RP P rp4vms Security Configuration Guide en Us
RP P rp4vms Security Configuration Guide en Us
RP P rp4vms Security Configuration Guide en Us
This document provides detailed information of the security issues in RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines . Topics include:
• Revision History........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
• Overview.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................2
• Security certification............................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
• Operating system and networking....................................................................................................................................................................... 3
• Logs............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
• User access control................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
• User authorization....................................................................................................................................................................................................8
• Component access control.................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
• Communication security........................................................................................................................................................................................12
• Secure administration............................................................................................................................................................................................ 19
• Data security........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
• Secure serviceability settings............................................................................................................................................................................. 24
• Secure deployment................................................................................................................................................................................................25
• Other security considerations.............................................................................................................................................................................25
• Troubleshooting and getting help...................................................................................................................................................................... 26
• Appendix...................................................................................................................................................................................................................26
Revision History
The following table shows the revision history of this document:
provides a comprehensive data protection solution for enterprise and commercial customers, providing integrated business
continuity and disaster recovery solutions to recover application data to any point in time.
This guide provides an overview of the security provisions and settings available in , particularly of the operating system and the
network. This document is intended primarily for company personnel responsible for system administration and network security.
Related documents
The documents listed here provide additional information about operating and configuring .
documentation is available at https://www.dell.com/support. The following documents are especially relevant:
● Dell RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines Release Notes
● Dell RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines Cloud Solutions Guide
● Dell RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines Quick Start Installation Poster
● Dell RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines Installation and Deployment Guide
● Dell RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines Product Guide
● Dell RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines HTML5 Plugin Administrator’s Guide
● Dell RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines CLI Reference Guide
● Dell RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines Deployment REST API Programming Guide
● Dell RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines REST API Programmer's Guide
● Dell RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines RESTful API at https://developer.dell.com/apis.
CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid the
WARNING: A WARNING indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.
© 2018 - 2024 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Dell Technologies, Dell, and other trademarks are trademarks of
Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. Other trademarks may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Security certification
The Certification Body for the Canadian Common Criteria Evaluation and Certification Scheme (CCS) has accepted
RecoverPoint v4.4 into its certification program. The evaluation file number is 383-4-351.
FIPS 140-2 compliance
The following Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-2 validated cryptographic modules are used in :
● RSA BSAFE ® Crypto-C Micro Edition (FIPS certificate 2056)
● RSA BSAFE ® Crypto-J, JSAFE, and JCE Software Modules (FIPS certificate 2057)
All modules were installed according to their respective security policies.
All encrypted network connections to and from appliances use only the above FIPS 140-2 validated cryptographic modules. On
new installations, the vRPA communication security level is set to Authenticated and Encrypted by default. To make the system
FIPS-140-2 compliant, verify that the vRPA communication security level is set to Authenticated and Encrypted on all vRPAs.
operating system
The operating system is based on a standard Debian GNU/Linux 10 distribution that has been modified according to functional
and security requirements. Unessential Debian packages were removed (for operating system hardening), required packages
were added, and the latest security updates from Debian were applied.
operates the Linux at runlevel 2, full multi-user mode.
All extraneous default Linux daemons were disabled to decrease the attack surface. The following daemons are running:
● connectemc
● cron
● dbus-daemon
● getty
● init
● iscsid
● ipmievd
● ntpd
● snmpd (only when the snmp agent is enabled; disabled by default)
● startpar
● sshd
● rsyslogd
● tomcat
● udev
All user space applications are started automatically when the vRPA starts up.
Each vRPA has these virtual network interfaces:
● local area network (LAN)
● wide area network (WAN)
● 2 data network adapters (vNICs)
Each ESXi server has the following interfaces for connectivity between the splitter and the vRPAs:
● 1 or 2 VMkernel ports
For security information related to ESXi servers, refer to vSphere Security and the vSphere Security Hardening Guide for your
version of vCenter and vSphere.
generates a log in response to events in the system.
To view events in the RecoverPoint for VMs vSphere Web Client, select RecoverPoint for VMs > Monitoring > Events, or use
the CLI.
To access the events using the Sysmgmt CLI, create an SSH connection to the vRPA management IP address, use your admin
username and password to log in to the Sysmgmt CLI. Then select System management CLI to open the Sysmgmt CLI.
Alternatively, if you have created a user with the sysmgmt role, use that user to log in directly to the Sysmgmt CLI.
In the Sysmgmt CLI, run the get_events_log command.
Event notification
offers the following options for external notification of events:
Email notification The email notification (alert) mechanism sends specified event alerts to addresses when the SMTP
(email) settings are enabled.
