Med Ed Nov 2021 Welcome Pack

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Welcome to the programme .................................................................................................................. 3

Programme Timetable ............................................................................................................................ 4
Programme Timetable – Induction Week ........................................................................................... 5
Programme Registration ......................................................................................................................... 6
Student Contract ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Programme Learning Outcomes & Assessments .................................................................................... 7
Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Education for Healthcare Professionals .................................... 7
Module 1: Essentials of Medical Education NT915-20 ................................................................... 8
Module 2: Effective Teaching in Medical Education - NT914-20 .................................................... 9
Module 3: Assessment in Medical Education - NT910-20 ............................................................ 10
Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Education for Healthcare Professionals ..................................... 11
Module 4: Learning Technologies in Medical Education - NT912-20 ........................................... 12
Module 5: Management and Leadership in Medical Education - NT913-20 ................................ 13
Module 6: Evidence and Values in Medical Education - NT914-20 .............................................. 14
Master of Science in Medical Education for Healthcare Professionals ............................................ 15
Module 7: Research in Medical Education for Healthcare Professionals - NT909-60 .................. 15
Introduction to the Online Learning Environment ............................................................................... 18
Online Workshops: Using Zoom........................................................................................................ 25
Zoom House Rules ............................................................................................................................ 25

Welcome to the programme
Welcome to the 2021 iheed University of Warwick Postgraduate Certificate, Diploma and
Master of Science in Medical Education for Healthcare Professionals. You are embarking on a
period of enjoyable, challenging and rewarding study.

This is an interprofessional programme for all healthcare professionals, irrespective of clinical

discipline. Our aim is to give you a first-class learning experience that will help you realise your
potential and provide you will the tools and confidence to design programmes of study and
facilitate learning.

The learning environment will be highly participative, and we will encourage you to get to know
your workshop facilitators and peers well. Likewise, we look forward to meeting you at
induction week and ensuring you are comfortable with the online learning environment,
supports available to you and the expectations we have of your engagement throughout the

For many of you, this programme represents the first piece of academic study you have
undertaken in a long time. For some, this may be a daunting prospect. However, we are here
to guide you, to support you and to give you every opportunity to succeed. There will be
numerous sessions on academic writing and individual feedback given on your draft work.
During the induction sessions we will give you guidance on returning to study and techniques
that provide a healthy balance between work, study, and family life.

The team of workshop facilitators and I will get to know you well in the coming months and I
encourage you to take advantage of the supports offered.

If, I or my team can be of any assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Yours truly,
Jane Igoe
Programme Manager - Academic Affairs

Programme Timetable
The below timetable details delivery for the Postgraduate Certificate (Semester 1) and the Postgraduate Diploma (Semester 2). For those of you who successfully complete the Postgraduate Diploma
and choose to progress to the MSc in Medical Education for Healthcare Professionals, there will be an additional 10-months in which you will complete an 8-week taught component on research
methods, followed by a 24-week professional project, culminating in a conference poster presentation and 4,000-word journal article.

Weekly Workshops are 90 minutes in duration. The Workshop times will vary by group and your location, but will generally be early Friday morning in Europe, before prayer time in Middle East, and
early Thursday evening in Asia Pacific and Australia.

Programme Timetable – Induction Week
Induction week provides you an important opportunity to meet with faculty, peers and familiarise
yourself with the programme structure, academic expectations and what supports are available to
you. We look forward to seeing you there!

On Sunday 7th November you will get access to the iheed Online Learning Environment. The below
sessions have been designed to give you everything you need to know in advance of Module 1

While the Induction week is more intense that any of the learning weeks, it provides you with
valuable guidance in advance of commencing the programme.

Day Date Activity

Monday Webinar: 60-minute live webinar

8 November Topic: Programme Overview and Online Learning Environment

Webinar: 60-minute live webinar

Day Tuesday
Topic: International and interprofessional Medical Education and
2 9 November
Introduction to Module 1

Day Wednesday Independent Study Time on the Online Learning Environment.

