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Gautam Buddha University

(Established by the Uttar Pradesh Gautam Buddha University Act, 2002 UP Act No.
9 of 2002, passed by the Uttar Pradesh Legislature)
Greater Noida, Gautam Budh Nagar-201312 (U.P.)

Advertisement No: GBU/Admn/2024/04 Date: 07 June 2024
Gautam Buddha University (GBU) invites applications to fill the post of Professor. The details
are as given below:
Details of Vacancies
S.N. University Department Category Subject Specialization/Area of Research
School & at Ph.D level
of Post
A. Information and Computer OBC-01 Computer Data Science/Computer Vision and
Communication Science & Science and Graphics/Artificial Intelligence.
Technology Engineering Engineering
UR-01 Artificial  Big Data and Scalable Machine
Intelligence Learning
(AI)  Large Language Models and
Natural Language Processes
 Artificial Intelligence Hardware
& Hybrid Artificial Intelligence
 Automated Machine Learning
and related area.
Electronics & UR-01 Electronics & VLSI Design & Technology/
Communication Communicati Embedded Systems/ Robotics &
Engineering on Automation and related area.
Information SC-01 Information Cyber Security/Block Chain
Technology Technology Technology/Cloud Computing/
Network Administration &
Engineering and related area.
B. Law, Justice Law and UR-01 Law Corporate Law/ Cyber Law/
and Justice OBC-01 Competition Law/ Intellectual
Governance SC-01 Property Rights Law.
C. Management Management SC-01 Core Area Strategic Management / Digital
Studies Management Marketing/ Business Analytics.
UR-01 Management Information Systems Management /
Business Analytics/ Innovations &
Technology Management and
related area.
OBC-01 Management Corporate Governance/
Sustainability & Environment
Management/ Public Administration
& General Management and related
UR-01 Commerce Accounting/Taxation/E-Commerce
and related area.
D. Humanities & Economics UR-01 Economics Econometrics/ Mathematical
Social Sciences Planning & Economics/ Development
Development Economics.
Psychology and OBC-01 Psychology/  Cognitive Psychology
Mental Health Mental  Neuropsychology
Health  Health Psychology and related

E. Vocational Applied OBC-01 Mathematics Computational Mathematics/
Studies & Mathematics Numerical Analysis.
Applied UR-01 Mathematics Operational Research/Mathematical
Sciences Logic & Foundations / Quantum
Computing and related area.
Food Science & UR-01 Food Science  Food Engineering & Technology
Technology &  Food Safety and Quality
Technology Assurance
 Food Processing & Preserving
 Neutraceuticals and functional
food and related area.
F. Engineering Electrical UR-01 Electrical Robotics and Automation/
Engineering / SC-01 Engineering Mechatronics.
Mechanical /
Engineering Mechanical

*Category: UR=Unreserved; SC=Scheduled Caste; OBC=Other Backward Class


Academic Eligibility
Essential Qualifications for Sr. A, C and F above
As per the AICTE Notification No. F.No. 61-1/RIED/7th CPV/2016-17, dates 1st
March, 2019 for Professor (Level – 14, Entry Pay 1,44,200/-) for Direct
(a) Ph. D. degree in relevant field and First class or equivalent at either Bachelor’s or Master’s
level in the relevant branch
(b) Minimum of 10 years of experience in teaching / research / industry (out of which 03
years at the post of Associate Professor or at a post equivalent to that of an
Associate Professor as desirable experience)
(c) At least 6 research publications at the level of Associate Professor in SCI journals / UGC /
AICTE approved list of journals, and at least 2 successful Ph.D. guided as Supervisor / Co-
At least 10 research publications at the level of Associate Professor in SCI journals / UGC /
AICTE approved list of journals

1.1 Desirable qualifications (A,C,F):

Sr. No. (A) School of Information & Communication Technology:

1. Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)

OBC-01 A candidate should have B.Tech. and M.Tech in Computer Science/Computer
Science & Engineering, and Ph.D. in the area of Data Science/Computer
Vision and Graphics/Artificial Intelligence .
UR-01 A candidate should have B.Tech. and M.Tech in Computer Science &
Engineering / Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Ph.D. in the area of Computer
Science/Big Data and Scalable Machine Learning/ Large Language Models
and Natural Language Processes/ Artificial Intelligence Hardware & Hybrid
Artificial Intelligence/Automated Machine Learning and related area.
2. Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering:
UR-01 A candidate should have B.Tech. and M.Tech in Electronics and
Communication, and Ph.D. in the area of VLSI Design & Technology/
Embedded Systems/ Robotics & Automation and related area.

