Compilation Subjects For Battery Exam Reviewer
Compilation Subjects For Battery Exam Reviewer
Compilation Subjects For Battery Exam Reviewer
I. Introduction to Criminology
II. Introduction to Philippine Criminal
Justice System
III. Theories of Crime Causation
IV. Law Enforcement Organization and
V. Comparative Models in Policing
VI. Fundamentals of Criminal
Investigation and Intelligence
VII. Introduction to Industrial Security
VIII. Human Behavior and Victimology
IX. Specialized Crime Investigation 1
with Legal Medicine
X. Institutional Corrections
XI. Forensic Photography
XII. Personal Identification Techniques
XIII. Character Formation 1 -
Nationalism & Patriotism
I. Introduction to Criminology and Psychology of Crimes
- any person who is a graduate of the Degree of Criminology, who has passed the
examination for criminologists and is registered as such by the Board of Examiners of the
Professional Regulation Commission (PRC).
Etymologically, the term criminology came from the Latin word “crimen” meaning crime and
Greek word “Logos” which means “to study”.
In 1885, Rafael Garofalo, an Italian Law Professor coined the term criminologia.
In 1889, Paul Topinard, French Anthropologist, used the term criminology in French
criminologie for the first time
1. Etiology of Crimes – the scientific analysis of the causes of crimes and the criminal
2. Sociology of Law – refers to the investigation of the nature of criminal law and its
3. Penology – the study of the control of crimes and the rehabilitation of offender
Is criminology a science?
According to George Wilker, criminology cannot become a science because it has not yet
acquired universal validity. Edwin H. Sutherland, the Dean of Modern Criminology, hoped that it will
become a science in the future since the causes of crimes are almost the same which may be
biological, environmental or combination of the two.
Nature of Criminology
4. It is nationalistic because the study of criminology takes into consideration the history, the
culture and the social norms and the laws of the country. Each country has its own set of laws
and crimes are defined by the laws of the country.
3. Study of the other sciences that examine criminal behavior using scientific methods such as:
criminal demography – the study of the relationship between criminality and population
criminal epidiomology – the study of the relationship between environment and criminality
victimology – the study of the role of the victim in the commission of a crime
School of Thought – refers to a group of beliefs or ideas that support a specific theory.
Theory – set of statements devised to explain behavior, events or phenomenon, especially one
that has been repeatedly tested and widely accepted.
1. DEMONOLOGICAL THEORY - asserts that a person commits wrongful acts due to the fact
that he was possessed by demons.
The classical school of criminology grew out of a reaction against the barbaric system of law,
punishment and justice that existed. There was no real system of criminal justice in Europe at that
time. Some crimes were specified, some were not. Judges had discretionary power to convict a
person for an act not even legally defined as criminal.
This school of thought is based on the assumption that individuals choose to commit crimes
after weighing the consequences of their actions. According to classical criminologists, individuals
have free will. They can choose legal or illegal means to get what they want, fear of punishment can
deter them from committing crime and society can control behavior by making the pain of punishment
greater than the pleasure of the criminal gains.
This theory, however, does not give any distinction between an adult and a minor or a
mentally-handicapped in as far as free will is concerned. Founders of classical school of criminology
are Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham.
Cesare Beccaria (Cesare Bonesana Marchese di Beccaria) (1738-1794)
- best known for his essay, “On Crimes and Punishment” which presented key ideas on
the abolition of torture as legitimate means of extracting confession.
- His book contains almost all modern penal reforms but its greatest contribution was the
foundation it laid for subsequent changes in criminal legislation
- his book was influential in the reforms of penal code in France, Russia, Prussia and it
influenced the first ten amendments to the US Constitution
c. To deter crime, he believed that one must administer pain in an appropriate amount
to counterbalance the pleasure obtain from crime.
1. In forming a human society, men and women sacrifice a portion of their liberty so as to enjoy
peace and security.
2. Punishments that go beyond the need of preserving the public safety are in their nature
3. Criminal laws must be clear and certain. Judges must make uniform judgments in similar
4. The law must specify the degree of evidence that will justify the detention of an accused
offender prior to his trial.
5. Accusations must be public. False accusations should be severely punished.
6. To torture accused offenders to obtain a confession is inadmissible.
7. The promptitude of punishment is one of the most effective curbs on crime.
8. The aim of punishment can only be to prevent the criminal from committing new crimes
against his countrymen, and to keep others from doing likewise. Punishments, therefore, and
the method of inflicting them, should be chosen in due proportion to the crime, so as to make
the most lasting impression on the minds of men…
9. Capital punishment is inefficacious and its place should be substituted life imprisonment.
10. It is better to prevent crimes than to punish them. That is the chief purpose of all good
- his contribution to classical school of criminology is the concept of utilitarianism and the
felicific calculus.
- proposed “Utilitarian Hedonism” which explains that person always acts in such a way to
seek pleasure and avoid pain.
- founded the concept of UTILITARIANISM – assumes that all our actions are calculated in
accordance with their likelihood of bringing pleasure and pain
- devised the pseudo-mathematical formula called “felicific calculus” which states that
individuals are human calculators who put all the factors into an equation in order to
decide whether a particular crime is worth committing or not
- he reasoned that in order to deter individuals from committing crimes, the punishment, or
pain, must be greater than the satisfaction, or pleasure, he would gain from committing
the crime
– is a philosophy which argues that what is right is the one that would cause the greatest
good for the greatest number of people.
- others refer to it as the greatest happiness principle or the principle of utility.
- from this principle, Bentham formulated the “felicific calculus”.
Felicific Calculus or the pleasure-and-pain principle – is a theory that proposes that individuals
calculate the consequences of his actions by weighing the pleasure (gain) and the pain (suffering) he
would derive from doing the action.
This theory modified the doctrine of free will by stating that free will of men may be
affected by other factors and crime is committed due to some compelling reasons that prevail.
These causes are pathology, incompetence, insanity or any condition that will make it
impossible for the individual to exercise free will entirely. In the study of legal provisions, this
is termed as either mitigating or exempting circumstances.
August Comte
- was a French philosopher and sociologist and is believed to be the one who reinvented the
French term sociologie.
Cesare Lombroso
- recognized as the “Father of Modern and Empirical Criminology” due to his application of
modern scientific methods to trace criminal behavior, however, most of his ideas are now discredited
- known for the concept of atavistic stigmata (the physical features of creatures at an earlier
stage of development).
- he claimed that criminals are distinguishable from non-criminals due to the presence of
atavistic stigmata and crimes committed by those who are born with certain recognizable heredity
- according to his theory, criminals are usually in possession of huge jaws and strong canine
teeth, the arm span of criminals is often greater than their height, just like that of apes who use their
forearms to push themselves along the ground.
- other physical stigmata include deviation in head size and shape, asymmetry of the face,
excessive dimensions of the jaw and cheekbones, eye defects and peculiarities, ears of unusual size,
nose twisted, upturned or flattened in thieves, or aquiline or beaklike in murderers, fleshy lips, swollen
and protruding, and pouches in the cheek like those of animal’s toes
- Lombroso’s work supported the idea that the criminal was a biologically and physically inferior
b. insane criminals – those who became criminals because of some brain defect which
affected their ability to understand and differentiate what is right from what is wrong.
Enricco Ferri
- he focused his study on the influences of psychological factors and sociological factors
such as economics, on crimes.
- He believed that criminals could not be held morally responsible because they did not choose
to commit crimes, but rather were driven to commit crimes by conditions in their lives.
Raffaelle Garofallo
- He treated the roots of the criminals’ behavior not to physical features but to their psychology
equivalent, which he referred to as moral anomalies.
- He rejected the doctrine of freewill.
- Classified criminals as Murderers, Violent Criminals, Deficient Criminals, and Lascivious
- this refers to the set of theories that point to physical, physiological and other natural
factors as the causes for the commission of crimes of certain individuals.
- This explanation for the existence of criminal traits associates an individual’s evil
disposition to physical disfigurement or impairment.
a. Physiognomy – the study of facial features and their relation to human behavior.
The classic studies of the Juke and Kallikak families were among the first to show that
feeblemindedness or low-intelligence can be inherited and transferred from one generation to the
next. Numerous test were also conducted that lead to the development of the use of IQ tests as a
testing procedure for offenders. The very first results seemed to confirm that offenders had low
mental abilities and they were found to be mentally impaired.
- the test measured the capacity of individual children to perform tasks or solve problems in
relation to the average capacity of their peers.
- refers to the theories that attribute criminal behavior of individuals to psychological
factors, such as emotion and mental problems.
a. Sigmund Freud
1. ID – this stands for instinctual drives; it is governed by the “pleasure principle”; the
id impulses are not social and must be repressed or adapted so that they may
become socially acceptable
- sociological factors refer to things, places and people with whom we come in contact with
and which play a part in determining our actions and conduct. These causes may bring
about the development of criminal behavior.
a. Emile Durkheim
- he stated that crime is a normal part of the society just like birth and death.
- environmental factors such as the kind of rearing or family upbringing, quality of teaching
in school, influences of peers and friends, conditions of the neighborhood, and economic
and other societal factors are believed to be contributory to crime and criminal behavior.
b. Strain Theory
- strain refers the individual’s frustration, anger and resentment.
- holds that crime is a function of the conflict between the goals people have and the
means they can use to legally obtain them. This also argues that the ability to obtain
these goals is class dependent; members of the lower class are unable to achieve
these goals which come easily to those belonging to the upper class. Consequently,
they feel anger, frustration and resentment, referred to as STRAIN.
c. Neutralization Theory
a. Containment Theory
- proposed by Walter Reckless
- he stated that inner and outer containments help prevent juvenile offending.
- containment means the forces within and outside the individual that has the
power to influence his actions.
- inner containments include positive self-concept, tolerance for frustration and an
ability to set realistic goals.
- outer containments include family.
CRIME – refers to an act committed or omitted in violation of public law (Phil. Law Dictionary).
- It also refers to an act committed or omitted in violation of a public law forbidding or
commanding it (Reyes 2006).
4. According to plurality:
5. According to gravity:
a. Grave felonies - are those to which the law attaches the capital punishment or penalties
which in any of their period are afflictive.
b. Less grave felonies - are those which the law punishes with penalties which in their
maximum period are correctional.
c. Light felonies - are infraction of laws for the commission of which the penalty of arresto
menor or a fine not exceeding 200 pesos or both is provided.
a. Crimes mala in se – are acts that are inherently evil. Examples are murder, robbery, etc.
b. Crimes mala prohibita – are acts which are prohibited only because there are laws
forbidding such acts. Examples are Illegal Possession of firearms, Traffic Violations, etc.
a. Seasonal crimes – are crimes that happen only during a particular season or period of
the year. Examples are violation of election law, tax law violations, etc.
b. Situational crimes – are crimes committed when the situation is conducive to the
commission of the crime and there is an opportunity to commit it. Examples are
pickpocketing, theft, etc.
a. Instant crimes – are those crimes that can be committed in a very short time. Example:
b. Episoidal crimes – are crimes committed through series of acts or episodes and in much
longer time. Example: serious illegal detention
a. Static crimes – are committed only in one place. examples are theft and robbery
b. Continuing crimes – are crimes that take place in more than one place or several
places. examples: abduction, kidnapping, etc.
a. Rational crimes – when the offender is capable of knowing what he is doing and
understanding the consequences of his actions.
b. Irrational Crimes – when the offender suffers from any form of mental disorders,
insanity or abnormality. Thus, the offender doesn’t know what he is doing.
a. White Collar Crimes – crimes committed by those persons belonging to the upper
socio-economic status or in the course of his occupational activities.
b. Blue Collar Crimes – are those crimes committed by ordinary criminals as a means of
- in the legal sense, a criminal is any person who has been found to have committed a
wrongful act in the course of the standard judicial process; there must be a final verdict of
his guilt
- in the criminological sense, a person is already considered a criminal the moment he
committed a crime
4. According to etiology
a. Professional criminal – a criminal who earns his living through criminal activities.
b. Situational criminal – a person who got involved in criminal act because the situation
presented itself.
c. Habitual criminal – one who repeatedly commits criminal act for different reasons.
d. Accidental criminal – a person who accidentally violated the law due to some
- Hammurabi, the king of Babylon during the eighteenth century BC, is recognized as the first
codifier of laws
- it provides the first comprehensive view of the laws in the early days
- the Code was carved in stone
- the “law of talion”, or the principle of “tit for tat”,(an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth) appears
throughout the Code
- under the principle of the law of talion, the punishment should be the same as the harm
inflicted on the victim
- the Hittites existed about two centuries after Hammurabi and eventually conquered Babylon
- Roman law began with the Twelve Tables which were written in the middle of the sixth
century BC
- the Twelve Tables were the foundation of all laws in Rome and written in tablets of
- the Twelve Tables were drafted by the Decemvirs, a body of men composed of
– is that branch of public law which defines crimes treats of their nature and provides for their
– book that contains the Philippine Criminal Law and different special laws and decrees which
are penal in nature. It is called as RPC because the old penal code which took effect in the country
on July 14, 1887 and was in force until Dec. 31, 1931 was revised by the Committee created by
Administrative Order No. 94 of the Department of Justice, dated Oct. 18, 1927, composed of Anacleto
Diaz as Chairman, Alex Reyes and Mariano de Joya as members.The RPC was approved on Dec. 8,
1930 and took effect on January 1, 1932.
It is composed of two books; book one which is composed of Articles 1-113 and book two
covering Articles 114-367.
1. Generality – the law is applicable to all persons within the territory irrespective of
sex, race, nationality or civil status except:
a. Head of state
The Revised Penal Code shall be applicable to all cases committed outside the Philippine
territorial jurisdiction under the following circumstances:
3. Prospectivity - the provisions of the RPC cannot be applied if the act is not yet
punishable on the time the felony was committed. However, it may have a retroactive
effect if it is favorable to the accused who is not a habitual delinquent.
5. It is uniform in application.
An act described as a crime is a crime no matter who committed it, wherever
committed in the Philippines and whenever committed. No exceptions must be made as to
the criminal liability. The definition of crimes together with the corresponding punishment
must be uniformly construed, although there may be a difference in the enforcement of a
given specific provision of the penal law.
Index crimes are crimes which are sufficiently significant and which occur with sufficient regularity to
be meaningful, such as murder, homicide, physical injury, robbery, theft and rape.
Non-index crimes are crimes that are not classified as index crimes. Violations of special laws and
other crimes against moral and order. These crimes are generated from the result of positive police
initiated operations.
1. Crime Solution Efficiency (CSE) – percentage of solved cases out of the total number of
reported crime incidents handled by the police for a given period of time. It is a general
measure of law enforcement agency’s investigative capability or efficiency.
CSE = {¿ TotalNo.Noof. ofSolved
¿ Reported Cases }
Cases X 100
2. Crime Rate – the number of incidents in a given period of time for every 100, 000 inhabitants
of an area/place.
{ }
Crime Volume
CR = ¿¿ X 100 ,000
3. Average Monthly Crime Rate (AMCR) – the average number of crime incidents occurred
per month for every 100, 000 inhabitants in a certain area.
{ }
Crime Volume
AMCR = ¿¿ X 100 ,000 ÷ no . of months
4. Variance (or % change) – one way of analyzing crime trends. It measures the percentage
change over a given period of time.
{ }
Current data− previous data
= ¿¿ X 100
previou s data
5. Crime Analysis
= {Crime
¿ Crime Volume Nationwide }
volume of a certain area X 100
{Total number }
of occurences of a type of crime X 100
¿ Crime Volume Nationwide
II. Criminal Justice System
Criminal Law is that branch of public, which defines crimes, treats of their nature, and
provides for their punishment.
- refers to a statute that provides procedures appropriate for the enforcement of the
Substantive Criminal Law.
This means that those who are accused of crimes are considered innocent until proven guilty.
The accused is entitled to all the rights of the citizens until the accused’s guilt has been determined by
the court of law or by the accused’s acknowledgment of his guilt that he or she indeed committed the
crime. No less than the Constitution of the Philippines provides that an accused shall be presumed
innocent until proven guilty.
In criminal cases means that the government must prove beyond “reasonable doubt” that the
suspect committed the crime. In order to make sure that only those who are guilty of the crime as
punished, our Rules on Evidence provides that the evidence, in order to be sufficient to convict an
accused for a criminal act, proof beyond reasonable doubt is necessary. Unless his guilt is shown
beyond reasonable doubt, he is entitled to an acquittal.
The three components of the Criminal Justice System in the United States:
1. Law Enforcement
2. Courts
3. Corrections
2. Inquisitorial Approach
- assumes guilt
- the accused has the burden of proof
- the emphasis is on the conviction of the accused
- takes care of evaluating the evidence and formally charges the suspects before the court. It
serves as screening process on whether to file a case base on evidence or dismiss the same and
determines what particular crime shall be formally filed and presents the burden of proof against the
- conducts arraignment and trial. It issues warrant of arrest if the accused is at large and
acquits the innocent and adjudicate penalty for the accused if found guilty.
- responsible for the incarceration and rehabilitation of the convicted person to prepare for
eventual reintegration in the community.
- helps the penitent offender to become law-abiding citizen by accepting the ex-convict’s re-
entry and assists said penitent offender lead a new life as a responsible member of the society
- not under or independent among the branches of the government.
1. RA 6975 - the “Department of the Interior and Local Government Act of 1990”
-approved on Dec 13, 1990
3. RA 9708 - “An Act extending for 5 years the reglementary period for complying the
minimum educational qualification for appointment to the PNP and adjusting the promotion
system thereof”.
- Approved on August 12, 2009
- means that that the PNP is not a part of the military, although it retains some military
attributes such as discipline.
II. CRIME PREVENTION - the elimination of the opportunity for the commission of a crime.
Arrest is the taking of a person into custody in order that he may be bound to answer for the
commission of an offense.
Modes of Arrest
1. arrest by virtue of a warrant
2. arrest without a warrant
An arrest may be made on any day and at any time of the day or night, even on a Sunday.
- an order in writing issued in the name of the People of the Philippines, signed by a judge and
directed to a peace officer, commanding him to take a person into custody in order that he
may be bound to answer for the commission of an offense
- shall remain valid until the person to be arrested has been arrested or has surrendered
Arrest without warrant; when lawful. – A peace officer or a private person may, without a
warrant, arrest a person:
a. When, in his presence, the person to be arrested has committed, is actually committing, or
is attempting to commit an offense;
b. When an offense has just been committed and he has probable cause to believe based on
personal knowledge of facts or circumstances that the person to be arrested has
committed it; and
c. When the person to be arrested is a prisoner who has escaped from a penal establishment
or place where he is serving final judgment or is temporarily confined while his case is
pending, or has escaped while being transferred from one confinement to another.
- an order in writing issued in the name of the People of the Philippine, signed by a judge and
directed to a peace officer, commanding him to search for personal property described
therein, and bring it before the court
- has a validity period of TEN (10) days
- can be served only once within its validity period
VII. CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION - is an art, which deals with identity and location of the
offender and provides evidence of his guilt in criminal proceedings.
The prosecutor is the officer of the government whose function is the prosecution of criminal
actions partaking the nature of criminal actions. He is also referred to as public prosecutor and
Preliminary investigation is an inquiry or proceeding to determine whether there is sufficient
ground to engender a well-founded belief that a crime has been committed and the respondent is
probably guilty thereof and should be held for trial (Sec. 112, Criminal Procedure, Rules of Court).
It is required to be conducted before the filing of the information for an offense where
the penalty prescribed by law is at least 4 yrs, 2 mos. and 1 day.
The purpose of conducting preliminary investigation is to establish probable cause.
Probable cause refers to the existence of such facts and circumstances as would excite a
belief in a reasonable mind, acting on the facts within the knowledge of the prosecutor, that the
person charged is guilty of the crime for which he is prosecuted. It is the degree of evidence required
in preliminary investigation.
- is a sworn written statement charging a person with an, offense, subscribed by the
offended party, any peace officer or other public officer charged ,with the enforcement of
the law violated.
- an accusation in writing charging a person with an offense, subscribed by the prosecutor
and filed with the court.
Inquest procedure is an inquiry made by the duty prosecutor to determine the legality of the
arrest made especially those arrests made without a warrant. Each police station or headquarters
should in principle also have designated inquest prosecutors to process inquest procedures with a
schedule of assignments for their regular inquest duties
This process requires the prosecutors to resolve the complaint the police filed in a prescribed
period which varies depending on the gravity of the offense:
Bail is defined as the security given for the release of the person in the custody of the law,
furnished by him or the bondsman, to guarantee his appearance before any court as required under
the conditions as specified.
The purpose of bail is to secure the appearance of the accused before the court when so
required and to provide the accused of his temporary liberty while awaiting the processing and
disposition of the case filed against him
1. Property bond;
2. Corporate Surety;
3. Cash Deposit;
4. Recognizance.
- is the power to apply the laws to contests or disputes concerning legally recognized rights or
duties of and between the state and the private persons or between individual litigants in cases
properly brought before the judicial tribunals. It is vested in one Supreme Court and in such lower
courts as may be established by law.
NOTE: All courts have judicial power but only the Supreme Court has the power of judicial
It is the authority of the court to hear and try a particular offense and to impose the
punishment provided by law.
Refers to the place, location or site where the case is to be heard on its merits.
1. The offense is one which the court is by law authorized to take cognizance of
2. The offense must have been committed within its territorial jurisdiction
3. The person charged with the offense must have been brought to its presence for trial,
forcibly, by warrant of arrest or upon his voluntary submission to the court.
1. General – when the court is empowered to decide all disputes which may come before it
except those assigned in other courts.
2. Limited – when the court has the authority to hear and determine only a few specified
3. Original - when the court can try and hear a case presented for the first time
4. Appellate – when the court can try a case already heard and decided by a lower court,
removed from the latter by appeal
5. Exclusive – when the court can try and decide a case which cannot be presented before
any other court
6. Concurrent – when any of two or more courts may take cognizance of a case.
- created under Presidential Decree No 1606.
- Its rank or level is equal to that of the Court of Appeals and Court of Tax Appeals.
- It is composed of a Presiding Justice and fourteen (14) Associate Justices.
- This special court is tasked to handle criminal cases involving graft and corruption and other
offenses committed by high- ranking public officers and employees in connection with the
performance of their functions.
- It has original exclusive jurisdiction over public officers accused of committing crimes in
relation to their official functions and whose salary grade is 27 and above.
- created pursuant to Presidential Decree 1083, otherwise known as the Code of Muslim
Personal Laws of the Philippines.
- It has exclusive jurisdiction over cases that pertain to family rights and duties as well as
contractual relations of Filipino Muslims. And decisions rendered by the Shari’a District Courts
are final.
Plea is the response of the accused when asked whether he is guilty or not guilty of the offense
charged. It is of two kinds:
1. guilty plea, which must be unconditional; and
2. not guilty.
- the process whereby the accused, the offended party and the prosecution work out a mutually
satisfactory disposition of the case subject to court approval
Judgment of Conviction - if the judge finds the accused guilty of the charges against him.
Judgment of Acquittal - if the judge finds the accused not guilty of the charges against him.
Corrections is the fourth component of the criminal justice system. It is the branch of
administration of criminal justice charged with the responsibility for the custody, supervision and
rehabilitation of convicted offenders. It also deals with punishment, treatment and incarceration of
It is composed of the institutional and non-institutional agencies of the government.
- a branch of criminology which deals with the treatment, management and administration of
- imprisonment is supposed to discourage convicted offenders from committing crimes again
because of their experience in the prison or jail
-at the same time, imprisonment is supposed to discourage
- convicted offenders are separated from society to prevent them from committing another
- at the same time, imprisonment protects law-abiding citizens from the harm criminals may
inflict on them
- this involves the use of punitive and disciplinary measures such as solitary confinement to
modify or reform criminal behavior whose conduct and deportment is not totally responding to
rehabilitation programs
- based on the premise that through correctional intervention, such as educational and
vocational training and psychotherapeutic programs, an offender may be changed
- the effort of correction to change criminal behavior should result in a situation and ability on
the part of the penitent offender to return to society in some productive and meaningful capacity in a
free community.
