Final Upload C13 - Plot Tender
Final Upload C13 - Plot Tender
Final Upload C13 - Plot Tender
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eProcurement System Government of Maharashtra Page 1 of 3
Basic Details
Organisation Chain Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority||Town and Country Planning
Tender Reference
Tender ID 2023_MMRDA_904333_1
Tender Type Open Tender Form of contract Lump-sum
Tender Category Services No. of Covers 3
General Technical ItemWise Technical
No No
Evaluation Allowed Evaluation Allowed
Is Multi Currency Allowed
Payment Mode Online No
Is Multi Currency
No Allow Two Stage Bidding No
Allowed For Fee
Work /Item(s)
Title Lease of Commercial Plot C13 at G-Block BKC Mumbai for 80 years of lease
Work Description Lease of Commercial Plot C13 at G-Block BKC Mumbai for 80 years of lease 15-05-2023
eProcurement System Government of Maharashtra Page 2 of 3
Critical Dates
Publish Date 15-May-2023 06:00 PM Bid Opening Date 19-Jul-2023 10:00 AM
Document Download / Sale 15-May-2023 06:05 PM Document Download / Sale End 17-Jul-2023 06:00 PM
Start Date Date
Clarification Start Date NA Clarification End Date NA
Bid Submission Start Date 16-May-2023 10:00 AM Bid Submission End Date 17-Jul-2023 06:00 PM
Tender Documents
NIT Document Document
Document S.No Description
Name Size (in KB)
1 Tendernotice_1.pdf Notice 957.32
Tender Properties
Auto Tendering No Show Technical bid status Yes
Process allowed
Show Finance bid Yes Show Bids Details Yes
BoQ Comparative Chart Normal BoQ Compartive chart decimal places 3
BoQ Comparative Chart L Form Based BoQ No
Rank Type 15-05-2023
eProcurement System Government of Maharashtra Page 3 of 3 15-05-2023
E-Tender for Lease of Commercial Plot C-13, G-Block of Bandra Kurla Complex
The e-tender shall be available for free download on registration at as per
the above-mentioned dates. The Bidder shall submit receipt of Tender Fee, receipt of EMD transferred online,
Bank Guarantee (BG) in Envelope-A and Eligibility Criteria documents in Envelope-B and Financial Bid in
Envelope-C through Mahatender Portal only. For participating in this e-tender and avoiding last minute technical
challenges if any, all the Bidders shall follow the guidelines mentioned in the tender document on Mahatender
Portal. The Bidders shall go through the e-tender SOP and FAQs hosted at Mahatender Portal for detailed
understanding of e-tendering submission process. Plot area given above may likely to change marginally on actual
demarcation on site. However, the maximum permissible built up area will remain same. For any e-tendering
support, Bidders shall mail Mahatender Helpdesk at or call us on 022-26597445.
Date: 15.05.2023 Sd/-
Place: Mumbai Metropolitan Commissioner, MMRDA
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E-Tender for Lease of Commercial Plot C-13, G-Block of Bandra Kurla Complex
Disclaimer ................................................................................................................. 9
Definitions ............................................................................................................... 12
Invitation ................................................................................................................. 16
CHAPTER 1: SUMMARY & KEY INFORMATION .............................................. 21
1.1 Key Events .................................................................................................. 21
1.2 E-Tender Summary..................................................................................... 22
CHAPTER 2: INTRODUCTION............................................................................ 33
2.1 Bandra-Kurla Complex and International Finance and Business Centre .... 33
2.2 Hotels and Restaurants in BKC .................................................................. 34
2.3 Prominent Buildings in BKC ........................................................................ 34
CHAPTER 3: E-TENDER DETAILS .................................................................... 37
3.1 Offer from MMRDA ..................................................................................... 37
3.2 Particulars of Land ...................................................................................... 37
3.3 Use of the Land .......................................................................................... 38
3.4 Lease Period ............................................................................................... 39
3.5 Architectural and Other Controls ................................................................. 39
3.6 Power, Water, Drainage, Solar Water Heating and Rain Water Harvesting 39
3.7 Mode and Conditions of Disposal ............................................................... 40
3.8 Development Controls ................................................................................ 40
3.9 Approvals .................................................................................................... 40
3.10 Taxes .......................................................................................................... 40
3.11 Eligibility and Competency of Bidder........................................................... 40
3.12 Reserve Rate and Reserve Price ............................................................... 40
CHAPTER 4: INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS ....................................................... 45
4.1 General Instructions .................................................................................... 45
4.2 Earnest Money Deposit............................................................................... 48
4.3 Payment procedure for NEFT/RTGS .......................................................... 49
4.4 Validity of the offer & Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) ................................. 49
4.5 Extension of validity of offer ........................................................................ 50
4.6 Language of Bids ........................................................................................ 50
4.7 Patent claim ................................................................................................ 50
4.8 Table 1: Eligibility Criteria (Category wise) ................................................. 51
4.8.1 Table 2: List of Approved Categories by MMRDA ............................... 58
4.9 Bid Submission, Opening and Evaluation process ..................................... 59
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7.5 FORM 5: Format for Declaration by the Bidder for not being Blacklisted /
Debarred ............................................................................................................. 124
7.6 FORM 6: Format of Declaration for Bidders for Works under Rule 144 (xi) in
the General Financial Rules (GFRs), 2017. ........................................................ 125
CHAPTER 8: ENVELOPE ‘B’ – TECHNICAL BID ............................................ 131
8.1 FORMS FOR CATEGORY - 1 .................................................................. 131
8.1.1 FORM 1.1 - Cover Letter and Company Profile .................................. 131
8.1.2 FORM 1.2 - Financial Details Form .................................................... 134
8.2 FORMS FOR CATEGORY – 2 ................................................................. 135
8.2.1 FORM 2.1 - Cover Letter and Company Profile .................................. 135
8.2.2 FORM 2.2 - Financial Details Form .................................................... 138
8.3 FORMS FOR CATEGORY - 3 .................................................................. 139
8.3.1 FORM 3.1 - Cover Letter and Company Profile .................................. 139
8.3.2 FORM 3.2 - Financial Details Form .................................................... 142
8.4 FORMS FOR CATEGORY - 4 .................................................................. 143
8.4.1 FORM 4.1 - Cover Letter and Company Profile .................................. 143
8.4.2 FORM 4.2 - Financial Details Form .................................................... 147
8.4.3 FORM 4.3 - Project Citations .............................................................. 149
8.4.4 FORM 4.4 - Joint Venture Agreement ................................................ 150
8.5 FORMS FOR CATEGORY - 5 .................................................................. 155
8.5.1 FORM 5.1 - Cover Letter .................................................................... 155
CHAPTER 9: ENVELOPE ‘C’ – FINANCIAL BID.............................................. 159
9.1 FORM-C – Financial Proposal .................................................................. 159
CHAPTER 10: REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ...................................................... 165
10.1 Annexure L: Civil Aviation NOC ................................................................ 165
10.2 Annexure M: Planning Proposal ............................................................... 173
10.3 Annexure N: Office Memorandum under Rule 144 (xi) in the General
Financial Rules (GFRs), 2017............................................................................. 201
10.4 Annexure O: Format for Requesting Video Conferencing Link for Pre-Bid
Meeting ............................................................................................................... 229
10.5 CHECKLIST FOR BIDDERS .................................................................... 230
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3 Neither MMRDA nor their employees will have any liability to any prospective
Bidder or any other person under the law of contract, tort, the principles of
restitution or unjust enrichment or otherwise for any loss, expense or damage
which may arise from or be incurred or suffered in connection with anything
contained in this Bid Document, any matter deemed to form part of this Bid
Document and any other information supplied by or on behalf of MMRDA or their
employees or otherwise arising in any way from the selection process.
4 MMRDA reserves to itself the right to reject any or all of the Bids submitted in
response to this e-Tender at any stage without assigning any reasons whatsoever.
5 MMRDA reserves to itself the right to change any or all of the provisions of this Bid
Document. Such changes will be intimated to all parties procuring this Bid
Document prior to pre-bid conference.
6 The tender has been prepared with an intention to invite prospective Bidders and
to assist them in making their decision regarding submission of bid. It is hereby
clarified that the tender booklet is for the purpose of providing the information to
the prospective Bidders to assist them in arriving or quoting the bid price and
participating in e-Tender. The tender document does not purport to contain all the
information Bidders may require. The tender document may not be appropriate for
all persons, and it is not possible for MMRDA to consider the investment objectives,
financial situation and particular needs of each Bidder.
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8 Bidders submitting this proposal shall not be entitled for any type of reimbursement
from MMRDA. The Bidder shall bear all costs arising from, associated with or
relating to the preparation and submission of its Bid including but not limited to
preparation, copying, postage, delivery fees, expenses associated with any
demonstrations or presentations which may be required by MMRDA or any other
costs incurred in connection with or relating to its Bid.
9 The issue of the bid does not imply that MMRDA is bound to select and pre-qualify
Bids for any Bid Stage or to select the Bidder as the case may be, for the project
and MMRDA reserves exclusive right to reject all or any of the Bids without
assigning any reasons whatsoever.
10 MMRDA may, in its absolute discretion but without being under any obligation to
do so, update, amend or supplement the information, assessment or assumptions
contained in the bid.
11 MMRDA, its employees and advisors make no representation or warranty and shall
have no liability (for any cost, damage, loss or expense which may arise from or is
incurred or suffered on account of anything contained in this bid or otherwise,
including but not limited to the accuracy, adequacy, correctness, completeness or
reliability of the bid and any assessment, assumption, statement or information
contained therein or deemed to be part of this bid or arising in any way with
eligibility of Bidder for participation in the Bidding Process) towards any Applicant
or Bidder or a third person, under any law, statute, rule, regulation or tort law,
principles of restitution or unjust enrichment or otherwise.
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12 MMRDA also accepts no liability of any nature whether resulting from negligence
or otherwise howsoever caused arising from reliance of any Bidder upon the
statement contained in this bid.
13 Interested parties, after careful review of all the clauses of the Bid, are encouraged
to send their suggestions in writing to MMRDA on Such suggestions, after
review by MMRDA, may be incorporated into this Bid as a corrigendum if found
appropriate in Larger Public Interest, to make the process more transparent and
competitive, and shall be uploaded onto the e-tendering portal: and MMRDA website:
14 The submitted bid/ drawings/ concepts/ IPR/ patents/ clarifications etc. shall be
exclusive property of MMRDA once submitted. The same shall be retained by
MMRDA and shall be produced by MMRDA for any deemed use for implementation
of project in Larger Public Interest. The Bidder shall have no right or claim on the
submitted drawings/ documents/ models/ presentations/ walkthrough etc. - soft and
hard copies and Bidder shall not seek any compensation for any information
submitted by Bidder to be used by MMRDA. The submission by Bidder empowers
MMRDA to retain and use information at MMRDA’s discretion multiple times in
multiple forums in multiple formats.
15 The information in the schematic drawing is for indicative purpose only and
MMRDA shall not be responsible for any change in the information and the
applicant shall get it verified from own sources about the same before bidding and
MMRDA shall stand indemnified by Bidder for any claims based on the above
information in the future.
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Note: The meaning and interpretation of the definition(s) or any clause in the e-Tender
as interpreted by the Metropolitan Commissioner, MMRDA shall be final and binding
and in larger public interest(s).
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E-Tender for Lease of Commercial Plot C-13, G-Block of Bandra Kurla Complex
1. MMRDA hereby invites Bids through Mahatender’s e-Tendering Portal for “Lease
of Commercial Plot No. C-13, G-Block of Bandra-Kurla Complex”. Bidders shall
study the bid document carefully before submitting their bids. Submission of a bid
in response to this notice shall be deemed to have been done after careful study
and examination of this document with full understanding of its terms, conditions
and implications.
2. Bidders should have valid Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) having both
Signing and Encryption Certificates obtained from any Certifying Authorities
empanelled by Controller of Certifying Authorities India.
3. Registration for e-bidding must be done by the entity bidding for the project. A brief
note on registration process for the e-bidding portal and for obtaining the DSC is
attached as “Annexure-K at 6.7".
