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Introduction: The primary aim of this study was to better understand how bone adapts to forces applied to mini-
screw implants. A secondary aim was to determine whether the direction of force applied to miniscrew implants
has an effect on bone surrounding the miniscrew implants. Methods: A randomized split-mouth design, applied
to 6 skeletally mature male foxhound dogs, was used to compare miniscrew implants loaded for 9 weeks with
200 or 600 g to unloaded control miniscrew implants. By using microcomputed tomography, with an isotropic
resolution of 6 mm, bone volume fractions (bone volume/total volume) were calculated for bone around the
entire miniscrew implant surface. Bone volume fractions were calculated for bone 6 to 24, 24 to 42, and 42 to
60 mm from the miniscrew implant surface. For each loaded miniscrew implant, the bone volume fraction was
also calculated for 2 compression and 2 noncompression zones. Results: The 6 to 24-mm layer showed a sig-
nificantly lower (P \0.05) bone volume fraction than did the 24 to 42-mm and the 42 to 60-mm layers, which were
not significantly different. The bone volume fractions of cortical bone surrounding the apical aspects of the un-
loaded miniscrew implants were significantly greater (P \0.05) than the bone volume fractions of cortical bone
surrounding the loaded miniscrew implants. In contrast, the bone volume fractions of noncortical bone surround-
ing loaded miniscrew implants were significantly greater (P \0.05) than the bone volume fractions of bone sur-
rounding the unloaded miniscrew implants. Miniscrew implants loaded with 200 g showed significantly greater
(P \0.05) amounts of noncortical bone volume fractions than did miniscrew implants loaded with 600 g. With
both 200 and 600 g, zones under compression had significantly greater bone volume fractions than did the non-
compression zones. Conclusions: The application of force, the amount of force applied, and the direction of
force all have significant effects on the amounts of bone produced around miniscrew implants. (Am J Orthod
Dentofacial Orthop 2012;142:32-44)
iniscrew implants provide skeletal anchorage implants have proven to be versatile in clinical applica-
with minimal need for patient compliance. tions. Despite their many advantages, the survival rates
Their small size makes them easy to place in of miniscrew implants have yet to achieve those of
numerous locations and easy to remove; miniscrew endosseous dental implants.1,2 A recent systematic
review showed that, of 2374 miniscrews (31 different
Private practice, Lubbock, Tex. types) placed, 363 failed, resulting in a survival rate of
Assistant clinical professor, Restorative Sciences, Baylor College of Dentistry, 84.7%.3 For miniscrew implants to be stable in the
Texas A&M Health Science Center, Dallas. long term, they must be stable immediately after place-
Associate professor, Orthodontics, Baylor College of Dentistry, Texas A&M
Health Science Center, Dallas. ment. Movement of miniscrew implants during early
Professor, Biomedical Sciences, Baylor College of Dentistry, Texas A&M Health wound healing is considered to be a high risk factor for
Science Center, Dallas.
early implant loss.4 Endosseous dental implants have
Professor and director of orthodontic research, Orthodontic Department, Baylor
College of Dentistry, Texas A&M Health Science Center, Dallas. shown that secondary stability—when healing takes
The authors report no commercial, proprietary, or financial interest in the prod- place—is responsible for osseointegration of the
ucts or companies described in this article. implant.5
Reprint requests to: Peter H. Buschang, Orthodontic Department, Baylor College
of Dentistry, Texas A&M Health Science Center, 3302 Gaston Ave, Dallas, TX Our understanding of how bone responds to loading
75246; e-mail, is based primarily on long bones loaded with heavy,
Submitted, June 2011; revised and accepted, January 2012. intermittent forces. With respect to the dentoalveolar
Copyright Ó 2012 by the American Association of Orthodontists. complex, most studies pertain to axial loading of
doi:10.1016/j.ajodo.2012.01.016 endosseous dental implants and show definite effects
Massey et al 33
Fig 1. A, Radiographic image showing stent used for miniscrew implant placement; B, radiographic
image confirming intraradicular and interdental placement of miniscrew implants in the posterior man-
dible; C, miniscrew implants placed with immediate loading of 200 g; D, miniscrew implants placed with
immediate loading of 600 g. Note that composite was used to minimize gingival irritation.
