn WI 53121 4397078010482205 10/2012 980 $1,99 Bobby/Steven 262-742-3183 17895 2 14.9-15.9 11/9/1962 371-78-381 Morning Great lady HowardHoward Daniel
11/23/2011 14:27:17 1513599592 11/23/2011 11/23/2011 Karen L. Corren 6451 Weis Allenton WI 53002 6011007530703056 10/2012 715 $1,99 Lora/Steven/Daniel 262-629-9912 16250 2 13.99-14.9 7/18/1959 390-76-739 Late mor 12/19/11- called for Dan. I advi Daniel// 11/23/2011 Citi Plat App $4800 , Barc C to C Daniel
12/7/2011 14:38:16 1522220859 12/7/2011 12/7/2011 Maria L. Orosco 1233 e. Franklin Earlimart Ca 93219 5140218023579871 10/2012 518 $895 Tonya / Norm 6618493398 19000 4 24 8/1/1949 563645238 12/7- Citibank MC- Pending ID#201112079009184; wendy
12/22/2011 13:55:20 1531749179 12/22/2011 12/22/2011 Ralph D Dove 4812 Dalton Street Temple Hill MD 20748 6011003700533241 10/2012 170 $1,99 Desiree Larry 3018992344 20000 2 18-21% 8/2/1945 12/22- Cap 1-denied; Gm card-Approved 11,500 (BT 9 Wend n y y y 0311 2550 0002 3122 601 Zilch done 12-28-11 ~CD
11/16/2011 13:27:16 1508694680 11/16/2011 11/16/2011 Floye L. Pierson 105 Cedar St. LaGrande OR 97850 4147202014464794 10/2013 661 $1,99 Desiree/Steven 541-963-8277 17921 1 13 1/7/1932 554-38-308 Anytime $ Citi, cap1, and Chase are all pending, Gm denied 639 Brian
11/28/2011 17:49:36 1516130638 11/28/2011 11/28/2011 Joanne M. Alfieri 724 Miles Ln Cincinnati Ohi 45245 4266841245238074 10/2013 401 $395 Louis/Steven 513-379-7760 3444 2 15-19 1/3/1976 290-84-918 Mornings i made her cry tears of joy, litter applying now citi pndng no id cap1 dec barc pndng gm nick n chase y 2309 3620 0000 1452 976 Zilch done 12-01-11 ~CD
12/7/2011 18:14:34 1522298389 12/7/2011 12/7/2011 Thomas J. Petty 875 Ruple Cleveland OH 44110 6011361112136353 10/2013 396 $195 Desiree/Steven 2164519101 duplicate duplicat du duplicate duplicate duplicate dup wendy
12/14/2011 14:33:51 1526617822 12/14/2011 12/14/2011 Larry E. Dickensheets 795 S. Oakwood St. Orange CA 92869 5291492247797307 10/2013 363 $995 Donnie/Steven/Jason 714-771-1322 714-809-4207 6699.41 1 17 5/15/1947 554-74-327 Anytime Was skeptical but hes good if u Jason// 12/14/2011 citi plat pend, GM approved $8500 Jason waiting for b done done yes Zilch is filled 1/17/12 CQM
12/29/2011 13:24:33 1535181356 12/29/2011 12/29/2011 Annette M. Venditti 199 King St. Staten Island NY 10308 4428135318975364 10/2013 989 $1,99 Donnie Steven 718-948-5279 917-923-7200 37353 4 12-16.99 3/14/1946 (1/5/12-Customer called in for 12/29 Pending w. Gm, Citi, and Barclays, Cap1 Denie Brian? N - Cust cho Y 1/2/2012 0311 2550 0002 3122 696 Zilch done 01-05-12 ~CD
11/26/2011 9:55:57 1514896362 11/26/2011 11/26/2011 Patricia G. Mayhew 11491 W. Carson City Greenville MI 48838 6011005440712985 10/2014 650 $995 Don/Steven 616-754-7419 616-650-3337 5904 1 18.9 3/17/1934 372-32-151 Anytime if GM Retired.. Daniel//11/26/2011 Cap One Pend, Barc App $11000 Daniel
12/13/2011 18:50:45 1525939155 12/13/2011 12/13/2011 Judy A. Coker 1510 N. 9th St. Van Buren AR 72956 6011208937220245 10/2014 247 $1,99 Titus/steven/Jason 479-474-5480 12768 2 varibles-9.4 11/28/195 432-08-049 Evenings Great old couple, ron speaks o Jason//12/13/2011 cap one ped// 12/14/2011 citi plat s Jason waiting for b done done y 12/ yes Zilch is filled 1/17/12 CQM
12/21/2011 18:02:51 1535850209 12/30/2011 12/21/2011 April D. Nolting 901 Janice Dr. Pipton MO 65081 6011006170667811 10/2014 224 $1,99 Kim Steven 660-433-5716 10375 1 18.24 8/20/1965 497-68-450 Evenings // Amirah gave this to me to up 12/21/2011 doing apps before charge// GM approved jason n y y 0311 2550 0002 3122 690 ZILCH DONE 01/04/12 LV
11/23/2011 13:08:11 1513539200/PARTIAL REFUND $545 1-6-1 11/23/2011 11/23/2011 Esther L. Wolthuis 8076 Douglas Ave. Kalamazoo MI 49009 5178057251137019 10/2014 147 $545 Amelia/Steven/Daniel 269-342-2074 3618 1 14.9-24 8/10/1942 374-40-676 Anytime great lady/widowed//**11/23/20 Daniel// 11/23/2011 CitiPlat pend, Barc C to C App $ 4 Daniel
12/7/2011 1522244665 12/7/2011 12/7/2011 Maria L. Orosco dup dup du dup 6011000083734644 10/2015 315 $1,10 dup dup dup dup du dup dup dup she has 1,960 available on disc dup wendy
NEED TIME AND D 1527410934 12/15/2011 12/15/2011 Kimberly S. Reinbold 186 Durst Drive Warren OH 44483 5140218016540187 10/2015 237 $295 Tonya/Steven 330-847-0249 5631 4 29 8/31/1970 //**1/6/2012 client called for We 12/15-Cap 1-denied; Citi MC-pending; Citi Simp-pendi wendy n y 0311 2550 0002 3122 615 Zilch Done 12/29/11 LV
11/1/2011 14:25:26 11/1/2011 Linda M. Merkle 2843 Riverwalk Blvd. Lima OH 45806 6011009417808198 10/2016 241 $1,99 Jeannine/Steven 419-991-2813 419-302-2906 45614 5 16 11/2/1945 2147 Morning Spinal surgery
12/21/2011 12:36:52 1531097122 12/21/2011 12/21/2011 Jean A. Norton 81 Manchester Lane Stony Brook NY 11790 6011002757063763 10/2016 730 $1,99 Tonya Steven 631-689-5473 19800 4 13-19.99 7/13/1929 106-22-864 1221 call att mc wi 23k avail for bt offers 0 till jan 1 20 nick y n set for 1 y
1511854310 11/21/2011 11/18/2011 tim g thomas 3458 marsha louise dr South Haven MS 38672 5424181167640056 10/31/15 594 $995 Amelia/Norm NO CCV or EXP for viable card amex cut his avail credit he is very angry not going to nick 7011 0110 0001 1541 849 Zilch done 11-22-11 ~CD
1/3/2012 1538074077 1/3/2012 1/3/2012 Dup Dup Dup 4418409360663109 1013 238 $250 Katon Oliver Dup Dup Dup Dup Dup Lori Zilch Done 1/9/12 KG
11/7/2011 17:16:35 1503620246 11/7/2011 11072011 Denise Higley 20212 Road 19 Atwood KS 67730 6011361077154235 102012 571 $1,50 Elijah/Oliver/Dan 785-626-0182 785-626-3867 27000 3 25 5101960 512727903 very satisfied husband Stanley Daniel// 11/7/2011 Cap One Den. Daniel Daniel// 11/8 Daniel
11/16/2011 13:34:06 1508689755 11/16/2011 11162011 Brenda L Thames 15 Barry Avenue Dudley MA 01571 4479951604136661 102012 998 $1,99 Donell/Oliver/Dan 5089435204 5086129642 12000 2 17.5 6061961 208421110 Daniel//11/16/2011 Sweet lady- Daniel// 11/16/2011 Cap One pend, Citi plat App $ 730 Daniel
11/26/2011 11:44:10 1514934370 11/26/2011 11262011 Rahael R Zeigler 5677 Fox Den Trail Lithonia GA 30038 6011004610667004 102012 954 $298 Steve/Oliver/Dan 7705930734 8400 3 18-21 7181956 107505972 customer very satisfied 2 forms Daniel// 11/26/2011 Citi Plat pend, Cap One pend, GM Daniel
12/8/2011 17:58:19 1523003230 12/8/2011 12082011 Richardi Redford 305 Baccharis Drive Columbia SC 29229 4185867304254932 102012 646 $995 Desiree/Oliver/Nick 8033162062 8800 7 16 7191974 452871621 Military Family Nick 12/8/2011 Cap One pend citi dia pref 18 mo 0 int Nick
12/12/2011 17:00:05 1525236120 Wayne 12/12/2011 12/12/2011 Racheal L Boshears 14059 White Oak Lan Bentonville AR 72712 4185506000665997 102012 226 $195 Jill/Oliver/ 4797877063 479-366-5868 9784 4 26 11241957 393647455 customer very satisfied 2 forms Cap1 Denied, Citi and Barclays pending, Gm approve Lori Waiting y y y 1451*.015 0311 2550 0002 3122 549 zilch done 01/12/12 lv
12/27/2011 18:32:47 1534104140/RETRIEVAL 1-3-12 12/27/2011 12272011 Annie L. Flint 83 Michael Monroe GA 30655 6011004565081862 102012 561 $1,99 Titus Oliver 7702077611 10603.7 1 18.24 07/241949 260809915 Customer under stand program 0311 2550 0002 3122 740 Zilch done 01-09-12 ~CD
12/30/2011 11:35:58 1535728466 12/30/2011 12302011 Terry Waits 309 Nottingham Drive Chesapeake VA 23322 5401683067012895 102012 195 $995 charlie Oliver Tyrone 7576769531 6954 1 12.5 12141958 223901264 Customer agreed to 995.00/**1/ 12/30- GM card- Approved 4,000 (BT 3800 pay to cha Wend n y 1/3/2012 n 0311 2550 0002 3122 663 Zilch done 01-03-12 ~CD
1518549148/refund $300 1-6-11 153983971 12/1/2011 12/1/2011 Valerie Roberts 3240 Bold Springs South Boston VA 24592 5466801323796836 102012 088 $300 Lori/Oliver/Jason 4345722201 17377 5 25.99 12091968 229235387 After 2pm customer is very sensitive disco Jason// 12/1/2011 Capital One Denied// 12/2/2011 Citi Jason 2309 3620 0000 1452 589 Zilch done 12-09-11 ~CD
1/4/2012 16:47:16 1538861930 1/4/2012 1/4/2012 Danielle C Johnston 5005 South Convent L Philadelphia PA 19114 4147202027976099 102012 408 $1,99 Pual M Oliver Tyrone 2156802845 14100 1 13.24 5201979 165703606 Customer is a paralegal and ag 104 running apps citi 4800 paid 4400 to chase 24mo 0 nick nchse y 106 n Zilch Done 01/17/12 JS
11/29/2011 17:37:41 11292011 Nancy S. Kogelschatz 30784 Rush Street Garden City MI 48135 4408041018542534 102013 144 $995 Titus/Oliver/Dan 7345256758 6875 1 13.24 3091956 369703830 Insurance company employee Daniel// 11/29/2011 Cust stated we never mentioned p Daniel
12/10/2011 10:40:13 1523989410 12/10/2011 12102011 Brian W Longdo 118 Park Drive Lot 25 Colfax WI 54730 4266841150987384 102013 863 $500 Donall/Oliver/Brian 7155056555 9100 5 21 5/31/1963 393804676 payment split Same as Above Brian
10/19/2011 14:27:39 1493061548/PARTIAL REFUND 12-21-11 1 10/19/2011 10/19/2011 Jeanne Gish 1003 cottonwood ave red wing MN 55066 4862361898260661 102013 847 $1,49 charlie/oliver 6513880062 1/25/1956 10/19/11 nice elderly lady, first 10/19/2011- Citibank Visa-approved 2000.00 0% for 2 wendy
12/19/2011 18:53:15 1530021155 12/19/2011 12192011 Daniel J Fitchgerald 38 Third Street Garden City NY 11040 4408041023239985 102013 758 $595 Jill Oliver 5167421138 7000 5 16.24 11241944 079362631 cust discount fee has two more 12/20-Cap 1-denied; Citi Simp-Pending no id#; Gmcar wendy n y y 0311 2550 0002 3122 680 Zilch Done
1/2/2012 12:16:32 1537283922 1/2/2012 1/2/2012 Juanita M Granlund 30 N. Elm Street Russle KS 67665 6011310176323043 102013 424 $1,99 Co Co Oliver 7854834342 11195.4 3 17.9 8271931 513261192 Customer is most concern with 1/2- GM card- Approved 9,200 (BT 2,450 pay to Disc); Wend n y y n 0311 2500 0002 3122 664 Zilch done 01-02-12 ~CD
1/2/2012 13:20:16 1537321673 1/2/2012 1/2/2012 Rosie Metcalf 1844 Cheatham Stree Shreveport LA 71108 5178059774407283 102013 728 $295 Durell Oliver Tyrone 3186351775 7610 2 22.99 8181937 437565347 Customer agreed to a fee disco 1/2/12 GM Denied-Score 668/Bruptcy reported, Barc D Lori Not yet Y y 0311 2550 0002 3122 713 ZILCH DONE 01/04/12 LV
12/15/2011 15:04:15 1527429659 12/15/2011 12152011 Naida B. Pelpom 2865 west Parmall Jackson MI 49201 4408041024273587 102014 314 $1,99 Brian/Oliver/Brian 5177820922 8493 2 25.24 8141926 375255796 customer makes all her own fin Brian///12/15 Pending Citi and Barclays, Cap1 and Gm Brian x 0311 2550 0002 3122 624 Zilch Done 12/29/11 LV
12/29/2011 18:44:43 1535306724 12/29/2011 12292011 Marty R. Wiesenburger 1485 Riverblock Hastings MN 55033 5178057649317109 102014 256 $245 Desiree Oliver Tyrone 6514374009 20000 2 14 1251960 501747864 Customer Fee Split 249.00 SAME AS ABOVE Wend N Y y-left me n
10/24/2011 13:10:52 1495794253/CB 12-6-11---refund 12-1-11 1 10/24/2011 10/24/2011 April Hamiton 325 Hammond oak Ln Wake Forrest NC 27587 4352376738066224 11-12 258 $995 Jason/Mike 919-870-3497 919 414 2191 8/18/1971 11/2/11- called asking for Dan. 10/24/2011 Citi Sim pending Daniel 10/25/2011 10:30 Daniel
$6,570 1454545826/CB 10/31/11 8/12/2011 8/12/2011 Cindy Highberg 3018 Heather Beach Indianapolis IN 46234 426684******5233 11/11 $1,99 keyvonne/oliver/FA?darla
1473177787/CB 12-12-11 9/15/2011 9/15/2011 frances paulis 10540 s mason ave chicago ridge il 60415 4755740089800189 11/11 511 $995 Kim/Mike/Mack 708-425-2570 8k 5 12%-14% 12/7/1929 2593 citi approved 0%/ 21 months // 10/19 10:30am talked to Wayne and was told to cb clie
1488754762/PARTIAL REFUND $1800 10/ 10/12/2011 10/12/2011 Shauna Dover 7200 A Spring Faire C Alexandria VA 22315 4311966067282119 11/12 739 $195 lrd?/Oliver/Wendy 9376056942 10k 2 8.99-11.99 11/14/197 5555 Customer Faxed in the invoice 10/13/11- citivisa approved 7300 (bt from us bank card wendy
10/28/2011 11:05:00 1498134334 10/28/2011 10/28/2011 Marlene E Lovette 3812 W. Olds Road Leslie MI 49251 5187481970011348 11/12 439 $995 Robert Moyle/Norm/Daniel 517-589-9140 24k 3 19-27% 4/28/1956 370-60-741 Afternoon 10/28/2011 School Bus Driver, Daniel// 10/28/2011 Cap One pend, Barc C to C pend, Daniel
1499468002 10/31/2011 10/31/2011 richard f sanchez 21mt blanca crt monte vista co 81144 5291497361711760 11/12 834 $995 Donal /Norm /Nick 7195825363 10k 1 16 8/22/1943 8605 11/11 client called in with the b on phn wi cap1 3way neg in process cap one owered t nick
10/31/2011 15:15:22 1499517915 10/31/2011 10/31/2011 Mary J. Wilkinson 2001 E. Manor Dr. Lincoln Ne. 68506 4366670001084607 11/12 836 $995 Bobby / Norm 402-488-6387 8208 1 18 9/15/1952 5097 Pending w. cap1 and citi Approved 4800@0% for 21m Brian
11/7/2011 16:09:34 11/7/2011 Carla Freeman PO Box 904 Meade KS 67864 6011008812508767 11/12 421 $895 Desiree/Mike 620 873 2246 8000 8 25 2/5/1950 3740
1489389168/cb 11-14-11 10/13/2011 10/13/2011 Sally Myers 2061 Hazelnut Trail Barnum MN 55707 4352371720868802 11/12 163 $1,99 danielb/Steven/Brian 2183896207 18500 4 22 9/3/1960 6738 10/18 call 10/18 called in asking to speak Need to cb Mon 10/17 to talk w/ husband and call cc c Brian
11/14/2011 18:53:09 declined 11/14/2011 Jean Norton 1404 W. Meadowview Greensborrow NC 27403 4313070120509887 11/12 417 $495 Donall/Mike 336 275 7052 16000 2 16 8/7/1957 8751 11/14/2011-didnt want service,didnt want to give first 5 wendy
11/14/2011 19:22:34 1507463918 11/14/2011 11/14/2011 Theresa P.Schemel 17800 Langlois Rd Desert Hot Spri CA 92241 4185868011585568 11/12 911 $895 Louis // Norm 7602510431 11878 1 19.24 1/27/2028 pending Cap1and citi Brian
1508829650 11/16/2011 11/16/2011 Karen L. Walker 1625 Henderson Ave Eugene OR 97403 5121072016018360 11/12 635 $995 Louis/Norm/Will 5417262472 3256 3 25.24-30.7 10/24/194 542448575 cards are in a safe deposit box % 11/16 citi plat sel appvd $2000 citi simp pending bar Will 0311 2550 0002 3122 806 Zilch is filled out 1/11/12 CQM ZILCH DONE LV 01/16/2012
1509404946 11/17/2011 11/17/2011 duplicate split trans 5178057739620768 11/12 885 $195 larry/larry DUP
11/21/2011 15:44:06 1512024197/retrieval 11-30-11 11/21/2011 11/21/2011 Ella Iki 4540 Thaparral Rd S. Deling NM 88030 6011009694091658 11/12 111 $995 Quadesha/Mike 575 544 2242 8000 1 13.99 5/15/2029 chase bt 3.9 int no fee till jan5 2013 4k into her acct to nick
11/26/2011 13:42:27 1514975023 11/26/2011 11/26/2011 Sharon R Barrett 329 N Jackson St. Lowell Mi 49331 5121072015786546 11/12 549 $995 Donall/ Norm/Daniel 616-897-8003 25000 2 10 3/6/1939 375362293 Daniel// 11/26/2011 /Cap One App $3000, Citi Plat Ap Daniel
11/29/2011 12:15:14 1516643067 11/29/2011 11/29/2011 Lois Ridenour 1920 140th Ave Dorr MI 49323 5121072017125495 11/12 908 $995 Lora/Mike 616 681 3131 10000 4 25 3/4/1940 2285 11/29 citi plat sel appvd $2000 cap 1 pending//jason// t 2309 3620 0000 1452 979 Zilch done 12-02-11 ~CD
11/29/2011 19:01:18 1516840180 11/29/2011 11/29/2011 Janis F. Johnson 317 Pearl St. Yankton S. 57078 4313070481895818 11/12 155 $995 Marlinday / Norm 6056657224 5581 1 12.24 7/25/1949 482641328 Daniel// 11/29/2011 Cap One App $ 7500 Daniel Dani Daniel
11/19/2011 12:30:04 1517325798 11/30/2011 11/18/2011 Janet A McDonald 821 E. Lakeside Ave Coeurd'Alene ID 83814 4037840032157610 11/12 216 $495 Dionna // Norm 208-664-3337 5010 2 15.9 4/15/1941 519464050 12/2/2011 client left msg for FA 1119 2600 apprv citi simp 2397 bt from usbank to citi d nick
12/2/2011 1519198308 12/2/2011 12/2/2011 Emma L Daniels 3 Mance Lane Alexandria Bay NY 13607 5121072733232732 11/12 749 $1,99 Chris/Larry 3154822398 14000 4 0.276 10/7/1939 118306190 1/13/2012 client called for Wen 12/2- Citibank Visa- Approved 2,000 0%21mnths.; Cap wendy N Y Y N
12/6/2011 15:47:48 1521574403 12/6/2011 12/6/2011 Frank J. Cunningham 2616 Country Rd..# 4 Selma AL. 36701 4327130000838188 11/12 377 $1,99 Cindy/Norm/Jason 3348754713 3343756419 55000 1 18 12/14/195 420928145 Jason 12/6/2011 Capital one Denied //12/7/2011 citi pl Jason waiting done done n
12/7/2011 12:14:09 1522104558 12/7/2011 12/7/2011 Kathleen V. Keys(Nelson) 235 La Costa Ave Dayton NV 89403 5407070070612263 11/12 115 $995 Lori //Norm 7752468388 12000 1 18 9/2/1944 562600968
1524075213 wayne 12/10/2011 12/10/2011 Ruth Whitehair 1132 45 Ave East Moline IL 61244 6011007930308217 11/12 205 $1,99 Titus/Larry/Brian 3097961469 32k 2 18-19 8/20/1939 331321610 //**1/11/2012 client and bank r Cap1 denied, citi pending barclays pend, gm denie Brian
12/12/2011 14:45:49 declined 12/12/2011 Ann Croft 1112 Barnes Mill Rd. Marietta GA 30062 4227652004418668 11/12 816 $995 Jessica/ Norm 770-428-3271 11500 5 19 7/15/1938 543600233 Approved Gm 7200, pending Cap1 and Citi, cust waitn Brian
12/16/2011 13:25:57 1528310181 12/16/2011 12/16/2011 Sheila R. Smith 7289 S Miller St Littleton Co. 80127 4868960025576552 11/12 540 $495 Paige/ Norm/Jason 303-979-9256 6068 1 14 6/22/1946 518521086 12/17/11 GM Pending, Barclay 12/16/2011 GM Pend//117/11 Barclays pend. Citi Plat Jason n y y 0311 2550 0002 3122 643 Zilch Done 12/30/11 LV
12/23/2011 11:37:22 1532271329 12/23/2011 12/23/2011 Joyce L. Rother 688 Cheyenne Lane St. Paul/Mendo MN 55120 4465392090453326 11/12 186 $1,99 Casey Steven 651-454-8352 18590 2 12.65-16.9 6/10/1952 473-64-894 Evenings Shes a financial anaylyst for a f 1223 on phn wi cap1 3 late this year cap1 not lowering nick y y 1227
1/5/2012 1539543347 1/5/2012 1/5/2012 Steve L Seifert dup dup du dup 5178052605739958 11/12 850 $250 dup dup dup dup du dup dup dup duplicate Jason 0311 2550 0002 3122 731 ZILCH DONE 01/10/12 LV
1/9/2012 1541533697 1/9/2012 1/9/2012 Steven Rosenbaum po box 294/139 Cind Oldbridge NJ 08857 4266841197366964 11/12 000 $1,99 Amy oliver 7326795661 1/9-Cap 1-denied; Citi Visa-pending no id#; Barclays C Wend n y y ZILCH is filled out CQM 1/17/12
1/11/2012 1542992550 1/11/2012 1/11/2012 Patricia kuhl 3144 Dresden st Columbus OH 43224 5121072014693958 11/12 939 $995 Desiree oliver 614-784-0297 13k 7 22-29% 3/17/1950 296-52-949 1/11/2012 barclay rewards approved $4400 bal trans $ Jason n y 1/13/201 zilch created 1/14/2012 jc
1/12/2012 1543465542 1/12/2012 1/12/2012 Hark Jesson 823 Railroad St McKeessrock PA 15136 4059050005346371 11/12 662 $1,99 Holly Oliver 4127717951 12456.8 4 3/22/1937 054-34-291 Between 1/17/2012 client called very earl 1/12- GM-denied credit score 653; Citi Diamond-Pendi Wend n y y Zilch Received 1/13/12
1/16/2012 1545598120 1/16/2012 1/16/2012 cynthia dillenbeck 4771 portland dr. hood river OR 97031 6011009796502628 11/12 051 $1,99 jean oliver 541-386-3435 541-490-3200 24929 3 14.99 3/22/1957 544-74-668 evning 1/16/12 GM apprvd $11500.00/bal trnsfrd $8000.00 for nick Zilch filled out jc // Zilch done 01-16-12 ~CD
1/18/2012 1546945060 1/18/2012 1/18/2012 Patricia Weidler dup dup du dup 5178052433798119 11/12 137 $1 [3] Zoe Oliver dup patricia weidler dup above nick
1/18/2012 1546946854 1/18/2012 1/18/2012 Deborah Elher 10drummond St cincinnati OH 45218 4388647986886176 11/12 504 $995 titus orlando 5138518461 5808 3 29 10/21/195 268567531 Evenings 1/18 GM Pending Lori n y 1/20/201
11/14/2011 18:57:50 1507452181 11/14/2011 11/14/2011 Homer D. Picklesimer 372 Stone Coal Volga KY 41219 4266503800432290 11/12/118 834 $795 Shawn /// Norm 6062973851 7000 1 15.24 12/7/1932 213321563 11/14 citi plat sel appvd $7300 enough to cover chase Will 7011 0110 0001 1541 829 Zilch done 11-29-11 ~CD
10/20/2011 12:03:36 1493636226 10/20/2011 10/20/2011 Phillis Cervoni 1042 1st Ave Franklin Squar NY 11010 5466160213847674 11/12/2011 131 $1,99 BOBBY/OLIVER 5163264996 4/29/1953 10/20/2011- Capitol 1-denied; Barclays GS-Approved ( wendy
10/20/2011 13:02:15 1493668727 10/20/2011 10/20/2011 Kevin Shortt 123 Mandy Mt. Richlands Va 24641 5474872200236485 11/12/2011 481 $1,99 Larry/Steven 276-963-4436 276-202-50
sam Approval Date Processed Date Sold Name Address CITY Sta Zip Card# Exp Date CV Price Opene Closer Phone Number 2nd Number Amount N Interest Ra DOB SSN Available Customer Service Notes FA Notes FA Bank Conta Applicati Call Bac If NO Service Co Received In Zilch Tracking Number Zilch Notes
1/11/2012/ 1545712698 1/16/2012 1/16/2012 Edward Gallagher 1380 N 20th Street Grand Junction CO 81501 5121079754931985 12/14 286 $995 Kolton Orlando 9702423606 7418.74 1 19 3/1/1940 520-48-147 Anytime 1/17-still havent spoke to custo 1/16- GM- Approved 7,500 (requested BT 7,300 pay to Wend n y 1/18? 1/17- zilch done-cqm
1/18/2012 1546945010 1/18/2012 1/18/2012 John Robinson 944 Autumn Passway Snellville GA 30078 5490997908221164 12/14 510 $995 mIKE j oLIVER 7709790322 19164.0 2 13 2/5/1930 255320337 Afternoon 1/18-called bank to unblock the 1/18- GM-Approved 4,000 (no bt b/c dont know bank i Wend n y 1/20/201 1/18- sent zilch--wh
11/29/2011 16:21:02 1516807813 11/29/2011 11/16/1961 Jacqueline A Kalisch 618 Adams Monroe MI 48161 6011208957455051 12/16 572 $495 Derrell/Larry/Daniel 734-240-0533 5000 2 16-19 11/16/196 12/30/2011 client called for an Daniel// 11/29/2011 Cap One Approved $3000, Citi Ap Lori y y y 0311 2550 0002 3122 656 Zilch Done 01/02/12 lV
10/25/2011 14:25:42 1496410865/REFUND 11/1/11 1500166563 10/25/2011 10/25/2011 Riccardo E. Ramsey 4600 16st. E. #Q301 Fife WA 98424 4185868012055579 12/2012 290 $395 Don/Steven 253-926-1411 13539 1 27 4/5/1965 0450 early after 10/28- called in with chase ban 10/25 Applied to Cap1(denied), pending w/ Citi cust w Brian
10/28/2011 14:03:32 1498141448 10/28/2011 10/28/2011 Clarence D. Ledbetter 114 W. 4th P.O.Box2 Buhler KS. 67522 6011008780689037 12/2012 902 $995 Tonya / Norm 620-543-2773 11800 1 25.9 4/20/1937 8427 1028 onj phn wi disc poss hardship run card now!!!! nick
10/31/2011 13:33:28 1499479935 10/31/2011 10/31/2011 Tiffany Porter 12221 Hand Rd. Monroe WA 98272 5178052620368056 12/2012 825 $1,99 Terrance/Steven 206-818-2995 14500 1 15.99 4/10/1971 7814 During da very suspisious about services 10/31 citi simplicity pending, citi dia perf pending, gm c Will
11/3/2011 12:30:35 1501482058 11/3/2011 11/3/2011 Marilyn J. Anthony 18 W. Republican Rd. Greenbrier AR 75028 5291492335390171 12/2012 986 $695 Shawn/Steven 501-679-2771 9948.31 1 17.9 4/8/1935 6731 Afternoon 11/10/2011 called for Brian que 11/03 Pending w/ cap1 and Citi bank, waiting for an ap
11/11/2011 15:23:05 11/11/2011 Janice L. Lee 3605 Marshall Dr. Fort Smith AR 72903 4185506004294638 12/2012 698 $995 Jill/Steven 479-785-4305 15505 2 29 8/16/1957 5395 Afternoon good lady 11/11 tried to explain how the program worked and ba Will
11/16/2011 15:14:04 1508758591 11/16/2011 11/16/2011 Donna G. Grant 231 Pine Mountain Rd Tamassee SC 29686 5491100033355465 12/2012 842 $400 Bobby/Steven 864-944-9944 864-247-2751 4663 6 11.99-23.9 6/12/1960 247-13-745 Evenings great lady, own her own cleanin 11/16 Citi Simp-Pending; barclays gs-pending; chase s wendy 7011 0110 0001 1541 843 11/22-sent zilch to carlos..wendy// Zilch done 11-22-11 ~CD
12/8/2011 12:55:52 1522850735 12/8/2011 12/8/2011 Kathy K. Barnett 630 N. Washington St Lincolnton GA 30817 4300230064926613 12/2012 659 $995 Tonya/Steven 706-359-4043 4119 2 13.24-15.2 8/29/1951 252-82-660 Anytime Disabled great lady12/12/2011 12/8/2011 Cap1 approved 11700 BT req online to pay Brian Y
11/18/2011 11:54:05 1509952985/CB 12-19-11---Partial Refund 11/18/2011 11/18/2011 Lucille E. LaMotte 804 Bellows Ave Fredericksburg VA 22405 4828571044524033 12/2012 290 $495 Chris/Steven 540-373-0853 3176 1 23.9 9/5/1939 227-54-108 Mornings great lady a lil skeptical (12/9/1 1118 2600 citi bt 2390 from wellsfargo to citi simp du nick
1525227969 12/12/2011 12/12/2011 Tammy S. Long 912 East Broadway St Blair WI 54616 5491139322177446 12/2012 286 $1,99 Cindy/Steven 608.-989-2043 19048 2 13.24-16.9 2/25/1966 397-56-663 Evenings 12/21 rec'd SI. LA// was burnt b 12/12/11 Cap One Pending. Jason//12/13/11 Citi Sim- Jason waiting done done 12/22/2011 0311 2550 0002 3122 532 Zilch done 12-13-11 ~CD
12/13/2011 19:30:33 1525981642 12/13/2011 12/13/2011 Ronald G. Loomis 1349 Euclid Ave. Beloit WI 53511 4266902037110465 12/2012 727 $1,99 Paul/Steven 608-362-5373 608-201-6094 13285 2 9.9-13 4/21/1949 396-50-211 Afternoon cool guy, gave me no trouble at GM approved 7500 Cust will call when cc arrives in the Brian y y 1/3/2012 0311 2550 0002 3122 547 Zilch done 12-22-11 ~CD
12/20/2011 17:13:37 1530647027 12/20/2011 12/20/2011 William J. Schreiber 488 2nd Ave Bayport NY 11705 6011002772060927 12/2012 670 $995 Desiree Steven 631-472-4529 13550 1 15 11/18/194 133-34-978 Late after great guy 12/20- Cap 1-denied; Citibank MC-pending no id#; GM wendy n y y n zilch is filled 1/17/12 CQM ZILCH DONE LV 01/18/12
12/31/2011 11:12:09 1536307073 12/31/2011 12/31/2011 Patricia T. Dodge 159 Bursley Bayou Rd Jonesville LA 71343 4185867369295663 12/2012 379 $295 Holly Steven 318-992-8656 318-419-8785 3149 3 19.24-29.9 1/14/1958 438-11-762 Evenings Sold her the program and no sa 1231 matching citi pndng wiid barc pndng disc pndng nick nchase y 104
11/3/2011 15:57:22 11/3/2011 11/3/2011 4335 Mary Jane Dr. Olive Branch MS 38654 4640182030901981 12/2013 721 $1,99 Donnie/Steven 901-604-6997 901-604-6998 35000 5/ 11-27.24 8/7/1964 4576 Afternoon Great woman, likes to talk 11/3/2011- Citibank Visa- pending id#2011110390101 wendy 7011 0110 0001 1541 848 Zilch done 11-22-11 ~CD
11/8/2011 11:45:35 1504208920 11/8/2011 11/8/2011 Robert B. Fisher P.O. Box 3151 Bellingham WA 98227 4037840036004800 12/2013 987 $595 Robert/Steven 505-632-2955 52000 9/ 1.9-25 10/18/194 3226 Morning- good guy // 11/21/11- called for 1108 amex lowered from 14.5 13.5 on 4800 bal matchi nick
10/25/2011 12:53:58 1496383856/CB 11-15-11 10/25/2011 10/25/2011 Francesca Annunziata 78 Donlop Rd. Huntington NY 11743 4128003625347258 12/2013 369 $1,99 Zach/Steven/Daniel 631-427-8032 631-897-2001 11179 1 20 9/9/1938 0735 in the mor 10/28/11- called for Dan. trans 10/25/2011 Cap One Den; Citi Sim Pen, Pend ID 2011 Daniel
11/23/2011 1513648909 11/23/2011 11/23/2011 Norma Wehunt 1202 Irvin Street Carlsbad NM 88220 5401683012627219 12/2013 377 $995 Tonya/Larry 5758871377 7000 1 0.16 1/19/1931 430588322 11/22-Cap 1- Approved 10,000 0%feb 2013..wendy 11 wendy
1/2/2012 13:44:14 dead cards 1/2/2012 Kathleen Jackson 1147 Rural St. Aurora IL 60505 6011007140169342 12/2013 502 $995 Toni Orlando 630 898 9341 9623 2 26 10/23/194 sweet lady; had a stroke
1/2/2012 18:07:39 decline all matches 1/2/2012 1/2/2012 Kenneth W. Koerner 411 McKay Drive Ness City Ka 67560 5408010028377006 12/2013 206 $995 Vaness Steven 17740 4 18.24-21.9 6/22/1959 513-70-307 Mornings great guy 102 still on hold got a hold of hous hold bank and kenn nick y
11/1/2011 15:00:23 11/1/2011 Sabine /Christopher Hershberger 3050 Mink Point Blvd Beuford SC 29982 5121071846508293 12/2014 151 $1,99 ?/Oliver/William 8435242222 22000 4 25 11/4/1958 2910 Military Family E4 and E5 Spoke with customer unsure of service got customer a Will
11/30/2011 12:09:37 1517338212 11/30/2011 11/30/2011 Wendie G. Zearfoss 27 Longwell Ave. Westninster MD 21157 6011003400253264 12/2014 963 $1,99 Jill/Steven 410-857-4212 10190 1 19 10/5/1952 205-44-174 anytime great lady, divorced. Daniel// 11/30/2011 Cap One App $4000, Citi Plat $48 Daniel
11/30/2011 1517412295 11/30/2011 11/30/2011 Betty L Bazzarre 104 Parkwood Drive Beckley VA 25801 5522250001095214 12/2014 648 $395 Amy/Lrp/wendy 304-253-0457 4800 1 0.2399 11/25/192 husbands card/debt, he passed 11/30- Cap 1- Approved 500.00 0% till feb2013;Barcla wendy n y y y 2309 3620 0000 1452 992 Zilch done 12-06-11 ~CD
12/30/2011 11:09:30 1535708905 12/30/2011 12/30/2011 Meril D. Vanderpool PO Box 1/9816 Fairw Ozawkie/Merid Ka po-66 5424180846556162 12/2014 179 $1,99 Cristov Steven 785-876-2345 785-220-0611 17463 1 19.99 9/29/1940- 511-42-172 Anytime great lady 1230 running apps citi pndng wi id for beccanot sure of nick n y 113 Zilch filled 1/12/12 CQM
1/2/2012 14:48:59 1537357474 1/2/2012 1/2/2012 Larry R. Hall 80 Dogwood Circle Bulls Gap TN 37711 5466042003500319 12/2014 154 $1,99 Titus Steven 423-235-3417 423-677-0469 27931 2 9.9-25 6/3/1955 216-62-736 Evenings Was reluctant but he should be 1/2- GMcard-denied credit score 687;Cap 1-pending; Wend n y y n 0311 2550 0002 3122 675 ZILCH DONE 01/03/12 LV
12/8/2011 17:25:00 1523004308 12/8/2011 12/8/2011 Thelma C Perry 2908 Catlett Rd Charlottesville VA 22901 6011006857524996 12/2015 767 $995 Cindy Louis/Larry 434-296-4569 4500 2 0.2399 5/24/1938 12/16/2011client called for Wen 12/8- CitiBank Simp- Approved 8,300 0% for 21mnths wendy
12/22/2011 16:35:09 1531826626 12/22/2011 12/22/2011 Barbara J. Smith 1300 Central AV. P.O. Frankfort In. 46061 5424180776587476 12/31/12 040 $495 Marie Norm 7656595367 4887 1 25.24 3/19/1942 315426690 12/22 Pending Barclays and Citi, Cap1 denied. Brian
12/20/2011 1530656033 12/20/2011 12/20/2011 Sara L Eldridge 15434 Country Rd Greenwell Spri LA 70739 6011006274814467 1211 548 $495 Paul LRP 2252618480 6000 1 19 7/22/1955 439824144 Evening 1/10/2012 client needs a call fr 12/20/11 GM Denied, Barclays Pend, Citi Plat Approve Lori n y y 0311 2550 0002 3122 597 Zilch Done 12/27/11 LV
12/5/2011 12:31:14 1520763838 12/5/2011 12052011 Barbara Price 4836 Union Mills Roa Troy VA 22974 6011003710602580 122011 883 $1,99 Shawn/Oliver/Brian 4345898692 6500 3 21.4 3051951 225767269 Customer can activate new Dis 12/05 Citi Approved 10k, waiting for Card to do BT. Brian
11/2/2011 17:41:56 1501028036 11/2/2011 11/2/2011 Judith L. Bickley 55413 827th Road Madison NE 68748 5178052620371647 122012 021 $1,99 Christ/Oliver/Dan 4024543814 402-454-3311 51000 15 15.99-29% 2/12/1947 very happy many accounts kno Daniel// 11/2/2011 Cap One Den. Daniel Daniel// 11/ Daniel
11/4/2011 11:51:12 1502160463 11/4/2011 11042011 Kevin Kreifels 1811 Fulton Street Fall City NE 68355 5466042003420260 122012 934 $995 Larry/Oliver/Nick 4022453469 3837 4 23.99 5211959 5746 very satisfied 1104 matching offers chase had no bt avail checking ci nick y y y
12/10/2011 12:58:21 $ or Decline 12102011 John R Durante 11759 80th Avenue Mecosta MI 49332 4311967520580917 122012 435 $1,99 Donall/Oliver/Will 2319722366 12290 2 13.99 to 21. 7131936 081324292 Customer does not want to con 12/10 cap1 appvd $7500 citi plat sel pending ref# 2011 Will
12/5/2011 17:39:58 1520956953 12052011 12052011 Darren R Sanberg 2764 NW Nichols Blvd Long View WA 98632 4147341024866919 122013 [4] $1,99 Elijah/Oliver/Will 3606362976 40000 3 22.4 8051969 471041526 Customer needs to add two mo 12/5 cap1 apprvd $10000 citi plat sel appvd $7300 12/ Will not yet yes yes 2309 3620 0000 1452 586 Zilch done 12-09-11 ~CD
12/23/2011 11:42:52 1532261117 Wayne 12/23/2011 12/23/2011 Joanne Rodolico 758 Klondike Avenue Staten Island NY 10314 5407070031416002 122013 152 $1,99 coco Tyrone 7183700076 13246.3 2 15.24 1261941 120321814 please apply fee 1995.00 one c 12/23 barclays rewards appvd $8800 Will n y 0311 2550 0002 3122 571 Zilch Done 12/27/11 LV
12/2/2011 14:22:42 1519132834 12/2/2011 12022011 Linda Smith 308 Fairview Drive Ozark AL 36360 4264287461871945 122014 878 $695 Charlie /OLIVER/ 3347743419 11000 2 29.99 8181948 418649406 Cust fee discounted//**12/13/20 12/02 Pending w/ Citi, Cap1 and Gm denied has a b Brian 2309 3620 0000 1452 981 Zilch done 12-02-11 ~CD
12/20/2011 13:15:33 1530522830 12/20/2011 12202011 Missael Robles 778 Annadale Staten Island NY 10312 4640182069220659 122014 739 $1,99 CMarie Oliver 3472455680 21639.7 7 23 6031975 125584678 Customer has been on the pho 12/20- Cap 1-denied; Citi Simp- Pending ID#20111220 wendy n y y-left me n 0311 2550 0002 3122 596 Zilch Done 12/28/11 LV
12/29/2011 13:08:25 1535158197 Wayne 12/29/2011 12292011 Jeffrey & Marcie K Graff 30947 Hunter Whip L Farmington Hill MI 48331 5329019885305386 122014 151 $1,99 Amelia Oliver 2487887687 28845.3 4 17 40169 369888625 payment applied 1995.00 wfe s 1/6/12 Chase says will notify within 10 day if approved. Brian Zilch Filled out 1/6/12
11/15/2011 16:18:27 1508090320 Wayne 11/15/2011 11/15/2011 Rexene Hurst 6211 N. 32nd Richland MI 49083 4266841208561777 2/12 550 $995 Lori/Mike/Daniel 2693305363 8000 4 19 6/13/1948 2599 Daniel// 11/15/2011 DO NOT C Daniel// 11/15/2011 Cap One App $3000, Citi Sim pen Daniel
12/6/2011 13:41:04 1521495423 12/6/2011 12/6/2011 David Selby PO box 211 Pocomoke MD 21851 5121079639204061 2/12 621 $495 Lori/Mike 410 957 9985 5400 1 21 2/5/1960 12/27/2011 client left msg for a 12/06 Pending Cap1 Citi and Chase///12/07 Gm appro Brian y
1/10/2012 1542294972 1/10/2012 1/10/2012 Kimberly Gerber'Camden 1013 Columbus, Blvd KokoMo IN 46901 4313070313167808 2/12 291 $995 coco Orlando 7658680095 7658632222 24791.0 3 18 3/14/1964 315-74-679 anytime 1/13/2012 client called for Jaso 1/10 have spoken to client doing apps and will call tom Jason n y 1/11/201 0311 2550 0002 3122 780 zilch completed 1/13/2012 jc
1/12/2012 17:00:11 154354868 1/12/2012 1/12/2012 Sheila Telzl 1705 N. Dreher Street weir KS 66781 5121079636395813 2/12 601 $995 durell Steven 6202491135 5863.89 2 20 8/30/1965 511-82-983 4-5pm 1/12- GM-Approved 7,650 (requested BT 4,000 pay to Wend n y y Zilch Received 1/13/12
1/13/2012 14:33:29 1544107027 1/13/2012 1/13/2012 Irvin Brewington 5236 Sharps Point Rd Salisbury MA 21801 5329063371882524 2/12 639 $995 Titus Steve 4103346667 4107264069 14958 7 26 1/3/1936 218-30-116 113citi closed cap1 bad pffer his chase acct wi the big nick y 116 Zilch filled out 1-14-12 RM // Zilch Received 1/16/12
10/24/2011 13:38:05 10/24/2011 10/24/2011 omecia c merrick 224 w broad byer TN 38330 4128002295305663 2/12/2011 962 $995 donal/norm 7316924438 10/12/193
1546197762 1/17/2012 1/17/2012 Marvin R Carter 2238 N fountain st Wichita KS 67220 4630992200250536 2/12/2012 775 $1,99 Paul m Steven 316-685-7054 47914.3 7 12/27/2012 3/25/1948 346-38-989 BT12-1 1/17/2012 have not talked to client supposed to call 1/ Jason n y 1/19 n
11/2/2011 17:07:20 1501018061 11/2/2011 11/2/2011 Mary A. Leyba 3125 Utica St. Denver CO 80212 4352370004944073 2/13 253 $1,99 Shawn / Norm/Daniel 303-480-1707 22000 4 16 12/20/193 6131 Daniel 11/2/2011 Sweet but he Daniel// 11/2/2011 Cap One App $10,000 0% 15mo, C Daniel
11/15/2011 16:53:48 1508100018 11/15/2011 11/15/2011 Margaret S Vanginneken 8606 12th pl. NE Lake Stevens WA 98258 4428680500815720 2/13 902 $695 Zach/ Norm/Daniel 4253976816 4258309533 13k 2 10.9 12/19/195 9551 12/27 Client called in wanting t Daniel// 11/15/2011 Citi Sim pend Daniel Daniel 1/16/2 Daniel
1487632499/refund 11-30-11 1517449951 10/10/2011 10/10/2011 wendy m smith 7732 moordale circle stanton ca 90680 4031145000386084 2/13 244 $500 titus/norm/nick 714-402-7324 40k 6 8.9%--17.9 3/4/1955 4707 very concerned about her debt apply for bal tran 0% nick
11/29/2011 13:18:52 1516675167 11/29/2011 11/29/2011 Della C. Sheats 116 Johnson Rd Exte Locust Grove Ga 30248 6011004385001256 2/13 632 $1,99 Titus // Norm/Daniel 770-467-8777 18700 2 16 8/15/1938 258569620 Daniel// 11/29/2011 Citi Plat App ? $, Cap One pend, Daniel
12/1/2011 16:05:00 1518459800 12/1/2011 12/1/2011 Genevieve Davis N. 1295 County K Sharron WI 53585 4428280427004753 2/13 831 $995 Holly/Mike/Jason 262 736 4697 14000 2 15 9/19/1937 387-36-255 Saturday 1/5/2012 client called for Jason Jason// 12/1/2011 Capital One Pending//12/01/2011 Ci Jason waiting done done 0311 2550 0002 3122 507 Zilch done 12-15-11 ~CD
1488686708/refund 12-6-11 1521359837 10/12/2011 10/12/2011 Duane Pell 6955 W 2nd Ave Lakewood CO 80226 4417112953495027 2/13 412 $150 Desiree/Oliver/Brian 3032382328 30k 5 11.24-25.2 1/10/1957 6116 brian
12/8/2011 13:34:45 1522865202 Wayne 12/8/2011 12/8/2011 Eunice Tucker 450 Sunwest 136 Casa grande AZ 85122 4266841025489392 2/13 006 $495 Raphael/Mike 520 863 3274 7700 4 13 8/7/1935 1/6/2012 client called for BW tr 12/08 Gm approved 4k, cap1 denied, citi pending Brian
12/29/2011 13:00:08 1535254505 12/29/2011 12/29/2011 Wanda Foster P O Box 110 Deville LA 71328 4352376704473818 2/13 519 $995 Lora LRP 3184665850 27200 6 19.7%----26 8/8/1947 Brian
1/3/2012 12:42:45 1538037971 1/3/2012 1/3/2012 Lance Freeman PO box 552 Aragon GA 30104 5408010022039248 2/13 802 $995 Desiree Mike 770 684 3104 9400 2 26 1/22/1946 a little short on time but underst 103 lance cap1 500 gm dec citi pndn no id barc pndn nick no time y 106 Zilch Filled Out 01/17/12 JS ZILCH DONE EW 1-18-12
1/7/2012 1540574865 1/7/2012 1/7/2012 Joan/ Houston Wilson E-95 70 Highway 76 Bear Creek WI 54922 6011007450270821 2/13 998 $1,99 Durell Steve 7157523360 16747.2 4 17-20 2/28/1942 392-42-731 anytime a 1/9/12 Barclay rewards m/c app 107 disc would not talk wi me on the phn her husb is p nick y 109 0311 2550 0002 3122 744 ZILCH DONE 01/10/12 LV
1/12/2012 17:35:49 1543557264 1/12/2012 1/12/2012 Angela/ Lonnie Pelfrey 55501 S County Road Greencastle IN 46135 4266841235404397 2/13 834 $995 Paul M Orlando 7656534034 7657214301 9235.07 3 22 8/14/1973 312-88-842 anytime 112 chase no bt offer running apps ne // 1/12/12 Barc nick y y 115 Zilch filled out 1-14-12 RM // Zilch Received 1/16/12
1/17/2012 13:34:30 1546226364 1/17/2012 1/17/2012 Ronnie Scarfone 12 darlene ct Randolph NJ 07869 6011001434005056 2/13 369 $495 mike mike 973-895-3962 201-454-1789 3600 2 12/18/2012 10/23/194 140-38-441 any time 117 got disc to send her a check for 4200 so she can p nick y n 124 yes zilch turned in 117ne
10/21/2011 14:45:18 1495723213/cb 11-16-11 10/24/2011 10/21/2011 MICHELLE WELLS 1002 WEST WINDEM Royal Oak MI 48073 4147371081124415 2/13/2011 950 $995 DESSARR/OLIVER 2482880765 1/26/1952 Daniel
10/25/2011 12:16:04 1496343169/CB 11-21-11 10/25/2011 10/25/2011 Alexander Perryman 268 Wardaur Schenectady NY 12304 4352377597908480 2/13/2013 381 $995 Steven/Mike 518 3932585 4600 1 23 11/12/194 3527 not hom 1 Target Visa called questioning 10/25 Cust has a Target cc he owes 4600 on @ 23% h Brian
1492377098 10/18/2011 10/18/2011 Eric Kurz 6658 Inglewood Rd Holland OH 43528 6011361068168426 2/14 279 $195 Terrance/Steven/Wendy 4198613659 28k 3 10-18% 8/10/1961 2468 10/18/11- a little concerned abo 10/18/11 citibank visa-pending; gm hsbc- approved 40 wendy
1492194623/CB for $695 11/1/11 10/18/2011 10/18/2011 Sunday Conine 110 Garnett Lake Rd Warrensburg NY 12885 6011002056110109 2/14 256 $495 Mike J/Oliver/Wendy 5186235070 30k 4 14-22% 3/23/1971 5665 10/18/11- nice , young lady, hu 10/18/11- citibank visa- pending(no id); gm hsbc-denie wendy
11/23/2011 14:47:32 1513618107 11/23/2011 11/23/2011 Sheila G. Bonds same same sa same 5178057229188425 2/14 038 $45 same as above Daniel// 12/1/2011 Cap One App $4000 Daniel Daniel
1487634047/refund 11-21-11 1511991992 10/10/2011 10/10/2011 wendy m smith 7732 moordale circle stanton ca 90680 4465420392094595 2/14 808 $495 titus/norm/nick 714-402-7324 nick
1516820276 11/29/2011 11/29/2011 Syble Hall 19344 Opp Highway Dozier AL 36028 6011004206644573 2/14 312 $495 Tonya/Mike 334 527 8652 3200 1 15 1/14/1931 8676 1/3/2012 client called for BW h 11/29 Crdit comp shows her as being deceased w/ all brian/J no need y y
11/30/2011 15:11:00 1517485882 11/30/2011 11/30/2011 Billy R Macdonald 1309 63rd Ave SW Lanett AL 36863 4755980001295148 2/14 890 $495 jessica/Oliver/Dan 334-576-3797 15000 5 13-27 12/19/196 12/13/2011 client called for Dan Daniel// 11/30/2011 Cap One Den, Citi Plat pend, GM Daniel
1437261590/CB 12-6-11 7/14/2011 7/14/2011 Sharon M Hostetler 3959 Liberty Church Auburn KY 42206 4465615000311733 2/14 749 $995 gina/chris 270 542 6023 13000 3 29 3/11/1951 5977 live transf 7/27 sw mrs was denied for gm gm approved 4500.00,citi pend mack
12/17/2011 13:32:00 1528853246 12/17/2011 12/17/2011 Bruce Trimble 21909 Wallace Creek Clinton MT 59825 5490353693949710 2/14 893 $995 Zach/Norm/Jason 406-825-4199 6729.93 1 0.2 12/15/194 534-46-085 Anytime Jason// 12/17/2011 GM Approved $ 11500 bal transfer Jason n yes GM a yes 0311 2550 0002 3122 641 Zilch done 12-30-11 ~CD
12/22/2011 17:49:00 1531850908 12/22/2011 12/22/2011 Joann K Sharon 217 10th ave s South Saint Pa MN 55075 5423796064221980 2/14 191 $995 Rafael Norm 6514559552 4750 1 16 4/28/1943 39042 1222 citi simp pending cap1 denied tried to lower rate Will
1/5/2012 12:36:33 1539367922 1/5/2012 1/5/2012 Odilia Robinson 10 Wisteria Dr Fords NJ 08863 4888931209717300 2/14 576 $495 Irma Mike 908 347 3613 6000 2 16 3/7/1975 short on time needs to get back 105 running disc apprvd for 2 bt boa 6200 citi 600 she nick n boa y ch 0311 2550 0002 3122 757 ZILCH DONE 01/10/12 LV
1/12/2012 17:55:08 1543561253 1/12/2012 1/12/2012 patricia christenson 9905 yalta st NE Circle Pines MN 55014 4559505000397997 2/14 817 $495 Donnie steve 763-758-6364 NA 6081 5 12-30% 11/8/1960 470-88-968 112 runnign apps ne couldnot call bank its chase havin nick 115 Zilch Received 1/13/12----zilch is filled out 1/13/12 CQM
1/14/2012 1544546226 1/14/2012 1/14/2012 Robert Clifton 3852 n Friar Lane Wichita KS 67204 6011008698849608 2/14 642 $1,99 Titus steven 316-832-9440 316-305-6188 29k 4 19-26 5/25/1951 510-58-687 noon 1/14-keep trying to call--phone l 1/14/2012 on phone with discover now discover is not l Jason y y y 1/18 n 0311 2550 0002 3122 805 zilch filled out jc // Zilch done 01-16-12 ~CD
1/17/2012 1546364619 1/17/2012 1/17/2012 Melvin Babb 77 Paul Cementery R Forest Hill LA 71430 5121071973422375 2/14 622 $295 Donall Chris 3187486829 6982.00 5 26.99 anytime during the day 1/17/12 Applying Lori n-Sears y 1/20/12
10/19/2011 1493086913 10/19/2011 10/19/2011 phyllis m beukelman 1753 13th ave nw sioux center IA 51250 4428283294002488 2/14/2011 97 $495 david opal mike nick 7127223592 bt from first nat visa to disc 0% 9 mo 5%bt fee amnou Nick
1/6/2012 1540134316 1/6/2012 1/6/2012 Hope Harde 1321 LT Hardy Rd Greenville NC 27858 5401683037981591 2/15 400 $1,99 Lora M Steven 2527148347 work 2527443 24243 3 10-15% 2/1/1956 241-13-254 any time Partial refund of $995.00 we ke 106 running apps citi apprvd 1500 107 informed her sh nick nchse y 107 Zilch received 01-18-12 ~CD
1/7/2012 1540540859 1/7/2012 1/7/2012 Justin R. Offenberger 568 Faith Road Moresville NC 28115 6011001788923474 2/15 948 $995 mike jo oliver 7046349065 6470.9 5 13-16 4/7/1988 241-63-420 Anytime 1/7/12 Citi Sim Approved $1500 (0% for 21 mo) Req B Lori n Chase y Y n 1/10 zilch created LE
1/10/2012 1542251287 1/10/2012 1/10/2012 Chris/ Sherri Eskina 4523 Grove st shawner KS 66226 6011499488364702 2/15 510 $500 donnie Steve 9134225595 7538 2 0.1399 2/2/1967 509-86-027 anytime 1/18/2012 client called for Wen 1/10-(H) GM-denied credit score 569; Citi Simp-pendin Wend n y 1/12/201 0311 2550 0002 3122 749 Zilch is filled out 1/11/12 CQM // Zilch done 01-11-12 ~CD
10/26/2011 1497034221 10/26/2011 10/26/2011 Dorothy M. Saul 23227 63rd Ave S.W. Vashon WA 98070 4888936120158427 2/2012 033 $995 Tonya/Steven 206-463-3021 8428 1 28 12/26/202 2722 Mornings 12/07 Client called in requestin 10/26/2011- Capitol 1-pending; Citivisa- Approved 2k ( wendy
12/20/2011 18:17:13 1530666057 12/20/2011 12/20/2011 Dickye L. Hill 10180 Golden pheasa Cadet MO 63630 5121071883833448 2/2012 151 $995 CoCo Steven 636-586-4590 7772 3 12.99-23 1/7/1949 500-54-989 Late after great lady Pendin Citi and Barclays. Cap1 Denied///12/22 Gm ap Brian Y Y
