Electrical Science
Electrical Science
Electrical Science
practice is to generate ac voltage at about I1 kV, then step up by means of atransformer to higher voltages
of 132 kV, 220kV and 400 kVfor the transmission lines. This conversion aids the transmission of huge
electricalpower at low cost. High-voltage lines carry low curents, and hence the cost of lines and the power
loss are tremendously reduced. At distribution points, other transformers are used to step the voltage down to
400 V or 220 V for use in industries, ofices and homes. Since there are no moving parts in a transformer, it
practically needs almost no maintenance and supervision. Atransformer also clectrically isolates he end user
from contact with the supply voltage.
Apart from the above, small-size transfomers are used in communication circuits, radio and TV circuits,
telephone circuits, instrumentation and control systems. Audio transfomers are used to couple stages of
amplifier and to match devices such as microphones and record player cartridges to the input impedance of
the amplifiers. The use of audio transformers permits to carry on two-way conversation over a single pair of
Atransformer operates on the principle of mutual induetion between tvo coils. Figure 13.1a shows the
generalconstruction ofatransformer. The vertical portions of the steel-core are termed limbs, and the top
and bottom portions are called yokes. The two coils Pand S, having N, and N, turns, are wound on the limbs.
These two windings are electrically unconnected but are linked with one another through a magnetic flux in
the core. The coil Pis connccted to the supply and is therefore callcd primary; coil Sis connccted to the load
and is termed the secondary.
Basically, wo principles are involved in the operation ofa transformer. Firstly, an clectric current produces
a magnetic field (electromagnetism), and secondly, a changing magnetic field within a coil induces an emf
across the cnds of the coil (electromagnetic induction). Achanging current in the primary circuit creales a
changing magnetic field; in turn, this magnetic field induces avoltage in the secondary circuit. Thus, energy
is transfered from one circuit to the other.
E N N E Load E N E
Primary Secondary
(a) Construction. (b) Circuit symbol.
Effect of Frequency
The emf of a transformer at a given fiux incrcascs with
frequcncy (sce Eq. 13.3). By operating at higher
frequencics, transformers can be made physically morc compact
more power withoul reaching saturation, and fewer tums are because a given core is able to transfer
properties such as core losses and conductor skin cffect' also increasetowih
achieve same impedance. However,
cquipments cmploy 400-Hz power supplies which reduces core and windingfrequency.
Aircraft and military
The primary of a 50-Hz step-down transformer has 480
of the flux produced in the core, and (b) the voltage turns and is fed from 6400 Vsupply. Find (a) the pcak value
across the secondary winding if it has 20 turns.
(a) Using Eq. 13.3, we get
4.44 fN,4.44 x 50x 480 0,06 Wb 60mWb
(b) The voltage induced in the secondary winding is given as
E=4.44 fN, n=444 x 50 x 20 x0.06 =266.4V
ta) The circuit. (6) The phasor diagram.
Asinglc-phasc, 50-Hz transformer has 30 primary tums and 350 secondury turns. The net cross-sectional area of the
core is 250 cm. If the primary winding is connected to a 230-V, 50-Hz supply, calculate (a) the peak value of flux
density in the core, (b) the voltage induced in the secondary winding, and (b) the primary current when the secondary
current is l100 A. (Neglect losses.)
(a) The pcak valuc of the flux in the core is given as
E 230
m -0.034534 Wb
4.44,/N,A44 x 50 x 30
Therefore, the pcak valuc of the flux density in the core is Bn
A 250 x 104
(b) The vollage induccd in the secondary winding is
E, Ej x =230 %350 - 2683.33 V= 2.683 kV
N, 30
(c) The primary current is
1166.67 A 1.167 kA
Asource with an output resistance of 50Sis required to deliver power to aload of 800 2. Find the turns-ratio of the
transformer to be used for maximizing the load power.
Solution For delivering maximum power to the load, the cquivalent resistance must be equal to the source resistance.
This requies a resislance of 50 SQlooking into the primary of the transfomer. That is,
or 50 =800/K K- 800/50 16 4
K- 2-4
30 V
30 V
Fig. 13.4
Solution Wc fist transforn the load impedance into the primary to
primary current is then calculated as simplify the circuit, as shown in Fig. 13.46. The
30 Z0°
20 +j20 + 2* (2-j10) - 0.872 Z35.53° A
The load current, which is the same as the secondary
current, is given by Eq. 13.7 as
I =2x I, -2 x 0.872Z35.53° == 1.74235.53° A
EXAM PLE 1 3.5
single-phase, 50-Hz transfornmer has a square core having a nct cross-sectional arca of9 cm, and
designed for the following voltages: thrcc windings
The total primary curent /, is the phasor sum of the no-load current I, and the primary balancing current I1.
That is,
I,=l,+1! (13.13)