3. Department of Information Technology:
SC-01 A candidate should have B.Tech. and M.Tech in Information Technology, and
Ph.D. in the area of Cyber Security/Block Chain Technology/Cloud
Computing/ Network Administration & Engineering and related area.

Sr. No. (C) School of Management:

SC-01 A candidate should have B.E./B.Tech. and Master of Business Administration

with Ph.D. in the area of Strategic Management / Digital Marketing/ Business
UR-01 A candidate should have B.E./B.Tech. and Master of Business Administration
with Ph.D. in the area of Information Systems Management / Business
Analytics/ Innovations & Technology Management and related area.
OBC-01 A candidate should have Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline and Master’s
Degree in Business Administration/PGDM/C.A./ICWA/M.Com with first class
or equivalent and Ph.D. in the area of Corporate Governance/ Sustainability &
Environment Management/ Public Administration & General Management and
related area.
UR-01 A candidate should have Bachelor’s Degree in commerce discipline and
Master’s Degree in Commerce with first class or equivalent with Ph.D. in the
area of Accounting/Taxation/E-Commerce and related area.
Sr. No. (F) School of Engineering:

Department of Electrical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering:

UR-01 A candidate should have B.E./B.Tech. and M.E./M.Tech in Electrical

SC-01 Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering with Ph.D. in the area of Robotics and

1.2 Essential Qualifications for Sr. B, D and E above

As per the UGC Notification No. F.1-2/2017 (EC/PS) dated the 18 th July, 2018 for
the discipline of Arts, Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Law for
Professor; Eligibility (A or B):
i. An eminent scholar having a Ph.D. degree in the concerned/allied/relevant discipline, and
published work of high quality, actively engaged in research with evidence of published work
with a minimum of 10 research publications in the peer-reviewed or UGC-listed journals, and
a total research score of 120 as per the criteria given in Appendix II, Table 2 annexed
herewith as Annexure I.
ii. A minimum of ten years of teaching experience in university/college as Assistant
Professor/Associate Professor (out of which 03 years shall be at the post of Associate
Professor or at a post equivalent to that of an Associate Professor as desirable
experience), and / or research experience at equivalent level at the University/National
Level Institutions with evidence of having successfully guided doctoral candidate.
B. An outstanding professional, having a Ph.D. degree in the relevant/allied/applied disciplines,
from any academic institutions (not included in 1.2 A above) / industry, who has made
significant contribution to the knowledge in the concerned/allied/relevant discipline,
supported by documentary evidence provided he/she has ten years’ experience.
2. Desirable qualifications (B,D,E):
Sr. No. (B) School of School of Law, Justice and Governance:

UR-01 A candidate should have Bachelor of Law (LLB) and Master of Law (LLM), and
OBC-01 Ph.D. in the area of Corporate Law/ Cyber Law/ Competition Law/Intellectual
SC-01 Property Rights Law.

Sr. No. (D) School of Humanities and Social Sciences
(I) Department of Economics and Development:
UR-01 A candidate should have M.A./Post graduation degree in Economics with
Ph.D. in the area of Econometrics/ Mathematical Economics/ Development

(ii) Department of Psychology and Mental Health:

OBC-01 A candidate should have Post graduate degree in Psychology/Mental Health
with Ph.D. in the area of Cognitive Psychology/Neuropsychology/Health
Psychology and related area.

Sr. No. (E) School of Vocational Studies and Applied Sciences:

(I) Department of Applied Mathematics:

OBC-01 A candidate should have M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics/ Mathematics, with

Ph.D. in the area of Computational Mathematics/ Numerical Analysis.

UR-01 A candidate should have M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics/ Mathematics, and

Ph.D. -in the area of Operational Research/Mathematical Logic & Foundations
/ Quantum Computing and related area.

(II) Department of Food Science & Technology:

UR-01 A candidate should have B.E./B.Tech and M.E./M.Tech in Food Technology

with Ph.D in the area of Food Engineering & Technology/ Food Safety and
Quality Assurance/ Food Processing & Preserving / Neutraceuticals and
functional food and related area.