12/14/2011 17:49:27 1526759816/CB 1/9/12 12/14/2011 12/14/2011 Joy S. Wimbush 645 Powerdam Rd. Rocky Mount VA 24151 5466320767743303 2/2012 823 $995 Durell/Steven 540-489-5939 5991 2 22.6-24.4 11/1/1953 229-82-762 Evenings Really need and want the help, Running apps, citi pending gm dec 1215 citi pndn lori i nick no cap 1 & n y y
11/1/2011 14:46:17 1500305395 11/1/2011 11/1/2011 Margie G. Fierke 100 11 th. Ave Racine WI. 53403 5491040552110125 2/2013 112 $495 STEVE D / Norm 262-552-0120 5822 1 15.24 4/10/ 1956 7343 11/01 Pending w/ cap1 and citi approved 11k , has 19k Brian
11/19/2011 10:20:04 1510689693 11/19/2011 11/19/2011 Jean L. Doss 5 Elk River Court North Little Roc AR 72116 5466320105933152 2/2013 125 $1,99 Titus/Steven 501-834-3489 501-681-9917 34959 7 6.99-25 10/19/194 430-90-553 Evenings Great lady//**12/20/2011 client 11/18Pending w/ Cap1 and Citi//12/06 Citi Approved 3 Brian
11/30/2011 17:21:17 1517510482 11/30/2011 11/30/2011 Tracy L. McKitrick 2310 Main St. Wellsburg WV 26070 4266841178054209 2/2013 906 $995 Marlinda/Steven/Daniel 304-737-4309 9519 2 11.24-12.9 3/25/1969 233-21-556 Evening 12/14 Ret call to client and found out she rec'd cards fr Lori Y Y 0311 2550 0002 3122 514 Zilch done 12-16-11 ~CD
12/7/2011 14:46:46 1522223492 12/7/2011 12/7/2011 Arthur W. Cline 27657 E. Lynn Rd. Wayne W. 25570 4147202093402574 2/2013 625 $1,99 desiree s/Steven/Will 304-272-6949 15630 7 0-18 1/30/1945 269-40-223 Afternoon great guy 12/7 cap1 pending citi plat sel apprvd BT done of $182 Will waiting done done
12/9/2011 14:52:07 1523581274 12/9/2011 12/9/2011 Willie P. Graves 710 Jacinto #24 Groesbeck TX 76642 6011008174505591 2/2013 115 $295 Christoval/Steven 254-729-3901 10300 2 19.99-23.9 11/21/194 466-58-583 Anytime great lady, quick pitched her... 12/9 citi plat sel pending cap1 denied 12/10 barclays ct Will not yet waitin yes yes 0311 2550 0002 3122 502 Zilch done 12-16-11 ~CD
12/22/2011 15:15:56 12/22/2011 Jo Ann Manges 18066 County Rd. 46 New Paris IN 46553 4352378347566826 2/2013 557 $1,99 Chris F Steven 574-831-2342 9600 5 13-24 5/14/1959 313-70-747 Afternoon Hung up
12/21/2011 18:59:33 1531271113 12/21/2011 12/21/2011 Dorreen M. Franzen 2525 Quinlan Ave. Frederickburg IA 50630 4417124760105764 2/2013 136 $1,99 Tonya Steven 563-237-5877 641-330-3861 29665 2 12.24-19.9 7/21/1959 484-80-987 late aftern great lady12/28/2011 client call 12/21/11 Client did not have time to call bank. Ran ap Lori n y Y Zilch done 12-27-11 ~CD
timecode? 1538920234 1/4/2012 1/4/2012 Doris E. Brown P.O. Box 155/800 1st Truro IA 50257 6011007610094285 2/2013 437 $1,99 Vaness Steven 641-414-3534 4149 6 18.99-21.5 9/18/1939 484-46-195 Afternoon great old lady who sounds very 1/4/2012 on phone with discover now Jason wait time Jason y y y 1/17 n 0311 2550 0002 3122 695 Zilch Done
11/9/2011 16:23:04 1504750149 11/9/2011 11/9/2011 Patricia McClain 2830 HWY 191 West Liberty KY 41472 4147202077575023 2/2014 426 $1,99 Larry/Steven 5657 5 19.24-26.9 1/23/1955 3588 Evening greatest woman in the world//-- 11/09 Approved 10k cap1 waiting for card to do BT~b Brian
12/6/2011 19:04:34 Maestro not accepted 12/6/2011 Clarence Dan Bledsoe 19507 Delight St Canyon Countr CA 91351 5049948051694679 2/2014 677 $595 ???/Norm 6612519061 661-993-4122 6600 2 17 10/4/1936 450587440 Brian// 12/6/2011 Cap One pend Brian
12/7/2011 1522128136 12/7/2011 12/7/2011 Edward S Ward 3 Wilson Drive Camden AL 36726 4747276744864535 2/2014 825 $1,99 Chris F/Oliver/Wendy 334-682-9186 334-357-0032 22000 5 0.129 6/10/1963 really nice single man, 2 divorc 12/7- Cap 1- Approved 10,000 0% till feb2013 (after th wendy n
12/7/2011 16:40:07 1522275229 12/7/2011 12/7/2011 Marilyn M. Roush 2734 Glenbrook Way Bishop CA 93514 5291492162591131 2/2014 193 $495 Louis/Steven 760-872-1180 14462 1 16.9 6/25/1949 565-70-392 Morning/ Great couple 12/7- Cap 1-denied; Citibank Visa-Pending ID#201112 wendy
1/3/2012 18:24:14 1538237467 1/3/2012 1/3/2012 Ginger D. McCollough 13820 Oakdale Rd. /1 Oakdale/Glen LA/ 71463 6011006070247532 2/2014 627 $1,99 Paul Steven 318-748-4492 318-491-0081 11801 3 11.99-29.9 12/13/197 439-63-659 After 4pm Great lady 1/3/2012 GM Approved $600, Barc Pending, Citi Plat Lori N Will try Dis Y y-see not n 0311 2550 0002 3122 705 ZILCH DONE 01/06/12 LV
12/20/2011 12:25:45 1530474871 12/20/2011 12/20/2011 LENNIE E WILSON 1705 N la FOUNTAIN Kokomo In 46901 6011-0050-3852-79 3-2014 110 $995 Lora LRP 765-457-3738 7.305.6 1 24 5/20/1943 FIXED INCOME...CM USES C 1220 disc lowered from 24.99-14.99 also 3.99 for the n nick y dis 24.9 14 no need 12/23/20 y 0311 2550 0002 3122 604 Zilch Done 12/28/11 ~PB
1469914220/refund 11-23-11 9/9/2011 9/9/2011 Charles Spence 165 Larch Ave Buena vista VA 24416 4264299494023576 3/12 732 $895 Justin/Mike/Mack 540 261 6002 540-261-7922 4500 1 20 2/1/1963 4637 Mack
1517512323 11/30/2011 11/30/2011 Michael Leach N. 52 W. 15860 Bette Menomowee F WI 53051 5401683094509293 3/12 900 $995 Terrance/Mike/Jason 262 703 0102 16000 1 18 12/12/197 388-98-169 Anytime (12/13/11-Got message off Dan 11/30/2011 capital One Pending// citi plat pending, GM Jason Client cancelled.. Zilch shouldnt have been filled out ~CD
1517542985 11/30/2011 11/30/2011 Kathryn Corley PO Box 1402 Elkins W. 26241 4888936162614733 3/12 030 $995 Titus/Mike/Jason 304 636 8929 3700 1 24 7/12/1952 232-88-686 Jason// 11/30/2011 Cap One-Approved for 5000 Jason Jason waiting done done yes 12/28/2011 0311 2550 0002 3122 528 Zilch done 12-13-11 ~CD
12/1/2011 17:05:00 1518521154 12/1/2011 12/1/2011 David L Bernardi 240 Rodeo Drive Amhurst VA 24521 5466322221766953 3/12 273 $1,99 Lori/Larry/Brian 434-845-2714 32000 3 18-28 2/5/1946 12/1/2011 Cap One Denied, Chase Pending, Citi appr Brian
12/27/2011 18:10:00 1534093957 12/27/2011 12/27/2011 Olivia Martinez 106 E 19th ave Hutchinson Ka 67502 5329054336051099 3/12 429 $495 Amber LRP 620-664-6703 3650 1 0.182 7/18/1953 570849872 after 5pm credit score great 6 months ago 1227 citi 7300 paid 4200 to boa during app ne nick n y 1230 y 0311 2550 0002 3122 677 ZIlch Done 01/03/2012 LV
12/2/2011 14:41:28 1519156906/refund 1-3-12 1537946465 12/2/2011 12/2/2011 James Tally 301 Graystone Ln Auburn AL 36830 6011004108505997 3/12 822 $995 Titus Mike 334 821 5127 28000 3 14 7/20/2027 Jason//12/2/2011 Capital One denied//12/3/2011 Citi Jason
1/18/2012 1546926379 1/18/2012 1/18/2012 Thomas Taylor 20 Jamaica Lane Cheektowega NY 14225 4313070641065609 3/12 156 $995 Durell Orlando 7166848696 4,803.8 1 12-15 6/16/1925 297163395 After 1pm 1/18/12 When I mentioned something BT to 0% interes Lori Not Yet N-wants t 1/24
10/19/2011 18:09:56 10/19/2011 10/19/2011 18:09:56 June Mays 6 Decaur st. Roosevelt NY 11575 5240380006842491 3/12/2011 984 $795 Lori/Steven 516-379-1253
10/20/2011 15:20:03 1493735654 10/20/2011 10/20/2011 Sandra J. Collette 8587 Briery Branch R Dayton Va 22821 5466302624961427 3/12/2011 658 $1,99 Jason/Steven 540-828-1196 4/19/1949 10/20/11 Citi sim Approved $83 Daniel// 11/3/2011 Client cb and was told to make her Daniel
10/19/2011 16:22:30 1494317288/CB 12-19-11 10/19/2011 10/19/2011 Caroline Powers 1778 Old Buckroad B Hampton VA 23664 4264513069682693 3/12/2011 604 $995 mike jones/steven 757 851 6871 pending with Citi Cap1, for BT pending with Citi Cap1, for BT @ 0%.12/08 Approved t Brian
11/9/2011 17:57:00 1504785437 11/9/2011 11/9/2011 Pamela South Po Box 172 Newalla OK 74857 4313070248122639 3/13 474 $495 Jessica/MIke 505-632-2955 10000 1 13 5/12/1956 7294 1109 7500 gm 7200 trans from boa to gm during app n nick
1488778502/cb 11-17-11 10/12/2011 10/12/2011 evelyn m smith 20911 barnett sholas r watkins ville ga 30677 5491139363157505 3/13 005 $450 titus/oliver/wendy 706-769-5309 13k 2 0.29 9/15/1929 7542 10/18/2011- Citibank Visa-pending(favorite snack-fruit) wendy
11/15/2011 19:15:00 1508156271/RETRIEVAL 12-5-11 11/15/2011 11/15/2011 Shonda Y Craig 2725 Grand Avenue Louisville KY 40211 6011006567731246 3/13 533 $995 Donnall/Norn/Daniel 502-776-2410 16k 4 12.99 1/18/1969 Daniel// 11/15/2011 Citi Sim $8300, Cap One $3000, Daniel
11/22/2011 13:18:00 1512903745 11/22/2011 11/22/2011 Laura E Windau 9420 Ottawa Rd Columbus Gro OH 45830 4695965005710138 3/13 318 $395 Dionna/Mike/Daniel 419 659 2460 3000 3 13 2/2/1933 Daniel// 11/22/2011 Cap One App $ 10,000 Asked for Daniel
11/22/2011 14:52:06 1512983992 11/22/2011 11/22/2011 Theresa Dlobik 2328 Cedar Creek Rd Jackson WI 53037 4300230053040525 3/13 238 $995 Lynette/Mike 262 677 2927 6400 1 29 4/10/1959 11/22 cap1 appvd $10000 citi plat sel apprvd $4800 12 Will 2309 3620 0000 1452 588 Zilch done 12-09-11 ~CD
10/26/2011 13:30:52 1496999126/CB 12-5-11 10/26/2011 10/26/2011 Ray Shuboy 38689 Bye River Rd Clinton Townsh MI 48036 4037660004547352 3/13 858 $995 Titus/Mike 586 783 3344 9000 3 17 2/16/1958 6607 Customer just got a divorce~bw Pending w/ citi bank, cap1 denied, may need to do a h Brian
12/5/2011 17:04:00 1525780255 12/13/2011 12/5/2011 Jill D.Compton Bellingham WA 98226 4121747041901077 3/13 891 $595 Louis/Norm/Jason 3605925869 6271 1 15.65 1/31/1958 539723788 12/06/2011 client called for her Cust approved thru gm 7500, when client was called to Jason waiting for b done done 0311 2550 0002 3122 520 Zilch done 12-14-11 ~CD
12/13/2011 15:37:59 1525849644 12/13/2011 12/13/2011 Tasha Dulin 3449 E. 950 N. Kerkland IN 46050 4121741646947767 3/13 171 $995 Holly/Mike 765 325 2006 3500 1 19 8/18/1980 Cap1 Approved 10k Client knows to call when the card Brian Waiting for n x x
12/13/2011 17:24:38 1525904975 12/13/2011 12/13/2011 Karen Janecek-Bocanegra N. 1711 Dawn Dr. Waupaca WI 54981 5488975022050754 3/13 324 $500 Donnie/Mike/Jason 715 258 7321 12000 4 26 5/29/1948 Jason//12/13/2011 citi plat sel pend approval #201112 Jason waiting yes done yes 12/28/2011 0311 2550 0002 3122 515 Zilch done 12-20-11 ~CD
12/27/2011 15:37:39 1534041642 12/27/2011 12/27/2011 Joyce E. Bell 477 W. McKinley Baton Rouge LA 70802 5491100028254103 3/13 868 $495 Donall Steven 225-344-1923 7555 4 25.24-29.4 1/7/1952 438-90-431 Mornings/ Great lady, was no trouble at all 12/27- Gm card-denied id#2011361006379 (serious d Wend n y 12/29/20 n 0311 2550 0002 3122 623 Zilch Done
12/28/2011 14:21:11 1534633735/RETRIEVAL 1/9/12 12/28/2011 12/28/2011 Patricia Welch 2108 Valentine AVE Bronx NY 10457 6011002440182210 3/13 156 $995 Amber Norm 7185844991 7700 3 18 7/11/1940 095748901 12/28/11 GM Approved 11,500. Transferred 6600 to p Lori No. Chase. y 0311 2550 0002 3122 636 Zilch Done 12-30-11 KG
12/30/2011 13:20:08 1535795312 12/30/2011 12/30/2011 Rita Valantino 370 Ave Ct Downs NJ 07002 5466042011387840 3/13 491 $1,99 Chris R Mike 201 437 5537 12000 2 20 4/12/1963 little skeptical at first but she co 12/30/11 GM Approved $600 (0% for 12 mo) Citi Plat Lori Not yet y y n n Zilch Done
1/3/2012 19:29:52 1538257050 1/3/2012 1/3/2012 Noel Nechannicky 1215 Meade Ave Prosser WA 99350 4185506005743252 3/13 903 $995 Desiree Mike 509 786 3744 30000 8 28 4/24/1942 Retired building contractor. Still 1/3/2012 Client has 8 cards w/ $30000 in debt. WIll m Lori n y 1/5/2012 0311 2550 0002 3122 766 ZILCH DONE 1/11/12 LV
1/6/2012 1540060518 1/6/2012 1/6/2012 Shirley Tester 6 Heritage Dr apt 9 Bristol VA 24201 5121072734204474 3/13 162 $1,49 Zoe Steven 2766690689 5786.5 3 12-24% 7/6/1942 224-54-804 morning 1/9/2012 client left msg very co 1/6- GM-denied credit score 585--highest single bal to Wend n y y n 0311 2550 0002 3122 743 ZILCH DONE 01/09/12 LV
1/12/2012 1543453512/void 1/12/2012 1/12/2012 Gregory Faja 227 W rutgers Ave Pontiac MI 48340 4311966029183983 3/13 252 $995 Brye oliver 2486834832 2488084832 4507.76 3 18 1/25/1971
1/12/2012 1543471113 1/12/2012 1/12/2012 Herbert/Dores strauss N 2639 Hwy Z lot # H Dousman Wi 53118 4359970001045551 3/13 310 $1,99 Donall Orlando 262-495-2106 4 10/24/202 396-24-470 1/12-running apps..nick on phn lifting block lifted // 1 nick n-sams club y-working 1/14/201 Zilch filled out 1-14-12 RM // Zilch Received 1/16/12
10/21/2011 12:42:27 1494303568 10/21/2011 10/21/2011 Thelma Everette 883 Porter Rd. Greenville NC 27834 6011003620025807 3/13/2011 759 $995 Titus/Steven 252-758-4279 252/561-6669 Denied thru CAP1 pend citi, cal 10/21 Denied thru CAP1 pend citi, callled Discover acc Brian
11/2/2011 15:25:31 11/2/2011 Kevin Lehmann 4585 Schuster Dr. W. Bend WI 53090 4692279483002916 3/14 905 $795 Charlie/Mike 262 629 1307 7000 1 12.99 9/6/1966 7845 Daniel//11/2/2011 Client was giving me the SS # and Daniel
11/23/2011 16:51:20 1513670902 11/23/2011 11/23/2011 Ricky Ward 802 N 5th St Cache OK 73527 6011008290216321 3/14 507 $995 Chris/Mike 580 429 8604 4000 6 18 10/17/196 442787878 1/2/2012 client called early this 11/23- Citibank MC- pending id#201111238011993; B wendy n y y y
12/13/2011 19:24:31 1525979731 12/13/2011 12/13/2011 Don Wells PO Box 765 Trazetti AR 72736 5466160014315517 3/14 157 $1,99 Jean/Mike/Jason 479 787 6176 43000 1 16 1/19/1958 1/13/2012 client called for Jaso Jason//12/13/2011 Cap one Pend/GM Denied-Score 6 Jason n y y 0311 2550 0002 3122 563 Zilch done 12-21-11 ~CD
12/23/2011 12:34:21 1532271290 12/23/2011 12/23/2011 Grace D Harding PO BOX 116 Simms Mn 59477 4121741334847386 3/14 891 $495 Zoe Norm 4062645483 16000 5 17 10/5/1923 516242761 12/23 Pending Citi and Barclays, Cap1 Denied.~bw Brian cust did not Y Zilch Done 12/28/11 ~PB
1/5/2012 16:50:48 1539489768 1/5/2012 1/5/2012 Hazeline Ashe 1440 Carnage Dr Rally NC 27610 6011003777003896 3/14 045 $995 Amy Mike 919 828 8066 25000 7 18 8/25/1938 1/10/2012 client called for Wen 1/5- GM- denied credit score 598 delinquent status; Cit Wend n y y n 0311 2550 0002 3122 725 Zilch Done 1-9-12 KG
1/7/2012 1540619045-refunded 1/9/2012 1/7/2012 1/7/2012 Hildy T. Duncan 404 Stage Coach Jacksonville NC 28546 54079150 3/14 039 $495 Mike jo STEVE 9102978266 20316 5 12-30% 12/21/194 1/9/2012 client left msg in need n y 1/11/201 n
1/9/2012 1541693516 1/9/2012 1/9/2012 Gerald A. Broussard dup dup du dup 4266841086130257 3/14 025 $245 dup dup dup dup du 0.2999 dup dup nick DUP ZILCH DONE LV 01/16/12
1/13/2012 12:55:33 1544066048 1/13/2012 1/13/2012 Guy friend 217powers st angola in 46703 5408010031287465 3/14 150 $995 amy olvier 260-624-3646 na 10730 2 12 8/31/1939 312-40-522 after 12p 1/13/2012 client called for Nick 113 citi apprvd 1k paid 900 to his hsbc still matching // nick n y 116 Zilch Filled Out 1/17/12 JS ZILCH DONE 1-18-12
11/29/2011 12:01:46 1516603190/RETRIEVAL 12-22-11 11/29/2011 11/29/2011 Lucille D. Mitchell 29 Rosemount Circle Phenix City AL 36869 6011004113694745 3/2012 059 $1,99 Holly/Steven/Daniel 334-298-8883 9000 1 24 1/3/1959 423-58-744 Anytime likes to talk alot. Sweet old lady Daniel// 11/29/2011 Cap One App pend, Citi Plat App Daniel
11/14/2011 12:26:35 1507295704 11/14/2011 11/14/2011 312 Cherokee Circle Mt. Washingto KY 40047 4266812070734768 3/2013 676 $1,99 Donelle/Steven 502-538-8509 20000 4 21 6/10/1976 3276 Evening Great person/needs the help 1114over payin khols so she can get over pay ref che nick 7011 0110 0001 1541 854 Zilch done 11-28-11 ~CD
11/16/2011 14:32:47 1508739367 11/16/2011 11/16/2011 James R. Willette 68 Sigler Rd. Hattiesburg MS 39401 4366163056385202 3/2013 182 $1,99 Casey/Steven 601-544-3832 6477 1 13.15 10/15/194 425-86-927 late aftern Cool guy // 11/30/11- gave msg 11/16- Cap 1- Approved 7,500 0% till feb2013--covers wendy n y y n 1/17-sent zilch-wh
11/16/2011 16:48:15 1508823567/partial refund $500 12-6-11 15 11/16/2011 11/16/2011 Christina Searles 17 Pleasant St. Cunberland RI 02864 6011208880574564 3/2013 955 $1,49 KimJ/Steven/Daniel 401-722-9597 11000 3 7.9-16.24 12/18/194 036-28-432 Anytime Retired Daniel//11/16/2011 Ext Daniel// 11/16/2011 Cap One pend Daniel Daniel// 20
12/16/2011 13:26:37 1528319454 12/16/2011 12/16/2011 Carren C. Jones 23819 Bennington Dr. Valencia CA 91354 5291492339999175 3/2013 178 $995 Jean/Steven 661-799-7509 22000 4 15-27 3/10/1969 550-77-190 Evenings Great lady Cap1 Denied, Gm denied, Bankrupcy filed, Pending Ci Brian y 0311 2550 0002 3122 595 Zilch Done 12/28/11 LV
10/26/2011 14:39:46 1497014197 10/26/2011 10/26/2011 Barbara Clark 1605 Madie Rd. Ridgely TN 38080 5178052540951239 3/2014 950 $800 BobbyB/Steven 731-264-0432 630-220-8406 5815 2 19 3/12/1961 9276 Afternoon 10/27 called in for FA did a live reduced fee to not max out her other card i amputting nick
11/12/2011 11:23:51 1506311459 11/12/2011 11/12/2011 Daniel D. Shervem 505 Perimeter St. Mount Horbe WI 53572 4037660016631616 3/2014 073 $995 Desiree/Steven 608-444-4705 9818 1 12.24 2/13/1982 4773 Anytime Great ppl. Cap1 Denied, Citi pending ( ref# 201111288006234) 1 Brian
11/16/2011 15:16:11 1508761678 11/16/2011 11/16/2011 Donna G. Grant Duplicate Duplicate Du Duplic 5178057229886689 3/2014 221 $95 Bobby/Steven d d d d d d same as above wendy
12/2/2011 13:32:33 1519137654 12/2/2011 12/2/2011 Niketa F. Dean 7461 Fairway Dr. Montgomery AL 36116 4071100033638820 3/2014 797 $995 Zach/Steven 334-281-3199 334-549-5184 17000 2 21-25.24 9/1/1968 419-19-942 Evenings Ask alot of questions//**1/2/201 calling boa to find int rate citi apprvd 2k 1800 bt from b nick y y y 0311 2550 3122 6504
12/6/2011 18:07:12 1521625032 12/6/2011 12/6/2011 Michael D. Emery 507 Eklund Ave. Hoquiam WA 98550 4003447013783636 3/2014 408 $1,99 Paige/Steven 360-533-4596 9022.94 2 10.97-15.9 4/2/1953 539-54-460 Evening great guy // 12/23 Client called he had to leave pick up daughter citi pndng no id going nick n yes yes n
12/6/2011 18:33:24 1521633938 12/6/2011 12/6/2011 Paulette E. Smith 418 Poole Rd. #B3 Westminster MD 21157 5291492273939443 3/2014 262 $1,99 Elijah/Steven 410-848-0920 8617 2 7-11.90 9/15/1948 220-52-737 Evening Cat lover/Machine worker/Grea she has other cards getting that info now chase has 3. nick y n y
11/21/2011 18:01:29 1512069768/CB 12-12-11----REFUND 12-8- 11/21/2011 11/21/2011 Jane L. Jannereth 2645 Noel S.W. Wyoming MI 49509 4800134026236084 3/2014 651 $795 Jessica/Steven 616-530-0252 3200 6 25-29.99 12/8/1948 380-54-390 Anytime emotional lady about the passin 1121 gm dec citi pndng cap1 dec still run barc dec dis nick
11/11/2011 14:27:55 1505912224/CB 12-13-11 11/11/2011 11/11/2011 Helen Kiger 4708 Howell School R Jamesville NC 28642 4185877903140366 3/2014 911 $1,99 StevenD./Steven 336-835-6228 13000 3 13-29 10/7/1931 4497 Morning Hard of hearing old lady // 11/1 11/11/2011- Capital 1-denied; Citi Simp- Pending no id wendy
12/15/2011 19:43:59 1527667252 12/15/2011 12/15/2011 Robert M. Whittington 314 Winding Oak Driv Haggerstown MD 21740 4640182063092146 3/2014 063 $1,99 CoCo/Steven 301-797-9555 240-291-7511 4784 3 18-20 2/10/1949 212-58-924 Anytime great guy, retired, quick pitched 1215 on phn wi disc they have bt offers 0 int for 18 mo nick y did not ne y 0311 2550 0002 3122 567 Zilch done 12/27/11 ~PB
11/3/2011 13:49:34 1501538924/CB 12-23-11 11/3/2011 11/3/2011 Marilyn Miller 18055 Ely Ave. Farmington MN 55024 5407070064221006 3/2014 032 $1,99 Shane/Steven/Daniel 651-460-2102 11822.8 1 11.99 3/25/1937 8292 Morning Want to see something in the m Daniel// 11/3/2011 Cap One pend, Citi Sim pend, GM Daniel
1/3/2012 13:11:53 1538039587 1/3/2012 1/3/2012 Guillermo A. Lopez'Llamozas 28112 Heritage Trail Boerne TX 78015 6011499458214457 3/2014 026 $1,99 Charlie Steven 210-757-0955 12719 2 15.9-29.24 1/26/1955 460-29-211 Evenings William he likes to be called, gr 1/3/2012 on the line with discover lowered rates from 2 Jason yes y 1/5/2012 n 0311 2550 0002 3122 693 ZILCH DONE 01/05/12 LV
1/3/2012 19:16:42 1538252723 1/3/2012 1/3/2012 William A. Graden 29 Landing St. Rochester NY 14623 6011002357540558 3/2014 336 $995 Andrew Steven 585-292-6254 585-748-8500 3493 1 12.99 2/24/1943 068-36-010 Evenings Great guy Jason// 1/3/2012 GM approved $4000 did bal transfer Jason n y 1/5/2012 n 0311 2550 0002 3122 691 Zilch Received 1/5/12 // Zilch Done 1/6/12 ~PB
1531823051 12/22/2011 12/22/2011 Farida Ali 508 E New York Ave Brooklyn NY 11225 4266-8411-3463-24 4-2013 295 $495 Forrest LRP 718-778-0630 5.765.0 2 15.32% 2 9/17/1948 1/10/2012 client called for Jaso Jason// 12/22/2011 GM approved $4000 did bal trans Jason n y yes 12/2 n yes 1/17/12 0311 2550 0002 3122 612 Zilch done 12-28-11 ~CD
11/1/2011 18:20:06 1500397387 11/1/2011 11/1/2011 Jacci M. Mc Ginn 8610 N Gilbert Ave Portland OR 97203 6011310122028886 4/12 625 $995 Jill / Norm 503-286-8631 16500 3 22 9/25/1942 3222 11/1/2011 Citi 8300 check in the mail; gm 3850 bt hom nick n y y n
11/2/2011 12:26:05 1500889640 11/2/2011 11/2/2011 Carl Topinka 406 Mourningside Dr Wellington KS 67152 5466320153475452 4/12 611 $995 Chris/Mike 620 326 3044 20000 3 18 1/25/1943 7636 1102 nick on wi disc dropped to 14.24 on fut purch do nick
11/3/2011 11:41:30 1501456908 11/3/2011 11/3/2011 Charlotte D.Kath 125 2nd Av N.E. #102 Stewartville MN 55976 4465420162095517 4/12 689 $995 Keyvonne /Norm 507-533-4412 13000 3 12 6/7/1931 2278 11/3/2011 Capitol 1- denied; Citi Simp- Approved 8,30 wendy n y y y
11/7/2011 13:43:52 1503517405 11/7/2011 11/7/2011 valerie roberts 2407 15th st. Anacortes WA 98221 6011009531138696 4/12 321 $495 Jessica / Norm/Daniel 360-293-2302 20000 5 17 4/11/1947 3447 12/28 Client called in wanting t Daniel// 11/7/2011 Cust was upset after being passed f Daniel
11/11/2011 14:45:46 1505919275 11/11/2011 11/11/2011 Margaret A Kelley 4960 Mddleway Pike Kearneysville WV 25430 5491070012223796 4/12 667 $995 TerranceNorm/Daniel 304-725-4957 12000 2 16.5 09/31/194 238667433 Daniel// 11/11/2011 Extremely Daniel// 11/11/2011 Cap One pend Daniel Called ban Daniel
11/17/2011 18:06:17 1509505155 11/17/2011 11/17/2011 Jaza Saeid 2543 Mosby CT.# A HARRISONBU VA. 22801 4800113315560917 4/12 299 $495 Lori/Norm 5404347957 5000 4 18 7/1/1969 667301125 11/17/2011- CitiVisa- Approved 1,500 0% for 21mnths; wendy
11/22/2011 12:25:34 1512866805 11/22/2011 11/22/2011 Chris A. Shade 1115 Hickory Lane Mansfield Ohi 44905 5218531609216933 4/12 862 $495 Charlie//Norm 419-589-3266 7100 2 19 12/22//65 281568919 11/22 citi plat sel appvd $2000 cap1 pending barclays Will
11/30/2011 13:50:49 1517405938 11/30/2011 11/30/2011 Timothy J.Niesen 4843 67 th st Kenosha WI 53142 4037660001085711 4/12 405 $995 Terrance/Norm 262-654-9310 4000 1 15 6/20/1965 396608299 12/19 rec'd SI. LA////**1/9/2012 11/30- Cap 1- Approved 10,000 0%till feb2013..covers wendy n y y n 12/19/2011 2309 3620 0000 1452 985 Zilch done 12-06-11 ~CD
12/20/2011 19:06:20 1530679467 12/20/2011 12/20/2011 Dale A Hendershot 1013 Westfield dr Jackson Mi 49203 6011361006246037 4/12 268 $995 Amber Norm 5177849440 14750 3 25 8/5/1938 383341569 Jason// 12/20/2011 GM approved $4300 , barclay pen Jason yes city bank gm $430 done 12/ 0311 2550 0002 3122 633 Zilch done 12-29-11 ~CD
12/28/2011 13:32:37 12/28/2011 Lori Thomason Stevens 3540 Norland Ct Norfolk Va 23513 4264287536685627 4/12 372 $995 Durell Norm 7576192129 58000 4 13.7 11/17/197 545474584 cancelled at verification
12/27/2011 18:43:14 1534120997 12/27/2011 12/27/2011 Hope A. Hastings 4600 Britton Rd.Sp 30 Perry Mi 48872 5424180688104741 4/12 650 $300 Paul Norm 5176255160 19600 5 19 9/9/1959 557351885 12/29/2011 client called for Nic 1227 on phn wi citi di pref she has had no late payme nick y y 1230 0311 2550 0002 3122 671 Zilch done 01-03-12 LV
1/5/2012 17:37:16 1539505218 1/5/2012 1/5/2012 Diane Rudnik 2645 Falcon Point Dr. Grand Rapids MI 49534 5424180883778257 4/12 383 $995 Kim J Orlando 6167351675 9200 2 25 4/6/1951 367560751 1/5/12 Barc Rew Approved 18800. Req BT on app of Lori No Sears y y 1/7 zilch created LE
1/6/2012 1540086000 1/6/2012 1/6/2012 Lillian Dickerson 696 Nesters School R Dudspur va 24325 4264283251865080 4/12 015 $1,99 charma oliver 2767285808 17012.8 3 12.99-17.2 2/5/1961 217-86-144 After 2pm (1/12/12-Customers bank calle 106 disc lowered 11.99 future purch citipndn barc ... nick y 0311 2550 0002 3122 819 Zilch recieved 1-13-12 ~CD ZILCH DONE 1-13-12 EW
1/9/2012 1541587783 1/9/2012 1/9/2012 Lola Zawada 1420 Birchgrove Niagara WI 54151 5490994696870872 4/12 952 $995 paul m Orlando 7152513639 24884.5 1 995 5/27/1933 369-326115 anytime 1/9- GM- Approved 4,000 (requested 3,900 pay to bof Wend n y Zilch done 1-17-12 ~CD
1/9/2012 1541725928 1/9/2012 1/9/2012 cindy Lu boucher 803 may ave deptford NJ 08096 5424181052423972 4/12 323 $1,99 Vaness orlando 609-828-0074 27k 3 17-29 12011957 200505739 109 citi pndng wi id ne her citi did not have bt offers c nick y y 112 117 zilch filled out ne ZILCH DONE 1-18-12
1/11/2012 1542848508 1/11/2012 1/11/2012 Esther Mancuso 154 Hartwell Rd Buffalo NY 14216 5215318838622724 4/12 169 $1,99 mike jo Orlando 716-875-7115 6327 1 15.99 5/19/1927 1/18/2012 client called to cxl ga 111 she was pressed for time so im runnig apps then c nick n y Zilch filled out 1-14-12 RM // Zilch Received 1/16/12
1/11/2012 1542873499 1/11/2012 1/11/2012 Kathleen terwilleger 1231 SW Glendale Dr Topeka KS 66604 6011008794074804 4/12 273 $995 holly oliver 785-271-2421 5273 2 12-24% 7/4/1940 1/11- GM- Approved 7,500 (requested BT of 4,302 pay Wend n y y 0311 2550 0002 3122 777 ZILCH DONE 01/11/12 LV
1/11/2012 1542982513 1/11/2012 1/11/2012 charles munson 897 echo hollow rd Eugene OR 97402 4465420300160678 4/12 $295 Donnie Orlando 5416887153 5201 2 15 6/1/1930 1/11/2012 GM Approved $7500 (0% for 12 mo), Req B Lori n y 1/12/201 0311 2550 0002 3122 817 1/13/12 zilch created LE ZILCH DONE 1-13-12 EW
1487654089/REFUND 10/28/11 149818216 10/10/2011 10/10/2011 Carol L Schwindler 1591 Cronic Town Rd Aurburn GA 30011 4003449316747367 4/13 369 $595 Daniel/Steven/Wendy 7703380203 21k 2 10.24-15.9 1/20/1970 4485 10/10-works at wal-mart... // 1 10/10 citivisa-pending; barclays g.s.-pending; gm hsbc wendy
11/4/2011 10:44:30 11/4/2011 48313 17817 113th st ct e Bonney Lake Wa 98391 4388540021756829 4/13 494 $495 ? /Norm 253-862-9432 19000 1 13 5/6/1944 2276
1500330718 11/1/2011 11/1/2011 Gladys DeVall 43070 Homeplace Av Praireville LA 70769 6011006480510842 4/13 813 $995 Chris/Mike 225 622 4888 12000 1 15 7/27/1930 3537 // 11/1/2011 wh Capitol 1- Approved 10,000;Citibank M wendy n y y n
11/8/2011 15:41:08 1504207764/1504207764-void, already paid 11/8/2011 11/8/2011 Nancy L. Knight 1332 7th Ave. Scottsbluff Ne 69361 5490962090118123 4/13 105 $995 Bobbi / Norm 308-632-5357 9700 1 18 12/7/1939 9860 Already a Client~bw 11/08 Cust pending w/ Citi and Barclays, Cap1 denied. Brian
$2,485 1488706288/CB 11-21-11 10/12/2011 10/12/2011 Nancy Blas 3140 S 8st Milwaukee WI 53215 5458001553509237 4/13 404 $495 Tonya/Mike/Brian 4142071745 4 1 19 5/19/1964 8013 11/8/11- asking to cancel. adde 10/12 Pending w/ Citi and Gm card, Cap1 Declined, H Brian
12/15/2011 18:27:33 1527611886 12/15/2011 12/15/2011 Maritza C. Baca 5081 Bryant Rd. Vacaville Ca. 95688 5200012020565711 4/13 692 $995 Jean/ Norm 7076786377 25000 6 / 30 1/6/1958 564376203 1215 she got scammed a couple months ago she is sti nick y citi 2k hu yes 0311 2550 0002 3122 585 Zilch done 12-27-11 ~CD
1/17/2012 1546337275 1/17/2012 1/17/2012 Gina feller po box 1060/ 37 29co mertzon TX 76941 5178057268324444 4/13 116 $995 paul m Orlando 325-835-7605 325-277-5732 12.9 7-23-69 449-67-841 5 are time 1/17- GM- approved 7,650 (requested BT 7,400 pay to Wend n y 1/18- zilch sent--wh
10/24/2011 12:41:19 1495776788 10/24/2011 10/24/2011 Wilma C. Howard 1802 Milan Street Durham NC 27704 4418539181899563 4/13/2011 449 $995 Marlinday/Steven 9196887239 11/22/195 Daniel// 11/4/2011 Just had bac 95409 Daniel
11/14/2011 13:54:56 11/14/2011 Diane Schletz 8039 165th St N Hugo MN 55038 5467020003010926 4/14 175 $995 Casey/Mike 651 426 8658 9000 3 22 9/4/1946 8132 11/14- cus concerned, said she 11/18-called cus to see what was going on, no answer wendy
11/18/2011 11:40:37 1509962542 11/18/2011 11/18/2011 Mary Ann Johnson 505 Breckenridge St. Franklin Ky. 42134 4663040005568056 4/14 969 $995 Jill // Norm 270-586-5911 6200 5 20 1/2/1949 406762235 11/18 Client clld to CXL, FA wa 11/18 citi plat sel pending citi simp pending barclays ct Will
11/22/2011 15:31:40 1513015604 wayne 11/22/2011 11/22/2011 Albert C. Gladieux 746 Utah Toledo OH 43605 5480420014411837 4/14 444 $1,99 Donnie/Steven 419-693-7140 43605 2 17.9-19 3/5/1952 268-54-500 Anytime funny old guy//**12/21/2011 clie Daniel// 11/22/2011 Citi Plat App $ 4000, Barc C to C Daniel
11/28/2011 18:39:00 1516151976 11/28/2011 11/28/2011 Kimberlee G Bramley 520 McClendon Ridge Russell Spring KY 42642 5491100135851510 4/14 387 $495 Lori/Norm/Wendy 270-866-9182 0 5485 2 18 12/28/195 401888804 1/9/2012 client left a msg for a 11/28- Cap 1-Approved 500.00.;Citibank MC- Approve wendy 2309 3620 0000 1452 973 Zilch done 12-01-11 ~CD
12/14/2011 18:18:29 invalid c/c # 12/14/2011 Douglass Wallace 424 Elm Terrance Huntsville AL 35801 4146849163247110 4/14 710 $995 Chris/Mike 256 679 5767 5200 1 23 5/28/1969 1214allapps dec for him his house is getting forclosed nick
12/15/2011 14:25:57 dead 12/15/2011 Barbara J Sutton 6508 Sheri Dr. N.W. Huntsville Al 35806 6011009551871465 4/14 429 $995 Amelia/ Norm 256-270-8593 6202 1 17 1/5/1938 423507329 Brian//12/15 Pending Citi, Cap1 denied, Gm denied 42 Brian
1483865529/CB 12-29-11 10/3/2011 10/3/2011 renee d bradford 4607 hunters road Springdale WA 99173 5291492127587281 4/14 961 $1,99 Kim Norm/Nick 5092587144 36k 3 15.24-17.9 6/4/1955 4658 10/4 customer call to talk to FA barcl apprv 11k 8k bt set up during app 3 k remaining nick
12/29/2011 14:56:23 1535232185 12/29/2011 12/29/2011 Dale C Herschner 5790 Grace Rd Benvoia MI 49616 4366133038075049 4/14 775 $995 Jill Mike 231 882 9897 32000 8 20 3/23/1964 12/29 on phn wi boa and runnin app wi citi apprvd 3k p nick y y 103 n 0311 2550 0002 3122 723 Zilch done 01-04-12 ~CD
1/9/2012 1541704073 1/9/2012 1/9/2012 Joanne Casasanto 1141 darfur st philadelphia PA 19148 4155572063386273 4/14 239 $995 chaves steven 2153390222 215-588-9811 4473.53 2 15-22.99% 12/28/194 after3pm 1/11/2012 client called has ? ab 1/9/12 GM Approved $7650 (0% for 12 mo), BT from C Lori Not yet Y y 0311 2550 0002 3122 802 1/11/12 zilch created LE ZILCH DONE 1-16-12 EW
1/9/2012 1541731144 1/9/2012 1/9/2012 craig warnke 21943 bonnie LN. lannon Wi 53046 4266902018552248 4/14 110 $1,99 jean mike 262-2512772 262-3270015 20847.3 5 0.22 2/9/1970 390824091 after 6pm on freedom card address is diff 1/9/12 GM Declined Score 612, Citi Plat Pending, Citi Lori N y y 0311 2550 0002 3122 818 zilch done 1/13/12 LV
1/11/2012 1542797877 1/11/2012 1/11/2012 Rita Thompson 230 S. Phillips Salina KS 67401 6011008412154202 4/14 330 $395 Donnie Oliver 7858193150 5411.62 4 22 8/14/1941 509407644 111 on phnwi disc bt 2.99 18mo 3%fee all her accts sh nick y not req 118 zilched 117 ne
1/13/2012 13:17:39 1544075101 1/13/2012 1/13/2012 Mary Etzioni 1224 russel ave north Minneapolis MN 55411 4355778568930089 4/14 188 $995 Cindy orlando 612-521-0766 Na 15695 2 0.21 2/18/1946 245-74-587 anytime 113 on phn wi her citi acct lookin fo bt ne 0 in till sep 2 nick y n 116 filled out117ne
1/13/2012 15:03:54 1544138828 1/13/2012 1/13/2012 steven Oakley 2121 N parkridge cou Wichita KS 67212 4412540003374195 4/14 629 $1,30 vaness steven 316-729-7540 316-619-1661 34k 3 13-21 3/23/1970 510-90-374 noon 1/13/12 Offered to do 3 way w/ Cap 1 but client said hi Lori not yet y y Zilch is filled out 1/17/12 CQM
1/17/2012 16:49:14 1546317240 1/17/2012 1/17/2012 Roger D. Wright 135 Walnut View London KY 40744 5329041928022869 4/14 043 $200 Donall Orlando 6068787969 6066823040 63k 6 14-20 4/20/1956 272-58-737 5pm cell 1/17-GM-Denied--credit sc
sam Approval Date Processed Date Sold Name Address CITY Sta Zip Card# Exp Date CV Price Opene Closer Phone Number 2nd Number Amount N Interest Ra DOB SSN Available Customer Service Notes FA Notes FA Bank Conta Applicati Call Bac If NO Service Co Received In Zilch Tracking Number Zilch Notes
11/9/2011 11:16:20 1504637307 11/9/2011 11/9/2011 Naeva M 272 Redwood St. Clovis NM 88101 4305728701779712 7/12 089 $995 Donnie / Norm 505-632-2955 5800 5 20 7/1/1926 1109 barc apprvd 2200 she wil call me back when she nick
1486323147/refund 11-29-11 1516761997 10/7/2011 10/7/2011 Bernae Harris 1451 Walker Ave Baltamore MA 21239 4327477901822559 7/12 380 $295 oliver/oliver/wendy 4432265637 10k 5 14-19.24% 12/9/1975 0552 10/7- lost job recently,found a n 10/10/11-citi-pending; capitol 1-denied; chase freedom wendy
11/30/2011 13:37:00 1517381092 11/30/2011 11/30/2011 Kebra R Galt 260 E Marietta Canton GA 30114 4397070002540819 7/12 834 $995 Patrick G/Oliver/Daniel 770-479-7262 40000 4 9/25/2011 1210/1959 Nice lady Daniel// 11/30/2011 Cap One pend, Citi Sim App $300 Daniel
12/15/2011 17:20:55 1527533224 12/15/2011 12/15/2011 Benny Bly 10577 Pleasant Ola AR 72853 4275180501804918 7/12 983 $1,99 Desiree/Mike 479 489 5761 18000 3 17 9/6/1947 only has one foot..retired, ex-w 12/15- Citibank Visa-pending; Cap 1-Approved 7,500 0 wendy n yes y n 0311 2550 0002 3122 617 Zilch Done 12/29/1 LV // 2nd Zilch done 1/5/12 ~PB
12/28/2011 17:09:01 1534715644 12/28/2011 12/28/2011 Cynthia Cordes 4819 Greenhaven Dr St Paul Mn 55127 4190004312659455 7/12 317 $495 Lora LRP 6516443198 20k 4 13%---24.5 9/27/1957 476726650 after 7pm poe nurse 1228 citi 4800 paid 4400 to us bank gm 9200 paid 890 nick n y 102 0311 2550 0002 3122 665 Zilch Done
12/28/2011 17:09:01 1534715644 12/28/2011 12/28/2011 Cynthia Cordes 4819 Greenhaven Dr St Paul Mn 55127 4190004312659455 7/12 317 $495 Lora LRP 6516443198 20k 4 13%---24.5 9/27/1957 476726650 after 7pm poe nurse 1228 citi 4800 paid 4400 to us bank gm 9200 paid 890 nick n y 102
1/9/2012 1541690942 1/9/2012 1/9/2012 Gerald A. Broussard 360 Dennie Felice Rd. Ragley LA 70657 5178052550105668 7/12 159 $250 durell Mike 337-725-6117 6472.15 2 0.169 12/5/1984 109 citi 1k paying chase 900on phn wi cap1 not loweri nick y y 112 0311 2550 0002 3122 812 Zilch is filled out 1/11/12 CQM ZILCH DONE LV 01/16/12
1/11/2012 1542972899 1/11/2012 1/11/2012 Julianne Adolph 5757 kingstree Dr Dublin OH 43017 4037840026931665 7/12 137 $995 cindy L oliver 614-389-3250 614-301-7144 10474 2 12-13% 4/1/1938 1/11/2012 Citi Plat sel Pend ID# 201201118007388// 1 Jason n phone dyin y zilch filled out 1/14/2012 jc
1/12/2012 19:40:25 1543591723 1/12/2012 1/12/2012 Scott D. Owens 2817 S. Parkway Ave Battleground WA 98604 4313070425250583 7/12 308 $995 David Steve 3609216112 137676. 3 21 8/10/1964 535845544 530 Pacifi 1/18/2012 client called for Nick 112 sears citi not calling running apps results fri morni nick n y 113 Zilch Received 1/13/12
11/15/2011 14:30:21 declined 11/15/2011 Freddy Walker 3956 Hiborn Circle Edmond OK 73034 4746720501216877 7/13 318 $995 Zack/Mike 405 260 1936 12000 3 24 6/1/1948
10/20/2011 17:51:06 1493787371/cb 11-24-11 10/20/2011 10/20/2011 Lola Ritter 11236 Goose Creek R Bristol VA 24202 5291492329081455 7/13 760 $995 Angela/Mike/nick 276 669 2039 4/9/1943 nick
1516826674 11/29/2011 11/29/2011 Esther Lach 2 Pine St Chicopee MA 01020 5424181023257376 7/13 534 $995 Donnie/Mike/Jason 413 592 2886 12600 2 14 26-16-9567 Jason// 11/29/2011 Capitol one approved 7500 Jason// Jason waiting done done
12/8/2011 15:32:57 1522955768 12/8/2011 12/8/2011 Michael R Prochnow 1234 South St Seward NE 68434 5466410306893931 7/13 601 $1,99 Jessica/Larry/Will 402 641 3880 13 q 16.9-30.9 8/17/1948 506584512 nice gentleman army vet truck 12/8 barclays ctoc appvd $15000( BT done for enire a Will waiting done done
1489325394/REFUND 12-15-11 152744714 10/13/2011 10/13/2011 Becky Gould 36 Wallis #3 Beverly MA 01915 5424180653927712 7/13 287 $1,99 Terry/Steven/Brian 7816086860 14600 3 9/26% 11/1/1978 4924 10/26 called in wanting to spea 12/19 Cust Service was told to Void this transaction th Brian
11/9/2011 12:16:49 1504639909/CB 12-29-11 11/9/2011 11/9/2011 Tony Logan 8230 Orangeburg Rd Maysville KY 41056 4264282865492687 7/13 663 $995 Louis MIke 606-759-7317 6000 2 19 10/28/196 7764 11/9 cap1 pending citi plat sel pending barclays pendin Will
12/31/2012 1536358791 12/31/2011 12/31/2011 Gladys Baird 627 Warren St Bunker KS 67626 5424180393504060 7/13 245 $1,99 Holly Mike 785 483 6928 34000 3 29 8/12/1954 Skeptical at first 12/31/11 running appsgm dec0102 1130 called to call Jason y 0% for 60 y done n n 0311 2550 0002 3122 649 Zilch done 01-02-12 ~CD
1/2/2012 13:34:48 1537327606voided 1/2/2012 1/2/2012 1/2/2012 Vivian Early 2140 Garrison St Walla walla WA 99362 4071100009989934 7/13 257 $1,29 Donnie Mike 509 525 7044 30000 3 18 7/6/1948 Jason n y 1/4/2012 n
1/2/2012 18:13:56 1537458875 1/2/2012 1/2/2012 Steve Huizenga 11351 Michigan Ave Nunica MI 49448 4185506004601261 7/13 570 $1,99 Titus Mike 616 837 7869 11600 5 20 12/21/196 little skeptical but calm now 1/2/12 Still a little nervous when he got to me, but felt a Lori No Chase y y n 0311 2550 0002 3122 704 1/5 zilch done LE
1/6/2012 1540127816 1/6/2012 1/6/2012 Gertrud Eyre 716 fourpeak ave Beachwood NJ 08722 5121072028103776 7/13 721 $395 Nancy Orlando 7328180907 7327730713 3600 2 0.29 9/4/1936 217-34-231 noon 1/5/2012 running apps/// 1/7/2012 GM denied credit sc Jason n sears y y 1/17/12 n Zilch is filled 1/12/12 CQM
1/9/2012 1541577715 1/9/2012 1/9/2012 Eda Sienkiewicz 397 Chain Hill rd. collomia NJ 07067 4800113316365282 7/13 191 $295 Jean steve 732-943-7248 5250 2 18.99 3/26/1944 155888302 anytime 1/9/2012 Barclay Rew Pending, Citi Sim Approved $83 Lori n Y y 0311 2550 0002 3122 792 1/11/12 zilch created LE// Zilch done 01-16-12 ~CD
1/9/2012 dup 1/9/2012 1/9/2012 Michael Dennis dup dup du dup 6011009474112336 7/13 251 $700 Mike mike dup dup du dup dup dup same as above 0311 2550 0002 3122 761 Zilch filled out 1/9/12 CQM// Zilch done 01-10-12 ~CD
11/15/2011 16:35:02 1508099171 11/15/2011 11/15/2011 Phyllis Selby 732 Lower Clubhouse Harpers Ferry WV 25425 4616081101967857 7/14 906 $495 Angela/Mike 304 725 1655 3400 1 15 2/4/1939 8673 11/15/2011 Capital 1-Approved 10,000 0% till feb2013/ wendy
1489291513/cb 11-14-11 10/13/2011 10/13/2011 Moses Jones R.R.5 Box 137 Idabel Ok 74745 4888930097849506 7/14 667 $600 Larry/Steven/Wendy same as above wendy
1477941140/CB 12-12-11 9/23/2011 9/23/2011 jennie m potts 102 s willow grove co st peters mi 63376 4266841183075926 7/14 796 $1,99 amirah/steven/darla 636-939-3428 33k 3 10.5-13.24 1/8/1947 9462
12/16/2011 10:56:43 1528218781 12/15/2011 12/16/2011 Joann Kirby 923 Carsen Ln Jacksonville AL 36265 6011004370176188 7/14 747 $995 Amy/Mike 256 435 6891 6000 1 28 12/17/193 Cap1 approved 8300 Bt requested online Cust aware Brian n y
12/17/2011 14:43:30 1528867835 12/17/2011 12/17/2011 Robert D Graham 1200 Cedarcrest Ct Laurel MT 59044 4408041023828001 7/14 826 $995 CoCo //Norm 4066282122 25000 4 20 10/26/193 4952 Jason// 12/17/2011 client had to go to work norm forgo Jason n need the
1/11/2012 1542880600 1/11/2012 1/11/2012 Susan Trusty 198 11 county RD L Fort Morgan CO 80701 6011009429159044 7/14 145 $995 tonya steven 970-867-6133 9120 5 19 2/11/1958 524-98-474 1/11/2012 called chase freedom had bal transfer offer Jason y 0% bal tran no need same da no ne 0311 2550 0002 3122 770 Zilch done 01-12-12 ~CD
10/20/2011 16:24:50 10/20/2011 10/20/2011 Julie Hoffermullens Wise VA 24293 4266841231256510 7/14/2011 873 $995 donnie/mike 276 328 7069
1/7/2012 1540585675 1/7/2012 1/7/2012 Robin Barbrow PO Box 479 meadow view va 24361 6011004490324841 7/15 446 $695 andrew orlando 2769443234 6448.08 2 19.24 3/10/1968 225-04-010 anytime 1/7/12 GM Declined-Score 695, Barc Rew Approved $ Lori Not yet y y n 0311 2550 0002 3122 769 1/10 zilch created LE
10/19/2011 16:47:46 10/19/2011 10/19/2011 16:47:46 Jose pineda 3500 Bird Ave San Jose CA 95126 4465420392989778 7/15/2011 595 $495 casey/mike 408 977 0568
1/5/2012 18:19:35 1539525585 1/5/2012 1/5/2012 Frank Bailey 618 Main St Osage City KA 66523 6011008932620948 7/16 516 $995 Amy Mike 785 528 4467 7000 1 12 1/27/1930 nice guy 1/6- Cap 1- Approved 7,500 0%mar2013 (BT 700 pay t Wend n y y-left me n Zilch filled out 1-6-12 WH
1/18/2012 1546946100 1/18/2012 1/18/2012 Lela Anderson 2412 oak dr Steilacoom WA 98388 6011009639470819 7/16 528 $5 [5] Alessa steven 253-588-2285 11067.8 2 13 5/16/1936 anytime 1/18-GM-denied credit score 638 (recent opened hom Wend n y 1/20/201 1/18- sent zilch--wh
10/20/2011 14:59:02 1493731660 10/20/2011 10/20/2011 Joanne Palazzo 4002 Cullew Dr Cleveland OH 44105 6011005356693484 7/16/2011 8 $495 Terry/Mike 440 285 2082 7/22/1963 10/20/2011-total cc debt: 4k; 2cards: Citibank Visa- Ap wendy
10/31/2011 12:33:44 1499453073 10/31/2011 10/31/2011 Caroline L. Rahn 117 Penn St. Pennsburg PA 18073 5121079744850667 7/2012 845 $1,99 Titus/Steven 215-679-8609 7637 2 19.99-25.2 2/14/1942 7410 Most anyt Shes retired Daniel 10/31/2011 Daniel// 10/31/2011 Cap One pend; Citi Sim pending, Daniel
11/4/2011 13:43:38 1502138481 11/4/2011 11/4/2011 Sally Ohliger 800 8th st. Granite Falls MN 56241 4190087715291786 7/2012 509 $1,99 Desiree/Steven 320-564-4093 507-828-9798 12500 6 9.99-24.99 9/19/1950 1996 Mornings 11/11/2011client would like a c/ Daniel// 11/4/2011 Cap One App $10000 0% 15mo,Citi Daniel
11/8/2011 17:17:22 11/8/2011 Margaret Claeys 31812 Tanglewood St St. Clair Shore MI 48082 4147202023075524 7/2012 483 $995 StevenD/Steven 586-293-2295 5602.82 1 16 6/17/1930 9566 Afternoon sweet lady got burned b4 dont want to give up full social (11/10/2011 client calle Daniel
11/17/2011 18:46:09 11/17/2011 Lawrence J. Sharlein 615 Violet Court Colgate WI 53017 4623008565106020 7/2012 318 $395 Donnie/Steven duplicate duplicat d d d d d d
11/22/2011 17:07:43 $$$/block 11/22/2011 Doris J. Taylor 52 Caldwell South Munfordville KY 42765 5458002125978199 7/2012 267 $995 Dionna/Steven 270-524-1358 4573 2 19.24-24.9 9/15/1938 400-46-391 Anytime husband just died Daniel// 11/22/2011 Cap One pend Did 3way call w/ba Daniel
11/30/2011 13:05:22 1517361741 11/30/2011 11/30/2011 Carol A. Olson 1345 Willard Lane Carson City NV 89701 4418409199908410 7/2012 831 $1,99 Titus/Steven 775-885-8607 7341 1 21 8/4/1940 mornings great lady//**12/9/2011 client c Daniel// 11/30/2011 Cap One App $3000 Daniel Ret c Daniel
12/15/2011 12:15:55 1527292517 12/15/2011 12/15/2011 Rocky D. Tiegen Sr. 19230 Forest Park dr. Lake Forest Pa WA 98155 5418226659917575 7/2012 418 $595 David/Steven 206-268-0216 5704 4 18-20 6/21/1955 535-60-666 Evenings Great guy, very smart 1215 calling disc then matching offers citi first citi pndn nick y y y 0311 2550 0002 3122 562 Zilch done 12-22-11 ~CD
12/22/2011 18:41:10 1531860268 12/22/2011 12/22/2011 Thelma Banks 745 S. Kilbourn Chicago IL 60624 5424180417789275 7/2012 866 $1,99 Lora Steven 773-638-2907 4802 1 26.99 6/13/1942 324-36-544 Afternoon great lady 12/22- cap 1-pending; Citibank Visa-pending; GM card Wend n y y-left me n 0311 2550 0002 3122 586 Zilch done 12-27-11 ~CD
12/29/2011 14:52:19 1535231212 12/29/2011 12/29/2011 Wayne F. Atfield 3618 Royal Ave Berkley MI 48072 4313071453080033 7/2012 528 $995 Andrew Steven 624-328-0732 6743 3 18.24-22.9 8/9/1954 378-60-834 Evenings great guy jason// 12/29/2011 GM approved $11500 did bal transf jason n client sai n y same da n 0311 2550 0002 3122 657 Zilch Done 01/02/2012 LV
11/17/2011 16:27:58 1509473022/CB 1-3-12 11/17/2011 11/17/2011 Herbert A. Lewis Box 5984 Hwy 510 Goedon KY 41819 4311967087436560 7/2012 627 $1,99 Daniel steven 606-589-4150 14338 2 15-18 1/30/1967 405-06-766 Evenings Great guy own his own body sh 11/17 Pending Cap1 and citi, will move money around Brian
