Unit 3
Unit 3
Unit 3
After studying this unit, you will be able to:
explain the meaning of rites of passage;
describe the various types of rites of passage; and
distinguish between rites of transition, separation and incorporation.
Rite of passage is any of numerous ceremonial events, existing in all
societies that mark the passage of an individual from one social or religious
status to another. The term was coined by the French anthropologist
Arnold Van Gennep in 1909. Many of the important rites are connected
with the biological stages of life — birth, maturity, reproduction, and
death. Other rites celebrate changes that are wholly cultural, such as
initiation into special societies. In modern societies, graduation from school
is a rite of passage. Scholars often interpret rites of passage as mechanisms
by which society confronts and incorporates change without disrupting
the equilibrium necessary to social order.
In all societies, major events in the life cycle are subject to ritualized
forms of recognition. Across the world, such events are celebrated in
diverse and sometimes elaborate ways, with different cultures singling out
different stages of life for attention. Where ancestry is important, as in
China or many of the societies of Africa, death may be the subject of
extended and intricate mortuary ceremonials, which act both to separate
the living from the dead and to transform the dead from elder to ancestor.
In others, death may be neglected and cultural salience given rather to
marriage, to the installation of office holders, or to initiations into adulthood
or into cult groupings. In these cultural processes, actual biological events
are subsumed and transformed, even negated in the various schemas of
culture. Despite the variety in the forms and meanings of such rituals, a
36 certain unity has been given to the category by the work of Arnold Van
Gennep. Van Gennep envisioned life in society as a house with many Rites of Passage
rooms, in which the individual has to be convened formally from one
defined position to another. From this perspective, life is not a matter of
gradual development and change but rather consists of a series of abrupt
and ritualized transitions. Rites of passage are special rituals societies
employ to assist their members at key times of biographical change.
These life transitions follow a recognizable pattern of behaviour in many
cultures; for example, babies are given a name and social identity, youths
enter adulthood or marry, others retire, gain particular qualifications such
as degrees or enter particular professions, or pass from the world of the
living to the world of the dead. Changes of status can be related to
changes in identity because the term identity embraces social and
psychological aspects of life. The term status tends to refer to sociological
values without reference to the personal feelings and self-evaluation of
individuals. In this sense, the term status emphasizes the social dimension
and identity of the psychological aspects of an individual’s life. The idea
of status in passage rituals was first introduced by the anthropologist
Arnold Van Gennep, who saw regeneration as the law of life and described
rites of passage as a threefold process with phases of separation,
segregation, and integration. For there to be a new self the old self must
ritually die. Candidates for some rite would be separated from the status
to be left behind, leaving familiar companions, surroundings and home,
perhaps encountering actual or symbolic aggression in being wrenched
away or carried off. Second, they enter a “between” period devoid of
distinguishing marks of status and expressions of their old identity, such
as names or clothing. In the case of passage to adulthood, adolescents
may together undergo a degree of discipline and share a mutual sense of
hardship, bonding them together. Their curtailed freedom begins a
reorientation toward their future status and life obligations. This may involve
learning the traditions of their society or the skills of some particular
profession or trade. Only after this period of learning and endurance is
complete do they undergo the third phase of reincorporation into society.
However, they do so with their new status and identity, perhaps involving
a new name or title, forms of dress or style of language and, almost
certainly, new patterns of behavior with appropriate duties and
Van Gennep likened society to a house with people moving over thresholds
from room to room. The Latin word for threshold is limen, hence his
three phases of rites of passage as preliminal, liminal, and postliminal. He
also argued that, depending upon the final goal of a ritual, the preliminal,
liminal, or postliminal phase would be stressed over and above the others.
Rites of passage sometimes involve more than one type of status change.
In a marriage, for example, it is not only the bride and groom that pass
from being single or divorced to being married but their parents also
become parents-in-law. Parents, siblings, and friends may all enter new
Van Gennep’s scheme was constructed to describe patterns of life in
those traditional societies often described as primitive or tribal societies.
In such communities of relatively few people and high levels of face-to-
face contact, many would acknowledge the change of status and identity
of an individual during rites of initiation into manhood, womanhood, or
Introduction to Tribal motherhood. However, caution is required when the idea of rites of passage
Society and Culture
is applied to events in contemporary and large-scale societies where little
recognition exists. Such understandings of ritual permit insight into the
significance of funerary ritual, a rite of passage observed in a great
majority of human societies. Numerous changes of identity are associated
with funeral rites, affecting the statuses of the dead, surviving relatives,
and members of the broader community.
Initiation rites are usually performed when girls and boys attain physical
puberty; these initiation rites are performed to initiate the boys and girls
40 into the world of adulthood.
Among the Kolam tribe of Andhra Pradesh, at the time of first Rites of Passage
menstruation, no specific rites and rituals are observed, but the girl is
considered as unclean and impure. Soon after menstruation, the girl takes
bath in a nearby stream. In case she menstruates outside the village, a
temporary hut is constructed for her. If she menstruates inside her own
house, she has to sit in a corner of the house. She should not touch
others. She sleeps on the floor and eats in leaf plates. She should not
even touch the house. If she touches the walls of the house, the parents
think that some misfortune would happen to them and they rebuild the
house. Even utensils and other household articles are sold and new articles
bought. The menstruating woman is strictly prohibited from moving in the
house and entering from the front door. The Kolams believe that if
menstruating women do not follow strictly all these taboos, the members
of the family may be eaten by the tiger when they go to the forest. She
takes bath and washes her clothes in the nearby stream, when the
menstruation stops, she is permitted to enter the house. After being
cleaned, she performs her household duties.
Introduction to Tribal Among the Korwa tribe of Chotanagpur region in Bihar, girls who are
Society and Culture
menstruating must sit apart from the other persons at the time of eating.
They should not jump, should not eat cold things or pickles. Menstruating
women remain in isolation. They enter into the house or leave the house
only by an outer room of every house which has one small door which
opens to the backside of the house and never by the main entrance. If
there is no other female member in the family, the husband cooks the
food. They are also not to visit sacred places. After four days they go to
the nearby stream to take bath for purification. They also wash their hair
and clothes.
Among the Cholanaickans tribe who can be found in the Nilamdar Valley
in Malappuram of Nilgiri District in Tamil Nadu¸ rites of separation is
performed for girls who are menstruating. The menstruating girls are
secluded for 4 days in one corner of the cave. During this period, the
woman is considered to be unclean.
xi) All the deceased’s utensils are carried far away, because they have
become impure and because the deceased may be hidden in them.