Cyber Quest - 6 To 8 Answer Key

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A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Program
2. Five
3. Machine
4. Assembler
5. High-level
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. False
C. Select the correct option.

PS 1. b. Source
2. c. Interpreter
3. b. Object
4. b. High-level
D. Answer the following questions.
1. Machine Language is the only language that a computer understands. It is expressed
in binary form i.e., ‘0’ and ‘1’ where 0 means ‘Off’ state and 1 means ‘On’ state.
2. Assembly Language uses Mnemonic codes or Symbols in place of 0 and 1 which are
used in Machine Language. For example, if the operation code for ADD is 0010 in
binary or machine language, it can be directly written as ''ADD" in assembly language.
3. An interpreter translates a program written in high-level language into a low-level
language program line by line, whereas a compiler translates the whole program at
one go.
4. Characteristics of the fourth-generation languages:
a. Highly user-friendly and independent of any operating system.
b. Very high speed of execution.


A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Windows Hello
2. Ripping
3. Fonts
4. Disk Cleanup
5. Continuum

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B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. True
C. Application-based questions.
1. Sia should use Windows Media Player
2. Windows Hello
D. Select the correct option.
1. b. Mouse
2. b. Action Center
3. a. Task View
4. b. Cortana
5. c. Sleep Mode

PSE. Answer the following questions.

1. Windows Media Player runs and organizes the digital media files available in
computer memory. It allows us to play, copy and create CDs/DVDs, and copy music
and video to portable devices.
2. Ripping means copying data from a CD to a computer whereas Burning means saving
important information on a CD/DVD.
3. Windows Hello is Microsoft’s new built-in biometric security system for Windows 10.
It allows you to sign in to your system using data, like fingerprint, face, or iris
4. To create a new Desktop, click on the Task View button located on the taskbar
followed by a click on the New Desktop button placed at the bottom-right corner of
the Task View Pane.
5. The Disk Cleanup feature is used to remove unnecessary files such as temporary
internet files, offline webpages etc., from the hard disk to free up the disk space and
to help the computer run faster.
6. Different power saving modes such as Sleep and hibernate are available to increase
the battery life of your PC or laptop.
Hibernation is a state in which a computer shuts down to save power but it first saves
all the open documents and running applications in the memory on hard disk.


A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Transitions
2. Action Button
3. Microphone

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4. Speaker
5. Loop until Stopped
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. False
C. Application-based questions.
1. He can use the Hyperlink feature.
2. She can use the Object button present in the text group under the Insert tab.
D. Select the correct option.
1. b. Timeline
2. a. Animation
3. a. Shapes

PS 4. a. Apply to All
5. c. Both a and b

E. Answer the following questions.

1. The ability to move objects, like text, graphics, charts, logos etc. on a slide is called
Animation. Animation is used to focus on important points. It also controls the
sequence of flow of information and makes information more impressive.
2. Transition effects appear when one slide changes to other during Slide Show view.
These effects can be applied to a single slide as well as to all the slides of a
3. To add your own sound in a presentation, connect a microphone with your computer
and click on the drop-down arrow of the Audio option present on the Insert tab to
record your sound.
4. Action buttons are built-in shapes, which are added to a presentation to set a link to
another slide, sound, web page, or to perform some other action. When the button is
clicked or hovered over, the selected action occurs.


A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Slides
2. Presentation Views
3. Ink Equations
4. Slide Sorter

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B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. False
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. False
6. True

C. Application-based questions.
1. Click on Insert tab> New Photo Album>Choose the File/Disk tab> Choose the
location and pictures> Rearrange the pictures > Choose Picture layout > Click on the
2. She can use the Slide Sorter view.
D. Select the correct option.
1. b. F5

PS 2. a. Normal View
3. a. Present Online
4. b. Slide Zoom
5. b. Smart Lookup
6. b. Insert
E. Which view am I?
1. Normal view
2. Notes page view
3. Outline view
4. Slide Sorter view
5. Notes page view
F. Answer the following questions.
1. The Photo Album is a useful feature that allows to club personal and business
photographs together to use for a presentation.
2. Ink annotation feature enables to annotate with ink, to write notes, create shapes,
highlight a key concept, and also convert the hand drawn shapes to uniform
geometric shapes.
3. The Slide Sorter View displays a miniature view of all the slides and is helpful if you
need to change the order of slides, insert or delete the slides, add transitions, and
set the timings for the slide show.
4. Normal view is the main editing view, which is used to create and design the slides
for the presentation whereas outline view allows you to quickly edit the text on the
slides and view the contents of all the slides at once.
5. Smart Lookup feature finds the information related to the selected item on the web,
without forcing the users to open up an internet browser.

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6. Comments are a great way to provide feedback to the others about their
presentation. They can also be used to collaborate and work together on a
presentation. They are more like sticky notes that can be added to an object, text, or
a slide.

CHAPTER-5: Working with Spreadsheets

A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Format
2. Clipboard
3. Flash Fill
4. Enter, Cancel
5. Ctrl + C

PSB. Write T for True and F for False.

1. True
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. False
6. False
C. Application-based questions.
1. Select the Home tab, click on the Insert option in Cells group and choose the insert
Sheet Columns option.
2. She can use the Auto Fill feature.
D. Select the correct option.
1. c. F2
2. c. Ready
3. a. Shift
4. a. Ctrl + Z
5. b. Ctrl + Shift + 7
E. Answer the following questions.
1. To make modification in cell contents using Edit mode, double-click on the cell. The
Edit mode is indicated on the left side of the Status bar. Position the pointer at the
desired place and change the contents.
2. To select a range of non-adjacent cells in a worksheet, click on a cell and hold down
the Ctrl key while you select the other non-adjacent cells.
3. The four options in the Delete dialog box are as follows:
(i) Delete Cells (ii) Delete Sheet Rows (iii) Delete Sheet Columns (iv)Delete

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4. The Auto Fill is the easiest method to fill data in cells automatically. To apply the
Auto Fill feature, click on a cell and type the content in it. Position the pointer at the
lower right corner. The mouse pointer changes into a black cross ‘+’ symbol. Hold
down the left mouse button and drag the fill handle to the destination cell.
5. To change the Row Height,
Select the row and click on the Home tab > Cells group > Format button > Row
Height option. Enter the desired value in the Row Height dialog box and click OK.
6. Flash Fill is a time-saving feature, which identifies the data fill pattern that is used
frequently in a worksheet and then fills the remaining series accordingly.
F. 1. D4 =B4 * C4
D9 = SUM (D4: D8) or D4+D5+D6+D7+D8

2. B2
3. D8

PS 4. Edit Mode

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. Assembly
2. Continuum
3. Animation