1/2/2012 16:05:46 1537399277 1/2/2012 1/2/2012 Kirsten L. Weyerman 2316 11 Mile Rd. Rockford MI 49341 6011005220598711 7/2012 543 $1,99 PaulM Steven 616-866-2275 616-745-1988 20048 4 18.24-29.9 5/26/1967 384-92-296 Evenings great lady////01/02 JA client call 1/2/12 GM Approved $7500 Trans $4950 to pay off Dis Lori Not yet y 1/4/2012 n 0311 2550 0002 3122 737 Zilch done 01-09-12 ~CD
10/25/2011 1496470688 10/25/2011 10/25/2011 evelyn j gorden po box 311 Dow City IA 51528 5260368690019372 7/2013 641 $1,62 donallsteven nick 7126743719 14 9 20 9/2/1944 5780 1025 did bt from most cards disc at 0 percent still work nick
10/13/2011 1489323504 10/13/2011 10/13/2011 Gerd E Crandall 8571 Gold Peak Unit Highland Ranc CO 80130 4313071353968881 7/2013 934 $995 bobby/norm/john 303-627-1700 16k 2 10.9-15% 12/1/1932 4924 matching offers citi is pending and chase cap1 decline Brian
10/31/2011 1499434914 10/31/2011 10/31/2011 Gerd E Crandall 8571 Gold Peak Unit Highland Ranc CO 80130 4313071353968881 7/2013 934 $195 BobbyB/Steven 303-627-1700 303-484-9673 8516 2 15 12/1/1932 4924 same as above same as above Brian
11/2/2011 17:15:36 1502172735 11/4/2011 11/2/2011 Robert S. Goben 286 Elmwood Dr. Apt Radcliff KY 40160 5424180899850421 7/2014 246 $1,99 lori/Steven 270-352-2669 26000 4 26.99 3/9/1953 5350 Evening Military vet 1102 disc trans baltrans to disc 0%12 mo curent citi ca nick
11/7/2011 13:04:04 1503496474 11/7/2011 11/7/2011 Rodney Snyder 606 8th St. Westbrook MN 56183 4408041011834110 7/2014 621 $1,99 Zach/Steven 507-274-6307 507-822-4041 11517.4 1 13.25 9/3/1933 4714 afternoon Cool guy.//**1/11/2012 client's 11/7/2011- Capitol 1- Approved 7500; Citibank Visa- A wendy 7011 0110 0001 1541 868 Zilch done 11-16-11 CD
11/21/2011 14:50:24 1511988916 11/21/2011 11/21/2011 Pamela S. Whitlark 588 S. Dowling St. Westland MI 48186 5401683096794315 7/2014 640 $595 ?????/Steven/Daniel 734-595-8524 8000 4 20 10/9/1957 373-70-400 late aftern great lady own her own buissne Daniel// 11/21/2011 Citi Sim den, Citi Plat pend, Barc Daniel
1521638989/cb 1-4-12 12/6/2011 12/6/2011 Randy B. Haines 410 Hartman St. S.E. Tumwater WA 98501 4147341013702968 7/2014 015 $995 Desiree Steven/Jason 360-352-9278 5184 2 20-29 2/9/1973 534-11-154 Evenings 12/28 Client called in stating th Jason//12/6/2011 Cap One Pend//12/7/2011 citi plat a Jason waiting done done 0311 2550 0002 3122 509 Zilch done 12-15-11 ~CD
12/29/2011 15:51:39 1535248407 12/29/2011 12/29/2011 Amy Schuelke Box 414 700 n Main Faith SD 57626 6011008373543880 8-12 708 $995 Amy Orlando 6059672345 7320 3 13%---21.9 12/3/1980 504150621 12/29/11 GM Declined, Barc Approved $3500, Citi Plat Lori n-client had t y y n 0311 2550 0002 3122 668 Zilch done 01-02-12 ~CD
12/20/2011 17:10:46 1530641485 12/20/2011 12/20/2011 Arvilla Magee 411 E Jackson St, #9 Attica IN 47918 6011-0055-1650-27 8-2012 548 $1,99 Titus LRP 765-764-4089 12.188. 3 28.99 2/27/2029 cn fixed income 1.200.per mont 12/20 Pending Citi and Barclays, will call Discover to d Brian wed morn y
11/7/2011 16:09:00 1503606855 11/7/2011 11/7/2011 Gail R. Despain 1511 Sundance Circle Garden City KS 67846 4313070479852656 8/12 242 $1,49 Chris/Steven 3045251143 30000 5 12-17.24 1/7/1970 6697 late morni good woman, daycare provider Daniel// 11/7/2011 Client gave the wrong card info TWI Daniel
11/16/2011 17:25:28 11/16/2011 Patricia Pace 519 Tangiihoa Rd Summit MS 39666 5140218021329808 8/12 690 $395 Chris R/Mike 601 249 0229 4200 1 13 12/6/1954 9506 husbands name is wayne
11/17/2011 16:04:44 1509466668 11/17/2011 11/17/2011 Patrica Jones 1723 Underwood Rd Sykesville MD 21784 6011003010683603 8/12 545 $995 Amelia/MIke 410 442 2477 22000 5 25 4/2/1949 2913 12/13 Client called to check on 11/28- Citi Simp-pending id#201111178011970; Cap 1 wendy 7011 0110 0001 1541 837 Zilch done 11-30-11 ~CD
11/22/2011 17:50:00 1513082423 11/22/2011 11/22/2011 Thelma L James 401 Bataan SW Drive Albuquerque NM 87121 4888910011424222 8/12 985 $995 Elijah/Oliver/Daniel 505-836-2879 5800 1 15 6/23/1937 Daniel// 11/22/2011 Cap One App $ 10,000 Daniel Da Daniel
11/28/2011 13:37:27 1516028818 11/28/2011 11/28/2011 Sandra Terry 312 elm St. Platter OK 74753 4888936086673062 8/12 372 $995 Jessica/MIke 580 965 5470 18000 3 18 1/31/1954 1882 Cap1 denied, Citi pending(ref# 2011112888010254) G Brian y 7011 0110 0001 1541 840 Zilch done 11-30-11 ~CD
12/2/2011 12:55:00 1519084085 12/2/2011 12/2/2011 Mary Jane Jackson 103 Longview Court Montgomery AL 36108 4388642084419475 8/12 116 $995 Shawn/Larry/Nick 334-264-1510 5230.91 1 17.9 10/12/194 Nick// 12/2/2011 Citi Pref Shopping Approved $7300 bt Nick y y y yes y
10/31/2011 17:58:56 1499567484/CB 12-5-11-------retrieval 11-1 10/31/2011 10/31/2011 Sharon M Stamp 85104 515.5 Ave Clear Water dul 68726 6011008120495111 8/12 282 $995 Donall/Mike 402 485 2298 7000 4 21 11/24/194 7098 11/14 rec'd CXL request by cert 1031 gm apprvd 115 bt disc and menards during app nick
1/10/2012 1542378936 1/10/2012 1/10/2012 Barbara Schoppe 13954 county Rd c darien WS 53114 5291151937734752 8/12 181 $295 mike jo orlando 262-882-1930 3515.28 2 17-19% 6/7/1941 1/10/2012 applying 1/11/2012 GM Denied, citi diamon Jason n y done 1/1 n 0311 2550 0002 3122 787 Zilch done 01-12-12 ~CD
1543564765 1/12/2012 1/12/2012 Jeremy Vanzee 420 3st NW Watertown SD 57201 4862368153296025 8/12 675 $495 Brandy orlando 605-520-2457 NA 5986 1 14.99 6/5/1980 504-11-907 7pm 1/13/2012 client called for Lori 1/12/12 No-Cap 1-Client has acct already. //1/13/12 R Lori n y y zilch filled out 1/16/2012 jc // Zilch Received 1/16/12
10/19/2011 13:48:10 1493043494 10/19/2011 10/19/2011 kim lister 3 Roantree Dr Quaker Town 18951 6011300240071397 8/12/2011 53 $495 tonya/mike 215 529 9464 2/25/1962 4950
10/20/2011 16:02:33 1493755852 10/20/2011 10/20/2011 Dale Hutchinson (Hutchison) PO Box 413 Angelica NY 14709 5466470302410767 8/12/2011 740 $1,99 Amirah/steven 585-466-1066 5854667221 12/19 rec'd SI. LA// Called Disc Called Discover to lower IR, Discover said no cause B Brian 12/19/2011 2309 3620 0000 1452 996 Zilch done 12-06-11 ~CD
10/25/2011 1496467012 10/25/2011 10/25/2011 Deanna Lonzendorf 7812 clover lake ct cedar hill MO 63016 5424180765115255 8/12/2011 6 $295 ralphael/mike/Daniel 636 285 8945 11000 1 16 9/11/1958 4552 11/01 called in for FA John UA 10/25 pending w/ citi and cap1 -john Daniel//11/2/2011 Daniel
11/2/2011 16:55:36 11/2/2011 Lucy Gilbert 10660 N. East Manor Bainbridget WA 98110 4388576024518964 8/13 271 $1,99 Bobbyb/Mike 206 855 7864 20000 2 14 7/29/1964 6885 11/2 cus didnt want to pay fee, lady was skeptical, look wendy
11/7/2011 14:13:09 1503525968 11/7/2011 11/7/2011 Judy Mettelka 1005 Santa Margarita Fallbrook CA 92028 4264296744525871 8/13 398 $995 Kim/Mike 760-728-5560 17000 2 25 12/7/1939 0486 Daniel// 11/7/2011 Sweet old la Daniel// 11/7/2011 Cap One pend.Citi Sim App $11700 Daniel
11/10/2011 16:32:37 1505374732 11/10/2011 John Jones Po Box 1776 Silverdale WA 98383 5424180679967403 8/13 099 $995 Donall/Mike 360 394 2005 20000 4 23 4/21/1951 2808 Customer gonna talk with wife t 11/9 citi plat sel pending 201111108010323 barclays p
11/19/2011 11:46:56 1510727996 11/19/2011 11/19/2011 5121071890162591 8/13 755 $995 Lori/Norm 19500 2 26 1/26/1929 375263328 12/9 client clld in for FA BW he 11/19 pending w/ citi Cap1 Denied, Chase pendin ///12 Brian
11/22/2011 13:43:16 1512958009 11/22/2011 11/22/2011 Kenneth R Fikel 19 109 County Rd 5-5 Montpelier OH 43543 4444000052064629 8/13 872 $995 Terrance // Norm 419-459-4728 16k 4 13.74 8/17/1953 293549319 11/22- Cap 1- Denied; Citibank MC- pending id# 2011 wendy n y y n
12/6/2011 17:58:58 1521616468 12/6/2011 12/6/2011 Jean Stark 702 W. Mississippi St. Beebe AR 72012 6011006902521385 8/13 434 $495 Donnie/Mike/Jason 501 882 3450 4800 2 29 4/8/1959 12/8/11- called for Jason. advis Jason 12/6/2011 Capital One Pend// 12/7/2011 citi plat Jason waiting done done 0311 2550 0002 3122 523 Zilch done 12-14-11 ~CD
12/12/2011 18:44:01 do not run 12/12/2011 Phillip Wala PO box 3305 Lancaster CA 93586 4147360019679517 8/13 863 $1,49 Steven/Mike 661 943 1429 70000 3 17 4/18/1948 1658 Jason//12/12/2011 client said no to fee was under impr Jason
12/13/2011 18:05:30 1525924765/ 12/13/2011 12/13/2011 Lynnette J Stiles 450 N Shore Dr Fountain City WI. 54629 5121071840765295 8/13 701 $1,99 Kim / Norm 6086873117 64000 12 16 8/1/1942 483522600 12-21-11 rec'd letter from client Pending Cap1, citi and Barclays, denied thru Gm, Cb t Brian y y 0311 2550 0002 3122 517 Zilch done 12-20-11 ~CD
11/3/2011 16:07:00 1501612343/CB 12-28-11 11/3/2011 11/3/2011 Albert Allen 7 Eisenhower Avenue Queensbury NY 12804 5424181084425961 8/13 354 $595 Desiree Norm/Daniel 518-745-8762 8000 4 12.25-24 10/3/1955 2112 Daniel// 11/3/2011 Very straigh Daniel// 11/3/2011 Cap One Plat Den, GM Fam Den, Daniel
12/28/2011 14:15:48 1534631340 12/28/2011 12/28/2011 Margerett Jeffrey 11404 Low St Lamont CA 93241 6011000494508223 8/13 443 $795 Matt Mike 14000 1 17 7/9/1942 sweet lady 12/28/2011 called discover with her her husband was t Jason y y y n 0311 2550 0002 3122 642 Zilch Done 12/30/11 LV
12/15/2011 13:35:56 1527386048/REFUND 1-2-12 1537388009 12/15/2011 12/15/2011 James E. Jokinen 335 Aspen Dr NW Warren Ohi 44483 5407070011104305 8/13 983 $1,99 Elijah Norm 3308478893 18300 2 22 9/9/1938 293304165 12-20-11 AG complaint recieve Jason// 12/15/2011 lost client during transfer no answe Jason no done done
1/6/2012 1540100688 1/6/2012 1/6/2012 Dennis R. Hynek P.O. Box 128/37934 A Bakercity OR 97814 4417125891143624 8/13 853 $495 Mike Jo Chris 5415237040 7089.87 1 17 12/13/194 519-50-792 After 5pm 1/6/12 Citi Diamond Pending (0% 21 mo), Barc Rewar Lori N Chase y y n 0311 2550 0002 3122 750 1/10 zilch created LE// Zilch done 01-11-12 ~CD
1/10/2012 1542380623//cxl ID 1/10/2012 1/10/2012 Brian Brath 960 apple tree LN Brookfield WI 53005 5466322046213694 8/13 849 $995 Donall steve 262-754-9680 6920 3 15-18% 1/4/1968 01/11 JA client called with ban 110 he almost backed out when i tried to call boa . he t nick
1/9/2012 1541622292 1/9/2012 1/9/2012 Lori chinery 324 Iowa CT niagara Carol Stream IL 60188 4305721634142215 8/13 110 $495 donnie Oliver 6303097590 26672 5 20-30% 4/17/1964 109 on phn wi disc while waiting runnin apps ne citi pn nick 28.9 12.9 y 112 filled out117 cqm ZILCH DONE 1-17-12 EW
1/10/2012 1542260667 1/10/2012 1/10/2102 Robert Brouillette 78 MAPLE AVE SHelton CT 06424 4802137109029803 8/13 367 $495 David Steve 2039269125 7550 2 0.17 6/15/1966 047-70-477 1/10/12 applying// 1/11/2012 barclay rewards approve Jason n y 1/13/201 0311 2550 0002 3122 773 Zilch done 01-12-12 ~CD
1/13/2012 15:04:12 1544139869 1/13/2012 1/13/2012 Steven Oakley dup dup du dup 4647055130550861 8/13 366 $695 Vaness Steve dup dup dup du dup 3/23/1970 510-90-374 dup DUP Lori dup dup dup dup Zilch is filled out 1/17/12 CQM
1471250965/cb 11-17-11 9/12/2011 9/12/2011 sharon cuttrell 7708 carabina ct bakersfield ca 93308 4465420393217062 8/14 245 $1,99 terry/norm/mack 661 589 1598 9600 2 13.99 2/13/1956 7541 mack
11/17/2011 14:12:19 cvc mismatched 11/17/2011 Constance L. Hardimon 736 N.E. 38TH St. Oklahoma City OK 73105 5424180180457605 8/14 772 $995 Jill // Norm 405-521-1126 10100 2 24 5/9/1937 445382968 11/17 Cap1 Denied, pending Citi, Gm and Barclays Brian
11/16/2011 17:55:34 1508857903 11/16/2011 11/16/2011 Diana Palm 1810 13th Ave Belle Fourche SD 57717 4465420393176888 8/14 650 $595 Lori/Mike/Daniel 605 723 2088 16500 3 29 4/11/1947 9988 Daniel// 11/16/2011 Very nice l Daniel// 11/16/2011 Citi Sim pend Daniel//11/17/2011 Daniel
12/6/2011 15:54:13 1521570825 12/6/2011 12/6/2011 Renee Molbert 82 Chapel Ln Many LA 71449 6011006653764184 8/14 791 $1,99 Tonya/Mike 318 256 6918 23000 3 12 7/8/1955 calling chase for bt offer 3.99 no fee feb 26 2013 tran Nick y n y
1530619804 12/20/2011 12/20/2011 Judy Diggs 3285 Athcson Holt Rd Mound City MO 64470 6011006080725091 8/14 521 $995 Rapha Mike 660 442 5589 3418 1 29 7/8/1943 497487869 12/20 cust pressed on time ok with fee set appt for tom Will 0311 2550 0002 3122 580 Zilch Done 12/27/11 LV
1531155013 12/21/2011 12/20/2011 Annette Adorno 136 Bionia Ave Staten Island NY 10305 4707888315679635 8/14 830 $795 Tonya Mike 718 216 2299 6700 4 15 4/22/1973 Charge was blocked, 1st time-s 12/21-Cap 1-Denied; Citi Simp-Pending ID#20111221 wendy n y y n 0311 2550 0002 3122 593 Zilch Done
1/3/2012 13:19:16 1538043078 1/3/2012 1/3/2012 Carole Morris 122 State St E. 110 Kirkland WA 98033 5491130354761793 8/14 748 $995 Jill Mike 425 828 6068 11000 2 20 12/31/193 short on time needs to pick up 1/3/12 Client rec'd call from her Vet so she told me to c Lori N-Client in a y y n 0311 2550 0002 3122 706 1/5 zilch done. LE
1/9/2012 1541678131 1/9/2012 1/9/2012 Alfreda Fatum 181 lenox ave uniondale NY 11553 5466320948003510 8/14 $995 cindy L orlando 5164891287 22000 2 0.1224 7/28/1931 128/24/223 after 5pm 1/17/2012 client called to cxl se 1/9/2012 GM Approved $11500 (0% for 12 mo), Barcla Lori N-Bof A y y n 0311 2550 0002 3122 799 Zilch is filled out 1/12/12 CQM// Zilch done 01-16-12 ~CD
1/9/2012 1541685854 1/9/2012 1/9/2012 Marisa Drake po box 707/4626 sand buckingham PA 18912 5121071988396713 8/14 744 $995 paul s steve 215-7943124 8275 6 14-16% 10/13/197 1/9- GM- Approved 7,500 0% 12mnths; Citi MC- Appro Wend n y y 0311 2550 0002 3122 788 Zilch fiilled out 1/11/12 CQM
1/12/2012 1543442959 1/12/2012 1/12/2012 Rita Francis Dup Dup du 89435 4266841108277151 8/14 921 $300 Mike j Oliver 775-240-8363 80k 6 9-1499% 3/14/1954 1/12- GM- denied credit score 643; Citi 24mnth-Pendin Wend n y y DUP
1/12/2012 1543445779 1/12/2012 1/12/2012 William Coltrane 26064 Steele Rd Farmington Hill Mi 48331 5491130308233048 8/14 627 $895 Vaness Mike 248-488-5083 757-432-9131 19140.2 1 0.1904 5/29/1959 228-80-558 1/12/12 GM In review 10-14 days, Barc Rew Pend, Citi Lori n y y 1/16/12 zilch created LE // Zilch Received 1/16/12
11/9/2011 16:57:56 1504774189/CB 1/13/12 11/9/2011 11/9/2011 Richard J.Andrzejewski 4583 Kennel RD N.E. KALKASKA MI 49646 4266841188969909 8/14 945 $795 Robert/ Norm 231-258-4395 231-282-0095 21000 4 16 7/24/1960 12/02/2011client left msg for Wi 11/9 citi plat se appvd $1000 barclays ctoc pending g Will 2309 3620 0000 1452 977 Zilch done 12-01-11 ~CD
1/16/2012 1545745906 1/16/2012 1/16/2012 Claire Davis 1821 5th Ave Apt A10 San Rafel CA 94901 601100330302260 8/14 524 $1,29 Charlie Orlando 4155248003 26348.2 3 13.99-17 2/1/1928 436-38-603 1/16- GM-denied credit score 674; Citi Simp- Pending I Wend n y 1/19/201 1/18-zilch sent--wh
1/18/2012 1546831843 1/18/2012 1/18/2012 James Ohl 4859 S. Edmone Dr Carson City NV 89701 4037840038646590 8/14 017 $1,99 Elijah Steven 7758823488 7757217298 19052.9 3 16.24 11/14/195 530-56-148 8-5pm 1/18/12 Had to call client back. Rates are pretty good Lori n y 1/21/12
1/18/2012 1546954298 1/18/2012 1/18/2012 Patricia Weidler 406 Hathaway Rd Otego NY 13825 4862362285750207 8/14 480 $800 Zoe Oliver 6072635168 6072679669 3468.46 8 18-20 10/19/196 558-11-438 118 she got cap1 to lower rate on acct ending 8119 i nick
10/19/2011 16:50:00 1493111259 10/19/2011 10/19/2011 Lorinda Reichert 7602 26th Street Nort Oakdale MN 55128 4128003999638433 8/14/2011 649 $1,99 David Opal/Steven/Daniel 6517779674 0 4/7/1953 10/19/2011 Cap One Visa Deni Daniel// 11/2/2011 Client cb with new cards but I was o Daniel
10/24/2011 16:55:04 1495875278 10/24/2011 10/24/2011 Katherine Harpenau 17708 Highway 140 Remson IA 51050 4479941319263116 8/14/2011 1 $995 Angela/Mike 712 786 3242 4/14/1971 10/24/2011- Capitol 1- Approved 5,000.00 0% till Jan 2 wendy
10/25/2011 1496491729/RETRIEVAL 1-2-12 10/25/2011 10/25/2011 Carole Rovig 7460 SW Hermosa W Tigard OR 97223 6011009040509627 8/14/2011 400 $695 bradshaw/????/brian 5036205746 15000 2 0-15 9/24/1943 3997 evening 10/26 called in for FA Brian Whi 10/25 apply for 0% offer call cust 10/26 to figure where Brian
1/9/2012 1541584205 1/9/2012 1/9/2012 Derrick Smith 3401 ox fordvally Rd Levittown PA 19057 4060956962660934 8/15 595 $995 Titus Oliver 6098517650 7028 1 14.99 8/19/1970 135-62-511 anytime 1/18/2012 client up-set wanted 1/9- Citi Simp-pending No ID#; GM-denied credit score whit/ni n y y yes ne118 0311 2550 0002 3122 765 Zilch filled out 1/9/12 CQM
1/12/2012 16:39:03 1543540553 1/12/2012 1/12/2012 Chester/Kari Bernhardt 2614 23rd st arkansas KS 67005 6011499407566858 8/16 135 $995 jessica oliver 6204410319 4200 6 6/24/2012 9/13/1960 570391949 anytime 1/13/2012 client called to cxl tra 1/13/12-wm next day cxl, refund requested nick y y 115 Zilch filled out 1-14-12 RM // Zilch Received 1/16/12
10/25/2011 17:31:45 1496474967 10/25/2011 10/25/2011 Colleen Heistand 709 Court St. Dunlap IW 51529 5424180597932703 8/2012 333 $395 Don/Steven 712-643-1053 402-680-0479 8700 2 16.99 5/21/1962 1676 10/27/2011- applied applications- Capitol1- Approved f wendy
10/31/2011 14:44:50 1499513798 10/31/2011 10/31/2011 Cheryl Rowland 7697 Quay St. Arvada CO 80003 6011298631474917 8/2012 974 $1,99 Desiree/Steven 303-421-4185 7760 1 20.99 10/29/196 8559 // 10/31/2011 WH Capitol 1- Pending; Citibank MC- Ap wendy
11/3/2011 11:58:35 1501460229 11/3/2011 11/3/2011 Murray Bingman 324 24th Ave. South Minneapolis MN 55406 4190005590790151 8/2012 726 $1,99 BobbyB/Steven/Daniel 621-721-2742 13661.8 2 19 9/22/1936 3548 Anytime a Daniel// 11/3/2011 Very funny Daniel// 11/3/2011 Cap One App $7500 0% 15mo; Citi Daniel
11/7/2011 14:43:17 1503568351 11/7/2011 11/7/2011 31061 PO Box 173 Webster MA 01570 5491098655110947 8/2012 177 $1,99 Chris/Steven 508-943-7464 774-420-6359 60000 7 11/23/2011 12/30/194 5139 Afternoon dont work (12/27/11-Customers 1107 citi pndng hsbc has no bt offer calling her back o nick y y y n
11/22/2011 16:12:22 1513030601 11/22/2011 11/22/2011 Cynthia Schmitz 1824 Garfield St. Lincoln NE 68502 5466042000133023 8/2012 581 $995 Elijah/Steven 402-438-9925 10552 1 11.99 9/20/1977 507-04-458 cti diamond pref 7300 6700 bt during app still has 5k wendy
11/4/2011 11:32:16 1502080565/CB 12-23-11 11/4/2011 11/4/2011 Freda M. Comstock 200 N. El Camino Rea Oceanside CA 92058 4313070480817573 8/2012 042 $1,99 Marlinda/Steven/Daniel 760-722-2849 20644.0 3 14.99-17 10/7/1927 9388 anytime great lady Daniel// 11/4/2011 e 11/7/2011 Daniel refunded cust. Daniel Daniel
10/25/2011 16:26:43 1496447598 10/25/2011 10/25/2011 (Elly)Eleanor S. Light 2505 Somerville Dr. High Ridge MO 63049 6011298893571673 8/2013 053 $1,99 Shane/Steven/Daniel 636-677-9220 314-607-9490 8769 3 19.24 2/23/1949 489-54-408 Evening Don't let her know about her de 10/25/2011 GM Fam App $11,500 Daniel 10/26/2011 Daniel
11/16/2011 17:34:35 11/16/2011 Leonard B. Reeser 2850 N.W. Hill Rd. No McMinnbille OR 97128 5291497983390498 8/2013 739 $1,99 Angela/Steven 503-472-5231 971-241-1036 19200 7 19-29.40 2/12/1941 541-42-487 Early Afte Great guy handicaped 11/16 customer wanted to do research on our compan Will
11/17/2011 18:41:47 11/17/2011 Lawrence J. Sharlein 615 Violet Court Colgate WI 53017 5410050009022706 8/2013 764 $600 Donnie/Steven 262-628-3921 85211 8 13-27 9/23/1949 6073 Afternoon great guy not want to give ssn Brian
11/9/2011 12:44:40 1508014348 11/15/2011 11/9/2011 David E. Kunkel 3195 Nye Hwy Charlotte MI 48813 5466320621923257 8/2013 546 $995 Robert/Steven 517-543-0713 517-449-8250 58745 3 14.69-23.6 3/3/1948 2931 Mornings Cool guy 11/9/2011- spoke to the cus for about 2 min, he immed wendy 7011 0110 0001 1541 833 Zilch done 11-29-11 ~CD
12/2/2011 12/2/2011 Joan D. Ross 320 Cherry Way Salisbury MD 21804 4408039000311165 8/2013 599 $995 Marlinda/Steven 410-860-1314 3538 2 13.99-19.9 5/11/1938 209-30-385 Mornings/ Was skeptical but i won her ove Daniel// 12/2/2011 Cust had her sister arrive at the hou Daniel
12/6/2011 13:31:32 1521607524 12/6/2011 12/6/2011 Helen L. Payne 5224 Maryland Ave. Little Rock AR 72204 4037840034316230 8/2013 983 $795 Charmarie/Steven/Will 501-663-3119 3212.82 3 12-24.99 F 431-21-942 Mornings Great lady//**client called for Wi 12/6 citi plat sel appvd pending more info ref#2011120 Will not yet yes yes 12/28/2011 2309 3620 0000 1452 593 Zilch done 12-08-11 ~CD
12/9/2011 11:50:03 1523433878 12/9/2011 12/9/2011 Robert J. Cheshire 14503 Robert I Walke Austin TX 78728 5466327133318835 8/2013 689 $1,99 Dionna/Steven/Jason 512-251-7402 16502 2 12 7/6/1933 527-28-025 Anytime was irratable yesterday but i sm Jason//12/9/2011 Citi Plat approved $7300, Citi Simpli Jason waiting for b done done yes 12/28/2011 0311 2550 0002 3122 527 Zilch done 12-13-11 ~CD
12/20/2011 13:30:47 1530527257 12/20/2012 12/20/2011 Marisa Gomez 87 W 10Th St Deer Park NY 11729 4352371716030946 8/2013 443 $295 Lora LRP 631-662-0148 631-940-3056 12.000. 3 22.9 7/8/1972 cm in the travel industry Jason// 12/20/2011 GM approved $4000, Barclay appr Jason n y same da 0311 2550 0002 3122 597 Zilch Done 12/28/11 LV
12/29/2011 16:59:15 decline/cards closed 12/29/2011 Lorraine D. Hecker 718 E. Dayton Ave. Dayton WA 99328 4031132700570712 8/2013 851 $995 Cindy Steven 509-382-4292 4733 5 19-22-27 3/4/1950 516-56-530 Afternoon great older lady Could not charge--all acct#s are closed/maxed
10/25/2011 18:43:00 $$ or block 10/25/2011 Neva L. Hamilton 36823 Auburn Rd SE Aurburn WA 98092 4707887041165448 8/2014 712 $495 Raphael/Mike 253-561-4456 6000 2 14-16% 4/5/1938 10/25/2011 10/25/2011 Citi Sim App$2600 Daniel10/27/2011 Lm f Daniel
10/20/2011 12:49:56 1493728873/retrieval 11-18-11-----PARTIAL 10/20/2011 10/20/2011 PHYLIS TOUNDS 3516 OLD CHATHAN MARTINSVILL VA 24112 6011310199025567 8/2014 660 $250 SHAUNE/OLIVER 2766324151 ( 10/27 client would like Brian t Pending with Citi bank, owes 9-11k at varying rate of 1 Brian
12/8/2011 17:19:11 1523000721 12/8/2011 12/8/2011 Arlean C. Boozer 220 Lookout Dr. Lynchburg VA 24502 4425050006151082 8/2014 053 $295 Jessica/Steven 434-237-1146 5028 2 17.99-25.2 12/2/1936 226-48-304 Afternoon 12-20-11 rec'd signed invoice--- 12/8 citi plat sel appvd $4800 did BT of $3950 (entire a Will cant w/ lende done done yes 12/20/2011 sent Zilch done 12-09-11 ~CD
12/12/2011 17:45:37 1525267679 12/12/2011 12/12/2011 Dianne M. Goede E4388 State Highway Viroqua WI 54665 4428280661189518 8/2014 833 $1,99 Amy/Steven/Jason 608-637-6848 13627 4 10.24-25.2 9/9/1960 391-76-421 Evenings Cool lady, wielder for over 20 yr jason//12/12/2011 cap one pending// did 3 way call wit Jason waiting done done 0311 2550 0002 3122 531 Zilch done 12-13-11 ~CD
12/8/2011 15:40:38 1522952691/REFUND 12-27-11 153386988 12/8/2011 12/8/2011 Elizabeth Beach 1011 Chestnut St. South Charlest W. 25309 6011003510673849 8/2014 399 $1,99 Lori Steven 304-768-7490 4475 2 10.99-13.2 10/7/1928 235-44-992 Anytime Great old lady, be nice.//**12/1 12/8- Cap 1-Approved 10,000 0% till feb2013 (after tha wendy
11/1/2011 16:08:31 11/1/2011 Eleanor H. Spence 4925 S. Huron St. Englewood CO 80110 4465420198862062 8/31/2013 544 $1,99 Jeanine/Steven 303-806-9353 4019.47 2 14.45 9/8/1940 7434 morning Sweet lady a little skepticle
12/31/2011 10:55:30 1536299129 12/31/2011 12/31/2011 Elizabeth Russell 2896 Oil City Rd Wooster Oh 44691 4311967067966560 9-12 993 $1,49 CoCo LRP 3302643089 3304643094 31292 4 9.99-----29. 11/29/195 384606093 in the am recently divorced//**1/2/2012 cli 12/31/11 Client concerned about fee. Explained why it Lori Y y Y y
12/31/2011 14:12:58 1536360170 12/31/2011 12/31/2011 Mark/Pegge Heglund 10510 W Richland Rd Cheney WA 99004 5140218021715295 9-12- 707 $995 Durell LRP 5098382115 5095906990 7009 2 13.24 4/19/1955 519701363 anytime credit score a little over 750 6 12/31/11 GM Approved but is doing a fraud check, Bar Lori N-Chase y Y n 0311 2550 0002 3122 692 ZILCH DONE 01/06/12 LV
10/25/2011 1496430743 10/25/2011 10/25/2011 Raymond Bice 1057 Indiana Ave Fairmont WV 26554 5121075072099422 9/1/2014 474 $995 Chris F/Norm 304-366-2556 24000 3 0.24 9/6/1930 0133 (11/07/2011 client called for a c 10/25/2011-citibank visa- (favorite hobby-sports) Appr 7011 0110 0001 1541 842 Zilch done 11-23-11 ~CD
1461025473/cb 11-22-11 8/24/2011 8/24/2011 Mike Taylor 7536 Donnelly Rd Almond NY 14804 4185571042251347 9/12 862 340 Terry/Steven/Nick nick
1516066759 11/28/2011 11/28/2011 Jacqueline Scott 2409 Sylvan Dr Caldwell ID 83605 5490354877633666 9/12 932 $995 Lori/Mike 208 459 6798 11000 4 13 12/6/1951 7521 11/28 citi plat sel appvd $7300 cap1 appvd $10000 12/ Will 2309 3620 0000 1452 978 Zilch done 12-02-11 ~CD
12/8/2011 15:30:00 1522965268/REFUND 12-12-11 152507732 12/8/2011 12/8/2011 Virginia C. Engstrom 311 Eastern St. apt E New Haven CT 06513 4326280007919498 9/12 123 $495 Casey//Norm 203-467-1037 6000 4 22 2/2/2028 049209975 Taken from week total and nev boa cut up card but can still charge on it over tv cause nick
11/29/2011 16:13:05 1517504547/CB 12-16-11 11/30/2011 11/29/2011 Windi Storey HC 60 box 2025 Haworth OK 74740 5424180633382327 9/12 799 $1,99 Cindy/Mike 580 245 3038 16000 4 9.99 2/26/1976 9964 11/30/2011 client left msg to sp on phn activating citi card she is not prim cardholder c nick
1487681180/CB 12-22-11 10/10/2011 10/10/2011 Barbara Sanderson real name is Sa 1956 9 Maddox rd Elatskanie OR 97016 4037840021900525 9/12 394 $1,99 david O/Steven/Brian 5037284546 20k 2 24-25 5/5/1931 5482 Richard is the son, handles eve 10/10 Pending w/ citi,Chase, barclays, and Gm, Cap1 brian
12/20/2011 16:22:03 hung up @ removing block 12/20/2001 Wayne Brooks 3768 E.M AND M HIG Hume Mo 64752 5467020005893766 9/12 766 $995 Donnie //Norm/Jason 6606437480 11885 1 15 9/27/1957 500661072 12/20/2011 GM approved $7500// was block when call Jason
12/21/2011 12:43:16 1531094184 12/21/2011 12/21/2011 Rose Galoff 305 N. 41 St. Milwaukee WI 53208 6011007040434184 9/12 343 $1,99 Titus Mike 414 342 2890 16000 7 20 5/17/1935 sweet lady//**12/23/2011 client 12/21- Citi Simp- Approved 8,300 0% for 21mnths (aft wendy n y y y
12/28/2011 12:35:22 1534564083 12/28/2011 12/28/2011 Darrell Sharp 28 Smmit Ridge Cir S Cartersville GA 30120 5466160000697472 9/12 550 $995 Donnie LRP 770-382-1753 770-655-2793 14000 3 0.1399 6/3/1964 255062885 in the a.m does not know credit score ---w 12/28 Pending Citi and Barclays 1/5/12 called the cus Lori n y y Zilch Received 1/13/12
19/2012 1541700510 1/9/2012 1/9/2012 George Mc'mahon JR 17 grant ave Albany NY 12206 4397074000166684 9/12 109 $1,99 kolton oliver 518-482-0145 4295.68 2 13-18% 2/9/1936 547-46-160 after 2pm 1/10- cap 1-pending; GM-denied credit score 704; Citi Wend n y y DUP ZILCH DONE LV 01/16/12
1/10/2012 1542218227 1/10/2012 1/10/2012 Nancy Lowman 6006 w cedar st Fennville Mi 49408 4313070478928937 9/12 786 $1,99 durell Orlando 269-561-2880 16761.4 1 0.24 7/22/1940 375-38-270 4pm 1/10- GM- Approved 11,500 (requested 11,000 pay to Wend n y y 0311 2550 0002 3122 782 zilch done 1/13/12 lv
1/12/2012 153440970 1/12/2012 1/12/2012 Rita D. Francis P.O. Box 50143 /220 Sparks NV 89435 4037695589002001 9/12 668 $600 Mike J Oliver 775-2408363 27246.6 3 9-14.99 anytime 1/12- GM- denied credit score 643; Citi 24mnth-Pendin Wend n y y Zilch Received 1/13/12
1/17/2012 1546345376 1/17/2012 1/17/2012 Patsy Garrett po box 432 cawood KY 40815 4305873960410615 9/12 217 $995 CHARM ORLANDO 606/573-9525 4616.53 1 18.24 02/08/194 288-46-177 1/17/2012 applying citi plat sel pend ID# 20120117800 Jason n y 1/18/2012 zilch created jc
10/19/2011 12:29:34 10/19/2011 10/19/2011 12:29:34 Ruth Taylor 3228 Spencer Dr Geneva OH 44041 4397078000522192 9/12/2011
10/24/2011 13:11:09 1495828819 10/24/2011 10/24/2011 Kathleen Mcdonald 22805 overlake st stclair shores MI 48080 4147202042872752 9/12/2011 312 $995 jason/norm 586-779-0112 12/20/194 10/24/2011-Citi Visa- Approved 4800.00; Capitol 1-pen wendy
1442140340/CB 11-3-11 7/21/2011 7/21/2011 Glen Anderson 1630 East Elm Ave Coeur d'Alene ID 83814 5424180776497858 9/13 411 $995 Richard/Mike 208 665 7696 13000 3 14.9 7/24/1953 6874 live transf 10/31/11 rec'd FAX of complain citi lowerd 2%,barclay apprvd 4500.00 bt later mack
11/16/2011 14:13:55 $$ or block/again 11/16/2011 Gina Ryan 8430 Maryland Rd Pasadena MD 21122 5121075268000002 9/13 010 $1,24 Kim.J/MIke 410 439 3983 6500 3 19 11/20/198 6176 11/16 Pending cap1, citi, and GM Brian
11/23/2011 16:51:00 1513657726 11/23/2011 11/23/2011 George L Martin 1832 S Green Cleveland OH 44121 5466042007589243 9/13 028 $395 Cris R/Larry/Daniel 216-291-9720 3900 1 13 9/5/1935 Daniel// 11/23/2011 Cap One pend , Citi Plat pend, Ba Daniel
11/29/2011 14:14:13 1516726046/VOIDED 11-29-11 11/29/2011 11/29/2011 Keith P. Degrand 2809 Candler Run S. Marietta GA 30064 4301542002674942 9/13 752 $1,99 Casey/Steven 770-439-6308 770-309-6065 30000 4 11.99-27.1 8/11/1964 393-82-964 Afternoon wife handles bills but this is her Daniel// 11/29/2011 Citi Sim pend Daniel// 11/29/2011 Daniel
12/1/2011 15:39:56 1518456715 12/1/2011 12/1/2011 Ann D. Willenbring 4416 19TH AVE Kenosha Wi 53140 6011007290194892 9/13 721 $995 Cristoval/Norm 262-6547362 12086 1 13 8/22/1955 397628857 has son putting thru college 12/1 citi plat sel appvd $7300 (did BT of $6700 from di Will yes discover cap1 citi yes 2309 3620 0000 1452 591 Zilch done 12-08-11 ~CD
12/5/2011 15:18:19 1520872544 12/5/2011 12/5/2011 Eric Mack 11 Liberty St. Camden NY 13316 4868960001987104 9/13 909 $695 Titus/Mike/Jason 315 245 5780 6700 1 14 9/3/1956 Jason// 12/5/2011 Capital One Pending, Citi Plat Appr Jason waiting done done 2309 3620 0000 1452 582 Zilch done 12-09-11 ~CD
12/9/2011 1523573099 12/9/2011 12/9/2011 Ruth Massy 517 E. 6th Ave Hellena MT 59601 4465421031795196 9/13 875 $695 Jill/Mike 406 443 5745 3200 3 19 12/9/1934 Citi approved 8300 Check req online Waiting for new c Brian Y yes yes
12/20/2011 18:28:14 1530669802 12/20/2011 12/20/2011 Edward H Hines 1650 Pennell Rd Albion Mi 49224 4264285193526613 9/13 943 $995 Amy Norm 5176294212 15924 1 29 9/4/2027 370262670 accidentally ranfor 1995 I refun 1220 citi 1k on phn wi boa did not reduce dmp wi step nick y citi1k y n 1/9/2012 0311 2550 0002 3122 599 Zilch done 12-28-11 ~CD
12/28/2011 18:32:28 1534739926 12/28/2011 12/28/2011 Brenda/Duane Straw P O Box 251 Hill City SD 57745 4266859998234421 9/13 197 $995 Kim LRP 6055742632 24386 1 21.24 5/11/1958 504722991 cm wife hung up on lrp orlando 12/28/11 GM Denied, Barc Denied, Citi Plat Pending, Lori No. Chase y y n 0311 2550 0002 3122 630 Zilch Done 12/30/11 LV
12/29/2011 17:00:49 1535274610 12/29/2011 12/29/2011 Rian Stiel 609 N 16th St Billings Mt 59101 4246315160966840 9/13 744 $1,99 Cgavaz LRP 4062450735 13300 3 0.2599 8/6/1972 516885477 anytime jason// 12/29/30 GM approved $ 4000 did bal trans of Jason n client want y 1/2/2012 n 0311 2550 0002 3122 682 Zilch done 01-04-12 ~CD
1520985385/cb 1-2-12 12/5/2011 12/5/2011 Marie T Hansen 1112 Ivy St Bloomer WI 54724 4623028566777660 9/13 958 $995 DAniel Mike 715 568 5909 15800 1 17 8/18/1951 Daniel// 12/5/2011 Cap One pend Daniel Daniel// 12/ Daniel
1488226653/CB 1/16/12 10/11/2011 10/11/2011 James Stibers 134 Circle Dr. Springville IA 52336 4185863128542511 9/13 125 $595 Boby/Norm/Brian 3198547137 3195587857 12000 4 0-18 2/24/1970 4429 Citi approved 2000 Cap1 denied, Gm Denied CS 691 Brian
1/17/2012 1546323106 1/17/2012 1/17/2012 Roger D. Wright Dup Dup KY 40744 5291491924109661 9/13 376 $795 Donall Orlando Dup Dup Dup D sup dup dup dup 1/17-GM-Denied--credit score 675; Citi Diamond-Pend Wend n y ZILCH DONE LV 1/18/2012
10/20/2011 12:34:28 1493624626 10/20/2011 10/20/2011 Louella L. Smith 827 Seminole dr. Suffolk Vir 23434 4428135110326543 9/13/2011 583 $1,99 Tonya/Steven 757-539-8805 Pending w/ Citi and Cap1. after Pending w/ Citi and Cap1. after BT completed, call vis BRian not needed yes yes
10/24/2011 14:56:36 1495830640 10/24/2011 10/24/2011 Melissa L Raybuck 2424 Gazebo Dr Morrisville NC 27560 4479951604043875 9/13/2011 244 $900 Robert/Steven 9194623576 10/10/197 10/27 called in for FA Wendy U 10/24/2011- Citibank Visa (favorite hobby-shopping) A wendy
10/24/2011 17:48:56 1495884995/CB 12-19-11 10/24/2011 10/24/2011 Warren M. Fuller 4347 Wentworth Ave. Mpls MN 55409 4465420104694013 9/13/2011 314 $1,99 Don/Steven 612-722-9203 10/24 Applied to Cap1 Denied, apply on teus for other Brian
11/8/2011 15:02:51 1504172241 11/8/2011 11/8/2011 Nancy Hircock 821 Fairfield Street Ansley NE 68814 4428278852053642 9/14 421 $495 Zack/Mike/Daniel 505-632-2955 22000 3 22 4/13/1939 1983 0 Daniel 11/8/2011 very sweet ol Daniel// 11/8/2011 Cap One Den, Citi Sim pend, GM Daniel
11/10/2011 13:35:03 1505295700 11/10/2011 11/10/2011 Donald D. Chuinard 121 West St. St. Helens OR 97051 6011009160209644 9/14 481 $1,99 Angela/Steven 503-397-6843 503-369-4204 14000 2 19.24-21-2 11/9/1961 9458 Morning- Great guy12/19/2011 client call 1110disc lwr from 19.24 to 15.24 on fut purch matchin nick
3625 1492374170/refund 11-17-11 1509425699 10/18/2011 10/18/2011 Barbara Gomez 6521 Ramblewood Dri san jose ca 95120 5201180208860219 9/14 804 $495 Steven Davis/Mike/Daniel 4089270993 20k 5 21-29% 6/30/1938 4295 Divorced, adopted daughters s 10/18/2011 10/24/2011 Cap One Plat Den, GM Fam D Daniel
11/19/2011 $ or block 11/19/2011 Tanya K Bussa P.O. Box 353 Artesia NM 88211 5178059258691121 9/14 131 $995 Louis/Oliver 5757466701 6700 2 0.179 7/22/1953 449027685 11/19/2011- Citibank MC-pending no id#; still app...we wendy
11/21/2011 17:37:48 1512063336 11/21/2011 11/21/2011 Wilma Hart 12819 Highway 110 Shirley AR 72153 6011008975301166 9/14 570 $140 Bobbyb/Mike/Daniel 501 723 5107 9500 3 29 7/25/1934 ----was put in wayne's lee save Daniel// 11/21/2011 Citi Plat App $2000, Citi Plat MC p Daniel
11/23/2011 14:08:44 1513620834 11/23/2011 11/23/2011 Diane Thompson 4320 Erie Ave. Apt. 1 Cincinnati OH 45227 5148631001670664 9/14 565 $995 Amelia // Norm 513 527 4122 4300 4 19 5/27/1946 12-19-11 rec'd attorney general citi apprvd 2k check in mail for 1900 nick cap 1 pndn n nick
11/28/2011 17:18:11 1516119193 11/28/2011 11/28/2011 Karen Theiling 9 Pine Edge Way Hatfield MA 01038 5466160170789653 9/14 344 $995 Casey/Norm/Daniel 413-247-6742 11400 2 12 5/19/1958 7658 Daniel// 11/28/2011 Therapist-s Daniel// 11/28/2011 Cap One App $ 10000 GM App $ Daniel
Ol 1516824851 11/29/2011 11/29/2011 Wallace D. Key 102 Luis Lane Eufaula AL. 36027 5416574925310451 9/14 103 $995 Terrance/ Norm 334-687-8861 334-695-4677 4372 1 20 11/30/196 252133868 12/21/2011 client called for Bria 11/29 Cap1 denied, Citi is pending, Chase is pending// Brian Y Y Y N 2309 3620 0000 1452 988
1489253744/CB 12-7-11----retrieval 11-14-1 10/13/2011 10/13/2011 Jerry McCurry Po Box 54 Wapanuka OK 73461 6011007178129689 9/14 395 $695 Amirah/Oliver/Brian 5809374534 4/28/1946 5600 10/14 called in for FA Brian Whi 10/31 Have one week to apply of issuing a reffund, un brian
12/6/2011 18:53:03 1521633478 12/6/2011 12/6/2011 Robert Harris 2922 Jackson Five Bradford AR 72020 5520300083757785 9/14 325 $995 Lori/Mike/Jason 501 593 1696 11500 3 23 3/27/1937 12/9/2011 client called for JC tr Jason//12/6/2011 Capital One Pend//12/7/2011 citi plat Jason waitng done done
12/15/2011 14:27:46 1527426691 12/15/2011 12/15/2011 Julianne Neider 5600 Apt G Avonshire Fredrick MD 21703 6011003539389674 9/14 486 $1,99 Jessica/MIke 301 663 1865 9200 1 25 11/20/194 1215 gonna call disc and reduce from 24 .24 to 21.24o nick y y ylvm 0311 2550 0002 3122 550 Zilch done 12-22-11 ~CD
12/30/2011 12:44:45 1535774478 12/30/2011 12/30/2011 Shirley A Carpenter 527 E 9TH st. Concordia KS 66901 4264296760675956 9/14 914 $995 Donnie LRP 7852433053 7852435390 7221 3 0.1299 1/19/1937 481424097 1/3/2012 client needs an up dat 12/30 Pending Barclays and Citi, Cap1 denied// 1/3/20 Brian N y n 0311 2550 0002 3122 712 ZILCH DONE 01/05/12 LV
1/10/2012 1542188588 1/10/2012 1/10/2012 Amos Hochstetler 4580 w 1050 N Milford IN 46542 4046730101214450 9/14 399 $995 steven steven 574-658-3392 574-453-0836 4560 4 9-21% 1/25/1944 1/10/12 Steven asked me to call client back @ 3 Az ti Lori N Y 1/17/201 1/16/11 zilch created LE
1/10/2012 1542342987 1/10/2012 1/10/2012 Marcelino Nava 516 main st yuva city CA 95991 5157350002486982 9/14 090 $1,99 mike J steve 530-755-2324 12679 3 0.21 7/17/1955 503-04-986 1/10/12 applying// citi plat approved $7300 requested c Jason n y done sa n 0311 2550 0002 3122 751 ZILCH DONE 01/11/12 LV
1/11/2012 1542994478 1/11/2012 1/11/2012 Garnett/Beverely R. Tackett po box 82 jonancy ky 41538 5291499645861346 9/14 017 $995 charma mike 6066398815 3918.5 3 22 9/10/1944 1/11/12 Ran Apps under Garnett: GM Pending, Barc R Lori n y y 1/17/12 zilch created LE
1/18/2012 1546913174 1/18/2012 1/18/2012 Timothy Law dup dup du dup 5178052652406048 9/14 883 $495 Jessica Oliver dup dup dup dup dup dup duulicate Jason
10/19/2011 17:16:02 1493110668 10/19/2011 10/19/2011 Tammy I Leiting 181 North Division Arcadia IA 51430 5437030705832185 9/14/2011 87 $1,99 Bobby T/Oliver 7126892386 7122106286 12/1/1971 10/19/2011 Capitol 1-Approved 7500.00 0% till Jan201 wendy
10/25/2011 1496433427 10/25/2011 10/25/2011 Gena Trosclair 13300 Morris Rd #181 Seader Hill MO 63016 4325224200029334 9/14/2011 777 $995 Steven Davis/Norm/Brian 4044314764 12000 3 15-22 3/1931963 6390 11/10/2011 client left msg for B 10/25 Cust owed 8850 to rbc bank@15.24% and 2750 Brian
1/10/2012 1542224074 1/10/2012 1/10/2012 Diane/Clifford Martin 7733 E. Independenc Attica IN 47918 6011008866732057 9/15 672 $995 Donall Mike 7657640010 7655852038 3729 2 25 3/16/1969 3049-90-51 anytime 1/10/12 Applying-Client not willing to give information o Lorin y y 1/12/12 zilch created LE
1/13/2012 11:34:27 1544015286 1/13/2012 1/13/2012 Sonya Daetwiler 1641 Timberline Dr Rose Hill KS 67133 6011008724276040 9/15 899 $595 Forrest Forrest 3167769519 3165191140 15k 2 15.98 8/2/1974 511768750 Mornings n y Zilch Received 1/13/12----zilch filled out 1/13/2012 jc
12/1/2011 14:25:14 12/1/2011 Charles L. Hayes 2000 Washington Ave Racine WI 53403 5495060198367224 9/2011 922 $995 Titus/Steven 262-633-5421 6143 5 22-23 7/30/1942 399-36-862 Anytime Super star jazz player 12/1 customer stated what he heard from people befor Will
12/10/2011 14:17:09 Still Decline address and zip mismath 12/10/2011 Judith Ohara Marini 92 Irving Ave Floral Park NY 11001 5401128420059225 9/2012 577 $1,99 Paige/Steven 516-328-7916 21643 4 20-24 12/18/195 085-46-385 Evenings greatest lady in NY hands dow Pending W/ Citi and Cap1. Tried to call back to get cor Brian
12/16/2011 11:24:08 1528228346 12/16/2011 12/16/2011 Paula F. Ferencz 116 Sunset Dr. Burnham PA 17009 5491047420453470 9/2012 054 $495 Nancy/Steven 717-437-5546 4556 1 13.99 1/15/1956 194-46-820 Mornings smart lady, had alot of question 12/15 citi plat sel appvd $7300 did BT during app proc Will no chase yes yes yes 0311 2550 0002 3122 567 Zilch done 12-30-11 ~CD
10/26/2011 13:01:57 1496981313 Wayne 10/26/2011 10/26/2011 Irene S. Douglass 5332 Boise St. S.E. Turner OR 97392 5121071940004546 9/2013 978 $995 Angela/Steven 503-743-4328 6000 2 25 4/6/1924 2685 Mornings Talk slow, hard to hear. Daniel 10/26/2011 Cap One Plat App $500 Daniel 10/26/201 Daniel
11/9/2011 12:47:15 1508017634 11/15/2011 11/9/2011 David E. Kunkel duplicate duplicate du duplic 6011005480266736 9/2013 678 $1,00 Robert/Steven duplicate duplicate duplicat du duplicate duplicate duplicate duplicate same as above wendy same as above same as above
11/29/2011 16:56:10 1516795061 11/29/2011 11/29/2011 Wanda J. Trease 51630 861 Rd. Orchard NE 68502 4418118570499036 9/2013 220 $1,99 Titus/Steven 402-893-3491 8831.8 1 29.99 10/10/193 461-56-779 Anytime great lady she has a disc acct wi no bal checking cred line 12700 nick
12/16/2011 12:43:26 1528272306 WAYNE 12/16/2011 12/16/2011 Judy R. McMillan 20 East 3rd. P.O. Box Willowcreek MT 59760 5522340004300792 9/2013 020 $1,99 Dionna/Steven 406-285-6987 15379 3 12/15/2011 5/5/1942 529-56-478 Afternoon great lady, loves the service//** Pending Barclays and Citi, GM denied(already has on Brian n y 0311 2550 0002 3122 606 Zilch Done 12/28/11 LV
12/20/2011 16:13:29 1530621399 12/20/2011 12/20/2011 Janet L. Hester 707 E. Sycamore St. Kokomo Indi 46901 5480420026393569 9/2013 483 $995 Lora Steven 765-452-3845 18800 4 9.9-17.9 11/1/1959 316-70-289 Afternoon Great ppl been scamed b4, she 12/20/11 GM Denied Score 677, Barc Denied, Citi Sim Lori n y y n n 0311 2550 0002 3122 588 Zilch done 12-27-11 ~CD
12/21/2011 16:36:38 1531225134 12/21/2011 12/21/2011 Beverly D. Allen 201 Broadway Ave. Gilman MO 64642 4305721488723581 9/2013 895 $995 Nancy Steven 660-876-5732 4749 1 14.9 8/12/1960 495-70-806 Evenings great lady//**1/10/2012 client c Jason//12/21/2011 citi plat select approved $7300 did Jason n citi plat s done 12/ 0311 2550 0002 3122 625 Zilch done 12-28-11 ~CD
12/21/2011 17:10:06 1531246829 12/21/2011 12/21/2011 Betty L. Guerin 8938 Rickwood Dr. Baton Rouge LA 70810 4019830000145236 9/2013 109 $495 Paul Steven 225-769-2532 225-252-2395 13513 3 9-29.99 10/12/194 433-74-912 Evenings 12/21/2011 Cap 1-denied; Citivisa-pending; barclays g wendy n y y n 0311 2550 0002 3122 587 Zilch done 12-27-11 ~CD
11/1/2011 12:58:00 1500251712 11/1/2011 11/1/2011 Scott Hall 19 Spruce Dr. Farmington NH 03835 4839505906790958 9/2014 719 $995 Casey/Steven 603-973-6169 12000 3 14.24 4/24/1985 7264 In mornin Young guy mom helps him // 1 // 11/1/2011 wh Citibank Visa-pending; Capitol 1- deni wendy
11/21/2011 19:31:11 1512099482 11/21/0201 11/21/2011 Georgia N. Weigl 1721 S. Abilene Portales NM 88130 5291492546136777 9/2014 935 $995 Kim/Steven 575-356-4835 13466 2 12/14/2011 2/4/1939 525-86-924 late aftern ok i guess // 11/30/11- gave ms 11/21 Gm and Cap1 denied, 12/06 Re sub Citi (ref# 20 Brian
12/17/2011 10:14:46 1528760625 12/17/2011 12/17/2011 Patricia A. Hewitt 838 Carlisle Rd. Batavia IL 60510 5121071944289887 9/2014 143 $1,99 Raphael/Steven/Jason 630-879-9204 9625 2 18-? 8/23/1937 350-30-052 Anytime Husband dead, son dead, other Jason// 12/17/2011 GM Approved$3600, Barclays Pen Jason not yet yes yes 0311 2550 0002 3122 654 Zilch Done 1/2/12 ~ KG
12/23/2011 15:11:04 1532358143 12/23/2011 12/23/2011 Linda B. Mize 6106 Mainview Dr. Missoula MT 59803 5121071990022067 9/2014 519 $1,99 Elijah Steven 406-251-9768 406-274-8732 8877 2 18.24-19.4 3/18/1969 538-96-375 Noonish great lady 12/23/2011 GM denied, Barclay c to c approved $3500 Jason n y y n 0311 2550 0002 3122 602 Zilch done 12/28/11 ~PB
12/30/2011 12:45:02 1535775489 12/30/2011 12/30/2011 David G. Gaus 1029 Oak Tree Dr. Lawrence KS 66049 6011008936573085 9/2014 465 $395 Cris R Steven 785-832-1515 785-979-0838 15000 2 9.24-18.99 3/23/1983 071-68-703 Evenings Great guy works in the medical Jason// 12/30/2011 called discover they lowered the in Jason y y yes n 0311 2550 0002 3122 647 Zilch Done 1/2/12 ~PB
1/3/2012 14:54:46 1538137341 1/3/2012 1/3/2012 Beverly J. Chapman 3307 Sequoia Lake Tr Pearland TX 77581 4264291233030962 9/2014 406 $600 Irma Steven 281-485-0822 32400 4 15.99-19.9 1/13/1932 458-52-713 Anytime d great older lady, husband just d 103 on phn wi boa ne they are calling her wi out me o nick y Zilch Received 1/13/12