SNMP notification Users can configure to generate SNMP traps (notifications) of system events. The MIB can be
downloaded from the following location: https://www.dell.com/support
Syslog notification uses syslog to support event notification to a remote management application.
Consider the appropriate network settings for each event notification method that you want to configure.
Splitter logs
splitter logs are part of the ESXi logs. Instructions for retrieving ESXi logs using the vSphere Web Client are provided in the
“Troubleshooting” section of the RecoverPoint for VMs HTML5 Plugin Administrator’s Guide.
Audit logs
The log auditing facility captures all user actions in all user interfaces and logs the user actions that can be collected using log
The can be used to collect the audit logs.
The audit logs are collected as part of a full collection of vRPA logs, or can be specified for collection in a partial collection.
The following parameters are collected for each user action:
● Timestamp
● Username
● Origin IP
● Endpoint
○ Flex plug-in
○ HTML plug-in
○ New RESTful API
○ Installation Server
The collected audit logs can be found under home/kos/auditlog in the log collection archive.
Admin CLI The is a keyboard-interactive tool that allows you to modify and manage existing vRPA configurations,
and test and diagnose the settings and connectivity of those configurations before and after they are
attached to RPA clusters. Use SSH, with admin user and password, to access the Admin CLI.
Sysmgmt CLI The Sysmgmt CLI provides a command-line interface for nearly all the functions that are needed to
manage the system. It is useful for creating and running automated scripts. Alternatively, if you have
created a user with the sysmgmt role, use that user to log in directly to the Sysmgmt CLI.
REST API The REST API exposes a simple application programming interface that allows developers to integrate
with their own applications and to write scripts that automate operations.
User authentication
Each user is defined by a username, a password, and a single role. A role is a named set of access permissions. By assigning a
role to users, the users receive all the access permissions that are defined by the role.
provides two independent mechanisms for authenticating direct access of users: vRPA-based authentication and authentication
via the organization’s LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) server. The two authentication mechanisms can be used
simultaneously or vRPA-based authentication can be used exclusively.
Predefined users
The vRPA is shipped with the admin user already defined:
Table 2. Predefined users for new installs
User Role Initial Password Permissions
admin administrator a admin b Array Configuration;
Boxmgmt; Data Transfer;
Failover; Group Clear
Settings; Group
Configuration; Splitter
Configuration; System
Configuration; Target Image;
SE; Security; Upgrade; View;
Web Download
NOTE: The following predefined users are removed when upgrading to 5.3.x:
● security-admin
● boxmgmt
● SE
For new installs, the admin user cannot be removed.
It is always recommended that you change initial default passwords, whether your system is a new install or an upgrade from a
version earlier than 5.2.
You must set the admin password (which is also the root password) during installation.
If, for any reason, you need to change a password, follow this procedure:
1. Create an SSH connection to the vRPA management IP address, using your admin username and password to log into the
Boxmgmt CLI. Then select System management CLI to open the Sysmgmt CLI.
Alternatively, if you have created a user with the sysmgmt role, use that user to log in directly to the Sysmgmt CLI.
2. In the Sysmgmt CLI, run the set_password command to change the password for the current user, or run the set_user
command to change the password of another user, if your user role includes the security permission.
Only users with security permission can add users, and can remove and edit permissions for users that have previously been
● You change the root password whenever you change the admin password. You must replace the default admin password
(and, hence, the default root password) as part of the procedure for installing new vRPA clusters for RecoverPoint for
VMs. Follow the password policy of your organization to set a strong admin password. This admin password serves also as
the root password across the vRPAs in your system, and changing the admin password is the only authorized method for
changing the root password. If you change the root password by any other method, the password change is not persistent,
and the admin password overwrites the new password.
CAUTION: If, however, you have upgraded your system from RecoverPoint for VMs, you could still be using
the default admin (and root) password. If so, run the procedure to change the admin password, as detailed in the
previous section.
Security permission
Making changes to users, roles, security levels or configuring LDAP requires the security permission. For a new install of , the
predefined admin user has security permission. In systems upgraded from 5.1.x, the predefined security-admin user is granted
this permission. It is possible to grant this permission to additional users and to remove the security-admin user.
You cannot edit roles or permissions for the predefined boxmgmt, SE, or admin user, or for the user you are currently logged in
as. You can create a new user with security role to edit security-admin. You cannot delete a role that is currently assigned to a
Table 3. Permissions for CLI commands used for configuring local users
CLI command Permissions required
add_user Security
get_users View
remove_user Security
set_password Users can set only their own password.
set_user Security
For to be able to work with an LDAP server, vRPAs must have access to either the LDAP port (by default, TCP port 389) or the
LDAPS port (by default, TCP port 636) on the LDAP server.