4. Ink Equations
5. Auto Fill
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. True
C. Select the correct option.
1. c. Normal View
2. b. Translator
3. b. Format Cells
4. c. Smart Lookup
5. a. Disk Cleanup

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A. Complete the following shortcut commands in Excel.
1. Ctrl + A
2. Ctrl + Shift + 7
3. Alt + Enter
4. Ctrl + F9
5. Ctrl + -
B. Answer in one word.
1. Interpreter
2. Windows Hello
3. Ripping
C. Answer the following questions.
1. Assembly Language uses mnemonic codes or Symbols in place of 0 and 1 which are

PS used in Machine Language. For example, if the operation code for ADD is 0010 in
binary or machine language, it can be directly written as ''ADD" in assembly language.
2. Ink annotation feature enables to annotate with ink, to write notes, create shapes,
highlight a key concept, and also convert the hand drawn shapes to uniform
geometric shapes.
3. Sleep mode is a power saving state wherein a computer does not turn off
completely. In this state, the monitor and hard disk are turned off. All the open
documents and applications are put in the RAM, and the system draws a small
amount of power whereas hibernation is a state in which a computer shuts down to
save power but it first saves all the open documents and running applications in the
memory on hard disk.
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Rectangle
2. Freehand
3. Similar Selection
4. Crop
5. Smart Patch
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. False
2. True
3. True
4. False

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5. False
C. Application-based questions.
1. Vikram can use the Clone tool
2. Vidhya can use the Smart Patch tool
D. Select the correct option.
1. a. Gradient
2. c. Clone
3. b. Crop
4. a. Smart Patch

E. Answer the following questions.

1. The Selection tools come in handy when you want to alter a section of the image or
paint it, without affecting the complete image.
2. The Outline Selection tool works as a freehand selection tool. This tool is useful

PS when you are working with a portion of an image that has smooth edges and curves.
3. The Crop tool is used to select a specific area that you want to focus on and remove
the unwanted parts or everything that is outside the selected area of your selection
in a picture.
Whereas, the Smart Patch tool is used to remove unwanted objects from an image.
This tool lets you remove anything that you want from an image by simply drawing
on it.
4. The Clone Tool in Krita is used for cloning one area of an image and copying it
somewhere else. This tool can be used to transpose an object from one layer to
5. To use the Smart Patch tool, follow the steps given below:
a. Select the Smart Patch tool from the Tools panel.
b. Press the left mouse button and start to draw on the object you want to remove.
c. Once finished, release the mouse button.
d. Observe that the object is removed from the picture.


A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Guido Van Rossum
2. F5
3. Line-by-line
4. Variable
5. Keywords
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. True

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2. True
3. True
4. False
5. False
6. True
C. Application-based questions.
1. Kritika should use '\t' separator with the print() function.
2. Aman should use Interactive mode.
D. Select the correct option.
1. a. char
2. b. Overwritten
3. c. Assignment
4. b. float
5. 1020
E. Answer the following questions.

PS 1. The three most popular features of the Python language are as follows:
i) It is a platform independent programming language, which means it can be used on
any machine and in any operating system.
ii) Python is a case sensitive language.
iii) It is free to use and even for commercial products.
2. A variable is used to stores data value. It can store only one data value at a time. When
a new value is stored in a variable, its previous value gets overwritten. There are some
rules to define the variable name.
3. Python works in two modes: Interactive mode and Script mode. Interactive is
beneficial for testing code where you type the commands one at a time and get the
result or error immediately. Whereas, for writing lengthy programs in Python, Script
mode is used. Using this mode, we can create, edit Python programs and save it so
that it can be used later.
4. A data type represents the type of data stored in a variable. Some examples of data
types used in Python are, int, float, str, bool.
float: Represents floating point values (numbers with fractional part). The fractional
part of a floating-point number may be 0 as well. Examples of floating-point numbers
are, 3.14, -48.6, 18.0, etc.
str (String): String data type represents strings of characters enclosed within quotation
marks, for example, 'Hello'.
5. The print() function is used to display the output of any command on the screen. We
can also pass more than one argument to the print() function. Separators are used
with the print() function to format the output
6. The rules for valid identifier (variable name) are:

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i) A variable name must start with an alphabet (capital or small) or an underscore (_).
iii) A Python keyword cannot be used as a variable name.
iv) A variable name can be of any length.
v) Variable names are case-sensitive (e.g., Age and age are different variable names).
7. Using '\t' (tab space): When you use '\t' escape sequence as the separator among the
values, the values are displayed with a tab space between them.
Using '\n' (Newline character): A newline character in Python is used to end a line and
start a new line. In Python, the new line character can be used with the input function
and with the print function.
Chapter-8 Creating Web Pages using HTML5

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. Hypertext
2. Web Browsers

PS 3. Position
4. Container
5. Line Break
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. False
C. Application-based questions.
1. background-image:url(
2. background-position

D. Select the correct option.

1. (b) SGML
2. (b) Web editor
3. (b) <hr>
4. (a) CSS
5. (c) Declaration

E. Answer the following questions.

1. HTML stands for Hypertext Mark-up language. It is a complete code package that
allows the user to create web pages that contain both text and graphics. To work
with HTML, we need two basic tools: 1. HTML Editor- for creating and saving the
documents. 2. Browser- for viewing the documents.

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2. Tags are the building blocks of a web page. They contain elements which define how
the information on a web page is formatted or displayed. Tags do not appear in the
browser window but they affect the display of the text and non-text items in it.
An Attribute is the property that provides additional information about an HTML
element. It enhances the functionality of a tag. An attribute is always specified inside
the opening tag.
3. An HTML element is consisting of an ON tag and OFF tag. These can be categorised
as Container Elements and Empty Elements. The elements that include both on and
off tags are called container elements. For example, the <b> tag. Empty elements
have only on tags. They do not have off tags. These elements do not enclose any
data; instead, they perform some function on their own. For example, the <br> tag.
4. Comments are the useful element while creating a web page, if you want to write
notes for yourself in an HTML document, but do not want them to be displayed in
the browser window. In such a case, you need to use the Comment tag. You can add
a comment in a web page in any of the following ways:
<!-- Learning HTML is great fun --> Or

PS <comment> Learning HTML is great fun </comment>

5. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet that provides the set of Style rules for
defining the layout of HTML documents. We can include the style sheet rules with an
HTML document in the following given ways:
i) In-line
ii) Internal or Embedded style sheet
iii) External style sheet
6. The text property that can be applied in CSS are text color and text font. There
syntax is as follows:
color: value, where value = color/RGB color code
font-family: value, where value = name of the font.
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Internet
2. Web browser
3. Skype
4. E-Learning
5. Internet Radio
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. False
2. True
3. False
4. True