Line 529 Karren Joh 1496481284 10/25

sam Approval Date Processed Date Sold Name Address CITY Sta Zip Card# Exp Date CV Price Opene Closer Phone Number 2nd Number Amount N Interest Ra DOB SSN Available Customer Service Notes FA Notes FA Bank Conta Applicati Call Bac If NO Service Co Received In Zilch Tracking Number Zilch Notes






$0 0 $0
sam Approval Date Processed Date Sold Name Address CITY Sta Zip Card# Exp Date CV Price Opene Closer Phone Number 2nd Number Amount N Interest Ra DOB SSN Available Customer Service Notes FA Notes FA Bank Conta Applicati Call Bac If NO Service Co Received In Zilch Tracking Number Zilch Notes


12/6/2011 13:31:00 1521615950 12/6/2011 12/6/2011 carmen e alley 1812 gatewood dr las vegas nv 89108 4800113228479122 $1,99 lora/Larry 702-648-2869 702-279-6396 12k 5 12/14/2011 5/4/1957 530647036 on phn wi chase doing bt from wells fargo amount 338 nick y n yes y




$0 -$20,315

$0 0 $0
sam Approval Date Processed Date Sold Name Address CITY Sta Zip Card# Exp Date CV Price Opene Closer Phone Number 2nd Number Amount N Interest Ra DOB SSN Available Customer Service Notes FA Notes FA Bank Conta Applicati Call Bac If NO Service Co Received In Zilch Tracking Number Zilch Notes

$0 13855 -$13,855

1/2/2012 17:12:34 1537436419 1/2/2012 1/2/2012 Kathy E. Merz 3837 Merz Ln Granite IL 62040 5178052504041191 $1,99 Amber Mike 618 931 1431 11600 1 15 6/13/1949 325-46-0116 1/9/2012 client called for Jason Jason// 1/2/2012 GM approved $11500 did bal transfer Jason no to close t y same da n 0311 2550 0002 3122 720 Zilch Received and Done 1/4/12 ~PB

1/3/2012 1578041946 1/3/2012 1/3/2012 Alice Hooker 1445 Upper Hill Rd. Middlesex NY 14507 4640182052615857 029 $250 Katon Oliver 585-729-3696 4900 2 14 3/17/1941 086-34-589 afternoon 1/17/2012 client called for Lori 1/3/12 GM Approved (0% for 12 mo) $4000 BT from C Lori N Chase y y n y 0311 2550 0002 3122 726 Zilch Done 1/9/12 KG

$2,24 0 $2,245

1/10/2012 1542227143 1/10/2012 1/10/2012 Valerie/Mathew Barney 5575 poohs path Garden Valley CA 95633 6011000910809742 441 $1,99 Amber Steve 5306264995 73148.6 4 29.99 11/23/195 556-96-9771 1/10/12 Talked w/ Valerie who is Matthews mom. She Lori 1/13/2012 y y 1/13/12 zilch created LE

1 & 2 week follow If NO: 2 week
Bank Contact: Y Applications: Y or 3 day follow up up call to let the Service Received
Processed Date Sold Name Address City State Zip Credit Card Exp Date CVC Price Open Closer Phone Number 2nd Number Amount o No. of Car Interest R DOB SSN good time to c Customer Notes FA Notes FA or N N DATE client know followup to complete Completed?? Invoice? Zilch Tracking Number USPS Zilch Notes (carlos)
everything is done
Would not speak to neg . 3/14/2011 Linda Wilson 59 Rainbow Park Ransomville NY 14131 5424181011205064 4/1/2012 747 $995 Tim/Joe 716-791-3401 20k 2 18@23.9 6193
this amount has been added to the amount on Lee's New doc for this week
3/14/2011 Wanda Bunton 68 N Parade Ave Buffalo NY 14211 5410658433174503 12/1/2011 $995 Tim/Chris 716-893-3057 19k 2 0.29 7176 03/17 12:30 pm est called N/A LVM wn

3/17/2011 Geno Paul 4003447008613962 $995 Bruce/Chris 918-660-8966 20k 2/3/2011 13-19 5075 Business owner know it all type

3/17/2011 Newman GA 30236 5490332012841972 8/11/2011 679 $695 omar/chris 770-253-6876 4599 2 0.19 11/5/1938 9835 Nice woman, Had a company doing this charge her card after she told them no. She got h this lady stated she told you she did nt want another charge on here card and she would not speak to us anymore until she spoke with her kids

Estelle Holtman 1309 NW 24th Ave Battle Ground WA 98604 5121071774311108 10/1/2012 879 $995 omar/chris 360-687-2330 15000 5 5/24/1935 7613 This was live transferred to you Sent you decline email, Not looking good, already has lower rates

3/29/2011 Doris Holloway 130 E Park St. apt B Buford GA 30518 4313512112253487 1/1/2013 755 $495 770-904-6416 7000 1 0.19 9/20/1940 9509 3/30/2011 1:00: nice lady just wants to pay off debt and lower payments oly has $600 available on card BOA not willing to work with client because she is so close to the lit and already has a 14.24. Denied citi and GM. This may be a good DMP client

3/30/2011 Charles Combs 3547 Maddox Ln. Lexington KY 40511 6011361073623076 12/1/2012 307 $795 tim/chris 859-940-8379 ce 859-245-2089 5000 2 0.18 9/1/1952 400-76-89 MMN:potter nice guy wife has the other card, he is calling to get #s he said to call him on cell, the cvv forgot to inform us of the recent truck purchase and refi on his house. He was approved for $800 not enough to meet savings

3/24/2011 Doris M clegg lucin henrietta OK 74437 4705000245221007 9/1/2012 158 $795 tim/chris 918-652-4322 8500 3 12.9 7/30/1932 5253 set app. 3:00 she called bank got down to 3.9%

4/5/2011 Barbara James 113 Depot rd Canterbury CT 06331 6011001449415779 4/1/2012 368 $695 tim/chris 860-546-9268 10000 4 12.9 10/14/194 3376 4/5/2011 Her husband passed away did not want to do this i told her she has nothing to lose and if i I just spent 15 nutes trying to convince her not to cxl, she is stuck on selling her house and paying off the accounts

158 its going to decline 4/15/2011 ester young 5412 conroy ft worth tx 76134 4888-9361-7430-29 7/13/2011 930 $395 gina-chriss 817-568-0222 4468 1 17 4/9/1942 9030 sold sold boa hardship lowerd payment 20.00 for life time of acct

4/13/2011 cheal Graziano Everest dr bedford Tx 03005 4888936045050881 11/1/2011 157 $895 ron/chris 817-858-9333 8-10000 2/3/2011 16 11/18/194 3591 mon. 4/18 after wanted call on saturday if cant call mon. after 2:30 az timedefinately need to show savings custmer says put on hold at this time ,then hung up on me

Changed nd never negotiated 4/15/2011 Louise Bognanno 734 e 5th st boston Mass. 02127 5466321154695312 2/1/2013 763 $695 ke/chris 617 268 6004 25000 2 10/13/201 5/19/1946 9154 mon. 11:00 az t she is maxed on both cards qualifying card has $774 available is worried about fee putting no go changed her nd larry mack

could not help 4/26/2011 Richard Downey 91 huntington court williamsville NY 14221 4408041022302677 9/1/2013 245 $695 joe/chriss 716 632 7861 13000 2 13.24 8/28/1946 OO2O call within the h this gentlemen was a banker for 20 yrs he has already called cc co. to get rates lowered di declined on all offers for 0% interest

unable to help 4/25/2011 steve ow 339A kiveton crt norcross GA 30092 5474872200222691 1/1/2013 536 $995 gina-chris 404 229 1273 8k 3 20 12/25/194 O395 4/25 3:30 az ti had to run to do errands larry to call this afternoon 4/25/2011 he is going to close accts himself< no go >mack

1383980736 CB 04/13/ 3/29/2011 3/28/2011 Agnes M Armstrong 403 n main st. Marion KY 42064 5401683093538772 4/1/2013 403 $995 Raphael/Chris 270-965-2027 270-969-0182 6000 2 0.22 3/16/1957 407-84-92 3:30 pm 3/29/1 she has 2 cards the 1st card has room for the fee the 2nd hsbc 5499 4409 1516 6131 is 5 Cannot get exp and cvv over the phone citi app. 2,600. Xfered off of HSBC explained we would continue to work on here accounts.

1375516501 3/15/2011 3/14/2011 Elizabeth Phillips 307 Robinson St N Tona Wanda NY 14120 6011002961501566 7/1/2012 304 $995 Omar/Joe 716-692-4232 10k 6/8/2011 0.25 5/23/1938 1854

1374042674 3/11/2011 3/11/2011 Kathy Fleisher HC7 Box 43 Franklin WV 26807 5157350048892151 11/1/2012 916 $1,495 Joe/Chris 304-358-7479 50k 5 0.29 9/11/1976 2492 Nice guy trying to get out of debt pays more than nimum Citi was at 29.99 !,500 in debt. reduced back down to 6.24% for life; Chase reduced from 29.99 to 15.99 hardship bal 1952

1,374,042,674 3/11/2011 3/11/2011 Kathy Fleisher HC7 Box 43 Franklin WV 26,807 5,157,350,048,892,1 11/1/2012 916 $1,495 Joe/Chris 304-358-7479 6500 2 12.9 6/16/1947 1775 done

1,374,042,674 3/11/2011 3/11/2011 Kathy Fleisher HC7 Box 43 Franklin WV 26,807 5,157,350,048,892,1 11/1/2012 916 $1,495 Joe/Chris 304-358-7479 18k 4 15.9 10/5/1941 5893 after 4:00 pm nice lady very open, She is not around, LEft ANOTHER Message with a female party. No answer slappy, LVM. Her son should be calling in, Bill stiglet, He has questions and she wants us to speak with him before she moves forward. He is a cop

1,374,042,674 3/11/2011 3/11/2011 Kathy Fleisher HC7 Box 43 Franklin WV 26,807 5,157,350,048,892,1 11/1/2012 916 $1,495 Joe/Chris 304-358-7479 716-602-7338 8000 4/5/2011 19 7/29/1956 8742 9:30 am monda smart guy Knows he has options, but agrees he is always going to be using cards citi ba is with a client, I finally got through to his secretary, I left a VM for him to call us back. Was not in office LVM AGAIN

1,374,042,674 3/11/2011 3/11/2011 Kathy Fleisher HC7 Box 43 Franklin WV 26,807 5,157,350,048,892,1 11/1/2012 916 $1,495 Joe/Chris 304-358-7479 6000 4/5/2011 0.21 1/18/1960 8195 fri. or sat not enough avail. on one card have to bill 2 mastercerd 5121072227618388 exp 9/13 $28 mess vm 4-22-11

1,374,042,674 3/11/2011 3/11/2011 Kathy Fleisher HC7 Box 43 Franklin WV 26,807 5,157,350,048,892,1 11/1/2012 916 $1,495 Joe/Chris 304-358-7479 10985 3 0.29 8517 the card listed is the only active card she threw them out thats why no exp &cvv at&t 5491130329847273 Discover needs most help 6011009472411615 exp9/13 cvv442

1,374,042,674 3/11/2011 3/11/2011 Kathy Fleisher HC7 Box 43 Franklin WV 26,807 5,157,350,048,892,1 11/1/2012 916 $1,495 Joe/Chris 304-358-7479 541-499-0594 8750 4 0.29 5/22/1940 5692 fri. or sat. said she will be in and out on sat she is paying just over nns. about $700 a month "ght could try....maybe monday evning' after the docter" appt set. Still not ready

1,374,042,674 3/11/2011 3/11/2011 Kathy Fleisher HC7 Box 43 Franklin WV 26,807 5,157,350,048,892,1 11/1/2012 916 $1,495 Joe/Chris 304-358-7479 7000 5 0.21 4/7/1959 404-96-04 MMN rawlings very nice lady mainly concerned with 3 cards capital 1 5291-4920-8273-0124 exp 1/14 do Citi approved 2,600 Xfered partial discover, GM approved 4,000 Xfered remaing discover and partial Cap 1

1,374,042,674 3/11/2011 3/11/2011 Kathy Fleisher HC7 Box 43 Franklin WV 26,807 5,157,350,048,892,1 11/1/2012 916 $1,495 Joe/Chris 304-358-7479 40000 3 24 9/2/1942 2130 call fri. morn be Nice lady cant believe someone is going to help her fixed income got laid off. ripped up ot recived cap one card for $500.00 5-11-11 moved to debt mgmt

1,374,042,674 3/11/2011 3/11/2011 Kathy Fleisher HC7 Box 43 Franklin WV 26,807 5,157,350,048,892,1 11/1/2012 916 $1,495 Joe/Chris 304-358-7479 918-478-9650 12000 2 0.12 11/24/195 3487 today open to program basically a lay down discover card 6011005783681847 exp 5/13 still no contact, any luck on your end??? No we will keep trying on this end, chris, Got a hold of her toda monday 4/4 said to call her in an hour 1:00 AZ time chris,

1,374,042,674 3/11/2011 3/11/2011 Kathy Fleisher HC7 Box 43 Franklin WV 26,807 5,157,350,048,892,1 11/1/2012 916 $1,495 Joe/Chris 304-358-7479 918-857-6601 25000 5 0.14 5/19/1950 1291 today Nice guy a little skeptical current on cards $4500 avail. on card going to explore some corporate customer service options tomorrow when the offices are open. He is fixing to refi his house and we cant close any accounts.

