5 Solar Power Monitoring System
5 Solar Power Monitoring System
5 Solar Power Monitoring System
An Internet of Things based Solar Power Monitoring System using Node MCU
Article in International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication · October 2023
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc.v11i10s.7709
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3 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Kaushalya Vaibhav Thopate on 22 November 2023.
Abstract— Solar power systems are increasingly being adopted as a renewable energy solution worldwide. However, effective monitoring
and management of these systems are crucial for optimizing their performance and ensuring their reliable operation. In this research paper, we
propose a solar power monitoring system using NodeMCU, an open-source IoT platform. Our system collects, processes, and visualizes real-
time data from solar panels, batteries, and other qsystem components, providing comprehensive monitoring capabilities for solar power system
owners. The system is designed to be cost-effective and scalable, making it suitable for both residential and commercial applications. Through
our research, we demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of our solar power monitoring system using NodeMCU. The findings contribute to
the field of renewable energy management by offering an innovative approach to monitor and optimize solar power systems, promoting the wider
adoption of renewable energy sources for a sustainable future.
Keywords- Internet of Things, Solar monitoring, Sensors, Cloud, Node MCU
IJRITCC | September 2023, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication
ISSN: 2321-8169 Volume: 11 Issue: 10s
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v11i10s.7709
Article Received: 12 June 2023 Revised: 27 July 2023 Accepted: 12 August 2023
panel system. The system uses voltage and current sensors to An Internet of Things-based monitoring system for solar
collect real-time data from the solar panels, which is then parameters is introduced by Sutikno, Tole, et al. [16]. The
processed and visualized on the ThingSpeak cloud platform. NodeMCU ESP8266 is used in the study to gather and transmit
The authors also include a case study where the proposed data from photovoltaic installations. The use of IoT technology
system was successfully implemented and evaluated. Overall, for real-time monitoring of solar parameters is the main
the paper presents a practical and cost-effective solution for objective. In order to improve the performance and
solar power monitoring using IoT technology. K.G.Srinivasan maintenance of solar systems, the paper describes the system's
al [13] presented a solar power monitoring system using an architecture and advantages. Hardas et. Al. [17] proposed solar
Arduino Uno microcontroller and voltage sensors to measure panel monitoring system using IOT using ATmega328IC
the voltage and current of the solar panel, battery, and load. The connection and using NodeMCU board for wi-fi connection.
system sends the data to a server using the GSM network for This document proposes low-cost real time solar panel
remote monitoring and control. The methodology involves the monitoring system and useful for measuring PV array
design and implementation of hardware components and production.
software programming for data acquisition and communication.
V. Kavitha and V. Malathi [18] focus on IoT-based
The results show that the system can effectively monitor the
monitoring of solar PV connections. The system usages sensors
performance of a solar power system and provide real-time
to collect real-time data from PV panels and its apparatuses.
information on energy production and consumption. The paper
Data is transmitted wirelessly for remote analysis. The system
provides a practical and cost-effective solution for solar power
aims to improve performance, provide early fault detection, and
system monitoring, making it suitable for residential and
offer remote access via a web interface. An autonomous solar-
commercial applications.
powered monitoring system for fertilization is presented by
Katyarmal [14] proposed a solar power monitoring system Abdullah et al. in [19]. The system gathers data from sensors
using IoT devices. The system involves monitoring and and suggests remote monitoring by utilizing IoT expertise. Its
measuring solar panel parameters such as voltage, current, and main objective is to provide real-time data analysis that will
temperature using sensors connected to an Arduino board, enhance fertilization operations' efficacy. The system's design
which is then connected to the internet to provide real-time is described in the study along with any potential advantages
monitoring. The data is then processed, analyzed, and displayed for sustainable agricultural methods. IoT-based solar
on a web interface using a cloud server. The author evaluated monitoring is covered by Vidyalakshmi et al [20]. In order to
their proposed system by implementing a prototype and optimize efficiency, the study focuses on using IoT technology
conducting experiments to measure its performance. The results to monitor solar systems. This allows for real-time data
show that the proposed system can accurately monitor solar collecting and analysis. The study has an emphasis on web-
power production and provide real-time monitoring and based remote accessibility. It describes the IoT-based system's
analysis of solar panel parameters. In terms of future architecture and advantages for improving solar energy
enhancements, the author suggests incorporating machine utilization.