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5. True
C. Application-based questions
1. She can make use of Video Conferencing or Free Internet Calls service.
2. He should use E-banking.
D. Select the correct option.
1. a. 15th Aug 1995
2. c. Chat Service
3. b. E-Learning
4. a. Broadband
5. a. Online Shopping
E. Answer in one word or sentence.
1. Video Conferencing
2. Instant Messaging
3. Advanced Research Project Agency

4. E-Banking
5. Coursera, edx.
Answer the following questions.
1. Internet is defined as a network of millions of computers connected to each other
worldwide. It is the largest information database and enables the users to share ideas
and search for information on any topic.
2. A video conference is a communication that involves exchanging audio and video at
the same time between people sitting at geographically different locations.
3. Instant Messaging is different from Online Chat as in the Instant messaging (IM), the
communication takes place between known users and includes only those people
whom the user has invited, whereas, an online chat could happen between the
unknown users too.
4. E-Learning i.e., Electronic Learning refers to learning with the use of technology that
enables people to learn anytime or anywhere. It can be implemented by using an
internet connection, a network, an intranet, or a storage disk. It can be used to impart
training to a large group of students at the same time, in an interactive and interesting
5. Internet Radio is an online radio service that is broadcasted over the Internet on
dedicated radio servers. It is broadcasted in much the same way as traditional radio
with regard to its presentation and format. But unlike the traditional radio station,
that has its broadcasting limitation up to 100 miles, Internet Radio has no
broadcasting limitation.
6. a. E-Banking or Electronic Banking is a method of performing bank transactions using
Internet. It enables customers to perform all routine transactions such as account
transfers, balance enquiries, bill payments etc. A user can make transactions from

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anywhere irrespective of time; provided the customer has an internet connection on
his computer.
b. E-shopping is the process of selling and buying products over the Internet. Internet
offers convenient ways to shop from our homes or offices for almost everything, such
as buying movie tickets, games, stationery, apparels, etc. Some of the popular portals
for selling and buying goods are, etc.
c. Internet free calls allows you to make voice and video calls to anyone across the
world. It also allows you to send messages and videos with the only condition; that
the Internet calling software should be installed in the devices at both the ends.
d. Internet TV can be defined as a medium of delivering television content over an
Internet connection. Internet TV is available wherever a broadband connection exists.
It includes web-based shows, video on Demand (VOD), and regular television shows
hosted on the channel’s website.

PSA. Fill in the blanks.

1. Gradient Tool
2. Text
3. Script
4. Video Conference
5. E-banking

B. Write T for True and F for False.

1. True
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. False

C. Write the name of the following activities in Krita.

1. Shift key
2. Insert key
3. Double-click inside the selection or press Enter key
4. Press the v key

D. Name the HTML tags for the following.

1. <hr> tag
2. <br> tag
3. <p> tag

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4. <title> tag
5. <b> tag

A. Select the correct option.
1. (b) Crop
2. (a) Tags
3. (a) Gradient
4. (c) Programming

B. Answer in one word.

1. Text-level Elements
2. Clone tool

PS 3. E-Banking
4. One value
C. Answer the following questions.
1. Instant messaging is like a private chat room where both the users must be online at
the same time. It is a communication service over the internet that allows the
transmission of text-based messages from a sender to a receiver instantly.
2. The Clone Tool in Krita is used for cloning one area of an image and copying it
somewhere else. This tool can be used to transpose an object from one layer to
3. The rules for valid identifier (variable name) are:
i) A variable name must start with an alphabet (capital or small) or an underscore (_).
iii) A Python keyword cannot be used as a variable name.

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A. Fill in the blanks.
1. 2
2. Decimal number
3. 8
4. 1
5. Binary
6. Hexadecimal
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. False
2. True
3. False
4. True

PS 5. False
6. False
C. Select the correct option.
1. (c) Binary
2. (a) 2
3. (b) 10-15
4. (b) 1
5. (a) 2
D. Answer the following questions.
1. The number system is a set of values used to represent different quantities. The
different types of number systems are the Decimal Number System, Binary Number
System, Octal Number System, and Hexadecimal Number System.
2. Rules to convert decimal number into binary number are:
Step 1: Divide the given decimal number with the base 2.
Step 2: Write down the remainder and divide the quotient again by 2.
Step 3: Repeat the step 2 till the quotient is zero.
3. The concept of Octal numbers system came from the Native American. The Octal
number system consists of 8 digits: 0 to 7 with base 8.
4. A computer understands only the binary codes. Therefore, the data that is entered
into a computer is converted into its binary equivalent. It further converts the binary
results into their decimal equivalents for the output.

A. Convert the following Decimal numbers into Binary numbers.

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a. 68 = (1000100)2
b. 987 = (1111011011)2
c. 657 = (1010010001)2
B. Convert the following Binary numbers into Decimal numbers.
a. 1011 = (11)10
b. 100110 = (38)10
c. 10101 = (21)10
C. Perform Binary addition on the following.
a. 10101 + 00111 = (11100)2
b. 11001101 + 1000101101= (1011111010)2
c. 1101 + 1001 = (10110)2
D. Find the difference between the following Binary numbers.
a. 10011 - 01010 = (01001)2
b. 11001001 - 01100110 = (01100011)2
c. 111 - 001 = (110)2

PSA. Fill in the blanks.

1. Equal to (=)
2. Cell reference
3. Absolute reference
4. Arguments
5. Parenthesis

6. &

B. Write T for True and F for False.

1. True
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. False
6. True

C. Application-based questions.
1. She should use the Max() and Min() function.
2. Formula to be used: Salary + Salary*10%
D. Select the correct option.
1. a. Textjoin()
2. c. Alt + =
3. c. Max ()

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4. a. MOD
5. b. A3

E. Answer the following questions.

1. Formulas are used to perform calculations involving addition, subtraction, division,
and multiplication. It is an expression that can include cell addresses, numbers,
arithmetic operators, and parenthesis. For example, to find Average of four values,
you can use the formula: (value 1 + value 2 + value 3 + value 4)/4.
2. The cell address in a formula is known as the cell reference. References help in finding
the values or data in a worksheet, that you want to use in formula. There are three
types of cell references: Relative reference, Absolute reference, and Mixed reference.
3. Absolute reference is used when it is required to keep the address of the cell fixed
while copying the formula to another cell. To use absolute reference in a formula,
dollar sign ($) is used before the column and row number.

PS Example: =$A$1+$A$2
4. Functions are the pre-designed formulas in Excel to perform both simple and complex
calculations. Functions save time and eliminate the chance to write wrong formulas.
Some examples are: SUM, AVERAGE, ODD, ROUND, etc. LCM and GCD are the
commonly used Math & Trig functions.
5. The Concat() function is used to join two or more than two strings together. Whereas,
Textjoin() lets you join the text specified in a range of cells where you can add words
and a delimiter you specify between each text value that will be combined.


