03 2022 Group Iia Jca Publ List
03 2022 Group Iia Jca Publ List
03 2022 Group Iia Jca Publ List
0106045177 0107012001 0107049010 0107055261 0107064299 0107081074
0111005245 0111015062 0111016079 0112035241 0112037106 0116003308
0116005031 0117028254 0117036161 0204039088 0204040300 0204051073
0205001189 0205014248 0205014253 0205015278 0205030043 0205039089
0210005344 0210007198 0301012127 0301033123 0301042253 0301043064
0303001306 0401029105 0401056121 0401063213 0501050012 0601017140
0601033177 0601033186 0601035340 0601036239 0603005166 0603016280
0604015016 0604024275 0701004031 0701009183 0701033209 0701042354
0801029216 0801055006 0801081177 0901041355 1004024001 1004039033
1004047108 1004052333 1004060119 1005002197 1005006337 1005032075
1011003174 1011004089 1101004329 1201002169 1201006249 1201009324
1201011002 1201011370 1201020019 1201024175 1201028277 1201042149
1201043202 1206015019 1206022136 1206023132 1206024069 1208007012
1208010187 1301002284 1303004181 1401001055 1401033031 1501046122
1503002227 1503018038 1601016243 1601030106 1606001049 1606017227
1701003001 1701006300 1701020079 1701059045 1701065180 1701086083
1701093002 1706004079 1706007169 1706009233 1707013273 1802001018
1805005327 1901040078 1901056147 1901056274 1903027112 2001007202
2004004182 2101016193 2102016282 2105002248 2105003166 2105019194
2108001115 2201009168 2201038257 2202024173 2202026033 2301003197
2301007274 2301012138 2301015197 2307002009 2307004139 2401018024
2401021011 2401021017 2401023148 2401045298 2405017143 2501030195
2501053295 2501055079 2507002236 2507006340 2511013259 2602012180
2801071224 2807019134 2807031068 2901002196 2901018027 2904025164
2904027119 2905005182 2906008245 2906009169 2906019049 2906023051
3004023055 3101018199 3104016143 3201015081 3201018102 3201018233
3201024023 3201026355 3203004061 3203004205 3203007059 3203007063
3209008246 3301007166 3303001064 3305010389 3305032120 3401038004
3405004001 3501007053 3601047293 3604021127 3604034155 3701021126
AND 3801003246
The candidates with the following Register Numbers have been admitted
provisionally for Direct Physical Certificate Verification and Counselling subject
to production of required documents in prescribed format. If he/she does not
produce the required documents or if he/she does not satisfy the eligibility criteria,
his/her online application will be rejected and his/her provisional admission to
Physical Certificate Verification and Counselling will be cancelled.
0205037012 0205042204 0205046253 0205048271 0205050053 0205053279
0210002046 0210002053 0210005050 0210005360 0210015112 0210016116
0210020011 0210021194 0301015197 0301023323 0301034276 0301071332
0303001025 0303006158 0303020179 0303022001 0303030089 0310018041
0401018151 0401031299 0401042102 0401050196 0401061234 0401068037
0401073355 0401080031 0402026111 0402040127 0501003015 0501003123
0501021133 0501036291 0501077130 0501081197 0510005173 0510012081
0601006239 0601007119 0601013152 0601014227 0601017153 0601018193
0601020179 0601020276 0601026012 0601028155 0601030127 0601031161
0601038005 0601045180 0601047210 0603002283 0603008163 0603012287
0603027152 0604009256 0604010094 0604025071 0701010208 0701012267
0701013048 0701013121 0701015264 0701040175 0701042253 0701043062
0701044155 0701049255 0701054176 0701055049 0701057088 0701069233
0701078207 0703001062 0801053016 0801067215 0801084276 0801090039
0801113283 0901002026 0901009240 0901016151 0901026161 0901028256
0901045273 0901047074 0901048013 0905006160 0905008190 1004001123
1004004139 1004010092 1004025029 1004026399 1004028037 1004035086
1004037067 1004047140 1004050173 1004053371 1005006152 1005008199
1005008204 1005012270 1005014252 1005031044 1005036232 1005039258
1005057091 1005058178 1005067057 1007001271 1010013106 1010015154
1010015334 1010040053 1011022098 1201002207 1201009065 1201009354
1201010027 1201020051 1201020067 1201020160 1201030156 1201032151
1201040041 1208012175 1301005145 1303001042 1501034152 1501044257
1503019025 1601035039 1606012250 1606014119 1606024198 1606029174
1606036156 1608005144 1701007198 1701021159 1701028185 1701030135
1701047244 1701048087 1701062225 1701068083 1701069076 1701094244
1701097011 1702009126 1702016117 1702022245 1702023080 1702023150
1702031013 1702039052 1706013259 1707006241 1707008024 1711007149
1711017074 1711024037 1801014106 1801035174 1801036116 1802002218
1805013251 1901013122 1901030213 1903015189 1903016256 2001023174
2001032064 2001037188 2001043011 2004007094 2005015284 2005019154
2101008136 2101016142 2101021305 2102003175 2102006010 2102014253
2105009050 2105018271 2108018245 2201003033 2201023200 2202013283
2202024169 2208001219 2307008004 2401003216 2401015185 2401015270
2401016235 2401018321 2401020040 2401028251 2401029220 2401032030
2401035082 2401036275 2401037075 2401038210 2401048066 2401050248
2401051276 2405006051 2405007018 2405009196 2405011103 2405012293
2405016231 2405019135 2405022083 2405023144 2405024036 2405027195
2409002076 2409004118 2409008239 2501003025 2501062097 2501067322
2506005295 2507007146 2511010284 2511011035 2511014263 2601018020
2601024142 2601027325 2602002072 2602003231 2602004104 2602005050
2602005125 2602007354 2602009184 2602009271 2603007044 2603009175
2606003079 2606017295 2606019001 2606021185 2606022061 2606033004
2606033164 2606038133 2606043082 2701002279 2701021038 2701021290
2701042147 2703013237 2801061281 2807001186 2901005126 2901018037
2902023190 2902025068 2902025307 2904011267 2904012079 2905004110
2906005081 2906007076 2906008140 2907004078 3001013278 3104015122
3201024282 3201028149 3203014180 3203019253 3209002184 3209007212
3209017230 3301003276 3301014224 3301017042 3303008230 3303009221
3305003022 3305015068 3305032247 3305033030 3305037202 3305037247
3305056293 3401003234 3401014203 3401030145 3401050204 3405006231
3502001098 3502006178 3601003331 3601004097 3601024242 3601034118
3601036380 3601040171 3601045166 3604001146 3604008199 3704011284
3801001046 3801016320 AND 3801022277
1. Mere inclusion of the Register Numbers of candidates will not
imply that his/her candidature has been fully considered for
Physical Certificate Verification and Counselling.
8. Above Register numbers of the candidates are considered only for the post
of Junior Co-operative Auditor in the Co-operative Audit Department.