The following best practices are highly recommended when using LDAP authentication:
● Assign the least possible permissions to the Bind Distinguished Name; namely, Read All Properties and List Content
permissions for Search Base and its child objects only.
● Use LDAP over SSL (LDAPS). The LDAP protocol sends passwords over the network in plaintext. Using SSL avoids this
● Avoid using the term "admin" in the username (for example, "myname.admin").
For detailed instructions on the use of each of the CLI commands, see the User Commands chapter of the CLI Reference Guide.
1. Create an SSH connection to the vRPA management IP address.
2. Enter your admin username and password to log in to the .
3. Select System management CLI to open the Sysmgmt CLI.
NOTE: If the user is configured with the sysmgmt role, log in to Sysmgmt CLI directly.
Table 4. Permissions for CLI commands used for LDAP authentication
CLI command Permission required
clear_ldap_configuration Security
config_ldap Security
get_ldap_configuration View
test_ldap_connection Security
High User passwords to access the vRPA must have eight characters, they can only be reset once in 24 hours.
At least two characters must be lower case, at least two must be upper case, and at least two must
be non-alphabetical (either digits or special characters). All user passwords expire in 90 days; the same
password cannot be reused until at least ten other passwords have been used. After changing the Local
users' security level to High, all users must change their password the next time they log in to the
Basic User passwords to access the vRPA must have a minimum of five characters.
NOTE: Keep passwords in a place where they are secure and available to you.
The command-line interface (CLI) command set_security_level can be used to change the Local users's security level.
Regardless of the security level, any user who tries unsuccessfully three times to log on will be locked out. To unlock the user,
use the CLI command unlock_user. Only users with security permission can unlock a user.
When adding a cluster or vRPA to an existing cluster, the added cluster or vRPA receives the security settings (Local users'
security setting = [ Basic | High ] of the existing cluster.
Password restrictions are implemented at the application level, not at the operating system level.
User authorization
User authorization grants or denies users access to resources managed by . User authorization is identical irrespective of the
user authentication by or the LDAP server. User authorization can be limited to specific consistency groups.
A username, a password, and a role are defined for each user. A role is a named set of access permissions. Assign a role to the
users to ensure that the users receive all the access permissions that are linked to that role. The predefined administrator role
has all the access permission. Also the predefined sysmgmt role has all the permissions, except for Web Download and SE.
Access permissions lists the permissions that may be assigned to a role, and the permissions that are granted or denied to a
Table 5. Access permissions
Permission Description
Array Configuration Manage storage arrays including automatic journal creation,
remote volume autoprovisioning, and snapshot integration.
Storage Management
Admin Access to .
Data Transfer Enable and disable access to image, and undo writes to the
image access log.
Failover Modify replication direction (use temporary and permanent
failover), initiate failover, verify failover.
Group Clear Settings To reset the system settings.
Group Configuration Create and remove consistency groups, and modify all
group settings except the groups that are in the Data
Transfer, Target Image, and Failover permissions. A user with
this permission may bookmark images and resolve settings
SE Permission for use of full set of support commands, which are
displayed with enable_advanced_support_commands
Sysmgmt CLI command.
Security All UI actions and commands dealing with roles, users, LDAP
configuration, and security level.
Splitter Configuration Add or remove splitters, and attach or detach splitters to
System Configuration Configure and manage email alerts, SNMP, System Reports,
rules, licenses, serial number, account ID, syslog, and other
system configuration parameters.
Target Image Enable and disable access to an image, resume distribution,
and undo writes to the image access log.
Upgrade Install vRPA software, vRPA maintenance, including upgrading
to a minor release, upgrading to a major release, replacing an
vRPA, and adding new vRPAs.
View View system information.
Web Download Download logs from the vRPA.
Access permissions Admin and Web Download cannot be assigned to new roles. Every role includes the View permission by
The is launched also when using any user with the admin role. In this case, the main menu does not include the System
management CLI option.
Using a user with any other role launches the Sysmgmt CLI directly. The permissions that belong to that role determine which
Sysmgmt CLI commands the user can run. The predefined sysmgmt role has the same permissions as the administrator role,
except for Web Download and SE. Hence, if you create a local user with the sysmgmt role, you can use it to launch directly to
the Sysmgmt CLI, and run almost all the Sysmgmt CLI commands.
Table 7. vRPA communication security levels (continued)
vRPA communication security level Description
clusters is also encrypted using Advanced Encryption
Standard (Rijndael) with 256-bit keys.
1. Use an SSH client to log in to the vRPA as user = admin. From the Main menu, select Setup > Advanced Options >
Security options > Change appliance communication security level.
2. For best security (recommended), select Authenticated and encrypted. This level is the default.
If improved performance is critical, select Not authenticated nor encrypted.
When the vRPA is attached to a cluster, the security level of all vRPA clusters in the system are changed.