A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Chart
2. Data Series
3. Legend
4. Bar
5. Value Axis
6. Data, Formatting effects
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. True
6. True

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C. Application-based questions.
1. Pie Chart
2. Format Plot Area
D. Select the correct option.
1. (b) Axes Titles
2. (b) Pie
3. (a) Sort
4. (a) Shift
5. (c) Sparklines
E. Answer the following questions:
1. Chart is an effective way to display data in a pictorial form. Charts make it easier to draw
comparison and analyze the growth, relationship and trends among the values in a range.
It provides more accurate analysis of information.
2. A column chart displays the data in the form of vertical bars. It is used to show changes in
data over a period of time, However, Bar chart helps to display the data in the form of

PS bars horizontally or vertically. It displays comparison amongst the individual items.

3. The Chart area includes all the objects and elements in a chart. Plot area is a window
within a Chart area. It contains the actual chart and includes the plotted data, data series,
and category and value axis.
4. Grouping worksheets facilitates in editing multiple worksheets at the same time. By
grouping worksheets, you can enter common data, formatting effects, and formulas in
the grouped sheets.
5. Consolidation helps in combining the data of multiple worksheets. We can combine data
of various ranges either in the same sheet or in different sheets.
6. Sparklines are mini charts that fit into a single worksheet cell to provide a visual
representation of the data. These can be used to analyse the trends in your data. There
are three types of sparklines—Line, Column, and Win/Loss.

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. Precedence
2. Expression
3. +
4. Control
5. If-else
6. Colon
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. False
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. False

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6. True
C. Application-based questions.
1. % (Remainder) Operator
2. if... else control structure
D. Select the correct option.
1. (a) Operands
2. (b) false
3. (b) Sequential
4. (c) Iterative
5. (a) else
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Operators are symbols that perform arithmetic and logical operations on operands and
provide a meaningful result. The arithmetic operators, string operators, assignment
operator, relational operators, logical or Boolean operators are the different types of
2. / ' and '//' both are Binary Arithmetic Operators. / (Division) operator is used to divide the


numbers and give an output in the decimal form, e.g., Value of 5/2 is 2.5. whereas, //
(Floor Division) divides the numbers and gives an output in the integer form, e.g., Value
of 5//2 is 2 and the Value of -5//2 is -3.
*' operator in a string manipulation is used to replicate a given string for a number of
times. It is also known as Replication Operator.
The Logical or Boolean operators evaluate to one of the two states, either True or False.
These operators are used to compare two or more expressions whereas the Relational
operators are used to show the relationship between the operands. These operators
compare the values of the variables and determine the result in a boolean expression,
which is either 'True' or 'False'.
5. The different types of control structures are Sequential statements, Conditional
statements, and Iterative statements.
6. The conditional statements cause the program control to transfer to a specific location
depending on the outcome of the conditional expression.
The syntax of if statement is:
if <condition>:
Statement 1
Statement 2

CHAPTER -5 Layers in Krita

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. Layers
2. Text
3. Unnamed
4. Import/Export

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5. Remove Layer
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. True
C. Application-based questions.
1. Sakshi can delete the layer from the Layers panel.
2. Aman can click on the Import/Export option and select the Import Layer option.
D. Answer the following questions.
1. Layers are like a stack in which the objects are placed one over the other or side-by-
side. An image consists of multiple layers and each layer can hold a single or multiple
objects. These objects can be edited individually.
2. To hide or show layers, click on the Eye icon shown before the layer name in the
Layers panel.

PS 3. You can delete a layer by selecting the layer in the Layers panel and then by pressing
the Delete key from the keyboard. Or
Right click on the layer you want to delete. From the Context menu, select the
Remove Layer option.
4. Text tool is used to add any text in the image, you can also edit font style and size,
etc., of the text using the formatting options available in the Edit Text dialog box.


A. Fill in the blanks.

1. Octal
2. Sorting
3. Layers
4. Circular
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. False
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. True
C. Identify the types of charts and name them in the given spaces.
1. Scatter chart
2. Bar chart
3. Pie chart
4. Column chart
D. Match the following.
1. Accepts the value from the user a. input()

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2. Useful for testing code b. Interactive mode
3. Stores integer values c. int(Integer)
4. Exponentiation d. **
5. Concatenates two strings e. +

A. Select the correct option.
1. (b) Hexadecimal
2. (c) Line Chart
3. (b) Precedence
4. (a) MOD ()
5. (a) if-else
B. Answer in one word.
1. Binary number system
2. F11
3. Assignment operator

PS 4. 8
C. Answer the following questions.
1. This number system consists of 16 digits: 0—9 and the letters A—F, where A—F
represents digits 10 to 15 with the base 16. This number system is also known as
Hex, where Hex=6 and Decimal=10, so it is called the Hexadecimal.
2. The filtering feature of Excel helps you display only those records that meet the
specified criteria and hide the rest of the records.
3. The Assignment operator (=) is used to assign the value of an expression to a
variable. It assigns the value on its right side to the variable written on the left of it
Whereas, the Equal to operator (==) is used to compare values of the variables and
determine the result in a Boolean expression, which is either 'True' or 'False'.
CHAPTER -6 Animation using Krita

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. Animation
2. Keyframe
3. Timeline
4. Layers
5. Play
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. False
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. True

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C. Answer in one word.
1. Play Speed
2. Frame Rate
3. Add blank frame button
4. Tools Panel
D. Application-based questions.
1. The Layers panel is available in the Toolbox.
2. To increase the speed of Animation she can use Frame Rate property.

E. Answer the following questions.

1. In Krita, to access the animation features, the easiest way is to change your workspace
to Animation. This will make the animation dockers (panels) appear on the workspace.
To add the animation dockers, click on the Choose Workspace button. This will display
the Workspaces panel.
2. Animation in Krita is created with the help of frames. Each frame is defined as the little

PS rectangular cell that appears on the timeline. Every fifth frame displays a number that
you can find on the top of the timeline. Keyframes are special types of frames, where
you define some changes to an object’s properties for an animation, like position,
colour, shapes, etc.
3. The Timeline is a rectangular window, which is present at the bottom of the stage. It is
the area where one controls the sequencing and timing of the graphics and the other
elements of animation. The major components of the Timeline are Layers, Frames, and
4. Layers are like transparent sheets stacked on top of one another; each containing a
different image that appears on the stage. You can draw and edit the objects on one
layer without affecting the objects on another layer.
5. You can rename a layer using the following steps:
• Double-click on the layer you want to rename in the Layers panel.
• Type the new name and press the Enter key.

