Speach Kakayla
Speach Kakayla
Speach Kakayla
The foreign culture that currently dominates Indonesia is culture from South Korea, namely
K-pop. K-pop is Korean pop which is music originating from South Korea, the music genres are
varied, from POP, R&B, EDM, Ballad and others.
First, Kpop is very popular with teenagers, teenagers choose Kpop as a diversion from the
stress and depression they experience. They choose to watch and listen to Kpop music to forget for a
moment the problems they are facing, fill their free time and get entertainment. So kpop can indirectly
be an effort to maintain mental health.
Second the positive impact of Kpop encourages teenagers to be creative and express
themselves in various ways, such as dancing, singing and creating creative content. Kpop can help
teenagers find new friends with the same interests and build communities. Kpop can help teenagers
get to know South Korean culture and increasing tolerance towards other cultures.
Third the negative impacts of kpop include clothing styles that tend to be inappropriate.
Currently, clothing styles that resemble Korean artists or idols often become a new trend which of
course is very popular with teenagers in Indonesia. This is because some Korean look themed outifs
tend to be open and show certain body parts that should not be shown.
In condusion by knowing other cultures, we can even combine cultures and our own culture
into a good and interesting caltural combination or acculturation, so that our culture which has not ge
been exposed will be know and promoted to the local and foreign public. So apart from being
profitable for ourselvers, it is also profitable for our country.