1,374,042,674 3/11/2011 3/11/2011 Kathy Fleisher HC7 Box 43 Franklin WV 26,807 5,157,350,048,892,1 11/1/2012 916 $1,495 Joe/Chris 304-358-7479 12000 5 13.9 7/11/1958 1673 Call tues 4/5 1: Very tough sale has interest rate from 0% to 23% on personal and buis cards cc#484738 call reset larry 4-13-11

1,374,042,674 3/11/2011 3/11/2011 Kathy Fleisher HC7 Box 43 Franklin WV 26,807 5,157,350,048,892,1 11/1/2012 916 $1,495 Joe/Chris 304-358-7479 8000 4 15-25% 2269 open to the program, has a buis. call on cell unable to contact. I have made numerous attempts Rang twice sent me to VM. Left message

1,374,042,674 3/11/2011 3/11/2011 Kathy Fleisher HC7 Box 43 Franklin WV 26,807 5,157,350,048,892,1 11/1/2012 916 $1,495 Joe/Chris 304-358-7479 25000 1 12.9 11/6/2027 2445 Wed. 4/13/11 nice lady she is paying $200 a month wants to get debt paid off dont no if she has any ha aproved new citi card 0% saved aprox $4000.00 int larry mack

1,374,042,674 3/11/2011 3/11/2011 Kathy Fleisher HC7 Box 43 Franklin WV 26,807 5,157,350,048,892,1 11/1/2012 916 $1,495 Joe/Chris 304-358-7479 13000 3 12.9 5/28/2029 8444 dunn sold 4/12/11 lowerd int 4% sold

1,374,042,674 3/11/2011 3/11/2011 Kathy Fleisher HC7 Box 43 Franklin WV 26,807 5,157,350,048,892,1 11/1/2012 916 $1,495 Joe/Chris 304-358-7479 7000 2 25 1/19/1948 204 sold sold 4/12/11 sold new citi 0%

1,374,042,674 3/11/2011 3/11/2011 Kathy Fleisher HC7 Box 43 Franklin WV 26,807 5,157,350,048,892,1 11/1/2012 916 $1,495 Joe/Chris 304-358-7479 10000 2 12.9 5/29/1946 9317 sold sold4/13/11 approved new citi

1,374,042,674 3/11/2011 3/11/2011 Kathy Fleisher HC7 Box 43 Franklin WV 26,807 5,157,350,048,892,1 11/1/2012 916 $1,495 Joe/Chris 304-358-7479 50000 1 30 1/18/2028 4927 had a co prose to do same got info and never did anything said we would check for fradul approved $ 7500.00 transfer when she gets card in mail sold

1,374,042,674 3/11/2011 3/11/2011 Kathy Fleisher HC7 Box 43 Franklin WV 26,807 5,157,350,048,892,1 11/1/2012 916 $1,495 Joe/Chris 304-358-7479 781-330-5789 cell 25000 3 27 1/20/1939 3575 sold sold 4/14/11 can bill 3 cards in mail transfers when recieve new cards sold larry mack she is doing well very happy

04582A 5/3/2011 5/3/2011 marilyn wood 1616 fox hall rd. savanna ga 31406 4264298203904449 6/12/2011 210 $495 ke-larry 912-355-7618 22k 3 12+ 9286 line from ke helped dispute over 200.00 dollors a month on fraud charges on amex,wking with citi and increas credit lit,dispute charges block on some revoving charges and working with her on monday ,sold mack

00407R 5/4/2011 Ruby Hafner 309 north main st salem NY 12865 6011002160431227 1/12 945 $495 tyrone/chris 518 854 9383 6000 2 12.9 6/23/1946 7066 live transfer live bt her high int discover to the low int amex.saved cust the 1500.00guarentee

00465R 5/4/2011 5/4/2011 Roberta A Kukiela 26 catlin st auburn NY 13021 6011002544213747 4/13 361 $495 rapheal/joe 315 252 6166 12000 1 12 9/19/1946 5757 live transfer live approved citi 0% new cc $4800.00 bt when she recieves to thediscover

1401583022 5/2/2011 5/2/2011 Rodney Sherwood 131/2 washington st fort edward NY 12828 6011002684071137 12/11 542 $795 ke/joe 518 747 8732 5000 1 15 11/22/195 9271 live transfer transfer lowerd sears cc saved 4100.00 app. acept citi

1402627773 5/4/2011 5/4/2011 Mary C. Delong 1015 utica st fulton NY 13069 4266902015957499 10/13 257 $495 ke/joe 315 593 2768 30000 3 17 12/9/1943 3755 live transfer live approved citi 3k 0% 21 mo need to change and ask for cc consoldate loan 495.00 mack

1402660564 5/4/2011 5/4/2011 ruth thomas 62 wheeler cortland ny 13045 5424180164956804 7-31-14 457 $995 ke-joe 607-753-3908 20k 4 14-18 6/26/0140 1987 live transfer live bt from chasecard 6670 to citi actt 6804@ 0% till 11-11,bt fromchase acct 5739 to citi acct 9309 0% till 11-11 both citi cards int reduced for next 6 mo,

1403058705 5/5/2011 5/5/2011 sandra lafountain 212 lake st #5 rouses point ny 12979 4266841257964948 8/13 519 $995 tyrone/chris 518 297 3088 15000 1 29 5/13/1948 4575 called back finished wasnt able to lower.but advised her to stop pmts for 3 months and enroll in hardship approved f BT $ 1940.00 from direct merch. to new citi 0% for 21 mo

1403148760 5/5/2011 5/4/2011 Linda Petty 17 hamlen lane gansevoort NY 12831 6011002430247148 5/13 511 $395 whitney/chris 518 587 8446 16000 2 17 5/18/1950 5613 thurs. 5/5 11:30 az citi approve BT when recieved

05549Z-102 5/6/2011 5/6/2011 loretta gay 40 ridgeway ave billerica mass 01821 5466327047318038 2-13 068 $795 Tony/chris 978-663-3125 8200 2 13 5/19/1932 2872 live transfer live apply for 0% citi,aproved barclay 8200.00 @ 10% .BT 8200 fgrom soverign bank to new barclays mack

1403584099 5/6/2011 5/6/2011 gerald west 65 county rt 42 fort edward ny 12828 5157350026761543 6-30-12 339 $995 nick-chris 518-747-4387 17800 2 19 10/20/201 523 live transfer live approved citi 0% ,BT when recive new cc,apply for discover,cap one,barclays more BT when customer recieves offers

1403640164 5/6/2011 5/6/2011 Susan Waterhouse 80 Pineview Ct Lake Luzerne NY 12846 6011298756902684 1/13 146 $795 Tyrone/Joe 518-696-3011 518-696-3115 cell 15000 5 14.99 3/12/1964 1523 live trnsfr Live citi approved 4K

5/4/2011 Kathryn Raymond po box 35 pitcher ny 13136 5121079686230043 9/13 975 $395 nicolas/chris 607 863 3927 7000 1 25 3/5/1941 3329 thurs. 5/5 12:00 az approved 0% $4800.00 15 months citi working with sears ,no go

5/4/2011 Charlotte J McCorc 454 dudley rd westport ny 12993 5121079740056988 06/11 376 $1,495 ke/chris 518 962 4839 518 593 3185cell 70000 5 15 3/21/1953 8240 thurs 5/5 larry called wed 5/4 left mess.

5/2/2011 Cynthia L Grace 2095 harrington hill rd lake geaorge ny 12845 5491130367898160 $995 carla-chris 518 623 2057 24000 5 25 8/17/1934 8606 thurs 5/5 12:00 ripped up card larry spoke with she has parkinsons and had to reschedule she cant deal right know cb june

5/4/2011 Katherine Pechar 324 faber st pittsburgh PA 15214 4640182033183827 4/13 138 $995 gina/chris 412 322 3367 412 352 1256 cell 20000 4 17 8/9/1946 5544 live transfer live retired school teacher rescheduled for mon. 5/9 11:00 az time did noy have all info.

5/6/2011 Gregory Wilson sr. 19 native dancer lane saratoga spring ny 12866 5466410305028372 1/13 551 $695 ke/chris 518 584 4136 20000 5 15 10/20/194 2600 mon. 5/9 12:30 larry spoke briefly resched. for mon.

5/9/2011 barbara j downs 4 rolling hills rd apt 7 callus ny 13031 5488976004604501 $595 mead/chris 315 672 3721 4000 3 16 12/20/194 2176 5/10 11:00az did not have card need to get exp cvv

5/9/2011 gertrude lavery 3835 state rt8 po box 143 weaverton ny 12886 5424180724950446 5/13 736 $795 carla-chris 518 251 3737 10000 6 17 4/12/1941 3340 5/10 after 1:00az time

02250A-106 5/9/2011 5/9/2011 marcia jansson 739 harper rd argile ny 12809 4888936150481012 10/11 417 $595 nicholas/chris 518 638 8047 19000 3 14 7/30/1942 5496 see paper

1405427589 5/10/2011 5/9/2011 Agnes Cunningham p.o. box 1390/211 w 120th st new york ny 10027 5491139250079010 6/30/11 126 $895 carla-chris 212 666 2216 25000 2 15 6/7/1936 7698 5/10 after 2:00 az

1405416715 5/10/2011 5/10/2011 Erin Lorino 28 Floral Dr Monticello Ny 12701 5140218014731010 11/11 961 $450 Gina/ Joe 845 794 0851 7200 2 29 4/19/1962 4024 sale app apprvl Citi 201105109007647& app aprvl Discover

03949Z 5/10/2011 5178052417757628 04/13 296 $145

1405415377 5/10/2011 1/6/1900 Madeline Lantto 33728 lyndon st livonia MI 48154 5437000486942131 11/11 545 $900 whitney/chris 734 522 0084 14000 5 30 4/8/1954 504 live transfer call back 5/13 12:00 az to finish with other cards citi approval 201105108008341,disc hard ship BT gm cc 2680.00+134.00 trans fee to 0% discover for 12 months then 17.99%

1405445634 5/10/2011 5/10/2011 frank stucky 205 Meadow Lake Dr. Canton MI 48188 6011311006394576 10/11 945 $995 Raphael/Chris 734 397 9626 25000 5 23 9/21/1946 6607 live transfer apprvi for Citi & Discover moved to debt mgmt `

06448B 5/11/2011 5/3/2011 ellen lovely 11101 state rt 22 comstock ny 12821 4408041023281367 110-12 811 $495 carla-chris 518-639-5588 4500 1 14 12/24/194 2389 live transfer not lowed % application citi bt whejn recieves no charge at this time bt4800.00 from chase to citi done

09019B 5/11/2011 5/11/2011 Robert Rose 1847 Duncan Rd Toledo Oh 43613 5467003467199484 8/12 218 $295 Nicholas/ Joe 734 624 3144 8600 2 15 4/25/1956 7497 cb from 5/10 appvl Citi $4800 0% 21MO BT when recieves card recvd new citi, BT 4600.00 from 5th third com # jx 2115

AWD 5/11/2011 3/23/2011 alton l boatner 2520 Glen Garden ave Fort Worth Tx 76119 5200018024438615 3/1/2012 378 $995 tony/chris 817-536-4179 817-975-4324cell 10998 2 0.13 2/14/1934 7569 Reverand great gentleman, his wife is going through dialysis for kidneys if he doesnt answer home phone call on cell running errands BT 2400.00 from BoA to new gm cc

03190A 5/12/2011 5/11/2011 Lee E Chinavare 844 stevenstrail monroe MI 48161 4408041011320219 6/14 265 $295 gina/chris 734 457 0678 11500 1 13 2/25/1951 7631 5/12/2011 11:0 customer stated that he recieved multable offers in the mail for 0% trans offers. i drooped approved citi 7300.00 ,appl. approved discover pending letter app. ,also gm cc 7-10 days Bt chase to citi 7000.00 conf # jx2004

1406340617 5/12/2011 5/12/2011 frank stucky 721 bobtail court newton KS 67114 4121741584361013 10/12 416 $795 Raphael/Chris 316 283 4262 12000 1 19 5/19/1949 1292 live transfer approved citi 3000.00 BT when customer recieves ,applygm,BoA approved citi 3000.00 @0%,pending gm,BoA

AWD-1406347071 5/12/2011 5/12/2011 Ilah M Bangle 6361 scottsdale clark city KS 67219 4802139522409075 7/13 370 $300 mead/chris 316 744 2524 316 648 5291 cell 15 2 16 5/29/2024 782 live transfer have two bill two cards 4802139522409075 exp 4/14 cvv 370 no lowerd % rates apply cap 1,disc,citi,amex,chase all pending approved citi $2000.00 21 mo 0% gary their son doing BT

01288C 5/12/2011 5/12/2011 live 6011380010805828 4/14 340 $195

1405415377 5/13/2011 1/6/1900 Christina Deronda 23 starlight dr. hope well juncti NY 12533 4559520700463775 2/13 740 $895 nick/chris 845 227 6806 12000 1 17 3/24/1963 5965 live transfer applly citi platnum,amex pending

1406881484 5/13/2011 5/13/2011 Nyato Murray 31 edgar st poughkeepsie NY 12603 6011499421863281 3/14 010 $795 nick/chris 845 859 9026 10 4 14 11/19/197 4536 live transfer applied citi platnum 0%

AWD-1406898086 5/13/2011 5/13/2011 Kelly Olsen 20064 us highway 89 ovid ID 83254 4862367148254958 5/13 586 $695 nick/chris 208 221 9236 7000 2 14 1/14/1961 4730 live transfer has one cap one card 5200.00 approved citi platinum $4800.00 BT when recieved

AWD-1406905788 5/13/2011 5/13/2011 Janet McCormick 390 county rt52 prattville NY 12468 5424180783573196 3/31/12 374 $995 nick/chris 518 989 6496 30000 2 30 1/15/1949 9248 live transfer citi bank lowerd 29.9 to 21.9 savings over 5k=200.00 monthly

CH-08579Z 5/16/2011 5/16/2011 kimberly neal 66 first street glens fall ny 12801 5178057852477236 5-13 588 $395 raphl-mack 518-793-8602 9k 2 12.9 4/4/1964 8391 live transfer cu= $6200.00,cap one= $2461 approved disc,citi pending discover 1000.00 btfrom cap one

AWD-1408181332 5/16/2011 5/16/2011 Evan Fletcher 1913 Woodriver Rd Gooding ID 83330 4339930012002756 2/14 260 $1,490 Nicholas/Larry Shop 208-934-8 Cell- 208-308-7548 20000 3 14 8/29/1958 3273 live transfer Owns meta shop Citi and Chase approved

AWD-1408191317 Ref 5/16/2011 5/16/2011 Donna Baker 604 e sunrise dr coeur d alene ID 83815 4719230103455884 2/13 325 $695 gina/chris 208 667 2360 7000 3 20 9/17/1936 1433 live transfer approved gm 10700.00

AWD-1409483906 5/18/2011 Katherine Horton 42 collins rd eldred NY 12732 4305721469581107 9/13 054 $895 gina/chris 845 557 8669 26000 2 17 1/16/2022 1142 live transfer aproved discver

AWD REFUND 5/18/2011 5/18/2011 Juanita Greenwood 29 lake st poughkeepsie NY 12601 6011002730123163 2/13 957 $895 carla/chris 845 452 6158 10000 1 17 3/5/1939 8240 approved cap 1 =3000.00 ,others pending

AWD-1409533338 5/18/2011 5/18/2011 Alexei Nichols 45 Park Terrace West #D A New York NY 10034 5466160157243435 1/16 280 $695 Brian/Chris 212 569 0010 4600 2 16 8/10/1972 4837 cb by larry mack apprv Discover 18 mo. Cap 1 0% 18mo

AWD-1410029642 5/19/2011 5/19/2011 Darla Smith 431 taylor lake rd morrison TN 37357 5121072733803151 2/14 230 $695 mike/chris 615 765 5921 615 542 4326 9000 8 12 4/9/1937 4740 needs help dispt 995.00 first financial approved gm dnt know amnt @ this time citi approved 5000.00

CH-023762 5/21/2011 5/19/2011 Michelle W Marlow 1034 carden dr franklin TN 37069 6011006720675371 9/12 $495 whitney/chris 615 414 0691 615 790 6810 15000 2 13 7/10/1967 5649 pending citi,cap one ,this person needs debt mngmt on closed boa $16,000.00 owed

CH-023762 5/23/2011 5/23/2011 Prevella B Clark 1955 loch lomond trail atlanta GA 30331 4120614031164747 12/15 95 $495 joe/chris 404 344 6843 404 909 2289cell 5100 4 23 3/31/1946 779 live transfer 9/8- called asking for Lee Ann advised she isnt in the office and she will get a call back fro approved cap one,citi,pending declined on all offers

A-1412303460 5/24/2011 5/24/2011 Rhonda Vaharko 12283 shady lane middleton ID 83644 4266841090791904 4/12 476 $995 whitney/chris 208 585 2615 16000 1 19 11/13/195 3393 live transfer BTchase to citi $4656.00, BT $3800.00 chase to discover3800.0 complete, total mony transfr 8456.00

8/3CB A-1412312833 5/24/2011 5/24/2011 Darlene Jackson 3462 e amitty rd boise ID 83716 4185866026471535 10/13 858 $595 mike/chris 208 429 8978 7000 1 29 7/23/1948 2664 live transfer live---recharge 195.007/14...595.00CB7/5 approved discover 1000.00 BT from chase @ %29.9 no more because of BK

CH-00588A 5/23/2011 5/23/2011 George Smith 156 w jessica Ln hampton GA 30228 4313512077311866 10/11 019 $395 joe/chris 404 626 2753 770 946 8374home 16000 2 14 8/20/1961 5478 live transfer live approved cap i unkown amt bt when recieved,apply citi,discover

CAM-1412804623 5/25/2011 5/25/2011 david & AnitaPopell 1313 briar gate dr salina KS 67401 5582508632891559 10/13 $195 Brian/Chris 785 820 2965 15000 2 13 6/13/1957 6659 live transfer BT from soverign bank to 0% on his current citi bank good till nov 2012

CAM-1412803376 5/25/2011 5/25/2011 Antonio Ruiz 3 park ave 17th floor new york NY 10016 5466160010133898 6/14 507 $495 whitney/chris 212 705 8932 347 585 0996cell 8000 2 15 6/9/1968 5941 live transfer

CAM-1412853766 ref-6 5/25/2011 5/25/2011 nancy sanford 121 n 25th st apt 25 norfolk NE 68701 5491100085920588 1-13 202 $200 mike/chris 402 371 6652 10000 3 18 1/21/1959 4662 live transfer

CH-09064B / ref- 6/1/2 5/25/2011 4266841094455225 6-12 470 $195

A-1413230352 5/26/2011 5/26/2011 Robert E Zelfer 207 s bonespring rd abbyville KS 67510 4888930097135997 7/11 867 $795 joe/chris 620 286 5414 15000 3 16 11/7/1941 241 live transfer approved 3000.00 gm card,approved 2000.00 citi ,disc pending

CAM-1413280192 5/26/2011 5/26/2011 Carol M Swig 3931 n triple ridge place eagle ID 83616 4388576042025869 3/12 335 $795 whitney/chris 208 939 8858 30000 29 9/28/1958 8187 call back call disc 1-800-951-0514 approved cap 1= 5000.00 12 mo,then 10.9% disc pending

cam-02648R 5/26/2011 5/26/2011 Richard E Mines 9 harvard dr. gilette WY 82716 6011009128327579 7/14 168 $495 mike/joe 307 680 8377 5000 2 19 3/15/1951 7449 live transfer approved citi $2000.00 0%= 21 mo.

A-1413344626 5/26/2011 5/26/2011 Vernon H Tanner 3504 glenco dr. cheyanne WY 82009 5466321930793134 6/13 128 $995 nathan/chris 307 632 7001 30000 3 24 12/13/193 7470 live transfer approved disc $6000.00 ask for more when recievd 0% 24 mo.

CAM-1416056409 6/1/2011 5/31/2011 Donna F Ennis 3576 monarch Ln midland VA 22728 4616081101370391 3/14 532 $595 carla/chris 540 788 7640 540 270 3543cell 7000 2 9 3/9/1956 5898 live transfer approved citi $2000.00= 21 mo bt when recieve card

c1415376026 5/31/2011 5/31/2011 Nina P Thayer 361 little sorrel dr. straughsburgh VA 22657 6011298616203109 9/13 004/424 $895 richard/chris 540 465 8266 540 660 1504cell 9000 6 16 9/15/1971 5005 live transfer 9/13 request a call back from FA fwd msg ~dw-----8/4 customer is informed of 2 bt one is r approved 12 mo 0%, $15,000.00 limit bts on friday

CH-03199A 5/31/2011 5/31/2011 linda neighbors 5091 wade rd roanoke va 24018 4425050004079368 3-14 788 $295 brian-chris 540-798-2829 540-774-5873 9 3 15 7/16/1955 8264 live transfer conf # jx 2014 approved citi $7300.00 21 mo. 0% BT complete 7000.00 from suntrust to 0 % citi

CB 7/21/11 disputed 6/1/2011 6/1/2011 Robin Moss 146 Chelsea Cir Harrisburg Va 22801 5523190805349830 09/11 131 $895 Steven/Chris 540 421 7589 10000 2 20 10/5/1968 3813 live transfer citi 21 mo 3k, discvr 7k 18 mo

6/1/2011 John Davidson 1813 greyland st. blacksburgh VA 24060 4121742124965065 1/13 808 $695 nick/joe 540 538 7768 4200 2 27 9/22/1981 3083 approved with citi 21 mo-2000.00,approved gm unkown amnt at this time

CAM-1416525005 6/2/2011 6/2/2011 John A Roemer 25 forest st. unit 11L stanford CT 06901 4388540020529573 12/12 262 $1,495 mike/chris 203 918 1858 203 406 0785 60000 5 17 6/9/1949 1816 live transfer approved citi,BT $ 10500.00 macys amex to discover

CB 6/25/11 7/22dispute 6/2/2011 6/2/2011 Sage Satterfield 83 canron st natural bridge st VA 24579 6011009885095989 1/15 776 $695 raphael/chris 540 421 9023 6000 6 18 6/2/1982 4308 live transfer approvedcap one 3000.00 + 10.9 % saving $2500.00

CAM-1417056902 6/3/2011 6/3/2011 Thelma Fryer 759 sfc 730 forest city AR 72335 6011009210571183 4/14 013 $495 brittany/larry 870 633 4355 6000 1 29 11/19/194 2376 live transfer approved barclay 18,800,app citi 4800.00

CAM-1417181691 6/3/2011 6/3/2011 Kathy Herskanen 325 n basin dr negau nee MI 49866 5467020053845239 10/13 143 $795 carla/larry 906 45 6496 9000 1 11 9/19/1962 4927 live transfer cap one approved 5000.00 12 mo 0 %,no refund

CAM-1417182323 6/3/2011 6/3/2011 Douglas E Liley 5032 sandle wood dr. grand blank MI 48439 5520300002598690 8/11 262 $995 chris/whitney 989 798 0551 16000 2 15 3/23/1937 7724 live transfer approved citi 7300.00 ,discover app,barclay on hold

CAM-1418413010/CB 6/6/2011 6/6/2011 Margaret Spears 5815 delrey dr colorado spring CO 80918 5528512631603426 5/13 925 $995 mike/chris 719 598 1143 16000 4 14 2/10/2023 6502 live transfer approvedciti 2000.00,aproved disc 2500.00 no refund

CAM-1418413894 6/6/2011 6/6/2011 Randall Diori 119 n 8th st apt A canyon city CO 81212 4185864717389066 9/12 580 $995 mike/chris 719 429 1357 10000 3 29 3/19/1954 2063 live transfer approved discover 7400.00 bt when recieved

CAM-1418887811 6/7/2011 6/7/2011 dorthy duncan 3100 winchster ashland ky 41101 5121079759579623 8-13 273 $695 ralph-chriss 606-324-8506 6200 1 24 12/16/193 7960 live transfer approved 5000.00 cap one ,citi,hold,barclay hold

CAM-1418889102 6/7/2011 6/7/2011 mathew krich 3560 needles dr colorado spring co 80908 4147202058364033 6-12 074 $495 nick-larry 719-487-8786 16 3 13 1/6/1965 7503 live transfer approved citi 2000.00 -21 mo need credit clean

8/16CB CAM-1418900 6/7/2011 6/7/2011 Joseph Espinoza 302 lewis ave la junta CO 81050 4037698879301984 5/12 561 $695 raphael/chris 719 468 2044 7000 3 14 6/1/1973 9226 live transfer approved cap one,citi pending

CAM-1418912393 6/7/2011 6/7/2011 ernest ecklar 2576 hempfling rd morning view ky 41063 5155920001540443 12-12 859 $995 brit-chris 859-356-1087 10 4 13 4/18/1961 7146 live transfer approved gm 2000.00,barclays pending

CAM-1418914527 6/7/2011 6/7/2011 angela humphries 3677 mt sterling rd flemingburg ky 41041 4300230031972732 11-11 972 $995 richard-wayne 606-845-2016 6000 3 13 11/4/1965 3445 live transfer approved citi 11,700 BT check 6700.00 pay off all acts new pmt 70.00 mo

CAM-1418939383 6/7/2011 6/7/2011 Keith r Ott N 2359 church st juda WI 53550 5291497845591432 10/13 070 $695 nick/chris 608 934 5532 5000 2 15 8/6/1955 6479 live transfer lowered capitol one 16.9 to9.9 12 mo,citi approved 0 % 21 mo= 7300.00

CAM-1419390001 6/8/2011 6/8/2011 Jerry M Seracuse 1345 Farnham Point colorado spring Co 80904 6011009460673929 04/13 337 $1,295 Nick/wayne 7196336200 3038987591 12k 3 24 6/9/1933 4603 live transfer app citi 2000, gm 7500, barclay 21mo 2800

CB7/20 CAM-1419822 6/9/2011 6/9/2011 Audrey Watters 4505 s yosemite st#415 denver CO 80237 4465420177730777 11/13 835 $695 nick/chris 3036944045 10 2 16 6/9/2028 5045 live transfer

CAM-1423197294/CB 6/16/2011 6/16/2011 Mattie Bowles 112 North 14th Street Paragould AR 72450 5121071978212599 08/13 329 $995 Spencer/Joe 870 236 2772 6000 3 21 9/5/1935 9912 live transfer approved barclays 3200.00 bt

CAM-1419823981 6/9/2011 6/9/2011 Edward Mayne 5410 olney laytonsville rd olney MD 20832 5121072006294104 6/12 016 $695 mike/chris 301 948 9012 9000 4 13 6/6/1931 1392 live transfer Wifes is josephine

CAM-1419856614 6/9/2011 6/9/2011 Efren De Lancera 18683 crosscountry ln. gaetherburg MD 20879 4649161030901069 01-13 226 $995 nich-chriss 240-683-3725 8500 12 8/2/1961 7964 live transfer approved citi 0% 21 mo sendindid ck 4400.00

CAM-1420442366 6/10/2011 6/10/2011 Janet Morcaina 2315 W 48th st Westwood Ks 66205 5121079687599818 11/13 158 $995 raphael/chris 9137225207 9134848518 15000 5 25.24 4/12/1931 7286 live transfer 9/23- called in to ask for a update on what we have done for her. I advised her an FA will call her asap. ~PB// 9/23 wanted to talk to FA fwd to Nick ~ dw// first of oct we will visit to help her profile per her request 1st of oct is better for her than today-darla--/10/04/2011 janet very busy with home stuff-she req I call her either 10/05/2011 or10/06/2011 I assured her I would Larry applied charge and she was not aware of charge for services per janet--darla//10/06/2011 called janet need to call her back per janet "I need to take care of my man now we just got home from doctor call back later" I will call her 10/07/2011--darla

CAM-1421638670 6/13/2011 6/14/2011 Gordon L McCaskill 208 divinity rd darlington SC 29532 6011003215511153 10/12 452 $995 Steven/Chris 843 944 3281 14000 2 19 12/31/193 6944 live transfer approved citi $8300.00,approved gm $4000.00 bt 3800.00 to discover

CAM-1421639099 6/13/2011 6/14/2011 William J Miller 17512 bowie mill rd derwood MD 20855 4888936018738546 7/12 372 $195 nick/chris 301 948 5116 10000 1 13 7/6/1930 7979 live transfer approved discover,bt boa when recieved,citi pending

CAM-1422104577 6/14/2011 6/14/2011 Thomas Laws 220 rolling rd gaetherburg MD 20877 4408041016126777 12/14 314 $995 carla/larry 240 375 9464 240 632 0503buis 40000 4 25 3/1/1956 4976 live transfer citi pending,disc approved,this guy needs DMP bad behind on alot of accts

CAM-1422134858 6/14/2011 6/14/2011 Sydney I Stolar 5000 battery lane apt 308 bethesda MD 20814 4312432228891800 4/14 801 $995 brittany/chris 301 907 0876 20000 7 19 2/23/2026 4254 live transfer citi approved 2000.00,disc approved

CAM-1422141638 6/14/2011 6/14/2011 Edward L Pierce 45867 n poteat court california MD 20619 4408041013143619 11/14 663 $995 whitney/chris 301 866 5758 11900 5 16.9 5/10/1936 9151 live transfer BT chase 5000.00 to boa,BT 6000.00 from disc. to BOA ,boa 3.9% =8 mo

CAM-1422624324 6/15/2011 6/15/2011 Sarah Vasquez 501 rd 1434 mountain home AR 72653 5424180195235640 4/30/15 579 $995 carla/chris 870 425 7510 870 405 4191cell 30000 3 15 6/21/1950 434 live transfer approved cap-1 5000.00

CAM-1423160873 6/16/2011 6/16/2011 Rasaelita M Vigil p.o. box 6762 santa fe NM 87502 5466321110835135 1/13 654 $995 nick/chris 505 988 9228 15000 2 19 5/30/1932 5214 live transfer BT 4000 from 19% disc to BOA,till april 2012 then 7.24 % for lifetime

CAM-1423175248 6/16/2011 6/16/2011 20 a bloom-n-shine los lunas NM 87031 4147202037305701 3/14 685 $995 whitney/joe 505 440 0796 8000 1 12 12/9/1964 2676 live transfer approved 2 cards,citi=7000,GM= 10800.00 bt later

CAM-1423175986 6/16/2011 6/16/2011 Brian Hogle 2023 thomas pointe trace lawrenceville GA 30043 4388540016955667 2/14 004 $299 chris/gina 770 338 8789 678 230 4292cell 26000 3 19 6/14/1955 9588 live transfer one time set up $299.00 debt mngmt

CAM-1423560055 6/17/2011 6/16/2011 Virray A Karlovic HC 72 box 255 jasper AR 72641 4037540031996356 3/13 697 $795 gina/chris 870 446 5253 6000 2 15 6/26/1940 6311 live transfer approved citi 0% ,21 mo= $4800.00

CAM-1423633318 6/17/2011 6/17/2011 Marilyn Boren 952 tetters rd mountain view AR 72560 4640182037370719 10/11 644 $695 carla/chris 870 269 2614 33000 2 14 8/5/1951 9529 live transfer approved citi 0% ,21 mo $7600.00

8/16 CB CAM-1424842 6/20/2011 6/20/2011 Ashleigh L Hindme 5119 s malta way centennial CO 80015 4479951644015941 6/12 601 $995 mike/joe 720 280 0143cel 303 693 1956 13000 4 29 7/16/1981 8406 live transfer approved citin $4800.00,gm approved 2150.00

REFUND 7/14 6/20/2011 6/20/2011 Theresa Lopez p.o. box 7771 albuquerque NM 87194 6011002827150376 1/14 919 $995 Steven/Chris 505 710 8079cel 505 710 7140 6500 1 21 12/12/195 5091 live transfer 7/14 CXL called Disc, wants her $ back gm approved needs to call and verify past address,citi pending

CAM-1424789577 6/20/2011 6/20/2011 Gail kotoski 7123 4th st hudson WI 54016 6011361000122424 10/11 795 $199 richard/chris 715 386 1159 715 781 1707cell 13000 3 2.9 11/1/1955 7670 live transfer approved $7500.00 citi 0% bt when recieved

CAM-1424805004 6/20/2011 6/20/2011 Randall E Summers 7201 riveria Dr fortsmith AR 72903 5491130009077066 8/31/12 644 $1,495 richard/chris 479 484 1337 479 650 5994cell 45000 3 19 12/25/196 8211 live transfer approved discover needs to call and verify past address and recieve new card 0% 18 mo,also need DMP for most of the 40 k debt

CAM-1425769179 6/22/2011 6/22/2011 Frankie Mckinley 3469 QR 62 tucumcari NM 88401 4313072308777674 3/13 415 $195 mike/chris 575 461 1811 7000 1 15 7/16/1953 4784 live transfer approved $ 7300.00 citi %0 = 21 mo

CAM-1425777028 6/22/2011 6/22/2011 Hayley Ann Wee 2620 n burkley lake rd.#438 duluth GA 30096 4888940140401494 4/13 956 $199 Whitney/Chris 678 417 0107 678 478 7587 10000 4 12 12/1/1964 7952 cb dmp ways not able to get a new line of credit and is going with Debt Mngmt Program

CAM-1425937523 6/22/2011 Nancy Allred 2509 briggs st missoula MT 59803 4264295900129064 6/14 586 $299 Steven/Chris 406 370 9402 10500 3 24 5/26/1956 3876 live transfer discover lowerd 24.9% to 9.9% for 12 mo

CAM-1425888752/ CB 6/22/2011 6/22/2011 Howard N Taylor 2nd card 4425180000340157 03/13 604 $500 nick/chris same

CAM-1425930447 6/22/2011 6/22/2011 Barbara C Fletcher 14802 old hanover rd upper co MD 21155 4352373360746736 9/12 458 $995 tony/chris 410 429 4529 410 952 3026cell 8000 2 24 3/10/1962 320 l 7/20 ms called upset unsure why she is getting card trx to nick, who explained bal trx. approved $ 12800.00 barclays,BT later bt $800.00 target visa, cutomer seems to have used card and charged up to $11000.00 already

CAM-1426531258 6/23/2011 6/23/2011 Dwaynika M Lewis 518 w liberty st. apt 238 hubbard OH 44425 4311967069207914 11/12 215 $995 carla/chris 313 492 3866 8000 2 29 8/20/1988 7076 live transfer check being sent $4300.00 citi 15 mo,0%

CAM-1426954040 6/23/2011 6/24/2011 Linda E Thomas 611 northwood dr ball ground GA 30107 5178052625611104 1/13 023 $199 Whitney/Chris 770 479 9152 27000 3 25 10/18/195 8029 live transfer dmp 199 one time fee for enrrolment to DMP

CAM-1429003505 6/27/2011 6/27/2011 Pamela H. Miller 16205 Good Ave Fort Lupton CO 80621 5410654940704213 11/13 731 $1,295 Raphael/chris 303 550 4464 303 857 4048 40000 6 15 9707 sending client $9,500 from citi to payoff her sears, BOA and discover. 0% until 01/2013 then 3.99%. Client is to call and update us when she pays off accounts and we will try to get a barclays under husbands name

CAM-1429080569 6/27/2011 6/27/2011 Lindsey N Graves 209 walnut ave pine bluff WY 82082 4453263129011340 2/13 868 $795 carla/chris 307 640 0748 6000 3 29 12/20/198 952 2:30 az time 1st financial Bank USA card 800-733-1732 bal. 3833.76 avail. 6166.00 Client will call when her new cards arrive. We will transfer her 1st fin. card to citi, credit line 2,600 0% for 21 mos,and gm 2,000 0%12 mos. She is also pending on a barclays harvard.

CAM-1429059090 6/27/2011 6/10/2011 Betty L Mallin 12013 w 120th terrace overland park KS 66213 5466410308069456 6/14 740 $695 nick/chris 913 89 0460 6000 3 12 1/18/1934 8202 live transfer approvedbarclay=4400.00/gm=1500.00

CAM_1429114578 6/27/2011 6/21/2011 Ida Compasso 516 pine links dr tega cay SC 29708 5466410308238705 6/14 254 $995 nick/chris 803 802 0504 15000 1 20 1/4/1933 4179 live transfer gt gm card=13,500.00/citi= 2000.00

DECLINE 6/27/2011 john nazza 72 butternut lane levitown NY 11756 4357878520056045 5/13 034 whitney/chris 516 731 4082 25000 6 20 11/4/1976 1433 live transfer has been late with chase card a few times recently worried about the info he gave so if tra Client wanted a BT but nothing was available. he was declined with citi and gm. He has a negative credit report and did not want to close his chase account to do a hardship.

CAM-1429105291 6/27/2011 6/27/2011 Stephen M. Niedwe 260 Woodmere St Islip Terrace NY 11752 5410654334026710 06/30/12 835 $1,295 gina/chris 6315818038 37k 2 14.9 12/1/1966 7932 live transfer call back on thursday for 2 nd acct with citi lowerd 14.9 to 10.24 citi saved him over 10k on one acct

CAM-1429584041 6/28/2011 6/28/2011 Arthur Albert 2510 McNeill circle fayetteville NC 28303 6011009878221071 9/14 382 $199 carla/larry 9102617517 13 3 20 8/21/1976 6616 DMP one time fee

7/22 CB disputed CAM- 6/28/2011 & 7/1/201 6/28/2011 Bahn Lieu 21321 audette st dearborn MI 48124 4266514210740446 8/12 532 $199 whitney/chris 313 563 7119 20000 5 15 4/27/1954 5850 DMP
1403144222CB 06/29 5/5/2011 5/5/2011 walter rogers 10 water st grandville ny 12832 6011002362500118 3-13 379 gina-joe 518-642-9057 13k 4 12/16/201 11/8/1944 9969 live----chargeback rec 06/29/2011 closed boa hardship,advised on cap one to stop pmt 3 moand apply for hardship,approved for new citi card 0% sold mack

CAM-1430007562 6/29/2011 6/29/2011 Esther Lopinto 179 washington ave. mastic beach NY 11951 6011002350527909 4/14 725 $995 gina/chris 631 281 5989 10000 2 17 6/17/2026 3355 live transfer also recieving 1800.00 from citi 21 mo@0% approved barclay 18,800.00 =0% 12 mo bt when recieve

CAM-1430013405 6/29/2011 6/29/2011 Shelton E Sherman 7762 vaughn st detroit MI 48228 6011380000610576 8/12 828 $495 carla/larry 313 505 4510 4600 5 16 4/12/1969 OO40 live transfer approved citi 5000.00 @ 0%=21 mo,bt when recieved

CAM-1430090189 6/29/2011 2/29/11 Norma Estrada 15051 rockford st silmar CA 91342 4266841048918484 8/11 807 $695 steven/chris 818 367 2818 20000 6 12 11/22/193 1291 live transfer dmp approved gm 0%= 4000.00 bt later and dmp

CAM-1430122109 6/29/2011 6/29/2011 Harvey Wilkerson 2026 E Lanvale St Baltimore Md 21213 4312439230603214 0413 371 $695 Carla/Mack 410 563 1275 4600 2 18 4/12/1930 7981 live transfer trnr from wells to citi 2800

CAM-1430516906 6/30/2011 6/30/2011 Stephen Williams po box 167 ogun quit ME 03907 5401683096498826 11/11 765 $995 richard/chris 207 646 2181 30000 10 20 7/12/1942 4238 Live transfer disc lowerd 29.99% to 24.25% plus 0% for 6 mo plus one mo interest refunded on a10,000.00 debt,how do i do that!

CAM-1430606049 6/30/2011 6/30/2011 Ronald Jones 210 kipton station rd knoxville TN 37920 6011006599204170 3/16 041 $995 richard/chris 865 573 5127 12000 2 16 11/12/202 2655 Live transfer BT fromfirst tenn. 16%to his disc @0% for 18 mo. wow

8/16 CB CAM-1431126 7/1/2011 7/1/2011 Elizabeth Sheely 9801 n hwy 12 lot 42 michigan city IN 46360 4481956101023474 2/12 556 $995 gina/chris 219 873 9243 8000 2 20 12/24/194 8205 Live transfer gm approved 1500.00@0%,others pending

CB7/26 refute by 7/23 s 7/1/2011 7/1/2011 bahn lieu 21321 audette st deerbourn MI 48124 4266514210740446 8/12 532 $398 whitney/chris 313 563 7119 20000 5 15 4/27/1954 5850 call back old cu put him with united debt settlement dmp with boa show hardship

1395255213 CB REC. 07/07/201 4/19/2011 steria arauia po box 2649 oak bluffs ma 2557 5291492087327017 4/12/2011 121 $895 joe/chriss 5086960725 10k 3 28 9/25/1976 8594 tue live trans live transfer from chris called all cc,s no change in int closing accts, applying for small card,pitch dn mack


DECLINE 7/7/2011 Mathew R Dobbins 253 oakdale rd townville SC 29689 5401683057026616 9/13 730 $795 steven/chris 864 617 2225 9000 2 13 9/8/1980 2794 live transfer

CAM-1432824953 7/5/2011 Jason N Cash 115 cash lane lake poxaway mi 28747 5149226130051990 4/12 239 $795 mike/chris 828 862 8171 13000 1 13 6/25/1975 OO29 live transfer 2 cc ,citi 2000.00+barclay 2200.00,disc pend,gm pend

CAM-1432837475 7/5/2011 7/5/2011 Alan Morets 829 mulberry st. sw lenoir NC 28645 5458001517265108 5/12 849 $495 gina/larry 828 758 2730 6800 2 23 7/17/1959 3324 live transfer approved barclay unkown amt,citi pend,disc pend

CAM-1433331308 7/6/2011 7/6/2011 Robert Routh po box 177 lawyer st dike rd kamiah ID 83536 5466320206283317 9/12 763 $795 raphael/chris 208 935 2280 208 935 2280 8400 2 19 11/25/194 3273 live transfer approved barclay 15,000.00 0% bt later

CAM-1433418112 7/6/2011 7/6/2011 Frances George 804 Warner Dr Lewiston ID 83501 4266849971406427 11/13 530 $1,295 steven/chris 208-798-0671 25k 4 17 7/28/1935 3458 sears lowerd 24% to 17% how do u do that voodoo

1433853045/CB 8/24/1 7/7/2011 7/7/2011 Patricia G Mcneil 365 museum dr. greensburgh LA 70441 5491100033525554 10/12 851 $695 nich/chris 225 222 6057 5000 3 20 7/7/1945 4836 live transfer customer called in and wanted refund ,finally apprvd gm $1450.00 bt later

1433856724/ CB 8/24/2 7/7/2011 7/7/2011 Mary Ann Young 1894 28th st n.e. hickory NC 28601 4003447015982731 4/12 556 $995 carla/chris 828 256 8730 25000 11 20 5/9/1953 2455 live transfer 8/25/11 CB recieved-KG approved barclays 15,000.000 BT later

1433923424 7/7/2011 7/7/2011 Winston G Morgan 4826 Gatwick dr virginia beach VA 23462 5466388405976841 9/12 632 $695 gina/chris 757 513 6278 8000 1 18 3/19/1966 3810 live transfer us airways is barclays,they offerd 0% BT for 12 mo,approved citi unkown amt,gm pend,disc pend

1433967238 7/7/2011 7/7/2011 Larry&shanta Barne 5223 divine lane mebane NC 27302 4616081106141011 1/14 042 $795 whitney/chris 336 421 3615 9000 1 13 1/28/1976 1607 live transfer approved disc. no amt call friday,also apprd gm

1434396731 7/8/2011 7/8/2011 Ower O Stansbury 1506 elm st morgan city LA 70380 5401683045743934 12/13 970 $995 richard/larry 225 773 7548 14000 1 15 12/9/1952 1799 live transfer apprvd citi check $ 4400.00,barclay pend,cap one same

1436658752----REFUN 7/13/2011 7/13/2011 Daniel Somerville 113 carriage way hopkinsvillee KY 42240 4862362641075083 2/13 187 $195 steven/chris 270 881 4742 3800 1 18 10/18/194 3550 live transfer 7/19 REF per Mack citi pend,gm,barclay review,he needs DMP

1436676515 7/13/2011 7/13/2011 JoAnne Y Timmerm 19415 oak crossing rd newhall CA 91321 5121071934803705 11/11 740 $695 carla/larry 661 252 5793 6000 4 15 7/2/1931 5802 live transfer 8/10 sw mrs & MC rep. mrs does not remember signing up for our service, threw away Ca approved cap-one unkown amount,gm,disc pend

1437304190 7/14/2011 7/14/2011 Edith Fleming 2203 mint blvd fairfield IA 52556 6011310097736315 10/11 660 $995 rich/chris 641 919 3680 10000 4 20 6/15/1942 3041 live transfer approved citi check $4300.00

1437322523 7/14/2011 7/14/2011 Myron Dinsele 112 n main st Graer IA 50675 6011298689260606 6/12 421 $795 whitney/larry 641 751 5316 9000 4 17 11/1/1941 9843 live transfer Balanc trans amex to disc 0% aug 2012,changed due date on disc

1437343489 7/14/2011 7/14/2011 Mark D Ruehlow 944 15th st NE mason city IA 50401 6011007290244051 4/12 013 $995 nich/chris 641 512 2370 20000 3 22 4/1/1977 5343 live transfer Balance trans sears to discover 5.9% =12 mo

1437882204 7/14/2011 7/15/2011 Paula J Paris 621 n wapello ottumwa IA 52501 5121079603073161 2/13 077 $195 carla/chris 641 777 1716 25000 5 25 11/6/1957 5055 live transfer approved citi 2700.00,app barclay 500.00

1437914918 7/15/2011 7/11/2011 Teresa C Turner po box 867 johnsonville NC 29555 4559542700792250 7/12 699 $795 nich/chris 843 386 3398 843 319 9216cell 7000 6 29 7/2/1959 9541 live transfer app citi check 2300.00,app cap one 500.00

DECLINE 7/18/2011 7/15/2011 Nancy M Bodenstei 602 allamakee st waukon IA 52172 5458001109229595 12/11 921 $795 whitney/larry 563 568 3222 5000 3 22 11/20/195 9777 live transfer 8/1 rec'd citi card, cut up, and filed. LA

CB 7/21 6/23/2011 6/23/2011 Carmen E Humes 36631 grand river apt 203 farmington MI 48335 5178057298477428 8/13 129 $795 gina/chris 313 410 6498 4000 4 23 11/23/196 2736 live transfer 7/21 sw/ ms humes , when she disputed the transaction as fraudulent she was unaware th approved gm $1500.00,pendingciti-barclay-BoA

1439386743 7/18/2011 7/18/2011 Troy Johansen 122 s vine st west union IA 52175 4246315144453121 11/12 285 $995 gina/chris 563 380 4544 15000 2 14 2/1/1970 8383 live transfer app approved citi,,app approved barclay

1439421404 7/18/2011 7/18/2011 Lysanias Broyles 2720 e 35th st. davenport IA 52807 4465420166484386 3/13 958 $795 tony/chris 563 650 3857 10000 2 14 11/13/197 9120 live transfer approved barclay $12,500.00 bt later btdiscover to barclay,btwells fargo to barclay,plus barclay sent addt 10k to wells fargo advised client to reverse addtnl transfer

1439945879 7/19/2011 7/19/2011 Jill L Lambert 6672 imperial rose place reynoldsburg OH 43068 6011005859005731 3/12 361 $995 steven/chris 614 759 0864 15000 3 19 6/8/1953 1773 live transfer approved cap one $7500.00

1440174720 7/19/2011 7/19/2011 lorene sizemoore 317 locus st hazard KY 41701 5178057234555261 10/13 654 $495 whitney/larry 606 487 8936 10000 12 18 7/28/1952 1770 live transfer barclay,chase approved

1440178295 7/19/2011 7/19/2011 eric wright 4514 benton boise ID 83706 4559541900659533 6/13 945 $495 rapheal/mike 208 331 4089 6000 2 20 4/21/1959 9497 live transfer citi,barclay, gm declinqt acts low score

1440181015 7/19/2011 7/19/2011 Jeffrey Washington 718 165th st Hammond In 46324 6011005070220572 03/14 038 $449 carla/Mike 219 931 7451 5000 4 24.99 5/11/1970 4428 live transfer lowered int on disc 19% to 17 %,cap one ,citi pend

1440183630 7/19/2011 7/19/2011 Juanita C Snyder 1377 Mudlick Rd Salt Lick Ky 40371 4003447013975497 12/11 077 $195 Carla/ Chris 606 683 9926 28000 2 17.99 1/20/1965 792 live transfer offer DMP chase approved

1441243096 7/20/2011 7/20/2011 makenzie hussey 1124 black rd thomasville NC 27360 5432271468001288 8/11 742 $495 rapheal/mike 740 507 0929 6000 2 25 9/19/1984 6791 live transfer 7/21s/w hussey & bank re: wanting refund, trx mack: send back cards and we'll refund, otherwise we did our job.