Chapter 7- More on HTML5

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. List
2. Unordered
3. Border-spacing
4. Reversed
5. <img>
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. False
2. True
3. False

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4. True
5. True
C. Application-based questions.
1. Border-collapse
2. Alt attribute of <image> tag
D. Select the correct option.
1. a) bulleted
2. b) 1
3. a) list-style-position
4. b) <dd>
5. c) caption-side
E. Answer the following questions.
1. <ul> tag is used to define an unordered list where the items are not to be displayed
in any particular sequence while as <ol> tag is used to define an ordered list where
list items follow a specific order. The default list-item marker for unordered list is
disc whereas it is sequence of numbers in ordered list.

PS 2. A definition list, also called a description list consists of a term followed by its
definition. It is used to present a glossary, list of terms, or other name/value lists. It
starts and ends with <dl> and </dl> tag, respectively.
3. In HTML, the <table> tag is used to create a table, inside the <table> tag, you need
to include the <tr> and <td> tags to create rows and columns, respectively. The <th>
tag is used to specify a column heading in a table and the <caption> tag is used to
specify the title for the table. These two tags also used within the <table>tag.
4. There are two ways to insert images: Inline and External. The inline image is
displayed when the web page is opened and inserted within a line of text whereas
the external images are not displayed automatically with the other content on the
web page. Instead, they are referenced externally and viewed separately by clicking
on a link. To insert an inline image, the <img> tag is used whereas, to insert an
external image, the anchor tag <a> is used that establishes a link to the image.
5. The <img> tag is used to add images in an HTML webpage. Attributes used with
image tag.
a. src – To add and define the source of an image on a web page, the src attribute
is used.
b. Alt – The Alt attribute displays text as an alternative to the image.
6. The Type attribute specifies the type of bullet used to mark items in the unordered
list. By default, its value is 'disc' for an unordered list.
For Unordered list: <ul type = "value"> where, value = disc|square|circle
7. Border-Spacing: This property is used to specify the distance between the borders of
the adjacent cells.
Syntax: border-spacing: value where, value = horizontal spacing in px/cm
vertical|spacing in px/cm
Border-Collapse: With this property, one can specify whether the table borders are
to be collapsed into a single border or detached (as usual).
Syntax: border-collapse:value where, value = separate|collapse

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A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Hybrid Apps
2. App
3. Permissions
4. Social Networking
5. Desktop
6. Banking
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. False
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. True

PSC. Application-based questions.

1. BookMyShow App
2. WhatsApp
D. Select the correct option.
1. a) Reddit
2. a) MIT App Inventor
3. c) WhatsApp
4. b) Entertainment
5. c) E-Commerce
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Apps can be broadly classified as Desktop apps, Web apps, or Mobile apps.
Desktop apps: These apps can be used on a desktop or a laptop. Generally, they do
not need web access and run independently on a computer. To run a desktop app, it
must first be installed on the desktop or the laptop. Examples of desktop
applications are Word Processors, Spreadsheet, or even smaller apps like Paint or
2. Web apps require an internet connection. They are usually browser-based and
stored on a remote server. Users can access them like any other web page. These
applications like Pixlr used for photo editing, Facebook used for social networking,
and Google Maps, etc., are also common web apps.
3. Apps that are created keeping in mind the device specification are called Native App.
Hybrid Apps contain the feature of both Web Apps and Native Apps.
4. Desktop apps can be used on a desktop or laptop. Generally, they do not need web
access and run these apps independently on a computer. Mobile apps run on a
smartphone or table and have responsive web designs to adapt to the much smaller
screen sizes and orientations of mobile devices.

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A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Stalker
2. Cyber Bullying
3. Virus
4. Firewall
5. Biometrics
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. True
C. Application-based questions.

PS 1. Antivirus
2. Program file virus
D. Select the correct option.
1. (a) Vital Information Resources Under Seize
2. (b) Multipartite Virus
3. (c) Macro
4. (a) Antivirus
5. (b) Encryption
E. Answer the following questions.
1. A cybercrime is any illegal activity done through Internet. Hacking is an example of
2. In cyber stalking, an attacker harasses the victim through e-mails, social media, chat
rooms, blogs instant messaging, etc. However, cyber bullying includes sending
insulting remarks and threatening messages through email or spreading rumours
about a person either by e-mails or social networking sites. It also comprises posting
embarrassing photos and videos to hurt the person, derogatory remarks against
gender, race, religion, or nationality.
3. It is an act of sending an e-mail to a user misleading him to believe that it is from a
trusted person or an organization, and the user is asked to visit a website in which
he is asked to update his personal details. So that the operators of the fake website
can commit crimes on his name after stealing his identity.
4. Cyberextortion is a crime in which the victim is attacked first and then forced to pay
money to stop further attacks. Cyber extortion may be done by blocking the system
resource of the victim by some Ransomware or Denial of Service (DoS) attack.
5. 1. Install an Anti-Virus software and keep it updated.
2. Keep the Firewall on as it protects your computer by preventing unauthorised
users from gaining access.

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6. Forgery is an act of imitating or making a false copy of a document like Birth
Certificate, Driving License, Currency notes, Cheque Book, Passport,
Postage/Revenue Stamps, Mark Sheets, etc., with an intent to check an individual or


A. Fill in the blanks.

1. Google Maps
2. Natural Language Processing
3. Computer Vision
4. Algorithm
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. False
2. True

PS 3. True
4. False
5. True
C. Answer the following questions.
1. a) Smart reply is the latest feature launched by Gmail. Using AI, Gmail can read your
email text and can give suggestions for a quick reply. To write an instant reply, the user
simply has to click on the text suggestions displayed at the bottom of the email text.
b) Google is widely used for searching information on the internet. While entering the
text in the search box, you must have observed that you get to see some search related
2. Machine learning is a field, which deals with building technology that can be used to
program machines in a manner that the machines can learn independently.
3. Natural Language Processing is the field of AI by which the machine can easily
understand human language. Alexa, Google Assistant, Apple Siri are some AI-based
applications that use NLP for communication.
4. Google is widely used for searching information on the internet. While entering the text
in the search box, you must have observed that you get to see some search related
suggestions. Google search engine makes use of AI for suggesting relevant search topics.
5. Computer vision is a field that deals with the idea of computers replicating human
vision. This technology is used to extract visual information from images and videos.

