Summer Funk - Basic Productivity Tools Lesson Idea
Summer Funk - Basic Productivity Tools Lesson Idea
Summer Funk - Basic Productivity Tools Lesson Idea
Lesson Idea
Students will be able to display their knowledge on adding and subtracting within ten using a
variety of strategies through creating a story on PowerPoint. Your PowerPoint story will
display characters in a series of interactions including at least three addition/subtraction
problems that are solved with three different strategies.
Basic Productivity Presentation Tool
Lesson Idea
☐ Teacher-directed: There is no student voice and choice in the activities. Students are guided by the
teacher's direction and expectations.
Student-Led: Students are given voice and choice in the activities. They may select the topic for
presentation and/or determine the tool they will use to meet the learning goal. Products of
learning will be uniquely designed. Teacher simply facilitates the learning in a lesson like this.
Project-based and/or Publishable: Students are completing projects to demonstrate their learning
and the projects can be shared outside of the classroom. This objective could be reached by
displaying the project on the school’s morning newscast, posting the project to the classroom
blog, presenting it to another class, or publishing it via an outside source.
Students will design their own story on Desktop PowerPoint that displays their understanding
of the 1.NR.2.4 standard. This lesson is intended for students who have a solid understanding
of adding and subtracting within ten using a variety of strategies. First, we will review some
addition and subtraction problems where we use several different strategies to solve them.
Then, I will pass out handouts that explain the goal of the assignment, as well as the criteria
that they must include. We will go over the handout together and then as a class we will
watch my story video. The video I show will clearly demonstrate the kinds of problems they
will be solving and how to incorporate them into their story. This will be followed by a short
demonstration on how to use PowerPoint to create a story. These instructions and other
helpful tips about PowerPoint will also be included on the handout they were given. Students
will then break into groups of three, diving the work amongst them where each student must
create and solve their problem in diverse ways. They will be required to create a script for
their story including their problems before getting on the computer. Diving the project up
into steps like this will make it easier for the younger grades to follow. While they are
working, I will be walking around the room helping groups that may have questions or get
stuck. However, students will be encouraged to ask their questions to three peers before
they ask me. Once all their projects are finished, they will present them to the class where I
will be grading as they go. This way, students will receive feedback based on their ability to
Basic Productivity Presentation Tool
Lesson Idea
follow the guidelines on their handout quickly. We will conclude the lesson with
presentations and by reviewing the feedback I provided them.
Managing the technology/engagement: Describe a way to use this technology in a way that
gets students actively involved in authentic tasks and contexts? How will you manage the
classroom behaviors on the technology:
We can use Desktop PowerPoint to get students actively engaged in their classwork as it
brings individuality and creativity to learning. Students will have the ability to lead their way
through a project and extend their understanding through this explorational activity.
Students will have co-use of the technology as they are working in groups of three. All group
members are required to make their own math problem to embed into their overall story.
Before they begin their final product, students will need to create a storyboard of how they
will piece their problems together within a cohesive plot. Storyboard templates will be
provided on the back of their instructional handout. Not only does this handout contain the
important criteria they need to include, but it also will have the learning goal displayed as a
reminder. This will help keep their focus on the learning goal throughout the project and
keep them engaged on the task at hand.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL):
This creative activity will be student-led and allow for all students to receive the
representation that they deserve. Representation plays a large part in how students will
design their stories. To begin, students will be allowed to create their projects in a way that
makes sense to them (as long as it is on Desktop PowerPoint and has all the required criteria).
This means that students can draw pictures, use copyright free images, PowerPoint stock
images, or even images of their own! Also, projects will display with English text in the slides,
English audio, and Spanish subtitles. In doing this, all students will be able to follow along
with the stories as they are presented.
It is also important to reference the engagement that is heavily embedded within the
assignment. Engagement is key when it comes to a rich and enhanced learning experience for
students. Since students are given the freedom to present their understanding in a fun way,
students will be encouraged to participate. Also, having students work in groups helps to
make the workload appear more manageable, while also encouraging collaboration among
students. Finally, this assignment will also function as a self-reflection as students can
communicate with their groups the many different strategies they want to include in their
project. Each student will be presenting their own original work but will also be strategizing
how to present their understanding in a creative way through storytelling.
Reflecting on enhanced learning:
The activity I created will impact student learning by allowing them to express their mastery
in a creative and individualized way. I look forward to guiding students through the process of
Basic Productivity Presentation Tool
Lesson Idea
making their stories come to life. As students turn their math stories into reality on
PowerPoint, their true understanding can be seen as well as their unique perspectives of
math in everyday life.