1442144489 7/21/2011 7/21/2011 Patsy Kendall 913 Jones Dr Pocatello Id 83201 4313071346146009 5/12 247 $995 Steven/Mike 208 237 4013 30000 4 29 10/16/193 5519 live transfer dmp-citi 3000 16.9 barclay 3200

1442204089 7/21/2011 7/21/2011 Lima Alewine 141 Grove St Royston GA 30662 5466160218771861 0314 008 $995 steven/mike/nick 706-245-7745 404-386-9707 4500 3 18.9 12/18/192 1510 live transfer cap1 7500 0% til oct //NICK cb thur bt anytime cap1 Nick

1442204938 7/21/2011 7/21/2011 Shirley Thompson 2185 Rube Smith Rd Canmer ky 42700 5490999018294073 4/12 350 $295 Tony/Chris 270 528 2444 12500 1 15 1/29/1944 5032 live transfer 11/03 client called in looking for an FA live xfer to Steve ~BT citi 2600 fia lowered crd line Mack
1 & 2 week follow If NO: 2 week
Bank Contact: Y Applications: Y or 3 day follow up up call to let the Service Received
Processed Date Sold Name Address City State Zip Credit Card Exp Date CVC Price Open Closer Phone Number 2nd Number Amount o No. of Car Interest R DOB SSN good time to c Customer Notes FA Notes FA or N N DATE client know followup to complete Completed?? Invoice? Zilch Tracking Number USPS Zilch Notes (carlos)
everything is done

1442592769 7/22/2011 7/22/2011 ruth jessine 397 n 100th east tooele ut 84074 5121071833738192 08/13 780 $795 whitney/larry 435-843-7132 19000 2 17.24 7/10/1953 1661 live transfer sears lowered from 24%to 17% Mack

1442629633 7/22/2011 7/22/2011 sherry l cain 7465 3rd st turner OR 97392 5424180770068853 08/12 046 $795 RICHARD/Larry 503-743-2213 503-871-1312 6000 5 12 2/6/1950 4237 live transfer 2 bal trns ,4000 disc,2000 amex to 0% citi Mack

1442630342 7/22/2011 7/22/2011 Vikki Lee Reynolds po box 187 hayden ID 83835 4147202037856471 4/14 600 $995 Carla/Chris 208 689 3659 15000 4 20 8/29/1953 5819 live transfer 2 bal trans =$5400.00 citi, $2980 chase to 4.9% chase Mack

1444110608 7/25/2011 7/25/2011 Anthony Yusi 2262 Brookhaven Ln Hinckley Oh 44233 5466322246529352 10/13 715 $795 Nick/Mike 330 225 9372 8000 3 11.9 7/21/1944 3588 live transfer 0% discover 12 mo Mack

1444189396 7/25/2011 7/25/2011 Bertha Stone 1015 Federal Rd Little Hocking Oh 45742 6011005003520452 3/12 074 $695 Richard/ Mike 740 989 2619 5000 1 12.9 11/10/193 8262 live transfer cap 1 7500 0%12 mo then 10.9 nick did bt Mack

1444712984 7/26/2011 7/26/2011 Kathleen Baier 11145 Branch St Denton MD 21629 4003447012339588 4/14 812 $195 Richard/Larry 410 852 5822 35000 3 18 12/20/195 1025 live transfer sent to DMP apprvd citi $3000.00 0% 21 mo Mack

1444765895 7/26/2011 7/26/2011 Lessie Watts 244 Salem Rd extend Oxford MS 38655 6011006100640771 4/14 356 $795 Steven/Mike 662 816 3840 15000 2 29.24 6/14/1948 457 live transfer canceled payment protection, Discover down to 21.24%, 3.9% for purchases saved $85 monthly Mack

1445222407 7/27/2011 7/27/2011 Ricky Curtis 127 NE. 24 St Oak island NC 28465 6011005643834198 5/16 001 $395 Nick/Mike 910 201 1319 3000 3 24 11/17/195 1475 live transfer cap 1 $500 at 0% apprvd for 12 mo bal trans first premier to cap -1 Mack

1445255750 7/27/2011 7/27/2011 Gwen Pearson 331 Ivy Ave Louisville MS 39339 5424180524162911 9/15 059 $595 Moana/Mike 662 803 7787 20000 3 16 4/18/1963 8540 live transfer 2 cc maxed out putting her in DMP Mack

1448091549/CB 10/26/ 8/1/2011 8/1/2011 Beatrice johnson 811 N. Eucalyptus Ave Apt.12 Inglewood CA 90302 5424180753930244 2/13 367 $940 Steven/Mike 310 671 9145 16000 5 20 3/23/1929 0636 live transfer Customer called in with CC company, explained the charge and was ok after that. Told her she was working with Nick and that he will call her, she asked if he could call tom before 11. // 9 nick

1448218930 8/1/2011 8/1/2011 Dale Kyle 4917 E. Idaho St New Plymoth ID 83655 5466160104506702 6/14 724 $599 Whitney/larry 208 278 5676 7600 1 18.9 4/27/1940 165 live transfer cap one approved $3000 0% Mack

1448776815 8/2/2011 7/29/2011 Julie Corley 1171 Driscoll Ridge Rd Troy ID 83871 4003442651310164 6/13 853 $695 Carla/Mike 208 835 5071 6000 3 15.24 6/25/1956 7885 live transfer disc apprvd 3000.00 bt later 8/18 transfered call to FA mack
1448837577 8/2/2011 8/2/2011 Russell Mischler 80 Boynton Ave Plattsburgh NY 12901 4185860823690405 9/13 933 $95 Moana/Mike 518 561 3680 5000 2 19 3/10/1938 4472 live transfer chase visa put in DMP 10/20 called in returning Nicks call FWD msg for call back~ER // 10/21 called in wanting to speak with nick about his CAP1 I fwd the msg to Nick foe a call back~Enick

1449353830 8/2/2011 8/2/2011 Russell Mischler 80 Boynton Ave Plattsburgh NY 12901 5178058298700595 7/13 365 $395 Moana/Mike 518 561 3680 5000 2 22.9 3/10/1938 4472 live transfer gm aprvd 4k DMP

1449470068 8/3/2011 8/3/2011 Jerry Bradley 732 E. Dudley Rd French Cap CA 95231 5178052645352457 9/13 737 $495 Whitney/Mike 209 982 1145 4500 1 23 9/8/1938 7361 live transfer Discussed everything with wife Beverly all cc pend,next is dmp Mack

1449518096 8/3/2011 8/3/2011 Frankie Baker 35345 153rd St Wecota SD 57438 5424180676832626 7/12 943 $995 Carla/Mike 605 324 3240 10000 2 17 1/15/1940 9112 live transfer citi lowerd rate 16.99% to 9.99% nick

1450117082 8/4/2011 8/4/2011 Randall Rupe 1280 Britt Lane Red Bluff CA 96080 6011000711035992 11/11 415 $995 Richard/Mike 530 528 2441 21000 5 27 10/5/1953 2913 live transfer Gm aprvd 8500 disc lowerd 29.9 to 26.9 Mack

1450119078 8/4/2011 8/4/2011 Joshua Waikoloa 38394 Birch St Newark CA 94560 4447961139006361 8/11 151 $295 Moana/Larry 510 794 1127 3000 3 23 6/17/1932 6183 live transfer citi approv 2000 Mack

1450121682 8/4/2011 8/4/2011 Wanda Arant 110 Acadia Blvd W Monroe LA 71291 6011006865376470 0512 883 $795 Carla/Mike 318 355 8526 15000 2 13 2/15/1959 1141 live transfer citi approv 4800 for 21 mo Nick

1450665095 8/5/2011 8/5/2011 Rick Chriscip 100 Hummingbird Dr Mcpherson KA 6011361006330336 4/12 301 $495 Justin/Larry 620 241 0280 7000 1 26 12/21/195 1 live transfer citi 2600 17.9% Gm apprvd $1450 Mack

1450679178 8/5/2011 8/3/2011 Sandy Hammill 317 E. 1st St Redfield SD 57469 5291497359310757 9/13 329 $795 Justin/Mike 605 450 0109 23000 6 20 8/25/1960 4832 live transfer citi pend/ dmp----8/17 BofA took away her card limit, "dmp told her all cards would be closed"???LA Mack

Decline 8/9/2011 8/9/2011 Julie Stockman 626 Lakeview Dr zionsville IN 46077 4266841039841422 6/11 988 $250 Gabe/Nick 317 439 4525 4600 1 15 2/9/1985 7729 live transfer good sam approv 4500 8/10 caling back wi new cardfor our250 fee curnt card exp Nick

CXL 8/10/2011 8/10/2011 Cheryl Samuel 1877 Lake Ridge terrace Lawrenceville GA 30043 4888940055461111 12/12 643 $295 Whitney/larry 678 779 8158 3500 1 13.24 6/13/1985 3671 live transfer citi approv 2600 8/10 sw mrs, said she was not falling for a scam she is reporting us to detective, cuz someone c Mack

1456575956/retreival 1 8/16/2011 8/16/2011 Norma Shinkle 61 Wilderness Trail Ellijay GA 30540 601100******5737 5/12/2011 $1,995

1426420664 6/23/2011 6/23/2011 Hannah Furlong 304 Kent St Belgrade MT 59714 4037840024743682 03/12 721 $795 Carla 406-570-3879 7000 2 14 5/16/1983 8018 live transfer 8/10 rec'd cc wants to cut up??? approved citi 4800.00 bt when recievd customer sent back cc and decined

1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042, 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,0 1,374,0 1,374,042,674 1,374,042, 1,374,042, 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 36000 3 13.24 7/31/1962 9906 live transfer Gm approv 4000/ good sam approv 10000 mack

1452258306 8/8/2011 8/8/2011 Isaac Barnett 3800 Holder Rd Durham NC 27703 5178052228168650 06/13 555 $695 Mike 919-596-5370 5000 3 15 4/27/1948 3450 live transfer 10/06 called in, i cb cust. hung up on me ~bw // 10/7- trans call Brian. ~dw // 10/14- called apply for0% bt,disc and citi pend mack

1453336349 8/10/2011 8/10/2011 Arnette Olson 620 S. 5th St Independence KS 67301 4266841234859476 05/13 306 $95 620-205-8775 4000 4 16 10/28/194 9745 live transfer dmp Mack

1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042, 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,0 1,374,0 1,374,042,674 1,374,042, 1,374,042, 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 6000 2 20 1/8/1955 1928 live transfer chase approv/ good sam 3200 Nick

1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042, 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,0 1,374,0 1,374,042,674 1,374,042, 1,374,042, 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 4500 2 13 3/22/1954 9682 live transfer good sam approv 1800 // 9/20- called about charge and asking the status of her account. fwd to nick for FA call. ~PB// 9/20 customer called to talk with FA fwd to Nick ~dw Nick

1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042, 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,0 1,374,0 1,374,042,674 1,374,042, 1,374,042, 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 15000 3 20 9/15/1971 7553 live transfer good sam 1800 Nick

1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042, 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,0 1,374,0 1,374,042,674 1,374,042, 1,374,042, 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 5000 13 23 7/8/1943 4606 live transfer Gm 600/citi 4800 21 mon 16.9 // 9/7- asked for mike or nick to call her, fwd info for call back. ~PB Nick

1453945640 08/11/2011 08/11/201 Mary Risacher 11321 Vessey circle Bloomington MN 55437 6011007923512361 11/14 443 $1,995 Steven Mike 161-220-8162 10000 2 24 2/4/1960 5243 live transfer citi 7300 21 mon Nick

1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042, 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,0 1,374,0 1,374,042,674 1,374,042, 1,374,042, 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 50000 4 14.24 6/19/1958 3862 live transfer Gm 3000/citi pend/barkley pend she was okd for only $3500.00 not looking good,trans DMP Mack

1454610629 08/12/2011 08/12/201 Mary McDonald 207 Georgetown Dr Athens GA 30605 5582508615706881 01/13 881 $199 Steven MIke 706-548-6850 6000 3 21 4/23/1927 0384 live transfer dmp Nick

1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042, 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,0 1,374,0 1,374,042,674 1,374,042, 1,374,042, 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674

1455904068 08/15/2011 08/15/201 Kelly Mclaren 386 Armington Circle Medina OH 44256 540791******172 03/14 $199 Steven Mike 330-416-7590 11000 8 30 5/18/1970 8483 live transfer dmp Nick

1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042, 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,0 1,374,0 1,374,042,674 1,374,042, 1,374,042, 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 15000 3 18 8/20/1952 4699 live transfer dmp Nick

1456027602 08/15/2011 08/15/201 Linda Pittman 2141 Kelly St Augusta GA 30904 4185862540386614 08/12 979 $295 Steven Mike 706-738-0676 16000 9 22.5 10/11/194 2900 live transfer dmp Nick

1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042, 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,0 1,374,0 1,374,042,674 1,374,042, 1,374,042, 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 18000 4 19 1/16/1942 1277 live transfer Discov lower 19-17%/needs statements for bal trans Mack

1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042, 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,0 1,374,0 1,374,042,674 1,374,042, 1,374,042, 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 6000 1 26 4/17/1932 3588 live transfer Sears lower 27-17% Mack

1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042, 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,0 1,374,0 1,374,042,674 1,374,042, 1,374,042, 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 25000 7 30 4/30/1957 4274 live transfer Nick
1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042, 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,0 1,374,0 1,374,042,674 1,374,042, 1,374,042, 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674

1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042, 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,0 1,374,0 1,374,042,674 1,374,042, 1,374,042, 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674

1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042, 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,0 1,374,0 1,374,042,674 1,374,042, 1,374,042, 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674

1456662311 08/16/2011 08/16/201 Maria Ribeiro 145 Lowest St. Brockton ME 02302 4185631225702449 04/14 893 $995 Steven Mike 508-587-1235 4000 1 25 6/11/1956 0569 live transfer cap1 500 nov 12 18.9/dmp Nick

1457093194 08/17/2011 08/17/201 Marian Rolland 5973 Harlem Grove Town Rd Harlem GA 30814 4072100004111116 06/13 118 $1,995 Carla Mike 706-556-3795 4300 3 17 11/25/193 6347 live transfer citi chas pndng, gm gs dec Nick

1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042, 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,0 1,374,0 1,374,042,674 1,374,042, 1,374,042, 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 6000 2 15 3/15/1941 1355 live transfer citipndn gm-cap1 dec still app gs // 10/10 called in wanting to know if rates have been lo 10/10partial refund put her in dmp wi hector 1700 refund nick Nick

1457137849 8/17 8/17 Gloria Brown 3617 Highway 75 Holdenvillie OK 74848 10000 5 20.24 8/20/1945 9608 live transfer 10/27 CXL letter rec'd, not sure if the rest of this info belongs to this client, due to multiple nick tried to call 9-19 got ans machine memory full cant leave message Nick

1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042, 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,0 1,374,0 1,374,042,674 1,374,042, 1,374,042, 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 15000 1 29 2/5/1956 2529 live transfer gs3500gm8500 // 9/12- called for mike. fwd to Orlando for cal back. ~PB Nick

1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042, 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,0 1,374,0 1,374,042,674 1,374,042, 1,374,042, 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 4700 3 25 4/22/1962 3230 live transfer gm 5100 po disc25% 9/22/11-Customer called in acting like she did n't know what the charge was at 1st, but then I explained what we did she said she remembered us doing all the work Nick

1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042, 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,0 1,374,0 1,374,042,674 1,374,042, 1,374,042, 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 6000 3 14.48 8/20/1924 7689 live transfer citi 7300 15mo then12.9 no ans when i called piknhangup card in mail Nick

1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042, 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,0 1,374,0 1,374,042,674 1,374,042, 1,374,042, 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 1,374,042,674 6000 2 20 11/13/195 9763 live transfer Nick

awd-02146B 5/21/2011 4/29/2011 jim dauwaler po box 914 fairfield mt 59436 5121072732203147 9-13 554 $595 raphel-chriss 406-467-2578 6000 3 18 1/3/1977 3435 live transfer citi and barkley/ cap1 approv $500 citi approved 2000.00 mack Mack

CB 5/14 awd-21270P 5/21/2011 4/29/2011 giles breaux 696 clo columbia mt 59920 5491139317366210 6/30/2012 382 $495 rapheal/chris 406 892 2928 32000 2 18 10/29/195 9754 live transfer citi approved pending a address ver mack

4/29/2011 david nelson 919 ninewood st great falls mt 59405 4862362380081748 1/1/2013 989 $895 whitney/chris 406 231 2769 3000 1 15.55 3/18/1943 8862 live transfer Barkley approv 15k she claims she dosnt pay 8-23-11, customer being refunded. Capital One called with customer, Mack

4/29/2011 joann sth 501 mountainview dr. kalistell mt 59901 6011009804388853 9/14 880 $795 tyrone/chris 406 212 6151 20000 2 13.24 11/6/1946 2967 live transfer Amer Ex low 13.24 to 10.24%, 8/19/2011, customer called in to speek with Orlando, said it was very important! Left note on Orlando's computer. Nick

4/29/2011 kriston rodgers 1732 s 14 west ssoula mt 59801 4266841119952727 2-13 853 $595 ke-chris 406-531-8153 15000 2 20 3/16/1969 5541 live transfer 8/15 CXL per MS 8/11 sw mrs, LC trx to MS, Nick

1401536324 5/2/2011 5/2/2011 Nancy Viscardi 73 Vly sumt rd. greenwhich NY 12834 4266901026627653 8/11 870 $695 whitney/chris 518 692 2476 10000 2 23 12/3/1928 9307 live transfer L/m for customer on 9/12/11 SD-------citi 4800/barkley pend 8/30 customer had discover o saved charge back,$1795.00 Mack

CB 8/10 awd-021478 5/21/2011 5/3/2011 florence wheeler box 104 pompey ny 13138 4137163034002257 2-13 484 $295 nick-chris 315-492-8580 18000 2 16.24 4/20/1952 7950 live transfer lowered to 12.99 Citi 3000 offered DMP

5/4/2011 Maria Escalla 2080 first ave. #805 new york NY 10029 5122571000429474 11/12 433 $495 gina/chris 212 427 9391 9733.55 2 24 10/25/195 5331 live transfer min. 2,500 savings Wayne

5/5/2011 Alice Osborne 56e oneida st baldwinsville ny 13027 5410093150312567 1/12 896 $695 mead/chris 3156356790 16000 2 19 12/11/195 6765 live transfer citi 3000 21 mon/gs 5000 12 bill cycles-------8/26 sw mr, "did not auth fee" no $ on that car 8/26 customer called in wants refund, program not explained properly he will call back when car Nick

5/5/2011 Patricia Pratt 13 grassville rd brantlake ny 12815 5121071802431936 8/13 898 $795 mead/chris 518 494 2197 40000 17 25.24 11/19/195 5211 live transfer starting file, c.b. 1-2 ny time, 3 hr diff. 8/24 customer upset about being charged was told differently has bank giving her a full refund a mack

5/9/2011 Linda Nichols PO Box 650 Champlain NY 12919 6011361080185192 712 $795 Whitney/ Joe 518 298 5539

086866 5/2/2011 5/2/2011 Rose M Card 143 Dolshire dr North Syracuse NY 13212 4352376714513124 3/12 456 $495 joe/chris 315 457 8656 11000 1 13 11/8/1937 7497 live transfer good sam approv 10k 12 bill cycles/cap1 pend // 9/7- asked for Nick. fwd to Orlando. ~PB Nick

00158c 5/2/2011 5/2/2011 Esther Champlin 3191 Franklin st. rd. Auburn NY 13021 4147202037025267 10/12 332 $595 joe/chris 315 253 3936 22000 2 30 3/12/1946 7631 live transfer chase is offer % 0 bt 12 mo,she needs more time.. apprvd7300citi21mo 12500gs12bilcyc nick Nick

03474A ` 5/3/2011 arlene morrow box 43 port kent ny 12975 4305727685006464 5-13- 815 $395 gina-chriss 518-834-9512 5500 2 23 2/3/1948 2034 live transfer Barkley approv $12500 advised cust omer when we recieve the new card she gets refund.she has our address,mack Mack

1460381630 8/23/2011/retrieval 1 8/23/2011 Patricia Bell 5085 W. 136 Ave apt.231 Broomville CO 80023 6011008271443530 5/16 663 $1,995 Justin/Mike 217 429 3270 15000 3 20 10/2/1935 4708 live transfer customer was need appt wed // 11/03 clients hsbnd clld in looking for information about charge on the account, doesnt know what our company does or why charge is there, supervisor Mack

1460407724 8/23/2011 8/23/2011 Georgia Hounshell 599 NW. Troost St Roseburg OR 97471 5121079689212295 10/13 643 $1,995 Carla/Mike 541 673 4857 6000 4 25.24 8/22/1934 3283 live transfer cap-1 lowerd 17.9 to 10.9,app 0% cc Mack

1460457087 8/23/2011 8/23/2011 Carl Seymour 32424 360th St Baylis IL 62314 5466320735802314 4/12 885 $995 Bobby/Mike 217 336 3171 12000 1 23 7/25/1946 1784 live transfer citi approv 1600 for 21 mo/gs approv 4500 12 bill cycle Nick

1460949386 8/24/2011 8/24/2011 william gilmore 37 woodhill ct apt 23 binghamton ny 13904 5121071796232001 5/13 943 $1,995 whitney/steve 607.729.3127 30000 6 25 3/29/1936 4550 live transfer sears drop 25% to 17%,closed dead wifes cc saved $4100.00 alone on those acts mack

1461010474 8/24/2011 8/24/2011 Desiree Decker 470 Cleveland Ave North Hornell NY 14843 4185874783729046 4/13 187 $395 Raphael/Mike 607 324 4820 9500 4 23 1/25/1967 1018 live transfer cap1 lower 22.9 to 14.9 for 7 mon/apply for 0%. 8/25-customer called in concerned that we were not a legit company, because she did not get a call from Larry today and she read some n Mack

1461022033 8/24/2011 8/24/2011 Katie Marks 950 County Rd 19 Norwich NY 13815 4264296174066024 4/12 766 $1,995 Joseph/Mike 607 336 6938 4600 2 13 7/26/1956 4248 live transfer Discov did bal tran from AAA 2.9% for 12 mon Mack

1461467287 8/25/2011 8/25/2011 Jan Kowalczyk 737 Polk St NW Marietta GA 30064 4755830000765981 8/13 254 $1,995 Carla/Mike 678 523 0093 8000 8 25 6/25/1951 5702 citi pending, barclay approved 2,200 and GM approved 1,450. we will submit transfers once we wayne

1461469967 8/25/2011 8/25/2011 Eric Kubale 200 Parkshore Dr Battle Creek MI 49014 6011499436031122 6/13 131 $1,995 Joseph/Mike 269 962 3045 20000 20 9/28/1952 3735 Min gurantee 4500 Barclay Approved client for 18,800. already xfered discover balance incl fee. pending citi, will xf wayne

1461489655 8/25/2011 8/25/2011 Karen Amato 22 Ridge Hill Rd North Smithfield RI 02896 5424180653875564 0114 055 $1,995 Bobby/Steven 401 769 5621 40k 5 18.99 9/15/1966 4658 live transfer 4000 Citi reduced 16,038 from 18.99 to 14.99 new rate... discover is at a 7.99 so we will leave that al Wayne

1461491400 8/25/2011 8/25/2011 Dave Frucci 33408 U.S. 12 Rd Niles MI 49120 4417168652618871 3/14 320 $1,995 Justin/Steven 269 683 2695 6000 1 17 8/6/1952 1878 live transfer Nick

1461584515/------$298. 8/25/2011 8/25/2011 Rudolph Yastremsk 6713 Lake Salubria Dr. Bath NY 01481 5140218025775105 12/12 279 $102 Joseph/Mike 607 776 2590 7000 3 18 12/3/1960 4416 live transfer citi approv 4800 21 mon customer dnt wnt new card and was instructed to to send new card to afb,then refund mack Wo Nick

1461586672 8/25/2011 8/25/2011 Rudolph Yastremsk same as above same as above 4862362530773681 12/12 260 $195 NICK

1462094214 8/26/2011 8/26/2011 Duane Perry 5711 Columbia Way spc 181 Quartz Hill CA 93536 5582508636367440 10/13 144 $299 Terry/Steven 661 722 7140 6000 4 24 7128 live transfer Dmp // 10/21- spoke to client. he said that he was a little upset because current cc payments are due and told Mack this. took msg, and gave to nick to save. "AW" // 10/21 called in very Mack

Dead 9/1/2011 janet richardson 19818 121st Court East Bonnely Lake WA 98391 5466264008887851 4/13 803 $1,295 Raphael/Mike 253 862 3544 40000 3 16 12/31/195 2757 guarntee savings 5000 Client does not want to close any accounts to do a HS. Client is close to maxed on her accounts wayne

1465151733/REFUND 8/31/2011 8/31/2011 cindy Jones 18023 140th Court SE Renton WA 98058 4888935024126167 6/12 $1,995 Whitney/Mike/MAck 425 271 1935 20000 2 27 1/25/1957 3500 live transfer guarntee min 4500 customer called in husband killed the deal mack

1463794028 8/29/2011 8/26/2011 Elizabeth Danek 1218 Morton Greatbend KA 67530 5424181005258111 6/14 296 $199 Carla/Steven/MAck 620 793 8043 30000 4 13 12/25/201 3867 live transfer dob not listed, dmp 199.00 Mack

1463769235 8/29/2011 8/29/2011 Leona Spino 73419 Mustanger Lane Pendleton OR 97801 6011009440255151 6/12 150 $1,995 Oliver/Steven/MAck 541 276 1088 10000 1 29 8/8/1961 8004 live transfer discov low 29 to 12.24% citi low 18.9 to 14.9% Mack

1463820098 8/29/2011 8/29/2011 Carmen Domenech 93504 Shady Lane North Bend OR 97459 4147341032039095 9/12 $99 Raphael/Mike/MAck 541 756 1473 12000 4 29 10/10/194 1002 live transfer Dmp Mack

1463865622 8/29/2011 8/29/2011 pamela householde 643 glenn way cetral pt or 97502 4305721512716627 ? ? $1,995 whit/mike/MAck 541 840 7169 13000 3 17 5/29/1970 7641 live transfer cap one lowerd 16.9 to 9.9 7 mpo,apply for 0% mack

1464573239 8/30/2011 8/30/2011 Catherine Kuntz 1960 S. Red bud Trail Niles Ml 49120 4266841126193935 12/12 538 $1,495 Terry/Mike/MAck 269 591 1796 16000 4 30 2/7/1960 2687 live transfer cap1 approv 1000/discov pend Mack

1464574643 8/30/2011 8/30/2011 Shirley Osmun 1101 Woodrow Lane apt 3 Medford OR 97504 4559500100533682 3/14 858 $1,995 Bobby/Mike/MAck 541 858 5965 5000 1 15.24 5/4/1932 377 live transfer drop ship! Mack

1464603897 8/30/2011 8/30/2011 Laura Day 1187 Kane St Roseburg OR 97470 4479941342404299 11/12 976 $1,995 Oliver/Steven/MAck 541 672 9702 6200 2 18 7/22/1953 3763 live transfer saved 10000 at 0%/ gm approv 7650 discov approv // 10/12- she called asking account update. gave msg to Nick to call tomorrow. ~PB Mack

1464606614/retrieval 1 8/30/2011 8/30/2011 Altina Atkinson 135 S. Verde Dr. Ontario OR 97914 5206120226311899 02/14 737 $995 Whitney/Steven/MAck 406-437-8260 4000 5 22 7/8/1960 1389 live transfer cap1 pend/barkley pend // 9/1 called for Larry reguarding her cc. PB (11/28/11 Customers she doesnt get approved for any card dsnt wnt dmp,mack Mack

1464619833 8/30/2011 8/30/2011 Judy Zoerb 9414 10th Ave SW Seattle WA 98106 6011009450267567 12/12 634 $1,295 Sharai/Mike/MAck 206 763 9656 5200 2 18 8/12/1940 1982 live transfer Mack

1464622746 8/30/2011 8/30/2011 Monnette Moss 716 Regents Blvd Fircrest WA 98466 5424180303657792 3/15 134 $1,995 Oliver/Mike/MAck 253 460 1767 18000 1 20 3/27/1932 1876 live transfer Updated expiration date and cvc from 0312 403 to updated info in database. per LM. SD 9/27 customer called to talk with FA fwd to FA ~dw mack/darla

1465047098 8/31/2011 8/30/2011 Emma Hartsock 32429 29th Ave SW Federal Way WA 98023 4266841265733954 6/14 124 $1,295 Larry/Steven/MAck 253 833 2774 6000 4 29 3/17/1932 7964 live transfer disc pend/ sears low 25 to 17% Mack

1465139852 8/31/2011 8/31/2011 Catherine Templeto 41 E. 24th ave Eugene Or 97405 4147070016991373 9/12 130 $1,995 Oliver/Steven/Wayne 541 343 1778 8500 2 18 7/21/1959 740 2,500 savings Harvard approved 7,500 transferred 6207 from her BOA account @ 13.24% to 0 % for 6 mos th Wayne

1465160597 8/31/2011 8/31/2011 Pat Sita 4925 Tioga Way Central Point OR 97502 5184450000339840 0514 360 [29] $1,995 Terry/Mike/MAck 541 664 2988 29000 2 30-12 12/18/195 9540 live 5000 savings Darla calling back 9/1 mack

1465732353 9/1/2011 8/31/2011 Frances M. Clark 501 Bellmont Ave. #16 Bakersfield Cali 93308 6011000753891666 8/14 808 $695 Samantha/Steven/MAck 661 392 8329 7100 2 20-23 9/7/1938 1214 2,500 savings need to call discover thursday @ 1:00 for rate reduc mack

1465768445 9/1/2011 9/1/2011 annette gorremans 1515 sw apperson st. mcminnville or 97128 5121071883399150 10/13 250 $1,995 joseph/norm/MAck 503-435-0808 24000 1 25 2/22/1970 125 2500 // 9/29- FA call, trans to Darla ~PB // 10/28 called in requesting to speak with a FA apply for cards///11/02 Spoke w/ cust whohad already spoken w/ mack and darla ray, orig applic mack

1466254067 9/2/2011 9/1/2011 darren r wickman 114 n oneida st green bay wi 54303 4465392004208733 5/31/14 996 $1,995 joseph/norm/MAck 9206214303 16k 1 17.6 11/30/196 7681 4500 savings approved 2000.0,citi,aaprvd gm 3600,disc pend mack mack

1466315032 9/2/2011 9/2/2011 dale kieckhafer 2304 n eastwood lot32 northfolk ne 68701 4037840033366566 10/12 304 $199 oliver/norm/MAck 402 644 7995 12 5 15 9/4/1935 6557 4 dmp mack

1466348925 9/2/2011 9/2/2011 sared georges 10 timbury dr apt 112 rochester hills mi 48307 6011361066709056 01-12 067 $1,295 mike/mack-darla 248 528 2858 248 747 3808 9 2 15 7/1/1948 5249 approvd good sam 4500.00 12 mo // mack-darla

1466424951 9/2/2011 9/2/2011 julie brady 12203 round saville rd baton rouge la 70818 4185506004914037 03/14 294 $200 Raphael/norm/nick 225-202-3970 12k 4 15 8/29/1962 4567 9/13 call to talk to FA fwd info 9/27 customer called for FA ~dw nick

1466426928 9/2/2011 9/2/2011 julie brady 4266841180544684 06-14 973 $295 Raphael/norm/nick nick

9/2/2011 rufina ruiz 2013 maganda way delano Cali 93215 6011000630739728 2/12 089 $995 sharai/norm 661 725 1634 3000 2 22 11/16/194 290 2500 savings mack

8/26/2011 Gloria Puleo 493 Quartz St. Redwood City CA 94062 5396550135940323 $1,995 Joseph/Mike 650 368 6042 8500 2 12.24 2/12/1932 1594 live transfer bal trans citi to Att $10290 .99% untill feb 2013 // 9/7- called for Larry M. fwd msg for call back. ~PB nick cxalled left message9-16 230pm 9-20 2pm nick spoke wi gloria she has the bal t mack

8/31/2011 Larry H. Torska N1858 Savannah Dr. Greenville WI 54942 5490840002150618 11/12 784 $795 Sherai/Steven 920 912 7191 25000 2 17 11/21/195 5327 4000 Savings called both accounts no rate drop working on his profile mack

decl $$ or block Larry H. Torska 54942 4417127019237585 10/14 967 $1,200 Sherai/Steven 25000 2 15 11/21/195 5327

DECLINED-everything matches 8/31/2011 Willie L. Williams 1101 E. Santa Inec Ave. San Mateo Cali 94401 07/12 269 $1,995 Ben/Steven 650 343 4849 8000 1 16-19 12/14/192 9043 2,500 savings Pending citi and barclays wayne

declined need CVV 9/2/2011 9/2/2011 ella a daniel 1538 stone gate ln se atlanta ga 30317 4330060001479028 07/14 $1,995 sharai/steve/nick 404-378-0101 7500 2 12 3/15/1948 2751 citi cap one barclays pending gm declined nick darla

Transaction Failed 9/6/2011 Marsha Ludwig 1626 E. 61st. Tucoma WA 98404 5121071937000317 8/13 611 $1,000 Oliver/Steven/Carla 253 475 6471 17000 2 25.24 8/30/1972 6877 sears will not lower will call citi tomarrow/she needed to go to work/customer said will do her own bal transfers-not intrested in our program--darla Darla
Transaction Failed
Processor Response:

DECLINE, block or $ 9/6/2011 Marsha Ludwig 5424180839159206 11/12 576 $995 Oliver/Steven/Carla 17 Darla

waiting on update on exp. date 9/7/2011 oscar mascorro 54 e tyler muskegon mi 49445 4820982750005315 4/11 895 $295 benny/steven/mack 231 766 2178 5000 4 15 4/21/1950 3026 approved cap onebarclay pend mack

DECLINED, will not proccess without cvc 9/6/2011 Kimberly White 9001 NE 54st apt227 Vancouver WA 98662 4305870899020796 $495 Tanya/Mike/Nick 360 882 1786 3800 1 13.24 3/9/1928 8416 Nick

DECLINED $ or block 9/8/2011 Louis J. Thomure 3633 7th Ave. S.W.21 Olympia WA 98502 4417122374607209 6/13 296 $1,995 Amirah/Steven/Nick 360 352 5260 8000 1 15 1/29/1920 7254 he did research claims we are a scam Nick

1455990891/REF8/23/ 8/15/2011 8/15/2011 Elizabeth Seminara 801 S. Main St Apt #178 Mt. Holly NC 28120 6011003920307673 11/14 917 $1,495 Carla/Mike 704 820 0096 25000 4 17.24 8/18/1961 9724 live transfer dmp citi/chase gdsam pndng apps dec bad cred syas shell keep doin what she been doinwants refund 8/24/0200

1454015953/refund 9/7 8/11/2011 8/11/2011 Stephen Mathews 93 S. Restin Rd Greenwood IN 46142 4352377616907919 2/12 245 $1,995 Carla/Mike 317 885 6272 35000 9 22 10/6/1947 4349 live transfer he is gathering his statments,cb fri // 9/2 asking about charges. trans to Steve D. ~PB Bank called in with customer, he says he did not authorize the charges, had to refund to avoid CB-S Mack

1468753508void per Or 9/7/2011 9/7/2011 Rhonda Sibley 13154 Avon Allen Rd. Mount Vernon WA 98273 5102414100226272 2/12 869 $1,995 Sharai/Steven/Mack 360 424 4481 9000 5 30 10/12/195 7432 talked with her about bt and other options she will cb...cxld per husband JA 9/07 Mack

1467530717/----PARTI 9/5/2011 9/5/2011 ardath poole 1005 wayne st st joseph mi 49085 6011005950576697 7/2012 113 $995 larry/norm/nick-darla 269-983-3835 9000 4 22 6/27/1944 381 partial refund 1k still happy wi servc nick/darla

1467536444 9/5/2011 9/5/2011 aldinita schwartz 128 s nottawa apt 404 sturgis mi 49091 4266514219818672 10/11 869 $495 raphael/norm/nick 269-503-7399 1 16 7/11/1948 3526 11/14 rec'd fax attn nick. LA// hub died she on acct call chase sep 6 to cancel hub debt. // 9/12- called for Nick. trans info for call back. ~PB // chase cancelled hub debt 9/12/2011 // 9/14- nick

1468038659 9/6/2011 9/4/2011 joan-anne lewis 1389 state route 36 troupsburg ny 14885 4357875260014853 7/12 910 [30] $895 bobby/norm/nick-darla 607-525-6496 12000 2 9.9-13.24 3/12/1946 7337 citi plat 4800 cap one 7500 till nov 2012 o% good sam 12500 approved nick has called +6 times phn doesn ring just quiet then busy sig nick/carla

1468158729 9/6/2011 9/6/2011 Alvin Wade 775 Shelbourne Ave. Binton Va 24179 4417168154129336 11/11 983 $1,995 Joseph/Steven/Nick 540 345 5127 40-50000 4/5/2011 19.24 10/4/1938 6606 3500 goodsam 12 bil cyc calling to inform wed sep7 Nick

1468247638 9/6/2011 9/6/2011 Elaine Healey 1370 Bonanza Alley Camino Island WA 98282 6011009929003668 5/12 618 $1,995 Sharai/Steven/Nick 360 387 2741 4700 3 25 3/21/1936 1230 trans bal from both chase acct to disc @ 0%18 moalso dropped future purch from 13.24-11.99 nick Nick

1468249963 Wayne 9/6/2011 9/6/2011 Donald Dennie 1101 Rich Dr Hastings MI 49058 4313070656417364 6/12 998 $795 larry/mike/mack 269 948 2012 6600 1 18 9/1/1962 8121 lvm cb wed approved 2000 0% cap 1 pending for citi//**1/6/2012 client called for Brian tra 10/25/11client called asked for larry mack or darla ray trans to brian--CR // 10/26- he never recv' darla/Brian

1468750986 9/7/2011 9/6/2011 Rose Jones 11651 Elder Ave SW Port Orchard WA 98367 4071100012762351 2/14 145 $1,495 Terry/Mike/Nick 360 876 9236 10000 1 22 1/1/1936 4852 7500cap1 aug 2012 7500gm 12bc 4800citi 21mo Nick

1468704354 9/7/2011 9/7/2011 christine gratz 6035 coldbrook rd homer new yor 13077 4264296156891506 10/13 025 $495 joseph/norm/nick 607-749-2440 11600 2 21.8 10/20/194 3110 citi 21mo 4800 pay off aaa card gs 7k 12 bilcyc // 9/7- called for Nick. didn't have time to called to inform of good news credit cards approved no ans left mess on phn 6077451359 other nick

1469312416 9/8/2011 9/8/2011 nathan benjamin 5013 manomet st San Diego ca 92113 5424180819240711 12/31/12 675 $1,995 brandon/norm/nick 619-262-1498 619-518-4407 22600 1 18.99 6/2/1941 1074 gm3200 citi lowrd 7.9 futur purch // 10/26 called in to speak to nick about his financial pla citi lowered to 7.9 futur purch gm apprvd 3200 citi 3k nick

1469273277 9/8/2011 9/8/2011 Norita Elevado 1933 Parkland Way San Diego CA 92114 4266841197250911 9/13 293 $395 Raphael/Mike/Nick 619 339 3948 17500 2 6.24 8/13/1963 5808 10/10- called for nick. wants to cancel. put msg on his desk for a callback ~PB // called in 1011 called lvm to return my call nick1013 unable to get her approved for bt serious delinq nick Nick

1469313921 9/8/2011 9/8/2011 Robert Johnson 1365 N. Cordnet Pasadena CA 91107 4313070247297564 3/12 448 $1,995 Brandon/Steven/Nick 626 351 8669 16701.72 1 30 8/16/1940 1144 Nick

1469381221 9/8/2011 9/8/2011 Donald Babbe 9999 NE Beachcrest Dr Cambridge Isla WA 98110 5291499248908213 7/12 990 $1,995 Joseph/Mike/Nick 206 842 9387 10000 2 29.4 9/20/1938 7758 citi 0%-21-$2000 barc 0%-$6300 both approved chase pending//nick/darla 1101 goodsam bt went thru he hasnt recv card but gs has bal 6k that was trans from cap1 no cit Nick/darla

1469378858 9/8/2011 9/8/2011 mary nicholson 1609 nw 65th st vancouver wa 98663 4121741377608448 6/13 392 $895 larry/norm/nick 360-852-8686 10000 1 18 9/21/2025 3341 nick

1469384491 9/8/2011 9/8/2011 crespin chipres 10017 houston ave lamont ca 93421 4888936240570576 02/12 052 $595 terry/norm/nick 661-845-3683 2650 1 18 4/24/1942 4774 nick

1469857216 9/9/2011 9/9/2011 Lucinda Browning 4 Anchor Way Half Moon Bay CA 94019 4147202026598589 8/12 187 $795 Bobby/Mike/Nick 650 712 1429 30000 1 13.24 2/12/1944 8064 9-27-11 got note from Joe that client called asking for me (she got my name from me sending her an email with her invoice) I gave the note to nick since he was dealing with her KG-------c Nick

1469866258 9/9/2011 9/2/2011 Oscar Mascarro 54 E. Tyler Muskegon MI 49445 4820982750005315 4/13 123 $295 Benny/Steven/Mack 231 766 2178 5500 2 16 4/21/1950 3026 gm /citi /barc all declined//cap 1 approved $1000-------billed $295 went to dmp spoke to jennifer mack/darla Mack

1469895070 9/9/2011 9/9/2011 Jacqueline M. Hott 2227 Bruce Town Rd. Clearbrook VA 22624 4408046212553328 10/14 510 $1,995 Larry/Steven/Mack 540 662 7894 8000 8 25 3/12/1944 6952 0% bal tran application/citi approved $11700 // 9/22- asked for darla fwd msg for a call b Customer must go to bank and have them call Cap1 so they can verify who she is and where sh Darla

1469929393 9/9/2011 9/9/2011 Micheal Evans 806 wynnwood dr. kent WA 98030 5187482480032998 9/14 458 $1,995 boddy/norm/nick 253-854-2339 11700 1 0.11 7/18/1954 8212 11700citi 21 mo bal tr mon tues9-20 baltr complete small bal left on chase nick


1446607438/CB 9-16-1 7/29/2011 7/29/2011 Luz Djasran 3020 Woud Side Blvd Hailey ID 83333 4800113194066119 8/12 691 $795 Carla/Mike 208 720 6715 20000 6 19 4/22/1959 9574 live transfer 8/10 called re charge on acct. sent to Mack. citi ,disc,pend,also dmp Mack

CAM-1430134984/CB 6/29/2011 6/29/2011 Dorothy Brissenden 146 Townhouse Rd room 8 Union ME 04862 5424180706233449 0212 912 $995 nick/chris 207 785 2824 14000 1 12 6/10/1934 5300 Live transfer Lowered from 11.99 to 8.99 for life of acct.

do not process per lee 9/13/2011 Raymond Hager 4003449265778983 3/14 299 $100

do not process per lee 9/13/2011 Raymond Hager 4185506005606772 11/12 672 $100

DECLINED $ or block again at $995 9/12/2011 Gloriajean Moffett 909 T. St Vancouver WA 98661 4428135822062576 12/11 885 $1,995 Terry/Steven/Mack 360 695 4426 9000 1 20 10/10/195 757 waitin for mom to get back in town Mack

$$ or block AGAIN 9/13/2011 Raymond Hager 726 Heywood Ave. Louisville Ky 40208 5295640001302583 8/14 495 $995 Larry/Steven/Mack 502 637 1187 6023 5 30 7/30/1921 6720 his score is599 and he isnt gettin approved with anyone mack Mack

9/13/2011 Kevin Byrd 9/19 request to talk with FA - trans to FA wants to wait 24 hrs to think about it i already got full ss wait for his call to apply nick

$$ or block 9/13/2011 Deborah Roberts 3308 Kendall Ave Alton IL 62002 5187480230149906 06/12 106 $1,995 Raphael/Steven/larry 6184651921 9/13 customer called to verify the time of her appoint with FA ~dw mack

visa said to pull card.... 9/15/2011 lydia molina 9241 arline st louis mo 63114 4352377619893496 5/13 579 $1,995 amiriah/steven/mack 314-428-8078 3500 3 0.2 1/30/1934 4247

9/13/2011 christine sadler 208 sparrow Dr Hurcules CA 94547 6011000418643601 2/14 211 $995 Terry/Mike/Nick 10000 2 15.24 6/9/1965 7966 10/11/11-citi-approved; cap 1-approved; gs-approved 2300; gm-denied..nick Nick
1467530717/----PARTI 9/5/2011 9/5/2011 ardath poole PARTIAL REFUND PARTIAL REFU PARTIA PARTI 6011005950576697 7/2012 113 $1,000 larry/norm/nick-darla PARTIAL REFU PARTIAL REFUND PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL REF partial refund 1k still happy wi servc PARTIAL REFUND nick/darla

1471104072 9/12/2011 9/12/2011 olga m. sande 3520 300th street n.w. stanwood wa 98292 5121071976816565 9/13 565 $1,995 whitney/norm/larry 360-629-3357 8600 2 25 2/21/1932 sears lowers 8%,work on disc,apply 0% mack daddy

1471203563 9/12/2011 9/12/2011 Carolyn Yoder 2107 N.W. Hayes Rd. Woodland WA 98674 4193107064371653 4/13 222 $995 Oliver/Steven/Mack 360 225 7594 4156 1 16 7/13/1941 6682 approved citi 0% $11700.00 21 mo bt later Called her but no answer. try again later. Mack