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Unordered
2. Timeline
3. Cyberbullying
4. Algorithm

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B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. True
C. Give an example for each of the following.
1. Alexa
2. Disk Killer
3. Disc
4. Google Maps
5. Cyberstalking


A. Select the correct option.

PS1. (a) Cybersquatting

2. (b) Backup
3. (b) Unordered
4. (c) <li>
B. Answer the following questions.
1. The <img> tag is used to add images in an HTML web page. It is an empty tag and
requires different attributes to be specified with it.
Syntax: <img src="Name or path of the image file">, <img src= “pic1.jpg”>.
2. Encryption is the process of converting your electronic data into a form that cannot be
easily understood by anyone.
3. Natural Language Processing is the field of AI by which the machine can easily
understand human language. Alexa, Google Assistant, Apple Siri are some AI-based
applications that use NLP for communication.
4. a) Smart reply is the latest feature launched by Gmail. Using AI, Gmail can read your
email text and can give suggestions for a quick reply. To write an instant reply, the
user simply has to click on the text suggestions displayed at the bottom of the email
b) Google is widely used for searching information on the internet. While entering the
text in the search box, you must have observed that you get to see some search related

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A. Fill in the blanks.
1. PAN
2. Data, Resources
3. Single Point
4. Nodes
5. Wireless
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. False
2. True

Application-based questions.
Network Card
D. Select the correct option.
1. c) Ethernet Network Card
2. c) Redundancy
3. a) Security
4. a) Peer-To-Peer
5. a) Bus Topology
E. Answer the following questions.
1. A computer network can be defined as a group of computers and other peripheral
devices that are linked together for the purpose of sharing data and hardware
resources. For example, if one of the computers in a network has a printer attached to
it, then all the computers in that network can access the printer and use it to print the
Advantages of computer network are as follows:
• The cost of hardware is considerably less in a computer network as all the
computers share the hardware resources.
• Networking provides a facility to transfer the soft copies from one computer to
the other at a high speed.

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2. In LAN, two or more computers and peripheral devices are connected within a small
area, such as room, office building, or a campus. The WAN network connects two or
more computers located at distant places. They are linked by communication facilities,
like telecommunication or satellite signals.
3. Star topology is very popular because the setup cost is low. It is easy to add a new
device to the network as only one cable is required and the configuration is simple.
Moreover, the network is robust; even if a connection in the network fails, the other
connections remain intact.
4. Client-Server network is a type of network, where several computers called clients or
workstations are connected to the main computer called the server. A Server is a
computer that provides services to clients and controls access to hardware, software,
and other resources. Clients are the computers, which request services, like data
retrieval, storage, etc., from the server.
5. Hub is a device that connects all the network devices to the server computer. When a
computer sends a request in a network, the hub broadcast the message to complete
network. Whereas a switch works similar to a hub. However, unlike a hub, the switch

PS does not broadcast the message on the entire network. It transmits the message from
the source computer to the destination computer only by using the physical address.
6. Wireless Network Cards are used instead of the normal network cards that are used in
the wired networks and Access Points or Routers have a wireless antenna, which
increases the communication range of the radio signals.


A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Flat-file
2. Table
3. Record
4. Forms
5. Design
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. True
C. Application-based questions.
1. Database software
2. Fields, Records, and Data.
D. Select the correct option.
1. b) Database
2. a) Relational

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3. c) Attribute
4. c) Queries
5. a) DBMS
E. Answer the following questions.
1. A database is an organized collection of data. It helps the user to enter, manage, access
and analyse a large amount of information quickly and efficiently. For example:
Telephone directory, a dictionary etc.
• A database has a specific structure to store data.
• It helps to manage and analyse a large amount of information quickly.
2. Quick Access Toolbar is present at the top–left corner of the Access window. It contains
the most frequently used command buttons. By default, it has three command buttons,
which are Save, Undo, and Redo.
Ribbon has the various tabs, each with several groups of relevant commands. Some tabs
appear when you work with certain objects, like Forms or Reports. Such tabs are called
Contextual tabs.

PS3. Fields: All the columns in a table are called Fields. A field describes a particular attribute
of all the records in a table.
Records: The rows in a table are called Records. A record has the values for all the fields
that belong to a single person or an entity.
Data: A set of characters that represents a valid value is known as Data.
4. Forms provide a user-friendly interface that facilitate the process of entering data in
tables and queries. Whereas to retrieve the filtered data from a database, queries are
used, based upon some conditions.
• DBMS provides the users with efficient and reliable methods of data retrieval.
• It facilitates the reduction of data redundancy (duplication of data).
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Primary
2. Long Text
3. AutoNumber
4. Filter
5. Sorting
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. False
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. False
C. Application-based questions.

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1. Identify the data type
Date_of_joining Date/Time
ii) Highest paid personMansi
Lowest paid personRajesh
iii) Field_size19
iv) Emp_id
2. She can use either Table or Table Design button in the Tables group on the Create tab.
D. Select the correct option.
1. b) ID
2. c) Data Type
3. b) Primary
4. b) 64

PS5. c) Pencil
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Tables are the building blocks of a database. They store the complete data in a
structured manner, i.e., in the form of rows and columns. Every table has a finite
number of columns and rows. Different elements of a Table are: Data, Fields, and
2. Data Type determines what type of data can be entered into a field of a table. Various
data types available in Access 2019 are: Short Text, Long Text, Number, Date/Time,
Currency, AutoNumber, Yes/No, OLE Object, Hyperlink, Attachment, Calculated, Lookup
3. Filters option help in displaying specific records of a table in a datasheet. You can also
use an Advanced Filter to narrow down your search. This is like running a miniature
query only on one table.
4. (a) The Validation text property helps in customizing the error message which appears
when an input value violates the validation rule.
(b) The Caption property specifies a label for a field. Which is displayed as the column
heading whenever the table is displayed in the Datasheet View. It can contain up to
2,046 characters.
(c) An Advanced Filter can really help you to narrow down your search. This is like
running a miniature query only on one table.


A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Query
2. Criteria
3. Sort

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4. Form
5. Report
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. True
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. False
C. Application-based questions.
1. In the Criteria row of Percentage field (field storing percentage), type <50.
2. Form
D. Select the correct option.
1. a) Relationships
2. c) Chart
3. c) Layout View

b) Three
a) Primary key
Answer the following questions.
A Query is a database object that allows in retrieving information from one or more
database tables that meet a specific condition or criteria specified by you.
The Query window has two parts. The upper part, known as the Object Relationship
pane, displays the table(s) selected for the query. The lower part is known as the Design
Grid which looks similar to a spreadsheet, with columns representing each field in the
2. Criteria is a condition on the basis of which the records are filtered in the Query output.
3. In general, a form is a piece of paper, on which a user fills the required information in
the specific field. In MS Access a Forms allow you to add and update data in one record
at a time in a table.
4. Forms allow you to add and update data in one record at a time in a table. A report on
the other hand is an effective way to organise and summarise data for viewing or
5. A Report can be exported to a Word file by opening the report in the Print Preview
layout and selecting Word from the drop-down list of the More button on the Data
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Expression
2. '+'
3. Iterative
4. Conditional
5. Colon
B. Write T for True and F for False.