4. The Bidders who desire to participate in the bidding process shall register on Bidders, who are participating in e-
tendering for the first time, will have to register and obtain User ID & Password from
the Mahatender portal.
6. In case of any queries, Bidders may contact MMRDA’s e-tendering service desk at or call us on 022-26597445.
8. If there is any amendment in the tender, the same shall be published on following
e-Tender portals / website:
9. The detailed e-Tender notice along with the subsequent corrigendum, addendum
etc. shall form part of the tender document.
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11.The downloaded bidding document shall be considered valid for participation in the
electronic bidding process (e-tendering) subject to the submission of prescribed
tender/ bidding document fee and EMD
12.The Bidder shall be selected as per procedures described in the bid document.
13.The Bidder (authorized signatory) shall submit their offer online in electronic
formats for Pre-Qualification, Technical Bid and Financial Bid (Envelope A, B & C
respectively). However, Tender Document Fees, and Earnest Money Deposit
(EMD) shall be deposited in the account details provided in the bid document.
14.MMRDA shall not be responsible for delay in online submission due to any reason.
For this the Bidders shall upload the complete bid proposal well in advance so as
to avoid any unforeseen problems.
16.The Bidders shall submit a Bid specifying which category the bid is submitted. In
case of Consortium, the Category of the Lead Partner shall be considered as the
Category for Bidding. Bidder shall submit a single Bid in ANY ONE category only.
17.The bid document includes information for the Bidders in the following chapters:
Sr.No. Chapters
1. Summary & Key Information
2. Introduction
3. Tender Details
4. Instruction to Bidders
5. Annexure
6. Additional Information
7. Pre-Qualification ‘Envelope A’
8. Technical Bid ‘Envelope B’
9. Financial Bid ‘Envelope C’
10. Reference Documents
S.V.R. Srinivas,
Metropolitan Commissioner,
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E-Tender for Lease of Commercial Plot C-13, G-Block of Bandra Kurla Complex
d) Merchant Bankers
A Financial Service Company duly Registered with SEBI as a Category-I of
Merchant Bankers engaged for at least one year in the business of merchant
An Asset Management Company duly Registered with SEBI and managing a
domestic or off-shore fund.
e) Non-Banking Financial Companies
A Non-Banking Financial Company Registered with the Reserve Bank of India
and engaged for at least one year in the business of Leasing, Hire Purchase,
Housing Finance or any other form of lending or investment activity.
f) Housing Finance Companies
Housing Finance Company Registered under Section 29A of the National
Housing Bank Act, 1987.
g) Insurance Companies
Insurance company licensed by the Insurance Regulatory Development
h) Asset Management Companies and Mutual Fund
Companies set up under the provisions of the Indian Trust Act 1882 and
Registered under the SEBI Mutual Fund Regulations, 1996.
i) Others
Stock Exchange/Bullion Associations, and Financial Institutions and Finance
Companies owned or controlled by the State Government, Co-operative Banks
licensed by RBI.
Category Institutes Technical Eligibility Documents to be
Number in Criteria (TEC) submitted in e-
and Category Envelope B (Form No:)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
2. Front Corporate 2.1 Bidder shall be a 2.1 Supporting
Ranking or Regional Company Registered Documents proving that
Indian or Offices of under The Companies the Bidder is Registered
Foreign leading Act, 2013[Partnership under The Companies
Companies Indian firms are not Act, 2013.
(Refer Companies considered eligible] Supporting Documents
Forms at proving that the Bidder
8.2) OR AND is Competent to enter
into contract under The
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E-Tender for Lease of Commercial Plot C-13, G-Block of Bandra Kurla Complex
specifying the
Networth for the
Financial Year 2021-
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E-Tender for Lease of Commercial Plot C-13, G-Block of Bandra Kurla Complex
shares of partners in
the Joint Venture
firm to be established
which shall remain
unchanged till the
Lease Deed is
4.2 Sole Bidder or all 4.2 Turnover and
members of the JV Networth
Consortium • Audited Financial
combined shall have Statement for
a minimum Gross Financial Year 2021-
Turnover of Rs. 100 22; and
Crores with minimum • Statutory Auditor’s
Networth of Rs. 50 Certificate/ Certificate
Crores in the from Chartered
Financial Year 2021- Accountantof the
22, as per the Bidder clearly
Audited Balance specifying the Gross
Sheet of the Bidder Turnover in the
at the time of Financial Year 2021-
submission of the 22.
bid. • Statutory Auditor’s
Certificate/ Certificate
from Chartered
Accountant of Bidder
specifying the
Networth for the
Financial Year 2021-
4.3 Sole Bidder or all 4.3 Certificate from
members of the Government Authorized
Consortium Valuer for having
combined shall have carried out projects of
carried out projects more than Rs. 100
of not less than Crores in the last 5
Rs.100 Crores in the consecutive years,
last 5 consecutive including at least one
years which should major modern Office
include at least one Complex with an area of
major modern Office not less than 3,000 sq.m
Complex with an B.U.A., as per the format
area of not less than prescribed in Form 4.3 of
3,000 sq.m. B.U.A. clause 8.4.3.
Category Institutes in Technical Documents to be
Number and Category Eligibility Criteria submitted in e-
Category Head (TEC) Envelope B (Form No:)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
5. Regulatory Offices of Not Applicable (NA) Copy of Notification or
Authorities Central and Relevant Act for
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E-Tender for Lease of Commercial Plot C-13, G-Block of Bandra Kurla Complex
This tender presents a unique opportunity establish Offices & Business Centre in the
International Finance and Business District Centre (IFBC) of Mumbai, Bandra-Kurla
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The IFBC is being developed with wide range of supporting facilities such as water
supply, sewerage, electricity, telecommunication systems, wide roads and foot paths.
The IFBC is expected to generate significant number of jobs once the development is
completed. A proposal of Bandra and Kurla Metro-rail link passing through BKC is
under construction by MMRDA.
C-56, Trident
2.3 Prominent Buildings in BKC Hotel
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E-Tender for Lease of Commercial Plot C-13, G-Block of Bandra Kurla Complex
a. Plot area might undergo minor changes after demarcation. However, the maximum
permissible Built-Up Area (BUA) will remain same. The Bidder will have to quote
lease premium rate per sq.m for permissible Built-Up Area. (No fungible FSI is
permitted for this plot)
b. MMRDA shall not be responsible for non-consumption of permissible Built-up Area
and no waiver/refund in premium amount shall be granted on account of non-
consumption of permissible BUA.
c. MMRDA at its discretion and on written request of the lessee may consider to grant
Additional Built-Up Area over and above the permissible Built-Up Area mentioned
above throughout the lease period. The rate of premium (per sqm of Additional
Built-Up Area) and permissible area of additional Built-Up Area, Permissible users
and all other factors shall be decided by the Authority as it may deem fit at the time
of allotment of such additional Built-Up Area for residual lease period of the plot.
However, such rate of premium for additional Built- Up Area shall not be less than
the highest lease premium rate received from successful Bidder for the plot under
reference during its allotment through e-tender.
A map indicating location of plot being offered is enclosed as Annex-C at 5.3.1.
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3.6 Power, Water, Drainage, Solar Water Heating and Rain Water Harvesting
Infrastructure like roads, storm water drains, water supply, and sewerage is available
near the plots. The lessee will have to apply to the Adani Electricity Mumbai Limited
or the Tata Electric Company for electricity supply and to the Municipal Corporation of
Greater Mumbai for water supply. The lessee will have to provide necessary pumping
facilities for effective drainage in the basement of his building. The Lessee shall
provide solar water heating system in accordance with the guidelines issued by the
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government from time to time in this regard. Further, the Lessee shall also provide the
provisions for rainwater harvesting in accordance with the guidelines issued by the
government from time to time.
The successful Bidder would be required to enter into the Lease Deed with MMRDA.
After the receipt of full payment against the Lease premium, MMRDA will inform the
lessee for execution of the Lease deed and same shall be registered with sub-registrar
of Assurance.The Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (Disposal of
Land) Regulations, 1977, along with its Form 'D' (Lease Deed) is enclosed as Annex-
A at 5.1.
3.9 Approvals
The Lessee shall obtain Statutory Approvals including Civil Aviation NOC,
Environmental Clearance, Fire Department NOC, Building Permission, etc. and pay
all fees of MMRDA/ MCGM/ GoM/ GoI, premium charges (including GST, CESS,
Stamp Duty and Development Charges) for the entire development.
3.10 Taxes
a. The Lessee shall pay all municipal taxes, rates, charges including NA
Assessment, etc. during construction and thereafter. Municipal taxes are
applicable from the date of execution of the lease deed.
b. The provisions of GST are not attracted to the lease of Plot under reference. If
applicable; it shall be the responsibility of MMRDA. Presently, Bidder shall not
consider GST in its offer to MMRDA.
a. The Reserve Rate for the plot C-13 is Rs.3,44,500/- per sq.m. of permissible
built-up area. Any bid quoting lower than the reserve rate would stand
automatically rejected.
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b. The Reserve Price for the plot C-13 is Rs. 1,550.25 Crores for the
permissible Built-Up Area. Any bid quoting lower than the reserve price would
stand automatically rejected.
c. In addition for any permission to be obtained, all fees applicable as per DCR,
also applicable as per Notifications, GR's & Circulars issued by Competent
Authority, issued time to time, will have to be paid by the Bidder/ applicant.
d. Fees/payments related to Mortgage/ assignment/ sublease/ Leave &
License/change in status of lessee (Processing Fee will be Rs.25,000+
applicable taxes per application or as decided by Authority from time to time),
additional premium for extension of time for completion of construction, ground
lease rent, etc. will have to be paid by the allottee as mentioned in the Lease
Deed annexed as Form-D of MMRDA’s Land Disposal Regulation,1977 at
Annex-A at 5.1.
Provided that if prior consent of the MMRDA is not obtained in these cases,
MMRDA shall levy penalty for granting post-facto consent as may be decided
from time to time.
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E-Tender for Lease of Commercial Plot C-13, G-Block of Bandra Kurla Complex
MMRDA hereby invites Bids through MMRDA’s e-Tendering Portal for “Lease of
Commercial Plot No. C-13, G-Block of Bandra-Kurla Complex”. Bidders shall study
the bid document carefully before submitting their bids. ‘Key information’, ‘e-Tender
Details’, ‘Instruction to Bidders’, ‘Form of Eligibility Criteria for Various Categories’,
Financial Offer’ etc is enclosed. You are requested to fill the bid and submit to MMRDA
duly signed and certified along with the Tender Fees on or before the closing date.
1 The Bidders shall deposit Tender Fees of Rs. 1,00,000/- (Indian Rupees One Lakh
Only) plus GST (non-refundable) by making an online payment during bid
preparation i.e. NEFT/RTGS. The details of MMRDA’s bank are as under:
Beneficiary Name: MMRD Fund
Bank Name: Bank of Maharashtra
Branch: Kalanagar, Bandra (East)
Account No: 60259778998
IFSC Code: MAHB0000164
2 Bids that are incomplete in any respect or those that are not consistent with the
requirements as specified in this bid document may be considered non-responsive
and may be liable for rejection.
3 Strict adherence to formats, wherever specified, is required. Non-adherence to
formats shall be a ground for declaring the Bid non-responsive.
4 Any Bidder from a country, which shares a land border with India, shall be
registered with the Competent Authority as mentioned in the directives issued by
Government of India from time to time. Bidders are supposed to read the Terms
and Conditions carefully and comply with the same in all respects. Refer Annexure-
N at 10.3. The Bidders that are part or not a part of the Country sharing border with
India shall submit a self-attested Declaration signed by the Authorized Signatory
of the Bidder. (Refer Form 6 at 7.6)
5 All communication and information should be provided in writing and in the English
language only.
6 The metric system shall be followed for units.
7 All communication and information provided shall be legible, and wherever the
information is given in figures, the same should also be mentioned in words. In
case of conflict between amounts stated in figures and words, the amount stated
in words will be taken as correct.
