2022 NCPB Tender
2022 NCPB Tender
2022 NCPB Tender
Box 30586-00100
Website: www.ncpb.co.ke NAIROBI
Email: supplies@ncpb.co.ke, ncpbsupplies@gmail.com KENYA
1. The National Cereals and Produce Board invites fertilizer manufacturers, distributors and
sellers into a direct contractual agreement to enable them supply fertilizer to NCPB for
distribution under government subsidized fertilizers, through its network on agency basis
indicated in detail in “Table A. Schedule of Requirements and Specifications”. The
quotation shall follow the instructions and documents in this RFQ document and shall be in
English Language. Tenderers may obtain further information during office i.e. 0800 to 1600
hours at the address given below.
4. Any resulting contract shall be subject to the terms and conditions detailed in Part 3:
5. Please inform by email the undersigned within two (2) days of receipt of this RFQ if you will
not be submitting a quotation through supplies@ncpb.co.ke or ncpbsupplies@gmail.com.
Yours sincerely,
__________________________ _____________________
1. Tenderers are advised to read carefully these instructions and the Conditions of Contract
in Part 3: Contract, before preparing the quotation. The standard forms in this RFQ may
be photocopied for completion but the Tenderer is responsible for their accurate
reproduction. The term Tenderer shall mean the firm or person invited to submit a
quotation. The term Quotation herein shall mean the quotation submitted as usually
understood in public procurement.
2. Validity of Quotations: The quotation will be held valid for 60 days from the date of
3. The Quotation shall consist of completed Tables A, B and the Form of Quotation all
indicated in Part 2 of this Request for Quotations, and documents to evidence Eligibility
and Conformity to Technical Specifications.
4. Sealing and Marking of Quotations: Quotations in one “one original” should be sealed in
a single envelope, clearly marked with the Quotation Reference Number in the RFQ, the
Tenderer's name and the name of the Procuring Entity. Envelopes should be sealed in
such a manner that opening and resealing cannot be achieved undetected.
6. Opening of Quotations: Quotations will be opened immediately after the closing date and
time specified in item 5 above, by at least three appointed officials of the Procuring Entity.
7. Tenderer Eligibility: Tenderer must submit Documentary evidence to show His/her eligibility
to be awarded a contract to cover each of the following: (i) Valid tax compliance
certificate, (ii) Company registration Certificate, (iii) Valid business trading license, (iv)
Certificate of fertilizer quality issued by KEBS, (v) Certificate of origin, and (vi)
Manufacturers authorization letter. The Tenderer shall also complete attached forms to
confirm eligibility and non-existence of a conflict of interest in relation to this procurement
requirement by signing the attached Forms.
8. Invitation not transferable: This invitation is not transferable to other firms or individuals not
so invited.
9. Goods Eligibility: Tenderer must submit as evidence documents to show the country of
origin of any goods to be supplied or incorporated in the work or services
10. Technical Specifications: Documentary evidence to show that the goods meet the
technical specifications.
11. Alternative Quotations: Tenderers not permitted to submit alternative quotations for
goods. Only the alternatives, if any, of the Tenderer with the winning quotation
conforming to the basic technical requirements shall be considered by the Procuring
13. Evaluation of Quotations: The evaluation of quotations will be conducted using the
procedure set out below:
i) Preliminary examination to determine Tenderer eligibility:
(i) Valid tax compliance certificate
(ii) Company registration Certificate
(iii) Valid business trading license
(iv) Certificate of fertilizer quality issued by KEBS
(v) Certificate of origin
(vi) Manufacturers authorization letter
ii) Technical examination to determine goods eligibility, compliance with technical
specifications and commercial responsiveness. Quotations failing this stage will be
rejected and not considered in next stage.
iii) Financial comparison of quotations to determine the lowest evaluated quotation. In
case foreign currency is allowed, for comparison purposes only, foreign currency
quotations will be converted to Kenya shillings using the exchange rates published by
the Central Bank of Kenya on the day of submission of quotation.
14. Lowest Evaluated Quotation: The lowest evaluated quotation shall be recommended for
award of contract. At its discretion NCPB may invite eligible suppliers of similar
parameter indicated in this tender document for negotiation.
15. Award of contract: Award of contract shall be by placement of a Local Purchase Order
(LPO) in accordance with Part 3: Contract. The currency of award and payment shall be
currency in which the quotation was submitted.
16. Right to Reject: The Procuring Entity reserves the right to accept or reject any quotation
or to cancel the quotation process and reject all quotations at any time prior to contract
award. NCPB reserves the right to vary the quantities for award.
AGPO certificate
% of Contacts
No. Name Nationality Shares (phone No.
Held and Email)
N/B: The successful bidder shall avail a copy of CR12 for verification upon request.
Instructions to Tenderer. Tenderer must complete and submit as part of the Form of
Quotation Addressed to
(Procuring Entity)
Date of Quotation
Quotation Reference
Subject of Quotation
1. We have examined and have no reservations to the Request for Quotation document,
and understand its full content and intent.
