Week2 Day2 Ch5 Laudon2020
Week2 Day2 Ch5 Laudon2020
Week2 Day2 Ch5 Laudon2020
Day (2)
5.4 What are the current computer software platforms and trends?
5.5 What are the challenges of managing ITinfrastructure and management solutions?
PeroxyChem’s Cloud Computing Formula for Success
o Desktop P C s, laptops
• Servers
• Mainframes
• Corporate servers
o Windows Server
o Unix
o Linux
• Client level
o Microsoft Windows
o IBM (DB2)
o Oracle
o My SQL
o Apache Hadoop
o Dell EMC
• Network hardware providers charges for voice lines and Internet access
o Web-hosting services
o Routers
o I B M, Dell, Oracle, H P
• Even large firms do not have resources for full range of support for new, complex infrastructure
• Legacy systems: older TPS created for mainframes that would be too costly to replace or redesign
What Are the Current Trends in Computer Hardware
Platforms? (1 of 5)
• The mobile digital platform
o Smartphones
o Netbooks
o Tablet computers
• Consumerization of IT and BYOD (bring your own device) - Case Study on Black Board
o Forces businesses and I T departments to rethink how IT equipment and services are
acquired and managed
What Are the Current Trends in Computer Hardware
Platforms? (2 of 5)
• Virtualization
o Allows single physical resource to act as multiple resources (i.e., run multiple instances of OS)
• On-demand self-service: Consumers can obtain computing capabilities such as server time or network
storage as needed automatically on their own.
• Ubiquitous network access: Cloud resources can be accessed using standard network and Internet
devices, including mobile platforms.
• Location-independent resource pooling: Computing resources are pooled to serve multiple users, with
different virtual resources dynamically assigned according to user demand. The user generally does not
know where the computing resources are located.
• Rapid elasticity: Computing resources can be rapidly provisioned, in- creased, or decreased to meet
changing user demand.
• Measured service: Charges for cloud resources are based on amount of resources actually used.
What Are the Current Trends in Computer Hardware
Platforms? (4 of 5)
• Cloud computing consists of three different types of services: SaaS
(End Customers)
o Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
(Systems Admins)
Figure 5.10 Amazon Web Services
What Are the Current Trends in Computer Hardware
Platforms? (4 of 4)
• Green computing (Green I T )
o Practices and technologies for manufacturing, using, disposing of computing and networking
o Data centers
o Multicore processors
o Power-efficient microprocessors
What Are the Current Computer Software Platforms and
Trends? (1 of 3)
• Linux and open-source software
o Linux
o Web browsers
o H T M L and H T M L 5
o Software outsourcing
• Scalability
o Contractual agreements with firms running clouds and distributing software required
Management and Governance
• Governance Advantages of centralized IS Advantages of decentralized IS
Better staffing. Encouragement of end-user
o Centralized development of applications
• Central I T department makes
decisions Easier training Innovative use of information systems
o Decentralized
• Business unit I T departments make Effective planning of shared systems.
own decisions
divisions, departments?
Making Wise Infrastructure Investments
• Rent-versus-buy
• Cloud computing
o Security requirements
• Outsourcing
Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Model
• Analyzes direct and indirect costs
• What management, organization, and technology issues would have to be addressed if a company
was thinking of equipping its workers with a wearable computing device?
• What kinds of businesses are most likely to benefit from wearable computers? Select a business
and describe how a wearable computing device could help that business improve operations or
decision making.
Competitive Forces Model for I T Infrastructure
• Market demand for firm’s services