3 10 November No live webinar session

This will be Webinar: 60-minute live webinar
Thursday or Topic: Welcome & Introductions
Friday In this session you will meet your Module 1 Workshop Facilitator and
dependant on the other students in your workshop group (approx. 20 students). The
your group student workshop groups will be together from Modules 1 – 3.

Access to all induction week events will be sent to you by email and available through the online

Programme Registration
In order to formally complete your registration with the University of Warwick you must have all of
the following documents submitted by 17:00 GMT on Friday 12th November 2021 (the end of the
Induction Week).

After this point, registration on the June intake will not be possible.

1. University Certificate

You must provide us with your original certificate, in English.

2. Personal Statement

You must provide us with a short personal statement (no more than 500 words) on your current
role/position, interest in the subject area and hopes for the future on completion of programme

3. Recommendation Letter

You must provide a recommendation letter that gives a character reference, confirms employment
and outlines your suitability for the programme. It can be from an employer, line manager, or

4. Identification

You must provide an identification card which has your name, face and date of birth all visible. This is
used during the online examinations.

5. Student Contract

You must sign the student contract (see below)

Student Contract

Your online student contract can be found


Please sign this to finalise your enrolment to the 2021 Postgraduate Certificate / Diploma / Master
of Science in Medical Education for Healthcare Professionals

Please ensure your first name, family name and date of birth on the contract

exactly match the identification card you gave in your application.

Programme Learning Outcomes & Assessments

Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Education for Healthcare Professionals

The Pg. Certificate in Medical Education for Healthcare Professionals comprises three 20 CATS

• Essentials of Medical Education (NT915-20)

• Effective Teaching in Medical Education (NT914-20)
• Assessment in Medical Education (NT910-20)

Through successful completion of these modules, learners will attain the following learning

1. Demonstrate an ethical educational philosophy and the ability to critically reflect on

development as an educator using appropriate frameworks, theory and tools for reflection.
2. Critically evaluate the literature on medical education and apply this learning to his or her
educational practice.
3. Apply learning and teaching principles in the design and development of an education
course, module, or project, including the analysis of the learning needs of the intended
4. Demonstrate the application of learning and teaching methods that are relevant to intended
learning outcomes and programme content.
5. Interpret, synthesise, and appropriately manage conflicting information arising from
feedback from learners and educators.
6. Demonstrate appropriate use of effective assessment methods in an integrated and robust
way to ensure intended learning outcomes have been achieved.

Module 1: Essentials of Medical Education NT915-20

Introductory description

This module offers a flexible method of learning to meet the educational and development needs of
participants who are involved in teaching or training others, whether as individual learners or in groups in any
public, private, community or voluntary health care environment.

Principal module aims

The aim of this module is to enable participants to begin to develop their understanding of education in the
field of healthcare / for different health professions, and to begin to apply that understanding in the
workplace. It is intended to be the introductory module to the Masters in Medical Education for Healthcare
Professionals and provides the foundations on which other modules build.
Participants will:

• Gain the necessary knowledge and skills to provide sound educational experiences for learners in an
academic or healthcare workplace.
• Acquire the ability to design, plan and manage learning experiences for groups of trainees or for
learners on a one to one basis.

Learning outcomes
1. Demonstrate an understanding of key theories regarding how students learn with particular reference
to healthcare settings and the education and training needs of health professionals.
2. Demonstrate an understanding of the role and professional values of the educator in an academic or
healthcare setting.
3. Demonstrate an understanding of the interprofessional team-based approach to the provision of
patient care and how this relates to education.
4. Demonstrate a critical, questioning and analytical approach to key theories and research and be able to
undertake critical evaluation.
5. Demonstrate effective planning for, and use of, at least one of the following educational approaches
with particular reference to their subject area and to the level of the target student audience in
appropriate healthcare settings:
• Large group presentation.
• Small group learning.
• One-to-one teaching and learning - planned and opportunistic.
6. Demonstrate the ability to assess and give feedback to students.
7. Evaluate (describe, analyse and justify) their own practice as a medical educator and demonstrate the
ability to respond effectively to evaluative feedback of teaching.
8. Demonstrate personal development planning as a medical educator.