- the suffering that is inflicted by the State for the transgression of the law
- it is the redress that the state takes against the offender member of society
Correctional Institutions enter into the picture, as a rule, when the conviction of the accused
has become final and executory. That is, when the judicial process has been completed and the court
issues MITTIMUS for the enforcement of its decision.
Although, Correctional Institutions, Jails in particular, may receive an accused for custody or
detention only, in which case the court issues a COMMITMENT ORDER.
- is a warrant issued by a court bearing its seal and the signature of the judge directing the jail
or prison authorities to receive the convicted offender for service of sentence.
- is a written order of a court or authority consigning a person to jail or prison for detention.
- created pursuant to Act No 1407, otherwise known as the Reorganization Act of 1905,
enacted on 1 November 1905, as an agency under the Department of Commerce and Police
- was renamed Bureau of Corrections (Bucor) pursuant to Executive Order No 292 dated 22
November 1989.
2. Provincial Jails – jails for the safekeeping of prisoners at the capital of each province. It shall be
under the supervision and control of the provincial governors.
3. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) – created by virtue of Republic Act 6975,
exercises supervision and control over all district, city and municipal jail nationwide. Formally
established on January 2, 1991.
DETENTION PRISONERS - those held for security reasons, investigation, those awaiting or
undergoing trial and awaiting judgment
SENTENCED PRISONERS - those convicted by final judgment and are serving their sentence
1. Detention Prisoners
a. Persons held for security reasons
b. Persons held for investigation
c. Persons waiting for final judgment
d. Persons waiting for trial
- derived from the Spanish words, “jaula” and “caula”
- under the supervision of the local government through either the Office of the Provincial
Governor or Bureau of Jail Management and Penology, both under the Department of Interior
and Local Government
- has custody over convicted offenders whose sentence is imprisonment of three years or
- has custody over offenders who are in detention while undergoing investigation, undergoing
trial and awaiting judgment
3. Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) – renders services for Children in
Conflict with the Law (CICL) (RA 9344, Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006, April 28, 2006).
- the collective term for absolute pardon, conditional pardon, reprieve and commutation of
- is a form of executive clemency granted by the President as a privilege extended to convicts
as a discretionary act of grace
- the temporary stay of the execution of a sentence, usually a death sentence
- another prerogative exercised by the President
- generally, applied to death sentences already affirmed by the Supreme Court
- an act of clemency by which a heavier or longer sentence is reduced to a lighter or shorter
- refers to the reduction of the duration of a prison sentence
- another prerogative of the President
- a special form of pardon exercised by the President
- a general pardon extended to a certain class of people who are usually political offenders
- needs the concurrence or approval of Congress
- a procedure by which prisoners are selected for release on the basis of individual response
and progress within the correctional institution and a service by which they are provided with
necessary control and guidance as they serve the remainder of their sentence within the
- provided by Act No 4103, the Indeterminate Sentence Law, which took effect on 5 December
Is a disposition under which a defendant after conviction and sentence, is released subject to
conditions imposed by the court and under the supervision of a probation officer. It is a privilege
granted by the court to a person convicted of a criminal offense to remain in the community instead of
actually going to prison.
- provided by Presidential Decree No 986, the Probation Law of 1976
Role of the Community as the fifth pillar of the Criminal Justice System
The community is understood to mean as “elements that are mobilized and energized to help
authorities in effectively addressing the law and order concern of the citizenry.”
As had been pointed out, crime prevention is not the sole responsibility of the police but is
equally the concern of every citizen in order to have a peaceful place to live in.
- It shall act as the conciliation panel. It is also referred to as the PANGKAT.
- It shall be composed of three (3) members chosen from the members of the Lupon. They
shall choose from among the three of them the Pangkat Chairman and Pangkat Secretary.
- The Pangkat shall be constituted whenever a dispute is brought before the Lupon.
- The members of the Pangkat shall be chosen by the parties of the dispute from among the
Lupon members. In case of disagreement, the Barangay Chairman shall draw lots.
COMPLAINANT – the person who filed the complaint against the respondent
RESPONDENT – the person who is being complained of
CAUSE OF ACTION – an act or omission of one party in violation of the legal rights of another for
which the latter suffers damage which affords a party to a right to judicial intervention
MEDIATION OR CONCILIATION – the process whereby disputants are persuaded by the Punong
Barangay or Pangkat to amicably settle their disputes
What shall the Pangkat do after its constitution?
- The Pangkat shall meet not later than three (3) days after their constitution, on the date set by
the Chairman, to hear both parties.
- Within how may days should the Pangkat settle the dispute?
- The Pangkat shall arrive at a settlement of the dispute within fifteen (15) days from its
meeting. This period may be extended for another fifteen (15) days, at the discretion of the
- The Pangkat shall meet not later than three (3) days after their constitution, on the date set by
the Chairman, to hear both parties.
- The Pangkat shall arrive at a settlement of the dispute within fifteen (15) days from its
meeting. This period may be extended for another fifteen (15) days, at the discretion of the
- All amicable settlement shall be in writing
Why should parties resort to amicable settlement before going to the police?
What is a theory? Why is it important to understand the various theories of criminal behavior?
⮚ Crime is caused by the individuals free will.
⮚ Human beings are rational and make decisions freely and with understanding of consequences of
the act.
⮚Crime is an immoral form of human behaviour, such behaviour weakens society.
⮚Punishment is a necessary evil sometimes intended to deter criminals and serve as an example
to those who would violate the law.
⮚Crime prevention is possible through swift and certain punishment that counters possible gains
from criminal behaviour.
⮚More prisons and stiffer criminal laws with greater penalties for offenders are the best solutions to
⮚A school of thought based upon utilitarian notions of free will and the greatest good for the greatest
⮚The decision to commit a crime is a rational decision, and is best countered through a deterrence-
based system.
2. Jeremy Bentham
⮚ Opposed and condemn to death penalty. Founder of modern utilitarianism.
⮚ Bentham described “utility” as the sum of all pleasure that results from an action.
Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that states that the best action is the one that
maximizes utility in various ways.
⮚ He advocate economic freedom, separation of church and state, freedom of
expression, equal rights for women and divorce.
⮚ A modification of classical theory in which it was conceded that certain factors, such as insanity,
might inhibit the exercise of free will.
⮚ Considered the FATHER OF MODERN CRIMINOLOGY due to his application of modern
scientific methods to trace criminal behavior, however, most of his ideas are now discredited.
⮚ He studied “Characterology” or the relation between mental and physical characteristic of
⮚ He claimed that criminals are distinguishable from non-criminals due to atavistic
stigmata (Atavistic anomalies) the physical features of creatures at an earlier stage of
⮚ According to his theory, criminals are usually in possession of huge jaws and strong canine
teeth, the arm span of criminals is often greater than their height, just like that of apes who
use their forearms to push themselves along the ground.
2. ENRICO FERRI – He worked on the social and economic factors to crimes.
⮚ He advocates crime prevention method rather than punishment.
⮚ He formulates the concept of “social defense” as justification of punishment.
⮚ Focus on behavioral modeling and sociallearning which were advocated much to the work of
Gabriel Tarde.
⮚ Gabriel Tarde believed on the three distinctive, yet interrelated process which characterized human
⮚ These process includes invention, imitation and opposition.
⮚ Tarde advocates the three laws of imitation which includes the following:
a. The laws of close contact
b. The law of imitation of superiors by inferiors.
c. The law of insertion
⮚ Gabriel Tarde believed that the laws of immitation explains why people commit crime. His work is
known the theory of imitation and suggestion.
⮚ This focuses on how individuals perception of the world influences his/her behavior.
⮚ It explains criminal behavior as a defect in moral thinking, thought process and mental
⮚ This also help us understand how personality and intelligence is linked to criminal behavior.
⮚ Related to the cognitive theory is the work of Charles Goring entitled “The English convict”
⮚ He discovered a relationship between crime and flawed intelligence.
⮚ He opposed Lombroso’s findings however he did find that criminals are more likely to be insane,
unintelligent and exhibit poor social behaviour as well as inferiorphysical make up.
Known Personality
1. Giambattista della Porta – Concluded that appearance and character were
related, if one resembles a donkey, such person is lazy and stupid.
2. Johann Kaspar Lavater – Concluded that one could determine criminal behaviour
through an examination of eyes, ears, nose, chin and facial shape.
3. Franz Joseph Gall – he pioneered cranioscopy or the external study of the skull in
relation to behaviour. Phrenology The study of the conformation of the skull based on
the belief that it is indicative of mental faculties and character.
4. Cesare Lombroso – assume that some people are ‘born criminals’, who are
physiologically distinct from non-criminals.
5. Richard Dugdale – made a study on the jukes family and believed on the
hereditary traits of criminal behaviour.
6. Henry H. Goddard –made a study on the Kalikak family (legitimate and illegitimate
descendants) and believed on the hereditary traits of criminal behaviour.
7. Francis Galton develop the concept of eugenics or the encouragement of “able”
couples to reproduce and for those who are not to stop reproducing as a solution to
poverty, disease, genetic deformities and crime.
8. Ernest Kretchmer
9. William Sheldon
⮚ Formulated his own group of somatotype:
⮚Studied KALLIKAK FAMILY (legitimate and illegitimate descendants) and believed on the
hereditary traits of criminal behavior
Temperamental Theory
A theory suggesting four fundamental personality type related to body fluids or secretions.
1. Sanguine – (blood) seated in the liver and associated with courage and love.
2. Choleric – (yellow bile) seated in the gall bladder and associated with anger and bad
3. Melancholic – (black bile) seated in the spleen and associated depression, sadness and
4. Phlegm – seated in the brain and lungs and associated with calmness and lack of
Charles Darwin – advocator of the theory.
⮚ He claimed that humans, like other animals, are parasite.
⮚ Human is an organism having an animalistic behaviour and is dependent on other animals
for survival. Thus man steals to live.
Social Disorganization
⮚ Is the condition in which the usual controls over delinquents are largely absent, delinquent
behavior is often approved by parents and neighbours, there are many opportunities for
delinquent behavior, and there is little encouragement, training, or opportunity for legitimate
⮚ It is a theory based on the assumption that social conditions such as poverty,
unemployment, poor schools, and substandard housing are significant factors contributing to
delinquency and crime.
Contemporary theories of crime, place and space include:
❖ Defensible space theory, which examines how the design of physical space is
related to crime;
❖ Broken windows theory, which looks the relationship between low level disorder
and crime; and
❖ Routine activities theory, which considers how opportunities to commit crime are
shaped by between people’s everyday movements through space and time.
X. Feminist Criminology
⮚ Gender inequality lies at the heart of crime in which women are the victims
or the perpetrators.
⮚ Messerschmidt argues that some men express their masculinity through
the commission of crime. Elizabeth Stanko have paid particular attention to
male violence against women.
⮚ Hegemonic masculinity: the set of ideas, values, representations and
practices associated with ‘being male’ as the dominant position in gender
⮚ The principal goal of most feminist theory is to abolish patriarchy by
ensuring women equal opportunity and equal rights.
⮚ The essence of patriarchy is men’s control over women’s labor and
- a group of persons working together for a common goal or objectives.
- a form of human association for the attainment of a goal or objective.
A group of trained personnel in the field of public safety administration engaged in the achievement of
goals and objectives that promotes the maintenance of peace and order, protection of life and
property, enforcement of the laws and the prevention of crimes.
❑ the systematic arrangement of the relationship of the members, positions, departments and
functions or work of the organization.
❑ an illustration in the form of a chart which represents the organizational structure.
1. ACT 175 – entitled “An Act Providing for the Organization and Government of an Insular
Constabulary”, established on August 8, 1901.
CAPT. HENRY ALLEN – the first chief of the Philippine Constabulary in 1901
2. ACT 183 – enacted on July 13, 1901, created the Manila Police Department.
❑ the first chief of police of the Manila Police Department in 1901.
3. R.A. 4864 – otherwise known as the Police Act of 1966, enacted on August 8, 1966; created the
Police Commission (POLCOM) as a supervisory agency to oversee the training and
professionalization of the local police forces under the Office of the President; later POLCOM was
renamed into National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM)
5. R.A. 6975 – otherwise known as the Department of the Interior and Local Government Act of
1990, enacted on December 13, 1990; reorganized the DILG and established the Philippine National
Police, Bureau of Fire Protection, Bureau of Jail Management and Penology and the Philippine Public
Safety College.
6. R.A. 8551 – otherwise known as the Philippine National Police Reform and Reorganization Act
of 1998, enacted on February 25, 1998; this law amended certain provisions of RA 6975.
7. RA 9708 - law amending the provisions of RA 6975 and RA 8551 on the minimum educational
qualification for appointment to the PNP and adjusting the promotion system; approved on 12 August
-the Department proper
-existing bureaus and offices of the DLG
-the National Police Commission
-the Philippine Public Safety College (PPSC)
-Philippine National Police (PNP)
-Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP)
-Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP)
-the PPSC, PNP, BFP and BJMP were created under RA 6975.
-headed by the Secretary to be appointed by the President and who shall serve at the pleasure of
the President.
-the Secretary shall be assisted by two (2) Undersecretaries and three (3) Assistant Secretaries .
-Undersecretary for Local Government.
-Undersecretary for Peace and Order.
-No retired or resigned military officer or police official may be appointed as Secretary within one (1)
year from date of retirement or resignation.
-the Secretary is also the ex officio chairman of the National Police Commission.
-consist of a Chairperson, four (4) regular Commissioners and the Chief of PNP as ex officio
-shall serve a term of office of six (6) years without reappointment or extension.
-three of the regular commissioners shall come from civilian sector who are neither active nor former
members of the police or military.
-the fourth regular commissioner shall come from the law enforcement sector either active or retired.
Provided, that an active member of a law enforcement agency shall be considered resigned once
-at least one (1) of the four regular commissioners shall be a woman.
-from among the three regular commissioners from the civilian sector, the Vice Chairperson shall be
-the Vice Chairperson shall act as the Executive Officer of the Commission.
- means that the PNP is a nationwide government organization whose jurisdiction covers the entire
breadth of the Philippine archipelago.
- all uniformed and non-uniformed personnel of the PNP are national government employees.
- means that that the PNP is not a part of the military, although it retains some military attributes such
as discipline.
Directorial Staff
1. Directorate for Personnel and Records Management;
2. Directorate for Intelligence;
3. Directorate for Operations;
4. Directorate for Logistics;
5. Directorate for Integrated Police Operations
6. Directorate for Plans
7. Directorate for Comptrollership
8. Directorate for Police Community Relations
9. Directorate for Investigation and Detective Management
10. Directorate for Research and Development
11. Directorate for Information and Communication Technology Management.
12. Directorate for Human Resourse and Doctrine Dev’t
NCRPO is divided into five (5) districts, each headed by a District Director:
1. Manila Police District (MPD) (formerly Western Police District)- Manila
2. Eastern Police District (EPD) – Marikina, Pasig, San Juan and Mandaluyong,
3. Northern Police District (NPD) – Caloocan, Malabon, Navotas, Valenzuela
4. Central Police District (CPD) – Quezon City
5. Southern Police District (SPD) – Pasay, Makati, Paranaque, Las Pinas, Muntinlupa, Taguig and
PERMANENT – when an applicant possesses the upgraded general qualifications for
appointment in the PNP.
TEMPORARY – Any PNP personnel who is admitted due to the waiver of the educational or weight
Any members who will fail to satisfy any of the waived requirements with the specified time
periods shall be dismissed from the service.
Pursuant to NAPOLCOM Memorandum Circular No. 2007-009, a newly recruited PO1 shall
be appointed in temporary status in twelve (12) months pending compliance with the Field Training
Program (FTP) involving actual experience and assignment in patrol, traffic and investigation.
I. Regular Promotion - promotion granted to police officers meeting the mandatory requirements for
II. Special Promotion – promotion granted to police officers who have exhibited acts of conspicuous
courage and gallantry at the risk of his/her life above and beyond the call of duty.
Conspicuous courage is a courage that is clearly distinguished above others in the performance of
one’s duty.
Posthumous Award – in case an individual who distinguish himself dies before the granting of the
a) Attrition by attainment of Maximum Tenure in Position.
Maximum Tenure in Position refers to the maximum cumulative period for a PNP member
to hold a particular position level.
Position Maximum Tenure
Chief Four (4) years
Deputy Chief Four (4) years
Director of the Staff Services Four (4) years
Regional Directors Six (6) years
Provincial/City Directors Nine (9) years
b) Attrition by Relief – A PNP uniformed personnel who has been relieved for just cause and has not
been given an assignment within two (2) years after such relief shall be retired or separated.
c) Attrition by demotion in position or rank – Any PNP personnel, civilian or uniformed, who are
relieved and assigned to a position lower than what is established for his or her grade in the PNP
staffing pattern and who shall not be assigned to a position commensurate to his or her grade within
EIGHTEEN (18) MONTHS after such demotion shall be retired or separated.
d) Attrition by non-promotion – Any PNP personnel who has not been promoted for a continuous
period of TEN (10) YEARS shall be retired or separated
e) Attrition by other means - Any PNP member of officer with at least five (5) years of
accumulated active service shall be separated based on any of the following:
1. inefficiency based on poor performance during the last two (2) successive annual rating
Poor performance refers to the poor rating in the promulgated PNP Performance Evaluation Rating
2. Inefficiency based on poor performance for three (3) cumulative annual rating periods;
3. Physical and/or mental incapacity to perform police functions and duties.
4. Failure to pass the required entrance examinations twice and/or finish the required career
course except for justifiable reasons;
5. refusal to take periodic PNP Physical Fitness Test without justifiable reason.
Physical Fitness Test refers to the method of evaluating the physical condition of PNP members in
terms of stamina, strength, speed and agility.
6. failure to take PNP Physical Fitness Test for four (4) consecutive periodic tests due to
health reasons;
7. failure to pass PNP Physical Fitness Test for Two (2) consecutive periodic tests or four (4)
cumulative periodic tests; or
8. non-compliance with the minimum qualification standards for the permanency or original
- the separation of the police personnel from the service by reason of reaching the age of
retirement provided by law, or upon completion of certain number of years in active service. A PNP
uniformed personnel shall retire to the next higher rank for purposes of retirement pay.
a) Compulsory– for officer and non-officer, upon the attainment of age Fifty-Six (56). Provided, in
case of any officer with the rank of CSUPT, Director or Deputy Director General, the Commission may
allow his retention in the service for an unextendible of one (1) year.
b)Optional – upon accumulation of at least Twenty (20) years of satisfactory active service.
Monthly retirement pay shall be FIFTY PERCENT (50%) of the base pay in case of twenty years
of active service, increasing by TWO AND ONE-HALF PERCENT (2.5%) for every year of active
service rendered beyond twenty years.
Deployment - shall mean the orderly and organized physical movement of elements or units of the
PNP within the province, city or municipality for purposes of employment
1)CHIEF OF POLICE - where the offense is punishable by withholding of privileges, restriction to
specified limits, suspension or forfeiture of salary, or any combination thereof, for a period not
exceeding fifteen (15) days
2) CITY/MUNICIPAL MAYORS - where the offense is punishable by withholding of privileges,
restriction to specified limits, suspension or forfeiture of salary, or any combination thereof, for a
period not less than Sixteen but not exceeding Thirty (30) Days.
3) PEOPLE’S LAW ENFORCEMENT BOARD (PLEB) -where the offense is punishable by
withholding of privileges, restriction to specified limits, suspension or forfeiture of salary, or any
combination thereof, for a period exceeding Thirty (30) Days, or by Dismissal.
INTERNAL DISCIPLINE – On dealing with minor offense involving internal discipline found to have
committed by any PNP members, the duly designated supervisors shall, after due notice and
hearings, exercise disciplinary powers as follows:
1)CHIEF OF POLICE - may impose the administrative punishment of admonition or reprimand;
restriction to specified limits; withholding of privileges; forfeiture of salary or suspension; or any
combination of the foregoing for a period not exceeding Fifteen (15) Days.
2)PROVINCIAL DIRECTORS - may impose the administrative punishment of admonition or
reprimand; restriction to specified limits; withholding of privileges; forfeiture of salary or suspension; or
any combination of the foregoing for a period not exceeding Thirty (30) Days.
3)REGIONAL DIRECTORS - may impose the administrative punishment of admonition or reprimand;
restriction to specified limits; withholding of privileges; forfeiture of salary or suspension; demotion; or
any combination of the foregoing for a period not exceeding Sixty (60) Days.
4)CHIEF OF THE PNP - shall have the power to impose the disciplinary punishment of dismissal
from the service; suspension or forfeiture of salary; demotion; or any combination of the foregoing
for a period not exceeding One Hundred Eighty (180) Days.
MINOR OFFENSE - shall refer to an act or omission not involving moral turpitude but affecting the
internal discipline of the PNP, and shall include but not be limited to:
-simple misconduct or negligence
-frequent absences or tardiness
-habitual drunkenness
-gambling prohibited by law
-headed by the INSPECTOR GENERAL who is a CIVILIAN and appointed by the President upon the
recommendation of the Director General (Chief, PNP)
-the Inspector General shall be assisted by a Deputy Inspector General
-there shall be national, regional and provincial offices
-the national office shall be headed by the Inspector General, the regional offices by a Director, and
the provincial offices by a Superintendent
composed of five (5) members who shall be as follows:
-any member of the sangguniang panlungsod/bayan.
-any barangay chairman of the locality concerned.
-three other members to be chosen by the local peace and order council from among the
members of the community.
-for the three other members, the following conditions must be met:
-one must be a woman
-one must be a lawyer, or a college graduate, or the principal of an elementary school in the q
-the CHAIRMAN of the PLEB shall be elected from among its members
-the term of office of the members of the PLEB is THREE (3) YEARS
1. Withholding of privileges
2. Restriction to specified limits
3. Restrictive custody
4. Forfeiture of salary
5. Suspension
6. Any combination of the penalties above (1 to 5)
7. One (1) rank demotion
8. Dismissal from the service
- the determination in advance of how the objectives of the organization will be attained; involves the
determination of a course of action to take in performing a particular function or activity
- a management function concerned with visualizing future situation, making estimates concerning
them, identifying issues, needs and potential danger points, analyzing and evaluating the alternative
ways and means of reaching desired goals according to a certain schedule, estimating the necessary
funds and resources to do the work and initiating action in time to prepare what may be needed to
cope with changing conditions and contingent events
-deal with procedures that have been outlined and officially adopted by all members of the unit under
specified circumstances
-guidelines for actions to be taken.
-general plan of action that serves as a guide in the operation of the organization or unit
-codes of procedures
-those which require actions or assistance from persons or agencies outside of the department
-involve coordination with other agencies
-examples are: exchange of information on wanted persons, known drug syndicates, known
organized crime groups, stolen vehicles, etc
- refers to a body of civil authority, which is tasked to maintain peace and order, enforce the
law, protect lives and properties and ensure public safety.
- a public official with an extraordinary power to make an arrest and performing direct police
- a group of persons working together for a common goal or objectives
- a form of human association for the attainment of a goal or objective
- the process of identifying and grouping the work to be performed, defining and delegating
responsibility and authority, establishing relationships for the purpose of enabling people work
- a group of trained personnel in the field of public safety administration engaged in the
achievement of goals and objectives that promotes the maintenance of peace and order,
protection of life and property, enforcement of the laws and the prevention of crimes
- an organizational process concerned with the implementation of objectives and plans and
internal operating efficiency
- connotes bureaucratic structure and behavior, relatively routine decision-making and
maintenance of the internal order
- the determination in advance of how the objectives of the organization will be attained
- involves the determination and allocation of the men and women as well as the resource of an
organization to achieve pre-determined goals or objectives of the organization
- involves the overseeing and supervising of the human resources and the various activities in
an organization to achieve through cooperative efforts the pre-determined goals or objectives
of the organization
- involves the checking or evaluation and measurement of work performance and comparing it
with planned goals or objectives of the organization, and making the necessary corrective
actions so that work is accomplished as planned
- the task of providing competent men to do the job and choosing the right men for the right job
- involves good selection and processing of reliable and well-trained personnel
- the making of detailed account of activities, work progress, investigations and unusual in
order to keep every one informed or what is going on
- the forecasting in detail of the results of an officially recognized program of operations based
on the highest reasonable expectations of operating efficiency
- dictates that there should only be ONE MAN commanding the unit to ensure uniformity in the
execution of orders
- the maximum number of subordinates that a superior can effectively supervise
- conferring of certain specified authority by a superior to a subordinate
- the relationship between superiors and subordinates
- the assignment of particular personnel to particular tasks which are highly technical and
require special skills and training
- the arrangement of officers from top to bottom on the basis of rank or position and authority
- dictates that immediate commanders shall be responsible for the effective supervision and
control of their personnel and unit
Continental = is the theory of police service which maintains that police officers are
servants of higher authorities. This theory prevails in the continental countries like France, Italy
and Spain.