learning algorithms into the system to optimize solar power
An Internet of Things (IoT)-based system that uses
usage and enhance its accuracy. The author also suggests
NodeMCU to monitor solar-powered street lighting is
incorporating a predictive maintenance model to identify any
introduced by Dougani Bentabet and Sandeep R Sonaskar [21].
faults or issues with the solar power system before they occur.
Through real-time monitoring and control, the system gathers
Overall, the paper presents an effective approach to solar power
data from the lights and wirelessly transmits it for study with
monitoring using IoT devices. The proposed system can benefit
the goal of improving energy efficiency. The system's
from the addition of machine learning algorithms and predictive
architecture and advantages for better street lighting
maintenance models to improve its accuracy and efficiency. An
management are described in the article. Inayatul Inayah et. Al.
IoT-based system that integrates solar power with soil and
[22] presents a real-time solar panel performance monitoring
weather monitoring is presented by Kothapalli L. R. et al [15].
system utilizing IoT and the Blynk application. The study
The study focuses on using IoT technology to gather and
focuses on using IoT technology to gather and analyze solar
examine information about soil characteristics and weather
panel data, providing remote accessibility through the Blynk
patterns. The study emphasizes the system's solar-powered
platform. The paper details the architecture and benefits of the
feature and prospective uses for efficient agricultural and
system for effective solar energy management.
environmental monitoring. The system's architecture and
advantages are described in the context of better resource A smart street light monitoring system[23] was created to
management. increase lighting's energy effectiveness. The system uses
cutting-edge technology to continuously monitor and control
IJRITCC | September 2023, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication
ISSN: 2321-8169 Volume: 11 Issue: 10s
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v11i10s.7709
Article Received: 12 June 2023 Revised: 27 July 2023 Accepted: 12 August 2023
street lights. The emphasis is on energy efficiency and making programmed using the Arduino IDE software. Initially, the
a contribution to sustainable urban lighting. The study describes ESP8266 works as a microcontroller and retrieves the output
the architecture and advantages of the system, emphasizing its data from the sensors via serial ports. This data is then displayed
potential to achieve effective and efficient street lighting on an LCD screen as voltage, current, and power values.
control. R. Ganesh's [24] research focuses on the prediction of Subsequently, the ESP8266 operates as a Wi-Fi module,
battery residual energy using a CNN-BiGRU and attention connecting to the internet through Wi-Fi, and sending the
mechanism model. The research uses cutting-edge deep available serial data to the cloud ThingSpeak using the MQTT
learning methods to improve battery energy management. The (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) protocol. Using an
paper describes the design and advantages of the suggested API, we can access the data stored on ThingSpeak over the
approach, highlighting its potential influence on enhancing internet.
battery performance prediction. An IoT-based battery
B. Implementation steps involved in creating Solar Power
management system using a machine learning model is
Monitoring System:
presented by A. Prabha et al. [25]. The goal of the project is to
improve battery management by combining IoT technologies • Hardware Setup: The first step involves setting up the
and cutting-edge machine learning methods. The architecture hardware components required for the system, which includes
and advantages of the suggested system are described in detail a NodeMCU board, voltage sensors, and other necessary
in the study, with special emphasis on how it might affect components such as resistors, sensors, and
battery efficiency and performance forecasting.
• connectors. The hardware components should be connected
III. METHODOLOGY according to the block diagram, ensuring that all connections
are secure and stable.
