The Study of Dermatoglyphic Analysis in
The Study of Dermatoglyphic Analysis in
The Study of Dermatoglyphic Analysis in
trends among races, sex, twinning, parent to analysed. These observations are compared
child, sibling to sibling, disputed paternity, with those of normal healthy control group
personal identification and correlation with of hundred subjects who are not suffering
disease and genetic traits3. from any malignancy till date.
Apart from its use in predicting the
diagnosis of genetic disease, OBSERVATIONS
dermatoglyphics is also used in forensic In the present study, 50 cases of
science for individual identification. It is angiographically proven CAD and 50
also a valuable research tool in the field of healthy individuals (controls) were included
physical Anthropology, Human Genetics for comparison of various parameters. There
and Medicine4. The research findings put were 42 males and 8 females in each group.
forth by some scientists suggest that muzzle The age ranges from 21-70 years with mean
prints of animals similar to fingerprints in age for CAD patients is 47.6 years in male
human being could be used as permanent and 48.5 years in female while for controls
method of identification of such animal to it is 33.38 years in male and 28 years in
check fraud particularly in insurance females.
The knowledge of dermatoglyphics Table 1: Frequency distribution of Total Finger Ridge Count
(TFRC) in CAD and control groups.
patterns in patients with CAD is an cl of TFRC CAD Controls
interesting matter and little information is M F T % M F T %
0-25 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0
available about this relation. Thus, with 26-50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
regard to the high incidence of CAD in the 51-75 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2
76-100 6 0 6 12 2 1 3 6
world, the existence of such relation might 101-125 13 3 16 32 3 0 3 6
be important in the screening program for 126-150 16 5 21 42 10 3 13 26
early detection and timely treatment of 151-175 6 0 6 12 16 2 18 36
176-200 0 0 0 0 8 2 10 20
CAD. This study could be used for 201-225 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 4
screening or to guide future research in this Total 42 8 50 100 42 8 50 100
Table 1 shows frequency distribution of
MATERIAL AND METHODS Total Finger Ridge Count (TFRC) in CAD
The present study was carried out in and control groups. In CAD cases,
Department of Anatomy, Mahatma Gandhi maximum percentage of TFRC is seen in
Medical College and Hospital, Jaipur, class interval of 126-150 (42 %) as
Rajasthan from March 2012 to March 2014. compared to the control group where it is
Fifty cases of coronary artery disease were seen in the class interval of 151- 175 (36
taken for the dermatoglyphic study from the %).
S.M.S. Hospital and Mahatma Gandhi
Table 2: Statistical calculation for TFRC in CAD and control
Hosptial, Jaipur. Age group ranging from groups
21-70 years. Subject Sex Mean SD
Cases (CAD) M 125.048 26.962
Dermatoglyphic prints were taken by F 126.6 10.391
INK METHOD as described by Cummins M+F 125.3 24.981
(1926), Cummins and Midlo (1943). These Controls (normal) M 155.571 31.738
F 150.25 27.509
imprints are studied by scanning and then M+F 154.72 30.901
studying the different dermatoglyphic
variables by opening the finger prints in Table 2 shows statistical calculation for
Paint software for observations under TFRC in CAD and control groups. There is
different heads. The quantitative patterns decrease in the mean value of TFRC in
like Total Finger Ridge Count (TFRC), CAD males, females and (M+F) as
Absolute Finger Ridge Count (AFRC), a-b compared to the controls.
Ridge Count and atd Angle on Palm were
Table 7 shows Frequency distribution of a-b count is seen between 36-40 (37.5 %) as
ridge count in CAD and controls. In CAD compared to control females where it is seen
males, maximum percentage of a-b ridge between 36-40 interval 56.3 %).
count is seen between 41-45 (53.6 %) as
compared to males in control groups where
it is seen between 41-45 (33.3 %). In CAD
females, maximum percentage of a-b ridge
Table 8: Statistical calculation of a-b ridge count in CAD and also increase in the mean value of a-b ridge
Subject Sex Side MEAN SD count in both right and left hands in CAD as
CAD M R 40.952 3.561 compared to the controls.
L 40.905 2.945
R+L 40.928 3.248
F R 40.25 3.059 Table 9: Test of significance for a-b ridge count for
L 41.375 3.378 comparison between CAD and control
R+L 40.813 3.167 Sex Side t-value P-value Remark
M+F R 40.84 3.466 M R 1.6823 0.0963 NS
L 40.98 2.986 L 1.5045 0.1363 NS
R+L 40.91 3.219 R+L 2.2623 0.0250 S
CONTROLS M R 39.071 6.311 F R 0.5305 0.6041 NS
L 39.1192 7.106 L 0.6838 0.5052 NS
R+L 39.095 6.679 R+L 0.0579 0.9542 NS
F R 41.125 3.523 M+F R 1.4745 0.1436 NS
L 40.375 2.387 L 1.6246 0.1075 NS
R+L 40.75 2.933 R+L 2.2043 0.0287 S
M+F R 39.4 5.973
L 39.32 6.579
R+L 39.36 6.252
Table 9 shows t-value for a-b ridge count
for comparison between CAD and controls.