Formative Assessment:
• Documented planning of a teaching session / lesson.
• Creation of instructional materials.
• Recording of the teaching session / lesson.
• Collection and evaluation of student feedback on the delivery of the teaching session / lesson.

Summative Assessment:
2,500-word evidence-based reflection on the teaching activity, including:
• Different learning styles and how they were applied in the development and delivery of the lesson.
• Reflection on the Teaching Portfolio created as part of the Formative Assessment element, including
reference to the feedback received during delivery of the teaching session / lesson.
• Development of a personal action plan for future professional development as a medical educator.

Module 2: Effective Teaching in Medical Education - NT914-20

Introductory description

There are numerous roles fulfilled by medical educators, e.g. provision of information, role
modelling, facilitation, assessment, curriculum and programme design, and creation of materials.
Understanding the challenges of educators balancing multiple roles and being able to practically
apply relevant education theories in their clinical context is key to becoming an effective educator.

Principal module aims

The aim of this module is to enable participants to further their professional development as
educators by undertaking self-evaluation of their teaching practice against frameworks and models
attempting to describe effective teaching, gaining insights into the processes which support the
development of teaching expertise, focusing on their own priorities (derived from self-evaluation)
and on key contexts for practice (particular healthcare settings, inter-professional education).

Learning outcomes

1. Undertake a self-evaluation of their development as a teacher through a systematic and

critical application of established frameworks describing the features of ‘effective’ and
‘excellent’ educator.
2. Demonstrate a critical understanding of key principles and methods of curriculum planning
and design through application to particular healthcare settings and educational contexts
(including inter-professional education).
3. Analyse the key features of the learning environment in particular healthcare settings
relevant to your professional practice and identify the teaching skills required to support
successful education in these settings.
4. Demonstrate development in generic capabilities (such as communication skills and
professional identity formation) relevant to a range of teaching roles.
5. Support fellow professionals in their development as educators through critical application
of professional development processes (such as feedback, mentoring, peer review,
teamwork and action learning).
6. Plan and maintain your own continuing development as an educator through critical
application of professional development processes (such as reflective practice, peer review,
and scholarship of teaching).

Formative Assessment:
• Create learning outcomes and evaluation for a teaching activity.
• Submission of a recording of the teaching activity related to the learning outcomes (to be
delivered to the peer group and to the tutor).
• Provision of feedback on the teaching activity - other students in the group will give peer
feedback, and the tutor will also provide feedback.

Summative Assessment:
A 2,000-word evidence-based reflection on the teaching activity and students' personal learning,
including areas of future development.

Module 3: Assessment in Medical Education - NT910-20

Introductory description

This module will introduce the theoretical frameworks for assessment and evaluation, and help
relate theory to practice.

Principal module aims

The aim of this module is to introduce participants to methods and directions in both formative and
summative assessment of learning. Participants will be given opportunities to relate the theory to
practice and develop their skills through practical assignments.

Learning Outcomes

1. Demonstrate a sound understanding of the key principles, concepts and tools underpinning
assessment of learners and learning.
2. Critically evaluate the relative strengths and weakness of formative and summative
assessment methods in particular healthcare settings and educational contexts.
3. Demonstrate an understanding of competency and frameworks / tools for assessing skills and
4. Demonstrate an understanding of the role of blueprinting and its practical application in
enhancing the quality of healthcare assessments.
5. Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of standard setting methods in terms of
their implementation, application and implications.
6. Demonstrate an understanding of the integral role of feedback in assessment and its practical
application in enhancing the quality of healthcare assessments.