Home Rule = the theory of police service which states that police officers are servants of
the community or the people. This theory prevails in England and United States. It is also the
police service which prevails in country with decentralized form of government. This is likewise the
police service theory that should prevail in the Philippines based on the existing laws, concepts and
a. Old police service = states that the yardstick of police proficiency relies on the number of
arrest made.
b. Modern police service = states that the yardstick of police proficiency relies on the absence
of crime.
C. Trial by Ordeal
A judicial practice where in the guilt or innocence of the accused is determined by subjecting
him to an unpleasant, usually dangerous, experience. (In present terminologies, it would mean an
employment of a “3rd degree.”) The word “ordeal” was derived from the Medieval Latin word “Dei
Indicum” which means “a miraculous decision.”
This system of policing existed during the time of Norman William The Conqueror (King of
France). When he invaded and conquered England, a military regime of conquers and dictators began
and changed the concept of crime being committed against the state.
A. Shire-Rieve
Shire-Rieve was a policing system during the Norman Period when England was divided into
fifty-five (55) military areas, each headed by a ruler called the Rieve (head-man or lieutenant of the
army). The fifty-five (55) military divisions in England are called shires. The shire-rieve had absolute
powers that no one could questions his or her actions.
Two “Constabuli” or “The Keeper of the Horse” were appointed to each village to aid the
Rieve in his duties. It became the source of the word Constable.
The term “Shire-Rieve” is said to be the origin of the word “Sheriff.”
C. Legis Henrici
An act that was enacted during this period with the following features:
Offenses were classified as against the king and individual.
Policeman becomes public servant.
The police and the citizens have the broad power to arrest. It introduced the system called
“citizen’s arrest.”
Grand Jury was created to inquire on the facts of the law. A system which made inquisition
onto the facts of a crime and eliminate the “Anglo-Saxon Trial or “Trial by Ordeal System.”
D. Frankpledge System
A system of policing whereby a group of ten neighboring male residents over twelve years
of age were required to guard the town to preserve peace and protect the lives and properties of the
Statute of 1295
The law that marks the beginning of the curfew hours, which demanded the closing of the
gates of London during sundown.
A proclamation issued by King Richard of England sometime in 1195 that required the
appointment of knights to keep the King’s peace by standing as guards on bridges and gates
while checking the people entering and leaving the cities and towns.
Henry Fielding = appointed as Magistrate in 1748, introduced the first detective force, known as
the Bow Street Runners
Bow Runners = a group of men organized by Henry Fielding and named by his brother John Fielding
task to catch thieves and robbers
identified by carrying a Tipstaff with the Royal Crown
= made up of eight constables who also investigated crimes handed over to them by the
volunteer constables and watchmen
Sir Robert Peel = appointed as Home Secretary in 1822
= recognized as the father of modern policing system
METROPOLITAN POLICE = organized in 1829 by Sir Robert Peel (Metropolitan Police Act of
= the largest of the police services that operate in greater London (the others include the City
of London Police and the British Transport Police)
= finest police force around the world.
= the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police Service is the Scotland Yard, now known as
the New Scotland Yard
- recognized as the Father of Modern Law Enforcement for his contributions in the
development of the field of criminal justice in the US
- author of the book, Police Administration, which served as the basic guide in the
administration of the police organization in the US
- was the first police chief of Berkeley, California
Carabineros De Seguridad Publica = Organized in 1712 for the purpose of carrying the regulations
of the Department of State. This was armed and considered as the mounted police who later
discharged the duties of a port, harbor and river police. It was later given special commission by Royal
Decree of December 20, 1842 and it was called – Cuerco De Seguridad Publica ( Corps of
Crabbiness for Public Security).
Gurdia Civil = Created by Royal decree on February 12, 1852, to partially relieve the Spanish
peninsula troops of their works in policing towns. It is consisted of a body of Filipino policemen
organized originally in each of the provincial capital of the province of Luzon under the Alcalde
B. American Period
The Americans established the United States Philippine Commission headed by General
Howard Taft as its first governor-general. On January 9, 1901, the Metropolitan Police Force of
Manila was organized pursuant to Act No 70 of the Taft Commission. This has become the basis
for the celebration of the anniversary of the Manila’s Finest every January 9th.
1. ACT NO 175 – entitled “An Act Providing for the Organization and Government of an Insular
Constabulary”, enacted on July 18, 1901
2. ACT NO 183 - created the Manila Police Department, enacted on July 31, 1901
3. Act No 255 – the act that renamed the Insular Constabulary into Philippine Constabulary,
enacted on October 3, 1901
4. Executive Order 389 – ordered that the Philippine Constabulary be one of the four services of the
Armed Forces of the Philippines, enacted on December 23, 1940
C. Post-American Period
RA 4864 – otherwise known as the Police Professionalization Act of 1966, enacted on September 8,
1966; created the Police Commission (POLCOM) as a supervisory agency to oversee the training and
professionalization of the local police forces under the Office of the President; later POLCOM was
renamed into National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM)
PD 765 – otherwise known as the Integration Act of 1975, enacted on August 8, 1975; established
the Integrated National Police (INP) composed of the Philippine Constabulary (PC) as the
nucleus and the integrated local police forces as components, under the Ministry of National
- transferred the NAPOLCOM from the Office of the President to the Ministry of National
Executive Order No 1012 – transferred to the city and municipal government the operational
supervision and direction over all INP units assigned within their locality; issued on July 10, 1985
Executive Order No 1040 – transferred the administrative control and supervision of the INP from the
Ministry of National Defense to the National Police Commission
RA 6975 – otherwise known as the Department of the Interior and Local Government Act of 1990,
enacted on December 13, 1990; reorganized the DILG and established the Philippine National Police,
Bureau of Fire Protection, Bureau of Jail Management and Penology and the Philippine Public Safety
RA 8551 – otherwise known as the Philippine National Police Reform and Reorganization Act of
1998, enacted on February 25, 1998; this law amended certain provisions of RA 6975
RA 9708 - law amending the provisions of RA 6975 and RA 8551 on the minimum educational
qualification for appointment to the PNP and adjusting the promotion system; approved on 12 August
- consist of:
a) the Department proper
b) existing bureaus and offices of the DLG
c) local government units (LGU)
1) provincial governors
2) city and municipal mayors
d) the National Police Commission
e) the Philippine Public Safety College
f) Philippine National Police
g) Bureau of Fire Protection
h) Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
- the PPSC, PNP, BFP and BJMP were created under RA 6975
- headed by the Secretary to be appointed by the President and who shall serve at the
pleasure of the President
- the Secretary shall be assisted by two (2) Undersecretaries and three (3) Assistant
- Undersecretary for Local Government
- Undersecretary for Peace and Order
- No retired or resigned military officer or police official may be appointed as Secretary within
one (1) year from date of retirement or resignation
- the Secretary is also the ex officio chairman of the National Police Commission
- refer to the organizational chart of DILG
1. Assist the President in the exercise of general supervision over local governments;
2. Advise the President in the promulgation of policies, rules, regulations and other issuances on
the general supervision over local governments and on public order and safety;
3. Establish and prescribe rules, regulations and other issuances implementing laws on public
order and safety, the general supervision over local governments and the promotion of local
autonomy and community empowerment and monitor compliance thereof;
4. Provide assistance towards legislation regarding local governments, law enforcement and
public safety;
Establish and prescribe plans, policies, programs and projects to promote peace and order,
ensure public safety and further strengthen the administrative, technical and fiscal capabilities
of local government offices and personnel;
5. Formulate plans, policies and programs which will meet local emergencies arising from
natural and man-made disasters;
Establish a system of coordination and cooperation among the citizenry, local executives and
the Department, to ensure effective and efficient delivery of basic services to the public;
6. Organize, train and equip primarily for the performance of police functions, a police force that
is national in scope and civilian in character.
- consist of a Chairperson, four (4) regular Commissioners and the Chief of PNP as ex
officio member
- shall serve a term of office of six (6) years without reappointment or extension
- three of the four regular commissioners shall come from civilian sector and not former
members of the police or military
- the fourth regular commissioner shall come from the law enforcement sector either active
or retired
- at least one (1) of the four regular commissioners shall be a woman
- from among the three regular commissioners from the civilian sector, the Vice
Chairperson shall be chosen
- the Vice Chairperson shall act as the Executive Officer of the Commission
- refer to the organizational structure of the NAPOLCOM
- composed of:
a) Commission Proper
b) Staff Services
1) Planning and Research
2) Legal Affairs
3) Crime Prevention and Coordination
4) Personnel and Administrative Service
5) Inspection, Monitoring and Investigation
6) Installations and Logistics
7) Financial Service
c) Disciplinary Appellate Boards
1) National Appellate Board
shall decide cases on appeal from the decisions rendered by the Chief, PNP
- means that the PNP is a nationwide government organization whose jurisdiction covers
the entire breadth of the Philippine archipelago
- all uniformed and non-uniformed personnel of the PNP are national government
- means that that the PNP is not a part of the military, although it retains some military
attributes such as discipline
The head of the PNP Directorial Staff is The Chief Directorial Staff (TCDS) with the rank of Deputy
Director General. The PNP is composed of twelve (12) Directorates headed by a Police Director with a
position title of Director of the Directorial Staff.
The PNP is composed of various National Support Units (NSU’s): the Administrative Support
Units and the Operational Support Units. The head of each Administrative and Operational Support
Units has the rank of Chief Superintendent.
3. Finance Service (FS)- responsible for disbursement of all funds of the PNP and the
accounting of the same.
4. Health Service (HS) - responsible for providing medical and dental services to the PNP
personnel and their direct dependents and other authorized civilians. Operates and maintain
PNP hospitals nationwide.
6. Chaplain Service (CS) – provides spiritual and counseling services for the moral growth of
PNP personnel and their dependents. This unit also conducts worship and religious services,
provides pastoral care and ministration, religious and moral education, guidance and
counseling and values orientation.
7. Legal Service (LS) – serves as the PNP legal counsel as well as represents the PNP in all
criminal and civil actions before the courts in coordination with the Office of Solicitor General.
It also serves as adjudicative unit in the processing of claims for benefits of retires and
separated PNP personnel.
8. Headquarters Support Service (HSS) – provides support for the security, management of
traffic flows and maintenance of the national headquarters.
9. Engineering Service (ES) – formulates policies, plans and procedures in the management of
engineering services, land utilization and on-based/off-based housing activities.
10. Training Service (TS) – provides career and specialized training programs for PNP
personnel in order to upgrade their professional knowledge and skills necessary to cope with
the challenges in public safety and social defense.
11. Personnel and Retirement Benefits Service (PRBS) – this is a newly formed National
Administrative Support Unit (please refer to the organization chart).
1. Maritime Group - performs all police function over the Philippine territorial waters and rivers.
2. Intelligence Group –serves as the intelligence and counter-intelligence operating unit of the
3. Police Security and Protection Group –provides security for government official, visiting
dignitaries and private individual authorize to be given protection.
4. Criminal Investigation and Detection Group – this unit undertakes the monitoring,
investigation and prosecution of all crimes involving economic sabotage, and other crimes of
such magnitude and extent as to indicate their commission by highly placed or professional
criminal syndicate and organization.
It shall likewise investigate all major cases involving violations of the Revised Penal
Code and operate against organized crime groups, unless the president assigns the case
exclusive to the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI).
5. Special Action Force –functions as the mobile strike force or reaction unit to augment
regional, provincial, municipal or city police forces for civil disturbance control, counter-
insurgency, hostage taking rescue operations, and other special operations.
6. Civil Security Group –provides administrative services and general supervision over the
organization, business operation and activities of all organized private detectives. Watchman,
security guard agencies and company guard forces.
This unit shall likewise supervise the licensing and registration of firearms and
explosives. The approval of applicants for licenses to operate private security agencies as
well as the issuance of license to security guards and the licensing of firearms and explosives
shall be decentralized to the PNP regional offices.
7. Aviation Security Group – In coordination with the Airport authorities, it secures all the
country’s airport against offensive and terrorist acts that threaten civil aviation, exercise
operational control and supervision over all agencies involved in airport security operation and
enforces all laws and regulations relative to air travel protection and safety.
8. Highway Patrol Group – formerly known as the Traffic Management Group. It is tasked with
the enforcement of the provisions of Republic Act 6539 otherwise known as the “Anti-
Carnapping Act of 1972”.
9. Crime Laboratory Group – provides scientific and technical investigative aid and support to
the PNP and other government investigative agencies.
It also provides crime laboratory examination, evaluation and identification of physical
evidences involved in crimes with primary emphasis on their medical, chemical, biological and
physical nature.
10. Police Community Relations Group –implements PNP’s police community relations
programs and provides assistance to the regional, provincial, district and city/municipal offices
in their respective police community relations activities. This unit also accredits volunteer
NGO’s supportive of PNP programs and relatedly assists, trains, organizes, directs and
supervises such NGO’s.
11. Anti-Kidnapping Group – the PNP has dissolved the Police Anti-Crime and Emergency
Response Force (PACER) and replaced it with a new anti-kidnapping group.
12. Anti-Cybercrime Group – this newly created PNP National Operational Support Unit was
activated on March 20, 2013. It is the primary unit responsible for the implementation of
pertinent laws on cybercrimes and anti-cybercrime campaigns of the PNP and the national
government. It focuses on cybercrime offenses, computer-related offenses, and other
content-related offenses such as cybersex, child pornography, unsolicited commercial
communication, and other related offenses.
At the regional level, the PNP is composed of seventeen (17) Police Regional Offices.
Each Police Regional Office (PRO) is headed by a Regional Director with the rank of Chief
Superintendent, except in the National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) where the NCR Director
has the rank of Police Director.
The Regional Offices is composed of PRO 1 to PRO 13, NCRPO, CAR and ARMM
The National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) is one of the Police Regional Offices of the
PNP. The NCRPO is headed by an NCR Director with the rank of Police Director. The NCRPO is
divided into five (5) District Offices, each headed by a District Director with the rank of Chief
The five (5) district offices of the NCRPO are the following:
1. Manila Police District (MPD) - formerly known as Western Police District. Located in the City
of Manila. It is popularly known as the Manila’s Finest.
2. Eastern Police District (EPD) – covers Marikina, Pasig, San Juan and Mandaluyong,
3. Northern Police District (NPD) – has jurisdiction over the cities of Caloocan, Malabon,
Navotas, and Valenzuela.
4. Central Police District (CPD) – formerly known as Quezon City Police District. Located in
Quezon City.
5. Southern Police District (SPD) – covers the cities of Pasay, Makati, Paranaque, Las Pinas,
Muntinlupa, Taguig and Pateros.
CHIEF – highest position in the PNP, with the rank of DIRECTOR GENERAL (NEW RANK: POLICE
DEPUTY CHIEF FOR ADMINISTRATION – the second-in command, with the rank of DEPUTY
DEPUTY CHIEF FOR OPERATIONS – the third-in-command, with the rank of DEPUTY DIRECTOR
The average manning level of the PNP nationwide shall be approximately in accordance with
a police-to-population ratio of one (1) policeman for every five hundred (500) persons (1:500).
The minimum police-to-population ratio shall not be less than one (1) policeman for every
one thousand (1,000) persons (1:1000).
- police officers are employees of the national government and shall draw their salaries
from the national budget
- they shall have the same salary grade level as that of public school teachers police
officers assigned in Metro Manila, chartered cities and first class municipalities may be
paid financial incentives by the local government unit concerned subject to availability of
f) Must not have been dishonorably discharged from military employment or dismissed for
cause from any civilian position in the Government;
g) Must not have been convicted by final judgment of an offense or crime involving moral
h) Must be at least one meter and sixty-two centimeters (1.62 m) in height for male and one
meter and fifty-seven (1.57 m) for female;
i) Must weigh not more or less than five kilograms (5kgs) from the standard weight
corresponding to his or her height, age and sex; and
j) For a new applicant, must not be less than twenty-one (21) nor more than thirty (30) years of
Pursuant to RA 9708, “…PNP members who are already in the service upon the
effectivity of Republic Act No. 8551 shall be given five (5) years to obtain the minimum
educational qualification preferably in law enforcement related courses, to be reckoned from
the date of the effectivity of this amendatory Act: Provided, furthermore, That for concerned
PNP members rendering more than fifteen (15) years of service and who have exhibited
exemplary performance as determined by the Commission, shall no longer be required to
comply with the aforementioned minimum educational requirement.”
The National Police Commission shall administer the entrance and promotional
examinations for police officers on the basis of the standards set by the Commission (as amended by
RA 8551).
a. The age, height and weight for initial appointment to the PNP may be waived only when the
number of qualified applicants falls below the approved national/regional quota.
b. Waiver of the age requirement may be granted provided that the applicant shall not be less
than twenty (20) nor more than thirty five (35) years of age. For purposes of this paragraph,
one is considered to be not over thirty five (35) years old if he or she has not yet reached his
or her thirty six (36th) birthday on the date of the issuance of his or her appointment.
c. Waiver of the height requirement may be granted to a male applicant who is at least 1 meter
and 57 cm (1.57m) and to a female applicant who is at least 1 meter and 52cm (1.52m).
Provided, that the minimum height requirement for applicants who belong to indigenous group
duly certified by the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF) or the National
Commission on Indigenous People (NCIP) shall be 1.52m for male and 1.45m for female.
Provided further, that the Commission shall require said applicants to submit appropriate
proof of their membership in a certain indigenous group.
d. An applicant who is granted a weight waiver shall be given reasonable time not exceeding six
(6) months within which to comply with the said requirement.
e. The grant of waiver is not a guarantee for appointment into the police service.
f. The PNP Screening Committee shall, through the Chief of the PNP, request the Commission
to consider the appointment of those applicants with a certification under oath that the
qualified applicants, at the time the applicant is being considered, fall below the office/unit
quota concerned.
a. Possession of special skills in evidence gathering and safekeeping, cyber crime investigation,
detection and prevention, crime scene investigation, martial arts, marksmanship and similar
special skills;
c. Extensive experience or training in forensic science and other legal, medical and technical
services; and
d. Outstanding academic records and extracurricular activities of applicant during his/her school
days, good family background in law enforcement or socio-civic activities, recognized social
standing in the community, awards and commendations received, which should indicate to
the Commission En Banc that the applicant can become a good member of the Philippine
National Police
Top priority consideration for lateral entry into the rank of Police Inspector shall be given to
top ten (10) placers of the different Licensure Examinations. However, incumbent PNP members who
land in the top ten shall be given first preference over the civilian provided that the qualifications are
The maximum age of PNP members applicants through lateral entry shall be forty six (46) years
old at the time of appointment. Age waivers shall not be allowed.
1. Regular Promotion
2. Special/ Meritorious/Spot Promotion
3. Promotion by virtue of position
A. Regular Promotion - promotion granted to police officers meeting the mandatory requirements for
1. Educational attainment (NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2011-196 dated July 6, 2011)
For Police Sr. Supt. to Director General
a. Masters in Public Safety Administration (MPSA)
b. Allied Master’s Degree
3. Time-in Grade – the number of years required for a police officer to hold a certain rank before he
can be promoted to the next higher rank. The time-in grade in the PNP is maintained as follows
(NAPOLCOM Resolution # 2013-501):
Except for the Chief, PNP, no PNP member who has less than one (1) year of service before
reaching the compulsory retirement age shall be promoted to a higher rank or appointed to any other
Pursuant to RA 9708, “…In addition, the institution of a criminal action or complaint
against a police officer shall not be a bar to promotion: Provided, however, That upon finding of
probable cause, notwithstanding any challenge that may be raised against that finding thereafter, the
concerned police officer shall be ineligible for promotion: Provided, further, That if the case remains
unresolved after two (2) years from the aforementioned determination of probable cause, he or
she shall be considered for promotion. In the event he or she is held guilty of the crime by final
judgment, said promotion shall be recalled without prejudice to the imposition of the appropriate
penalties under applicable laws, rules and regulations:
-Provided, furthermore, That if the complaint filed against the police officer is for a crime
including, but not limited to, a violation of human rights, punishable by reclusion perpetua or life
imprisonment, and the court has determined that the evidence of guilt is strong, said police officer
shall be completely ineligible for promotion during the pendency of the said criminal case.”
B. Special Promotion – promotion granted to police officers who have exhibited acts of conspicuous
courage and gallantry at the risk of his/her life above and beyond the call of duty.
1. A deed of personal bravery and self sacrifice above and beyond the call of duty, so conspicuous as
to distinguish the act clearly over and above his/her comrades in the performance of more than
ordinary hazardous service, such as; but not limited to the following circumstances:
a. Overwhelming number of enemies and firepower capability as against the strength of PNP
operatives and their firepower capability;
b. Infiltration and penetration of the safehouses and hideouts of organized crime
syndicates like kidnapping, illegal drugs, carnapping, hijacking and terrorism;
c. Shoot-out in robbery/hold-up incidents inside public places such as: malls, government
offices, business establishments and PUVs;
d. Conduct of rescue/disaster operations that resulted in the saving of lives and properties.
2. An act of heroism exhibited in the face of an armed enemy or in the conduct of rescue/disaster
operations resulting in the loss of life (posthumous promotions).
Posthumous Award – in case an individual who distinguish himself dies before the granting of the
Any PNP personnel designated to any key position whose rank is lower than that which
is required for such position shall, after six (6) months of occupying the same, be entitled to a rank
adjustment corresponding to the position.
Provided, that the personnel shall not be reassigned to a position calling for a higher rank until
after two (2) years from the date of such rank adjustment.
a. Attrition by attainment of Maximum Tenure in Position.
Maximum Tenure in Position refers to the maximum cumulative period for a PNP
member to hold a particular position level.
b) Attrition by Relief – A PNP uniformed personnel who has been relieved for just cause and has not
been given an assignment within two (2) years after such relief shall be retired or separated.
c) Attrition by demotion in position or rank – Any PNP personnel, civilian or uniformed, who are
relieved and assigned to a position lower than what is established for his or her grade in the PNP
staffing pattern and who shall not be assigned to a position commensurate to his or her grade within
EIGHTEEN (18) MONTHS after such demotion shall be retired or separated.
d) Attrition by non-promotion – Any PNP personnel who has not been promoted for a continuous
period of TEN (10) YEARS shall be retired or separated
e) Attrition by other means - Any PNP member of officer with at least five (5) years of
accumulated active service shall be separated based on any of the following:
1. inefficiency based on poor performance during the last two (2) successive annual rating
Poor performance refers to the poor rating in the promulgated PNP Performance Evaluation
Rating System.
2. Inefficiency based on poor performance for three (3) cumulative annual rating periods;
3. Physical and/or mental incapacity to perform police functions and duties.
4. Failure to pass the required entrance examinations twice and/or finish the required career
course except for justifiable reasons;
5. refusal to take periodic PNP Physical Fitness Test without justifiable reason.
Physical Fitness Test refers to the method of evaluating the physical condition of PNP members
in terms of stamina, strength, speed and agility.
6. failure to take PNP Physical Fitness Test for four (4) consecutive periodic tests due to health
7. failure to pass PNP Physical Fitness Test for Two (2) consecutive periodic tests or four (4)
cumulative periodic tests; or
8. non-compliance with the minimum qualification standards for the permanency or original
- the separation of the police personnel from the service by reason of reaching the age of
retirement provided by law, or upon completion of certain number of years in active
A PNP uniformed personnel shall retire to the next higher rank for purposes of retirement
1. Compulsory– for officer and non-officer, upon the attainment of age Fifty-Six (56). Provided, in
case of any officer with the rank of CSUPT, Director or Deputy Director General, the Commission may
allow his retention in the service for an unextendible of one (1) year.