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1. False
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. True
6. False
C. Application-based questions.
1. Modulus Operator
2. If….else conditional construct
D. Select the correct option.
1. a) Looping
2. b) for
3. a) No output
4. c) in
5. a) while

Answer in one Word.
Infinite loop
for and while
in and not in
range() function
Answer the following questions.
Boolean operators are used to combine two or more conditional statements. They
provide the result in the form of True or False. They are of three types: and, or, and not.
For example: a=28 b=78
a<100 and b<a
True and False
2. The statements that keep repeating themselves as long as a given condition is true are
called Iterative Statements or Repetitive Statements. As soon as the condition becomes
false, the loop terminates. These are also called Looping statements or simply Loops.
Two types of Iterative statements used in Python are for loop and while loop.
3. The for and while loops called entry-controlled loops because the condition statement is
checked in the beginning of the loop.
4. Membership operators play an important role in controlling the working of a loop. There
are two membership operators, in and not in. Out of these, the in operator is used with
loops. The in operator is used to check if a given value exists in the sequence or not. It
evaluates to true if it finds a value in the specified sequence else it returns false.
5. An infinite loop (or endless loop) is a sequence of instructions in a computer program,
which loops endlessly. It happens either due to the loop having no terminating condition
or the condition that can never be met.

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6. The range() function used with the for loop in Python is helpful in generating a sequence
of numbers in the form of a list. For example, range (10) will generate the numbers from
0 to 9 (10 numbers).
Syntax: range(initial value, final value, step value)

A. Fill in the blanks
1. Network
2. Record
3. Queries
4. Forms
5. while
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. False
2. False

PS3. True
4. True
5. False
C. Select the correct option.
1. (a) Node
2. (a) Flat file
3. (b) Report
4. (a) while
5. (b) between
A. Answer in one word.
1. Star Topology
2. Validation
3. Two types
4. Relational database management system
5. Step value
B. Answer the following questions.
1. In Star topology, each device is connected to a central computer using a point-to-point
connection whereas in Tree topology, group of star-figured workstations are connected
to a linear bus backbone cable.
2. A database is an organized collection of data. It helps the user to enter, manage, access
and analyse a large amount of information quickly and efficiently. Examples of database

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include: Telephone directory, a dictionary, list of groceries in a grocery store, catalogue
in a library, etc.5.
3. A Query is a database object that helps you to retrieve and view information from one
or more database tables that meet a specific condition or criteria that is specified by
4. If statement: This statement is used to evaluate only one condition. It performs a course
of action if the condition evaluates to true, otherwise it skips the statements.
Syntax: if <condition>:
statements set
if…else statement: The if…else control structure is used when either of the two different
actions are to be performed depending on the result of the conditional expression. It
works with two blocks: if and else. In case the conditional expression evaluates to true,
the statements in the if block are executed, and if the result is false, then the
statements in the else block are executed.
if <condition>:

PS statements set 1
statements set 2

5. Conditional: In programming languages, conditional statements (also known as decision

making statements) cause the program control to transfer to a specific location
depending on the outcome of the conditional expression. Every decision involves a
choice between the two alternatives, 'Yes' and 'No' result. If a conditional statement is
true, then one set of statements is executed, otherwise, the other set is executed.
For example: If, If..else, and if..elif..else are the different type of conditional statement

Chapter-6: Links and Frames in HTML5

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Hyperlinking
2. Internal
3. <audio>
4. Frames
5. <a>
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. True
C. Application-based questions.
1. <iframe>

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2. Vikram can use image tag inside anchor tag to make the image as a link to some
webpage like,
<a href = image.html>
<img src = “Computer.jpg”>
For adding video clips to his file, he can use the video tag
<video controls src = “C:\Users\ Desktop\video1.mp4”> </video>
D. Select the correct option.
1. a) href
2. b) Relative
3. c) Active
4. b) Autoplay
5. b) Video

E. Answer the following questions.

1. A website consists of a number of web pages that give you access to the related

PS information. HTML renders a powerful feature of linking these web pages together. This
feature is called Hyperlinking.
2. Internal linking: When one part of a web page is linked to another section on the same
page, it is called internal linking.
External linking: When one page is linked to another web page or website, it is called
external linking.
3. The webpages can be linked to each other by using the anchor <A> tag. It is used for the
text or image that is clicked to activate the link. And the address that will be opened
using the defined link.
4. The syntax for audio clip is <audio controls src="file name"> and for video clip is <video
controls src="file name"> There attributes are as follows, src, controls, autoplay, height,
width, and loop.
5. Frames allow you to present multiple HTML documents as independent windows within
one browser window, which gives greater flexibility in designing and maintaining your
Chapter-7: Introduction to PHP

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. Menu bar
2. Commands
3. Code editor
4. Status bar
5. Operands
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. True
2. True
3. False

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4. True
5. False

C. Answer in one word.

1. Portability
2. Title bar
3. Code editor window
4. Arithmetic operators
D. Select the correct option.
1. a) Arithmetic
2. b) Relational
3. a) Web server
4. c) Sequence
5. a) $

PSE. Answer the following questions.

1. Easy to Learn: The syntax of PHP is similar to some of the popular programming
languages. So, if you are familiar with any programming language, then it would be an
added advantage.
Portable: The code written with PHP can run on any operating system. The code written
in PHP can run on machines with Linux, Windows, and Mac operating systems.
2. Identifiers are used to name different components of a program such as variables,
methods, objects, etc.
3. Variables are used to as storage location to hold the input values to be used later. The
values once stored in the memory location can be drawn out for processing. Before you
store a value in the memory you need to declare a variable.
4. The rules for naming variables are as follows:
• A variable name starts with a '$'.
• It can consist of any combination of letters, digits, and underscore.
• It can be of any length.
• Both the uppercase and lowercase letters can be used in naming a variable.
• Variable names are case-sensitive, i.e., $name and $NAME are two different
5. The valid and invalid variable names are as follows:

_roll num Invalid Variable name cannot

start with an underscore
3Term Invalid Variable names cannot
start with digits
Price_Unit Invalid Variable name should
start with $.
new Invalid Variable name cannot be
a keyword

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Geog-marks Invalid Hyphen cannot be used
in variable names
6. The GET method is used to submit the HTML form data. This data is collected by the
predefined $_GET variable for processing. The information sent from an HTML form by
using the GET method is visible to everyone in the browser's address bar. Hence, this
method is not used to share sensitive information. On the other hand, the POST method
is also used to submit the HTML form data. But the data submitted by this method is
collected by the predefined super global variable $_POST instead of $_GET. In this
method, the data collected is not visible to anyone.