Formative Assessment:
Evaluate and make justified recommendations to enhance current practice of an area of education,
e.g. a current course, in line with current international practice. Within this, consider:
• Balance of formative and summative assessment and standard setting within their
programme of choice and measures for remediation.
• Assessment of professionalism within the context of their healthcare workplace.

Summative Assessment:
1,500-word evidence-based reflection on the activity

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Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Education for Healthcare Professionals

The Pg. Diploma in Medical Education for Healthcare Professionals comprises three 20-CATS
modules from the PG Certificate, plus the following three 20-CATS modules:

• Learning Technologies in Medical Education (NT912-20)

• Evidence and Values in Medical Education (NT914-20)
• Management and Leadership in Medical Education (NT913-20)

Through successful completion of these modules, learners will attain the following learning

1. Demonstrate knowledge, skills and attitudes of digital age teaching and learning.
2. Demonstrate the ability to be adaptive in integrating design, teaching and assessment
methods with modern learning technologies to achieve intended learning outcomes.
3. Demonstrate advanced information skills necessary to critically appraise literature in medical
education to evaluate evidence and formulate research questions.
4. Interpret and apply the results of educational research to their own educational practice.
5. Demonstrate a thorough understanding of organisational leadership theories and how
supportive, multi-professional cooperation can improve education and collaborative care.
6. Demonstrate the ability to communicate, follow, lead, and function effectively to improve
learning in their own organisational context.

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Module 4: Learning Technologies in Medical Education - NT912-20

Introductory description

This module provides a hands-on experience of the application of learning technologies in medical education
and will cover e-learning, simulation, assessment, communication, use of artificial intelligence, use of learning
management systems and leveraging digital media and social networking. The module will build on learning
and assessments in the previous three modules and enable students to utilise technology within their
healthcare education environment.

Principal module aims

The aim of this module to give participants an in depth and critical understanding of the potential for taking a
learning technologies approach, including:

• A broad conceptual and experiential understanding of the application of learning technologies in

teaching, learning and assessment with specific reference to healthcare.
• Capability to develop and evaluate learning and teaching that involves learning technologies.

Learning Outcomes

1. Conduct a review of the use of learning technologies, showing an awareness of current debates and
issues surrounding the use of learning technologies in medical education.
2. Critically analyse opportunities and constraints when using learning technologies, showing
understanding of the educational theory and evidence when selecting approaches.
3. Plan and develop a learning technology resource and/or activity to support a clearly defined healthcare
learning need.
4. Critically review the appropriate use of social networking and online collaborative activities in the
healthcare education domain.
5. Demonstrate appropriate understanding of patient consent and IPR issues when using and sharing
learning resources and activities.
6. Demonstrate appropriate evaluation skills to assess the effectiveness of a learning technologies
7. Show clear and effective communication skills in written and online media.
8. Continue to develop their personal professional development as an educator.

Summative Assessment:
Functional implementation of an online course including modules, assessment and evaluation in an Online
Learning Environment.
• Individual 30 minute presentation of the online course
• 1,500-word evidence-based reflection on the teaching activity

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Module 5: Management and Leadership in Medical Education - NT913-20

Introductory description

This module offers a blended method of learning to meet the educational and developmental needs
of healthcare practitioners who are currently in management and leadership roles or are interested
in exploring these roles as part of their professional development.

Principal module aims

The aim of this module is to enable students to develop a critically evaluative understanding of the
key principles of management and leadership in healthcare contexts and be able to apply these in

Learning Outcomes

1. Identify areas for change and development within a range of professional contexts, including
educational contexts such as clinical training programmes, and develop evidence-based plans
that could be used to address these, demonstrating a theoretical understanding of leadership
and management and their ability to apply this in the context of multi-professional teams.
2. Demonstrate critical self-evaluation of their roles and skills as managers, leaders and team
members, through detailed understanding of relevant theoretical models and engagement
with relevant leadership competency tools and frameworks.
3. Apply leadership, followership and management skills to improve learning in their own
professional contexts, using effective oral and written communication and working in multi-
professional teams.