2. Optional – upon accumulation of at least Twenty (20) years of satisfactory active service.
Monthly retirement pay shall be FIFTY PERCENT (50%) of the base pay in case of twenty
years of active service, increasing by TWO AND ONE-HALF PERCENT (2.5%) for every year of
active service rendered beyond twenty years.
1. Provincial Governor
- power to choose the PNP Provincial Director from a list of 3 eligibles recommended by the
PNP Regional Director.
- oversee the implementation of the provincial public safety plan.
Employment -refers to utilization of units or elements of the PNP for purposes of protection of lives
and properties, enforcement of laws, maintenance of peace and order, prevention of crimes, arrest of
criminal offenders and bringing the offenders to justice and ensuring public safety, particularly in the
suppression of disorders, riots, lawlessness, violence, rebellious and seditious conspiracy,
insurgency, subversion or other related activities.
Deployment - shall mean the orderly and organized physical movement of elements or units of the
PNP within the province, city or municipality for purposes of employment
B. INTERNAL DISCIPLINE – On dealing with minor offense involving internal discipline found to
have committed by any PNP members, the duly designated supervisors shall, after due notice and
hearings, exercise disciplinary powers as follows:
4)CHIEF OF THE PNP - shall have the power to impose the disciplinary punishment of dismissal
from the service; suspension or forfeiture of salary; demotion; or any combination of the foregoing
for a period not exceeding One Hundred Eighty (180) Days.
MINOR OFFENSE - shall refer to an act or omission not involving moral turpitude but affecting the
internal discipline of the PNP, and shall include but not be limited to:
-simple misconduct or negligence
-frequent absences or tardiness
-habitual drunkenness
-gambling prohibited by law
The IAS shall also conduct, motu proprio (on its own initiative), automatic investigation
of the following cases:
- -incidents where a police personnel discharges a firearm;
- -incidents where death, serious physical injury, or any violation of human rights occurred in
the conduct of a police operation;
- -incidents where evidence was compromised, tampered with, obliterated, or lost while in the
custody of police personnel;
- -incidents where a suspect in the custody of the police was seriously injured; and
- -incidents where the established rules of engagement have been violated.
- -headed by the INSPECTOR GENERAL who is a CIVILIAN and appointed by the President
upon the recommendation of the Director General (Chief, PNP)
- -the Inspector General shall be assisted by a Deputy Inspector General
- -there shall be national, regional and provincial offices
- -the national office shall be headed by the Inspector General, the regional offices by a
Director, and the provincial offices by a Superintendent
PLEB is composed of five (5) members who shall be as follows:
- -any member of the sangguniang panlungsod/bayan.
- -any barangay chairman of the locality concerned.
- -three other members to be chosen by the local peace and order council from among
the members of the community.
- -for the three other members, the following conditions must be met:
- one must be a woman
- one must be a lawyer, or a college graduate, or the principal of an elementary
school in the locality
- -the CHAIRMAN of the PLEB shall be elected from among its members
- -the term of office of the members of the PLEB is THREE (3) YEARS
- the determination in advance of how the objectives of the organization will be attained;
involves the determination of a course of action to take in performing a particular function or activity
- a management function concerned with visualizing future situation, making estimates
concerning them, identifying issues, needs and potential danger points, analyzing and evaluating the
alternative ways and means of reaching desired goals according to a certain schedule, estimating the
necessary funds and resources to do the work and initiating action in time to prepare what may be
needed to cope with changing conditions and contingent events
Broad External Policy Planning is the responsibility of the legislative branch of the
Internal Policy Planning is the responsibility of the Chief, PNP and other chiefs of the different units
or headquarters within their area of jurisdiction to achieve the objectives or mission of the police
- -general plan of action that serves as a guide in the operation of the organization or unit
- -codes of procedures
- often called work plan
- the work program of the field units
- describe specific actions to be taken
- the work to be done is estimated, manpower and equipment is allocated, proper objectives
are defined and methods of accomplishment are developed
- statistical analysis is widely used
- plans that concern methods of action to be taken at a designated location and under specific
- generally emergency type plans that can be put into effect on the sudden occurrence of a
condition requiring their use
- planning for emergencies of a specific nature at known locations
- developed for specific situations as they arise
- examples are: planning for major accidents; calamities or disasters; special events;
hostage-taking situations, etc
- those which require actions or assistance from persons or agencies outside of the department
- involve coordination with other agencies
- examples are: exchange of information on wanted persons, known drug syndicates,
known organized crime groups, stolen vehicles, etc
Police = The governmental department charged with the regulation and control of the affairs of a
community, now chiefly the department established to maintain order, enforce the law, and prevent
and detect crime. (French word)
= package of transnational flow of people, production, investment, information, ideas and authority.
= growing interpenetration of states, markets, communication and ideas.
= The process of creating transnational markets, politics, and legal systems in an effort to form and
sustain a global economy.
Home Rule = the theory of police service which states that police officers are servants of the
community or the people. This theory prevails in England and United States. It is also the police
service which prevails in country with decentralized form of government. This is likewise the police
service theory that should prevail in the Philippines based on the existing laws, concepts and
d. Modern police service = states that the yardstick of police proficiency relies on the absence
of crime.
Deviance Control = is the modern police function which primarily involves the mission to reinforce
community values and laws. This was adopted by Germany, China and Japan.
Civil order control = is not organizationally separated from deviance control but is performed by
regular street police in the country of England and United States.
This system of policing existed during the time of Norman William The Conqueror (King of
France). When he invaded and conquered England, a military regime of conquers and dictators began
and changed the concept of crime being committed against the state.
A. Shire-Rieve
Shire-Rieve was a policing system during the Norman Period when England was divided into
fifty-five (55) military areas, each headed by a ruler called the Rieve (head-man or lieutenant of the
army). The fifty-five (55) military divisions in England are called shires. The shire-rieve had absolute
powers that no one could questions his or her actions.
Two “Constabuli” or “The Keeper of the Horse” were appointed to each village to aid the
Rieve in his duties. It became the source of the word Constable.
The term “Shire-Rieve” is said to be the origin of the word “Sheriff.”
C. Legis Henrici
An act that was enacted during this period with the following features:
Offenses were classified as against the king and individual.
Policeman becomes public servant.
The police and the citizens have the broad power to arrest. It introduced the system called
“citizen’s arrest.”
Grand Jury was created to inquire on the facts of the law. A system which made inquisition
onto the facts of a crime and eliminate the “Anglo-Saxon Trial or “Trial by Ordeal System.”
D. Frankpledge System
A system of policing whereby a group of ten neighboring male residents over twelve years
of age were required to guard the town to preserve peace and protect the lives and properties of the
B. Statute of 1295
The law that marks the beginning of the curfew hours, which demanded the closing of the
gates of London during sundown.
A proclamation issued by King Richard of England sometime in 1195 that required the
appointment of knights to keep the King’s peace by standing as guards on bridges and gates
while checking the people entering and leaving the cities and towns.
1798 = Marine Police Force was established, salaried constables were being paid by local
= initially made up of 220 Constables assisted by 1,000 registered dock workers, and was
responsible for preventing the theft of cargo. = widely regarded as being the first modern police
force in the world, in the sense that they were not government controlled and were responsible for
the prevention of crime.
Sir Robert Peel = appointed as Home Secretary in 1822
METROPOLITAN POLICE = organized in 1829 by Sir Robert Peel (Metropolitan Police Act of
= the largest of the police services that operate in greater London (the others include the City
of London Police and the British Transport Police)
= finest police force around the world.
1833 = Coldbath Fields Riot (Grays Inn Road). A major crowd disturbance dealt with by
the Metropolitan Police with controversial use of force.
1836 = The Metropolitan Police absorb the Bow Street Horse Patrol into its control.
1838 = incorporates Marine Police and Bow Street Runners into the Metropolitan Police
and the disbandment of the Bow Street Office and other Offices. These were all agreed and
put into effect.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) = colloquially known as Mounties and internally as “The
Force” = is the national police force of Canada and one of the most recognized of its kind in the word
being a national, federal, provincial and municipal policing body. It is founded in 1920 by the Merger
of Royal Northwest Mounted Police(1873) with the Dominion Police (1868).
= headed by the Commission under the direction of the Minister of Public Safety Canada.
Australian Police = a progressive and multi-faceted law enforcement organization, taking strong
lead in the fight against 21st century crime.
Commissioner = highest rank
Constable = lowest rank
Hong Kong Police Force
= is the largest disciplined service under the Security Bureau of Hong Kong. It is the
world's second, and Asia's first, police agency to operate with a modern policing system. It was
formed on 1 May 1844.
in 1969, Queen Elizabeth II granted the Royal Charter to the Hong Kong Police
Force for their handling of the Hong Kong 1967 riots — renaming them: the Royal Hong Kong Police
Force. Following the transfer of sovereignty, the Force is once again named the Hong Kong Police
Structure HKPF
The Force is commanded by the Commissioner of Police, who is assisted by two deputy
a. Deputy Commissioner – Operations = supervises all operational matters including crime
b. Deputy Commissioner – Management = is responsible for the direction and coordination
of force management including personnel, training, and management services.
Hong Kong Police College = s responsible for all matters relating to training within the Hong Kong
Police except internal security, Auxiliary and Marine Police training. Training provided by the Police
College includes recruit and continuation training, crime investigation training, police driver training
and weapon tactics training. The information technology training, command training, local and
overseas management training, some specialist courses and periodic courses on firearms and first aid
are also provided by the Police College.
Service Quality Wing = is responsible for spearheading initiatives to improve services provided to
force customers both external and internal. The wing comprises three branches: Performance
Review, Research and Inspections and Complaints and Internal Investigations (C&II)
Complaints and Internal Investigations (C&II) = includes the Complaints Against Police Office
(CAPO) oversees the investigation and successful resolution of all complaints made both externally
and internally against members of the force.
For Inspector
Academic Requirements
Hong Kong degree, or equivalent; or
An accredited Associate Degree from Hong Kong tertiary institution / A Higher Diploma from a
Hong Kong polytechnic / polytechnic university, or a Diploma from a registered post-
secondary college awarded after the date of its registration, or equivalent; or
A pass in two subjects at Advanced Level in the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination
(2A) plus three other subjects at Grade C or above in the HKCEE (3O), or a combination of
results in five Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) subjects of Level 3 in
New Senior Secondary (NSS) subjects, “Attained with Distinction” in Applied Learning (ApL)
subjects (subject to a maximum of two ApL subjects) and Grade C in Other Language
subjects, or equivalent.
Five passes or above, which may include Chinese Language and English Language, in the
HKCEE, or a combination of results in five Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE)
subjects of Level 2 in New Senior Secondary (NSS) subjects, “Attained” in Applied Learning (ApL)
subjects (subject to a maximum of two ApL subjects) and Grade E in Other Language subjects, or
Commissioner of Police (CP)
Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP)
Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police (SACP)
Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP)
Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP)
Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP)
Superintendent of Police (SP)
Chief Inspector of Police (CIP)
Senior Inspector of Police (SIP)
Inspector of Police (IP)
Probationary Inspector of Police (PI)
Station Sergeant (SSGT)
Sergeant (SGT)
Senior Constable (SPC)
Police Constable (PC)
TAIWAN POLICE FORCE = is the unified police force of taiwan
= under the supervision of NATIONAL POLICE AGENCY which is directly under the
= under effective civilian control
1) to maintain public order,
2) 2) to protect social security,
3) 3) to prevent all dangers, and
4) ) to promote the welfare of all people.
Myanmar Police Force = formally known as The People's Police Force (Burmese: Pyi Thu Yae
Tup Pwe)
= established in 1964 as independent department under Ministry of Home Affairs. It was
reorganized on 1 October 1995.
There are 14 State and Divisional Police Forces and three additional State/Division Police
1. Central Training Institute of Myanmar Police Force
2. No.1 Police Training Depot = undertakes Basic Training Course for Police Sergeant for 2 years;
Warrant Officer and Police Sergeants Course for 12 Weeks; and Basic Training Course for
Constables for 6 Month
3. No. 2 Police Training Depot = undertakes only Basic Training Course for Constables, which
normally takes around 6 months to complete.
1. Brigade Mobile (BRIMOB) = the most militarized trained to deal with mass demonstrations
= paramilitary role to conduct security stabilization operations and providing security for VIP
and vital facilities
2. Anti-Riot Unit (Pasukan Anti Huru-Hura) = received special anti-riot training
3. Sea and Air Police = responsible patrolling the airspace
4. Plainclothes Unit = assigned in conducting investigations
5. Maritime Police = responsible in protecting the territorial sea
6. Anti-Terrorist Unit = trained in counter-terrorism
7. Forensics = in-charged of laboratory examination of evidence
RMP Organizations
1. Management Department = the Management Department is tasked with the routine of
management and administration affairs of the RMP. This department is also the nerve centre of the
RMP and acts as the support services platform for the rest of the force.
2. Logistics Department = has the role to provide several equipments needed in RMP
3. Criminal Investigation Division = deals with the investigation, arrest and prosecution of
hard crimes (murder, robbery, rape etc) and petty crimes (theft, house-breaking etc).
= This department also specializes in gambling, vice and secret societies (triads)
Branches of Criminal Investigation Division
D1 – Administrative Division
D2 – Criminal Record Registration
D3 – Internal Affairs
D4 – Statistics
D5 – Prosecution and Law Divisions
D6 – Technical Assistance Division
D7 – Gambling / Vice / Secret Societies
D8 – Investigation Division / Planning
D9 – Special Investigation Division
D10 – Forensic Laboratory Division
D11 – Sexual Investigation Division
D12 – National Centre Bureau-Interpol Division
INSPECTOR-GENERAL OF POLICE = equivalent of director general (Philippines)
POLICE CONSTABLE = equivalent of police officer 1 (Philippines)
Francis James Bernard = formed the skeleton force as the heritage of Singapore Police Force in
Singapore Police Force (SPF) is the main agency task with the maintaining law and order in
the city-state. It is formerly known as Republic of Singapore Police. Organized with split
staff (15) and line functions (13) roughly modeled after the military. Headquarters at New
Poenix Park in Novena. The highest rank is Commissioner of Police and the lowest is
Police Constable.
Section 7 of Police Force Act of 1857 = constitution of the SPF
High school graduates who were interested in law enforcement as a career can be recruited
and those who are selected for officers had to be approved by the Public Service
Career development course were encouraged for officer and senior officers are required to
travel oversees for training such as in Police Staff College in Britain, FBI Nat’l Academy
in US and Police Academy in Japan.
Nine (9) months training. Newly appointed officer will be placed on a one year probation
Commissioner of Police = equivalent of director general in the Philippines
Constable = equivalent of Police Officer 1 in the PNP
1. National Public Safety Commission = a government body responsible for the administrative
supervision of the police. Under the jurisdiction of the Prime Minister
2. Japan National Police Agency (NPA) = a totally gunless police force, except for its special
attack team.
3. Regional Police Bureau = exercise control and supervision over regional police offices and
provides support with the prefectural police.
Director General = heads each Regional Bureau acting upon orders from the Commission
General of the NPA.
Regional Police Bureau = the local organizations to carry out part of the NPA’s functions. There are
about 7 Bureaus in the major cities except for Tokyo and Hokkaido where in Tokyo,
Metropolitan Police department (headed by Superintendent General) has long been established
and shares the same location with the NPA. Prefectural Police has the whole of Hokkaido under
its jurisdiction.
5. Koban = a system of policing adopted in Japan, a substation near major transportation hubs and
shopping areas and in residential districts which forms the first line of police response to the public.
= Koban usually staffed by 3-5 officers and about 7000 residential police boxes (Chuzaisho-
staffed by a single officer). About 20 % of police is assigned to Koban.
Kinds of police
1. People’s Armed Police (PAP), 1980’s deals with domestic disturbances, acts as riot police and
guard’s government compounds and foreign embassies. Usually handles border defense but is called
sometimes to back up local police.
2. State Security Police = (1983) safeguards state security, prevent foreign espionage,
sabotage and conspiracies. Under the Ministry of State Security and directly accountable to the
State council.
3. Prison Police = a part of the correctional arm of the overall police system stationed in prisons
and correction units. This is under the leadership of the Ministry of Justice.
4. Judicial Police = responsible for maintaining the security and order in courts and serving
instruments and some also executing death sentences.
5. Quasi parapolice (“Cheng guan”) = operate in many places and hired by officials to help carry out
some unpopular actions such as collecting taxes and fines and ousting peasants from seized land.
Branches of UN
1. UN general Assembly = This is the main decision- making and representative assembly in the
UN through its policies and recommendations. It is composed of all member states , is headed by a
president elected from the member states, and meets from September to December
2. UN Security Council = is another branch in the organization of the UN and is the most powerful
of all the branches.
a. Preventive Action = consist of provisional measures to prevent a conflict from worsening, and may
involve the deployment of PEACEKEEPING AND OBSERVER missions
b. Enforcement Action = consist of deployment of air, sea and land forces
Five Permanent Members of Security Council
1. China
2. France
3. Russia
4. United Kingdom
5. United States
*The other 10 members are rotating or elective members for a period of two years by the
General Assembly
3. International Court of Justice = Located in the Hague, Netherlands. This branch is responsible
for the judicial matters of the UN.
4.Secretariat = Its main responsibility is providing studies, information, and other data needed
5. Economic and Social Council = consists of 45 members elected by the General Assembly for a 3
year term.
6. Trusteeship Council = assists the security council and the general assembly in the administration
of the International Trusteeship System
Interpol (1923) = (International Criminal Police Organization) is the police forces organization
that primarily manifest global or international cooperation in addressing transnational crime.
Its headquarters was initially located in Vienna Austria (it is where Interpol was founded) but
at present it is transferred to Lyon France.
INTERPOL = is the world’s largest international police organization, with 190 member
countries. It exists to help create a safer world by supporting law enforcement agencies
worldwide to combat crime.
It aims to facilitate international police co-operation, and supports and assists all
organizations, authorities and services whose mission is to prevent or combat internal crime.
= the organization of law enforcement agencies worldwide that serves as transmission or
communication line for the exchange of information, data and request for assistance
between and among the member countries.
It focuses on: (1) Combat crimes and transnational crimes; (2) protect minorities against
the dominant groups; and (3) Maintain law enforcement regardless of race or religion.
INTERPOL’ s Structure
General Assembly
Executive Committee
General Secretariat
National Central Bureaus
The Commission for the Control of INTERPOL’s Files.
General Assembly = is the supreme governing body of the Interpol, it meets annually and
comprises delegates appointed by each member country. The assembly takes all important decisions
related to policy, resources, working methods, finances, activities and programmes.
Executive Committee = consisting of 13 members elected by the General Assembly and comprises
the president, three vice –presidents and nine delegates covering the four regions.
It is the INTERPOL’s select deliberate organ which meets three times a year, usually in
March, July and immediately before the General Assembly.
9 Delegates
Pieter Jaap AALBERSBERG (The Netherlands)
Fath ELRAHMAN Osman (Sudan)
Emmanuel GASANA (Rwanda)
Francisco GIL MONTERO (Spain)
Nobuyuki KAWAI (Japan)
Tariq KHOSA (Pakistan)
Sanna PALO (Finland)
Marcos VASQUEZ MEZA (Chile)
Timothy A. WILLIAMS (United States)
General Secretariat = (Lyon, France) operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and is run by the
Secretary General. It Works with Officials of more than 80 countries side-by-side using four official
languages: Arabic, English, French and Spanish. It consists of seven (7) regional offices across the
world namely:
Cote D’Ivoire,
El Salvador,
Thailand, and
National Central Bureaus (NCB) = Each INTERPOL member country maintains a National Central
Bureau staffed by National law enforcement officers. The NCB is the designated contact point for
the General Secretariat, regional offices and other member countries requiring assistance with
overseas investigations and the location and apprehension of fugitives.
Advisers = these are experts in a purely advisory capacity, who may be appointed by the Executive
Committee and confirmed by the General Assembly.
Commission for the Control of INTERPOL’ File (CCF) = this is an independent body whose
mandate is threefold:
(1) to ensure that the processing of personal information by INTERPOL complies with the
Organization’s regulations,
(2) to advice INTERPOL on any project, operation, set of rules or other matter concerning the
information contained in INTERPOL’S files.
INTERPOL’s Governance = comprises the General Assembly and the Executive Committee, which
is headed by the President.
The President of the Organization is elected by the General Assembly for a period of four (4)
years. His role is to chair the General Assembly and Executive Committee and ensure that
INTERPOL’S activities conform with decisions made at these meetings.
1. Red Notice – a notice which is issued to seek the arrest or provisional arrest of wanted persons
with a view to extradition.
2. Blue Notice – this type of notice is issued in order to locate, identify or obtain information on a
person of interest in a criminal investigation.
3. Green Notice – to warn about a person's criminal activities if that person is considered to be a
possible threat to public safety.
4. Yellow Notice – to help locate missing persons, often minors, or to help identify persons who are
unable to identify themselves.
5. Black Notice – a notice issued to seek information on unidentified bodies.
6. Orange Notice – to warn of an event, a person, an object or a process representing an imminent
threat and danger to persons or property.
7. Purple Notice – issued to provide information on modus operandi, objects, devices and
concealment methods used by criminals.
8. INTERPOL–United Nations Security Council Special Notice – is issued for individuals and
entities that are subject to UN sanctions.
The following are channels of global bilateral and multilateral international cooperation against
transnational crime:
Global multi-lateral cooperation via Interpol;
Bilateral police cooperation agreements with individual states;
European multilateral cooperation via Europol.
*System of policing that serves as a grass root approach to bring the people and the police together in
cooperative manners:
Problem Oriented Policing
Community Oriented Policing
Cooperative Policing
Team Policing
1983 (Jakarta) = Endorsement of the model & design of ASEANAPOL logo
1984 (Kuala Lumpur) = Royal Brunei Police became a member and joined the annual
1996 (Kuala Lumpur) = Vietnam joined as a new member
1998 (Brunei) = Laos joined ASEANAPOL
2000 (Myanmar) = Myanmar became the 10th country to joined as a new member
2005 (Bali) = The setting up of a working group to consider the viability of establishing a
permanent ASEANAPOL Secretariat
= Silver Jubilee Commemoration of ASEANAPOL
2008 (Brunei) = The Royal Malaysia Police was chosen as a host of permanent
ASEANAPOL Secretariat
2009 (Vietnam) = Adoption of Terms of Reference (TOR)
2010 = On 1st January 2010 commencement of ASEANAPOL Secretariat in Kuala Lumpur,
1. ASEANAPOL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE = comprise of deputy heads of delegation attending the
annual ASEANAPOL conference. It provides a summary reports of the activities of the Secretariat to
the Head of the Delegation
Tenure of Services
a. Executive Director - 2 years
b. Directors - 3 years (one for Police Services and one for Plans and Programs
*During the 29th ASEANAPOL Conference in Hanoi, Vietnam in 2009, the Terms of
Reference on the establishment of ASEANAPOL Secretariat was finally endorsed. Kuala Lumpur
was made the permanent seat.
*The ASEANAPOL Secretariat started its operation fully on January 1, 2010.
CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION – is an art which deals with the identity and location of the offender and
provides evidence of guilt through criminal proceedings.
The National Forensic Science Training Institute (NFSTI) under the Philippine Public Safety
College is the institution that trains uniformed personnel of the Philippine National Police to become a
certified investigator.
It is the knowledge/data which an investigator acquired from other persons and records.
Classes of Information
a. Regular Sources – records, files from government and non-government agencies, news
b. Cultivated Sources – information gathered upon initiative of the investigator from informants,
vendors, taxicab driver, GRO, and others.
c. Grapevine Sources – these are information coming from the underworld characters such as
prisoners and ex-convicts.
INTERVIEW – Is a conversation with a purpose, motivated by a desire to obtain certain
information from the person being interviewed as to what was done, seen, felt, heard, tasted, smell or
This is the questioning of a person believed to possess knowledge that is in official interest to
the investigator.
Nobody has to talk to law enforcers. No law compels a person to talk to the police if he does
not want to. Therefore, people will have to be persuaded, always within legal and ethical limits, to talk
to law enforcers. This makes interviewing an art.