8 No change in, or supplementary information to a Bid shall be accepted once
submitted. However, MMRDA reserves the right to seek additional information from
the Bidders, if found necessary, during the course of evaluation of the Bid. Non-
submission, incomplete submission or delayed submission of such additional
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Bidders need to upload scanned copies of receipt of EMD paid online and Bank
guarantee (BG) during bid preparation.
Bidders failing to complete the payment of EMD using the above mentioned process
will not be able to submit their bids.
Tender Cost Receipt & EMD Receipt must be uploaded in the Tender submission by
the Bidder. The Bidders must also present the physical copy of the Bank Guarantee
on request.
MMRDA reserves the right to verify financial transaction of Agency in his Bank /
Financial Institutions. Agency should give authority to that effect along with his
accounts number and Bank/ Financial Institution name & address. Any changes /
modification may be communicated to MMRDA immediately.
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The types of institutions falling under this Category are detailed as below:
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a) Public Sector Banks: A public Sector Bank or a Financial Institution constituted and established by or under an Act of
b) Foreign Banks : A Foreign Bank, having Branch Operations in India and licensed by the Reserve Bank of India, under
the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, subject to the provisions of the FEMA Act, 1999, in case of foreign banks.
Foreign institutional investor, Registered with Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and Reserve Bank of
India (RBI) under the guidelines issued by Government of India in September 1992, subject to the provisions of the
FEMA Act, 1999, in case of foreign banks.
c) Private Sector Banks: A Public limited Company under Companies Act, 2013, which has been licensed by the Reserve
Bank of India under Section 22 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, and which is included in the second schedule to
the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934, under the RBI Guidelines for the entry of new Private Sector Banks and which
has become operational as on the date of tender.
An existing bank in the private sector licensed by RBI
d) Merchant Bankers: A Financial Service Company duly registered with SEBI as a Category-I of Merchant Bankers
engaged for at least one year in the business of merchant banking.
An Asset Management Company duly registered with SEBI and managing a domestic or off-shore fund.
e) Non-Banking Financial Companies: A Non-Banking Financial Company Registered with the Reserve Bank of India
and engaged for at least one year in the business of Leasing, Hire Purchase, Housing Finance or any other form of
lending or investment activity.
f) Housing Finance Companies: Housing Finance Company Registered under Section 29A of the National Housing
Bank Act, 1987.
g) Insurance Companies: insurance Company licensed by the Insurance Regulatory Development Authority.
h) Asset Management Companies and Mutual Fund: Companies set up under the provisions of the Indian Trust Act
1882 and Registered under the SEBI Mutual Fund Regulations, 1996.
i) Others: Stock Exchange/Bullion Associations, and Financial Institutions and Finance Companies owned or controlled
by the State Government, Co-operative Banks licensed by RBI.
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Category Number Institutes in Technical Eligibility Criteria (TEC) Documents to be submitted in e-Envelope B
and Category Category (Form No: 8.2)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
2. Front Ranking Corporate or 2.1 Bidder shall be a Company Registered under The 2.1 Supporting Documents proving that the Bidder is
Indian or Foreign Regional Companies Act, 2013 [Partnership firms are not considered Registered under The Companies Act, 2013.
Companies Offices of eligible] Supporting Documents proving that the Bidder is
(Refer Forms at 8.2) leading Competent to enter into contract under The Indian
Indian AND Contract Act, 1872.
Companies • For Companies incorporated in India, Certificate of
Bidder shall be Competent to enter into contract under The Incorporation/ Registration under Companies Act,
OR Indian Contract Act, 1872. 2013.
• Memorandum and Articles of Association.
Regional • For Global players, equivalent Certificate in the
Headquarter Country of Incorporation.
and Branch • Documents related to approval of RBI and FEMA Act
Offices of the Clearance.
Foreign 2.2 Bidder shall be a– 2.2 Turnover and Networth
Company. Corporate or Regional Office of a leading Indian Company, • Audited Financial Statement for last three Financial
having a minimum Gross Turnover of Rs. 250 Crores with Years i.e 2021-22, 2020-21, 2019-20; and
minimum Networth of Rs. 60 Crores in the Financial Year • Statutory Auditor’s Certificate/Certificate from
2021-22, as per the Audited Balance Sheet of the Bidder at Chartered Accountantof the Bidder clearly specifying
the time of submission of the Bid the Gross Turnover in the last three Financial Years
OR i.e 2021-22, 2020-21, 2019-20;
Foreign Company with Regional Headquarter and Branch • Statutory Auditor’s Certificate/ Certificate from
Offices in India having a minimum Gross Turnover Chartered Accountant of Bidder specifying the
equivalent to Rs. 500 Crores with minimum Networth of Rs. Networth for the last three Financial Years i.e 2021-
100 Crores in the Financial Year 2021-22, as per the Audited 22, 2020-21, 2019-20;
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Category Number Institutes in Category Technical Eligibility Criteria Documents to be submitted in e-Envelope B
and (TEC) (Form No: 8.3)
Category Head
(1) (2) (3) (4)
3. Information Companies engaged in 3.1 Bidder shall be a Company 3.1 Supporting Documents proving that the Company is
Technology and Business of Information Registered under The Companies engaged in business of Information Technology & data
Telecommunicatio Technology & Data Processing Act, 2013, engaged in business of processing including software development & IT enabled
ns including Software Information Technology & data services specified in Column (2) for at least 3 years
(Refer Forms at 8.3) Development & IT-Enabled processing including software Supporting Documents of Registration/ Membership as
Services; Telecommunications development & IT enabled specified in Column (2)
including Cellular Telephone services for at least 3 years • For Companies incorporated in India, Certificate of
Services, Paging, Call-centers, Incorporation/ Registration under Companies Act, 2013.
Value Added Services, etc. with AND • Memorandum and Articles of Association.
Registration/ Membership of • For Global players, equivalent Certificate in the Country of
TRAI, STPI, NSCT, SEEPZ, Bidder shall be Competent to Incorporation.
ESC, NASSCOM, Ministry of enter into contract under The
Information Technology, Indian Contract Act, 1872
Department of 3.2 Bidder shall have a minimum 3.2 Turnover and Networth
Telecommunications etc. Gross Turnover of Rs. 100 Crores • Audited Financial Statement for last three Financial Years
with minimum Networth of Rs. 50 i.e 2021-22, 2020-21, 2019-20; and
Crores in the Financial Year 2021- • Statutory Auditor’s Certificate/ Certificate from Chartered
22, as per the Audited Balance Accountant of the Bidder clearly specifying the Gross
Sheet of the Bidder at the time of Turnover in the last three Financial Years i.e. 2021-22,
submission of the bid. 2020-21, 2019-20;
• Statutory Auditor’s Certificate/ Certificate from Chartered
Accountant of Bidder specifying the Networth for the last
three Financial Years i.e 2021-22, 2020-21, 2019-20.
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Category Institutes in Category Technical Eligibility Criteria (TEC) Documents to be submitted in e-Envelope B
Number and (Form No: 8.4)
Category Head
(1) (2) (3) (4)
4. Corporate Corporate Developers 4.1 ‘Sole Bidder’ or ‘Lead Bidder’ along with 4.1 Supporting Documents proving that the Sole
Developers ‘Consortium Partners’ shall each be a Bidder/Lead Bidder/ Consortium Partner is
(Refer Forms at Company Registered under The Companies Act, 2013 Registered under The Companies Act, 2013.
8.4) Supporting Documents proving that the Sole
AND Bidder/ Lead Bidder/ Consortium Partner is
Corporate Competent to enter into contract under The
Developers shall ‘Sole Bidder’ or ‘Lead Bidder’ along with ‘Consortium Indian Contract Act, 1872.
cater to Partners’ shall each be Competent to enter into contract • For Companies incorporated in India, Certificate
agencies/firms under The Indian Contract Act, 1872. of Incorporation/ Registration under Companies
mentioned in Six Act, 2013.
Categories Joint Venture of Corporate Developers is eligible to bid • Memorandum and Articles of Association.
indicated in Table provided the Partners are Registered under The • For Global players, equivalent Certificate in the
2 at 4.8.1 below. Companies Act, 2013. (Maximum of 3 Partners in Joint Country of Incorporation. Participation in Bid shall
Venture including Lead Bidder.) Further a pre- be subject to RBI clearance and compliance of
established Joint Venture Company fulfilling the other FDI guidelines.
foregoing criteria can also be considered eligible to bid. • In case of JV, a draft agreement of Joint Venture
among the partners shall be signified prior to
executing the Lease Deed with MMRDA.
• In case of JV, state the proportion of shares of
partners in the Joint Venture
Company/partnership firm to be established
which shall remain unchanged till the Lease
Deed is executed
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Category Institutes in Category Technical Eligibility Criteria (TEC) Documents to be submitted in e-Envelope B
Number and (Form No: 8.4)
Category Head
(1) (2) (3) (4)
4.2 Sole Bidder or all members of the JV Consortium 4.2 Turnover and Networth
combined shall have a minimum Gross Turnover of Rs. • Audited Financial Statement for last three
100 Crores with minimum Networth of Rs. 50 Crores in Financial Years i.e 2021-22, 2020-21, 2019-20;
the Financial Year 2021-22, as per the Audited Balance and
Sheet of the Bidder at the time of submission of the bid. • Statutory Auditor’s Certificate/ Certificate from
Chartered Accountantof the Bidder clearly
specifying the Gross Turnover in the last three
Financial Years i.e 2021-22, 2020-21, 2019-20;
• Statutory Auditor’s Certificate/ Certificate from
Chartered Accountant of Bidder specifying the
Networth for the last three Financial Years i.e
2021-22, 2020-21, 2019-20.
4.3 Sole Bidder or all members of the Consortium 4.3 Certificate from Government Authorized
combined shall have carried out projects of not less than Valuer for having carried out projects of more
Rs.100 Crores in the last 5 consecutive years which than Rs.100 Crores in the last 5 consecutive
should include at least one major modern Office years, including at least one major Commercial
Complex with an area of not less than 3,000 sq.m. Complex with an area of not less than 3,000 sq.m
B.U.A. B.U.A., as per the format prescribed in Form 4.3 at
5. Regulatory Offices of Central and NA Copy of Notification or Relevant Act for
Authorities State Government and establishment of Regulatory Authority.
(Refer Forms at Public Sector
8.5) Undertakings
connected with
Finance and Trade
activities in IFBC
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Category Institutes in Category Technical Eligibility Criteria (TEC) Documents to be submitted in e-Envelope B
Number and (Form No: 8.4)
Category Head
(1) (2) (3) (4)
offices of other
Regulatory Authorities.
NOTE: Agencies in Categories (1), (2), (3) and (5) mentioned abovecan assign upto only 40% of Built Up Area to other Agencies
falling under all the Categories as mentioned in Table 2 at sub-cluase 4.8.1 below,within 5 years from completion of Building
Construction (Post Occupation Certificate)and balance 60% can be assigned after 5 years. Provided that the said 40% Floor Space
for assignment to other agencies shall be preferably demarcated on the drawings submitted to MMRDA
a. Agencies in Categories (1), (2), (3) and (5) mentioned above can underlet/sublet/Leave and License the premises to
agencies falling under the categories mentioned in Table 2 at sub-cluase 4.8.1 below.
b. Agencies in Category 4 (Developer Category),can assign upto 100% of the Built Up Area to other agencies falling under all
the categories mentioned in Table 2 at sub-cluase 4.8.1 given below post execution of the Lease Deed.
c. Agencies in Category 4 (Developer Category) mentioned above can underlet/sublet/Leave and License the premises to
agencies falling under the categories mentioned in Table 2 at sub-cluase 4.8.1 below.
d. In the above and below table the meaning of 'Networth' shall be the paid up share capital plus free reserves plus free
surplus in the profit and loss account less un provided depreciation less the balance of deferred revenue expenditure. The
balance in Revenue Reserve Account shall not be considered in determining the Networth.