Summative Assessment:
Part A (50%)
10-minute individual presentation + 5 minutes Q&A
• Students identify an area for change and development within their educational context
and develop an evidence-based plan that could be used to address this.
• Students are required to demonstrate a theoretical understanding of leadership and
management and their ability to apply this in context.

Part B (50%)
A 1,500-word critical reflection, demonstrating evaluation of their roles and skills as leaders in
Medical Education, through engagement with relevant competency frameworks and tools,
culminating in the identification of areas for further development and a personal action plan to
support this.

The critical reflection should demonstrate understanding of, and reference to, key theories and
concepts in leadership.

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Module 6: Evidence and Values in Medical Education - NT914-20

Introductory description

This module explores the complex relationship between evidence, values and professionalism which
underpin the practice and development of medical education research.

Principal module aims

The aim of this module is to equip participants with a critical understanding of the complex
interrelationships between evidence, values and professionalism which underpin the methods for
developing and undertaking research into medical education.

Learning Outcomes

1. Use the principles and techniques of critical appraisal to evaluate evidence produced within a
range of research paradigms and traditions.
2. Formulate research questions and construct systematic searches for evidence relevant to
medical education.
3. Apply critical understanding of appropriate methods for the investigation of particular
research questions to the appraisal of research proposals and published studies.
4. Demonstrate the advanced information skills required to undertake literature searches and
manage the results.
5. Use appropriate decision-making processes to address problems in medical education
requiring consideration of evidence and values – see below.
6. Identify the benefits and limitations of approaches to reviewing literature in a range of fields
relating to medical education.
7. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the relationship between ‘evidence’, ‘values’ and
‘professionalism’ in the practice and development of medical education research.
8. Identify ethical issues in medical education research and critically evaluate approaches to the
resolution of complex ethical issues.

Formative Assessment
Group review of the learner's research question with feedback from the tutor and other students.

Summative Assessment:
2,500-word submission including a description of the learner's research question and a reflection on
the activity and future development. It is anticipated that ~60% of the submission (1,500 words) will
be devoted to a literature review of the topic.

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Master of Science in Medical Education for Healthcare Professionals

The Master of Science in Medical Education for Healthcare Professionals comprises the six 20-CATS
modules from the PG Diploma plus the following 60-CATS module:

• Research in Medical Education for Healthcare Professionals (NT909-60)

Through successful completion of this module, learners will attain the following learning outcomes:

1. Develop the capacity for self-directed enquiry and demonstrate the ability to manage a
professional project.
2. Critically evaluate and synthesise the literature in a chosen area of Medical Education and
draw inferences from that literature.
3. Identify key research questions within a chosen area of Medical Education on which they will
carry out a professional project.
4. Evaluate and select appropriate research methods, demonstrating an appreciation of the
ethical implications of the chosen methods.
5. Identify, analyse and interpret suitable data to enable the research question to be
6. Formulate robust explanations of the findings and their application / relevance,
demonstrating the written and oral communication skills to convey them in a succinct,
compelling manner.

Module 7: Research in Medical Education for Healthcare Professionals - NT909-60

Introductory description

"Research in Medical Education for Healthcare Professionals" is a 60 CATS module that will enable
students to identify, understand, appraise and plan research related to Medical Education.

The module will build on the students' learning in Module 5 (Evidence and Values in Medical
Education), allowing them to explore different research methods and giving them the opportunity to
apply these skills and understanding to develop, design and deliver a Research Project relevant to
Medical Education. The module will cover the skills needed to identify, appraise and synthesise
research evidence and develop an understanding of the implications of research for Medical
Education. Students will explore different research approaches including systematic reviewing,
quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods research, and the application of various sampling, data
collection and data analysis methods. Working independently, and under limited supervision,
students will then take responsibility for the direction and management of a project through to
completion and submission.