The interview of a witness can be described by its acronym ‘IRONIC’ which stands for
Identity, Rapport, Opening Statement, Narration, Inquiry, and conclusion.
Identity – prior to the commencement of an interview, the investigator should identify himself
to the subject by name, rank and agency. Except, when there is no need to know the officer’s identity.
Rapport – it is good to get the positive feeling of the subject towards the investigators, such
friendly atmosphere is a vital for both the subject and the investigator t have a better interaction.
Opening Statement – the investigator must have to indicate why the subject is being
Narration – the witness should be allowed to tell all he knows with little interruptions from the
Inquiry – after all information have been given by the subject, that is the time for the
investigator to as question to clarify him about the case under investigation.
Conclusions – after the interview, it is but proper to close the interview with outmost courtesy
and thanking the subject for his cooperation.
Emotional Appeal
Place the subject in the proper frame of mind. The investigator should provide emotional
stimuli that will prompt the subject to unburden himself by confiding. Analyze the subject’s personality
and decide what motivation would prompt him to tell the truth, and then provide those motives through
appropriate emotional appeals.
Sympathetic appeal
The suspect may feel the need for sympathy or friendship when he is apparently in trouble.
Gestures of friendship may win his cooperation.
The simplest technique is to assume that the suspect will confess if he is treated in a kind and
friendly manner.
The investigator indicates he does not consider his subject’s indiscretion a grave offense.
- Mutt, the relentless investigator, who is not going to waste any time because he
knows that the subject is guilty.
- Jeff, on the other hand, is obviously a kind-hearted man.
Bluff on a Split Pair
This is applicable when there is more than one suspect. The suspects are separated and one
is informed that other has talked.
Pretense of Physical Evidence
The investigator may pretend that certain physical evidence has found by laboratory experts
against him.
May be applied to calm and nervous subjects by constantly observing the suspects, the
investigator chooses a propitious moment to shout a pertinent question and appear as though he is
beside himself with rage. The subject may be unnerved to the extent of confessing:
CUSTODIAL INTERROGATION/INVESTIGATION – is the questioning of a law enforcement
officer on a person under custody and otherwise deprived of his freedom or liberty. This is the stage in
investigation where there is strict observance of the Miranda Doctrine.
MIRANDA DOCTRINE – this case which entitled Miranda vs. Arizona, is a US Supreme
Court Jurisprudence which laid down the constitutional rights of the accused during custodial
investigation. It was incorporated in our 1973 Constitution and later in the 1987 Constitution of the
It is the application of instruments and methods of physical science to the detection of crimes.
In cases where there are no significant physical evidence to be found, then the use of instrumentation
is relatively unimportant.
1. Identification of criminals
2. Tracing and locating the criminal
3. Gathering of evidence to prove the guilt of the criminal
CONFESSION– is the direct acknowledgement of guilt arising from the commission of a crime.
Types of Confession
a. Extra-Judicial Confession – those made by the suspect during custodial investigation.
b. Judicial Confession– those made by the accused in open court. The plea of guilt may be
during arraignment or in any stage of the proceedings where the accused changes his plea of
not guilty to guilty.
ADMISSION– is a self-incriminatory statement by the subject falling short of an acknowledgement of
guilt. It is an acknowledgement of a fact or circumstances from which guilt maybe inferred. It
implicates but does not incriminate. It is also an acknowledgement that a fact, action or circumstances
are true which strongly infer or directly admit guilt but lacks the detail of the elements of the crime.
a. Known criminals
b. Unknown criminals
Methods of Identification by witness
a. Verbal description
b. Photographic files (Rogues Gallery)
c. General Photograph
d. Artist sketch (Composite Criminal Illustration)
The value of identification by eyewitness depends on:
a. The suspect could have been in the vicinity of the crime scene at the time it was
b. Knowledge of the criminal objective.
c. Absence of an alibi on the part of the criminal.
1. CORPUS DELICTI– is the body of the crime or fact of specific loss or injury sustained. It
constitutes the essential parts or elements in the commission of the crime.
2. ASSOCIATIVE EVIDENCE – these are the pieces of evidence that will link the suspect to the
crime scene. The suspect may leave some clues at the scene such as weapons, tools,
garments or prints.
3. TRACING EVIDENCE – articles which assist the investigator in locating the criminal. Stolen
goods in the possession of the suspect in an example of tracing evidence.
MODUS OPERANDI – is the method of operation by a specific criminal or criminal syndicate. It is a
distinct pattern of how a crime is committed and is established by a series of crimes under one
classification. The modus operandi of one criminal is distinct and different from the other. It is a
criminal trademark, logo or brandname.
INFORMANT – is a person who gives information to the police relevant to a criminal case about the
activities of criminals or syndicates.
a. Vanity
b. Civic-mindedness
c. Fear
d. Repentance
e. Avoidance of punishment
f. Competition
g. Revenge
h. Jealousy
i. Remuneration
SURVEILLANCE – is the secret observation of persons, places,and vehicles for the purpose of
obtaining information concerning the identities or activities of the subject.
1. Surveillance of places
2. Tailing or shadowing
3. Undercover investigation or roping
A careful survey of the surrounding area should be made. The character of the
neighborhood, residents and transient should be noted. The observation point should be selected
properly. When observation is conducted from a ‘plant’, surveillance agents must be extremely
careful not to reveal their true activity. Observation maybe made through a window or other aperture
so as to be unnoticed from the outside. Venetian blinds afford the best coverage, but may appear to
be out of place of some buildings. An alternative is to lower the roller of draw shades another inch
from the window. Binoculars are generally essentially equipment of the plants, as they facilitate
positive identification of person entering or leaving the place under and observation. A still or video
camera with telephoto lens can also be used effectively. Agents should take careful notes of what
they observe and should record detailed descriptions of all individuals entering the target. A
chronological log is usually the best of recording pertinent occurrences.
TAILING OR SHADOWING – is the act of following a person, depends on the number of surveillant
available, volume of pedestrian traffic and importance of concealing the surveillance.
a. One man –extremely difficult and should be avoided, if unavoidable keep subject in view
at all times.
b. Two man – two agents are employed to follow the subject.
c. ABC method – reduces the risk of losing the subject, affords greater security agents
d. Progressive/Leap from method – poor chances of obtaining good results, agents are
stations at a fixed point assuming that subject followed the same general route each day.
e. Combined foot-auto surveillance – employment of surveillants on foot and agents in an
A subject who is suspicious of being under surveillance may resort to trickery in order to verify
his suspicion. When a subject resort to such trickery, it is good policy to change agents, for the
suspect may have ‘spotted’ one or more of his surveillants.
Common method to elude foot surveillance in which surveillants must be prepared and guard
against are the following:
a. jumping off a bus, trains just as the doors are about to close
b. leaving a building through the rear or side exits
c. losing one self in crowds
d. entering theaters and leaving immediately through an exit
e. pointing out one surveillant to a police to a generally require the agent to explain his
f. using decoys
g. taking the last taxi at a stand
h. changing clothing
The methods of auto surveillance to be used depends upon the numbers and type of
surveillance vehicles available, the volume of vehicular traffic in the area, the importance of
concealing the surveillance from the subject, and the subject’s estimated ability to detect and elude
surveillance. At all times each vehicle should be occupied by at least two agents; one to concentrate
on driving, and the other to observe, take notes, operate radio equipment, or to dismount and
continue the surveillance on foot.
As in the case of foot surveillance, a subject who believes he is being followed may resort to
trickery in order to verify his suspicions. Some of the common tricks employed:
SOCO (Scene of the Crime Operation) – Republic Act6975 as Amended by Republic Act 8551
(PNP Law). The former law placed the Philippine National Police Crime Laboratory as an Operational
Support Unit. The Crime Laboratory established the so-called Scene of the Crime Operation (SOCO)
which is field operation. This is now an innovation because the SOCO now gathers all evidence at the
crime scene and takes custody of them, marking and tagging them which otherwise the duty of the
criminal investigator before.
Never touch, move, or alter any object at the crime scene unless it has been photographed,
measured, and sketched from any conceivable angle.
Command Post – an area which, is ideally located adjacent to the Crime Scene where the
CSI Evidence Custodian stays and receives the pieces of evidence turned over to him for
safekeeping by the other evidence collectors.
2. Mid-Range View
Distance: Eight or ten feet from the victim
3. Close-up View – every physical evidence must be photographed in close-up view and for
different angles.
a. Measurement
b. Compass direction
c. Essential items
d. Scale and proportion
e. Legend
f. Title
a. Sketch of Locality- give picture of the scene, the crime and its environs, including
neighboring buildings, roads, etc.
b. Sketch of the Ground- picture of the scene of the crime with its nearest physical
c. Sketch in Details – the immediate scene only.
d. Exploded/ cross projection – gives the clear impression of the scene in cases where
blood stains or bullet holes are found.
a. Neighborhood sketch
b. Elevation Sketch
c. Floor Plan Sketch
d. Detailed Sketch
A crime scene search could only be started after it has been photograph and sketched to
systematically look for physical evidence that may prove useful in establishing that a crime has been
committed and to determine what method of operation the perpetrator may have used.
a. Strip or Line Search Method – the searchers will proceed at the same pace along the
path parallel to one side of the rectangle.
b. Double Strip or Grid Method – is a combination of the strip search and is useful for
large crime scene.
c. Spiral or Circular Method – the searchers will follow each other in the path of a spiral,
beginning in the outside and spiraling towards the center or vice versa in a clockwise or
counter clock-wise direction.
d. Quadrant of Zone Method – the area to be searched is divided into four quadrants and
each searcher is assigned to one quadrant.
e. Wheel, Radial or Spoke Method – is applicable for area which is considered to be
approximately circular or oval. The area is then divided into six quadrants in a pie-like
E. Notes Taking
Note taking must be a constant activity throughout the processing of the crime scene.Notes
must include:
a. Detailed written description of the Crime Scene with locations of recovered physical evidence;
b. The time when the physical evidence was discovered;
c. The person who discovered and collected the physical evidence;
d. The time when evidence was packaged and marked; and
e. The disposition of the item when it was collected.
PHYSICAL EVIDENCE – these are the articles and materials which are found in connection with the
investigation and which aid in establishing the identity of the perpetrator or the circumstances under
which the crime was committed or which, in general assist in the prosecution of criminal. It embraces
any object, living or inanimate, solid, liquid, or gas state.
What are the procedures needed for the care of physical evidence?
In order to introduce physical evidence in court, three important factors must be considered:
It is the number of persons who handled and possessed the pieces of evidence the moment
they were collected, marked and tagged, up to the time of the final disposition of the case.
- Generally, the meaning of security is a kind of state where people, institution, authority or groups feel
fully secured of feeling, free from any threat or vulnerability from somewhere or someone in his/her
liberty, property or activity. It could be in physical, psychological, social or economical form.
-It is a state or quality of being secured, freedom from fear or danger, assurance, certainty.
-It is the degree of protection against danger, loss, and criminals.
- Protection against any type of crime to safeguard life and assets by various methods and device.
– a system of barriers placed between the potential intruder and the objects/matter to be protected. It
is the broadest branch of security, which is concerned with physical measures adopted to prevent
unauthorized access to equipment, facilities, materials and documents and to safeguard them against
espionage, sabotage, damage and theft.
a. To protect the organization’s asset;
b. To make access so difficult that an intruder will not dare attempt penetration.
a. Enemy agents will always seek access;
b. Surreptitious entry is the greatest hazard to security;
c. There are no impenetrable barriers;
d. Each installation is different.
An act or condition which results in a situation conducive to a breach of the protection system and the
subsequent loss or compromise, or damage to personnel, property or facilities.
1. Man –Made Hazards – an acts or conditions affecting the safe of operation of the facility caused by
human action, accidental or intentional. It includes sabotage, espionage, pilferage and theft.
2. Natural Hazard – cause by natural phenomena which cause damage, disturbance and problems of
normal functioning activities, including security. It includes flood, lighting, storms and volcanic
1. FIRST LINE OF DEFENSE – Perimeter barrier/fences - a medium or structure which defines the
physical limits of an installation or area to restrict or impede access thereto.
2. SECOND LINE OF DEFENSE – Doors, floors, windows, walls, roofs and grills.
3. THIRD LINE OF DEFENSE – Storage system like steel cabinets, safes, vaults and interior files.
3. Entry Stations – provided at main perimeter entrances to secure areas located out of the doors,
and manned by guards on a full time basis.
4. Towers – a house like structures above the perimeter barrier. Height of tower increases the range
of observation during day and night with artificial illumination.
5. Clear Zones – unobstructed area maintain on both sides of the perimeter barrier. It affords better
observation and patrol movement. It should be cleared of anything that may provide concealment or
assistance to a person seeking an authorized entry.
- 20 feet or more between the perimeter barrier and exterior structure.
- 50 feet or more between the perimeter barrier and structure within the protected areas.
-In large open areas or ground, where fencing or walling is impracticable and expensive, warning
signs should be conspicuously placed.
- The depth itself is protection.
6. Signs and Notices – erected where necessary in the management of unauthorized ingress and
preclude accidental entry.
Provides sufficient illumination to areas during hours of darkness.
Is an aural or visual signal given by the annunciator to the security when intruder actuate certain
devices in a protected area. An annunciator is a visual or audible signaling device, which initiates
conditions of associated circuits.
Basically, alarm system are designed to alert security personnel of a attempted or consummated
intrusion into an area, building or compound. Each type of alarm is activated in the event that an
intruder tampers with the circuitry, a beam or radiated waves. Alarm are also for fire, smoke, or other
emergencies and presence of hazards.
FIRE ALARM - - Any visual or audible signal produced by a device or system to warn the occupants
of the building or fire fighting elements of the presence or danger of fire to enable them to undertake
immediate action to save life and property and to suppress the fire.
1. Smoke Detector - a device placed at the ceilings of the floor that detects smoke, typically as an
indicator of fire.
2. Fire Bell -a hollow device made of metal that makes a ringing sound.
AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER – a type of built in sprinklers which works by the increase of room
temperature and which automatically operates the system to put out the fire. Attached and distributed
in the ceiling of the rooms. These sprinklers will go into action once a fire starts, and those that will
open are those that are directly above the fire and water is delivered where it is needed.
G.I. steel or plastic pipes located inside the building from the lowest to the top floor with water under
pressure for use in case of fire. Located near the standpipe is a fire hose usually enclosed in a glass
It is a mechanical device strategically located in an installation or in a street where a fire hose will be
connected so that the water will be available to extinguished a fire.
Is a fire fighting equipment which can is a fire fighting equipment which can be portable or in cart that
is used to put out fire depending on the contents to extinguish certain types of fire.
1. CLASS A FIRES – involving ordinary combustible materials such as wood, cloth, and paper,
requires an extinguishing agent which cools. A water or multi-purpose dry chemical can be used.
2. CLASS B - fires involving flammable and combustible liquids and gases, such as solvents,
greases, gasoline, and lubricating oil, require an extinguisher which removes oxygen or cuts the chain
reaction. Foam, carbon dioxide, dry chemical, are effective.
3. CLASS C - fires involve energized electrical equipment (live electrical wires, electrical appliances).
A non-conducting extinguishing agent such as carbon dioxide or multi-purpose dry chemical must be
4. CLASS D FIRES – the result of the combustion of certain materials in firely divided forms. These
metals can be magnesium, potassium, powdered aluminum and zinc.
1. Magnetic Door Contact -is a protective device usually placed in the door, and window that can
send notification when the opening and closure occurs
2. Vibration Contact – devices mounted on barriers and are used primarily to detect an attack on the
structure itself. When movement or vibration occurs, the unstable portion of the circuit moves and
breaks the current flow, which produces an alarm.
3. Passive Infrared Detector (PIR) or Motion Sensor –PIRs are able to distinguish if an infrared
emitting object is present by first learning the ambient temperature of the monitored space and then
detecting a change in the temperature caused by the presence of an object.
4. Panic button -Often located under the counter, the button can be pressed in times of distress
(Such as robbery, disruptive or threatening behavior, or a situation which may warrant assistance),
triggering a silent alarm.
5. CCTV - A video monitoring system is more commonly known as Closed Circuit Television Systems.
A CCTV system is a system consisting of a television camera, video monitor, and a transmission
medium (Cable, fiber or wireless) connecting the two. It is used to monitor the premises.
>IP based cameras work by turning images and audio into data then transmitting this data over a
network or Internet connection.
>IP cameras are a type of Closed Circuit Television Camera (CCTV) used for capturing images and
audio recordings in surveillance for homes and businesses.
-The IP name stands for Internet Protocol, a system that allows the transmission of images captured
by a digital video recorder (DVR) to the end destination computers and these components together
make up a video security system.
LOCK – defined as mechanical, electrical, hydraulic or electronic device designed to prevent entry to
a building or room.
Type of Locks
1. Key – Operated Lock
- It uses some sort of arrangement of internal physical barriers which prevent the lock from operating
unless they are properly aligned. The key is the device used to align these internal barriers so that the
lock may be operated.
PADLOCK – a portable and detachable lock having a pivoted or sliding hasp which possess through
a staple ring, or the like and is made fast or secured.
- A machine that can be used for identification of humans by their characteristics or traits.
- It is used as a form of identification and access control.
- It is equipped with recording device that can identify the person operating the lock and the time it
was operated.
– defined as the management of keys in a plant or business organization to prevent unauthorized
individual access to the keys.
Change Key - a key to a single lock
Sub-Master Key - a key that can open all locks within a particular area or grouping.
Master Key – a special key capable of opening a series of locks
Grand Master Key – a key that can open everything in a system involving two or more master key
-A term used in England for lock picker, safecrackers, and penetrators of restricted areas or rooms.
- Genuine key stolen from the owner
Security guard – Is any natural person who offers or renders personal service to watch or guard
residential or business premises or both, government and/or their premises for hire and
Security Supervisor – Is charged with directing the work and observing the behavioral performance
of the guard under his unit.
Any Filipino citizen or corporation, association, partnership, one hundred percent of which is owned
and controlled by Filipino citizens.
1. Filipino citizen;
2. Not be less than twenty five (25) years of age;
3. College graduate and/or a commissioned officer in the inactive service or retired from the AFP
4. Has taken a course/seminar on Industrial Security Management and/or must have adequate
training or experience in security business,
5. Good moral character;
6. Having no previous record of conviction of crime or offense involving moral turpitude.
1. Filipino citizen;
2. High School graduate;
3. Physically and mentally fit;
4. At least eighteen (18) years of age but not more than fifty (50) years old;
5. Has undergone Pre-Licensing course or its equivalent.
Veterans and retired military/police personnel honorably discharge including graduates of
ROTC advance (or its equivalent in the PNP) are exempted from the required Basic-Licensing
1. Filipino citizen;
2. Holder of a Baccalaureate Degree;
3. Physically and mentally fit;
4. Has graduated from a Security Officer Training Course or its equivalent
1. Filipino citizen;
2. Physically and mentally fit;
3. Holder of Masters degree either in Criminology, Public Administration, MNSA, Industrial
Security Administration, or Law
4. Must have at least ten (10) years experience in the operation and management of security
Any person who does detective work for hire, reward or commission, other than members of the AFP,
BJMP, PNP or any other law enforcement agencies.
1. Filipino citizen;
2. Physically and mentally fit;
3. Holder of baccalaureate degree, preferably Bachelor of Laws or Bachelor of Science in
4. Graduate of a Criminal Investigation Course offered by the PNP or NBI or any police training
school, or a detective training in any authorized/recognized training center;
5. Advance ROTC/CMT graduate or its equivalent
It is an act of baseness, vileness or depravity in the private and social duties which a man owes
to his fellowmen or to society in general, contrary to the accepted and customary rule of right and duty
between a man and man.
Conduct that is considered contrary to community standards of justice, honesty and good
morals. Examples . Rape, Forgery, Robbery
1. One (1) firearm for every two (2) security guards;
2. Private security agency/private detective agency/company security force/government security
force shall not be allowed to possess firearms in excess of five hundred (500) units.
3. Shotguns not higher than 12 gauge
4. Weapons with bores not bigger than cal .22 to include pistols and revolvers with bores bigger
than cal .38
Exemptions: in areas where there is an upsurge of lawlessness and criminality as determined by the
Chief PNP, Regional Office or their authorized representative, they may be allowed to acquire,
possess and use high powered firearms.
2. Company Guard Force/Private Detective Agency – minimum of thirty (30) and a maximum of
One thousand (1,000)
Duty Detail Order (DDO) – is a written order/schedule issued by a superior officer usually the private
security agency/branch manager or operations officer assigning the performance of private
security/detective services duties.
DDO for the purpose of post duties not requiring transport of firearms outside of the physical
compound or property of a client or client establishment shall be issued for not more than a thirty
(30) days duration.
Agency with 1 -199 guards – P50,000.00
Agency with 200-499 guards – P100,000.00
Agency with 500-799 guards – P150,000.00
Agency with 800-1000 guards – P200,000.00
1. Stocks of ammunition in the agency shall not exceed fifty (50) rounds of ammunition per unit of duly
licensed firearms.
2. Individual issue to each security guards shall be limited to twenty five (25) rounds for every security
3. Security guard
3.1 Security Guard 1 – Watchman/guard- the one actually posted as watchman and or guard
3.2 Security Guard 2 – Shift in- charge – responsible for the security officers who are
scheduled in a certain shift for a particular period
3.3 Security Guard 3 – Post in- charge –responsible for the entire detailed security office
within a certain establishment.
Note: Security Agency operator/manager/owner can put its own staffing pattern provided it is
consistent with the provisions of IRR of RA 5487.
1. May be required to join the union;
2. Cost more;
3. Problem of ensuring availability of back-up personnel.
1. Lack of training, low caliber employee;
2. No loyalty to the company;
3. Large turnover
4. Not familiar with facilities
COMMUNICATION SECURITY – is the protection resulting from the application of various measures
which prevent or delay the enemy or unauthorized persons in gaining information through the
communication system. This includes:
a. Transmission Security – component of communications security which results from all
measures designed to protect transmission from interception.
b. Cryptographic Security – results from the provisions of technically sound crypto-system
and their proper use.
c. Physical Security – providing safeguards to equipment and material from access by
unauthorized persons.
Sec. 1
It shall be unlawful for any person, not being authorized by all the parties to any private
communication or spoken word, to tap any wire or cable, or by using any other device or
arrangement, to secretly overhear, intercept, or record such communication or spoken word
by using a device commonly known as a dictaphone or dictagraph or dictaphone or walkie-
talkie or tape recorder
It shall also be unlawful for any person, be he a participant or not in the act or acts penalized
in the next preceding sentence, to knowingly possess any tape record, wire record, disc
record, or any other such record, or copies thereof, of any communication or spoken word
secured either before or after the effective date of this Act in the manner prohibited by this
law; or to replay the same for any other person or persons; or to communicate the contents
thereof, either verbally or in writing, or to furnish transcriptions thereof, whether complete or
partial, to any other person:
Provided, That the use of such record or any copies thereof as evidence in any civil, criminal
investigation or trial of offenses mentioned in section 3 hereof, shall not be covered by this
Sec. 3
Nothing contained in this Act, however, shall render it unlawful or punishable for any peace
officer, who is authorized by a written order of the Court, to execute any of the acts declared
to be unlawful in the two preceding sections in cases involving the crimes of treason,
espionage, provoking war and disloyalty in case of war, piracy, mutiny in the high seas,
rebellion, conspiracy and proposal to commit rebellion, inciting to rebellion, sedition,
conspiracy to commit sedition, inciting to sedition, kidnapping as defined by the Revised
Penal Code, and violations of Commonwealth Act No. 616, punishing espionage and other
offenses against national security:
The authorization shall be effective for the period specified in the order which shall not exceed sixty
(60) days from the date of issuance of the order, unless extended or renewed by the court upon being
satisfied that such extension or renewal is in the public interest.
The court referred to in this section shall be understood to mean the Court of First Instance within
whose territorial jurisdiction the acts for which authority is applied for are to be executed.
BANK SECURITY – a specialized type of physical security protecting the assets, personnel and
operation of a bank, with special emphasis on the precaution and measures to safeguard the cash
and assets while in s storage, in transit, and during transaction.
>Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) Circular No. 620 Issued on September 3, 2008 – a
Circular issued by BSP concerning regulations on Bank protection which aims to promote maximum
protection of life and property against crimes (robbery, theft, etc), and other destructive causes.
Guard System – BSP requires that all banking offices be manned by adequate number of security
personnel to be determined by the bank, taking into consideration its size, location, costs and overall
bank protection requirement.
Security Devices – Banks are required to have a robbery alarm or other appropriate device for
promptly notifying law enforcement office either directly or through an intermediary of an attempted,
ongoing or perpetrated robbery.
In armored Car operations – all armored vehicles are required to be built with bullet resistant
materials capable of withstanding the firepower of high powered firearm (M16, M14). Also equipped
with a vault or safe or a partition wall with a combination lock designed to prevent retrieval of the
cargo while in transit.
DOCUMENT AND INFORMATION SECURITY – Security involving the protection of documents and
information from loss, access by unauthorized persons
> prescribes the policies and establishes the standard basic procedures governing the
classification and security of official matter.
1. The authority and responsibility for the preparation and classification of classified matter rest
exclusively with the originating office;
2. Classified matter should be classified according to content and not the classification of the file in
which they are held or of another document to which they refer;
3. Classification should be made as soon as possible by placing the appropriate marks on the matter
to be classified;
4. Each individual whose duty allows access to classified matter is responsible for the protection of
the classified matter while it is in his/her possession and shall insure that dissemination of such
classified matter is on the “need to know” basis and to “property cleared personnel only”.
- Any material that contains marks, symbols, or signs, either visible, partially visible or completely
invisible that may be presently or ultimately convey a meaning or message to someone.
CLASSIFY – refers to the act of assigning to information or material one of the four security
classification categories after determination has been made that the information requires the security
protection as provided for in the regulation;
SECURITY CLEARANCE – Is an administrative determination that an individual is eligible from a
security standpoint for access to classified matter of a specific category;
COMPARTMENTATION – Refers to the grant of access to classified matter only to properly cleared
persons when such classified information is required in the performance of their official duties, and
restricting it to specific physical confine when feasible.
NEED TO KNOW – term given to the requirement that the dissemination of classified matters be
limited strictly to those persons whose official duties require knowledge thereof.
1. By direct contact of officer or personnel concerned;
2. By official courier;
3. Electrical means in cryptographic form
4. Registered Mail
1. Burning
2. Shredding
shall be in a safe, steel filing cabinet with built in dial type combination lock of such weight, size
and construction as to minimize the possibility of physical theft or damage to fire.
OPERATIONAL SECURITY – part of physical security that deals primarily with the protection of
processes, formulas, patents, and other industrial and manufacturing activities from espionage,
infiltration, loss, compromise or photocopying;
1. The Creation – Information is discovered and develop;
2. Used – Some action is take with the information;
3. Storage and Retrieval – Stored for future use;
4. Transfer – transferring of information from active to inactive use;
5. Disposition – decision may be made to retain the information indefinitely.
– A grant given by the government to an inventor, conveying and securing to him the exclusive rights
to make, use and sell his invention for term of twenty (20) years.
Competitive Intelligence – systematic program for gathering and analyzing information about
competitor’s activities and general business trends to further company’s goals.
Class I – Vital Document – This is an irreplaceable records , reproduction of which does not have the
same value as the original;
Class II – Important Document- This is a record, reproduction of which cause considerable expense
and labor, or considerable delay.
Class III – Useful Document – This is a record, the loss of which may cause inconvenience but could
be readily replaced and may not present insurmountable obstacle to the prompt restoration of the
Class IV- Non essential Document – This record may include daily files, routine in nature, lost of
which will not affect the organization.
1. SAFE – a metallic container used for safekeeping of documents or small items in office or
2. VAULT – a heavily constructed fire and burglar resistant container usually part of the building
use to keep and protect cash, documents and negotiable instruments.
3. FILE ROOM – a cubicle in a building constructed a little lighter than a vault but of bigger size to
accommodate limited people to work on the records inside.
- refers to the procedure followed, inquiries conducted, and criteria applied to determine the work
suitability of a particular applicant or the retention of a particular employee.
1. To ensure that hired employees are best suited to assist the organization in achieving its mission
and vision;
2. To assist in providing the necessary security to the employees while they carry out their functions.
1. National Agency Check
2. Local Agency Check
3. Partial Background Investigation
4. Complete Background Investigation
1. Prior Employment;
2. Claimed education;
3. Claimed residence for the period covered in the employment and educational institutes;
4. If the candidate indicates a criminal record, then the details should be checked.
1. Information sought should be relevant;
2. Information should be reliable;
3. If unfavorable, the information should be confirmed by at least two sources.
- A fact finding probe to determine a plant’s adequacy in all aspects of security, with the
corresponding recommendations.
- Refers to checklist, audits, or inventories of security conditions.
- Security Surveys are often called ‘RISK ANALYSIS SURVEYS’ or ‘RISK ASESSMENT
The survey should be undertaken by either suitably trained staff security personnel, or a fully qualified
independent security specialist.
No universal checklist can be applied to all sites for survey purposes, as no two facilities are alike.
-Process of developing methods or procedures or an arrangement of parts intended to facilitate the
accomplishment of a definite objective.
-The process of setting goals, developing strategies, and outlining tasks and schedules to accomplish
the goals.
It is PRE-DETERMINING a course of action;
It is deciding IN ADVANCE what to do, how to do it, and who is to do it.
It is defined as the exposure and teaching of employees on security and its relevance to their work.
Security education is conducted to develop security awareness among employees of the company. It
should cover all employees, regardless of rank or position.
Protection of personnel especially ranking official from any harm, kidnap, and others act. VIP security
is type of personnel security;
PROTECTIVE CUSTODY – state or quality of being secured or freed from danger. It may also include
the various means or device designed to guard a persons and property against a broad range of
security hazard.
EMERGENCY SITUATION – condition or state that danger has already occurred which resulted to
loss of life/liberty and/or there is imminent danger or threat to life and property where delay will
endanger or may cause the loss of life/property.
1. Access List – authenticated list of personnel given to the security allowing entry to a compound or
installation or part thereof;
2. Controlled Area – an area near or adjacent to limited or exclusive areas where entry is restricted;
3. Dry-run – practical test or exercise of plans or any activity to test its validity, an operational
readiness exercise;
4. Duress Code – type of code system so that security personnel or any employee when forced by
armed men intending to enter an installation can five alarm by the use of certain words in casual
conversation with personnel in the installation.
5. Exclusion Area – a restricted area containing materials or operation of security interest;
6. Restricted area – any area access to which is subject to special restriction control;
7. Security Hazard – Is any act or condition, which may result in the compromise of information, loss
of life, loss or destruction of property or disruption of objectives of the installation.
1. Industrial Security – A form of physical security that is concerned with the physical measures
designed to safeguard personnel and prevent unauthorized access to equipment, facilities, materials,
documents, and to protect them from espionage, sabotage, damage or theft.
2. Bank Security – Is the protection resulting from the application of various measures which
safeguards cash and assets which are in storage, in transit and or during transaction.
3. Operational Security – Involves the protection of processes, formulas and patents, industrial and
manufacturing activities from espionage, infiltration, loss, compromise or photocopying.
VIII. Human Behavior and Victimology
Human Behavior
- anything an individual does that involves self-initiated action and/or reaction to a given
- the sum total of man's reaction to his environment or the way human beings act
Human Beings
Human beings are intelligent social animals with the mental capacity to comprehend, infer
and think in rational ways.
How people interact? People intermingle by three psychological positions or behavioral patterns
called ego states:
1. Parent ego state – which may be characterized as protective, idealistic, evaluative,
righteous, refer to laws, rules and standards.
2. Adult ego state – which centers more upon reason, factual, flexible, views as co-equal,
worthy, and reasonable human being.
3. Child ego state – which may be easily described as dependent, rebellious, selfish,
demanding, impatient and emotional.
Coping Mechanism
It is defined as the way people react to frustration. People differ in the way they react to
frustration. This could be attributed to individual differences and the way people prepared in the
developmental task they faced during the early stages of their life.
Frustration Tolerance
It is the ability to withstand frustration without developing inadequate modes of response such
as being emotionally depressed or irritated, becoming neurotic, or becoming aggressive.
Defense Mechanism – is an unconscious psychological process that serves as safety valve that
provides relief from emotional conflict and anxiety.
Normal Behavior
This refers to a lack of significant deviation from the average. Another possible definition is
that "a normal" is someone who conforms to the predominant behavior in a society.
Social norms – rules that a group uses for appropriate and inappropriate values, beliefs,
attitudes and behaviors.
Abnormal Behavior
Literally means "away from the normal". It implies deviation from some clearly defined norm.
In the case of physical illness, the norm is the structural and functional integrity of the body.
A disorder in which the physical illness is considered to be highly associated with emotional
factors. The individual may not perceive that his emotional state is contributing to his physical illness.
Neurosis is a class of functional mental disorders involving distress but neither delusions nor
hallucinations, whereby behavior is not outside socially acceptable norms. The distinguishing feature
of neurosis is a sustained characteristic of showing anxiety, fear, endless troubles that carries
significant aspects of the individual’s life.
B. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders
1. Obsession – This is an anxiety provoking thoughts that will not go away. Thoughts and impulses
which occur in the person’s mind despite attempts to keep them out. They seem uncontrollable, as if
they do not belong to the individual's mind.
2. Compulsion – It is an urge wherein a person is compelled to perform some actions against his free
will and with duress as a result of external factors. This is an irresistible urge to engage in certain
pattern of behavior.
- a psychotic condition marked by withdrawal from reality, indifference concerning everyday
problems, and tendency to live in a world of fantasy.
- formerly called dementia praecox by Emil Kreaplin, a German psychiatrist.
- the term schizophrenia was given by Eugene Bleuler which literally means “splitting of minds”.
Types of Schizophrenia
Simple Schizophrenia – is characterized by a gradual decline of interest and ambition. The
person withdraws from social contacts as well as irritable and inattentive.
Paranoid Schizophrenia – is characterized principally by delusions of persecutions and/or
grandeur. Hallucinations, usually auditory, are most of time present.
Hebephrenic Schizophrenia – manifests severe integration of personality and can be
observed through inappropriate giggling and smiling without apparent reasons which to an
untrained observer may only be childish playfulness.
Catatonic Schizophrenia – manifests extreme violence and shown with excessive motor
activity, grimacing, talkativeness and unpredictable emotional outburst.
Copycat Crime
Copycat crime is crime inspired by another crime that has been publicized in the news media
or fictionally or artistically represented in which the offender incorporates aspects of the original
A sexual act that seeks gratification by means other than heterosexual relationship.
HETEROSEXUALITY – normal sexual relationship between members of the opposite sex which could
lead to reproduction.
This refers to unstable and dangerous social condition characterized by an impending abrupt
change involving economic, military, political, police, societal or personal affairs that is approaching
emergency level event.
- came from the Greek word “CRISIS” which means to separate.
Came from the Latin word “EMERGENTIA” which means dipping; plunging. It is a sudden
condition or state of affairs calling for immediate action.
Crisis Management
It refers to the action undertaken to unify and coordinate resources and efforts to effectively
and efficiently quell a given criminal/life threatening situation.
Also defined as the expert handling of emergency or crisis to reduce or eliminate danger or
Types of Crisis
Natural crisis – is typically natural disasters considered as acts of God, such as environmental
phenomena as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes and hurricanes, floods, landslides,
tsunamis, storms, and droughts that threaten life, property, and the environment itself.
Man-Made Crisis
- civil disturbance, revolt, revolution, border incident, war, kidnapping, hijacking, hostage-
taking, terrorists activities, attacks on government facilities, etc.
Hostage Incident
It is any incident in which people are being held by another person or persons against their
will, usually by force or coercion, and demands are being made by the hostage taker.
- people who take hostages during a period of prolonged frustration, despair and problems.
- mentally-ill people who take hostage during a period of psychiatric disturbance.
- people who take hostages for personal reason.
- people who take hostage because of dissatisfaction and discontent regarding their living
condition in prison.
- people who take hostages because of political and ideological beliefs.
- present different and somewhat complex problems
- irrational
PROPER HANDLING: the hostage taker may feel a degree of pleasure if he finds himself important,
being the center of attraction
- prolonging the time
- more difficult to handle
- when caught, they rationalize by claiming to be revolutionaries a situation they resolve to die
for a cause.
PROPER HANDLING: their causes may deteriorate in the passage of time.
- if they kill one of the hostages, the negotiators then must set to save the remaining
Stockholm Syndrome
It is the development of unique relations between the hostages and the hostage taker. A
strong attachment of the hostage victim to the hostage takers after a long period of captivity, by the
hostage became sympathizer of the hostage takers.
Command Post
It is the position from which a unit commander and his staff exercise command over the
hostage incident.
Ground Commander is the designated senior officer in command of the incident. Also
termed “incident commander”
b. Training- closely related to environment and includes all social, educational, cultural,
moral and religious agencies with which the child comes in contact.
c. Efforts of the will- will is man's capacity to direct and restrain thoughts actions and
emotions, it is a controlling factor in causing individual differences.
1. Cognitive disorder-knowing
a. Perception disorders
Illusion - a false interpretation of an external stimulus. It may be manifested through sight, hearing,
taste, touch and smell
Hallucination- an erroneous perception without an external object of stimulus.
Visual- seeing things although not present
Auditory- hearing voices in absolute silence
Olfactory- false perception of smell
Gustatory- false perception of taste
Tactile- false perception of touch
Kinesthetic- tale perception of movement
Hypnagogic- false sensory perception of occurring midway between falling asleep and being
Lilliputian -perception of objects as reduced in size.
b. Memory disorders
Dementia- a form of mental disorder resulting form the degeneration or disorder of the brain
characterized by general mental weakness,
Forgetfulness- loss of coherence and total inability to reason but accompanied by
Acute Dementia- a form of temporary dementia occurring in young people like
malnutrition, overwork
Dementia Paralytica- degeneration of physical, intellectual and moral power leading to
Dementia Praecox-characterized by loss of memory
Senile Dementia- characterized by loss of memory with childish and silly behavior and
physical degeneration
Toxic Dementia- characterized by weakness of mind or feeble cerebral activity.
Amnesia-loss of memory
Anterograde Amnesia- loss of memory of recent events
Retrograde Amnesia- loss of memory of past events and observed in traumas of the
2. Emotional Disorders-Feeling
Exaltation- feeling of unwarranted well-being and happiness.
Depression - feeling of miserable thought, that a calamitous incident occurred in his life,
something has gone wrong with his bodily functions and prefers to be quiet and in seclusion.
Apathy - serious disregard for the surrounding and the environment.
Phobia -excessive, irrational and uncontrollable fear of a perfectly natural situation or object.
3. Volition Disorder-Conation
Impulsion - sudden and irresistible force compelling a person to the conscious performance of
some action
Compulsion - it is an act wherein a person is compelled to perform some actions against his free
will and with duress as a result of external factors.
Pyromania - an irresistible impulse to set things afire.
Kleptomania- steal
Mutilomania- main animals
Dipsomania- indulge in intoxication
1. Man-made crises/emergencies
civil disturbance revolt revolution, border incident, war kidnapping, hijacking, hostage-taking
terrorist activities attacks/raids on government installations/facilities and vital facilities.
2. Natural crisis/emergencies
fire, marine/air disasters structural collapse hazardous spills
1. Prediction- involves foretelling of the likelihood of crises occurring either natural or man-made
through the continuous assessment of all possible threats and threat groups as well as the
analysis of developing or reported events and incidents
Predict Inputs.
a. Intelligence-involves collection, evaluation, processing, updating and dissemination of
information obtained from all possible sources.
3 Categories of Intelligence in Crisis Management:
1. Strategic Intelligence (International Threat Groups)
2. Tactical Intelligence (Locally-operating threat groups
3. Operational Intelligence (Needed for Specific Incident)
b. Events- facilitate analyses necessary for the identification of threat groups and targets.
2. Prevention- involves the institution of passive and active security measures, as well as the
remedy or solution of destabilizing factors and or security flaws leading to crises.
Preventive actions to neutralize threat groups:
Operations security-prevent the potential threat groups from knowing the unit plans and
operations. The key to an effective operations-security system is protecting information.
Personnel security - protection of personnel against subversion and blackmails. Special
measures to high-ranking officials.
Physical security - encompasses protection of information, material and personnel against
terrorist actions.
Physical security measures include outer and inner defense barrier protection, alarm, surveillance
and guarding systems and personnel control system.
3. Preparation- entails planning, organization and training and stockpiling of equipment and
supplies needed for such crises.
1. Bombing
A. Vehicle bombs- booby trapped vehicles with attached devices and car bombs.
B. Laid charges- bombs placed by hand.
C. Projected bombs- bomb thrown by hand, launched from rifles/mortar devices.
D. Postal/mail bombs- bomb sent through letters, parcels and other items sent by mails.
2. Arson - used to destroy or disrupt targets such as public utilities, political headquarters,
economic and
3. Hijacking/ skyjacking highjack vehicles with supply ammunition and fuel cargoes industrial
4. Assassination/Liquidation Targets are often predictable, and invariably, the terrorist will claim
responsibility for the assassination mostly government officials, corporate executives, military and
police and security officer.
6. Kidnapping- kidnapping for ransom is the most common form of this tactic.. The victim is
normally confined in a secret hideaway and the kidnapper makes material demands.
7. Hostage-taking the hostage taker confronts the authorities and openly holds the victims for
ransom. His demands are often more than just material in nature.
10. Raids/Attacks-target may not necessarily be vital, isolated or large ones, what is important is
the raid/attack will attract public/media attention.
Negotiation Team- include psychologist or an interpreter whose primary concern is to save lives,
prevent destruction of property and pave the way for a peaceful resolution of the crisis situation.
Liaison Team - coordinates the negotiation team and OSC.
Roles and Composition of the Negotiating Team
1. Negotiating team Coordinator
2. Primary negotiator- assigned directly communicates with the terrorists.
3. Coach- positioned near the primary negotiator.
4. Chronographer - records all pertinent activity,
5. Messenger - carry written communications between the negotiator and the OSC.
6. Intelligence officer - responsible for providing the conflict management team
components with any information.
2. Operation Groups -composed of regular and special military and police elements deployed in
the crisis incident site to perform security functions and conduct tactical operations/interventions
necessary and appropriate to neutralize the terrorist elements/perpetrators at the earliest possible
time and at minimum risk and cost to life and property.
A. Security units/elements - these are military or police personnel who shall compose the
area and perimeter security.
B. Tactical action/intervention units/elements - these are AFP/Police units /elements
specially organized, trained and equipped to perform highly specialized anti-terrorist
operations such as sniper operations, bomb detection and disposal and the like.
C. Utilities Liaison team -coordinates with power, telephone and water utility tries to
regulate supply to the area where hostage taking occurred for the purpose of enhancing
government negotiation position.
3. Service Support Group -this group shall be composed of civilian agencies/organizations and
military police units tasked to provide the necessary administrative, operational and logistical
support to the OSC Post. These include food distribution, medical evacuation, communication-
electronics, transportation and other services.
A. Legal/Investigation teams -conduct investigation, collation and preservation of
evidence, documentation and provide legal advice to the OSC.
B. Intelligence team -responsible for the collection and processing of all operational
Intelligence needed by the OCS.
C. Communications Electronics team -responsible for insuring effective communications
between the OCS and CMC.
D. Logistic team -composed of support personnel who provide food and drinks,
ammunition, clothing, supplies, equipment, transportation, lighting/electricity if needed and
other logistical services.
E. Medical team -provides medical supplies and service. It shall maintain contact with
hospitals to ensure that they are prepared to handle any eventuality.
F. Fire-Fighting Team -it shall provide fire-fighting units to extinguish fires intentionally set
by the perpetrators or fires resulting from the operation of the reaction/intervention units.
G. Administrative Support team -these are personnel assigned to the OSCP to keep
written records of events, incoming and outgoing communications and ensures continuity
between shifts and permits accurate Post Incidents Reports.
4. Public Affairs Group -these group shall be composed of civilian and military/police personnel
tasked to coordinate and control public information media coverage and community relations
A. Public Information/Media Liaison & Control Team- stationed at OSCP. The press
relations or public affairs officer may release approved information to members of the print
and broadcast media.
B. Community Relations Team - conducts civic action, provides public assistance,
coordinates and supervises relocation of civilians displaced as a result of the terrorist
action or of the military/police action taken against a the terrorist elements and other
activities to ensure maximum public cooperation.
2. Personality Disorders
A. Anti-Social personalities -they are repeatedly in conflict with society, thus, are
incapable of loyalty and are grossly selfish, callous and irresponsible.
B. Inadequate personalities- they are unable to respond effectively to emotional, social,
intellectual an physical demands. They show ineptness, poor judgment, social instability
and they lack physical and emotional stamina.
2. Organizing- consists of work to be performed in order to arrange and relate so that it can be
accomplished effectively
A. Structuring work- identifying and classifying work that needs to be performed, and seeing
to its proper implementation.
B. Delegating - entrusting responsibility and authority to others and establishing
C. Developing Relationships - creating conditions necessary for mutually cooperative effort
and teamwork.
3. Leading - consists of work to be performed in order to stimulate people to take effective action.
A. Making decisions- arriving at conclusions and judgments about results.
B. Communicating - creating understanding..
C. Selecting people - choosing people with the appropriate skills, attitudes and experience to
perform specific work.
D. Developing people improving the knowledge, attitudes and skills of people.
4. Controlling - consist of work to be performed in order to assess and regulate work in progress
and which needs to be finished.
A. Developing performance standards- establishing criteria in order to differentiate
between acceptable and unacceptable performance.
B. Measuring performance- recording and reporting work.
C. Evaluating performance- appraising work and results.
D. Correcting performance- regulating and improving methods and results.
"The KEY to negotiating with terrorists is to convince the hostage takers that their point
has been well made, their demands have been heard, and the killing of the hostages would
simply mean to discredit them in the eyes of the public."
Human Behavior and Victomology
CRIM 313
Human Behavior
Behavior is LEARNED
Behavior is a function of the environment
New behaviors can be taught
Old behaviors can be unlearned
We change behavior by changing the ENVIRONMENT
Refers to the social significance of the behavior (of immediate importance to
the individual or society)
Behavior is in need of improvement
Behavior must be observable and measurable
Demonstrates a functional relationship between behavior and intervention
controls the occurrence and nonoccurrence of a behavior
Changes External Internal
Cannot be measured &
Observation Can be measured & seen
directly seen
Examples Running , jumping , etc. heartbeat , thinking , etc
Organizational Behavior - systematic study of the actions and attitudes that people exhibit
within organizations.
Contemporary psychologists have developed some important concepts or ideas about human
behavior which most of them share.
These ideas, which are briefly outlined in the following which will provide a better perspective
to managers to understand human nature.
1. Human beings are biological creatures and are to a very great extent influenced by their
biological makeup. Our nervous system and hormonal changes in our body considerably
influence our behavior.
E.g. – by exercising regularly, we can build strong muscles and by doing yoga,
we can do a great extent, bring changes in our physiological functioning.
2. Every person is different, yet much the same - Human beings are unique creatures. Every
human being is unique and different from others in terms of not only hereditary but also other
3. Human lives are a continuous process of change - Human being are dynamic creature
and are always in the process of change. The development change that occurs in human
being are all- round.
- Human beings changes not only physically but they also show changes in intellectual,
social, emotional, sexual, and moral areas.
4. Behavior is motivated - Human behavior is a result of motivation and is not aimless. Our
behavior is motivated by wide variety of factors. Our behavior may be motivated either by
internal factors OR external factors. Our behavior can also be motivated due to basic motives
like hunger, thirst, sex, avoidance, etc.
5. Behavior has multiple causes - Behavior is multi-causational and is largely a result of many
causes operating together to influence a particular behavior. Our behavior is influenced
simultaneously by many causes.
6. Human are social animals - Human beings are social animals. Social groups considerably
influence them. They from groups and work in groups not only to achieve a complicated task
but also to relax.