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d. The Bidder shall ensure that all the required documents, as mentioned in the e-
tender document, are submitted along with the bid and in the prescribed format
only. MMRDA shall not accept delivery of proposal in any manner other than
that specified in the e-tender. The Proposal delivered in any other manner shall
be treated as defective, invalid and rejected. Non-submission of the required
documents or submission of the documents in a different format/ contents may
lead to the rejections of the bid proposal submitted by the Bidder if not found
justified by the MMRDA. The Bidder shall submit the reasons of deviation along
with the bid submission and submit clarification sought by Bid Evaluation
Committee (BEC) if any to substantiate any such deviation and the said
clarification shall be binding on the Bidder.
e. The Bidders participating first time for e-tendering on Mahatender Portal will
have to complete the Online Registration Process for the e-tendering Portal.
For any concerns or queries related to e-tendering, kindly email at
f. The Bidders interested in participating in the on-line e-tendering process are
required to obtain Class III Digital Certificates with signing and
encryption/decryption facility. The bids shall be prepared & submitted online
using individual’s digital signature certificate.
4.11 Bid Opening
a. e-Envelope A – Pre Qualification comprising of Tender Fee, Earnest Money
Deposit (EMD) and shall be opened initially in the presence of the Bidder/
representatives of Bidder who choose to attend and the same shall be
evaluated. Subsequently, after declaring the eligible Bidders of Envelope A –
Pre Qualification, the e-Envelope B – Technical Bid of the qualified Bidders
shall be opened.
b. e-Envelope B – Technical Bid containing the documents of Eligibility Criteria
shall be opened in the presence of the Bidder/ representatives of Bidder who
choose to attend, at the address, date and time specified in the e-Tender.
c. Subsequent to opening of e-Envelope B, all the documents submitted by the
Bidders will scrutinized by MMRDA and their bids will be evaluated as per the
Eligibility Criteria specified in the Section 4.8 of the foregoing tender document.
d. At the end of the evaluation of the e-Envelope B, MMRDA shall invite Bidders
who have qualified for the opening of the e-Envelope C – Financial Bid. The
date, time, and location of the opening of e-Envelope C (Financial Bid) shall be
informed by MMRDA separately and individually to qualified Bidders.
e. MMRDA will agree to grant lease of Plot no. C-13 in G-Block of BKC to the
eligible Bidder, who offers the highest premium subject to eligibility of the Bidder
as stated in Section 4.8 of this Tender.
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f. If the offer made by the said eligible Bidder, who offers the highest premium is
rescinded for any reason whatsoever, the EMD paid by such Bidder shall be
forfeited. The offer shall be extended to the next highest Bidder in the
descending order of their Bid Price.
• However, if the offer made to the highest Bidder stands rescinded, MMRDA
reserves the right to abandon the bidding process without following the
procedure mention in the foregoing para.
• The amount paid online against the EMD amount of Successful Bidder shall
be adjusted in the last instalment of the 70% Premium amount. The Bank
Guarantee submitted against the EMD amount shall be valid till 100% of the
premium amount is paid to MMRDA.
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f. The Bid Evaluation Committee reserves the right to accept or reject any or all
bids without giving any reasons thereof.
g. In case of Single Bid response, MMRDA reserves the right to accept or reject
the bid on approval of Competent Authority.
4.13 Interpretation
• In case of any dispute or differences of opinion in the matter of the interpretation
of the terms of this document or anything which shall arise there from, such dispute
or difference shall be decided finally by the Metropolitan Commissioner, MMRDA,
and his decision shall be conclusive and binding upon the Bidder.
• MMRDA reserves to itself the liberty to reject all or any tender including the highest
tender without assigning any reason. Nothing contained herein shall confer any
right upon a Bidder or any obligation upon the MMRDA.
• Nothing contained in this tender document is intended to be a representation or
promise enforceable at law against MMRDA.
4.14 Reservation
The MMRDA reserves the right:
a. To discharge all tenders received and to re-invite offers; and
b. To modify marginally and not substantially the recitals; conditions and
covenants of the Draft Lease Deed at any time before its execution.
c. MMRDA shall provide the relevant data/reports available with it. Collecting any
other data shall be the sole responsibility of the Bidder. MMRDA shall provide
the necessary introductory letter to get information from other concerned
agencies/departments, wherever applicable.
4.16 Confidentiality
The information provided in this tender is the property of MMRDA and shall not be
shared by the Bidder with anyone, without prior approval of MMRDA.
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E-Tender for Lease of Commercial Plot C-13, G-Block of Bandra Kurla Complex
1. MMRDA’s Land Disposal Regulation, 1977 is enclosed as Annexe-A at 5.1
2. BKC Development Control Regulations, 1979 is enclosed as Annex-B at 5.2
Location of Plot in ‘G’ Block of BKC and Measurement Plan is enclosed as
Annex-C at 5.3
Architectural Controls for the plots in ‘G’ Block of BKC is enclosed as Annex-
D at 5.4
5. A map indicating the location of BKC in MMR is enclosed as Annex-E at 6.1
A map indicating the existing infrastructure in MMR is enclosed as Annex-F at
A map indicating the existing/proposed connectivity of BKC is enclosed as
Annex-G at 6.3
A map indicating the prominent Landmarks in BKC is enclosed as Annex-H at
A map indicating the Built-up Area consumption schematic/ Indicative drawing
is enclosed as Annex-I at 6.5
Civil Aviation NOC dated 18/09/2018 for the plot has been enclosed as Annex-
L at 10.1
Bandra Kurla Complex Planning Proposal has been enclosed as Annex-M at
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2. Definitions
In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires:
a) "Act" means the Bombay Metropolitan Region Development Authority Act, 1974
(Maharashtra Act No. IVof 1975).
b) "Authority" means the Bombay Metropolitan Region Development Authority
established under Sub-section (1) of Section 3 of the Act.
d) "Form" means a form appended to these Regulations.
e) "Metropolitan Commissioner" means a Metropolitan Commissioner appointed under
Section 11 of the Act and includes any other officer authorized by the Metropolitan
Commissioner to exercise the powers and to perform the functions of the
Metropolitan Commissioner under these Regulations.
f) The words and expressions used in these Regulations but not defined therein shall
have the same meanings respectively assigned to them in the Act, and if not so
assigned, then the same meanings respectively assigned to them in the Maharashtra
Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 (Maharashtra Act XXXVII of 1966).
3. Powers of the (Authority)5 to dispose of land
Subject to any directions given by the Authority from time to time, the (Authority)
may dispose of any land by a lease to be granted in consideration of premium or rent or
both for a term not exceeding 80 years and in accordance with these Regulations.
4. Manner of disposal of land
The 1(Authority) may dispose of land by:
Adopted by Resolution No. 138 of the Bombay Metropolitan Region Development Authority passed at its thirteenth
meeting held on the 30th November, 1977.
The words and figures "and Sub-Section (i) of Section 9" deleted vide Authority's Resolution No. 254 passed in the
34th meeting held on 22nd June, 1984.
Published in the Maharashtra Government Gazette, Part IV-C on the 16th November, 1978.
Sub-Rule (c), Regulation No. 2 deleted vide Authority's Resolution No. 254, passed in its 34th meeting held on 22nd
June, 1984.
The word "Authority" is substituted for the words "Standing Committee" vide Authority's Resolution No. 254, passed
in the meeting held on 22nd June, 1984.
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Provided that land intended to be used for providing dwelling units to persons, who are
classified by 1(Authority) from time to time, as belonging to Economically Weaker Section
or Low Income Group, as the case may be, shall not be disposed of except under Clause
(v) above.
Provided furtherthat the 1(Authority) may dispose of land intended to be used for
providing dwelling units to persons who are classified by it, from time to time, as
belonging to Middle Income Group, under Clause (v) above.
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9. Payment of premium
(i) 230% of the premium shall be paid within 3one month from the time an offer/tender is
accepted under any of the foregoing Regulations and the balance470% within eight
months thereafter; Provided that in case of Government or Local Authority or Public
Sector Undertaking such time limits shall be one month and 4eight months, respectively;
provided further that the Metropolitan Commissioner may, in his absolute discretion,
grant extension of time for payment of first 230% of the premium by the Government and
none else up to 2 months.
The Metropolitan Commissioner may, in his absolute discretion, grant extension of time
for payment of the balance premium up to a maximum of 512 months of the date of
acceptance on payment of interest for the extended period 6at such rate as may be
determined by the 1(Authority) from time to time. The time limit so specified for the
payment of premium shall be intended to be of the essence of the Lease Deed and if
such time limit shall not be observed, the Lease Deed shall become violable at the option
of the Metropolitan Commissioner without prejudice to other rights, powers and
immunities of the Authority.
(iA) If 230% of the premium shall not be paid within one month or in case of Government
within two months, if permitted by the Metropolitan Commissioner, the Agreement
concluded with the Authority shall stand determined and the Earnest Money deposited
by the Intending Lessee along with its tender or offer shall stand forfeited to the Authority
without prejudice to the rights and powers of Authority to recover compensation for loss
or damage, if any suffered in consequence of such breach of the Intending Lessee to so
pay 230% of the premium to the Authority. Likewise, if the balance premium shall not be
paid within twelve months as provided hereto before, the Agreement concluded with the
Authority shall stand determined and the Earnest Money paid by him along with the
tender or offer together with 25 per cent of the premium shall be forfeited to the Authority
without prejudice to the rights and powers of the Authority to recover compensation for
loss or damage, if any, suffered in consequence of such default of the Intending Lessee.
The word "Authority" is substituted for the words "Standing Committee" vide Authority's Resolution No. 254, passed in
the meeting held on 22nd June, 1984.
The words "Half” has been substituted for the words "30%” vide Authority's Resolution No.1347 passed in its
138th.meeting held on 26.08.2015.
The words "one month” has been substituted for the figure and word "15" days vide Authority's Resolution No 713
passed in its 86th meeting held on 10.3.97.
The words "balance within two months” has been substituted for the words "balance 70% within eight months” vide
Authority's Resolution No.1347 passed in its 138th.meeting held on 26.08.2015.
The words “twelve months” has been substituted for the words “six months” vide Authority’s Resolution No 713 passed
in its 86th.meeting held on 10.3.97.
The words, "at such rate as may be determined by the Authority from time to time", has been substituted for the figures
and words " at the rate of 15 per cent per annum or at such other rate as may be determined by the Authority from time
to time.
Regulation 9 (iA) is inserted vide Authority’s Resolution No 713 passed in its 86th meeting held on 10.3.97.
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(ii) Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing Clause to the contrary, if there
shall be a scheme formulated and sanctioned by the Authority***2to erect or to finance
erection of a building or buildings on land agreed to be leased to the Government, a
Local Authority or a public Sector Undertaking to sub serve the development of the
Metropolitan Region or any part thereof and to grant in lease such building or buildings
to the concerned Government, Local Authority or Public Sector Undertaking it shall be
lawful ***2 to agree with the concerned Government, Local Authority or Public Sector
Undertaking to recover the premium agreed to be paid in consideration of the lease of
such building or buildings in yearly instalments, not exceeding ten in number.
(iii) deleted.
10. Execution of Deed of Lease and delivery of possession of Land :
After the Authority has received the premium in full and the interest, if any, accruing
thereon, there shall be executed Deed of Lease in Form “D” by the Authority and the
possession of the land shall be delivered by the Authority to the Lessee. The Stamp
Duty and the Registration charges and all other charges payable in connection with the
execution of the Deed of Lease shall be borne wholly and exclusively by the Lessee.
Explanation - The Metropolitan Commissioner may at the application of the Lessee, in
writing, permit the execution of the Deed of Lease concurrently with the payment of
premium by or on behalf of the Lessee and the execution of the Deed of Mortgage by
the Lessee in favor of the Financial Institutions to whom the Lessee intends to mortgage
the land to secure a loan to be borrowed towards the payment of such premium to the
Original Clause (ii) is renumbered and new Clause (iii) and new Clause (ii) inserted vide Authority's Resolution No. 182
passed at its 23rd meeting held on 23rd March,1 981.
The words "authorizing the Standing Committee' and the words "Standing Committee" were deleted vide Authority's
Resolution No.254 passed at its 34th meeting held on 22nd June, 1984.
The original sub clause 9 (iii) deleted; vide Authority's Resolution No 713 passed in its 86th meeting held on 10.3.97.