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Principal module aims

The aims of this module are:

• To develop students' knowledge and understanding of research methods and principles.

• To develop students' intellectual abilities using theoretical perspectives and drawing on
current experience and previous experiential learning.
• To develop students’ ability to critically evaluate an area of practice relevant to Healthcare
• To develop students’ ability to critically appraise the research literature and synthesise their
• To develop students’ ability to undertake substantial independent study.
• To develop students’ ability to produce and communicate a piece of work informed by the
forefront of research and evaluation, and with the potential for publication for a professional

Learning outcomes

1. Develop an appropriate research proposal and protocol that addresses a research question
or evaluates an area of professional practice within Medical Education.
2. Demonstrate self-direction and originality in the critical evaluation and synthesis of the
research evidence in an area of Medical Education and consider possible developments and
improvements for implementation.
3. Apply the principles and techniques of critical appraisal to evaluate the limitations of
research evidence, including complex interventions and studies at the forefront of
methodological development in Medical Education.
4. Demonstrate understanding of ethical values and principles in the context of Research in
Medical Education, how to apply for ethical approval and the role of Internal Review Boards.
5. Justify the choice of methodology and how this applies to research or enquiry within Medical
6. Demonstrate advanced skills in planning, information gathering and data interpretation and
synthesis for research enquiry.
7. Demonstrate independent analytical and critical thinking skills.
8. Write succinctly in the format of an academic article for an appropriate professional journal
and present work visually in the format of an academic poster.
9. Have the knowledge and skills to independently design, plan, conduct, and complete a
significant piece of academic writing which addresses an area of Medical Education.
10. Demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of different research methodologies and how these
might be applied to research in Medical Education.

Formative Assessment
Oral presentation of the Research Proposal.

Summative Assessment
Students will deliver 3 pieces of work for Summative Assessment:
• Research Proposal (pass/fail)
• Poster Presentation (20%)
• Journal Article (80%)

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Please note the following:

Passing grade: A pass mark of 50% must be achieved in each assessment. There is no compensation
between assessment elements.

Due dates: The assignment due dates are highlighted in your timetable.

Extension requests must be made no later than 7 days before the due date. The penalty for late
submissions is a 5% deduction for each day. If an assignment is submitted late, and there is no
extension request, it will be considered a DNS (did not submit) and result in a grade of 0%.

Resubmissions: If an assignment is failed, there is a chance for resubmission or repeat.

Compensation details: All resubmissions are automatically capped at the pass mark of 50% and where
an element of a module is capped, it results in a cap on the entire module. A failed
resubmission/repeat will result in the removal from the course.

Appeals can be made to the Mitigating Circumstances panel prior to an Exam Board.

Mitigating Circumstances: There will be a chance to submit mitigating circumstance claims appeals
prior to each Exam Board. All claims must be submitted by the deadline and should be supplemented
with all necessary documents/evidence. The MC panel will review the cases anonymously and provide
a judgement on the relevance, severity, and timeliness of each case.

An online form will be circulated to all students in advance of the deadline, and all submitted claims
will be discussed at the Mitigating Circumstances Panel.

If a third attempt is granted, participants will re-join the course at the point at which their progress
was paused. If the third attempt is not granted, the permanent withdrawal of the participant from the
course will be confirmed at the Board of Examiners.


Please note that all results are provisional until ratified and confirmed by the Board of Examiners.

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Introduction to the Online Learning Environment

All the programme materials can be found in the iheed Online Learning Environment (OLE) – Canvas.

You will all be issued log in details at the start of your Induction Week which will grant you access to
all the programme materials.

Once you sign in, you will come to this Homepage.

On the very left-hand menu you can see (A) Account, (B) Dashboard, (C) Courses, (D) Calendar,
(E) Inbox and (F) Help.

