Capmr NCP
Capmr NCP
Capmr NCP
Subjective Data: Hyperthermia related After 4 hours of Monitor Vital Signs Regular monitoring of GOAL MET:
"Antaas po ng lagnat to inflammatory nursing intervention, vital signs helps in
niya, at madalas response secondary to the patient's body assessing the child's The patient's body
siyang umuubo. community-acquired temperature will response to temperature decreased
Parang mahirap din po pneumonia as decrease to within the interventions and to within the normal
siyang huminga at evidenced by elevated normal range (<38°C), detecting any signs of range (<38°C) after 4
medyo mabilis ang body temperature respiratory rate will deterioration. hours of nursing
tibok ng puso niya. (39.4°C), rapid decrease to <24 intervention,
Napapansin ko rin po respiratory rate, and breaths per minute, Reduces fever by indicating successful
Administer acting on the management of
na hindi na siya increased heart rate in and heart rate will
Antipyretics hypothalamus, hyperthermia,
gaanong active at a 3-year-old child. decrease to <120 beats
makulit tulad ng dati." per minute, and providing relief from respiratory rate
as verbalized by the demonstrate improved discomfort and decreased to <24
mother comfort. lowering metabolic breaths per minute
demand. after 4 hours of
Objective Data: nursing intervention,
Tepid sponge baths indicating
Temp: 39.4°C Provide Tepid Sponge help to reduce body improvement in
Baths temperature by respiratory distress,
RR: 40 cpm enhancing heat loss heart rate decreased to
through conduction, <120 beats per minute
PR: 150 bpm
providing immediate after 4 hours of
- Restless relief from nursing intervention,
hyperthermia. indicating a reduction
- Crying intermittently
in physiological stress,
Fever increases fluid
and patient
loss through sweating
Republic of the Philippines
City of Ilagan Campus
Educating parents on
how to manage fever
effectively, including
antipyretics, providing
Educate Parents on cooling measures, and
Fever Management recognizing signs of
worsening symptoms,
empowers them to
care for their child at
Republic of the Philippines
City of Ilagan Campus