The Regulation 10 were substituted vide Authority's Resolution No 713 passed in its 86 th meeting held on 10.3.97.
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11. Extension of time stipulated for construction of building or development of
If the Lessee shall not perform and observe the limitation of time provided in the Deed
of Lease in Form “D” for the construction of the intended building or otherwise
development of land leased to him for reasons beyond his control, the Metropolitan
Commissioner may permit extension of such time on payment of the additional premium
at the following 2rates :-
(a) All the Govt. - 5% of the lease premium per year till they complete
Organizations the construction.
(b) Semi Govt. & - (i) Upto 3 years - 10% of the lease
Public Sector premium per year.
(ii) Beyond 3 years till - 15% of the lease premium
and Private
they complete the per year.
((c) The additional premium shall be charged in proportion to the built-up area of
which construction is incomplete i.e. to exclude the built-up area of which OC
is issued.
(d) The additional premium shall be charged proportionately for the extended
period of completion of the construction.
11(A).If the Metropolitan Commissioner shall refuse to permit extension of time, under the
foregoing Regulation or shall find the Lessee of having committed breach of any
condition of covenant during the limitation of time provided in the foregoing Regulation,
the Metropolitan Commissioner may forfeit and determine the Lease, provided that in
the event of such determination of the Lease, 25 percent of the premium paid by the
Lessee to the Authority shall be forfeited and the remaining 75 per cent of such
premium shall be refunded to him; provided further that the power to so determine the
Lease shall not be exercised unless and until the Metropolitan Commissioner shall
have given to the Lessee or left on some part of the demised premises a notice in
writing of his intention to do so and of the specific breach of the covenants or conditions
in respect of which forfeiture is intended and default shall have been made by the
Lessee in remedying such breach or breaches within three months from the service of
notice on him or the notice being left on the demised premises.
12. Delegation of powers
It shall be lawful for the 4(Authority) to delegate any of its powers, functions and duties
to the Metropolitan Commissioner.
13. Where, under any of these Regulations, anything is required to be done by public
advertisement, it shall be done by publication of the advertisement in two newspapers,
one in English and the other in Marathi language, having circulation in the Region.
The Regulation 11 were substituted vide Authority's Resolution No 713 passed in its 86th .meeting held on 10.3.97.
The rates have been revised vide Resolution No. 1140 of the 120th Meeting of the Authority held on 24/12/2007and
Resolution No. 1227 of the 126th Meeting of the Authority held on 09/02/2010.
The Regulation 11 (A) were inserted vide Authority's Resolution No 713 passed in its 86th .meeting held on 10.3.97.
The word "Authority" is substituted for the words "Standing Committee" vide Authority's Resolution No. 254, passed in
the meeting held on 22nd June, 1984.
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14. The 1(Authority) may, from time to time, modify for general application or for application
in a specific case, any Form annexed hereto to carry out all or any of the purpose of
these Regulations.
15. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, but subject to any law for
the time being in force, it shall be lawful for the 1(Authority) to dispose of any land by
sale or lease for a term, not exceeding eighty years or otherwise in favor of the
Government or Local Authority or a Public Sector Undertaking for further development,
where necessary, and disposal, on the terms and conditions to be determined by it.
16. Relaxation of Regulations:-
The Authority may in public interest and for reasons to be recorded in writing relax
generally or specially any of the foregoing Regulations.
The word "Authority" is substituted for the words "Standing Committee" vide Authority's Resolution No. 254, passed in
the meeting held on 22nd June, 1984.
The Regulation 16 were inserted vide Authority's Resolution No 713 passed in its 86th meeting held on 10.3.97.
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(i) The public auction shall be held by such person or persons as the Metropolitan
Commissioner may direct. (Such person or persons shall be called
(ii) No auction shall be held on a Sunday or a public holiday declared under section
25 of the Negotiable Instrument Act, or until after the expiration of at least 10
days from the latest date of the public notice appearing in newspapers. No
persons, except a person registered with the Authority as an intending
bidder, shall have a right to bid at the auction.
(iii) A person intending to bid at the auction shall participant in e-tender/e-auction
bid process initiated by Metropolitan Commissioner, MMRDA in the bid
form/tender/e-auction form devised by the Metropolitan Commissioner, and
shall pay a sum as tender fee, Earnest Money Deposit etc. determined by
the Metropolitan Commissioner in online transfer/Bank Guarantee/
RTGS/Payment Gateway compatible transfer, for proper conduct at the
auction and observance of the rules of the auction. The Earnest Money
Deposit so paid shall be liable to be forfeited by the Metropolitan
Commissioner in the event of such person committing misconduct or breach
of any rule of the action. Whether such persons have committed breach of a
rule of the auction or not shall be determined by the Metropolitan
Commissioner and his determination shall be final.
(iv) The auctioneer/s shall not be bound to accept the highest or any bid.
(v) No bid lower than the upset price/reserved price as mentioned in the tender,
advertisement, corrigendum etc, if any fixed shall be entertained.
1 th
(vi) The payment terms shall be as decided in the 138 Authority Meeting held on
26/08/2015 and Resolution No. 1347, and amended from time to time.
1 th
Amended as per Resolution no. 1507 in 148 Authority meeting held on 08.07.2019.
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1 th
(vii) The payment terms shall be as decided in the 138 Authority Meeting held on
26/08/2015 and Resolution No. 1347, and amended from time to time.
(viii) In default of the payment the terms and conditions as applicable to the disposal
of land by tender process shall be applicable.
(ix) If the disposal of the land is not confirmed the successful bidder shall be entitled
to receive back without interest, the bid money paid by him,
(x) The auctioneer shall have authority to refuse to record a bid or bids offered by any
person or persons whose presence at the auction is considered by him
1 th
Amended as per Resolution no. 1507 in 148 Authority meeting held on 08.07.2019.
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Special Terms and Conditions of leasing
(Subject to Finalization of lease deed by Land Cell)
This lease made at Mumbai…………………………………………….. of...............……Two
Thousand....................……………between the Bombay Metropolitan Region
Development Authority established under section 3 of the Maharashtra Act No. IV of
1975 called the Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority Act, 1974 and
having its Head Office at Plot No. C-14/ C-15, E Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra
(E), Mumbai- 400 051, hereinafter referred to as, "the Lessor" (which expression shall,
unless the context does not admit, include its successor or successors, and assign or
assigns) of the One Part:
1. (Name of person)................................................… When the Lessee is an
of (Address and Occupation)...............................…
2. (Name of person)............................................… When the Lessees are more
of (address and Occupation) …………………… one individual.
3. (Name of person)..................When the Lessee is a registered
of (address).............................................................
and (Name of person)...............................................
of (Address)............................................................
and (Name of person)…………………………….
of (Address)……………………………………..
All carrying on business in partnership at (address of
the firm or Syndicate).................................................
under the name and style of (Name of the firm Syndicate).
registered under...................................................Act.
Under Registration No........................................
By......................................................and having its
Principal place of business at...................................
4.) (Name of Company or statutory body...................... When the
Lessee is a
& a company incorporated under the Companies Act, registered company or a
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accordingly agreed to grant to the Lessee the said plot of land on the terms and
conditions hereinafter appearing.
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& Country Planning Division or the said officer and signed by him, the Lessee shall
sign and leave with the said Officer three copies thereof and also three signed
copies of any further conditions or stipulations which may be agreed upon
between the Lessee and the said Officer.
(b) Fencing During Construction: The said plot of land shall be fenced during the
construction by the Lessee at his expense in a manner approved by the Chief,
Town & Country Planning Division or the said Officer.
(c) No Work To Begin Until Plans Are Approved : No work shall be commenced or
carried on which infringes any of the Development Control Regulations and
Building Regulations set out in the SCHEDULE - THIRD hereto as also Municipal
or any other regulations so far as the same are applicable to the said plot of land
or to the use for which the said land and / or building there upon is going to be put
to; being the subject of these presents, or until the said plans, elevations, sections,
specifications and details shall have been so approved as aforesaid, and thereafter
shall not make any alterations or additions there to unless such alterations and
additions shall have been previously, in like manner, approved.
(d) Time limits for commencement and completion of construction work : That
the Lessee shall within three months from the receipt of approval of his plans and
specifications of building or buildings intended to be erected on the land,
commence and within a period of six years from the date of this lease at his own
expense and in a substantial and workman-like manner and with the sound
materials and in compliance with the said Development Control Regulations and
Building Regulations and all Municipal Rules, bye-laws and Regulations applicable
hereto and in strict accordance with the approved plans, elevations, sections,
specifications and details, to the satisfactions of the Metropolitan Commissioner
and confirming to the building lines marked on the plan hereto annexed, and the
Development Control Regulations and Building Regulations, build and completely
finish, fit for occupation a building to be used as building with all requisite drains
and other proper convenience thereto.
(e) Extension of time stipulated for construction of building or development of
land :
(i) If the Lessee shall not perform and observe the limitations of the time
mentioned in clause 2 (d) above for construction of the intended building or
otherwise development of land leased to him for reasons beyond his control,
the Metropolitan Commissioner may permit extension of such time on payment
of additional premium at the following rates:
(a) All the Govt. - 5% of the lease premium per year till
Organizations they complete the construction.
(b) Semi Govt. & - (i) Upto 3 - 10% of the lease
Public Sector years premium per
Organizations year.
and Private
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thereto as hereinafter, provided on any portion of the said plot of land outside the
building line shown upon the said plan.
(d) Not to affix or display signboards, advertisements etc. : Not at any time during
the continuance of the said term, to affix display or permit to affix or display on or
from the demised premises any signboard, sky-sign, neon sign or advertisement
without or with illumination or otherwise unless the consent in writing of the
Metropolitan Commissioner has been previously obtained thereto.
(e) To build only as per agreement: Not at any time during the period of this demise
to erect any building, erection or structure on any portion of the said plot of land
except in accordance with the Development Control Regulations and Building
Regulations set out in the THIRD SCHEDULE hereto.
(f) Plan to be submitted before building : That no building or erection to be erected
or additions to be made hereafter shall be commenced unless and until
specifications, plans, elevations, sections and details thereof shall have been
previously submitted by the Lessee in triplicate for scrutiny of and be approved in
writing by the Chief, Town and Country Planning Division of the Mumbai
Metropolitan Region Development Authority or the said Officer.
(g) To build according to Development Control Regulations and Building
Regulations or Municipal Regulations in force from time to time : In the
completion of any such building or erection thereof or addition thereto and at all
times during the continuance of this demise to observe and to conform to the said
Development Control Regulations and Building Regulations and to all bye-laws,
rules and regulations of the Municipality or other body having authority in that
behalf and any other statutory regulations as may be in force for the time being,
relating in any way to the demised premises and any building thereon.
(h) Sanitation : To observe and conform to the Development Control Regulations and
Building Regulations, all rules, regulations and bye-laws of the local authority
concerned, or any other statutory regulations in any way relating to public health
and sanitation in force for the time being and to provide sufficient latrine
accommodation and other sanitary arrangements for the laborers, workmen and
other staff employed on the demised premises in order to keep the demised
premises and surroundings clean and in good condition to the satisfaction of the
Metropolitan Commissioner and shall not without the previous consent in writing
of the Metropolitan Commissioner permit any labourers or workmen to reside upon
the demised premises and in the event of such consent being given shall comply
strictly with the terms thereof.
(i) Alterations : That no alterations or addition shall at any time be made to any
facade or elevation of any building or erection and standing on the demised
premises or architectural features thereof except with the previous approval in
writing of the said Officer.
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(j) To repair : Throughout the said term at the Lessee’s expense well and substantial
to repair, pave, cleanse and keep in good and substantial repairs and condition
(including all usual and necessary internal and external painting, colour and white
washing) to the satisfaction of the said Officer the said building and the premises
and drains, compound walls and fences thereunto belonging and all fixtures and
all additions thereto.
(k) To enter and inspect : To permit the Metropolitan Commissioner and the officers,
surveyors, workmen or others employed by him from time to time and at all
reasonable times of the day during the term hereby granted after a week’s previous
notice to enter into or upon the demised premises and to inspect the state of repairs
thereof and if, upon such inspection it shall appear that any repairs or any works
are necessary, they or any of them may, by notice to the Lessee, call upon him to
execute the repairs or such works and upon his failure to do so within a reasonable
time the Lessor may execute them at the expense, in all respect, of the Lessee.