● Ensure that port 443 is open for communication with the plugin server VM and vCenter.
● Ensure that port 9443 is open for plugin server communication with the vRPAs.
● Port 22 is blocked by default. It can be opened and closed on demand.
NOTE: The plugin server does not have its own role-based access control (RBAC). Rather, use the username that you used
to register the vCenter to the plugin server to perform all the needed operations on the HTML5 plugin and the new RESTful
1. Using VM console, log in to the plugin server as user root.
The default password for the root user is admin. Upon first login to the plugin server with VM console, replace this default
password with a strong unique password.
2. Stop and disable the firewall. Run:
a. systemctl stop SuSEfirewall2
b. systemctl disable SuSEfirewall2
3. Connect to the plugin server using SSH.
4. When done, re-enable and restart the firewall. Run:
a. systemctl start SuSEfirewall2
b. systemctl enable SuSEfirewall2
Regenerating encryption keys
The regenerate_encryption_keys CLI command allows a user with security permission to regenerate the system
encryption keys at any time. Perform the following steps to generate new encryption keys as required.
1. Enable cluster isolation mode. Use an SSH client to log in to the vRPA as user = admin. From the Main menu, select Setup
> Advanced Options > Security options > Enable/disable cluster isolation.
2. Select System management CLI to open the Sysmgmt CLI of the vRPA and run regenerate_encryption_keys.
3. Use an SSH client to log in to the vRPA as user = admin. From the Main menu, select Setup > Advanced Options >
Security options > View cluster's certificate. Copy the displayed certificate.
4. Log in to another vRPA cluster in the system: Use an SSH client to log in to the vRPA as user = admin. From the Main
menu, select Setup > Advanced Options > Security options > Change cluster certificate. Paste the certificate copied from
5. Repeat this process for every vRPA cluster in the system that is not communicating with a cluster that has already been
6. Disable cluster isolation mode. In the Main menu, select Setup > Advanced Options > Security options > Enable/disable
cluster isolation.
Communication security
Communication security settings enable the establishment of secure communication channels between product components, as
well as between product components and external systems or components.
Supported services
The vRPA supports the following services:
Firewall The OS runs an iptables firewall that blocks all unused ports on the machine.
SSH Customers are encouraged to use a secure shell (SSH) when connecting to a vRPA. runs OpenSSH.
Web server ● uses Apache Tomcat for HTTPS.
● uses HTTPS for communication between the Management Application and the vRPAs. This
communication requires authentication. All UI traffic is fully encrypted using HTTPS. It is
recommended that customers provide their own security certificate.
SNMP ● SNMP communication is only available when accessing the vRPA directly, not when accessing through
the vSphere plug-in. supports monitoring and problem notification using the standard Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP).
● This includes support for SNMPv3, which adds security and remote configuration capabilities to
the previous versions. The SNMPv3 architecture introduces the User-based Security Model (USM)
for message security and the View-based Access Control Model (VACM) for access control.
The architecture supports the concurrent use of different security, access control, and message
processing models. The system supports various SNMP queries to the agent on . In addition, the
system can be configured so that events generate SNMP traps which are sent to designated hosts
(that is, NMS servers). For more information about support for SNMP, see SNMP security.
● supports the default MIB-II and, on selected platforms, hardware monitoring of the platform. The MIB
can be downloaded from https://www.dell.com/support.
Transport layer security
The Secure Socket Layer (SSL) interfaces of the RPA support Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol versions 1.1 and 1.2
(recommended). For backward compatibility, they can support TLS 1.0.
1. Use an SSH client to log in to the vRPA as user = admin. From the Main menu, select Setup > Advanced Options >
Security options > Set minimum Transport Layer Security protocol version.
2. Set minimum TLS version.
3. Reboot RPA.
4. Repeat this change on every RPA at every cluster in the system.
Table 8. Data ports (continued)
Port Source -> Destination Protocol and description Effect if closed
● No test or failover on
replica side.
External ports
The external ports must be accessible to allow the cluster to communicate with servers outside the system.
68 DHCP server -> vRPA ● Used to dynamically provide IP addresses to vRPAs ● vRPA will not be
LAN vNIC connecting to the network (UDP). assigned an IP if
DHCP is used.
80 Browser -> vRPA LAN ● Redirecting browsers to HTTPS (TCP). Disabled by default ● Typing the address
vNIC on new installations. in the URL bar
without qualifying
Table 9. External ports (continued)
Port Source -> Destination Protocol and description Effect if closed
it as https://
will yield an error
● Replication not
123 vRPA LAN vNIC -> ● NTP (UDP). ● No synchronization
NTP server or another ● RecoverPoint for VMs: TCP is no longer used on this port with time server.
vRPA and may be closed. vRPAs may show
● Used for synchronizing with Network Time Protocol incorrect time.
server. Event time stamps
may be incorrect.