Note: The Academic score as specified by the UGC in Appendix II (Table 2), annexed herewith as
Annexure I, for Universities shall be considered for short-listing of the candidates for multiple round
of academic assessment. The candidate has to fill the attached annexure and duly sign it. Multiple
round of academic assessment may include presentation (including action plan), seminar, and
interview by the duly-constituted Selection Committee.

(3) A relaxation of 5 (five) percent in marks or equivalent relaxation in Grade is allowed in case
of SC/ST/Physically Challenged (Differently-abled) candidates on production of valid
certificate. Similar relaxation in age, if applicable, will be permissible as per U.P. Government

(4) Academic eligibility criteria mentioned above are the minimum requirement, and the
University may set-up new criteria with higher qualification and experience, based on the
recommendations of the Screening Committee/Selection Committee duly constituted by the

(5) The candidates who have applied against the previous Advt. No.
GBU/Admn/2024/01 Dated: 07 March 2024 in their respective category (UR, SC,
OBC) as the case may be, need not apply again in the same category. However if
a candidate wants to apply in the category other than the previously applied
category as per his/her eligibility, then he/she needs to fill the new application
form as per this advertisement.

(6) The University reserves the right to fill or not to fill the posts advertised. Merely fulfilling the
minimum eligibility criteria does not mean that the applicant will be called for multiple round
of academic assessment/Interview.

(7) The University reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of posts advertised.

(8) The University reserves the right to offer a position, to the candidate(s), lower than that they
applied for, based on the recommendations of the Selection Committee duly constituted by
the University.
(9) For the position of the University School of Management, the candidates must have M.B.A as
the basic Degree.
(10) The candidates already in Govt./Semi-Govt service/Autonomous Institutions/PSU/Universities
etc must submit No Objection Certificate along-with their application from the present
(11) The Selection Committee may recommend for higher pay level to exceptionally–qualified
candidates which will be judged based on quality publication in leading journals as first or
single author, proven teaching, research and laboratory establishment experience, and
products/patents development.

General Terms and Conditions:

Application Fee:
An application fee amounting Rs. 2,000/- only (Rs. two thousand only) by the applicants of
unreserved category, and Rs. 1000/- only (Rs. One thousand only) by the applicants of other
backward category, SC/ST/Physically-challenged (Differently-abled) category, is to be paid towards
service charges while submitting the completed application, as Postal Order/Bank Draft payable at the
Post Office or Punjab National Bank at Gautam Buddha University Campus, Greater Noida (U.P.). The
application fee may also be paid in online mode. The details for online payment are as follows:

1. Account No. : 6660000100000025

2. IFSC Code : PUNB0666000
3. Bank Name : Punjab National Bank
4. Branch Name: Gautam Buddha University, Campus, Greater Noida, Gautam Buddh Nagar, U.P.
The reference of the payment details must be mentioned in the application form.

Terms of Appointment:
 The appointment of the “Professor” shall initially be made on contract cum probation basis for
a period of two years.
 The Probation period can be extended by a maximum period of one year.
 The services of an Appointed Professor can be terminated during the Probation period by
giving one month notice by either the University or the Appointee. However, the Appointee
on contract may be required to continue till the end of the Semester.
 The joining of the successful candidates shall be subject to the submission of Medical
examination report by the government hospital/Medical Institute and Police
Salary Structure:
 Seventh Central Pay Commission Academic Matrix Level 14 for Professor.

Note: The above positions of the Professor include statutory reservation policy for the Reserved
Category Candidates in accordance with the Uttar Pradesh Govt. Rules. The categorization of
these positions may vary accordingly.

The duly filled Application Form along with the self-attested supporting documents, in an
envelope super-scribing the Advertisement No., Post applied for, and the subject/specialization
concerned as per advertisement should reach to “The Registrar, Gautam Buddha University,
Greater Noida, Gautam Buddh Nagar – 201 312 (U.P.) India, by post (Registered/Speed Post)
only, and scanned copy of the same (Duly filled form) should also be sent to by email. The last date for receipt of the application for is
01st July 2024 upto 5:30PM. Application received after expiry of the last date will not be entertained.