The aim of this research paper is to design and implement a
solar power monitoring system using an Arduino board and • Software Configuration: The next step involves configuring
ThingSpeak IoT platform. The system will be used to monitor the software components required for the system, which
the performance of a small-scale solar power system in real- includes programming the NodeMCU board with the
time. In the proposed system author proposes a system of smart necessary code and setting up the ThingSpeak cloud server
streetlight which uses NodeMCU to send data to cloud platform account. The NodeMCU code should be written to collect data
to monitor solar volt and battery volt and to control the from the voltage sensors and send it to the ThingSpeak cloud
streetlights. Authors of present a system to monitor system of server for visualization and analysis.
solar panel performance using blynk application. The system is
• The voltage divider circuit is connected to the voltagePin
pretty simple power generated by solar panel is used to charge
(D5), and it consists of a 10kΩ resistor (R1) connected in
the battery using solar charge controller, DHT22 sensor is used
series with a 3.3kΩ resistor (R2), with the voltagePin
to measure temperature. Data is shown in simple way on blynk
connected between them. The voltage across R2 is measured
app which is simple to use. With the growing global demand
using the analogRead() function and converted to a voltage
for sustainable energy solutions, solar power systems are
value (vOUT). The input voltage (vIN) is then calculated
becoming increasingly popular for both residential and
using the voltage divider
commercial applications. However, effective monitoring and
management of solar power systems are critical to optimize 𝑣𝐼𝑁 = 𝑣𝑂𝑈𝑇 / (𝑅2 / (𝑅1 + 𝑅2) ………(1)
their performance and ensure their reliable operation.
This research contributes to the field of renewable energy
• The DHT11 sensor is connected to pin D4 and is used to
management by providing an innovative and cost-effective
measure temperature and humidity using the
approach to monitor and optimize solar power systems, which
dht.readTemperature() and dht.readHumidity() functions.
can facilitate the wider adoption of renewable energy sources
and contribute to a sustainable future. Taking all this into • The measured values are displayed on an LCD screen
consideration, below is the system design that is implemented using the LiquidCrystal_I2C library. The values are also
in the project: sent to the ThingSpeak platform using the WiFiClient
library and the ESP8266's built-in WiFi capabilities.
A. System Design
To monitor the voltage and current of a solar panel, sensors • Calibration: Once the hardware and software components
such as a current sensor and a voltage sensor are used. The data are set up and configured, the system should be calibrated
from both sensors is sent to an ESP8266 module, which to ensure that it is collecting and sending accurate data.
combines a controller and a Wi-Fi module. The module is Calibration involves adjusting the voltage sensor readings
IJRITCC | September 2023, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication
ISSN: 2321-8169 Volume: 11 Issue: 10s
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v11i10s.7709
Article Received: 12 June 2023 Revised: 27 July 2023 Accepted: 12 August 2023
to match the actual voltage readings from the solar panels server or a user interface. The ESP8266 can interface with
and batteries. a microcontroller, such as an Arduino, to send and receive
sensor data, commands, or display data on a web-based
• Testing: After calibration, the system should be tested to
dashboard.In this system it is used to send the data received
ensure that it is functioning correctly and sending data to
from temperature sensor and voltage sensor to
the ThingSpeak cloud server as expected. Testing involves
ThingSpeak server.
monitoring the data visualization on the ThingSpeak
platform and comparing it to actual readings to ensure • Voltage Sensor: A voltage sensor is used to measure the
accuracy. voltage output of solar panels or other components in a
solar power system. It can provide data on the solar panel's
voltage, battery voltage, or other relevant voltages in the
system. The voltage sensor can be connected to the
Arduino Uno to measure and process the voltage data for
monitoring and analysis.
• Micro USB cable: Micro USB cable is a type of cable
commonly used in IoT (Internet of Things) devices to
Fig. 3.1: Solar power monitoring system transfer data and power. It has a small, compact design and
The Fig. 3.1 represents a solar power monitoring system that is often used to charge and sync smartphones, tablets, and
includes a temperature sensor and a voltage sensor to measure other portable devices. In IoT applications, micro-USB
the temperature and voltage of the solar panel. The system also cables can be used to connect devices such as sensors,
includes an ESP8266 module, which is used to connect the cameras, and controllers to a central hub or network.