Table 8 shows statistical calculation of a-b There is statistically significant difference in
ridge count in CAD and controls. There is the mean value of a-b ridge count in CAD
slight increase in the mean value of a-b males (P<0.05) and CAD (M+F) (P<0.05)
ridge count in CAD males, females and but no statistically significant difference in
(M+F) as compared to the controls. There is CAD females when compared with the
Table 10 shows frequency distribution of Table 11: Statistical calculation of atd angle in CAD and
atd angle in CAD and controls. In CAD Subject Sex Side MEAN SD
males, maximum percentage of atd angle is CAD M R 38.667 3.836
L 38.928 4.886
seen between 36-40 (48.7%) as compared to R+L 38.798 4.368
control males where it is seen between 36- F R 40.375 6.717
L 39.375 5.125
40 (54.8 %). In CAD females, maximum R+L 39.875 5.795
percentage of atd angle is seen between 36- M+F R 38.94 4.377
40 (43.8%) as compared to control females L 39.0 4.874
R+L 38.97 4.609
where it is seen between 36-40 (50%). CONTROLS M R 42.857 5.426
Table 11 shows statistical L 41.667 4.771
R+L 42.262 5.113
calculation of atd angle in CAD and F R 44.375 8.634
controls. There is decrease in the mean L 45.0 5.345
R+L 44.688 6.945
value of atd angle in CAD males, females M+F R 43.1 5.967
and (M+F) as compared to the controls. L 42.2 4.965
There is also decrease in the mean value of R+L 42.65 5.479
Table 12: Test of significance for atd angle for comparison In the present study there is statistically
between CAD and control
Sex Side t-value P-value Remark significant decrease in the mean value of
M R 4.0868 0.0001 S AFRC in all CAD cases as compared to the
L 2.5984 0.0111 S
R+L 4.7212 0.0001 S controls. There is also decrease in the mean
F R 1.0342 0.3186 NS value of AFRC in CAD males, females and
L 2.1484 0.0497 S
R+L 2.1282 0.0416 S
(M+F) when compared with the controls
M+F R 3.9750 0.0001 S with statistically significant difference in the
L 3.2522 0.0016 S mean value of AFRC between cases and
R+L 5.1395 0.0001 S
controls (P<0.05).
Table 12 shows t-value for atd angle for Rashad and Mi (1975)6 observed significant
comparison between CAD and controls. increase in TFRC and AFRC in myocardial
There is statistically significant difference in infarction patients. Rashad et al. (1978)7
the mean value of atd angle in CAD males also reported significant increase in TFRC
(P<0.01), females (P<0.05) and (M+F) and AFRC in MI patients. Total and
(P<0.01) when compared with the controls. Absolute ridge count were significantly
There was statistically significant difference higher (P<0.05) in all digits in favour of MI
in the mean value of atd angle in both right patients. Anderson MW et al. (1981)8
and left hand in CAD but no significant in observed no statistically significant increase
right hand of female when compared with in TFRC and AFRC in MI patients. Thus
the controls. the finding of decreased mean value of
TFRC and AFRC in CAD in the present
DISCUSSION study contrast with the finding of above
The quantitative dermatoglyphic workers.
patterns were analysed under following c. a-b Ridge Count
headings: In the present study, there is increase in the
a. Total Finger Ridge Count (TFRC) mean value of a-b ridge count was observed
b. Absolute Finger Ridge Count (AFRC) in both sexes of CAD groups. There is also
c. a-b Ridge Count increase in the mean value of a-b Ridge
d. atd Angle Count in both hands in CAD cases as
compared to the controls. As compared to
The observed values in the current the control group there is increase in mean
study were first subjected to the test of value of a-b ridge count in CAD males
statistical significance done in Epi Info (P<0.0250), CAD females (P< 0.9542) and
(TM) 3.5.1, Epi info7 software and excel CAD (M+F) (P<0.0287). This present study
data analysis. The findings were then findings could not be compared as no
compared with the available literature of previous study has been carried out on a-b
previous workers. ridge count in CAD.
a. Total Finger Ridge Count (TFRC) d. atd Angle
In the present study there is decrease in In the present study there is decrease in
the mean value of TFRC in all CAD cases the mean value of atd angle was observed in
as compared to the controls which was both sexes of CAD groups as compared to
statistically significant (P<0.05). There is controls. There is also decrease in the mean
decrease in the mean value of TFRC in value of atd angle in both hands in CAD
CAD males (x=125.048), CAD females cases as compared to the controls. As
(x=126.6) and CAD (M+F) (x=125.3) when compared to the control group there is
compared to the controls and was decrease in mean value of atd angle in CAD
statistically significant male (P<0.05), males (P<0.0001), CAD females (P<
female (P<0.05) and (M+F) (P<0.05). 0.0416) and CAD (M+F) (P<0.0001). No
b. Absolute Finger Ridge Count (AFRC) study has been carried out on atd angle in
CAD, hence present study findings could 3. Cummins H and Midlo. Finger prints of
not be compared. palms and soles. An introduction to
sdermatoglyphics. 1943; Dovar Pub. INC,
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value of TFRC and AFRC in CAD in both AL.The muzzle prints and biochemical
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value of a-b ridge count is significantly characteristics in cattle. Article in
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significantly decreased in both hands and in patients with cardiovascular disorders.
both sexes. Amer J Physl Anthropol, 1975; 42(2): 281-
CAD is most important cause of mortality 83.
and morbidity in the world. CAD causes 7. Rashad MN, Mi MP, Rhoads G.
more death and disability and incurs greater Dermatoglyphic studies of myocardial
infarction patients. Hum Hered 1978; 28:1–
economic cost than any other illness in 6.
developing world. So, with the help of 8. Anderson MW, Haug PJ, Critchfield G.
fingerprint pattern it might be helpful for Dermatoglyphic features of Myocardial
screening of persons for CAD in rural areas Infarction patients. Amer J Physl
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