DiegoMoraesIMECE2017 FinalrevisionProceedings
DiegoMoraesIMECE2017 FinalrevisionProceedings
DiegoMoraesIMECE2017 FinalrevisionProceedings
Thermal Modeling of 304L Stainless Steel for Selective Laser Melting: Laser
Power Input Evaluation
13 6,091
2 authors:
All content following this page was uploaded by Diego de Moraes on 24 April 2018.
The temperature distribution of the process, described as
T(x,y,z,t), is found by solving the three dimensional heat
conduction equation (1) with suitable boundary conditions.
(T )C p (T ) q (r , t ) Q (r , t ) (1)
q ( r , t ) kT (2)
Figure 2 – Different Transverse electromagnetic mode for
r x, y, z (3) lasers [19]
C p k k k Q (4)
t x x y y z z Heat Flux
qconv h (T T0 ) (5)
qrad p (T 4 T0 4 ) (6) Figure 3 - Double ellipsoid heat source model (heat source
moving through X-axis) [20]
Where ℎ is the convective heat transfer coefficient, is the 3x 2 3 y 2 3z 2
emissivity of the surface emissivity, is the Stefan-Boltzmann 2 2 2
6 3 f f abs P a b c
constant and T and T₀ are the surface and ambient temperature Q f ( x, y, z ) e f
[17]. Radiation and convection are important to predict the a f bc
cooling rates inside the powder bed. In the following sections,
the proper emissivity of the powder bed is calculated. The 3x 2 3 y 2 3z 2
2 2 2
implementation is done via user-defined subroutine FILM. 6 3 f r abs P a
Q r ( x , y , z )
b c
e r (8)
a r bc
2.1 Laser modeling as moving heat source
The laser utilized in the process is modeled following a The heat flux ̇ ( , , ) in this formulation is divided into
Gaussian profile. For the SLM process the laser used is an two parts, the rear and the front part. The representation of the
Ytterbium fiber laser, which has a TEM00 profile. Transverse ellipsoids can be visualized at figure (3), on which the heat
electromagnetic mode (TEM) is the classification used for laser source moves in the X-axis, scanning the bed with steady speed.
The front ellipsoid has parameter, and the rear has , both
s 2 3.082
Heat Flux (W/m²)
( 12 )
s 1 3.082 1
C p (T ), T TS
Lf Figure 5 - Porosity-dependent emissivity for SS 304L alloy
Ceq (T ) C p (T ) , TS T TL (9)
The emissivity of the powder it is an important factor when
performing these type of analysis, since the radiation and thermal
conductivity of the powder bed are heavily relied on the
Where ( ) is the temperature-dependent specific heat for emissivity value.
solid state, is the specific heat for liquid state, is the latent
heat of fusion, and are the liquidus and solidus temperature 2.4 Temperature-dependent properties
respectively. The definition of proper temperature-dependent properties
is important to achieve accuracy in the results. For this study, the
2.3 Emissivity of the powder bed properties are taken from the Choong K. report on the
The emissivity of the powder surface is an essential thermophysical properties of Stainless Steel [24]. For the thermal
parameter to account for the radiation inside the chamber during analysis, the specific heat, thermal conductivity, coefficient of
the process. The surface emissivity is being applied in this work expansion, density, latent heat of fusion, solidus and liquidus
temperature are necessary to simulate the temperature behavior
k eff k g (1 1 ) 1 1 (1 ).
2 B k k s
. 1 g ln
Bk g 2 ks Bk
Bk g g
1 1
k s ks
Figure 6 - Specific heat of SS 304L versus Temperature
B 1 B 1 kR k contact ( 13 )
2 Bk g kg kg
4 p T 3 xR
kR ( 15 )
1 0.132 p
18k s , P 1 Pa
kcontact ( 16 )
ks , P 1 Pa
(2) t=0.75ms
Figure 11 - Comparison between our model molten pool profile
(1) and Parry et al. model (2)
Figure 13 - Temperature distribution for P=400W
The grey color represented on both molten pools are the liquid
material, and it will be adopted for further representation of
liquid material, in this study it is referred to the region that reach
1733K or more (Liquidus temperature).
The transient thermal analysis presented in this study was
able to predict temperature distribution through the powder bed
of Selective Laser Melting (SLM), a desirable information when
determining optimal power input to build components using SS
304L. Although this study is not experimentally checked to
evaluate its accuracy, it showed very close behavior on what was
found in the literature, in this case the work of Abd-Elghany and
Bourell was used, proving that the formulations adopts are ideal
for this case.
From the results presented, the power input of 200 Watts for
SS 304L proved to be optimal in order to build a full dense
Figure 17 - Temperature profile utilizing power input of component with considerably good mechanical properties.
P=200W Utilizing 100 Watts as power input could be considered an option