sensors to the internet and send the data to the Thingspeak B. Software requirements:
cloud. Finally, an LCD display is used to display the data
locally. Overall, the system provides real-time monitoring of • Cloud setup: ThingSpeak is an open-source IoT platform
the performance of the solar panel, allowing for early detection that allows you to collect, store, and analyze data from
of any issues or inefficiencies. sensors and other devices. It provides a cloud-based
infrastructure that can be used to build real-time
A. Hardware requirements: applications for monitoring and controlling devices
• LCD Display: An LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) is a type remotely. ThingSpeak provides an easy-to-use web
of screen that can be used to display information related to interface and a set of APIs that can be used to connect to
solar power production, such as real-time energy various devices, including Arduino boards.ThingSpeak is
generation, system status, or historical data. It provides a used to collect data from sensors that measure parameters
visual interface for users to monitor the performance of the such as the amount of sunlight, temperature, and voltage
solar power system. The LCD display is connected to output from solar panels. The data is then sent to
Node MCU to display relevant data. ThingSpeak using an Arduino board that is connected to
the sensors.
• Solar Panel: Solar panels are the primary component of a
solar power system that captures sunlight and converts it • Arduino Integrated Development Environment: Arduino
into electrical energy. They are typically made up of IDE is an integrated development environment that
multiple photovoltaic (PV) cells connected in series or is used to program Arduino boards. It provides a set
parallel to generate the desired voltage and current. The of libraries and tools that can be used to write,
solar panel's output can be monitored using voltage and compile, and upload code to Arduino boards. The
current sensors to measure the energy production of the IDE includes a code editor, a compiler, and a serial
solar power system. In this proposed system 5V solar monitor that can be used to communicate with
panel is used. Arduino boards. Both C and C++ programming
• WiFi Module ESP8266: The ESP8266 is a popular WiFi languages are supported in this environment.
module that can be used to establish wireless
communication in a solar power monitoring system. It
provides WiFi connectivity and can be programmed to
connect to a local WiFi network or act as an access point
to create its own WiFi network for data transfer to a remote
IJRITCC | September 2023, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication
ISSN: 2321-8169 Volume: 11 Issue: 10s
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v11i10s.7709
Article Received: 12 June 2023 Revised: 27 July 2023 Accepted: 12 August 2023
Table 3.1: Components and their Specifications.
VOLTAGE SENSOR Voltage input range: DC 0-25V. Voltage
detection range: DC 0.02445V to 25V.
Voltage analog resolution: 0.00489V.
DHT SENSOR Power supply: 3.3 to 5V DC. Operating
range: 20-80% RH, 0- 50oC.
The Fig.4.1 displays the voltage over time. The Fig.4.2 displays
The table 3.1 exhibits the specifications for several the temperature over time. And Fig 4.3 displays the humidity
components used. The components listed include a voltage over time. The table4.1 exhibits the voltage, temperature, and
sensor, DHT sensor, and an LCD display module that is humidity readings for a given set of measurements.
controlled by a NodeMCU microcontroller. Additionally, the
Table 4.1: Measured Parameters
table lists the measurement range and accuracy for each sensor.
Voltage Temperature Humidity
IV. RESULTS 1.0V 29oC 62g/kg
2.4V 31oC 65g/kg
Our solar power monitoring system presents a viable
4.9V 33oC 65g/kg
alternative for enhancing the performance and dependability of
5.0V 33oC 63g/kg
solar power systems in light of the rising demand for 3.0V 31oC 60g/kg
sustainable energy solutions.
One potential future direction for our solar power
monitoring system using NodeMCU is to incorporate machine
learning algorithms to enable predictive maintenance of solar
power systems. By analyzing historical data and identifying
patterns, machine learning models can predict when
maintenance is required, allowing system owners to perform
proactive maintenance rather than reactive maintenance, which
can improve the overall system reliability and reduce
Fig.4.2: Temperature variation over the Time
IJRITCC | September 2023, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication
ISSN: 2321-8169 Volume: 11 Issue: 10s
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v11i10s.7709
Article Received: 12 June 2023 Revised: 27 July 2023 Accepted: 12 August 2023
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