of the forces.6-8 However, miniscrew implants place The primary aim of this study was to evaluate with
much lighter, continuous loads on dentoalveolar bone microcomputed tomography the effects of force and
that are transaxial by nature. Because of the force amount on bony adaptations around miniscrew
differences in type, amount, and direction of the load, implants. A secondary aim was to determine whether
research pertaining to dental implants might not apply bone around miniscrew implants subjected to compres-
to miniscrew implants. sive loads adapts differently than does bone around
Studies comparing differences between 2 known unloaded miniscrew implants.
forces have suggested that osseointegration is indepen-
dent of force magnitudes applied to miniscrew
implants.9,10 Studies comparing an applied force with MATERIAL AND METHODS
no force have also shown no significant histologic Six skeletally mature male foxhounds, 1 to 2 years old
differences in bone caused by miniscrew implants.11,12 and weighing between 55 and 65 pounds, were used
Importantly, all of the aforementioned studies for this study. The Institutional Animal Care and Use
evaluated the effects of force on osseointegration with Committee at Baylor College of Dentistry, Dallas, Tex,
histomorphometry, which provides only 2-dimensional approved the care of the animals and the experimental
information for a small portion of the screw.13-15 A protocols. Foxhounds are an established model for
recent study with microcomputed tomography showed investigating peri-implant osseous dynamics; their large
significantly greater bone volume fraction (bone mandibles provide the spaces between miniscrew
volume/total volume) around loaded miniscrew implants necessary for loading.17-20
implants than unloaded miniscrew implants, especially The miniscrew implants (IMTEC, Ardmore, Okla) used
in the noncortical regions.16 These findings suggest were self-drilling, made of titanium alloy, and measured
that microcomputed tomography might be more sensi- 6 mm long and 1.8 mm wide (outer diameter). Each
tive than histomorphometry for evaluating the effects animal had 5 (4 loaded and 1 unloaded) miniscrew
of force on bony adaptations around miniscrew implants. implants placed in the interradicular and interdental
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July 2012 Vol 142 Issue 1 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
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Fig 3. Three-dimensional reconstructions showing the 3 layers of bone surrounding the miniscrew
implants, including the 6 to 24-mm (white), 24 to 42-mm (purple), and 42 to 60-mm (red) layers. The
0 to 6-mm (black) layer was not evaluated. Cortical and noncortical regions (delimited by green horizon-
tal line) were evaluated separately. Compression and noncompression zones were also evaluated in
the cortical and noncortical regions.
aluminum filter and a high resolution setting of 1000 For each specimen, separate bone volume fractions
projections per 180 were used to ensure the highest were calculated for the cortical and noncortical regions.
quality scans with minimal metal implant artefacts. Bone volume fraction measures the relative amount of
For the 360 analysis of the entire miniscrew implant, bone per unit of volume; for example, a bone volume
a volume of interest for each specimen was defined as fraction ratio of 0.6 indicates 60% bone and 40% space,
430 pixels in diameter with the implant positioned in or nonbone. The analyses pertained to 3 layers of bone,
the center (Fig 2, A). The specific design of the implant 6 to 24, 24 to 42, and 42 to 60 mm from the miniscrew
required the apical limit of the volume of interest to be implant's surface (Fig 4). A previous microcomputed
set to 10 slices (0.06 mm) coronally from the miniscrew tomography study demonstrated the loading effects on
implant's tip (Fig 2, B). The coronal limit of the volume the first 2 layers of bone; the third layer was added in
of interest was visually defined as the slice at which bone our study to more precisely determine the limit of the
was observed to completely surround and contact the loading effects.16 Each layer included 3 voxels (volumet-
miniscrew implant. The average scanning time was 3.2 ric 3-dimensional pixel), each 6 mm thick. The first voxel
hours per specimen. (ie, from 0 to 6 mm from the miniscrew implant) was not
Based on the original gray-scale images, threshold included because it contained most of the metallic hala-
values that produced the best representations of the tion artefacts. For the comparisons of the compression
miniscrew implants, mineralized bone, and background and noncompression zones, the calculated areas of in-
were determined.16 Three-dimensional reconstructions terest included the 6 to 24-mm and the 24 to 42-mm
were generated by using the threshold values. The layers. The 42 to 60-mm layer was not evaluated because
reconstructions of each specimen were divided into preliminary analysis showed no differences between the
a cortical region, which included only cortical bone, outer 2 layers of bone.