Annexure - I
Criteria for calculating Academic/Research Score

(Based on duly attested evidence produced, such as, copy of publications, project sanction letter,
utilization and completion certificates issued by the University, and acknowledgements for patent
filing and approval letters, students’ Ph.D. award letter, etc,.)

S.No Academic/Research Activity Faculty of Faculty of To be filled

Sciences/ Languages/ by the
Engineering Humanities/Art candidate
gement and
other related
1. Research Papers in Peer-Reviewed or 08 per paper 10 per paper
UGC listed Journals
2. Publications (other than Research papers)
a. Books authored which are
published by
International publishers 12 12
National Publishers 10 10
Chapter in Edited Book 05 05
Editor of Book by International Publisher 10 10
Editor of Book by National Publisher 08 08
Translation works in Indian and
Foreign Languages by qualified
Chapter of Research paper 03 03
Book 08 08
3. Creation of ICT mediated Learning
Pedagogy and content and development Of
innovative courses and curricula
a. Development of Innovative pedagogy 05 05
b. Design of new curricula and courses 02 per 02 per
curricula/cours curricula/course
c. MOOCs
Development of complete MOOCs in 4 20 20
quadrants (4 credit course) (In case of
MOOCs of lesser credits 05
MOOCs (developed in 4 quadrant) per 05 05
Content writer/subject matter expert for 02 02
each module of MOOCs (at least one
Course Coordinator for MOOCs (4 credit 08 08
course) (In case of MOOCs of lesser
credits 02 marks/credit)
d. E-Content
Development of e-Content in 4 quadrants 12 12
for a complete course/e-book
e-Content (developed in 4 quadrants) per 05 05
Contribution to development of e-content 02 02
module in complete course/paper/e-book
(at least one quadrant)
Editor of e-content for complete 10 10
4. (a) Research guidance
Ph.D. 10 per degree 10 per degree
awarded awarded
05 per thesis 05 per thesis
submitted submitted
M.Phil./P.G dissertation 02 per degree 02 per degree
awarded awarded

(b) Research Projects Completed

More than INR 10 Lakhs 10 10
Less than INR 10 Lakhs 05 05
(c) Research Projects Ongoing:
More than INR 10 Lakhs 05 05
Less than INR 10 Lakhs 02 02
(d) Consultancy 03 03
5. (a) Patents
International 10 10
National 07 07
(b) *Policy Document (Submitted to an International body/organization
like UNO/UNESCO/World Bank/International Monetary Fund, etc. or
Central Government or State Government)
International 10 10
National 07 07
State 04 04
(c) Awards/Fellowships
International 07 07
National 05 05
6. * Invited lectures/Resource person/
paper presentation in Seminars/
Conferences/full paper in Conference
Proceedings (Paper presented in /
Seminars/Conferences and also
published as full paper in Conference
Proceedings will be counted only once)
International (Abroad) 07 07
International (within country) 05 05
National 03 03
State/University 02 02
The Research score for research papers would be augmented as follows:
Peer-Reviewed or UGC-listed Journals (Impact factor to be determined as per Thomson Reuters

i) Paper in refereed journals without impact factor - 5 Points

ii) Paper with Impact factor less than1 - 10 Points
iii) Paper with impact factor between 1 and 2 - 15 Points
iv) Paper with impact factor between 2 and 5 - 20 Points
v) Paper with Impact factor between 5 and 10 - 25 Points
vi) Paper with Impact factor>10 - 30 Points
(a) Two authors: 70% of total value of publication for each author.

(b) More than two authors: 70% of total value of publication for the
First/Principal/Corresponding author and 30% of total value of publication for each
of the joint authors.

Joint Projects: Principal Investigator and Co-investigator would get 50% each.
 Paper presented If part of edited book or proceeding can be claimed only once.
 For joint supervision of research students, the formula shall be 70% of the total score for
Supervisor and Co-supervisor. Supervisor and Co-supervisor, both shall get 7 marks each.
 *For the purpose of calculating research score of the teacher, the combined research
score from the categories of 5(b). Policy Document and 6. Invited lectures/Resource
Person/Paper presentation shall have an upper capping of thirty percent of the total
research score of the teacher concerned.
 The research score shall be from the minimum of three categories out of six categories.

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