1472071602 9/13/2011 9/12/2011 tina larson 251 ne mahonia dr belfair wa 98528 4266851045857080 10/14 389 $1,995 Oliver/Steven/Nick 3602750610 28000 4 15 8/30/1962 3371 11700 citi 21 mo nick

1472035587 9/13/2011 9/13/2011 Richard Daniel 27137 Burkes Ln NE Kingston WA 98346 6011009650693018 1/13 $1,995 Bobby/Norm/Mack 360 297 3492 40000 3 13 6/18/1944 8438 apply o% bal tran citi approved $11000 // Janet Daniel called for Darla fwd to FA ~ dw Mack/darla

1472063648 9/13/2011 9/13/2011 lillie york 5466160121575383 2/2015 779 $95 larry/norm/larry 530-246-0337 26 processing fee 95.00

1472107398 9/13/2011 9/13/2011 Lavone Nichols 1649 Wheat St Sumter SC 29154 5178052161939984 2/13 777 $700 Larry/Steven/Mack 803 481 5186 9000 3 18 1/16/1942 2263 approved citi 6800.00 0% 21 mo then 17.9% bt when recieve new card darla

1472111723 9/13/2011 9/13/2011 Lavone Nichols 5439610000882411 5/14/2011 883 $495 steven darla

1472613138 9/14/2011 9/14/2011 gloria sears 3846 billing dr florenceville mo 63034 5121072733611729 1/14 334 $1,995 whitney/mike/nick 3148380634 50k 4 25 7/4/1928 3351 ` citi pndng need utility bill but she has mobility problems she old and sweet she is calling me whe nick

1472625449 9/14/2011 9/14/2011 dora bailey 8627 brookshire ln #a st louis mo 63132 4305727928684473 12/12 759 $599 terry-norm-mack 3146927353 8 2 15 8/26/1922 9375 approved citi,aapy barclay mack

1472680088 9/14/2011 9/14/2011 jean applegrath 1637 may #501 wichita ks 67213 6011008840604877 7/12 523 $995 kim/mike/nick 7k 1 22.99 2/25/1935 8678 4800citi// 9/19 called to talk with FA fwd message ~dw// 9 /27 // 9/28 called in for FA ~ER // 10/20 called in asking to speak to FA Nick I FWD the Msg for a call back to Nick Hoffman~ nick

1473206938 9/15/2011 9/15/2011 william purvey 8105 canton st st louis mi 63130 5467020051275652 09/12 555 $895 Raphael/Steven/larry 314-569-3517 18k 1 0.19 10/17/194 7815 closing account/advice of homestead/hardship // 10/18- called for FA asking for an update on her account gave note to Darla for callback. ~PB mack/darla

1473318631 9/15/2011 9/15/2011 gina bowman 2711 creekmont lane st louis mo 63125 6011006594454705 9-14 305 $1,995 Brandon/Norm/Mack 314-487-3061 12.5 4 17 2/29/1956 6120 DISCOVER LOWERD 17-12,APPLY FOR BT 0% // 9/22- called for Darla. fwd msg for cal 1025 bt from boa to cap1$9700 and 5k check in mail for the rest of boa and disc bal also took c darla

1473331051 9/15/2011 9/15/2011 andrew rounds 2813 caroline st st louis mo 63104 4037840037313234 1/14 920 $795 bobby norm nick 314/772/1131 17k 1 13.24 2/14/1959 3722 apprvd10kcap1 chase apprvd idk amount bal tran during application// 9/26 call back for nick fwd call ~dw nick

1473724097 9/16/2011 9/15/2011 anthony dillard 2441 deer run rd st louis mo 63136 4037840038142624 12/13 528 $495 oliver norm nick 3143551419 314-580-3778 7k 2 15.24 12/28/195 5310 8300 citi 21mo nick


1465822870/----PARTI 9/1/2011 9/1/2011 Cheryl A. Schmitt 1800 S. Peach St. Medford OR 97501 4352377615066493 11/12 575 $1,295 Joseph/Steven/MAck 541 772 2270 10000 8 23 12/10/194 6261 5000 savings bar denied disc denied due to public neg public record/agreed to dmp 199.00 reduced fee no re mack/darla

1468818780/PATRIAL 9/7/2011 9/7/2011 Opal Nye 2512 Mirah Dr Bakersfield CA 93304 6011005903888736 3/13/2011 730 $1,995 Whitney/Mike/Mack 661 833 8890 12000 3 12 8/4/1928 8404 GM approv 7500/cap1 3000 0% till 11/12 //9/16 wanted to talk with FA- trans to FA ~ dw 9/16/11-checking with Nick on partial refund. SD 9/19/11-Putting in refund req for $1000/partial perMack

1472635231/REFUND 9/14/2011 9/14/2011 mary lenzner 1675 blue ridge dr apt d st louise mo 63125 5176690022621135 9/13 323 $1,995 Oliver/Steven/Darla 314-638-8322 17k 6 14%-20% 12/11/194 445 apply 0% bal tran/barc & citi pending/citi-barc-cap all denied/customer does not want dmp and wants a refund/darla 9/19/11- darla

1472717207/REFUND 9/14/2011 9/14/2011 Darsel Gordon-Hun 6164 fox chase crt florissant mo 63034 5458001558219097 0513 $295 whitney nick nick 3146531762 7k 5 19 3/7/1960 177 citi pndng gs pndng nick

1473306587/REFUND 9/15/2011 9/15/2011 Leticia Trevino 2300 cedar crt mount vernon wa 98273 4479951609609373 11/13 271 $995 casey/mike/nick 3604249100 5k 5 25 2/15/1956 9980 lots of store cards doing bt nick

1469325274/REFUND 9/8/2011 9/8/2011 Mary Rushing 513 Prospect Ave Northfond Lake WI 54937 5178057303851500 5/14 035 $695 Raphael/Mike/nick 920 929 8775 920 960 9134 6000 5 21 6/29/1954 2995 good to go FA needs to call her tommarow at 2:00 // 9/9- said she has been waiting on a call from Mike. fwd info for call back ~PB nick

$$ or block 9/22/2011 kathlene shur 5709 afterlane waterluke ia 50701 4147181001035876 6/13 125 $1,995 whitney/mike/darla 319-296-3320 41k 2 17 8/3/1948 9075 apply for 0%bal tran/9/23/2011 called and left message--darla/ 9/26/2011she has changed she has changd her mind does not want our service--09/26/2011 darla Darla

$$ or block 9/23/2011 shirley white 1207 12 st s e brainerd mo 56401 4037840022108961 11/14 664 $495 raphael /steven/darla 218-829-3291 7300 1 0.22 5/8/1947 448 apply 0% bal trans/card was closed waiting on new card/darla 10/03/2011 client has not rec card as of yet --darla darla

decline $ or block 9/19/2011 Crisanne Roberts 2880 lod netarts Tillamook OR 97141 5466160053669105 8/14 184 $495 Larry/mike/Brandon 5038425782 6k 1 29.99 12/6/7435 8647 Approv. Cap1 7500. charged 9/22/2011. awaiting call to finish Bal. Transf. brandon

1475712076/PARTIAL 9/19/2011 9/19/2011 Harriet Levey 376 fulton el mira ny 14904 6011361076518919 4/12 520 $495 terry steven nick 6077321610 4k 5 22-25 6/3/1949 8159 citi 7300 21mo called to inform no ans lvm and 800num saved $495 refund $500 c/b to help with balance transfer nick

1475617654 9/19/2011 9/19/2011 lynne r libby 1702 se 173rd ave vancouver wa 98683 5121079632450406 8/13 067 $1,995 Larry/Steven/Nick 360-892-8768 21k 8 8-26% 1/4/1951 9650 disc appr 3.9 6mo nick

1475627360 9/19/2011 9/19/2011 louis scobee 10815 jordan rd burlington wa 98233 4888936152626663 06/14 047 $995 terry steven nick 3607577309 10k 1 22 7/18/1962 4726 11.7k citi 21mo cap1pndng nick-brandon
1475679135 9/19/2011 9/19/2011 kenneth sottile 317 E 7th st the dalles OR 97058 5424180643256172 9/13 297 $995 Raphael/mike/ Brandon 5413801259 4500 4 7.24-19.9 12/15/195 6731 Awaiting approv for bal. trans. // 9/20- asked for Brian White. fwd info to Brandon for call 10/21 Was never able to get cust approved, tried numerous times to get ahold of customer but u brandon

1475705230 9/19/2011 sue croft 706 Brooks Hill rd bedford va 24523 4802138572413714 02/14 481 $1,995 Amirah/Steven/Nick 5408710610 24k 6 9-25% 4/5/21618 3614 trnsferd5200 disc 0%12mo applying for 0 bal trs for remaining bal nick

1475711340 9/19/2011 9/19/2011 Jerry Deleshaw 1345 N White tail ct witchita ks 67206 5424180623178339 4/30/13 447 $1,995 Raphael/Norm/ Brandon 3166120576 25k+ 4 13.49-17 12/29/193 6849 Aprov. w/ Citi, waiting on Chase 10/13Approv Citi 3k 21 mo declined with all other creditors, last step to call to enter some hards brandon

1476203295 9/20/2011 9/20/2011 Mary Babb 800 S Main unitG Brookfield MO 64628 6011308010120328 05/12 593 $995 casey/mike/brandon 6602583222 13k 2 10/17/201 8/18/1922 9987 Aprov. chase & Citi 4500&5k, waiting on cap1 // 9/26- called for Brian White/ trans call ~P 467014

1476225732 9/20/2011 9/20/2011 susan barnum 9166 60thst west mojave ca 93501 5178052604737268 02/13 580 $995 oliver steven nick 6618243811 10k 4 24 12/19/198 7733 nick

1476236238 9/20/2011 9/20/2011 Marion hoffman 1364 Green Elms dr Fenton MO 63026 4037840034121580 12/13 578 $1,995 Angela/Norm/Brandon 6363436399 50k 4 15.8-28 10/8/1936 4509 Approved through Discover, husband approved citi 4800-----waiting answer on bal transf. Approved through Discover, husband approved citi 4800-----waiting answer on bal transf. appro Brian

1476678456 9/21/2011 9/20/2011 Kenneth Crawford 106 8th Ave Crystal MO 63019 5121072735815625 08/14 547 $595 Oliver/Norm/Nick 636-933-9089 10k 1 12.8 7/9/1940 6468 4800 citi chase bal tran done during app process nick
1476769014 9/21/2011 9/21/2011 nellie miller 1086 kasinof hagerstown md 21742 4266841028078812 02/13 662 $1,995 oliver/norm/nick 301-733-4485 12 1 12 9/21/1935 4200 applying in porogress // 10/17 called in recvd cards in mail and needs to activate them was told to call nick before doing so I gave nick the msg for a call back~ER nick

1476781512 9/21/2011 9/21/2011 Sherri Ridder 819 Shadalane Walk Ballwin MO 63011 4311967058751609 03/13 956 $995 Joseph/Mike/Brian 636-527-7591 314-640-5984 6500 1 19.99 12/31/196 2325 Approv Cap1 10k----appv. 4800(citi) 10000(cap1) // 10/26 called in to speak to Brian Whi Approv Cap1 10k----appv. 4800(citi) 10000(cap1)10/21When I contacted Mrs Ridder to do a BT brian

1476790630 9/21/2011 9/21/2011 Pheobe Mccullogh 517 North Summer Belle Plaine KA 67013 5157350017835769 09/30/13 480 $1,995 Raphael/Steven/Brian 6204883890 13k 1 15.99-29. 4/6/1937 8417 approved 9800 w/ citi & cap1-----Appv. 4800(citi) 5000(cap1)& chase 10/22 Mrs was approv thru Citi 4800 0% 21 mo, Cap1 5k 0% 15mo, and Chase ?amount, Infor brian

1476828048 9/21/2011 9/21/2011 Danna/Sean Dietz 127 Keeney Dr. St.Charles MO 63304 4388840028489980 08/14 384 $1,995 Angela/Steven/Brian 6364477610 25k 9 12-30.99 9/13/1974 4554 Dana Appv 4800(cit) 7500(cap1)waiting on chase Sean Apv2k (citi) Waiting to do GM---------awaiting for Chase, Approv Cap1 and citi 9800 // 09/27 Called for Brian FWD to FA for call ba brian

1476832596 9/21/2011 9/21/2011 doris & jimmy sperr 9025 e 39 street south derby ks 67037 6011008427662728 1/15 085 $1,995 whitney/mike/darla 316-651-0778 46k 7 14-30% 7/10/1934 316 apply for 0% bal tran /Darla/barc-citi-chase/pending // 10/10 called in with questions for FA I fwd mssg to Darla Ray ~ER--10/10/2011rec a citi card for doris and one for jimmy $3000 ea t darla

1476844764 9/21/2011 9/21/2011 harold/linda morse 703 muirkirk ln manchester mo 63011 4479418329156515 07/13 534 $995 angela steven nick 6363941663 3 1 29 5/31/1947 1235 applying for linda nick

1476861715 9/21/2011 9/21/2011 sharon decastro 1350 w 152nd ave broomfield co 80023 4719230102812309 03/13 433 $588 don steven nick 3034500952 26 2 23 303-450-0 5381 citi 3k 2760 trans to disc also lowered 12.99 one year visa us bank 19.99 6mo cap1dec nick
1 & 2 week follow If NO: 2 week
Bank Contact: Y Applications: Y or 3 day follow up up call to let the Service Received
Processed Date Sold Name Address City State Zip Credit Card Exp Date CVC Price Open Closer Phone Number 2nd Number Amount o No. of Car Interest R DOB SSN good time to c Customer Notes FA Notes FA or N N DATE client know followup to complete Completed?? Invoice? Zilch Tracking Number USPS Zilch Notes (carlos)
everything is done

1476888631 9/21/2011 9/21/2011 sharleen m byrne 2222 e main st kahoka mo 63445 5401683046541832 5/13 512 $495 larry norm nick 6603418775 6607273210 landline 4 2 15 8/18/1941 1405 nick

1477335210 9/22/2011 9/22/2011 amy a michalec 1248 brockman dr se cedar rapids ia 52403 5466302353298934 5/12 943 $1,995 Kim/Steven/Nick 3194315180 15-20k 4 17 10/1/1966 7174 11/07/2011 client called left msg to have Nick give a c/b msg given to Nick 1206 dmp will citi 3k 21mo prob gonna have to dmp most of her cards and leave her wi the new citi card to us nick

1477340635 9/22/2011 9/22/2011 Richard Ickes 1600 Frederick St Cumberland MD 21502 6011003703571297 1/13 821 $595 Sarah/Mike/Brian 3017223811 3017227700 10k 1 18 3/14/1949 4359 Chase appved 5k CitiSimplicity needs more info 10/30-------awitin reply Citi & Cap1 // 9/2 10/13 spoke w/ cust who stated he recieved a new card from chase, and some forms and info fr Brian

1477425719 9/22/2011 9/22/2011 LISA WEBBER 38068 S RD ELLIS KS 67637 4266859980913438 09/13 000 $995 angela/mike/nick 7857264966 8 1 21 7/2/1962 6382 117k citi 21mo bt from chase to citi 9,243 complete she has a payment due in two or three days she will probab NICK

1477434209 9/22/2011 9/22/2011 Glenda Peden 7805 NE Silver rd Topeka KS 66617 6011008505504511 12/11 240 $1,995 Larry/steven/Brian 7852460439 6k 2 14.9-22 12/16/195 4830 approved 10k// call back for Brian W. for FA~dw-------Approved 10k Approved 10k10/22 BT was completed awhile ago on 10/13 cust filed accordingly. brian

1477970755 9/23/2011 9/23/2011 pamela j hahn 1909 parkton way barnhart mo 63012 4037840040266874 12/14 106 $995 anne-marie/steven/darla 636-464-1523 22k 5 0.14 7/1/1953 9147 apply for 0%/cap 1 appr $5000-barc appr $9200 /citi pending


1459817930/refund 9-2 8/22/2011 8/22/2011 Irene Williams 4232 NE. D Ave Meotsu OR 97364 4185506005409037 5/13 500 $495 Carla/Mike/Larry 541 996 8874 13500 5 30 8/28/1939 88 live transfer she called in and i told her 30 day refund 9-6-2011,mack09/26 JA called wheres her refun has issue with her bankrupcy cant qualify for bt Mack

1477920097/refund 9-2 9/23/2011 9/23/2011 michael roseth 1198 paulson rd wrenshall mn 55797 4888930087673213 4/12 175 $695 lrp/mike/nick 2183844033 15000 1 16.24 9/2/1955 8436 applying // 9/26- Cheryl Roseth called for Nick. trans call ~PB nick

9/29/2011 georgia m harpole 912 amber drive oronogo mo 64855 5049948526846722 6/14 495 $995 angela/mike/darla 417-825-9002 6k 5 0.25 7/19/1944 6119 apply for 0% bal trans

1461539582/ partial ref 8/25/2011 8/25/2011 Deanna Therien 59 Cooper Ave Wonsocket RI 02895 5291492214586113 4/13 075 $150 Carla/Mike 401 766 3055 6000 2 19 12/22/194 6238 live transfer Nick

1479683553 9/26/2011 9/26/2011 ronda s white 3427 270th ave keokuk ia 52632 5424180716867434 03/14 333 $995 jason/mike/nick 3195248406 11 3 22.9 3/18/1958 9022 citi lowered 29.9- 22.9 applying for bt disc appr pndng further verif nick

1479740919 9/26/2011 9/26/2011 elvin l walker 24858 fairview rd anamosa ia 52205 4313070470228799 05/12 801 $995 Daniel/Steven/Nick 3194623243 4k 1 13 3/28/1940 8246 10/11- called for nick. trans call ~PB 1101 nick

1480285115 9/27/2011 9/27/2011 leolia eggerson 163 cr 340 taylor ms 38673 6011006310213328 9/14 178 $1,995 donall norm nick 6622362978 25k 4 29-17 5/8/1953 3362 disc lowered 17-13.24 on future purch also did bt from home depot 22.9 to disc 3.99 18mo citi pndng still pndng 10-03 nick

1480303242 9/27/2011 9/27/2011 loyd gibson 69 county rd 517 como ms 38619 4071100004553362 3/12 589 $595 jason/steven/nick 6625261875 7 2 17 4/25/1953 2551 on phone 4800 citi to pay off wells fargo card in mail nick

1480299123 9/27/2011 9/27/2011 Rita Currie 108 Grigsby Point Hot Springs AR 71913 6011008780236185 052013 188 $495 larry/Norm/Brian 5015255667 7k 2 13-21 8/20/1952 9134 Application is Pending Approved Cap1(3000) citi approved 3k. 10/13 BT completed by cust.

1480339996A 9/27/2011 9/27/2011 karen l hamilton 101 s state st wheeling mo 64688 4266902013629249 7/13 396 $495 Angela/Steven/Nick 6606592323 13 2 13.24 9/10/1942 5752 citi 7300 21 mo cap1 10k 13mo nick

1481038328 9/28/2011 9/27/2011 Jeffry Bowman 62 Tombleson Rd Stevenson WA 98648 4037840031337775 01/13 737 $1,995 Tonya/Steven/Nick 5094277542 5k 2 24 3/22/1953 3823 citi 4800 disc apprvd but didn say credit line he will be calling when he gets cards in mail nick nick

1480853746 9/28/2011 9/28/2011 william r sims 1507 chestnut st butterfield mo 65265 6011006610162845 09/14 439 $495 Keyvonne/Steven/Nick 4174427577 10/29/195 768 disc hardship 12.99 12mo still need to apply for btciti chase cap1 nick

1480896884 9/28/2011 9/28/2011 jeff westensee 9820 e valley way spokane wa 99206 11/12 736 $995 tonya/mike/darla 509-924-4951 6k 3 15-18% 8/15/1961 6604 apply for 0% bal trans/9/29/2011 citi appr$2000 andgm approv $ 7500--darla (10/31/11-cu apply for 0% bal trans/9/29/2011 citi appr$2000 andgm approv $ 7500--darla Daniel// 12/9/201 Brian

1480934156 9/28/2011 9/28/2011 rhona m mcgrath 510 forest dr brinnon wa 98320 5466410307075066 07/13 395 $995 ot mike nick 3607969936 6/3/1923 7193 nick

1480937135 9/28/2011 9/28/2011 helen l ford 27791 n hwy o marshall mo 65340 4352376685884587 11/13 545 $1,995 steve II/norm/darla 660-886-6769 18k 4 12/18% 6/5/1942 3944 apply for 0% bal trans/9/29/2011 citi approv $8300 and gm approv $7500-darla darla

1480944871 9/28/2011 9/28/2011 Janelle Sorrels 3307 Sawdust Trail Baux AR 72011 6011006786661372 07/13 522 $495 Angela/Steven/Brian 5017784263 25 3 3/13/2011 77/12/195 3916 Approved 10k10/21 Still has another 10k worth of debt to be covered call cust to ask if she recie Brian

1480994368 9/28/2011 9/28/2011 Leroy Wiese 307 E Division Mt. Vernon MO 65712 5424180818836253 04/2014 623 $595 steve/mike/brian 4174662482 2 2 18-20 5/31/1931 2306 Pending w/ Chase, trying GM & Good Sam Brian

1481011927 9/28/2011 9/28/2011 Camille Kilgore 110 Seth St West point MS 39773 4352371700381842 11/13 768 $1,395 Stevn/Norm/Brian 6624920515 12k 3 12/20/201 2/10/1971 2540 Approved 7500 ( citi) waiting for more appvals Brian

1481017627 9/28/2011 9/28/2011 Deborah Murphy 507 old highway 31 e bethplace tn 37022 5121075038887514 10/12 883 $495 donall/norm/darla 615-841-3587 6500 4 0.25 10/21/195 7626 apply 0% bal trans // 11/30 client clld for dalra, hung up while on hold. Whitney will call b

1481019883 9/28/2011 9/28/2011 nettie howell 139 waites rd holysprings ms 38635 5121079640879513 11/14 043 $995 olivermikenick 6622525674 5 2 25 7/23/1953 8141 10/10- called for nick. trans call ~PB // 10/17 called in for a FA gave MSG to Nick for a ca 1017bal transcomplete we ran into a prob wi trans from citi to sears so i sent her a check for 33 nick

1481501927 9/29/2011 9/29/2011 Shirley Hedrick 274 State Hwy Y Galena MO 65656 4185506005235671 03/13 065 $1,995 David/Norm/Brian 4172723401 40k 8 11/22/201 10/16/194 6283 Applications pend. appv.10/18 pending on 0% offers need to do hardship programs or DMP trie Brian
1481531776 9/29/2011 9/29/2011 rosalind regev 1113 brighton view circle petaluma ca 94952 4037840026687507 05/12 025 $500 david opel/norm/darla 7076580578 25k 5 12/15/201 11/17/193 7676

1481532368 9/29/2011 9/29/2011 rosalind regev 1113 brighton view circle petaluma ca 94952 6011002479673634 04/14 199 $395 48813 7076580578 25k 5 12/15/201 11/17/193 7676 apply

1481530936 9/29/2011 9/29/2011 Blanch Cooper 6228 Derby ave St.louis MO 63133 4313512216906980 03/12 325 $595 amirha/mike/brian 3143811863 5k 2 24 9/15/1926 4388 9/29 Pending w/ Chase and Citi ~bw 10/19 haven;t heard anything on approv for new cc's, calle Brian

1481547463 9/29/2011 9/29/2011 Johnna S Potter 408 N St. James Apt#H Eldorado Spring MO 64744 4147768566972491 12/14 699 $995 jason/mike/darla 4178765959 4k 2 26 7/25/1963 7244

1481712707 9/29/2011 9/29/2011 esther g compton 1205 sandlewood dr el central ca 92243 4003447008092936 7/12 866 $995 lrp/mike nick 7603526345 5 3 24 4/8/1928 8757 11/04 customer called in stating that she did not authorize the charge very upset and want did not get her apprvd for anything partial refund 1104 nick nick

1481722612 9/29/2011 9/29/2011 James Walker po box 75 Beulah MS 38726 5488975015543393 11/12 992 $345 Amirah/Steven/Brian 6627596825 8900 5 18-28 8/10/1961 5200 9/29 Pending w/ citi and cap1~bw10/22 Still no word frm cust as to wether he recvd his new car Brian

1481716217 9/29/2011 9/29/2011 1521 Rincon Villa Dr Escondido CA 92027 4417128695149516 8/13 007 $495 jason/norm/nick 7607464966 4k 1 12/26/201 11/19/194 13

1481731272must refun 9/29/2011 9/29/2011 marilyn brink 4162 bass wood rd n.w. baudette mn 56623 4418023055133144 12/2012 $995 larry/norm/nick 2186342525 10k 1 20 2/16/1940 759 nick

1481729020 9/29/2011 9/29/2011 james d trent 10000 sw 23rd st yukon ok 73099 5178052304079946 01/12 491 $495 jason/steven/nick 4052651116 9/4/1954 5147 nick

1482162666 9/30/2011 9/30/2011 mark friend 834 s agular dr Pueblo co 81007 4800113227772642 10/13 129 $995 david t/mike/darla 719-547-8994 8300 1 13.24 11/23/197 5855 apply for 0% bal trans // 9/30 Jody marks wife called in with questions about charge I FW 11/03 Wife called in w/ questions wondering whats going on what is this all about what do we do darla

1482354565 9/30/2011 9/30/2011 shirley I bates 1519 taumarson road walla walla wa 99362 5121072732602018 10/12 717 $1,995 angela/mike/darla 509-522-2363 18k 3 11.99-26 12/2/1931 7519 she has sold avon for the last 20yr apply for 0% bal trans--10/03/2011 citi approved $7300--gm approved $11500--barc pending -- darla

1482371444 9/30/2011 9/30/2011 Kathleen A Gregso 3700 Hokan Lane Wheatland CA 95692 6011298820786964 02/12 240 $1,995 angela/steven,darla 530-633-0358 30k 4 24-29.99 10/17/194 8941 9/30 customer wanted to talk to Darla fwd to FA ~dw // 10/3- Called for Darla. fwd msg for 9/30/2011 citi app$3000--citi diamond approv $3000--gm appr $1000 bat tran next step--darla//1 darla/Lori

1482370346 9/30/2011 9/30/2011 James H. Bivings Route 2 Box 634 Idabel OK 74745 6011008439506210 09/13 060 $995 david opel/norm/brian 5802863455 13k 2 15-19 9/27/1941 9374 Retired, free and clear on house and bills // 10/7- called for Brian. gave msg for callback. 9/30appved Citi 7300 0%21mo still owes 5300 once BT is completed, so still need to get a new Brian

1482380190 9/30/2011 9/30/2011 Pamela Osborn 2802 Hwy 75 Wetunka OK 74883 4003442683068434 07/13 967 $695 daniel/steven/nick 405-452-3918 12k 2 14.99-16. 12/1/1953 8646 bt from security state bank 2398 to citi there is still bal $45.00 os sec st bank. bt was done durin nick

1482421028 9/30/2011 9/30/2011 John Lovejoy 600 NE 127 ave Vancover WA 98684 6011009990501244 02/12 742 $995 Oliver/Norm/Brian 3608918173 32k 6 2/22/2011 1/29/1351 0658 apply mon.10/14 customer call to see if there is any progress of him getting lower credit li 10/22 Citi bank apprv 3000 @0% for 2 mo, owes around 25k+, Scheduled Cb with cust for 10/2 brian


1479773493/refund 10- 9/26/2011 9/26/2011 Martha Tucker 7516 Sandra Dr Littlerock AR 72209 5178059448858143 01/13 050 $1,295 Tonya/Mike/Brian 5015651478 13k 3 15-25 7/7/1952 1399

1466371962/REFUND 9/2/2011 9/2/2011 betty brown 724 st elmo circle apt 2c eastland ga 31023 412061******7285 08-13 753 $995 amirah/norm/mack-darla 478 374 0355 3000 3 23 7/21/1951 9623 citi pending disc not approved gm not approved 10/3- asking to cancel. fwd to Darla for callback ~PB 10/4- I called to let her know she was refu mack darla

1480942999/retrieval 1 9/28/2011 9/28/2011 Sherry Marshall 6255 Printz Ave St. Louis MO 63116 6011006390055995 12/12 306 $1,495 Daniel/Norm/brian 3143534572 18000 3 10/30/201 7/12/1956 6288 10/4 customer called to talk with FA fwd to Brian White~dw-----CANCEL- said she never a Pendin Chase and GM was approved for 3k thru citi @0% for 21mo~bw Brian

$$ or block 10/4/2011 karen slaton 751 louisiana st republic wa 99166 5466320767838483 06/12 291 daniel/mike/carla 5097753992 4k 1 0.18 8/9/1937 1160

10/4/2011 Dorthy Hunt 249 W Walnut St Gloster MS 39638 5291151726233412 8/13 691 $995 tonya/norm/darla 601-225-7544 4900 2 22.9-23.4 10/19/194 6061 10/4/2011 very nice, eager to see lower interest rates 10/4/2011 apply for 0% bal tran darla

$$ or block 10/5/2011 Diana Hanson 618 SW Evans College Place WA 99324 6011000976079933 9/15 552 $490 Casey/Steven/Nick 5092401392 14500 2 27.24-29. 10/25/195 1565 10/5/11 got disovered lowered to 21.99;has late payments; call them back in a few months to ha nick

$$ or block 10/5/2011 Sheryl Sanderfield 791 Milford st. Marengo IA 52301 5417124861384703 5/13 242 $995 AmirahMike/Brian 3196423128 10k 1 15.24 6/24/1940 9447 Called in got dicon. trying to reach her again Brian

1496481284 10/25/2011 10/5/2011 Karen Johnston 8801 Raven Ave Oklahoma City OK 73132 4266812119799079 7/13 152 $495 Tony/Mike/Nick 405 720 8385 4000 2 29 11/22/196 4730 gettin new card in mail other one expired bt from 2 ge money to chase 1.9%till feb 20 2013 10 nick

1484488056/REFUND 10/4/2011 10/4/2011 christine f cannarrel 19144 cedar drive apple valley ca 92308 6011361070541883 7/12 919 $995 daniel bayer/steven/darla 760-247-8332 15k 4 25-31% 5/28/1946 8388 hates retirement/was forced to retire in 98 10/04/2011apply for bal trans--darla--10/05/2011 app to citi-denied, barc pending,cap 1pending, darla

1485726341 10/6/2011 10/6/2011 arvey penton 116 penton archer rd carriere ms 39426 4888936171747292 10/14 438 $495 titus mike nick 6017492587 4 1 15 5/27/1935 0306 10/11 CC Company 3way wanting refund. nick spoke wi her and him re assured the gurantee if i nick

1483959907 10/3/2011 10/3/2011 Lavern H Johnson 132 Bradley St Walla Walla WA 99362 4147768566498828 01/14 236 $995 Keyvonne/Steven/Nick 5095258853 4k 1 0.18 3/7/1933 2495 10/21 Called in to cancel said he didn't get approved for new card and wants refund, told 4500barclays to payoff american west visa ending in 8828 nick

1484460378 10/4/2011 10/4/2011 Dudley Denson 4112 Estes Mill Rd Carthage MS 39051 6011310000117264 9/12 910 $995 Tonya/Norm/Nick 601-298-1605 4800 1 0.199 2/26/1972 5132 7300 citi 21mo 0 int called to inform he was not there i told spouse good news and if he has any nick

1484464416 10/4/2011 10/4/2011 Mary C Dunphy 4105 N Cook Apt C8 Spokane Valley WA 99207 4888930224105954 7/13 227 $1,295 Joseph/Mike/Nick 509-467-8247 17k 2 0.24 6/3/1926 2351 11/09 called in to speak with FA Nick H. says she recvd her card and accidently canceled 4800 citi 8800 gs bt during app informed client of cards in mail seems happy // 10/25 Called in, nick n y followed up but not

1484516870 10/4/2011 10/4/2011 Dave E Fisher 416 Walker Ave Wenatchee WA 98801 5424180565832430 1/13 333 $795 lrp/mike/nick 509-663-1978 8k 3 7.9-9.9% 7/24/1935 8327 10/7 called to speak with FA fwd to Nick~dw------10/5 customer called to talk with FA, fwd btfrom cap1 and boa to existing disc card had bt offer 0% 12 mo bt total 2023 dollars disc had 6 nick

1484530055 10/4/2011 10/4/2011 clay moser 361 summer rd carson wa 98610 4418409233481887 4/12 902 $995 Jason/Steven/Nick 509/4275109 3606352801 10/11 called to talk with FA fwd to Nick ~dw // 10/11- called for nick. trans call ~PB // 10/ citi pndng need utility bill faxed spoke wi mrs gave her instructions to fax what where should be nick

1484585357 10/4/2011 10/4/2011 martha n howell 1722 east ave vicksburg ms 39180 5522340004048953 07/13 528 $595 David T/norm/darla 601-638-7626 9500 1 0.12 4/18/1954 8707 10/14 customer called to speak to FA, customer scheduled to talk with FA (Darla) monday apply for 0% bal trans10/04/2011//10/05/2011 citi appr $7300- cap 1 appr $10000 waiting for ca darla/Brian

1485041121 10/5/2011 10/3/2011 Teresa Watts 1877 Beacon Loop Brook Haven MS 39601 5178059702175994 02/13 188 $495 Larry/Steven/Brian 6018337839 5300 3 12-22% 6/7/1959 6777 10/22Chase approv her for an unknown amount, declined every where else, cal cust to do hard Brian

1485075075 10/5/2011 10/5/2011 William Robert PO Box 143 Malott WA 98829 4418409206801483 03/12 359 $995 Casey/Steven/Brian 5094225615 45000 5 0-25 1/15/1957 6054 10/11- called for Brian W. put msg on his desk for a callback (when he gets in the office). 10/22 applied 10/06 @ Citi (pend), Cap1 (denied) Chase(pend) Gm and Barclays(denied), need Brian

1485099934 10/5/2011 10/5/2011 B. Darlene Mings 901 NE Alden College Place WA 99324 4888940114826312 7/13 227 $595 terry/norm/darla 5095228482 10k 2 0.1724 2/27/1945 0275 fixed income; tried home base business failed and ran up this debt // 11/07 recvd her car 10/05/2011-citi app $7300--gm app $11500 will complete bal tran when cards arrive--darla darla

1485115076 10/5/2011 10/5/2011 jacquie hunt 1845 road 14 north east coolee city wa 99115 6011009160627688 01/13 911 $1,995 lrp/mike/nick 509-632-5600 30k 6 13-25% 10/11/196 3612 lowered disc 9405 15.24 existing bal disc 8841 3.9 futur purch disc 7688 lowered 3.99 futur pur nick

1485164929/RETRIEV 10/5/2011 10/5/2011 Liliana Fregoso 2232 N Creed Ave Bishop CA 93514 6011000050344922 9/13 469 $995 StevenD/Steven/Nick 7608727579 4/21/1974 2402 lowered disc 3.99 fut purch amex lowered 13.24-12.24 she did not give up first five of ss not su nick

1485028871 10/5/2011 10/3/2011 tonda m ragsdale 52383 cty rd 2s bristol in 46507 5491130099361206 12/13 247 $995 angela/norm/darla 765-469-3170 574-848-5492 24k 1 0.12 8/23/1961 9623 10/05/2011--debt belongs to son daniel-he pays it to mom's credit card- daniels wifes nam apply for 0%bal trans////11/09 cust was only approved for $1000 thru GM not enought o help his darla

1485194616 10/5/2011 10/5/2011 Deaetta Harris PO Box 94/16 jefferson ave Rock Island WA 98850 4479951601463696 4/11 411 $695 d.titus/Steven/Brian 5098840139 15500 6 16-25 6/28/1960 0584 10/24 Client called in claimed she didn't receive packet. Checked address and we did hav pending w/ Citi10/22 still have not heard anything on new cards, call cust and do hardship progr Brian

1485203132 10/5/2011 10/5/2011 Terri Chaney Po box 472 Cement OK 73017 5178057716449835 12/13 725 $395 Donall/Norm/Brian 4054897165 4 1 22 2/8/1963 0050 10/05Pending w/ Citi100/22 stil ans or apprv for a new acct. contact cust and cc co to start a ne Brian

1485215640 10/5/2011 10/5/2011 Karen Hardie 1919 Orange Ave Ramona CA 92065 4305722127569393 04/13 768 $995 Bobby/steven/Brian 7607895456 25800 2 14.99-15. 3/9/1954 4760 10/05Pendin W/ Cap1 & Citi10/22 havent heard from cust, asuming no approv was made call cu Brian

1485656427 10/6/2011 10/6/2011 barbara haustowich 134 gary dr trenton nj 08690 5523180811045746 1/13 384 $1,995 terry steven nick 6095871395 17k 3 15 11/20194 9379 applying to citi cap1 goodsam nick

1485655689 10/6/2011 10/6/2011 Sharon Ruiter 216 Douglas St Longview WA 98632 6011009300699860 08/12 854 $1,995 Desiree?/Norm/Brian 3605777390 22k 2 12-15% 3/21/1945 8903 Brian

1485661212 10/6/2011 10/6/2011 Martha Deloach 2223 10th Ave S. Columbus MS 39701 5410580700059953 1/12 904 $995 Kim/Steven/Darla 6623272310 15k 2 15.99-24. 3/31/1951 1742 10/05/2011 martha is a gem,slow down when speaking to her as she gets whatever your s apply for 0% bal tran--darla10/06/2011citi app $7300--cap1 app $5000--barc appr $12500--gm darla/Brian

1485694846 10/6/2011 10/6/2011 lucina llanes 1100 rodeo drive apt 668 imperial ca 92251 5416578001266149 08/13 416 [35] $495 ameriah/steven/darla 760-355-0365 7/14/1948 5 19%--27% 7/14/1948 8711 10/06/2011 very nice lady lowered fee from $995----to $495 10/17 customer called to spea Approv Citi 7300, pendin w/ Cap1 & Chase.10/27 Spoke w/ Cust. Had questions regarding her darla/Brian

1485716166 10/6/2011 10/6/2011 barbara a sutherlan 79 willow springs rd baltimore md 21222 4888936054245604 09/14 199 $995 angela norm nick 4102851986 9 5 18-24 12/22/193 5155 10/10 customer called to talk with Nick fwd to FA ~dw // 10/31 called in to speak with Niv 1107 1258p lvm nick nick

1485741354 10/6/2011 10/6/2011 guy villeneuve 2756 dale rd caledonia ms 39740 5178052624875536 10/12 985 $995 david opal mike nick 6623560326 7 1 15 5/4/1948 4424 going out of town daytona beach nick

1485754545 10/6/2011 10/6/2011 ellen r wills 27 leaf river church rd collins ms 39428 4266841091715845 1/12 171 $995 jason/norm/nick 6017650706 20 5 29 11/29/194 8437 1006 gathering statements she will be calling me back mon or tues i am filling oput apps and wil nick

1485757087 10/6/2011 10/6/2011 Maria Mendez 151 Ridgeworth Lane Lopez Island WA 98261 5424180658932261 04/13 841 $995 Titus/Norm/Brian 3604682547 21k 4 11-18% 10/21/195 7808 10/20- spoke to maria. she asked for mr. white. took message, and gave it to brian to call from Chile, US citizen 16 yrs, nice lady, divorced10/18 approved Citi 4k 0% 21mo,approv Cap1 Brian

1485768062 10/6/2011 10/6/2011 Richard Brinn 8047 Woodhome Circle Pasadena MD 21122 4018040131981597 08/12 547 $995 Daniel b/Norm/Brian 4102555506 13k 3 11/15/201 10/18/194 9364 12/8/2011 client called with alot of questions gave msg to Dan for a c/b client asked to be Pending Citi and Cap1, and Barclays.12/08 Notes In the computer were lost, not sure what else Brian 0311 2550 0002 3122 5309 Zilch done 12-13-11 ~CD

1485764163 10/6/2011 10/6/2011 Carol Smiley 8172 Chico way Bremerton WA 98312 5424180572056692 05/13 213 $995 Donall/Steven/Darla 3606922295 45k 6 11-22% 5/14/1958 2200 10/06/2011 very concerned about her rates and debt--darla 10/07/2011--barc pending --chase pending--darla darla

1485766509 10/6/2011 10/6/2011 Leticia G Rodriguez 1194 Garnet St Calexico CA 92231 4313070533285976 5/13 151 $465 Daniel/Steven/Wendy 7603579123 10k 2 23-26% 2/25/1934 2430 10/6/11 debt incresed when her friend died that was supposed to pay her back..seemed h 10/07/2011- citibank visa- Approved 4800.00 0% for 21 months (favorite hobby-cook); chase fre wendy

1485769876 10/6/2011 10/6/2011 gabriel love 166 india st #3L brooklyn ny 11222 5466320115037911 3/13 547 $495 bobby/normy/nickie 6094399342 10000 3 21 4/9/1976 1634 apprvd 15k good sam 4800 citi nick

1485771130 10/6/2011 10/6/2011 linnea hunsicker-mc 37529 buck rd ne hansville wa 98340 4147341026128821 03/12 460 $595 angela/norm/nick 3606381353 13000 1 18 approved 4800 citi gm apprved dosentr say credit line nick

1485771695 10/6/2011 10/6/2011 toni marshall/nick 824 e lauridsen blvd port angeles wa 98362 4408041023704590 11/12 926 $495 jason mike/nick 3604576090 3000 1 28 5/18/1947 2807 10/7 customer call to talk to FA fwd to Nick ~dw // 10/19 Called in to speak to Nick he wa 1007informed she will be calling me when she gets cards in mail cap1 5k citi 2k bt during app s nick

1485801677 10/6/2011 10/6/2011 Judith Brooks 140 w kidd road shelton wa 98584 5121075018840087 04/13 150 $1,995 stephen/mike/nick 360-427-9167 4000 2 24 11/27/192 0499 nick

1486191145 10/7/2011 10/7/2011 david hotop 895 piros dr Colorado sprin co 80922 4071100007400975 4/13 269 $795 steven mike nick 7193809027 15 2 18 2/2/2011 10/27 called in stating he was unable to be helped by FA Nick and wants a refund I spoke 1013unable to get him approved for bt nick // unable to qualify for hardship he is not behind on nick

1486305016 10/7/2011 10/7/2011 doris e maxey 29310 maple ave trappe md 21673 4313070485250572 10/12 675 $995 david opel/steven/darla 410-476-3245 27k 4 19%-26% 6/10/1933 10/07/2011-hard of hearing/speak load/very nice -understands well--darla 10/07/2011- apply for 0% //10/07/2011 citi approved $3000--barc pending darla darla

1486359467 10/7/2011 10/7/2011 june a study 6421 s 800 w redkey in 47373 4266841219268149 11/12 324 $895 merlinda/norm/nick 765/369/8351 16k 4 0.15 6/16/1935 5821 10/20 called in to speak to FA NIck FWD msg for a call back ~ER // 10/24 says she was t she is not getting out of debt her daug and grandaug have no jobs so they use junes credit card nick



1434417310/CB 10/10/ 7/8/2011 7/8/2011? Joan Barbarossa 130 Crossing Blvd Blusston SC 29910 5148631009210620 3/13 764 $995 rapheal/chris 843 815 7643 8000 5 20 9/6/1939 6294 live transfer cap -one apprvd $3000.00,check $1800.00 citi ,others pend

1453354511/CB 10/10/ 8/10/2011 8/10/2011 Virginia Kearney 6178 Wayne Memorial Dr Pikeville NC 27863 4266841235787429 6/13 322 $995 Gina/Mike 919 778 3656 42500 6 23 3/9/1953 5926 live transfer dmp Mack

CAM-1425889402 CB 6/22/2011 6/22/2011 2709291614 259 US Highway 89 Vaughn MT 59487 6011371003053070 5/12 431 $500 nick/chris 406 965 3945 406 788 0308cell 50000 10 18 8/4/1959 6443 live transfer 9/22 customer called to talk with FA fwd to FA~dw

CAM-1433380121/CB 7/6/2011 7/6/2011? Phyllis Andrus 1423 N 1000 W Rhinelander UT 54501 5466042010030458 11/11 276 $995 steven/chris 435 637 2800 38000 4 10 8/3/1943 5322 live transfer approved citi 3000.00 0% 21 mo,gm pend,barclay pend

1444171065/CB 10/10/ 7/25/2011 7/25/2011 John Bertsch 9514 Overton Rd Burbank OH 44214 4266514212395744 8/12 172 $995 Richard/Mike 330 466 5541 60000 6 23 11/21/194 4939 live transfer Citi pndg, barclay pndg, discover ect plus visa down to 7.9% Mack

1454431464/CB 10/11/ 8/12/2011 8/11/2011 Daniel Krause 100 Franklin Ave W.#504 Delano MN 55328 4190004342124298 4/12 868 $995 Dave/Mike 612 203 9818 5200 1 13 2/28/1983 8278 live transfer Cap1 10k 10.9 Nov 12/ 9/12-customer wants to cancel, says he was told he wasn't going 1013spoke wi dan cut fee in half do not refund it yet he needs to th ink it over he already got ap Nick

1454465217/REFUND 8/12/2011 8/8/2011M Richard Pribble 4058 W. Private Rd 733 S. Shelbyville IN 46176 5178057285947755 1/14 800 $995 Dave/Mike 317 431 1680 5000 5 20 10/24/197 282 live transfer Mack

1477848248/refund 10/ 9/23/2011 9/22/2011 lisa burzloff 1435 tall grass prairie dr mishawaka in 46544 4185866904781310 2/14 059 $995 bobby mike nick 5742591815 12 5 12/25/201 3/3/1966 3710 10/12 customer called to talk with Nick fwd to FA ~dw nick

1479681301/REFUND 9/26/2011 9/26/2011 Wilda Garvin 7202 Summit ave Yakima wa 98908 4352371719941933 4/13 240 $395 Angela/Norm/Brian 5099728129 5k 4 21-28 6/9/1940 1693 10/7- called with Target Visa on the line. trans to Steve D. ~PB 10/11/11-Refunding to avo Chase approved unknown amount Brian

1472706924/Partial Ref 9/14/2011 9/14/2011 tobey bussani 3031 fasman dr san bruno ca 94066 5424180160424765 07/14 536 $195 brandon norm nick 6503556067 disc lowrd 19- 12.99 12mo gs pndng aply chase nick

1471206304/PARTIAL 9/12/2011 9/12/2011 Donna Rice 8760 St. Hwy 303 N.E. Bremerton WA 98311 6011009800696036 4/14 255 $995 Brandon/Steven/Mack 360 698 9793 10000 2 15 10/29/193 3468 helped customer with formal letter of reduc from disc/will help her fill out when she gets it saved $995; told her Larry is on a leave of absence and the $1,000 will be on her next Mack

1476862658/partial refu 9/21/2011 9/21/2011 Mary Jacobs 33458 Colony ave New-Cambria MO 63558 5121070121996611 10/12 264 $200 Joseph/Mike/Brian 6602265648 24700 2 18-26 10/21/196 5262 trying to get an approval, waiting on GM--------Waiting for response, aproved 4 3k // 9/29 tried to get her appvd with several lenders, was getting denials every time except one(citi Apprv brian