2. In compliance with your request for quotations dated , referenced
above, we offer to (specify one of supply goods, complete the works or
provide the services) to cover and conform to our pricing listed in the attached in Table
B. Quotation Submission TABLE at a total price of Kenya Shillings
3. We confirm that we are eligible to participate in public procurement and meet the
eligibility criteria specified in Part 1: INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS.
5. We undertake to adhere by the Code of Ethical Conduct for Suppliers, Contractors and
Service Providers, copy available from
(specify website) during the procurement process and the execution of any resulting
6. We confirm that the prices quoted are fixed and firm for the duration of the validity period
and performance of the contract and will not be subject to revision or variation.
7. The validity period of our quotation is: days from the time and date
of the submission deadline (number to be same as in the instructions to Tenderers).
8. We confirm we are not submitting any other Quotation as an individual or firm, and we
are not participating in any other Quotation as a Joint Venture member or as a
10. We hereby certify that we have taken steps to ensure that no person acting for us or on our
behalf engages in any type of Fraud and Corruption.
11. We hereby certify and confirm that the Quotation is genuine, non-collusive and made with
the intention of accepting the contract if awarded. To this effect we have signed the
“Certificate of Independent Quotation Determination” attached below.
12. We, the Tenderer, have completed fully and signed the FORM FOR DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST-
interest of the firm in the Procuring Entity, attached below.
i) Are there any person/persons in National Cereals and Produce Board who has/have an
interest or relationship in this firm? Yes/No………………………
Interest or
Designation in the
Names of Person Relationship with
Procuring Entity
iii) Certification
On behalf of the Tenderer, I certify that the information given above is complete, current
and accurate as at the date of submission.
(Signature) (Date)________________________________
2. I understand that the Tenderer will be disqualified if this Certificate is found not to be true and
complete in every respect;
3. I am the authorized representative of the Tenderer with authority to sign this Certificate,
and to submit the quotation on behalf of the Tenderer;
4. For the purposes of this Certificate and the quotation, I understand that the word
“competitor” shall include any individual or organization, other than the Tenderer, whether
or not affiliated with the Tenderer, who:
a) has been requested to submit a quotation in response to this request for quotations;
b) could potentially submit a quotation in response to this request for quotations based on their
qualifications, abilities or experience;
6. In particular, without limiting the generality of paragraphs (5)(a) or (5)(b) above, there has
been no consultation, communication, agreement or arrangement with any competitor
a) prices;
b) methods, factors or formulas used to calculate prices;
c) the intention or decision to submit, or not to submit, a quotation; or
d) the submission of a quotation which does not meet the specifications of the request for
quotations; except as specifically disclosed pursuant to paragraph (5) (b) above;
That, We the Tenderer including any entity or individual that directly or indirectly controls, is
controlled by or is under common control with us, and any subcontractors, suppliers,
project managers, consultants, manufacturers, service providers, agents, individuals, or any
other party involved or to be involved for any part of the processes of procurement and
contract execution related to the above quotation:
a) have not engaged/will not engage in any corrupt or fraudulent practices in the processes
of procurement and contract execution related to the above quotation as defined and/or
described in the following:
b) have not offered/will not offer any inducement to any member of the board, management,
staff and/or employees and/or agents of ……………..…………. (name of the procuring
c) have not engaged/will not engage in any collusive or corrosive practice with other
tenderers participating in the subject quotation;
d) have not been sanctioned or debarred by any entity from participation in public
procurement proceedings of Kenya.
That, what is deponed to herein above is true to the best of our knowledge, information
and belief.
Name of the person duly authorized to sign the quotation on behalf of the Tenderer:
.......................................................... [Insert complete name of person duly authorized to sign
the quotation]
[Procuring Entity to complete Columns a-d and Tenderer to complete Column Indicating
YES or No and if NO indicate the specification of the offered item]
Detailed Technical Specifications and Standards: The Goods shall comply with following
Technical Specifications and Standards:
Requirements Reference
No. Fertilizer type Characteristics on the board’s
/Limits KEBS standard
(bidders’ offer)
1. Diammonium Total Nitrogen, 11
Phosphate %(m/m), min
(DAP) Water soluble 44
phosphates as
P2O5,%(m/m), min
Available 50
phosphates, as
P2O5,%(m/m) min
Moisture,%(m/m) 1.5
2. Chemically The NPK (23:23:0) The tolerance N-
Compound fertilizer shall contain for the
(NPK 23:23:0) two the following declared
primary plant value of
nutrient elements Nitrogen (N) P-
intended for and
KS 158:2012
fertilizing of crops: Phosphorus
Nitrogen (N) and (P) shall not K-
Phosphorus (P). be less than
1.1% of the
3. Chemically The NPK (17:17:17) The tolerance N-
Compound fertilizer shall contain for the
(NPK the following three declared
17:17:17) primary plant value of
nutrient elements Nitrogen (N), P-
intended for Phosphorus
fertilizing of crops: (P) and KS 158:2012
Nitrogen (N), Potasium (K)
Phosphorus (P) and shall not be K-
Potasium (K). less than 1.1%
of the
4. Calcium Nitrogen content(as 26%
Ammonium total N),min.