(l) Nuisance : Not to do or permit anything to be done on the demised premises
which may be a nuisance, annoyance or disturbance to the owners, occupiers or
residents of other premises in the vicinity.
(m) User : To use the demised premises for the purpose of
…………………………………… of the Lessee only and for no other purpose,
(n) Indemnity : To indemnify and keep indemnified the Lessor against any and all
claims for damage, which may be caused to any adjoining buildings or other
premises in consequence of the erection of the aforesaid works and also against
all payments whatsoever which during the progress of the work may become
payable or be demanded by the Municipality or any local authorities in respect of
the said works or of anything done under the authority herein contained.
(o) Delivery of possession after expiration : At the expiration or sooner
determination of the said terms, quietly to deliver unto the Lessor the demised
premises and all erections and buildings then standing or being thereon
PROVIDED always that the Lessee shall be at liberty if he shall have paid the rent
and all Municipal and other taxes, rates and assessments then due and shall have
performed and observed the covenants and conditions herein contained prior to
the expiration of the said term, to remove and appropriate to himself all buildings,
erection and structures and materials from the said plot of land but so nevertheless
that the Lessee shall deliver up as aforesaid to the Lessor leveled and put in good
order and condition to the satisfaction of the Lessor all land from which the
buildings, erection or structures may have been removed. Provided further that
after the possession of the demised premises has been delivered to or obtained by
the Lessor, such building, erection or structure shall stand forfeited to the Lessor.
(p) Not to assign : Not to sell, mortgage, assign, underlet or sublet or part with the
possession of the demised premises or any part thereof or any interest therein
without the previous written consent of the Metropolitan Commissioner, Consent
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(i) These Regulations may be called the MMRDA Bandra-Kurla Notified Area
Development Control Regulations, 1979.
(ii) They shall apply to any development of land in the Bandra-Kurla Notified
(iii) They shall come into force from the date on which the proposals for the
development of lands in the Bandra-Kurla Notified Area are approved by the
Government of Maharashtra in accordance with the provisions of Clause (d)
of Sub-Section (3) of Section 40 and other applicable provisions of the
Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966.
1Deleted vide Government Notification in Urban Development Department No. BKR-1177/262/UD-11, dated the 14th October,
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(vii) “Open Space” means an area forming an integral part of any plot and left
permanently open to the sky. Front open space means an open space
adjacent to the street from which a vehicular access to the plot has been
permitted by the Authority. In case of access to a plot from two or more
streets, the open space adjacent to the street wider of the two or widest of
them, as the case may be, shall be deemed as the front open space. Side
and rear open spaces shall be construed with reference to the front open
(viii) “Planning Proposals” means the proposals of the Metropolitan Authority for
the development of lands contained in the Notified Area, and approved by the
(ix) “Social Facilities” means primary school, secondary school, college, fire
brigade station, dispensary, maternity home, hospital, cemetery, community
centre, public convenience, stadium, and such other facilities.
(x) 2
(xi) All words and expressions used in these Regulations and not defined herein
shall have meanings assigned to them under the Maharashtra Regional and
Town Planning Act, 1966 or the Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development
Authority Act, 1974, or the National Building Code, or the Building Regulations
and Bye-Laws or the Development Control Regulations of the Municipal
Corporation of Greater Mumbai, as amended from time to time.
4. General Aspects :
(i) No land shall be used otherwise than for the purpose allocated to it by the
Planning Proposals.
(ii)3Floor Space Index for the purpose of development shall be as follows, that is
to say:-
Residential 4‘G’ Block – 4.00,
5 ‘E’ Block & S.No.378(pt)/ CTS No.7643(pt) Kolekalyan –
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(Except for the area for which Planning Proposals are not
Commercial ‘G’ Block – 4.00#
6 ‘E’ Block & S.No.378(pt)/ CTS No.7643(pt) Kolekalyan–
These values of Floor Space Index (except the one marked by asterisk*) are
the values of the aggregate Floor Space Index in respect of total buildable area
in a block of plots in the respective zones. The maximum permissible floor
space in any plot shall be in accordance with the Architectural Control Drawing
for that plot.
10Built-up space equivalent to the FSI of 0.45 shall be allowed to be used for
commercial purpose, out of the normally permissible 1.5 FSI, in respect of
Educational Institutions and Medical Institutions who have received ISO or
equivalent subject to following conditions.
1) Commercial use to be allowed should be ancillary to the principal use of
educational/medical institutions.
2) It shall be applicable only to the plots fronting on road having minimum width
of 18.30 mt.
10(iii) Additional Floor space index for Education Institutions.
6Inserted vide Government Notification no. TPB-4308/3531/CR-29/2009/UD-11 dated 31st August 2009.
7Inserted vide Government Notification no. CMS/TPB-4307/654/CR-125/2008/UD-11 Dated 21st August 2008.
8Deleted vide Government Notification no. CMS/TPB-4306/218/CR-267/06/UD-11 Dated 25th June 2008.
9Deleted vide Government Notification no. CMS/TPB-4306/218/CR-267/06/UD-11 Dated 25th June 2008.
10 Modified vide Notice No. TCP/(P-2)/BKC-11.22/462/2003 published in Govt. Gazette dated 27th Feb 2004.
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With the previous approval of Govt. FSI specified above may be permitted to
be exceeded upto 4.00 in respect of buildings in independent plots of educational
institutions subject to terms and conditions as enumerated below:
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11Inserted vide Government Notification no. CMS/TPB-4306/218/CR-267/06/UD-11 Dated 25th June 2008.
12Inserted vide Government Notification in UDD, No. BKR-1177/ 262/UD-11, dtd 14th October, 1994.
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and stair cases and passages thereof architectural features, chimneys and
elevated tanks of permissible dimensions with the special permission of the
Metropolitan Commissioner by charging premium on the lines of Municipal
Corporation of Gr. Mumbai.
d) Area of fire escape stairways and cantilever fire escape passages according to
the Chief Fire Officer's requirements as in sub-regulation (5) of Regulation 44
of Development Control Regulations for Greater Mumbai, 1991.
15e) Maximum permissible area of the Basement shall be limited to twice the plinth
area of the building (s) or the area of the plot, whichever is higher, and the same
may be on one level or more.
However, additional basement area, over and above the aforesaid limit, may
be allowed, provided such additional area is used only for vehicular parking.
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t) 18Area
covered by arcade, which is a sheltered pedestrian passage open to the
general public and provided below a building on its front side or elsewhere as
required by the Authority, and of a height as prescribed by the Authority and
subject further to such other specifications of the Authority as will, in its opinion,
impart an aesthetically homogeneous continuity to the feature and to the built
environment ;
u) 19Area covered by staircase rooms, lifts lobbies, lift wells in cases of buildings
exclusively used for Educational and Medical Institutions and for Institutional
Provided further that where the permissible FSI has not been exhausted in the case
of existing buildings and cases decided by the Mumbai Metropolitan Region
Development Authority/Corporation prior to coming into force of these regulations, the
exclusions from FSI computation as in these Regulations will be available for
construction of balance potential.
Height of Habitable Room
Sr. Occupancy Minimum Maximum
No Height Height (in
(in meters)
18Inserted vide Government Notification in UDD no. BKR-1097/1281/CR-169/97UD-11 dated 11th January 2000.
19Inserted vide Government Notification in UDD no. BKR-1097/1281/CR-169/97UD-11 dated 11th January 2000.
20Inserted vide Government Notification in UDD no. BKR-1177/262/UD-11 Dated 14th October 1994.
21Inserted vide Government Notification in UDD no. BKR-1177/262/UD-11 Dated 14th October 1994.
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7. Nothing contained herein shall derogate from any right or power exercisable by the
Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai under the provisions of the
Brihanmumbai as Municipal Corporation Act, 1888, and the rules, regulations and
bye-laws made there under. Any development of land shall be carried out without
prejudice to such provisions.
Clarification inserted vide Govt. Notification in UDD no. TPB -4307/CR-216/2007/UD-11 Dated 3rd Dec 2007.
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b) Extension of basement beyond building line is optional but the distance between the
outer edge of diaphragm wall of basement and plot boundary shall be minimum 3.0
m on all sides. Basement shall not be permitted below the Open Space, Pedestrian
Pathway and Public Plaza.
[c) Building shall have permanent external finish, such as, stone, glass, metal,
acrylic paints, ceramic tiles, etc.]
[d) No hoarding except building name, number, logo and address shall be
permitted on any external surfaces of building]
[e) Entrance steps of building shall be provided inside the building line.]
[f) Discharge of storm water from terraces etc. should be connected to the storm
water drainage system of the plot. This system should be connected to the
public storm water drainage system of the locality.]
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Under CRZ-II Non CRZ
Following points are to be considered while furnishing Bank Guarantees for MMRDA:
• As per RBI guidelines, all Bank Guarantees should be issued by the issuing
bank through SFMS mode. For the purpose, the bank details in respect of
MMRDA for opening Bank Guarantee through SFMS mode are as follows:
Nationalised Banks:
State Bank of India Allahabad Bank
Andhra Bank Bank of Baroda
Bank of India Bank of Maharashtra
Canara Bank Central Bank of India
Corporation Bank Indian Bank
Indian Overseas Bank Oriental Bank of Commerce
Punjab National Bank Punjab & Sind Bank
Union Bank of India UCO Bank
Scheduled Banks:
IndusInd Bank Kotak Mahindra Bank
Yes Bank DCB Bank Ltd
1. Bidders should have valid class 3 Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) having
both Signing and Encryption Certificates obtained from any Certifying
Authorities empanelled by Controller of Certifying Authorities India.
3. Bidders who are participating in e-tendering for the first time will have to register
and obtain User ID & Password from the above mentioned portal.
4. In case of any queries, Bidders may contact MMRDA’s e-tendering service desk
at on any working day from 10am to 5.30pm. (Phone No.
Bidders need to upload scanned copy of EMD paid receipt during bid preparation.
Bidders failing to complete the payment of EMD using the above mentioned process
of RTGS / NEFT or Online payment gateway after downloading the system generated
challan will not be able to submit their bids.
EMD Refund:
Bidders should mention the beneficiary details for EMD refund in the Earnest Money
Deposit Form for fields marked as details required for Refund (applicable only for
Unsuccessful Bidders). MMRDA or e-Tendering Service Provider will not be liable for
delays caused in EMD refund due to incorrect beneficiary details.
The Earnest Money Deposit of Unsuccessful Bidders will be refunded through RTGS,
NEFT mode only after finalization of the tender for which the above refund details are
required. Bidders should also upload scanned copy of cancelled cheque along with
refund letter for refund of their EMD payment. In case of Successful Bidder, amount
of the earnest money deposit paid online shall be adjusted in the last instalment of
70% of the lease premium.
Bidders failing to complete the payment of EMD using the above mentioned process
of RTGS / NEFT after downloading the system generated challans will not be able to
submit their bids.
Note: Kindly note that transfer of funds to MMRDA’s account through NEFT / RTGS
mode, from the Bidders’ ICICI accounts is currently not possible. In case of funds
transfer through NEFT / RTGS, Bidders are requested to transfer from any other bank
(excluding ICICI Bank).
• EMD Refund Account should remain active until tender is awarded.
Tutorial Link:
Kindly use page
link for Bidder Manual Kit for Bidder Registration Process, Bid Preparation &
Submission etc.
The Metropolitan Commissioner,
Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority
9th Floor, MMRDA New Building,
Bandra-Kurla Complex
Bandra (East), Mumbai – 400051
Ref: e-Tender Reference No. ………..
Subject: Submission of proposal (e-Envelope A) in Response to the e-Tender
for Lease of Plot No. C-13 in G-Block of Bandra-Kurla Complex, Mumbai for
Commercial use.
Covering letter to e-Envelope-A
Having examined the entire e-Tender document, we, the undersigned, herewith submit
our proposal in response to your e-tender reference number………… for Lease of
Plot No. C-13 in G-Block of Bandra- Kurla Complex, Mumbai for Commercial use.
