Human Karotyping Gizmo Answer Key
Human Karotyping Gizmo Answer Key
Human Karotyping Gizmo Answer Key
1. Why do you think humans have two sets of 23 chromosomes? (Hint: Where did each set
We have 2 sets because we get one set from mother and another from
come from?) ______________________________________________________________
2. Examine the chromosomes labeled x and y. How do these two chromosomes compare?
x is big and y is smol they are also not pairs like the rest
Activity A:
Get the Gizmo ready:
Male and female
Click Reset.
Question: How are male karyotypes different from female karyotypes?
1. Compare: In the SIMULATION pane, make sure Subject A is selected. Click on and drag
one of subject A’s chromosomes to the area labeled Identify. Use the arrows to compare
the chromosome you picked with chromosomes 1 through 22 and also with X and Y.
Which chromosome did you select? ____________________________________________
2. Create: Drag the chromosome to the appropriate position on the KARYOTYPING pane.
Then select another chromosome, identify it, and place it on the karyotype.
When you have identified and placed all of the chromosomes, click the camera ( ) to take
a snapshot of the karyotype. Paste the snapshot into a document, and label it “Subject A.”
3. Count: Chromosomes 1 through 22 are called autosomes. Examine the karyotype you have
created. How many total autosomes do human cells have? __________________________
4. Draw conclusions: Look at chromosome pair 23. These chromosomes are known as sex
chromosomes because they determine the sex of an individual. Females have two copies
of the X chromosome. Males have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome.
Examine the karyotype. Is subject A a male or female? _____________________________
they have one x and one y
How do you know? _________________________________________________________
5. Analyze: Select Subject B from the SIMULATION pane. Complete subject B’s karyotype.
Take a snapshot of the completed karyotype, paste it into your document, and label it.
Examine the karyotype. Is Subject B a male or female? _____________________________
6. Think and discuss: On the SIMULATION pane, compare the X and Y chromosomes. Which
x because it is bigger
chromosome do you think has more DNA? Explain. ________________________________
Activity B:
Get the Gizmo ready:
Click Reset.
1. Compare: Select Subject C from the SIMULATION pane. Identify each of subject C’s
chromosomes, and place them on the KARYOTYPING pane. Once you have completed the
karyotype, take a snapshot of it. Paste the snapshot into a document. Label it “Subject C.”
2. Diagnose: A chromosomal disorder occurs when a person’s cells do not have the correct
number of chromosomes. The table below lists three common chromosomal disorders.
Use the table to determine which disorder subject C has. Record your diagnosis in the third
column of the table, and then click on the DIAGNOSIS tab to check your answer.
Summarize the information on the DIAGNOSIS tab in the fourth column of the table.
3. Repeat: Complete the karyotypes for Subject D and Subject E. Determine which disorder
each subject has, and use the information from the Gizmo’s DIAGNOSIS tab to complete
the table. Be sure to keep snapshots of both karyotypes.
Activity B (continued from previous page)
Use the above information about Edward’s syndrome and the descriptions of Down
syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, and Turner syndrome in the table on the previous page to
compare these four different chromosomal disorders.
5. Extend your thinking: Klinefelter syndrome only affects males, and Turner syndrome only
affects females. Examine the karyotypes of the subjects you diagnosed with Klinefelter
syndrome and Turner syndrome.
6. Summarize: The genome of an organism is its total genetic material. What aspects of the
genome can and cannot be determined through karyotyping?
Karotyping checks the integrity of the chromosome set you have or for the # of chromosomes,
but not what is on the genes themselves (genetic disorders). This means something like
sickle cell anemia or cystic fibrosis would not be detected through karotyping