1487726465/PARTIAL 10/10/2011 10/10/201 phyllis s johnson 1263 harmony church rd baldwin ga 30511 4266841084694858 3/12 156 $495 josep g norm nick 7067787364 20 4 13 4/1/1950 5800 10/11/2011 client is going to want to see math with savings--nick // 10/17 called in with q 1011 called to get cap1 acct num for bt to citi apprvd 3k cap1 bal 1600 she did not give me the nick

invalid CC# & CVV 10/10/201 Evelyn M Smith 2091 Barnett Shoals Rd Watkinsville GA 30677 4427100030765589 3/13 $1,995 titus/oliver/wendy 7067695309 13k 2 12-29% 9/15/1929 7542 wendy

$$ or block 10/11/201 Lisa Hazelwood 3033 S Wildwood Covington VA 24426 5218531010702687 11/13 046 $995 Charlie/Mike/Brian 5409623511 5409680182 8700 3 17.24-24. 8/14/1966 9672 Brian

Decline bank block 10/13/201 Elaine A Billington 5847 Foulk Rd Waterloo IA 50702 5424181033138160 9/12 771 $1,495 Michael/Mike/Wendy 3192963975 14k 3 0.229 6/24/1954 2491 10/13/11- disabled, social security, husband work plant 21yrs, helps financially...wendy 10/17/11- on 10/13/11 charged was blocked by the bank/ elaine and I made a 3way call to citiba wendy

Decline cvv 10/13/201 Marjori Eastwood 232 N 22 St Fortdodge IA 50501 4264280722884351 4/13 462 $1,995 Mike Oliver/brian 5155762055 11k 2 17.65-27. 8/15/1940


1487684437 10/10/2011 10/10/201 Dolly Meeker 56097 350th St Warroad MN 56763 5121071808838761 09/13 541 $695 joseph/Norm/Brian 2183861379 12k 16-27 10/28/195 2979 Brian

1487637256 10/10/2011 10/10/201 Barbara Scruggs 124 Hawthorne Circle LaGrange GA 30240 5291492186215121 3/12 099 $995 Terry/Steven/Wendy 7068374323 17k 1 0.17 9/9/1957 6151 10/10-post office driver;needs to make sure we show savings/reduce rates before next billi 10/10 citivisa-approved 3000.00 (bt 2760.00 from capitol 1 to this citi); barclays g.s.-approved 5 wendy

1487619469 10/10/2011 10/10/201 robert l sanders 1730 hemlock st fairfield ca 94533 5140218896710959 09/12 860 $995 titussteven nick 7074286357 11 1 25 1/10/1975 3843 oil refinery worker wife disabled wi mult sclerosis 1012cap1 apprvd 3kciti4800gm 2400 chase need to reapply chase does not accept third party a nick

1487662205 10/10/2011 10/10/201 James Graves 3017 Gary Ave Dodge City KS 67801 4264282964375825 11/14 450 $1,995 Larry/Steven/Brian 6202256554 24k 0-15 1/2/1963 2351 husband and wife on same page regarding debt-- wife name is Charlene--just did bal tran apply for bal tran 0% Client is very upset that nothing has been done. We will check balances, p brian

1487677821 10/10/2011 10/10/201 terrance l banks 16431 se Sun Ave Portland OR 97267 4026070014886415 8/14 969 $995 David/Oliver/Nick 5036592581 10-12k 5 0.16 11/8/1955 1731 10/26 called in requesting to speak to FA Nick Hoffman I MSG Nick for a call back once h 10/10/2011-- apply for 0%bal trans1108 he recvd both cards citi cap1 but they had pow of attorn nick

1487677349 10/10/2011 10/10/201 Martha C Gamble 9502 Smokey Circle Huntington Bea CA 92646 5329002298001214 5/14 658 $595 Bobby/Norm/Wendy 7149689957 13k 2 16-19.7% 7/8/1939 1282 10/10 debt accumulated when he 16yr grandson moved in with her, ex husband owes her 10/10-citibank mc-approved 2000.00; Capitol 1-pending; chase freedom-pending; barclays g.s.- wendy

1487684941 10/10/2011 10/10/201 bobby w lewallen 2883 old state rd talmo ga 30575 5520300001032881 5/14 354 $995 lrpnormnick 7066934310 20k 3 15-22 10/3/1939 2282 10/10/2011-apply for bal trans 0% nick

1487688371 10/10/2011 10/10/201 Phyllis Pajari #9 Sunnyside estates Cloquet MN 55720 4352373392190085 9/13 390 $995 DavidO/Steven/Brian 2188793266 4k 3 12-17.24 5/18/1940 5169 Brian

1487690610 10/10/2011 10/10/201 Kathlyn Nunes 642 Tupper St. Santa Rosa Ca 95404 4266921010249439 6/14 589 $1,995 Jason/Steve/nick 7075753284 45k 6 18 12/12/195 3674 10/10/2011--very excited to have us help with a plan to tackle her debt 10/11/2011--citi pending1013citi app500 goodsam18800she is gathering remainder of acct num nick
1488082867 10/11/2011 10/11/201 Anita Moore 543 Eastanollee Rd Eastonollee GA 30538 6011004940243195 11/12 340 $995 Desiree/Steven/Brian 7067792295 20k 2 14-28 6/14/1963 3252 Brian

1488100723 10/11/2011 10/11/201 michael e ferrell 1637 adams blvd great falls mt 59404 6011361019939842 03/13 616 $395 tonyanormnick 4067995712 10 1 15 8/15/1952 7926 nick

1488115356 10/11/2011 10/11/201 John S Ankenbrand 1614 Gilbert Rd Toledo OH 43614 4037840022579351 11/11 513 $995 Bobby/Norm/Wendy 4193924855 18k 5 0.16 3/24/1959 7638 10/11/11- contractor, no bankrupties,good payment history, currently driving calling back a 10/11/11-citivisa-pending; capitol 1-denied; barclays gs-pending; gm hsbc-denied credit score 7 wendy

1488164439 10/11/2011 10/11/ [37] Edith Lara PO Box 824 Thermal CA 92274 5466321097515056 04/12 148 $495 Larry/Norm/Brian 7603990018 7k 2 18 11/10/193 9756 Going blind in right eye,(has a wrinkle in there) Cap1 denied, Citi pending, chse pending.///12/0 Brian

1488177436 10/11/2011 10/11/201 Roseanne Christen 28 South Coalter St Staunton VA 24401 4115072563384000 9/12 517 $995 Raphael/Norm/Brian 5408858917 5402925873 12-16k 4 19-23 8/1/1950 4006 Cap1 Denied, Chase Slate Pending, Citi pending. Cust approved Gm 1450 waiting f Card to do Brian

1488194443 10/11/2011 10/11/201 Patty Jones 6030 E Superior St Deluth MN 55804 4313072087696806 12/13 614 $1,995 larry/Steven/Brian 2184640801 2183406561 27k 2 16.24 8/17/1955 0407 12/20/2011 client called for Brian he was UA trans to Laurie CR//**12/27/2011 client left m 11/29 Cust was approved for Cap1 and Citi to cover approx 17300 worth of debt with a remainin Brian

1488201760 10/11/2011 10/11/201 esthel m mackey 2516 garden dr columbus ga 31903 5488975093256991 10/12 957 $295 Amirah/Oliver/Nick 706-689-0951 old black lady hub died 6 yrs ago neede new furniture thaqts why debt nick

1488227059 10/11/2011 10/11/201 Mildred H Garmen 425 Eagle Street Woodstock Va 22664 5407890286025830 03/14 074 $700 Jason/Steven/Nick 5404810245 5404593202 60000 4 11-29.99 6/26/1959 5707 11 am mst Nick

1488664112 10/12/2011 10/12/201 Mary Beth 1010 Judy St St Martinville LA 70582 5178057252344598 01/15 931 $995 Titus/Norn/Brian 3375194511 9700 2 14-19 1/18/1959 8920 10/28 invoice rec'd. LA// Brian

1488683243-A 10/12/2011 10/12/201 Larry Rankin 1606 Williams St Keokuk IA 52632 6011007224638204 05/16 544 $495 Larry/Mike/Brian 3195244660 12k 3 16.99 3/18/1940 1438 10/12 Pending w/ Citi, cap1 denied, can't apply to chase.~bw///11/01 Gm denied CS0652 Too m Brian

1488684173-A 10/12/2011 10/12/201 Margret Fitzgerald 105 Neponset Ave Boston MA 02122 5466160129177661 11/13 577 $995 Daniel/Steven/Brian 6172889800 7k 1 17 8/31/1936 2060 10/28 Cust was approv 10k w/Cap1 0% 15mo, informed customer on10/12 and told her to call Brian

1488704094 10/12/2011 10/12/201 Paul Cramer 620 W Zimmerman Forest OH 45843 5467020032752670 7/12 715 $1,995 Oliver/Oliver/Wendy 4192733340 12k 2 11.99-24. 4/1/1943 7795 10/24 called in to speak to FA Wendy says he recvd his cards and was told to give her a c 10/12/11- citivisa-approved 4800; capitol 1-approved 10k.10/24 cus called said he received his wendy

1488731658 10/12/2011 10/12/201 geraldine t sims 701 dublin ave south birmingham al 35212 5466160142289477 11/14 126 $95 marlinda/norm/nick 2055954938 10 2 29-19 3/16/1940 3570 10/19- asked for nick. needs an update on account. gave nick msg to callback ~PB nick

1488731992 10/12/2011 10/12/201 geraldine t sims 5401683061208291 11/13 209 $400 marlinda/norm/nick nick

1488749612 10/12/2011 10/12/201 thomas a hanselma 115 e grant ave georgetown oh 45121 4802137101756262 02/14 168 $1,995 angela mike nick 9373783600 35 3 15.9 5/17/1956 1692 owns tire shop most of debt is for business cap1 might have another card offer we are on the ph nick

1488760299 10/12/2011 10/12/201 Doris A Craft 225 W Ridgeway Ave Apt 314 Waterloo IA 50701 4037840027996998 3/12 025 $995 Amirah/Norm/Wendy 3192330597 319-939-6784 17.5k 4 11.99-18. 8/5/1923 0172 10/12/11- elderly lady,very nice, little skeptical about ss# but shes alright....wendy // 10/13 10/18/2011-citbank visa- approved 2000.00(favorite snack-crackers) (request BT from sears(54 wendy

1488778976 10/12/2011 10/12/201 Paul A Besser 1322 7th Ave International Fal MN 56649 5121079708481194 10/13 958 $995 Joseph/Mike/Wendy 2182832978 7300 2 25.24-27. 11/8/1946 6081 10/13 called to talk with FA fwd to Wendy ~dw // 10/21 Client called in to cancel asked for 10/18/2011- citibank mc- approved 4800.00 0% for 21months(favorite hobby-hunting) (request wendy

1489179962 10/13/2011 10/13/201 Charles W Kellogg 617 Girado Drive San Jose CA 95111 5178059641541272 9/13 999 $500 Mark Ryan/Steven/Wendy 4085786154 22k 7 0.21 1/31/1944 6567 12/29 rec'd unclaimed Zilch return, resending ~ JG 10/13/11- citivisa-pending id#201110138006685; chase freedom-pending; barclays g.s.- pendin wendy 7010 2780 0 Zilch done 11-18-11 ~CD // 0311 2550 3122 6320 7011 0110 0001 1541 8616

1489186843 10/13/2011 10/13/201 gracie tipsword 412 s oak P O Box 345 apache ok 73006 6011002374823607 10/14 012 $295 josepholiver/darla 580-588-3627 3500 1 0.15 10/15/192 2223 10/18/11 told her i will be her fa she is still waiting for gm card and citi john suydam10/13/ 10/13/2011 matching offer for her profile--darla//10/31 cust was approved GM 7500 citi is pendi Darla/Brian

1489181669 10/13/2011 10/13/201 Charles W Kellogg 617 Girado Drive San Jose CA 95111 4355778567767805 3/13 740 $295 Mark Ryan/Steven/Wendy 4085786154 22K 7 0.21 1/31/1944 6567 SAME AS ABOVE wendy

1489232543 10/13/2011 10/13/201 bob sullaway 2918 brairwood dr duncan ok 73533 5179500001224263 11/12 110 $1,295 Kyvonne/Steven/Nick 5802550344 20 2 17 8/11/1939 4350 id theft victim from fam member most of these charges are not from him citi put his account on h nick

1489270462/retrieval 1 10/13/2011 10/13/201 Rosa Vanway 435 I Street SW Ardmore OK 73401 6011361085167849 1/14 090 $995 DanielB/Mike/Brian 5802234257 18k 8 9/23/2011 12/19/192 8311 Sweet old lady, got disconnected // 10/19 called in for FA Brian White gave MSG to Brian 10/15 Pending w/ citi and cap1, has 2100 avail on disciver card may be able to get a 0% offer o Brian

1489293023 10/13/2011 10/13/201 Debra Brooks P.O. Box 181 Bethel OK 74724 4888936102602921 6/13 073 $995 Daniel/Mike/Wendy 5802415503 5k 1 0.21 1/28/1952 3768 10/13/11- was skeptical about SS#..victim of scam, finally got ss#...wendy // 10/19 called 10/17/11-citivisa-favorite hobby(baking) pending; capitol 1- denied; chase slate mmn(jones)-pen wendy 7010 2780 0 11/22-sent zilch to carlos // Zilch done 11-22-11 ~CD 7011 0110 0001 1541 8456

1489316191 10/13/2011 10/13/201 Irma J Merschman 206 Ave C West Point IA 52656 5544552011056308 5/12 258 $230 Angela/Oliver/Wendy 3198376428 7k 4 20-23% 9/15/1937 8691 10/24 called in with bank on the line did a live transfer to Joel and was disconnected~ER 10/17/11 capitol 1- approved 7500.00. 10/28 BT completed. took 5,554.33 from chase and put it wendy

1489317204 10/13/2011 10/13/201 Irma J Merschman 206 Ave C West Point IA 52656 5424180627947796 8/12 173 $65 Angela/Oliver/Wendy 3198376428 7K 4 20-23% 9/15/1937 8691 10/24- called in asking about charge. advised I would have her FA call and go over her ac SAME AS ABOVE wendy

1489273426 10/13/2011 10/13/201 Melba Brown 1611 nw 46th st lawton ok 73505 5291492218461651 8/13 939 $995 danielbayer/norm/john 580-357-5694 18k 2 0.1599 3/11/1944 0688 10/18/11 talked to melba everthing is ok she is saved-john s.10/18 called in wanting to CX 10/26/2011 matched offers appv on gm for $11500 chase is appv barckley pending john//REAS Brian

1489345444 10/13/2011 10/13/201 Fay Elder #6 Holiday Lodge Rd North Liberty IA 52317 5424180594179878 8/12 818 $995 Bobby/Mike/Wendy 3196264962 8k 1 0.1199 7/28/1928 8347 10/26 rec'd signed invoice. LA// 10/17/11- capitol 1-approved 3000.00; chase freedom-mmn(brown) pending..; barclays g s -app wendy

1489364473 10/13/2011 10/13/201 Fonda J Velev 306 East A Street Lot 38 West Liberty IA 52776 4037840039720287 4/12 245 $495 Bobby/Oliver/Wendy 3196273107 7500 2 0.13 9/11/1952 6991 10/17/11- capitol 1-approved 500.00; chase slate- mmn(jones)pending; barclays g s-mmn(jones wendy

1489414214 10/13/2011 10/13/201 Laura Giles 7112 Crystal Brook Dr. Austin TX 78724 4313071792288396 2/13 657 $1,995 Tonya/Steven/Nick 5129265146 9408 1 19 12/21/192 4318 10/21 called in with FA questions Nick was not in the office at the time took a msg for a cal 1021called her back spoke wi sister estee says she takes care of laura and laura could not ans Nick

1489437936 10/13/2011 10/13/201 michael r riojas 2620 gate ridge dr austin tx 78748 5417122598298485 5/13 678 $1,995 steven davis mike nick 5128211501 40 6 22 1/19/1968 8673 did bt from boa to his acct 14000 dir dep nick

1489440832 10/13/2011 10/13/201 Denise Beverly Dav 4284 W HIghland Blvd Milwaukee WI 53208 6011007380193424 9/13 022 $1,995 Desiree/Oliver/Brian 4149334744 12k 3 14-18 1/17/1948 6700 10/12 Pending w/ citi and Cap1denied~bw 11/01 Gm Denied, too much derog. will try barclays Brian

1489452319 10/13/2011 10/13/201 Alan J Glanzer One Tibbs Dr P O Box 524 Cache Ok 73527 4465425090208579 4/14 610 $995 marlinday/steven/Darla 580-585-1314 30k 4 0.1665 7/16/1956 2825 11/22 Customer called in wanting to speak to a FA says he got signed up wih us and neve 11/22 Citi approved 3k, Darla

1490129748 10/14/2011 10/14/201 Christine Cloutier 351 Buckminster DR APT T5* Norwood MA 02062 5121071977039118 10/12 914 $1,995 Titus/Steven/Brian 7817620565 7817083543 12 6 9.99-25.6 11/28/195 9554 11/22 rec'd SI. LA// 10/14 called in to verify that we are in Arizona I tried to give her to her **11/19/2011 Citi Denied, Cap1 denied,Chase pending.12/06 Will not be able to get cust approv Brian Y Y Y 7010 2780 0 Zilch done 12-06-11 ~CD 2309 3620 0000 1452 9932

1490166894 10/14/2011 10/14/201 Theodore M McDer 9494 Arnold Rd Ira Township MI 48023 4313072306368096 8/12 296 $995 Mike J/Oliver/Wendy 586-273-7893 6k 3 0.18 8/26/1946 2431 11-15-11 rec'd invoice in the mail not signed-------------10/17 called to speak with wendy tr 10/18/2011-husbands apps-citibank visa-pending; capitol 1-denied; barclays gs-pending; gm hs wendy

1490187255 10/14/2011 10/14/201 melvin d phillips 6717 cherry pl oklahoma city ok 73127 5491098642020167 02/12 425 $995 marknormnick 4054954836 800-833-0726 24 9 11/14 rec'd SI. LA// 10/19 called in to speak to FA Nick Hoffman was not in the office yet s 1014 they had 9k avail credit we did a c redit line increase to 15k did bt from boa to disc 0%12m nick

1490184137 10/14/2011 10/14/201 Ron Willis 2508 East 250th South Peru IN 46970 4465420177374501 11/13 251 $995 Angela/Steven/Wendy 7654737436 5700 2 0.1465 5/6/1956 1512 11/9 rec'd INV. LA// 10/17/2011- wifes name Brenda; credit score 689 // 10/26 Client calle 10/17/2011- capitol 1-Approved 3000; citibank visa-approved 2000.00 (request BT 1840.00 fro wendy
1490198201 10/14/2011 10/14/201 gary g murnan 8 fox lust crt st charles mo 63301 4264292844776563 1/13 891 $695 amirahmikenick 3143042121 6364930271 30 3 15-23 11/19/194 2466 morn 9-10a 10/31 rec'd invoice RTS, no such street. LA// 10/27 called in to speak to FA Nick Hoffman had to wait a while to charge him he was sceptical 10/27 matched wi barc pndng call him thur c nick

1490201934 10/14/2011 10/14/201 Hope Deimling 2348 Whitewood Lane Cincinnati OH 45239 4071100034623458 5/12 732 $495 Larry/Oliver/Wendy 5135413851 6k 1 0.21 7/13/1962 0679 10/26/11 rec'd signed Invoice. LA// 10/17/11-called a little concerned about waiting...i told 10/17/2011-capitol 1-pending; citivisa-pending; chase slate-pending; barclays gs-pending; gm h wendy


1450127409/CB 10/19/ 8/4/2011 8/4/2011 Ellen Doescher 1540 Arquilla Dr Algonquin IL 60102 5401683093108956 9/11 393 $995 Steven/Mike 847 458 1803 20000 1 13 2/16/1958 9699 live transfer 10/19 CB info requested. LA// barkley approv 12,500 Nick

1450728205/CB 10/19/ 8/5/2011 8/2/2011 Joyce Knockes / No 2917 Alene Ave Tracy CA 95376 6011000184001729 1/12 $795 Raphael/Larry 209 835 2795 30000 6 28 11/4/1937 6738 live transfer 10/19 CB info requested. LA applying for new app/ citi pend cont discvver for formal int rate reduction letter mack
1484562119/FULL REF 10/4/2011 10/4/2011 johnnie davis 123 project rd wiggins ms 39577 5466410010478094 07/14 080 $495 Ralphael/Steven/Nick 6019287319 7k 3 23 11/8/1937 5235 10/13 customer called to talk with FA fwd to Nick, scheduled call back for Friday 10/14 ple disc at 0 for a lil while longer appl ying for citi pndng cap1 dec chase barclay pndng1013 put her nick
1476883898/REFUND 9/21/2011 9/21/2011 Diane Williams 2670 newport st Denver CO 80207 4127815712031518 06/13 428 $995 Whitney/Norm/Nick 3033944656 8k 2 9/18/2011 5/18/1948 4992 citi 2k 1800check inmail for half of discbal gs pndng cap1 dec gmdec serious delinq nick c not going thru wi prog says she cancelled cards but she did not say she wants refund nick4pm nick

1480266373/REFUND 9/27/2011 9/27/2011 joseph a lynch 1554 center ave fortlee nj 07024 6011002246112635 9/13 036 $95 joseph g/mike/darla 914-426-7180 9500 2 9--21% 4/13/1966 847 9/27/2011/apply for 0% bal tran--darla--9/27/2011-citi and barc pending--darla// 9.29 calle 10/10/2011--client has been denied by citi--barc--cap1 waiting on chase still pending will do follo darla
1477390856/REFUND 9/22/2011 9/22/2011 Dana Grant 426 N Victoria st. Mishawaka IN 46544 5424180652394989 04/13 819 $995 Joseph/Steven/Brian 5742882760 12k 3 9-22% 1/20/1971 1656 Brian

1481548335/REFUND 9/29/2011 9/29/2011 Donald Buerck 3049 Arrowhead Point Dr St louis MO 63129 5466410005567620 8/13 231 $195 Larry/norm/Brian 3148462935 4k 3 9.25-14 7/14/1935 1142 10/17- called with HSBC bank on the line. trans call to Steve D. ~PB 10/17/11-Spoke with Appved 7300 ( citi) Brian

1485097199/REFUND 10/5/2011 10/5/2011 Frank Sodic 1018 E La Salle Colorado Sprin CO 80907 4481954861001962 2/12 871 $995 Kim/Norm/Brian 7196352727 20k 2 10/14/201 8/8/1942 3751 10/6 officerStenson from CO Springs p.d called to sw bw. LA 10/18/11-Spoke with Bank a Approved Gm 7300 pending w/ citi and good sam Brian

1460444776/PARTIAL 8/23/2011 8/23/2011 Emily Battin 210 S. O'bannon st. MAILING: Raymond Il 62560 4559906438547361 5/13 830 $1,795 Raphael/Steven 217 229 3754 5000 1 21 10/12/194 7876 live transfer gm app $11500,discover pend she perfers discover bt later Cust is unhappy w/ services, citi approved 7,300 Discover 4,900 GM approved for 11,500. Larr Mack

1473301810/CB 10/17/ 9/15/2011 9/15/2011 joan a jacobson 2169 Seamount Dr Ferndale WA 98248 4037840022220733 11/11 145 $995 kim steven nick 360-384-2896 8k 3 15.24 3/22/1938 8805 nick

1460454139/CB 10/17/ 8/23/2011 8/23/2011 Bill Moore 301 S. Broad St Mt. Auburn IL 62547 4359970001036311 3/13 179 $1,995 Terry/Steven 217 676 2093 6000 3 19 4/17/1943 14 live transfer 10/19 CB info requested. LA GM approved for 11,500 Mack

1457093194/CB 10/17/ 08/17/2011 08/17/201 Marian Rolland 5973 Harlem Grove Town Rd Harlem GA 30814 407221******1116 06/13 $1,995 Carla/Mike/Nick

1477435026/CB 10/18/ 9/22/2011 9/22/2011 donna e washburn 756 N Washington St Kahoka MO 63445 4308011012095137 7/12 735 $495 tanya/norm nick 6607272743 4 1 14 2/20/1941 8644 10/19 CB info requested. LA cap1 5k nick

1472053526/CB 10/18/ 9/13/2011 9/13/2011 lillie york 2200 Jewell Lane #35 Redding CA 96001 4352376703646380 11/2011 506 $95 larry/norm/larry 530-246-0337 4300 2 24 6/19/1946 8512 // 9/29 called in with questions about charge says she dont need any more cards needs t pend ,citi, barclay mack/darla

10/17/201 Judy E Wadkins 201 Gracie Ave Fort Oglethorpe GA 30742 4352371699361185 11/13 257 $995 Jason/Norm/Wendy 7068664802 20k 3 0.2 7/6/1950 0073 11/09 Client called in requesting to speak with Norm or Wendy says she spoke with both o 11/11/2011- called lady back, we never charged her (unsufficienct funds),, no answer left messa wendy

$$ or blcok 10/18/201 525 e 315 st willowick oh 44095 5401683085703756 3/13 389 $795 bobby taylor/mike/john 4405850058 25k 3 14-25% 4/16/1954 6695 10/18/11-nice lady matching offers...john s.

Decline all matches 10/17/201 Sheridan Pagan 8342 Yankee Pass Mingo OH 45039 5369933139166751 12/13 084 $1,995 Casey/Oliver/Wendy 5133172522 8500 3 19-25% 2/26/1970 4640 wendy

duplicate 10/19/201 Tammy I Leiting 181 North Division Arcadia IA 51430 5437030705832185 9/14 087 $1,995 Bobby T/Oliver/Wendy 7126892386 7122106286 15k 3 0.16 12/1/1971 0122 10/19/11- easy going lady..wendy wendy

1491639424 10/17/2011 10/17/201 jeanette s Garcie 1276 hwy 482 noble LA 71462 5121075016936242 10/14 872 $1,795 Marlinda/Steven/Nick 3186456251 6k 5 22 4/13/1956 6760 10/31/11 rec'd SI. LA// 1017she has to go to a ball game call her back tues 10a wi the res 1019 got husband apprvd 11500 gm 12mo she will be calling me when she gets card in mail ni nick

1491652985 10/17/2011 10/17/201 Ethal Cooper 1732 N US Route 42 Lebanon OH 45036 6011005830600592 3/13 714 $995 M.Stefanovic/Steven/Wen 5139323648 3780 4 0.19 6/2/1928 3306 10/17/2011 completely skeptical, then spoke to darla, agreed to go through, then i tried ge 10/18/2011 citibank visa- approved 7300 (bt from discover (0592) 2,190.00 to this citi)...wendy wendy

1491695482 10/17/2011 10/17/201 julie a herring 523 janet dr tineville la 71360 4465420178496550 01/13 154 $1,995 Jason cole/Steven/Nick 3184499018 3186231475 18 2 27 8/26/1947 3271 1017very nice old lady amex was closed poss bt from amex but it is in arbitration right no 8300 citi simplicity bt from amex nick

1491692720/retrieval 1 10/17/2011 10/17/201 Carol Sanders 53 Tucker Circle Montecello GA 31064 6011004000886164 6/13 074 $995 DavidO/Mike/Brian 7064686472 7500 1 15.99 12/6/1940 1545 10/26- called in confused. said her cc company told her to close all her cards. she thinks s 10/19 called to inform client that she had been approved for 4800 thru citi for 21 mo, cust inform Brian

1491702574 10/17/2011 10/17/201 Jamie Horwath 116 Howard Street Hudson MI 49247 5466160276771647 01/14 179 $995 Steven Davis/Norm/Nick 517-448-2731 21K 2 11-17.99 4/15/1979 2399 10/17/11 Citi direct dep 5665 to her bank acct also lowered 14.24 further purch dir dep will take Nick

1491716899 10/17/2011 10/17/201 Connie Leseney 2716 Wilson Ave Lansing MI 48906 4264294226681379 09/13 774 $995 Donal/Mike/Daniel Bayer 517-323-7418 19k 2 0.1324 1/15/1935 0424 10/18 5300 Barclays bt from Chase Freedom. 11,500 GM bt from BOA visa. Citi Sim pending Daniel

1492137435 10/18/2011 10/18/201 Jane Kay 45 Timberlane Dr Hartwell GA 30643 4264298199640320 5/14 158 $1,995 StevenD/Steven/Brian 7063763273 19k 2 22-24 6/21/1942 8890 Call fia Card to get 0% offer on the avail credit to pay off Chase. Brian

1492252042 10/18/2011 10/18/201 virginia gabler 6089 calle de amor san jose ca 95124 4313071353731529 6/14 277 $995 lori easte/norm/nick 4087231735 10k 3 12-25% 3/10/1945 6254 10/26/11 recd signed invoice FAX // 11/14/11- called for nick. gave msg for a callback. ~P 1019 bt amount 5347 trans from amex to citi during app called to inform her of good news no an nick

1492256081 10/18/2011 10/18/201 Sue Kromrey 2066 Palmer Drive New Brighton MN 55112 5121079600587007 8/13 353 $1,995 David Ope/Steven/Wendy 651-636-7629 30k 8 0.25 7/28/1947 5300 10/18/11- husband and wife, anthony and sue...wendy // 10/24- called asking about charg 10/18/2011-citibank mc-pending; capitol 1-denied; gm hsbc-denied id#2011291011172 s wendy 7010 2780 0 Zilch done 11-17-11 CD 7011 0110 0001 1541 8692

1492377098 10/18/201 Eric Kurz 6658 Inglewood Rd

1492381253 10/18/2011 10/18/201 Debra Hollamby 9443 Morris Lane Luban NY 14727 4185860572936751 2/13 494 $995 Donall/Steven/Daniel 5859688292 5300/mor 7 21 7/20/1959 1183 11/22 inv rts, unclaimed, unable to fwd. LA// 10/25/2011 set appt with her and husband for 10/27/2011 she reset appt for 11/01/2011@12pm john//10/25/2011 set appt with her and husba Daniel

1492390086 10/18/2011 10/18/201 James B. Benschot 2947 Hardale Toledo OH 43606 6011005592005717 1/14 350 $995 Donall/Mike/Daniel 4199027107 6k 1 0.23 4/3/1950 10/18/2011 Cap One Denied Daniel 10/26/2011 Cit Sim Pend, GM Fam Denied, Barc C to C Pend. Cb client and asked for cb whe Daniel

1492382947 10/18/2011 10/18/201 William (Bill) H Schl 32102 Electric Blvd avon OH 44012 0 10/12 448 $1,995 Bobby/Oliver/Wendy 4409335127 10k 1 0.19 2/22/1954 9889 10/28/11 rec'd signed Invoice FAX--------10/18/11-refer to him as BILL! if anything is sent t 10/19/11- Citibank visa-Pending id#201110198004804; capitol 1-approved 10,000 0%till jan201 wendy

1492386007 10/18/2011 10/18/201 virginia trost 1812 eldridge dr troy mi 48083 5407070005783288 11/11 499 $695 donall/norm/john 2485261860 7k 1 0.159 4/25/1938 5308 10/31/11 rec'd SI, informed BW to contact mrs, after seeing note. LA// 10/24 called in says 10/24/2011 citi s approved cap1 p approved $7500 told her 7-10 bis days john s//RE ASSIGNE Brian

1492431485 10/18/2011 10/18/201 Allen and Eileen Va 6 Shelly Lane Bethpaige NY 11714 5407070003100626 5/12 069 $1,995 Jason Cole/Oliver/Daniel 5167969315 5163035449 15k 3 0.149 10/28 called in to speak with FA Dan UA took MSG for call back~ER 10/28/2011 cb client Daniel 11/07/2011 Cb clients and Activated ALL new cards. Did Bal Trans $9650 from Cap On Daniel

1492436337 10/18/2011 10/18/201 Mary Jo Fullerton 3892 Pleasent Ridge Dr Williamsburg MI 49690 5222763210382242 6/12 502 $395 Terrance/Steven/Brian 2319382059 11k 2 25 7/11/1964 0031 11/1/11 rec'd signed invoice Approved Cap1 7500 0% 12mo then 10.9%, approv Citi 2k 21mo Brian

1492465487 10/18/2011 10/18/201 Mark D. Ameel 04165 Champerret West Boyne City MI 49712 4266841272627702 7/14 937 $495 David Opel/Mike/Daniel 2314398212 2315822075 5k 1 0.1325 10/24/195 6017 10/18/11 Nice guy. Daniel 10/18/2011 10/24/11 Client cb and I infor. him I was working account. Daniel 10/24/2011 Citi Daniel

1493019560 10/19/2011 10/19/201 Karen Jackson 15590 Delaware Dr King George VA 22485 4313072319938240 01/14 579 Kim/Mike/Brian 5406635378 4k 1 14 11/11/194 7321 Approv Citi 7800 0% 21mo Brian

1493043494 10/19/2011 10/19/201 Kim Lister 3 Roantree Dr Quakertown PA 18951 6011300240071397 08/12 053 Tonya/Mike/Brian 2155299464 5500 2 10-11.21 2/25/1962 4950 Has a low apr offer on discover worth 8300 (-495fee) to pay off Chase and remaining bal on cc_ Brian

1493046490 10/19/2011 10/19/201 Jane Soriano 4484 Clemensford Drive Virginia Beach VA 23456 4888936178975755 10/14 734 Kyvonne/Steven/Daniel 7574673065 7573488554 20k 2 12-24% 8/24/1941 7712 10/19/11 Nice old lady with lots of questions. Daniel 10/19/11 Approved Cap One $500 15mo. Informed Clie
Name Address City State Zip Credit Card Exp Da CVC Price Opener Closer Phone Number

Linda H Waters 140 Mansfield Courts Athens GA 30606 431307008398173 082012 308 $1,995 Louis/Oliver/Da 7065466466

Delores J. Dorney 24438 W. Highway W Bethany MO 64424 431307233808464 10/12 658 $995 Paul Norm 660-425-3446

Judy R. McMillan 20 East 3rd. P.O. Bo Willowcreek MT 59760 552234000430079 9/2013 020 $1,995 Dionna/Steven 406-285-6987

Josephine M. Dova 162 East Ackard Pl. San Antonio TX 78221-2901 431307049280561 09/14 295 $995 Daniel //Norm 210/927/6870

Maxine Fritz 12094 S. Meadowlaw Oregon City OR 97045 471924044040964 2/13/20 933 998 5036504003

322 S. 2nd Ave Ea Melrose MN 56352 4121742665177 7/13/2012 245 898 James/ 3202608258

Mohinder Dindiyal 7315 Cordova Drive Indionapolis IN 46221 542418061125704 083120 430 $995 Zach/Oliver 3175903042

Elaine Benson 6845 Sanderling Ct New Market MD 21774 601100302462824 1/13/20 283 1995 Titus/Mike 301 865 8602

Racheal L Boshear 14059 White Oak La Bentonville AR 72712 418550600066599 102012 226 $195 Jill/Oliver/ 4797877063

Hubert C. Hamrick 6344 Old Pendergras Jefferson GA 30549 601100447652163 6/2014 141 $1,995 Jill/Steven 706-658-0168

Eunice Tucker 450 W Sunwest Dr. # Casa grande AZ 85122 426684102548939 2/13 006 $495 Raphael/Mike 520-836-3274

Joanne Rodolico 758 Klondike Avenue Staten Island NY 10314 540707003141600 122013 152 $1,995 coco Tyrone 7183700076

Martha V. Marston 896 Readus Rd Edinburg Va. 22824 426684127109815 03/12 518 $60 Chris // Norm/D 5409843338

Martha V. Marston Same as above 601100385925403 6/15 112 $300 Same as Above

Martha V. Marston Same as above 601100385925403 6/15 112 $300 Same as Above

Rexene Hurst 6211 N. 32nd Richland MI 49083 426684120856177 2/12 550 $995 Lori/Mike/Daniel 269-330-5363

928 Peninsula Ave San Mateo CA 94401 4388576025445 4/13/2012 658 998 Matt A/ 650-372-0674 4.38858E+15 415-902-4890

Rose M. Arnold 805 Greenlea DR. North Little Roc Ar 72117 430572145772018 07/14 995 $995 Deseree//Norm 501) 945-2564

1101 Rich Dr Hastings MI 49058 4313070656417 6/12 998 $79 dd1468 larry/mike/mack 269-948-2012

124 West Mohawk Phoenix AZ 85027 6011000981494 1/14/2012 302 998 Matt All 62322992167

5370 New Hope R Grant Pass OR 97527 5260360300148 7/13/2012 443 798 Tonio/C 5414768656

Carol A. Olson 1345 Willard Lane Carson City NV 89701 441840919990841 7/2012 831 $1,995 Titus/Steven 775-885-8607

Kyle Hagen 3520 Elfa Avenue Waldoft MD 20603 546632002309846 082012 672 $1,995 Amber Oliver 3013742292

Lisa L. Williams 1311 Maryland AV Eden NC 27288 542276908600344 06/2012 020 $495 Donall/Norm F

Arvilla Magee 411 E Jackson St, #9 Attica IN 47918 6011-0055-1650-27 8-2012 548 $1,995 Titus LRP 765-764-4089

5646 Highway 180 Mandan ND 58554 5396550104310 2/12/2012 324 998 Jessica/ 7016638723

Irene S. Douglass 5332 Boise St. S.E. Turner OR 97392 512107194000454 9/2013 978 $995 Angela/Steven 503-743-4328

Arlene McIntyre 156 Jean SW Wyoming MI 49548 549035017739212 10/13 280 $495 Quadisha/Larry 6165312079

883 10th Ct. Lafayette OR 97127 5401683041335 3/13/2012 648 149 Karla/C 5035396180

Jeffrey & Marci Gr 30947 Hunter Whip L Farmington Hills MI 48331 532901988530538 122014 151 $1,995 Amelia Oliver 2487887687

Ruth Whitehair 1132 45 Ave East Moline IL 61244 601100793030821 11/12 205 $1,995 Titus/Larry/Bria 3097961469

2975 280th Ave Ada MN 56510 4185864489605 11/12/2012 730 698 Herman 2187843274

Albert C. Gladieux 746 Utah Toledo OH 43605 548042001441183 4/14 444 $1,995 Donnie/Steven 419-693-7140

Doll L. Mitchell 7677 80th Ave Evart MI 49631 601100593026684 11/2014 725 $995 Lori/Steven/Dan 231-734-2832
You have 24 hours to attempt contact with these clients. If attempted, an additional day will be granted to try and contact again. If no attempt within 24 hours, then
the save will be give to wayne to save. This is just to insure clients are being taken care of in a timely manner. Thank you guys :)

NAME Amount Refund Amount Room Process Date Date Refund Requested Original FA FA Working on Save (notes) CS Notes DO NOT PUT NEW NOTES HERE--PUT IN LEES DOC ONLY READ Lines 1-2 Notes
Connie N Morris $798 $798 LISA 11/1/2011 1/11/2012 Nick out of options giving to wayne to try and save $$ ne 1/11/12 rec'd cancellation letter in FAX---------12-6-11 rec'd signed SAI-------11/1/11- she couldnt hear me. Failed QA. added notes to drop down chat for her to get a callback. ~PB // 11/1 Passed QA the 2nd time cs9 ~ JG-----------------------------------------1210 9a lvm nick need full ss she only put last 4 also only last 4 of most acct num ne 1215 lvm 1130a ne1217 returned her call lvm 1113a ne1220 lvm 1208p ne1220 CONTACT MADE got her info on phn wi citi di pref it is cl
carol caccone $995 $995 lee ne 1/9/2012 1/13/2012 Lori saved bu WM, resend Zilch , she's awaiting card and bill
Chester/Kari Bernh $995 $995 lee ne 1/12/2012 1/13/2012 Nick
Alfreda Fatum $995 $995 lee ne 1/9/2012 1/17/2012 Lori
Esther Mancuso $1,995 $1,995 le ne 1/11/2012 1/18/2012 Nick 118 called and she says that she don need our services she hired someone else never mentioned gettin her money back she should not get full refund i got her apprvd for 24 mo 0 int wi citi cred line unknown it went to pending stat originally, then got apprvd. usu takes a few days to get ans so when i called back on 118 it was apprvd so i had to call and give her good news and try to save
New Sale, waiting to know if we should process
QA Approved (type in, leave white)
QA Failed for any reason (type in, leave white)
Needs to be Processed
Transferred To Wayne
Approved Sale
Declined for whatever reason
Partial Refund
Had Questions, Transfered to get immediate assistance...

Below are 3 questions concerning color codes on these sheets from Wade
can we use this color for disputes/chargebacks to differentialte from red?
is the "partial refund" noted above still active account, or closed acct?- can we use for closed only and below for saves
How about this for saved,(treat like gold)
[1] original $795, partial refund of $545 11/1/11 --kimberlyoechsner Tue Nov 01 2011 11:57:02 GMT-
0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
[2] Do not deduct from Payroll recipients, refund this card to charge another. LA
--office.asset123 Wed Nov 23 2011 15:46:15 GMT-0700 (US Mountain Standard Time)
[3] already charged Wendy for CB. --office.asset123 Tue Nov 29 2011 09:47:57 GMT-0700 (US
Mountain Standard Time)
[4] ORIGINAL $1995, PARTIAL REFUND $1800 10/28/11 --kimberlyoechsner Fri Oct 28 2011
15:47:35 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
[5] Already charged steven & wendy for this CB. --office.asset123 Tue Nov 29 2011 10:01:48 GMT-
0700 (US Mountain Standard Time)
[6] $995 original charge, $250 partial done 11-29-11 --kimberlyoechsner Tue Nov 29 2011 15:49:25
GMT-0700 (US Mountain Standard Time)
[7] No Deduct from Salesroom or FA's due to Q/C/F invalid
--office.asset123 Tue Dec 13 2011 10:08:20 GMT-0700 (US Mountain Standard Time)
[8] Original charge $995, partial refund $895 12-6-11 --kimberlyoechsner Tue Dec 06 2011 11:11:28
GMT-0700 (US Mountain Standard Time)
[9] deducted from 12/2 pay
--office.asset123 Tue Dec 06 2011 13:32:54 GMT-0700 (US Mountain Standard Time)
[10] Orlando was deducted commission on Sandra Mora, Waudine Quick, Grace Chritia, and Jane
Jannereth 12/9 per Lee
--office.asset123 Fri Dec 16 2011 13:06:29 GMT-0700 (US Mountain Standard Time)
[11] Original $1,895, partial refund $895 12-8-11 --kimberlyoechsner Thu Dec 08 2011 13:44:59
GMT-0700 (US Mountain Standard Time)
[12] original $1995, partial refund $500 12-6-11 --kimberlyoechsner Tue Dec 06 2011 11:17:00 GMT-
0700 (US Mountain Standard Time)
[13] original $995, partial refund $300 12-19-11, --kimberlyoechsner Mon Dec 19 2011 11:47:10
GMT-0700 (US Mountain Standard Time)
[14] Do not deduct from Brian, he was never paid on this client. LA
--office.asset123 Mon Dec 19 2011 15:11:53 GMT-0700 (US Mountain Standard Time)
[15] has already been taken from employee when it was refunded 11-30-11 --kimberlyoechsner Thu
Dec 15 2011 12:17:08 GMT-0700 (US Mountain Standard Time)
[16] original $895, partial refund $400 12-12-11 --kimberlyoechsner Mon Dec 12 2011 13:44:51
GMT-0700 (US Mountain Standard Time)
[17] original $495, partial refund $300 12-6-11 --kimberlyoechsner Tue Dec 06 2011 11:21:26 GMT-
0700 (US Mountain Standard Time)
[18] original $495, partial refund $395 12-21-11 --kimberlyoechsner Wed Dec 21 2011 12:39:35
GMT-0700 (US Mountain Standard Time)
[19] original $1995, partial refund $1600 --kimberlyoechsner Tue Dec 27 2011 11:18:44 GMT-0700
(US Mountain Standard Time)
[20] original $1995, partial refund 12-21 $1495 --kimberlyoechsner Tue Dec 27 2011 11:16:44 GMT-
0700 (US Mountain Standard Time)
[21] original $995, partial refund 1-4-12 $845 --kimberlyoechsner Wed Jan 04 2012 14:14:01 GMT-
0700 (US Mountain Standard Time)
[22] patrial refund 1-3-12 $1000, original charge $1995 --kimberlyoechsner Tue Jan 03 2012
14:27:09 GMT-0700 (US Mountain Standard Time)
[23] refund $300 completes entire refund for $595

original $595, partial refund $295 12-21-11 --kimberlyoechsner Wed Dec 21 2011 12:42:02 GMT-
0700 (US Mountain Standard Time)
[24] original charge $995, partial refund $545 1-6-12
--kimberlyoechsner Fri Jan 06 2012 09:20:35 GMT-0700 (US Mountain Standard Time)
[25] This amount has not been credited to Steve, and Jason did not receive pay for this client, due to
having been refunded before payroll processed. LA
--office.asset123 Tue Jan 10 2012 09:59:45 GMT-0700 (US Mountain Standard Time)
[26] original amount $995
--office.asset123 Thu Sep 22 2011 18:32:16 GMT-0700 (US Mountain Standard Time)
[27] origional price was $695 --kimberlyoechsner Wed Sep 28 2011 13:40:42 GMT-0700 (Pacific
Daylight Time)
[28] Carla not docked, due to MACK Client (Darla Training)
--office.asset123 Mon Oct 10 2011 16:41:19 GMT-0700 (US Mountain Standard Time)
[29] 695
[30] 995
[31] origional amount is $495, partial refund on 10/10/11 for $300 --kimberlyoechsner Mon Oct 10
2011 11:50:57 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
[32] original amount is $1995, partial refund was $1000 --kimberlyoechsner Wed Oct 12 2011
15:36:08 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
[33] original $1995, partial refund $1795 --kimberlyoechsner Wed Oct 12 2011 15:43:38 GMT-0700
(Pacific Daylight Time)
[34] original amount $995, partial refund $500 --kimberlyoechsner Wed Oct 12 2011 15:39:13 GMT-
0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
[35] original charge is $400

--kimberlyoechsner Tue Oct 11 2011 10:46:11 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)

[36] 10/25 payroll Deduct $495, 595 was deducted 10/14
--office.asset123 Tue Oct 18 2011 10:07:44 GMT-0700 (US Mountain Standard Time)

origional charge is $995 partial refund on 10/10/11 for $500 --kimberlyoechsner Mon Oct 10 2011
11:26:32 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
[37] Per Joe, this transaction was run with the customers last name being the same as the city she
lives in. No way to change this in NMI.
--office.asset123 Tue Sep 06 2011 12:27:34 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
[38] original amount $1995, $200 refund sent on 10/18/11 in a check --kimberlyoechsner Wed Oct 19
2011 14:15:05 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
[39] Thank You Kim! This was the card that was supposed to be charge $400, her other card above
was to be charge $95, but was not charged at all, so I will be docking the full $495 to settle this entire
confusion because employees were paid for $400+95. Card was supposed to be charged $400,
merchant says only $95 was ran. Employees may have been paid for $400 sale --kimberlyoechsner
Wed Oct 19 2011 16:31:44 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
[40] original $495, refund for $400 10/19/11 --kimberlyoechsner Wed Oct 19 2011 17:08:00 GMT-
0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
[41] ORIGINAL $495, REFUND $300 10/19/11 --kimberlyoechsner Wed Oct 19 2011 17:10:33 GMT-
0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)

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