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Under (A) Account, you can post a profile
picture (1) – this will appear by your discussion
posts, and it is a nice way to familiarise
yourselves with your group, even while
working on the self-directed material; you can
choose how frequent your notifications (2) are
– you can ask to receive a daily or weekly
report of events, you can ask to receive a
notification when any post is made in a
discussion you are involved in, or you can
switch it off entirely! The settings (3) include
setting your time zone*, changing password
and editing preferred contact methods.

*Please ensure you have set the time zone

correctly as Canvas will create a bespoke
calendar for each student. As you may be
in different time zones, this could cause
confusion if not set properly.

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The next two Dashboard and Courses will bring you to the same page – providing a breakdown to
subject/topics and to the content for each module, starting with the Module 1: Essentials of Medical

Each subsequent menu bar represents one Module of your programme. By choosing one of these, you
will then be brought to the content within the module which highlights the pages in the section with
a progress bar denoting your journey to date.

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Each week there will be a series of Learning Outcomes, and throughout the programme material you
will be introduced to Reflective Questions, Case Studies, and Interactive Multimedia to help you guide
you through the week. Each week will commence when we meet for the online Workshop.

The Calendar (D) is where you will find your programme timetable. Zoom links for each of your online
Workshop sessions will be provided here, as well as the dates for your exams.

The Calendar is directly linked to your time zone settings, so please ensure that you are registered to
the correct time zone so that you know when your Workshops are on.

By default, time zone is set to GMT.

The Calendar

You can sync the Canvas calendar to any calendar you use (iCal, Outlook etc) by clicking on Calendar
Feed – this means any changes/edits to calendar events will be highlighted in real-time.

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The Inbox (E) allows you to contact the Workshop Facilitator, programme administrator or any fellow
participants. Your Canvas messaging is synced to your preferred contact email as chosen in your
Settings. Important workshop information will be sent to all students via Canvas inbox and by a
supplementary email.

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Your programme name will be highlighted in the top-left corner, and all emails are displayed on the

Click on the pencil to compose a new mail, the single arrow to reply directly or the double arrow to
reply all.

The Help button (F) is for technical issues – if there is an unresponsive page or a broken link, you can
let the IT team know here. For more general queries, please contact the Academic Affairs team by
email, OR post in the Student/Technical Queries Discussion forum.

With the secondary navigation menu, the important ones to pay attention to are: Home, Discussions,
Grades, and Resources.

Home will always bring you to the default landing page. From here you can navigate to the section of
the programme that you need to get to for any given week.

Discussions is your student forum – as well as the weekly discussion to complement the self-guided
materials, you can also find some pinned discussions.

After the online induction, we will publish an Introductory Discussion as well, where you can post a
little bit of information about yourself and get to know your fellow participants.

Grades will be the space in Canvas where you can find your results for each assessment. You will be
notified when these grades are published.

One of the most useful links you will need during the Postgraduate Certificate / Diploma / Master of
Science is the Resources page. Here you will find a list of recorded sessions and slides/materials from

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the Workshops. We monitor attendance of Workshops for our own records; but in case you miss a
session, a recording will be made available as well as the resources/materials used in that workshop.

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Online Workshops: Using Zoom

We use Zoom for our online Workshops. Zoom can be used on laptops, desktops, phones and tablets.

To install the Zoom app on your desktop go to the link below:

- Install Zoom Client for meetings on your desktop

- Install the appropriate Zoom mobile app

If you are using a phone or tablet, you will need to get the Zoom app from Google Play or the Apple
app store.

Zoom House Rules

• Use headphones
Audio • Limit background noise
• Mute your microphone until you wish to speak or ask a question

Visual Camera on, unless bandwidth is low

Chat Use chat to ask questions if you are more comfortable with this format

• Unmute your microphone and ask

Questions • Use the chat facility
• Post in the discussion forum

Recording Workshops are recorded for student purposes and can be found under Resources

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