We state that we have read the entire provisions of the e-Tender document,
Corrigendum’s if any and confirm that the same are acceptable to us. We further
declare that additional conditions, variations, deviations, if any, found in our proposal
shall not be given effect by MMRDA. We further state that:
1. We agree to abide by this proposal, consisting of this letter, the detailed response
to this e-Tender and all attachments uploaded.
2. We declare that we are not involved in any litigation that may have an impact of
affecting or compromising the delivery as required under this e-Tender, and we are
not under a declaration of ineligibility for corrupt or fraudulent practices.
3. We declare that there is no conflict of interest that we will be abiding under the
terms and conditions of this e-Tender.
4. We hereby declare that all the information and statements made by us are true and
accept that any misrepresentation contained in it may lead to our disqualification.
5. We understand you are not bound to shortlist/accept any or all the proposals you
6. We hereby declare that we qualify and fulfill all the eligibility criteria mentioned in
this e-Tender.
7. We submit the bid at our own risk and indemnify MMRDA from any litigation.
8. We shall submit any of the additional documents required for eligibility of this
Tender that shall be insisted by MMRDA. We also accept that we shall not raise
any objection for MMRDA to insist any additional document from any of the other
party’s that are competing in this Tender.
9. We also declare that we have not been a Loan defaulter or Blacklisted/ Debarred/
by State/Central Government of India or Similar Agencies Globally.
In case of a JV/Consortium,
Consortium Partner-1
(Company’s) Full Name
Consortium Partner -1
(Company’s) present address
Consortium Partner -1
(Company’s) permanent address
Consortium Partner -2
(Company’s) Full Name
Consortium Partner -2
(Company’s) present address
Consortium Partner -2
(Company’s) permanent address
Till the Lease Deed is executed no member of the 'JV' is allowed to either
withdraw or change the proportion of shares as indicated in their bid document.
After execution of lease deed the withdrawal or change in the proportion of
shares of members will be subject to the provisions of clause 3(p) of lease deed.
(a)_______________________ ________________________
(b)_______________________ ________________________
(To be signed by Authorized Signatory and printed on the letterhead of the Sole/ Lead
Bidder. The soft copy (pdf format) to be submitted in e-Envelope A)
{Company Letterhead} {Date}
The Metropolitan Commissioner,
Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority
9th Floor, MMRDA New Building,
Bandra-Kurla Complex
Bandra (East), Mumbai – 400051
Ref: e-Tender Reference No.:……………….
Subject: Submission of proposal (e-Envelope A) in Response to the e-Tender
Lease of Plot No. C-13 in G-Block of Bandra-Kurla Complex, Mumbai for
Commercial use.
(a)_______________________ ________________________
(b)_______________________ ________________________
(c) ______________________ _______________________
[To be executed on non-judicial stamp paper of INR 300/- and notarized. The stamp
paper to be in the name of the company which is issuing the power of attorney.]
We, M/s.______ (Name of the Firm or Company with address of the registered office)
hereby constitute, appoint and authorize Mr. or
Ms._______________________(Name and Commercial address) who is presently
employed with us and holding the position of _________________, as our Attorney to
do in our name and our behalf all or any of the acts, deeds or things necessary or
incidental to our Proposal for the “Lease of Commercial Plot C-13 from G-Block of
Bandra-Kurla Complex, Mumbai” , including signing and submission of the e-Tender
response, participating in the meetings, responding to queries, submission of
information or documents and generally to represent us to MMRDA, until culmination
of the process of bidding till the Lease Deed is entered into, with MMRDA and
thereafter till the expiry of the Lease Deed.
We hereby agree to ratify all acts, deeds and things lawfully done by our said Attorney
pursuant to this power of attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our
aforesaid Attorney shall and shall always be deemed to have been done by us.
(Signature and Name in block letters of all the remaining partners of the firm Signatory
for the Company)
The Mode of execution of the power of attorney should be in accordance with the
procedure, if any laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the
executant(s) and when it is so required the same should be under common seal affixed
in accordance with the required procedure.
7.4 FORM 4 - Format for Power of Attorney for Lead Bidder of Consortium
(To be submitted for Category 4, in case of Consortium)
[To be executed on non-judicial stamp paper of INR 300/- and notarized. The stamp
paper is to be in the name of the company which is issuing the power of attorney]
Whereas MMRDA has invited bids for “Lease of Commercial Plot C-13 from G-Block
of Bandra-Kurla Complex, Mumbai” through e-tender.
Whereas, it is necessary for the members of the Consortium to designate one of them
as the lead member with all necessary power and authority to do, for and on behalf of
the Consortium, all acts, deeds and things as may be necessary in connection with
the Consortium’s response for the e-tender.
We hereby agree to ratify all acts, deeds and things lawfully done by our said Attorney
pursuant to this power of attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our
aforesaid Attorney shall and shall always be deemed to have been done by us or
Witness 1 Witness 2
The Mode of execution of the power of attorney should be in accordance with the
procedure, if any laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the
executant(s) and when it is so required the same should be under common seal affixed
in accordance with the required procedure.
7.5 FORM 5: Format for Declaration by the Bidder for not being Blacklisted /
(To be submitted by all categories)
(To be submitted on the Letterhead of the responding company)
Date: dd/mm/yyyy
The Metropolitan Commissioner,
Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority
9th Floor, MMRDA New Building,
Bandra-Kurla Complex
Bandra (East), Mumbai- 400-051
Sub: Declaration for not being debarred / black-listed by Central / any State
Government department in India as on the date of submission of the bid
Dear Sir,
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
7.6 FORM 6: Format of Declaration for Bidders for Works under Rule 144 (xi)
in the General Financial Rules (GFRs), 2017.
(To be submitted by all categories)
(To be submitted on the Letterhead of the Bidder)
Date: dd/mm/yyyy
The Metropolitan Commissioner,
Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority
9th Floor, MMRDA New Building,
Bandra-Kurla Complex
Bandra (East), Mumbai- 400-051
a. We, the Bidder have read and understood the contents of the Office
Memorandum & the Order (Public Procurement No.1) both bearing no.
F.No.6/18/2019/PPD of 23rd July 2020 and Order (Public Procurement No.4)
bearing no. F.7/10/2021-PPD (1) of 23rd Feb. 2023 issued by Ministry of
Finance, Government of India on insertion of Rule 144 (xi) in the General
Financial Rules (GFRs) 2017 and the amendments & clarifications thereto,
regarding restrictions on availing/procurement of goods and services, of any
Bidder from a country which shares a land border with India and / or sub-
contracting to contractors from such countries.
b. In terms of the above and after having gone through the said amendments
including in particular the words defined therein (which shall have the same
meaning for the purpose of this Declaration cum Undertaking), we the Bidder
hereby declare and confirm that:
Tick Authorized
Mark Signature
Case 1. We, the Bidder are not from such a
country which shares a land border with India,
in terms of the said amendments to GFR, 2017
Tick Authorized
Mark Signature
Case 2. We, the Bidder are from such a country
and has been registered with the Competent
Authority i.e. the Registration Committee
constituted by the Department for Promotion of
Industry and Internal Trade, as stated under
Annexure I to the said Office Memorandum /
Order and we submit the proof of registration
Case 3. We, the Bidder do not have Specified
Transfer of Technology (ToT) arrangement with
an entity from a country which shares a land
border with India, in terms of the said
amendments to GFR, 2017
Case 4. We, the Bidder have Specified Transfer
of Technology (ToT) arrangements with an
entity from a country which shares a land border
with India and has been registered with the
Competent Authority i.e. the Registration
Committee constituted by the Department for
Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, as
stated under Annexure I to the said Office
Memorandum / Order and we submit the proof
of registration herewith.
(*Tick and Sign on the case whichever is applicable)
c. We, the Bidder agree and undertake that if the contract is awarded to us, we
will not sub-contract or outsource the contract and / or any part thereof unless
such subcontract/ outsourcing is permitted by MMRDA India in writing, in which
case we shall not sub-contract or outsource the work to a contractor from such
countries, unless such contractor is registered with the Competent Authority
and proof of same is obtained.
2. We, the Bidders hereby confirm that we fulfil all the eligibility criteria as per e-Tender
and are not ineligible from participating in the Tender in view of the above Office
Memorandum and Order. We also agree and accept that if our declaration and
confirmation is found to be false at any point of time including after awarding the
contract, MMRDA shall be within its right to forthwith terminate the contract/ bid
without notice to us and initiate such action including legal action against us.
MMRDA shall also be within its right to forfeit the security deposits provided by us
and also recover from us the loss and damages sustained by MMRDA on account
of the above.
"Bidder" for the purpose of this Order (including the term 'tenderer', 'Consultant'
‘vendor' or 'service provider' in certain contexts) means any person or firm or
company, including any member of a consortium or joint venture (that is an
association of several persons, or firms or companies), every artificial juridical
person not falling in any of the descriptions of Bidders stated hereinbefore,
including any Agency, branch or office controlled by such person, participating in
a procurement process.
"Tender" for the purpose of this Order will include other forms of procurement,
except where the context requires otherwise.
"Bidder from a country which shares a land border with India" for the purpose of
this Order means:
a) An entity incorporated, established or registered in such a country; or
b) A subsidiary of an entity incorporated, established or registered in such
a country; or
c) An entity substantially controlled through entities incorporated,
established or registered in such a country; or
d) An entity whose beneficial owner is situated in such a country; or
e) An Indian (or other) agent of such an entity; or
f) A natural person who is a citizen of such a country; or
g) A consortium or joint venture where any member of the consortium or
joint venture falls under any of the above
4. Where no natural person is identified under (i) or (ii) or (iii) above, the beneficial
owner is the relevant natural person who holds the position of senior managing
"Agent" for the purpose of this Order is a person employed to do any act for another,
or to represent another in dealings with third persons.”
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
The Metropolitan Commissioner,
Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority
9th Floor, MMRDA New Building,
Bandra-Kurla Complex
Bandra (East), Mumbai – 400051
3. I/We offer to pay to MMRDA rent of Re. 1/- per sqm of Plot area for the
Commercial Plot under reference. The said annual rent will be increased by
10% over the previous year by every year.
_______________________ ________________________
The Metropolitan Commissioner,
Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority
9th Floor, MMRDA New Building,
Bandra-Kurla Complex
Bandra (East), Mumbai – 400051
Ref: Tender Reference No.:……………….
Subject: Submission of proposal (e-Envelope B) in response to e-Tender for
Lease of Plot No. C-13 in G-Block of Bandra-Kurla Complex for Commercial use.
*Audited& Certified by Competent Authority, Balance sheet and Profit & Loss account
statement of the Bidder for each of the last 3 Audited Financial Years (Financial Years
2021-22, 2020-21, 2019-20) shall be submitted as supporting evidence. The
appointment letter of Statutory Auditor by the Bidder shall be enclosed.
*'Networth' shall mean the paid up share capital plus free reserves plus free surplus
in the profit and loss account less unprovided depreciation less the balance of deferred
revenue expenditure. The balance in Revenue Reserve Account shall not be
considered in determining the Networth.
_______________________ ________________________
(CA/Statutory Auditor’s name (Signature)
and Company Seal)
We fully understand and agree to comply that on verification, if any of the information
provided here is found to be misleading the evaluation and selection process, we are
liable to be dismissed from the selection process or be terminated during the Lease
Deed, if selected to sign and execute the Lease Deed.
We agree for unconditional acceptance of all the terms and conditions set out in the
tender document.
We agree that you are not bound to accept any Bid you may receive. We also agree
that you reserve the right in absolute sense to reject all or any of the products/ services
specified in the Bid.
3. I/We offer to pay to MMRDA rent of Re. 1/- per sqm of Plot area for the
Commercial Plot under reference. The said annual rent will be increased by
10% over the previous year by every year.
_______________________ ________________________
The Metropolitan Commissioner,
Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority
9th Floor, MMRDA New Building,
Bandra-Kurla Complex
Bandra (East), Mumbai – 400051
*'Networth' shall mean the paid up share capital plus free reserves plus free surplus
in the profit and loss account less unprovided depreciation less the balance of deferred
revenue expenditure. The balance in Revenue Reserve Account shall not be
considered in determining the Networth.
