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The Silent Way is a teaching method developed by renowned linguist Dr. Caleb Gattegno in the
1970s that emphasizes student involvement and discovery. It is based on the belief that learning
is an active process and that students are more likely to learn if they are involved in the process.
The Silent Way also incorporates the use of props, pictures, and gestures to help students
understand new concepts.
The Silent Way focuses on learner independence, problem-solving, and discovery. The teacher
remains mostly silent, allowing students to explore and deduce the language rules. Visual aids
like Cuisenaire rods and color-coded pronunciation charts are used extensively, the Silent Way is
a good method for teaching a foreign language because it encourages students to think for
themselves and to use their own resources.it also allows them to learn at their own pace and to
make mistakes without feeling embarrassed or uncomfortable.
The aim of the Silent Way Method is for students to be able to use self-expression language to
express their ideas, opinions, and feelings. Teachers encourage independence as a way to support
students in their activities.
The Silent Way is perhaps best known for its unique teaching materials. These typically
consist of a set of colored rods with various lengths and colors, coded pronunciation charts,
vocabulary wall charts, a set of pictures and worksheets, and a pointer. These items are used to
stimulate awareness about the target language. • Cuisenaire rods are used to demonstrate
grammatical structures such as prepositions of place; comparatives and superlatives;
determiners; tenses; adverbs of time and manner, and so on. They are also used to indicate
sentence and word stress, rising and falling intonation, and word groupings, as well as to
create a visual model of constructs. Finally, the rods may be employed to represent physical
objects: clocks, oor plans, maps, people, animals, fruit, tools, and so on, as required for a
particular lesson.• Colored Fidel charts are used to teach spelling through systematic phonetic
groupings. With the help of a pointer, students can learn how to sound out and form new
words or practice words that have already been learned. • Sound-color charts comprise a system
of phonetics that matches each phoneme with a specic color or combination of colors.
All of the sounds of the target language are paired with matching colors. It is used to
teach these sounds as students associate a specic color with a specic phoneme, allowing
them to pronounce words more easily during subsequent instruction. Through experimentation
with with the sound-color chart, students can rediscover their ability to learn new sounds.
For instance, the sound-color chart can be used for vocal gymnastics; through awareness
raising activities using the chart, students learn how to control their mouths. The colors on the
sound-color chart are identical to those on the Fidel and word-charts; in combination, the Fidel
chart and the sound color chart can help students to reconcile the spoken words with their
sometimes-confusing written forms. This leads to more accurate and condent speaking,
reading and writing. • Colored word charts contain the vocabulary to be acquired. They are
color-coded in accordance with the sound-color charts to aid in ease of pronunciation. For
example, if students read the word green on the word chart, they will be automatically clued in,
due to their knowledge of the sound-color chart.• The pointer is used by the teacher, or
sometimes by students, to show stress, phrasing and intonation. Stress can be indicated by
There is minimal use of verbal explanation and correction; instead, errors are treated as part of
the learning process. This approach can be used with any language, but it is particularly well-
suited for foreign language instruction.
The Silent Way offers a way for students to learn without feeling anxious or self-conscious about
making mistakes. It also allows them to progress at their own pace and build confidence in their
ability to communicate in the new language.
One of the key features of the Silent Way is the use of “cue cards”. These are cards with pictures
or words that represent key concepts or vocabulary items. They can be used as a prompt for
speaking or writing activities, or simply as a way for students to focus their attention on a
particular item.
the figure of the teacher turned out to be too dominant by having the authority to present the
correct models, explicitly explaining grammar, and being relied on too much when it came to
checking the answers.
This is why the Silent Way appeared. Its main aim was to provoke much more critical thinking
than before and to embrace relying on one’s own knowledge without being dependent on the
teacher’s appreciation.
The Silent Way was distinguished by a problem-solving approach to learning and was predicated
on cognitive arguments as opposed to emotive ones.
It was highly desirable for students to grow toward autonomy and independence as well as
collaborate to find solutions to language-related issues.
The method’s name comes from the teacher’s expected silence, during which they must resist the
urge to let students in on everything.
It may feel strange and scary to some students. It is safe to say that your students have never
experienced anything quite like the Silent Way before. Without adequate explanation or
preparation, they might be unsure of how to handle it, especially in the beginning.
It may be challenging for some students. Students who have an IEP or require extra coaching due
to special needs can struggle with the Silent Way. These students need frequent interactions with
their teachers to be successful.
Students may feel that they are not getting enough feedback. While traditional teaching methods
extensively use verbal and written feedback, the Silent Way does not. This means that students
will have to adjust to the new way of receiving feedback and may feel insecure about the lack of
verbal positive or negative reinforcement in the beginning.
Progress may look different than with other methods. Advocates of the Silent Way will tell you
that the focus is on learning a few things well rather than “covering” the material, but the Silent
Way aims for quality rather than quantity. In other words, it may feel like students spend much
time learning the basics of vocabulary and pronunciation rather than progressing quickly through
these topics.
This approach forces students to find their own solutions, rather than relying on the teacher to
come to the rescue. As such it also gives them experience of how to handle difficult situations
when using their target language for real.
The silent way is a language teaching method developed by Caleb Gattegno that emphasizes
student involvement and discovery learning. The teacher uses minimal verbal explanations and
instead relies on visual aids to help students understand new concepts. This allows students to
learn at their own pace and figure out how the language works for themselves. Silent-way classes
are typically very small so that each student can get individual attention from the teacher