Chapter-8: Connecting Web App to Database

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. mysqli_fetch_row
2. connection

PS 3. mysqli_select_db
4. 1960s
5. Hierarchical
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. False
C. Application-based questions.
2. The following statements are used for creating and executing queries in PHP
$sqlquery="select * from details where rollno=$rollno";
$data = mysqli_query($sqlquery);
D. Answer the following questions.
1. A database is a systematic collection of data. The data in a database is organised, which
makes data management easy. To manage data in a computer you need a database
management system. For example, an organisation may need database to store
customer’s details.
2. Network DBMS: This type of DBMS supports many-to-many relationships. This usually
results in complex database structures. ldm-server is an example of a database
management system that implements the network model.
Relational DBMS: This type of DBMS makes use of the database relationships in forms of
tables, also known as relations. Relational DBMS usually have predefined data types that
they can support.
3. SQL is a language to operate databases; it includes database creation, deletion, fetching
rows, modifying rows, etc. Example of SQL based software are MySQL, Oracle

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4. The mysqli_connect function connects a web app to MySql Server. The mysqli_select_db
function sets an active connection with the database.
5. To connect, execute and revert data from a database follow the given steps:
a. Creating a connection with the MySQL server.
b. Creating a connection with the database.
c. Creating a SQL query to fetch data from the table.
d. Executing the query
e. Displaying query result
Chapter-9: Cyber Ethics

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. Computer Ethics
2. Citation
3. Cyber bullying
4. Hacking

PS 5. Intellectual property
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. True
2. False
3. False
4. True
5. False
C. Application-based questions.
1. If the e-mail is a spam mail, it cannot include genuine e-mail address in the TO: or CC:
fields or it may contain offensive language or links to websites with inappropriate
2. The URL of a secured website starts with https//: and your browser displays an icon of
the closed lock.
D. Select the correct option.
1. a) Spams
2. b) Cookie
3. b) Patent
4. b) Encryption
5. a) Phishing
E. Answer the following questions.
1. The common ethical guidelines which should be followed while using a computer:
• Do not use computer technology to steal information or to cause disruption or
interference in another users' work.
• Do not spy on another person's computer data.
• Do not contribute to the spread of wrong information using computer technology.
• Do not use someone else's computer resources without an authorization.
2. Plagiarism is the usage or imitation of the language and thoughts of another person and
projected as one's own original work. Students should be encouraged to present their

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original and innovative ideas. However, if material has to be taken from other sources,
Citation is the best way to avoid plagiarism. Material should be paraphrased and direct
quotes should be presented in quotation marks.
3. Some measures to protect intellectual property rights are, Patent your Inventions,
Copyright your Art and Publications, Register your Trademarks.
4. Write short notes on:
a. Spamming-Spams are unwanted bulk e-mails that come from strange sources.
Spams are generally sent in large numbers for commercial advertising. Spam is a
serious security concern as it can be used to deliver Trojan Horses, Viruses, Worms,
Spyware, and organise targeted phishing attacks.
b. Cracker: These are technical people, who are experts in breaking into systems, to
steal important data, such as financial details, or passwords, etc. Sometimes, they
use key loggers for this purpose.
c. Digital footprint: It is an impression or information about a person that exists on the
internet because of his online activity.
d. Software Piracy: When a software is copied and distributed illegally, it is called

PS software piracy.
e. Hacking: It refers to an illegal intrusion into a computer system or network. It can
cause harm to computers by destroying data. Apart from this, they disturb
applications by spreading malwares and changing program logics and outputs
f. Phishing: It is an act of sending an e-mail to a user, misleading him to believe that it
is from a trusted person or organisation, in an attempt to obtain sensitive
information for malicious purposes.

Chapter-10: Introduction to Robotics

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. External
2. Sensors
3. Computer Program
4. Complex Level
5. Actuators
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. False
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. True
C. Match the following.
1. First Industrial Robot: Unimate
2. Washing Machine: Simple-level Robots
3. Mitra Robot: Launched by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi
4. Robot-assisted Surgery: Service Robot

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D. Answer the following questions.
1. Simple Level Robots: These robots are simple and cannot carry out heavy or complex
tasks. They are basically, just able to support humans in their daily tasks. For example,
washing machines.
Middle Level Robots: These robots once programmed cannot be reprogrammed and
have sensor-based circuits, which can perform multiple tasks. For example, fully
automatic washing machines.
Complex Level Robots: These robots can be programmed and reprogrammed easily.
They have complex model-based circuits. For example, laptops or computers.
2. Fixed Robots are mostly used in industries with a well-defined work environment,
adapted for robots. These robots perform specific repetitive tasks, like painting parts in
a car manufacturing plant. Whereas, Mobile Robots move around and perform tasks in
large, uncertain environments. They are quite helpful in situations that are not defined

PS in advance and keep on changing over time. Self-driving cars, vacuum cleaners, and
drones are some common examples of mobile robots.
3. Service robots have improved sensors and interact with humans closely. They are used
to assist humans in tasks, like cleaning (vacuum cleaners), transportation (self-driving
cars), defence applications (drones), and medical procedures (surgery), etc.
4. HDFC bank has a humanoid robot assistant named IRA 2.0, to answer the frequently
asked questions by customers. Manav is India’s first 3D-printed humanoid robot.
5. The robots that show intelligent behaviour after getting programmed are called
Artificially Intelligent Robots. For example: you can design a simple robot and program it
to pick up an object and place it at another location, with the help of an AI algorithm
and a camera, you can make the robot visualise the object, recognise what it is, and
determine where it should be placed.
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Internal
2. Identifiers
3. Literals
4. Software Piracy
5. Fixed
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. False
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. True

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C. Select the correct option.
1. a) Frames
2. b) <A>
3. a) $
4. a) Operators

A. Answer in one word.
1. mysqli_select_db
2. mysqli_fetch_row
3. <a href>
4. Border
5. PUMA robot

B. Answer the following questions.
1. Industrial robots can manipulate objects in different orientations and even recognise
the various objects that need to be packaged in a different order. Whereas, Service
robots have improved sensors and interact with humans closely to assist them
in tasks.
2. Some measures to protect intellectual property rights are, Patent your Inventions,
Copyright your Art and Publications, Register your Trademarks.
3. Easy to Learn: The syntax of PHP is similar to some of the popular programming
languages. So, if you are familiar with any programming language, then it would be an
added advantage.
Portable: The code written with PHP can run on any operating system. The code written
in PHP can run on machines with Linux, Windows, and Mac operating systems.
The code editor window is used to write and edit the code.
4. Internal linking: When one part of a web page is linked to another section on the same
page, it is called internal linking.
External linking: When one page is linked to another web page or website, it is called
external linking.

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