● Used between vRPAs in a cluster for time synchronization.
● Replication not
affected, but
snapshots may
show incorrect
times. Write-order
of snapshots not
161 MIB Browser -> vRPA ● SNMP (TCP, UDP). ● There will be SNMP
LAN vNIC ● Used for SNMP notifications. Also see port 10161. notification, but you
will not be able to
view or edit SNMP
● Replication not
389 vRPA LAN vNIC -> ● LDAP (TCP) (output only). ● No LDAP
LDAP server ● Used for LDAP user authentication and authorization. Only authentication
required if LDAP is configured. Also see port 636. (unless using SSL).
443 Browser -> vRPA LAN NOTE: The vCenter Server port can be changed, as ● No RecoverPoint
vNIC needed, upon deployment or when registering a new GUI (unless port
vCenter Server. 80 using HTTP is
vCenter ● HTTPS for management (TCP). ● Installation of
vRPA LAN vNIC -> ● Used to download vRPA logs, System Report alerts, EMC RecoverPoint for
ESRS server Secure Remote Services (ESRS), and communication with VMs plug-in on
third-party hardware (such as ESXs and VMs). vCenter fails.
vCenter ->vRPA LAN
vNIC ● Required during installation to install RecoverPoint for ● No RecoverPoint
Virtual Machines components on vCenter. for VMs
Plugin Server ->vRPA ● Required for plugin server communication with vRPAs management using
LAN vNIC (TCP). HTML5 plugin and
Plugin Server -> ● Required for plugin server communication with vCenter new RESTful API.
vCenter (TCP) ● RecoverPoint Plugin
443 vRPA LAN vNIC -> ● In RecoverPoint for VMs cloud solution (5.2.1 and later). ● No replication.
CDRS ● HTTPS for management (TCP). ● Recovery is not
vRPA LAN vNIC -> ● vRPA to CDRS amd AWS required for replication. possible.
AWS ● CDRA to CDRS (Internal to Cloud DR) required for
recovery to vCenter or VMware cloud on AWS.
514 vRPA LAN vNIC -> ● System logs not available. ● System logs not
Syslog server ● Replication not affected. available.
● Syslog (TCP, UDP) (output only). ● Replication not
● Used to send Syslog information to an external server. affected.
Only required if Syslog is enabled and an external server is
Table 9. External ports (continued)
Port Source -> Destination Protocol and description Effect if closed
636 vRPA LAN vNIC -> ● LDAP over SSL (TCP) (output only). ● No LDAP over SSL
LDAP server ● Used for LDAP over SSL user authentication and authentication.
authorization. Required only if LDAP using SSL is
989 vRPA LAN vNIC -> ● FTPS (TCP) (output only). ● No FTPS transfers.
FTPS server ● Used for System Reports alerts and reporting via FTPS. ● If system reports
Only required if FTPS alerts or reports are configured. (SyR) is configured
to transfer by
FTPS, reports will
not be transferred
to System Reports
990 vRPA LAN vNIC -> ● FTPS (TCP) (output only). ● No FTPS transfers.
FTPS server ● Used for System Reports alerts and reporting via FTPS. ● If system reports
Only required if FTPS alerts or reports are configured. (SyR) is configured
● Used for ISO download for system upgrades (5.2.1 or to transfer by
later). FTPS, reports will
● Used for upload of system logs (5.2.1 or later). not be transferred
to System Reports
7225 vCenter plug-in GUI -> ● HTTPS protocol for communicating with the functional API ● No management
vRPA LAN vNIC (TCP, UDP). from vCenter
● Used by the vCenter Server plug-in running the GUI to Server
communicate with vRPAs. ● No replication
NOTE: When using vCenter linked mode, must be open
between each vCenter Server running a RecoverPoint for
VMs vSphere plugin and each vRPA cluster managed by
that plugin, regardless of whether the vCenter Server is
registered to that vRPA cluster.
8082 Deployment Manager ● HTTPS protocol for communication with the Installation ● No deployment
-> vRPA LAN vNIC Server (TCP). tools.
● Used by the Deployment Manager during installation and ● No installations or
upgrades. Deployment Manager needs to communicate upgrades.
with all RPAs in all clusters. Management ports preferred, ● Replication not
WAN ports are used as fallback. affected.
● Used for log collection. ● No log collection.
9080 vCenter -> ESXi ● This TCP port is on ESXi hosts, for internal communication ● No deployment of
in vSphere environments. It is included in this list because splitter VIBs during
it is used by for installing its splitter VIBs during system system installation.
deployment, as well as post-deployment. ● No deployment of
splitter VIBs on
additional registered
ESXi clusters post-
10161 MIB Browser->vRPA ● SNMP over TLS (TCP); SNMP over DTLS (UDP). ● No encrypted
LAN vNIC ● Used for SNMP reporting. Only required if SNMP is SNMP.