_______________________ ________________________
(CA/Statutory Auditor’s Name (Signature)
And Company Seal)
(To be signed by Authorized Signatory and printed on the letterhead of the Bidder. The
soft copy (pdf format) to be submitted in e-Envelope B)
The Metropolitan Commissioner,
Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority
9th Floor, MMRDA New Building,
Bandra-Kurla Complex
Bandra (East), Mumbai – 400051
3. I/We offer to pay to MMRDA rent of Re. 1/- per sqm of Plot area for the
Commercial Plot under reference. The said annual rent will be increased by
10% over the previous year by every year.
_______________________ ________________________
The Metropolitan Commissioner,
Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority
9th Floor, MMRDA New Building,
Bandra-Kurla Complex
Bandra (East), Mumbai – 400051
Ref: Tender Reference No………………….
Subject: Submission of proposal (e-Envelope B) in Response to the e-Tender for
Lease of Plot No. C-13 in G-Block of Bandra-Kurla Complex, Mumbai for
Commercial use.
_____________________ ________________________
(CA/Statutory Auditor’s Name (Signature)
and Company Seal)
(To be signed by Authorized Signatory and printed on the letterhead of the Lead
Bidder. The soft copy (pdf format) to be submitted in e-Envelope B)
The Metropolitan Commissioner,
Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority
9th Floor, MMRDA New Building,
Bandra-Kurla Complex
Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400051
Ref: Tender Reference No.
Subject: Submission of proposal (e-Envelope B) in Response to the e-Tender
for Lease of Plot No. C-13 in G-Block of Bandra-Kurla Complex, Mumbai for
Commercial use
Category Details
13 Eligible Category Head
Eligible Category Institute Type
(as enlisted in section 4.8 )
Company Particulars as per the category
15 Nature of Business
16 Year of establishment
17 Registration/License details
Sr. Compliance
Documents Details
No. (Yes/No)
Certificate of Incorporation
from the Registrar of
For Global players,
equivalent Certificate in the
Country of Incorporation.
(Participation in Bid shall be
subject to RBI clearance and
compliance of other FDI
A copy of the
License/Registration granted
by the Competent Authority to
carry out the business
currently engaged in. (e.g.
TRAI, etc.)
Details of area of exclusive office work done in the last 5 years out of (3) above
(To be certified by Government Authorized Valuer)
3. I am/we are/My/Our principals are willing to pay the premium amount as mentioned
in para 4.18 of the bid documents.
4. I/We offer to pay to MMRDA rent of Re. 1/- per sqm of Plot area for the Commercial
Plot under reference. The said annual rent will be increased by 10% over the
previous year by every year.
(a)_______________________ ________________________
(b)_______________________ ________________________
(c) ________________________ ________________________
The Metropolitan Commissioner,
Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority
9th Floor, MMRDA New Building,
Bandra-Kurla Complex
Bandra (East), Mumbai – 400051
*Audited & Certified by Competent Authority, Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss account
statement of the Bidder for each of the last three Audited Financial Years (Financial Year
2021-22, 2020-21, 2019-20) shall be submitted as supporting evidence. The appointment
letter of Statutory Auditor by the Bidder shall be enclosed.
*'Networth' shall mean the paid up share capital plus free reserves plus free surplus in the
profit and loss account less unprovided depreciation less the balance of deferred revenue
expenditure. The balance in Revenue Reserve Account shall not be considered in determining
the Networth.
_____________________ ________________________
_____________________ ________________________
Note: Each work experience shall be enclosed with work order/completion certificate
/Substantial completion certificate. Each citation along with work orders would be
evaluated for necessary compliance to meet the eligibility criteria. Independent
citations shall be provided for each project.
THIS JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT is entered into on this the of ......YYYY
1. ………………………………………. a company incorporated under the
Companies Act, 2013 and having its registered office at
………………………………………………………………….. (hereinafter referred
to as the “ First Party” which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context
include its successors and permitted assigns)
2. ………………………………………… a company incorporated under the
Companies Act, 2013 and having its registered office at
…………………………………………………………………(hereinafter referred
to as the “ Second Party” which expression shall, unless repugnant to the
context include its successors and permitted assigns)
3. ………………………………………… a company incorporated under the
Companies Act, 2013 and having its registered office at
…………………………………………………………………(hereinafter referred
to as the “ Third Party” which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context
include its successors and permitted assigns)
The above mentioned parties of the [FIRST AND SECOND AND THIRD] PART
are collectively referred to as the “Parties “and each is individually referred to as
A. The Parties are interested in jointly bidding for the Consultancy as members
of a Consortium and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the tender
document and other bid document in respect of the Consultancy, and
3. Covenants
The Parties hereby undertaken that in the event the Consortium is declared
the highest eligible Bidder and awarded the plot on Lease, the Parties shall
enter into a “Lease Deed” with the Authority.
8. Authorized Representation
The parties agree that, who is employed with the member in charge, or
his/her nominee shall be the authorized representative of the consortium, to
do on behalf of the Consortium, all such acts, deeds and things as are
necessary or required in connection with or incidental to submission of the
Consortium’s proposal for an the Lease of Plot including but not limited to
signing and submission of all application, proposal and other document,
participating in pre-bid and other conferences and providing information/
responses to the authority, representing the consortium in the matters
before the authority, signing and execution of all contracts and undertakings
consequent to acceptance of the consortium’s proposal and generally
dealing with the Authority in all matters in connection with or relating or
arising out of the Lease of plot.
9. Termination
This Agreement shall be effective from the date hereby and shall continue
in full force and effect until the Effective Date under the Contract, in case
the Consultancy is awarded to the Consortium. However, in case the
Consortium is not selected for award of the Lease of Plot, the Agreement
will stand terminated upon intimation by the Authority that it has not been
selected and upon return of the Bid Security by the Authority.
10. Miscellaneous
a. This Joint Bidding Agreement shall be governed by laws of India.
b. The Parties acknowledge and accept that this Agreement shall not be
amended by the Parties without the prior written consent of the Authority
Name: Name:
Designation: Designation :
Address: Address :
In Presence of :
(To be signed by Authorized Signatory and printed on the letterhead of the Bidder.
The soft copy (pdf format) to be submitted in e-Envelope B)
The Metropolitan Commissioner,
Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority
9th Floor, MMRDA New Building,
Bandra-Kurla Complex
Bandra (East), Mumbai – 400051
We confirm that the information contained in this response or any part thereof,
including its exhibits, and other documents and instruments delivered or to be
delivered to MMRDA is true, accurate, verifiable and complete. This Proposal includes
all information necessary to ensure that the statements therein do not in whole or in
part mislead MMRDA in its evaluation and selection process.
We fully understand and agree to comply that on verification, if any of the information
provided here is found to be misleading the evaluation and selection process, we are
liable to be dismissed from the selection process or be terminated during the Lease
Deed, if selected to sign and execute the Lease Deed.
We agree for unconditional acceptance of all the terms and conditions set out in the
tender document.
We agree that you are not bound to accept any Bid you may receive. We also agree
that you reserve the right in absolute sense to reject all or any of the products/ services
specified in the Bid.
It is hereby confirmed that I/We are entitled to act on behalf of our company/
corporation/ firm/ organization and empowered to sign this document as well as such
other documents, which may be required in this connection.
_______________________ ________________________
Reserve Price – The reserve price for the total premium is Rs. 1,550.25
Crores for the permissible Built-Up Area. Any bid quoting a price lower
than the reserve price would stand automatically rejected.
1. I am/we are/my/our principals are willing to pay 30% of the premium amount within
one month of the acceptance of my/ our offer and the balance 70% within eight
months thereafter in equal installments.
I am/we are/my/our principals are voluntarily willing to pay the whole amount of
Lease money within one month of the acceptance of my/ our offer.
(Indicate one of the above option s by tick mark)
2. I/We offer to pay to MMRDA annual rent of Re. 1/- per sqm of Plot area which is
Rs.7071.00/- for the first year. The annual rent will be increased every year by 10%
over the rent of the previous year.
4. I/We shall keep this offer valid for a period of six months effective from the date of
opening of e-ENVELOPE-A of the offer and shall not revoke or vary it before the
expiry of six months from such date and in the event of my/our failing to observe
and perform this liability, the Earnest Money Deposit paid under this offer, shall
stand absolutely forfeited to MMRDA.
5. If my/our offer is not accepted by the MMRDA, the Earnest Money Deposit of
Rs. 30,05,00,000/- (Rs. Thirty Crores and Five Lakhs Only) paid by me/us under
section 4.2 hereof shall be returned to me/us without interest.
6. If my/our offer is accepted by the MMRDA, I/we shall pay the premium amount as
mentioned in Sr. No. 1 above. I/we shall extend the bank guarantee submitted as
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) till 100% premium amount is paid to MMRDA. I/we
also agree that the Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) paid online shall be adjusted in
the last instalment of the premium amount. I /we shall receive the possession of
the plot only after 100% premium amount is paid to MMRDA and the lease deed is
7. Further If my/our offer is accepted by the MMRDA, if I/We fail to pay 30% of the
premium amount of Rs……………. (in figures) …………………………
……………………………… (in words) for the said plot within one month of the
acceptance of my/our offer, the agreement concluded between us shall stand
rescinded by the Authority and the amount of Earnest Money Deposit paid by
me/us under this offer shall stand absolutely forfeited to the Authority, without
prejudice to the rights and powers of Authority to recover compensation for loss or
damage, if any suffered in consequence of such breach by me/us to so pay 30%
of the premium to the Authority. Likewise, if the balance (70%) premium shall not
be paid within eight months or extended period as provided in the clause 9 (iA) of
the MMRDA (Disposal of Land) Regulations 1977, the Agreement concluded with
the Authority shall stand determined and the Earnest Money Deposit paid by me/us
along with the tender or offer together with 25 per cent of the premium shall be
forfeited to the Authority without prejudice to the right and powers of the Authority
to recover compensation for loss or damage, if any, suffered in consequence of
such default by me/us.
10. We declare that the information stated herein above is complete and absolutely
correct and any error or omission therein, accidental or otherwise will be sufficient
justification for the Authority to revoke at any time acceptance of my/our offer for
allotment of the concerned Plots.
11. I/We hereby declare that I/we have read and understood the rules governing the
allotment of plots, inspected the title deeds of lands, plans and specifications of the
land, examined the draft of various agreements, declarations and deeds to be
executed and do hereby undertake to execute them when called upon to do so,
and abide by the decision of the Authority.
(a)_________________________ ________________________
(b)_________________________ ________________________
10.3 Annexure N: Office Memorandum under Rule 144 (xi) in the General
Financial Rules (GFRs), 2017.
10.4 Annexure O: Format for Requesting Video Conferencing Link for Pre-Bid
S. No. Criteria Response
1 Name of Organisation
2 Office Address
3 Name of Attendees 1.
Designation 1.
(in order of names)
Official Email Id 1.
(in order of names)
Contact Number(s)
(in order of names) Fill the contact number with country code
7 Country (Nationality)
Fill name of Tender for which Bidder intends to attend
8 Tender Name/ Title pre-bid
Fill the tender number as displayed on e-tendering
9 Tender No. portal
10 Company ID Attach along with the form
Attach any Government issued photo ID along with the
11 Photo ID form
1. Please share the details of company personnel expected to join the pre-bid via
Video Conferencing on
through official company email id at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled date of
2. Maximum of one person will be allowed to join the pre-bid meeting from each
prospective Bidder
3. Invitation Link for joining the pre-bid conference along with SOP will be shared
within 24 Hrs from the expected time of start of pre-bid conference.
4. MMRDA shall validate the above information shared for its correctness before
invitation link is shared for joining the video conference.
24) Tender Downloading as per the Schedule updated by MMRDA from time
to time on E-Tender Portal
25) Tender Submission as All Categories Para 1.1
per deadline in tender Sub-Para 6
26) Tender Control Transfer Para 1.1
as per deadline in Sub-Para 7