7. People play an active part in creating their experience - Human beings are active
creatures. They create their own environment and experiences to satisfy their needs and
What Is Motivation?
The term "motivation" is frequently used to describe why a person does something. It
is the driving force behind human actions.
It is the process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviors
It involves the biological, emotional, social, and cognitive forces that activate
It doesn't just refer to the factors that activate behaviors; it also involves the factors
that direct and maintain these goal-directed actions (though such motives are rarely
directly observable)
What exactly lies behind the motivations for why we act?
Theories of Motivation
a. Drive Theory - people are motivated to take certain actions in order to reduce the
internal tension that is caused by unmet needs. The problem with the drive theory of
motivation is that these behaviors are not always motivated purely by physiological
b. Instinct Theory - people are motivated to behave in certain ways because they are
evolutionarily programmed to do so. The main problem with this theory is that it did
not really explain behavior, it just described it.
Humanistic Theory
First introduced his concept of a hierarchy of needs in his 1943 paper "A Theory of
Human Motivation" and his subsequent book Motivation and Personality.
This hierarchy suggests that people are motivated to fulfill basic needs before moving
on to other, more advanced needs.
Types of Motivation
Different types of motivation are frequently described as being either extrinsic or intrinsic:
• Extrinsic motivations are those that arise from outside of the individual and often
involve rewards such as trophies, money, social recognition, or praise.
• Intrinsic motivations are those that arise from within the individual, such as doing a
complicated crossword puzzle purely for the personal gratification of solving a
Humanistic Theory
Humanistic psychology expanded its influence throughout the 1970s and the 1980s.
Its impact can be understood in terms of three major areas:
1. It offered a new set of values for approaching an understanding of human nature and the
human condition.
1. Awareness – maintaining constant enjoyment and awe of life. These individuals often
experienced a "peak experience". He defined a peak experience as an "intensification of any
experience to the degree there is a loss or transcendence of self". A peak experience is one
in which an individual perceives an expansion of themselves, and detects a unity and
meaningfulness in life. Intense concentration on an activity one is involved in, such as running
a marathon, may invoke a peak experience.
4. Unhostile sense of humor/democratic – do not take kindly to joking about others, which
can be viewed as offensive. They have friends of all backgrounds and religions and hold very
close friendships.
What is Personality?
Everyone has their unique pattern of feelings, thoughts and behaviors, which is formed by a
fairly stable combination of personality traits. As personality forms an inclination towards certain
characteristic reactions in any given situation, personality traits are likely to influence attitudes and
Five broad traits that can be remembered with the acronym OCEAN:
Each of the major traits from the Big Five can be divided into facets to give a more fine-
grained analysis of someone's personality.
There are many theories as to what causes an individual to engage in criminal behavior.
Some theories focus the origin of criminal behavior is based on biological factor. Other theories
suggest that criminal behavior is mainly lead by sociological factors.
Theories that based on biological factor are referred to as Biological Theories. Theories
based on sociological factors are referred to as Sociological Theories
Lombroso in 1876 argued that the criminal is a separate species, a species that is between
modern and primitive humans.
He argued that the physical shape of the head and face determined the "born criminal".
Is the way of thinking, feeling and behaving that makes a person different from other people.
An individual’s personality is influenced by experiences, environment (surroundings, life
situations) and inherited characteristics
Is a way of thinking, feeling and behaving that deviates from the expectations of the culture,
causes distress or problems functioning, and lasts over time.
Personality disorders are long-term patterns of behavior and inner experiences that differs
significantly from what is expected.
The pattern of experience and behavior begins by late adolescence or early adulthood and
causes distress or problems in functioning.
6. Narcissistic personality disorder - a pattern of need for admiration and lack of empathy for
others. A person with narcissistic personality disorder may have a grandiose sense of self-
importance, a sense of entitlement, take advantage of others or lack empathy.
8. Paranoid personality disorder - a pattern of being suspicious of others and seeing them as
mean or spiteful. People with paranoid personality disorder often assume people will harm or
deceive them and don’t confide in others or become close to them.
9. Schizoid personality disorder - being detached from social relationships and expressing
little emotion. A person with schizoid personality disorder typically does not seek close
relationships, chooses to be alone and seems to not care about praise or criticism from
Course Content:
A. History of Legal Medicine
B. Person Authorized to Perform Autopsies
C. Type of Medical Evidences
D. Methods of Preserving Evidence
Legal Medicine – is a branch of medicine that deals with application of medical knowledge
for the purpose of law and administration of justice. It is also a part of medical science which
is employed by the legal authorities for the solution of legal problems.
Any physician who testifies in court in his professional capacity can be considered a
practitioner of legal medicine.
Medical Jurisprudence – is that part of the law which is concerned with regulations
governing the professional practice of the Doctor of Medicine. The sights, duties and
obligations of the medical practitioner to his patient.
Technical Definitions
1. Law – Rule of Conduct; just and obligatory laid by legitimate powers for common observance
and benefit.
2. Forensic – anything belonging to the court of law or used in court of legal proceedings or
something fitted for legal or public argumentation.
Forensic professionals focus on gathering and analyzing physical evidence to help solve
crimes. They typically work at law enforcement agencies, such as police departments and
crime labs
3. Jurisprudence – practical science that investigates the nature, origin, development and
functions of law.
4. Principle of Stare Decisis – A principle that when the court has once laid down a principle of
law as applied to a certain state of facts, it will adhere to and apply to all future cases where
the facts are substantially the same.
5. Criminalistics – the application of medical and other basic sciences in crime detection and
investigation. It includes collection, identification, and preservation of evidence.
Criminalists start new cases by traveling to crime scenes and collecting physical remains,
such as bullet casings, fingerprints and DNA. They take pictures and make sketches of where
each clue was located, because placement can help determine who left the evidence.
1. Medico-legal officers of law enforcement agencies like the NBI and PNP.
2. Medical staff of accredited hospitals
3. Health officers in remote or rural areas.
Evidence is a means, sanctioned by rules of court, of ascertaining in the judicial proceedings the truth
respecting the matter of fact. Rules of Court, Rule 128 section 1) medical evidence if the means
employed to prove a fact is medical in nature.
1. Real, autoptic or object evidence – it is an evidence that made known or addressed to the
senses of the court. The probative value of real evidence is the best and highest form of
proof. Example, Human Skeletal remains may be allowed inside the court room to show
presence of Ante Mortem fractures.
2. Testimonial Evidence – form of evidence taken orally or in writing the answers to questions
propounded by the counsel and presiding officer of the court. A medical witness can only
testify on matters derived by his own perception.
Hearsay information are as rule not admissible in court. Hearsay evidences are not
knowledge of the witness but from mere repetition of what he has heard. A witness can testify
only to those facts which he knows of his own knowledge. Exception to the non-admissibly of
hearsay evidence is dying declaration. Physicians are frequent recipients of the dying
declarations in clinic and hospitals. To be admissible, the factors should be considered:
That the declarant was conscious about his impending death.
That the declarant was in full possession of his mental faculties.
That the declarant must be with regards to his impending death.
A dying declaration cannot be used in civil action and is not admissible if the patient recovers.
4. Documentary Evidence – a written evidence presented to the court by the expect witness
about the subject matter in dispute.
5. Physical Evidence – These are articles and materials which are necessary in crime
investigation and detection, this will aid in establishing the identities of the criminal and the
circumstances surrounding the commission of the crime.
The following are types of physical evidence necessary for the conviction of the perpetrators.
A. Corpus Delicti Evidence – means that the body of the crime or actual commission of the
crime charged. Examples: Body of the victim of murder, blood stained knife.
B. Associate Evidence – These are evidences which links the suspect to the commission of the
crime. Examples: Weapons used, finger and footprints, wearing apparent.
C. Training Evidence – These are physical evidence which may help in locating the
whereabouts of the perpetrators of the crime. Examples: Ship manifest, airlines manifest.
1. Photography and Audio – Visual recording photography is the most useful and reliable means of
preserving evidence. Camera is easily available and reproduction is easy.
2. Sketching – Rough drawing of the scene or object is done if no scientific apparatus to preserve
evidence is available.
3. Description – It requires keen observation and perception in putting in words the person or thing to
be preserved.
4. Testimony from the Witness or Witnesses – A person who has the power to transmit to others
what he has perceived.
5. Special Methods:
Course Content:
A. Methods of Deception Detection
B. History of Deception Detection
C. Procedure of Deception Detection
D. Lie Detector or Polygraph Test
E. Signs and Symptoms of Guilt
F. Confession and Admission
It is a method of gathering information from the subject about the crime in dispute employing
the use of special medicines and other devices, drugs and other substances. Their results are not
admissible in court but useful for further investigation.
The idea that lying produces physical side affects has long been claimed. In Africa, persons
suspected of a crime were made to pass bird’s egg to one another. If a person broke the egg, then he
or she was considered guilty, based on the idea that their nervousness was to blame. In ancient
China, the suspect held a handful of rice in his mouth during the prosecutor’s speech. Since salivation
was believed to cease at times of emotional anxiety, person was considered guilty if by the end of the
speech the rice was dry.
Today, polygraph examiners use two types of instrumentation: Analog and computerized most
examiners now use computerized instrumentation.
A typical polygraph test starts with a pre-test interview to gain some preliminary information
which will later be used for “Control Question” or CQ. Then the tester will explain how the polygraph is
supposed to work, emphasizing that it can detect lies and that it is important to answer truthfully. Then
a "stim test" is often conducted: the subject is asked to deliberately lie and then the tester reports that
he was able to detect this lie. Then the actual test starts. Some of the questions asked are "Irrelevant"
or IR ("Is your name Juan Dela Cruz?"), others are "probable lie" control questions that most people
will lie about “Have you ever stolen money?” and the remainder are the "Relevant Questions" or RQ
that the tester is really interested in. The different types of questions alternate. The test is passed if
the physiological responses during the probable lie control questions (CQ) are larger than these
during relevant questions (RQ). If this is not the case, the tester attempt to elicit admissions during a
post test interview for example “your situation will only get worse if we don’t clear this up”. Criticisms
have been given regarding the validity of the administration of the Control Question Technique. The
CQT may be vulnerable to being conducted in an interrogation-like fashion. This kind of interrogation
style would elicit a nervous response from innocent and guilty suspects alike.
A test used to record physiological changes associated with lying in a subject. The polygraph
machine will record the blood pressure, respiratory rate and the skin resistance to electricity in a
graphic paper.
The subject is made to sit comfortably and the blood pressure cuff, pneumography and
electrodes connected to the machine will be placed in the subject. When the machine is switched on,
then questions will be asked that can only be answered by Yes or No by the subject.
The machine measures changes in the rate and pattern of respiration although the use of one
or two rubber tubes placed about the chest. The inspiration and expiration reflected in the movements
of the stylus on the chart. Two electrodes placed upon the fingers measures the galvanic skin
resistance and a blood pressure and pulse readings. These recordings are transferred to a chart
revolving at 6 inches per minute.
Although the polygraph has been used extensively as an investigative aid in assisting law
enforcement agencies in reducing the number of suspects in a particular offense. These are about
10% of the tests that are inconclusive because of drawbacks. Some tests showed positive results and
yet the subject is innocent and other tests gave negative results to a really guilty subject. Despite the
drawbacks and unreliable results, it may not be admissible in court.
1. Use of Drugs
c. Use of alcoholic beverages – the information taken from the subject while under the
influence of alcohol may be admissible if the subject can recall his statement when he
was under the influence of alcohol when confronted again.
In this test, the subject will be interviewed wherein a group of stimulus words, objects or
persons will be presented to the subject. He will then be instructed to answer the questions as quickly
as possible. The time interval between each relevant questions and answers were noted down as well
as the reaction of the subject to the stimulus words, objects or persons related to the crime in dispute.
The time interval and the reaction of the subject will be studied by the interrogator. A person
presumed to be guilty will usually make a mistake or will have long time interval in answering
questions. He may manifest the situation in answering critical questions and especially the weapon
used in the commission of the crime will be shown to him. There will also be inconsistencies in his
answers or responses to the stimuli.
2. Use of Hypnotism
A good investigator must be good observer. The emotional factor is a basis in which emotional
tension may be manifested in a variety of signs and symptoms.
1. Color change
Blushing or red color of the face indicates anger or humiliation, Pallor of the face is
indicative of tension, fear and anxiety.
3. Dryness of the mouth because reflex inhibition of the salivary gland resulting to continuous
swallowing and licking of the lips.
4. Excessive activity of Adam’s apple on account of inhibition of salivary gland there is dryness
of the throat making the subject to swallow. This causes frequent upward and downward
movements of the Adam’s apple.
5. Fidgeting
Subject constantly moving about in the chair, crossing and uncrossing the legs,
tapping the table, rubbing the face, picking the nose and eas, biting the fingernails
and twisting the handkerchief of clothing.
7. Breathing
The holding of the breath is an indication of tension especially when critical questions
were asked and then followed by a sudden, explosive and longer expiration.
Kinds of Confession:
B. Judicial Confession
A confession made inside the court. It is conclusive and maybe considered to be a
mitigating circumstance to criminal liability.
A plea of guilty when formally offered or entered on arraignment is sufficient to
sustain a conviction of any offense even a capital one without further proof.
Course Content:
A. Importance of Identification
B. Rule in Personal Identification
C. Points to be Considered in Identifying a Person
D. Basis for Bertillon System
E. Importance in the Study of Skeleton
F. Examination of the Skeleton
G. Scientific Methods of Identification
H. Tests for the Blood
1. A person who had been arrested of his criminal act and that of the victim, their identities must
be established in order to prosecute the case.
2. The identities of a person who died leaving a vast of state and the person who claimed to be
the legal heir of the deceased must be established.
3. Identification relieves the anxiety of his love ones and friends of a missing or victims of
airplane crashed or shipwrecked.
4. Identification is necessary in bank transactions or entering premises.
The following points should be taken in consideration when unknown dead body is found.
2. Myxedema Facies – The face of a person is pole, swollen cheeks which do not pit on
pressure associated with slow speech and muscle weakness.
4. Facies Leonine – Lion face of a person suffering from leprosy with a pinched nose, enlarged
ears, prominence of orbital bones, thick lips and glistening oily face.
2. Eyes.
a. Size – big or small
b. Shape – slit like or almond shape
c. Color – black, brown, blue, red eyes
d. Conditions of eyelashes and eyebrows
e. Presence of abnormalities in the eyes – cross eyed, pterygium, arcus
3. Nose.
a. Size and shape – flat or pointed
b. Condition of the nasal openings
4. Head.
Size and Shape
Caucasian – elongated head
Indians and Eskimos – flat head
Malayan and Mongolian – round
5. Condition of the Hair.
a. Hair lines anterior and posterior lines
b. Absence, thin, thick, kinky hairs
c. Short and long hair
6. Ears.
a. Size – big and small
b. Shape and configuration
c. Presence of earring holes, pinched ears
7. Mouth.
a. Size – big or small mouth
b. Lips – thin or thick lips
8. Body Built.
a. Thin or skinny
b. Fat, obese or robust
a. Measure the distance between the tips of the middle fingers of both hands
extended laterally, it will be approximates the height of the person.
b. Measure the distance from the vertex of the skull symphysis pubis multiply by
two that will be approximates the height.
c. Distance between supra sternal notch to the symphysis pubis multiply by
three that will be approximates the height.
10. Presence of Tattoo marks in the form of drawings, names and initials.
12. Teeth.
a. Natural or artificial
b. Loss of teeth – partial or complete
c. Alignment and color of the teeth
d. Condition of the gums
As a general rule, female bones are usually smaller, lighter and smoother than that of male.
Bones of the skeleton are remnants of the dead body and are very important in elucidating
legal problems. After the soft tissues disappeared and only the skeletal system remains, the study of
the bones is rather a difficult procedure especially when the bones were incomplete and only
fragments recover.
The identification of the bones by the naked eye depends on the parts recovered. The skull is
easily distinguished as belonging to human being. The structures of the bones in all mammals are
basically similar. The oval or the round shape of the skull and less prominence of the lower jaw and
nasal bone suggest that is from human remains.
The pelvis gives the best indication of sex particularly the ischium – public index. The bones
that may be examined to determine the sex. These are the pelvis skull, sternum, humerus and femur.
Male Pelvis:
1. Heavier in construction
2. Pubic Arch – narrow and less round
3. Diameter of true pelvis is less
4. Greater sciatic notch is narrow
5. Body of the pubis is narrow
6. Obturator Foramen is egg shape
7. Sacrum is short and wide
Female Pelvis:
1. Lighter in construction
2. Pubic Arch – wider and round
3. Diameter of true pelvis is greater
4. Greater sciatic notch is wider
5. Body of the pubis is wider
6. Obturator Foramen – triangular in shape
7. Sacrum is short and wide
Course Content:
I. Importance of Identification
J. Rule in Personal Identification
K. Points to be Considered in Identifying a Person
L. Basis for Bertillon System
M. Importance in the Study of Skeleton
N. Examination of the Skeleton
O. Scientific Methods of Identification
P. Tests for the Blood
Poroscopy – study of pores found on the papillary ridges of the skin. Fingerprinting
considered to be the most valuable method of identification and it is universally
accepted. Fingerprints are not changeable, and it is formed on 4th month of
Bibliotist – a person who had acquired special knowledge of the science of handwriting or hand
writing expert of qualified questioned documents examiner.
Graphology – the study of handwriting for the purpose of determining writer’s personality, character
and aptitude.
Writing is a conscious act, but in account of a repeated act it becomes habitual and unconscious.
2. Determination of Age
A. Classification of a person whether infant, child, adolescence, adult and old age.
E. An element by which contain crime are committed e.g. rape, seduction, abduction, and
1. For fetus less than 25cms. long, find the square root of the length in centimeters and the
result in the age of the fetus in lunar month. One lunar month is equivalent to 28 days.
Example. The length of the fetus is 9cms. then the age is 3 months.
2. For fetus 25cms. long or more, divide the length of the fetus in centimeters by 5, the results
will be age in months.
For determination of age in childhood, the best guide is the eruption of deciduous or
temporary teeth which starts to erupt at 6 months and completed at 2 years. While the eruption of
permanent teeth in adulthood starts at 6th year and completed at 17-18 years.
1. Appearance and growth of pubic hair, moustache and beard. Pubic hair begins to appear at
the age of 13 years in female and 14 years old in male and complete at 16-17 years.
Moustache and beard in male start to appear at 16-18 years old.
2. Enlargement of breast in females. The breast of the female starts to develop at 13-14 years
3. Change of Voice – The change of voice in male and female occurs at the age of 16-18 years
4. Changes in the Color of Hair – The hair usually changes its color at the age of 40 years old
from black to grey then silvery white in old age.
5. Grade or year in school or college – Children usually start schooling at 5 years old and then
enter primary school at 7 years old. Usually at 16-18 years old, the person is in first year
7. Atheromatous changes in the aorta and cataract formation usually appears at 40 years old
and above.
1 month – ovum 1cm. long, weight is 2.5 grams eyes are seen as 2 dark spots.
2 months – ovum 4cms. long, 10 grams in weight, eyes and nose recognizable. Anus is seen as dark
3 months – length – 8cms., weight – 30 grams. Nails begin to appear. Placenta is formed sex organs
have appeared.
4 months – length 13cms., weight – 204 grams, sex can be distinguished Lanugo. Hair is visible in
the body. Fingerprints begin to appear.
5 months – length 22cms., weight – 450 grams, skin begin to be covered by Vernex Caseossa.
Dental gums appear in the mandible.
6 months – length – 30cms., weight – 1 kilogram, skin wrinkled. Hair appears at the head, Textiles lie
close to the kidneys. Eyebrows and eyelashes begin to appear.
7 months – length – 18cms., weight – 1.5kgs. eyelids open. Textiles begin to dissent into the
scrotum. Body is dark red and with hair at the scalp. The child is viable (28 weeks).
8 months – 42cms. in length, 2-2.5kgs. in weight. Skin wrinkled and flesh colored. Lanugo hair
beginning to shed. Textiles in the scrotum. Nails reach end of the fingers. Skin is red.
9 months – length – 45-50cms., weight is 3-3.5kgs., scalp covered with dark hair.
e. Determination of the cause of death. The amount of blood loss without being replaced, may
imply that the cause of death is hemorrhage. Cherry red color of blood may indicate carbon
monoxide poisoning.
f. Determination of the direction of escape of the victim or assailant. Through drops of blood or
blood stain.
g. Determination of the approximate time the crime was committed. From the study of aging of
the blood spilled and blood-stained material.
The human blood is reddish liquid within the blood vessels and containing four elements such
as red blood cells, white blood cell, platelets, and plasma, which is the liquid portion.
Hemoglobin is responsible for the red color of blood a normal healthy Pilipino has about
200cc. Loss of 6 glasses means loss of life while loss of 3 glasses will cause anemia.
In medico-legal cases, the blood and the blood stained materials will be object of examination
in the crime laboratory and the pointers to consider are the following:
Determination whether the stain is blood or not
If blood, determination whether human blood or not
If human blood, determination of the blood group or blood type does it belong: Blood
Group or Blood Types – A, B, AB, O
Characteristic of the Stain and the Stained Material
o Age of the stain
o Color of the stain
o Clothing of the blood condition of the stained material
o Approximate amount of blood lost
o Nature, configuration, manner, degree and condition of the stained materials.
Age of the Stain: The aging of the stain can be estimated from its color and hemoglobin derivatives.
The red color of the blood is due to the presence of the hemoglobin in the red blood corpuscles.
Hemoglobin is the iron-containing protein of the blood and is composed of two substances:
1. Globin, a protein
The normal amount of hemoglobin for an adult individual is 14 to 17 grams for each 100 cc. of blood.
In the circulation, the hemoglobin is found in two forms under normal conditions:
2. Reduced Hemoglobin – It is chiefly venous blood. Arterial blood is usually bright red while
venous blood is purplish red. This variation in color depends upon the relative proportions of
the oxyhemoglobin and reduced hemoglobin in the blood. The blood of about 7 days old and
of one half month may not present differences in physical and chemical properties.
Physical examination of the Stained Material: The blood may be stained the following
materials such as clothing, wounding weapon and instrument, tires or body of the vehicles,
house flooring, pavement of streets, furniture and other objects. The stained materials maybe
carefully collected and examined. Its physical characteristics should be described as to its
nature, configuration, manner, degree and the condition of the stained materials. The amount
of blood loss maybe approximated from the surface of the stained material.
Course Content:
A. Importance of Death Determination
B. Kinds of Death
C. Signs of Death
D. Changes in the Body After Death
E. Changes in the Blood After Death
F. Basis in Estimating the Time of Death
G. Presumption of Death
H. Presumption of Survivorship
Death – is defined as absence of life in a living matter. It is the termination of life and complete loss of
vital functions of the body. Thus upon death, the organism returns to a stable equilibrium both
physically and chemically.
In human being, the signs of life include the locomotion, respiration, circulation, brain activity
and the presence of faculty of senses. The ascertainment of death is a clinical and not a legal
In medico-legal death, it refers to the death which involves in crime or medico-legal cases to
prove or disprove that a foul play had been done.
It is a complete, continuous and persistent cessation of respiration, circulation and almost all
brain functions of an organism. Ordinarily, the physician will discharge his duty if he listens with a
stethoscope for signs of breathing or beating of the heart intermittently for half a minute interval
throughout a period of 10-15 minutes as well as examining the eyes by a flashlight will show the pupil
assumes a mid-position and dilated and the disappearance of the corneal and light reflexes.
The immediate signs of death in a person are sudden cessation of upward and downward
movements of the chest and the process of respiration, sudden appearance of pale color of the face
and lips, the heart and pulse rate stop, jaw drops down and flaccidity of the muscles occurs pupils
dilated and loss of corneal and light reflexes.
A. Sociological Death – type of death wherein the withdrawal and separation from the
patient by others producing a sense of isolation and abandonment. Sociologic death can last
for years of patient is abandoned by the family, unvisited and let alone to die.
B. Psychic Death – the condition of death wherein the patient regresses, gives up or
surrenders accepting death prematurely and refuses to continue living.