Inter-cluster ports
The following ports must be accessible to clusters in this system, to allow inter-cluster communication. These ports need not be
accessible to any server outside the system.
5080 vRPA WAN vNIC -> ● Connectivity diagnostics tool (inbound/outbound TCP, ● No connectivity
vRPA WAN vNIC UDP). diagnostics.
● Used for collecting diagnostic and performance ● No performance
information between clusters. Best practice is to make this measurement.
port available, but it is not required. ● Replication is not
5081 vRPA WAN vNIC -> ● Connectivity diagnostics tool (inbound/outbound UDP). ● No connectivity
vRPA WAN vNIC ● Used for collecting diagnostic and performance diagnostics.
information between clusters. Best practice is to make this ● No performance
port available, but it is not required. measurement.
● Replication is not
5100 vRPA WAN vNIC -> ● Cluster connector (inbound/outbound TCP, UDP), for ● Cannot add an
vRPA WAN vNIC connecting additional clusters. additional cluster to
the system.
8082 vRPA WAN vNIC -> ● Supports log collection (inbound/outbound TCP): ● Diagnostic tools fail
vRPA WAN vNIC connecting new vRPAs to cluster. ● Replication is not
● Diagnostic tools fail
● Replication is not
Table 10. Inter-cluster ports (continued)
Port Source -> Destination Protocol and description Effect if closed
● Cannot collect
support logs from
multiple vRPAs.
8084 vRPA WAN vNIC -> ● Used to communicate with configuration database on each ● No communication
vRPA WAN vNIC vRPA (inbound/outbound TCP) with configuration
9999 vRPA WAN vNIC -> ● udponger; connectivity diagnostics tool (inbound/ ● No connectivity
vRPA WAN vNIC outbound UDP). diagnostics. If tool is
● Used for diagnosing UDP connectivity between clusters. run, returns error.
Best practice is to make this port available, but it is not ● Replication is not
required. affected.
Intra-cluster ports
The following ports must be accessible to all RPAs in the same cluster, to allow intra-cluster communication. These ports need
not be accessible to any server outside the cluster. Note that ICMP is required between vRPAs when installing vRPA clusters or
adding vRPAs to existing clusters.
Table 11. Intra-cluster ports (continued)
Port Source -> Destination Protocol and description Effect if closed
● Required for cluster arbitration. Used for redundant of failure (namely,
communication between vRPAs. the repository
● RecoverPoint for VMs: WAN ports are also used for this volume) for leader
purpose. arbitration when
there is no
communication with
other vRPAs.
8082 vRPA LAN vNIC -> ● Inbound/outbound TCP, supports log collection: ● Cannot collect
vRPA LAN vNIC connecting new vRPAs to cluster. support logs from
multiple vRPAs.
8084 vRPA LAN vNIC -> ● Required between vRPAs within the same cluster for ● No .
vRPA LAN vNIC cluster management (TCP).
● Used to communicate with configuration database on each
Secure administration
This topic provides recommendations about encrypting both communications within the system and over the network.
● Only encrypted (HTTPS) mode can be used to administer through the Management Application UI.
1. Connect to the plugin server with root permissions.
2. Create a backup of the existing certificate and key files:
3. Disable the firewall on the plugin server.
Run the command /sbin/SuSEfirewall2 off
4. Upload the new certificate and key files to /etc/nginx/ssl.
5. Rename the new certificate file to rpcenter.cert and the new key file to rpcenter.key.
6. Reboot the plugin server VM.
7. In the RecoverPoint for VMs Deployer, click Configure plugin server home screen.
Enter the plugin server IP address in IPv4 format, confirm the new certificate, and click Configure.
For more information, see the "Configure the plugin server" in the RecoverPoint for VMs Installation and Deployment Guide.
RecoverPoint for VMs is configured to use the new plugin server certificate.
Next steps
Check that the certificate is the same across all vRPAs of the same cluster before adding the vRPA to the cluster.
Log into vSphere Client from the relevant vCenter Server and check that the RecoverPoint for VMs HTML5 plugin is displayed.