and a noncortical region, which included mostly trabec- Four 3-dimensional zones around each miniscrew
ular bone and limited amounts of cortical bone (Fig 3). implant were evaluated to determine whether and how
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics July 2012 Vol 142 Issue 1
36 Massey et al
Fig 4. Original gray-scale 2-dimensional slice showing pie-shaped zones created for evaluating the
effects of compression and noncompression based on the direction of force applied to the miniscrew
Table I. Linear functions (with scientific notation) describing bone volume fractions* for the 3 layers of cortical and
noncortical bone surrounding unloaded control and loaded (200 g) miniscrew implants
Control 200 g Group difference
the direction of applied force influenced the bone. Based separately. Each region included variable numbers of sli-
on the experimental and clinical evidence showing that ces, ranging between 196 and 326 slices for the cortical
miniscrew implants tip with immediate orthodontic region and 292 and 521 slices for the noncortical region.
loading, 2 compression and 2 noncompression zones To make comparisons across the regions, the relative
were digitally created in the same plane of force applica- positions of the slices in each region were standardized
tion.21-24 To create reproducible and standardized zones by dividing each slice number by the total number of
of interest, the cortical and noncortical regions of the slices. This produced the relative position of each slice
volume of interest were digitally divided into 4 equal in each region ranging from 1% to 100%, with 1%
90 pie-shaped zones (Fig 4). Because of the tapered and 100% representing the most coronal and apical
geometry of the miniscrew implants, different vertical slices, respectively.
limits were used to create zones with comparable Multilevel statistical models were used to determine
volumes of bone. the changes between slices in each region, as well as
to evaluate the differences between the unloaded,
200-g, and 600-g groups. The models were developed
Statistical analysis with software (MLwiN; Center for Multilevel Modeling,
The bone surrounding the cortical and noncortical Institute of Education, London, United Kingdom)
regions of the miniscrew implants was evaluated using iterative generalized least squares. The preliminary
July 2012 Vol 142 Issue 1 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Massey et al 37
Table II. Linear functions (with scientific notation) describing bone volume fractions* for the 3 layers of cortical and
noncortical bone surrounding unloaded control and loaded (600 g) miniscrew implants
Control 600 g Group difference
Fig 5. Bone volume fraction changes between the most coronal and apical aspects of cortical and
noncortical bones of the control miniscrew implants and the miniscrew implants loaded with 200 g
(based on the equations in Table I). BV/TV, Bone volume fraction.
analysis of the changes of bone volume fractions in both Separate analyses were performed for the cortical and
the cortical and noncortical regions were best described noncortical regions, as well as for the 6 to 24-mm and
by a simple linear regression model. The intercept term 24 to 42-mm layers. Two-level models were used to
described the bone volume fraction at the most coronal partition random variations between specimens and
slice of each region (ie, 0% relative thickness); the slope between zones in each specimen.
described the changes in bone volume fractions for each Multilevel modeling procedures were used because
percent of change of relative slice thickness. For these they make no assumptions as to the equality of the inter-
analyses, 2-level models were used, with random varia- vals used for the independent variable.25 Multilevel pro-
tions partitioned between specimens and between slice cedures made it possible to easily determine the
numbers, within specimens. appropriate curves to use to describe the changes in
Multilevel models were also used to describe and bone volume fractions in a region and simultaneously
compare the compression and noncompression zones. evaluate group differences.25,26
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38 Massey et al
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Massey et al 39
Fig 7. Bone volume fraction changes between the most coronal and apical aspects of cortical and
noncortical bones of control miniscrew implants and miniscrew implants loaded with 600 g. BV/TV,
Bone volume fraction.