D. Physiologic Death – type of death when all vital organs cease to function.
2. Molecular Death or Cellular Death
It is the cessation of life of the individual cells in the body which occurs one at a time after
somatic death. Nerve and brain cells die earlier about 5 minutes after somatic death while muscle
cells live longer until the onset of rigor mortis which is about 2-6 hours.
It is a state of temporary cessation of vital activities of the body. This condition is not actually
death although classified under the kinds of death because the person is still alive although it seems
that there are no signs of life. Apparent death may be seen in diseases or conditions like uremia,
hysteria, drowning and electrocution and sometimes in newborn infants.
Answer to the following questions must be obtained in any case of death which is the subject
of an official investigation.
The most useful signs of death are those which can be detected by the external examination
of the body.
1. Loss of power to move and insensibility of the body as determined by visual inspection the
central nervous system consist of the brain and spinal cord is the seat of all the faculties of
senses and the power of locomotion.
2. Stoppage of Respiration.
A. Upward and downward movements of the chest and abdomen must be observed.
C. Examination with the aid of stethoscope. Flow of air can be heard if there is
E. Placing of a feather of cotton fiber in the nostrils and mouth. If there is movement
then respiration is present.
F. Place a glass of water at the chest region. If there is movement of water, then
respiration is present.
If there is no heart action for a period of 5-10 minutes, death is considered certain. Upon
death, the heart stops beating in a persistent and continuous which cannot be revived by cardiac
massage of five minutes. In case of decapitation and judicial hanging, the heartbeat persists for 15
minutes – 1 hour.
A. Heart Action
3. Fluoroscopic examination
4. Electro Cardiogram
1. Magnus Test – ligature is tied around the finger, blood zone at the site of
application and livid area dental to the ligature.
3. Icard’s Test – Subcutaneous injection of the fluorescin eye. The skin will exhibit
yellowish green discoloration of the living skin.
4. Reddish color of the web of the fingers when the hand is placed against a sharp
light. This test is called diaphanous tests.
When life is extinct and heat production in the body stops and its temperature is lowered
gradually to that of the surroundings. The lowering of the body temperature is one of the earliest signs
of death. The rate of fall of the body temperature is most rapid in the first four hours after death until it
reaches the temperature of the surroundings beyond 12 hours. The normal body temperature in a
living person is 37°C or 98.3°F but upon death, the temperature gradually decreases. The fall of 15°F
to 20°F is considered as death of the body.
A. Loss of corneal and Light Reflexes – The cornea will not have a reaction of winking the
eyes of contraction of the pupil when touched or stimulated by means of light.
B. Haziness or Clouding of the Cornea – A white patch maybe seen at the cornea when the
eyes are exposed to dry atmosphere after death.
D. Flaccidity of the Eyeball – Inter ocular tension falls to zero because of less of muscle
A. Change of Color – Upon death, the skin of the face, lips and body become pale and waxy.
The changes that occurred in the body at the time of death or within the next few minutes or
hours are very important to be used in determining that death has taken place in a person.
It is the stage of muscular change upon death characterized the relaxation of muscles and
loss of their natural tone so the jaw or head drops down, the thorax collapses and the limbs becomes
flaccid and the splinters relax. This is the reason why the dead person may still urinate, defecate or
excrete waste product of metabolism through pores in the skin. When muscles are subjected to
mechanical or electrical stimuli, the muscles will contract owing to the presence of life of the individual
cells. This stage lasts for 4-3 hours after death.
The whole body becomes rigid due to contraction of the muscles. This develops 3-4 hours
after death and may lasts for 18-36 hours. The stiffness which develops in the muscles of the body
after death depends upon post mortem chemical changes affecting the glycogen and constituents of
the muscle cytoplasm. For a short time after death. The reaction of the muscle protoplasm is alkaline
and as long as this condition endures the skeletal muscle remains flexible. In most cases, the reaction
changes form alkaline to acid from 2-6 hours post mortem because of the conversion of glycogen and
other substances to sarcolactic and phosphoric acids. Rigidity then begins to develop in the muscles
of the face, jaw, upper extremities, trunk and lower extremities. The process is completed in 2-6
hours. This stiffness lasts from 12-36 hours.
A muscular change characterized by the softness and flaccidity of the muscles in which no
longer responses to electrical or mechanical stimuli due to dissolution of the muscle proteins that have
been previously coagulated during the stage of rigor mortis. This stage is the onset of putrefaction.
Putrefaction – It is the process of dissolution of tissues by the digestive action of its enzymes
and bacteria that results to softening and liquefaction of tissues are usually accompanied by
the liberation of foul smelling gases and change of color of the tissues. Some authorities
defined putrefaction as the breaking down of complex proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and
minerals to simpler components by the action of its enzymes and bacteria resulting to
softening and liquefaction, liberation of putrid gases and change in the color of tissues.
The flies will be attracted to the dead body during putrefaction and sipped the juicy portion of
the tissues. The egg will hatch within 24 hours and form maggots and which again feed vigorously on
damaged tissues. Other destructive agents in decomposition are the rodents, lizards, snakes,
vultures, ants and dogs. Fishes and aquatic mammals when dead body is in water.
Rigor mortis absent, putrefaction changes, muscles soft and flaccid. Greenish discoloration
over the abdomen. Some veins beneath the skin seen as interlacing purplish brown network over the
shoulder, chest and abdomen known as marbolization.
Abdomen distended with gases, trunk bloated, hair and nails loosened from its attachment.
Blister formation and blebs. Face grossly swollen and discolored. Maggots seen.
1 week (7 days)
Further bloating of the body and discoloration of the skin. Bursting of blisters and denudation
of the skin. Soft tissues continue to putrefy.
2 weeks (14 days)
Detachment of the hairs and nails from its attachment. Bursting of the thorax and abdomen.
Further dissolution of more resistant viscera.
The speed in which process of destruction occurs depends on whether the body is decaying
in air, water or under the earth. The process more rapid in the air than in the other 2 media expressed
by the old formula which states that 1 week in the air equivalent to two weeks in the water or 8 weeks
in the soil.
A. Mummification
A condition where is removal of the body fluid before decomposition sets in that resulted to
sinking and preservation of the body.
Natural Mummification – The dead only is buried or exposed to a dry, hot sandy soil with considerable
air movement. While artificial mummification or embalming is a form which preserves the dead body
by the addition of some chemicals like formalin, alcohol, phenol, mercury and arsenic and covering
the skin with plaster of Paris.
It is a formation of a soft, friable and brownish white greasy substance. This substance is
called adipocere and formed by the post mortem hydrolysis and dehydrogenation of the body fats.
Adipocere is a soapy or waxy material, rancid in smell, dissolves in alcohol and ether when burned
produces yellow flame.
C. Maceration
It is a condition of the dead body usually the fetus characterized by softening and
discoloration of tissues as well as formation of blisters in the skin due to action of autolytic and
proteolytic enzymes in the absence of putrefactive bacteria.
A. Change of Color
After death, the heart stops beating followed by stoppage of circulation. The stasis in the
circulation will drain the blood from the capillaries and veins to accumulate in the most dependent
portions in the body due to pull of gravity producing discoloration in those areas not subjected to
A discoloration of the body after death when blood tends to pool in the blood vessels of the
most dependent portions of the body which appears 20-30 minute after death and complete in about
12 hours. The usual color is dull red or reddish purple with some bluish black peterbiae due to rupture
of small engorged capillaries.
1. General Physical Changes – a warm supple of body with moist, transparent cornea and moist lips
as well as the absence of post mortem lividity is a condition of recent death.
2. Post Mortem Lividity or Livor Mortis – The onset of post mortem lividity is 20 – 30 minutes and
complete in about 12 hours.
3. Post Mortem Rigidity or Rigor Mortis – Onset is 3-4 hours after death completed in about 12
hours. May lasts 24-36 hours in tropical countries.
4. Onset and Stage of Decomposition – In tropical countries, the onset of decomposition is 1-2 days
after death and skeletonized in a month’s time.
5. Life Cycle of Flies – The egg or ova laid on dead bodies will hatch to form maggots within 24
hours. The maggots will feed vigorously on the damaged dead bodies, then transform into pupal stage
and finally into adult flies within a few days.
6. Change in the Body Temperature – Upon death, body temperature decreases gradually until it
reaches the temperature of the environment. The rate of fall of the temperature is from 15°F to 20°F is
considered as a sign of death.
7. Changes in the blood – The blood remains fluid in the body after death for 6 – 9 hours.
8. Changes in the Stomach – It is usually takes 3 – 4 hours for the stomach to empty its contents
after meals.
9. Changes in the Hair – The rate of growth of hair loss has been estimated from 0.4 mm – 0.5 mm /
10. Changes in the Urinary Bladder – The amount of urine in the bladder may indicate the time of
death when taken into consideration the time when a person urinates or evacuates his urinary
11. States of Clothing – If the dead person is well dressed, it is more likely that death occurs at day
time, but if wearing pajamas of nightgowns, it is possible that death occurs at night and probably at
12. Presence or Absence of Fleas in the Clothing of dead Person in Water – If fleas in the
clothing of a drowned person are still alive, then the person has been in water less than 24 hours.
Survival of the fleas is not possible if they are in the water for more than 24 hours.
Disputable Presumption – Rules of court Sec. 96 Rule 123, that a person not heard, seen, or absent
for seven years is dead.
A person on board a vessel who was lost during sea voyage or an airplane which is missing who had
not been heard for 4 years.
A person in the military or armed forces who has taken part in war and has been missing for 4 years.
A person who has been in danger of death under other circumstances and his existence has not been
known for 4 years.
The presumption of survivorship of persons as to who died first can be interred from the strength, age,
sex of the person concerned.
If both were under the age of 15 years, the elder is presumed to have survived.
If both were above the age of 60, the younger is presumed to have survived.
If one is under 15 and the other above 60 years old, the former is presumed to have survived.
If both be over 15 and under 16 years old and the sexes is different, the male is presumed to
have survived, if the sexes be the same, then the older is presumed to have survived.
If one be under 15 or over 60 years old and the other between those ages, the latter is
presumed to have survived.
Course Content:
A. Classification as to the Cause of Death
B. Classification of Physical Injuries
It may be:
A. Natural Death – It is death that occurs due to a disease or ailment in the body. The
disease may occur spontaneously or it might have been consequence of the physical injury
inflicted prior to its development. The termination of life comes quickly and unexpectedly or
delayed due to lingering illness. Sudden death is the termination of life whose arrival is not
expected. A good example of this and it is frequently observed among males, from 18 years
old up to 35 years old and very common among low income group called Sudden Unexpected
Nocturnal Death (SUND) commonly called “Bangungot”.
B. Violent Death – It is death due to injuries by some forms of outside force wherein the
physical injuries inflicted is the proximate cause of death.
3. Infanticidal Death – death due to killing of infant less than 3 days old.
4. Parricidal Death – It is death due to killing of one’s relative. Any person who shall kill his
father, mother or child whether legitimate or illegitimate or any of his ascendants or
descendants or his spouse shall be guilty of parricide and shall be punished by a penalty
ranging from reclusion perpectua to death.
5. Homicidal Death – Homicide is the killing of another person with intent but without
6. Murder – It is the unlawful killing of another person committed with any of the following
attendant circumstances.
A. With treachery taking advantage of superior strength, with the aid of armed men or
employing means to weaken the defense or of means of person to insure or afford
8. Suicidal Death – It is death due to killing or destruction of one’s self. A person who
commits suicide but was not consummated is not penalized by law but a person who assists
another person to commit suicide is punishable by law.
Course Content:
A. Deaths under Special Circumstances
B. Methods of Judicial Death
C. Death from Starvation
A. Death caused, tumultuous affray as in riot. The identity of the killer is not known.
B. Death under exceptional circumstances. Any legally married person who, having surprise
his spouse in the act of committing sexual intercourse with another person, shall kill any of
them or both shall suffer the penalty of “distierro”.
E. Death by Hanging
F. Death by Decapitation
Starvation is the deprivation of a regular and constant supply of food and water.
Causes of Starvation
A person cannot survive for more than 10 days without food and water but with water alone, a
person can survive for 50 days.
Course Content:
A. Types of Firearm
B. Characteristics of the Wound of Entrance
C. Characteristics of Wound of Exit
D. Characteristics between Gunshot Wound of Entrance and Exit
E. Determination Whether the Gunshot wound is Suicidal, Homicidal or
F. Shotgun Wound
G. Wounds from Explosion of Explosive Materials like Dynamite and Bombs.
Course learning Outcomes:
At the end of the learning period, the students must be able to:
I. Types of Firearm
1. Kind of weapon
2. Caliber of weapon
3. Shape and composition of the missile
4. Range of fire
5. Direction of fire
6. Parts of the body involved
II. Characteristics of the wound of entrance
1. In general, the size of the wound of entrance is usually smaller the missile
owing to retraction the skin. The shape may be oval or circular. The edge of
the wound is inverted with contusion collar or abrasion collar around the
wound of entrance.
2. In contact or close range fire, there is burning of the skin and singeing of hair
due to flame and gunpowder tattooing.
1. The size of the wound of entrance – is smaller than the missile while the
exit wound is bigger than the missile.
2. Edge of the Exit – the entrance wound is inverted while the exit wound is
3. Shape of the Wound – the entrance wound is round or oval while the exit
wound has no definite shape.
4. Contussion Colar – present in the entry wound while absent in exit wound.
5. Gunpowder Tattooing – present in contact or near contact fire while absent
in exit wound.
6. Paraffin Test – positive in the wound of entrance in contact and near contact
fire, negative in exit wounds.
1. Parts of the body involved are accessible to the hands of the victim.
2. There is usually one gunshot wound.
3. Presence of suicidal note.
4. Usually the distance is near or close range.
5. History of frustration.
6. Drug dependency.
VII. Wounds from Explosion of Explosive Materials like Dynamite and Bombs.
1. Blast Wave Injury – when the explosion occurs, it causes sudden increase of
atmospheric pressure followed by sudden decrease. This compression –
decompression effect will be relayed in the atmosphere producing destruction,
distortion and bursting of tissues especially the interval organs causing
2. Burns from Flame and Heated Gases – the explosion of the powder will
produce flame and heated expanded gases.
3. Poison by Inhalation of Carbon Carbon Monoxide, Nitrous and Nitric
Gases, Hydrogen Sulfide and Sulfur Dioxide – the explosion cause
liberation of poisonous gases which when inhaled in sufficient amount will
produce gas poisoning or asphyxia.
4. Direct Injury from the Flying Missile – the detonation of high explosive
especially whose with metal covering will cause fragmentation of metal in the
form of shrapnels.
If the number of gunshot wounds of entrance and exit found in the body of the
victim is even, the presumption is that no bullet is lodged in the body but if the
number of gunshot wounds entrance and exit is odd, the presumption is that one or
more bullets might have lodged in the body.
No Gunshot wound of Exit but the Bullet is not found in the body of the Victim.
1. Bullet lodged in the gastro intestine tract and expelled thrown the bowel.
2. Near contact with blank Cartridge of wound of entrance but no slug recovered.
3. Bullet may enter the wound of entrance and upper hitting the bone, the course
is deflecting to have the wound of entrance as wound of exit.
Course Content:
Thermal injuries are those caused when the body is exposed to an increase
or decrease of environmental temperature.
Specific Heat – is the number of calories required to raise the temperature of one
gram of a particular substance with a temperature of one degree centigrade.
Sensible Heat – is the heat which when absorbed by the body produces a rise
V. Classification of Burns
The main cause of death from electricity is shock. The electrocution is divided
into three groups according to voltage.
1.Domestic Voltage – this is the voltage of domestic line which varies from
country to country. Standard domestic voltage in the U.S.A is 110 volts at 60 cycle of
alternating current. In the Philippines it is 220 volts at 50 cycles of alternating current.
Asphyxia is a condition wherein there is interference in the process of respiration
resulting to impairment of normal exchange of respiratory gases. Whereby the
supply of oxygen to the blood and tissues has been reduced below the normal level.
I – Asphyxia by Hanging
Is a form of violent death wherein the body is suspended by a ligature
encircled around the neck. It may be complete hanging whereby the feet do
not touch the floor and incomplete habging when the victim is in sitting,
kneeling and lying positions. Pressure by the ligature is present in front or in
the side of the neck causing the air passages to constrict and compression of
the carotid arteries reduces the blood supply to the brain causing cerebral
anoxia. The ligature marks on the neck follows the portion of the noose at the
point of suspension where it is usually interrupted or shows an irregular mark
of a knot. At first, it is pale but later on becomes brown and parchment like in
consistency. The skin at the sight of the ligature mark is abraded. The head is
elongated and stretched with the head inclined opposite the knot. Eyes
partially open in the dilated pupils. Pallor of the face with swelling saliva
dribbled from the sides of the mouth with bluish lips. The hands are clinched
firmly and purple color finger nails. There is spontaneous urination or
defecation due to loss sphincter tones. There is erection or semi erection of
his penis with ejaculation. Post mortem lividity with petechial hemorrhages are
marked in the lower extremities. There is congestion of the internal organs.
There is sub pleural and sub pericardial hemorrhages called tardieu spots.
II – Asphyxia by Strangulation
Is produced by compression of his neck by trying to ligature around the neck
and the two ends pulled in the opposite direction in such manner to tighten the
1. Asphyxia due to occlusion of trachea.
2. Cerebral anoxia due to compression of cerebral arteries.
3. Inhibition of his respiratory center due to pressure on vagus and sympathetic
Manual Strangulation or Throttling
It is a form of strangulation whereby the hands are used in applying pressure to the
beck and obstructing the air passages causing asphyxial death. It is homicidal and
the assailant is either in front, at the side or back of the victim while applying
pressure over the neck, one or both hands may be used.
Special Form of Strangulation
1. Palmar Strangulation – form of strangulation wherein palms of the hand are
used in applying pressure over the neck while the assailant is either in front or
at the back of the victim.
2. Garroting – form of strangulation wherein a metal collar or strap is placed
around the neck and tighten to compress the neck.
3. Mugging – form of strangulation wherein the assailant stands at the back of
the victim and forearm is applied in front of the neck.
4. Compression of the Neck with a Stick, Rod or Pipe – This is a form of
strangulation wherein a piece of pipe, rod or stick is used in applying pressure
over the neck and the assailant is either in front or at the back of the victim.
III. Asphyxia by Suffocation - is exclusion of air from lungs by closure of air
openings or obstruction of air passages from the external openings.
1. Smothering – caused by closing of the external respiratory orifices (mouth
and nostrils) either by the use of hands, cloth, pillow or linen.
Over laying – most common accidental smothering in children suffocated
either from beddings or pillows.
Gagging – application of materials usually handkerchief, linen other clothing
material through the mouth and nostrils.
Plastic Bag Suffocation – used of plastic bag, common among children.
2. Choking – form of suffocation brought about by the impaction of the foreign
body, food or blood clots in the respiratory passages.
A. Vomitus – too much alcohol intake
B. Bleeding pulmonary tuberculosis
C. Dentures
D. Bolus of food
Tete De Negri – dark bloated condition of the face in drowning with bronze color of
the head and neck.
Define Alcoholism
Enumerate the Degree of Intoxication
The practice of alcohol consumption as stimulants dates back to the early
time of human civilization. The use of wine is recorded as before the time of
Hammurabi 2380BC. In the Philippines, the use of alcohol traced to be earlier than
the rediscovery of the islands of the Spaniards. Very few are aware of the fact that
alcohol is a drug which has injurious effects to the physical health and well being.
Alcohol is a colorless, transparent volative liquid with aromatic odor and
boiling point at 78°c. The word alcohol refers to ethyl alcohol used as part of a
beverage. It is formed out of the fermentations of carbohydrates in grains and fruits.
A drunkard refers to a person who habitually takes or use any intoxicating
beverage containing alcohol and while under its influence or in consequence of the
effects thereof is either dangerous to himself or to others.
Chronic alcoholism is a condition where a person who, from prolonged and
excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages develops physical and psychological
changes and dependence to alcohol.
Alcohol is measured in units which are comparable to 10 grams contained in
100cc of beer or wine.
Distillation is a method used to increase the concentration of alcohol since
normal fermentation stops art around 12% to 14% by volume. In distilled liquors,
alcohol is measured in terms of proofs which is estimated to be twice the percentage
of alcohol by volume.
Slight Inebriation (10mg ---100mg. %)
10mg. % - pleasant, clearing of the head
20mg. % - felling of cruel well being, reddening of the face, no sign of mental
impairment but there is loss of self control making the user talkative and increasing
100mg. % - the individual is intoxicated and under the influence of alcohol, there is
mental/confusion, incompetence, drowsiness, decreases inhibition.
1. Clothing is usually untidy, stained with smell of alcohol.
2. Red face, blood shoot eyes, groggy stance and coordination is poor.
3. Breath is accompanied with varying degrees of alcoholic odor.
4. Speech is incoherent sarcastic with hostile tone.
5. Eyes are characterized with dilated pupils reddened and glossy appearance.
6. Mentality is absent with lack of orientation, clarity of thought, little self control,
euphoria, excitement and depression.
A. Components of DNA
DNA: Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) refers to the chemical inside the nucleus of all
cells that carries the genetic instructions for making living organisms. A DNA
molecule is made up of two strands wrap around each other to resemble a twisted
ladder. The sides are made of sugar and phosphate molecules. The “rungs” are
made of nitrogen-containing chemicals called bases. Each strand is composed of
one sugar molecule, one phosphate molecule and a base. Four different bases are
present in DNA – adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G). The
particular order of bases arranged along the sugar – phosphate backbone is called
the DNA sequence; the sequence specifies the exact genetic instructions required to
create a particular organism with its own unique traits.
Each strand of the DNA molecule is held together at its base by a weak bond. The
four bases pair in a set manner: Adenine (A) pairs with thymine (T), while cytosine
(C) pairs with guanine (G). These pairs of bases are known as Base Pairs (bp).
These Base Pairs (bp) are the basis of Y-chromosomes testing.
Deoxyribose Sugar: The deoxyribose sugar of the DNA backbone has 5 carbons,
and 3 oxygens. The carbon atoms are numbered 1’, 2’, 3’, 4’, and 5’ to distinguish
from the numbering of the atoms of the purine and pyramidine rings. The hydroxyl
groups on the 5’- and 3’- carbons link to the phosphate groups to form the DNA
backbone. Deoxyribose lacks an hydroxyl group at the 2’- position when compared
to ribose, the sugar component of RNA.
Nucleosides: A nucleoside is one of the four DNA bases covalently attached to the
C1’ position of a sugar. The sugar in deoxynucleosidesis 2’ deoxyribose. The sugar
in ribonucleosides is ribose. Nucleosides differ from nucleotides in that they lack
phosphate groups. The four different nucleosided of DNA are deoxyadenosine
(dA0), deoxyguanosine (dG), deoxycytosine (dC), and (deoxy) thyminedine (dT or
Identify potential suspects whose DNA may match incidence left at crime
Exonerate persons wrongly accused of crimes..
Identify crime and catastrophe victims.
Establish paternity and other family relationships.
Identify endangered and protected species as an aid to wildlife officials (could
be used for prosecuting poachers).
Detect bacteria and other organisms that may pollute air, water, soil, and
Match organ donors with recipients in transplant programs.
Determine pedigree for seed or livestock breeds.
Authenticate consumables such as caviar and wine.
Bases Pair: Two bases that from a “rung of the DNA ladder”. A DNA nucleotide
is made of a molecule of sugar, a molecule of phosphoric acid, and a molecule
called a base. The bases are the letters that spell out the genetic code. In DNA,
the code letters are A, T, G, and C which stand for the chemical adenine,
thymine, guanine, and cytosine, respectively. In base pairing, adenine always
pairs with thymine, and guanine always pairs with cytosine.
Chromosome: One of the threadlike “packages” of genes and other DNA of the
nucleus of a cell.
DNA: The chemical inside the nucleus of a cell that carries the genetic
instructions for making living organisms.
Gene: The functional and physical unit of heredity passed from parent to
offspring. Genes are pieces of DNA, and most genes contain the information for
making a specific protein.
Genome: All the DNA contained in an organism or a cell, which includes both the
chromosomes within the nucleus and the DNA in mitochondria.