Nitrate Neutralizing value as 9.0%
(CAN 26% N) equivalent, Min. of
CaO(or as% by
weight of CaO),
Moisture, Max. 1.5%
a) Product Specifications for NPK 20:10:10 Coffee Fertilizer Blend (KS 158:2012)
Conformity with
Technical Specifications (Provided by
Description of technical specifications
Item Quantity procuring entity)
Goods (To be completed by
tenderer with YES or NO)
The NPK Coffee blend fertilizer shall
contain three of the following primary
plant nutrient elements intended for
Coffee blend
30,000 fertilizing of crops: Nitrogen (N),
01 (NPK 20:10:10) or
bags Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K).
The tolerance for the declared value
of NPK shall not be less than 1.1% of
the declared value
NB: Attach certificate of analysis to support your bid.
Besides the above primary elements one or more of the trace elements tabulated below may
be contained and guaranteed if their percentage values by mass are equal or more than the
values below.
b) Minimum Percentage of guarantee of trace elements
SL NO Element Percent composition (%)
i) Boron (B) 0.02
ii) Calcium (Ca) 1.00
iii) Cobalt (Co) 0.0005
iv) Copper (Cu) 0.05
v) Iron (Fe) 0.10
vi) Magnesium (Mg) 0.60
vii) Manganese (Mn) 0.50
viii) Molybdenum (Mo) 0.0005
ix) Sulphur (S) 1.00
x) Zinc (Zn) 0.05
a) Product Specifications for NPK 25:5:5 Tea Blend Fertilizer (KS 158:2012)
Conformity with technical
Technical Specifications (Provided by
Description of specifications (To be
Item Quantity procuring entity)
Goods completed by tenderer
with YES or NO)
The NPK tea blend fertilizer shall contain
three primary plant nutrient elements
Tea blend intended for fertilizing of crops: Nitrogen
01 (NPK 25:5:5) or (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K).
equivalent The tolerance for the declared value of
NPK shall not be less than 1.1% of the
declared value.
The heavy metal contamination, if present, shall not exceed the limits stipulated for each
type of fertilizer as per KEBS standards.
N/B: The Supplier warrants that the bags shall be free from defects arising from any act
or omission of the Suppliers or arising from design, materials and workmanship under
normal use in the conditions prevailing in the country of final destination. Upon receipt
of notice of defects, the supplier shall expeditiously replace the defective bags at no
cost to the purchaser.
TAKE NOTICE: - Inspection of the quality of deliveries shall be based on the standards
against NCPB will submit to KEBS for analytical conformity.
NCPB shall sell the delivered commodities and remit the proceeds to supplier at cost basis
less the margins accruing to NCPB. The difference shall be treated as commission in favour
of NCPB.
NCPB shall pay the supplier within thirty (30) days from the date of sale of the delivered
commodities. NCPB is at liberty to nominate the point of inspection i.e point of delivery or
at the source.
The agency agreement shall be structured to enable activation of the same on need by
need basis.
And seal/Stamp
Please provide the Name and telephone number of the contact person in your firm in
relation to this Request for Quotation in the spaces provided hereunder:-
Name of contact person _______________________________________________________________
Telephone No. _________________________________________________________________
Remarks by the Supplier: ______________________________________________________________
Quantity the
Bidder’s delivery depots
Item Delivery Points(cluster) bidder is able to Lead time
Lake Western regional office
depot’s cluster– Kisumu
Coast regional office depot’s
cluster – Shimanzi
Nairobi Region depot’s
cluster – Nairobi
Northern regional office
depot’s cluster – Embu
North rift regional office
depot’s cluster – Eldoret
South rift regional office
depot’s cluster – Nakuru
➢ NCPB has the liberty to take samples to KEBS for analytical conformity.
➢ NCPB may have negotiation with supplier(s) at liberty by 18th October, 2022.
➢ Delivery shall be immediate after signing of contract.
➢ The qualified suppliers shall be eligible for engagement by NCPB under
commercial agency agreement.
The Supplier shall supply all the Goods included in the Schedule of Requirements.
7. Contract Price
Prices charged by the Supplier under the Contract shall not vary from the prices
quoted by the Supplier in its quotation.
8. Terms of Payment
The Contract Price shall be paid One hundred (100) percent of the Contract Price
as follows:
(i) Payments shall be made promptly by NCPB within thirty (30) days from
delivery and submission of invoice together with other required and related
documents or as otherwise prescribed in the contract. For Goods, price of
goods received upon submission of a claim/invoice supported by the
inspection and acceptance certificate issued by the Procuring Entity.
9. Inspections and Tests
The Supplier shall at its own expense and at no cost to the Procuring Entity carry
out all such tests and/or inspections of the Goods, works or Services to confirm their
conformity to technical specifications.
10. Warranty
The Supplier warrants that all the Goods are new, unused, and of the most recent
or current models, and that they incorporate all recent improvements in design
and materials, unless provided otherwise in the contract.