1. Connect to the plugin server with root permissions.
2. Create a backup of the existing certificate and key files:
3. Disable the firewall on the plugin server.
Run the command /sbin/SuSEfirewall2 off
4. Upload the new certificate and key files to /etc/nginx/ssl.
5. Rename the new certificate file to rpcenter.cert and the new key file to rpcenter.key.
6. Power off the plugin server VM.
7. Unregister the RecoverPoint for VMs HTML5 plugin from the relevant vCenter Server.
See "Unregistering the plugin from the Managed Object Browser" in the RecoverPoint for VMs Installation and Deployment
8. Power on the plugin server VM.
9. Navigate to https://RPCIP/ui.
10. Click Authorize and enter the vCenter Server Credentials.
11. Navigate to DELETE /vcs/{vc-id} near the bottom of the Swagger page.
12. Select Try it Out, enter the vCenter Server serial number, and select Execute.
A 204 response is returned.
13. In the RecoverPoint for VMs Deployer, click Configure plugin server home screen.
Enter the plugin server IP address in IPv4 format, confirm the new certificate, and click Configure.
For more information, see the "Configure the plugin server" in the RecoverPoint for VMs Installation and Deployment Guide.
RecoverPoint for VMs is configured to use the new plugin server certificate.
Next steps
Ensure the certificate is the same across all vRPAs of the same cluster before adding the vRPA to the cluster.
Log into vSphere Client from the relevant vCenter Server and check that the RecoverPoint for VMs HTML5 plugin is displayed.
Encrypted communications
Inter-RPA communication
Communication between vRPAs can be configured to require authentication and encryption (refer to Changing the RPA
communication security level), even if they are in different clusters.
Network communication
applies a checksum to all replicated data and control messages to prevent corruption while data is in transit over LAN and WAN
IP networks. In addition, when the RPA communication security level is set to "Authenticated and encrypted", encryption and
VPN authentication provide increased data protection and integrity.
SSH security
Administration of through CLI is over SSH. Users who wish to do so can use the CLI command add_ssh_key to configure a
public key that enables secure communications without entering a password. See the CLI Reference Guide for more information
about this command’s parameters and usage.
Certificates handling
uses certificates to establish secure communications between devices.
● The user may accept an untrusted certificate, even when does not.
● vRPAs maintain a truststore of certificates that are signed by trusted certificate authorities (CAs).
1. Use an SSH client to log in to the vRPA as user = admin. From the Main menu, select Setup > Advanced Options >
Security options > Certificates management > Truststore management > Add trusted certificate.
2. Enter required information.
3. To ensure an effective security policy, repeat this change on every RPA at every cluster in the system.
1. Use an SSH client to log in to the vRPA as user = admin. From the Main menu, select Setup > Advanced Options >
Security options > Certificates management > Truststore management > Remove trusted certificate.
2. Enter required information.
3. To ensure an effective security policy, repeat this change on every RPA at every cluster in the system.
External client verifying an RPA
To enable secure communication between vRPAand clients that are external to them, such as Internet browsers, create a
trusted certificate and install it on every vRPA in the system.
● For the procedure for creating trusted certificates, see Creating a user web certificate.
1. Use an SSH client to log in to the vRPA as user = admin. From the Main menu, select Setup > Advanced Options >
Security Options > Certificates Management > Keystore Management > Change Web Server Certificate.
requires RSA keys with 2048-bit modulus or longer.
2. Change the current web server certificate to a non-default certificate.
Changing the certificate causes the web server to restart. Until it is fully operational again (a few minutes), the vRPA cannot
be accessed through the web client, and the Installation Server is not available.
3. To ensure an effective security policy, repeat these changes on every vRPA at every cluster in the system.
Next steps
If you are using a non-default certificate, check that the certificate is the same across all vRPAs of the same cluster before
adding the vRPA to the cluster.
1. Create and install a web certificate that is signed by a Certificate Authority. Refer to Creating a user web certificate.
2. Activate HTTP Strict Transport Security: Use an SSH client to log in to the vRPA as user = admin. From the Main menu,
select Setup > Advanced options > Security options > Change web server "HTTP Strict Transport Security" HSTS"
Changing the HTTP Strict Transport Security mode causes the web server to restart. Until it is fully operational again (a few
minutes), the vRPA cannot be accessed through the web client, and the Installation Server is not available.
To ensure an effective security policy, including conclusive trust checks, it is recommended to replace default vRPA web server
certificates with valid and trusted certificates on all vRPAs at both clusters.
1. The remote vRPA cluster authenticates the current cluster by verifying that the current cluster knows the remote cluster's
admin password. The user should provide a password if the remote cluster credentials differ from the default and those of
the current cluster.
2. The vRPA at the current cluster authenticates the vRPA at the remote cluster by verifying its certificate, similar to the
verification an external server (see RPA verifying an external server).
The user may be prompted to approve the verification.
SNMP security
supports encryption of the SNMP protocol, including the following features:
● SNMP with Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) support in the User-based Security Model.
● Ability to disable SNMPv1/v2 community strings.
● HTTPS web certificate will also service SNMP Transport Layer Security port.
● Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) and Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) are not supported.
● Secure Shell (SSH) transport is not supported for SNMP.
● MD5 based password hashes and DES-based privacy are not supported.
SNMP behavior
If Agent enabled is checked, hosts will be able to initiate SNMP queries to the SNMP agent; and system SNMP traps (event
notification) will be enabled.
If Send Event Traps is enabled, the system will send system SNMP notifications to the specified location.
For optimal security, when defining SNMPv3 users, specify a user certificate and do not specify a password. The certificate file
can contain more than one certificate; select one. All certificates in the file are equally valid.
WAN/LAN separation
The WAN, LAN and data traffic can be configured on different network adapters, and therefore on different subnets. does not
internally route IP traffic between the different interfaces. Network adapter topologies are available that route more than one
traffic type on one network adapter. IP forwarding is always disabled on the vRPA.
Data security
Data security settings enable controlling the unauthorized disclosure of permanently stored data.
User data at rest
Replicated data does not persist on the vRPAs. Configuration information is saved on the repository volume in the SAN, where
it is protected by standard SAN access controls; and on cluster leader vRPAs (1 and 2). Hashes of user passwords are saved on
the local disks of all vRPAs.
Data erasure
The only customer data that persists to disk are log events, authentication information, and configuration data. The actual data
replicated by resides in the customer's SAN environment, not on the vRPA. For this reason, a powered down vRPA will not
contain customer data beyond a portion of own configuration, such as network addresses assigned to it.
Customer support
User admin has the SE permission that enables access to the Sysmgmt CLI advanced support commands. These commands
comprise a full set of tools for system support. They are hidden by default, but can be displayed by using the
enable_advanced_support_commands Sysmgmt CLI command.
Take care to always use advanced support commands correctly, since incorrect use can cause harm to your
RecoverPoint for VMs system. When you have finished using the advanced support commands, re-hide them by using the
disable_advanced_support_commands command.
User root has full operating system privileges and is used by engineering during service tickets escalations. Root access is
logged using the standard Syslog mechanism, but due to the nature of root access, these logs can be manipulated by root.
Local access for user root is enabled using the relevant password. Local and remote support for user root is disabled by default
on new installations. It can be enabled and disabled as follows: Use an SSH client to log in to the vRPA as user = admin. From
the Main menu, select Setup > Advanced options > Security options > Enable/Disable root access. Root access should be
disabled whenever it is not needed.
Secure deployment
The following procedure is the recommended practice for securely deploying and using in typical customer environments.
1. Consider enabling high password security. Refer to Local users' security level.
2. Change the default passwords. Delete unneeded users. Refer to Predefined users.
3. Install an X.509 certificate. Refer to Secure administration.
4. Configure VMware to allow access to vRPAs only from a trusted administration console and remote vRPA clusters.
Configure access for relevant servers (for example: to LDAP, NTP, DNS, SMTP; to and from SNMP, ESRS). proprietary
TCP/UDP ports should only be accessible from other vRPAs. The best practice is to deploy vRPAs in a dedicated subnet or
5. Control physical access to vSphere client and ESXi servers.
6. Control access to datastores on which the journals and repository are located.
Troubleshooting and getting help
Product For documentation, release notes, software updates, or information about products, go to Online Support
Information at https://www.dell.com/support.
Technical support Go to Online Support and click Service Center. You can find several options for contacting Technical
Support. To open a service request, you must have a valid support agreement. Contact your sales
representative for details about obtaining a valid support agreement or with questions about your
The main body of this document presents essential information about security. This appendix provides additional detail on select
Option Description
Have a Certificate Send the certificate you created to a Certificate Authority for signing. This is the best practice,
Authority sign because it allows you to use HTTP Strict Transfer Security (refer to HTTP Strict Transport Security
Self-sign Use the following command: openssl x509 -req -days days_valid (default=365)
-in server.csr -signkey key.pem -out server.crt -sha512
vRPA communication with the Cloud DR Server
CDRS authenticates vRPAs by password verification.
● If a CDRS is already installed in the AWS account, the CDRS is registered at the vRPA upon verifying the CDRS admin
password provided by the user.
● If a CDRS is not yet installed in the AWS account, the user enters a unique password for the CDRS admin user.
The CDRS is installed and registered at the specified vRPA cluster(s), and the specified password is set as the CDRS admin
user password.
● If you need to change the CDRS admin password, use the Cloud DR Server UI (see the RecoverPoint for VMs Cloud
Solutions Guide). Then use the RecoverPoint for VMs vSphere plug-in to re-register the CDRS for the vRPA clusters.
After CDRS registration, subsequent communication between the vRPA and CDRS is subject to ongoing token-based
Communication uses the HTTPS protocol and is, therefore, encrypted.