Table III. Linear functions (with scientific notation) describing bone volume fractions* for the layers of cortical and
noncortical bone surrounding miniscrew implants loaded with 200 and 600 g
200 g 600 g Group difference
discontinuous. The decreases observed in the noncorti- of miniscrew implant placement into highly dense, com-
cal regions indicate that cancellous bone becomes pro- pact bone. It has been suggested that strains above
gressively more porous away from the endosteal surface. 25,000 microstrain exceed the ultimate fracture strength
In the cortical region, loaded miniscrew implants had of bone, leading to microfractures.28 Recent finite
approximately 3% less bone than the unloaded mini- element analyses indicate that strains produced during
screw implants. Luzi et al27 also reported significantly miniscrew implant placement are substantially greater
greater bone volume fractions (6%) for unloaded mini- than 25,000 microstrain.29 Such strain levels might be
screw implants than for those loaded with 50 cN after expected to produce microdamage well beyond the
8 weeks of healing, but their data included both cortical bone-miniscrew implant interface. Microdamage has
and noncortical bone. These results suggest that there been demonstrated as far as 200 mm from the miniscrew
might be an interaction between the forces applied to implant, suggesting severe destruction associated with
the miniscrew implants after insertion and the effects the placement of miniscrew implants, even when pilot
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Massey et al 41
Fig 9. Bone volume fraction changes between the most coronal and apical aspects of cortical and
noncortical bones for miniscrew implants loaded with 200 and 600 g. BV/TV, Bone volume fraction.
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics July 2012 Vol 142 Issue 1
42 Massey et al
Fig 11. A, Bone volume fraction (mean 6 1 SD) of cortical bone in the compression and noncompres-
sion zones; B, bone volume fraction (mean 6 1 SD) of noncortical bone in the compression and
noncompression zones. BV/TV, Bone volume fraction.
our study produced a minor halation effect within the implants have shown no differences.10,11,13,40
first 6 mm from the miniscrew implant's surface; this However, these studies performed histologic
was not included in the analyses. evaluations, which, as initially indicated, are limited in
There is both experimental and clinical evidence that their ability to identify differences. Our findings are
miniscrew implants tip with immediate orthodontic consistent with orthopedic literature showing bone
loading, with a center of rotation probably located in “compaction” in response to compression, with
the more dense cortical region.21-24 The zones under resultant increases in bone volume.31
compression showed 3% to 10% more bone than The clinical applicability of these results is directly
did the noncompression zones, especially in the related to the similarity of canine and human bones. It
noncortical sections. Greater bone in the noncortical has been shown that the composition (ash weight,
sections might be due to greater amounts of miniscrew hydroxyproline, extractable proteins, IGF01) and the
implant displacement, producing greater compression density of human bones are more closely approximated
than in the cortical sections. Greater miniscrew implant by canine bones than by sheep, pig, cow, and chicken
displacement and greater bony compression might be bones.41,42 Bone formation in dogs has been estimated
expected to occur at sites farther from the center of to be approximately twice that of humans,43 and remod-
rotation. With the exception of 1 study,13 all previous eling is approximately 42% faster than in humans.44
studies evaluating the effects of compression vs Canine bone is also denser than human bone.45 Never-
noncompression on bone volume around miniscrew theless, the similarities between canine and human
July 2012 Vol 142 Issue 1 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Massey et al 43
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